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Editado por Alfredo Juillet Frascara. Chile.

Bilingual Ezine. Castellano & English.

Dec. 2017
Algunas versiones de mi ltimo boletn (Boletn No. 10) contenan errores en las notas al pie
adjuntas. A continuacin se incluyen enmiendas e informacin adicional a estas notas a pie de
pgina (usando los mismos nmeros de nota al pie que en el Boletn 10):

[4] "McDonald" se refiere a Brig. General George C McDonald, que fue Director de Inteligencia de
las Fuerzas Areas del Ejrcito de EE. UU. Y ms tarde fue el primer Director de Inteligencia de la
Fuerza Area de EE. UU. (La versin anterior identific errneamente esto como McDonnell de
McDonnell Aircraft Corporation of St Louis, Mo.)

[5] En la nota a pie de pgina anterior mencion que se inform que el camargrafo dijo que el
accidente fue el 1 de junio de 1947 y que el 2 de junio recibi la orden del general McMullen de ir
al lugar. Bob Shell ahora me dice que la historia es que el accidente fue el 31 de mayo de 1947 y
que McMullen le dio sus rdenes al camargrafo el da siguiente, 1 de junio.

Muy independientemente, varios testigos oculares han dado evidencia de que un objeto
inmensamente brillante cruz el cielo y pareci caer en la regin cercana a Socorro la noche del 31
de mayo. Esto parece corroborar, al menos, el marco temporal de los eventos del camargrafo.

[6] Si el sitio del accidente estaba cerca de Socorro, parece muy probable que Barney Barnett se
topara con el disco estrellado en este lugar a pesar de la versin habitual de que estaba en las
llanuras de San Agustn a 80 km al oeste de Magdalena. Curiosamente, Chester Barton, que estaba
en el equipo de limpieza final en el otro sitio, que dice que estaba a solo 45 minutos de Roswell
AAF, tambin mencion especficamente a un grupo de arquelogos que llegaron al sitio del
accidente. Dos grupos de arquelogos que llegan a dos diferentes sitios de cada de platillo volante
??? Seguramente no! Fue espeso el Nuevo Mxico, no solo con los platillos estrellados, sino
tambin con los arquelogos en 1947?

[7] "Tooey". Este era el apodo del General Spaatz, Jefe de Estado Mayor de las Fuerzas Areas del
Ejrcito de los EE. UU. Solo sus amigos ms cercanos lo llamaron Tooey, pero el apodo
probablemente era de conocimiento pblico.

[10] Existe un desacuerdo considerable sobre cunto tiempo habra llevado conducir las 150 millas
ms o menos desde Roswell hasta el lugar del accidente cerca de Socorro en carreteras pobres en
vehculos militares en 1947. Le suger 7 horas. Tal vez un poco menos?

[12] El camargrafo dice que los extraos paneles con los controles de impresin de seis dgitos
SON las "cajas" a las que se refiri, a los que se haban aferrado los aliengenas supervivientes.

[14] Me dijeron que el camargrafo nunca dijo que las autopsias se realizaron en un hospital. Bob
Shell dice que no haba necesidad de que un hospital se involucrara y muchas razones para que uno
no lo sea. Sugiere que la sala de autopsias tiene todas las apariencias de una habitacin recin
construida o recientemente modificada, y que puede haber sido tomada y configurada solo para este

En cualquier caso, el segmento de FOX TV declara que las autopsias se llevaron a cabo en el campo
areo del ejrcito de Carswell, Fort Worth. Ciertamente, Santilli nos dijo en un momento dado que
el presidente Truman haba volado a Dallas para ver los cuerpos extraterrestres, presumiblemente el
1 y 3 de julio, un mes despus del accidente, cuando supuestamente se realizaron las autopsias. No
se sabe con certeza por qu los cadveres deberan haber sido llevados a Fort Worth (o a Dallas)
para la autopsia, ya que se dijo que todos los dems materiales de choque haban sido llevados a
Wright Field.

[18] En una declaracin separada a Ray Santilli, el camargrafo Jack dijo que el aliengena
superviviente vivi en "custodia" durante dos aos, y aunque no se comunican verbalmente,
finalmente se estableci alguna forma de comunicacin. l no sabe por qu la criatura muri.

El documental de FOX ha dejado de lado los posibles anacronismos en la secuencia de autopsias

que se sugirieron en mi primer Boletn como posibles razones para creer que el metraje no pudo
haber sido filmado en 1947. El telfono montado en la pared con el cable en espiral es una campana
Modelo estndar disponible en los EE. UU. Desde 1937. El reloj elctrico en la pared es un modelo
fabricado por General Electric (que se puede ver escrito en l) y disponible en la dcada de 1940.
No mencionado por FOX es lo que parece ser un bolgrafo usado para escribir las notas de la
autopsia. La primera versin estadounidense del bolgrafo, o bolgrafo, sali a la venta a un precio
de $ 12,50 en Gimbel's de Nueva York el 29 de octubre de 1945 (se inform que casi 10,000 se
haban vendido antes del horario de cierre!).

Science Fiction Tale written by Alfredo Juillet Frascara.

Saga Kenate comprises 16 books.

Written by Alfredo Juillet Frascara.
From 2015 to 2017.-.
# Title Year C.E. Pages Language

1.- Woge Inhibeo 5.686 493 English

2.- Segnen Fidicen 5.687 98 Castellan
3.- Loral Duver 5.689 99 English
4.- Fatifer Perpugnax 5.701 67 English
5.- Pocher Gerant 5.710 105 English
6.- Adipalis Praefoco 5.715 191 English
7.- King Millonavon 5.738 "
8.- Klahay 5.852 "
9.- Chrego 5.867 "
10.- Dimotus 5.880 "
11.- Roldn 5.906 Castellano
12.- Arborio 5.937 English
13.- Hefe Lowe. 5.959 "
14.- Zulage Prolet 5.999 "
15.- Lorfan 6.120 "
16.- Professor Shulz 6.125


Adipalis Praefoco.-
14 DECEMBER 2015.Monday. Chile.
Typing time: 30 October 2017 to:
Number of pages: 191

Epoch: Year 5.715.

Cast of Characters.
Adipalis Praefoco
Wilber, owner of Wilber Associated (Lawyers).
Manager Forgon Rungar, lawyer B3 Associates
Lawyer. Gorfodenko, Assistant Nugacitas.
Dugal: Lawyer.
Dumus: Cousin to Adipalis. Derfra: Dumus fiance.
Falinga: Adipalis girlfriend.
Aringa: Secretary of Director Rungar.
Clonotengo, lawyer.
Doctor Rutogorgo, inventor.
Armaron, male, transient Tignuma lover.
Mr. Globen, Director and President of the National Communal Party (N.C.P.)
Treasurer: Mr. Borojuil.
Minister of Health Mr. Zuica, Minister of Public Works Mr. Voiture,
Minister of Interior and Public Security: Mr. Segel, Minister of National
Defense: Mr. Abwesend, Minister of Finances: Mr. Treasurer Mr. Borojuil,
Minister of Education Mr. Vorurteil, Minister of Health: Mr. Zuiga, Minister
of Agriculture and Mines Mr. Figelein, Minister of Energy Mr. Obervoll,
Minister of National Women Service Miss Tignuma.
General Director of the Army Forces: General Pinorto.
Ruler of Ashar city: Gorfiri Perrigot.
Steamship Captain: Rufus.
Steamship Captain: Mampidu.
First officer Vorweg, Machinist Mr. Kiefer, Second machinist Mr. Eitwaig,
Gunner Mr. Monch, Lieutenant Mr. Keuchan, Sergeant Mr. Gasse, Helmsman
Mr. Steuer, and Plotter of Courses: Vorher, Chief of Boats Mr. Nikerur,
Farmer: Oeno, Afinna: Oenos daughter, Zorga: Truck owner.

