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M. ES.

ABDELMONEIM Tool Edge Roundness and Stable Build-Up

Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University of
formation in finish Machining
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada The results of cutting force measurements when machining materials which do not form
a sizable unstable built-up-edge are compared with the results of a theoretical analysis.
This analysis, based partly on the use of circular cylindrical surfaces of velocity dis-
continuity around the. base of the tool, yields specific energy values which are uniquely
determined by the value of the imdeformed chip thickness in relation to the tool edge

Introduction While some materials such as free-cutting brass or zinc may

display little tendency to form a build-up, other materials such
L I HE mechanics pf finish machining has long remained as steel or aluminium alloys, develop large accretions of material
a mystery due to the experimental difficulties involved in making at low or moderate cutting speeds. Materials which form large
precise physical measurements on such a small scale. Higher built-up-edges when being machined are frequently characterized
speeds and smaller depths of cut require more elaborate quick- by a large strain-hardening coefficient which is the explanation
stop mechanisms. In an attempt to overcome these problems, given by Chandiramani and Cook [15] for the commonly ob-
at least in part, a study of the mechanics of cutting using simu- served decrease in build-up size at higher cutting speeds; There-
lated model experiments would seem to offer some advantages. fore in the absence of a large built-up-edge it would seem reason-
Although intuitively unattractive, slow speed model tests would able to assume the existence of a small strain-hardening coefficient
seem to afford a necessary preliminary in any systematic investi- for the workpiece material. In any event the workpiece material
gation. In this way the uncertainties associated with edge is usually subjected to some degree of plastic straining prior to
sharpness and build-up formation may be clarified. final machining and before it reaches the vicinity of the cutting
The complexity of the action of a rounded edge has been noted tool, so that subsequent strain-hardening in this region may be
by d i m m i n g , et al. [I], 1 Bailey and Boothroyd [2], Henricksen expected to be small. I t is well known that the size of the build-up
[3], Wallace and Boothroyd [4], and Wallace and Andrew [5], also depends on the cutting speed and the rake angle of the tool
The phenomenon has also been studied in more detail by other [16]. However, the variation in build-up size when machining
workers [6-12]. In the present investigation, the study is con- at small depths of cut does not seem to have been made the sub-
fined to an examination of the mechanics of cutting at depths of ject of systematic investigation.
cut within the sphere of influence of the rounded cutting edge. Whereas the built-up-edge, as commonly conceived, is an
The experimental part of the study is confined to a consideration "active" dead-metal zone (in t h a t it grows in size, becomes un-
of the cutting action (at 32 in./min) of orthogonal tools having stable, and then fractures), a small, stable, dead-metal zone of
exaggeratedly large edge radii. I n this way the uncertainties constant size has occasionally been thought to exist in certain
associated with the accurate measurement and maintenance of circumstances when machining materials which do not exhibit
very small radii may be avoided. It is expected that the results large, active formations. The possibility of such a build-up
will have relevance to the study of the behavior of materials when occurring was first considered by Lee and Shaffer [17] while
being fine-machined with normally sharp tools. The presence factual evidence has been supplied more recently by Palmer and
of a build-up in this cutting regime is of vital importance as noted Yeo [18] and Piguet [19]. When cutting zinc and free machining
by Eugene [13] and Okushima and Kakino [14] and this matter brass at low speeds, the present authors also found evidence of a
is considered here in some detail. small stable build-up, as shown in Pig. 1.
The theory proposed in this paper dealing with this matter is
partly based on the work of Johnson [20], who assumed the ex-
istence of circular cylindrical upper-bound surfaces in the plastic
1 regions beneath cylindrical rollers and forming tools. I t is as-
Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper.
Contributed by the Production Engineering Division and presented sumed here that a similar plastic region exists beneath the lower
at the Winter Annual Meeting, Detroit, Mich., November 1 1 - curved surface of a rounded edge when cutting, in the absence of
Manuscript received at ASME Headquarters, August 2, 1973. Paper an active build-up formation. I t is considered that this approach
No. 73-WA/Prod-15. may at least provide a useful comparison with experimental data.

