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Eduardo Schiehll Jos Alonso Borba

PhD, CMA Professor Doutor do Departamento de Cincias Contbeis
Associate Professor do Centro Scio-Econmico
Department of Accounting Studies da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus Trindade
HEC Montral Canada E-mail:

Fernando Dal-Ri Murcia

Doutorando em Controladoria e Contabilidade
Pela Faculdade de Economia, Administrao e Contabilidade
da Universidade de So Paulo Campus Capital


This research note is the result of the authors reflections on epistemological issues in respect to the financial
accounting field. From an epistemological perspective, this document attempts to trace the philosophical, historical,
sociological, and discursive research perspectives that have guided academic research in the field of financial
accounting. In order to do so, this document explores the distinctions and connections between accounting
theory and accounting practice, which we believe is the first step towards understanding accounting as a scientific
discipline. We analyze the theories underpinning financial accounting research, discussing its purposes, historic
evolution, and scientific methods used. This document also discuss the sociological and discursive contexts of
financial accounting in order to demonstrate that, like every other social science, accounting research is based
upon assumptions about the nature of it players, or social networks. This document does not have the pretension
to cover or close the discussion about all the pitfalls of this complex topic. In this sense, we try to document our
analysis and draw some arguments in order to offer evidence for further discussion.

Keywords: Financial accounting. Epistemological view. Accounting theory.


Este ensaio terico resultado de reflexes dos autores acerca de questes epistemolgicas sobre a contabilidade
financeira. Atravs de uma perspectiva epistemolgica, este trabalho busca traar perspectivas filosficas, histricas,
sociolgicas e discursivas que guiaram a pesquisa acadmica na rea da contabilidade financeira. Para isso, exploram-
se as similaridades e diferenas entre a teoria e a prtica contbil, pois esse o primeiro para a compreenso da
contabilidade como disciplina cientfica. Analisam-se as teorias que suportam a pesquisa em contabilidade financeira,
discutindo seu propsito, evoluo histrica e mtodos cientficos utilizados. O presente trabalho tambm discute
os contextos sociolgicos e discursivos da contabilidade financeira como o objetivo de demonstrar que, da mesma
maneira que outras cincias sociais, a pesquisa em contabilidade est baseada em pressupostos sobre a natureza de seus
atores e/ou ambientes sociais. Finalmente, este trabalho no tem a pretenso de cobrir ou esgotar todas as discusses
sobre as questes que envolvem este complexo tema. Nesta tica, objetivou-se documentar as anlises e extrair alguns
argumentos com a finalidade de oferecer evidncias para futuros estudos.

Palavras-chave: Contabilidade financeira. Viso epistemolgica. Teoria contbil.

Recebido em 22.02.2007 Aceito em 13. 11. 2007

O autor Fernando Dal-Ri Murcia expressa seus agradecimentos ao CNPq pelo apoio financeiro que tem recebido,
como bolsista do programa de doutorado do Depto. de Contabilidade e Atuaria da FEA/USP.

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One of the great attractions of conducting applied rese- cal, and discursive research perspectives founded in the
arch in accounting or any other business field is that the re- financial accounting literature.
search topics extend beyond the normal boundaries. It brin- The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
gs worldviews into conflict, improves accounting practice, the first section, we explore the distinctions and connec-
and raises doubts about professional social and values. tions between accounting theory and accounting practice,
This research note is the result of the authors reflec- which we believe is the first step towards understanding
tions on epistemological issues in respect to the financial accounting as a scientific discipline. The second section
accounting field. The objective is to discuss some of the outlines the purposes, historic evolution, and scientific
principles that guide current applied research in financial methods of financial accounting research. In the third sec-
accounting, without presuming to cover or propose solu- tion, we attempt to clarify the sociological and discursive
tions to all the pitfalls of this complex topic. More specifi- contexts of financial accounting. Finally, we draw some
cally, from an epistemological perspective, this document conclusions.
attempts to trace the philosophical, historical, sociologi-


