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A ~to Z


- .
Problem book in Chemistry

. Author:
By: Er. Rishi Kumar
(B.Tech., lIT Kanpur)



Contact no: ~ 9798984530, 9852476717


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Writing solution to any book is a fascinating work, because in general solution is written to the
book which is very demanding by the students and teachers. I myself think lucky enough to have
a chance to ,write the solution of one such demanding and nice book "Moderns approach to "
chemical Calculation" by RC. MUkharji sir. This is a book which is followed in most of the
part of India as a basic numerical book for learning to solve problems for lIT-lEE, AIEEE,
PMTs and other state level competitive examinations.

Solution of this book is given first time and it is written in a way that a student can understand
the solution easily. Whenever a formula is used, it is written there and then it is "applied in the
paIiicular problems. Solution to mole concept and titration is done mainly on unitary method
which will help you to understand the basics of mole concept. Solution to chapter 11 'Atomic
structures and radioactivity' is done in the simplest way possible. Solution to equilibrium
problems is done in the way which you won't find in any Indian writer book; this will make
equilibrium the easiest chapter for you to solve the problems. In solution to electrochemistry
whenever the concept of thermodynamics is applied, it is fully explained. Solid state and solution
problems are done with diagram so that you can visualize the concept and understand the
calculation done in the solution of the problems. More than one method is used to solve some of
the problems and the solution is done in descriptive way. More and more reasons and
explanations are written during the sobtion so that one has ease to understand how a particular
concept is applied.

I myself needed the solution to this problem book at my lIT-JEE preparation time for some
chapter and some problems and I think that most of the serious students will desperately need
this solution book. This need of student has mainly motivated me to write this book. Further I
myself think that it will be helpful to my classroom students to have a full solution paper, if they
want for any particular chapter. There is no wrong in s'Oeing the solution of problems, but there is
right and wrong way. You should see solution if only you have tried to solve the problems 3-4
times, it will help you to understand where you were wrong, but ifyou just see the solution to
solve the problems then you will never learn to solve problems, you are just remembering the
solution to a particular problems, which is the worst way to study science. You have to first try to
solve the problems first and then at last you should see the solution.

Since this is the first edition & I have checked printing errors 1-2 times due to lack oftime & so
there is possibility of misprinting at some places. If it is found by any of you then please help us
to 'remove from the next edition. Any other type of suggestion and comment is heartily invited.
You can call us on our contact number written in this book.

I believe that this solution book will help many students and teachers to understand the solution
of problems by easy methods and they can have more and more benefit II'om it.

Chapter name Page no.

I. Elementary problems based on 1-20

the definition of mole: The mole concept

2. Problems based on equations: Stoichiometry 21-38

3. Eudiometry or Gas analysis 39-55

4. Atomic Weight 56-62

5. Molecular weight 63 -66

6. Chemical equivalence \ 67-73

7. Volumetric calculation 74-99

8. Electrolysis and electrolytic conductance 100 - 120

9. Estimation of elements in organic compounds 121-124

10. Empirical, molecular and structural formulae 125 -132

II. Atomic Structure and Radioactivity 133 -152

12. Properties of gases 153 -176

13.Dilute solution and colligative properties 177 '--196

14. Chemical Thermodynamics 197 - 215

15.Chemical Equilibrium 216 - Z44

... /

16. Ionic Equilibrium in aqueous solution 245 - 273

17.Chemical Kinetics 274- 298

18. Electromotive force 299-317

19. Oxidation number & balancing of Redox reaction 318- 337

20. Solid & Liquid states 337 - 350

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Chapter 1: Mole Concept
Q1. I" method
Sol-":- Ozone has fonnula: 0,
So, it molecular weight ~ 16 x 3 = 48 g
Given mass ~ 48 g
:. No of moles of o~one = wt(given) = lI';oles
. Mol.wot.
In I moles, there are Avogadro number of molecules.
No of molecules of O"one ~ 6023 x 10"
Also in each molecule of 0, there is three atoms of oxygen present,
So, total no. of Atoms = 3 x No. of molecule
~ 3 x 6.023 x 10" atoms ~ 1.8066 x 10 24 atoms
2" method
Mol wt of ozone = 16 x 3~48 gm
No of atoms in any molecules

wt(given) x A
vogadro' s nox A tOInlClty
48 "
~ 48 xN A x3=3N" =3x 6.023 x 10-- atoms

= 1.8066 x 10 24 atoms
Atomicity is the no of atoms present in a molecule.
Sol: From avogradro's hypothesis, Volume is directly proportional to number of moles of gases at
constant temperature & pressure
:. van (at constT & P)
Here, the" nature of gas is not significant, only no. of moles matter.
,i.e, no matter which are gases (but it should behaves ideally however).
:. For equal no. of moles of 0, & 0,.

VOl =ll02 =!
.. VOl nO]

Sol: Molecular weight of CaCO, = 40 + 12 + 3 x 16 = 100 gm.
:. Weigh. of5moles ofCaCO,
= no. of moles x Mol. wt.
= 5 x 100 = 500 g

(Since no. ofllloies = wI. )


Er. Kishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the best teacher at Pa~na for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 1
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. 111' Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

~ -=d-=e':::ls:::it"y--,o--,f->g",a-,-se:..:o--,w:::s:::su:::b--,s:..:t-=31:::1c.:. : .e
V apour dens,ty
densityofH, gas
From ideal gas equation
Pv~ -RT
w . weight
PM = - RT ~ dRT (d ~ densIty of gas = .::::..:=::: w )
V . Volume v
:. density is directly proportional to constan temperature & pressure.
d x M (at same P & T)
V.d. = dgassllb = Mgassub = Mol.wt.ofgases
dH, MH" " 2
:. Mol wt of gas = 2 x vapour density
Sol:- 2' method:-
1" method: A/Q; v.d. = 11.2 At STP I NTP : P = I atm
:. Mol. wt ~ 2 x v.d. T= 273 K.
= 22.4 gm :.PV=nRT,
:. Wt (given) ~ 11.2 gm. I
I atmxV~ -xO.082Ix273
11.2 I . 2
:. no. of moles ~ - - =-
22.4 2 V= 0.0821x273 I 1.2 lit
:. volume - = molar volum~ x no. of moles 2 Ans
= 22.4 lit xl = 11.21it
2 Ans

Sol: Na,CO j .IOH,O
In I molecule there is (3 + 10) = 13 oxygen atom.
No of molecules of Na,CO,d OH,O = moles xN A
= 0.02 x 6.023 x 1023
~ 1.56 x 1024 oxygen atoms Ans
2' method:-
No of atoms in a molecule
= no. of moles of molecules x N A x Atomicity
~ 0.2 x 6.023 x 10" x 13 = 156 x 10" 0 -atoms. Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is 0l\e oHhe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 2
By: Er. Rishi KlImar(B.Tech. liT KanplIr) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

no. of moles
Sol:-Molarity = -'--'-'-===--
volume(in lit)
Given Molarity (M) ~ I
Volume = 100 ml 100 lit=O.llit
:. no. of moles ~ Molarity x volume (in lit)
= I xO.1
= 0.1 moles
No. of sa." ions = no. ofmoleculesxno. of ions per molecule
= 0.1 x6.023x lO"x I
= 6.023 x 10" ioils Ans
Sol:- Nucleons are total no of neutrons + no. of protons present in a nucleus.
In I atom of I2 C total 12 nucleons a,'e present Actually no. of nucleons is the mass no of any
12 .-
No. of Atoms ~ - x NA = 6.023 x 10'-
12 .
:. total no. of nucleons ~ No. of nucleons per atom x total no. of atom
= 12 x 6.023 x lO" Ans
2" method
110. of nucleus = no. of moles x Avogadro no x mass no
12 . ,-
~ -xNAxI2=12x6.023xlO"
12 Ans

Er. Kishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE-2004and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITJEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 3
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

Sol:- Volume ~ 1m' = 10' lit 2nd method:-
At NTP ~ P ~ I atm, T = 273 K _ Volume(given)
no. 0 f ma Ies at N.T .P -
:. PV~nRT 22.4 lit
PV I atm x 10' lit 1000
n= - = 44.6moles =--=44.6moles
RT 0.0821x273 22.4


Sol:- Molality ~ =-=-=-==::..:....:==

no.of moles of solute
wt.of solvent (in kg)

~o I
250 k 10
1000 g

Sol:- wt (given) ~ 5.25 g N,

:. N0.0 f moeso
I 'fN2 = -wt- - =5.25
Mol.wt 28
Temp = 26C ~ 273 + 26= 299 K
P~74..2cmofHg= --atm.
:. From Ideal gas equation

5.2~ x 0.0821 x 299

V= nRT 28 ~ 4.71 lit Ans
P 74.2
wt 1
Sol:- no. of molecules ofNH] ~ x NA =-x NA
Mol.wt 17
wt I
no. of molecules ofN, ~ xNA=-xNA
Mol.wt. 28
I .
-N1\ 28
Ratio of molecules ofNH, & N, ~ ~17 =-
. 17
Sol:- Volume of CO, ~ 0.03 x of volume of air
= 0.03xllit=3xlO-4lit atNTP

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AJEEE2004) (he is
presently the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
. Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 'Page 4
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistly Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. no. ofmolecu1es = no. of moles x Avodadro's no.

3xlO~ , '
~ ---x6.023xl0-) = 8.06xI0" Ans
Sol:- No. of molecules ofH, in I kg ofH,
I x IO'..g' x 6.023 x 10'" ~ 6.023 x 10"
2..g' 2
No. of molecules of 0, in I kg mass
I x 1O"..g' x 6.023 x I0" = 6.023 x 10"
32..g' 32
:. So, no. of molecules are different.
Let WH, is the weight of hydrogen & WO, is the weight of oxygen for which they have same
no. of molecules.
:. no. of molecules of H, ~ no. of molecules of 0,
WH'X~=W02x~ WH, 2 I
2 32 Wo" 32 16 :Ans
Sol:- I" method 2nd method
Weight of 1 moles of actually the Mol. wt. Wt of I moles ~
:. PM=dRT Volume of I molexdensity
M ~ dRT l.78 x O.0821i,273 ,~ 22.4 lit x l.78g Ilit

P I ~ 39.9 gm Ans:
~ 1.78x22.4 ~ 39.9 gm Ans:
Sol:- Molarity ~ 2M
Volume ~ 2 litres
:. no. ofmilimoles = volume (in mL) x molarity
~ 2x 10' mlx2
~ 4 x 10' milimoles. Ans
Sol:- Volume of 0, ~ 25% of air
~ 21 . 0 .21 I'It
moles of 0, =, 0.21 =0.0093
22.4 'Ans'
Sol:- If n is the no. of Hg-atoms present in molecule of Hg-vapour.
:. Molecular formula of Hg-vapour ~ Hgn
:. Molecular weight ofHg ~ nx At. Wt ofHg

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IITIEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for I1T-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 5
By: Er. Rishi KUinar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Vatna -4

= 200 n
Also Mol. wt of air ~ 29 gm/mole
A/qe. density of Hg-vapour = 6.92
density of air
. Mol.wt of Hg - vapour
6.92 (e. PM = dRTatcoustP &TM x d)

:. 200n =6.92
n = 6.92x29 200=1.
200 200
e. no. of Hg atoms in Hg-vapour = I : Ans
Sol:- Total no. of atoms in 1 molecules
~ 2 + 2+ 7 ~ 11 atoms

e. Total no. of atoms in 0.5 moles of molecules

= no. of molecules x ho. of atoms per molecule
~ 0.5x6.023x lO"x 11
= 5.5 x 6.023 x 10,1
~ 3.31 X 10 24 Ans
Q20:- I" method

Sol:- no. of moles in 6 gm ofH, = ~ =3moles.

e. PV=nRT
V~ nRT 3 x 0.0821 x 273K
P 1 Ans.
2 method
T = OoC ~ 273 K & P ~ latm; this is the STP condition.
e. Volume = no. of moles x molar volume
= 3 x 22.4 lit ~ 67.2 lit Ans
Q 21:
Sol: At NTP; Volume of moles ~ 22.4 lit
Wt of I mole = mol. wt of oxygen ~ 32 g
. mass 32
DenSIty = 1.429 gllit
volume 22.4 Ans
Q 22:
Sol: Volume of water (I) = 18 ml (water is liquid at nonnal conditions)
density of water = 1 gm / ml
:. mass = volume x density = 18 gm
e. moles ~ -=1

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for llT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 6

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT KanpUl') Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya ToJa , Patna -4

:. no. of electrons ~ no. of molecules x no. of e per molecules

= I x 6.023 x 10" x 10.= 6.023 x 10" Ans
Sol:- I mole of 16 0" ion.
no. of ions ~ no. of moles x Avogadro's number.
~ Ix6.023xI0"
= 6.023 x I0" ions..
No. of electrons 'C 8 + 2 ~ lOe
':. Total no. of es ~ 6.023 x 10" x I0 ~ 6.0231 x 024 . Ans
No. of neutrons per ions = mass no - atomic no
= 16-8~8

:. Total no. of protons = 6.023 x 10'" x 8 Ans

:. Total no. of neutrons ~ 8 x 6.023 x 10" Ans
Sol:- (i) KNO, (wt given = I kg ~ 1000 g)
Weight of N in I mole of KNO, = 14 gm
Wt of I mole ofKNO, ~ 39 + 14 + 16x3= 101 gm
:. IOlg ofKNO, contain 14 gm of Nitrogen
:. 1 - - - - - - - 14 _
:. rooo - - - - - -101 x 1000=138.5g
. AilS
(ii) NH4 NO,.
I moles contains 2 moles of Nitrogen
:. 80 g ofNH4 NO, contains 28 gm of Nitrogen
:.1 ~-28
:. 1000 - - - - - xI00~=350g
8e- Ans
(ii) (NH 4), HP0 4 .
In 1 moles of(NH4 h HP04 , no. of moles ofN ~ 2
:. 132 g of (NH,h HP04 contains 28 gm ofN.
--------- - (124gm~mol.wof(NH,hH)
28x 1000
1000 - - - - - - - 212.0gm.
132 Ans
Given mass ~ 7.R4 gm of FeSO, (NH.hSO,. 6H,O

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-/EE 2004 and "'lEE!! 2004) (he is
presently the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9B52476717, 979B9B4530 Page 7
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

no. ofmoJes ~ --=0.02
In I mole of compound, wt of Fe = 56 g
:.0.02 56x-=1.l2g
In I mole of compound, wt of S ~ 64 gm
:.0.02 64x-=J.28g
In 1 mole of compound wt of 0 ~ 224 gm
:. 0.02 224 x 0.02~ 4.48 g
In 1 mole of compound wt ofH ~ 20 gm
O.02 = 2fjx---' =O.4gm
In I mole ofwt ofN = 28 gm
:. 0.02 0.02 x 28 ~ 0.56 gm
No. of oxygen atoms per molecule ~ 14
. 14
:. No. of oxygen molecules that can be evolved from I molecule of compound = - = 7
no. of moles of compound ~ 0.02
:. no. of moles of oxygen evolved ~ 0.02 x 7~ 0.14 mole
:. Volumeof02atNTP~0.14x22.4~3.136Iit

SoI:- Density of AgCl ~ 5.56 glcc
Mol. wt of AgCI ~ 108 + 35.5 ~ 143.5 g
Mol.wt- 143.5 ,
:. Volume of I mole of AgCl ~ cm'
density 5.56
If a is the side of cube (made of I mole of AgCI)
3 143.5 ,
Then, volume ~ a ~ - - cm'
A = 2.95 cm
It d is the spacing between a cation & anion, then
No. of cations & anions along a side
side length (a) +1
dis tan ce bet cation & anion
(See by keel'ing no. of ions along a line, it will come + 1 there)
= 2.95cm. +1
2.773xI0 'cm

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 8
By: Er. Rishi KumareB.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. No of cations and anions in whole volume

~ (1.08 x 108)3
~ 1.26x 1024
.". N o. 0 f ma Iecu Ies 0 fA gCI =
(since 1 molecule of AgCI constains I ion of Ag+ & I ion ofCn

= 1.26 x 10" ~ 6.30x 1023

Sol:- no. of moles of Nitrogen in 1.86 gm ofN
= 1.86 =0.133
:.2 atoms of Nitrogen combines with 3 atoms of Mg.
:.2 mole 3 moles of Mg.
:. 1 - - - - - - - - - 3
:.0.133 -xO.133moles
:. wtofMg =-xO.133x24=4.78g
Sol:- 600 ml of 0 3 & 0, weights 1 gm at NTP.
Let volume of ozone ~ x ml
:. volume of oxygen ~ (600 - x) ml.
wt of mixture ~ wt of oxygen + wt of ozone
1 '" 600-x x32+_x-x48
22400 22400
(wt ~ moles x Mol. wt = x Mol.wt)
molar volume
Calculating, we have
:. X = 200 ml
:. volume of ozone ~ 200 ml.
2"" method
LetwtoiO =xgm
Wt of 0, (I - x) gm.
moles of ~one = -

moles of oxygen = I-X)

:. Volume of mixture = volume of 0 3 + volume of 0,

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-JEE e004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 9
By: Hr. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

(-I-X) X
- x22400+-x22400
32 48
600" (I-x) x
22400 32 48
6 3-3x+2x 3-x
224 96 96
3 -x ~ --=2.57
X ~ 0.43
043 .
:. Volume of 0 3 = -'-x 22400 = 200ml
48 . Ans
Sol:- V.d. of mixt ofNO, & N,O, ~ 38.3
:. Molwtofmix=2xV.d.
2 x 38.3=76.6g
Ifx is the wt of NO, in 100 g of mixture
(100 - x) is the wt ofN,O,.
:. moles of NO, = -
moles ofN,O, ~ - -
:. moles of mixture = moles of NO, + moles ofN,O,
wt.ofmixt x 100-x'
Mol.wt 46 92
100 2x+100-x 100+x
76.6 92 92
X ~ iOOx92 100=20.lg
:. moles ~ -=0.437 g of NO, Ans

I SpecI'fiIC gravIty
S0:- . = .:d.:en::.s::.ity:L::.o.:.f.:su:=b::.s.:.ta::.n:..:c::.e
densIty of water
~ density of substance (gml ml)
:. density of water ~ I gm / ml
Specific gravity of gold = 19.3 ~>Densityofgold~ 19.3 gm/cc
Specific gravity of quartz ~ 2.6 ~> Density of quartz '= 2.6 gmlcc
Specific gravity of nugget ~ 6.4 ~> density of nugget ~ 6.4 gmlcc
:. (100 ~ x) is the wt of quartz in nugget
:. Volume of nugget (mixt) = volume of gold + volume of quartz
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the 'ropper in Chemistry in IlT-IEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 10
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

_w_tm_i_x = wt gold + -"w-,-t",qu=a=-rt:=z

d mix d gold d quartz
100 x 100-x
6.4 19.3 6.4
Solving, x ~ 68.6 gm. Ans
Sol:- Radius afnucleus ~ SX 10. 13 em
4 4
Volume = -m' = -x3.14x(SxI0-")cm'
3 3
mass of nucleus ~ mass of nucleus
= 19 amu ~ 19x 1.672 x 10'4 g.
:. Denslty ~
19xI.672 x lO-24 gm
6.02x lO"g/m Ans (denSity = _m=as=s~)
~ x 3.14x (Sx 1O- 13
)'cm' volume
Sol:- Let the oxides are Cu,Ox & Cu,Oy
Then valancies ofCu in these oxides are x & y.
(lfM has valancy m & N has valancy n then formula ofa compound is MoN m)
Since, oxygen has valancy 2 & Cu has X, So
Formula of I" oxide = Cu,Ox
Similarly, formula af2"d oxide = Cu,Oy.
A/q ; wt of oxygen in I" oxide ~ 2 wt of oxygen in 2"d oxide
M'X ~2xM'Y
x 2

Sol:- Volume of water = lOS ml
density of water = I gmlml
mass of water '= lOS x I = 105 g
density sduti'ln = 0.9 gmlml
% by wt ofNH, = 30%
:. % by wt ofH,O ~ 100 - 30 = 70%
If W g is the wt of mixture, they
Wx70% ~ 10Sg
W x 7fJ' = lOS'
W= ISOgm
:. Volume ofsol:- WI. of Solution / density of solution
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-fEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 11
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola, Patna -4

= 150 I 0.9 = 166.67 ml; Ans

Sol:- Radius of bearing = 0.1 inch
= 0.1 x 2.54 em = 0.254 em

Volume of bearing = ~7l'r"

4 , ,
=-x3.14x(0.254) em
density of bearing = 7.75 gm/ee
:. wt of bearing = volume x density
4 ,
= -x3.l4x(0.254) x7.75b~n
= 0.532 g
:. wt of iron present = 85.6% of total wt.
. 85.6
=- x 0.532 = 0.455 g
:. No. ofatoms oflron present = molesxNA
= 0.455 x 6.023 x 10'"
= 4.91 x 10" : Ans
Sol:- d = 1.5 glee
1X 10"
no. of molecules = 1x 10" => no. of moles of CCl. = "
6.023 x 10'
lxl0 15
:. wt ofCC4 = " x154gm
= 2556.86 gm

:. Volume = wt 2556.86g = 1704.6 ml = 1.705 lit; Ans

density 1.5
Sol:- 1 molecule of starch contains only are Dne atom of P.
I atom of P has weight 31 amu.
A/q, 0.086 amu ofP is present 100 amu of stanch
:. 1 - - - - - - - - 100
:.31 100x31 3.6xlO'amu.
0.086 Ans
Sol:- Weight of dot = 1x 10,6 gm
At. wt of carbon = 12 gm

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the bestteaeher at Pama for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 12
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. moles of carbon present in carbon dot

10- 6 ,.
:. no. of atoms = 12x6.023xlO"

= 5.01 x 10" atoms. Ans

Sol:- From dilution principle
no. of moles before dilution ~ no. of moles after dilution
V,xM, ~VrxMr
50x3.5 ~ Vrx2
V,. ~ 50x3.5 R7.5ml
2 Ans
Sol:- (a) no, because wt= no. of moles x Mol.wt
= I x Mol. wt
~ At. wt of s x atomicity
At wt ofS is sam~, but atomicity is different in different molecules so mass will be different
(b) Yes, no. of molecules ~ no. of moles x NA
= I xN A
N A will be same in each case
-so no. of molecules.
(c) No, mass of sulphur will be different due to different atomicity.
(d) No, Because atomicity is different
In, S8 -> atomicity ~ 8; So -> atomicity ~ 6
S. -> atomicity ~ 4;' S, -> atomicity ~ 2
S -> atomicity ~ 1
Sol:- Let x Ib ofCu,S contain same wt ofCu as that present in 125 lb ofCuFeS,.
Wt ofCu in x lb ofCu,S (No need to donver! Ib in gm)
=127 xlb
127 gm is present in 159 gm ofCu,S
:. 1 gm I59JlRl"(nnitless)

:. X Ib 159 xlb
Similarly, wt ofCu in 125 Ib ofCuFeS,

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 13
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur)Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

~ 63.5 x 1251b
:. 127 x = 63.5 x 125
159 183.5
x= 54.161b
127 Ans
Sol:- Ru,(CO,h
1 mole can give maximum 3 moles OfeOl
:.4 4x3
= 12 moles of CO, Ans:
Sol:- I molecule ofNaCl contain 2 ions (1 Na & I Cn
I molecule of MgCI, contain 3 ions (1 Mg'+ & 2 Cn
Total no. of ions in 245 gm of MgCl,
= -xN x3.
95 A

If x is the wt of NaCI that contains same ions then, no. of ions in NaCI ~ x NA x 2
245 x ,U<
- x-N1\; x 3 = - - X.p<f\ X 2
95 58.5
x~ 245x58.5x3 226 m
95x2 g Ans
Q43:- 1.22 gm of MnO has wt of Mn = 2
Sol:- :.1 mole ofMnO contains 1 mole ofMn
:. 71 gm ofMnO contains 55 gm ofMn
:.1 55
:.1.22 - - - - _ 55 x1 .22 =0.945
moles ofMn = - - =0.0172.------(1)
Similarly I mole of SO, contains I mole of S.
:. 80 gm of S03 contains 32 gm of S.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 32
1.38 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.38x;H_~4 =0.552
moles~ --=0.0172-----(2)

. Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in I1T.JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE, PMT&AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 14
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech..IlT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

,So (1) & (2) :- In the compound ofMn & S, equal moles ofMn & sulphur are present,
So, simplest formula ~ MnS. Ans:
Sol:- If I kg is brought (1000 gm)
:. Mol. wt of'lnSO. = 161.4 gm
161.4 gm ofi':nSO. contain 65.4 gm of Zn
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 65.4
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 65.4x1000
:. 1000
= 405.2 gm
Mol. wt of (CH,Cooj, Zn ~ 183.4 gm
:. 183.4 gm of (CH,Cooj, Zn contains 65.49 mol Zn .
1000 65.4x1OOO
~ 356.6 gm

So for the same price given for I kg of ZnSO. & I kg of (CH,COOj, Zn, we get more Zn in case of
ZnSO. So ZnSO. is the more economical source of Zn.
Sol:- Volume ofHN0 3 sol-" ~ 25101.
Molarity ~ 0.10 M
:. no. of milimoles ~ 25 x 0.1 = 2.5 mi moles
NaOH + !:INO, ~ NaNO, + H2 0.
:. Imole of HN03 required to fonn I mole of
:. 25 moles 2.5 min of H20
:. moles of H20 formed = 2.5 x 10'1.1 moles.
In previons atomic ma.<;;s system (current) C l2 - is assumed to have 12 amu mass
In New atomic mass system (later) Be' is assumed to have 9 amu mass.
(CI' is made of 6 protons & 6 neutrons And Be' is made of 4 protons & 5' neutrons).
6mp+ 6mn
I amu on current scale ~ .:;::::!:...:...:::=

I amu on new-scale ~ --'-"""---'----'-'=

Irwe assume
that the pervious atomic mass unit (current unit) is larger mass.
I amu mass ofC" scale> I amll of Be" scale

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 15
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

.::6:::m:.tp_+.,.6:::m=, > 4m p + 5m,

12 9
rn p +m n > 4m p +51TI n
2 9
9mp + 9m n > 8mp + IOm n
9mp- 8m p > IOmn - 9 mn

However we known that mass of neutron is greater than .mass of proton

So, OUf assumption that mass of current scale is larger is wrong.
Hence mass oflater scale (New scale) is larger.
Sol:- 1 lit of 1 x 10" M enzyme
:. no. of moles of enzyme ~ I x 10,6 X I moles
= 1O~(l moles

1 moles of ei,zyme hydrated 106 roles of CO2 / sec.

:. no. of moles of CO, hydrated by 10,6 moles of
enzyme ~ 10" x I 0' moles of CO2 / sec
~ 1 moles of CO, / sec
:. In 1 hr, no. of moles absorbed ~ 3600 moles of C02
:. wt of CO, absorbed / nr ~ 3600x44
~ 1584400 gm

~ 158.4 kg Ans

Sol:- KBrOx
molwt~39+80+ 16x

A/g. % by wt ofbr ~ 52.92 &

80 xI00=59.92
X~2 Ans

Sol:- No. of -particle disintegrated minute
= 2.24x 10"
In 420 days no. of He atoms formed when each a -particle takes 2e' to become He atom

~ 420 rl=,> x 24l>l' x 60milrx 2.24 x 10'1 H

-> .mm-
= 420x24x 60x2.24x 10"
1.3547x 10 19 He atom
1.3547 x 1019
moles of He atom = (NA-->we have to calculate)
Volume ~ 0.5 ml
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the best teacher at Patna for Wbole cbemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 16
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(RTech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

= 0.5 X W' lit ~ 5 x 10.4 lit

T = nOc = 300k
P= 750mm ofHg= -aim
Pv~ nRT

PV 760x5x10-'
n= - = -'-'--'--'--'-'--
RT 0.0821 dOO
1.3547xlO" 75x5xlO-'
NA 76x 0.0821 x300
1.3547 x 10'9
= 6.77x 10'1 Ans

Solution to Objective problems :-

J. Ans --> (c)
del, = Mel, = 2! = 2.44
d air M air 29
(Sinced a M at const temp. & pressure)
2.Ans--> (b)
100 gm of oxide contain 30.4 gm of Nitrogen.
Since 1 molecule contain one nitrogen atom
... 14 gm of Nitrogen is contained by Mol. wt of oxide.
... 30.4 gm of Nitrogen prescnt in 100 gm of oxide
... 14 - - - - - - - -
doxide .Moxide = 30.4 = 1.44
doxygen Moxygen, 32
3. No, because it depends on Mol. wt & which depends on atomicity also. In oxygen (0,)
atomicity i< 2, where as in sulphur (98) atomicity is 8.
4.Ans--> (c)

densityof gas MOl.wttH gas
V apour d enslty ~ --,------,c'--::'',-
densityofH, Mol.wtH,
~ -=14.5

S.Ans --> (C) moles ~

--==.:-- ~-I/
molar volume 22.4 -74

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in I1T-JEE 2004 and AIEEE t004) (he is
presently the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for I1T-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 17
By: Er: Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chenistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

6.~DS-> (1)
22.4 lit at NTP means I mole of water.
I mole of water has wt = 18 gm
d water liquid ~ I gm/cm'

:. Volume of liquid water ~ ~ = 18mL.

7.Ans-> (d)
I gm - atom ofC -> 12 gm ~I
-molofCH, =-xI6=8gm
2 2

10 ml of water = lOx I gm
3.011 x 10" atoms of oxygen "'" x 3216= 16gm
6,.OH x w
8. Ans -> (b) Volume", moles x molar volume

6.022 x 1O~' x 22.4lit 2.2411t

9.Ans-> (b)
I gm atom of Na means I mole ofNa, which has mass = 23 gm
IO.Ans-> (a)
PV = nRT (ideal gas equation)
2x350' wt
= xO.0821x273
1000 MoLwt
7<} Ix22.4
loa MoLwt
22.4 x 10
Mo I.wl
. . I I'S
DiatomIC rno ecu e, 0 atomIC wt =
MoLwt 11.2xl
= --- ---
2 7
112 I' 16
Wtofoneatom~ --amu=16.x-gm=-gm
11. Ans->d
.. ,
no. of atom = J.6 x 6.023 x 10" x,2 = 6.023 x 10"
[!1O. of atom in a molecule = moles x N Axatomicity]
I2Ans-> (d)
CO, -> 12 + 32:- 44 gm
13. Ans -> (a)
PV ~ nRT

Er. Kishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the bestteacher'at patria for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 18
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

-100 {l;76lit
n = -'MI'r 100 7
0.0821 x 273 224

no. of atoms = -
-=r .
x NA = ===-=----
6.023 x 10"
-H4 32
= 1.88 X 10".
14Ans--+ (b)
x, has 34 e' & 40 neutrons
X has 17 e' & 20 neutron
& So I7P
:. At. no ~ 17
mass no ~ 17 + 20 ~ 37
l5.Ans--+ (d)
2 moles ofH-atoms means I mole ofH, gas.
So at NTP. volume of I mole of H, = 22.4 lit
l6.Aris --+ (a)
V= 1.8 ml no. of molecule = 0.1 xN A
d~ I gm/cal ~ 6.022 x 101'
m= 1.8 gm no. of e' per molecule ~ 10

mo Ies = - 1.8= O.lmoIe :. total e' = 6.023 x 10"

l7.Aris --+ (b)
wt of 11.2 lit ~ 14 gm
wt of 22.4 lit ~ 28 gm ~ wt of I moles.
18. Ans --+ (C)
Volume at NTP ~ 22.4 lit
density = 0.1784. gm / lit
:. mass = volume x density.

19.Ans--+ (d)
For HCl ; Nonnality ~ Molarity = 0.1 (:. v.f. ofHCI as acid ~ I)
Volume ~ 10 ml
no. ofmole e = lOx 10.3 xO.1 ~ 10.3 x 6.023 x 102.1
= 6.023 X 10'0
20.Ans--+ (c)
21.Ar.s --+ (a)
For const n & v only, PxT
If T is increased twice, then pressure increase twice. It means, no. of moles rema
constant ~ 5
22.Ans --+ (d)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently ihe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 . Page 19
By: Er. Rishi Knmar(B.Tech. liT Kanpnr) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

no. of atoms in 1 gm of 0 = -.!..- x 6.023 x 10"


no. of atoms in I gm of 0, ~ "",,Ix 6.023 x 10" xZ


no. of atoms in I gm of 0 3 = ....,.1 x6.023xI0">0

...0 16
All are same
23. Ans --+ (C)
I amn x N A = I gm. [for general definition]
Wt of Imole ofC ll = 12 gm (No matter what yon setthe mass of are atom of C )
If mass of one atom ofe 11 is set to be 24 amu then (mass of one atom x Avogadro no= mass
of I mole ofC I ')
24 amn x N A = 12 gm
N ~ 12gm 12gm
24amn '24x 1
6.023 x J 0'" gm

= 6.023 x IO'J = 3.11 X 10"

24.Ans --+ (a)
WI 32 ~3' "
no. ofS ~ xN A = - x 6.023 x 10" =6.023xI0'
Mol.wtofS 32
25.Ans --+ (d)
wt of I e' ~ 9.11 x 10. 31 kg
If ne' weight I kg then
nx 9.11 x 10. 31 =1
n = -----"-.,,-
no. of moles of e' ~ -=..:..:....:.--
Avogadro no.
= ------c:--------".
9.01x10 "x6.022xlO"
= I X 108

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (he is
presently the hestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 20
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Chapter 2: Stoichiometry
501:- (i) Ca --> CaCO,(s)
Since I mole ofCaCO,(s) contains I moles ofCa, So
I mole ofCa will produce I mole ofCaCol(s).
:. 5 mole ofCa 5 mole ofCaCO,
(ii) BaCl, --> BaSO,
( moles)
5 moles of BaCh contains 5 moles ofBa & 5 moles ofBa & 5 moles ofBa can fonn 5 moles
ofBaSO,; since I mole of BaSO, contain I mole ofBa.
(iii) 2 Na --> Na,O
5 mole (given)
:.2 mole produces I mole ofNa,O.
:.5 ~.-----5x-=2.5molesofNa,O.
Ans:- Ca + '!'O, --+CaO (Balanced chemical reaction)
2 -
WI. of Ca ~ 40 gm(Given)
So, moles of Ca - = I moles
Now from balanced chemical reaction: I moles of Ca reacts with .Vz moles of 0,.
Wt of 0, with which 40 gm to Ca react = .!.X 32 = 16g
2 Ans
501:- NaCl --+ CI,
If we have not to balance the chemical equation, then we has to apply POAC rule or gm-
equivalence rule.
Bt POAC.(here we are learning POAC)
(no. of atom) before reaction = (no. of atom)after reaction.
no. of moles ofNaCI xN A = 2 xno. of moles ofCl, xN A
- - = 2 xmoles of CI,
58.5 -
moles of Ch ~ -

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 21
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IlT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

50 ..
Volume ofCh at NTP ~ - x 22.4lit
= 9.57 lit Ans

Sol:- Weight ofFe,O, in iron are ~ 100 x 2fons
=-. x 2000 =
1880 kg.
:.Mol. wt ofFe,O, = 56 x2 + 16 x3 ~ 160 gm
:.160 g of Fe,O, contains 112 gafFe

1880 !.!2x1880 1316kg.Ans

Sol:- CaC, -----> C,H,(g)
100 gm
moles of C atom before reaction ~ moles of C-atom after reaction.
lx moles ofCaC, ~ ,lxmoleofC,H,(g)
~ moles of C,H, (g).
(40+2 x I2)
1.5625 = moles of C,H, (g).
Volume of acetylene at NTP = 1.5625 x 22.4 lit = 35 lit
2"d method
CaC, + H,O -----> C,H, + CaO (Balanced chemical reac-")
moles of CaC, = - = 1.5625
:. I moles ofCaC, gives I mole ofC,H,
:. 1.5625 1.5625 -
:. Volume ofC,H, at NTP ~ 1..5625 x 22.4 lit ~ 35 lit
Sol:- Donating gas is (2 mole H, + I mole 0,)
2H,O -----> 2H, + 0,
Donating gas
0.1 mole' -----> 0.1 mole + Yz x O.lmole
From reaction stoichiometry.

Er. Kishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 22
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

. 0I
0.1 moleofH,Oproduces 0.1 moleofH,+ - ' mole of 0,
. . 2-
0.3 .
~ - mole of donating gas.
2 .
:. Volume of denoting gas produced
0.3 .
~ - x 22.41it = 3.361it
2 Ans
So!:- Cu + HNO, ~Cu(NO,h. 3H,O
By POAC (I don't like to balance equation. If you like you can have another method b~
balancing this equation and applying mole stoichiometric relationship)
mole of eu before reac." = mole of eu aftene,c"
- - = lIlole ofCu(NO,h. 3H,O.
63.5 .
:. wtofCu(NO J ),. 3H,O= -(63.5+2<62+3xI8)
= -x241.5=38g
63.5 Ans
Sol:-KCIOJ ~KCI+YzO, t
Weight loss will be due to evolution of oxygen gas on heating.
:. Yz mole of 0, is produced from I mole of KC10 J
. 3/ x '" gm of 0, produced from 122.5 g ofKCI.
.. 7.2 /L

:.1 122.5
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 122.5 x O.384
:. 0.384
= 0.98 g
. = -
:. % punty 0.98
- x 100=20%

X g (say)
Sol:- MCO, +CaCO,. (considered 100 gm of mixture) You can actually consider any weight, but
. taking 100 gmis easiest to solve the problems.

Let wI ofMgCO J = x gm
:. wt ofCaCO] ~ (100-x) gm

Er. Rishi Kumar is one oftheTopper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 20Q4 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITJEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact 110. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 23
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola , Patna -4

MgCO, ~MgO + CO, i CaCO, ~ CaO + CO, i

Xgm (IOO-x)g

~mole-----*~mole IOO-X)
- - mole -----+ (100-X)
( -100 - - - mole
84 84 . 100
x 100-x .
~ -x44gm - - - x 44gm
84 100
Wt loss ~ 50% (which due to evolution of CO,)
~x44+100-xx44=50 (50%ofI00gm~50)
24 100
x 100-x 50
84 100 44
Solving for x, we have
X ~ 71.59%
~ ){00 x 100 = 71.590/1.
% of MgCO, Ans
%ofCaCO,~(100-x)=28.41% f
Sol:- - Zn + 2Fe +-4S ------> Zl1[FeS,h
Given amount 2g 3g 4g O.
2 3 4
Given moles --- -
65.4 56 32
From the balanced chemical equation.
I mole of Zn ~ 2 mole of Fe
:. 2 mole ofLn ~ I mole of Fe
2x _2_= mole of Fe ~> Mole of Fe (required) ~ _4_>l.. (given amount)
65.4 65.4 56
:. Fe will be the limiting agent betwe-en Zn & Fe. -----------(1)
Further, we have to decide the limiting reacgent between Fe and Sulphur
2 mole of Fe ~ 4 mole ofS
:.4 mole of S ~ 2 mole of Fe
4 1 3
2.4x-= 2x moleofFe ~> :. Moles of Fe (required) ~ - > -
32 . 4 56

:. Between Fe & sulphur, Fe is the limiting reagent. ---,----------(2)

(1) & (2) ~> Overall, Fe will to the limiting reagent
:. moles of Fe will determine the moles ofZl1(FeS,), produced.
2 mole of Fe ~ I mole of Zn (FeS,),

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper ip Chemistry in IlT-JEE2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AlBEE)
Contact no. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 24
By: Er. Rishi Kumar{B.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola ,Patna -4

:. I mole of Fe = 2 x mole of Zn (FeS,),

- mole of Fe 3
:. Mole of Zn (FeS,), = moles
2 56x2

:. Wt ofZn (FeS,), ~ [~x 65.4+ 2x (56+ 2 X32)]

Sol:- VO + Fe,O, ~FeO+ V,o,
Given amount: 2 g 5.78 g
2 5.78
Moles: 67
Before we can know the limiting reagent, either we have to balance it or we have to apply the
law of equivalence in above reactIon by calculating valances faclor for each species.
I" method
By balancing ofequation
2VO + 3Fe,O, ~ 6FeO + V,O, (Balancing require a mathematical trick will be done in
:.2 mole ofVO == 3 moles ofFe,O,
:.2 moles of Fe,O, = 3 moles of CO.
2x 5.75 =3xmolesofVO
Moles of VO = - 2 ( .
- x - gIven amount
480 67

Since given amount ofVO is larger than the required amount ofVO. So Fe,O, will be
limiting reagent.
Now from balanced chemical equation.
3 moles ofFe20, == I mole ofV,O,
:.1 mole ofFe,O, = 3 x mole ofV20,
I I 5.75 5.75
:.mole ofV,O, = -xmoleofFe,O, = - x - - = - -
3 _. 3 160 480

:. Wt ofV,O, produced = 5.75 x(182) = 2.18 gm

480 Ans
Sol:- Let W g is the weight of mercury & iodine taken, from which x g is the weight of iodine
involved in Hgl, formation, then.(w-x)gw:: ae involved in Hg,I, formation.

(I) Hg + I, ~ HgI,

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for llT-IEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852~.76717, 9798984530 Page 25
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

2-. moles
:. mole of Hg involved in this reac-" ~ ~

:. wtof - - - - - - - - - - ~x200
(2) 2Hg + I, ~ Hg,l,
2 mole of Hg = I mole of I,

:.1 moleofHg= 2xmoleofI,=2x'(w-x)

- 254

:. Wt of Hg involved in reaction (2) = 2x (w -x) x 20U
AI 200 x +2(w-x)x200=w.
q, 254 254
x + 2 (w-x) = - -
2w-x = 1.27 w
x=0.73 w
, x
Wt of HgI, produced = mole ofHgI, x(454) = - x 454
Wt of Hg,I, produced = mole ofHg,l, x (654) = - - x 654.
Ratio of the weight of Hg,l, & HgI,
254 w -0.73w x 654 = 0.27 x 654 = 0.532: 1. Ans
~x454 0.73w 454 0.73 454
Sol:- W(FeS04.7H,O + Fe,(S04h. 9H,O) ~ 5.5 g (given)
With KMn04 (a strong O.A.) only FeS04.7H,O react because Fe is in lower oxidation state
here only
KMn04 + FeS04 ~ Mn' + FeH
From law of gm-equivalence
gm equivalence ofKMn04 = gm equivalence ofFeS04.7H,O
~xO.I= wt wt
1000 Mol.wt I v.f 278

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 26
By:Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna 4

Wt~ 5.4X~78 =0.150Ig

:. Wt of Fe,(S04h. !H,O ~ 5.5 - 0.15 = 5.35 g
:. Moles of Ferric s~lphate (hydrated) = 5.35
~ 0.0095 moles; Ans
Sol:- Na,S04(anh) + IOH,O ~ Na,S04.IOH,O
moles of water with which I gm of Na,S04 react ~ lOx I
lOx 1
:.wtof --xI8
:. wt of I gm ofNa,S04 will increase by 1.27 gm. Ans

Sol:- In drying only water's amount will change
Clay Silica Water Others
Original X(say)% 12% 100-(l2+x)% = 88-x%
Partially dried 50% 7% 43%

Since amount of silica &other won't change

:. Ratio of silica to other will remain same.

x 50
88-x 43
43x = 50 x 88 - SOx
x = SOx 88 =47.3%
Sol:- W(NaCI + NaBr + inert substance) = I g
Let wt ofNaCI is x g
& wt ofNaBr is Y g.
(NaCl + NaBr) + AgNO, ~ (AgCI + AgBr),!,
Xg Yg excess 0.526 g

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 27
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT KallPur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

103 fl'l A

0.426 g
-x-moles ofNaCI will produce~ moles of AgCl
58.5 58.5
.. -----~--- -xI43.5g
L moles ofNaBr will produce L mole of AgBr
103 103
- - - - - - - - - L X l83g
103 '
,_x-xI43.5+LxI83;0.526g (I)
58.5 ' 103
Now when Cl, gas is passed over (AgCI + AgBr) mixture then AgBr will convert into AgCl
AgBr + Cl, -----> AgCl.
L moles -----> L moles
103 103
:. wt of AgCl produce from AgBr; L x143.5g
:. Alq, Total wt of AgCI; 0.426 g
. X Y
:.-xI43.5+-xI43.5;0.426g (2)
58.5 103
Solving (I) & (2), we have
X~0.0425 g
. Y~0.232 g
, X
:. %ofNaCI; -xI00;4.25%

%ofNaBr;2':xIOO ;23.2% ; Ans

801:- W(AI + Al,O,) ~ 3.9 g

Al + 3NaOH -----> Na,AIO,

H, t

Volume ofH, produced ~ 840 ml (at NTP)

moles ofH, 84ll' ;0.0375

Er. Kishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 28
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. ~ moles of H, is produced by I mole of AI


:. I YzI 2/ .
73 moles of Al

. :. 0.0375 - - - - xO.0375=0.025
:. wt of Al = 0.Q25 x 27 = 0.675 g .
:. %ofAI= 0.675 xI00 =17.3%
3.9 Ans
Ans:- W(NaCi + NaOH) ---> 2g
Let x g ofNaCI is present in 2 g of commercial NaOH
NaCI + AgNO, ---> AgCl J, + NaNO, .
Xg 0.287 g
x x
-moles ---> -moles
58.5 58.5
:. wt of AgCl produced ~ mole of AgCl x.Mol.wt
= -xI43.5
A/q, -xI43.5=0.287g
x ~ 0.1l7 g; Ans
Ans:- KMnO. + SO, ---> Mn' + SO."
15.8 g v.f'=2
v.f= 5
gm eq. of KMnO. ~ gm eq. of SO,

- = -wt-
15815 64/2
WtofSO,~ -x32=16g
FeS2 Roasting) S02
By POAC; mole of Sin FeS, ~ mole of S in SO,
2xmole ofFes, = mole of SO,
MoleofFeS,~ ,Yg:.wt=,YgxI20=J5g
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 29
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Ans:- (NaCI + NaBr) + H2S04-----'> Na,SO.

Letxg+yg= I gm is taken
Then according to question, wt ofNa,S04 produced = I g
2NaCI + H,S04 -----'> Na,S04 + 2HCI

:. Mole ofNa,SO. (produced) ~ ~ x (~)

2 58.5
:. Wt of Na,SO. produced from NaCI = - x 142g
2NaBr + H2S04 -----'> Na,S04 + 2HCI
Y g~ Lmoles
I xY
Moles ofNa,S04 (Produced) = - - =-
2 103 206
:. Wt ofNa,SO. Produced from NaBr ~ Lx 142g
AI x x 142 +L x I42=1
q, 117 206 g
x I-x I
:.-+--=- (x+y=l)
117 206 142

206x +117 -117x I

206xl17 142
89x= 169.732-117 => x=52.732=0.59g

:. Ratio of the wI = 0.5~-;;.41 = 1.45 : I Ans

801:- I, + CI, -----'> ICI +
25.4 g 14.2 g
254 =0.1 142 = 0.2
254 710
Let x moles ofl, involved in ICI fonnation
:. moles of CI, involved in ICI fonnation = "-
(I) I, + CI , -----'> 2IC!.
x mole --> x moles ~ 2x moles
The remaining (0.1 - x) moles ofr, will be involved in IC" fonnation.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) [He is
now the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 30
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry' Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

(2) h + 3CI, -> 2ICI,

(O.I-x) ->3(0.I-x)
:. moles of CI, involved ~ 3(0.1- x)
Now x + 3 (0.1 - x) = 0.2 (moles of CI, given)
co;> x + OJ - 3x ~ 0.2

2x ~ 0.1 ~>x = Q:..!.