From his childhood, Adipalis Praefoco was told by his parents and relatives
that he has royal blood in his veins. The story of the kings that ruled the city of
Depugno was for him very well known. King Relius Ubertein was the last of
them; Queen Risalva was the last queen. His sons Presido and Parcus died
fighting the invader. The princesses Ofal, Mudata, Faslosa, and Winal were
the final princess in the history of the kingdom of Depugno that once reigned
from the mountains to the sea.
His mother has told him who the Invaders were: the evil Associates that have
five great cities facing the sea, and the men who fly, that arrives one day as
friends and helpers but were gained by the ambition and ultimately attacked
the city of Depugno, because for them the towns of Karme and Gaza werent
Adipalis was told by his father, Arepago: One day one of our families will
revenge King Ubertein and his sons! I expect to be you!
But father, I wonder how I could be, without an Army!- Adipalis said, with
his fifteen years old.
Wait a minute, son! They change our ways, here! They brought what they
call Democratic Republic! Everyone puts a name in a piece of paper and the
one with more papers, that they call votes wins! So, they elected princess
and a king out of his votes!- Arepago said, with a laugh that seems more tan
the sound of a whip slash of that conversation he enriched his ideas and
strengthen his goals. He studied to be a lawyer, not because he wants to pursue
outlaws or save them ,but because everyone have been saying that a lawyer
have more chance to become the President or a Senator, than a deontologist of
a medic.
His cousin, Dumus, was also studying to be a lawyer, but spending too much
time with his girlfriend Derfra, who was happy to know both men could reach
important positions.
You deserve to be, at the least, senators! I already imagine you, projecting
laws to benefit the people!- Derfra usually said, in order to encourage her
Adipalis finally receives, and begin working for a group of Senators in
different projects- mainly to discover cheats and frauds.
And he was good at it, so soon he have three other lawyers helping him. Some
time later, Senator Ketar said to him: Young man, I have heard of your talent
to discover swindlers. Come to my office to talk about your future.
This was a call directly to his home phone, so nobody knew about it until
later. He appears at Ketars mansion, two days later.
Mr. Praefoco! Glad to know you. Take a seat!- Senator Ketar said, once he
arrives to the senator office, guided by a tall secretary.
Nice to be here, Senator. You called me for my services, is it?
Of course! Turno! Bring the bottle.- The Senator ordered, and that secretary
brings a tray with a red bottle and two glasses. The Senator pours the liquor on
the glasses, saying: I detect to talk with a dry throat! Hope you could drink?
Of course, Sir! I take the afternoon for me.- Praefoco replied.
Good! Well, the case, if you want to take it is this I have no time to revise
secret information that arrives to me very often! Man! If I seat in here and try
to revise it all, I would be nailed the whole year!
I suppose it so. But the end result would be smashing.
Yes, smashing! But voters need to see us, politicians, making appearances
every week, at their districts, talking to people, carrying voters wherever they
want to inaugurate some new building! So, I need a man in here!- Senator
Ketar said, looking at his office.
I am working with Lawyers B-3 Associates! Right now. I am in the raise, so
to speak. If I depart from there now, my career will be suspended by a thread.
Dont you worry about that? I can raise you to the top- provided you
demonstrate your value.- Senator Ketar said, seriously.
Adipalis said: I imagine you could! But actually I cannot leave my post, but I
could take one of your cases and work in it in my spare time.
Senator Ketar reddened: did this young apprentice understood who he was, the
power he have gained in the last four years? Possibly not and thinking like
this, he said: I repeat my offer! How much are you earning right now?
A million sopes per month, Senator. But of curse, it is not all about money.
Not about money? Look here, young man: I will tell you this: everything is
about money!- Senator Ketar growled. In that moment, a young lady appears,
saying:- Hello, dear! To whom are you scaring this time?- And she smiled
to Adipalis Praefoco, who looks at her not believing his eyes: she was very
beautiful, with green eyes and his hair like combed honey.
To nobody! How are you today?- He melted down, with watery eyes.
Very good.- She said, seating in another armchair, showing her legs that
were perfect.
Good, and then, Mr?
Adipalis Praefoco
Praefoco, we will finish our conversation later. Good bye.- Senator Ketar
Good bye, Mr. Senator lady.- Adipalis Praefoco said, walking out under
the smiling stare of that superb woman
La recuperacin de la grabadora de voz de la cabina del avin de pasajeros EgyptAir 990, que se
hundi en el Ocano Atlntico durante la madrugada del domingo 31 de octubre de 1999, ha
permitido a los investigadores armar el vuelo final del avin condenado.

Ambos motores turbofn a reaccin del Boeing 767 se apagaron durante los minutos finales antes
del impacto. Y los registradores de vuelo del avin y el respondedor de informes de altitud tambin
dejaron de funcionar.

El Boeing 767 "entregado nuevo en Egipto en 1989, era propulsado por dos motores Pratt &
Whitney. Haba demostrado ser confiable y eficiente, haba registrado 33,219 horas de vuelo, casi
tantas horas como el recuento combinado de su experimentado equipo de mando de cuatro capitanes
y primeros oficiales ".

"El piloto del vuelo 990, Ahmed Mahoud Mohammed Habashy, fue uno de los aviadores ms
antiguos y respetados de la aerolnea, un veterano de 35 aos en los cielos".

El copiloto fue Gameel Batouti, de 59 aos, "un ex piloto egipcio de la Fuerza Area que se
enfrent a la jubilacin obligatoria en marzo" de 2000.

El vuelo 990 despeg a la 1:19 a.m. del 31 de octubre. "El despegue y el ascenso eran normales. El
vuelo 990 comenz a subir hacia el sudeste. A unas 120 millas de distancia, fue dirigido hacia el
noreste y se instal para el largo vuelo sobrevolado (desde Nueva York a El Cairo) a 33,000 pies
(10,000 metros).

"A la 1:43 a.m., se hizo una transmisin de radio de rutina al control del trfico areo".

"Al principio del vuelo, de acuerdo con fuentes familiarizadas con la investigacin, Batouti, el
copiloto de alivio, ingres a la cabina y pidi volar, a pesar de que no estaba programado para
hacerse cargo hasta mucho ms tarde en el viaje. la silla del copiloto ".

"Media hora despus del vuelo, con el avin a la altura de crucero, el capitn Habashy se levant,
intercambi unas palabras con el copiloto y abandon la cabina, tal vez para ir al bao, tal vez para
tomar un caf".