What is accounting? It is amazing how this simple, (1) provide a general frame of reference by which
basic question has never been answered precisely (KAM, accounting practice can be evaluated, and
1986). A simple and widely-held concept of accounting (2) guide the development of new practices and
is the process of identifying, measuring, recording, and procedures.
communicating economic information about an organi-
zation so that it may be used for sound decision-making. According to these principles, we argue that the next
This concept was derived from WELLS (1976), and like step in perceiving accounting as a scientific field would be
other concepts of accounting, it emphasizes the appli- to identify the accounting theories that are being deve-
cation aspect of accounting knowledge. Viewing this de- loped and how they are verified. In this respect, POPPER
finition from an epistemological perspective, one might (1982) suggests that accounting knowledge is a body of
argue that the object of study is not well defined, the normative and positive empirical theories built around in-
methodology (truth criteria) is not identified, and the ductive inferences.
purpose of accounting research is poorly delimited. The Normative means that accounting theories contain
aim of this document is not to criticize this specific defi- imperative value judgments stemming from factual state-
nition, but to argue that one of the difficulties in unders- ments about the object of study, e.g., the market value of
tanding accounting as a scientific discipline resides in its firm equity. Another justification is that normative conclu-
definition as stated in the literature. Among others, the sions are very often the origin of policy recommendations,
importance of viewing accounting as a scientific field is which may or may not be adopted by practitioners in the
that fundamental or applied research is the only way to field. According to WATTS & ZIMMERMANN (1986), nor-
generate and improve knowledge in a scientific field. In mative theories are almost entirely devoted to the exami-
other words, the relevance of, and incentives for, con- nation of questions of what ought to be done. Thus, this
ducting research in a specific discipline like accounting theory attempts to prescribe what information ought to be
depend on the extent to which specific methods may be communicated and how it ought to be presented. In other
applied to improve the disciplines body of knowledge. words, the normative theories attempt to explain what
Following this line of reasoning, we believe that in or- accounting should be rather than what accounting is.
der to perceive and appreciate accounting as a scientific On the other hand, positive theories attempt to explain
field, a first, essential step would be to understand the dis- why accounting is what it is. They describe not only what
tinctions and associations between accounting theory and accounting information should and how it should be com-
accounting practice. According to the framework proposed municated to its users, but also why accountants do what
by KUHN (1972), for example, we may conjecture that ac- they do and the effects of all this on people and resource
counting theory is a body of statements or propositions utilization (CHRISTENSON, 1983). However, as suggested
connected by rules of inferential reasoning (i.e. testable by SCHROEDER and CLARK (1995), ideally there should
hypotheses or premises and conclusions) that form the ge- be no such distinction (normative versus positive) because
neral frame of reference for the development or explanation a well-developed and complete theory encompasses both
of accounting practices. The study by HENDRIKSEN (1982) what should be and what it is.
corroborates this argument, adding that accounting theory The empirical and inductive attributes of accounting the-
may be defined as logical reasoning in the form of a set of ory are easier to justify. In fact, according to STERLING (1970),
broad principles that: only mathematics and logic can be classified as non-empiri-

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cal sciences. Accounting theories in particular are fundamen- UNDERDOW (1976) suggests that the concepts of finan-
tally based on experience and observation. For example, the cial accounting are particularly significant to the develop-
qualitative and quantitative variations of firm equity studied ment of accounting theory in two ways:
in Financial Accounting, or the dysfunctional behaviors of (1) they are themselves part of an empirical pro-
budgetary control investigated in Management Accounting. cess for developing rules of financial accounting, and
However, accounting premises and conclusions are connec- (2) they reflect the influence of institutional forces
ted by inductive inference. Double-entry bookkeeping system which shape the philosophy of accounting in a given
can serve to illustrate this point. The double-entry system is and social environment.
based on noting changes in the wealth of a firm and an at-
tempt to translate the qualitative and quantitative variations Much later, the Industrial Revolution drove the need for
in the firms equity. The double-entry system, perhaps the accounting practices that could handle mechanization, fac-
first and most important paradigm1 of accounting science, tory-manufacturing operations, and the mass production
was invented in the commercial city-states of medieval Italy of goods and services. With the rise of large, publicly held
in response to the emergence of trade and commerce. Ac- business corporations owned by absentee stockholders
cording to ROVER (1938) the double-entry was born when and administrated by professional managers, the accoun-
people came to see that you could not take something out of ting role was further redefined. According to SCHOROE-
one pigeonhole without putting it into another. It has emer- DER, CLARK and CATHEY (2005) the Industrial Revolution
ged as a natural outcome of the evolutionary process to the brought the need for more formal accounting procedures
need of times (KAM, 1986). The first published accounting and standards. In terms of epistemology, these two events
work was written in 1494 by the Venetian monk Luca Pacioli may be interpreted as a crisis (KUNH, 1972) in accounting
(1450-1520). It summarizes principles that have remained science. Organizations were immersed in a new social and
essentially unchanged to this day. economic reality. New paradigms were imposed onto ma-
Subsequent works written in the 16th century intro- nagement activities, calling for new accounting theories to
duced the first formulations of the concepts of assets, lia- support the new accounting practices. From that point on,
bilities, and income. In keeping with this theme, LAKATOS research in the accounting field split off into two direc-
(1978) suggests that a theory is constructed by a body tions: financial accounting and management accounting.
of concepts. From this perspective, assets, liabilities, inco- While the first focuses on the outside user of accounting
me, and other notions derived from these such as long and information, the second focuses on the internal user and
short term, revenue, costs, expenses, operational, no ope- the decision making process. However, independently of
rational, etc., have a specific (or rather particular) meaning this split, theorists continue their quest: explain accoun-
in the accounting field, and are fundamental elements for ting practice. In the next section we discuss the purposes,
the building and understanding of accounting knowledge. evolution and methods of financial accounting research.
In the same line of thinking, the study by GLAUTIER AND