(l):- moles of ICI formed = 2x ~ 0.1 moles
(2) :- moles of ICI, formed ~ (0.1 - x) x 2 = 0.1 moles
Ans:- Al + 3H+ --> AI'+ + }i H,
Nobel metals (Cu) doesn't react with acid/H 20 to produce H, other noble metals are-
Ag, Au, Pt, Hg
. 415
Volume of H 2 produced = 415 em' :. moles ofH, produced = - - .
From balanced chemical reac-"
:.Ji mole of H produced by I mole of Al

415 ~x~=0.01235
22400 3 22400
:. Wt of Al = 0.01235 x 27 g ~ 0.3335 g
:. % of Al ~ 0.3335 x I00 = 95.3%
Ans:- Absorption rate of CO, ~ 4.7 x 10" moles of CO, / hr by I gm green algae
Starch - (C.H,oO,)"
:. For doubling the mass of green algae (1 g), it must form I gm of starch.
:. Wt of (C"HlOO')n ~ Ig
CO, --> (C"HIOO,)"
moles of in CO, ~ moles ofC in (C"H,oO,)"
moles of CO, ~ 6nxmole of (C"HIOO,)" ~ 6nx--
. n(\ 62)

:. Mole of CO, required = ~

- 162
Rate of absorption = 4.7 x 10'] moles/hr
. 6/162
Tllne(hr) = , ~ 7.88 hrs Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 31
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- CaO + 3C ----> CaC, + CO

Let x is the weight of CaO taken, from which Y g of CaO reacts with carbon to produce CaC,
... So, wt. of CaO remained ~ (x-y) g
Wt ofCaC, produced = mole of CaC, x Mol. wt CaC,
= mole ofCaO reacted xM.w. CaC, =. L x 64 = 8y
56 7

:. Total weight now, (x+y) + 8y = (x + 2':)g

77 .
(Wt ofCaO + wt ofCaC, produced remained)
A/q, Wt of CaC, ~ 85%
8y/' ..
~> -/_77- xlOO =85 => ~=~=.!2
x+y[ 7x+y 100 20
/7 '.
~> 160y~ 119x+ 17y => 143y= 119x
. , -=lOOOkg(given)
8y . ~y __ 7000Kg
(a) Pure wtofCaC, ~
7 .. 8
:. x (wt ofCao have to take) = _y_,,'= 7000 Kg = 7000 = 1051.5 Kg
, 0.832 8xO.832 6.657

Sol:- Crude produce = (x-y)+ 8y = x +2': = 1000 Kg

x + 0.832x = 1000 ~ 7.832x = 1000Kg
7 7
~ x = 7.832 = 893.7Kg Ans
Sol:-W (BaO + CaO) ~ 2.5 gm
Let x gm of BaO is present
Then wt of CaO ~ (2.5- x) gm
BaO + H,S04 ---->BaS04 + H,o

x x x
-moles---->-moles =-x233=1.523x
153 153 153
CaO+ H,S04 ---->CaS0 4 + H,o
(2.5 - x) g

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 32
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

- I (2.5-X) I - (2.5-x) x 136 -
moes~ - - fioes ~
. -x )243
. g
56 56 56
A/q. wt ofCaSO. + wt ofBaSO. = 4.713 g
(2.5- x) 2.43 + 1.523 x = 4.713
6.07 - 2.43 x + 1.523 x = 4.713
1.358 = 0.907 x
x = - - = 1.497g = 1.5g
x 1.5
:.%0 f Ba o =-xI00=-xI00=60% Ans
2.5 2.5
Sol:- (NaI + NaCl) + H 2 S0 4- - 4 Na,S04 + HCI + Hg
Let 1 gm of (NaCI + NaI) is taken, from which x g ofNaI is present & (I-x) g ofNaCI is
:. 2NaI+H,S04 - - 4 Na,SO, +2Hg
x I x
--moles - _ -x --moles
150 2 150
I x 71x
= -x-xI42 =--g
2 150 150
2NaCl + H 2SO, - - 4 Na,SO, + 2HCI
(I-x) I I (I-x)
- - m o es~-x--
58.5 2 58.5
I 1- x 71
= -x--xI42 71=-(I-x)g
2 58.5 58.5
A/q, Wt ofNa,SO. produced = I gm
7lx + 71(1-x) I ~ 58.5x+150-150x I
150 58.5 150x58.5 71
150 - 91.5 x = 123.6
91.5 x = 26.4 ~ x = 26.4 = 0.2885
:. %ofNaI = ~xlOO = 0.2885 x 100 = 28.85% Ans
Sol:- H,sO~ 2 2
By POAC (in reaction I)
mole of Cl in KCI ~ moles of CI aotm in el,

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the best teacher at Patnafor Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 33
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

mole of KCI = 2 x moles of I,

- - = 2 x moles of CI,
74.6 -
- = 2 x mole of!, (mole ofCh ~ mole of h from lInd reac-" )
10 -
1 I
moleofh~ - =} Wtof!, =-x258=12.7g
20 - 20 Ans
Sol:- Let is consider 100 gm of Camalite
Wt of water ~ 38.86 g
:. Wt ofKCI + MgCI, ~ (100 - 38.86) g ~ 61.14 g
Let wt ofKCI ~ x gm
:. wt of MgCh ~ (61.14 - x) g
KCI + MgCI, ~ AgCl
mole of Cl atom before reac- ll = mole of Cl atom reac- ll
mole of CI in KCI + mole of CI in MgCl, ~ mole of CI in AgCI
mole of KCI + 2 x mole ofMgCh ~ mo!e of AgCI
0.458xx + 2x(6I.I4-x)0.458= 0.71
100 x 74.5 100x95 143.5
=} _x_+ (61. 14-x)2 700 700
74.5 95 143.5x0.458 65.72
Calculating x = 26.46% Ans
Sol:- MoO)+3H,~Mo+3H,O

125 g
Moles ofH, reacts with' 125 moles of MoO, ~ 3x 125
144 . 144
:. Volume ofH, required ~ 375 x 22.4 lit ~ 58.33 lit Ans
.Sol:- (COOHj, _.:.:H"""S:.::O... co + CO, + H,0
10 gm ~ -moles
. 10 I 10 I
moles of CO produced ~ - = - ~> mole CO, produced", - =-
~ 9 - ~ 9

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the best teacber at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 34
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

... Volume of gases produced at OoC & 760 mm ofHg (at NTP)
1 I) 2
(-+- .
~-x22.4hl ~4.96
ht Ans
9 9 9
Sol:- W(CH, +C,H(, +C,H, + N,)100g
~ ~. .~ ~
% by volume 84% 10% 3% 3%
We know, volume % ~ mole % (at constant temp and pressure)
mole % of CH, = 84% & mole % of C,H, ~ 10%
mole % ofC,H, ~ 3 % & mole % of N, ~ 3%
mole ofC before reac_ 1l = mole of c after reac-
mole of C( in CH 4 + in C,H, + in C,H,) ~ mole of C in C4H,
mole of CH4 + 2 mole of C,H, + 3 x mole of C,H, = 4 x mole of C4H,
84 + 2 x 10 + 3 x 3 = 4 x mole of C4H,
84 + 20 + 9 = 4 x mole of C4H,
mole ofC4H, ~ - = 28.25moles
mole of (CH 4 + C,H, +C,H s + N,) taken (in 100 gm of mixt)
wt 100 10000 ~ 5 367
Mol.wt84xI6+lOx30+3x A4-'-3x28 1860 .
... 100 moles of mixture produces 28.25 moles
... 1 - - - - - - - - -
5.376x 28.25
... 5.376 - - - - - - -
... WtofC4H,produced~molexMol. Wt ~ 1.518 x 54 ~82 gm Ans
Sol:- P, + 0, -----7
2g 2gm
2 2
-moles -moles
124 32
1 1
62 16
In reaction: P4 + 30, -----7 P40,
moles of 0, required to react with _I-moles ofP4Compietely

Ilr. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the hestteacher at Patna (or Whole chemistry (or liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 35
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

I 3 I
62 62 16
In reac-": P, + 50,~P,O,o
mole of 0, required to react completely with
I I 5 I
-molesofP, =-x5=->-
62 62 62 16
SO, P, will first react with 0, to produce P,O, & then the remaining 0, will react with P,O,
to produce P,OiO


I 3
------+--nnle; - I mole (I 3)
62 62 62 16-62
WtofP,06produced~ -x220g=3.55g
..) I 3 62 -48
I f 0 ,remammg
( =---=---~0.014133
16 62 62xl6
P,O, + 20, ~ P,OiO
0.014 moles
:. moles of P,O, (reacted) ~ - - = 0.00706
:. moles ofP,Odremained)= 1(;2-0.00706 =0.00907
moles ofP,O,o (produced) = .= 0.00706
Wt OfP,OiO (produced) ~ 0.00706 x 284 ~ 2.004 g Ans
Wt ofP,O, (Produced) ~ 0.00906 x 220 = 1.996 g Ans
[Note ~ Please don't approximate the calculation]
Sol:- (I) 2COF, + F,~2COF,
(2) (CH,)" + 4n COF J ~ (CF,)" + 2nHF + 4nCOF,
(l)~> (1 mole ofF, "2 mole ofCOF,} x2n
(2)=> 4n mole ofCOF, ,,1 mole of(CF,)"
:. 2n mole ofF, ,,1 mole of(CF,)"
I xmole ofF, ~ 2nxmole of(CF,)"
~ 2nx 1000g =40mole
:. Wt ofF, required ~ 40x 38 g = 1529 g ~ 1.52 Kg Ans

Er. Risbi Kumar is one oftbe Topper in Cbemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the best teacber at Patna for Whole cbemistry for IlT-IEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 36
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Te~h. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Sol:- (1) 2KCIO,(s) ----> 2KCl(s) + 30,(g)
(2) 2KH CO,(s) ----> K,O(s) + H,O(g) + 2CO,(g)
(3) K,CO, (s) ----> K,O(s) + CO, (g).

Wt of H,O(produced) ~ !Jl. = 0.1 moles

(2) Moles of KHCO, ~ 0.1 x 2 ~ 0.2
Wt ofKHCO, = 0.2x 100 ~ 20 g Ans
4 I
Also mole 0, produced ~ - = -
32 8
.(1) 2moles of KClO, =3moles of 0,
3 x moles of KCIO, ~ 2 x moles of 0,
2 I I
Moles ofKClO, ~ -x- = -mole
. 3 8 12
I 1
:. Wt ofKCIO, ~ -x(39+ 35.5 + 3x 16) = -x 122.5 = 10.2g
. 12 12 Ans

Also moles of CO, produced ~, 13.2

(2) & (3)
Moles of CO, produced ~ Mole ofKHCO, + Mole ofK,CO,
132 .
-'- = 0.2+moleofK,CO,
44 - .

Mole ofK,CO, = 13.2 -0.2 ~ 0.3 - 0.2 = 0.1 moles

:. Wt ofK,CO, ~ 0.1 x 138 ~ 13.8 g Ans

Objection Problems
Ql:Ans(c):- Stoichiometry tells about moles or volume for gases not directly for mass.
Q3:Ans(b):- Volume of 0, produced per volume of H,O, = - = 10

Q4:Ans(c):- mole of Ag,CO, = l76 = 0.01

CO, (O.oI moles--;O.OI x44 ~ 0.44 g)

Q5:Ans(c):- wt of C,H 18 = 800/ gx 1.425/ g = 1140g
moleofC,H IS =--=10

Er. RishlKumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 37
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. CsH" + 12.50, ----->8CO, +9H,o

:.Moles ofO, (required) lOx 12.5 ~ 125 mole

Q .'7A ns (b') :- CxH,.

. +(x+ Y)o,----->xco,
2 - -+Y
2 H,O-
.j. .j.
10 ml - - - - - + . 40 ml 50 ml
Y :.C,H,o
, -=5
2 ' Y=IO
Q:8Ans(c):- CO+-O, ----->CO,
2 . -
4 lit -> 2lit (required)
Q9:Ans(c):- Cu'+ + H,S ----->CuS
63.5 g
- - =Imole
mole of H,S reqtiired~ 1 moles
:. Wt=lx34g=34g
QI0:Ans(d):- 3BaCl, + 2Na,P04 -----> B".(PO,), + 6NaCl
0.5 moles 0.2 moles
3 mole of BaCl,=2 moles of Na]P04 => 2 x mole of BaCI, = 3 x moles of Na,P04
2 I
mole of Na,P04 ~ -xO.5 = - > 0.2
. 3 3
:. Na,P04 is the limiting reagent
:. moles of Ba,(P04), ~ 0~2 = 0.1 moles
Q12:Ans(b):- N, + 3H, .c~~. 2NH,
Initially moles A B O
At eq,b A-x B-x 2x
2x~2 =>x~l

A-x~2 => A-I ~2 => A~3

B-3x~2, => B-3=2, => B~5

Cv= R(~ +3) =2 R

3 3
R '7 3 3 10
-- = - R => Y -1 = - => Y = - + 1= - = 1.428
Y-} 3 7 7 7

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 aud AIEEE 2004) (He is
now the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. 9852476717, 9798984530 Page 38
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4 .

3. Eudiometry

CH3/ ......CH3 +02 (excess)-+3C02+3H20
40 ml (given).
From the above balanced chemical equation
:. I ml of acetone will produce 3 ml of CO,
:.40 40x3=120mlofCO,(g)
= 120 inl of C02 (g); Ans
Sol:- S02 +.Yz 0 , - - - - . . S03
210 ml

Since I ml of SO, require.!. ml of 0,

2 -

:. 210 2~0 mlofO,

If x is the volume of air required,
Then xx 21 % = volume of oxygen (required)
R J-ffi1O
100 2
. 1000
Volume of aIr = x - - =500ml Ans

Sol:- C4 H,o (g) + (4+ I~ )o,(g) . 4CO, (g) + 5H,O

2 lit
1" method
:. 1 lit ofC 4 H lO will produce 4 lit of CO, (g)
.. 2x 4 lit = Slit of CO, (g) Ans
2 nd method
1 volume of CuH 10 = 4 volume of CO,(g)
4x volume ofCuH,o = volume of CO, (g)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE. PMT & AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 39
By: Er. Rishi Kuinar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna-4

:. Volume of CO, (g) = 4x21it = 8 lit Ans

Sol:- H, (g) + Ch(g). ~ 2HCI (g)
Initially 12 lit 11.2 lit 0
After reac-" (l2-11.2)lit 0 2x 11.2 lit
0.8 lit 0 22.4 lit
:. V HCI(g) = 22.4 lit & VH, (g) = 0.8 lit Ans


Sol:- C3H, (g) + (3 + ~) 0, ~ 3CO, + 4H,0

Propane (50,)
Mass ~ 2.2 g
Moles = 3.3& = _I
44)l 20

ValumeatNTP~ _I x22.41it ~1.121it

:. 1 volume ofC 3H8 = 5 volume of 0,
Volume of 0, = 5 xvolume ofC3H8
= 5x 1.12 lit = 5.6 lit Ans
Sol:- Let the hydrocarbon gas is CxH y

CxH y + (x+X)o;:_--nco,+XUO
4 - - 2~
1'L 0.5 lit (excess is taken) 2.5 lit 3 lit
!;;P 1 volume ofC,H y = ?volume of CO, ~"
~~ _ Volume of CO, = X~volume ofCHy
il'i' 2.5 lit = x xO.5
Also I volume ofCHy = ;;; volume ofH,O

Volume ofH,O = ~xvolumeOfC,Hy

3 lit = 2' x 0.51it

Y = 12. So hydrocarbon is C SH 12 Ans

Er. RishiKumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE]
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 40
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IlT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna-4

Sol:- V(H, + 0,) = 0.02 lit
- 2 - -
Let volume of H, (g) in mixture = x lit -
:. --------- 0, (g)------------------ = (0.02 - x) lit
:. From balanced chemical equation
2H, (g) + 0, (g) ----+ 2H,O (I)
Initially x 0.02 -x ~., ' " 1fiV
Finally 0 (0.02-x) - y;'
/~lr\vo .(~ "

:. Finally only 0, remained & if x lit of H, consumed than >i lit of 0, will get cosumed.
(0.02 - x) - >i = 0.003
0.02 _ 3x = 0.003 . 0
3x = 0.02-0.003 = 0.017lit
"tv..;..P f f '7- V
x = 0.01333 lit
'H -r rz.-/.f \.'-.
:. %ofH,=
xI00=56.6% Ans
J-v >- ~
l)'~ A ~
% of 0, = 43.3 % Ans
~ "}" /' ,"
Q8:. . ".. ~ "'~-t r."A '>"\'
Sol:- C,Hy + (x + ~ )0, f
-----> xCO, + H,o fi.. -t \~ riJ I.J''\ . ' '1< ( ' ~ I(

12 ml 50~ 1tf S "}-,. ., ,:/1.Of' r"

:. volume of 0, (required to react with C,Hy ) \J' ~.~-r~!, '!- "'- t

= (X+~)volumeofC,Hr = (X+~}I2----(l)~ -v"rv: \~'J, tVl. . ..J
-I.-I>-, '\..
After reaction'. '," , ' ~~
Volume of 0, + volum'lrof CO, = Jot mI-----.. ----------------(2)
After passing over KOH, CO, is absorbed
v /,~ <.
~ ",+
Then volume of 0, (remained) = 8 ml -----------------------(3)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher atl'atna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 41

\'l-~ ~ ~,,"'.....
lr '.
Po '.
"",1, 't"
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna-4

(2) => {50-12( x +~)}+ 12x= 32

50 - J,2X- 3y + J.Zx = 32
50-3y=32 ~
_ y=50-32 --6

(3):-50-12( X+~)=8
;> 50-12x -3y = 8
;> 50-12x-18=8
:. Hydrocarbon is C,H. Ans
Note:- Volume ofH,O is not taken because the volume measured is below 100"C. However
question doesn't specify it.
Q9: \. I~
'!- 4'''''''-
Sol:- CxHy + (x +I)o,~xco,+,IH,o :" '\ c.lVv_"", Y' t.- ~
4 2 . , ..... ~ '.' \~ L~'\>
15 ml "1~ I.- "(.-,\ ,. r'" ,) ,.w'\

VolumeofO,=21%ofvolumeofair~ \'4:'d rv lKi'~r ")..'1'~ ~'~' 'a
21 " ' J - l f ( y<I ~~L ....
= -x357 =74.97ml ~ ~ A",--
100 JtV"' ~ .
.;', AlC to balanced chemical equation, . '-" 0- 'pI- x .-". "'1 ,; ~.(
15(X+%)=75 =>x+% = 5 - - . - - - ( 1 ) 7 i ,-:-';:-1'- VA(

e;' Volume ofproduct(s) = 327 ml (at NTP). " '7:> oV'

/ Volume of air (remained) + Volume of CO, = 327 ~I
/~~6F 282+xxI5=327 . . 70.'

(1)=> x+% =5 =>~';5-3=; =>y=8

:. Hydrocarbon is CxH y = C,H, Ans
.'. '> ~,

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& A1EEE) ..
Contact no, -9852476717, 9798984530 - Page 42

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna-4

Sol:-CxHvOz + (x+I_~)o_
4 2 -
~xCO,- + IH
2 :!

0.9 gm 224 ml
0.9 I
90 100

After the combustion

Volume of 0, remained + volume of CO, = 560

{224-224( ~+~-~)l~=560-~--(1) / /
Also volume after passing KOH = 112 ml
:. volume of C02 absorbed = 560 -112 = 448 ml
224 x ml = 448 ml
X= 448 =2
224-224 (2+% -%)t448=560

224 - 448 - 224 (% -li) = 112

-224-224 (% -%)=112

Also, Mo. Wi ofC,HyOz = 90
12 x+ Ixy+ 16z=90
24+y+ 16Z=90
Y + 16 Z = 66 --------(3)

(2) =>~-% = J'i -J

(3) + (4) => 18Z= 72

:. Y = 8-6 = 2
:. Molecular formula = C 2H 20 4 Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AiEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 43

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Chisses, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:-Let the gas is NxO y (since it produces water & N, with H" SO it must contains N, & oxygen)
H, + NxOy~ yH,O + 2"N,
1 volume 1 volume ~ I volume I volume
The given volume of product directly implies that
= 1
:. Compound is NxOy = N,O Ans
Sol:- Let the molecular formula is CxHy

CxHy + (x + %)0, ~ xCO, + ~ H,o.

5 ml (excess given = 30 ml)

Volume of 0, (required reacting with 5 ml ofCxHy)

Volume of 0, remained + volume of CO, = 25

30-5 (x+%)+5X=25

30 -5x - 5y +5x= 25
=-8' => Y= 4
Also volume of CO, absorbed in CO, = 25 - 15 mI
:. Molecular formula = CHy = C,H. Ans
Q 13:-
Sol:- Let the formula of Ammonia is NxHy
x y
NxHy ~-N, +-H,
. 2 - 2 -
40 ml
A/q, final volume = 40 + 40 = 80 ml

tir. Kishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one oflhe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 44
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

2 2
N,H y + 102~~N2(g)+rH,0(g)
4 2 2-
40 ml 40 ml
Gases remained

40- l x40 +40~=30

4 2
40 - 10y+ 20x = 30
:. y - 2x = I -(2)
y-2x = I
3x =3

(I) 0+ y=3
\ :. Molecular formula of ammonia = NxH y = NH, Ans
Q(L4:"" .
Sol:- Let the molecular formula is HxS y
Mol. wt = 34
xXI+32 x y=34
x + 32 x Y = 34 -----------(1)
HxSy(g)+Sn~2H, +SnS

20 ml J.<)
Alq, volume ofH2 obtained = 20 ml
-x20=20 0+ x=2
.. (l)O+y=1
:. Molecular formula = H2S.
Q15: .
Sol: Let molecular formula of Ozone = Ox ,
Let Y ml of O2 is taken from which zx converted to ozone
i. X02 ---4 20;
Decrement in volume-= 40 ml
(y - x z) + 2z = Y-4

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemIstry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 45
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola, Patna-4

XZ ~ 2Z = 4 - (1)
Turpentine absorbs 03
... Volume ~tmained = (Y - XZ) = Y - 4 - 8
XZ= 12
.. (I) =} 12-2Z = 4
2Z=8 Z=4
... XZ=12=} Xx4=12=}x=3
... Molecular formula 0, = 0 3 Ans

Sol:- Let volume of Ozone = x lit
Volume of oxygen = (I-x) lit
At OoC & I atm (NTP), molar volume = 22.4 lit
Wt of I lit = 1.5 g
... Wt of22.4lit = 1.5 x22.4 = 33.6 g
... Mol wt of ozonised oxygen = 33.6 g
100 ml is reduced to 90 ml after passing over t1lrpentine:
... volume of ozone absorbed = 10 m!
... 100 ml .contain 10 ml of ozone
... 1000 ml ! 00 ml of ozone.
- I'It = 0 .II'It
... x = -
... Volume of ozone in I lit mix = 0.1 lit
--- - -- ---- -oxygen - ------ -- -= 0.9 lit
".Mol.wt = Mole%of ozonemol.wt,,"", + Mol%ofO, x M.w 0'
33.6 I (}1< M.w "eo, + 90 x 32
M.w of ozone = 48 g Ans
Sol:- Let the molecular formula of S = Sx
. 280
mole of Sx in 280 ml at NTP = - -
28 I
:. wt ofS x = --x-3Zx=~
224,0 10

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEJO, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717. 9798984530 . "1rV .,' Page 46

~ ..

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.llT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry ClassE;s; Naya Tola, Patna -4

x; 224;8
:.-Molecular formula of sulphur; 58 Ans
Sol:- V(H,) ; 1 lit
V (0,); 1 lit
2H, + a, ----+ 2H,O(l)
Before react- n I lit I lit o
After reac- n l-li lit
0 1 lit

:. Volume of 0, remained; li lit

:. Moles of 0, ; 2 ; _1_
22.4 44.8
:. WtofO,; -x32g;0.7143g
- 48.8
1 1
Also moles ofH,O produced from --molesofH,
22.4 . 22.4
:. Wt produced = - '-xI8=0.8036g
At 100GC, water becomes gas. '
:. Total volume of gases; 1+ li = 7i: lit
:. Pv;nRT
p; - - = (1'
- - + -1)
- xO.0821x3
V 44.8 22.4

; 1.0236 atm; 778 mm ofHg Ans
Sol:- V(C,H, + CO) = 20 ml
va,; 30mL

Let volume ofC,H,; x mL
Volume of CO ; (20-x) mL

." C,H, + '(2 + 4

. 3.)0' - ----+ 2CO,- + H,O

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IlT-/EE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 47

.. .. ..

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna4

C,H, + -0,~2CO,(g)+H,0
- - 2 - --
X mole ofC,H, requires TmLofO,

1 .
2 - -

(20-x) mL of CO requires (20; x )mLOf 0,

1" method
:. Total no. of moles of 0, which reacted with C,H, & CO
= 5x + (20 - x) = (30 _ 8)mL (30 mL is taken & 8 mL remained, So (30-8) mL reacted)
2 2

5x + 20-x = 44
20 + 4 x = 44
4x = -20 + 44 = 24
Or 2"d method
After the reaction, volume of CO, obtained + volume of 0, = 34
After passing KOH, CO, get absorbed
Alq, volume of CO, absorbed = 34-8 = 26 mL
2x + (20 - x) = 26
X =26 - 20 = 6 mL
:. Volume ofC,H, = 6 mL Ans
Volume of CO = 20 -6 = 14 mL. Ans .
Q20:- V(N, + NO) = 25 mL
Let volume ofN, = x mL
Volume of NO = (25 -x) mL

Cu + NO ~ CuO + .!.2 N,- (g) (N, is highly uncreative due to very strong triple bond It only
( 25-x) react with Mg, Li etc)
(25- x)
Volume ofN2 produced from NO gas = -'-'-"----''-'-
Volume ofN, present from before = x mL
(25 - x)
:. Alq, x + 2 = 20

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-/EE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 48

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- V(H2 + CH4 + N 2 ) = 40 mL
V02 = IOmL
H, + li 0, ----> H,O(l)
CH. + (I ~ )0,
+ ---->CO, + 2H,o(l)

N2----> No reac- n
Let volume ofH2 = x mL
Volume ofCH. = y mL
Volume ofN2 = {(40-(x+y)}
On cooling the gas remained
= CO2(g) produced + N 2(g) + 02 (remained)

A/q, Y +{40-(x+y)} + 10 - {~+ 2Y} = 36.5

(with x mL ofH2, ~mL of 02 reacts & with y mL ofCH., 2y mL of O2 reacts)

40-x + 10 - ~ - 2y = 36.5 O2 will be absorbed.

3x :.10-(~+2y)=%,
2 10-X =~+2y
50-36.5 = 2"+2 y 17 = x + 4y -(3)
3x Solving (1) & (2)
:.-+2y=13.5 X=5
' Or from (2) & (3) X = 5
3 x+ 4y= 27 -ti)
. KOH :. Volume ofH2 = 5 mL
Aft er passing over ,
COZWI easore1 b b b d Volume .ofNH4 = 3 mL
:. y = 3 mL -(2) Volume ofN2 = 32 mL
After passing over pyrogallol, :. % of ell. = ~ x 100 = 7.5%
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Toppe in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at atna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 979898 530 . Page 49
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna-4

%ofH,= %oxI00=12.5% 32
% ofN, = -xIOO = 80%

Sol:- V(H2 + CH4 + CO + C2H. + non-combustible mixture) = 1000 lit
Volume % ofH, = 50% =:-volume ~ = 500 lit
Volume % ofCH4 = 35% =:-volume CH. = 350 lit
Volume % of CO = 8% =:- Volume CO = 80 lit
Volume % of non-combustible mixture = 5%=:- volume = 50 lit
H, + y;: 0, -----7 H,o
500 lit requires 250 lit of 0,
CH. + 20, -----7 CO, + 2H,0
350 lit requires 350x2 = 700 lit ofO,
CO + y;: 0, -----7 CO,
80 lit requires 80 x2 = 160 lit of 0,
C 2H4 + 30, -----72CO, + 2H 20
20 lit requires 60 lit ofO,
:. Total volume ofO,(required)
= 250 lit + 700 lit + 160 lit + 60 lit = 1170 lit
:. If volume of air = x lit
Thenx x 21%= 1170
x= 1170x100 =5571lit =5.57m J Ans
Sol:- V(CO + H,) = 38 ml
Let volume of CO = x ml
:. Volume ofH, = (38- x) mL
CO+ -0, -----7CO,(g )
2 - -

X mL of CO requires 7i ml of O2 & will produce x ml of CO2

H, + y;: 0, -----7 H,o(l)
(38-x) mL ofH, requires (38; x ) ml ofO, & will produce (38-x) ml ofH,O

A1q, Total volume after reaction = 29 ml

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE. PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 50

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna-4

Volume ofCO,(g) + Volume of 0, remained = 29 mL

X+31-{X/ + 38-X}=29
c:> 12 22
c:> X + 31- 19= 29 => X + 12 ~ 29 => x = 17
:. Volume of CO = 17mL
Volume ofH, = 38 -17 = 21 ml

:. %ofCO= -xIOO% = 44.7%

17 }
%ofH2= -xI00%=55.3% Ans
Sol:- P(CH 4 + C,H,) = 63 nun ofHg
PCO, obtained = 69 nun ofHg (in the same volume)
(I) CH4 + 20, ~ CO, + 2H,0
(2) C,H, + (2 + %)0, ~ 2CO, + H,0
Let moles ofClL, = n, & due to this pressure P, is exerted.
&Moles of C,H, = n, & due to this pressure P, is exerted.
. Then P, + P, = 63 nun of Hg ---------------------( I)
From equation (I) & (2)
moles of CO, produced from CH4 = n,
:. Pressure exerted = P,
moles of CO, produced from C,H, = 2n,
Pressure exerted = 2P,
A/q, P, + IP, = 69 nun of Hg --------------------(2)
(2) - (I)
P, = 6 nun ofHg
P, = 57 nun ofHg
:. Fraction of methane = n,
n l +n:!
P 57
= - - '-=-=0.9 Ans
P, + P, 63
Sol:- V(CO + CH 4 + N,) = 20 mL
Let x ml of CO & y mL of ClL, is present,

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 51

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola. Patna -4

CO+ !iO,---+CO,
CH, + 20, ---+ Co, + 2H,O
:. Total moles of CO, produced = x + y = 14 ------------------------(1)
(Because volume reduction after KOH is passed is due to CO, absorption)
:. Volume is reduced by 13 mL
If Z is the volume of 0, taken.
Initial volume = 20 + Z
Final volume = (20 +Z) -13
Final volume = Vco, + Vo, remained + VN,

20+Z-I3. = (x+y)+Z- GX+2 Y)+20-(X+ Y)

7=x+y-!ix-2y+20-x-y (1)=>X=lOmL'}
2 :: Volume of CO = x ml = 10 mL. Ans
~x +2y= 20-7 = 13 Volume ofCH, = y mL = 4 mL

X + 4y = 26 ----------------(2) .
(2)-(1)3y=12 y=4mL
Sol:- Let x mL is the volume of H, present in mixture
CuO + H,-4Cu + H20
X mL -4 n moles corresponding to x ml
Cu + !i0'---+Cuo
n---+7i mL

moles will react with 7i mL of 0, under same condition of temp & pressure
:. Volume ofO, remained
100 - (x+ 7i)= 84.5
37i =15.5 => x=33l =10.33mL

Sol:- SO, + .!.O,

2 -
) SO,

given moles: 10 15 o

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 52

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna-4

After reaction: 10-x 15--x x
A1q, x ~ 8 moles
:. moles of SO, which doesn't undergo reaction
~ 10 -x ~ 10 -8 ~ 2 moles

moles of 0, which doesn't undergo reaction.

~ 15-- ~ 15-4 ~ I I mole
2 Ans
Sol:- Volume of 0, ~ x mL
Volume of 0, (lOO-x) mL
Since 0, is absorbed by turpentine oil.
Volume ofO,~ (100 -x) ~ 20 ~ x ~ 80 mL
If the mixture is heated, 0, will be decomposed
0, "') ~O,
2 -
20 mL -----+-- -.h I
3 x fvrn ~ 30 mL
:. Total volume now, ~ 80 ml + 30 mL ~ 110 mL Ans
Sol:- Let the compound is CxH y 0;;
- y
CxHyO;;+ ( x+---
4 2
Z) O,~xCO,+-H,O
- -
2 -
Initially I volume 2.5 volume
Finally 0 0
. (x + %-%).1~2.5------(l)
Also x. I ~ 2 ~ x~2
(y/2).1 ~2 -+ y~4

From (I) (x +% -%)~2.5

3--~2.5 ~> Z~ I

So the compound is C,H.O. Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one afthe bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry far lIT-JEE, PMT& AlEE E)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 53
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna-4

Sol: moles of (H, + 0, + N,) = 5.22 x 10'4 moles
Pressure (total) = 67.4 mm ofHg
From the given data in the problem, it is clear that H, is in excess amount than the amount
consumed in reaction.
Also Jet pressure due to H, = X mm of Hg
Pressure due to 0, = y mm of Hg
:. Pressure due to N, = 67.4 ~ (x+y)

H. + liO,~H,o(l)

Initially x y 2y
Finally (x-2y) 0
From question,
PH,{excess) + PN, = 14.3 mm ------------(1)
When oxygen is added, it consumes H" but then 0, becomes in excess.
po.,,,,,,,, + PN, = 14.3mm (2)
.. Reaction implies that P{H, excess) = x-2y & PN, = 67.4 - (x+y)
(1) => x- 2y + 67.4 - (x+y) = 14.3.
62.4---;-3y= 14.3 ii,

y= 67.4-14.3 = 177
. mmoi'fH g.
Also when 30 mm of 0, is added.
H. + -O.~H,O
2 - -
Initially (x-2y) 30
Finally 0 30--{x-2y)
:. (2) => PO,{excess) + PN, = 32:9 mm
=> 30--{x-2y)+67.4-{x+y)=32.9
=> - = 97.4-32.9 = 64.5
64.5x 2
x= 43mmofHg

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 54

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. llT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. PN, = 67.4-(x + y)
67.4 - (43+ 17.7) = 6.7 mm ofHg
< .
:. mo Ie .raellon fH 2 = -~-
PH, =-43- = 0.638
0 Ans
PlOW I 67.4
mo Ie f raetlOn -,= PO,
=- - = 0 .262

' 0 f N, = -
mo Ie f raellon 6.7
- = 0.1 Ans
- 67.4

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 55
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Chapter 4: Atomic Weight

801:- Let w is the atomic weight of Cd.
'. Mol. wt of CdC I, ~ wt + 2x 35.5 ~ (w + 71) g
:. (W + 71) g of CdCl, contains w g of Cd

1.5276 - - - - - - w xl.5276
A/q, x 1.5276 ~ 0.9367
1.5276 w ~ 0.9367 (w+71)
0.591 w ~ 0.9367x 71
0.9367x 71
W~ ~112.4gm/mole
:. Atomic wt of Cd ~ 112.4 amu I atom or 112.4 gm I mole
Sol:- Let w is the atomic weight ofX.
Given moles I I I
Weight W 32g (w+32)g
:. w gm of X reacts with 32 g of 0,
:.1 32
:. A/q, - ~ 0.696
w ~ - - ~ 46gm/mole
:. At wt of X ~ 46 amu/atom ~ 46 gm I mole. Ans
801"- BaBr, + Ch --+ BaCh + Br,
1.5 --+ 1.05 g
Let w is the atomic wt of Ba,
:. Mol wt of BaBr, ~ w + 2x 80~ (w + 160) g
Mol wt of BaCh ~(w+ 2 x 35.5) ~ (w+71) g
According to balanced chemical reaction
1 mole of BaBr, == I mole ofBaCl,
Mole of BaBr, ~ mole ofBaCl,
1.5 1.05
w+160 w+71

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 56

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

1.5 w + 106.5 ~ 1.05 w + 168

0.45 w ~ 61.5
w = - - = 136.67g/mole
Sol:- Let % of I" isotope (B 10) is x
. :. % of 2'''' isotope (B") is (100 -x)
.A A . 'gh - x+lO.I+(lOO-x)xI1.01
.. v. tOllllC weI t-
100 .
10.81 ~ I 1.01 x 100-1.0Ix
1081 ~ 1101 - 1.01 x
1.01 x~ 1101-1081 ~20
% ofB" ~ 80%
Sol:- 2CuO + CO ----+ Cu,O + CO,
0.88 gm.
. f . Q88
Let w is the atomic weIght a carbon, then moles of CO2 produced ~ - - -
(w +32)
A/q, weight loss ofCu - oxide ~ 0.3232 g
From the balanced chemical reaction
Moles of Cuo reactd ~ 2 x moles of CO,
Moles of Cu,O produced ~ moles of CO 2
:. Wt loss ~ moles ofCuO x Mol. wt CuO - moles ofCu,O produced xMol.wt.Cu
0.3232 = 2xO.88 x79.5-~x 143
w+32 w+32
0.3232w + I0.3424 ~ 139.92 - 125.84
0.3232w ~ 14.08 -- 10.3424 ~ 3.7376
w 3.7376 = 11.8 = 12
Sol:- Let the atP'nic weight ofK ~ X
----------------------------- CI ~ y
----------------------------- Ag ~ Z
KCIO, ----+ KCI + J'i 0,
4.008 g 2.438 g
:. Wt of O2 produced ~ 4.008 -2.438 = 1.57
Nq, Above eq-"

Er. Kishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004, He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9B52476717, 9798984530 Page 57

By: Er. RishiKumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

moles of 0, ~- x moles of KCl
1.57 3 2.438
Q 32 2 x +y
c:> x + y = 74.54 ----------------(1)
KCl + AgNO, --> AgCI + KNO,
2.438 g 4.678g
moles ofKCI ~ moles of AgCI
2.438 = 4.678 -----(2)
x+y Z+Y
. ) 3.531
A Iso mo Ies 0 f Ag In AgCl (4.678 g = - -
4.678 3.531 4.678
: . - - = - - =>--z =Z+Y ~>1.325Z-Z~y
Z+ y Z 3.531

Z=-y- -----(3)
. 0.325
From (2) & (3)
2.438 4.678 1.52
x+y Y + 1.325y
0.325 Y
2.438x1.325 y
=> x+y
2.126 y ~ x - y ~------------- (4)
From (l) & (4) => 2.126 y ~ 74.54
Y ~ 35.5
:. x ~ 74.54 - 35.5 ~ 39.04
Z= 35.5 = 108.8
0.325 y
At wt of K = 39 g / At. wt of CI ~ 35.5 g / At wt of Ag = 108.8
(I) Vapour density ~ 14 15.8
(II) 38x2x- = W =:> W=12gm
:. Mol. wt ~ 2 x V.d = 28 g 100
IfW is the at wtofearhon. 85.7
(I (III) 14x2x-=2W=:> W=12gm
28x42.8%=w 100
28x 42.8 =W 81.4
(IV) 22x2x-=3W=:>W=12g
100 100
( V) 39x2x-=6W =:> W=I2g
Similarly in other case --- 100

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 58

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tala, Patna -4

Sol:- Vapour density of chloride ~ 74.6
:. Mol. wt of chloride ~ 74.6x 2 ~ 149.2
We know that
At wt. X Sp heat = 6.4
64 .
Atwt~ -'-=7.2
Note:- [In question, sp. Heat of metal is given 0.55. it should be actually 0.88]
Now if the formula of metal chloride i:; MClx
then 7.2 + X x 35.5 ~ 149.2
xx 35.5 ~ 149.2 - 7.2 ~ 142
:. Molecular formula of chloride ~ MCI,
Sol:- We have,
At wt of metal x sp heat = 6.4
At wt of metal = - - ~ 112
Let the metal chloride is MCl x
MCl x + xAgNO,,----> X AgCl + M (NO,),
0.22g . 0.51 g
moles of AgNO] required = x moles of MClx
0.51 O.22x
108+14+16x3 112+35.5x
~> 0.0136 (112 + 35.5 x) = x

~> 1.527 + 0.484 x = x ~> 1.527 ~ 0.5159 x

~> X = 1.527 = 2.96 = 3.

:. Molecular fonnula = MClx = MCl"
Ans:- At wt "f ....etalx Sp. Heat ~ 6.4

At. wt. a f meta I - 6.4

-= - 6.4
- = 26.45 ~
sp.heat 3.242
Let the molecular formula of hydrated sulphate /
~ M, (SO,)x. yH,O

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently One of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Then % of metal ~ c:c:-..,----,--=":-:---x 100 = 8.1

96x+18y=600 -(I)

% of sulphate ~ 96x x 100 = 43.2


96x xI00=43.2
52.9+600 [from (1)]
96 x ~ 43.2 x 652.9

:. From (I) 96x3+18y=600

Integral value is taken for x & y
:. Molecular fonnula ~ M,(SO,),. 18 H,O. Ans
Ans:- Let the at wt of Sn(tin) ~ W
Also valancy of Sn ~ 4
:. Molecular fonnula of stannic chloride = SnC!,
:. Mol. wt= W + 4x 35.5 ~ (W+142)g

A/q, 142 x 100 = 54.6

W+ 142~260
W~ 118g; Ans

Ans:- Sp. heat of Metal = 0.055
At. Wt. x sp. heat = 6.4
At. Wt. = --=116.36g
(Is diff_ ll from the answer because it is an approximate way. The exact way is written after)
For I" chloride .
If the molecular fonnula is MClx
Then 'l't ofCI in compound = 35.5x
35.5x xlOO=23.6
X= I
Molecular fonnula ~ MCI.
Also Mol. wt of chloride = W + 35.5x 1 ~ 149
W = 149.2 - 35.5
~113.8g Ans

Er. Kishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 . Page 60
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Karipur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Similarly for 2"d chloride

Mol. wI ~ 2 x 92.9 ~ Ig5.8 g
If the molecular formula is MClx
35.5x x 100 ~ 38.2

c. Molecular fonnula ~ MCr,

c. W + 71 ~ 185.8
M ~ 114.8 g Ans (M is the at wt of Metal)
Similarly for 3,d chloride
Mol.wt ~ 2xllO.6 ~ 221.2g
If the Mole fonnula is Mds
35.5xxlOO~47.3 => x~106.8 ~3
221.2 35.5
c. Molecular fonnula ~ MCI,
W + 35.5X3~ 22.12
W + 106.5 ~ 221.2 ~> W ~ 114.7 g Ans
Sol:- % of sulphur in Cu,S. ~ 20.14%
- - x 100~20.14 (At.wt.ofs~x(say))
127 +x
100 x ~ 2557.78 + 20.14 x
x2557.78 ~32
% of sulphur in Ag,S ~ 12.94%
Let the at. wt. of Ag ~ w
32 xI00~12.94 -+ 1600 ~12.94
2w+32 w+16
1600 = 12.94 w + 12.94x 16
12.94W = 1600 - 12.94x 16 ~ 1392.96
W ~ 1392.96 107.7'" 108g
12.94 Ans
Sol:- Let the at. wt. of Ti is W.
Since it is isomorphous with SnO,
c. So Molecular fonnula ~ TiO,
A/q, % of oxygen ~ 39.95"/"
16x2 xl00~39.95
3200 = 39.95 w + 1278.4 -+ 39.95 w ~ 1921.6
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B. Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

- - - -_ 481
. g
39.95 Ans
Sol:- Na,CO, + H,S04~ Na,S04 + H,O + CO,
6.2984 g 8.438 g
From the reaction
moles ofNa,CO, ~ moles ofNa,S04
~ (where, x ~ At wt of S)
46+12+16x3 46+x+16x4
6.2984 8.438
106 110+x
~> llO+x~ - - x 106=142
~> x ~ 142-110 ~ 32 g

'. At wt of S ~ 32 g
Sol:- ZrBr4 - ~ AgBr
s 1e p ~

12.5843 Ctntain 13.216 g of Ag.

:. Mol wt of AgBr ~ 188 g
Wt of silver present in 188' of AgBr = 108 g
.. 108g of Ag present in 188' g.
_ _ _ _ _ 188 4 x moles of ZrBr, ~ 1x moles of AgBr
108 4x 12.5843 = ~
13.216 188 x13.216 = 23 w+320 188
108 g W + 320 ~ 4x 12.5843 = 411.5
ByPOAC 0.1223
Mole of Br in ZrBr4 ~ mole of Br in AgBr W~ 411.5 - 320 ~ 91.45 g Ans
Q 17:
Sol: YOCl] -:::::..:.=~) AgCl
2.8934 g 7.1801 g
Moles of CI in YOcl, ~ mole of CI in AgCI
3 x moles of YOCl] = moles of AgCl
3x 2.8934 7.1801
w+16+35.5x3 108+35.5
. 8.6802 7.1801
W + 122.5 143.5
W + 122.5 ~ 173.48 ~> W = 50.96 g Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Chapter 5: Molecular weight

wt 6
Sol:- no. of moles of hydrogen (n) = =- =3
Mol.wt 2
Now from ideal gas equation
V = nRT = 3xO.0821x546 = 89.651it
P 1.5 Ans
Sol:- (i) For constant no. of moles of gases
PIV1 = Pl V 1
T, T,
740x0.418 760xV,
300 273 (at STP, P = 760 mm ofHg & T ~ 273 K)

V, = 0.3704 lit
(11.. ) mo1es 0 f gas =
wt/volume 22.4
~ 0.0165

. weight 3
:. Molecular weIght ~ -=='-
no. of moles 0.0165
=181.4gm Ans
Sol:- PV = nRT

:J.6 x33.6x 10" = n xO.0821 x 819

n= 0.4997 x 10")
=4.99 x I 0. 4 mole
weight = 0.0625g = 625 = 1250
:. Mol. wt =
no.ofmoles 4.99x 10" 4.99 0
No. of atom is one molecule of phosphorous vapour
Mol.wt 125
n -=4
At.wt 31 Ans
Ans:- measured pressure = 753.6 mm of Hg
aqs tension = 13.6 mm ofHg
:. So pressure due to gas (collected over water)
= 753.6 - 1~6 ~ 740 mm ofHg
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE) .
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Volume of has ~ 28.9 mL weight

.'. Mol. wt= -,,-,:,='---
T ~ 16C ~ 273 + 16 ~ 289 K no.ofmoles
.140 _ 78
- x 28.9 x 10'" = n x 0.0821x 289 1.186xI0')
:. Vapour density ~ 78 = 39
74x28.9xl0'3 2 Ans
76x23.73 A
n ~ 1.186 x 10,3
Sol:- Volume ~ 200 mL, 2 ~ 22.567 g
T~ 120C ~ (120 + 273) K = 39.3 K
Filled bulb ~ 22.3616 g
:. Weight of gas ~w filled bulb - weight bulb
~ 22.8617 - 22.567' 0.2947 g
Pressure exerted ~ 755 mm ofHg.
Pv ~ nRT
~5 _ .
- x 20px 10-- = n x 0.0821 x 393K
n= 755 x 0.02 =0.006
Mol wt~ 0.2947 =47.8g
0.006 Ans
Sol:- Volume ~ 110 mL, T ~ 99.6C ~ 372.6 K,
Pressure ~ 747 mm ofHg, w ~ 0.2704 g
Height ofHg column ~ 285.2 mm
PV~nRT~>n= PV =(747-285.2xIIOXIO"')
RT 760
461.8xO.11O 50.798
~ 0.0021
23248.75 23248.75
weight 0.2704 = 122.6
:. Mol. wt ~ --'-""'--
no.ofmoles 0.0021 g
Sol:- Fonnula of silver salt ~ Ag.1A (A is trivalent anion)
0.607 g 0.37 g
3xmoles of Ag3 A ~ moles of Ag
3xO.607 0.37
Mol.wt. Ag.1A 108

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at.Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE. PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

M o.wt A g, A =
~ 531.549

Wt of A" ~ 531.54 - 3 x 108

~ 531-54 - 3204 ~ 207.54

Mol. formula of acid = H,A

Mol. wt ~ 3 x 1 + 207 .54 ~ 210.54 g Ans
Sol:-Ifthe molecular fonnula is Ag,A
(A" is dibasic away)
0.304g 0.216g
2 x moles of Ag,A ~ moles of Ag.
2x 0.304g (Utli =0.002
Mol-wtof Ag,A --l-G1l
Mol. wt of Ag,A = - - = 304 g
2 x 108 + wt of A,. ~ 304 g
Wt of A" = 304 - 216 ~ 88 g
Also Molecular fonnula of acid ~ If,A
:. Molecular weight of acid ~ 2 + 88 ~ 90 g; Ans

Q 10:

501:- Let the base is B.
:. B + H,P + C1, - > BH,P + Cl e, - > Pt
Base 39% by. wt
Ifw is the weight of base, then
195 x100=39

- ~xI00=39
0.39 w + 159.9 ~ 195
0.39 w ~ 35%
W~ 35.1 =90
:. Mol. wt of base ~ w ~ 90 g Ans

Er.Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717,97'18984530 Page 65
By: Er. Rishi KumareB.Tech. IlT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna '4

801:- HA + NaOH ----> NaA + H20
40 ml
Mole ofHA ~ mole ofNaOH
~ 40x 1O"x O,S xl
,---,,---,------=.3----=-____=_ = 20 x 10~,'
Mol.wt of acid
, 3xl0" 300
:, Mol. wI. of aCId = - - = - = ISOg
2fJ 2 Ans
801:- B(OH)" + HCl----> BCl + H20
Organic IS ml
:. meq ofB(OH)" ~ meq. OfHCl

~ m moles x acidity IS x -.!:.

