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UDCmDK 338.48-44

Damr Kresi




SAZETAK: Ovaj rad se bavi analizom faktora atraktivnosti turistiCke destinacije kao i tijihovim
utjccajcm na stupanj konkurentnosti turistike destinacije. Na temelju dosadasnjih ztianstvenih spoz-
naja iz podruCja destinacijske atraktivtiosti, definirn je pojatn faktora atraktivnosti turistiCke destitia-
cije kao eimbenika koji u najvecoj mjeri utjeCu na smjer i intenzitet razvoja turizma. U radu se
dfinira veza izmedu laktora atraktivnosti destinacije i stupnja konkurentnosti destinacije.
U drugom dijelu rada kotistrulran jc multifaktorski model destinacijske atraktivnosti Cijom se
primjenom moze doci do pokazatclja o vaznosti pojedinih laktora atraktivnosti za sveukupni stupanj
atraktivnosti destinacije te o postojanju eventualnog raskoraka izmedu temeljnih turistiCkih resursa
neke destinacije i zahtjeva koji dominiraju tia glavnim emitivtiim trzistima. Na taj se naCin moze
utvrditi trenutna trzisna pozicija bilo koje deslinacije i procijenili postoji li potreba za njezitiim trzis-
tiim repozicioniratijem. Stoga, predlozeni model turistiCkim ekspertima moze posluziti kao koristan
istrazivaki instrument za potrebe destitiacijskog marketitiga i menadzmenta.
KLJUNE R U E C I : turistiCka destinacija. faktod atraktivnosti. konkurentnost destinaeije, desti-
nacijski menadzment, Hrvatska.

SUMMARY: This paper deals with ati analysis of destination attractiveness factors and their iti-
tluence oti the level of competitiveness of tourism destinations. Based on the present body of scienti-
fic knowledge from the field of destination attractiveness, destination attractiveness factors are
defined as the element with the greatest influence on both the direction in which tourism develops, as
well as on the intensity of its development. This paper defines the relation between destination attrac-
tiveness factors and the level of destination competitiveness.
In the second part of this paper a multifactor model of destination attractiveness is presented.
When applied, it provides further insights into the importance of particular attractiveness factors for
the entire leve! of destination attractiveness, as well as the existence of a possible gap between the ba-
sic tourism resources of certain destinations and the conditions dominating the main generating mar-
kets. This enables an identification of the current market position of any destination and an estimate
as to whether there is a need for its market repositioning. Therefore, the proposed model may serve as
a useful research instrument for destination marketing and management for experts in the tourism
KEY WORDS: tourism destination, attractiveness factors, destination competitiveness, destina-
tion management, Croatia.
' Mr. sc. Damir Kreai. Institut za turizam. Vrhovec 5, 10000 Zagreb. tel.-K385.1.3909.666, fax.+385.1.3909.667,
Damir KreSic. M.Sc, assistant. Institute for Tourism, Vrhovec 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Tel.+385.1.3909.666,
46 Acta ttjristica. Vol 19(2(X)7). N o l . p p 1-100


Jedno od glavnih obiljezja suvremenog One of the main characteristics of the

turistiCkog trziSta je intenziviranje konku- modern tourism market is the intensification
rencije medu turistiCkim destinacijama. of competitiveness among tourism destina-
Kako bi bila konkurentna na globalnom tu- tions. In order to be competitive in the
ristiCkom trziStu, turistiCka destinacija mora global tourism market, tourism destinations
biti inovativna te kontinuirano traziti nove should aim at being innovative and continu-
izvore komparativnih prednosti. Takve kon- ously seek new sources of comparative ad-
kurentske prednosti mogu, u vidu novih tu- vantages. Such comparative advantages, in
ristiCkih proizvoda i usluga, turistiikoj the form of new tourism products and ser-
destinaciji osigurati stabilan i dugoroCno vices, can, in the long term, ensure a sus-
odrziv turistiCki rast i razvoj te na taj naCin tainable growth of tourism and the
uCvrstiti ili poboljati njezinu trz.inu pozi- development of the destination, and, conse-
ciju. Konkurentska je prednost 'punctum quently, reinforce and improve its market
saliens' strateskog djelovanja poduzea (ili position. Competitive advantage is the
destinacije), a njezino posjedovanje osnova 'punctum sa/fe5'of the strategic functioning
razlikovanja uspjesnih od neuspjesnih po- of a company (or destination), and its prolif-
duzea/destinacija (Tipuri, et al., 1999). eration is the base for differentiating suc-
Zbog toga ne iznenaduje Cinjenica da je cessful companies (or destinations) from
fenomen konkurentnosti turistike destina- those that are not so successful. (Tipuri et
cije, kao osnovne jedinice istrazivanja i al. 1999).
analize u turizmu u posljednjih desetak go-
dina u zariStu interesa, kako istrazivaCa tako Therefore, it is not surprising that the
i turistiCkih djelatnika. Prema brojnim auto- phenomenon of tourism destination com-
rima (Ritchie & Crouch, 2005, MihaliC, petitiveness, as the basic research and analy-
2000) skupina faktora koji u najveoj mjeri sis unit in tourism, has been the focal point
utjeCu na stupanj konkurentnosti turistiCke of attention among researchers and practi-
destinacije su faktori atraktivnosti turistiCke tioners for the last ten years. According to
destinacije. Faktori atraktivnosti svojim some authors (Ritchie & Crouch, 2005, Mi-
obiljezjima odreduju kako pravac tako i in- haliC, 2000), the set of factors which have
tenzitet razvoja turizma na nekom turistiCki an exceedingly high influence on the level
receptivnom podruCju (KuSen, 2002). of competitiveness of a tourism destination
Mnogi autori naglasavaju Cinjenicu da tu- are destination attractiveness factors. At-
risti nemaju motiva ni zelje putovati u odre- tractiveness factors and their characteristics
denu destinaciju ukoliko im destinacija nista determine the direction and the intensity
ne nudi i ukoliko je ne percipiraju kao at- within a particular tourism receptive are^
raktivnu. Kako bi bila uspjesna na meduna- (KuSen, 2002). Many authors underline the
rodnom turistiCkom trzistu, destinacija mora fact that tourists have neither the motive, nor
osigurati da sveukupni stupanj njezine at- the desire to travel to a particular destination
raktivnosti bude najmanje jednak ili vei od with a poor offer and one which they do not
stupnja atraktivnosti destinacija konkure- perceive as having an attractive offer. In or-
nata. Ispravno definiranje faktora atraktiv- der to be successful on the international
nosti, prouCavanje njihovih slozenih
tourism market, the destination should en-
meduodnosa kao i kvantifikacija njihovog
sure that its overall level of attractiveness is
intenziteta od kljuCne su vaznosti za oCuva-
at least equal to or higher than the attrac-
D. Kreai: Fakiori atraktivnost turistiCkih destinacija u funkciji konkurentnosti 47

nje postojee i/ili postizanje bolje konku- tiveness level of its competitors. The correct
rentske pozicije. Takoder je potrebno razviti definition of attractiveness factors, the in-
istrazivaki instrumentarij koji bi bio do- vestigation of their complex interrelation-
voljno sofisticiran da obuhvati sve aspekte ship, as well as the quantitative determina-
faktora atraktivnosti destinacije i njihovog tion of their intensity, are of key importance
uticaja na trzisno pozicioniranje i stupanj for preserving the current and/or achieving a
konkurentnosti destinacije. better competitive position.
Pregledom dosadanjih spoznaja iz In addition, there is a need to develop
ovoga podruja moze se zakljuCiti da, bez research instruments which are sufficiently
obzira na njihov veliki utjecaj na konku- sophisticated to comprehend all the aspects
rentnost turistike destinacije, faktori atrak- of destination attractiveness factors and their
tivnosti destinacije, njihov utjecaj na stupanj influence on market positioning and the
konkurentnosti destinacije, kao i metode i level of the destination's competitiveness.
naini njihove kvantifikaeije jos uvijek nisu On reviewing the data available within
detaljno istraieni. Kao dodatni problem na this field at present, it may be concluded
ovme podruj treba istaknuti mali broJ that, regardless of their influence upon the
znanstvenih radova koji se bave navedenom competitiveness of tourism destination, des-
tematikom, naroito u HrvatskoJ. U svjetlu tination attractiveness factors, their influ-
navedenih injenica, u srediStu interesa ence on the level of the destination
ovoga rada Je definiranje multifaktorskog competitiveness, as well as the methods and
modela destinacijske atraktivnosti i njegova the modes of their quantification, are still
primJena u hrvatskim primorskim destina- underinvestigated. An additional problem
cijama - iupanijama, kao i stjecanje detalj- that should be stressed in this research is the
nijih spoznaja o njegovom utjecaju na rather limited number of scientific papers
stupanj konkurentnosti i trziSnu poziciju tu- dealing with the afore-mentioned issue, es-
ristike destinacije. pecially in Croatia. In light of the recog-
nized facts, the central interest of this work
is to define a multifactor model of destina-
2. FAKTORI ATRAKTIVNOSTI tion attractiveness and its application to
TURISTiKE DESTINACIJE Croatian seaside destinations - counties, as
well as providing detailed knowledge and
Turistike atrakcije mogu se defmirati insight into its influence on the level of
kao ona obiljezja turistike destinacije koja competitiveness and market position of a
svojim karakteristikama privlae tJ. motivi- tourism destination.
raju turiste da posjete neko turistiki recep-
tivno podruje. Sama rije atraktivnost
dolazi od latinskog glagola "attrahere" to 2. TOURISM DESTINATION
znai privlaCiti ili povuci. Vie razliitih tu- ATTRACTIVENESS FACTORS
ristikih atrakcija, koje su po svojoj prirodi
srodne i koje karakterizira visok stupanj Tourist attraction can be defined as a
medusobne homogenosti, tJ. koje se prema charaeteristic of the tourism destination
svojim atrakcijskim obiljezjima mogu svesti which attracts or motivates tourists to visit a
pod Jedan zajedniiki nazivnik, nazivamo particular tourism receiving area due to its
faktorima atraktivnosti turistiCke des- specific features. The word attractiveness
tinacije. Potreba za objedinjavanjem veceg originates from the Latin verb "attrahere",
broJa turistikih atrakcija u pojedine faktore meaning - to attract. A variety of tourist at-
atraktivnosti nastaje zbog potrebe za pojed- tractions, generic by their nature and char-
48 Acta turistica. Vol 19 (2007), No I. pp I -100

nostavljenjem izuzetno kompleksnog turis- acterized by a high level of homogeneity, in

tiCkog sustava koji se sastoji od velikog other words similar with regard to their
broja razliCitih vrsta tuHstikih atrakcija attractiveness characteristic, are termed
koje su po svojim obiljezjima izrazito hete- attractiveness factors of a tourism desti-
rogene (raspn turistikih atrakcija moze nation. The need to consolidate numerous
varirati od atrakcija iz skupine prirodno- tourist attractions into particular attrac-
klimatskih obiljezja pa sve do obiteljskih i tiveness factors originates from the need to
prijateljskih veza s receptivnom destinaci- simplify a very complex tourist system
jom). Postoje razliCite defmicije turistiCkih consisting of a large variety of tourist
atrakcija i faktora atraktivnosti destinacije. attractions which are, in view of their char-
Gunn (1998) navodi da bez turistiCkih at- acteristic features, very heterogeneous (a
rakcija ne bi bilo ni turizma. Iako je nave- range of tourist attractions can vary from
dena tvrdnja evidentna sama po sebi, ona je attractions defined by their characteristic
Ipak znaCajna jer ukazuje na veliku vaznost nature-climate features to those defined by
turistiCkih atrakcija kao preduvjeta razvoja family and friendly ties with a tourism
turizma na nekom prostoru (destinaciji). destination). There are different definitions
Lew (1987) turistiCke atrakcije dfinira kao of tourist attractions and destination attrac-
tiveness factors. Gunn (1998) states that
sve one elemente turistiCke destinacije koji
without tourist attractions there would be no
privlaCe turiste iz mjesta njihovog stalnog
tourism. Although this may seem obvious, it
boravka, a odnose se na: geografske i kli-
is in itself significant as it underlines the
matske znaajke nekog mjesta, aktivnosti u
great importance of tourist attractions as a
kojima turisti mogu sudjelovati te iskustva
prerequisite for the development of tourism
kojlh e se sjeati. Gartner (1996) turistiCke in a particular area (destination). Lew
atrakcije definir kao "srediste" turistiCkog (1987) defines tourist attractions as all the
doivljaja te veliki naglasak stavlja na des- elements of a tourism destination which at-
tinacijski menadzment. navodeci da gotovo tract tourists from their places of permanent
bilo koje obiljezje turistiCke destinacije residence and these refer to the geographic
moe biti atrakcija ukoliko je ispravno mar- and climatic characteristics of a particular
ketinki obradeno i dobro prezentirano. location, activities in which tourists can
Ritchie i Crouch (2005) u svome modelu participate, as well as experiences that are
destinacijske konkurentnosti faktorima at- memorable. Gartner (1996), defines tourist
raktivnosti daju sredisnje mjesto. Oni na- attractions as the "center" of the tourist ex-
vode da su turistiCke atrakcije glavni perience, and in that sense he emphasises
element privIaCnosti neke destinacije destination management, indicating that, in
(destination appeal) te da su one glavni fak- practice, any characteristic of the tourism
tor koji motivira turiste na posjet nekoj turi- destination can become an attraction if it is
stiCkoj destinaciji. Oni smatraju kako correctly marketed and if it is adequatly pre-
"atraktivnost turisticke destinacije odrazava sented. In their model of destination com-
osjecaje, vjerovanja i stavove koje pojedi- petitiveness, Ritchie and Crouch (2005)
nac ima o mogucnostima destinacije da za- factors of attractiveness are of focal impor-
dovolji njene ili njegove speciftcne turistike tance. They argue that tourist attractions are
potrebe" te se njihov pristup turistiCkim at- the main element of the destination's appeal
rakcijama, zbog velikog naglaska na sta- and that they are the principal factor which
vove i percepcije turista o turistiCkoj motivates tourists to visit a particular tour-
destinaciji, naziva jos i kognitivni pristup. ism destination. They believe that "the at-
Weber & MikaCic (1995) navode da sazna- tractiveness of the tourism destination
D. KreSi: Faktori atraktivnosti turistiCkih destinacija u funkciji konkurenttiosli 49

