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School: RAK Academy Date: 17-10-2017

PST: Time: 10:40-11:20 AM

MST: Ms. Alia Unit: Guiding Reading

Class: Number
Year 2 2b 22

ADEC Learning Outcome: Include the L.O. code and words.

Prior knowledge: What knowledge are you building on?

Some students have the ability to analyze the stories.
Lesson Objectives: These must be SMART objectives specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time
By the end of the lesson, students will be (better) able to: Students will be able to read longer phrases and
more complex sentences.
Students will be able to discuss and talk about the story that they read.
Students will be able to summarize the story through writing the main point of it.

Possible problems and solutions:

- Some students may be distractive and noisy.
I will tell the students that the one who will good and quite will got a star at the end of the
- Some students may finish reading the story and answering the worksheet quickly.
I will ask the students who finished to set in pair and read to each other while the whole class

- Story book for each student For (6 students).

- Observation paper. Include three questions:

- Was there anything you liked about this
- Can you imagine another ending for the
story?- What might happen next?
- Which character interested you most?
Students names.

- Worksheets for the other students Include (Tittle, characters, setting and the
main idea).

Personal focus:
In this lesson I am working with the high-level group, I will determine their comprehension skills through
doing the guide reading, I will focus on their speaking skills, how far they can discuss about the story and
what are their predictable for the story events. I will write comments for each one of them in the
observation paper.
I will also pay attention for the other students. As I planned, I will check their understanding for the stories
that they will read through the worksheet that I will give them.
Transition: - Get the students to set in the carpet at the beginning of the lesson.
I will ask all the students to set in the carpet. Then I will tell them Today we will take a guide reading
class. I will take a group of you to do the guide reading with them while the others will do other activity. I
will call the students who will set with me to stay in the carpet. While the others I will ask them to go to the
story corner quietly (In one line) and choose a story to read it silently in their tables (Transition). I will
give each one of them a small work sheet about the story which include: Tittle, characters, setting and the
main idea. I will ask the assistant teacher to walk through the groups to check that everyone is reading
silently. Then I will set with my group (The high-level group) in the carpet and start reading.

Core & Close:

Before Reading:
I will give each student a copy of the story and I will ask them to show me the cover of the book. Then I will
ask them a couple questions to get to know a little bit about the book: The tittle, author, illustration
(because they are young I will say who draw the pictures and what they think the story will be about.
After that I will let each one of them to read one page of the story and the others have to point to the words.
While Reading:
As I said before each student will read one page from the story and the others have to point to the words.
So, after each one finish reading his\her page I will ask questions according to what he\she read. For
example, if the page is talking about that the character is angry I will say (Why do you think that he is
angry? \Who do you think made him angry? \ What do you see in the picture? \How do you think the
character felt about that?) Also, I will correct their miss pronunciation while they are reading. I will
remind them the phonic lesson and how to pronounce the words.
After Reading:
For the close and check their understanding of the story, I will ask them several questions:
- Was there anything you liked about this book?
- Can you imagine another ending for the story?
- Which character interested you most?
Then I will tell them to set sensitively in the carpet while I am checking the other groups work. I will walk
around the students and check their answers by scanning the story that they already read and their
worksheet answers.
Observation paper:
Was there anything you liked about this book?
Can you imagine another ending for the story?- What might happen next?
Which character interested you most?
Name Comments

Name Comments

Name Comments

Name Comments

Name Comments

Name Comments

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