.:MO 3 'd' IS
- - X a C I Ity=-
-HZ 3
aCI'd'Ity= .}5
-= S - ~= 1
Sx;? $
:. Acidity of organic base ~ 1 Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. lie is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE. PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna 4

Chapter 6: Chemical Equivalence

Sol:- No, In FeCI, , Iron is in Fe'+ slate.
AI.\vt 56 .
:. Eq.wl. ~ -2- = 2 = 28

In FeCI" Iron is in Fe3+ state.

:. Eq. wt. = Al wI = 56
3 3
Sol:- Eq. wI of oxide ~ eq. wI of melal + ego wI of oxygen

. [Since eq. wI of compound ~ (eq.WI of calion + eq. wI. of anion)

Sol:- From law of gran equivalence
gm eq. of calion ~ gm eq. of anion
g meq. of melal = gm eq. of oxygen
~ ').2g =.!.
8 40
Also for cbloride
grn eq. of metal = grn eq. of halogen
I 3.17
40 eq.wtofhalogen
eq. wI ofhalogen = 40l >'i
7 = 127 Ans
Sol:- In first oxide
grn ego of oxygen = grn eq. of Arsenic
100-65.2) 65.2
( 8 . eq.wt of Arsenic
:. eq. wt of Arsenic,", 15 g An.
In 2 oxide .
grn eg ofoxygen = grn eq. of Arsenic
100-75':'7) 75.7
( P eq.wtofaISenic
. 75.7x8
:. eq. wt of Arsemc = 24.9g ._~.
Sol:- Metal oxide + H, --+ Metal
From law of chemical equivalence.
grn eq. of metal oxide = grn eg. of H,

Iir;~I$...e Of'tb'i'toppetIn Chemistry In JIT-JEE2004 andAlEEE 2004. He Is

pi'lS '1tIyone of the bestteadier at PatnaforWbole chemistry for IlT-JIffi, PMT& AIEEE)
,~: - .
Cemtaet no. -9852476717, 9798984530. Page 67
By: Er. Rishi Kllmar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, NayaTola, Patna -4

1.80 833
eq.W' of oxide 11200
eq.w'ofoxide 24.2g Ans
:. eq wI. of oxide = eq. wt of metal eq. wI. of oxygen
24.2 = eq. wt of Metal + 8
Eq. wt of metal = 24.2=8 = 16.2 g Ans
Sol:- Metal + Acid ------> H, t
Eq.wt= 18 0.7 lit
gm ego of metal = gm eq of H~ evolved
wtofmetal wtofH,
= --'.:-:..::..:....:=--
eq. wt of metal eq. wt.of H,
wt of metal 0.7
28 11.2
0.7 x 28
Wt of metal = 1.75g Ans
Sol:- From principle of gram eqllivlV'\~~t;.
gm eg. of metalj ! gm eg. o~oxygen
C wt of metal (I'-"'- wt of oxygen
\~g.~ 0); metal ego wt of oxygen
~ 4.44
eq.wtofmetal 8
. 5x8
eq. wtofmetal = --=9.01g Ans
Sol:- Metal + sulphuric acid ------> dissolve
From principle of chemical equivalence
gm equivalent of metal = gm equivalent of sulphuric acid
wt wtofH,SO,
=> -
eq.wtofmetal eq.wtofH,SO,
wt wtof H,SO,
=> -----,:----,:
eq. wt of metal eq. wt of H,SO.,
16.8 14.7
eq. wt of metal 98/
eq. wt of metal = 56g
Also gm ego of H, evolved = gm eq. of H2S0 4

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT -lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for I1T-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4
volume at NTP 14.7
eg. volume at NTP 9R
14.7 .
I TP ~ -xI1.2=3.36ht Ans
Sol:- H)P0 4 + Na -----> Na,HP04 + H, l'
Since 2 hydrogen are removed from H.~P04

... eg. wt of orthophosphoric acid ~ wt

9R .
~ -=49g Ans
dissolved .j.
QIO:- Ag. ---+ AgNO, + HCI-----> AgCI +I'INO,
111 AgNO, .
gm eg. of Ag = gm eg. of AgCI ~ gm eg. of chlo!';ne
wt of Ag wt of chlorine
ego wtof Ag eg. wtofCI,
0.501g 6.6655-0501 0.1645
eg.wtof Ag 35.5 35.5
eg. wtof Ag = = 108.2g All'
Sol:- bt + CuC04 -----> i!:nS04 + Cu
5g 4.864 g
Gm eg. of i!:n ~ gm eg of Cu
wtof~n wtofCu
eg. wt of r:n eg. wI of Cu
~= 4.846
32.5g eg.wtofCu
4.846x325 'I < A
Eq.wto fC.u= =-' ._lg os
QI2(i):- BrO)' + 6W + 6e' -----> Br' + 3H,O
~tarlfYxvalailc'Y'factor- NOlSI ~
Molarity = 0.672 = 0.112 M All'
Also no. of nioles of Bromate ~ Molarity x Vol. (in lit) ~ 0.112 x 85.5
= 9.576x I0"
Mol.wtof NaBrO,

~ =9.576xl0" -+ wt = 1.4479 g; Ans

. .- -F---- ..----. - -- ._-~~ - _.",,- -- "_. - .. _. _._-- -- ._-, " _.__ .. - -
Er. Rishi Kumar IS one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT'IEE, PMT& AIEEE}
Contact no. 9852476717, 9798984530 Page 69
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

(ii) 2BrO," + 12 H+ + 10 e' --+ Br, + 6 H,O

M o Ianty =
valancy factor

( Since 10 e' taken by 2 BrO,', So 5e" by one BrO,') = O.~72 = 0.134M Ans
weight 0.134x85.5xIO-'
Weight~0.134x85.5x1O'xI51 g
= 1.7235 g Ans
Sol:- Metal + Nitric acid --+ Metal nitrate --+ Metal chloride
2g 2.66 gm
From principle of chemical equivalence
gm equivalent of metal ~ gm equivalent of chloride
2g 2.66g
eq. wt of metal eq. wt Metal chloride
2g 2.66g
C4wtofMetal eq. wt of Metal +eq. wt of chlorine
2g 2.66
E E+355
(Let eq. wt of Metal = E)
(2.66-2) E ~ 2 x 35.5
E = 53.78 x2 ~ 107.55 g Ans
Sol:- BaC!, --+ BaSO,
2gm 2.25 g
gm eq. ofBaCl, ~ gm eq. ofBaSO,.
2g = __2;:";:.25..5g,--_
eq.wtofBaCl, eq.wtofBaSO,
If E is the equivalent weight of Ba, then
2 2.25
E+35.5 E+48
2.25 E + 2.25 x 35.5 ~ 2E + 96 -+ E = 96 - 2.25 x 35.5 64.5 g Ans
Sol:- Metal chloride cvntains 47.23% of Metal
:. 100 gm of Meta! chloride contain (100 - 47.23) gm of chlorine
In any compound, from principle of gm equivalent;
gm equivalent of cation = gm eg. of anion.
47.23 = --:0;(1;:.0-,-0_-..:.4;:.7';:.23",)_
eq.wt of M eq. wt of chlorine

Er. Rish! Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE) .
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 70
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4
47.23g 52.77g
eq.wtofM 35.5g
47.23 x 35.5
eq.wto f M = 31.77g
M + compound -----'-> N
I gm 0.88 g
:. From principle of chemical equivalence
Ig 0.88g
eq.wtofM eg.wtofN
eq. wtofN~0.88xeq. wtofM
= 0.883 x 1.77 ~ 27.96 g Ans
801:- 0.5 lit of 0.01 M Cu (11) 801-"
moles of Cu(lI) ~ 0.5 x 0.01 = 5 x 10"
:. moles of Cu (11) ~ moles of Cu80,.5H,0 ~ 5 x 10"
:. weightofCuSO,.5H,o =5x]0"
Wt of CuSO,.5H,O ~ 1.248 g Ans
801:- +4 +5 -I +6
SO, + HCIO, -----'-> HCl + sol' Note
V=? 16.9 gm (only one oxidised state possible for SO, because s has only-
at NTP v.f= 6 2,0,2,4,6 oxide state possible)
:. From principle of chemical equivalence
gm eq. of SO, ~ gm eq. of HClO,
V80, 16.9
22.42 = 84.5,;/
/2 '6
VSO, = 13.441it Ans
801:- -2 +7 +6 +4
H,S + KMn04 -----'-> K,S04 + MnO,
wt? 6.32 g
v.f~ 8 v.f= 3
From principle of chemical equivalence
gm eq. of H,S ~ gm eq of KMn04
wt 6.32
34/ =1587
/8 '73
Wt = 0.511 gm Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 71
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- C"H,rr04 + KOH ------> complete neutralisation
1 gm 0.76R
Let n is the no. of ionisable hydrogen in it gm eq. of CoH 1004 - gm eq. of KOH
140/::::: 56/ ( va Iancyfactorof'CH
0.763 (, 10 ~::::: 11)
/11 /}

0.76Rx 146 2
n= - - - - Ans
Q20:- oxidised
I So R.A
o +5 +2
5Zn + V,O, ------> 5'lno + 2Vo
Reduced So O. A
V.f=2 V.f=IO
Wt in I gm-equivalent of R.A = eq. wt of'ln
Atwt 65.4.
v.f 2
= 32.7 gm .
Wt in I gm equivalent of O.A = eq. wt of V,O,
102 + go
I R.2g Ans
Sol:- +7 +6
(I) KMn04 ------> Mn" (2 lK,Cr,07 ------> 2CI)'
V. f= 5 V. F=6

+7 +3 +5 -1 +5 -I
(3) KMnO, ------> MnO, (4) KIO, ------> r (5) KClO, ------> cr
V.f=3 V.f=6 V. f=6
.E . h ' _ Mo1.wtofcompound
.. q. wt. 10 eac case-
valaney factor
:. Calculating for each one-
(1) eq. wt = 31.6 g (2) eq. wt = 49. gm
(3) eq. wt = 52.6 gm (4) eq. wt = 35.67 g
(5) eq. wt = 52.67 g
c. KClO" KMn04, KIO" K,Ci',07, KMn04
(5) < (I) < (4) < (2) < (3)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Wbole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna 4

Sol:- H,P04 + OH- ------> H,PO, + H 20
(v.f~ 1)

~ Mol.wtofH,PO, _ 98_
... eq.wto t'H , PO ,- ~--98g Ans
- Vf I
H,PO, + 20W ------> HPol- + 2H,O
Mol.wtofH.P, 98
... eq. wt 0 fH ] PO4 -' == - :::: 49 gADs
V.f 2
H,PO, + 30H- ------> PO.'- + 3H,O
(v.f= 3)
Mol.wtofH,PO, 98
eq,wto fH , PO4= - -=32.67 Ans
. 3 3
Sol:- (a) SO, + 2H,S ~ 3S + 2H,O

Mol.wtofSO. 64
e.q wt 0 fSO
_ 2 = - - :::: 16 gADs
4 . 4
(b) 5S0, + 2KMnO, + 2H,O ~ K,SO, + 2MnSO, + 2H,SO,
(v.f~ 2)

Mol.wtofSO. 64
eq. wt 0 fSO 1 = ~ -=32g Ans
. 2 2
Sol:- -2 +4
H,S ------> SO,

Eq. wt ofH,S ~ '6
:. no. of equivalent = no. of moles xv.f
= I x6
~ 6 Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Cheniistryin lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 73
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. IITKanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -,4

Chapter 8: Volumetric analysis

Sol:- Strength in g I lit = density = '!
We have, N m', ~ 3
MIiCi ~ - =3 (.'. v.f = 1)
NH,S04 ~ -
.'. MH,SO, = NH,SO, = ---. = 1/
- v.f 2 /4
Wt of HCl/lit ~ 3 x Mol. wt ~ 3 x 36.5 ~ 109.5 g II it Ans
molesofH,SO, .!. => wtofH,SO,lIit J;;
lit 4 Molwt H,SO,

Wt of H 2SO, I lit ~ x 98 = 24.5 g Ilit Ans

Sol:- NaOH " H2 S04 Na 2SO, + H 20

10mi 1M
Meg ofNaOH ~ meg. ofH2 SO,
10xlxl ~Vxlx2
V~ -=5mL Ans
Sol:- V ~ 2 lit ofNH 3 , T ~ 13"C ~ 286 K, P ~ 0.9 atm
PV 0.9x 2
moles ~ - = 0.076mole
RT 0.821xlRA
NH, + H,S04 -----> (NH,hSO,
Mag ofNH, ~ meg ofH,SO,
76x I ~ Volume (mI) xN

~=N ~
~ N =.
057 N. Ans
Sol:- CUS04. 5H,O -----> Cu2+ ion
0.5 lit & 0.01 M
:. Moles ofCu + formed ~ Volume x Morality ~ 0.5xO.01 ~ 0.005

:. Moles of CUS04. 5H 2 0 ~ moles of Cu'+ ~ 0.005

weightCuSO,.5H.O = 0.005
wt.CuSO,.5H,0 = 0.005x(249.5) = 1.2475g Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 74
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- (a)
weight 0.365g 3 6 / I'
100 . = . 5gm It
volume --ht
:. Mole/lit = weight /lit = 3.65 M = 0.1 M
Mol.wt 36.5

Molel ,30 ~ 0.4 m Ans
I weight of water = 250
Sol:- From principle of dilution
Moles of solute before ~ moles of solute after dilution
V, M, ~(V, +V,)M,
V(M -M.)
:. Volume of water added (V.) = I I - Ans
- M.
Sol:- Ca(OH), + H,PO, CaHPO, + 2H,O
Since only two hydrogen dre removed from H,PO, its valancy factor is 2.

... Eq.wt.-
- Mol.wt -
- 98-- 49 Ans
V.f 2
Sol:- Vf= 250 ml
Mf~0.2 M
MI ~ 11.7 M, VI - "

V, x 11.7 ~ 250xO.2 ~250x 7t0 = 50

V, =--=4.27mL Ans
Sol:- Let volume of 12 N is taken x m;
then volu: .e anN HCI will be ~ (lOOO-x)
:. From law of dilution
(1000 - x) x 3 + x x 12 ~ 1000 x 6
3000 + 9x ~ 6000 =:-9x ~ 3000
X ~ 333.33 mL

Volume of 12 N HCI ~ 333.33 mL}

Volume of 3N HCI ~ 666.67 mL . Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE; PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 75
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- NaOH + HNO, ----> NaNO, + H,O
3.2g 18.9g
I lit 1 lit
Let V I volume of NaOH & V 2 volume of HNO, is taken for having neutral solution
meq. ofNaOH ~ meq. ofHNO,

Vx~xI =V,x I8 .9 xl
I 400 . 63
1 Ans
Sol:- Density ~ sp gravity ~ 1.84 g / lit
V ~ 10 ml
% by weight ~ 98%
:. N onna Itty =

~ 98X~~X1O =36.8N

H2 S04 + NaOH ----> Na 2SO, + H20

36.8 N 2.5 N
V~1O ml V ~?
Meq. of H2S04 = meq. ofNaOH
36.8 xl 0 ~ 2.5 x V
Volume = 36.8x1O 147.2mL Ans
%bywtx density x 10
I M 0 Ianty =
= 13xl.09x1O 1.446M.
. ()
M o Ianty In = moleofH,SO,
weight of solvent

wtof H,SO, ~ =;. WH,SO, 13
wtofsolution 100 WH,O+ WH,SO, 100
. 13
W H2 S04 ~ (WH,O + W H,SO,) -
. 100

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

moleofH,SO, 13
WH,SO. ( 1 -13) 13
- =-WH,O
- , 100 100 - WH,o(gm) 98x R7
WH,SO, .!i I

mole of H,SO,
- x
WH,O 87 wt H ,P(9m)
. wtH, S04 13 = 13xIOOO =1.525m
.. 98
98x87 98x87

Let V.. is lhe final volume, then

V,M, ~VtM..
100x 1.446x2 ~ Vf x 1.5
Vf~ 144.5x2193.3mL Ans
Sol:- N, = 1.8x98xl0 =36.8N
:. From principle of dilution
VtN.. ~V,Nt
V,~ 200x 0.5 = 2.71 mL Ans
Sol: Na,COj + A ----->
V=26mL IOmL

From principle of chemical equivalence

meq. ofNa,COj ~ meq of A
26x 1 ~ 10xN A
NA~ -=2.6N
Na,COj + B ----->
V~26ml 40 mm
26xI ~40x NB
NB~ 26N=~N
40 4
Let V J ml of A & V, ml of B is equired to make I lit of 1 N sol-" then
V, + V, ~ I lit ~ 10001111-(1)
Also VJ~A + V,N B = V,N..
V, x 2.6+(1000- V,)- = 1000 x I

Er. R1shi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 77
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(8.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

V, x 2.6x l = 1000-~x 1000

4 4
V x 2.6x3 = 1000x!.:.
I 4 4
V, = 1000x 1.4 = 179.5mL
2.6x3 }
Volume of A required = 179.4 m1
Volume of B required ~ 1000 - 179.4 ~ 820.6 mL Ans
Sol:- Fe'" + Cr,O/ ----> Cr ' + + Fe 2+
25 m1 32.4 ml
v.f= 1 0.0154 M
M=? (v.f= 6)
2+ ,-
meq 0 f Fe ~ meq ofCr,O,"
25xMx1 ~ 32.45xO.0153x6
M ~ 32.45xO.0153x6 O.ll92M An.
Sol:- Initial weight of HC1 present in ~ of 1 lit Sol-"
Weight lost = 2.675 gm
:. Weight remained ~ 18.25 - 2.675 ~ 15.575 g
Volume final ~ 750 mL
(i) N, l~g x 1000 ~ 0.569 N.


(ii) no. of meq in 100 m1 501-" = 1OOx ~ = 50meq

Sol:- Zn + CuSO, ----> ZnSO, + Cu
10 gm 200 ml
Let x gm of Zn has reacted
Then wt of Cu produced ~ - - x 63.5 gm
:. (mole of Zn reacted = mole of Cu produced)
A/q, wt ofLn remained + wt ofCu produced ~ 9.810 g
(lO-x)+ 63.5x =9.810g
654-65.4x+63.5x =9.810
65.4 g

Er, Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004, He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for I1T-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)"
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 78
r By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

654 - 1.9 x = 641.57

1.9x~ 12.426

x = 12.426 = 6.54

(i) The weight of Cu deposited ~ 63.5 x 6.54 = 6.35 g


( II") MI' 6.35
0 anty = =,-0--- Izoo =2.=0.5M
6J.5 x 1000 1000 20
200 5

Sol:- (1) Cu + Fe2(SO,!.l ----+ CuSO, + 2FeSO,
0.108 g excess (If it is assumed that this is the reaction one)
meq. ofFeS04 ~ meq OfCUS04
~ 0.108x1000 338
63.5/ .
Only FeS04 can undergo oxidation, because it is only in lower oxidation State.
(2) FeS04 + KMn04 ----+ Fel + + Mn"
0.1 N
meq of FeS04 ~ meq ofKMn04
~ 33.7xO.1 ~ 3.37

Since meq in reac-" (I) ~ meq of reaction (2)

:. Y.f ofFeS04 in (I) = Y.f. ofFeS04 in (2)
In reac-" (I) I
In reac-"(2)
Fe}'" ~ Fe2+ Fe 2+ ------+ Fe 3+
So the assumed reaction (I) is the COITect one.
Sol:- W(NaOH + Na2CO,) ~ 2.013 g
Let x g of NazCO} is present in the commercial sample
:. Wt of NaOH ~ (2.013 - x) g
:. The amount is dissolved in 250 mL
:. Quartz present in 10 ml
=(2.031)XIO= 2.031
_ 250 25 g
. xxl0 x
:. Wt ofNa,CO l 111 10 ml ~ - - =-g
- . 250 25
' 10 In 1 = 2.013-x x;:;:;
10 2.013-x g
W to fN aOH 111
250 25

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Wbole chemistry for lIT -JEE, PMT & AI EEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 79
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola. Patna -4
. NaOH + H 2S04 -----7 Na,SO, + H,O
(v.f.~1 )

Na,CO] + H 2 S04 -----7 Na,SO, + H20 + CO,

(v.f. ~ 2)
meq of NaOH + meq ofNa,CO, = meq of H2S0 4
(2.013 - x) -"- x 100

xl000+ 2ioJ-i2 20xO.l

=> (2.013-x) xI000+_x--x1000= 2

25x40 25x43
~> (2.03 - x) + 0.93 x ~ 2
~> 0.07 x ~ 2.013 - 2 ~ 0.013

x = 0.013 = 0.186
:. % ofNa2CO, ~ - - x 100 = 9.26%
. 2.013
Sol:- KCl + KOH + HCI-----7 KCI + H20
120 ml
0.12 N
meq. ofKOH ~ meq ofHCI
(Only KOH will do react with HCI)
-----'---x1000= 120xO.12
wt .

Wt= 120xO.12x56 0.8064

1000 g
HNO, ,
(ii) KCI + AgNO, _-'-"-..:...l..--+) AgCl '" + AgNO]
total 3.7 g
. wtofKCl",", 3.7
74-7{ 143.5

3.7x 74.5 1921

wto fk c I ",",= 143.5 . g
Also wt ofKCI produced from KOH ~ - - x 74.5 ~ 1. 0728 g
. 56
:. wt ofKCI originally present ~ 1.921 - 1.0728 ~ 0.8482 g
:. total wt initially ~ 0.8482 + 0.8064 ~ 1.6546 g

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in.Chemistry in lIT-IEI' 2004 and AlEEI' 2004. He is
presentiy one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 80
r By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:.%ofKOH~ wtofKOH x100 ~ 0.8064g xI00 =48.74% Ans

total wt 1.6546
Sol:- 10.03 g of vinegar (contain CH,COOH)

100 ml
25 ml
2CH,COOH + Ba(OH), -----+ Ba (CH,COOj, + 2H,O
V = 25 ml 0.0176 M
v.f= I 34.30 ml
v.f~ 2

wtofCH,COOH x 1000 = 34.30x 0.0176x 2 = 1.2074

wt of CH,COOH x I000 = 1.2074
Wt CH,COOH in 25 ml = 1.2074x 60 0.0724
. 1000
. 0.0724
:. Wt ofCH,COOH II1 JOO ml = - - x 100= 0.290%
,' 0.296
:.% 0 fC H,CO 0 Hll1vIl1egar~ - - x l 00=2.90Yo
. 10.3
Sol:- 3Zn'+ + 2[4K+ Fe(CNk4"] K,Zn,[Fe(CN),]z + 6K+
1.5432 g 0.1043 M
(Impure) 34.68 ml
From balanced reaction coefficient (stoichiometry)
3 moJe of Zn 2+ 2 mole ofK,[Fe (CN),]
2 x mole of Zn'+ ~ 3 x mole of K, [Fe (CN),]
2x wt = 3x 0.1043x 34.68
64.5 1000
Wt actually present = 0.35 g
:.%of6n'+~ _0.35 xl00=22.7%=23%
Sol:- FeSO,. 7H,O + KMnO, -----+ Fe"
(v.f= I) 5.4 ml
0.1 N
meq of FeSO,. 7H,O = meq. of KMnO,
27, x 1000 = 5.4xO.1
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 81
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(RTech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry CI"sse" Naya Tala, Patna -4
wt 0.54x278 0.15'
1000 g
:. Wt of Fe,(S04),. 9H,O in the sample ~ 5 - 5 - 0.15 ~ 5.35 g
:. Moles ofFe,(S04h. 9H,O ~ - ~ 0.0095 mole; Ans
- 562
Sol:- 5U4 + + 2Mn04' + 6H,O~ 5UO,'+ + Mn" + 4H,O+
Balance reaction is given, so it is better to use Mole - stoichiometric relationship.
5 mole of U4- ~ 2 mole of MnO;
2 mole of U4' ~ 5 x mole of MnO;
2x 0.5 =5x..2Q...xM
238 1000
M= 2x5xl00 =~=0.0168M
2380x5x5 238 Ans
Sol:- 2KH C,H 40, + Ba(OH), ~ 2H,O + 2K' + 2C s H40,'- + Ba'-
0.2 g 27.80 ml
Mol. wt ~ 204.2 g
2 mole ofKH C,H 4 0,= 1 mole ofBa(OH),
I mole ofKH C,H40, = 2 xmole of Ba(OH),
....22.. = 2x 27.80 xM
204.2 1000
M~ 200 0.0176M Ans
204.2 x 2 x 27.80
Sol:- Mg + MgO
Dissolved in H,S04 (125 ml & 0.1 N H2S0 4 )
(I) Mg + H,S04 ~ MgSO, + H, t
120. I ml
At T ~ 27.3" C, P ~ 1 atm
(2) MgO + H,S04 ~ MgS04 + H,O
H,S04 remained ~ 0.02 N
:. H,S04 reacted ~ (0.1 - 0.02) ~ 0.08 N.
From eq_n(l)
mole ofH, evolved ~ mole ofMg ~ mole ofH,S04 used in (I)
120.1 I
1000 x Wt mg :'1,,,,/
0.82Ix300.3 24 / - "/'1""'
Wt mg ~ 0.117 g
Mole of H2S04 ~ 4.871 x 10" (reacted in reac-" (I))

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004, He is
presently one of the hest teacher atPatna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 82
By: Er. Rishi KlImar(B.Tech.IIT KanplIr) Rishi Chemistry Classes;Naya Tala, Patna -4

Moles of H2S04 reacted in reac-" (2)

= Total moles reacted - moles reacted reac-"( I)
125 '
= -xO.08/2-4.871xlO- .
~ (5-4.S71) x 10' = 0.129x 10"
:. Moles of MgO in reac-"(2) = mole of H2S04 reacted in (2)
. WIMgO 0.129xlO'J
:, Total wt (Mg't ~fO.117S Ii + 0.00516 g = 0.123 g

"' b ywto f' M l..!;=~O.
--I 170
x l 00 =9::,.9%,
" 0123
Sol:- MH, S0 4 I.1Sx24.7x10 =2.97M
- 98
Volume = 75 mL
Weight of Al = 2.7 g
Al + H 2S04 ------> AI,(S04h + H,
2.7 g 75 ml
2.97 M
v.f=3 (v.f'=2)
meq of AI ~ meq of H,S04 reacted.
2.7 x 1000
27/ = mmole of H2 S04 x 2
-= mole ofH,S04 reacted.
2 -
:. mole of H,S04 remained = 75 x 2.97 - 150 = 73 mole
. 73 0
:.Molanty=-= .18M Ans
Sol:- 4 gm ofNaCI + Na,CO, is dissolved in 250 ml
25 ml is taken for reaction
Na2CO, + HCI------> NaCi + H 20 + CO,
V = 25 ml 50m

V.f=2 J.... N
Mol. Wt.=106
meq. of Na,CO, = meq ofHCI used

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one olthe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 83
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

wtin 25ml x 1009 = 50x--'-

10~ 10
. 5x53
Wtm25ml~ - -
. 5x 53 250
:. wtm250ml~ --x--=2.65g
1000 25

:. % ofNa,CO, ~ 2.:5 x 100 = 66.25%}

. I 35 .
%ofNaCI~ ~xI00=33.75'% Ans

Sol:- M,CO, & M'2CO, (suppose the two carbonates of univalent meta' are)
Say x gm (1 - x) gm
Let At wt of M ~ 7g & M' is y gm, then meg of Metal carbonates = meg of HC!
x . I-x .
74/XI000+( ') xI0oo=44.4xo.5-----(I)
72 2y+60 /2

Also A/g, moles ofM,CO, ~ moles of M;CO,

x I-x
74 (2y+60)
2x 2x
(I) ~-xlOOO+-xI000=22.2
74 74
~> 4xxI000=22.2~> x=22.2 x 70 O.4lg
74 4xl000
:. WtofM,C03~0.4! gm

Wt of M;CO, = 0.59 g
x I-x 0.41 0.59
Also - = - - - ~> -=---
74 24+60 74 2y+60
~> 2y+ 60 = 0.59x 74
y ~ 23.2 g
:. At wt ofM' ~ 23.2 gm Ans
(1- x) x 142.0
I ~
M2CO, + M',CO, -----> M,S04 + M',S04

XL-I j

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 84
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

. ).. x I-x
.. wt of 504- fonned ~ - x 110+--x 142.4
74 106.4
0.41 0 0.59
=--xll +--xI42.4
74 106.4
~0.61 g + 0.789 g

~1.4g Ans
Q31:- .
Sol:- W(Na,CO, + K,CO,) ~ 1.22 g
dissolved in 100 ml
20 ml extracted
Let wt ofNa,CO, is x gm, then wt ofK,CO, ~ 1.22 ~ x.

In 20 mI, wt ofNa,CO, ~ ~x 20 = xiS g

. 100 /5
- 1.22-x 20 (1.22-x)
W to fK 2CO J - X g
100 5
Na,CO, + K,CO, + HCI------> NaCI + KCI + H,O + CO
meq ofNa,CO, + meq ofK,CO, ~ meq of HC!.
x 1.22-x

~> 10~ ,xIOOO+ I3t xI000=40xO.1

;"'2 12
~> ~x 1000+ (I.22-x) x 1000 = 4
265 345
x (1.22-x) 4
~>-+ --
265 345 1000
345x - 265 - x + 265 x 1.22 4
265x 345 1000
~> 80 x + 323.3 ~ 365.7
~> 80 x ~ 42.4

~> x=--=0.53g
:. Wt ofNa,CO, present in 1.22 g mix ~
0.53 g Ans
1 -xl97g
I ..
Na,CO, + K,CO + BaCh -. BaCO,

; (1.~ i
~ (1.22-x)xI97g
5x138 .
wt of BaCO, obtained

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004, He is
presently one olthe bestteacher at Patna lor Whole chemistry lor liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEEJ
Contact no. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 85
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IlT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

= ~x~xI97 + 1.22-x x 197

5xl06 5xl38
~ (0.197 + 0.197) g ~ 0.397 g Ans

Sol:- W(KCI + KCIOJ = l.Og
~ ~ is dissolved in 250 mL
Say (x gm) (y gm)

25 ml extracted which will contain (~gm


cIa,' + so, ----+ cr + SO/

25 ml
V.f~6 v. F ~ 2
0.1435 g
0.1435 .
mole of AgCI ~ - - = 0.001 mole
:. mole ofCI ~ 0.001 mole
:. All of the chlorine comes from cia,' & cr
:. (mole of KCI + mole of CI in KCIO,) II< 25 ml ~ mole of CI in AgCI
(By POAC principle)
:. (mole of KCI + mole of KCIO,) in 25 ml ~ mole of AgCl
x y
74.5 122.5
~+-y- = 0.Q1--.---(1)
74.5 122.5
cIa; +
Fe" ----+ Fe" + cr
V.f~ 6 I

meq of cIa,' ~ meq ofFe'+ (used in the reac-")

y/l~ xl000=30xO.2-37.5xO.08

-y-x 1000=(6-3)
'" Y~0.6125g
:. moles ofKCIO, ~ -y-' =5xl0-J }
. 122.5

moles ofKCl ~ --"- = 5x 10-Jmoles Ans

From ---( I)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 86
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- MnO, + H,C,04 ------> Mn 2" + CO,
0.6 gm 200 ml
(impure) Xo N
Let x gm of MnO] of present in the reac- ll , then
meq ofMnO, ~ meq ofH,C,04(reacted)
x . .
87/ x 1000 ~ meq of H,C,O,(reacted)
meq of H,C,O, (remained) in 500 ml . 200 x J.. _ 2x x I 000 ~ 20 _ 2000x
10 87 87
H,C,O, + KMn04 ------> Mn" + CO,
remained 50 ml
in 100 ml }jON
meq ofH,C2 0, in 100 ml ~ meq ofKMn04 used.
10- 2000x
_ _-,,8.1.7_ = 50 x _I = 5/
5 30 73
_20_0_0_x = 20 _ 25 = _60_-_2_5_ = 35
87 3 3 3
35 x 87
x= = 0.5075 gm
3x 2000

... % of MnO) in the sa~nple of ore = ~ x 100 = 0.5075 x 100 = 84.58% Ans
- Q6 0.6
Q3 tt
801:- In pressure of bromocresol green
H,P04 + nOH' ------> nH,O + [H"."P04]'"
25 ml 23.1 ml
0.107M 0.115M
V. f=n V.f= I
[3-(3-n) = no. of replaced hydrogen
meq of H,P04 ~ meq ofNaOH
25 xO.107 xn=23.1 xO.115 xl
n = 23.1x115 = I Ans
In pres~~ of phenolphthalein indicator
H,PO, + nOB' ------> n 'H,O + [H"'"'104]'''
25 ml 46.8 ml
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AlEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT -J EE, PMT & AI EEEJ
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 87
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B,Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

0,107M 0,115M

meg ofH 1P04 ~ meg ofOH'

25 xO.107 xn'~46.8 xO.115
n,=46.8 x O.115 2Ans
Sol:- FeSO,(NH,), SO,. xH,O
9.8 gin 250 ml
20 ml extracted

Wt ofFeSO,(NH,),SO,.xH,O present in 20 ml ofsol-" ~ ~~~ x20 = 0,784g

FesO, (NH, hSO,.xl~,O + KMnO, ----> Mn" + Fe"
0.784 g 3,53 g/lit
v.f ~ I 90'1, pure
meg ofFeSO,(NH,hSO" xH,O ~ meg ofKMnO,

353 X ?.Q]
x 1000 = . . 100 xlOOOx 20
e84;18X) [ 15~~ 100

0.784 0.1
(284+18x) 50

284+ 18x~ 0.784x50 7.84x50=392

18 x ~ 392 - 284
X ~ 108 = 6 Ans
Sol:- 10 ml of Sol-" containing 10.2.5 g of H,O, diluted to 250 ml, which will contain same mass
Now 25ml is extracted which will contain = 10.25 x 25 = 1.0205 g
H,O, + KMn04 ----> 0,
1.0205 g 35.8 ml
(v,f~ 2) ..!...N
meg of KMn04 used,

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIE!,E 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 88
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

wt I
34/ x 1000 = 35.8x- = 3.58
/2. 10

WtofH,O,in25ml~ 3.58x17 =0.06086g

:. Wt of 250 ml (Diluted) = 0.06086 x 10 = 0.6086 g
:. Wt of original 10 ml sol-" ~ 0.6086 g .
:. Wt in original 100 ml sol-" = 0.6086 x 10 g = 6.086 g
Volume strength = Normality of solution x 5.6
= 6.086/17 x1000x5.6 [:. 5.6NH,O, sol-" = I volumeofH,O,sol-"]
. 100
= 20 volume Ans
Sol:- H,O, + KI - H,O + I,
50 ml (excess) (v.f. = 2)
meq of I, librated ~ meq ofH,O, ---..-----(1)
I, + Na,S,O, - Na,S40, + 2Nal
meq ofl, = meq ofNa,S,O, ---......---..(2)
Since v.f. ofl, in both (I) & (2) are same, so (I) & (2) =>
meq ofH,O, = meq of Na,S,O,
50 x N ~ 20 x 0.1
2 4
N = -=-=0.04N
50 100
Also gm.eq = N = 0.04 N
wt/ t
...ll1 = 0.04 N => ~ = O.04x 17 ~ 0.68 g /lit Ans
lit lit
Sol:- 3.546 g dissolved in bleaching powder [Co(OCI)Cl]
Ca(OCI)Cl + KI - I, + Cl,
25 ml v.f. ~ 2
(v.f~ 2)
meq, ofCa(lCI)CI ~ meq ofl, evolved -----(1)
I, + Na,S,OJ _ Na,S40, + 2~:_;
(v.f = 2)
meq of I, (reacted) = meq of Na,S,O, ------..----(2)
(l) & (2) =>
Meq ofCa(OCI)CI ~ meq. ofNa,S,OJ
~20 xO.125

Er. Kishi Kumar is one ofilie Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 89
By: Er. Rishi Kuma~(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

wtof Ca(OCl)CI x 1000=20xO.125

Wt ofCa (OCI)CI present in 25 ml ~ 0.15875 g
wt of (I, evolved x 1000 = 20 x 0.125
(meq ofCI,~ meq of I, ~ meq of hypo)
wt of CI, evolved from 25 ml ~ 0.08875 g
:. wt ofCl, evolved from 100 ml sol-"
~ 0.8875 xlOO = 0.355
:. % available chlorine = 0.355 xI00 =10.OI%
3.546 Ans
Sol:- CuSO, + ~n ------> ~nSO, + Cu,j.
Initially: 100mi 25g
After reac-" 0.8 M
:. Morality of SO," after reaction ~ 0.8 + 0.2 ~ 1.0 M
. . (SO/ ion comes from ZnS04 & euso, both,
Also moles of ~n consumed ~ moles of CuSO, reacted
wtconsumed 100x 0.2
65.4g 1000
Wt consumed = 6.54 g x 0.2 ~ 1.308 g
:. Wt of~n rod after reaction ~ (25 - 1.308) g = 23.692 g Ans
eu + ~nS04 ~ x No reac- n
25 g 2M (because Cu is very less electro +ve than ~n so can't replace l,n from ~nSO,)
~112+ after reaction = 2M ADS
Sol:: In the case of phenolphthalein as indicator only Na,CO, reacts with Hel to give NaHCO,
Na,CO, + HCI ------> NaHCO, + NaCI
25 ml 12 ml


Milmo!e of Na,CO" in 25 1111 ~ milimole of HCI ~ 12 x~ = 0.6


Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 90
By: Er. Rishi KlImar(B.Tech. liT KanplIr) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola', Patna -.4

. 25 mI ~ 0.6x106
Wt N a, CO , m 0.0636 g
. 1000

:. wt Na, CO ,m. 1 I'It = -

- x 1000 = 2 .544 g Ans
. 25
In presence of methyl orange as indicator
Na,CO, + 2HCI ~ NaCl + H,O + CO,
NaHCO, + HCI ~ Nael + H,O + CO, /
Milimole of Na,CO, + meq of NaHCO, = l11eq2.!l!fJ.
2 xm 1110le of !'l1l}8:rrmmole ofNaHCO, -l11l11ole ofHCI
2 x 0.6 + 111 mole ofNaHCO, = 30x - x I
. 20
mmole of NaHCO, ~ 1.5 - 1.2 = 0.3
:. wtofNaHCI) x 1000 = 0.3
wt ofNaHCO , in 25 ml
~ 0.3x~
= 0.0252

:. wt ofNaHCO, . 1 l'It ~ -
m - x I 000 = I .089 g Ans
. 25
501:- In presence of phenolphthalein as indicator
(I) Na,CO, + HCI ~ NaHCO, + Nan
(2) NaOH + HCI ~ NaCI. + H,O
meq of Na,CO, + meq ofNaOH ~ meq ofHCI used
mmole ofNa,CO, + mmole ofNaOH ~ 17.5 x--------(l)
. 20
(Because v.f. ofNa,CO, & NaOH = I, in the above reaction).
(1)=> Also mmole ofNaHCO, fonned ~ milimole ofNa,CO, -(2)
Also in presence of Methyl orange
tHCl ,
NaHCO, 7 NaCI + H,O + CO,
2.5 1111

:. meq of NaHCO, ~ meq ofHCI

milimole Of NaHCO,. ~ 2.5 x J..