nja steena dosadasnjim znanstveno-istraii- reflects the feelings, beliefs and attitudes an
vaCkim radom pokazuju da se u vecini individual has concerning the possibilities
sluCajeva neki faktori atraktivnosti mogu that the destination is able to satisfy his or
smatrati opcim faktorima, jer su se pokazali her specific tourist needs"; therefore, be-
kljuinim pri ispitivanju atraktivnosti razli- cause of the emphasis on tourist attitudes
citih destinacija i to su najCesce zemijopisne and perceptions concerning tourism desti-
(reljefne) i klimatske znaCaJke destinacije. nations, this approach to tourist attractions
Za raziiku od opcih faktora izdvajaju se po- is known as the cognitive approach. Weber
sebni faktori atraktivnosti koji su posjetite- and MikaCic (1995) state that the insight
ljima vazni u kontekstu posjete nekih gained through former scientifie work shows
odredenih destinacija tako da razliCiti fak- that, in the majoritiy of cases, particular at-
tori imaju razliCitu vaznost za razliCite des- tractiveness factors can be regarded as gen-
tinacije. eral factors because they have proved to be
key elements during an investigation of at-
tractiveness of various destinations, and this
Osim pokuSaja defmiranja faktora atrak-
mainly refers lo the geographic (relief) and
tivnosti turistiCke destinacije, vecina autora
climate characteristics of a destination. As
se takoder bavi njihovom sistematizacijom i
opposed to general factors, unique attrac-
klasifikacijom. Jedna od najvaznijih ie kla- tiveness factors are of far greater importance
sifikacija UNWTO-a (Mcintyre, Hetherin- to visitors within the context of visits to
gton, & Inskeep, 1993) koja sve faktore particular destinations; therefore, the various
destinacijske atraktivnosti dijeli na: factors have a different level of importance
prirodne turistiCke resurse for different destinations.
kulturno-povijesnu bastinu u turizmu
Apart from defining different destination
klimatske uvjete attractiveness factors, the majority of au-
infrastrukturu te thors are also engaged in a systematization
turistidke usluge i sadr^aje. and classification of the same. One of the
most important classifications is the UN-
Iako se vecina autora slaze s ovakvom WTO classification (Mcintyre, Hethering-
baziCnom podjelom, ipak se ona smatra ne- ton, & Inskeep, 1993), which classifies
dovoljno detaljnom te se faktori atraktiv- destination attractiveness factors into the
nosti u znanstvenoj literaturi dodalno following groups:
kiasificiraju s ciljem njihovog boljeg razu- natural tourist resources,
mijevanja. (Lew, 1987) predlaze klasifika- cultural and historical heritage in
ciju svih turistikih atrakcija na lemelju tri tourism,
pristupa: climate conditions,
infrastructure and
Ideografski pristup - predstavlja si- tourist services and facilities.
stematizaciju turistikih atrakcija uo-
bliCenih u slike prirode (planine, Although the majority of authors accept
mora, obale, nizine, pustinje, otoci i this basic classification, nevertheless, it is
si.). To je najesoe primjenjivana si- considered insufficiently detailed. There-
stematizacija luristiikih atrakcija te fore, in scientific literature attractiveness
se uglavnom koristi u studijama koje factors are additionally classified for the
obuhvaaju i prouiavaju manja pod- purpose of better understanding. Lew (1987)
ruCja suggests a classification of tourist attractions
based on three approaches:
50 Acta luristica. Vol 1 9 ( 2 0 0 7 ) , N o l . p p 1-100

Organizacijski pristup - pristup The Ideographic Approach - sys-

koji turistiCke atrakcije sistematizira tematizes tourist attractions formed a.s
po okolnom prostoru, kapacitetu at- pictures of nature (mountains, sea,
rakcije te vremenu trajanja atrakcije i littorals, plains, deserts, islands, ete).
This is the most cotnmonly used sys-
Kognitivni pristup - sistetnatizira
turistiCke atrakcije na temelju per- tematization of tourist attractions;
cepcija i iskustava turista vezanih uz therefore, it is mainly applied in stud-
turistiCke atrakcije. ies oriented toward smaller areas;
The Organizational Approach -
Jedna od novijih klasifikacijskih podjeia this approach systematizes tourist at-
turistiCkih atrakcija koja je u posljednje tractions according to the surround-
vrijeme siroko prhvacena je klasiflkacija ing environment, the capacity of
koju su razvili Ritchie i Crouch, a koja sve attraction and the time duration of
turistiCke atrakcije dijeli u sedam osnovnih the attraction and
skupina: The Cognitive Approach -
reljefne karakteristike i klima systematizes tourist attractions based
on the perception and the experience
povijest i kultura
of tourists concerning the attributes
trzisne veze of the tourist attractions.
ponuda aktivnosti u destinaciji
dogadanja i matiifestacije One of the more recent classifications of
tourist attractions which is widely accepted
is the classification developed by Ritchie
turistiCka suprastruktura. and Crouch, which divides tourist attractions
into seven basic groups:
KuSen (2002) sve atrakcije dijeli i na Physiography and climate;
potencijalne i reaine. Potencijalne atrakcije Culture and history;
su, po KuSenu, ona obiljezja neke destina- Mix of activities;
cije koja imaju atrakcijski potencijal, ali iz Special events;
odredenih razioga nisu adekvatno turistiki Entertainment;
eksploatirane. S druge strane, reaine turis- Superstructure;
tike atrakcije su oni atributi destinacije ko-
Market ties.
jima je osigurana turistiCka dostupnost i koji
su u potpunosti turistiCki iskoristeni. Turis- According to Kuiien (2002). all attrac-
tiCke atrakcije se takoder, prema kriteriju tions are divided into potential and real at-
svoga nastanka i izvorne namjene, mogu tractions. In KuSen's classification potential
podijeliti na prirodne ili nasiijedene i na attractions are the characteristics of a desti-
kreirane ili proizvedenc turistiCke atrakcije. nation with attraction potential, which, for
Prirodne ili nasiijedene atrakcije su one at- some particular reason, has not been ade-
rakcije koje ljudi nisu stvorili s ciljem turis- quately exploited in tourism. On the other
tiCke eksploatacije nego su nastale hand, real tourist attractions are those attrib-
djeiovanjem prirodnih sila (npr. klimatske, utes of a destination to which the tourist has
ekoloske i reljefne znaajke prostora). U assured access and which have been entirely
istu skupinu spadaju i atrakcije koje su nas- exploited through tourism. According to the
tale u razIiCitim povijesnim okolnostima za eriteria of their genesis and original dedica-
neturistiCke svrhe, ali su drustvenim i poii- tion, tourist attractions may also be divided
tiCkim promjenama izgubile svoju prvobitnu into natural or inherited, and created or pro-
D. Kreai: Faktori atrakiivnosli luristiCkih dcslinacija u funkciji konkurcntnosti 51

namjenu te su postale vrijedni turistiCki re- duced tourist attractions. Natural or inher-
sursi (razIiCiti oblici kulturno-povijesne ba- ited tourist attractions are those which were
stine). S druge strane, kreirane ili not created by man for the purpose of tourist
proizvedene turistiCke atrakcije su oni turis- exploitation, but by the actions of natural
tiCki resursi koje su Ijudi, djelomiCno ili u forces (e.g. climate, ecological and relief
cijelosti, sustavno i planski razvili, radi characteristics of the area). Attractions cre-
ekonomske i turistiCke eksploatacije (doga- ated for non-tourist purposes under different
danja. manifestacije i zabava u destinaciji i historical conditions that have lost their
si.). Vazno je naglasiti da je za neka obilje- primary purpose due to social and political
zja destinacije oCito da se radi o turistiCkim changes and that have, therefore, became
atrakcijama (geografska i klimatska obiljc- invaluable tourist resources (different forms
zja, povijesne i kulturne znaCajke nekog of cultural and historical heritage, i.e. the
prostora, dogadaji i manifestacije) dok se za Berlin Wall) belong to the same group. On
neka druga obiljezja turistiCke destinacije, the other hand, created or produced tourist
bez obzira na to to u znaCajnoj mjeri utjeCu attractions form a group of tourist resources
na privIaCnu snagu prostora (destinacije) ne which are partly or completely created by
moze tvrditi da se radi o turistiCkim atrak- man and are developed systematically and
cijama. To su oni faktori koji mogu imati methodically for the purpose of economic
and tourism exploitation (events, manifesta-
jak utjecaj na posjeenost odredenog podru-
tions and entertainment in destinations, and
Cja, ali ih ipak ne mozemo identificirati kao
similar). It is important to underline that for
turistiCke atrakcije a u koje spadaju: eko-
some characteristics of the destination it is
nomski faktori (devizni teCaj, troSkovi zi-
obvious that they are real tourist attractions
vota u destinaciji). sociokulturni faktori
(geographical and climatic characteristics,
(gostoijubivost lokalnog stanovnistva. uslu- the historical and cultural significance of an
^nost djelatnika javnih sluzbi), prirodni area, events and manifestations), while for
faktori (potresi, poplave, suse, tsunami i si.) certain other tourism destination character-
i politiCki faktori (politiCka stabilnost desti- istics it is not so obvious that they are tourist
nacije, opasnost od teroristiCkih apada i attractions, regardless of their possible high
si.). Zbog toga je ponekad teSko vidjeti ja- influence on the popularity of an area (des-
snu granicu izmedu atrakcija i neatrakcija tination). These are factors that can have a
to dodatno komplicira jasno definiranje tu- very strong influence on the number of
ristiCkih atrakcija. visitors to a particular area, but still they
cannot be identified as tourist attractions,
Mole se konstatirati da, bez obzira na and this may depend on the following: eco-
mnogobrojna istrazivanja koje su za cilj nomic factors (exchange rates, costs of liv-
imala definiranje pojma atraktivnosti desti- ing in a destination), socio-cultural factors
nacije i faktora atraktivnosti, ti pojmovi jo (hospitality of local inhabitants, courtesy of
uvijek nisu u potpunosti jednoznaCno i ned- employees in public services), natural fac-
vosmisleno definirani. Uzrok tome je izra- tors (earthquakes, fioods, droughts, tsuna-
zito slozena i heterogena priroda turistiCkog mis, and similar) and political factors
proizvoda pa je stoga jako tesko sva ona (political stability of the destination, danger
obiljezja destinacije, koja bi se mogla oka- of terrorist attacks, and similar). Therefore,
raklerizirati kao faktori atraktivnosti, obuh- sometimes it is difficult to distinguish be-
vatiti jednom jedinstvenom definicijom. tween attractions and non-attractions, which
UnatoC tome, iz dosadasnjih istrazivanja additionally complicates a clear definition of
tourist attractions.
mogue je izIuCiti odredene zajedniCke ele-
52 Acta mrislica. Vol 19 (2007). N o I . p p l-lOO

mente koji se odnose na faktore atraktiv- It may be concluded that, no matter how
nosti destinacije, bez obzira o kojoj so many researches have been undertaken with
the aim of defining the attractiveness of desti-
destinaciji radi i koji Je glavni tip turistikog
proizvoda koji promatrana destinacija nudi. nations as well as factors of attractiveness,
Ta obiljezja su sljedeca: these terms are still not unequivocally de-
fined. The reason for this is the extremely
Destinacija mora posjedovati odre- complex and heterogeneous nature of the
dena obiljezja koja su zanimljiva tourism product. Therefore, it is very hard to
potencijalnim turistima encompass all the characteristics of destina-
tion that may be characterized as attractive-
Skupine obiljezja (atrakcije) koja su
ness factors within a single definition. Nev-
zanimljive turistima, a koja su po
ertheless, it is possible to extract certain
svojoj prirodi srodna tj. homogena common elements from research carried out
nazivamo faktorima atraktivnosti tu- so far that are pertinent to destination attrac-
ristike destinacije tiveness factors, regardless of the destination
Postojanje i definiranje (prepoznava- in question and the main types of tourism
nje) faktora atraktivnosti predstavlja product thai the particular destination offers.
preduvjet za odvijanje organizirane These elements are as follows:
turistike djelatnosti na nekom pro- A destination should have particular
storu (destinaciji) characteristics which are interesting
Atrakcije po svojim obiljezjima i for potential tourists;
privlanom intenzitetu mogu biti Groups of characteristics (attrac-
znaajno raziiitc od destinacije do tions) which are interesting to tour-
deslinacije ists, and which are by nature generic
Od prirode i intenziteta faktora atrak- or homogeneous, are termed tourism
tivnosti u najvecoj mjeri zavisi i destination attractiveness factors;
smjer i intenzitet razvoja turizma na The existence and definition (identifi-
nekom prostoru (destinaciji) cation) of attractiveness factors are a
Percepcije potencijalnih turista o po- prerequisite for the development of
organized tourist activities in a
Jedinim atrakcijama kljune su za
particular location (destination);
odabir odredene destinacije medu
mnostvom destinacija supstituta koje Attractions may vary significantly
from destination to destination, ac-
su na tr^iStu, pa stoga direktno utJeCu
cording to their characteristics and
i na trzisnu uspJeSnost i stupanj kon-
the intensity of their appeal;
kurentnosti turistike destinacije
The intensity of tourist development
Turistike atrakcije kao i faktori at- within a particular location (destina-
raktivnosti koje oni saCinJavaju izra- tion) mainly depends upon the nature
zito su prostorno obiljezene, bez and intensity of attractiveness factors;
obzira je U HJe o umjetnim ili priro- Perceptions of potential tourists con-
dno nastalim atrakcijama. cerning particular attractions are of
key importance for selecting a par-
S obzirom na sve ranije navedeno, mo- ticular destination among many other
gue je defmirati sljedea istraiivaka pita- substitute destinations which are
nja kojima se ovaj rad bavi: available on the market, therefore,
Jesu Ii u hrvatskim primorskim destina- they directly influence market effi-
ciency and the level of competitive-
cijama, kako se to esto istie u strunim
ness of the tourism destination;
D, Kreii: Faktori atrakiivnosli luristiCkih destinacija u funkciji konkurentnosti 53

publikacijama, najvazniji faktori atraktiv- Tourist attractions, as well as attrac-