Financial accounting is commonly considered as the worldwide for preparing, disclosing, or interpreting finan-
process by which a company discloses information about cial statements.
its financial and economic activities to different users out- In the United States for example, financial accounting
side the organization (CHAMBERS, 1966). Following this studies proliferated after the passing of the Securities Acts
line of reasoning, we may argue that financial accounting of 1933 and 1934, which created the Securities Exchange
theories are responsible for setting the rules and prin- Commission (SEC), a government regulatory agency. Re-
ciples that guide current financial accounting practice. garding SECs role in the development of accounting prin-
More specifically, economic theories such as agency and ciples, Section 13 (b) of Securities Acts of 1934 states:
stewardship theories are the underpinnings of accounting The commission may prescribe, in regard to pursuant
standards that require the disclosure of financial informa- to this title, the forms in which required information shall
tion. Also, they are the foundations of the frameworks be set forth, the items or details to be shown in the balan-
used by external users to interpret this information. For ce sheet and the earnings statement, and the methods to
example, the United States FAS Financial Accounting be followed in the preparation of report,
Standards body of rules, among the most well-known At the same time, SEC was also granted the authority
standards in financial accounting, is used as a reference to determine external auditing practices. SECs laws insti-

1 Both inductive and deductive inferences may generate positive or normative theories. Positive theories attempt to explain what and how accounting information is presented
and how it should be communicated to users. Normative theories attempt to prescribe what data ought to be communicated and how they ought to be presented, that is,
they attempt to explain what should be rather than what is. WATTS & ZIMMERMANN (1986).

