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Mia Gill

Ed Block Notes/ Reflection

November 14, 2017

Classroom Management
-morning work folders pre-setup (50 pages) homemade workbook to start out the day. Review
or relevant questions. All subjects, gives chance to wake up & do bathroom break within
-giving a moment or two to give students thinking time
-giving brain breaks
-tries to stick to an essential question, but doesnt always continue with it (very hard to stick
with that throughout a day)
-countdowns Ill count down from 15 to put your morning work away, your pencil away, and
to pull out your white board and head to the carpet. (when gets to 10, shows with hands while
speaking too)
- we are trying to earn our way to 4th grade when she wants them to remember to get back
on track or doesnt think the class is focusing well in a crucial moment
-consistently stray from asking if students have questions and never really answers when
students have their

Case Study
-major lack of focus, but bright student
-has to be told many many times to stay focused
-physically looks very tired and often has glossy eyes that indicate lack of sleep or spacing out
-does well on tests
-I often stand behind him and point along with reading so that he continues to stay focused
-teach and I have talked that maybe he is a very strong
-I worked with him on a short story of a small moment and while he had a VERY hard time
putting ideas on paper, he just needed me to prompt him with questions while he was telling
-Ive noticed throughout the whole classroom that students have a very hard time articulating
their words/ideas on paper in words, but can speak them
-doesnt have a bed, has a dog, previously worked with him in B&G club

-CAF is set up in classroom and often adding/addressing it
-books around the room are all labeled & organized based on reading level
-students have all tested into them and can choose books based on levels for themselves
-reading groups 1-6. Individualized groups give students a chance to have the most attention
possible from teacher (but each group only meets with teacher about once a week)
-clear common core expectationssink or swim

Random Notes
-I know relationships with students are what makes a successful teacher
-genuinely cares about the students and responds in mothering ways
-IEP meetings for student learning disabilities & behavior. They are being addressed by social
workers, teachers, and literacy workers
-height of desks dont fit students, but desk arrangement is intentional and informal
-have to use technology, but not a substitute (they act as a teacher need a moment to
readjust, use your chrome book) Students also often forget their headphones
-I notice myself being way too vague with students, I know Im still helping them, but I know
that I would be a better teacher while working one-on-one if I asked them more specific
questions that would hone in on what their working on (main idea and supporting details)

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