nosti njihova prirodna i klimatsko-ekoloska tiveness factors, which they constitute,
obiljezja? are distinctly spatially characterized.
Koje faktore atraktivnosti u hrvatskim In view of the above, it is possible to de-
primorskim destinacijama turisti percipiraju fine the following research issues and ques-
kao vise ili manje kvalitetne? tions which form the basis of this paper:
Kakav je odnos izmedu privlaCne snage i Are the most important attractiveness
percepcije kvalitete pojedinih faktora atrak- factors for Croatian coastal destinations, as
tivnosti tj. Jesu li turisti zadovoljni kvalite- is usually stated and argued in various pub-
tom onih faktora atraktivnosti koji su ih lications, their natural, climatic and ecologi-
motivirali na posjet odredenoj destinaeiji? cal characteristics?
Which attractiveness factors in Croatian
3. KONKURENTOST coastal destinations do tourists see as being
TURISTlKE DESTINACIJE of high or poor quality?
What kind of relationship exists between
Turistika destinacija je u posljednje
the power of attractiveness and the percep-
vrijeme zbog intenziviranja konkurencije na tion of the quality of particular attractive-
medunarodnom turistiCkom trzistu, dosia u ness factors, or, in other words, are tourists
srediste interesa, kako turistiCkih djelatnika satisfied with the quality of the attractive-
tako i istraivaCa u turizmu. U tako dinami- ness factors which motivated them to visit a
Cnom tr?.isnom okruzenju. IogiCno je da se particular destination?
najvea paznja posvecuje upravo konku-
rentnosti tudstike destinacije odnosno
faktorima koji je determiniraju kao i samom 3. COMPETITIVENESS OF THE
procesu postizanja konkurentskih prednosti. TOURISM DESTINATION
U znanstvenoj literaturi mogue je naci
brojne definicije konkurentnosti turistiCke Due to an increasing surge of competi-
destinacije. Najveci broj istrazivanja konku- tion on the international tourism market,
rentnosti u turizmu fokusira se na proble- tourism destinations have recently become
matiku postizanja dugoroCno odr^ive the centre of interest for both those working
destinacijske konkurentnosti te na proble- in tourism, as well as those undertaking re-
matiku mjerenja stupnja konkurentnosti de- search into tourism, In such a dynamic mar-
stinacije. ket surrounding It is logical that the majority
of attention is paid to the competitiveness of
Veina autora (npr. Dwyer & Kim, the tourism destination, in other words, to
2003; Ritchie & Crouch, 2005; Hassan. the factors that determine it, as well as to the
2000; Woodside & Carr, 1998; Pearce, process by which competitive advantages
1997; Bordas. 1994; Ahmed & Krohn, are achieved. Numerous definitions can be
1990) koji se bave problematikom konku- found in scientific literature for tourism
rentnosti turistiCke destinacije, naglasavaju destination competitiveness. The majority of
da bi definicija konkurentnosti u turizmu research dealing with competitiveness in
trebala biti konzistentna s tradicionalnom i tourism is focused on the issue of how to
opeprihvacenom definicijom konkuren- achieve long-term sustainable destination
tnosti koja je definirana u znanstvenoj eko- competitiveness, as well as on issues
nomskoj literaluri. Zbog toga oni svoje concerning how to measure the level of a
modele konkurentnosti turistiCke destinacije destination's competitiveness.
54 Acta turistica. Vol 1 9 ( 2 0 0 7 ) , N o l . p p l-IOO

temelje na tradicionalnom modelu konku- The majority of authors (for example,

rentnosti kojega je razvio Porter (Porter, Dwyer & Kim, 2003; Ritchie & Crouch.
1993). Oni, medutim, takoder dodaju da se 2005; Hassan, 2000; Woodside & Carr.
tradicionalni Porterov model konkurentnosti 1998; Pearce, 1997; Bordas, 1994; Ahmed &
ne moze doslovno primijeniti na turistiCku Krohn, 1990) engaged in researching tourism
destinaciju, odnosno, da takav model nije u destination competitiveness emphasize that
potpunosti primjenjiv na turistiCku destina- the definition for competitiveness in tourism
ciju zbog multidisciplinarne prirode turis- should be consistent with the traditional and
tike djelatnosti tj. zbog izrazite komplek- widely accepted definition of competitiveness
snosti turistikog destinacijskog proizvoda. as defined in scientific economic literature.
Zbog toga se tradicionalni modeli konku- Therefore, they base their models of tourism
rentnosti, uz zadrzavanje nekih glavnih destination competitiveness on the traditional
obiljezja, za potrebe apliciranja u domeni model of competitiveness developed by Por-
turizma, dodatno doraduju (Dwyer & Kim, ter (Porter, 1993). However, they also add
2003; Ritchie & Crouch, 2005; Hassan, that Porter's traditional model of competitive-
2000). Asch i Wolf (2001) na konkurenciju ness cannot he literally applied to tourism
medu turistikim destinacijama gledaju kao destinations, or, in other words, that such a
model is not completely applicable to tourism
na samo jos jednu manifestaciju sireg
destinations because of the multidisciplinary
fenomena konkurentnosti koji se pojavljuje
nature of tourist activities, respectively, and
u svim granama Ijudskog djelovanja. Neki
because of the significant complexity of the
autori (Ahmed & Krohn, 1990; Bordas,
destination product. Consequently, the tradi-
1994; Pearce, 1997) su na konkurentnost u
tional models of competitiveness need to be
turizmu prvenstveno poCeli gledati kao na additionally adapted and improved in order lo
sposobnost destinacije da se ispravno be applicable within the domain of tourism
marketinski pozicionira te da jasno (Dwyer & Kim, 2003; Ritchie & Crouch,
prezentira svoje komparativne i konku- 2005; Hassan, 2000). Asch and Wolf (2001)
rentske prednosti prema potencijalnim turi- see tourism destination competitiveness as an
stima. Drugi autori (Hassan, 2000; Ritchie additional manifestation of a broader phe-
& Crouch, 2005; Dwyer & Kim, 2003), nomenon of competitivness which appears in
smatraju da takvo gledanje na konkuren- all human activities. Some authors (Ahmed &
tnost destinacije, iako ispravno, nije do- Krohn, 1990; Bordas, 1994; Pearce, 1997)
voljno detaljno, te ga dodatno prosiruju have started to look upon competitiveness in
definirajuci dodatne faktore koje utjeCu na tourism primarily as being the capability of a
konkurentnost destinacije i kreirajui mo- destination to correctly position itself on the
dele konkurentnosti koji opisuju interakciju market and to clearly present its comparative
navedenih faktora. Svi razvijeni modeli de- and competitive advantages to potential tour-
stinacijske konkurentnosti se ipak, u manjoj ists. Other authors (Hassan, 2000; Ritchie &
ili veoj mjeri, temelje na tradicionalnom Crouch, 2005; Dwyer & Kim, 2003) believe
modelu konkurentnosti koji je razvio Porter, that such a view of destination competitive-
ali su prilagodeni specifiCnostima turistiC- ness, though coFTect, is not sufficiently de-
kog destinacijskog proizvoda. S obzirom na tailed, therefore, they additionally extend it
objavljene radove (Dwyer & Kim, 2003; by defining additional factors which influence
Ritchie & Crouch, 2005; Hassan, 2000; the competitiveness of the destination and
Woodside & Carr. 1998; Pearce, 1997; Bor- they also create models of competitiveness
das, 1994; Ahmed & Krohn, 1990) moze se which describe the interaction of the men-
zakljuditi da je koneept konkurentnosti turi- tioned factors. Nevertheless, all the de-
[). Kreic: Faktori atraktivnosti turistiCkih destinacija u funkciji konkurentnosli 55

stiCke destinacije evolulrao od jednostavne veloped modeis of destination competitive-

percepcije da je za postizanje konkuren- ness, to a greater or lesser degree, are based
tnosti destinacije iskljuCivo vazno njezino on the traditional model of competitiveness
ispravno marketinsko pozicioniranje sve do developed by Porter, but they have been
izrazito slozenih modela konkurentnosti ko- adapted to the peculiarities of the destina-
jima SU definirani mnogobrojni faktori des- tion's tourism product. In view of published
tinacijske konkurentnosti, od faktora atrak- papers (Dwyer & Kim, 2003; Ritchie &
tivnosti, preko podr?.avajuih faktora i Crouch, 2005; Hassan, 2000; Woodside &
resursa pa sve do donosenja stratckih turis- Can-, 1998; Pearce, 1997; Bordas, 1994;
tiCkih planova kojima ce biti postavljeni od- Ahmed & Krohn, 1990), it may be concluded
that the concept of tourism destination com-
redeni ciljevi te kontroie implementacije
petitiveness has evolved from the simple per-
zacrtanih strategija i stupnja postizanja za-
ception that, in order to achieve destination
danih ciljeva. Kada je rijeC o faktorima koji
competitiveness, it is exceptionally important
UtjeCu na konkurentsku sposobnost destina-
that its market positioning is correct; this also
cije, moze se rei kako raziiiti autori kroz
applies to very complex models of competi-
svoje modele afirmiraju razliCite faktore. tiveness defined by numerous destination
Faktori (osim osnovnih pretpostavki posto- competitiveness factors, ranging from factors
janja atrakcijskog potencijala, prometne do- of attractiveness through supporting factors
stupnosti i izgradenosti prihvatnih i smje- and resources, to the adoption of strategic
stajnih kapaciteta) koji se mogu naci u tourism plans which establish particular aims,
veiini modela destinacijske konkurentnosti and including controlling the implementation
su: of planned strategies and the level to which
the planned goals have been attained. Con-
uCinkovita destinacijska politika i cerning factors that influence the competitive
menadzment capability of a destination, it may be said tbat
postojanje kadrovskih i financijskih various authors have affirmed different fac-
resursa potrebnih za razvoj turizma tors through their models. Factors (apart from
postojanje poduzetnICke inicijative u the basic assumption of the existence of at-
destinaciji traction potential, transportation accessibility
and accotnmodation facilities) which can be
podrska od strane tijela lokalne
found in the majority of models for destina-
samouprave te regionalnih i nacio-
tion competitiveness are as follows:
nalnih organizacija za destinacijski
menadiment (DM0) efficient destination policy and man-
postojanje vizije razvoja turizma u agement
destinaciji na temelju koje se defini- existence of human and financial reso-
raju razvojni strateski ciljevi desti- urces necessary for tourism to develop
nacije existence of entrepreneurial initiative
postojanje instrumenata i projekata within the destination
za operacionalizaciju postavljenih support of local government, as well
strateSkih ciljeva as regional and national organizations
postojanje instrumenta i procedura za for destination management - DM0
reviziju i procjenu uspjesnosti ostva- existence of a vision for the develop-
rivanja zadanih ciljeva itd. ment of tourism within the destina-
tion which serves as a basis for
ZajedniCko je miSIjenje vecine autora da, defining strategic development plans
od svih faktora koji utjeCu na stupanj kon- of the destination
56 A c t a [uristica. Vol 1 9 ( 2 0 0 7 ) , N o l . p p l-iOO

kurentnosti turistiCkog destinacijskog proiz- existenee of instruments and projects