10 = 025
:. (2) ~ milimole ofNa,CO, = 0.25

Wt Na CO, = 0.25 x 106 0.0265 g
,. 1000 Ans
(I )~> milimole ofNaOH ~ 1/75 = 0.25 ~ 1.5
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 91
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

wtNaOH 1.5x4 =0.06 Ans

40 100 g
Sol:- Let the chloride is MCI..
MCl.. + AgNO, ~ AgCl + M(NO , )..
0.2 g 0.47 g
meq of MCI.. = meq of AgCI
0.29 x 1000 0.47 g x 1000
eq.wt.MCl m eq.WI.AgCI

Eq. wt MCl m = 0.2x 143.5 61.06g

Eq. wt ofM + ego wt ofCI ~ 61.06 g
Eq. wt ofM ~ 61.06 - 35.5 = 25.56 g Ans
Sol:- (I) 4 Fe'+ + N,H.SO. ~ N, + 4Fe'+ + 4H+
(v.f= 4)
(2) MnO' + 5Fe1+ ~ Mn'+ + 5Fe-1+ + 4H,O
In 10 ml sol-":-
(I)~> meq of Fe' += meq ofN,H.SO. = Fe'+ formed -------(1)
From reaction (2)
meq of Fe'+ ~ meq ofMnO' (used) ----------(2)
(I) & (2) ~> meq ofN,H.SO. ~ meq of MnO, (because V.F Fe'+(l) ~ V.fFe1+ (2))
wt I
= 128/xI000= 20x-x5 = 2
74 50
. 2x32
WtofN,H.SO.In 10ml= --=O.064g
:.. N,H.SO. in 100 ml = 0.64 g
. II'11
:. W t N,H.SO In = 0.64x1000 = 64
. g Ans
Sol:- 5 g present in 510 ml

20 ml extracted
Ca(OCI)CI + 1<.1 _..::.:..:.=..::.:..:.~) I, + CI,
20 ml (v. f~2)
meq of Cl, = meq ofl, -( I)
Also meq of h = meq of hypo solution used -(2)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chem'stryin IIT-JEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 92
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. meqofCI,=2 => 7j/'xI000=2
Wt CI, = -2!.- = 0.671 g
In 20 ml wt ofCa(OC1)Cl present ~ ~x 20 ~ 0.2 g
:. 0'
'0 avat'1 able'chi' 0.671
onne = - - x 100 = -7.1 = 35.5% Ans
0.2 0.2
(1) Cu,S + CuS + Mn04' --> Cu" + SO, + Mn ' +
(v.f= 8) 200 ml & 0.75 M
v.f= 5
(2) MnO. (remained) + Fe'+ --> Fe" + Mn"
(V.f= 5) 175 ml & 1 M

.. v.f=1
meq ofCu,S + meq ofCuS ~ meq of MnO.(used)
mmole of Cu,S x 8 = mmole of CuS x 6 = (200 x 0.75 x 5- 175 x 1 x I) .
Let x g of Cus is present, then wt of Cu,S (10 -x) g
10-x x 7640 + 190x 0.575
:. --xI000x8+--x 1000x 6= 575
. 159 95.5 159x 95.5
8(l0-x) +~ =0.575 190 x = 8731.087640 = 191. 0875
159 95.5 X = 5.74 g
7640-764x +954x x
0.575 :.%ofCuS= -xI00=57.4% Ans
159 x 95.5 10
Sol:- 0.518 gm sample
meq ofMn04'= meq ofCaC,O.
400 x 0.25 = 2 x mmole ofCaC,04
40x 25 10
Mm mole ofCaC,O. = - - = - = 5
2xl00 2
:. m mole of Ca = mmole of CaO = 5 (By POAC)
:. wtofCaOxl000=5
56x5 :. % ofCaO = 0.28 x100 = 54.1 % Ans
1000 0.518
Sol:- (I) BrO)'+ SeO," + H' --> SeO/- + Br,
20 ml +4 +6

Er. Rishi Kumar Is one of the Topper In Chemistry In lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 93
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

~M (v.f=Z)
!.- +3 ~ +5
(2) BrO)' +ASO,' +H,o---->Br+ASOt
(excess) 5.1 ml
(v.f~6) ~M
(v.f~ 2)
(l)~> meq of Bra)' (reacted) ~ meq of 500/
. 5xmmoleof Bra,' (used) = 2 xm mole of SeO/ ----------(\)
(Z)~/ meq of BrO,' (excess) = meq of AsO,' used.
6 x m mole of Bra,' ( excess) ~ Z x mmole of ASO,' used -----------(2)
Also mmo1e of Bra,' (excess) + mole ofBrO,' (used in (l) ~ ZOx ~ =!
. 60 3

(l) => 5 x (!3 m mole of Bra,'

excess) ~ Z x m mole of sea,"

=> 5x --
25 =2xmmoleofSeOt
[3 6 '

Z x 5.1 x
~> mmole of Bra; excess = _---,--"Z"'-5

~> 5(!-0.06S)=ZX wt xlOOO

3 (79+16x3)
~>0.6633 = ~xlOOO ~> WtSeO ,. = IZ7xO.6633 0.OS4g
IZ7 '1000 Ans
Note:- Here v.f. of Bra,' in both reac-" are different, so meq of Bra,' can't equated.
. . 37x1.l9xlO
Sol:- Normality of concentrated HCI sol-n = 1Z.06 N
By principle of dilution
YiN, ~V,Nf

4.5 x 12.06= 100 xN, & N,~ 4.5x1Z6 =0.543N

HCI + AgNO, ----> AgCl + RNa,
10 ml O.lOS M
0.543 N V =?
For complete precipitation
Meq ofHC1 ~ meq of AgNO,
10 x 0.543 = O.IOS xVAgNO,
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistrj for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 94
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Parna -4

VAgNO-, = 50.26 ml . An<

Sol:- NaKC,H,06.4H,O '" ) NaKCO-,
M mole of NaKCO-,(produced) = m mole of NaKC,H,06. 4H,O -{I)
NaKCO-, + H,SO, ---> NaKSO, + H,O + CO,.
0.1307 N
excess H,SO, required = 1.91 ml of0.1297 N NaOH
meq of NaKCO-, = meq o'f H,SO, used ~(41.72 xO.1307 - 1.91 x 0.1297)
m mole ofNaKCO.] x 2 ~ 5.21
(I) ~> mmole ofNaKC,H,O,,.4H,O ~ 5.21
- 2
=> wt xI000=5.21 =>Wt=0:73361
282 2
" . 0.73461
:. 10 punty = xl 00% = 76.9% Ans
Sol:- KMnO, + K,Cr,O, + KI _....:..:._"*) I, + Cr3+ + Mn'+
v.f~ 5 v.f~ 6 (v.f~ I) v.f= 2
Also !, + hypo ---> r + S,Oo"
(v.f ~ 2) (Na,S,O-,)
:. meq ofKMnO, + meq ofK,Cr,O, ~ meq of!, ~ meq of hypo sol-"

m mole of KMnO, x 5 + m mole of K,Cr,O, x 6 ~ 6

wtKMn0 4 x5x1000+ (0.24-wi KM" , ) x6x1000= 6
158 294
Wt KMnO, ~ x (say)
Wt K,Cr,O, ~ (0.24-x) y
5x 6(0.24-x) 6
-+ --
158 294 1000
1470x -948x + 227.52 6
158 x 294 1000
552x = 279.712 - 227.52 ~ 52.19
x 51.19 = 00.937
wt ofKMnO, ~ 0.0937 g
wt ofK,Cr,O, ~ 0.146 g
0.146 . 0.0937
wtofCr= --x2x52=0.051 & wtofMn~ --x55=0.034
294 158

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 95
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola, Patna -4

%ofCr~ 0.051 x100 =20.8% & 0.034

% ofMn ~ --x100 = 14.17%
0.24 0.24 Ans
Sol:- 50 ppm ~ 50 ml NH, per (0' ml of air
Density NH, at Room temp = 0.771 g / lit
NH, + HCI ------> NH,Cl
0.0105 M
In 10 min. volume of air passed ~ 10 lit / min x 10 min ~ j 00 lit air
:. meq ofNH, present in 100 lit air ~ meq of HCI reacted ~ 100 x 0.105 - 13.1 x 0.058
mmole ofNH, in 100 lit air ~ 0.2797

wt in 10' ml air ~ 0.2797

(a) wt of NH, drawn to acid sol-" = 0.2797 x 17 ~ 4.755 g Ans
Wt ofNH, in 10' ml air ~ 0.2797 x 10 x 17 ~ 47.55 g
wt 47.55
:. Volume ofNH, present ~ - - - = - - = 61.61111
. density 0.771
(b) :. ppm ofNH, ~ 61.6 ppm Ans
(c) No, because max-'" all~wed ppm is 50 ppm I

Objective Questions

a:- N anna I
Ql : A os ()
Ity= -__",o..::o.:.f",eq::!.:u::iv.::a::le",'.::'t
litre of solution
, ,,
Q2:Ans(a):- 2 S, 0," + I, ------> S, 0,,'- + 21'
V . f~ 0.5 x 2 ~ 1
. MoI.wt
:. eq. wt~ - - - = Molwt
+~ +.'i
Q3:Ans(c):- V + Fep, ------> FeO + V, 0,
V.f~ 3 x2~ 6

". Eq.w t -- -
Q4:Ans(b):- Na,CO, + HCl ------> NaHCO, + NaCI
v.f= 1, because it reacts with one mole ofH+

". E q.wt-
- -
--- _106
-- -106
v.f 1
Q5:Ans(b}:- v.[ ofl, in I, + 2S,O{ ------> S,06'- + 21' is 2
:. eq. wt ~ - - 2 -

H+ J+.. . II
Q6:Ans(c):- CrO}- --'-'--)~Cr' (m aCIdIc med- )

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-/EE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE}
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 96
By: Er. Rishi. Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

... eg. wt = - -..
MoLwt 158
Q7:Ans(b):- eq.wt ~ - - ~-
v.f 1
V.f~ I
Q8:Ans(d):- meq of acid ~ meq of base
126 126
- - ~ 20x 0.1 => Mol.Wt ~ - ~ 63
M.w 2
Q9:Ans(b):- NaH,P0 4 --> Na,P04
V.f~ 2 because 2 Ware removed from NaH,P0 4
:. meg of acid = meg of base
- - . xIOOO~ Vxlx]
1..QQ ~ V ~> V ~ 20 ml
Q10:Ans(b):- meq of acid ~ meq of base
2 3

40 eq.wt
Eq. wt of acid 60 g
Qll :Ans(b):- I mole of HNO, when take 4 mole of eo, oxidation state of nitrogen decrease by 4.
In HN0 3, oxidation state ofN ~ +5
Final oxidation state ofN ~ + I.
Which is in N,O. (Also it should be li mole be present after reaction).
Q12:Ans (e):- N % bywt x density x I0 ~ I. x lOx I ( ... For very dilute sol-" we can take)
eg.wt 9%
dsol ll :::: d solvent = dw = 1 gm/ec

Q13:Ans(a):- 0.1 xV~ ~xlOOO

V ~ 1000 ml ~ I lit
Q14:Ans(d):- Let V is the volume required to make it deei normal
Q15:Ans(b):- meq ofH,02 ~ meq ofKMnO,
34 ; x I000 ~ lOx I. (because v.f of H,O, ~ 2)
v..,=--=O.17g :.%bywt=85(X}
QI6:Ans(e):- meq of NaOH ~ 100 xO.5 ~ 50
meq ofH,SO, = 10 x3 = 30
meq of Hel ~ 20 x I ~ 20

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE2004. He is
. presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 97
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. meq of base (NaOH) ~ meq of acid ~ meq of H,S04 + meq ofHCl

:. the sol-" will be neutral.
QI7:Ans(c):- Normality = Molarity x v.f
(a) V . fH,S04 ~ 2
(b) V.fH,PO, = 2 } :. Normality will be higher ifv.fwill be larger
(c) V.fH,P04 ~ 3
(d) V.f HNO, = I as acid
QI8:Ans(d):- meq of metal ~ gm eq of acid

Eq.wt (metal) = x g
QI9:Ans(b):- M = 98x1.Sx10 18
Q20:Ans(c):- meq ofNa,CO,. X H,O in 20 ml ~ meq ofHCl (used)

0.7 x~=19.8xO.1
(J..Cl6;18X) 100

Calculating the value of x, we have

Q21:Ans(b):- 1 N H,lo, sol-" 5.6 volume ofH,O sol-"
'. :. 5.6 volume ofH,O, has nonnality 1 N

:.20 ~=3.58
Q22:Ans(d):- V,N, ~ V"N"
8.3 x36 ~ (441.7 + 8.8) xNf
Nf~ 83x36 =0.29N=0.3N
Q23:Ans(a):- meq of HCI ~ meq of AgCl precipitated
10 xN~ 0.1435xlOOO
Q24:Ans(b):- NO,' will remain in the solution which has now volume =1 lit

'. 500 xO.I=lxNf=:> Vf~

1000 2
- A ns ()
Q 2 ~: a:- R' t.::o.::.fc.::.;"S::..~:.:o.::.r
aha 0f amount .= ..:A.::l.::n.::.ou=:,.:.:,
, "-PPr.:t:.:o.::.f.::.A",g",N:.:O,,,-1
Amount of H,S forppt of KClSO,
For sam~, moles of AgNO., & euso.. present in the solution;
Meg of H2 S required = meq of AgNO;
= mi mole of AgNO] x 1
- '--.- -
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717. 9798984530 Page 98
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

meq of H,S required = meq of CuSO,.

~ mi mole of CuSO, x 2
. mimoleof AgNO. x I
:. RatIO of amount of H,S = '
I -.
mimole of CuSO, x 2 2
Q26:Ans(d):- 2Na,PO, + 3BaC!, -----> Ba,(PO,), + 6NaCl
0.2 mole 0.5 mole
2 mole of NalPO, reacts with 3 mole of BaC!,
:.0.2 0.3 mole of BaC!,
:.0.5 mole ofBaCb is given in excess amount
... NaJ P04 is +ve limiting reagent

:. mole of Ba,(PO,),
.. - formed = 0.2
2 = 0.1 mole

Q27 :Ans(b):- meq of acid = meq of base (caustic potash (KOH)

0.45 xl 000
20 20x 0.5
450 5
- x v.f = 20x-
90 10
V.f =2 Basidity of Acid ~2
Q28:Ans(d):- I x 18 ~ 100 x M
:. N = 0.18 xv.f~ 0.18 x2 ~ 0.36 N
Q29:Ans(d):- For weak acid & strong base titration, final solution will be basic i.e, PH > 7
:. only those indicators can be used which shown and point at PH > 7,
So (d) is the correct option .
Q30:Ans(b):- Eq of A ~ eq ofB~ eq of AxBy
Q31 :Ans(b):- Volume strength = 1.5 x 5.6 = 8.4 volume
Q32:Ans(a):- mole x v.f= mole of FeS04 x V.f
mole ofKMn04 x5 = 1 x (1+2)
mole of KMn04 ~ X Ans
Q33:Ans(a):- mole of KMn04 x 5 =?finole of 50/ x ~{ ..... 50/
:. mole of KMn04 ~ -
Q 34: Ans(b) In disproportionation reaction, same substance oxidises and reduces both. In (b) CI,
is readucing to HCl and oxidising to HClO

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 99
'" / '" ,c.",,"; K,moe"",". """"p", "'"<C",m;,"" n,,,,,. "," '01, . ,,,'" .,
Chapter 8. Electrolysis & Electrolytic conductance
QI:- J ~~} amp, Wt,,, ~ 27.0 g
(i) gm eq of AI ~ ---"-"---- 27
--::::,) f o fAI'111 AI J - +.)c-----A=.))
- A os (... v.. -' 1-
gm eg. wt AI 27/3 .

(" f . I wt 27
II) no. 0 gm atoms:::: no. of Ina es --:::: ~:::: I
Atwt 27 Ans
(ii) no. of atoms ~ no. of moles x Avogadro's no.~ 1x6.023x 10" ~ 6.023x 10" Ans
(iv) no. of e" required:::: 3 x no. of atoms deposited:::: 3 x Avogadro '5 constant
(v) no. of Fareday of electricity consumed ~ no. ofgm eq ~ 3 Fareday Ans
(vi) W ~ 2; .I.T
t= _ 6x96500sec=6x96500sec
"x /2

160 hr83 x 60 m.n
= 160 hI' 49.8 min AilS
(vii) gm eq of CI, produced ~ gm eq.of AI
Vd, '"
22.4~ , =-'
vL'I, = 3 x 11.2 lit = 33.6 lit Ans
Q2:- I = 2 "'p,
Mas, ",creases by 8 g; so wt ofCr depo~ited = 8 g
... W . 2;. I. T
Sn :::::--'-x2xt
b 965UO

5~<,g, . Atwtofcr
8g =--'J _ x2xt ... Cr" +3C -+ Cr gmegwt
96500 3
=---:,.=::...:...--=- = t
52x 2
t = 22269.23 sec = 6.186 hI' Ans
Q3:- 1= 0.2 amp
t = 1 or = 3600 sec
(0) It w is the wt of silver deposited, then
W=~. I. t= C' ~ e>xlxt

Er. Rishi Kumar is olle of the Toppe!' in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teache:' at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITIEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798')8}S30 Page 100
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tecll:IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes.,~:za Tola. Patna 4

W ~ _'_I- xO .2x 3600 ~ 0.806"
96500 ~ Ans
(b) no. ofe' ~ no. of moles ofe'xN.\
~ no. of moles of Ag deposited x N.\
:.Ag +e' .... Ag
(I mole of Ag is deposited by 1 moles of e')
0.806 ;. . 'I
eo --x6.023xI0'e- ~ 4.49 x 10' e' Ans
(c) gm eq of eu deposited ~ gm eq of Ag deposited
Wcu _ 0.806 HI _ 0 7 '7
63.5/ - 108/ =:> "cu - ._0 g
/2 /1. ADS .

Sol:- W ~ 0.5 g; t ~ I hI'
W ~ Z.Q ~ gm eg wt.Q
0.5 x 96500
No. of coulombs ~ eolumh ~ 444.676 coulombs

G In eg. 0 t'll-1 pro d lice d = _...:....-=--

Q 446.76
96500 96500
447.76 molnr volume
[For H,. eq. volume 2 ]
. molarvolue
_."----_ .. - - - - - -

VI-h = 4.64 x IO-f; x molal' volullle

. 2
~ 4.64 x 10' x 0.0821 x 300
750 760x 2
~ 0.0578 lit ~ 57.S m1 Ans

Sol:- H,O --> H, ----> NH., [0] ) HNO,

NH, + HNO,--> NH10H
Weight produced ofNH,NO., per day ~ 5000 kg ~ 5 x 10" g
5 x 10" . ,
Moles ofNH,NO, produced per day - - ~ 6.2) x 10~
:. Moles ofNH, & moles ofHNO,. each should be 6.25x 10' moles/day.
NH, & HN03
6.25 x 10' 6.25 X 10'
So moles of hydrogen atom = 3 x moles ofNH._ + 1 x moles of HNO.,
~ 3 x 6.25 x I (j" + 1x 6.25 x 10' ~ 4 x 6.25 x 10'

Er. Rishi KUn&lr is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIlJEE, PMT& A1EEK
Contact no. -9852476717. 9798984530 Page 101
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.']'e.c!,. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tala, Patna -4

, 4x6.25x10'
:. moles ot H, produced ~ 12.5 x 10'
:. moles of e- required per day ~2 x moles of H, produced
~ 25 x 10'
:. charge required per day ~ 25 x 10' x 96500
25x 10' x 96500 ,
current peL-day ~ = 2.79 x IO' amp / day
, ' 24 x 3600 Ans
,..v.- From Fareday's second law
WAil :::: Well => 9.85:::: Well ~>
We' .
0 I 5 = --'-'
'E E. 197' 63.5 . 63.5
:111 ttl 3 1: 2
W(',,~4.7625g AIlS.
Also gl11 equivalen.t of sllb~tat1ce deposited = no. of Fareday
. . . Q'
0.15 ~ nO. of faredav ~ --
- 96500
I ~ 0.15x965 0.804 . AIlS
Sol:~ I:; + 2S:;O/- -----4 21" + S.t06 2-
Milimole ofb :::: 1: l11ilimoles ofS:;O/'
2 x milimole of b = milimoles ofS 1 0/-

Inl'1'IITID Ie.o t'l ) = 21.75xO.0831 0.900'7

- 2
:. mi limole of e' emitted out ~ 0.9037 x 2~ 1.8074
:. Charge flown ~ 1,8074 x 10'; x 96500
:. 1.1 ~ 1.8074:.96.5
1.8074 x 96.5
I~ 0.0242 a III I'
2 x 3600 Ans
Q8: .
Sol:- gm eq ofCr deposited = gm eq orC]:; produced = no oft~lraday
6 x I x 3600
No. oHaraday passed ~. 0.224
. 96500
... gm eg. of cr deposited:::: --:::: 0.024
V'/el = O.024x: =3.88
1: ~ Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper iu Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEEl1004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE. PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 102
By: fr. Rishi Kumar(B.'fech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Clesses, Naya Tala, Patna -4

gm eq of CI, produced ~ 0.024

Vel, 0.024 => Vcl, = 0.224

Eg.volume 22.4

Vel. = 0.224 x 22.4 = 2.5081it

- 2 Ans
801:- O 2 in second cell has produced ciue to oxidation of oxygen present in v,,'ater.
20" -->0, +4e'
:. At anode in 2 nd cell oxidation happen, so wt of anade WOll't change in 2 nd cell.
In 2 cell
WA, Vo . 40ml 16
= Eg.vol. "',.22400 = 2240
tlii 4

16 ."
WAg(produce<\) ~ - - x 108e=D.772n
.' 2240 ~ b

So wt of cathode will i1~crcasc by 0.772 g.

In lSI cell i'

Again Cl/c will reduce i 2d;cathocie. so ~t'~fcaihode will incrcas(' & at anode ell will oxidise
to form Cu 1+,SO"wt of anode deccas~s:
Wcu WAg 16
Ecu EAg 2240
16 63.5- ....
WCu= --x--.=O.21+\!Cu
2240 2' "
... At cathode. 0.227 g Cll deposit. so wt will illcreases
At anode, 0.227 g ell oxidise. so wt of anode will deceases
/7 7 _ Mol.wt
Sol:.- WH,a = 96500 x 1OOx Lx j600(eg wtof water= ""2)

~ 402.4 g ~ 403 g Ans

Sol:- 1= 1.30 amp
t ~ 5 hr = 5 x 3600 sec
, , +-0.
2 '
: 2H' + 2e' --> H, .
: 20 2, --> 0, + 40'

Er, Rishi Kumar is one !!!!!!!!!'
of the!!!""""""'
Topper. in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is......

presently aile of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT'JEE, PMT& AIEEE.
COlltact no. -9852476717, 97'.H984530 Page 103
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemis~."5~~ Naya Tala, Patna -4

WH,~~H2.l.t~ _1_ xl .3 x 5 x 3600=0.244gAns


Wo, ~ ~o,. I.t ~ _8_ x 1.3 x 5 x3600 = 1.94g Ans (eg.;vtofO, = MOJ.wt)
96500 . - 4

Vf12 ~ nH' x 22.4 lit ~ 0.244 x 22.4 lit = 2. 73311t

I Ans

VO, ~ n02x22.411t ~ 1.94 x22.4lit = 1.358 lit

32 Ans
Sol:- W H2 ~ ~H"O - (12
W0 2 ~ ~02'0 - (2)
gmeqwtofH, xO= molewt
96500 --~xO
=> W H2 ::: Q
M H, 2x96500

=> n , = 0 ~ V = 0 x 22400mL
fL 96500x2 H, 96500x2
~> Wo ~, x 0 = MoLwt 0, x 0
'96500 4
Mo, 96500x4

... no, ::: 0

- 96500x4
Va, ~ no, x 22400 ml ~
Ox 22400
.cc. _
- 96500x 4
A Iq V + V = Ox22400
. H. o. 96500x2 96500x4

16.8 ~ ...2...(112 + 56)=...2... x 168

965 965
o~ M:8x965 96.5Coulomb
...w.8 Ans
Sol:- Surface area ~ 800 em'
I ~ 0.2 amp for t ~ 3hr ~ 3 x 3600 sec
Let times the thickness of Ag deposited. then it will happen on the one side of plate
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AtEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 104
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. Volume ~ At ~ 800xt em" ~ 800 tern'
dAg~ 10.47 glee

:. mAg ~ dAg.VAg ~ 800tx 10.47 ~ 8376t

mAg~~Ag.l.t~ __I- x3x 3600x 0.2
108xl08 2 2
8376t~ x-=12.087x-
965 10 10
12.087 2
t~ - - x -
8376 10
Thickness of Ag deposited in the vessel ~ 2.88 x 10.4 em Ans
Sol:- I ~ 0.5 amp
t ~ 12 min & 20 sec = 12 x 60 + 20 ~ 740 Sec
V", collected = 50 ml
T ~ 23 DC = 273 + 23 ~ 296 K
P ~ 740 mm ofHg ~ 740mm 74 -atm
760 mill 76
q PV~nRT

74/76 _, .,
:.No.ofmolesofH,evolved~ x50x10' =2xI0'
0.0821 x 296
Charge transferred~ 0.5 x 740 ~ 370 coulombs
Charge on single e = 1.6 xl OI? coulomb.

So no. of 0 transferred = 370 = 2.3 125 x 10"

1.6x 10 to

Also 2H+ + 20 ~ H,
moles of e-required to transfer = 2 x moles of H2 evolved
N = 2.3125xlO" 5.78xI0" Ans
A 4xl0 3
Sol:- I ~ 0.5 "'TIn, t ~ 20 min ~ 20x60 ~ 1200 sec
i) We" ~ tSGu.l.t
63.5/ 6' 5 I'
~-.22.xO.5xI200 J. x~~0.1975g
%500 2x%500 2
. O. I975 21
2) no. of Cu atoms deposited = -~ x N A ~ 1.87 x lOAns
. ~.5.


Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AlEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 105
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IIT Kanrur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola. Patna -4

. Sol:- 1 mole ofe' has charge ~ 96500 coulomb

Time ~ 1hr ~ 3600 sec
Q 96500
:.1=-=-- = 26.8amp
t 3600
WA , = Z"Q = .---l-x96500 =9g
. 16500 Ans
Wed = Zed' O = -:;:0--'-'-=-- 56.2g
96500 Ans
Sol:- I ~ 3 amp
Wt of water decompose ~ 18 g
WH~O = ZI-t!ol.t.

18=-L x 3xt => t ~ 96500x 2 sec = 64333.33 sec = 17.89 hr
96500 3 ADs
Sol:- 50 ml of 0.1 M CuSO,
Time ~ 12 minutes and I ~ 0.06 amp.
No. of moles of a, produced
(I): 2H,O - - 4 C, + 4H+ + 4e'
no.offaradayof ch arge 0.06x 12x 60 .4
no,= = =1.12x10
- v.f. 96500x 4
:. From reaction (I)
Moles of H+ produced ~ 4 x no. of moles of a, produced
~ 4x 1.12 x 10.4 ~ 4.48 x 10.4

= 4.48xI0" =8.96xI0"M
:. M H' 50 x I0 '
?_ moles of Cu deposited ?_ '+ n
[SO,' ]= (:. molesofSO; = moles of Cu' removedfromsol- )
0.06x12x60 2.24xI0"
= -x = 4.48 x 10-J M.
96500 SOx 10 J
SOx 10 )
Now HSO; ' H+ + SO}'.; Ka~ 1.32 x 10"

:. H+ + SO,". I-ISO;; Ka = 10'

Initially 8.96x 10" M 4.48x 10" M o
4,48 x 10" M o 4.42 x 'O-~ (since Ka = 10 2 So reaction is assumed to

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AJEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 106
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry CI"sses, Naya Tala, Patna -4

:. Pt ~ -log W -Iog(4.48 x I 0-') ~ 2.35 Ans

Sol:- CIO; + H,O----+CIO./ + 2H' + 20'
(i) To, produce I mole ofCIOu', 3 mole 01'0' are required
:. no. of Faraday for production of I mole of NaCIO, ~ 2F
(ii) ~> W"a, ~ VII,
ENaCIO~ eg.VoI.H~

co:> 12.25 _ VH, V -2241'

122.% - 22.% ~ II, - . It
Sol:- (i) I" cell A:
Ag,S04 solution, so we have ions Ag' & H' for reduction at cathode
Since Hg + has higher reduction potential. so it will reduce first
At cathode Ag+ + 0' ----+ Ag
At anode, sol & 0 2- ions are for oxidation since reduction potential of Sou 2- is higher, so
0" will oxidise first. So
At anode: H,O ----+ 0, + 4H+ + 40'
In cell B:
At cathode: Cu'+ + 20' ----+ Cu (again Cu'+ has higher R.P. than H+ so reduce first)
At anode: Cu----+ Cu'+ + 20' (In presence of Cu electrode, we will oxidise as well as reduce
Wa, WAg

E.g.wt a, E.gwtAg Eg.wtCli

1..6 _WAg

WA, deposited ~ 21.6 g Ans

We" deposited~ 0.2x 6~.5 ~ 6.35g

Sol:- V~ 100 ml, M ~ 0.8 M CuSo. solution
tinle = 30 min with current I = 5 amp
/? .
Wt of Cu deposited ~ - - - x 5 x 30 x 60 (W ~ Z.l.t)
~ 2.96 g

:. Initially the wt ofCuSO, in sol-" ~ 100x 10'xO.8x 159.4 ~ 12.76 g

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacber at Patna far Wbole chemistry for IITJEE, PMT& AlEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 107
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

:. Wt of50/- combined with 296 g ofCu ~ (2.96)X96 ~ 4.37 g

:. wt OfCUS04 demaining in the sol-" ~ 12.76 - (2.96 + 4.37) ~ 5.31 g Ans
Sol:- I ~ I amp. t ~60 min ~ 60 x 60 sec
' 0 ,~C"H"O, + H,O -,-
C I4H 10 +?

Eq. wi ofC 14 H,O, ~ ---
. eg.wlofC.H,o,
:. Wt d eposlted ~ - x 1x 3600

208 x 3600 ~ 1.2932g

6x96500 Ans
Sol:- C 6 H,NO, C6 H,NH,
20 g (V.f~ 6)

Current passed ~ 26.5 amp -hr

It W is the oritical wt produced, then
W ~ ;;Z;.l.t
93 93x26.5x36
--,----- ~ 15.323 g
6 6x965
- - x 26.5x3600
Actual wt produced ~ 12.76 g
. Id wi actually produced 00 ~ 12.76 xI00~83.28%
C urrent Yle :::: xl
W - 15.323 Ans
Sol:- WI ofCu deposited ~ 0.2964 g
I ~ 0.5 am for & 30 min ~ 30x60 sec
W ~ Z. I. t.
~> 0.2964 ~ xO.5x30x60

~> 0.2964 ~ -At.wI

- x18- 9 ( gmeqwlofCu ~
- - .
2x965 2 2

At. wt. eu =
0.2964x2x965 g:::: 6'J. 56 g
9 Ans
Sol:-;;z;f;u ~ 0.00033 g I coulomb

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 108
By: Br. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Ifwt ofCu deposited = I kg ~ 1000 g

ThenQ=~= 1000 3xI0"coulomb
_ Zu 0.00033
Cost of electricity = 0.25 Rs per Kwh.
. 1 3 (
In I Kwh, E ~ 1x 10' ~3600 sec = 3.6x 10' J
Now, QV ~ E
E 3.6x10'J
Q ~ V = 0.2 1.8xlO'coiomb

Now.... 1.8x 10' coulomb cost 0.25 rupees

... I-~~~~-
1.8x 10'
0.25x3xI0" 0.25
... 3x 1 0 " - - - - - - - - - = 0.041 6 rupees ~ 4.1 6 palse
. Ans
18x 10" 6
Sol:- Let time t sec required for pH to become equal to 12
PH = 12
[H]= 10I2 M
. At anode: 2H,O --> 0, + 4H' + 4e' ---------( I)
'. No. of moles of H' present = Molarity x volume (in lit)
~10I2x50xI0-7 ~ 5x 10"0
... No. of moles ofe' required = 5x 10'0 [From reaction(I)]
... Change required ~ 5x 10,ox96500 coulomb
0.5 X t ~ 5 x 10lO x96500
5 x 10- 10 x 96500
~> t = 96.511 sec
5xl0 I Ans
Sol: V ~ 8.2x 10 12 IiI ~ 8.2x 10'; mL
.Rate of charge production ~ 1.5 x 10" coulomb per sec
Density of water ~ Igm Icc
Mass of water = vxd = 8.5x 10" g
=> mw = bw.Q.T
=> 8.5x 10" g ~ x 1.5x 10' xt
=>t= 8.5 x 107x 2x96500 =6.07xI0"sec
/f 18xl.5xl06
= 1.687 x 10'0 hr = 7.03x 10' days
~ 1.925 x 10' years ~ 1.925 million years
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no.-9852476717, 9798984530 Page 109

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Sol:- Energy delivered per sec ~ 200 Jlsec

. E 200J 20
Charge delivered pel' sec ~ - = - - = - coulomb / sec
V 110 II

W= 63.5 x-x,)
20 '0 x 60
2x 96500 II
Wt produced = 1.0768 g Ans
Sol:- At. cathode: Ni" & H20 ions are present. but Ni" will reduce because it has higher
reduction potential
So at cathode: Ni 2' + 2.- -----> Ni
At anode: SO/ & H20 are present to oxidise in the H20 will oxidise first because ofless
reduce potential
At anode: 2H 20 -----> 0, + 4H' + 4.-
(ii) no. of columbs passed ~ 0.05 x 40 x 60 = 120 Ans
(iii) WN , ~ ;l;Ni.l.t ~
58.7 x 120 = 0.037 g
2x96500 Ans
(iv) moles ofNi present ~ 40 x W J x 0.1 J" = 5 x I OJ
I N; ~ xO.05xt
t~ 5xIO x2x96500 = 965 =19300s

0.05 0.05
(v) wt produced at cathode = nNixAt.wt.
~ 5x 10"x58.7 = 0.293 g
Wt produced at anode :-
WO, = gm.eq.wtofO, xO.05x19300
8 19300x5
~ --x 0.08g
96500 100
Sol:- From Faraday's 2'" law
=> WAg ::: Wcu 1.307g Wcu
= > -/ - - = - -
Eg wt Ag Eg.wt r " 108 6' 5/2
71g J.

=> W", = 63.5 :.307g =0.384g
, 2x 108
Now wt present initially = (moles ofCuSO,. 5H,O). At wI cu
~ ~X6.,.5g
" = 2 .545 g
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 110
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(8.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya ToJa, Patna -4

... Amount ofCu + remained in the sol_ll =:: 2.545 g - 0.384 g= 2.16 g
' 2.16
:. wto fC U II Itpresentl1Qw= --xIOOO =4.32g/lit Ans
Sol:- Volume ofH, reacted at STP - 67.2 lit
. 67.2 lit ,
.. n = - - = 0
H, 22.4lit'

VxH,~ gmeqofH 2xLt

- Mol.wtofH 2 I
WH 2 - x .t.
v.fx 96500
wH, I
nH,~---= xlx15x60
MH 2 2x96500
3x 2x 96500
I~ 64334amp
15x60 Ans
WCu ~ Y:;u .I.t
63.5 ,
---x643.04xI5x60 = 190.5 g Ans
Sol:- I ~ 3 amp
Wt ofPd"+ deposited ~ 2.977
WPd = t':Pd.Lt
2.977= gmeq.wtpdx3xlx3600
2.977= 106.40 x3x3600
106.40 x 108
n= =4
2.977x965 Ans
Sol:- WM= t':M.l t = t':.Q
37.7 g ~ M x69500
M = 96;;x3x37.7 157.0g
695 Ans
Sol:- Total wt precipitated = 0.175 g
% ofCu ppt = 72.8 %
Wto f cuppt=0.175x--=0.1274g

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 111
By: Er: Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IJT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes,_Naya Tola, Patna -4

% ofNi precipitated ~ 4.3%

WtofNi ppt~ 0.175x 4.3 =7.5xlO-'g

% of"'n precipitated ~ 22.9%
.. d 22.9
- = O. 04 g
Wt Z n precIpitate ~ 0.175 x-

GmegCu For l,n
Wc" ~ 96500 x Qr"
Wl,n = -Gm__" --- x Q
eg of"Zn
Q ~ 0.1274gx96500 193.6colomb 96500 z"
c" - 63.?{ 0.04x96500
:. QZn ~ 65.4/ = 118.04coulomb
For Ni 12
WNi ~ gniegofNi xQNi

:. Q total ~ QCu(l) + QNi + Q"'n

~ 193.6 + 24.66 + 118.04 ~ 336 coulomb Ans
Sol:- WMg ~ "'Mg.Q
Ix 103g~ ----.LL xQ

Q ~ _10_'_x_9_65_0_0 =.
8 04 X 10" COLI
Iom b
Energy required ~ QV
~8.04xI06x5~4.02IxI07 J
In I Kwh ~ I x 10'X3600 J = 3.6x 106 J
4.04x I0
:. no.ofKwh~ 6 =11.l6Kwh
3.6x10 Ans
Sol:- WAI ~ "'AI.1.t
27 9.x 1.2 x 3600
0.403 g
3 96500
Wo, Wt 1\1 0.403 8 0
-"--"-- => WOo = - - x =0.,58g
eq.wt 0, eq wt Al - 9
Now, 32 g ofO,will form 44 g of CO,

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no.-9852476717, 9798984530 Page 112
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

44x 0.358
... 0.358 g - - - - - - g ~0.4924 g Ans

Sol:-K ~ 1.12 x 10" mho em
R~65 Ohm

I 1
C~ -=-mho
R 65

C=Kx(f) ~K=C(~) = 1.12 x 10"= ;5(~)

. . x: = 0.728cm"
Cell constant = 0.728 em" Ans
Sol:- K ~ 1.342 mho m" ~ specific conductance
R ~ 170.5 ohm
a = 1.86 x 10"m'
1 1
c~ -=--mho
R 170.5
Also K = c(~) ~> 1.342 = _1_x _ _I_-<
a 170.5 1.86xl0
I ~ 1.342 x 170.5 x 1.86 x 10. 4
1~4.206xIo"m Ans

Distance between two electrodes
Sol:- Rx ~ 45 ohm & Ry ~ 100 ohm
I 1
Cx= - &Cy~-
Rx Ry
When equal volume of X & Yare mixed, then no of electrolyte per unit volume becomes half
& so conductivity in final solution will be
C '= Cx & C '= Cy
x :: y 2
. . __ Cx+C y I 1
... Total conductivity of final sol-" = C x + C. --+- ~ 0.016 mho Ans
2 45/2 100
Sol:- A =-xIOOO
m M

K= c(.!.)a = -'-x('!')
R a
= _1_ x 153.7
= 0.295 mbo m", = 2.95 x 10 J mho em"

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for 111') EE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 113
By: Br. Rishi. Kumar(8.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

0.624 2.95x 10" ,

Molarity =~~;-, xl000;115mhoem
249.5 2.5x 10' Ans
Sol:- K ~ 0.0227 mho em 1 ~ 2.7x 10'] mho em"
C; 2 volts
I; 2xr= 2. xO.OI em ~ 2x 10" em
a~ ;n'I;25x3.14xIO"em'

~>K=C 2x10" )
I -
( 25x3.14xI0""

2.7 x 10" x 25 x 3.14 x 10"

~> C
2x 10 '
C ~ 1.059 x 10'] mho
I ~ CY ~ 1.059 x 10'] x 2 ; 2.13 x 10'] amp Ans
Sol:- 2'C,H,COONa ;83mhoem'; A'NaCI; 127mhoem 2

A'HCI; 426mhoem'

2'C,H,COOH; rC,H,COONa+2'HC,-2' N,C'

; 83 + 426 - 127 ~ 382 mho em' Ans

Sol:-I ~ 10 em
2'K' ; 73.52mhocm'
2'K';U" K" F
2' 73.52
U' ; -".:.;
N' F 96500

73.52 6 ., I
Y . ;--x-=4.57xIO em sec
N 96500 10
distaneein2hr~'VN'.t~ VN.x2x3500see =4.57xI0' x7200~3.2gem Ans

Sol:- t.t cone -" 0.0128 N of CH,COOH

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT'IEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 114
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

, rH,rDOH
.It = 1.4 m Ilocm '-I"
eg : IlCl1 ,COOH =.) '91 m Ilocm '-I

x= -<rIl,COOH =~=3 58x10-1

A;H,COOH 391 .

0.0128M O' 0
0.0128(1-0:) 0.0.1280: 0.01280:
:. Ka = (0.0128a)' = (3.58x 10- xO.0128)'
0.0128(1-a) 0.0128(1-3.58x 10')
_3:.:..5:..:8:.:.X...:I:.:.0.,.--'_x...:0:.:..0:..:1-=2.:.8)~' = _
,;.:( 0.0 128 x (3.58
_--c:'--_ _-x I0-'
-'- )'
0.0128xO.996 0.996
Ka= 1.647 x 10. 7 Ans
Sol:- Specific conductance of AgCI = 1.828 x 1
KA,CI =1.826xlO-6 mhocm- 1

";,CI = 138.26mhocm'
AgCI Ag\aqs) + CI'(aqs)
For S be the SOlubility of AgCI
Ksp = [Ag+] [Cr] = S.S = S'
:. S will be the mole / lit ions present in the solution. Also since Ag+ & cr have I unit charge
as it So mole / lit will be equal to eq / lit
:. X eg of ions present in I lit of sol-"
:. "A,el = sp. conductance x VOlume containing 1 eq

= 1.826 x 10"x 1000

Also AgCI is spairingly soluble in water. so
"AgCl "''' \gCl (:. 1 dilution doesn't effect much).
1.826 x I0- = 138.26

1.826 x 10-3
x= 1.32xlO-'M
:. Solubility in gllit = 1.32 x 10"x 143.5
= 1.89 xl 0" g /lit Ans
Sol:- KII,o =0.58x]0-l mhocm- 1

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Tooper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 115
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tala, Patna -4

-<"w =350mhocm'; -<"ow =198mhocm'

Let H20 dissociates to give x mole / lit of H+ & OH' ions. The same amant of H+' & OH'
will be present as eg / lit
So, H+ = x eq/lit & OH' = x eq/lit
Volume contain I eg of H+ or OH' = 1000 ml
... eg conductance of water = sp. conductance x volume contain I eg of ions
- .)'8 x 10.,7 x1000
':'0 --
Since dissociation of H20 doesn't change by taking less on more amount of water.
So ,,",0 = ~,o' A,~ + -< ~w
= 350 + 198 = 548
0.58 x 10'7 X 1000 = 548
= 5.8~IO" 7
X 1.05x10' .
... Kw=[Wj[OH']=x' =(1.0510'7)' = l.l:dO,14 Ans

Objective Questions:-

because 1 faraday 96500 coulomb is the charge on one mole of electrons
In other words
nx 1.6x 10,;9 C = 96500 C

Q2:Ans: (c)
1.6 x 10'"
Ans -
Cu H + 2e' ~ Cu
63.5 g = 1 mole
For deposition of 1 mole of Cu, 2 mole of es are required
... no. ofes = 12.044x 10 2.1
Q3:Ans: (c)
,gmeqwt .
W= xQ(Flrst law)
W'/ W'/ . , '
IE, = IE, (2nd law :E, & E, areeq.wt.)
Q4: Ans: (b)
W ~ gmeg.wt xQ
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher al Palna for Whole chemislry for IITIEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 116
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) RishiChemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

w _0- = I ~> 0 = 96500 coulomb

gmeq wt 96500
Q5: Ans: (b)
W~'b-O ~>'b=mx 10'
Q7: Ans (b)

13.5 ~ 2.--.5L
o 13.5
- - = no.offaraday = - = 1.5
96500 9
Q8: Ans (d)
W gmeqwtxO.lx96500
3.17 'I 7
Q9: Ans (b)
0.108~ gmegwtxO.5xl93
gm eq wt = 108 g
QIO: Ans (c)
pH is increased, so OH- cone-II increases at anode
Also, At anode, oxidation will happen & cr will oxidise tirst than the OH' ion

In CI} ~cr will oxidise because it has less reduction potential

At cathode in H+, K+ -~ H+ will reduce because it has high reductio\j,.Pot.
:. KOH remain in 501-'\ so pH increases
QII: Ans (d)
Using Cu electrode, at anode: Cu-----c> Cu'+ + 20'
So same amount of Cu will
go into the 501-" as the amount of Cu deposited at cathode.
Q12: Ans (d)
1 .
0.1 = --xIOxl =:>1 = 965amp
QI3: Ans (d)
G' per sec ~ I ~ 10'"
10. ,6 10J
no of 0' passing per sec ~ 1.6x I0'19 = 1.6

QI4: Ans (c)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistryin'I1T-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-]EE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 117
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola, Patna -4

Ag; + e- ----> Ag
107.9 gm ~ I mole
I mole deposition will require I mole of e'
Q15: Ans (c)
W = l..l.t
gmeq.wtoftin x2x)x3 -, 600
22 . 2 g=
n x 96500
n= 2Ans
965x 22.2
Q16: Ans (b)
I Kwh ~ I x 10' J/s x3600 ~ 3.6x 106 J
Q in (8hr) ~ 8 x 3600 x 15 ~ 4.32 x 10' coulomb
:, E = QV ~ 4.32x 10'x 110 ~ 4.752x la' J
:.3.6xI0 6 H cost 5 paise
.. 1 - - - - --,---,-
:. 4.752x 10' _ 5x4.752xl~'
3.6x 101'
= 66 paise
Q17: Ans (a)
I faraday will deposit ego w: of each metal
+ 108 '
For Ag . eq. wt = -1- = 108g

2+ ~58.4_?
For Au , eq. wt 2 - _9.59

1+ 52
For Cr eq. wt = - = 17.4
Q18: Ans (c)
I I 0.02 .
- moles of Ag ~ -x 0.2 x 0.1 = - - gm eg of Ag because v.f~ I)
4 4 4
fA + l.t 96500x2xI0'
gm eq 0 g = 96500 => t 4x 10"
"-'-==::. = 80 minutes
Q19: Ans (c)
(I) 2H,SO, ----> H2S,O, + H,
(2) 2H 20 ----> 2H2 + 0,

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AlEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the beslteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact nO.,-9852476717, 9798984530 Page 118
By: Er; Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanptir) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

2.35 lit
:. Volume of H, Iibrated from reac-" (2) ~ 2 x 2.35 lit
. = 4.7 lit
Volume of H, evolved from reac-" (I) ~ total volume evolved - volume of H, liberated from
reac-" (2)
~ 9.72 - 4.7 = 5.02 lit

Now for reaction (I)

eq ofH, evolved from reac-" (I) ~ gm eq ofH,S,O, produced
5.02 .
22.4/ = Gm eq.of H,S,o, produced.
,"- ,.
:. 0.44S ~ gm eq of H,S,Ox produced,
Q20: Ans (d)
gm eg of H, evolved = gm eg of evolved
VH , Vo, = Va,
eg.voI.H, eg.Vol.O, 22.4 lit
q va, ~ 5,7 lit
Q21: Ans (a)
10" xt= 96500 col. (change on I mole of e')
96500 .,
t= - - , - , =:>9.65x 10- sec
Q22: Ans (a)
IS~ _7_22_ x3xt
96500x 2sec
=> t = IS hI'
Q23: Ans (a)
At Pt cathode
Ag + will reduce first
Ag + + e ----+ Ag.
but at Ag anode. the same amount of Ag will oxidise to produce to Ag+.
Ag----+Ag' + e
So the amount of Ag + in solution doesn't change effectively
Q24: Ans (a)
For alkali metal & alkaline certain metal fused salt electrolysis is the way to get metal.
Q25: Ans (d)
Ag+ has higher reduction potential than H' so it will reduce tirst so H, can't produce similarly
NO J - will oxidise first because it has lower reduction potential.
Q26: Ans (a)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 119
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

pH won't change if H,O will reduce & H20 doesn't oxidise.. Which will happen increase of
AgNO, ..
Q27: Ans (c)
Q28: Ans (d) :. K = C (Xl
Specific conductance =:; conductance x cell constant
Q29: Ans(a)
..teg =-xIOOO
..tell will be lowest ifN is maximum
Q30: Ans (d)
: ...t,g = N xl000
For 1 eq present in Icc
1 K x 1000
N ~ -xIOOO=IOOO =>: A" = K
I 1000
Also for Icc, X= h = 1:. C = K
Q32: Ans (b)
Q33: Ans (d)

For1j{o' Nonnality= I~
For I eg- '\ 10 lit of 501_ require

V = 10 lit = 10.000 ml
Q34: Ans
Jro ,ro r' ,ro
''NoCi = /lCH,COONo + "Hel - /'nl,cooH
~91 +426-391 = 126 mho em' Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistryiu IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently oneofthc bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE.
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 120
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -~

Chapter 9: Estimation of elements in Organic compounds

Sol:- Compound 0 , ) CO, + H,O
0.3 g 0.88 g 0.54 g
:. Wt of carbon in CO, ~ WI of C in 0.3 g of compare'
~ 12 0.88
~ -x - - = wI 0
fC'111 0.3 g compound ~ 0.24 g
44 100
:. % of C ~ 0.24 x I 00 = 80%
0.3 .
Also, Wt of H in H,O = Wt of H in 0.3 g of compound
. -2X 0.54
~> --", Wt 0 fH'111 0 .3 go f compoun d
18 100
~> 0.06 g ~ Wt of H in 0.3 g of compound.
:. %0 f H~ --xI00=20%'
0.3 Ans
Sol:- Compound CO, + H,O
0.2475 g 0.4950 g 0.2025 g
Mass of C in 0.2475 g of compound
~ mass ofC in 0.495 g of CO, = .!2x0.495g
12 x 0.495
:.%ofC= 44 xlOO = 54.54%
Again mass ofH in 0.2475 g of compound
= mass oHlin 0.2025 g ofH,S = -x 0.2025 g
:.%ofH ~ 18 xI00=9.2%
:. % of oxygen ~ 100 - (% C + %H) = 100 - (54.54 + 9.2) ~ 36.34% Ans
Sol:- Substa:oce - - - - - N,
0.206 g V~18.8mL
T = 17C = 290 K
. 756
P ~ 756mm ofHg ~ -aIm
Vapour tension of substance ~ 14.5 mm ofHg
:. Actual pressure exel1ed by N,
~ 756 - 14.5 = 741.5 mm ofHg

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacber at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 121
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(8.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

741.~x 18.8x 10-.1

:. noofmolesofN,~ PV = 760 = 7.7xI04
RT 0.0821x290
:. WtofN,=7.7xlO4x28g~0.0216g
:. % of Nitrogen = 0.0216 xl00 = 10.49%
0.206 Ans
Sol:- C,H,N - - - - - - .!. N,
2 -
-moesI - - - - -x-moes
1 2 I'
57 2 57
I 2 I
By POAC, moles ofN, evolved~ - x - = -mol
2 57 57
:. Volume produced at NTP = - x 22400ml ~ 392.98 mL Ans
+ NaOH (ex'C'ess)
Sol:- I) Substance + H,S04 ) NHj
2) NH , + H2 S04 --> NH,HS04
3) H,S04 (remained) + NaOH --> Na,S04 + H,O
73.7 mL
meq ofNH, = meq ofNH, used in reac- n (2) = (IOOx I -73.7x I)
.'. milimole ofNH, x I = 26.3
:. mliimole of nitrogen =26.3
:. Wt ofN ~ 26.3 x 14 = 0.3683g
:. %ofN~ 0.3682 xlOO = 46.73%
0.788 Ans
Sol:- Compound --> NH, + H,S04 --> NH 4HS0 4
13.03 g 250ml
H,S04 + NaOH --> Na,S04 + H,O
Remained 25.5 mL
25mL J.. N

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. 9852476717, 9798984530 Page 122
By: Er: Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna 4

:. M moles remained in I lit ~ 40 x m moles of H2S0 4 in 25 mL ~ 40 x
I J= 51

:. m mole of H,S04 remained in original 250 mL sol- n ~ 51

:. mmole ofNH, ~ m mole ofH,S04 nsed in this reac. n

~250 x~xl-51=250-51=199
:. mmole ofN = m mole ofNH, ~ 199
:. Wt ofN ~ 199x 1O"x 14 ~ 2.786 g
:. Percentage of N ~ - - x 100 = 20%
1393 AilS
Sol: Compound ---> CO, + H2 0
0.135g 0.198g 0.108g
:. Wt of C in 0.135 g of compound

= WI ofc in 0.198 g of CO, '" .12xO.198g = 0.054g

:. %ofC~ 0.054g xI00 =40%

Wt ofH in 0.135 g of compound = wi ofH in 0.108 g ofH,O ~ 2 xO.108 = 0.012g

:. %ofH~ 0.012 xI00 =8.89%
Compound N,
0.135g 16.8mL
al OoC & 76 em ofHg pressure
16.8 -4
Moles ofN, = - - = 7.5 x 10
:. WI ofN, = 7.5 x 10,4 X 28 = 0.021 g
:.%ofN,~ --xI00=15.56%
:. % of o::jgen = 100 - (%0 + % H, + % N,) = 100 -(40+ 8.89 + 15.56) = 35.56% Ans
Sol: Compound AgCI
0.18900 g 0.2870 g
:. wt ofCI in 0.1890 compound
= wt ofCl in 0.2879 g of AgCI ~ 35.5xO.287 g
.wt ofCI in 0.189 g compound ~ 0.071 g

Er. Risbl Kumar Is one oftbe Topper In Cbemistry in IIT'IEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe best teacber at Patna for Whole cbemistry for IITIEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. 9852476717, 9798984530 Page 123
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. % ofCI in the compound ~ 0.071 x 100 = 37.56%

0.189 Ans
Sol: Compound --> CO, + H,O
0.123 g 0.099 g 0.0507 g
WI of C in 0.123 g in compound

~ WI ofC in 0.099 g of CO,. ~ 0.099 x.!3. = 0.0279g.


