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CS22FB1 DECEMBER 04, 2017

How to install a Bathroom Vent Fan

A bathroom vent fan is a mechanical ventilation device that utilizes ducting the inside air outside via a
flexible hose, drawing out moisture, odor, and fumes from within the bathroom outdoors, improving the air
quality within the bathroom. A bathroom vent fan is an important part of every bathroom in the house. Without
a bathroom vent fan, bathrooms are susceptible to excessive moisture buildup that increases the chances for
damaging bathrooms and bathroom fixtures. This document describes the importance of a bathroom vent fan
and the process on how to install a bathroom vent fan.
Here we have the step on how are we going to install a bathroom vent fan.
1. First, we need to prepare the materials needed:
Bathroom fan Power drill
Drywall saw or rotary saw. Drywall tape
Electrical supplies such as wire, Joint compound
boxes, housing clamps, etc. Masking tape
Exhaust duct Light bulbs for light/bathroom fan
Razor knife Stepladder
Greenboard or drywall Power cut-off
2. Determine the correct CFM rating for your bathroom. CFM stands for Cubic feet per minute and
refers to how much air the fan can move per minute. Small bathrooms will need low CFM fans,
while larger bathrooms may require fans with a much higher CFM. CFM should be calculated and
you may find the CFM rating of a new fan printed on its box.
3. Consider the sound rating of your fan. The next thing to consider is the sound rating of your new
fan which is measured in sones. Some people prefer to have a very quiet fans, while others value
the privacy offered by a louder fans. The sone ratings of new fan printed also on its box.
4. Choose the location of the fan. The location of your bathroom fan is important. It should be
installed at the center point between your shower and toilet for optimum ventilation.
5. Drill a reference hole and mark the ceiling. Take your power drill and drill a reference hole in the
ceiling where you intend to place the fan. The reference hole should be measured as the size of
your vent fan housing.
6. Cut the intake-port hole. Use your jigsaw to cut out the portion of ceiling you just marked. Use your
free hand to support the piece of ceiling and gently lower it to the floor.
7. Put the fan in position. Before you lower the fan into the hole you just cut, attach a 90 degree duct
elbow to the appropriate outlet port using foil duct tape. Center the fan and make sure any
connection points are oriented correctly.
8. Secure the fan to the joists. Once the fan is positioned correctly, extend each of the metal brackets
until they reach the joists on either side of the housing unit. Joist is the strong heavy board that
supports a ceiling.
9. Find a suitable exit point for the duct pipe. The next step is to find the shortest straightest route
from the housing fan to the outside. The longer the duct pipe is, the less efficient the fan will be.
You can run the vent through a sidewall or roof.
10. Attach the vent cap. The process of attaching the vent cap will vary depending on whether the exit
point is on the roof or sidewall.
11. Wire the connections in the housing unit. Depending on the type of fan, you may need to wire the
connections from the attic or from the bathroom. Make sure to read the manufacturers instruction
and double check that the power is off before proceeding.
12. Attach the grille. Now youre almost finished. Plug the blower motor into the electrical receptacle
and secure it with the screws provided. Grille is the metal frame with bars used to cover or protect

Now, you can already use your bathroom vent fan. Before you install the appliance, turn off the
electricity supply. If you arent comfortable doing electrical work, drywall or running the ducts, hire someone
to do it for you, especially when doing electrical wiring. The wrong wire connected to the right or wrong wire
can cause a lot of damage which include a fire. When using power tools for any portion of this project, be
sure you are familiar with their operation and follow the recommended safety procedures such as wearing a
goggles, mask, or gloves. Make sure to follow all instructions completely because common problems will
occur when the fan is not properly installed.

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