1258 / NOVEMBER 1974 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 1 The stable build-up in flnish cutting-material zinc, nose radius, DISCONTINUITY
0.006 in., tlr = 0.8,32 in./min
Fig. 2 The geometry of the cutting action (stable build-up regime)

An ideal rigid plustic workpiel:e material is thus assumed when a I The Stable Build-Up Regime. fn the absence of an active
small, stable builll-up is formed. (This assumption may be re- build-up, it is assumed that the euge is subject. to two inuepenuent,
luxed in a development..) In the first part. of the paper, the bHt simultaneous fwtions, viz.,
workpiece mat.erial whieh passes beneath t.he t.ool is, t.herefore,
ussmned to slide past a small, incipien t. build-up and then t.o i a rubbing aetion at and beneath a portion of the cl1l'ved tool
t.mverse a plastic region termell the rHbbing region (Fig. 2). base anu,
While eonducting preliminary tests (described in a later ii a cut:ting action above the rubbing region.
section) it was observed that 1;]w l~hip left the rounded part. of the Stickill/!; friction conditions will he assumed to prevail for
cutting edge at approximately the same vertical posit.ion as that depths of cut t S l' (1 -I- sin a), sinee in this region pressmes may
of the llllCUt sl1l'face, when no active build-Hp was formed. be assumed to be sufficiently high.
The tlwory developed here is l:heeked by eomparing the re-
sults with cuttinp; foree dat.a, t.hese measlll'ell Vftlues beinp; con- (0) Force Component Parallel to Tool Motion.
sidered to be unin{\ueJl(~ed by the Ol:eurrence of plast.ic side fiow
i) The Rubbing Action. The so-called "stagnation point on the
01' the existence of clearn.nce face forces.
tool nose edge," beneath which no cutting action oeclll'S, has been
eonsidered by Kaczmarek [21], Tsvirko [22], COllnolly and
Analysis J1ubenstein [2:{], Kragelskii [24], and Sisson find I(egg [25J.
Although l:oncernell with a sit.uation whil:h is rarely (l!lCOllll- The tangent plane to the rounded edge at this point, may be con-
tel'(~din pnwtice (t S l' (1 -I- sin a)), this analysis does provide a sidered llS having an equivalent rake angle. 1n their work, the
(:onvellient startinp; point for the allequate treatment of a com- authors f2(i), KomandUl'i [27], and Rubenstein, et a!. [28], de-
plex phenolllenon, vir-., the!; of materiab wit.h positive rake termined experimentally the mitielll rake angle of "sharp" tools
tools having rounued ellges (iJlCedp;e of the sharp tool is,in any at wldeh sUl'face shearillg eeases to OCClll' and cutting begins.
(:ase, frequently considered t.o be rounded [fi) and (7)). Its relll- fn the investigation reported in an earlier paper [2G] in which
tion to data obtained when cuttill/!; at larger depths is outlined hi/!;h-speell steel negative rake tools (a = -55, -GO, -70, -75,
in a later section of the paper. and -80 deg) were used to machine zinc and free machining

depth of cut specific energy expended (force/area of
l' = sharpness radius of eutting edge cut) in the plastic rubbing region
a tool rake angle k ee (= Fecit) specific energy for the cutting region
(above the rubbing region)
ae critical negative rake angle at which chip
formation ceases ke (= ker -I- keel specific cutting energy
k tr (= F trlt) specific thrust resistance due to the rub-
at bing region
!Gte (= F telt) speeific thrust resistance due to material
00, 0" 0 angles indicated in Fig. 3 bearing on the surfaces of the stable
l/>m anticloekwise rotation of l/>-slip line indi- build-up
cated in Fig. 20 k t (= k tr + k te ) specific thrust resistance
chip-rake face contact length (Fig. 8) Fp power cutting force component per unit
clearance angle of the tool width parallel to direction of tool mo-
projected length (in direction normal to
thrust-cutting force eomppnent per unit
the direction of tool motion) of contact
width normal to direction of tool mo-
of builcl-uP and chip (Fig. 8)
VI nondimensional velocity indicated in power rubbing force acting over the base
hodograph shown in Fig. 3 (cutting of the tool per unit workpiece width
velocity equal to unity) power rubbing force per unit width asso-
nondimensional velocity of material ciated with circular cylindrical velocity
around the lower surface of the cutting discontinuity beneath rounded edge
edge (Fig. 3) (Oontinued on next page)

Journal of Engineering for Industry NOVEMBER 1974 / 1259

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9<Bo - 14 WHICH
CORRESPONDS TO a . = - 7 6 "