:. % of carbon = 0.027 x 100 = 21.95%

0.123 Ans
WI of H in 0.123 g of compound
~ wi of H in 0.05079 g ofH,O ~ ~ x 0.0507 g = 5.63 x 10"
%ofH~ 5.63xl0'
:. xl00=4.48%
. 0.123 Ans
Compound AgBr
0.185 g 0.319 g
WI .of Br in 0.185 g of compound
. 80
~WlofBrinO.319gofAgBr = -xO.319g ~0.1357g
0.1357 .
:. % of compound ~ --xIOO = 73.36%
0.185 Ans
Sol:- Organic compound BaSO,
0.2595 g 0.35 g
wi of S in 0.2595 g of compound
~ WI of S in 0.35 g of BaSO, ~ - - x 0.35 = 0.048g
:. %ofS~ --xI00=18.5%
0.2595 Ans
Sol:- Organic compound Mg,P,07
1.5 g 2.509 g
wi ofP in 1.5 g ofcompound~ wI ofp in 2.509 g ofMg,P,07
2x31 62
---c:c-,-:----,,.......,.x2.509 ~ -x2.509=0.7006g
(48+62+16x7 222
:. % ofP ~ 0.7006g x 100 = 46.71%
I.5g Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-/EE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 124
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) RishiChemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Chapter 10. Empirical, Molecular & structural formulae

Sol:- Let the Molecular fonnula is Fe,Sx
Then Molecular wt = 2 x 56 + 32x ~ 112 + 32x
A1q, % of Fe = 46.5%
112 xlOO = 46.5
112 + 32x = 11200 = 240.86
32 x ~ 128.86 =:> x = 128.86 =4
:. Molecular fonnula will be F",S4.
So the simplest fonn of fonnula which will be the empirical fonnula is FeS,

Sol:- Let the molecular fonnula if iron oxide is Fe,Ox
A1q, Fe,Ox + H, ....-...--.>2Fe+ H,O
1.60g 1.12g
.. 1.60 g of Fe,Ox contain 1.12 g of Fe
_ _ _ _ _ _ 1.12

.. (112+ l 6 x ) - - - .'..:.l2 X (112+l6x)

, 1.60
We know that (112 + 16x) g of compound contains 112 g of Fe
:. - x (112 + l6x) = 112
112+ 16x~ 160 => x=3
:, Molecular formula = Fe,O, =:>Empirical fonnula ~ Fe,O,

Sol:- Let the formula of A ~ CH x
A/q, % ofH ~ 25%
x x I
=:>--xI00=25 =:>--=- =:>x=4
12+x l2+x 4
:. Empirical formula of A ~ CH 4
Let the empirical formula ofB ~ CH y
A/q, % ofH ~ 14.3%
Y 14.3
:, _Y- x 100 = 14.3 =:>--=-
l2+y l2+y lOa

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 125
By: Er. Rishi Kllmar(B.Tech. liT Kanpllr) Rishi Chemistrj Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

100y - 14.3 y ~ 12 x 14.3

=;y= =2
:. Empirical fonnula of B ~ CH,
Let the empirical formula of C ~ CH z
A/q, % ofH ~ 7.7%
Z j
:.--xI00=7.7 =;(100-7.7) Z=12x7.7 ~>Z= 1.00
:. Empirical formula of C ~ CH

Element Wt ratio Mole ratio ~ X;n x%xsmallest
C 9 ?{2 =0.75 0.7.%.25 = 3.0
){ =1 ,Vo.25 = 4.0
N 3.5
3'71'4 =0.25 0.25 =' 1.0

:. Empirical fonnula ~ C,H,N

Empirical wt ~ 54g
:. n ~ MoI.wt/ = 108/ = 2
/emp.wt /54
:. Molecular fonnula ~ (C]H 4N), ~ C6 H,N,
(Note:- % ratio by wI. of Nitrogen should be given 3.5 not 3)

Sol:- Let the hydrated iron sulphate is FeSO,. XH,O
Mol. wI. of hydrated salt ~ 56 + 96 + 18x ~ (152 + 18x) g
Now (152 + 18x) g of FeSO, XH,O contain 18x g of water
:. I

:.2 18x x 2 = 0.911';,

18x 0.9065 .
152+18x 2
36 x ~ 137.788 + 16.317 x ~> 19.683 x ~ 137.788
:. Fonnula of the hydrated salt ~ FeSO, ~ 7H,O
(Note:-In question it should be specified that Fe(II) sulphate is hydrated. I have assumed so to
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. tie is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. 9852476717, 9798984530 Page 126
By: Hr. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tala, Patna -4

Solve the problem.

Element % bywt % by wt
x XI Xsmallesl
At.wt ..

C 64.4% 5X;.54 =10

64.4 = 5.4
12 5.%
H 5.5% 0.54 "'10
0.54 = 1
Fe 29.9% 29.9 = 0.54 0.54
.. ,

:. Empmcal fonnula - C,oH 'oFe Ans

Sol:- Let the hydrated BaC!, is BaC!,. XH,O
M.w. of (BaCI,.xH20) ~ 137 + 71 + 18x ~ (208 + 18x)
:. (208 + 18x) g of BaC!, . XH,Ocontains 208 g of anhydrous BaC!,
:. 1
(208+ i8x)
:. 1.763 - - - - - - - - - ----=..:..:...-x 1.763 = 1.505
(208+ 18x) .
=> .208 = 1.505 = 0.8535
208 + 18x 1.763
=> x = 30.44 = 2
:. Formula of the hydrated salt ~ BaC!,. 2H,O.
Sol:- From ideal gas equation

=>0.658 x40.7 x 10" ~ 0.0553 xO.0821x373

. M.W,
=>M.W ~ 0.0553xO.082Ix373 63g
0.658 x 40.7 x 10 3
%ofB =85.7%
-x100=85.7% =>X~54g
:. no. of Boron atoms ~ --"'- = 5

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one olthe bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact nO.-9852476717, 9798984530 Page 127
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.!IT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Wt of hydrogen = 63 - 54 ~ 9

... no. of hydrogen atoms = =9-
... Molecular formula of Boron hydride ~ B,H,
Sol:- Let the gas is CxN y
CXN y + 20, ~xCO, +-N,
- - 2 -
1 volume 2 volume ~ 2 volume 1 volume
From reaction: x = 2

2':=1 =>=2
The gas is C,',,,, Ans
QIO:- Let the compound is CxHyN~
y z-
\. ( %) J
(I) Cx!-!yN z + x+ 4 O,~xCO,+-H,O+-N,
.-2- 2-

YvOI ~ 4vol. 6vol 2vol

Let V vol. ofCxHyN~ is present in 9 volume ofCxHyN~ & O2

Then volume of 0, required for cO~Plete combustion of CxHyN~= ( x + :)V

Now V+(X+%)V=9 --- (1)

Also from balanced reaction, we have


2': V = 6 -------- (2)


. (I): =>V+XV+ 2':V=9
From (2):- V + 4 + 3 ~ 9 => Y ~ 9 - 7 = 2 vol
... Volume ofCxHyN~ ~ 2 vol
Volume of O 2 = 9 - 2 ~ 7 vol Ans
.. Molecular formula of compound = C 2 H,.N, Ans
Sol:- Let the hydrocarbon is CxH y
Volume at NTP ~ 1.12 lit
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 128
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IIT Kanpur) RishiChemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

. 1.12 0.1
:. no of moles = - - = -
22.4 2

+ Y H,O
2 .
0.1 I
-moe 2.2 g 1.8 g
2.2 0.1 1.8
-=- -=0.1 moles
44 2 18
So x = 1 & r =2 =:> Y=4
:. Hydrocarbon is CR, Ans
Mol. wt = 16

Wt of 1.I21it ofCH, = Q:..!.xI6= 0.8g Ans

Volume of 0, required = (x + ;;(4)1.12 lit = (I + %)1.12 lit = 2.241it An,
Sol:- Let the compound is CxHyO,N w

Organic compound + 0, ~) CO, + H,O + N,

0.21 g 0.462 g 0.125g
Since wt. of each atom remain conserved
So, wt of C in 0.462 g of CO, = wt of C in 0.21 g of org. Compound

.!2 x 0.462g = wt ofC in 0.21 g of organic compound


.!2 x 0.462
:.%ofC=44 x 100 = 60%
Wt ofH in 0.1215 g ofH,O = wI ofh in 0.21 g of organic compound

%ofH=18 xI00=6.43%
Also organic compound + NaOH NH 3
0.104 g
NH3 + H2S0, ~ (NH,),SO,
meq ofNH, ~ meq of H,SO, .
=> mmole oINH, x I = I 5 x I-
. 20

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 129

By: Ei-. Rishi Klllnar(B.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Cfasses, NayaTola, Patna -4

wtNH, xlOOO = ~
. 3x 17
~> wtNH. =--g
17 4 , 4000
- ... 14 3x17 42
:. wt ofN present In thIS wt of NH, ~ - x - - ---
. 17 4000 4000
:.%ofN~ 1.05xI0-' xIOO=IO
:. % of oxygen ~ 100 - (%C + %H + 'lioN) = 100- (60 + 6.4 + 10) ~ 23.6%
Element % bywt %bywt =Xi Xi
At.wt XSlIlal1esl

C 60 60 = 5
0.72 = 7
H 6.4 . 6.4 = 9
6.4 = 6.4 0.72
N 10 !.Q = 0.72 0.72 = I
0 23.6 23.6 = 1.47
1.47 =2
So empirical fonnula will be C,H,NO, Ans

Sol:-Organiccompound+ CuO+O,----.CO, + H 2 0

1.0 g 1.239g 0.1269 g

12/ x 1.239 .
=> %ofC= 744 xI00=33.7%

=>%ofH~ 18 xIOO=IAI%

Organic compound + NaOH

2g excess
NH, + H2 S04 ----. (NH 4)S04 + H2S0 4
50ml (remained)
25 ml
25ml sol-".+ NaOH ----.complete neutralisation
21.8 ml
0.05 N

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 130

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola ,Patna -4

meq ofH,S04 remained in 25 ml = meq ofNaOH used ~ 21.8 x 0.05

:. meq of H2S04 reinailled in 5QOml = 21.R x 0.05 x 500125 = 21.8 .
meq of H2 S04 reacted with NH, = 50 x 1 - 21.8 = 28.2
:. meq orNH, ~ 28.2
1 x 1000 = 28.2 => wt = 1000

. 28.2x17 14
:. WI NItrogen = x - = 0.3948
1000 17
=>% N = 0.3948 x100 = 19.74
% of 0 = 100-(% C + % H +% N) ~ 100 - (33.7+ 1.41+19.74)

Element % bywt %bywt XI

Xi --
Atwt xsmallesl
C 33.7 33.7 = 2.82 2.82 2 =
12 1.41
H 1.41
1.41_1.41 1.41=1
1 1.41
0 45.15 45.15 = 2.82 2.82 = 2
16 1.41
Empmcal formula of the compound ~ C,HN02
Sol:- Organic compound -----'-""-~) CO, + H 20
0.2614 g 0.2324 g 0.0950 g
12xO.2324 2/ xO.0950
=>%ofC= 44 x 100 = 24.20% & => % ofH ~ 718 x100 = 4%
0.2614 0.2614
Organic compound ~ AgC1
0.1195 g 0.347 g
=>% ofCl = 143.5xO.347 x100=71.8%
Element %bywt %bywt
C 24.2
24.2 = 2
H 4 ~=4

Er. Rishl Kumarls one of the Topper m Chemistry milT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He IS
presently one of tho best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 131
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. 'Naya Tola, Patna -4

CI 1 7 1.8 I 71.8; 2
I._ _- - - - - - - ' -.- - - - - - - - -'3~5~.5_'_. _

Empirical formula; C,H,C1,

Now, vapour density ~ 49.5 => :. Mol. wt ~ 49.5 x 2 ~ 91 g
Empirical wt ~ 12 x 2 +I x 4 + 35.5 x 2; 99 g
:. n; Mol.wt ; 99; I =>:. Molecular fonnula ~ C,H,CI, Ans
emp.wt 99

Sol:- acid ~ CO, + H,o

0.2 g 0.195 g 0.04 g

0.195x.!2 ~xO.04
=>%ofC; 44 xI00 ;26.6% & =>%ofH~ 18 xI00;2.22%
0.2 0.2
% of 0 ; 100 - (% c + %H) ~ 100 - (26.6 + 2.22); 71.2%

Elements %bywt %bywt ~

At.wt XSmallelll

C 26.6 26.6; 2.22 I

H 2.22 I
2.22; 2.22
0 71.2 71.2 ; 4.44 2
:. Empirical formula ~ CHO,
Empirical wt ~ 12 + I + 16 x 2~ 45
Now for acid to be dibasic it must have two H - atom
:. Mol. formula = (CHO,), ; (COOH), Ans
Sol:- Organic base ~ CO, + H,O
0.10 g 0.2882 g 0.0756 g
13/ x 0.2882 2/ x 0.0756
=>%'ofC~ .44 x100;78.6% & =>%ofH~ /18 xI00;8.4%.
0.10 0.10

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT'IEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Paloa for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 132
By: Hr. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) RishiChemislry:Classes, Naya Tola, Palna -4

0.2 g ofhase ----+ N,

21.8 mt at 15C & 760 mm .pressure
760 x21.8x 10-'
~n =PV 760 = 0.92 x10-'
N, RT 0.0821x288
:. WN, =nN,M.w N, =0.92 x lO'x28=0.0258g
%ofN = 0.0258 = 13%

:. Element %hywt %bywt ~

At.wt XS1l1allest

C 78.6 78.6 =6.55 6.55 = 7

12 0.93
8.4 = 8.4 8.4 = 9
H 8.4
I 0.93
N 13 ~=0.93 0.93
4 -=1

:. Empirical fonnula ~ C,H,N Ans

QI7:- .
Sol:- Organic compound A) CO, + H,O
0.1688 g 0.454 g 0.0663 g
12 x 0.454 2- x 0.0663
~.% ofC = 44 xlOO = 73.35% & ~ % ofH = 18 xlOO = 4.42%
0.1688 0.1668
Organic compound + HNO, + BaCh ----+ BaSO,
0.1254g 0.1292g
32 xO.1292
~%ofS~ (lO-37+32+16x4) xI00=14.15%
~ % 01'0 = 100 - (% C + % H + %S)
= 100 - (73.35 + 4.42 + 14.15) ~ 8.88%

Element % bywt (Yobywt ~

At.wt 'X smnllest
C 73.35 73.35 =6.1125 6.1125", 14
12 0.442

Er. RIShl Kumar IS one of the Topper 10 Chemistry 10 lIT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He IS
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 133
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IITKanpur}Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

4.42 =4.42 4.42 = 10

H 4.42 I 0.442
8.88 = 0.55
0 8.88
16 0.55 = I
S 14.15 ~4.15 =0.442 0.442 = 1
32 0.442

Empirical formula = C"H Il~O Ans

Element % bywt %bywt
Xi ~
At.wt Xsmallest

C 92.3 92.3 = 7.7 2.2=1

12 7.7

H 7.7 = 7.7
I 2.2=1
.. ..
:. EmpIrIcal formula - CH :::; EmpIrIcal wt - 13
Now, Mol. wt ~ 26 :::; :.11 = Mol.wt = 26 = 2
Emp.wt 13
:. Molecular formula ~ (CH), =' C,H,
C,H, + Br, --->compound
. - - 92.5%Br
There is no need for any other infonnation
Mol. fonnula : C,H, :::; Structural fOlmula ~ CH ~CH. Ans

Yi x2
element %bywt %bywt
Xi ~=Y
At.wt Xsmallesl I

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEEj
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 134
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry ClaSseS, Naya Tola, Patna -4

C 52.2 52.2 = 4.350 4.350 = 3.5 7

12 1.24 c

H 3.7 ~=3.7 3.7 =3

I. I 1.24

CI 44.1 44.1 = 1.24 1.24 = 1 2

35.5 ' 1.24

:. Empirical formula: C,HoCI,

For compound to be aromatic, it must have CoH, component
So the compound isC,H,CHCI,
C oH,CHCl 1 + KMno 4 ----+acid ----4>sodiumsa!t Sodaljme "djstjlJatlop CoHo
The reaction implies that the organic acid is CoH,COOH.
Hyd;ocarbon --> C,HIOBr,
(A) 'I
_ -=D",il::;u:;:to:e;:.u",lka"",l",in::e:......
CSITI2 0 2
L-....::===:.:::.__I~ CIT3 -cII -CH3 +

reaction implies that structural formula of A is

i /'
c = CAns
/ \
OZonolysis II
Sol:-A -===---t) CH,-C-CH, + Aldehyde

Reaction implies that, Aldehyde [ 0 ) aCI'd

Since aldehyde is easily oxidising, so it should be / can be


Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry inIIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 135
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna-4

CH, CPf, CH, H

\ / \ /
:.Ais C;CH-CH :A Acid is C :B
/ \ / \

"B Br,/P ~,C C hydrolysi, ~ D

CH, Br. CH, OH

\ / \ /
C will be C :C Dwillbe C :D
/ \ / \
Element %bywt %bywt X Yi x7
Xi --'-=.Y
At.wt X ..",. '
91.3; 7.6 7.6; I 7.6; I
C 91.3
12 7.6 7.6

H 8.7 8,7; 8.7 8,7; 1.14

1 1.14x7;8
:. Empmcal formula C7H,
Since compound is aromatic & it gives 3 diff-" monochloriderivatives, so it must be
C 6 H,CH,:A

c@d D@ C1
Since B on oxidation gives a monobasic acid which on distillation with sodalime gave
Benzene, so it will be

C (~t' ..

Sol:- Organic compound ----> CO, + H,O

A(0.15g) 0.33 g 0.18 g

=>%ofC~ 44 xI00;60%
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 136
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.llT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola. Fatna -4

2 xO,lS ,~

~%ofH= 18 xI00=_2_=13.33%
0.15 0.15
% 01'0 ~ 100 ~ (60 + 13.33) 100 - 73.33 ~ 26.67%
Since compound A undergoes dehydration, it must have -OH group, so have oxygen atom.
Element %bywt %bywt =x ~
At.wt 1

C 60 69{
12 -5
- X667=3
13.33 = 13.33 13.33 =8
H 13.33 I 1.668
26.67 = 1.668 1.'668 = I
0 26.67 16 1.668

So Empirical fonnula = C;H,o

Empirical wt ~ 12 x 3+8+ I 6 ~ 60 ~ Mol.wt
:. Molecular formula ~ empirical fonnula = C,H,O
:. A will be CH,CH,CH, - OH Dehydration CH, -CH = CH, (B)
lHI04 /AgOH
CH) -CH -CH, (C)
Sol:- A _==:.L-~) white ppt
%C= 88.89%
%H~ 11.11%

A _-,H",Yc.:::d:..:ro",ge:::n;::a:::tio:..:n,-~) B
Mol. wt = 108 Mol. wt ~ 112

I_O~Xl~'~da~ti~'o~n _ _... Acid Decarboxylation. Cyclohexane

Mo1.wt= 128 C6 H12
So acid will be C,H 11- COOH
Now A gives a white ppt with AgNO" so it must have terminal triple bond.
:. A will be C,HII-C '" CH => Mol. wI ~ 12 x 8 + 12 = 108 g

Bwill be C"HII-CH',-CH" ~> Mol.wt~ 12 x8+16= 112g


Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Torper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 137
Hodrolysis ) z-


CaIboxylic acid., (Eq. wt = bas :- COOH group
Wtof-COOHgroup=12+I~x2+1 =45g
So it can have only CH, unit attached to - C30H group. So acid is CH, - COOH.
So or; will be CB, - CH2 - OH
YwillbeCH,-CH,-1 - - ~
XwillbeCH,-CH2- 0 -CH2 -CH, .
C2H.-O-C2H.+ 2HI ~2C2 sf +H20

Element %bywt %bywt
Xi ~=X Yx3
At.wt X........

C 87.8% 87.8 = 7.J lfi 7.316 =1 Ix3=3
12 7.316
12.19 = 12.1-9 12.\9 =1.66
H 12.19"/0
1 7.316
Empirical fonnula - CJH. ..
~Empmcal wt - 12 x 3 + 5 - 41

n= MoIwt 82 =2
crop.WI 41
... Molecular formula = (CJH.h ~ CoHlO

Er.1IisIIi Kmnaris oneoflheTopper in Chemisbyin IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is

presently one ofthe best teacher at PatDa fOTWbole chemistJy for IITJE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 138

C.H IO : V.F. factor '=

= 2:. So one InpH bond or two double bonds
Now C.H IO _..:.H",g,,-SO~,,--+) C.H I2O =::>c"H!e.'r' a triple bond
Further CoH IO _..:.A",g",N.::0J,.'-+
) No reaction
~':C.HIO has internal triple bond

hydrogenation CH,-CH-CHi,tCH,-CH,
:. CoRIO _..:2.:===-+) 1\
=::> C.H IO isCH, -CH -C ",-CH, J
I . Ans' i

~: '
. volume wt ~". '. 0.369
SoI :- 00.0f rnoIes;;; ~ ";;;
MoLvolume MoLwt 2' MoLwt
MoLwt = 0.369 x 22400 123g
A B _-=.;A:4I,O:::;,L...;~
) C (neutral compound)


D ) An isomer of A

I H2S04/H20
A is a monobromnderivatives with Mol.wt 123
Wt ofhydTocarbon=(I23 -8~1 =43 + 1';'
:. bydTocarbon has 3 carbon & 8 hydrogen =.2 x 3+8 ~ 44g
A: CH, - CH2 -CH,
Monobromodevatives : CH, - CHr CH2 - Br
B: CH,-CH2 -CH2 -OH
C : C,H,Q - C,H, (At lower temp intermolecular dehydration occur)
D: CH, -CH =CH 2 (At higher temp. intramolecular dehydration occur)
Sol:- C,H IO0 2 -.:;::.-+) H2 gaS
0.90 g 224 ml at NTP

Er, R1shi Kumar is one oftbe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2OMand.AIEEE ZOO4.Bels
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE. PMT& AlEE!!)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola. Patna -4

~ 0.01 moles

Since compound reacts with Na to give H2 so it must have - COOH group or -OH group.
. 10-10
Now u.f. ~ - - - ~ 0
Compound has -OH groups
I y H3 H-C-OH

I +

c HO-C-H





Element %bywt %bywt ~X -~
Atwt I

C 76.6 76.6 ~ 6.38 6.38 ~ 6

12 106
6.38 ~ 6.38 6.38 ~ 6
H 6.38
I 1.06
0 17.02 17.02 ~ 1.06 1.06
16 1.06

Empirical fonnula ~ C,H,.O

Empirical wI. ~ 12 x 6 + 6 + 16 ~ 72 + 22 ~ 94
MoL WI. ~V.d. x2~47 x2 ~94g
Molecular fonnula ~ empirical formula ~ 94 g
ags.Fecl J
A --""=="-~) characteristic colour.
A _..:C:.:O..:,-,,+~::-~) B acidification) C acetylcchloridc ) D
Aspirin (pain kilver)


Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IITJEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher atPatna for Whole chemistry for IlT-IEE, PMT& AtEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 140
By: E\". Rishi Kuma\"(B.Tech. lIT Kanpu\") Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

~O 0-C-CH3
Element % by wt lYobywt ~
At.wt XSlllalksl

C 69.77 69.77 = 5.814 5.814

12 1.1625
H 11.63
11.63 = 11.63 ~=IO
1 1.1625
18.6 = 1.1625 1.1625
0 18.6 ~~=1
16 1.1625
:. EmpIrIcal formula: C,H,oO
Empirical wt ~ 12 x 5 + 10 + 16 ~ 86
.. Mol. wt ~ empirical wt ~ 86
... Mol. formula = empirical formula = CSHIOO
C,H 10 0 ---'-'=""-="--+) doesn't reduce
indo fonn test o
) II
soit has - CH, -C - unit or CH) - CH(OH) - unit
12 -10
U.f. factor ~
--- = I
So it has ketone group unit

CH, -CO-C,H, &C,H, -CO-C,H,

So possible structure a r e - ~ . - ADS

Sol:- On oxidation X gives acid, so it must have CHO, -OH or Ketone group. In other word,
oxygen will be present in it

Element % byw! %bywt

~--=X ~
At.wt I

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one olthe bestteacher at Patna tor Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

C 54.54 54.54 = 4.545 4.545 = 2

12 2.27

9.09 =9.09 9.09 = 4

H 9.09
. 1 2.27
0 36.37 36.37 = 2.27 2.27 = 1
12 2.27
:. Empmcal formula: C,H,O
Empirical wt = 12 x2 + 4 + 16 = 44 g = Mol.wt
:. Molecular fonnula = empirical formula = C,H,O
. 6-4
U. F. Factor ~ - - = 1
So it is an aldehyde: CH,-CHO Ans

Q 32:-
halofonn II
Sol:- A --==:..::.:..~) so A has CH, - C - unit

Reduction OH
A _..:..:::.==~) B, will have I

B H,SO,) C --oD (Monwonide)

D _".l'2.,o'Y';4 acetaldehyde
/ \
Cis CH,-CH=CH-CH, o
Ais CH 3 -C-CH,-CH
_ 3
Bis CH;-CH-CH,-CH;

Element %bywt %bywt X;
Atwt X smallest
C 62.06% 62.06 = 5.17 5.17 = 3
12 1.72

Er. RIShl Kumar IS one of the Topper 10 ChemIStry 10 liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9 7 9 8 9 8 4 5 3 0 ' Page'I42
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

H 10.35% 10.35 = 10.35 10.35 = 6

I 1.72
27.59 = 1.72 1.72
0 27.59% -=1
16 1.72

:. Empirical formula ~ C,H"O

Empirical Weight = 12x 3+6+16 = 58 ~ Mol.wt.
:. Molecular fonnula ~ Empirical formula = C,H 6 0
Reuctioll \ B (C H 0) gives iodofonn
A(C,H,O) 7, 8 ~
U.F= 1 So, B has I
SOBiSCH'i - )}

AisCH) -C-CH)
CH 3 - CH - CH ) dehydration ) CH 3 -CH = CH, (Mol.wt = 42)
C: CH3 - CH = CH, Ans

Sol:- Reaction implies that compound has oxygen atom present in it now

Element % bywt %bywt _Xi Xi

-'.1,. "1''!l-':"'<C-
. .,'-"'l


79.25 = 6.604
- Xsmallest

--6,604 = 7

5.56 = 5.56 5.56 ",6

H 5.56
I 0.95
0 15.19 15.19 =1).95 0.95 = I
16 0.95
:. Empmcal fonnula : C7HoO
Since compound is aromatic, so it will have C 6 H s unit.
Now the compound can be C6 H,CHO only.
. alkali / NaOH
undergoCanizzaro 's reaction
(Y) i
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 126
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Sol:- X
Aromatic compound

Element %bywt %bywt X;

X sI1lRIl~-,l
C 58.5 58.5 = 4.875 4.875 = 6
12 0.814
H 4.1 ~=4.1 ~-=5
1 0.814
26 26 = 1.625 0.625 = 2
16 0.814
0.814 =1
11.4 =0.814
N 11.4 14 0.814
So the empIrIcal f0I111u1a IS C6 HsN0 2 Sll1ce the compound IS aromatlc, so It has C()H s um1
Which is present in empirical formula. This implies that Molecular formula will be some as
empirical formula
. :'. X: C,H,NO,
Y; So Y is C"H r,
C,H, N0, -..:..:;;."",-",-,,_.~)C,H,NH, (iz:)
Element % bywt %bywt ~
At.wt Xsm~lkst
C 61.01 61.01 =5.084 5.084 =3
12 1.696
15.25 = 15.25 15.25 = 9
H 15.25
I 1.696
N 23.74 23.74 = 1.696 1.696 = 1
14 1.696
So the empmcal fonnula IS CJH,N
HNO., ) oxidation
X --'-"='--*alcchol ) iz:
(Y) v.d. ~ 29
X is the an amine M.w = 5R
iodoform test

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofttle Topper i Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

SoithasCH, -C-unit
II . (since x has 3 carbon, 50;1; will also have)
So Zcan beCH, - C - CH, .
I I -

Reduction . .
Sol: A ) Pnmary ,mille (B)
So A has Nitro group, so it has oxygen atom present in it
% of 0 = 100 - (% C + %H + %N)
= 100 - (32 + 6.66 + 18.67) = 42.67
Element %bywt %bywt ~
Atwt Xsmallesl
C 32 32 = 2.66 2.66 = 2
12 1.33
6.66 = 6.66 6.66 = 5
H 6.66
1 1.33
N 18.67 18.67 = 1.33 1.33 = 1
14 1.33
0 42.67 42.67 = 2.66 2.66 = 2
16 1.33


501:- A gives lucas test in 5-10 minutes, then it will be secondary hydroxide.
A + Na metal --> H, t
6g 1120 ml at NTP

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT -lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Toia, Patna -4

Also A contain one oxygen atom per molecule, so it -OH group.

'So the compound will give only one H-atom, so


New~ mole ofH, is produced by I mole

S0 - - - - - - - - - 0.1 mole
wt 6 ' 6
moles ~ => 0.1 ~ - - - => Mol.wt = - = 60g
Mol.wt Mol.wt 0.1
So the compound can have 3 carbon atom -one oxygen atom & 8 hydrogen atom,
I' Ans
SoAis CH, -CH -CH,
Element %bywt %bywt
Xi ~
, Atwt Xsmallcsl
C 68.32 68.32 = 5.69 5.69 = 8
12 0.71
6.4 = 6.4 6.4 =9
H 6.4
I 0.71
CI 25.26 25.26 = 0.71 0.71 = I
35.5 0.71
Empmcal formula of A ~ C,H,CI.
Empirical wt = 12x 8 + 9x 35.5 = 140.5 ~ MoLwt
So Molecular formula ~ empirical formula ~ C,H,CI
A (C,H,Cl) -==='--~)B (C,H"lO) oxjdation Mild..,c,onditi on " _C1H80 (C)
dilute acid

C,H, -C = N - NH -C,H, (D)

Since it +ve iodoform test

So hydra"ine must /lave II.
CH, - C - unit

Er. Rishi Kumar is, one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He Is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi ,Kumar(B.Tech. IlT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

, C,H,-C=N-NH-C,H,
So 0 must be I
C: C,H, -C=O
Q40: W (C,H, + C,H,OH) = 10 g
Let x g ofC,H;OH is present in the mix
Since only et~al!.ol reacts with Na, So

'C,H,OH + Na----> C,H,ONa + .!.H

2 2
o '
200 ml At 27 C & 760 mm Hg
760 x 200x 10"
nH, = 760 = 0.2 8.12xlO"
, 0.0821 x 300 0.0821 x 300
:. moles of C,H,OH = 2 x mole of H, = 0.01624
.. -,:---,-,...,,-- 0.01624
Wt = 0.747 g
:.%bywt= --xI00=7.47% Ans
10 .
Sol:- W(C,H,OH + CH3CHO) = 0.535 g .
Let x g of CH,CHO is present in the mixture
2CH,CHO + 2Fehling sol" ----> 2CH,COOH + Cu,O
X g (Cu'+) 1.2 g
2 mole ofCH,CHOs Imole ofCu,O

~. moles ofCH,CHO = .!. (moles ofCu,O produced) = .!.( 1.2 ) = .!.(.!.2)

2 .2 63.5x2+16 2 143
WtCH,CHO 8.39x 10'3 x.!.
Mol.wt 2

WtCH 3CHO= .!.x8.39 X IO"x(24+14+16) ~0.369g=0.1845g

. . 2 2

.. % ofCIi2CHO= 0.1845 x100 =34.5% Ans

Element %bywt %bywt =X. ~
Atwt ' Xsnlilllest

Er. Kishi Kumar is one of the Topper In Chemltryin IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He Is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

C 49.32 49.32; 4.11 4.11 ;3

12 1.37
9.59 ;9.59 9.59; 7
H 9.59
1 1.37
N 19.18 19.18 -1.37 1.37 ; 1
14 1.37
0 21.91 21.91; 1.37 1.37 ; 1
16 1.37
So Empmcal fonnula : C,H,NO
NoOH addi fication
A ) NH , + Salt ) monobasic Nitrogen free acid (B)
Boiled .
So A is an amide <;!,H,COOH
A: C,H; -C - NH,

Sol:- (I) (II)
[Pd CxHyN~] (CIO.), ---> [Pd CxHyZ~J (CNS),
30.15% C 40.412% C
5.06% H 5.94% H
Let M is the Mol. wtof(l)
Mol. wt of (II) ~ M - w(35.5 + 64) + (12 + 14 + 32) x 2 ~ M - 199 + 116 = (M - 83) g
106+ 12x+y+ I~+ 199~M - (I)
In (I)
% ofC ~ 30.15%
12x xI000 ;30.15 => x 30.15M (2)
M 1200 ---
X I00;5.06 => y;1OO -- (3)
In (2) % ofH
-y-xI00;5.94 => (5.94)(M-83) ---(4)
M-83 100
(3) & (4):;> 5.06 M ~ 5.94 - 5.94x 83
M; 5.94x 83 560
5.06x 560 28
y; 100

Er. Rishi Kumar is one oftheTopper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for llT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes; Naya Tola. Patna -4

x = 30.15x560 = 14 Ans
From (I) 106 + 12x 14 + 28 + 13xb 560- 199
1~= 560- 199-106 - 12x 14 + 28

;1; = 5?{4 = 4 Ans

Er. Kishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT -lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IlT-JEE. PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Chapter 11: Atomic Structure and Radioactivity

0:- fI n' . 0
n ~ aox- ,ao ~ Bohr = 0.529 A
For hydrogen atom, Z = 1
:. r, = ao (I)' = ao ~ 0.529 AO = 0.529x 10'8 em Ans
rIO = ao( I0)' ~ 100 ao ~ 100 x 0.529 x 10,8 ~ 0.529x 10" em Ans
, Z
Sol:- V" = 21. 78 x lOin I S, -
In hydrogen atom, Z = I
. I
:. V, = 2.178x 10' x]' ~ 2.17810' m Is =2.178x 10' em Is. Ans

V10 = 2.178 x 10' x /0 ~ 2.178 x 10' mls Ans

Sol:-(I) He--4 He+ = e' ,I. E ,
(2) He+ --4 He'+ + e' ~ I.E,
I.E. ~ Energy (minimum) required to remove e' from an atom (from n + n orbit)
= - E nth
With the help of Bohr theory we can final energy of single e' system only.
Since He is a 2e system sO we can't calculate I.E, where He+ is a I e system.
:. E(He+) = - 13.6ev -,
For He ~ 1s I : (n ~ I &Z ~ 2)
E = -13.6 ev - , =-54.4ev
:. I.E ,(2) = - E" = +54.4 ev latom.
54.4x1.6x 1 0 ' 1 9 ; , .
I. E,I mole = . x6.023xlO' callmole = 182100 cal\) Ans
Sol:- I. E. = -E" = - 13.6-,ev
For H-atom, Z = I, & e in ground state (15') => n = 1
:. I. E. = +13.6 ev/atom
I. E I mole = 13.6 ev x 6.023 x 10" = 8.189 X 10'+ ev I mole Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AlEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola ,Patna -4


. A
nIl n

For hydrogen atom Z = I.

Also RH = 109737 em l I

: . ..!- = 109737 em-

2- 5-
= 109737 em" x(~ --'--)
4 25

= 109737 (~)=1097.37x20Cm'l

.. v=~=3xIOlOem/sxI097.37x21
= 6.913x 10" / sec = 6.913x 10' H" Ans
Sol::- 7 mg ofC"
weight .
of atoms = - - x Avogadro 110.
= 7 lO'\6.023XIO'' =3.0115x 10 20
Total no. of neutrons = (14 - 6) x 3.0 lIS x 10'0 = 24.08 x 10211 Ans
Mass of neutrons = no. of neutrons x weight of I neutrons.
/?'i._=24.08x 1020 xJ amu 24.08x 1020 x I ,. = 4mg
C7 6.023x 10" Ans
Sol:- A = 5800 A 0
I I 10"
Wave number = -::: 8 : : : -em-I
. A 5800x 10' em 58
Frequency ~ - = 3x 10'<> x 172413 = 5.I72x 10"HZ Ans
Sol:- Energy shift ie .from first Bohr orbit
In H - atom z ~ I to six Bohr orbit

~E = 13.6ev(~--'--2)
I' 6
= 13.6evx 35
13.2xI.6xI0' IO
5.03 x 10"1cal / atom
:. tl~ole = 5.03 x 10. 10 x 6.023 x 10" = 30.48 x104 cal
~ 0.529x (6 2 _1 2) ~ 0.529x35AO ~ 18.515 AO

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Pama for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEEJ
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola. Patna -4

t'>E 13.2x1.6xlO-"
v~- ~ 3.187x 10 15 HZ Ans
h 6.626xl0 J4

Sol:- I. W ~ - (Energy of e' in ground state in atom)
13.6 ev ~ 1 (E, - hydrogen atom)
E", ~ -13.6ev

.. I. E He+ -
- -{ - 13 . 6 ev.-,
(2)' }., For He--.
+ Z-- 2
I.E H,+ ~ 54.4 ev Ans

I.E 42 + ~ -{-13.6ev. (I)"

3',} ~ 13.6evx 9 ~ 122.4ev

Sol:- For lowest frequency in lyman series. lyman series has e transition from n ~ 2 to n ~ 1.

t'>E ~ + 13.6ev (1)2.(..!.,I -~)

~ 10.2ev
h \' ~ 10.2ev '~'I
10.2x1.6xI0" 2.176xI0-I'J
i' = -----;-;-
. 6.626 x 10 ]4 6.626 x 10 .;, .
V ~ '(U284 xl 0+ 16 ~ 3.284 x 10 15 HZ Ans
t'>E '" 10.2evx1.6x 10-" J ~ 2.176x 10- J 18

A~~~ 3x10' 9.14xI0-'m

v 3.284xI0 15 Ans
t'>E Ii ,. ~ t'>E H (;) ~ 2.176x I0- 18 (3)'
~ 1.958xIO 17 J Ans
I denslty ~ -,-o:..:f:..:I..:.N:..:u:..:cc.:'e:.c::._
Volumeofl Nucleus
40 x 1.672 x I0-24 g
~ -----,------'"
'i: JrR J

~ :OxI.672XI0~:'g :.[~RO(A)jRo~1.4XI0-lJcm
- x Jr x (Ro(A)' J)J
40 x 1.672 x 10-"1g
4 Jrx2.74xI07'x40

Er, Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

1672xlO "
11.~88x 10.30 .758x Ol4 g / cm ' =1~~4g~cm' ~
Q12:- j H''''u Q( .....~'
-Z'B --
Sol: En = - , - ; where B = 2.179 x IO'IS J
(a) For lowest energy level: n = I
Fur He+; Z = 2
E, = 2.179x 10,18 x (2)' ~ 8.716x 10'18 J Ans
(b) For n ~ 3 & For Li'+,Z ~ 3

E, =-2.179xIO' IS x(3)' =-2.179xI0'''J

. (3)'

Sol:- .!.-A. = R H .Z' (~-~)

n- 2-
434x10'7 cm
" { I I}
1097,7x(l)' n' --4

Calculating & taking the nearest integral value

n~5 Ans
Sol:- v = I hZ
<'>E=h v = 6.626x 10.14 1.S.-- = 6.626x I OH J / atom
:. <'>E/ I = 6.626 x I 0-" x 6.023 x I 0'"
7moe .
=3.99xI0 IO J/mole Ans
Sol:- <'>x.<'>p <: J4"7l'
h '
<'>x < : - -
If <'>P = 0 => <'>X -> 00

Sol:- <'>x.<'>p = %7l'

<'>x.m.<'>v = J4"7l' (Since<'>p = <'>(mv) = m<'>(vj because mass is constant)

h 6.626 x 10J4 ,
47l'.m,<'>x 4 x 3.14 x 2000 x I0 Ans

Er, Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Teeh. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna 4

Sol:- t.x.m~v = XJr
6.626 X 10.34
0.1 X 10.9 x9.1\ X 1O.3I xt.V = - - : - : - -

~ 0.0579 x 10' ~ 5.79x 10' mls

t.V 6.626 X 1O' Ans
Sol:- K + F ------> K+ + F- , t.H = 19 keal = 19x 10"' x 4.2J I mole
I.E ~ 4.3 ev
we have
t.HI =I.E+(-E.A)I [Since electro affinity has -ve sign as that of
I atom 1atom
enthalpy change in the reaction.)
(4.3 - E.A)1.6 x 10. 19
6.023x 10"
4.2 x 19x 10.20
4.3- E.A
6.023 x 1.6 x 10 19"
4.3 - E".A. ~ 0.828
E.A. ~ 4.3 - 0.828 ~ 3.47 ev Ans

et.v mtn" = K.E 'max = t.E =A.-

6.626 X IO.J4 x 3 x I O'

t. V" = -,-,---,-;;--,------,-,'"
m" 590x\0"'x1.6xI0 19
:. t.v m " = 2.11 volt Ans
~ hc
501:- we have; t.E = J:

~ A = .!'.':. = 6.626 x 10'3' X 3 X 10' 4.5 x i 0" m

l. ~ ~ 4.4xlO 19 Ans
Sol:- t.x.t.p ~ XJr (uncertainty principle)
t.x = 0.01 mile ~ 16.093 m

t.p = 0.0025 miles per hour = 0.0025 x 1609.3 mls


'1609' x I609.3,
t.x.",p = . 0 x 3 x IO,O.0025
" " = 50.955 wille. h'IS much greater than h/4!l".
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liTIEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He"is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITIEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. I1TKanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- t. V = I 000 e v '" I .6 x j 0 -", J x I 000 = 1.6 x I 0 - ..
:. K.E ofe' = et1V = (1.6x J OI9)X (1.6 x 10''')
p' = 2x9.11 x 10.31 X (1.6'x 10''')'
p = ,11.822 xW- 15 x5.06xI0- 18 = 1.35x5.06x 10. 33 = 6.83x 10,]4

h 6.626xlo J4
:. Ade-broglie = p = ----......,..,.4-= 9.70
ill Ans

Ans is different in the book which will comes by taking potential difference 1000 V, but in
question itself it is given equal to 1000 ev.
Sol:- A = ~ = 6.626 x 10- J.5.

P mY.
6.626 x 10-34 6.626x 10-'4 x36 18
= 4.77x 10" m
1.0xlO'kg x 50xlOOO 5.0x10'
is too small to consider so the motion of particle can't be taken as wave motion.
Sol:- t.x ,; 0.005 nm
Ax'; 5x IO-"m
M, =9.11 x 10.31 kg


Ax,mAv= X7f

'Y = 6.626x 10-'4

u 0.01158xlO'm/s
4x3.14x5x10 "x9.llxIO"
AY = 1.158x 10 7 m/s .
AY ofthis magnitude can't be possibie for e because e has maximum speed 107 m/s
Sol:- Let n is the no. of photons
:. total elt~rgy = no. of photons x energy I photon
lO- 17 =nx
10- x495 x I0-'
n= = 24.9
6.626x 10-34 x 3x J 0'
:. n=25 [Because no. of photons should be always integer]
Sol:- Shape are same for bothJs & 2s orbital but energy will be different. Also the 2s orbital will
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITIEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. llT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

have 1 radial node, where as IS orbital has no radial nodes.

2p, & 2py both have same shape and energy. however they different orientation in
space & also have different planar nodes.
(a) With n ~ 3
With lust e' filled in n ~ 3.
We have max'" 18e' because after filling
Is'2s'sp6 3s'3p6 we have to fill 4s first before 3d. So the answer should be ~ 18. However if
we think the max-'" no. of e' that can be filled in n = 3 ~ 2+8+ 18 = 28. & according to
question the last e' that can go inside n ~ 3 we have max-'" no. of e's will be ~ 30.
IS'2S'2P'3S'3P'4S'3d lO = 30 Ans
(b) n ~ 3. I ~ I i.e.. uplO 3p orbital
IS'2S'3P 6 3S'3P' ~ 18 Ans
(c) n~3.1=I&ml=-1
Upto 3Px
1S'2S'2P6 3S' 3Px' 3P' Py'
Upto 3Px~only 16'''0' are present in 3px
Note:- In general condition there is no difference in energy, so e' will be tilled in 3p orbital as
IS'2S'SP6 3S' [f[JIJIJ
12 e' 3Px 3py 3P,.
4th e"
Total 16 e' Ans
(d) n ~ 3, I ~ I, m=-I &s~ +-
1S'2S'2P6 3S'
12 e' 3px - s _ +112-----J total = 13 e'
Sol: (a) c ~ VA wave speed. wave length & frequency"are purely wave properties, so describing
behaviour of wave motion.
(b) E = mc' ~ mass is pal1icle property. so representing particle behaviour..