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tutionalized the corporate audit and regulated the financial theories based on rationalizations of prevailing practices,
disclosure of corporations listed on the stock exchange. whereas economists were using economic analysis to cri-
In this respect, (1982) suggests that the creation of the tique basic accounting methods. WHITTINGTON (1987)
Security Exchange Commission represents a sea change in defined the first approach as empirical inductive and the
basic accounting thought. The SECs regulatory role chan- second as deductive. These different approaches began
ged the goal from presenting information to management to converge after the Second World War, leading to the
and creditors to providing relevant financial information to research of the 1960s, known as the golden age of a
investors and stockholders, a completely new paradigm for priori research in financial accounting, apparently un-
financial accounting. der the strong influence of the critical ethos of POPPER
Although SEC had the power to regulate accounting (1982). According to our analysis, we argue that financial
practices and disclosure, in general it has heavily relied on accounting researchers embraced a hypothetical deductive
accounting professional and used its power to set cons- methodology, and attempts were made to derive measures
traints and exert veto power (BELKAOUI, 1993). In this of income that conformed to economic theory and at the
same line of reasoning, KAM (1986) states that the phi- same time satisfied the requirements of existing accoun-
losophy of the SEC has been to permit the private sector ting practices. The works of CHAMBER (1966), STERLING
to take the leading in formulating accounting principles. In (1970), and MATTESSICH (1970) date from that era. It was
this sense, accounting theorists have became increasingly the first major turning point in accounting methodology.
concerned with prescribing what information should be re- At that time, one of the primary assumptions in finan-
ported and how. As a result, the accounting field has seen cial accounting was that income measures were needed to
the creation of a plethora of committees to discuss, in- assist shareholder and investor decision-making in their ow-
vestigate, and propose new accounting principles and pro- nership interests. This supposition led to the development
cedures. According to WATTZ and ZIMMERMAN (1986) of the predictive ability criterion in financial accounting re-
accounting theorists became much more concerned with search. The predictive approach steered a new set of empi-
prescribing how firms should report. Very little concern rical studies towards the effects of accounting information
was exhibited for the empirical validity of the hypotheses on decision-making. These studies examined, for example,
on which the normal prescriptions rested. Under this nor- the behavior of decision-makers faced with different types
mative approach, accounting properties are evaluated in and reporting intervals of accounting information. Owing to
terms of their perceived proximity to the ideal criteria. the difficulty of determining future cash flows, these studies
That being said, we must also emphasize that the nor- generally contented themselves with examining the rela-
mative approach adopted by financial accounting research tionship between accounting information and current share
in its early stages still predominates today. Two factors prices. The seminal works of BEAVER (1968) and BALL and
appear to have influenced this thinking. First, the main BROWN (1968) represent the shifted in accounting resear-
guidelines given to accounting researchers was, and still ch, as the normative approach began to be replaced by the
is, that specific accounting theories should conform to the informational approach. This is reflected in financial accoun-
general principles, which were believed to be grounded in ting research in information economics, securities prices,
current financial accounting practice. As HENDRIKSEN and behavioral sciences (BEAVER, 1998).
(1982) points out, if we wish to evaluate current accoun- This kind of research enjoyed great popularity during
ting practices, it may be necessary to start identifying the the 1970s, and was mostly grounded on finance theories
procedures and rules applied in the accounting practice, such as the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and the
and from that attempt to establish general presupposi- Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Accordingly, accounting
tions and theories. studies from that period are characterized by the progressive
Second, from a sociological perspective, the evolution introduction of finance research methods, accompanied by
of financial accounting research was hampered by the in- the growing presence of positive theory and methodology.
volvement and regulatory oversight of governments and As a result, empirical works were marked by contradictions
professional accounting associations. For instance, the between the positive concept and hypotheses that underlay
American Accounting Association (AAA), which commit- the normative prescriptions of early accounting.
tees comprised mainly of accounting educators, and has as This shift to an informational approach in financial repor-
a mission to foster worldwide excellence in the creation, ting is also emphasized in the Financial Accounting Standar-
dissemination and application of accounting knowledge ds Boards Statement No 1 (1978), which states that:
and skills, has influenced the development of accounting Financial reporting should provide information that is
thought by its research and publication (KAM, 1986). useful to present and potential investors and creditors and
According to RYAN (1992), simultaneous significant other users in assessing the amounts, timing, and uncer-
research efforts were being carried out by economists and tainty of prospective cash receipts
economics-oriented accountants in the United Kingdom, According to Beaver (1998) one of the reasons for this
mainly at the London School of Economics (LSE). Accoun- shift was that the concept of economic income had not
tants interested in distilling principles from existing prac- been well-defined when there were imperfect or incomple-
tices (the normative approach) were producing inductive te markets.