Fig. 3 Circular-cylindrical upper-bound solution for rolling contact


brass at a cutting speed of 32 in. per min, the value of this
critical rake angle was found to lie between 75 and 80 deg.
Since the value suggested by Komanduri [27], viz., 76 deg,
falls within this range the theoretical derivations outlined in this Fig. 4 Best upper-bound solution for the rubbing region
paper employ the latter value.
Bearing in mind the concept of circular cylindrical surfaces of
velocity discontinuity [20], an upper-bound solution m a y be de- The value of 6i m a y range between 14 and 90 deg, the former
veloped for the plastic flow of material beneath the rubbing re- value corresponding to the value of a , = 76 deg. The mini-
gion. Prom an examination of Pig. 3, it may be seen t h a t the mum value of her may be shown to occur when di equals 90 deg,
energy expended per seo per unit workpiece width in the the resulting upper-bound solution being shown in Pig. 4. The
plastic rubbing region, ker, is given by the expression, power rubbing force (in the direction of tool motion), Feri,
associated with shearing at the tool base within the rubbing
ker = r[{ABC)V2c + (AEC)Vi] (1) region ABC, is given by the equation, F,n (power rubbing
force acting over the base of the tool per unit workpiece width)
where T is the material yield shear stress at the tool base, V2c is
the velocity of material around the lower surface of the tool, and = T-ABC-V2C
Vi is the velocity vector indicated in the hodograph, the cutting (2a)
speed being taken to be equal to unity. Since the length ABC is = r-2r (cos 6)-1
assumed to remain unchanged at all times regardless of changes
in the value of Q2, it may be seen that, as the value of 62 decreases,
Vcrl/TT = 20/cOS 6 (26)
i the value of Vic increases
ii the value of Vi increases, and The power rubbing force per unit width associated with the
iii the length AEC decreases. velocity discontinuity AEC, Fi, is given by the equation,

F(= F + Feri power rubbing force per unit width <TI, ff2, o-3 = principal stresses beneath a cylinder slid-
Fe, power cutting force per unit width due to ing and rolling over the surface of a flat
chip sliding over assumed stable plate
po = maximum unit pressure acting on the elas-
tic contact area between a cylinder and
Feci power cutting force per unit width due to flat plate (cylinder rolling and sliding
workpiece rubbing over lower surface on the plate)
of stable build-up
a = half the contact width between cylinder
Fee ( Feci + Fec2) power cutting force per unit width and plate
Fe(= Fe. + Fec) total tool power edge force per unit width, ?'o = radius of cylinder
for t < r (1 + sin a) Ei, Vi = Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for
Ftr = thrust force per unit width due to work- the material of the cylinder
piece rubbing over base of the tool E2, v2 = Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for
Fid = thrust force per unit width due to chip the material of the plate
action against the upper surface of the h = yield shear stress of the material of the
stable build-up plate
\pi, \pi = angular regions around periphery of
thrust force per unit width due to work-
rounded tool edge \pi elastic contact,
piece material bearing against the lower
t^2 plastic contact
surface of the stable build-up
T = yield shear stress of the material of the
Fie ( = Flcl + Ftci) thrust force per unit width due to ma- workpiece during cutting (within the
terial bearing on both surfaces of the primary shear flow zone)
stable build-up Tf = friction shear stress of the material of the
Ft(= Ftr + Fu) total thrust edge force per unit width for workpiece as it moves along the outer
t < r (1 + sin a) boundary of the stable buil d-up

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Feri = T-AEC-V, f e c i = -P(C0S / ) { < r ( l COS &>)}/cOS Clf
= TKT sin 8 tan d -f r(sin cc/){i r(l cos 0<>)}/cos /

Therefore, ( 1 cos do ) I + tan at 1 (6)

Fi/rT = ir sin d tan d (36)

where P is the pressure exerted by the workpiece material over
The total power rubbing force per unit workpiece width for the the tool edge (as estimated approximately in Appendix I), i is the
entire rubbing region is then obtained from equations (26) and undeformed chip thickness and,
(3b), viz.,

Fer = Ferl + Fsr2

a, =
I t also follows from the force balance shown in Fig. 5 that,

Fer/rT = (Fn/rr) + (Fri/rT) (4) Fec2 = T-FM

= T-(~FH + DO - MN)
The specific energy associated with the rubbing region, for a
depth of cut t = r (1 cos 8), is then obtained from the equa- = T-{(tan ctf){t r-\ cos So)} + rr cos a / rr sin do

ker/r = F/r{l - cos d) T = rr | (tan / ) I 1 + cos do) + cos af sin do} (8)

