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Elementary Education Formal Observation Form

Junior/Senior Intern

Student:Maddie Eriksson Observer: April Bartley Grade: 2

Date: 11/9/17 Time: 1:00 Subject: Social Studies

1. Classroom Climate/Culture - Student Behavior

Intern communicates and maintains standards for appropriate classroom behavior.
Intern anticipates and acts on potential classroom disruptions.
Intern maintains positive classroom climate.
Intern responds to student behaviors appropriately.
Comments: Dinged the wand or clapped to gain attention- nice job waiting for all to show readiness before instructing to
come to the carpet, used countdown to motivate students to follow directions

2. Instruction - Instructional Time

Intern has materials, supplies, and equipment ready at the start of the lesson or activity.
Intern gets class started quickly.
Intern uses available time for learning and keeps students on task.
Comments: Had book ready to show under the doc cam to point out text features, had note taking packet to display under
doc cam, passed out books by calling pairs to come get book then get started, circulated to gauge how much time students
needed for partner work

3. Instruction - Instructional Planning and Presentation

Intern establishes links with prior learning and experiences.
Intern arranges learning activities to support standards.
Intern appropriately uses a variety of teaching styles.
Comments: Connected to previous lessons students have been working on in this unit, used doc cam to display book to
help point out text features, guided practice finding text features and taking notes based on text feature, modeled taking
notes on correct page of packet, students worked in pairs to take notes from their books using text features, discussed
citing references, modeled where to find publish date and how to write citation, students wrote their citations

4. Instruction - Instructional Monitoring

Intern circulates to check performance and monitor progress.
Intern varies level of questioning.
Intern ensures that all students have the opportunity to participate.
Comments: Great questioning about text features, had students explain what the text feature does. Circulated to groups as
they worked in their packets- is there a question you could ask to assess their thinking?(How is the text feature helpful to
learning about your historical figure?)

5. Impact on Student Learning - Facilitating Instruction

Intern establishes clear outcomes for learning.
Intern communicates learning outcomes to students.
Intern adjusts lesson based on student responses/ongoing assessment.
Intern connects learning outcomes to the NCSCOS.
Comments: Began by stating the objective of the lesson, stopped the class when needed to review the instructions and
ensure they were properly taking their notes

6. Evaluation/Assessment - Instructional Feedback

Intern provides feedback on the correctness or incorrectness of in-class work to encourage student growth.
Intern affirms correct oral responses appropriately and moves on.
Intern provides sustaining feedback after an incorrect response by probing, repeating the question, giving a clue,
or allowing more time.
Comments: Excellent job rephrasing student responses to further the point of your teaching! Validated student responses
and then guided toward correct answer or asked a probing question. Praised correct student responses.
Strengths: Areas on which to focus:
Began by stating the objective of the lesson May help to restate the text features that students shared
Loved your teacher acting to engage the students in your before continuing, then say that students will use these to
discussion about text features take notes today about their historical figure, make that
Displayed a book under the doc cam and had a student connection between studying historical figures and text
point out a text feature features
Nice job using what boy shared about the picture being a Emphasize how you found facts from the text features and
text feature to explain what text features are put the facts on the correct page of the packet before
How do you know that is a text feature?- great question dismissing students to work in groups, maybe a student or
to have students explain what a text feature is! You two could repeat that they are only looking at text features
rephrased what they said to further explain what a text to write facts
feature is Using praise will help to motivate others to follow directions
Validated students who shared, even when they werent
correct and used it to make a correct point
Modeled looking at your book at the text features- looked
at picture caption and wrote a note
Why didnt I write down exactly what someone else
wrote?- great lead into talking about not copying someone
elses work
Called on Michael to repeat what Adam shared to help
redirect him
Had another student repeat what Adam said about not
copying to emphasize this point
Had students say plagiarizing as you explained the term-
nice job explaining in second grade terms
Nice job showing how you wrote a note based on the text
features- modeled putting the note on the correct note
taking page
Called student pairs to come get book, then move to carpet
to get started
Dinged the wand to get attention and emphasize that
students are just looking at the text features to find things
to write down in their packets- this also helped to settle
students after the transition! Students got quiet and got to
Clapped to regain attention, had students do this twice to
make sure you had attention- stopped class to make sure
students knew which pages to write on
Good idea to countdown for students to get back to carpet
to help them to move quicker and stay quiet
Had a few students share a fact about their historical figure
when all got back to the carpet- validated the work they
just did in their groups
Good job praising students for holding up correct page-
motivated others to do so quickly
Good explanation of Citation page and giving it a purpose-
you modeled filling out one citation for the book you had
been modeling from earlier
Nice job explaining what it means when a book is
Students used their books to find the published date for
their books
Gave time reminders for finishing Citation work
Had students put a number one in the box next to the facts
that they wrote from the book they used today- showed
matching facts to correct citation

Were the learning outcomes for the students met? YES NO

Did the interns/student teachers classroom management support the learning outcomes?
Yes. Engaged students in the lesson right from the beginning, used wand or clapping to gain attention, used countdown
when needed to have students follow direction quickly, using praise can also motivate students to quickly follow a direction.
Was the Teaching Behavior Focus goal achieved?
Deliberate modeling- Nice job modeling under the doc cam how to fill out the fact pages and citation
page. May help to repeat text features and where to write facts on the correct note-taking page again
right before sending students to work in pairs.
Student Intern Signature:______________________________________ Date:______________

Mentor Teacher Signature:___________________________________ Date:______________

University Supervisor Signature:___________________________________ Date:______________

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