"En algn momento en los prximos cinco minutos, el copiloto, que se cree que es Batouti, recit
un fragmento de una oracin musulmana," Tawakilt ala Allah ". (O, para dar una traduccin libre al
rabe," me puse en las manos " de Dios. "- JT)

"A las 1:49 a.m. y 45 segundos, los investigadores ahora creen, el copiloto hizo clic dos veces en el
botn rojo de su columna de control, apagando el piloto automtico".

"Ocho segundos despus, el copiloto empuj su columna de control hacia adelante, inclinando el
avin hacia una inmersin. La cola del avin se levant, la nariz apuntando hacia abajo. La
inmersin fue tan pronunciada que 14 segundos ms tarde, el vuelo 990 alcanz una gravedad cero
estado, lo que significa que sus pasajeros se sentan ingrvidos, una condicin que dur unos 20
segundos ".

"Casi al mismo tiempo, el vuelo 990 super su velocidad mxima permitida y se desplom hasta un
94 por ciento de la velocidad del sonido (Mach 1). Son una alarma de advertencia y, debido al
estado de gravedad cero, cay la presin del aceite del motor".

"El capitn. Habashy regres corriendo a la cabina". Segn algunas versiones, volvi a su asiento y
dijo: "Qu est pasando?". o 'Qu est pasando?' Momentos despus, la misma voz (Habashy's -
J.T.): "Triganme! Trame! '"

A la 1:50 a.m. y 22 segundos, sucedieron dos cosas raras ".

"Dos dispositivos en la cola comenzaron a apuntar en direcciones opuestas: uno ordenaba al avin
que se zambullera, el otro lo posicionaba para escalar. El dispositivo de 'ascenso' estaba siendo
controlado desde el lado del piloto mientras el dispositivo de 'inmersin' estaba controlado desde el
lado del copiloto ".

"Estos elevadores izquierdo y derecho, que normalmente funcionan en tndem para controlar los
movimientos ascendentes y descendentes de la nave, se dividen (mi nfasis, J.T.) aparentemente
como resultado de dos pilotos que tiran y empujan con fuerza en direcciones opuestas en sus
columnas de control".
El domingo 7 de noviembre de 1999, varios pescadores grabaron en video un OVNI desde su bote,
que se encontraba cerca de Coffs Harbour, Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia.

"Tony Bell, de 33 aos, y sus colegas afirman haber visto un extrao objeto en forma de cpula
cuando se encontraban a unas seis millas nuticas de la costa de Nueva Gales del Sur, cerca de
Coffs Harbour, al norte de Sydney".
"'Esto simplemente apareci. Era de 100 a 150 pies (30 a 45 metros) en el cielo', dijo, y agreg que
el objeto tena una apariencia brillante, naranja brillante y pareca estar acercndose a los dos barcos
del grupo estaba usando ".

"'Se movera ms cerca, luego al sur de nosotros, y luego se acercara nuevamente'".

Agarrando su videocmara, Bell comenz a filmar imgenes del OVNI. "'Fue un barco volador
seguro', dijo, 'se puede ver claramente en el video que era una especie de mquina'".

"Los pescadores enviaron el video al Centro Nacional del Espacio, con sede en Melbourne,
administrado por privados. El director de operaciones, Ross Dowe, dijo que esperaba examinar el
metraje y agreg: 'definitivamente vali la pena mirarlo'".

Coffs Harbour, N.S.W. est a 400 kilmetros (250 millas) al norte de Sydney. (Muchas gracias a
Ross Dowe y John Hayes por este informe).

Ovnis vistos en Ontario

La provincia canadiense de Ontario fue el sitio de tres avistamientos de ovnis la semana pasada.

El mircoles 10 de noviembre de 1999, a las 7:10 p.m., el vuelo 470 de Lufthansa se diriga al oeste
a 35,000, pasando por Springbrook, Ont. (poblacin 15,539) a unas 50 millas (80 kilmetros) al este
del lago Simcoe, cuando la tripulacin supuestamente vio un OVNI.

Camire, de 44 aos, que dice haber sido miembro de la tripulacin a bordo del vuelo 470, declar:
"Reportamos el avistamiento al Centro de Control de Trfico Areo de Toronto (ATC)". Otro avin
"estaba a unas cinco millas a la derecha de nosotros e informaron que vieron la luz de este objeto a
aproximadamente la misma altitud ... Fue una vista muy llamativa y nada que hayamos
experimentado antes". (Muchas gracias a Ben Field por este informe).
1902: Quin est afuera?

De vez en cuando, te encuentras con una historia de encuentro que te da escalofros. Tal como este.

Tuvo lugar en New London, Minnesota (poblacin 971), una pequea ciudad en la autopista 9 a
unas 90 millas (144 kilmetros) al oeste de Minneapolis. Y sucedi hace noventa y siete aos, el 21
de noviembre de 1902.

Vivir en el departamento del segundo piso del depsito del Great Northern Railroad en ese
momento (que an se mantiene en pie - J.T.) fue un hombre llamado Jacob Caylor y su familia.
Pero permitamos que su hija, la seora Deborah Caylor Kriegenbring, cuente la historia en sus
propias palabras.

"Cuando era pequea ... ah, vamos a ver, eso sera alrededor de 1902 ... cuando tena unos diez
aos, creo ... por supuesto, me acost bastante temprano. Algunos pequeos hoy da permanecen
despiertos todas las horas de la noche, pero no a m. Me enviaron a mi habitacin a las 7:30, o tal
vez a las 8 pm de vez en cuando. La ma era una segunda sala de historia que sola ser parte del
apartamento donde viva el viejo agente de depsito. "

"De todos modos, una noche (antes del 21 de noviembre de 1902) estaba a punto de apagar mi
lmpara cuando algo me llam la atencin. Algn movimiento, tal vez. Mir hacia la ventana, y
haba un rostro de hombre contra la ventana. recuerde que es claro como el da. Tal vez porque su
nariz estaba plana contra la ventana y pareca la mayor parte de su rostro ".

"Llam a mi padre, pero l no me crey. Sucedi un par de veces ms. Siempre la misma cara
(proboscidiana). Pero cuando le dije a mi padre, l solo dijo: 'Jovencita, creo que tiene una muy
imaginacin activa para un nio de diez aos. Ahora duerme un poco ".

"El da despus de Accin de Gracias ese ao, mi primo (Edie) de fuera del pas vino a pasar la
noche. Ella no dejaba de darme patadas y yo no estaba acostumbrado a acostarme con nadie, as que
me despert en mitad de la noche. Era una hermosa noche de luna de cosecha. Mir por la ventana
para encontrar al hombre en la luna, y all estaba esa otra cara otra vez. La misma. Grit. Eso
despert a la prima Edie, y ella tambin lo vio ".

El resto de la familia Caylor vino corriendo. Debbie y Edie describieron la extraa cara de nariz
grande en la ventana. Pero los adultos seguan siendo escpticos.