= (2 1_ r sin 0 tan0 )/(l - cos 6) (5) The total power cutting force Fec, is the sum of Fea and F ec2 , i.e.,
\cos 8 J
Fee = Feci + FeC2 (9)
where 0 <' 0 < do.
ii The Cutting Action. The power cutting force associated with The specific energy for the cutting region, hec, is given by the
the presence of the small stable dead-metal zone consists of two equation,
parts, as indicated in Pig. 5, viz., Fecit (10)
(a) t h a t part which is due to the chip sliding over the dead- The total specific cutting energy expended b y the rounded por-
metal zone, Feci, and tion of the tool edge at any undeformed chip thickness, r{\
(6) that part which has its origin in the rubbing of the work- cos do) < t < r(l + sin a), is then given by the following expres-
piece over the lower surface of the dead-metal zone, Feci- sion derived from equations (5) and (10),

Referring to Fig. 5, it may be seen that, r(l cos do)

KB t&ec ~~T~ rCei" (ID

340 BRASS x F c - a =10 00018 "

ALUMINUM O F, - a = 25 00022"

300 ZINC a F r - a = 25 00014"

Fig. 5 Force balance for the cutting region 220

500 -


i 200
(- rr
03 o

t 50
OF r ( I + sin a )

(Arrows indicate tool edge forces)

10 ' I 1 1 1 1 I I l l 1 ! 1 2 4 6 8 10 xlO
0 005 0002 0-01 003
t/r DEPTH OF CUT , inch

Fig. 6 (kt/r) and (fc,/r) versus (t/r) for the rubbing region Fig. 7 Measured tool forces w h e n using " s h a r p " tools

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The total power tool edge force per unit workpiece width is,

Fe = Fer + Fee (12)

It is interesting to note that the value of k e depends only on the

value of the rutio t/I', rather than on the values of l' or t inrle-
pendently. However, the value of Fe docs (lepellli on the values
of l' and t independently.

(b) The Force Component Normal to the Direction of Tool Motion

j The best, or least upper bound solution
The Rubbing Region.
is that shown in Fig. 4. From an examinution of this figl1l'e it
follows that the thrust force per unit workpiece wi(lth, F", normal
to the cutting velocity vector, due to material bearinl?; on the
boundary AUC (for II von Mises material in which the normal
stress is equal to Y;h), is given by the expression

F'r/I'r = 2V3 sin e (13)

while the specific thrust resistance, k'r, for a machining depth Fig. 8 Grinding attachment for rounded-edge tools
t = 1'(1- cos e) is,
k'r/r = (20 sin e)/(1 - eos e) (14)

for 0 < ~ 00 = 14 deg (corresponding to a e = -76 deg, as in-
divided by r), is dependent on the vahtc of the t/I', but not
dicated previously).
on the values of t or r independen tly. In the analysis outlined in
When theoretical values of log (ker/r) and 101?; (k,,/r) arc plotted
the fOJ'(lgoing, the influence of variation in (,ooll'l1ke angle 01' clear-
al?;ainst values of log (t/I'), llpproximately linear relationships are
ance alll?;le is not considered, and in fact, is assumed to be small.
evidenced, as indicated in Fig. G.
The analysis given in this seetion should have value in relation
jj The Cutting Region. For vlllues of t > l' (1 - cos flo), chip re-
to practical sit.uations or its development may be considered to be
moval may be expected and a cutting mechanism will prevail in
pointless. In this rel?;ard it was (~Ollsidered necessary to deter-
addition to a rubbing action. The thrust force component will
mine the (~xtent of the influence of the cutting edge when using
then comprise two parts, viz.,
praetical cutting tools.
(u) that eaused by the chip slidinl?; over the dead metal zone,
F'e! and Preliminary Tests With Nominally Sharp Tools
(Ii) that caused by the pressure applied to the lower surface of
In the past, the strail?;ht line graphs whir,h have usually re-
the dell(l-metalllone, F,e2.
sulted when plots of measured cutting foree values in terms of eor-
It. may be shown that (Fig. [) responding nominal depths of cut have frequently been extrapo-
lated to lIero depth of cut. The resulting positive intercepts on
F'e! = rl' ((;. - 1 + cos (0) 1 - (~) tan a f ) (15)
the cutting foree axis have been assoeiated, in principle, wit,h the
plastic flow of material IIround the tool edge profile. The logic
involved in t,his arl?;ument is incorreet sinee n lIero (~utting forr,e
where, as before, af = - sin -1 (1 -;) and P is the quantity de- magnitude must result from the use of a lIero depth of cut regard-
less of tool geometry.
fined in Appendix I. It can also be shown that, (c.f. equation The natural sharpness of a culting tool depends on a number of
(8, factors, as demonstrated by ToujwS [2llJ, e.g., the induded angle