voda, najvei i kIjuCni utjecaj ipak imaju for the opcrationalization of estab-
faktori atraktivnosti turistiCke destinacije. lished strategic goals
Upravo oni imaju najveci utjecaj na odluke existence of instruments and proce-
turista da posjete odredenu destinaciju. dures for the audit and evaluation of
Zbog toga je evidentna potreba za boljim efficiency of realized goals, etc.
razu mije vanjem uloge koju faktori atraktiv-
nosti imaju u procesu postizanja konkuren- The general opinion of the majority of
tnosti turistiCke destinacije kao i potreba za authors is that, among all the factors that in-
kvalitativnim i kvantitativnim opisivanjem fluence the level of competitiveness of the
atrakcijskog intenziteta pro matran i h faktora, tourism destination product, tourism desti-
sto predstavlja i jedan od glavnih ciljeva nation attractiveness factors are the most
ovoga rada. important and essential. These factors have
the greatest influence on the tourist's deci-
4. MULTIFAKTORSKI MODEL sion to visit a particular destination. There-
DESTINACUSKE fore, there is evidently a need for a better
ATRAKTIVNOSTI understanding of the role that attractiveness
factors play within the process of achieving
Glavni cilj ovoga rada je konstruiranje tourism destination competitiveness, as well
multifaktorskog modela destinacijske atrak- as a need for a qualitative and quantitative
tivnosti Cijom primjenom bi bilo mogue description of the attraction intensity of the
dati odgovore na postavljena istrazivaCka observed factors. This is one of the main
pitanja o atrakcijskom intenzitetu i vanosti aims of this paper.
pojedinih faktora atraktivnosti destinacije
kao i o njihovom utjecaju na formiranje tri-
sne pozicije destinacije. Odgovori na pitanja 4. MULTIFACTOR MODEL OF
kao sto su: koji turistiCki resursi (atrakcije) DESTINATION
imaju najvei intenzitet u nekoj destinaciji, ATTRACTIVENESS
kakav je odnos izmedu zadovoljstva turista
kvalitetom pojedinih faktora atraktivnosti i The main aim of this paper is to establish
njihovog intenziteta mogu nam pruziti boiji a multifactor model of destination attrac-
uvid u to postoji li raskorak izmedu tren- tiveness which can be applied in order to
dova koji dominiraju na glavnim emitivnim provide answers to the research goals con-
trzistima i strukture destinacijske atrakcijske cerning attraction intensity and the impor-
osnove tj. jesu li turisti najzadovoljniji onim tance of particular destination attractiveness
faktorima Ciji je privlaCni intenzitet najvei ifactors, as well as issues concerning their in-
koje percipiraju kao najatraktivnije. Ti po- fluence on the formation of a destination's
daci mogu posluiti kao kvalitetna informa- market position. The answers lo these is-
cijska podloga u okviru destinacijskog sues, such as: which tourist resources (at-
menadzmenta za izradu planskih dokume- tractions) are of the greatest intensity within
nata kojima bi se definirale strateske i dugo- a particular destination, or what the relation
roCne odluke o pravcima turistiCkog razvoja between tourist satisfaction and the quality
analiziranih destinacija. of particular attractiveness factors and their
intensity is, can provide better insight,
Osnovu predlozenog mu t i faktorskog which may help to identify the existence of a
modela destinacijske atraktivnosti predstav- possible gap between dominating trends
Ijaju turistiCke atrakcije kako su definirane u within the main generating markets and the
znanstvenoj literaturi. Glavna pretpostavka structure of the destination's attraction base.
D. KreSi: Faktori atraktivnosti tiirisliCkih destinacija u funkciji konkurentnosti 57
modela je da turistike atrakcije imaju klju- or, in other words, may provide answers as
Cnu ulogu pri motivaciji za dolazak turista u to whether tourists are most satisfied with
neko podrujc (turistiku destinaciju) i da u factors with the highest attraction intensity
promatranom turistikom sustavu postoji and which they, in fact, perceive as the most
neka latentna tJ. skrivena osnova prema ko- attractive. These data can serve as a quality
joj su pojedine turistike atrakcije meduso- information base in the destination man-
bno povezane te da se prema tome mogu agement decision-making process with re-
grupirati u odredene homogene skupinc koje spect to directions of tourism development
su definiranc kao faktori atraktivnosti iji se of the analyzed destinations.
intenzitet moze kvalitativno opisati. Druga
The base for the proposed multifactor
pretpostavka modela je da intenzitet privla-
model of destination attractiveness is tourist
ne snage pojedinih faktora atraktivnosti
attractions as defined in scientific literature.
moze biti vei ili manji. Razlog tome je na-
The basic assumption of the model is that
stojanje turista da prime sto veu koliinu
tourist attractions play a key role in tourist
informacija o turistikoj destinaciji korite-
motivation for visiting a particular location
njem sto manje koHine kognitivne energije
(tourism destination), and that there is a
i intelektuainog napora. Kao posljedica na-
certain latent base in the discussed tourist
vedenog procesa dolazi do ekonomizacije
system according to which the particular
koiiine primljenih informacija tj. turisti se
tourist attractions are inter-correlated and
obino fokusiraju i pamte nekoliko najvaz-
may consequently be grouped into certain
nijih turistikih atrakcija dok druge djelomi-
homogeneous groups which are defined as
no iii u potpunosti zanemaruju. One
attractiveness factors whose intensity can be
turistiCke atrakcije, koje su od strane turista
qualitatively described. Another assumption
percipirane kao najvainije, imaju i najvei
of the model is that the intensity of the ap-
intenzitet prlvIaCne snage, Moze se ustvrditi
pealing power of particular attractiveness
da upravo percepcije turista o turistikim at-
factors can be higher or lower. The reason
rakcijama (a ne njihova stvarna kvaliteta, jer
for this is the endeavors of tourists to re-
za turiste upravo njihova percepcija preds-
ceive the highest possible quantity of infor-
tavlja reainost) ine kljuCni element za for-
mation about a tourism destination by using
miranje privlane snage tj. atrakcijskog
the lowest possible quantity of cognitive en-
intenziteta turistiCke destinacije. Mjerenjem
ergy and intellectual effort. The above-men-
intenziteta privlane snage turistikih atrak-
tioned process results in a reduction of
cija koje su grupirane u faktore atraktivnosti
information received by tourists, or, in other
destinacije bi, isticanjem onih faktora
words, tourists are usually focused and they
atraktivnosti koje turisti percipiraju kao naj-
memorize only a few of the most important
vaznije, mogle pobolj^ati svoju trzisnu po-
tourist attractions, while others are partly or
ziciju, poveati stupanj svoje konkurentnosti
completely neglected. Those tourism attrac-
te povecati gospodarsko-turistiku eksploa-
tions that are perceived by tourists as being
taciju navedenih turistikih resursa i tako
the most important ones have the highest
poluCiti bolJe poslovne rezultate. Model se
intensity of attractiveness power. It may be
moze okarakterizirati kao multifaktorski
argued that the tourist's perceptions of at-
zato Jer njegova primjena daJe ocjenu sveu-
tractions (not their real quality, because for
kupnog stupnja atraktivnosti odredene des-
tourists their perception is their reality) con-
tinacije koja se temelji na viSe faktora
stitute the key elements from which the des-
atraktivnosti. Shematski prikaz modela pri-
tination's appealing power is drawn, and
kazan je na slici 1.
this appealing power is defined as tourism
destination attraction intensity. By measuring
58 Acta turistica. Vol 19 (2fK)7), N o 1. p p I-lOO

Slika 1. Multifaktorski model destinacijske atraktivnosti

Ocjena svake promatrane destmacije s
obizfom na pozdje njeztnih taktora

atraktivnosti u konstruiranoj matrci
o 5.

Analiza pozicije svakog (aklrora sa o
9ta|aliSta uljecaja na iibor destinacije z
dobWene oclane u promatmnoj dastinacijl
o S
LU <


z Li.


Fl a E
o o <
m LU

F4 o.

F3 0.

F5 m Ll.
O o
o. UJ

t- m


Ocjena faktora atraklivnosli Utjecaj aktora atraktivnosti o
destinacije na izbor O
luristiks destinacije
D. Kreai: Faktori atraktivnosti luristifikih destinacija u funkciji konkurentnosti 59

Figure I. Multifactor model of destination attractiveness

Evaluation of each destination regarding 3 &

the poistjon of all of it's factors within the
I PA matrix

a m

U 5.
a: ><
Analysis of position of each factor within O

the IPA matrix regarding it's ievei of X
quality and it's impact on destination
choice lU

VI z



e 11


F4 u.
Z ut
F3 E

n: z
a. r





H o
Impac! of tourism a d
VIsIiors evalutaion ol quality
alt raclions on visitors o
of destinaiion's attractions u
destination cholea
60 Acta turistica. Vol 1 9 ( 2 0 0 7 ) , N o l . p p 1-100

Kao to se iz slike moie vidjeti, cjelo- the intensity of the appealing power of
kupni model moze se prikazati kao procs tourist attractions grouped into attractive-
koji se sastoji od sljedecih koraka tj. faza: ness factors, destinations could, by empha-
sizing attractiveness factors perceived as
1. Definiranje i inventarizacija temelj- being of greatest important by tourists, im-
nih turistiCkih resursa i turistiCkih at- prove their market position, increase the
rakcija na nekom, geografski ili level of their competitiveness and economi-
administrativno definiranom prostoru cal and tourist utilization of the mentioned
te odabir varijabli Cija ce se obiljezja tourist resources, and therefore achieve bet-
promatrati i prikupljanje podataka o ter commercial results. The model can be
odabranim varijablama characterized as being multifactor because
2. Obrada prikupljenih podataka pri- its implementation evaluates the aggregative
mjenom multivarijatnih statistiCkih attractiveness level of a particular destina-
tion based on numerous attractiveness fac-
metoda radi utvrdivanja neke !a-
tors. A schematic picture of tbe model is
tentne osnove po kojoj se navedene
given in Figure 1.
turistiCke atrakcije mogu grupirati u
bomogenije skupine tj. faktore atrak- As may be seen in the figure, the entire
tivnosti. Primjenom navedenih stati- model can be shown as a process consisting
stiCkih metoda moze se smanjiti of the following phases:
kompleksnost promatranog sustava 1. Definition and inventorying of the
Cime sustav postaje transparentniji i basic tourist resources and attractions
jednostavniji za interpretaciju. Na- over a certain geographically and
kon definiranja faktora potrebno je administratively defined area (tour-
usporediti njihove vrijednosti anali- ism destination), as well as a selec-
zom njihove varijance (ANOVA) te tion of variables to be observed and
utvrditi StatistiCki znaCajne raziike u the gathering of data on chosen vari-
varijanci (Duncanov test) ables;
3. Pozicioniranje dobivenih faktora u 2. Analysis of the collected data
IPA (Importance Performance through application of multivariate
Analysis) matricu radi definiranja statistical methods for the purpose of
njihovog medusobnog odnosa. IPA identification of a particular latent
analiza je vrio popularna i Cesto kori- base according to which the men-
tioned tourist attractions can be
Stena metoda usporedbe obiljeja
grouped into homogeneous clusters -
promatranih varijabli (faktora) radi
attractiveness factors. By applying
utvrdivanja njihovih medusobnih
multivariate statistics, it is possible to
odnosa na osnovu koje se vrlo Iako
decrease the complexity of the ob-
mogu uoCiti ona obiljezja koja
served system, hence, making it more
predstavljaju kritiCne toCke s obzi- transparent and interpretable. After
rom na njihov veliki znaCaj i nisku defining the factors, their values are
ocjenu compared by analyzing their variance
4. Analiza pozicije unutar IPA matrice (ANOVA), and the statistically sig-
svakog od dobivenih faktora s obzi- nificant differences in the variance
rom na njegov znaCaj za izbor desti- are identified (Duncan's test);
nacije i ocjenu koju je dobio
3. Positioning of tbe obtained factors
5. Ocjena stupnja atraktivnosti, kvali- within an IPA (Importance Perform-
tete turistickog proizvoda kao i tr2i- ance Analysis) matrix in order to de-
D. Krcic: Faktori atraktivnosti turistiCkih destinacija u futikciji konktirentnosti 61

ne pozicije i stupnja konkurentnosti fine their inter-correlation. The IPA

svake od promatranih destinacija s analysis is a very popular and fre-
obzirom na pozicioniranje faktora at- quently used method for the com-
raktivnosti u IPA matriei. parison of observed variable (factor)
characteristics with the aim of identi-
fying their inter-correlation. In this
5. METODOLOGIJA way, it is quite simple to note char-
ISTRAZIVANJA acteristics which represent critical
points in regard to their great impor-
Prikupijanje i obrada podataka
tance and low grades;
Za potrebe ovoga istrazivanja iskoHsteni 4. Analysis of the factor position within
su vec postojeci podaci prikupljeni za pot- an IPA matrix in relation to its sig-
rebe studije TOMAS ljeto 2004, longitudi- nificance for destination selection
nalnog islrazivanja o stavovima i potrosnji and the grade it has received;
turista u hrvatskim primorskim destinaci- 5. Estimation of attractiveness level of
jama koje ve niz godina provodi Institut za the tourist product quality, as well as
turizam (od 1987). Varijable koristene u its market position and the level of
ovome radu, a koje su preuzete iz osnovno- competitiveness of each discussed
ga TOMAS istrazivanja, definirane su na destination in regard to the position-
osnovu procjene .strunjaka o vaznosti poje- ing of attractiveness factors within an
dinih elemenata turistike ponude za turisti- IPA matrix.
Cki deslinacijski proizvod u hrvatskim pri-
morskim turistikim destinacijama. U
skiopu istrazivanja ispituju se ocjene tJ. sta- 5. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
vovi turista o pojedinim clementima turis-
tiCke ponude u destinaciji kao i vaznost Data Collection and Data Analysis
navedenih elemenata za odabir destinacije.
For the purpose of this research, data
Ti elementi predstavljaju varijable i saCinja-
vaju osnovu multifaktorskog modela desti- previously collected for the survey TOMAS
nacijske atraktivnosti. summer 2004 have been used; this is a lon-
gitudinal research on attitudes and the ex-
Navedenc varijable obuhvaaju glavne penditure of tourists in Croatian coastal
skupinc faktora koji direktno utjcCu na krei- destinations which was conducted by the In-
ranje turistiCkog destinacijskog proizvoda stitute of Tourism over many years {since
kao sto su: prirodne povijesne i kulturne 1987). The variables used in this work,
znaajke destinacije, kvaliteta usluge u taken from the basic TOMAS research, are
smjcstajnim objektima, ponuda aktivnosti u defined and based on expert evaluations of
destinaciji te razliCiti infrastrukturni ele- the importance of particular elements of the
menli. tourist offer for the tourism destination
Prostorno, istrazivanje je obuhvatilo se- product in Croatian coastal tourism destina-
dam hrvatskih primorskih zupanija dok se tions. This research explores the attitudes of
vremenski obuhvat istrazivanja odnosio na tourists to particular elements of the tourist
razdoblje od 15. lipnja do 30. rujna 2004. offer within a destination and examines the
godine. U istrazivanju se koristio stratifici- importance of the above-mentioned ele-
rani sluCajni uzorak. Okvir za izbor uzorka ments within the destination selection proc-
predstavljao je broj nocenja turista u 7 pri- ess. These elements represent variables and
morskih zupanija u razdobiju od lipnja do they constitute the base for a multifactor
rujna 2003. godine (izvor: mjeseCni podaci model of destination attractiveness.
62 Acta turistica. Vol 19 (2007), N o l , p p M O O

Dravnog zavoda za statistiku RH). Stratifi- The above-mentioned variables include

kacija Je provedena prema zupanijama, vrs- the main groups of attributes which directly
tama smjestajnih kapaciteta i zemljama influence the tourism destination product,
porijekla turista. Uzorkom su bile obuhva- for example, the destination's natural, his-
cene etiri vrste smjestajnih kapaciteta (ho- torical and cultural characteristics, the qual-
teli, turistika naselja, kampovi i privatni ity of service in accommodation facilities,
smjestaj) u kojima Je ostvareno vise od 93% the variety of activities offered by the desti-
turistikih nocenja 7 primorskih zupanija u nation, as vi'ell as various infrastructural
razdoblju od lipnja do rujna 2004. godine, te elements.
trinaest najzastupljenijih zemalja porijekla
turista u turistikom prometu priobalnih zu- The research was conducted during a pe-
panija (domaci turisti i turisti iz sljedeih riod from June 15 to September 30, 2004 and
zemalja, prema zastupljenosti : NjemaCke, included seven Croatian coastal counties. A
Italije, Slovenije, Ceske, Austrije, Madar- stratified random sample was used. The
ske, Nizozemske, Poljske, Francuske, Slo- framework for the sample design was the
vaCke, Velike Britanije i Bosne i number of tourist overnighLs in 7 coastal
Hercegovine). Instrument prikupijanja po- counties during the period June - September
dataka je bio upitnik tiskan na A3 papiru, a 2003. (Source: monthly data from the Central
metoda prikupijanja podataka bio Je osobni Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of
intervju i u manjem obimu samopopunjava- Croatia). The stratification was conducted
nje upitnika. Istrazivanje je obuhvatilo uku- according to counties, types of accommoda-
pno 4.476 ispitanika na razini Hrvatske. tion facilities, and the tourists' countries of
origin. The sample included four types of
Kao metoda statistike obrade podataka accommodation facilities (hotels, tourist re-
koriStena Je PCA analiza (analiza glavnih sorts, camps and private accommodation) in
komponenata). PCA analiza, odabrana Je which more than 93% of tourist overnights in
zbog odredenih prednosti koje pruza medu 7 coastal counties was generated during the
kojima su najvanije to ato omoguuje sma- period June - September 2004, and the 13
njenje broja promatranih varijabli, smanje- countries generating most tourists according
nje siozenosti i poveanje transparentnosti to number of tourist overnights in coastal
promatranog sustava. Osim toga, ovom counties (domestic tourists and tourists from
metodom mogue Je utvrditi prisutnost od- the following countries, listed according to
redenih latentnih tJ. skrivenih veza medu their numbers: Germany, Italy, Slovenia, the
originalnim varijablama na temelju koJih se Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, the
originalne varijable mogu grupirati u odre- Netherlands, Poland, France, Slovakia, Great
dene homogenije skupine tj. faktore. Jedna Britain and Bosnia and Herzegovina). The
od glavnih pretpostavki za provodenje PCA instrument for data collection was a
analize Je da promatrane varijable meduso- questionnaire printed on A3 paper format,
bno znaajno koreliraju zbog toga sto opi- and the method of data collection was a
suju istu pojavu, a glavni zadatak PCA personal interview. The response rate was a
analize je definiranje te pojave. Takoder, total of 4.476 questionnaires.
spoznaje steene pregledom znanstvene lite- The PCA (Principal Component Analy-
rature pokazuju da se u najveem broJu sli- sis) was chosen as the method for a statisti-
nih istraivanja koristi neka od multi- cal data analysis because of certain
varijatnih statistikih metoda (PCA ili advantages it provides; the most important
faktorska analiza). Dodatno je utvrdeno i da advantages are that it enables a reduction in
podaci s kojima se raspolaze zadovoljavaju the number of observed variables, a reduc-
sve kriterije za koristenje PCA analize tj. da tion of complexity and an increased trans-
D, Kreii: Faklori atraktivnosti tutistiCkih destinacija u funkciji konkurentnosli 63