"A la maana siguiente, Jacob mir alrededor afuera antes de ir a trabajar a la ferretera. Estaba
buscando las impresiones que una escalera habra hecho en el suelo an no congelado. Ni siquiera
haba hierba rota. peso sobre l. Tampoco haba huellas ". "'Chicas tontas!' l solt una rfaga.
Como una ocurrencia tarda, mir por la ventana para ver cmo el papel engrasado, colocado all
para ahorrar combustible, estaba aguantando ".

"De repente vio que un agujero del tamao de la cara de un hombre haba sido cortado en el

Despus de eso, Jake Caylor era comprensiblemente reacio a visitar el retrete por la noche. (Vase
el libro Ghostly Tales of Minnesota por Ruth D. Hein, Adventure Publications, Cambridge, Minn.,
1992, pginas 67 a 69).
See also: List of Farscape episodes
Season One[edit]
Earth astronaut John Crichton is unexpectedly hurled to an unknown part of the Milky Way
galaxy via a wormhole. He is dropped into the middle of an escape attempt by Moya, a living
spaceship, from the militaristic Peacekeepers, who had been using it as a prison transport. In
the chaos he has an accidental collision with a Peacekeeper fighter, resulting in the death of its
pilot. Although the escape is successful, the Peacekeeper Captain, Bialar Crais, fixates on
Crichton as the murderer of the pilot his brother and begins a campaign to chase Crichton

The various crew have no common goal, each only wishing to go home. Unfortunately to avoid
Crais's pursuit they have to travel into the Uncharted Territories, and thus have no idea how to
get home. The other crew also have little respect for Crichton, seeing him only as a "primitive
hoo-man" who does not understand even the basic tenets of life in space.

Various episodes explore the characters back stories. Aeryn begins to learn that the
Peacekeepers are not always as correct as she had believed. Zhaan is forced to bring up the
dark side she had worked to suppress. DArgo admits he was framed for his wife's murder and
has no idea where his child is. Rygel confronts his former jail keeper and torturer. A new
character joins the crew Chiana, a teenage thief on the run from her own repressive culture.
And Moya herself becomes pregnant after a Peacekeeper experiment is accidentally activated.

Meanwhile, Crichton continues to research the wormhole that brought him here. He is forced to
sell what little progress he has made to an alien mechanic as payment for repairs on the
Farscape module. He is also lured into a wormhole that seems to lead directly back to Earth,
only to find the entire situation is a construct created by mysterious aliens called
the Ancients who are testing to see if Earth is suitable for colonization.

Towards the end of the season, Aeryn is injured and the crew is forced to go to a Peacekeeper
base to seek medical help. Crichton disguises himself as a Peacekeeper to gain access, but
the base's commander, Scorpius, instantly sees through the ruse and imprisons Crichton,
calling Crais to come and get him. Under torture Crichton discovers that the Ancients placed
specialized knowledge of wormholes in his subconscious mind knowledge that Scorpius is
particularly eager to access. The other Moya crew launch a rescue attempt.

Meanwhile Moya gives birth to her baby, discovering that the child named Talyn is a
volatile hybrid warship designed by the Peacekeepers instead of the usual peaceful Leviathan.
Upon Crais's arrival, Scorpius takes over his command. Crais defects to Moya to save himself,
accepting along the way that Crichton had not meant to kill his brother. But this is only a cover
to steal Talyn and escape on his own. Having grown much closer over the course of the
season, the crew work together to escape Scorpius a plan which ends with Crichton and
D'Argo floating in space, running out of air.

Season Two[edit]
The crew of Moya are now on the run from Scorpius, who wants the wormhole knowledge
locked in Crichton's brain for his own purposes. To avoid him the crew are forced into
some unwise decisions and alliances, which often result in wacky, mind-altering hijinks for the

Moya encounters an independent Sebacean colony (Sebaceans being the race from which
Peacekeepers are drawn), where the heir to the throne has been genetically poisoned by her
younger brother so that she cannot procreate with any Sebacean male, which would allow him
to take the throne instead. Recognising Crichton as a possible substitute to ensure the
continued independence of her world, the Empress insists he marry the Princess, or else she
will hand him over to Scorpius. Terrified of Scorpius after his experiences on the base, Crichton
is forced to agree. Aeryn, who has been growing attached to Crichton, finds herself jealous.

Despite various plots by Peacekeepers and an agent of their enemies the Scarrans, the Moya
crew manage to wheedle their way out once again, although the Princess is indeed left
pregnant. Meanwhile, DArgo and Chiana begin a relationship based mostly on sex, and Zhaan
is tasked with protecting Moya by the Leviathian's creator-gods. Crichton has a chance to kill
Scorpius, but finds himself unable to do it, blocked by some unknown cause.

That cause is revealed when Crichton is kidnapped by Scarrans during his torture on the
base, Scorpius had implanted Crichton with a neural chip that contains a clone of his
personality, designed to track down the wormhole knowledge and protect Crichton and
Scorpius both until that knowledge is found. Crichton nicknames the clone Harvey and it begins
to manifest as hallucinations to him.

The half-crazed mystic Stark whom Crichton had met while jailed at the base returns with
information about DArgo's son, Jothee. The boy is one of a lot of slaves, and they can rescue
him by buying the entire lot. To afford to do that they will need to rob a bank. The crew put a
plan into action, which is complicated when Scorpius arrives. Scorpius has captured the
slaves, but promises to give them Jothee if Crichton will turn himself in. Under intense pressure
from the neural clone, Crichton does so.

DArgo is reunited with his son, and the crew move into action to save Crichton. Even Crais
and Talyn return to assist. The rescue is successful, although Moya is severely damaged and
Crichton is nearly insane from the effects of the neural clone. At the medical colony to fix them
both, the clone takes control of Crichton, seemingly killing Aeryn just as she admits her love for
him. With Aeryn dead, Crichton wants the chip removed once and for all. At the same time,
Scorpius catches up with them again, killing the doctor and announcing that the chip has
completed its work and found the wormhole knowledge. He removes the chip and leaves
Crichton incapacitated at the hospital.

Season Three[edit]
Having survived Scorpius attack, the doctor saves Crichton by using biological material from a
suitable donor an alien called an Interon which may be a cousin species to humans. Scorpius
fools Crais into thinking he is dead to cover his escape with the neural chip, and Zhaan revives
Aeryn, but at the cost of her own life. Feeling guilty over the death of the Interon donor,
Crichton has the donors still living relative brought aboard an arrogant scientist called Jool.

Investigating another wormhole, Moya crashes into a ship belonging to a race called
Pathfinders, experts in wormholes. Zhaan sacrifices the last of her life to separate the ships,
adding more guilt to Crichton's conscience. He also discovers that despite the chip's removal,
the personality clone Harvey remains in his mind.

Due to a harrowing encounter with another escaped prisoner with a cloning device, Crichton
ends up twinned a duplicate created so that there are two Crichtons, both equal and original.
Talyn is attacked by the new Peacekeeper Commando chasing the crew Xhalax Sun,
Aeryn's mother. To escape her, Moya and Talyn starburst in opposite directions, splitting the
crew, with one Crichton on each ship.