F'e2 =' 0 n'{ (tan af) C- 1 + cos eo) + cos af ~ sin eo}
of the tool, the grinding procedure, the post de-burring pror,ess,
the skill of the operlltor and the hardness of the tool material.
Hinee e(lge radii arc difficult to measure in practice, II correct,
(16) interpretation of r,uttinl?; force da(.a would seem to be a possible
alternative procedure whereby an aeeurate assessment might be
It follows that the thrust force component per unit workpiece made. Jn lin attempt to explore this matter further, r,uttinl?;
width due to the contribution of the cutting region is, force measurements were made using oJ'{linary tools having vary-
ing degrees of edge sharpness. The experiment described here
has value only when it is remembered that in this investigation
and that the influence of a flank weal' land has been deliberately negleeted.
The normal euttinl?; tools which were employed were divided
(18) into two sepnl'llte groups. One I?;roup WitS groulHl with a nomi-
nally sharp edge. These tools were then subjected to a short,
The total specific thrust resistance is then given by the expression, preliminary eutting operation in order to effeet a slight roundinl?;

k, = k,c + k'r ( 1 - t
cos eo) (19)
of their edges. In this cllse the theory developed in the earlier
part of the paper was used to obtain edge radii values from
measured cutting forr,e values. Theoretieal values of 1'(1 +sin a)
and, were then found to agree with the abseissae range r,overing the
nonlinear portions of the l"p - t and FQ - t graphs, as shown in
F, = F'r + F'e (20) Fig. 7.
The ot;]lCr group of tools WIlS ground with the aid of a grindinl?;
It follows from the analysis outlincd herc that the tool edl?;e thrust attadlluent shown in Fig. 8. (While being ground with the aid
force is determined by thc material yield shear stress, the depth of of this device, the tool is forced to rotnte in a plane whir,h is nor-
cut and the tool edp;e rudius indcpendently. Thc total specific mal to the cutt.inl?; edge about an axis parullel to the edp;e.) These
thrust rcsistance (or the thrust force pel' unit dcpth of cut tools, havinp; known values of edp;e radii, were then used to obtain