je uzorak dovoljno velik da se dobiju pouz- parency of the observed system. In addition,
dani podaci o stupnju korelacije medu vari- this method makes it possible to identify the
jablama, da varijable karakierizira multi- presence of certain latent or hidden correla-
varijatna normalna distribucija, da su veze tions among original variables, which can
medu parovima varijabli liname te da then serve as a base for a grouping of the
odsutnost graniCnih vrijednosti povecava original variables into homogeneous clus-
stupanj pouzdanosti dobivenih rezultata. ters, or, in other words, factors. One of the
main assumptions for conducting a PCA
Nakon definiranja glavnih komponenti analysis is that observed variables correlate
(faktora) koristenjem PCA analize bilo je
significantly because they describe the same
potrebno utvrditi razlike u vrijednostima
phenomenon, and the main task of a PCA
dobivenih glavnih komponenti (faktora).
analysis is to define this phenomenon. Fur-
Univarijatna analiza varijance (ANOVA) i
thermore, the knowledge gained through re-
testovi visestruke usporedbe (Duncanov
test) primijenjeni su za testiranje razlike u search presented in scientific literature
dobivenim glavnim komponentama (fakto- shows that some kind of multivariate statis-
rima) izmedu zupanija. Kada se usporeduje tical method is applied (PCA or factor
vifie od dvije srednje vrijednosti tj. kada ne- analysis) in the majority of similar re-
zavisna varijabla - zupanija, ima vise od searches. Additionally, it was concluded that
dvije kategorije, tada ANOVA daje infor- the available data satisfied all the criteria for
maciju Jesu li srednje vrijednosti promatrane an application of a PCA analysis, that the
varijable, u ovom sluCaju faktora, znaiajno sample was large enough to provide reliable
razliCite izmedu kategorija nezavisne vari- data on the level of correlation among vari-
jable (zupanija), ali nam ne kaie koje se od ables, that the variables are characterized by
tih srednjih vrijednosti medusobno razli- multivariate normal distribution, that the
kuju. Vise informacija o tome daju tzv. connections among the pairs of variables are
'multiple comparison' metode (zovu se jo linear and that the absence of outliers in-
'mean separation' testovi, testovi viSestruke creases the level of reliability of results
usporedbe). Pod pojmom visestruke uspo- achieved.
redbe podrazumijevamo vise od jedne uspo-
redbe izmedu tri ili viSe srednjih vrijednosti. After defining the principal components
Za visestruku usporedbu srednjih vrijednosti (factors) by applying a PCA analysis, it was
faktora izmedu zupanija koristen je Dunca- necessary to determine the differences in the
nov test. Primjenom Duncanovog testa vie- values of obtained principal components
struke usporedbe testirane su razlike u (factors). A Univariate Analysis of Variance
dobivenim glavnim komponentama (fakto- (ANOVA) and multiple comparison tests
rima) izmedu zupanija. P vrijednost testa (Duncan's test) were applied for testing the
manja od 0.0.5 (p<0.05) smatrana je slatis- differences among the counties and their
liCki znaCajnom raziikom. Za statistiCku principa! components (factors). When more
analizu koriteni su programski paketi SPSS than two arithmetic means are compared, in
i SAS System). other words, when the independent variable
- county, has more then two categories, then
Za procjenu odnosa izmedu zadovoljstva ANOVA provides information as to whether
turista pojedinim od faktora atraktivnosti i the arithmetic means of the observed vari-
njihovog utjecaja na izbor destinacije kori- able, in this case -factors, are significantly
Stena je IPA analiza (Importance-Perfor- different among the categories of independ-
mance Analysis). Svaki od dobivenih ent variable (counties), but it does not state
faktora se po svojoj vrijednosti pozicionirao which of the mentioned arithmetic means
u jedan od Cetiri kvadrata unutar IPA mat- differ. More information on this issue is
64 Acta turisiica. Vol 1 9 ( 2 0 0 7 ) . N o l . p p l-IOO

rice. Oni faktori koji su pozicionirani u 1. provided by multiple comparison methods

kvadratu imaju visok utjecaj na izbor desti- (also called 'means separation' tests). The
nacije i dobru ocjenu kvalitetc, faktori koji term means separation implies more than
su pozicionirani u 2. kvadratu imaju visok one comparison among three or more arith-
utjecaj na izbor destinacije i losu ocjenu metic means. For the multiple comparison of
kvalitete, faktori iz 3. kvadrata imaju nizak the factor's arithmetic mean among counties,
utjecaj na izbor destinacije uz istovremeno Duncan's test was used. By applying Dun-
dobru ocjenu kvalitete, a faktori pozicioni- can's multiple comparison test, the differ-
rani unutar 4. kvadrata imaju istovremeno i ences between the obtained principle
nizak utjecaj na izbor destinacije i losu oc- components (factors) among counties were
jenu kvalitete. tested. A P test value smaller than 0.05
Idealno, svi faktori bi trebali biti pozici- (p<0.05) was considered a statistically sig-
onirani u 1. kvadratu tj. imati visok utjecaj nificant difference. Software packages SPSS
na izbor destinacije i dobru ocjenu dok je, s and SASi System were used for the pur-
druge strane, najlosiji sluaj onih faktora pose of statistical analysis.
koji su pozicionirani u kvadrat br. 2. odno-
sno koji imaju visok utjecaj na izbor desti- An IPA analysis (Importance-Perform-
nacije (znai da su oni potencijalnim ance Analysis) was used to evaluate the
turistima vazni i da oni od njih puno oCe- tourist's satisfaction with particular attrac-
kuju) i losu ocjenu {sto znai da turisti nisu tiveness factors and their influence on desti-
bili zadovoljni njihovom kvalitetom u desti- nation selection. Each obtained factor was,
naciji). Oni faktori koji su se po svojim vri- according to its value, positioned in one of
jednostima pozicionirali u 2. kvadrat IPA four quadrants within the IPA matrix. The
matrice predstavljaju one elemente turis- factors positioned in the first quadrant have
tike ponude koji su turistima jako vazni i a high influence on destination selection and
koji su imali veliki utjecaj na doiazak turista a high grade for quality; factors positioned
u neku destinaciju, a istovremeno je razina in the second quadrant have a high influence
njihove kvalitete, po misljenju anketiranih on destination selection but a low quality
turista, na niskoj razini. grade; factors in the third quadrant have a
low influence on destination selection but a
high quality grade, and factors positioned
6. REZULTATI ANALIZE within the fourth quadrant have a low influ-
ence on destination selection and also a low
Zadovoljstvo elementima ponude quality grade.
Ideally, all factors should be positioned
Analiza glavnih komponenata primije-
within the first quadrant, which means that
njena je na 25 varijabli ocjene stupnja zado-
they should have a high influence on destina-
voljstva turista elementima turistike
tion selection and a high quality grade; on the
ponude. Primjena Kaiserove mjere o prih-
other hand, the worst case scenario represents
vatijivosti uzroka (MSA) promatranih vari-
jabli, pojedinaCno i ukupno, pokazala je factors positioned in the second quadrant, re-
izrazito visok stupanj unutrasnje koreiacije ferring to those factors with a high influence
(MSA=0,92) te su sve varijable ukIjuCene u on destination selection (meaning they are
analizu. potentially important to tourists and a lot is
expected from them) but with a low quality
Primjena Kaiserovog kriterija odrediva- grade (meaning thai tourists were not satisfied
nja broja komponenti (zadrzavanje kompo- with the quality offered by the destination).
nenti sa svojstvenom vrijednoScu vecom od Factors that were, according to their values,
I ) rezultirala je rje.senjem sa 6 komponenti positioned in the second quadrant of the IPA
D. Kreic: Faktori alraktivnosti turi.stiCkih destinacija u funkciji konkureninosti 65

(faktora) koje je i odabrano. Sest odabranih matrix represent those elements of the tourist
komponenti objasnjava 61% varijance pro- offer which were very important to tourists
matrane pojave. and which highly intluenced their arrival at a
S obzirom na opterecenja pojedinih particular destination, but were, according to
komponenti polaznim varijablama, sest do- the respondent's opinion, of a low quality
bivenih glavnih komponenata koje opisuju level.
stupanj zadovoljstva gostiju elementima tu-
ristiCkc ponude mogu se opisati na sljedeci

Faktor I - Aktivnosti i sadrmji u desti- Tourist satisfaction with quality of

naciji (raznolikost kullurnih manifestacija, tourist offer dements
bogatstvo sadrzaja za zabavu, bogatstvo ga-
stronomske ponude u mjestu, kvaliteta The PCA analysis was applied on 25
hrane u rcstoranima van smjestajnog ob- variables which describe the level of a tour-
jekta, bogatstvo sportskih sadrzaja, ponuda ist's satisfaction with tbe quality of tourist
organiziranih izleta u okolicu, mogucnost za offer elements. The implementation of Kai-
kupnju, vrijednost za novae ukupnog bo- ser's measure of sampling adequacy (MSA)
ravka) for observed variables, individually and
totally, showed a very high level of internal
Faktor 2 - Priroda i ekologija (ljepota correlation (MSA=0,92); therefore, all the
prirode i krajolika, tisina i mir, slikovitost i variables were included in the analysis.
uredenost mjesta, ekoloska oCuvanost, oso-
The implementation of Kaiser's criteria
bna sigurnost)
for defining the number of components (re-
Faktor 3 - Smjestaj (komfor smjeStaja, taining components witb an eigenvalue
kvaliteta usiuga u smjestajnom objektu, higher than 1) resulted in six chosen com-
kvaliteta hrane u smjestajnom objektu, Iju- ponents (factors). The six chosen compo-
baznost osoblja u smjeStajnom objektu) nents accounted for 61% of the variance in
the observed phenomenon.
Faktor 4 - Kvaliteta plaza (Cistoca
plaza, opremljenost/uredenost plaza) Taking the nature of the original vari-
ables which were loaded into principal
Faktor 5 - Informativno-prometna components (factors) into consideration, the
komponenta (kvaliteta iokalnog prijevoza, six principal components obtained that de-
kvaliteta oznaCavanja znamenitosti. gosto- scribe tbe level of a tourist's satisfaction
Ijubivost Iokalnog stanovnistva, kvaliteta in- with elements of the tourist offer (quality of
formacija) destination offer) can be defined as follows:
Faktor 6 - Dostupnost i pogodnost za Factor I - Destination activities (diver-
odnior (pogodnost za provodenje obitelj- sity of cultural manifestations, variety of
skog odmora, pogodnost za kratki odmor, entertainment possibilities, abundance of
prometna dostupnost destinacije) destination's gastronomic offer, quality of
food in restaurants outside establishments of
Analiza varijance (ANOVA - tablica 1 ) accommodation, diversity of sports facili-
primijcnjena je na rezultirajucih sesl glavnih ties, possibilities for excursions to sur-
komponenti (faktora) s ciljem usporedbe rounding locations, shopping possibilities,
komponenti Izmedu sedam upanija, tj. value-for-money of the entire sojourn)
utvrdivanja raziikc u ocjeni pojedine kom-
ponente izmedu zupanija. Usporedene su Factor 2 - Nature and ecology (beauty
srednje vrijednosti komponenti s obzirom na of nature and landscape, peace and quiet,
66 Acta turislica. Vo! 19(2007). No l . p p 1-100

iupaniju boravka turista. Rezultati su poka- picturesqueness and tidiness of destination,

zali da su ocjene svih sest komponenti zna- environmental preservation, and personal
Cajno razIiCite s obzirom na zupaniju safety)
(p<O,OOI). Rezultati primjene testova viSes- Factor 3 - Accommodation (accommo-
truke usporedbe (Duncanov test) pokazali su dation quality, service quality in accommo-
da sc zupanije razliCito grupiraju s obzirom dation establishments, quality of food in
na ocjene pojedinih komponenti. U tablici accommodation establishments, and hospi-
br. 1 prikazane su srednje vrijednosti kom- tality of staff in accommodation establish-
ponenti za svaku zupaniju te koje su vrijed- ments)
nosti znaCajno razIiCite medu pojedinim Factor 4 - Beach quality (cleanliness of
zupanijama (vrijednosti oznaCene razliCitim
beach, beach provision/beach tidiness)
slovima StatistiCki su znaCajno razIiCite).
Factor 5 - Information and accessibil-
ity component (quality of local Iransport,
quality of signage for tourist attractions,
friendliness of local people, quality of in-
Factor 6 - Accessibility for holidays
(accessibility for family holidays, accessi-
bility for short holidays, traffic accessibility
of destination)
An analysis of the variance (ANOVA -
Table 1) was applied on the six resulting
principal components (factors) in order to
compare the components within the seven
counties, or, in other words, to define the
difference in grades for particular compo-
nents in the seven counties. The arithmetic
means were compared in view of the county
of the tourist's sojourn. Results showed that
grades for the six components differ signifi-
cantly according to county (p<O,(H)l). The
results of the implementation of tests of
multiple comparison (Duncan's test) showed
that the counties are grouped differently
with regard to the grades of particular com-
ponents. Table 1 presents the arithmetic
means of components for each county, as
well as the values which differ significantly
in each particular county (values marked
with different letters are significantly differ-
ent statistically).
D. Krcic: Faktori alraktivnosli turistikih destinacija u funkciji konkurenlnosti 67