(c) r = n'a o ~ radius, definite position is done for particle, so describing particle behaviour
(d) E ~ h V ~ v is wave property. so this eq-" is describing a wavefullction.
(e)A = - : A ~ wave property
. m ~ .particle property
.-. so it is describing both particle & wave behavour

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-/EE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rish~_Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Sol.:- (a) n =4. 1=0. m = 0 & S = +X ~4Sorbital

(b) n ~ 3. I =2. m =+1 & S = +X~3dorbital

(c) n = 3. d = 2. m = -2 & S = = -X ~3dorbital

(d)n=3.1 = I. m=+1 & S= -X~3porbital

:. Energy order 3P < 4s < 3d
Sol:- Jc = 554 nm
Energy lost = - x N"
6.626xI0-"x3xI0" 60"
-'---'-=------;---;--'- X ,
_J X
554x 10-"
= 2.16 x 10 5 J = 216 KJ Ans
801:- 2:p + 2~1l ~ ~He
L'lE = L'lmc'
=(2 x mp+2mn-mHe)C'
= (2 x 1.00728 + 2 x 1.008867 - 4.00 15)C'
= 0.030794 x 931.5 Mev
= 28.69x 10'x 1.6x 10""1. = 45.89x 1O"3J
L'lE/mole=L'lE/ x6.023xI0'3 =2.74x 10"J
. 7atom
C,H,(g) + 0, (g) -----"> 2CO, + 3H,O; L'lH = -1427.81 kJ / mol
Let n is the no. of mole3 required to give same amollnt of energy as produced in the
formation of I mole of He-atom,
:. 2.74xl012 = nxl427810J
2.74xI0 12
n= 1.92xlOo
1.43x I 0
:. Volume at 725 mm ofHg & 25 C.
nRT '" 192xlO'xO.082Ix298 =46.97xlO'x 760 =4.92xI07Iit
P 725 725 Ans
Sol:- A = 1. 7 X 10,5 curie
NJc = 1.7 x 10-' x 3.7 x 10 10 dis / see --- - - - (I)
In 1 mg sample ofTc - 99
I x I 0-' 0 _, "
no. of atoms = - - x 6.020 x 10- = 6.084 x 10
Er. RishiKumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-/EE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech.llT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:.(I)=> 6.084xl0 xA=l.7x3.7xlO'

A 1.7x3.7xl0' 1.034xlO-lJs-1
6.084 x 10" Ans
801:- til' = 12.3 years
A = 0.693 = 0.693 8-1
t ll2 12.3x365x24x3600

N = 2.5xI0-6 x6.023xIO"
:.A=NA = 2.5x6.023 xl0 17 x 0;693
3.02 12.3 x 365 x 24 x 3600
= 4.986x 10" x 1.786x 10''>

=8.905xlO'dis/sec = 8.905X\~8 Ci=0.02406Ci

3.7xlO Ans
801:- (a) 92 U
:.n~A-Z=238~92~ 146
.!'.= 146 > 1.54
Z 92
So it we try to decrease.!'. ratio by changing its mass no. b a -decay.
:. Stability region 1<- < 1.54
(b) ~B

n 3
Z 8
:. So it will try to increase.!'. ratio which can be done by either /3' -decay or electron-
Z .
(c) "'cu
n = 68 ~ 29 ~ 39
.!'. = 39 < 1.54
Z 29'
Hence the atom is in the stability region, However has no. of proton & neutron both odd
which is an unstable case. So it will undergo /3 - decay to have both n & Z- even.
801:- 28% decay means, 72% remains
Er. Rishi Kumar is one althe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one afthe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for JIl"JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4


N=N o (
-2I )X"
72 = 100(-'-) 1.52hr
:2 tX

c:~ )=G) ';;{h

taking log as both side & solving
tX =3.2}hr

-6a ) 232~6X4 A -4/1 ) ' Pb

90-6)(2 v

x = 232 - 6 x 4 = 208 }
~-6x2+4=82 Ans
.., 8 U _--,-a:.Jr"",,-,,,tjc:.:::"~
Sol:- -9'
3 X = 23490 X
Ans (b);:::-~ 92-'<'
Q38:- ~
Sol:- 103 Lr
256 is divisble by 4, SO 257 belongs to (4n + 1) series
':: Es , 252 is divisible, by 4, so 254 belongs to (4n + 2) series
fiJ- ';;Am, 240 is divisi!)le, by 4, so 243 belongs to (4n + 3) series

Sol:- A = 7 count per min

Ao = 15.3 count / min

. = A ( -1 )
A o

_7_ = (J..) 5770y""

15.3 2
taking logrithim on both side & calculating
t = 6520 years.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for llT"JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna 4

Sol: %; 1620 years = 1620x365x24x60 sec

. A.= 0.693 = 0.093 8.138xI0losec"
.. ~I;~ 8.5 x I0'"
=8.14xI0" x6.023xI0"
A = 2. J 6 x 109 dis / minute Ans

@41:'(206 Pb)=0.2323
Sol:- 238 U -1- = 100
%of Uranium = 4.5 x 10" years
.'. 206pbt + I 23 + I
238U 100
206Pb + 238ut 123
238u 100
_ _'_-0 123
=_=> _''"Ut
_ =100
''"Ut 100 ","U 103 l={J -

Nt 100 (I) t
NO = 123 = :2 4.5xI0'
taking logrithum & calculating we have
~ t = 1.34x 10'years Ans
\.2::) Q42:
Sol: At = A ( '2I)~'
2.1 x 10' = 7x 10' (l)_t_
2 3.8

I~ =(~)>s.8
Calculating for t, by taking logarithm, we have
t = 6.6 days Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

Sol:- %= 3.83days
t = 10 days

N =N
r .0
2 ,

Nt =NO ( ~1 )/~l

i\N + NO~ Nt = NO{(~f~J"}

i\N= {( ~I
- ),I~l -I }'=0.164
(jj)NO 2 Ans

Sol:- A(dis/sec) = 3.608x 10'0

Also At wt = 226 g .

c. A =AN=Ax-.!lLx6.023xI0" =3.608xI0 1O

"~ . til _ 0.693 _ 5. 1j X ID'O sec
12 --,-- 0

,20/ A Ans

501'- tl/
. /2=1620year
A= 0.693 s" = 1.356 x 10'"
1620x365x 24x3600
Also ifw is the wt of radium required to have Activity of I millicurie
A -Ix 10"ei = Ix 10'" x3.7x 10 10
~3.1xIO'~ AN

3.71 xC'" . .356 X 10- 11 x~x6.023x 10"

W= 3.7x10'x226 102.35 x lO"g
~ 8.17xI0"
(J1/ 3
=1.0235 x 10- g Ans

501:- similar way as in Q = 45

We have w = 0.22 mg Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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C By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. 1fT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

'~J .'
Sol:- No. of atoms ~ i x 6.023 x I0"

% ~ 1600years

A~ 0.693 1.37 x 10- 11 sec-I

1600 x 365 x x24 x 3600
N 602.3 x I 0"

:. A ~AN ~ 1.37 x 10- 11 x 602.3 x I 0" 3.66x IO lO dps

It Na, let w is the weight which gives same rate of dps.

N ~ W x 6.023 x 10"
A= 0.693 = 1.28 x I 0-'
:. A = AN ~ 1.28 x I 0-' x60.23w x 10"
3.66x 10 = 3.21 WX \0 17

@:_ W= 3.66x10
3.2lxI0 g
g Ans

Sol:- (14C) ~0.7(14C)

12c , 12c 0
"c convert into "c after disintegration
:. "c, + "Ct~ "Co + "Co (at time t, total atoms will be same as t ~ 0)
14C)+ I ~ 14co + 12co
( 12c , 12c, 12c,.
Not required to calculate "c, in terms of "Co we can just apply disintegration law to the
ration it self-

( ~)
= (~) (~)~
12c 2 0

i2Z t = 5760

( ~)O
12 C
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AJEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

0.7 = C)5760 I

6!-t = 2964 years Ans

Sol:- t = I hr
V of He gas at STP = 11.21it

:. no. of atoms obtained = 11.2 x 6.023 x 10" = 3.01 X 1023

:. Disintegration per hr = 3.01 x 10"
... 3.01xlO"
DlsmtegratlOn per sec = = 8.36x at"
No. of atoms (given) = lOx 6.023 x 10" = 6.023x 1024
:. A=AN
8.36xlO+ 19 = Ax6.023xI0"
A = 8.36 xl 0-' = 1.38 xl 0-' S-l
:. t ll2 = % = 49920.86sec

S '5
%= 49920.86 hr ",13.48hr
2 3600 Ans
Sol:- ~~ Co has disintegration per min = 240 atoms I minute
% (Co) = 5.2 years
A = (dPS) = - = 4atom/sec
A= 0.693 xN
5.2 x 365 x 24 x 3600
N = 4x5.2x365x24x3600 =9.465xI0"
At = 100 dpm

~> 100 = (~)t,

. 240 2
Solving by taking logrithum on both side. we have
t = 6.6 years

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of We best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
. Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 146
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

Q51:- @)
Sol:- t = 0, Cpm = 1000
t = 1 hr, Cpm = 992


992=IOOOG):Y, => I~~~ - C):Y,

log(0.992)= %log2 => - 3.488 x 10' = %x0.301
-lhr .' -Ihr

til 0.0301 ~6.3hr

12 3.488x 10 J .

t'P\ till 86.3hr '62d

~jI2=24=J' ays Ans

Sol:- 208 pb <----+ "'lh

N pb, + 1 = 15.6 + 1
N 232Th , 1
N('ospb, + m lh,) 16.6
N(m lh,) 1

N(232Th o) 16.6 (Since all disintegrated Th converts in to Pb)

N(232Th,) I
:. N(208 Pb, + 232Th,) = N("'Tho)

.. N("'Th,) = N("'Tho ) Gty,

16 6 = U} 19>'0"',

'Calculating t, we have
~ t = 1.39 x 10 10 x4.05 = 5.63 x 10 10 years. Ans
(V53 :-
Sol:- A. B
B, 1

Er. Kishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE; PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech.!IT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4



A,A = (B] => ty,A =[A] =3.lxI0'

..l,. [A] ty,B [B]

~. ty, B = 3.1 x 10'x 6.45 = 1.9995 x 10'0 years Ans

501:- L'>.E = L'>.mc', L'>.Ea L'>.m

For ;: Ni, L'>.m = (28 x 1.00728 + (58 - 28) x 1.00867 - 57.941 ) amu = 0.553 amu
For ;;Mn ,L'>.m = {2SX .100728 + (55 - 25) x 1.00867 - 54.939} ~ 0.503 I amu
q :. L'>.E=B.E. will be move for the case ;:Ni Ans
501:- B.E / Nucleus ~ 7.575 MeV
:. B.E.~ 7.576x238 ~ 1803.08 MeV
:.L'>.mC' = 1803.08MeV

q (92 x 1.00728 + (238-92) x 1.00867 _ m U 238 ) C' ~ B.E.

q m239.93C' -m(U''')C' = 1803.08Mev
m U 2J8 = 237.93amu

Objective problem's solution:-

C 3xI0'm/s 1
A, =- ='------",--
-x 10'm = 5x 10-7 m =500nm
v 6xlO /s 2
E, _ I A, _ A" _ 4000 _ 2'1
E, - hJ,;z - ~ - 2000 - .

H.C.F For -1.6 x 10. 19 , -2.4 x 10. 19 , -4 x 10 19
-0.8 xl 0. 19
Since charge will be quantized. i.e,. any charge will be integral multiple of some smallest
basic charge
:.-1.6xI0-19, -2.4xI0", .-4xl019
... Basic unit of chare will be - 0.8 x 10. 19 coulomb.
Q4: Ans:- (b, c)
Q5:Ans (b) H+ is not a single e' species
Er, Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er, Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4


E" ~ -13.6ev. (Z:)

= -:' [I.E., =- E, = 13.6eV=> E, = -13.6eV]

. -13.6ev..,
.. E, = =-.J.4ev
- 4
:. I.E, - E,
~ ~ 3.4 ev.
E H, ,= E H ,(Z)' =-3.4lx(2)' =-13,64ev
QlO:Ans (c)

rna n 2

QII: Ans (d)

b.6x 3/
/~ 3 36 2
5 4 5 5
For e
ml ~ -fto+e
QU:Ans:- 4P for any P orbital. e~ I.
QI4:-Ans(b) 2d because in n ~ 2, e~ 2 can't possible
So d- orbital can't possible
QI5:Ans(b), (a)
For n~ 4, ecan be only 0, 1,2. 3 ---
For 4 f orbit also & must be 3. which is not given ina option alsf eo , - (a) is not possible
n ~ 3, t~ 2 =>3d orbital
So maximum no. ofe' ~ 2(21+ I) ~ 2(2 x2+1) ~ 10 e'
no. of orbitals = n2 = 9
According to pauli exclusion principle max_\ll no. of e- in any equal to 2.
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Cbemistry in lIT-lEE 2004and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tala. Patna -4

So, IS' can't be possible

a -particle were used which was nothing but He-nuclei.
Total no. of nodes ~ n-I where n~ principle quantum so the orbitals with some no. of nodes
has same n-value
For mmax = 3
~f1ax = 3
:. n ~ 3 because I varies from 0 to (n-I)
:. no of waves made by e ~ n ~ 4.
Shortest wavelength for maximum energy diff-" which will be in atom of higher atomic no.
which is Ii'+.
Q23: Ans(b)
For first line of Balmar series.
n = 3 to n = 2
For He+ Z ~ 2

.< =R.(Z')(-'----'--)=
2 2
R X 4(9.4) ~ 20R
2 3 36 36
2;lT= nA. Also r, = r(3)' = 9r
For n = I, A. = 21<r :.2"'3 = 3 x .Ie,
A., = 61<r'
For shoriest wavelength. largest energy diff-"
:. ti E (transition will occur from n --> infinity to n ~ I)

To :.tiE=13.6(eV).(I-~)=13.6ev
. ,_tiE _ . _13.6ev
.. A - -X .. x-
hC hC
Also longest A. in Balmar series, tiE from n ~ 3 to n ~ 2
,( I I)
tiE = 13.6evx(2)- - , - , = 13.6eVx-x4
2- 3- 36
13.6evx 5~
A. h/ 5%,
nO. 0 f fa dlatlOn = C2 = - - =
4x 3 6

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-/EE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B,Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4


~> fo = fo Z>
n2 ,
=:> f,06 = ro(I 06)" = 11236 ro

+ (3)' 9
InHe , f5~o-=-a
~ 2 2 0

.2+ (5)' 25
InLI ,r5~ao.-=-ao
3 3
L I +.IS Iarger

Because odd proton & odd neutron nuclei are unstable
Because by a-emission, nip ration decreases.
Isotone has no. of neutrons in its nucleus

no. of neutrons in y ~ 17 - 9 ~ 8
:. no. of neutfons in X ~ 8
:. x = 8 + 8 ~ 16
Q33:-Ans(c} t I.' doesn't depend on quantity of radioactive substance.

Q34:- Ans(b}
Q35:Ans(c} Both have same no. of neutrons
Q36:Ans:-(b} isobar have same mass no.
Q37:Ans:-(b} ;;; Lr belongs to 4n+1 series so it will decomposition ultimately to an atom having
mass no. belongs to (4n+l) series.
Q38:Ans:-(d) m, = m o - (21)'" m = -32 = 2g
= ~o
16 16
Q39:Ans:-(b) halfis counted in one halflife.

Q40:Ans:-(b) NO =
N (1)1;'
2: = 8"I

Q41 :Ans:-(a) No ="4

N 1= (I);;~
"2 (3/4th disintegrates, so remained y., th)

2/ =2 =1hr=:> t
/t l / 2 "
Q42:Ans:-(a} equal no. of atoms of Lead & Uranium means half of the material (uranium)
converted into lead. So the life of sample ~ %
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
. Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 151
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

Q43:Ans:-(d) m = mo ( 2I)){I/
' /2
=> 3= mO (2' => mo = 3x 16 = 48g

Q44:Ans:-(a) N = No (2I)h- - N
- (J
2 -- N 0-?-"

Q45:Ans:-(b) Am" = A, + A,

(N +N,jO.693=N 0.693+ A ,
j - 30 I 2 -
:. To maintain activity same. A 2 must be increased
Q46:Ans:-(d) A/q, it is give that the sample has constant activity of 2000 dis/minute. Also the
activity of individual traction will be equal to activity of the mixture. So the total
activity will remain equal to 200Q dis/min.
'.! ,', ,. ',' .
Q47:Ans:-(O) :. Orbital angular momentum ~ ,Ji(I+i) ~ ',.
Q48:Ans-(a) for de-, (= 2
_ ~ h J6h c
orbital angular momentum = 'V2 x 3 - = - - = ,,6h
2;r 21t
Q49:Ans:-(b) by f3 -emission atomic no_ increase & so the N/p ratio decreases. This makes the -
isotope, move stable.

Q50:Ans:-(d) E : h v
~ Wave prpperty Both are related to each other by this equation.
Particle propartYj!

Er. Risbi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-/EE 2004 and AIEEE 2004, He is
presently one of tIle bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna '4

12. Properties of gases

Sol:- Mass of He- gas ~ 1g
Volume = 2 lit
P = 2.05 atm

n H, =-41
:. PV~nRT

T ~ PV = 2.05x2 2.05x8
nR 0.0821x}:; 0.0821
Sol:- d H, ~ 0.1784 Kglm' at STP
A/q.: Vf~ 1.5 Vi
: mf = mi = constant
:. di = Inl
~> df ~mf =~=~ ~ 0.1784 =0.1189Kg/m'
Vf 1.5Vi 1.5 1.5 Ans
Sol:- d A =1.43g/ STP
T ~ 17C = 273 + 17 ~ 290 K
P ~ 700 torr = 700 atm
We have PM ~ dRT

=> M dRT
= - - = WI
'11 rematn
. same
d.tT, = d,jt'r, =:>d = d P, IL
pi Pl 2. I"Pj "T

700 273 .
d,= 1.43 g/L.-x-=1.24g/ht
- 760 290 Ans
Sol:- W ~ 3.2 g at NTP
Volume of the container is same, so
V = - - = constant
n,.RT, _n,RT,

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

W, 273 = W, 473
--M' 1 M' 16
273 16
W2~ W,.-x-=3.2x9.2346 ~29.55g Ans
473 1
Sol:- We,H, = 5g
l' = 50C = 273 + 50 ~ 323 K
P ~ 740 mm ofHg
nC,H,= -
:. PV=nRT
V = 26 5.2375 lit
740/760 Ans
Sol:- Volume & pressure will remain same as the bottle volume is fixed & since it is open it will be
at constant pressure,
n.T = constant
n,T, =n,Tf
n, Tf 373
niT, 288

Fractional removed ~ nf xl 00

~ ( l-~f) xlOO = (288)

1 - - xl00=22.8% .
111 373 Ans
Sol:- As no. of moles of gases remain same in the bubble
So P,V, = P,V,
1', 1',
3xV, lXV,
(273 + 5) (273 + 25)
- 278 '
, 298x 3 4
= - - x -JTr-
= (- -
3)1, 1', =0.74cl11
3 2 278 3 ' - 278
Sol:- P ~ 10- 6 mm ofHg
T = 25C = 298 K

Er. Rishi Kumar is one olthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. 111' Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4


P~ ~RT
~=~ 760 5.378xI0'"
V RT 0.0821x298
:. no. of molecules per volume ~ 3.23 x 10'" Ans
Sol:- T ~ 25"C ~ 298 K
V ~ 750 cc
P total = 740 111m with Yap press. of water = 24 m111
:. P water vapour + PN 1 = PlOtn1
24 + PN, ~ 740 mm
p,. =716mm
2..!6 x 750x W'
n = PV = 760 0.0288
RT 0.0821 x 298 K
Sol:- V = I lit, P ~ I atm & T ~ 25"C ~ 298 K

1O'4 mm = 10. atm=1.316xI0' 7 atm

PV 1.316x107 xl
n~ -= 5.38xI0"
RT 0.0821x298
:. No. of molecules = n N A ~ 5.38 x 10'" x 6.023 x 10'" = 3.24x 10" Ans
Sol:- V = 1 mm] ~ 10"m] = 10,6 lit
10.6 .
P ~ 10'6 mm ofHg = -atm
l' ~ 25C ~ 298 K
6 6
n= PV = 1O xI0 =5.378xlO'17
RT 760xO.0821x298
:. no. of molecules = 3.24x 10' Ans
Sol:- Wt of empty vessel ~ 38.734 g
WI. of filled vessel ~ 39.3135 g
:. wt of gas filled ~ 39.3135 - 38.734 ~ 0.5795 g
Volume of bulb ~ 500 w ~ 5 x 10" lit

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole cbemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

T ~ 24"C ~ (273 + 24) K ~ 297 K

Effective mass of I mole of air ~ Mol. wt of air
By PV ~ nRT
1x 5 x 10" = 0.5795g x O. - OS21 x 297
M. W. ~ 0,5"95 x 0.OS21 x 297
0.5795 x 0.OS21 x 2fn = JS Of '
0.5 -' ._'g

Sol: As temp & volume remained same. Volume will remain same as the volume of vessel it
It won't change. -
Sol:- W ~ 1.293 g
V ~ 1 lit, at NTP
no. of moles ~ .:!..... = _1_ = 1.293
22.4 22.4' M.water
"" M. water ~ 29 g
For V ~ 1 lit, W ~ 1 g n "i, = 29

P ~ 72 em- a f Hg 72
.- -xl
T~ 76 72x29 =334.6K ~ 61.61 1C Ans
1 76x 0.0821
Sol:- M.W of Hydrocarbon ~ 2.47x M.W. air = 2.47 x 32 ~ 79.04 g Ans
SOliWi ~ 370 g, Pi ~ 30 atm ,T i ~ 298 K
M ~ I atm, Tr~ 273 + 75 ~ 348 K.
Since volume is constant
nRT n T n,T,
V =- - = constant => -'-' =----
P P, P,

370 x298 W'x348 . 370x298

32 32 . ~> W, = 10.56g
30 1 - 30 x 348
:. So wt removed ~ 370 - 10.6 = 359.4 g Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- d ~2.28 g I lit, T = 300 K, I' = 1 atm
PM ~ dRT
M = 2.28xO.0821x300 56.156g
In compound
Elements %bywt %bywt
X Xmin
C 85.7 85.7=7.14 7.14 =1
12 7.14
H 14.3
14.3 = 14.3 14.3 = 2
1 7.14

Empirical formula= CH,

Empirical wi ~ 14
Mol wt = 56
n = Mol.wt 56 = 4
emp.wt 14
:. Molecular fonnula ~ (empirical fonnula), = (CH,), ~ C,H, Ans
Sol:- V ~ 1 x 105 iii
T ~ 268 K & I' = 2 x 10-' aim
Let w is the wi of He required inflating the balloon

M Hc

2 x 10-] X 105 = W x 0.0821 x 268 ~> w = 2 x 10' x 4

4 0.0821x 268 36.36g
1.6 2.2
S 01:- n CH = - = 0.1, n ro = - = 0.05
'16 '44
n ClI + nco, = 0.15
V ~ 4 lit, T = 273 + 27 ~ 300 K.

=> p = nRT = 0.15xO.082Ix300

V - 4 Ans
Sol:- T ~ 100De = 373 K, 1'= 1 aim, d = 0_005970 glee

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna-4-

Mol.wt of water 18g

molar volume (obs) 30.161it
density 0.597 gllit Ans
. RT 0.0821x373
Vmolar (theoretical) =
-==== I
Z= Vo,," = 30.16 =0.985
V'h." 30.62 Ans

I '.~ I ~ I
For partition to be in eq.h, both side should have same pressure. So pressure in Heavy hydrogen
compartment should be also equal to I em of Hg.
If partion is removed, then again pressure of the whole compartment
will be equal to I em of Hg.

Sol:- WN =Ig N, = -
, . 28
Wo =Ig no = -
, '32
Volume ~ 2 lit at T ~ 273 + 27 = 300 K.
PN,v = nN,RT
1J RT Ix00821x300 .
P =N -,-=' =0.44atm
N, V 28x2 Ans
Po, V = na,RT

Po, no,.RT J.. x 0.0821x300 = 0.385atm

v 32 2 Ans
p,,,., = PN, = PO).?OA4+0.385 = 0.825atm Ans
:. PN, = XN,'P"'" =:>X N , = P = 0.53.3

:. % molar composition (N,) ~ 53.3% An.

% molar composition ofO, = 100 - 53.3 = 46.7% Ans
Sol:- V ~ 2.83 lit
WN, =0.174g. & WN , =1.365g
T = OOC = 273 K
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 158
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

n =0.174 &n =!.365

", 2 N. 28

P" = 11",RT = 0.174 x 0.082Ix273 =0.688atm

V 2 2.83
P. = n N , .RT = 1.365 x 0.OR2l x 273 =0.386alm
x, V 28 2.83
Plntal ::::p:-:~ +P11 , =1:075atm

:. P", = nIl,. = 0.688 = 0.639 Ans

PINal l1!oWI 1.075
Sol:- V
= 100cm' = O.lIit
1 ~ 32.5 sec.
V,. = 60 em'

Rateofdiffu;ionofNH, = J
RateofdiffusionofNH, MNH,
100 '
"",32.5 = {28
60 Y17
t, = 32.5 x 60 (28 = 25 sec
N, 100 Y17 Ans


rCit' =2= ~
Sol:- - Mx
- ' - ' =-=4"", Mx=64g
r, Me", 16
Sol:- V", = l.121it
VD =1 121il

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 159
By: Er. Rishi KumareB.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

1.12 lit

1.12 lit

1.12 I I
nil, = 22.4 = 20 => W II, = 20 x 2 = 0.1 g

1.12 J 1
nD, = 22.4 = 20 => Wll, = 20 x 4 = 0.2 g

WIIJ = 0.05g
. wt of H, ditlused ~ (0 1 - 0.05) ~ 0.05 g
r ll = . t H, = JM.W D,

fo, WD; M.w ll ,

to; -

0.05 =
g =.fie til, = t
fi ll

Wll, = 0; = 0.035 g

Weight of H, in 2'" bulb ~ 0.05 g

Weight of 0, in 2"" bulb ~ 0.035 g
... %0 f H,~ --xl00=58.4%
- 0.085 Ans

%ofO,~ 0.035 x 100 =41.6% Ans

o 0.085
Sol:- nlVo of H 2 = 80%
n~;;) of D] = 20%

At temp ~ 25C ~ 298 K. P ~ 1 atm. A ~ 0.20 111m'

PH; :::: X H;,Ptot,ll:::: Q.8atm

Po; ::::: XD~,Ploml:::: 0.2atm

. rll _ PII, JMO, _0.8 ~

.. r ll , - PD, MH, - 0.2 \ '2
nH, effused = = 5656' Ans
nO. effused

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the I:!est teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. 9852476717, 9798984530 Page 160
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola. Patna ,4

Sol:- White fumes will fonn when NH, reacts with HCI to form NH 4 C1.
X P y
_ -NH3
Letx cm is the distance covered by HCI, then in the same duration of time NH, will cover
(200-x) cm.

.d = JMM
.. d:'\lll

; =;
200-x ~V365 ~0.68

x~ 136.5 - 0.68 x
=; X ~ - - ~ 81.245 cm
1.68 Ans

Sol:- VH , ~2 nH 3
=;-" ~-(atcanttotalP&T)
Vo , 1 no. 1
PH, XN, nH, 3
.. - - ' ~--' ~ - - =-
Po, Xo, no, 1

diffusionrateH, PH, JMo, Ans

Diffusion rateO, Po, MH,
Q31 :-
Vel,;' ~ Mo;
I tel,

A/q, Vo, ~ Vcl" to, ~ 3600sec " tel, ~?

:~:: ~ -~'''-

, ~ 3600V3i
fiT ~ 5362sec
'- Rateof diffusion of "'UI;. M .w ""UE (.
1 '~s
Rateof diffusion of ,. UI;. M.w ~-t5UF6

235 + 19x6
P52 ~
,11.0086 ~ 1.0043:1 Ans

Sol:- 30, ==:!:. 20,
Initiolly 1 0

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 161
By: Er. Rishi Kllmar(B.Tech. liT Kanpllr) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

At r~ac_n 1-3x 2x
Total moles now ~ I-x

Now Ro,n. = ~ = J])32

Rll: V~ -l-x
0.9R~ ~

... x = 0.04
2x 0.08
MoIe %l at owne = - - x 100 = --x 100::: 8.25%
I-x 0.96'
Volume l % ::: mole%::: 8.25;;, ADS
SIR 'd' T' fO 2000-1500 500
0:- ate at It USlOl1 0 1= --4-7--::: 47

"'f' f 2000 - 1500 500

Rate of dtf USIOll 0 gas x ::: -
74 74

:: = J~:: => 5~t;4 :)~L/:~~-

:~ ~)~;. ==> ~; =2~~; => .. Mx = 79.3 g Ans

Sol:- Let M. W. of unknown gas is x
Then M.W. oflhe mixture of(IO% 0, & 90% unknown gas)
= 10xM.w o. +90 x M.w x 32+9x
100 10
Rateof diffusion of mix (M:"
N ow
Rateof diffusion of O. vM:
Under the same condition, same volume of mix & 0 1 will be present.
32 to. 75 (32rJ
V. 32+9x ~ t mi: ::: 86 =~~
320 320
0.76=-- =>32+9x=-=420.75
32 +9x 0.76
9x = 388.75
X=43.2 g Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently Olle of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT:JEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 I'.lge 162
8y: Er. Rishi Kumar(8.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, NayaTola, Paina -4

801:- At constant Pressure, volume ratio = molar ratio
n _ 80 _ 8 -08
n O -l00-iO- .

2.30310g(~) = _ Mgh
C1;IQYx9.8 x h
8.3I4x293 Solvingwehaveh~ I3869m; Ans

Sol:- d ~ 0.00009 I cc C" O.OOOOg g I 10'] lit = 0.09 g Ilit
P ~ 760 mm ofHg
T= 273 K

M d

V"" =P~T =3x8.3I4x273

IxIO' kg
= 1838m/s

Sol:- V ~ 1 Iii
no. ofH, molecules ~ L03xlO"
Pressure = 760 mm of Hg ~ I atm

latmxllit I
T~ x
PV = 1.03 IO':. xO.0821 = 1.03xO.082I = 71.225K
nR 6.023 x 10" 6.023

Average squared speed ~ nl1S speed ~ PRT

M =
2x10' Kg
= 942.47m s Ans

Sol:- Escape velocity from ea,ih surface ~ )2g R

= J2x9.8x6.37xIO J =11.l7x10'm/s
Rms speed of hydrogen ~
M _
= 11.17 x 10'm/s

. 3 3 x R.314 x T = II 17 0'
.. 2xI0" . xl

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 163
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemis\ry Classes, Naya Tola. Pa\na -4

~ 3x8.314xT 124.7689xI0'
. 2xlO J
~T= l24.768xl0'x2xlO" '" 100.2 K Ans

Sol:- Rms speed ofH,=

& Rms speed of 0, ~ tRTo

A/q, t t RTH
M H,
' =
M o,

3RTH. 3Rx273 a\NTP [T= 273K]

2xI0' 32xl0 J P = latm

TH, =322x273=17K :.THJc)=17-273=-256C ,An,

o pRT 3x8.314x(273+15)
Sol:-Rms speed of 0, at 15 C~ -M = ~473.8m1s An,
32x 10 J

Rms speed ofNH] at NTP ~ M

pRT ~
3x8.314x273 =672.8m/s

RmsspeedofCH4at500oC~ J3 RT = 3x8.3l4x773 =I097.73m/s Ans

M 16xlO'J
Sol:- PV ~ nRT
P~ -RT
3 3
K.E.of gases = - PV = - nRT
2 2
. 3 3 nRT
K.E. of gases per umt volume = - p:::: - - -
2 2 V

.E=~P ~P=~E An, '-

2 3


. t
801:- Ymps = MRT
Let at temp. T Kelvin Vmps of CO is double to that at T = oOe = 273K,then

Er, Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in I1T-J1iE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemlstryfbrllT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 164
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur] Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

P~T =2PXR~273
T ~ 4x'273 ~ 1092 K
T ~ 819(JC Ans

Sol:- Average squore speed ~ J3~T

For N, ~ .
. 28xI0"
For He at 300 K, Av, square speed ~
4x 10"

AI r3R'T = 3R x 300
q, ~~ 4,,10"
T 2100K Ans
Sol:- K.E. of gaseous molecules -nRT ~
For Avogadro number of gaseous molecule, n =: 1
K.E of gaseous molecules per Avogadro's no. of molecule

~~RT =~x8.314x273=3.4XIO'Joule
2 2
=3.4xI010ergs ADS
3 .
Sol:- Average K.E/mole ~ -x 8.314x 300 = 3.74x 10' Joule Ans
~ 3.74x 10'D ergs. Ans
892 caloric Ans

- Q47:- Sp. heat at constant volume ~ 0.075 call g-degree

C v = 0.075 call g c x 40 g I mole= 3call mol c

R 2
--=3=>Y-l=- => monoatomic gas.
Y-I 3

Sol:- T ~ 627C ~ 627 + 273 ~ 900 K

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004, He is
presently one of the hestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 165
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tala, Patna -4

P ~ 1 atm
W" ~ 1 lit
2S0,'4'.=="'! 2S0, +0,
initial wt . 0.94
Initially no. of moles = :-:-,==-c.c.-:c--(:. wt remam conserved) ~ - - = 0.01175
Mol.wtofSO, gO
2S0,' 2S0, + 0,
Initially 0.01175 0 0
At eq_b 0.01175 -2x 2x x
:. Total no. of moles at equation ~ 0.01175 + x
:. No. of moles at T ~ 900 K & P ~ 1 atm
Volume 11it
molar volume 0.0821x9001it
:.0.01175 + x ~ 0.0135
X = 1.78 x 10']
:. Pso, = 2x xl 2x 1.78 x 10- = 0.266 atm Ans
0.01175+x 0.01353
0.01175-2x 1819,(10-3
P so = x 0.60atm
, 0.01175+x 0.01358
Po, = p"" .., - (PSG, + pso .) ~ 1-0.266 + 0.60 = 0.1286 atm Ans
Q49:- N,O,' ~ 2NO,
Initially I 0
At eg_ h I-x 2x
total moles at eg. b ~ I - x + 2x ~ I + x
A/q, degree of dissociation = 65.6% = 65.6 x 1= 0.656
. 100
:. Total no. of moles at eq_h = I + 0.0656 ~ 1.656
Wt at eq_b ~ wt initially = 92 g
b Wteq_b 92
Mol. wt (eq- ) ~ _ _-'-'-':.2-_~
no. of mole at eq_h 1.656
Mol. wt eq_h = 55.56 g Ans
Sol:- (V" P,) = (15 lit, 2 atm)
(V" P,) = (4 lit, 10 atm)
Eq,.ofline P, - P. (
P- P ,~--' V-V,)
P=P + P,-P2(V_V)
] VI-V~ I

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 166
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

(\I"P,) .


nRT =P,+( P,-P, Jv.c( P,-P, )V,

V V,-V, V,-V,

V, - V, V, - V,
For T to be max, - = 0

dT =_1
dV nR
{p, +2(~JV-(~)V,}=0
V, - V, V, - V,

2( P, - P, )V = P,V, - P,V, P, ~ P,V, - P,V, - P,V, + P,V, = P,Y, - P,V,

V, - V, V, - V, V, - V, (V, - V,)
= P,V,-P,V, 2x4-IOx15
V 8.875
2(P,-P,) 2(2-10)
T mllx
For I mole, n ~l

T m" ~ 2.{2 x 8.875 + (2 -I 0) x (8.875)' _( 2 -10) x 15 x 8.875}

R 15-4 15-4

= ~ {17.75+( ~~}78.7656-(~~)XI33.125}
~ 2.{17.75+96.82+(-57.28)} =2.x57.286= 57.286 =697.76K
R . R 0.0821 Ans
Sol:- WIN. = 7g
7 I
n. =-=~
N, 28 4
P ~ 100 aim & T ~ 27C ~ 300 K
a ~ 1.39 atm lit' mole', b ~ 0.391 lit mar'
From Real gas eq_ll


Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently aile ljfthe best teacher at Patna for Whol~ chemistry for IlT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 167
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

[100+ l.39:~)']( 0.~94)=X00821X300=6.1575


(100+ 0.0~,875)cv-0.0985) = 6.1575

Solving: V ~ 0.0588 lit ~ 58.8 mL Ans

Sol:- b = 4.2x 1O"Iit / mole'l
4 ~ =4.2xlO -,'xl 0''cm',
4N A -11"["
16 ' .
-Jrr'N \ = 42cm'
3 '
l' = 1.608x 10"cm

:. Distance between two molecules ~ 21' ~ 3.2176 x 10,8 cm Ans


Sol:- (p+ a~~'}v -nb) = nRT

( 15+ 10' . (1O-3 x O.0564)=3 x O.0821xT

(15 + 0.6039)(1 0 - 0.1692) = 0.2463T

153.398 ~ 0.2463 T
T ~ 153.398 622.813K Ans
Sol:- NH4NO,(s)~N,(g)+2H,O(g)

2.55 g
- - = 0.0398 moles
T = 26C = 273 + 26 = 299 K
P~745mmofHg~ -atm
Moles ofN, produced ~ moles ofNH4 NO, taken ~ 0.0398 moles

Er, Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in'IIT-IEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530. Page 168
----- .

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur}.Rishi.Chemistry Classes, Naya 1'ola, Patna -4

= 0.977 x 760 =0.9966Iit Ans


Sol:- molar volume = 10.1 lit
at P = 745 mm ofHg
& T = _138C = (273 - 138)K ~ 235 K
.. RT 0.0821x135
For Ideal gas, molar volume ~ -.-= 745/ 11.3 lit
P 1760
'" Given molar volume
:. So the gas doesn't behave ideally.
Elements % by mass %bymass
x YJ'.84
C 46.2 46.2 = 3.85 I
N 53.8 1

Empirical fonnula of cynogen --> CN

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-/EE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 169
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Empirical weight = 12 + 14 = 26 g
At, T = 25C = 298 K,
P = 750 mm ofHg = - = latm
W= I g,
& V= 0.476 lit
PV= W RT ~M= wRT IxO.0821x298 52
M PV 750 x 0.476
:. Mol.wt = Emp. WI. x n
52 = 26 x n => n = 2
:. Molecular formula of cynogen = (CN), = C,N, Ans

Sol:- MA = 2 M B

TA =4.~ ~l=4 TB ~> TA = ~
MA M. 2M B M. T.
. T .../
At constant V & no of moles, --". = P'lPB = 8: I Ans

I V 0 Iume 0 f gas = -
S0:- nRT
- = lxO.0821x373 30.62I,t
Volume of water molecules (of I mole)
'" volume of liq. water molecules
18g ,I8cm3 = 18xlO-3lit
% not available = x 100 = 0.058%
:. % available = (100 - 0.058)% = 99.94% Ans

Objection questions

Ql:A,ns(d):- :. Boyler law: PV = constant (K)

Er. Kishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AiEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE) -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 170
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Fatna -4

log P + log V = 0
Q2 :Ans(b):- V = 20 lit
T,= 100KtoT,=300K
At constant pressure, V x T
V, T, 300
V, T, 100
V2 =3 V,=3x20lit~60lit
Q3:Ans(c) Vi = -
- V = nR2Ti = 4Vi
f Pi/2
Q4:Ans(b) PV ~ constant (at constant n & T)
Pi Vi = PfVf
Pi Vi = Pf. Wi

Q5:Ans(b) VX T
Vf Tf 21it Tf
-=-=>-=-- ~> Tf~546K.
Vi Ti 21it 273K
Q6:Ans(d):- Since 110. ofmo1ec111esl moles are independent from identity of the gas.
So if I lit has N no. of mo1ec11les.
:.4 4N----
Q7:Ans(a):- d x = 3d y
. My =2M x
PxM x =dxRT ------(1)
PyM y =dyRT ------(2)

(1) .,. (2): px . M x = d x

Py My dy

Px =(dx)(M Y ) = 3.2 = 6 time

Py d y M,

Q8:Ans(a):- vxfb

Nq, X A =4X B atsameT

"iT- 4 iT
'J~ 'JM:
Er, Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AlEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe bestteacher at Patnafor Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 171
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

M ~16M => MA~..!-

M 16

Q9:Ans(a):- Mol. mass ~ 2 x v.d ~ 2 x 11.2 = 22.4 g

:. no of moles in 22.4 g = 22.4 ~ 1

:. Volume at NTP ~ I x 22.4 lit ~ 22.4 lit Ans
QIO:Ans(c):- no, = 37j2 ~ I .

n ~ - ~ 1.5
H. 2
n lotal =: n Oe + llH: = 2.5
total volume occupied = 2.5 x 22.4 lit ~ 56 lit Ans
Qll:Ans:- no. of moles remain same
Wso, Wo, Wo, Mo, 1
- - - ~ --- => ---- ~ - - - ~-
Mso 2 MOl WS0 2 Mso 2 2
Q12:Ans(c):- At constantt V. Pan
:. ifno. of moles is halved then pressure will also reduce to %.
n 3
Q13:Ans(d):- --"- = - Let nA = 3x ~> nB = 5x
n. 5
PA + P B a (nA + nB) & P B a n.
_ PA + Ps _ Il A + 11 B _ 8x
-> - - - - --
PB US 5x
8 8
-~- =>PB~5atm
PB 5
'A ()._ nCH, _ WrH~ I MCH,
QI4 . ns a . - W /
n0 1 2/.'
- f Mo,
(Given wCH, = Wo,)
:. Xo, ~-
:. Po, ~ Xo, ~ ~
PtoWI - 3

PA.M A =d"RT
P.M. ~dBRT

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9.798984530 Page 172
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

PA =~.MB =2:2=4:1
Q16:Ans(d):- Pf= P,V,+P,Y, = Ix600xO.5x800 600+400 ~ 500 mm
V,+V, 2 2

Q17:Ans(a):- ~: = T= )~: =N: . :: = I~

Q18:Ans(a):- CO, & N,O have same molar mass.

Q19:Ans(a):- r", = mil, =) Mo, = (32 = 4

ro, rna, MH, 'fT
2 2 I
- =4 =>mo , =-4 =-2 g
Q20:Ans(a):-H" 0, N, & He, that gas will be reinflated which will be ofleast Mol. Wt.
nCH MH, 2 I
Q21:Ans(b):- - - ' =----(forequalnot)=-=-
nH, MCH 4 16 8
nil. :;::;:-
--- 8
nrH~ 1

Q22:Ans(c):- Sp.gravity = dwo '" dWb

dWaleT .g llit
Also for gas CCl" PM ~ dRT
Ix54=dxO.0821x273 ~> d= 154 =6.875gllit
:. sp gravity = dWb = 6.875 g !lit
Q23:Ans(c):- T = 27K
P = 1.5 bar = 1.5 attn
Vms = I x 10' emls

1fT is increased 3 times, Vrrns =J3.vrrns =,J3 x I0' em I s
Q24:Ans(a):- Vrms = 3 J =~3X3.14 =~9.42 =-JI,1775 ~ 1.085: I
Vavg ~ 8 8

Q25:Ans(a):- Ti = 27C = 300K

T, = 927C,1200K
... sinceVx.JT

Er. Risbi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 173
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Vr = [T;=~1200=2
Vi 1fr: 300.
Vr = 2xO.3m/s=0.6m/s Ans

Q26:Ans(a):- :. K.E/ I = ~ RT
Imoe 2
Q27 :Ans(b):- 1; = 400 K
Tr =800K
:. K.E is increased by two times:. K.Ea T.
Q28:Ans(a):- T i ~ -123C ~ 150 K
T, 27"C = 300 K
K.E.f n Tr 2x II, 300
: . - - = -r . - =>-=-.- . .. =>nr=n i
K.E.f n i 1; x n, 150
Q29:Ans(b):- K.E. is independent from mass

K.E= ~nRT
3 3 8.314
Q30:-Ans(a):-lt.E. of gas molecules = -KT = -x
, 2 , 2 6.023xI0'
" x 273 = 5.66x 10':' J.
Q31:Ans(a):- Again because K.E is independent from mass.
Q32:Ans(d):- K.E. only depend as temperature not on identity.
Q33:Ans(b) n,C v, + n,Cv, + n,Cv, = (n, + n, + n,)Cv.
3 5
1. -R +1-R+1.3R = (1+ 1+I)Cv
2 2
R(8 4 +3)
Cv~ 2 2R
3 3
~=2R ~Y-l=i ~Y=~+1=10=1.428
Y-I 3 7 7 7

Q34:Ans(b):- K.E/ I =iRT,tlK.E.=iRtlT

7moe 2' 2
,For monoatomic gas, Cp = 53%R = -5R
13 -I 2

tlQ = ~ MT = ~R(fortlT = IOC)

2 2
:. tlK.E. for tlT = 1= ~ R :. fractional tlK.E =i
2 'tlQ 5
Q35:Ans(c):- gas can be liquefied easily ifintennolecular forces ere higher & it will happen if
value of a is larger.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna ftJr Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 174
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur} Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Order of a
NH, >CH 4 >N, >0,
:. NH J can be liquefied more easily.
3 5
Q36:Ans(b)(l+l)Cv= 1.Cv, + I.Cv,~ -R+-R=4R
. 2 2
Cv ~ 2R = 4Cal

Q37:Ans(d):- :. Av. Translational K.E.~ .'l. KT. Proportional to temp.

3Rx50 3Rx800
Q38:Ans(c) VnnsH! = - - => VnnsO:,
2xlO-3 32x 10')
_ VnnsH, -'1
V 1msH - vnnsO , => -
. - Vrms0 2
Q39:Ans(b):- l, = 1. For ideal gas
z= PV =1

Q40:Ans(b):- r1h =
f He ~.2
II = J2 r ll
=> - ' =
=,,16 to, =;. to, =4xt
t - I-I~
Dc H;

So, the time taken by 0, for diffusion of same amount as that of 0, is 4 times greater.
:. 5x4 = 20sec

Q41:Ans(b):- PanT => Pf = l1 f Tf

Pi l1 j Ti

N'04 ' ' 2NO,

Initially: I 0
Finally: 10.2 0.4
PI' = 1.2x600 =2.4atm totalmoles=1.2
1 1x 300
Q42:Ans(b):- Atomic spheric pressure = 10,000 x 9.8 = 9.8 x 10' N/mL '" 1x 10' KPa
Q43:Ans(C):-l,= PV = Ix22.4 22.4 =1
RT 0.082 I x 273 22.4
d M
PM = dRT => - = - =;. 2.86 = ..,.-::-=-:M=-:c::-:c
P RT 0.0821 x 273
M = 64.06g

Q45:Ans(d):- :. Vnns = ~3~T

Q46:Ans(d):- 76x13.6xg=hxlxg
h = 76xI3.6cm=I033.6cm

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 175
~ ... ------

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4


V= (n~T]T
Slope is max_Ill for 1.
:. order of slope

(n;) >(n;), > ( ' : l

P, > P, > P, Ans

Q48:Ans(a):- 2H, + O,.'==~' 2H,o

P 0.588 0.302
Clearly limiting reagent is H,
because required H, = 2 x 0.302 atm = 0.604 atm > given amount

Q49Ans(b):- (or)
oP H
= +ve, ifT < Tc

:. T decreases as P decreases, so cooling occur

( cP
~) H
=-ve, ifT>Tc

:. T increases as P decreases, so heating occur.

Q50:Ans(d):- From previous explanation
Q51 :Ans(a), (d) :. Preal + P1l;;,11 + -~ & Vrea1 = Vrca1 - nb
Q52:-Ans(c):- because at T ~ 273 K, V",o',,' = 22.41it
atY = 373 K, V"",,, = 30.61it

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 176
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala i Patna -4

Chapter13. Dilute Solution and Colligative Properties

Sol:- 2 g of urea CO(NH 2)2

n = 2 =2=l-=0.0333
ucea 12 + 16 + 2(16) 60 30
WI. of water = 31.4 g

:. n wa", = 311~4 = 1.744

. X = nu"" = 0.0333 = 0.018 '" 0.02 Ans
.. urea
m urea + nwater 1 . 7777 .