1262 / NOVEMBER 1974 Transactions of the ASME

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the cutting force data shown plotted in Fig. 9. The tools used terials were chosen in order to obtain two main types of chip
in the experiment described in this section had a common formation, viz., continuous chips (zinc), and discontinuous chips
clearance angle of 9 deg and rake angles of 10 and 25 deg. (brass). All cutting tests were carried out at 32 in./min in the
I t m a y be concluded from the experiments described in this absence of a cutting fluid.
section t h a t the tool edge force cannot be the extrapolated value
on an Fp t graph, but is rather represented by the force ordinate
corresponding to the value of t at which departure from linearity Experimental Observations
is observed. The latter is much larger in most cases, as shown T h e surface quality obtained when cutting zinc was found to be
in Fig. 7. superior to that resulting from the use of brass, while the amounts
of side flow observed were larger when machining the latter ma-
terial. Since no detectable differences were observed between the
Experimental Details cutting force values recorded during the first, second, or third
As mentioned previously the direct study of the cutting process passes over the same specimen the extent of side flow was judged
at very small depths of cut has usually been complicated by dif- to be quite small with the material moving downwards, away
ficulties associated with the measurement of the edge radii of from the cutting edge.
nominally sharp tools. In order to overcome this problem, at The sides of the specimens were observed with the aid of a
least to some extent, orthogonal cutters were ground with ex- cinematographic camera during the process of cutting. Traces
aggeratedly large edge radii, using the special grinding attach- of chip material adhering to the tool after cutting were examined
ment described previously. in every Case using a tool-room microscope (magnification 100 X ).
These high-speed steel orthogonal tools were ground with rake The chip-tool contact lengths, projected onto a plane normal to
angles of 0, 15, and 25 deg and with a common clearance angle of the cutting velocity vector, were found to be nearly equal to the
9 deg. An additional tool having a rake angle of 25 deg, a clear- uncut chip thickness (regardless of the values of a or cl), for any
ance angle of 4 deg and an edge radius of 0.006 in., was also em- value of (t/r), when cutting zinc and brass, as indicated in Fig. 10.
ployed. Other edge radii, being larger, were checked with the
aid of an optical projector at a magnification of 100X. Frequent
re-grinding of these edges and the use of low speeds minimized Experimental Results
the associated problems of tool wear. The experimental results shown in Fig. 11 indicate t h a t the
These tools were then mounted individually in a lathe tool cutting force magnitudes (and the specific cutting energies and
dynamometer which was secured to the ram of a milling machine. thrust resistance) are little influenced by changes in rake (0-25
The output from the dynamometer was fed to an ultraviolet re- deg) and clearance (4-9 deg) angles when cutting at depths 0 < i
corder in order to measure simultaneously the two components of < r (1 + sin a). Similar results were obtained when machining
the cutting force. zinc. The total specific cutting energy and the total specific
The workpiece specimens were machined from plates of free- thrust resistance depend on the value of the ratio (t/r), rather
cutting brass (62 percent Cu, 35 percent Zn, and 3.25 percent than on the values of t or r independently.
Pb), and zinc (99.9 percent). The brass plates were stress- In order to compare the experimental results with calculated
relieved at 475 deg F for one hour prior to cutting. The plates theoretical values, the material yield shear stress of the workpiece
were 1/i in. thick and had a length of 12 in. The workpiece ma- material was determined approximately from the results of force

ALUMINUM A r = 0006"

ALUMINUM V r = 0 003"



- X .

3g X.1-

3d X yk
X A/
o i-
CL X /
o o
w -.
" p
o \-
i i i 1 1
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 x 10 2 4 6 10 xlO


Fig. 9 The influence of tool edge roundness on culling forces for larger Fig. 10 Projected chip-tool contact lengths versus I, for 0 < r < r(l +
depths of cut ( a = 2 5 d e g , eJ = 9 deg) sin)

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Table 1 Analysis of results

Empirical and theoretical equations of the form

Logio(/ci/r) = A B logic, (t/r), where i e or I
Number error of
of Simple estimation
Workpiece T psi data correlation for
Material X 103 A B points coefft. F over X i a deg d deg
Zinc (i)() 35.0 0.5912 0.5594 183 -0.977 0.0431 e 0 4
(ii) 0.5941 0.3537 14 -0.997 0.0094 e 25 9
Zinc (i) 35.0 0.4984 0.82 189 -0.981 0.0578 t 0 4
0.5044 0.772 14 -0.996 0.023 t 25 9
Brass (i)
40.9 0.6032 0.371 166 -0.95 0.0407 e 0 4
0.5817 0.3059 14 -0.997 0.0094 e 25 9
(i) 40.9 0.6419 0.6563 106 -0.884 0.1286 t 0 4
(ii) 0.5044 0.772 14 -0.996 0.023 t 25 9
Rubbing region 0.6797 0.4361 14 -0.999 0.0151 e
0 <t/r < 0.03 0.6858 0.5013 14 -1.000 0.0028 t
> (i) expt., (ii) theory