Tablica 1. ANOVA na faktorima s obzirom na zupaniju

(zadovoljstvo elementima turisticke ponude)
Table I. ANOVA on factors concerning the county
(evaluation of destiantion supply quality)
Srednje vrijedncsti komponenti (faklora)
Zupanija Factor's arithmetic mean
County fl n. f3 f4 f5 f6
hi rill -0,16 B C -0,14 D -0,27 B 0.01 B 0.18 A B -0.12 C
f'ri morsko-goranska
Primorje-Gorski kotur -0.08 B -0.04 CD 0.25 A -0.13 C 0.06 BC 0.07 B
Lika-Senj 0.09 A -0.59 E -0,28 B 0.38 A 0.26 A -0.08 C
yxular -0,12 B C 0,12 B -0.27 B 0,34 A -0,38 D 0.48 A
Sihenik-Ktiin -0.23 C -0,18 D -0,15 B -0,27 C -0,28 D 0,07 B
Split-Datmaiia 0,17 A 0.06 BC 0,12 A 0.10 B -0.05 C -0.07 BC
Duhrovnik-Neretva 0,10 A 0,28 A 0,18 A -0.18 C 0.06 BC -0,05 BC
Srednje vrijednosti s istoin oznakom (slovom) nisu staiisliCki znaCajno razliCite.
Arithmetic means marked with the same letterare not statistically significant

Analizom podataka iz tablice 1. vidi se An analysis of the data presented in Ta-

da se po zadovoljstvu turista aktivnostima i ble I shows that, according to tourist satis-
sadrz,ajima u destinaciji izdvajaju Splitsko- faction with the activities and facilities
dalmatinska, DubrovaCko-neretvanska i within the destination, three counties rank at
LiCko-senjska zupanija. Kvalitetom priro- the top: the Split-Dalmatia County, the Du-
dno-ekoloSkih faktora najzadovoljniji su brovnik-Neretva County and the Lika-Senj
gosti DubrovaCko-neretvanske zupanije dok County. Tourists who stayed in the Dubrov-
su gosti Zadarske i Splitsko-dalmatinske nik-Neretva County were primarily satisfied
zupanije takoder vrlo zadovoljni ovim ele- with the quality of natural and ecological
mentom. Kvalitetom smjestaja su najzado- factors, as were tourists visiting and staying
voijniji gosti Primorsko-goranske, Dubrova-
in the Zadar County and Split-Dalmatia
iko-neretvanske i Splitsko-dalmatinske zu-
County. Guests visiting the Primorje-Gorski
panije. Faktorom kvalitete plaa su
kotar County, the Dubrovnik-Neretva
najzadovoljniji gosti Zadarske i ibensko-
County and Split-Dalmatia county were
kninske zupanije dok su informativno-pro-
metnom komponentom najzadovoljniji gosti most satisfied with the quality of accommo-
Istarske i LiCko-senjske zupanije. Faktorom dation. Those staying in the Zadar County
dostupnosti i pogodnosti za odmor najzado- and Sibenik-Knin County were most satis-
voljniji su bili gosti koji su boravili u Zadar- fied with the beach quality factor, while
skoj zupaniji. those visiting and staying in the Istria and
Lika-Senj County were most satisfied with
information and accessibility components.
Guests in the Zadar County were primarily
satisfied with the accessibility for holidays
68 A c i a Itirislica. V o l I 9 ( 2 f l < J 7 ) . N u l , p p 1-100

Tablica 2. prikazuje dobro i loe ocije- Table 2 shows high and low grades of
njene faktore atraktivnosti po zupanijama, attractiveness factors by county.

Tablica 2. Zadovoljstvo elementima turistike pomide po pojedinim zupanijama

Dobro Lose
U DESTINACIJI DubrovaCko-nerctvanska Sibensko-kninska
PRIRODA I EKOLOGIJA Splitsko-dalmatinska LiCko-senjska
Primorsko-goranska Liko-senjska
SMJESTAJ DubrovaCko-nerctvanska Zadarska
Splitsko-dalmatinska isiarska
KVALITETA PLAZA Sibensko-kninska
Istarska Zadarska
KOMPONENTA Primorsko-goranska Sibensko-kninska

Table 2. Satisfaction with factors in analysed counties

Good Bad
Split-Dai matia
ACTIVITIES IN DESTINATION Dubrovnik-Neretva Sibenik-Knin
NATURE AND ECOLOGY Splil-DaimaEia Lika-Senj
^rimorje-Gorski kotar ^ika-Senj
ACCOMMODATION Dubrovnik-Nerelva Zadar
Split-Dalmalia stria
I stria Zadar
INFORMATION AND ACCESSIBILITY ^rimorjc-Gorski kotar Sibenik-Knin
D. KreSi: Fakiori atraklivnosti itiristiCkih desiinacija u funkciji konkurentnosti 69

Analizom dobivenih podataka moze se By analyzing the data it is possible to de-

utvrditi koji su elementi turistiCke ponude fine counties with high, as well as those with
ocijenjeni dobro a koji su ocijenjeni lose u low quality grades. Therefore, counties with
pojedinoj zupaniji. Po broju dobro ocijenje- a higher number of highly valued factors
nih faktora isliCu se sljedee zupanije: Dub- were: the Dubrovnik-Neretva County, the
rovako-ncretvanska, Splitsko-dalmatinska i Split-Dalmatia County and the Lika-Senj
LiCko-senjska (koju takoder karakterizira i County (which is also characterized by a
znatan broj lose ocijenjenih faktora) dok sc significant number of factors with low
po broju lose ocijenjenih komponenata is- grades), while the highest number of poorly
tiCe Sibensko-kninska zupanija. evaluated components were noted for the
Sibenik-Knin County.
Utjecaj na izbor destinacije
Impact on destination choice
Analiza glavnih komponenata primije-
njena je na 19 elemenata utjecaja na izbor An analysis of principal components was
destinacije. Primjena Kaiserove mjere o applied to 19 variables which describe influ-
prihvatijivosti uzorka (MSA) promatranih ence on destination selection. The imple-
varijabli, pojedinaino i ukupno, pokazala je mentation of Kaiser's measure of sampling
izrazito visoki stupanj unutrasnje koreiacije adequacy (MSA) of observed variables, indi-
(ukupni MSA = 0,94) te su sve varijable vidually and totally, showed a very high level
ukljuCene u analizu. Primjena Kaiserovog of internal correlation (total MSA = 0,94),
kriterija odredivanja broja komponenti and, therefore, all the variables were included
(zadrzavanje komponenti s pripadnom in the analysis. The application of Kaiser's
svojstvenom vrijednoscu veom od 1 ) criteria for the estimation of the number of
rezultirala je s tri komponente, dok je retained components (keeping components
takozvani 'scree' test rezultirao s etiri do with eigenvalue greater than 1) resulted in
pet komponenti. Interpretacija komponenti three components, while the so-called scree
nakon ortogonalne Varimax rotacije prvih 3, test resulted in four to five components. An
4 i 5 komponenti redom pokazala je da je orthogonal Varimax rotation of the first 3, 4
najprihvatljivija interpretacija dobivena and 5 components showed that the most ac-
zadr^avanjem 4 komponente. Cetiri glavne ceptable interpretation was achieved by re-
komponente objasnjavaju 69% ukupnc taining four components. The four main com-
varijance u podacima. S obzirom na ponents account for 69% of the total variance
opterecenja pojedinih komponenti polaznim in the data. Considering the loading of par-
varijablama Cetiri dobivene glavne kompo- ticular components with starting variables, the
nente, koje opisuju vaznost elemenata za four achieved principal components that de-
izbor destinacije, mogu se opisati na sljedeci scribe the impact of the elements on destina-
naCin: tion selection, can be interpreted as follows:
Faktor 1 - Priroda i ekologija (kiima,
ljepota krajolika, ekoloska oCuvanost, Cis- Factor 1 - Nature and ecology (cli-
toa mjesta) mate, beauty of landscape, environmental
preservation, tidiness of destination)
Faktor 2 -Aktivnosti i sadrzaji u desii-
naciji (prezentacija kulturno bastine, mogu- Factor 2 - Destination activities (pres-
cnosti za zabavu, mogucnosti za sport i entation of cultural heritage, entertainment
rekreaciju, mogunosti za kupovinu, vrijed- possibilities, sports and recreation facilities,
nost za novae) shopping possibilities, value for money)
70 Acta tunstica. Vol 1 9 ( 2 0 0 7 ) , No l , p p 1-100

Faktor 3 - Promocija, dostupnost i Factor 3 - Promotion and accessibility

skladnost destinacije (imidz zemlje, osjecaj component (image of country, feeling of
sigurnosti u zemlji, kvaliteta promocije personal safety, quality of country's promo-
zemlje, dostupnost, kvaliteta informacija u tion, destination accessibility and quality of
destinaciji, urbanistlCka i arhitektonska information, spatial planning and architec-
skladnost mjesta) tural proclivity of destination)
Faktor 4 - Smjestaj (gostoljubivost, Factor4 -Accommodation (hospitality,
kvaliteta smjestajne ponude, kvaliteta ugos- quality of accommodation offer, quality of
titeljske ponude, raznovrsnost ugostiteljske catering offer).
ponude). An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
Analiza varijance (ANOVA) primije- applied on the four resulting principal com-
njena je na rezultirajue Cetiri glavne kom- ponents (factors) in the aim of comparing
ponente (faktora) s ciljem usporedbe the components within the seven counties
komponenti izmedu sedam zupanija, tj. or, in, other words, establishing the differ-
utvrdivanja raziike u utjecaju pojedine ence in influence on destination choice of
komponente izmedu zupanija. Usporedene particular components in each county. The
su srednje vrijednosti komponenti s obzirom arithmetic mean of components was com-
na zupaniju boravka turista. Rezultati su po- pared in view of the county of the tourist's
kazali da su ocjene sve Cetiri komponente sojourn. Results reveal that grades for four
znaCajno razliCite s obzirom na zupaniju components differ significantly according to
county (p<0,001). The results of an applica-
(p<0,001). Rezultati primjene testova vises-
tion of multiple comparison tests (Duncan's
truke usporedbe (Duncanov test) pokazali su
test) showed that the counties are grouped
da se zupanije razliCito grupiraju s obzirom
differently with regard to grades for par-
na ocjene pojedinih komponenti. U tabllcl 3
ticular components. Table 3 presents the
prikazane su srednje vrijednosti komponenti
arithmetic mean of the components for each
za svaku upaniju te koje su vrijednosti county and the values that are significantly
znaCajno raziiCite medu pojedinim different among observed counties (values
zupanijama (vrijednosti oznaCene razliCitim marked with different letters significantly
slovima StatistiCki su znaCajno razliCite). differ statistically).
Analizom podataka iz tablice 3. jasno je
An analysis of tbe data in Table 3 clearly
da faktor prirode i ekologije ima najvei ut-
shows that the nature and ecology factor has
jecaj na izbor destinacije kod turista u Pri-
the greatest influence on destination choice
morsko-goranskoj i Zadarskoj zupaniji.
among tourists in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar
Aktivnosti i sadrzaji koje destinacija nudi
County and the Zadar County. Variety of
najveci utjecaj imaju na turiste iz LiCko-
activities and destination facilities have the
senjske zupanije dok je faktor promocije, greatest influence on tourists visiting the
dostupnosti i skladnosti destinacije najvei Lika-Senj County, while the promotion and
utjecaj imao u Istarskoj i DubrovaCko-ne- accessibility factor had the greatest influ-
retvanskoj zupaniji. Faktor smjestaja je naj- ence in the Istria County atid the Dubrovnik-
veci utjecaj na izbor destinacije imao na Neretva County. The accommodation factor
goste koji su boravili u Splitsko-dalmatin- had the greatest influence on destination se-
skoj i DubrovaCko-neretvanskoj zupaniji. lection among guests staying in the Spiit-
Dalmatia County and tbe Dubrovnik-
Neretva County.
D. KrciSi: Faktori alraktivnosti turistiCkih destinacija u funkciji konkurcntnosti 71

Tablica J. ANOVA na faktorima s obzirom na zupaniju (utjecaj na izbor destinacije)

Table 3. ANOVA on factors concerning the county (impact on destination choice)

Srednje vrijcdnosii komponcnli (fakioia)

upanija Factor's arithrneiic mean
Cf'unly fl f2 D f4
./irici -0.17 C -0.09 C 0.18 B 0.13 B
" koiar 0.28 A -0.06 B C -0.48 F -0.31 D
Lika-Senj -0.3S D -0.31 D -0.11 D E 0.39 A
Ziidar O.^\ A -O.I I C -0,05 C D -0,07 C
"iihenik-Kni/t 0.15 B -0.04 B C -0,20 E 0.10 B
Split-Dahmiiici B 0,17 A 0.02 C 0.21 B
Oiibrovn ik-Neretva -0.39 D 0,06 A B 0,35 A -0.28 D
Srednje vrijednosti s istom oznakom (stovom) nisu stalisliCki znaCajno razliCite.
Arilhmelic means nwrked with llie same letterare notstatisUcaliy significant , ^

Tablicom 4. prikazani su faktori atrak- Table 4 contains attractiveness factors

tivnosti koji imaju visok i nizak utjecaj na with high and low influence on destination
izbor destinacije po pojedinim analiziranim selection for each analyzed county respec-
zupanijama. tively.