On Moya, tensions rise over DArgo's breakup with Chiana, Jool's grating personality, and
Crichton's increasing obsession with wormholes. An encounter with an alien Energy Rider also
instils precognitive abilities in Chiana (or possibly only activates already present abilities).
Meanwhile Scorpius tries to access the wormhole data, but finds that the chip now contains a
neural clone of Crichton, who refuses to allow Scorpius access.

On Talyn, Crais explains that Xhalax wants to recapture him as a renegade Peacekeeper, and
to recapture Talyn as a powerful warship. After a vicious battle, Aeryn allows Crais to kill her
mother. Crichton discovers that the mechanic, Furlow, has been working on the wormhole data
he gave her in the first season, and intends to sell it to the Scarrans. With the help of the
Ancients, Crichton unlocks the wormhole knowledge just enough to destroy the Scarran ship,
but suffers radiation exposure and dies in Aeryn's arms.

When the two crews finally reunite, Aeryn cannot face the remaining Crichton, and Talyn
is becoming increasingly violent and uncontrollable. Crichton resolves to destroy the wormhole
information that Scorpius has by pretending to help him and then crippling the project from
within. In return for his help, Scorpius grants the Moya crew leniency for their crimes. But high-
ranking Peacekeeper Commandant Grayza interferes, claiming that the Moya crew's continued
freedom is an embarrassment and Scorpius own obsession with wormhole tech does not
outweigh their criminal record.

Crichton finally decides that the only way to end Scorpius project is to destroy the ship. Crais
orders Talyn to starburst inside the ship, killing them both and destroying the entire Command
Carrier. Believing they are finally free from pursuit, the crew buries Talyn's remains and splits
up to go their own ways. But at the last second, a strange old woman formerly imprisoned on
the Command Carrier informs Crichton that Aeryn is pregnant, and Moya is sucked into a
wormhole, leaving Crichton once again alone in space.
Season Four[edit]
Alone for months, Crichton has had nothing to do but obsess over Aeryn and wormholes. He
finally makes a breakthrough on the latter when he meets a supposed Leviathan
specialist, Sikozu, on the run from her employers. When Chiana and Rygel also return, they go
together to Arnessk, where Jool, DArgo, and the old woman Noranti have joined an Interon
archaeological dig. They find artifacts that suggest a connection between humans, Sebaceans
and Interons. Commandant Grayza interrupts, having taken Scorpius prisoner, and "kills" him
to show good faith to Crichton. Crichton, however wants nothing to do with her, and escapes.

Crichton finds that Aeryn has made a deal with Scorpius to let him on Moya after he saved her
life. Crichton keeps Scorpius imprisoned, but remains paranoid that his former enemy is
planning something. Despite Aeryn's desire to reconcile, he pushes her away, even going so
far as to suppress his feelings with drugs. A Scarran agent invades Moya, since the Scarrans
and Peacekeepers are in an arms race to acquire Crichton's wormhole knowledge.

Crichton is instead kidnapped by an Ancient whom he nicknames Einstein, who explains to him
the catastrophic danger if wormhole tech falls into the wrong hands. Returning from that
meeting, the entire Moya crew accidentally ends up on Earth, providing humans with their first
confirmed contact with extraterrestrials. Crichton is finally home, but finds that the world is too
paranoid and distrustful to accept his alien friends. He has also been so affected by his
experiences that he cannot relax there a situation not helped when an agent of Grayza
attacks and kills several of Crichton's friends. He decides the only thing he can do is leave

The crew comes across a secret meeting between Grayza and a Scarran minister, at which
Grayza sells out DArgo's people in return for peace. In disrupting the meeting Aeryn is
captured. Desperate to rescue her, Crichton promises to give Scorpius the wormhole tech in
return for his help. They successfully infiltrate a Scarran base and rescue Aeryn, but Scorpius
is captured in the attempt. Crichton is happy to leave him there, but the neural clone Harvey
informs them that Scorpius already has the wormhole tech, and may reveal it to the Scarrans
under torture. The crew of Moya are forced to launch yet another attempt to either rescue or kill

To do so, they walk into another meeting at the Scarrans most important base, Katratzi,
claiming to want to sell the tech to the highest bidder. Instead they start a riot between the
Scarrans various servant races, blow up the base using a nuclear bomb and escape again.
The Scarrans launch an attack against Earth - partly in retaliation, but also to secure a source
of Strelitziaplants. The plants are vital to a Scarran augmentation process, and Crichton had
inadvertently revealed to the Scarrans that they can be found on Earth. Crichton's only option
to save his home world is to destroy the wormhole that leads there, leaving him stranded in
space forever.

That done, Scorpius returns to the Peacekeepers and the Moya crew go to the ocean planet
Qujaga to recover. While there, Aeryn reveals that the pregnancy formerly kept in stasis
has now been released and they are going to have a baby. Crichton proposes to her, and she
agrees. However, at the last second they are attacked by random aliens, who appear to kill
them both.

The Peacekeeper Wars[edit]

Main article: Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars
Thinking that Crichton is dead and the wormhole tech gone with him, Scorpius deliberately
starts a war with the Scarrans in the hope that the element of surprise will be on their side. The
tactic is unsuccessful, and the Scarrans are on the verge of overwhelming the Peacekeepers.
When the Peacekeeper Grand Chancellor considers surrender, Grayza kills him and takes
over to make sure the war continues.

On Qujaga the aliens, called Eidolons, realize that killing Crichton and Aeryn was a mistake
and reanimate them. Scorpius instantly realizes this and abandons the war to track him down,
hoping to acquire the wormhole tech once and for all as the only way of stopping the Scarrans.
Crichton again refuses. Meanwhile the crew discover that the Eidolons are in fact a lost colony
of the people of Arnessk, and have an innate ability to bring peace to others. If they can find
more of their people, they will be able to stop the war.

Moya, with Scorpius and Sikozu in tow, heads back to Arnessk, where the ancient people have
been revived and are working with Jool. They agree to help, but Scarran Emperor
Staleek attacks, destroying the base and killing Jool. Staleek doesnt want peace he wants
victory. Only one Eidolon remains, who is able to transmit the ability to Stark, and the crew
escape the Scarrans with the help of DArgo's son Jothee.

They return to Qujaga to find that the Peacekeeper-Scarran war has reached the planet.
Crichton and the others must get through the battle to reach the remaining Eidolons on the
planet and pass the techniques of peace to them, all while both sides are still after him for
wormhole technology. Once there, Crichton and Aeryn are finally able to marry and Aeryn
gives birth, but DArgo is fatally wounded in the escape and dies offscreen.

Realising that neither side will take no for an answer, Crichton returns to Einstein and
convinces him to unlock the knowledge, which Crichton then uses to launch a wormhole
weapon a black hole that will grow and grow until it destroys everything in the universe. Both
Grayza and Staleek finally realise that this weapon is too dangerous for anyone to possess,
and they agree to a ceasefire. Crichton is able to stop the black hole, but falls into a coma as a

With the war finally over, the Eidolons help to broker a peace treaty between the two sides, but
Crichton is still in a coma. He is finally brought out of it when Aeryn places his new baby in his
arms. The new family looks out onto the now peaceful galaxy, naming the baby DArgo in
honour of their friend, and promising the universe belongs to him.