measurements derived from orthogonal cutting tests using uncut chip thicknesses. However, the chips formed in the latter
nominally sharp tools. The average values, derived from Mer- case were discontinuous. The average force values might there-
chant's force balance equation, were 40.9 X 103 psi for brass and fore be expected to be smaller since the chips would not bear
35.0 X 10 3 psi for zinc. The relationship between the shear continuously against the tool. Therefore the measured values
stress acting a t the primary deformation zone and that existing of k and kt may be expected to be larger for zinc than for brass
at the surface of the build-up will be discussed in a later section. workpieces.
I n the tests described in this section the tools were very sharp The deformation occurring at the chip-tool interface must de-
and chips were macroscopically continuous without traces of pend on that which has taken place in the primary deformation
build-up. Von Turkovich [30] considered these conditions to be zone. The ratio of the shear flow stresses at these locations has
indispensible. been determined experimentally by a number of authors. A
value in the range 0.8-1.0 was obtained by Sata [32] for the ratio
K where,
No account has been taken in the analysis presented here of shear stress at the tool interface
K =
the plastic zone beneath the cutting tool. The shape of this shear stress at the shear plane
zone will probably be influenced to a small extent by the clearance
angle of the tool. Furthermore material side flow beneath the In the same paper Sata suggested t h a t K should be nearly equal
tool may be expected to contribute to a change in material proper- to unity at low cutting speeds. In other work Lira and Thomsen
ties as the workpiece material approaches the base of the tool. [33] supported this result. Other workers have found the value
The critical rake angle (the value 76 deg being adopted in of the ratio to be dependent on cutting speed and tool rake angle.
this analysis) would seem t o be little influenced by the properties However in the present investigation a value of K equal to unity
of the workpiece material when cutting in this regime, since the was considered t o adequately represent the physical situation.
results obtained for brass and zinc are identical. The values of r were determined in an admittedly approximate
Although the presence of a stable build-up does not lead to a manner although the same method was used in subsequent tests
marked deterioration in the quality of the surface finish, the chips carried out at higher cutting speeds.
so formed derived from an equivalent cutting tool having an Since the measured values of kc and fo. depend on the value of
equivalent negative rake angle which for small cuts, is determined (t/r), regardless of the values of I and r independently, the results
b y the depth of cut. I n this case it is difficult to understand the given in this paper may be applicable to the machining of ma-
possibility of continuing edge wear, except by the growth of a terials with sharper tools, i.e., the validity of the model concept
flank wear land. Little increase in natural sharpness radius would seem to be correct.
would be expected. Further justification for the position taken in this paper regard-
The sharpness of a knife may be best assessed by a series of ing the absence of any influence of the clearance angle on mea-
short cutting tests since optical or other means would seem to be sured cutting force values may be found in references [34 and 35].
beset with difficulty. While Hsu [34] and Chisholm [35] assumed clearance face forces
The study of the primary shear flow zone at low cutting speeds to be negligibly small, Merchant observed no detectable change
is a complex topic so t h a t the use of a slip-line method to calcu- in cutting force magnitude accompanying changes in clearance
late the normal pressures acting around the tool edge must be angle. Finnie and Rabinowicz [36] applied radioactive tech-
treated with some degree of caution. I t must be noted t h a t the niques to the study of tool wear phenomena and in the course of
shear stresses acting in the primary shear flow region are assumed their work detected little pick-up of radioactive workpiece ma-
to be uniformly distributed even though this is the position taken terial on the clearance faces of the cutting tools which they used.
byThomsen[31). In their experimental work with sharp negative rake tools, the
The fact t h a t the zinc chips in most cases left the surface of the authors [26] failed to observe traces of chip or workpiece ma-
tool edge above the vertical position of the uncut surface means terial adhering to the clearance face. Since the rigidity of the
t h a t additional sliding forces might in some cases contribute to machine-tool system used in the present study was high (0.022 X
the measured values of ke and kt. Better agreement with the 1 0 - 6 in./lb) changes in clearance angle cavised by elastic deflection
theoretical results was in fact obtained for brass and in this case may be expected to have been negligibly small.
projected chip-tool contact lengths were uniformly equal to the The theory developed in this paper assumes the existence of a