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In 1986, a new methodology was formally introdu- telling argument is that the design of any empirical test
ced into financial accounting research, with a significant requires theoretical constructs, and a positive theory ine-
impact on research directions. It was called Positive Ac- vitably contains theoretical assumptions.
counting Theory,2 and was invented in North America at In our opinion, here again the evolution of financial
the Universities of Chicago and Rochester by WATTS & accounting research, theory, and practice can be viewed
ZIMMERMAN (1986). Positive Accounting Theory repre- through KUHNs (1972) concept of science. According to
sented an extreme form of empiricism, and a reaction to this author, criticism should be interpreted as a pre-para-
the normative methodology of the a priori theorists that digm stage, during which a body of phenomena is exami-
had reigned for previous decades. ned by scientists espousing competing schools of thought
The main argument of WATTS & ZIMMERMAN (1986) with no common body of belief. As FEYERABEND (1979)
is that scientific research may concern itself only with puts it, La science est anachiste (science is anarchist). If
what is questions, that is, it must follow a predictive this turmoil is inherent in the very scientific process itself,
approach. In other words, accounting research cannot be then accounting and financial accounting theory must ne-
used to answer ought to be questions (the prescriptive cessarily be a contentious process.
or normative approach discussed previously). Thus, positi- As the new millennium approached, financial accoun-
ve accounting postulates that accounting research can be ting theory and practice seemed to be doing quite well, as
used to predict stock market reactions to the disclosure of financial markets were booming across capitalism coun-
accounting information, but cannot prescribe how income tries. However, in the beginning of this decade, accounting
ought to be measured in financial statements or how stock has suffered a huge loss, as public confidence in financial
prices ought to be evaluated based on accounting infor- reporting started to erode. Fraud scandals involving corpo-
mation. The authors of the positive accounting theory also rations like Enron, WorldCom, Adelphia, Global Crossing,
advised careful discrimination between positive and nor- Parmalat, Lucent, Tyco and Xerox have resulted in financial
mative propositions. For example, the positive perspective statements credibility loss, raising questions about the
is concerned with how the world works and how accoun- integrity of the accounting and the auditing professions.
ting information is interpreted. Lets say a firm switches its As former SECs president states LYNN TURNER (1999)
inventory evaluation method from FIFO to LIFO3. Because states
the stock market has not anticipated the change, the stock Given the fact that accounting is done by people,
price rises. This result can be interpreted under the positi- I do not expect us to be able to totally eliminate fraud.
ve perspective (what happens). A normative proposition However, we shouldnt ignore it but rather proceed
however, being prescriptive, would suggest that, because with timely and appropriate enforcement actions.
prices are rising, the LIFO system should be adopted. This
epistemological change in financial accounting theory can Following this line of reasoning, we seem to be entering
be thought of as a revolution (KUHN, 1972) in accounting into a new paradigm, where the main concern is to reco-
science, in which the consensus associated with the old very public trust in financial reporting. In the United Sta-
paradigm is replaced by consensus on the new paradigm, tes, for example, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, enacted in 2002,
in this case, a predictive approach. wishes to attribute higher accountability to executives and
The Positive Theory was generally welcomed into fi- companies involving in financial statement fraud. Accoun-
nancial accounting research, inspiring Efficient Market Hy- ting research has also been influenced by these events as
pothesis testing and research based on the assumptions topics like corporate governance, business ethics, earnings
of neoclassical economics, portfolio, and agency theories. management, report restatement, managers compensa-
Since then, these topics have been the predominant focal tion and incentives, fraud red flags, forensic accounting,
areas in financial accounting research. Notwithstanding, continuous auditing and whistle-blowing have been lately
in recent years the Positive Accounting Theory has been addressed by the scientific community.
subjected to harsh critiques from positive theorists like In the next section we follow this epistemological
CHRISTENSON (1983) and WHITTINGTON (1987). Its analysis of the financial accounting discipline exploring its
detractors have pointed out the impossibility of divorcing sociological and discursive roots.
empirical testing from theoretical assumptions. The most


The studies by LATOUR (1989) and WHITLEY (1984) science are basically determined by the extent and intensity
suggest that the sociological and discursive perspectives of a of its interaction with society. Like every other social science,

2 In positive or scientific theory there are no brute facts. The interpretation of facts depends on theories. Furthermore, we cannot prove a hypothesis correct. All that is possible
is to disprove a hypothesis. POPPER (1963).
3 First in first out (FIFO) and Last in last out (LIFO).