From left to right: Bialar Crais, Rygel XVI (front), Chiana, Zhaan, Aeryn Sun, John Crichton, Ka D'Argo.
Main article: List of Farscape characters
Main characters[edit]
John Crichton (Ben Browder) An astronaut from present-day Earth. At the start of the
series, a test flight involving an experimental spacecraft of his own design
dubbed Farscape I goes awry, propelling Crichton through a wormhole to a distant part of
the universe. He quickly runs afoul of the Peacekeepers and is recovered by the crew of
Moya, a living ship which is the main setting for Farscape.
Aeryn Sun (Claudia Black) A renegade Peacekeeper officer. At the start of the series,
she is stripped of her rank and marked for death for spending too much time near a
(culturally) "contaminated" being. This decision is further backed later after protecting
Crichton. Trained as a soldier since birth, she initially seems to lack any emotions or
empathy. Her severance from the Peacekeepers allows Aeryn to discover her
compassionate nature.
Ka D'Argo (Anthony Simcoe) An ill-tempered Luxan warrior of impressive stature. He
was imprisoned by the Peacekeepers for killing his wife, a crime for which he was falsely
convicted. He carries a weapon called a Qualta Blade, a broadsword capable of
transforming into a rifle.
Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan (Virginia Hey) A bald, blue-skinned female who belongs to a plant
species, named Delvians. Once a Priestess of her religious order, Zhaan murdered her
lover after discovering he was a Peacekeeper collaborator. Regarded as an anarchist by
her captors, she was jailed along with D'Argo and Rygel. Like other members of her
species, Zhaan is an empath; she can share "unity" with other beings (two minds in one
body, they can share thoughts, sensations) and also, as a Pa'u, she is able to share pain
with another being.
Moya Moya is a Leviathan, the fifth generation of these living ships. She was born in
freedom, captured by Leviathan Hunters and sold to the Peacekeepers for them to use as
a prison transport. She is a great and powerful ship, with no weapons. In communication
with and taken care of by Pilot, the enormous living entity that is symbiotically fused to her,
Moya has adjusted to her new inhabitants and has been able to trust them enough to
become their home. Like Pilot, she is anxious to serve her crew, but not at the expense of
her own agenda. Her natural instincts to protect all life, however, do override her personal
fear of pain and suffering.
Dominar Rygel XVI (operated by John Eccleston, Matthew McCoy, Dave Collins, Sean
Masterson, Graeme Haddon and Tim Mieville, voiced by Jonathan Hardy) A diminutive
creature who was once ruler of the Hynerian Empire. He was deposed by his treacherous
cousin and handed over to the Peacekeepers. Rygel is one of two puppet characters who
regularly appear on Farscape. When nervous, Rygel expels helium often causing his
annoyed crew mates to complain in high-pitched voices.
Chiana (Gigi Edgley) A mercurial thief and con artist. She is a Nebari, a grey/blue-
skinned species whose society is heavily regimented by a governmental body called "The
Establishment". Chiana's rebellious nature made her a leading candidate
for reprogramming (euphemistically known as "cleansing").
Pilot (operated by John Eccleston,Matthew McCoy, Dave Collins, Sean Masterson,
Graeme Haddon and Tim Mieville, voiced by Lani Tupu) A multi-limbed creature who
acts as the ship's pilot. He is biologically connected to Moya's nervous system and also
serves as her voice to the crew. Pilot is portrayed by an animatronic puppet.
Stark (Paul Goddard) A Stykera, a specialized subrace of the Banik, who was first
encountered by Crichton at the end of the first season. Stark wears a half-mask strapped
to his head by two separate buckles of an unidentified metal, covering an incorporeal
area that glows dark orange when uncovered, on the right side of his face that he only
reveals when he is taking away someone's pain or "crossing over" a soul aiding or
comforting a person in the moments prior to their death. He is also mentally unbalanced, a
trait that gets on the nerves of many on Moya.
Bialar Crais (Lani Tupu) The initial antagonist of the series, a Peacekeeper Captain
who relentlessly hunts Moya and its crew. He is driven by the death of his brother,
a prowler pilot who accidentally collided with Crichton's ship when it exited the wormhole.
At the end of the first season, Crais is usurped by Scorpius. Crais mentally bonds with
Moya's offspring Talyn, and becomes something of an ally to the crew in later seasons.
Scorpius (Wayne Pygram) A commander of the Peacekeeper forces. Scorpius is
a hybrid created from the forced mating of a human-like Sebacean women and a reptilian
Scarran male. He is obsessed with extracting the secret of wormhole technology from
Crichton, believing it to be crucial to an unavoidable war between the Peacekeeper and
Scarran races.
Recurring characters[edit]
As the series progressed, a revolving cast of characters joined the crew of Moya.

Captain Meeklo Braca (David Franklin) Captain Meeklo Braca usually serves as a
subordinate to most of the series' villains, acting as second-in-command for Crais,
Scorpius, and Grayza at various times. As once described by Crais (although it was clearly
intended as an insult), Braca is "a consummate Peacekeeper", performing his duties to the
very best of his abilities for whomever is his commanding officer, although his loyalties
remain with Scorpius due to a shared view of relations with the Scarrans and contempt for
Grayza's misplaced hopes for peace with them.
Commandant Mele-on Grayza (Rebecca Riggs) A new antagonist that debuts in
Season 3. She is a manipulative Peacekeeper who aims to put an end to Scorpius'
wormhole research. Ruthless and ambitious, she has a gland implanted in her chest that
secretes a substance which bends men to her will.
Jool (Tammy MacIntosh) Jool is an orange-haired academic who appears
sporadically throughout seasons three and four. When frightened or enraged, her hair
becomes red and her screams can melt metal.
Sikozu (Raelee Hill) Sikozu is a brilliant Kalish who joins the crew at the beginning of
the fourth season. Hard-edged and dangerous, she gradually allies herself with Scorpius.
In "The Peacekeeper Wars" she is discovered to be collaborating with the Scarrans.
Noranti (played by Melissa Jaffer) Noranti (Utu Noranti Pralatong) debuts in "Dogs
with Two Bones". where she suddenly appears amongst the crew as a mysterious
and eccentric refugee that escaped to Moya along with an unidentified group of others as
a Peacekeeper Command Carrier was being destroyed. The "Old Woman", as she is
called, is a Traskan, and little is known of her past before she joined the crew. Initially
appearing to Crichton and Chiana as a grateful cook, she later describes herself as a
"doctor, instructor, and among many other disciplines negotiator". She is basically
portrayed as an accomplished herbalist. Although her skills are sometimes not quite as
successful as she would like, she does manage to come to the crew's rescue with odd
potions and powders on many occasions. At times, she seems to have her own agenda,
although what that agenda may be is never quite made clear. At 293 cycles (years) old,
she sometimes appears to the others as being slightly senile, and is often referred to as
"Grandma" by Crichton. She was featured throughout Season 4 of Farscape, as well as
being in "The Peacekeeper Wars", where she realizes the existence of more Eidolons and
convinces Crichton to seek to reawaken their powers to help end the war. An alternate
reality version of Noranti appeared in the Season 4 episode, "Unrealized Reality", and was
portrayed by Gigi Edgley.