Tablica 4. Utjecaj na izbor destinacije pojedinih elemenata

turistike ponude po zupanijama

Zadarska Liiko-senjska
Primorsko-goranska DubrovaCko-neretvanska
AKTIVNOSTI I SADRZAJ! U Pri morsko-goranska
DESTINACIJI DubrovaCko-neretvan.ska
PROMOCIJA; DubrovaCko-neretvanska
Pri morsko-goran ska
SMJESTAJ Liiko-senjska
72 Acta turislica. Voi 19(2007), No l . p p MOO

Table 4. Factor's impact on destination choice

Zadar Lika-Senj
Primorje-Gorski kotar Dubrovnik-Neretva
Primorje-Gorski kotar

IPA (Importance-performance) IPA (Importance-performance)

analiza faktora analysis

Nakon analize ocjene kvaiitete pojedinih An analysis of quality evaluation for par-
faktora atraktivnosti po promatranim zupa- ticular attractiveness factors according to ob-
nijama i njihovog utjecaja na izbor destina- served counties as well as their influence on
cije, a u cilju dobivanja potpunije slike o destination selection was undertaken. In order
utjecaju promatranih faktora atraktivnosti na to aehieve a more complete overview con-
sveukupni stupanj konkurentnosti analizira- cerning the influence of the observed attrac-
nih zupanija, potrebno je analizirati medu- tiveness factors on the overall competi-
sobni odnos dvaju navedenih pokazatelja. U
tiveness level of the counties analyzed, it was
tu svrhu je provedena IPA analiza kojoj je
necessary to analyze the inter-correlation
cilj utvrditi odnos izmedu zadovoljstva tu-
between the two mentioned indicators. For
rista (performance) i utjecaja na izbor desti-
this purpose an IPA analysis was applied in
nacije (importance) svakoga od dobivenih
faktora. U kontekstu ovoga modela promat- the aim of identifying the relation between
rani faktori atraktivnosti se mogu pozicioni- tourist satisfaction (performance) and influ-
rati na jednu od sljedeih pozicija unutar ence on destination selection (importance) for
IPA matrice: each resulting factor. Within the context of
this model, the observed attractiveness factors
visok utjecaj na izbor destinacije i vi- can be positioned in one of the following
soka ocjena - upucuju na injenicu quadrants within the IPA matrix:
da je destinacija prepoznala svoje
komparativne prednosti, da ih je high impact on destination choice and
pretvorila u konkurentske prednosti i high satisfaction - indicate that the
da ih efikasno ekonomsko-turistiki destination has identified its compara-
eksploatira tive advantages, and turned them into
competitive advantages and that they
visok utjecaj na izbor destinacije i are efficiently exploited both eco-
niska ocjena - upuuje na Cinjenicu nomically and through tourism;
da destinacija ne koristi efikasno one
turistike resurse koji su njezinom high impact on destination choice and
ciljnom tristu najvazniji low satisfaction - indicate that the
destination does not utilize tourist re-
o. Kresic: Faktori alraktivnosli turistiCkih deslinacija u funkciji konkurentnosli 73

nizak utjecaj na izbor destinacije i sourees that are of the greatest impor-
niska ocjena - moze se zakljuCiti da tance for its target market efficiently;
je destinacija svjesna male vaznosti low impact on destination choice and
navedenog turistiCkog resursa te da tow satisfaction - leads to the con-
ne stavlja naglasak na njegov razvoj clusion that the destination is aware
ili da ne postoji izrazito jak stupanj of the irrelevant importance of the
promocije navedenog faktora prema observed tourist resource and, there-
potrosaCima fore, it does not emphasize its devel-
nizak utjecaj na izbor destinacije i vi- opment, or that the observed factor is
soka ocjena - ukazuje na Cinjenicu not sufficiently marketed;
da se radi o onim faktorima atraktiv- low influence on destination choice
nosti koji se ne mogu planski i sus- and high satisfaction - indicates that
tavno razvijati (npr. klimatsko-
the observed attractiveness factors
ekoloski faktori) ali je destinacija je-
cannot be methodically and system-
dnostavno s njima prirodno obdarena
atically developed (for example, cli-
ili se radi o loem destinacijskim
mate and ecological factors), but the
menadzmentu koji je posljedica
pomanjkanja svijesti destinacije o destination is naturally endowed with
svojoj trzisnoj poziciji, odnosno o them or this might be a problem re-
tome koji turistiki resursi su lating to inadequate destination man-
njezinim posjetiteljima najvazniji. To agement as a consequence of insuffi-
moze rezultirati neeftkasnom alo- cient destination awareness on
kacijom ograniCenih financijskih re- market position, and with respect to
sursa koji destinaciji stoje na tourist resources that are of the great-
raspolaganju te na kraju mo2e re- est importance to visitors. This might
zultirati smanjenjem efikasnosti i result in inefficient allocation of lim-
kroz smanjenje konkurentnosti, gu- ited financial resources which are at
bitkom trzisnog udjela destinacije. the disposal of the destination, or
may even result in a decrease in effi-
ciency and competitiveness through
Glavna prednost ovakve analize ogieda
losses in the destination's share of
se u tome sto se navedeni faktori atraktiv-
the market.
nosti mogu usporedivati te se na temelju te
usporedbe moze donijeti kvalitativni sud o
The main advantage of such an analysis is
adekvatnosti turistiCkog destinacijskog proi-
refiected in the fact that the mentioned attrac-
zvoda, o najznaCajnijim faktorima destina-
tiveness factors can be compared and thai this
cijske atraktivnosti kao i o {ne)efikasnosti
basis of comparison enables a qualitative
turistiCko-ekonomske eksploatacije destina-
judgment to be brought concerning the ade-
cijskih turistikih resursa. Glavni nedostatak
ovoga modela je u tome lio se usporeduje quacy of any destinations tourism product,
the most significant factors of destination
kvaliteta i utjecaj razliitog broja faktora at-
attractiveness, as well as the (in)efficiency of
raktivnosti (Stoje posljedica razIiCitog broja
economic and tourism exploitation of a
ulaznih varijabli - 25 i 19) te u Cinjenici da
iste varijable ne opterecuju u svim sluCaje- destination's resources. The main limitation of
this model is that it compares the quahty and
vima iste faktore, tj. u Cinjenici da razliCiti
faktori imaju razliCit stupanj homogenosti. influence of a varying number of attractive-
ness factors (which is a consequence of dif-
Pregledom faktora koji e se usporedi- ferent numbers of input variables - 25 and
vati po zupanijama moze se zakljuCiti da su 19), as well as the fact that the same variables
74 Acta luristica. Vol 19(2007). No l . p p 1-100

tri faktora, s obzirom na prirodu varijabli do not load the same factors in all cases,
koje ih optereuju, pogodna za usporedbu, a meaning that different factors contain a dif-
to su: ferent level of homogeneity.
1. Prirodno-ekoloski faktor
An examination of factors compared in
2. Faktor aktivnosti u destinaciji
ail counties makes it possible to conclude
3. Faktor smjestaja.
that, in view of the nature of variables
loaded, there are three factors suitable for
Faktor promocije, dostupnosti i sklad-
comparison, and these are:
nosti destinacije (utjecaj na izbor destina-
cije), s obzirom na varijable koje ga konsti- 1. Nature and ecology factor
tuiraju, moze se djelomiCno usporedivati s 2. Destination activity factor
dva faktora ocjene elemenata turistiCke po- 3. Accommodation factor
nude, a to su: faktor informativno prometne
komponente i faktor dostupnosti i pogod- According to its variables, the promotion
nosti za odmor. Faktor kvalitete plaza, s ob- and accessibility factor (impact on destina-
zirom na svoja obiljeja, najIogiCnije je tion choice) can be partly compared to two
usporediti s prirodno-ekoloskim faktorom. factors of the destination quality evaluation,
Pregled faktora koji su pogodni za meduso- and these are the information and accessi-
bnu usporedbu prikazan je slikom 2. bility factor and the convenience for holi-
days factor. In view of its characteristics, the
beach quality factor may logically be com-
pared to the nature and ecology factor. A
review of factors suitable for comparison is
shown in Figure 2.

Slika 2. Pregled usporedivih komponenti u modelu



Fl Akitvnosli u detfnacij F2 Akiftmtwtj udestinacif

Prirocho ckolosli faktor Priroctio dcobsN faMor

F3 FaMor Tfestaja * F4

F4 Kvliteta plozs F3 FaMor pramocijei dostupnosU

F5 lrtforrrBi)vrK>.prometna kcnponorta

F6 Pogodno! za octnor
D. KreSi: Faktori atraktivnosti turistiCkih destinacija u funkciji konkurentnosti 75

Figure 2 Overview of the comparable factors



Fl Destination's acbvities < F2 Oestinalian's activities

F2 Nature and acologytactar Fl Nature and ecology factor

" ?
F3 Accommodation F4 Accommodation

F4 Beach quality F3 Promation and accBSSbity factor

Information and accessibility


F6 Convenience for holiday

Analizom pozicija faktora unutar IPA By analyzing the position of factors

matrice (slika br. 3) moze se vidjeti odnos within the IPA matrix (Figure 3), the relation
izmedu uljecaja na izbor destinacije (im- between the impact on destination choice
portance) i zadovoljstva turista kvalitetom (importance) and tourist satisfaction with the
(performance) svakoga od analiziranih fak- quality of tourist offer (performance) of each
lora. analyzed factor can be identified.

Jta J. Pozicija pojedinih faktora unutar IPA matrice

Ocjena faktora atraktivnosti


Istarska: Q litarska; O O

Cko-sen)ska:0 Prlmorskn-goranska: O

i ZadaiskaiOO
Splitsko-dalmatinska: O O O O
ibensko-kninsha: O O O

> OubrovaCko-neretvanska: Q @
Splitsko-dalmatinska: O O
D u b rova ko - naretva nska :

Istarika: O ltarska: O O
Primor5ko-Branska: O O O Primarsko-goranska: Q
ko-njska:0 LiEko-serjska: O O O

2 Zadarska: O Zadarska: O O O
1 bensko- kn 1 nska : Q ibensko-kninska: O O
Dubrovafko-nerBtvanskat O Q DubrovaCko-neretvanska^ O

Faktor: O Aktivnosti ii destinaciji

O Prltoda i Gkologlja Q informadle I promet
O Smletaj Pogodnost 7a odmor
76 Acta luristica. Vol 19(2007), No l , p p I-1(X)

Figure 3 Position offactors within the IPA matrix

Destination supply quality


Istria: O Isira ; O O
Uha-Sen):O Primorje-Gorski kotar: Q O
Zadar: O O itwnJk-Kn!n: O O O
Spiit-Dslmatia: O O O O Spltt-Dalmata: O O
Dubrovnik-Neretva: Q Q Dubrovnlk-Neretva: Q

Istria; O O
Primoije-Gorski kotar: O O 0 Primor]eGofski kotar: Q
Lika-Senj: 0 Q l!ka-Senj:OOO
Zadar: O Zadar: O O O
Sibenik-Knin: abenIk-Knin: O O
Dubrovnik-Neretva: Q Q Dubrovnik-Neretva: 0

FACTORS; Q Activities in destination O Seach quality

O Natute and ecology O Information and accessibility
O Accommodation Q Convenience for holiday

U tome smislu, moie se zakijuiti da Consequently, it may be concluded that

Splitsko-dalmatinska zupanija ima najveci tbe Split-Dalmatia County has the greatest
broj faktora (4 faktora) koji su istovremeno number of factors (4 factors) with high
dobro ocijenjeni i imaju visok utjecaj na iz- quality which also have a high influence on
bor destinacije. Iz toga se mozc zakijuiti da destination cboice. Therefore, it can be con-
promatrana zupanija ispravno komunicira cluded that the observed county correctly
obiljezja svojih temeljnih turistikih resursa communicates tbe characteristics of its basic
prema potencijalnim turistima kao i da se tourist resources to potential tourists, and
navedeni resursi efikasno koriste. Osim that the mentioned resources are efficiently
Splitsko-dalmatinske zupanije, po broju do- utilized. Apart from the Split-Dalmatia
bro ocijcnjenih faktora atraktivnosti se joS County, according to the number of high
izdvaja i Dubrovako-neretvanska zupanija grades for attractiveness factors received,
kod koje su takoder 4 faktora ocijenjena do- the Dubrovnik-Neretva County surpasses all
brom ocjenom, ali za raziiku od Splitsko- others with four factors that are of high
dalmatinske zupanije, 2 faktora (od 4 dobro quality, but, unlike the Split-Dalmatia
ocijenjena) imaju nizak utjecaj na izbor de- County, two of the factors (of the 4 with
stinacije Sto smanjuje znaaj njihove dobre high quality) have a low impact on destina-
ocjene kvalitete. S druge strane, u negativ- tion cboice, whicb decreases tbe signifi-
nom smislu, izdvaja se Sibensko-kninska cance of their high grades for quality. On
D. Krc?i: Falctori atraktivnosti turistikih deslinacija u funkciji konkiircntnosii 77

zupanija u kojoj je pet od ukupno Sest fak- the other hand, the Sibenik-Knin County
tora atraklivnosti negativno ocijenjeno od surpasses the other counties, but within a
kojih ak tri imaju visok utjecaj na izbor de- negative context; five out of six attractive-
stinacije. Stoga se moze zakljuCiti da u ness factors received low quality grades,
promatranoj zupaniji postoji nesrazmjer iz- and, more immporlantly, three of them have
medu oekivanja turista i turistiike destina- a high influence on destination choice.
cijske ponude to u konaCnici moze Therefore, it may be concluded that there is
rezultirati gubitkom trzisne pozicije kroz a disproportion between tourist expectations
smanjcn stupanj konkurentnosti te padom and tourist destination offer within this ob-
prihoda od turizma. Sve ostale promatrane served county, which can result in a loss in
zupanije (njih cetiri), iako i medu njima po- market position through a decrease in com-
stoje odredene raziike u intenzitetu privla- petitiveness level and a drop in tourism
nosti i ocjeni faktora atraktivnosti, karakte- revenues. Although there are certain differ-
riziraju uravnotezenije vrijednosti te su se ences in attractiveness intensity and in the
pozicionirale negdje izmedu dva spomenuta evaluation of the attractiveness factor, all
graniCnasluCaja. the other observed counties (four of them)
are characterized by more balanced values,
so they are positioned somewhere between
7. ZAKLJUCAK the two mentioned limiting cases.

