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Adding Fraction with unlike denominators

Name: Hend Alyammahi Grade Level: Grade 6 f

CCSS Standards: the students have done adding fraction with like denominators.

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

- Identify the least common denominator.

- Add and subtract fraction with unlike denominator.

Materials: Scratch paper, Toothpicks, Assessment handouts.

teacher materials Markers and whiteboard.

student materials Scratch paper for each student, Toothpick, assessment handouts.

Technology -

Other -

Students Prior Knowledge:

- Most of the students know the time tables.

- Most of the students know adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators.

- Most of the students know converting percentage to fraction and decimals.

Possible Problems and Misconceptions/ solution

- The students might not know the scratch papers, so I will show it to them.

- Some students might finish early, so I will give them extra scratch nots to practice in pairs.
Lesson Schedule

Targeted teacher language: least common denominator, fractions with like denominator, fractions with unlike

denominator, times tables.

Student language: the fraction denominator presents the whole, the numerator presents the part. When we add

fractions with like denominator we only add the numerator.

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): time:

- After greeting, I will tell the students that we learn how to add and subtract fractions

with unlike denominators. But first, who can remember how to add fractions with like

denominator (4/8+2/8) (will choose a student to answer). Will say: so, we all agree that 5 min

when we add fraction first they must with same denominators, and we only add the

numerators. Now, how about if we have got something like this (2/6+3/8). So, what do

you think how can we solve this? (wait for them to answer).

Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

- I will tell them: to solve such a question, we need to make the denominator the same, to

do so, we have to find the least common denominator. The least common denominator

is the lowest same denominator. To find it we have to know the multiples of each

denominator. Then I write the multiples of 6, 8. (24 is the least common denominator).

- I will do another example (4/5-2/3). Do it with the whole class.

- Can you take out your white board please? Try to solve this (2/4+3/8). (do it together).

- I will give each student a scratch paper: each one of you will have a scratch paper, you

need to write three questions, then you will give it back to me. After that, I will give to 25

you randomly; and you will solve the questions. (discuss in pairs).

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment): 8 min

- Finally, I will give them the adding sheet. I will emphasis on them to write their names.

I will put a timer, and whenever they finish they must write the time.

- Who will finish early, I will give them the subtract worksheet.

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