Originally aired
Season Episodes

First aired Last aired

1 22 March 19, 1999 January 28, 2000

2 22 March 17, 2000 January 26, 2001

3 22 March 16, 2001 April 26, 2002

4 22 June 7, 2002 March 21, 2003



Cientificos ingleses logran alargar los telomeros. Los telomeros haran que las celulas sigan vivas y
coleando. No envejeceran. El hombre durara unos 160 aos con este invento, dice JL.

Ahora, veamos:

Bueno, ya comenzo. Primeramente, hace unos 10 aos, los estudiosos calcularon que en 150 aos
ms (Ao 2157 E.C.) la ciencia medica habria logrado que la gente viviera hasta los 500 aos,
luego en otros 500 aos, la gente viviria 1.000 aos, y poco despues , 1500 aos. Se decia que en
otros dos mil aos despues, se lograria el maximo posible. Serian 5000 aos. La gente viviria 5000
aos maximo. Se suponia ( y se supone) que mas de eso, no es posible. Es decir, la gente puede
llegar a vivir 5000 aos maximo. Asi, vivir 160 aos pronto, no es mucho, pero ya es algo. Cinco
mil aos. Que haria Ud. viviendo 5000 aos? A que alturas de conocimiento se llegara viviendo
miles de aos? Un tipo de 73 aos, como yo, seria un nio de pecho para esos gerontes. Un genio,
viviendo miles de aos, que salto cuantico le daria a la civilizacion? Las proyecciones del alarge de
vida son innumerables. Son alucinantes. Y seran realidad, tal como la ciencia ficcion se agoto
cuando llego el ao 2010. ... Abur.-


Peter Draws.
you are a motivator of inspiration, or maybe

This is too much. I will rephrase it: , maybe you are a motivator to draw, what you feel makes
others feel..

You are inspiring the mob. You move the mob up.

You are an elevator. You are a flame in the darkness of demodulations.

Apart from that generally your drawings are subjugating, intricate and tells a tale..

Once I stopped seeing your daily brawling but with this I managed to reduce the flame of the candle
to very low limits. So I return listening to your talk again, and seeing your strokes moves forward,
motivation grows like foam.

You are a motivator. Grab it on your forehead. & in your right hand and in a grayish cloud, if all of
that is possible. I must give you thanks for this flow of inspiration you are throwing away. Not
many genius do that. Not many artists do that. Guess no genius artist do what you are doing. Thanks
and keep on, oh great dispenser!

Du bist ein Motivator der Inspiration, oder vielleicht

Das ist zu viel. Ich werde es anders formulieren: Vielleicht bist du ein Motivator zu zeichnen, was
du fhlst macht andere fhlen ..

Du inspirierst den Mob. Du bewegst den Mob auf.

Du bist ein Aufzug. Du bist eine Flamme in der Dunkelheit von Demodulationen.

Abgesehen davon unterwerfen sich Ihre Zeichnungen, verwickeln und erzhlen eine Geschichte.

Einmal habe ich aufgehrt, deinen tglichen Kampf zu sehen, aber dadurch habe ich es geschafft,
die Flamme der Kerze auf sehr niedrige Grenzen zu reduzieren. Also komme ich wieder zu dir und
hre, wie sich deine Bewegungen weiterentwickeln. Die Motivation wchst wie Schaum.

Du bist ein Motivator. Schnappt es euch auf die Stirn. & in deiner rechten Hand und in einer grauen
Wolke, wenn das alles mglich ist. Ich muss dir danken fr diesen Fluss der Inspiration, den du
wegwirfst. Nicht viele Genies tun das. Nicht viele Knstler tun das. Errate, dass kein genialer
Knstler das tut, was du tust. Danke und mach weiter, oh toller Spender!
heliosiumHace 1 segundo
The greeks went East to rob and pillage the Persian Empire, extracting slaves, gold, goods
by the year. The British Empire goes India and MIddle East for money, gold, silver, cheap
hand labor and more; then USAmerica follows the lead. Nothing new in the world. The
"whites" ( No matter arabs are aryan) goes around the world extracting goods for their
people and most of all, their Armies. This is not ethic but those Empires seems to think they
could do it because they can. Justice? Forget it. And this state of affairs will keep on going
because the beast has fattened on its victims.
Gotu Pycook Cook Pragmatism its needed
at all times. If it serves you, use it. A landlord knows how to till the land, and gives work and salaries to his
employees. Same thing here. Give a farm to an announcer, or a medic, or a teacher, and he will not know
what to do with it and he will be making a lot of mistakes and work will be useless and in the end everyone
will end being starved by the bad management. Same thing here. Pinera knows how to produce, the others
does NOT. Y para los que creen que soy ingles, no, porque soy chileno. Y escribo en ingles porque ya es
imposible meterles la idea a tipos que estan ideologizados desde la cuna. Gracias cambio y fuera.

Pequeas pero distintas diferencias entre las especies marcan la evolucin del cerebro humano

La divergencia ms dramtica entre los humanos y otros primates se puede encontrar en el cerebro,
el rgano primario que le da a nuestra especie su identidad.

Sin embargo, todas las regiones del cerebro humano tienen firmas moleculares muy similares a las
de nuestros parientes de primates, aunque algunas regiones contienen patrones claramente humanos
de actividad gentica que marcan la evolucin del cerebro y pueden contribuir a nuestras
capacidades cognitivas, un nuevo estudio dirigido por Yale encontr.

El anlisis masivo de tejido humano, de chimpanc y de mono publicado el 23 de noviembre en la

revista Science muestra que el cerebro humano no es solo una versin ms grande del cerebro de los
primates ancestrales sino que tambin est lleno de diferencias distintas y sorprendentes.

"Nuestros cerebros son tres veces ms grandes, tienen muchas ms clulas y, por lo tanto, tienen
ms poder de procesamiento que los chimpancs o los monos", dijo Andre M.M. Sousa,
investigador postdoctoral en el laboratorio del neurocientfico Nenad Sestan y coautor del estudio.
"Sin embargo, tambin existen pequeas diferencias claras entre las especies en cuanto a cmo las
clulas individuales funcionan y forman conexiones".

A pesar de las diferencias en el tamao del cerebro, los investigadores encontraron sorprendentes
similitudes entre las especies de primates de la expresin gnica en 16 regiones del cerebro, incluso
en la corteza prefrontal, el asiento del aprendizaje de orden superior que ms distingue a los
humanos de otros simios. Sin embargo, el estudio mostr que el rea del cerebro con la expresin
gnica ms especfica para el ser humano es el cuerpo estriado, una regin comnmente asociada
con el movimiento.

Tambin se encontraron diferencias en las regiones cerebrales, incluso en el cerebelo, una de las
regiones evolutivamente ms antiguas del cerebro, y por lo tanto ms probable que compartan
similitudes entre las especies. Los investigadores encontraron que un gen, ZP2, era activo solo en el
cerebelo humano, una sorpresa, dijeron los investigadores, porque el mismo gen se haba
relacionado con la seleccin de espermatozoides por los vulos humanos.