S obzirom na saznanja steena pregle-

dom relevantne znanstvene literature, koja 7. CONCLUSION
se bavi faktorima atraktivnosti destinacije,
moze se zakljuCiti da navedeni faktori In view of the knowledge gained through
predstavljaju temeljne turistiCke resurse a review of relevant scientific literature on
svake turistiCke destinacije te da oni svojim destination attractiveness factors, it may be
intenzitetom i prirodom odreduju, kako concluded that the mentioned factors repre-
pravce razvoja turizma na odredenom turi- sent the basic tourist resources for each
stiCki receptivnom podruCju, tako i sam stu- tourism destination, and that, with their na-
panj konkurentnosti turistiCke destinacije. ture and intensity, they determine the direc-
Faktori atraktivnosti, u kontekstu pregleda- tions in which tourism develops within a
nih modela konkurentnosti turistike desti- particular area, as well as the level
nacije, predstavljaju komparativne prednosti of tourism destination competitiveness.
turistiCke destinacije koje se adekvatnim Attractiveness factors, seen within the
mjerama destinacijskog menadimenta mogu context of the reviewed tourism destination
pretvoriti u konkurentske prednosti te tako competitiveness models, represent the com-
dugoroCno osigurati visok stupanj konku- parative advantages of a tourism destination
rentnosti i povoljnu trz.inu poziciju turis- which can be, with adequate measures of
tiCke destinacije. Zbog navedenih razloga i destination management, turned into com-
u svjetlu intenziviranja konkurencije medu petitive advantages that may. in the long
term, provide a high level of competitive-
razIiCitim turistiCkim destinacijama na
ness and a favorable market position for tbe
svjetskom turistiCkom trzistu, ne iznenaduje
tourism destination. Therefore, and in light
Cinjenica da su konkurentnost turistiCke de-
of intensifying competitiveness between
stinacije, kao i faktori koji je uvjetuju, pos-
various tourism destinations on the global
tali sredite interesa kako turlstiCkih istrazi- tourism market, it is not surprising that the
vaCa tako i turistiCkih djelatnika. Cinjenica competitiveness of a tourism destination, as
da faktori atraktivnosti turistiCke destinacije, well as the factors that determine it, have
bez obzira na njihov evidentno veliki znaCaj
78 Acta turisca. Vol 19 (2007), No I, pp 1-100

U formiranju sveukupne razine konkuren- become the center of interest for tourism re-
tnosti, jo uvijek nisu detaljno istrazeni pa searchers and tourism practitioners. It
to upucuje na poircbu sistematizacije i inte- should be stressed that tourism destination
gracije svih postojecih modela destinacijske attractiveness factors, regardless of their
konkurentnosti kao i metoda i postupaka evidently great significance for the forma-
donoSenja kvalitativne i kvantitativne oc- tion of the overall level of destination com-
jene destinacijske atraktivnosti. Kao pose- petitiveness, are still not sufficiently
ban problem se istaknuo relativno mali broj researched, which indicates a need for a
znanstvenih radova koji se bave navedenom systematization and an integration of all the
problematikom, posebice u Hrvatskoj. existing models of destination competitive-
ness, as well as the methods and procedures
Multifaktorski model destinacijske at-
for a qualitative and quantitative description
raktivnosti prezentiran u ovome radu ima za
of destination attractiveness. Another prob-
cilj pruziti bolje kvalitativne pokazatelja o
lem that needs to be emphasized is the very
destinacijskim faktorima atraktivnosti.
limited number of scientific papers dealing
Nastojl se pruziti odgovor na tri osnovna
istiazivaCka pitanja: with this topic, especially in Croatia.
Koje faktore atraktivnosti turisti per- The aim of the multifactor model of des-
cipiraju kao najvaznije u odredenoj tination attractiveness presented in this work
destinaciji tj. koji od promatranih is the provision of better qualitative indica-
faktora atraktivnosti imaju najveci tors on destination attractiveness factors.
utjecaj na izbor destinacije? Odgovor The intention is to provide answers to three
na navedeno pitanje se pokuava dati basic research questions:
kroz analizu utjecaja pojedinih fak- Which attractiveness factors did tour-
tora atraktivnosti na odiukc o izboru ists perceive as being the most im-
destinacije. portant in a particular destination,
Kakva je percepcija kvalitete meaning which of the observed at-
promatranih faktora destinacijske at- tractiveness factors have the greatest
raktivnosti? Odgovor na ovo pitanje influence on destination choice? An
se pokusava dati kroz pregled ocjena possible answer to this question was
turista 0 kvaliteti pojedinih faktora attempted through an analysis of
destinacijske atraktivnosti. each particular attractiveness factor
Kakav je odnos izmedu utjecaja na and its influence on decision-taking
izbor destinacije i percipirane kvali- concerning destination selection.
tete pojedinih faktora atraktivnosti? How did tourists perceive the quality
of the observed destination attrac-
Usporedba utjecaja pojedinih faktora tiveness factors? The answer to this
atraktivnosti na izbor destinacije i ocjene question was attempted through a re-
njihove kvalitete mogu dati bolju sliku o view of the grades given by tourists
jakim i siabim tokama pojedinih segmenata on the quality of each particular des-
turistiCke destinacijske ponude te ukazati na tination attractiveness factor.
eventuaini nesrazmjer tj. jaz izmedu oCeki-
vanja turista (turistiCke potraznje) i strukture What was the relation between the
destinacijskog turistiCkog proizvoda (turis- influence on destination selection
tiCke ponude). Na taj naCin se moze dobiti and the perceived quality of each
kvalitetna informacijska podioga za dono- particular attractiveness factor?
senje odiuka o pravcima razvoja turizma na
nekom prostoru. A comparison of particular attractiveness
factors and their influence on destination
D. Kreic: Faktori atraktivnos! turistiCkih destinacija u ftitikciji konkurcntnosti 79

Primjenom navedenog modela dolazi se choice and the evaluation of their quality
do zakljuCka da su najvazniji faktori atrak- can offer a broader overview concerning the
tivnosti hrvatskih primorskih zupanija, tj. strong and weak points within particular
oni koji imaju najveci utjecaj na izbor desti- segments of the tourism destination offer.
nacije, njihova prirodna i kiimatska obilje- They are also indicative of the possible dis-
zja, aktivnosti u destinaciji te kvaliteta proportion or discrepancies between tourist
plaza. Argumcntacija koja ide u korist na- expectations (tourist demand) and the
vedene tvrdnje jest injenica da u ictiri od structure of the tourist product (tourist of-
scdam promatranih zupanija navedene fak- fer). Consequently, it is possible to obtain a
tore karakterizira visoka vrijednost utjecaja quality information base for the destination
na izbor destinacije. Ova injenica je i logi- management decision-making process re-
Cna s obzirom na prirodu hrvatskog turistii- garding directions in which the analyzed
kog proizvoda i Cinjcnicu da u njemu jos destinations may develop within a particular
uvijek dominira klasian turistiki proizvod
'mora i sunca' sto je uvjetovano strukturom
naSih turistikih resursa. Analiza takoder
The application of the mentioned model
pokazuje da faktor smjestaja u pet od sedam
promatranih zupanija ima nizak utjecaj na points towards the conclusion that the most
izbor destinacije. Do toga dolazi zbog sve important attractiveness factor in Croatian
veeg utjecaja medunarodnih hotelskih coastal counties, those with the greatest in-
Ianaca na hotelsko poslovanje u Hrvatskoj. fluence on destination selection, are natural
Veliki medunarodni hotelski lanci, iako u and climat conditions, activities that the
Hrvatskoj nisu prisutni u vecoj mjeri, ipak destination offers and beach quality. The ar-
postavijaju odredene standarde kvalitete gument that speaks for these statements is
kroz ponudu standardizirane i tipizirane us- the fact that four out of seven observed
luge smjestaja te svojim triisnim markama counties rank the influence of the mentioned
(brandovima) garantiraju odredenu razinu factors on destination selection as being
kvalitete usluge smjestaja. Kao posljedica highly significant and important. This fact is
toga dolazi do Cinjenice da turisti, zbog ga- also logical considering the nature of the
rancije kvalitete spomenute usluge, vise pa- Croatian tourist product and the fact that it
znje pri izboru destinacije posvecuju drugim is still dominated by the classical tourist
elementima destinacijskog turistikog proi- product of 'sea and sun', which is the result
zvoda kao sto su: ponuda aktivnosti u desti- of the structure of Croatian tourist resources.
naciji, klimatsko-ekoloski faktori i si., a sve This analysis also indicates that in five out
manje paznje posvecuju usluzi smjestaja. of seven observed counties the accommoda-
Navedeno je u sktadu i s najnovijim trendo- tion factor has little influence on destination
vima na medunarodnom turistikom trzistu selection. The reason for this is the growing
koji pokazuju da moderni turisti imaju holi- influence of international hotel chains on
stiCki pristup pri odabiru destinacije tj. da hotels operating in Croatia. The big interna-
sve vise paznje pri odabiru destinacije pos- tional hotel chains, although not largely pre-
veuju kombinaciji svih elemenata destina- sent in Croatia, still set certain quality stan-
cijske ponude (ukljuCujuci aktivnosti kojima dards through standardized and typified of-
se mogu baviti. manifestacije kojima ce pri- fer and accommodation services, and they
sustvovati i iskustva kojih ce sc sjecati), a guarantee a certain level of accommodation
sve manje panje posveuju tradicionalnim
service quality with their market brands.
turistiCkim uslugama kakva je usluga smje-
Consequently, due to a guarantee of quality
staja. Navedena iinjenica potvrduje tezu da
of the previously mentioned services, tour-
od okrupnjavanja i internacionalizacije ho-
ists pay more attention to other destination
80 Acia turstica. Vol 19 (2007). No 1, pp 1-100

telske industrije osim investitora velikih offer elements in the process of choosing a
koristi imaju i krajnji potrosai turistiCkih destination, for example to the variety of
usluga. activities the destination offers, to climate
Vezano za drugo istrazivaCko pitanje and ecology factors and similar factors,
moze se zakljuCiti da turisti u hrvatskim whereas the importance of the accommoda-
primorskim destinacijama kao najkvalitet- tion factor for destination choice is present
nije faktore atraklivnosti percipiraju faktor to a much lesser degree. This is in accor-
kvalitete plaza i informativno-prometni dance with recent trends on the international
faktor. Medutim, bez obzira na Cinjenicu da tourism market, which shows that contem-
turisti dva spomenuta faktora percipiraju porary tourists have adopted the holistic ap-
kao najkvalitetnije, ni percepcija kvalitete proach to destination selection, meaning that
ostalih analiziranih faktora nije znaCajno lo- in the destination selection process more
sija jer je distribucija dobro i loSe ocijenje- attention is paid to a combination of all the
nih faktora po promatranim zupanijama elements of the destination product (includ-
relativno ravnomjerna. ing activities in which they can participate,
Analizom odnosa izmedu utjecaja poje- manifestations they can attend, and experi-
dinih faktora na izbor destinacije i percep- ences they are going to remember), whereas
cije njihove kvalitete (IPA analiza) dolazi se traditional services, like accommodation,
do zakljuCka da pojedine zupanije (npr. are important to a lesser degree. This con-
Splitsko-dalmatinska i DubrovaCko-neret- firms the thesis that the internationalization
vanska) imaju veci broj faktora atraktivnosti and concentration of the hotel industry is of
koji istodobno imaju visok utjecaj na izbor benefit to investors, but also to consumers
destinaeije i dobru ocjenu kvalitete. To
of the tourism product and its services.
znaCi daje njihov turistiCki proizvod konku-
rentniji od turistickog proizvoda ostalih Concerning the second research ques-
analiziranih zupanija. S druge strane, za tion, it may be concluded that tourists in
pojedine zupanije (npr. za Sibensko-knin- Croatian coastal destinations perceive the
sku) je utvrdeno da imaju veci broj faktora beach quality faetor and the information and
atraktivnosti koje turisti percipiraju kao ne- accessibility factor as those attractiveness
kvalitetne. factors that are of highest quality. However,
although the tourist perceives these two
Kao giavne prednosti modela, mogu se factors as being of the highest quality, the
istaknuli njegova relativno jednostavna
quality perception of other analyzed factors
primjena kao i mogucnost usporedbe zna-
is also not significantly lower, since the dis-
Caja i kvalitete osnovnih turistiCkih resursa
tribution of high and low evaluated factors
medu promalranim destinacijama.
according to counties is relatively uniform.
Nedostatci modela proizlaze iz Cinjenice
da se on bazira na podacima koji se prikup- Having analyzed the relation between
Ijaju anketiranjem sto zahtijeva odredena the influence of particular factors on desti-
vremenska i financijska ulaganja. Modelom nation choice and the perception of their
je takoder, zbog velikog broja faktora atrak- quality (IPA analysis), it may be concluded
tivnosti, nemoguce obuhvatiti sve navedene that certain counties (for example, the Split-
faktore, nego se mogu obuhvatiti samo oni Dalmatia County and the Dubrovnik-
faktori koji su, po misljenju struCnjaka, naj- Neretva County) have a greater number of
znaCajniji. Takoder treba naglasiti da pred- attractiveness factors which also have a
lozeni model, zbog odredenih ograniCenja great influence on destination selection and
(nejednakog broja varijabli koje se promat- a high quality grade. This means that their
raju kao i Cinjenice da se istrazivanje pro- tourism product, in comparison to tourism
D. Kreai: Faktori atraklivnosti turistiCkih destinacija u funkciji konkurentnosti 81

velo na razini svih hrvatskih primorskih products in other counties, is more competi-
destinacija) pruza relativno 'grubu' sliku tive. On tbe otber hand, for some counties
promatrane pojave. Odredenim preinakama (for example the Sibenik-Knin County) it
modela kao to su: poveanje broja varijabli seems predetermined that they should have a
koje se promatraju, povecanje raspona larger number of attractiveness factors
mjernib Ijestvica koristenih za opisivanje whicb tourists perceive as being of low
varijabli te provodenjem istrazivanja na ve~ quality.
cm uzorku, moze se poveati stupanj pou-
zdanosti dobivenih podataka. Takoder, It should be emphasized that tbe main
ukoliko bi se istrazjvanje provelo za pojedi- advantages of the model are their relatively
nanu destinaciju - zupaniju, stupanj pouz- simple application, as well as possibilities
danosti dobivenih rezultata bio bi znatno for a comparison of importance and quality
veci. of basic tourist resources among observed
The limitation of the model lies in the
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Primljeno: 5. sijecnja 2007. Submitted: 15 January 2007

Prihvaceno: 28. svibnja 2007. Accepted: 28 May 2007
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