1264 / NOVEMBER 1974 Transactions of the ASME

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uniform pressure distribution around the surface of the rounded P = - r ( l + 2<t>m) (27)
edge. This assumption is supported by the experimental results
of Okushima, et al. [37], who employed photoelastic cutting tools Now it may be seen (Fig. 13) that </>, = I - ar 1, sticking
to machine soft metal workpieces. In their analysis of the chip-
ping of cutting edges Tanaka, et al. [38] also assumed the ex- friction conditions being assumed at the surface of the tool.
istence of a uniform pressure around the edge of the tool. Therefore,
Support for the shear stress distribution adopted in this paper
may be found in the work of Komanduri [27] and Okushima, et al. P |r(2.571 - 2af)\ (28)
[37]. All previously published data which assumes the possible
The analysis presented here assumes a slip-line field which is not
existence of a stagnation point at the cutting edge (and the conse-
supported by the principle of volume constancy. However the
quent change in sign of the shear stress on either side of it), is in
result given by equation (28) is believed to represent a first ap-
agreement with the general tenor of the argument presented here.
proximation in the absence of other, more reliable, information.
A final comment concerns the fact that no evidence was found Bhattacharyya [39] and Chandreskaren and Kapoor [40] applied
of plastic recovery which phenomenon is characteristic of the a similar technique to the one adopted here.
cutting action obtained when using sharp negative rake tools
The influence of possible elastic effects at very small values of t APPENDIX II
is discussed in Appendix 2.
When vising very small depths of cut the effective rake angle of
a rounded-edged tool will approach the critical angle for chip
Conclusions formation. The specific energies and thrust resistances will tend
(a) Stable B u i l d - U p F o r m a t i o n .
to infinity since energy will still be expended in elastic and plastic
deformation beneath the surface. In these circumstances the
1 When finish machining at small depths of cut, the role of balance between elastic and plastic deformational energies as-
the rounded edge assumes a larger degree of importance. sumes a larger degree of importance, in relation to the theory pre-
2 Agreement between observed cutting force data and the re- sented in this paper
sults of the theory presented in this paper was obtained and this Let the periphery of the rounded edge be divided into two
indicates that the latter may have some value in the understand- parts, Fig. 14, around one of which elastic deflections occur, (\pi),
ing of the process, for { < r (1 -f- sin a). while the other is in contact with metal in a plastic state (l/^).
3 The time-honored procedure of extrapolating cutting force- In order to consider the possible influence of elastic deflections,
depth of cut graphs to zero depth of cut may lead to erroneous the stress conditions occurring around the periphery of the edge
results. may be approximated by those which exist in the vicinity of a
4 The specific cutting energy and specific thrust resistance cylinder rolling and sliding on a flat plate. This problem has
depend only on the value of the ratio t/r and not on that of r only, been treated by Smith and Liu [41], who derived values for the
for values of t < r (1 + sin a). These quantities are also in- maximum principal stresses beneath a steel cylinder bearing on a
sensitive to changes in the values of a and cl for the same range steel plate, in terms of the maximum unit pressure po acting on
of values of t. This fact lends credence to the proposal that model
experiments may provide useful information concerning the
mechanics of finish machining.
5 The effective tool rake angle when machining in the range
t < r (1 + sin a) is determined by the value of t.
6 The assessment of tool edge radii may be facilitated by a
proper understanding of measured cutting force data. B a = 25", CL = 4 , r = 0006

A a = 25, CL = 9 , r = 0 003 "

700 8 a = 0, CL = 9 , r = 0005"
The research described in this paper was financed by the Uni-
versity of Waterloo. The authors wish to acknowledge the help- A a = 25, CL=9, r = 0006"
ful advice of Professor R. Sowerby, Mechanical Engineering De-
600 O a = 15, CL = 9 " , r = 0 007"
partment, McMaster University, Ontario, Professor M. J.
Hillier, Mechanical Engineering Department, Memorial Uni-
versity, Newfoundland, and Professor R. N. Dubey, Mechanical
Engineering Department, University of Waterloo, and Dr. W. K. >- 500
Luk, formerly of the same address. on

The pressure, P, acting on the tool face at this speed in the
absence of an active build-up may be estimated as follows, using
the Hencky equation, (assuming a constant value for r in ac-
cordance with the suggestion of Thomsen [31]). o
P + 2r<j)m = constant along an a line (26)

where T is the material yield shear stress (assumed to be inde-

pendent of the degree of straining), and <m is the anticlockwise 100

rotation of the slip-line from an arbitrary datum.

The major principle stress acting in the direction parallel to
the surface at the uncut surface is tensile and if the datum direc- 0 J_ _L _I_ _L J L J_ _L J_
0 01 02 03 0-4 0-5 0-6 07 08 0-9 10 II 12 1-3
tion be chosen to be the free uncut surface then the constant in
the Hencky equation nray be shown to be equal to T. It DEPTH OF C U T / TOOL NOSE RADIUS , t/r

follows that, F i g . 11 i , ( e x p t l . ) v e r s u s r/r, (brass)

Journal of Engineering for Industry NOVEMBER 1974 / 1265

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90 - 1 V
2' \
50 3^ \ 45 TOOL

30 _ 4' ^ J ^

7 15

2 4' 4m =7 F4
8 -
^4 Fig. 13 a-slip line rotation between workpiece surface and tool (sticking
5 friction)
1 r a = 0, CL = 9
2 2' a = 15, CL =9" 2 Bailey, J. A. and Boothroyd, G., "A Critical Review of Some
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