Sol:- When solution is very dilute.
molality '" molarity
& when solution is not dilute then molality * molarity
Sol:- Wt of sugar (C ,2 H 22 0 1 d = 34.2g
Total wt of sugar syrup = 214.2g
Wi of water (solved) = 214.2-34.2=180 g
:. molality = 34.2/342 x 1000 = 10 = 0.556m
180 8
X'Ug"'=34.~42l80 0.1 =~=0.0099 Ans
_~+ __ 0.1+10 10.1
342 18
Sol:- molality = 4 m = ns xl 000
wt of solvent
x = Us
wt of solvent
S n S + n Solvent ns nsolvent
wt of solvent wt of solvent
1000 = 0.004 = 0.0672 Ans
4 1 0.0595
1000 18
:. slI1ce soI t 'IS wat er (n,,,,,, -_
ven 1 = -1 )
. Wwater M .W Water 18

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -98"2476717, 9798984530 Page 177
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) RishiChemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- % by wI = 70%
Sp. Gravity = 1.42
d"l" = 1.42g/ml
'M I 't - %bywtx density x 10 70x1.42xlO __ 142x7 ~-15.8M Ans
.,0 an y - Mol.wt = 63 639
Now since Y.f. of HN0 3 = 1 HN0 3 = 1
.., Mol. WI. = Eq.Wt.
& Molarity = Normality
Sol:- % by wI ofNaCI = - x 100 = 10%
d S01 " = 1.07 g / cc
'M I ' = %bywtxdSol"xl0_lOx1.07xl0_1829M Ans
" 0 anty - - .
M.w 58.5

Molality = 'x8.5 x 1000 = 1.899 m . Ans

- 9
Sol:- % by wI = 50% of C,HsOH
... Wt of C,HsOH = 50gin50 gof solvent
~ C H OH = 50/46 xl 000 = 1000 = 21. 7 M Ans
, 5 50 46
% bywt x d"ol" X 10 50 x 0.9144 x 10
.., Molarity = = = 9.93 M Ans
M.w 46
". 146 1.087
rna Ie ,racllOn - SOl SOl = = 0.281 Ans
. 1'40+ 118 1.087+2.778

Q8:- Molarity = n,oIUio, xl 000 = n So1u ". x d Sol x 1000

Vsolution wtsolutlon
n Solute xl 000 X dsol
M= n,oluio x dsol x 1000 Wt So1 \'enl
Wtso!ute + Wtsolvent Wtsolute Wtso1ventJ
( Wt Solvent + Wt solvent

M = m X d Sol =:}M= m x d::;OI"

nSolute X MSo!ute + IJ ( ...---I'Il-
x M'+ 1)
( Wtsolvent

dsol n =M ( -M'
-+-1 J Ans
1000 m

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry. for lIT-JEE, PMT& AlEE E)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 . Page 178
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. IITKanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Fatna -4

Q9:- 400 g with 20% solution

... Wt of solute = 400 x - - = 80g
... 50 g has precipitated,
So 30 g has remained, wt of sol = 350 g
30 300
... % btwtofsolute= -'-x100 = - - =8.6% Ans
350 35
QI0:- 25 g of CuS0 4 .5H 2 0
... 249.5 of CuS0 4 .5H1 0 contains 159.59 of CuS0 4
. I 159.5
.. 25 ~~~:~X25=15.98g
For 8% sol, Let x is the wt of solution
Wtofwater= 199.75-25 = 174.75 g Ans
Sol:- Vwa", = lIit, d = 1000 g / lit
WWa'" = V.d = 1000 g
wt of soln = 500 x 1.20 = 600 g
Total wt of sol = 1600 g
Also wt of HN0 3 = 600 x 100 192 g
... % by wtof HN0 3 = - - x 100 = 12.0% Ans
Sol:- Total wt of solution = 300 + 400 = 700 g
_ 25 40
1 otal wt of solute = 3pO x - - + 400 x - -
100 100
= 75 +'160 = 235 g
... % by wt (Now) = - - x 100 = 33.57% Ans

% by wt x d. " x 10
Sol:- Nomality = Sol

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently olle of the bestteacher at Paloa for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 179
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

9.28= %bywt x 1.31xlO

% bywt = 9.28 x 4 = 28.336% Ans
801'- X :::: po Solvent - PSolution :::: ~
. Salute pO 100

_--.:n:::S!i<Ot!.C'O"'' '-_ = 2
nSolute + USolvent 100

_ _-.:.wt:...::-'!~)~t,,,,,o!.Lt_ _ = 2
nsolutc + nSolute 100
wtsolvent wtSolvcnt

1.68 1

Sol:- X Sucor" = 1 6i4~ 5

6 = 1 200 = 5 X 10- = 5.734 X

- ' - + - ' - --+0.867

342 18 200
At 100 oC,pa Sol "nt = 760 torr

POSOlvent -PSolution ::::5.734xlO-3

pO Solvent
P,nl",;on = 760 - 760x 5.734x 10')
= 760 - 4.358 = 755.6 torr
... PSo"hoo = 755.6 torr = 755.56 em of Hg Ans
( ... I torr = Imm of Hg)

760-756 4
XSO!'" = 760 = 760

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and A1EEE 2004. He is
presently ane af the hestteacher at Patna far Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717. 9798984530 Page 180
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

756 . nS(lI\'~rlt

342 4
1000 756
Wt of solute = _4_x_3_42_x_IO~O_0 100.53g ADS
756 x 18


M. 32 6.1 7432
50~',:n~ = - ~--x-=-

/74 410 M Seh'" 50 410

M = 6.lx74x410 115.67g ADS

Solute 50 X 32
Sol:- P"m~ = 143mmofHg
WtofCCl 4 = Vm~xd"" =100xI.58=150g
'= 158 158 = 1 0~6
11CC1~ 12+4x36.5
.. 154 .-
W IlOIl I'olalll~ = 0.5 g
= ~
= 7.7 x 10-)

.X :::: nSolute:::: 7.7xlO- 143- Psollllioll
.. Sele"
I .037
PSel,,,;o,, = 143-143x7.45xI0-) = 141.93mmofHg ADS

p -p
X :::: water slll
Sol:- => ~"(ll_"

Solute p :::: Pwnter (I - XSo\ute )


For molality = I In

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEE'E 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 181
By: Er. Rishi KlImar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tala. Patna -4


11 Solute wt Sol '"'"1

X Solute = ---""""--
nSolute + nSOlWI11 nSol~ + llSolvcm

wtSo)\"ent wtSoh"ent

m 1
X = __1",,0=00,,-;- = ---!-i0""0,,,-0-,-, = _ _0_'0_0_1- 0.0177
~l_"_+~ __ +_ 0.001+0.055
1000 18 1000 18
... Psol- = PW<lter(l- xSOlure)
For (b), X Sol,". is less, so Psol-" will be higher.
' X
Q20 .- - 7140 0.1428 = 0.03
Solute - 20 80 4.587
140 18

160 = 0.03 J X pOsolllte+ (1- 0.0311)x 150

160-144.42 = 0.03.poS Oh"
. 14.58 = pO
0.031 Solute

pOSol,,, = 470.5mm ofHg ADS

Sol:- db,",,", = 0.879g/cc
d""", = 0.867 g/ cc
If V is the volume % of benzene
% of toluene = (1 OO-V) ml
... Total mass (100 mt) = Ybellune X dbenzene + Vlolal X dtoulene
= VxO.879 + (100- V) x 0.867
:. d "= total mass 0.879V +0.867(100- V) ADS
,,1- total vol. 100
Sol:- PO"h..", = 44.5mm ofHg & pO Methanol = 88.7 mm of Hg

n = W"h,"ol = 60 g = 1.3 0 & n = Wrnethal10l 40g=J.25

ethanol M 46 Methanol M . 32

. ethanol g methanol

:. X ethanol = I .3 + 0.51

X = 1.25 0.49. ADS

IItelhanol. 1.3 + 1.25
ptOlal -- X etll' po elh +X met po meth

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IITJEE 2004'and AIEEE 2004. He is
preseRtIy one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi KlImar(B.Tech. liT Kanpllr) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

=0.5Ix44.5+0.49x88.7 = 66.16 mm ofHg

... P'cthmlOl=Xcth.pOeth=O.51x44.5=22.7 mmofHg ADS
P'Melh<lllol = X ll1e1h .po meth = 0.49 x 88.7 = 43.46 mm of Hg ADS
P' ~7 7
... X = ethanol = --=.::..:.....- = 0.34 ADS
0:1h:1I101 P 66 16

Sol:- p"t, = 22 mm of Hg
pOT = 75 mm ofHg
r\"llll'OI1 = 50 mm of Hg
Let mole fraction of benzene is = Xh
mole fraction of toluene is = I-X h
:. Psol-" = V".po" + XrP",.
50~ X b .22+(I-X,,).75
50 ~ 75 + Xb (22 -75) ~ 75 - 53X h
53X b = 75 - 50 = 25
. 25
:. X" = - = 0.47
... mole fraction of benzene = 0.4 7
Mole fraction of toluene = XI = 1- X;}= 0.53 Ans

In vapor phase X 'b = _ .p'b = 047,22

Ptollil 50
t 0.20

... X\ = XTpO T = 0.53x 7 = 0.80 ADS

Plota] 50
Sol:- p.So I- " = 290 mm of Hg
p pA =210 mm ofHg
Xu = 0.65
... X p A = 1- Xu = 1- 0.65 = 0.35
:. PS01 -" = XEA.POEA +XPAPOp_A

290=0.65pO EA +0.35x210

po = 290-73.5 333.12 mm ofHg ADS

I.A 0.65
Sol:- For equal no ofmolecliles of benzene & toluene, they have equal moles
& so mole fraction of each one will be ~

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 183
By:. Er. Rishi KlImar(B.Tech. liT Kanpllr) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Xb = X T = 2"
po" = 95.1 111111 ofHg
pOT = 28.4 111111 of Hg
pSGr." = Xbpob + XTpOT
= - x 95. I + - x 28.4 = 61.75 111111 of Hg
2 2
-'. X" = XbP", = 0.5x95.1 =0.77
, P"
X" = 1- X'b = 0.23
Pal1ial pressure of benzene = Xb.p\ = 47.55111111 of Hg
" .,,, = X,..P,\ = 14.2 111111 of Hg Ans
Sol:- pOT = 32.06111111 of Hg
p\ =.I03.01111I11ofHg
(al p""." = Xb.p\ + X,..p\ = (1- X, lP\ + XTpo.,
= O.4x 103.01 + 0.6x3.206 = 60.44 111111 ofHg

X'T = X,.P,. = 0.6x32.06 =0.318 Ans

P,",,,, 60.44
Sol:- pOw",,, = 92.5 n1111 of Hg
pOethvlalcOhol = 219.9mmofHg
For the case of water as a solvent
x = IlSo11l1e 120 0.05 = 0.05 = 5.96x 10"
S"llllc n +n 6 150 0.05 + 8.33 8.38
Solute Solvent -+-
120 18
pO ._P 3
. watet sol"
Relative lowering ofv.p = X,<>'"" = 5.96x 10. = 0.006 Ans

For the case of ethyl at alcohol

XSolute =
nSolule .~20150 0.05 = O.oI5 Ans
6/ +_
IlSo1utc + "Solvent 3.31
7120 46
-'. Relative lowering of vap. Press = Xs<>,,,,, = 0.015 Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717. 9798984530 Page 184
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- Jr = CRT; where C= molarity of sol-"

1%.t 0.0821x 270(T = 27K)
M= 0.0821x270x760 =207.986g ADS
Sol:- Since Psol" = 2295.8 < Pw,te, so the solute will be Nonvolatile also.
pOw",,,-PSol" =x :::;>2338-2295.8= 42.4 =0.0]8
pO Wmer Soltl.e ')""8
... XSolute = 0.018

~OOO 1 =0.018
0.018 => / Msoln:nl
0.018 =>
n Solute + n Solvent + IlSokenl

WSolvenl 11 501 \"enl

18m =0.018
18 m = 0.325 m + ] 8
(17.675)m= 18 =>m= 1.0184
Now= d=M ( -1M'
+ - -)
m 1000

= 1.01 = M C.0~84 + 1~~0)

M= 1.01 0.98

C.~84 +1~0)
= 0.98x 0.0821 x 313 = 25.18atm = 2.55 x] 06 Pa ADS
(": 1 atm = 1.01325x 10' Pal
Jr = CRT'= (4.48/286 x 1000)0.0821 x 298
C is the molarity of the 501-"
Jr = 3.83 atm ADS
Sol:- Wt of the solute ~ 10.1 g
In vapour phase, volume ofthis amount of solute = 4 lit
at T = I OOoC = 313 K
P = 70 cm ofHg

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717.9798984530 Page 185
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

PV = nRT
W M = WRT = 1O.lxO.082Ix373 84 g
M PV 4x 7%6

. 20 Yo
Molarity pf2% (2g per 100 ml of 501-") = . 84 x I 000 = - = 0.238
100 84
:. Jr = CRT = 0.238x 0.821 x 273 = 5.336 atm Ans
Sol:- Jr = 7.7atm at 40C

(a) Jr = CRT => C=.!!...= 7.7 0~9mole/

RT 0.0821x313 .- llit
(b) m" 0.29 .
:. L\Tr = K r x m = 1.86x 0.29 = 0.5394C
:. TOr - Tr",_" = 0.5394C

o- ~'Ol." = 0.5394C
Tf,ol." = -0.5394"C Ans
Sol:- For isotonic 501-", osmotic pressure are same as at same temperature
Jrgh,c<lse = JrglvCel'Cne

C,,,,.RT = Cg1y.RT
O"lu n g1y
=> _,-----"o'"--c-,,-
volumesol-" volumeof sol"
10.2/' :y,
=> .' M.W =' 180xl000
llit 100
M.W.= 10.2x18 91.8g Ans
Sol:- Wt of sucrose = 45 g /Iit
Mol. wt = 343
Jr = 2.97atm at 273 K.
Jr = CRT
2.97=.LW xRx 273
R = 2.97 x 343 0.08271it -atm / mol-K Ans
45 x 273
Sol:- L\T, = K f x m

Er. Rishl Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE. PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

= K,. x wt solute x 1000

Mol.wtsoilitc x wtsollent
-I. 86 x
- 6.84 x ""lOa 2 (Sucrose C"H"O,,)
342 x 500 - --
= 0.0741 oC
:. 0- T'so," = 0.0744 (Freezing pI. of water = OC)
T,.,,,,_,, = -0.0744C ADS

Sol:- ~T,. = 1000 = K,. x m
Wl '
= 1.86 X S",,,,, x J 000
M. W Gln,crsol X WtSoln~1l1
Wt .
10 = 1.86 X SO,",, x 1000 M. W. Glycersol = 92 g
92gx 1000
:. wt solvent = - - = 494.6g ADS
Sol:- Percentage by wt of urea = 10% & % by wt of glucose = 5%
m",,, = /60 x I 000 = 1000 = 1.96
85 85x6

= -'-,- x 1000 =
,,,,,,,,, 85 I 80 x 85
:. m = ml;',,' + mg," = 1.96 + 0.3268 = 2.2876
:. ~T, = K,. x m = 1.8x 2.2876 = 4.255"C
O-T,,,,,_,, =4.255C :. T,.""_,, =-4.255"C ADS

Sol:- Let a paJticular wt is bought, then
~ 1;. = K f x . WSO [UIC xl 000
Mol.wtSo'ute x WtSoln:nr
So that solute will lower the freezing point more this has lower molecular wI.
Since M.W.(CH 30H) < M.W.(C,H,OH)
.-. So CH30H will lower the freezing pointl11ore at the same price, so it will be better anti
Sol:- Let w is the wt ()f ice that separates out it25g of glycol (C,H 4 (OH),) is added to IOOg of
:. Wt of solvent now = (100-w)
For this wt of solvent, ~ T, = IOOC, since the sol-" is freeze up to - 10C

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the beslleacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 187
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

L'. Tf = IO"C = K r x m

10=1.86x 25 .. xIOOO
62x (I 00- w) .
lOO-w = 25 x lOOx 1.86 = 75
W = 100 - 75 = 25 g Ans
801:- Let VWntcr x for which solution freeze at - 10 DC
=> 1.12
VC,H,O, .x wtH,o x
wt . 1.12
1.12x wtH,o x wtH,o x

now, m= wtCH"o, xIOOO= 1.12xl000 :.m= 1120

62xwtH,o 62x 62x
Now, L'.Tr=Krxm =>1.86x--=10 =>x=3.36 Ans
. Q41:-
Sol:- Osmotic pressure = Pgh = 0.88 x 980 x 0.24 cm
= 206.976g = 206.976 x I0- kg = 20.6976 N-m'
em - sec::! 10-1 m - s"ec::!
Now 7T=CRT

20.6976 =
.W x 1000JX lOx 8.314 x 298

M.w = 2 x 8.314x 298x 10J 2.39 xl 0 5 Ans

Sol:- L'.T, =5.3
K r = 39.7
L'.T, = K r x x 1000
M. yv Solute X wt carnphol

5.3=39.Tx 0.1 xlOOO

M.w Solute X 5
M 39.7 x I00=150g Ans
,WSohltC::::;: 5.3x5
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one afthe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

501:- ~T, ~ K" x m

(100.39 - 1OO)D e ~ 0.52 x Wt,o'"" x I000

M.\VSolliIC x WtSoh'em
0.39 0 e = 0.52 x 1.23 g / x I 000
M.o/~ollileX 10

MW ~0.52xI23 164g Ans

. Solute 0.39 '--'
501:- For 1 g of AB], ~ If ~ 2.3
~Tf~Kfx xlOOO
M.w~ 5.lx100 ~110.87g
2.3x 2
Similarly For I g of AB,. ~ If ~ 1.3
~Tr ~ Kfx x 1000
M.W"B, x20
M.w ~ 5.lx100 196.154
AB, 2x 1.3 g
:.At. wt. A + 2At. Wt. B= 110.87 g
At.wt A + 4Atwt B ~ 196.154 g
2At.wt B = 85.284
At.wtB = - - ~ 42.64g Ans
:. At wtA = 110.87 - 85.284 ~ 25.58 g Ans

801:- ~Tf =0-(0.93)~0.93e
Wtglycose :::: 45g
Wt"",,, = 500 g
M.w. of glucose ~ ?
0.93~ Kfx x 2000
M.W ~ 1.86x90 ~ 180
0.93 g
Simplest formula: eH]O
:. Wt of simplest formula = 30 g
Mol.wt = 180 g
:. 11 ~ Mol.wt ~ 180 ~ 6
wtofsimplestfonnula 30

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 189
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. Molecular formula = (CHlO)" = C"H'lOr, ADS

Sol:- Kt= RT,,' = 1.98 x (373)' 0.5l4 DCm" ADS
1000lv 1000 x 539.9
R = 1.98 cal / mole K
T h = 373 K for water
Sol:- K" = 3.88 "C.m"
WComphor ::::: 0.3 g
Wtchlorotonn ::::: 25.2
ilT" = 0.299 C

'-',= K bX WCaPhor
I 000
l M,Wcaphor x WtChloroform

0.299 = 3.88 x 0.3 x 1000

M.Wcall1phor x 25.2
MW = 3.88x300 I ADS
. C,mpho, 0.299x 25.2 .54g
Sol:- K = _R_T_r'_ = 1.98 x (273)' = 0.184DC ADS
r 10001, 1000x80

Sol:- Kb CCl = 5.02
TOb CCl , = 76.8C
Molarity = I m
:. ilTb = K b xm = 5.02x I
Tso '" -TO b =5.02
Tso1 " = 5.02 + 76.8 = 81.82C ADS

Sol:- TO"rIiCl.. = 61.3C
s , =69.5C
ilT" = 69.5-61.3 = 8.2C
ilT =K x 5.02 xlOOO
" "128x18

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717.9798984530 Page 190
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

K = 8.2x128x18 3.76Cm- 1 Ans

" 5020
Sol:- If is the van't hoff factor, then
L',T" =iKbxm

(100.975-JOO)=ixO.52x 1.23 xlOOO

164x 10
. 0.975x164
1= 2.5
Now if x is the degree of dissociation, then
Ca(NO,),' Ca" +2NO J -
Initialy I. 0 0
At eq- I-x x 2x
:. I'= 1- x + x + 2x 1+ 2x = 2.5 0.75 Ans
... percentage dissociation = 75%
Sol:- L',T,=iKrxm
(273-272.76)=ixI.86 x 174.5 x1 000
99.5 .
. 0.24x99.5x 74.5 9'
1= 1. L.
500x 1.86
... vant-Hoff factor = I = 1.92
KCI K' + cr
I-x x x
i= I+x =1+x=0.92 x=0.92 Ans
Sol:- K reCi = 29.9
WVCI = 60.26g
M.WVCI =51+4x35.5= 1939
WCCI taken = 1000 g

M . = 7193 xI0 00=0.31
C". 1000
~ Tf = iKf x m('C'l~
5.415 = ix29.9x0.31

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE) .
Contact no. :9852476717, 9798984530 Page 191
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IlT Kanpur) RishiChemistry ClaSses, Naya Tala, Patna -4

2YCI.,".o===I.~ V,Cl,
Initially 1 0
so total moles; I-x + x~; I-~
At eg I-x
>i . 72 2
I_xl x
i; ---.-L.Z.; 0.58 - ; 1.058 ~ x ; 0.84
I 2
b 60.26
moles ofVCI, at eq ; (I-x). - - ; 0.044 moles Ans
... moles ofY,Chat eg; x/ . 60.26; 0.133moles Ans
- - 722 193
Sol:- molality; 0.1 m
Degree of dissociation ofCH 3COOH; 1.35%
100 0 0
100 - 1.35 1.35 1.35
... i; 100-1.35+2xI.35 101.35;1.0135
100 100
... t.Tf ; iK f xm
t.Tf ;1.0135x1.86xO.I;0.1885
... Tf ; -0.1885C
7l'; iCRT
; 1.0135xO.1 xO.0821 x 298(for very dilute sol"; M~m & molality is less so sol" is
7l';2.47atm Ans
If 110 dissociation is assumed i; 1
... Both t. Tf & 7l' are little bit higher if i ; 1.0135 is considered
Sol:- Relative lowering of vapour pressure;" iX s"""
17.54 -17.536
17.54 iXso',,~
2.28 x 10-4
I; 2.28x 10'2 x 55.56; 1.267
0.01 + 1009{8
I-x x x

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in.Chemistry in 1I1-/EE2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for WhoI~ chemistry for lIT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717. 9798984530' . . . Page 192

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola. Patna -4

. l-x+l+x
:. I = I + x = 1.267
X = 1.267 - I = 0.267

. K - O.Ol(x') _ (0.267)' x 10' .'-.1
.. b- - =9.725xI0 Ans [:. K b
(I-x) (1-0.267) (I-x) .
For dilute solution molality = molarity
Sol:- Wtofwater= 150g
Mol. Wt of solute = 278 g
From Ostwald - Walker experiment, .

Loss of weight of solution (1 ps

Loss in weight of solvent'(1 pO - Ps
Gain in weight of H2S04 (1' po
So Loss in weight of solvent po - P, = 0.0827
Gain in weight ofH,SO. . po 3.317
I . f' po - P 0.0827
AI so. Re Iatlve owermg 0 vapour pressure = - p o'= X~I'" =
~ wt 1278 x 1000 = 0.0827
150 3.317
~ Wt = 1.309 g Ans
Sol', -
Elements %bywt %bywt/At.wt=xi ~
X mill

C 80.78 80.7~2 = 6.73 6.7%0.3476 -19


I 3.5~ = 13.56 13.5% = 38

H 13.56 0.3476

5.5~6 = 0.3476 0.3476

0 5.56
:. Empirical formula of the compound = C I9 H38 0
Empirical wt = 19x 12 + 38 + 16 = 282
Also, t;.T, = K, x m
(5.5~3.37)= 5.12x Ig xlOOO
. M.Wx8.5xI.0028
Er. Rishi is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717. 97989845,30 Page 193
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna 4

(db'''''''' = 1.0028g/cc)
:.M.w= 5.12x1000 =282
M.w 282 )
:. So M.F = (C'9H 3,O), = ( .: n = - - = - - = 1
E.w 282
M.F = C'9H3'O Ans
pO \\'aler - P:"iolulioll
501:- po

23.62 - Psol-"
1.5/ 60 50,' (urea = Co(NH 2)2 M.w = 60)
760-1 718
= 0.025 = 8.92 x 10-)
Psol-" = 23.62 - 0.211 = 23.41 mm of Hg. Ans

Objective Question
Ql :Ans(a):- molillity = WSo1 "" xl 000
wt of solvent

I= x 1000
wt of solvent
" :. Wt of solvent = 1000 g Ans
Q2: Ans(a):- X = 1.75 -17.45 0.05
So"'" 17.4 17.5
. X" Solvenl
" = 1_ xSolute = 1- 0.05 0 997

Q3: Ans(a):- Relative lowering of vapour pressure, Depression in F.P., Elevation in B.P,.&
Pressure are colligative properties.
Q4: Ans(c ):- For Sol-" A + B
X' A = mole fraction of A in vapour phase
X' = XApO A
= can be equal to XA or not which depend on pO A &pO B
Q5: Ans(d):- 1r = CRT => - = RT

Er. Rishi Kumar is one oftbe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presendy one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole che"mistry for IIT-JEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. 9852476717, 9798984530 Page 194
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.:rech. !IT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Q6: Ans(c ):_ "xT => ", = T, = 546 => ", =2x4=8atm
", T, 273
Q7: Ans(c):- :. K 4 [Fe(CN)"j & Ah(S04l3 both gives equal no. of ions when ionized .
. Q8: Ans(b):- Since urea & glucose both doesn't ionize, so they have equal conc-" & hence
Q9: Ans(d):-:. Both Ca(N03)' & Na,S04 gives same no. of ions & hence equal concentration of
equal no. of ions, so same osmotic pressure
QIO: Ans(c ):- P ~ CRT = - RT
:. P is not proportional to V.
QII; Ans(b):- Equal volume are mixed, so the total molarity of glucose & urea will be same as
= -
T ota I mo Ianty 0.1+0.1
- =..0I
QI2: Ans(d):- ~ Tf = Kf xm => In = -
QI3: Ans(a):- Freezing point lowers as solute (less volatile) is added to solvent. So if water is
(with f.P. = OC) freezing poil)t of solution will be lower than OOC.
QI4: Ans(d):-': FeCi) can give more no. of ions, so conc-" of ions is maximum in caseofO.! M
FeCI 3
QI5:Ans(a):- Freezing point will be lower if molality ofsol-" is higher, which will happens if

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper.jn Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004: He is
presently one of the best teacher at Pallia for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 . Page 195
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Q19:Ans(b):- B.P. will be highest if molality islligher, which will happen if Mol.wt of solute
will be less & ionisation is higher. Both case is with (b)
Q20:Ans(c):- Because BaCh has highest ionisation & gives more no. of ions in the solution.
Q22:Ans(c):- because KCl gives 2 ions on dissociation whereas sugar remain same molecule
I'" 2 = Nonnal.M.w =>ObS.Mol.wt '" 58.5
obs.Mol.wt 2
Wt of water = 1177 - 2x 58.5 = 1000 g
wtofsol-"= 10001111 x 1.117 g/1111
wt ofNaCI = 2 x 58:5 g
i'lT I \\j/180
- ' =111 =--=---xIOOO
Kf 1000 1000
180 .
1r = CRT; C = Molarity
Q27:Ans(a):- you should remember it.
Q28:Ans(b):- 2 moles of KCl provides 4 moles of ions.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemisIry for liT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 196
By: _Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

14. Chemical thermodynamics

Sol:- In isothennal process,
- V
W = -2.303 nRT log-L
=- 2.303 x IxO.0821x298 log-
= -56.34 log 3.33
= -29.458 atm lit
= -29.458 x 10' N/m' -10" m'
= "2945.8 J = -2945.8 -7.8cal Ans
Sol:- At constant temperature
L'1u =
:. From first law ofthennodynamics
L'1Q + W = L'1U =
L'1Q = =-( -2.303nRTlog :~)

10~ 10
= 2.303x- x.l'28 x 37310g-
J46 0.1
_ 2.303xlO x 372logI00
2.303 x lOx 3f73x,l
= 8576.0 cal Ans
Sol:- L'1H = L'1E + nRT
1440 cal = L'1E + PL'1V = L'1E + 1atm(O.013 - 0.0196)

- = L'1E+ (-1.6 X IO-

IO' ca1)
L'1E =1440cal+ 1.6xlO- 1440cal+0.04cal
= 1440.04 cal
.' 1
Sol:- GgrnphH,G,rnphi" +"20,(g)-->Co(g)at298Kand 1

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in-Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one afthe best teacher at Patna far Whole chemistry for JIlI'-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 197
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya ToJa , Patna -4

~H = -26416cal
Vmo1m = 0.0053 lit
~H = ~E+P(Vr - V,)

= ~E+i(I-~)X24.466-0.0053)atmlit
:. at T ~ 298 K & P = I atm V mol" = 24.46
-26416 = ~ E + (296.94 cal)
~E = -26416 - 296.54
= -26712-52 .cal Ans
Sol:- ~Q+W= ~u~o

~Q=-W~- (-2.303nRTIOg~)
=2.303 x I x 8.314 x 300 log-
= 2.303 x 8314 x 300 log 4
= 3458.32 J
& W = -~Q = -3458.2 J Ans
SoI:- 2C(S) + 2H, -----.C,H.(g), ~ H;= Heat of formation of ethalene
(\) H,(g) + '20,(g)-----.H'O(l);~H, = -65 Kcal

(2) C{s) + 0, (g) -----.CO,(g); ~H, ~ -97 Kcal

(3) C,H.(g) + 30,(g) -----. 2CO,(g) + 2H,O(l), ~ H, ~-340 Kcal
2 x (2) + 2 x (l) -(3) ~ 2C(s) = 2H,(g) -----. C,H. (g)
~H ~ 2~H, + 2~H,- ~H] = 16 Kcal Ans
Sol:" (I) C(S) + O,(g) -----. CO,(g); ~ HI
= -84 Kcal
(2) 2CO(g) + O,(g) -----.2CO, (g) ; ~ H, = -136 Kcal

(I) -'2\ x (2): C(S) + '20,(g)-----.CO(g)


~H~ ~H,--~H,
2 -

= -94 - GX-136)

= - 26 Kcal Ans

Er. Klsb\ Kumar Is one of the Topper in Cbemistry In liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the besheaeber at Patna for Wbole ebemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 198
By: Er. Rishi Kum~r (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna .4

Sol:- C,H,OH(I) + 30,(g) ---> 2C02(g) + 3H,O(IJ t1 H ~ '330 kCill

:. t1Hcombisalways-w
Given t1H,(CO,(g = -94.3 Kcal
t1H,(H,o(l = -68.5 Kcal
Heat of formation of most compounds are - Ve
:. t1H"mb = 2 x t1H,(CO,) + 3t1H,(H,0(IJ -I x t1H,(C,H,OH)
(t1H, ofO, = Obecauseitisinnaturalstate)
-330 ~ +2x (- 94.3) + 3(68.5)- t1H r (C,H,OH)
-330 ~ -394.1 - t1H,(C,H,OH)
t1 Hr(C,H,OH) ~ -394.1 +330 =. - 64.1 Kcal Ans
Sol:- CH,GH(I) + -0. --->CO.(g) + 2H.O(l)
, .2 - ~ -
t1Hcomb = -173.651
:. Hemnb = 1.t1H,CO,(g) + 2t1H,",o(l) - t1H,CH,GH
-173.65 KcaI = -94.05 kcal- 2 x 68.32 kcal - t1 Hf CHjOH
t1HfCHPH =-230.69 + 173.65 = -57.04 kcal Ans
Sol:- (I) 2C6 H 6(g) + lx),(g) ---> IleO, (g) + 6H{0 (I); t1 EI = -162 kc
(2) 2C,H,(g) + f~,(g) -,1,(90, (g) + 4;0 (1); t1 E, ~ -620 Kc
3 x (2) ~ (I) ~ 6C,H, (g) ---> 2C6 H6 (g)
t1E = 3t1E, -E,
.= -1860 + 1600
~ '" -260 Kcal
i -260-
.. tc,H,(g) _ C 6 H6(g), ELiE = - - = -1.30Kcal
:. LiH = LiE + LinRT
= -180 Kcal +(1 - 3) x1.98x lO,jx 300
= - 130 ~ 1.188 = -131.188 Kcal Ans
Sol:- (I) CHjCOOH (I) + 2CO,(g) ---> 2CO,(g) + 2H,O (I), t1 HI = -208.31 kcal
(2) C (S) + O,(g) ---> CO,(g), LiH, '7 -94.05 Kcal
(3) H, (g) + -O.(g)--->
2 - H.O(I);
, LiH,. = -68.32 kcal

(I) Li H, = 2 Li HfC0 2 + 2 Li Hfl-I,O - Li HfCH,COOH ~ 2 t1 Hf 0,

~ 2 x (94.05) +2(-68.32) ~ (-208.34) - 2 x 0

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Chemistry in UT-IEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presentlyoil'e of the best Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact'no.'9852476717, 9798984530' ';.. , Page 199
8y: Er. Rishi Kumar (8.Tech, liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

~ - 324.74 + 208.34
!>H, ~ - 116.4 Kcal Ans
I 3
Sol:- NH,(g)------+-N,(g)+-H,(g);6H" ~ 11.04 Keal
2 - 2-
!>Ho ~ 6E" + !>nRT

11.04 Keal ~ !>e +( + ~ -1)X 1.98x 10-' x 298

~ 6E"+ 1x 1,98xO,298
11.04 ~ !>E"+0,59
!>Eo ~ 11.04 - 0.69 ~ 10.44 Keal Ans
Sol:- In question it is given that
H:'Ag,O(5) ~ -731.1 Keal
H~ HCl(g) ~ -22.06keal

H~ H,O(1) ~ -63.82 keal

Ag,O (5) + 2HCl (g) ------+ 2AgCI (s) + H,O (I)

Ml" ~ -77.61 Keal
6H" ~ 2.6H"fAgd (" + 16","p(1) - 6Hf",o(" - 2!>H"f HCI(g)
-77.61 Keal ~ 2!'>HofAgCI(5)-63.82-(-73.1)-2(-22.0)
-77.61 Keal ~ 26 HOI' Agel (5) + 53.04
2!'>HOtAgel(s) ~ -131.01
... !'>H"f Agel ~ -65.5 Keal Ans
Sol:- Enthalpy offormalion of HBr

.!.H,(g) +.!. Br,(g)------+ HBr(g), !'>H ~ '?

2 - 2-
1. SO,(aq) + -O,(g)------+SO,(aq),6H, ~ -63.7
2 - .
2. Br,(g) + SO,(aq) + H,O (1); ------+ 2HBr(aq) + SO, (aq): 6 H, ~ -54 keal
3. H,(g) + -O,(g)------+H,O(1);!'>H, ~ -68.4Keal
2 - - .
4. HBr (g) + aq ------+ HBr (aq), 6H, ~ -20Keal
(2)+(3)-(I)-(2)x (4)
Br, (g) + H,O (g)------+ 2HBr(g)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one afthe bestteaeher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no, -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 200
By: Er,Rishi Kumar (B.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

~H ~~H, +~H, -~H,-2~H,

~ - 54 - ~R.4 - (-~3.7)- 2( - 20)

~ 103,7 - 122.4

~ - IR.7 Kcal

1 I
:, - H. (g) + - Br,(g)----> HBr(g)
2' 2 - -
!'>H ~ -9,35Kcal An.'

Sol:- I. H,(g) +~O,(g)---->H,o(l);'~HI ~ -~R3Kcal

2. CaO (s) + H,O (I) ---->Ca(OHh(s); !'>H, ~ -15.3Kcal

3. Ca (s) + ~O,(g)---->cao(s): !'>H, ~ -151.R Kcal

Cars) o' H,(g) + O,(g) ----> Ca(OHHS).

~ -~R.3 - 151R + (-15,3)

~ - 235.4 Kcal Ans

Sol:- K + .!.H.(g)+.!.O.(g)---->KOH,,~H ~ heatoffonnationofKOH

2 - 2'
1) K + H,O + aqs ----> KOH (aq) + 2'1 H, L'. H, ~ -4R.4 Kcal
. 1
2) H, + -O.---->H.O;f>IL ~-~R.44Kcal
2 - - -
3) KOH + aqs ----> KOH (aqs) ; L'. H] ~ -14.01 Kcal
1 1
K+ -O.+-H.---->KOH
2 . 2 -
!'>H ~L'.H, +~H2 -!'>H,
~ -4R.4 - 68.44 + 14.C
~ -102.46 Kcal Ans
Sol:- ~C + 3H,----> C,H o, !'> H ~ "

I) C6 Ho + !20.---->6CO.+3H.O,L'.H,
2 - --
2) C + 0,----> CO" L'. H, = -34 Kcal
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717. 9798984530 Page 201
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

3) H, + -0,
2 - ---> H,O(l),AH,
- . = -68Kcal
In reac-" (2) & (3) CO, & H,O arc forming li'om their constitutent elements frOln their natural
State & hence AH comb (CO) ~ 6H,,,",,,,,,,,,(CO,j
Li comb (H 2) = 6. H f('nnali"1l (H 20)
From (I)
6H, ~6. 6Hf(CO,)+3. 6H,,,(H,O)- 6Hf(C,H,)
-754 ~ 6x (-94) + 3(-63) - 6 HI' C,H"
AHfC,H, = -768 + 754 = -14 Kcal Ans
Sol:- Fe,O) + 3 CO ---> 2Fe + 3CO,; 6H = '!
I) 2Fe+-O,--->Fe,0,;6H =-177.IKca\
2 - - .
2) C+-O, --->CO;6H = -32.8Kcal
2 -
3) C + 0, ---> CO, ; 6H ~ -94.3 Kcal
6H = 2AHfFe + 3 6HfCO, - L 6 HfFe,O,- 3 6 HI' CO
=2xO+3x (-94.3)-(177.1)-3(-32.8)
~ -282.9 + 275.5 = -7.4 Kcal Ans
Sol:- AHfNa,B4 0,(s) = -742 Kcal
6 HI' Na,B,O,. 10 H,O(s) ~ - 1460 Kcal
Na,B4 0,(s) + 10 H,O ---> Na,B 4 0 + 10 H,O '" H = 6 H hydrah
t1.H hyd = ~HfNa,B~n:.loH:O -LiHfNa~B~O,
= - 1460 + 741
Note:- tJ.Hf of water is not considered because was molecule is not dissociating & thL'11
reacting w Na,B 40, solid. It just attach themselves to the solid compound.
Sol:- At 298 K
1) C(graphite) + 0, ---> CO,(g), 6 H I ~ -393 KJ / mole
2) C(diamond) + 0, ---> CO,(g), 6 H, = - 395 KJ / mole
Specific heat capacity ofC(graphite) ~ 720 J / Kg - K
" " "C (diamond) ~ 505 J / kg-K
C(graphite) ---> C(diamond)
6H = 6 H, - 6 H, ~ -393 + 395 ~ 2 KJ / mole
T~ 298 K.

C (graphite) T,=298K) C(diamond)

dishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one afthe bestteacher at Patna for Wbole cbemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 202

By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

') T,=273K . l
C( grap hIte C(diamond)
By krichoffs law
L1H r, + I.e",,,,.,,,, (T, - T,) + I.C\.".,,,, (T, - T,) = L1HT,

2 + (C",.", - C"."",,,,, ) (T, - T, ) = L1H T'

2+.( 0.720x--0.505x-
12 12) (298-273)
. 1000 1000
2 + 0.0645 = L1 HT,
L1 HT, = 2.0645 KJ / mole Ans
Sol:- CH,COOH + NaOH ~ CH,COONa + H20
L1H,,,,,, = -50.6 KJ / eq
~Hi"l1 = .1Hionisalinll - 57.7 KJ / eq
-50.6 = L1H i"" (CH,COOH) -57.2 KJ / eq
L1H i",,(CH,COOH) = -50.6 + 57.2 = 6.66 KJ / eq
NH,OH + HCI ~ NH 4Cl + H 20
L1H h'm =51.4KJeq-'

-51.4 = L1H i",,(NH,GH)-57.2

L1 HiOl,,(NH 40H) = -51.4 + 57.2 = 5.8 KJ eq"
For CH,COOH + NH 40H ~ CH,COONH 4 + H20
~Hhenl ;;; D.H ions ::: -57.2
= (6.66 + 5.8) - 57.2
L1H h,,,, = -44.74KJ/eqAns
Sol:- For combustion of C,H4
C,H4(g) + 30,(g)
~ 2CO,(g) + 2H 20 (I)
.1H comb ;;; 2.1H rco: + 2.1H fH ,O - AH rc ,Il,(g) - 3AH ro
= 2(-393.5) + 2(-285.8) = 52.3 - 3 x 0
= -1400.9 KJ / mol
:. L1H = 1410.9KJ 50.39KJ/'
comb'gm 28 g
. 13
C4H IO (g) + -O,(g)----+4CO,(g)+
2 - -, 5H,O(l)

.1HCOlllb ::: 4AH rco ;(g) +5.1H fH : O(l) - t ..1HfC,H,~~,l;) - "'2AHro:

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

!>He,mb = 4(- 393.5) + 5(-285.8) - (-126.1)

'" 2876.9 KJ I mole !>H fO , = 0)
:. !>Hcombpergm = = Ans
Sol:- Fc,O., + 2AI--> 2Fe +. AI,O,
~H = 2 2M'l fr , +!>H'.\f,O. -!>H fr,,,. - 2.!>H f.1f

=0+ 1675.60+821.32)
= - 1675.60 + 821.32 = -854.28 KJ Ans
Note:- in question!> Hf of A 1,0, is given +Ve, which should be - ve actually
Sol:- From tirst law of Thermodynamics
o\a+w= !>u
A/q, !> Q ~ -1.50 J
w = +Pdv = +Fds ~ +2.20x 9.8 x 0.25
+ = +5.39 J
work done on system
:. O\U = -1.50 + 5.39 = 3.89 J Ans
Sol:- CaF,(s) II Ca" (aqa) + 2F (aqs)
o\G",(CaF,(s)) = -1162 KJ I mole
!>Go,(Ca ,. (aqs)) = -553.0&!>G",(F'(aqs)) = -276.5 KJ I mole

!>Go = 2!>G"F' + !>OOe," -11,0"""

=2x (-276.5) + (-553) - (-1162) ~ 56 KJ/mole Ans
o\ao = -2.303 RT logksp
56 ~ -2.303 x 8.314x 10') x 298 log Ksp
log Ksp = -9.7145
Ksp= 1.99 x 1O. 10 =2x 10 10 Ans
Sol:- MgCO,(s) --> MgO(s) + CO,(g)
L'iH = l'iH FMgO + l'i tTO : - .1H r :-.tgco,
~ ,601.2 - 393.5 + 1112

=+ 117.3KJ

~ 26.9 + 213.7 - 65.9 = 174.7 J/K.

For decomposition at Temp T,

Er, Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IlT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

"G ,; 0
"H 117.3xl0'
"H-TLiS<O T >-=---
liS 174.7
Temperature will be min-'" ~ 671.44 K Ans
Sol:- LiG = LiH - TliS
As "H & Li S remain constant with temperature, (as given in question)
So if T is increased, ~ G decreases
LiG, _,,,,,,,c = -92.38 KJ - 773x (-198.2) x JO-' KJ
60.830 KJ Ans
Also (; H ~ -92.38 KJ = exothermic reactioil
SO if temp. is increased, according to the chat her principle reac- ll will move in that dir_ ll in
which it consimes the added heat. i.e in endothermic dir- ll So reaction will move in backward
dir_ ll T increase
501:- For heat pump
W ~ work done~ 10x9.8x 12 = 98x 12 ~ 1176 J
Nown~ W = T,-T, =313-288
q, T, 313
1.176KJ 25
q, 313
q, ~ 1.176 313 KJ =14.72KJAns
501:- (1) N,(g) + 20,(g) ~ 2NO,(g); i'i H, = 16.18 Kcal
(2) N2(g) + 20,(g) ~N,04(g); L'.H ~ -L'.H, + L'.H,
~ 13.87 Kcal Ans

N,04 is not stable at this temperature because energy needed to decompose N,04 (13.87
Kcal) is available to any molecule at this temperature
801:- ~ H will remain same, as it is a state function quantity where as q is a path function quantity
i,e, if the process is done with different path, it will have different value
Sol:- n = 2 moles

T = 273 K
P,= OA atm

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) ~ishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tala, Patna -4

For isothermal process

W ~ -2.303 nRt log...1..
= - 2.303 x 0.0821 x 273 log -
~ -144.3171 atm
= - l44.3l7x 10] m]x 105 N / m2
= -14431.7 J Ans
"Q + w = "E = 0 (In isothermal process" E ~ nC "T ~ 0)
:. "G = -w = 14431.7 J Ans
"E ~ nC v " T ~ 0 Since T ~ constant "T ~ 0
Sol:- P(V - b) ~ RT
For dp to be exact differential,
L.H.S iJp = -RT
oV (V_b)'
o (OP) -R
CT CT =(V-b)'
For R.H.S
CT (v-b)
o (OP) -R
Cv CT = (v-b)'
Since both L.H.S & R.H.s equal, so

c~(:)= ~(:~)
& hence dp is an exact differential
Sol:- C = RT
For dv to be exact differential,

~(~)= ~(~)
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE]
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 206

By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

a (-RT) -R
DP = i'T po = p;-

o (DV) +D(R) -R
aT i3T = oP P = p;-
o (DV) 0(DV) -R
:. in DP = DP DT = P;-
So dv is an exact differential
Sol:- 6n(s) + 2HCl (ag) - - . 6nCI,(ag) + H,(g)
2 moles of "n produces 2 moles of H, gas
W = - P t1 V ~ - P(V r - V r) ~ -PV r (.. V r ~O)
=-nRT,=-2x8.314x308 ~-5.12xI0)J Ans
II \
Sol:- 2CH 1COOH--.CH 1 -C C-CH 1
. . \ H .
Additional bond fonns in product ~ (2 hydrogen bonds)
:. t1 ~ -(B.E. of each H - bond)
~ -(66.5 KJ)

~ - 66.5 KJ

Also t1Go~ -2.303 RT log K (must be in atm will be discussed in class)

~ 2.303 x 8.314x 10" x 298 log 1.3 x 10'
~ -5.7 log 1.3 x 10' ~ -17.77 KJ
We have
t1G = t1H' - Tt1So
t1Go -t1Ho = -Tt1So
t1S o = t1Ho-t1Go = +17.77-66.5
T 298
~ -0.16 KJ (mol K.