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accounting conducts its research based upon assumptions At the same time, scientific research in accounting has
about the nature of social science and the nature of society also been influenced by social and environmental forces,
(BELKAOUI, 1997). As it happens, financial accounting may which resulted in two different streams of research: the
be analyzed from both the sociological and discursive pers- North-American and the European. According to LOPES
pectives. Thus, accounting may be viewed as a socio-sys- and MARTINS (2005) research in accounting cannot be
temic structure, with input, process, and output. The idea considered independently of the social environment in
is that financial accounting knowledge does not affect only which it is inserted. The research itself is a product of the
the accountants and accounting practices, but also (directly social environment.
or indirectly) impacts the management context in all its rami- The North American stream of accounting research,
fications. As BEAVER (1998) suggests, the current financial which is known as the mainstream, has been based on
report environment consists of various groups (investors, in- the economic concepts and in a framework based on the
formation intermediaries, regulators, managers, auditors, etc.) positive method, which basically relies on:
who are affected by and have a stake in financial reporting (i) hypotheses development
requirements. Hereafter, the sociological and discursive pers- (ii) economic theories to support the hypotheses
pectives of accounting will be analyzed assisted by the strong (iii) empirical tests using econometrics techniques
interdependence between science and society (the science (iv) conclusions that wish to construct a theory in or-
players). Our argument is that, as an applied science, the der to explain and predict particle
accounting discipline is no exception to the rule.
In this sense, the process of constructing accounting This line of research has been largely disseminated by
theories has been analyzed, culminating in the conclusion the Elite Schools (Chicago, MIT, Rochester, Stanford, etc.)
that market pressure, tax laws (institutional influence), ma- and their PhDs programs. This research has also been sti-
nagement decision needs, and macroeconomic factors such mulated by premier scientific journals like The Accounting
as inflation are the main inputs to a sociological accounting Review (TAR), Journal of Accounting Research (JAR), Journal
system. These inputs are the starting points for an accoun- of Accounting and Economics (JAE), Contemporary Research
ting translation process. Thus, the discursive result is the (CAR) and Review of Accounting Studies (RAS).
creation or improvement of accounting practices, while the However, an alternative stream of research has emerged
sociological contribution is the correct incorporation of the- with the foundation of the journal Accounting, Organiza-
se aspects into the accounting framework to address user tion and Society, in England. Here, we call it the European
needs and serve as interpretation models. Therefore, the or British stream, as most of the researches were originally
accounting socio-output is represented by better assess- British like Antony Hopwood, Michael Power and Peter
ments of a firms financial health by investors and stakehol- Miler. However, we might note the existence of British au-
ders and improved decision-making by managers. Thus, se- thors that are adopters of the North-American approach
lection of a financial reporting system might be viewed as a and vice-versa.
social choice, where bargain power will determine whoever The theoretical approach used by the British stream
gets their desires fulfilled. of research has been based on disciplines like sociology,
In a number of countries, such as the United States, psychology, history and political economy. In this line of
where financial reporting information is directed prima- research, the accounting phenomenon cannot be viewed
rily toward the needs of investors and creditors, decision within the best possible option (normative) or a set of hy-
usefulness is the overriding criterion for judging its quality potheses to be tested (positive); instead the proposition
(MUELLER, GERNON and MEEK, 1994). However, in some is that forces that shape accounting should be elaborated
other countries, such some Latin American countries, finan- within a set of social interactions that act in a debate arena
cial accounting is designed primarily to ensure that the right (LOPES and MARTINS, 2005)
amount of tax is collected. In this sense, accounting is sha-
ped by the environmental forces in which it operates.


This brief epistemological overview of the history of protection of capital markets and creditors. The capital ma-
financial accounting research demonstrates how it gained rket still wields a strong influence over the sociological and
importance as a hands-on activity before the accounting discursive branches of financial accounting science. Research
theorists arrived on the scene. Consequently, accounting programs have been supported by regulatory bodies such as
practices were shaped by accounting practitioners and the AICPA (USA) and CICA (Canada) and professional accoun-
government authorities, which took a keen interest in the ting associations such as AAA (USA) and CAAA (Canada)4.

4 AICPA is the acronym for American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; CICA is the acronym for Chartered Accountants of Canada; AAA is the acronym for American
Accounting Association; and CAAA is the acronym for Canadian Academic Accounting Association.

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Financial accounting research has also been impacted by the At the same time recent accounting scandals involving
corporative influence. This influence has taken the form of highly known corporations have raised questions about
standards designed to control financial accounting practices financial reports reliability, which seem to somehow shif-
instead of fostering discussion on the anomalies between ted the focus back to regulation that could result in less
the reality and evaluation of firm equity. As a consequen- information usefulness, in order to recover the integrity of
ce, few paradigms or accounting theories have been put accounting information. As such, researchers in financial
forward to guide research avenues in financial accounting. accounting need to be aware of the many dimensions and
When Positive Accounting Theory brought to accounting realities that they are attempting to account for and re-
a theory-testing approach, researchers embarked on an effi- present. Numerical Accounting highlights aspects of or-
cient capital market approach, which led to improved utili- ganizational reality that are quantifiable and built into the
zation of rigorous research methods and statistical analysis. accounting framework, but oftentimes ignore aspects of
These factors may have shielded financial accounting from organizational reality that are not quantifiable in this way.
criticism, and therefore creativity, compared to other ma- That said such challenges are part and parcel of all scien-
nagement disciplines, where there was more incentive for tific fields.
qualitative and interpretative investigation.

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NOTA Endereo dos autores

HEC Montral Universidade de So Paulo
3000, chemin de la Cte-Sainte-Catherine Faculdade de Economia, Administrao e Contabilidade
Montral (Qubec) Departamento de Contabilidade e Aturia
Canada H3T 2A7 Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 prdio 3 Cidade Universitria
So Paulo SP
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 05508-900
Centro Scio-Econmico
Trindade Florianpolis SC

R. Cont. Fin. USP So Paulo v. 18 n. 45 p. 83 - 90 set./dez. 2007

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