"No tenemos idea de qu est haciendo all", dijo Ying Zhu, investigador postdoctoral en el
laboratorio de Sestan y coautor del artculo.

Zhu y Sousa tambin se enfocaron en un gen, TH, que est involucrado en la produccin de
dopamina, un neurotransmisor crucial para la funcin de orden superior y agotado en personas que
viven con la enfermedad de Parkinson. Encontraron que la TH se expresaba altamente en
neocorteza y estriato humano, pero ausente en la neocorteza de los chimpancs.

"La expresin neocortical de este gen probablemente se perdi en un ancestro comn y reapareci
en el linaje humano", dijo Sousa.

Los investigadores tambin encontraron niveles ms altos de expresin del gen MET, que est
relacionado con el trastorno del espectro autista, en la corteza prefrontal humana en comparacin
con los otros primates evaluados.

Sestan, profesor de neurociencia, medicina comparada, gentica y psiquiatra, e investigador del

Instituto Kavli de Neurociencia, es el autor principal del artculo.

La investigacin fue financiada principalmente por el Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental.

I dont think that fans of pulp fiction will find much to their liking in these Love Story Magazine
issues, but since there are probably far, far less issues of these magazines preserved than science
fiction or crime pulps, theyre actually in greater need of digitization.

In my view the highlights of Love Story Magazine issues from this era are the covers by Modest
Stein (1871-1958). Now heres a very interesting person. This Russian born American illustrator
was an anarchist in his younger years and very close friends with godmother of anarchism Emma
Goldman and Alexander Berkman (who was Steins cousin). These three made up a small anarchist
commune between 1888-1892.

They became increasingly active in the anarchist community and decided in 1892 as a response to a
number of violently squashed strikes to kill industrialist and union buster Henry Clay Frick.
Berkman was chosen to kill Frick, Stein his replacement. Berkman went to Fricks office on July
23rd, 1892 but didnt succeed in killing him despite two shots in the neck and four stabs in his leg
with a pointed file. Berkman was capture and arrested and sentenced to 14 years in prison. He
didnt give away the names of his co-conspirators which saved Goldman and Stein. Modest Stein
stayed in touch with both Goldman and Berkman, but turned away from anarchism and
concentrated on a career as an artist.

Stein created hundreds of covers for pulp magazines like All-Story Weekly, Detective Story, Argosy,
etc in his career. Galactic Central has almost 300 cover attributions, but thats only the tip of the
iceberg. It looks like he was the main, and most likely, only cover artist for Love Story Magazine
between 1927-1941. That would mean hed have done more than 700 cover paintings for that pulp
by himself!

Street & Smiths Love Story Magazine [v80 #6, May 2, 1931] (Street & Smith Publications, Inc., 15,
8+160pp, pulp, cover by Modest Stein)

1 Dream Marriage Anita Smith ss

19 Evening Song Bert Cooksley pm
20 Tinseled Values Athene Farnsworth ss
32 Dawn and Dusk Helen K. Roberts pm
33 Delayed Ecstasy [Part 1 of 2] Margaret Litell sl; illus. by Constance Benson
53 Love Time Clement Calvert pm
54 Substitute Redheads Florence Ford ss
66 The Face in the Fog Katherine Gorman ss
78 Pastel William Harold McCreary pm
79 Marions Job John L. Carter ss
102 The Laughing Husband [Part 2 of 3] S. Andrew Wood sl; illus. by Constance
Benson Bailey
121 Dare-Devil Love Robert M. Ducot ss
130 Pride Gloria Berthall pm
131 Forgotten Sweethearts Lilliace M. Mitchell ss; illus. by Constance Benson
139 Loves Debt Florence McChesney pm
140 Your Stars and You Kai cl
147 The Friendliest Corner Mary Morris cl
151 The Friend in Need Laura Alston Brown cl
164 MB



No creo que los fanticos de la ficcin pulp encuentren mucho de su agrado en estos nmeros de
Love Story Magazine, pero dado que es probable que haya menos, mucho menos, problemas de
estas revistas preservadas que ciencia ficcin o pulpas del crimen, en realidad estn en mayor
necesidad de digitalizacin.
En mi opinin, los aspectos ms destacados de los nmeros de Love Story Magazine de esta poca
son las portadas de Modest Stein (1871-1958). Ahora aqu hay una persona muy interesante. Este
ilustrador estadounidense nacido en Rusia era un anarquista en sus aos ms jvenes y muy amigo
de la madrina del anarquismo Emma Goldman y Alexander Berkman (que era el primo de Stein).
Estos tres formaron una pequea comuna anarquista entre 1888-1892.

Se volvieron cada vez ms activos en la comunidad anarquista y decidieron en 1892 como una
respuesta a una serie de huelgas violentamente aplastadas para matar al industrialista y luchador
sindicalista Henry Clay Frick. Berkman fue elegido para matar a Frick, Stein su reemplazo.
Berkman fue a la oficina de Frick el 23 de julio de 1892, pero no logr matarlo a pesar de dos
disparos en el cuello y cuatro pualadas en la pierna con un archivo puntiagudo. Berkman fue
capturado y arrestado y sentenciado a 14 aos de prisin. No revel los nombres de sus
conspiradores que salvaron a Goldman y Stein. El modesto Stein se mantuvo en contacto tanto con
Goldman como con Berkman, pero se alej del anarquismo y se concentr en una carrera como

Stein cre cientos de portadas para revistas de pulpa como All-Story Weekly, Detective Story,
Argosy, etc. en su carrera. Galactic Central tiene casi 300 atribuciones de portada, pero eso es solo
la punta del iceberg. Parece que fue el principal, y muy probablemente, el nico artista de portada
de la Revista Love Story entre 1927-1941. Eso significara que habra hecho ms de 700 pinturas
de portada para esa pulpa por s mismo!

Street & Smith's Love Story Magazine [v80 # 6, 2 de mayo de 1931] (Street & Smith Publications,
Inc., 15 , 8 + 160pp, pulpa, portada de Modest Stein)

1 Matrimonio de ensueo Anita Smith ss

19 Cancin de la noche Bert Cooksley pm

20 Valores de estao Athene Farnsworth ss

32 Amanecer y anochecer Helen K. Roberts pm

33 xtasis demorado [Parte 1 de 2] Margaret Litell sl; ilus. por Constance Benson Bailey

53 Love Time Clement Calvert pm

54 Pelirrojas Sustitutas Florence Ford ss

66 La cara en la niebla Katherine Gorman ss

78 Pastel William Harold McCreary pm

79 El trabajo de Marion John L. Carter ss

102 El esposo riendo [Parte 2 de 3] S. Andrew Wood sl; ilus. por Constance Benson Bailey

121 Dare-Devil Love Robert M. Ducot ss

130 Orgullo Gloria Berthall pm

131 Enamorados Olvidados Lilliace M. Mitchell ss; ilus. por Constance Benson Bailey

139 La deuda del amor Florence McChesney pm

140 Tus estrellas y t Kai cl

147 El rincn ms acogedor Mary Morris cl

151 El amigo necesitado Laura Alston Brown cl

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