+- ~}100=40
Q36:- For cannot cycle I engine

TI ~ temp of sink

1- T, = 40 T2 = t~mp of same
T, IOd
T, =1-~=~
T, 10 10
1fT, ~ 280 K.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one qfthe Topper in Citemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

- -
T ,- T,xlO_2800_4666KA
----- . ns
6 6
Sol:- T, ~
temp of same = 400 K
0, = 200 cal
0, = 150 cal
0,-0, T,-T,
0, T,
50 = 1- T,
200 T,
T, -1 50 _ 156
T, - - 200 - 206
T, = W-x 4O<:l =JOOK Ans

Efficiency of engine: 1] = (1- ~: ) x 100

=(1- :)xlOO

~ ~xI00=25%Ans
Sol:- n ~ 1 mole
V, ~
22.4 lit
Vr~ 224 ml
T~ 300K

W = -2.303 nRT log-.:L
=-2.303xlxB.314xI0"x30010g :

-2.303 x 8.314x 0.3 xl
-5.74 KJ

li Q + W ~ 0 (in isothermal process li E=' 0)

liQ~ -W= 5.74 KJ

liH~nCpliT~ B (since liT~O)

Ll G = Work done inceasesible process which is max- m work done = -5.74 KJ Ans
liG= liH-TliS
-5.74 ~ 0 - 300x li S

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Fatna -4

~S= 5.74xlO' 57.4

-3-=19.1J/K Ans

- ) = -~H - - -
Sol:- log ( -
ksp,. 2.303R T, T,
(1 I)
-~H (308-298)
I (1.782 X IO- )
og 4.159x10 10 = 2.303x8.314 298x308

~Ho = -2.303x8.314x298x30810 (1.782)

10 g 4.159
64.655 KJ Ans
Now At 25C (Standard condition for ~ G)
~Go =~Ho_T~So

~Go = 64.655 - 298 x ~So - (I)

~Go = -2.303RTlogksp
~ -2.303 x 8.314x 10'3 x 300 log (1.782 x 10")
~-5.744 log (1.782x 10,10)
= - 56 KJ
(I) + 56 = 64.655 - 298 x~So
o 64.655-56
~S = = 297/moiK Ans
Sol:- C (S) + O,(g) ~ CO,(g)

~Ho =-393.51KJ/mole
~So=2.86J/mole-K at T=25C
~Go = ~Ho - T~So
~ -393.51 - 0.8523
~ - 394.36 KJ. <0 favourable at 25C
As temp increases,
~G becomes more -ve, so it becomes more favomable at higher temperature
Sol:- 2H,0,(I) ~ 2H,0 (I) + O,(g(
~ GO ~ -ve at 25C, so H,O, will spontaneously de comes into H,O & 0,. So at this
temperature H,O, is not stable
We know ~G~ ~H-T~S
H,O, will be stable when ~ G >


Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE Z004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Ee. Rishi Kumar CRTerh. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

T < "'H
-233.6x 10' J
"'S 125.6J/K
So temp should be less than -1586 K Ans

Sol:- (a) "'S = +Ve
entropy increases as molecule in liquid water is more random than molecules in ice.
Same as b
(d) "'S=-Ve
501:- 2C (graphite) + 3H, (g) ----> C,H o (g)
"'H = -20.3 Kcal
'" H ~ 2'" H,,,n (C) + 6. '" H,tm (H) - (B.Ecoc + 6.B.Ec.H)
-20.3 Kcal ~ 2 x 170.9 + 6x 52.1 - B.Eco c - 6x 99
20.3 ~ 60.4 - B.Ecc
B.Ecc ~ 60.4 + 20.3 ~ 80.7 Kcal Ans
501:- N2+3H2~2NH), "'H=-20Kcal
"'H = B.E N N+ 3.B.E H _ H- 6.B.E N_tt
-20 = B.E~'N +3x 104-6x93
B.EN=N = 246 - 20 ~ 226 Kcal Ans

1 0
501:- 3C (graphite) + -0. +3H.----> II
2 - - CH ) -C-CH J
t.H = heat of formation of acetate
"'H = 3."'Hq",q""'H"omo6."'H,,,mH - ( 2B.Eeoc + B.E + 6.B.EcoH)
"'H =3x 111.7 + 59016 + 6x 52.1 - (2x 80 + 81 + 6x 99)
~ 886.86- (835) = 51.86 Kcal Ans

501:- C(graphite) + ~ O,(g) + 2H,(g) ----> CH, - OH (g) "'H ~heat of fonnation of methyl alcohol

AH == MIatomC + Li.Halomo +4'~atomH -(3B.E c _H + B.Ec-o + B.E o _I )

Er. Rlshi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

~ (170.9 + 59.6 + 4> 52.1) ~ (3 x 99 + 84 + 110.55)

~ 438.9 - 491.55 ~ -52.65 Kcal
Now liCHPH(g)~CHPH(l)

CHPH(g) ~CHPH(l)

~Hlil;nation = AHfCH,OH{I) -AHrcll,oJ!(g)

-8.4 = liH fCH,OH'11 -(-52.65)
liHrcH,oH(I) = -8.4 - 52.65 ~ - 61.05 Kcal Ans
Sol:- CH, + 4F, ~CF, + 4HF: liH = heat of there
liH = 4.RE c_Ii + 4REF-F -(REc_, + 4.B.E Ii _ F )
= 4>99.3 +4> 38-(4) 116+4> 135)
~549.2-(l004) = -454.8 Kcal Ans
Q48:- I .I
Isopreneis H,C = C-C = CH,
5C(graphite)+4H,(g)~H,C = C-C = CH,
liH = 5liHs"bC + 4RE H_H - (8RE c_Ii + 2RE c=c + 2B.E c-(')
~5> 171.7 +4> 10.4.0-(8)98.8 + 2> 147.0 + 2>83.1)
~ 1273.5 - (1250.6) ~ + 23.9 Kcal Ans
+H. ~ .
Sol:- C,H, C,H 6 , liH ~ heat ofhydrogenatlOl1
liH ~ (4.B.Ec.H+ B.Ec=c + B.E H.H ) - (B.E c.c + 6.B.E c_cl
=(4x98.8+147+ 104)-(83.1 +6x98.8)
~251 -83.1-2>98.8
liH ~ - 29.7 Kcal Ans
Sol:- CH 3COCH 3 + 20, ~ CH,COOH + CO, + H,O
o o
CH 3 -C-CH, +2(0 = O)~H,C-C-O-H+O = C = O+H,
LiH W.O.R = Heat change without consideling resonance
= (6.B.Ec _H + 2B.E c_c + B.Ec=c + 2B.Eo=0)
- (3.B.E c_H + B.E c _c + B.Ec _o + 3B.E c=0 + 3)
liH wo .R = (6) 414.99 + 2> 347.92 + 724.32 + 2> 494.04)
- (3 >414.49 + 347.92 + 967.13 + 3> 724.32 + 3> 462.64)
Er. Kishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AlEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

~4895.18-6119A ~-1224.22Keal
AH w.R = Heat change assuming resonance is happening
=.6.H W.o. R +R.Epmd-R.EreJd = LiHw.O,R +R.Eprod-O
~ 1224.22 + (-117.23 + (-136.18) ~ -1477.63 KJ Ans
Sol:- N,+-O,-->N,O (N~N~O)
- 2 - -

liH wOR = ( B.E,., + ~ REo,o ) - (RE ',N + REN,o)

= (946+ ~X498 )- (418-607) = 1195 -1025 = 170KJ I mole

liH wR = liH'"" = 82KJ I mole

LiH wR = AH w.O . R + R.E prod - R.EI>r<l<.!
82 ~ 170 - 0 + R.Ep"'d""
R.Epm"",, ~ 82 - 170 ~ - 88 KJ Ans
R.E"o = -88KJ Ans

Objective Question

QI :Ans(d):- Heat of fonnation will be defined liH in the reae-"

1 1 -44
-H,(g)+-Cl,(g)-->HCI(g);liH = -Keal = -22Keal
2 - 2 - 2
Q2:Ans(a):- Explained same as 1.
Q3:Ans(a):- heat of atomisation is the energy needed to get one atom from the natural state of
the element.
H, --> 2H ; liH = 104 Keal
1 104
-H,-->H; liH=-=52Keal
2 - 2
Q4:Ans(b):- Fuel value CH, ~ -KJ Ig = 55.625KJ Ig
FueivalueC,H4~ --KJ/g=50AKJ/g
- 28

Fuel valueC,H,,~ 1~~0(Kh)=52KJ/mOle

'. Hence lowest fuel value for C,H 4 .

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AlEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech.llT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola. Patn. -4

Q5:Ans(c) Fe + S -----'> FeS

If 21.9 g IiH = -3.77KJ

Ig IiH = -3.77
2. I
.. 56g IiH= -3.77 x56=-100.5IKJ
Q6:Ans(b):- mole ofC,H4 combusted ~ 4.412mole
1411 KJ / I
V, (at NTP) ~ 4.412( 2+~)x 22.4 lit =0 296.51it
For I mole CxH y mole of 0, required ~ (x + y/4)

Q7:Ans(a):- moles of water gas at NTP ~ ~=5 So it will contain 2.5 moles ofH,& 2.5
22.4 . '
moles of CO; so heat evolved
~ 2.5IiH] + 2.5IiH, ~ 2.5( -241.8 - 283) KJ ~ 1312 KJ
Q8:Ans(a):- Ratio ofheat evolved when C,H, and H, are evolved = 5.376: I
Heat of volume contain equal moles at same condition
Q9:Ans(a):- Heat of neutralisation for strong acid & base is equal to -13.7 Kcal & it is defined per
eg. So it doesll 't make any difference in ~H neutralisation.
QIO:Ans(a):- When 10 ml is added, heat evolved will be the but at the same time mass increases
twice the hence ,1T will remain same.
:.IiQ = msliT
Qll :Ans(a):- Neutralisation reaction is actually
W+OH , "H,O
Q12:Ans(c):- When maximum amount of strong & strong base react, maximnm heat will evolve.
In 25 ml acid & 25 ml base complete reaction occur which is not the case for any
other option.
Q13:Ans(b):- Heat of dissociation ~ (55.9- 12.1) ~ 43.8 KJ
QI4:Ans(d):- Dissociation of energy of CH 4 base
Dissociation energy of CH 4 360 90K 11 . I
= =-= ca moe
4 4
Dissociation energy of C 2 H6
620 ~ I(B.E ofC-C bond + 6xB.E ofC-H bond
620 ~ RE. of C.C bond + 6(90)
RE. of C.C bond ~ 620 - 540 ~ 80 Kcallmole
QI5:Ans(d): In polymerisation, more no of molecules form a less no. of giant molecule & hence
entropy decrease.
QI6:Ans(c):- Gas has more entropy than liquid, so IiS+ve
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (RTech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

LlG = LlH - TLlS(+ve)
+ve in melting of ice
However we have to give heat to melt Heat Isoe because nonnal melting point is Oe.
An ~ oDe, LlG = 0
T>oOe, LlG<O & T<oOe, LlG>O
Q18:Ans(b):- A reaction will be spontaneous if
LlG <0
LlH - TLlS < 0 ~ LlH < TLlS

Q19:Ans(a):- LlG --Ye if LlH = -ve& LlS = +ve, At any temp, because T(K) > 0 always.
Q20:Ans(b):- LlG = +ve if LlH = +ve & LlS = -ve
Q21 :Ans(a):- LlH - LlE = ilnRT
=(12-15) x8.314x 1O"x298 = -3x8.314xO.298 =-7.433 KJ
Q22:Ans(b):-',' At eq.b, temp doesn't increase only ice will convert into water. i.e, LlT = 0
:. LlQ = msLlT
S = - - --'> 00 3sLlT = 0
C(graphite) + 0, ----> CO,(g)
LlH = heat of combustion of C(graphitc) ~LlH formation of CO2 (g)
: . .1S mix = ilSs)'S + .1S SUIT
> 0 for spontaoeous process

+ +
-Ye must be +ve by larger amount
Q25:Ans : LlG = LlH - TLlS < 0 [fOr spontaneous process].
34KJ - 3S8xLlS < 0
LlS >= 34xOOO 94.972J/K
min m value of Ll S = 94.972 JIK. No option correct
Q26:Ans(c):- - A, +- B, ----> AB;LlH = -50cal
2 - 2 -
LlH = '2 (RE A, + B,E ll) - BE A-B

%SO~ t(x+7i)-x=3:-x=+~

Q27:Ans(c):- LlH = LlE + (P,Y, - P,Y,)

LlH = 30.01.atm +(4x 5 -2x3) ~(30+ 14)~44.0 I-atm
Q28:Ans(d):- ma'.s depend an amount of sub taken & so if is an extensive propel1ies.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofth,; bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech: liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Q29:Ans(d):- maS;<ol = density is independent from the amount of substance taken & so it is
an intensive propet1ies.
Q30:Al1s(a):- will read in electrochemistry
~Go:::; -nfE o

EO Cell = ~-:::; Independent from 11
Q31 :Ans(a): work depend as path, so it is a path function
Q32:Ans(a):- Exact differential are those function if

=ap aT
Where f is the function ofP & T. Increase of q, it will not be equal, so it will be not
exact function.
Q33:Ans(a):- I'> E = nevI'> T. (depend on n).
Q34:Ans(b):- I'> W is path so will not be equal to a in a cyclic process.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
.Contact no. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 215
By,: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Chapter 15: Chemical Equilibrium

Sol:- N,O,(g)~ 2NO,(g) alT ~ 298C Keq = 5.7x 10.9
We know,
[ NO ]'
Keq= ' 5.7'''10-9
[NO,)' =5.7xlO-'J[N,o,]
This equation directly implies that concentration of NO, is about 10" times than that ofN,O,. So
concentration of NO, at equilibrium will be low & Conc-" ofN,O, will be higher.'
Note:- If
Keq- b > > I => Products are of higher concentration
Keq- b < < 1 => Reactants are of higher concentration
This is the case in above problem
Caution:- Never apply the above rule forKp > I or < I. It can be other way round for Kp or Kc
little larger or smaller than I.
~:- ~.
Sol:- A(g) 4 B(g), Keg- b ~ 1.1
For this keq." Gust greater than 1), we have to actually see by calc~lations.

Keq"~ 1.1 = !~~=>[B]=1.1[Al

:. Concentration ofB is greater than that of[A]. . ,
Sol:- 2NO,(g) 4 N,O,(g), keq- b ~ I

Keq." ~ [N,O,L 1
It volume is halfed, concentration in mole / ,it because deouble

Keq." New= [N,o,L~ [N,O,]/2 =2

[N0,L: {[NO,]/2j'
If reaction is not adjusted according to le-chaterler principle.
However we know that like equilibrium will shift in the direction in which no. of-moles,
decreases by decrease the volume in such a way that equilibriuniconsiant will remain same.
Note:- Equilibrium constant will change only by changing temperatUre.
Sol:- I,(g) Q 2I(g)

In forward reac-", bond in I, molecule dissociated so, forward reaction will be endothermic.
If Temp. is increased, reaction will try to decrease it & to decrease the temperature, it will

Er. RisJIi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004: He is.:
presently orie of the bestteacheratPatna for Whole che.mstJ;y.for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEEl ..
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 . Page 216
, .
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

consume heat & so moves in endothermic dirt n i.e., after increasing temp we have more
beg) dissociated to I(g). So equilibrium constant will increase

Sol:- NOBr(g)c 'NO(g) + ~Br,(g), kp=O.l5atmat900C

initial 0.5 atm 0.4 atm 0.2 atm

xP" 04x(02)'" 4
Q = NO "" _. . -(0.2)" = 0.357atm > K p
PNOB< 0.5 5
So, Q has to decrease & hence product will decrease. In other words, NO & Br, will consume &
NOBr will produce.
Sol:- ~N,+%H, ...
c==-' NH,.; AtP'o",=20 atm

A/q, at eq.b x 3x Y T = 427C = 700 K

Y Y 16
Also x100=16 => - - = -
x+3x+y 4x+y 100
100y= 64x + 16y~ 84y=64x
64 16
84 21
x -x 16
PNH,=\oo x20xPtatai = 21 x20=-x20=3.2atm
-x ~+-x 16 100
21 21
x . 21
PN, = 100 x 20 = 100 x 20=4.2atm
3x . 63
PH,'= 100 x20= 1oo x20 =12.6atm
Kp=PNH, . 3.2 =3.49
, x 10" atrn.,
Ph,r, :PN,,v, (4.2)1, (12.6)X
Kp = Kc (RT) iln
3.49x 10" = Kc (0.0821 x 700)"
Kp = 3.49x10'x8.21x7 = 2 lit I mole.
Ans:- A, + B,.,==-' 2AB, Keq.b=K
.!A +.!B ' AB, keq_b (K),v,
2 ' 2 ,.

Er. KIshi Kumar Is one of the Topper In Chemistry In lIT-JEE 2004 and AlEEE 2004. He Is
presently one ofthe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

;.keq-b" ~ _1_, = (K)-1,

~> (keq _b' '" ~ )so False
Q8:- PCI,(g) ... ==,.. PCI,(g) + Cl,(g)

Initial 2-M (
+_I_moles ofN "\
100 100 lil ')
al eq_b (0.03 - 0.03 a) (0.03 a) (0.03 a) al T = 500 K
moles b .
:. Tolal --aleq - = 0.03 - 0.03 a + 0.03 a + 0.03 a + 0.01
= 0.04 + 0.03 a
:. T'otal moles = 4 + 3x FromPV=nRT
:. PPCI3= - - x 2.05 aim 2.05 x 100 = (4+32) x 0.0821 x 500
. 4+3a
Pel,(g) = - - x 2.05 aIm a =0.33
4+3a .
PpclS(g)= - - x 2.05 aim
0.99 x 2.05x 0.99 x 2.05
Kp = Ppcl) .Pel, 4.99 499 = 0.205 aIm.
Ppcl; 2.01 x2.05
Sol: 2HI(g) .. , ===.' H2(g) + I, (g)
InilaUy. 20 M

Aleq.- ~-2a M aM aM
Given, 20 gm of HI given al T = 600 K and I lil press. Al eonsllemperalure. & pressure,
volume % = no. of moles %
K _' = [H,][I,l a'
eq [HI]'

=> 20
a => a = 0.037 = 0.025
20 1.472

Er. Rlshi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacber at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT'IEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) RishiChemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

a 0.025 2.5 x 128

Volume % ofH, = - x 100= --xI28xI00 = 16%
~ 20 . 20
Volume % ofl, = 20/ x 100 = 16%
Volume % of HI = 100 - (16 + 16) = 68%
Sol:- H, + I, , 2HI b

Initially 25 ml 18 ml T= 456C
ateq_b 25-x 18-x 2x
A/q, 2x = 30.8 x ~ 15.4 ml
At canst temp & press, volume a no. of moles
nHI' (30.8)'
Kc = = 38 (Since 6n = 0 we can use no. of moles in Kc also).
nH,.nl, 9.6 x 2.6
2HI~H, + I, ; Keq_n = - = 0.0263 at T = 456
o o
I-a ~ ~
Keq_b= (~~)(~) a'
I-a 4(1-a)
0.0263= ~~
a' + 0.105a -'0. 105 = 0
a -0.105+J(0.105)'+4 x O.lI05 = -0.105+0.653 =0.2746
2 2
:. Percentage dissociation = 0.2746x 100 ~ 27.46%
QlI:- 2HI 4 H,b + I, (Give percentage dissociation = 21.98%)
Initially I 0 0
0.2198 0.2198
ateq_b 1-0.2198 ----
0.2198)( 0.2198)
Keq_b I 2 =0.0198
(1- 0.2198)'

:. Keq-b for H, + I, , 2HI(g) = _1_ = 50.398

the data (1 ") given as follows
. H,(g) + I,(g) "'Q=~b 2H1(g)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in nt-/EE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna '4

Initial 8.10 2.94 0

At eq-" 8.IO-x 2.94-x 2x
Given: 2x = 5.65 => X = 2.825
Keq-b ~ [HI]' (5 - 65)' = = 52.63
[H,][I,] (8.10 - 2.825)(2.94- 2.725)
(Note:- even volume can be used in place of [ ], because Lln = 0)
Since Keq." from I" data is different from Keq_b for 2'" date. So I" data is not according to
law of mass action.
2nd data
H, + I, ~ 2HI
Initially: 8.07 3.27
At eq_b; 8.07-x 9.27 -x 2x
Given 2x = 13.46 =:ox = 6.73
Doesn't match again so the data given are not satisfied by law of mass action.
yd data
H, + I, ~ 2HI
Initially 7.89 33.10 0
At eq_b 7.89-x 33.10-x 2x
A/q, 2x = 15-41 =:ox= 7.705
K b (15.41)'
eq - = (7.89-7.705)(33.10-7.705) 50.545
Matches with keq." of the reaction, so this is according to the law of mass action.
Sol:- 2HI. H, + I,
Also, I, + 2Na,S,O, ~ Na,S,O, + 2Nal
Mole of I, '" 2 mole ofNa,S,O,
2 mole ofI, = I mole ofNa,S,O,
1 mole ofI, = -(moleofNa,S,O,)
2 - - ,
2HI(g) ~ H,(g) + I, (g)
Initially: 0.28 gm 0 0 (3'd data should be taken, because for eq-" to achieve,
--mole o o sufficient time is required)
At eq_b: 0.28 - 2a a a
... Moles ofI, produced = a = -(molesofhyposol-")
a =.!:.xO.015x 28,68 = 0.215x10"
2 1000

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patmi for Whole chemistry for liT -J EE. PMT & AIEEEJ
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By: Er. Risl)i Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

eq.b moles of HI = 1.757x 10"

eqYmoJes ofH, = 0.215x 10"
. . I, ~ 0.215x 10.3
__. Kc = [H,][I,] (0.215xIO' )' = 0.01496 = 1.496x 10"
[HI], (1.757 X10'3)'
[Since L'>n = 0, we can take no. of mole in place of morality also]
Sol:- PCl,(g) 'IF:= , " , ' PCI,(g) + CI, (g)
Given amount: .) g
Moles; --moles

Molarity 5 = 0.01262 M
208.5 x1.9
Ateq.b 0.01262-0.01262a 0.01262a 0.1262a
a ~ degree of dissociation
Total no. of - - ~ 0.01262 - 0.01262 a + 0.01262 a + 0.01262 a
= 0.01262 (I+a)

FromPV=nRT => P= E.RT= MRT

V (M = Molarity of the solution)
l~ 0.01262 (I+a) x 0.0821 x 523

I =0.542(l+a) =>a=0.845
:. % dissociation = a x 100 = 84.5%
:. Kc ~ 0.01262a xO.012662a _ 0.01262a2 = 0.01262 x 0.845'
0.01262(I-a) . I-a 0.155
Kp = Kc(RT)6'
=0.0582(0.821 x 523j" (L'>n = 2 -I) = I)
Sol:- 2NH, ....= =.. N,(g) + 3H,(g)
Initially 15 atm

31 atm

(at:r = 300 K)
(at T = 620 K) [Pn = PTi T, ]
AtEqb 31-2p P 3p
A/q, Total pressure = 3 I - 2P + P + 3P = 3 I + 2P = 50
:. 2P~ 19 atm

% degree of dissociation = 19 xIOO=61.31%


Er. Kishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for I1T'IEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er.Rishi Kumar(B-Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Ans:- A + 2B ... , ==.' 2C + 0

Initially X 1.5 X (A/q : conc-" of B = 1.5 conc" of A)
Ateq-b x-y 1.5x-.2y 2y y

A/q,x-y =y =>y=~

:. Keq_b = (2y)'.y x%
= .:L2.. = 8/ = 4 Ans
(x - y)(1.5x - 2y)' x Xl 744
2' 4
I ,
Ans:- SO, + -0,4 SO,
2 -
Initially 2 I 0
At eq_b 2-x I-~ x

Total moles = 2 -x +I-~ +x =3-:Vz

A/q, x~ x 100=87 (volume. ratio = molar ratio)

3- x2
- - = 0.87 => 2x = 5.22 - 0.87 x
x = 5.22 = 1.82
Now total pressure becomes = (2.99/3)atm
:. Press of SO, = 2 - x x 2.09 = 0.18 x 2.09 = 0.086 atm x 2.09
3-~ 3. 3-0.91 3 3

1.09 0.09 2.09 = 0.04'31 atln.x 2 .09

Presso fO 2= I-:Vz x 2.091-0.91 x-=~x-
3-~ 3 3-0.91. 3 2.09 3, 3

PS'O,-- - x- x -
- _1.82 x 2.09 -0 .871 atmx-
. 3-~ 3 2.09 3 3

0.871x 2.09
. :. Kp PSO, _3"--_ _---,,-
PSO,.PO,)I, - 2.~9 xO.86x(0.0431)'; xe~9t
0.871 0.871
- - 58.60 . Ans
- 0.086xO.2076x (0.676)'; - 0.01785 xO.834

Er. R1shi Kumar Is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 . Page 222

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Ans:- 2Fe'\aqs) + Hg,'+(aqs) .., =="'- 2Fe"(aqs) + 2Hg'+(aqs)

Kc = 9.14x 1O. 6 .t 25C
Initial cone-I)
[Fe'+]o ~ 0.5 M & [Hg,2+]o = 0.5 M
[Fe'+]o = 0.03 M & [Hg"]o = 003 M
[Fe" ]'[Hg"]' (0.03)'x(0.03)' 9xI0'4 x9xlO'4
Q = [Fe " ]'[Hg."] (0.5)' x (0.5) 25 x 10" x 15 x 10"

~ 9x9xI0" =6.486xI0'7 <Kc.

25x 05 ..
c. Reaction will move in forward and direction to reach equilibrium.
2Fe'+(aqs) + Hg,'+(aqs) _ _ 2Fe'+(aqs) + 2Hg'(aqs)
Initially 0.5M O. M 0.03 M 0.03 M
At eq.h 0.5 -x 0.5 Yz 0.03 + x 0.03 + x

c. Kc= (0.03+x)'(0.03+x)' = (0.0:+X)4 I

(0.5-X)'( 0.5-~) (05-,-x)'(0.5-72)

Calculating for x = 0.003 M.

[Fe"] ~ 0.5 -x ~ 0.5-0.003 = 0.497 M
[Hg,'l = 0.5 - Yz =0.5- 0.~03 =0.499M
[Hg'+] = 0.03 + x = 0.033 = 3.3 x 10" M
[Fe'+] ~ 0.03 + x = 0.033 = 3.3 x 10" M
Sol:- 2NO(g)+Br,(g) ...= =... 2NOBr(g) at T = 1000 K 0.1 mole ofB, No & BOB,
Kc = 1.32 x 10"
[NOBrl' (0.01)' I x I0-4
c. Q = [NO]'[Br,] (0.1)' x (0.1) 1x10 )
Q= 10. 1 >Kc
c. Reaction will have in backward direction (reverse dir-")
2NO + Br,~ 2NOBr
Initially: 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ateq-b:O.1+x O.1+Yz O.Q]-x

Kc=132xlO" (O.OI-x)'
. (O.l+x)'(O.I+Yz)
Neglecting x w.r.t. 0.1 we have
1.32 x 10" = (O.01,-x)'
(0.1) xO.1
Er. Rishi one ofthe Topper in.ChemiStryin IITJEI! 2004 and AIEEE 2004..Heis
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for I1T,jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

(0.01-x)'=1.32 x I0' S => O.Q1-X= ,J]3]xIO-'=3.63xI0-'

X = 6.37x 10.3
Moles ofNOBr = 0.01 -x = 3.63 X 10. 3
... PV=nRT
Pxl=3.63xlO" xO.0821x1000
PNOB ' = 3.63 x 0.0821 = 0.30 atm Ans
Sol:- Press ratio = mole ratio
PN. 79
- - =-(atconst&Temp)
PO, 21
N, + O2 4 t 2NO
Initially 79x 21x 0
At eg_ b 79x - Px 2lx-Px 2Px
Total pressure = 79 x + 21 x - 2px + 2Px = 100x
A/g, --xlOO=1.8
2Px x100 =1.8 =>2P=1.8
100x .

:. Kp = (2Px)' = 4P'x'
(79x-Px)(2Ix-px) (79-P)(21-P)x'

-- (1.8)'
(79- 0.9)(21- 0.9)
=2.lxI0- 3

Sol:- CO (g) + CI, (g) =:::. COCl, (g)
Initially: 342 mm
At eg_ b : 342 - P
352 mm
A.g, at eq-', To pressure ~ 440 mm

694- P + 352 - P + P = 440

694 + P = 440 => P = 694 - 440 = 294 mm.
Kp = PCOCI. = 760 294x760 = 80. 26 .
PCO.PCl, .i
8_ x _5_8 58x48
760 760
, 'I I
COCI,~CO + CI , Kp = -=--=0.012
,Kp 80.26
Initially I atm
At eg-' 1- P P P
P' P'
Kp'= - - =>0.012= -
Er. R1shi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

P' + 0.012 P - 012; 0

p; -0,012+,1I.44xI0--1+4xO,0]2
Percentage dissociation = ! x 00
J = J 0.37%
I Ans
Sol:- I'>H ; liE + I'>nRT
I'>H - liE ; linRT
-1190 cal; I'>n x 2x298
I'>n ~ -1190 ;-2
Also, Kp; Kc (RT)I'>n

Kp ~(RT/'~(0.0821x298r' 1.67 x 10" Ans

Sol:- 2H,O (g) + 2CI, (g)="- 4HCI (g) + O,(g).
'Kp ~ 0-035
Kp; Kc (RT) I'>n
0-035; Kc (0.082] x 673)+' [ I'>n ~ (4+1)-(2+2); I]
Kc ; 0.035/ 0.0821 x 673 ; 6.334 x 10.4 Ans
Sol:- CH,COOH + C,H,OH ~ CH, COO C,H, + H,O
Initially I I 0 0
At eg_ b I-x I-x x x
Wt of water formed at eg_ b ~ xx 18 ~ 12 ;> x ~ 7j
c. Kc ;_x_-_~
, (2/)'
(2/31)' , .n,~4
(I-x)' (1-%)" ()'i)"
If2 moles ofC,H,OH is added then.
Initially }j }j+2 %
At new eg- b }j - Y /j - Y 7j + y

(% +y)' 4 =>
, (2+3Y)'
(}j-y)(%-y) (1-3y)(7-3y)

4+9y'+ 12y=4 (7-24 y+9y'j

27 y'; 108 y + 24; 0

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004- and AIEEE 2004-. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

9y' - 36 Y+ 8 = 0
+36 ~r(3-6-,)',----4-x-9-x-8 3631.75 .
~ 18 33.87(NOTpossible)
y= 2x9
= 0.23 6possible
because y has to be less than X.
... Weight ofCH 3COOC,H, produced = (0.236X 7j)x M = 79 .2g Ans

Ans:- II
CH, -CH, -C-OH + C,H,OH
Propanoic acid ethyl alcohol ethyl propanate
Initially 0.5 mole 0.5 mole o 0
At eq_b 0.5 -x O.5-x x x

Kc =
x' = 7 36 ;>
(0.5-x)' . 0.5-x
X= 1.356-2.71 x
x = 1.356 = 0.366

... moles ofCH, -CH, -C -OC,H, = 0.366.

weightofCH, -CH, -C-OC,H, = 0.366x Mol.wt
. ~ 37.29 gm Ans

Ans:- C,H,OH+CH,COCH' CH, -COOC,H, + H,O
Initially 0.1 mole 0.1 n'vle
O.I-x O.I-x x x
Kc = , ------(1)
For complete neutralisation.
mole ofCH 3COOH = mole ofNaOH
= 100x 1O'3xO.85x I
O.I-x = 0.085
Putting the volume, we have
Kc= x' (0.015)' 15' =0.31 Ans
(0.1- x)' (0.085)' 85'
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 226
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol: H,(g) + I,(s)",==o<' 2HI (g), Kp = 871 at 25C
Kp = = ---c,--- 871
PI,(3).PH,(9) 4>10-.J>PH,
I PHI' -.J'
Kp =--=871>4>10 =0.3484atm
PH, Ans
Sol: CuSO,. 3H,O CuSO,. H,O + 2H,O (vap)
dissociation pressure = 7> 10" atm at T = 25C = 298 K & I'!.H= 2700 cal
:. Kp at 298 K = (P mo )' = (7) 10")' = 49> 10'.
Let Kp' at T = 127C = 227 + 273 = 400 K
'10 (KP)_ -I'!.H (_1 _ _
1) _ -2700 (_I _ _
'. g Kp' - 2.303R 298 400 - 2.303> 2 298 400
= -1350( 102 )=-0.5016
2.303 400> 298
Taking antilog and putting the value of Kp
Kp' ~ 1.55> 10"
:. P' H,O ~ 1.55> 10"
PH,O = 1.2467> 10" atm Ans
Sol:- CuSO, .5H,O CuSO, .3H,O(s) + 2H,O (g)
Kp = 1.086> 10" atm' at 25C
Vapour pressure of water at 2SoC = 23.8 nun of Hg
Kp = PH,O' = 1.086> 10" am'
PH,O = 1.04 am'= 7.92 mm of Hg
:. PCuSO,. 5H,O = 7.92 mm ofHg.
If press of substance> press. of surrounding then water will be released by the substance & is
known as efflorescent substance & the phenomena is called efflorescence
:. efflorescence occur ifpressure of air is less than 7.92 mm of Hg An.
Similarly a substance CuSO,. 3H,O will try to absorb water if
Press of surrounding> pressure of substance press. of air (surrounding) > 7.92 mm of Hg
. Ans

An.:- N,O,(g)-==,,2NO,(g) vapour density = 25.67
Initially I 0
At eqb I -x 2x
. ,
:. Vapour density = 25-67

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITJEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola. Patna -4

wt lx92
Mol.wt=2x25.67= - - = - -
moles (I + x)
(I +x)= = 1.79
2x 25.67
Degree of dissociation = 0.792 Ans

:.Kp= PNO,' = I+x'

( ~ I)' 4x' 4x' 4x(0.79)' 4xO.6241
PN,04 (I-xXI) (l+x)(l-x) = I-x' = 1-(0.79)' 1-0.6241
K _4 x O.6241 6.641 Ans
P - 0.3759
Sol:- 2H,S (g) Q 2H, (g) + S, (g), Kp'= 0.0018, at T = 1065 0C = 1338 K
I'>H ~ 42-4 kcal = 42.4 x 101 cai
T,= 1132C= 1132+273= 1405K

I ( Kp,
og Kp,
J 2.303R
-I'>H ( I 1)
T, - T,
Putting the value of each them & taking antilog, we have
Kp, = 0.025 Ans
Sol:- Let pressure of A = 2P & that of B = P
2A + B~A,B; I'>0=1200calat227C=500K
Initially: 2P P 0
At eq.b; 2p2x pox x
A/q x = px60% =Px-=0.6p
, 100
Total pressure = (2p - 2x + p -It. +*)= 3P -2x
= 3P-0.6P X 2 = 1.8p atm
also 1'>0 = -2.303 RTlot kp
1200 = -2.303x 2x 500 log kp

10gKp = -6
2.303x 5

Kp = anti log ( -6. ) = anti log (-2.520)

2.303 x 5
= anti log (-I +0.478) ~ 0.3
Also Kp = PA,B = x
PA 2 pB (2p-2x)'(P-x)

Er. RiShi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry tor liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 228
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola ,Patna -4

K = 0.6P 6
P 4(OAP)'xOAP 16xO.16P'

P' = 600
~> P = J 600 =!.Q (6
16'Kp 16V"KP
Keeping the value of kp, we have

p=1O (6 = !.Q (60 = IO x2 15

16fiu 16V"3 10

:. Total pressure = 1.8 P = 1.8x 2.79 = 5.03 atm Ans

Sol:- 3/ H,(g)+"2I N,(g),",,===t<' NH,(g)


Kp, = 0.0266atT, = 350'C = 623K

Kp, = 0.0129atT, = 400C = 673K
Heat offormation of NH, will be tlH of the above reaction.

I( Kp, ) -tlH (1 I)
og Kp, = 2.303R 623 - 673

I (0.0266) -tlH ( 50 )
og 0.0129 = 2.303R 623x673
tlH = -21139.2Cal Ans
Q33:- A (g~ B(g) + C(g): Kc = 0.15 at T = 200C = 473 K
bO.2M O.3 0.3M
A teg- - - M
1 1 I
(a) If the value of the contains is doubled. i.e, vf= 2 lit then
A(g)oc==O< B(g) + C(g)
'1 I1Itla
.. II y -0.2 -0.3 -0.3
b 0.2 0.3 0.3
At eg_ - - x -+x -+x
2 2 2
0.3 0.3
Q= 2. 2 0,45 k b
--< eg- :. reaction has to move forward
0.2 2
0.3 )(0.3
(-+x -+x )
keg _" = 2 . 2 0,45
. (Ol-x) (O.l-x)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole cbemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

x' + 0.3x + 0.0225 = 0.045 - 0.45x

x' + 0.75x - 0.0225 = 0
x = _-0_._75~+_.J0_._65_2_5 0.807 - 0.75
2 2
x = 0.0289
:. [A] = 0.1- 0.0289 = 0.071 M.
[B) = [C] = 0.15 + 0.0289 = 0 18 M.
(b) If volume is halfed
A(g) c B(g)+C(g)

Initially: 0.2~ 2 ~.~ ~~

/ I 12 /2
0.4 0.6 0.6
At eq_h: O.4+x 0.6-x 0.6-x

Q = (0.6)(0.6) 3 x 0.60.3 = 0.9> Kc :. Reaction willmore back word.

0.4 2
Kc =0.45 = (O.6-x)'
0:36 + x' -1.2x = 018 +0.45x
x' - 1.65x + 0.18 =0
1.65J{l.65)' -4xO.18 1.65.J2.005
x = =
2 2 2
Since x can't be greater than 0.6 (because 0.6 x conc-")
+ve sign can be ignored
x = 0.235 = 0.117 = 0.12
[A] = 0.4 + x ~ 0.52 M
[B] = [C] = 0.6-x = 0.6-0.12 = 0.48 M Ans
Sol:- CO,(g) + H,(g)~ H,O(g) + CO(g)
0.48 M 0.96 M 0.96
Ateq- h -0.48 M M
2 2 2 2

(T)' X(T)'
Kc = (0;8)( 0.;8) 4

(a) Let x mO!e of H, is added to eq- h mixture

CO,(g) + H,(g) ~ H,O(g) + CO(g)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 230
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Initially 0.24 0.24 + x 0048 0048

At eq_b 0.24-y 0.24+x-y 0.48+y OA8+y

A/q, 0048 + Y = 0.6 M

Y = 0.12
:. Kc~ (0.48+y)(OA8+y) = 0.6xO.6
(0.24-y)(0.24";x-y) 0.12 x (0.12+x)
4= 5xO.6 3
(0.12+x) (0.12+x)
48 + 4x = 3
4x = 3 -0048 = 2.52 => x = 2.52 = 0.63mole/lit
:. moles added (ofB,) in 2 lit vessel = 0.63x 2= 1.26
:. weight added = molesx Mol.wt = 1.26x 2 = 2.52 g Ans
Similarly calculation can be done for b & c also.
Sol:- F,-2F
Initially I 0
At eq_b I-a 2a
Total moles = 1 - a + 2 a = 1+ a
~ 2a 2a
"Pf= --Ptotal=--A
I+a I+a
I. I-a I-a
y..Pf, = --.Ptotal=--A
I+a I+a

:. Kp= Pf' = l+a'

( ~4)' 4a'.16 (I+a)
PC l-a (I+a)' '(l-a)A
lAx 10" = 16-a'
lAx 10"= lAx 10"a' =16a'
1.4 x 10" = (16+0.014) a'
a,=IAxlO- 8.74xlO-'
a = 0.029 = 0.03 Ans
38 38
Also Mol. wt at eq" ~ - - = - = 36.91
l+a 1.03
:. V apour denslty Mol.wt
- - = 1845
. Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 97?B984530 . Page 231
By: Ee. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna .4

Sol: Given: (I) COC!,(g)~ CO(g) + c!, (g), K, = 0.329
(2) 2CO(g) + O,(g) -=" 2CO(g), K, = 2.24 x 10 22
(I) x2+(2)
2COC!,(g) + 0, (g)~ 2CO,(g) + 2CI,(g).
K= Kt'. K,
= (O.329)'x 2.24x 10 22 = 2.43 x 10" Ans

Sol:- For half Cl, atom to remain in COC!, fonn, only half of moles of COC!, taken should convert
to Cl,(g).
COCl,(gJ-o=!" CO(g) + C!,(g) , K'OOOK = 0.329
Initially x 0 0
At eq.b x -~ Yz Yz
Keqb = 0.329 =
~ = ~
X = 0.658 moles Ans
Sol:- N,04~2NO,
Initially I mole 0
At eq_b 10.25 2 x 0.25 (25% dissociation)

0.5 x I)'
125 =0.25 x __I_=0.267
0.75 x I 1.25 0.75
Let a is the degree of dissociation, then
PNO, =--xO.1 N,04- 2NO ,
PN,04 =--xO.1 Ateq-bl- a 2a
, I+a
total moles = I + a

4- a', x (0.1)'
PNO,' (I + a)'
PN,04 I-a xO.1
4a 2 a
0.267 = , x 0.1 => - - , 0.667
(I-a') I-a'

a' = 0.667 = 0.3999 => a=0.6324

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT'IEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT,IEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. 9852476717, 9798984530 Page 232
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

:. percentage dissociation = ~x 100=63.24%

I Ans
Sol:- (I) S + S2~ st, Keq_b 12 (given)

(2) 2S + S~S{, Keq.'? = 130

I .

(2) -(I) S + S"-,==*'

S 2 ke.b = keq _b, = 130 = 10.83
" q k eq- bI 12

Sol:- PH,.BCl,(S) ~ PH,(g) +' BCj,(g)
Initially A 0 0 Kp = 1.57
At eq-b A - x x x
total no. of gaseous moles = 2x
x P
:. PpH, =-xPtotal=-total
. 2x 2
x ptotal
POC1 =-xPtotal=--
.' 2x 2
:. Kp = 1.57 = Ptatal'
Ptotal' = 4 x 1.57
Ptotal = 2.51 atm
Ptotal 2.51
:. PPHl = PBCIl = - - = - = 1.253atm
2 2 Ans
(b) Al eq_b A -x > 0

~Iso from PV = nRT => P = .!: RT

1.253 = x. x 0.0821 x (273 + 80)

50,(g) + NO,(g)-"==>- 50,(g) + NO(g)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 233
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Initially ~M ~M ~M ~M
2 2 2 3
1.5M 2M 0.5 M 2M.
At eq_b 1.5 -x 2-x 0.5+x 2+x
Alq, 1.5 -x = - = 0.5 ~> X = 1.5 - 0.5 = I
(a) ... Equilibrium cone" : [SO,] = 0.5 M.
[NO,] = 1.0M. Ans
[NO] = 3M
[SO,] = 1.5.M
(b) Kc = [SO,][NO] 1.5 x 3 =9 Ans
[SO,][NO,] '1 x 0.5
Sol:- CaCO,(S) ~aO (s) + CO,(g)
Initially ~moles = 0.2moles
Alq, 35% didn't dissociate :. 65% dissociates.
. 65 13 .
100 100
:. Moles of CO, produced = 0.13 moles
P= nRT = 0.l3xO.082IxI073 1.145 aim
V 10
:. Kp = PCO, = 1.145 atm Ans
Sol:- H,O + 0,0 - 2HOO
Initially conc-" 27.7 27.5 0
At eqY 27.7-x 27.5-x 2x
Weight ,of 0,0 (given) = 550. ~ _'. f
550'51 \ / ' .. ,Q';f'.,
:. moles of 0,0 = - = 5922moles.,J -
20 ",,--./
weight 5500 .
. Volume of 0,0 = --=500ml
density 'I I '
Weight ofH,O (given) = 498.5 g i ..~
498.5 -;;:1-" 498.5
moles ofH,O = --moles & Volume ofH,O = --moles
!8 . 18 /
. 4985'
Volume ofH,O = - - ' = 500ml
., .., Total volume = V,O + VH,O 1000 ml =1 lit
Er. Rishi Kumar Is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 20Q4 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Pama for Whole chemistry ftl1' IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 234
By: Hr. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Initially morality ofD,O = 57i M = 27.5 M

Initially morality of H20 = 27. 7 M
A/q, 47% ofH,O reacts to form HDO.
... x= Z7.7x-=13.0Z
... Kc = (Zx)' (Z6.04)'
(27.7 - x)(Z7.5 - x) 14.68x 14.66
Kc = 3.17 Ans

Sol:- ZS02(g) + 0, (g) ZSO](g); Keq- b = 6.98 x 10 24
tiGo =-Z.303RTlogkeq_b
= - Z.303 x 8.314x 300 log (6.98 x 1024 )
= -14Z.7kJ/mole
... tiGoreac-" =ZtiG:SO,-ZtiGo ISO, -tiGo",
-147.Z ~ ZtiG:SO] +600.Z4-0
ZtiG:SO] . =-373.72kJ/mole
Z Ans
Sol:- For reaction involving gases only
tiGo =-Z.303RTlogKp
... Kp can be calculated if tiG is'known.
For reaction happening with solutions
tiGo = -Z.303 RTlog Kc
So Kc can be calculated with this.
Sol:- ZSO,(g) + 0,(8)' , ZSO](g)
Ateq-,P SO,= -
- x Ptota1=--xllZ=63.39atm
100 100
PO, = 10.6x11Z 11.87atm & PSO = 3Z,8xllZ 36.74atm
- 100' 100

... Kp= PS?" 0.OZ83 Ans'

Sol:- ZAB ~ A, + B" tiGo = 11.8kJ
Initially I 0 0

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for llT-IEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 235
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

At eq- b I - a '7i '7i; a = degree of dissociation

t.G =-2.303 RT log Kp
1l.R x 10' = -2.303 x 8.314x 230 log Kp.
-2.679 ~ log Kp.
Kp = anti log (0.321) x 10'3
= 2.094 x 10"
Let degree of dissociation is a then
:. total moles at eqY = 1- a + '7i + '7i + '7i = I.
a a
2 xix xl
:. Kp= I 2/1, a'

. C~a Xl}

a' a'
2.094 x 10" = , ~> 4x 2.094x 10'-
4(1-a)- (I-a)'

a = 0.0915-.0.915a
a= 0.09150.0838 Ans
Q48:- H2(g) + F2 ( g ) - 2HF(g). K = 115
.. 11 y -0.1
Imtla 0,05 0
At eq_b O.l-x 0.05-x 2x
. K ",115~ (2x)'
(0.I-x)(0.05-x) 0.005-0.15x+x'
Solving quadratic we have'
X = 0.0485
:. [H 2 ]=0.1-0.01485-0.05151
[F2 ] = 0.5 - 0.0485 - 0.002 M
[HF] = 2 x 0.0485 = 0.097 M
Sol:- CuO (s) + H2 (g) ~ Cu(s) + H,O (g)
Initially 0.2 atm
At eqY 0.2 - P P p atm
:. Kp = -'---""- P =1.6xlO'
PH, 0.2-P

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna forWhole chemistryfor liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 . Page 236
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Ch~mistry Classes. Naya Tola, Patna -4

0.2xI.6xIO-' =P ~ P"'0.2
.. (1.6 x 10' +1)
:.PH, "'0.2-0.2",0 However will be +ve.
Sol:- C(S) + CO,(g)~c==""t 2CO(g). Kp = 1.5
At eqY P, P, (say)
Kp =~ =1.5 ~>-p,' = U PI
AlsoP, TP,= I
P,= I-P,
p,'= I +P,'-2P, = UP,
I+ p,' -3.5 P, =
P, =0.314atm, ~ PCO,= 0.314 atm Ans
P, = 0.686 atm ~ PCO= 0.686 atm Ans
Sol:-NH4CI(s)c NH,(g) + HCI(g), ~H= 176kJ/mole
(a) Temp. is decreased, eqY will move in exothermic direction. (i,e. formation ofNH, increases).
(b) NH3 is added, eq-bwill consume the added NH" how~ver some more amount of NH 3 than
before will remain present - & so mass ofNH, increases from before.
(c) HCI is added, eqb will shift leftward, and so amount ofNH3 consumed & so decreases.
(c) No effect of addition of solid NH 4Cl or removing.
(e) volume decreases, no of gases molecule try to decrease this happens by shifting eq-b in
backward dir" , So wt ofNH 3 decreases.
Sol:c CI,(g) ~ 2Cl(g)
Initially I
Ateq-b I-a
Total moles = I +a
If CI, molecule is I% dissociated.
A/q, a = -=0.01

( ~.I)'
:.Kp= I+a = 4a' = 4x10" =4.09xIO4 Ans
l-a. I-a' 1-0.01
:. Kp = Kc(RT);' = Kc(RT)'

Kc= KP 4.04xlO-4 =5.09xlO" Ans

RT 0.0821x975

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He Is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for fIT'JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no.985247t1l717, 9798984530 Page 237
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- LiGo =-2.303RTlogK

LiHo - TLiSo =- 2.303 RT log K
-LiHo LiSo
2.303 log K = - - + - proved
Sol: A + B C + D, LiGo = 460 cal
2 2 2 2
At eq.b 2-x 2-x 2+x 2+x
LiGo = -2.303x Rx30010gK
460 log K
2.3x 2x300
log K = -X =-0.33
K = 0.467 = (2 + x):
(2 - x)-

[C] = (2 + x) = ';0.467 = 0.68 Ans

[A] 2-x
Sol:- 2A(g) + B(g) - A,B(g).
LiSo = 51 IK
K =lxIO- 1O
T =300k
LiGo =-2.303x8.314 x 30010gK
= -5744.14(-10) =57441.43 11K
LiHo -TLiSo = LiGo = 57441.43
LiHo -300x 5 = 57441.43
LiHo =57441.43+1500 = 58941.43 J
LiHo = LiEo + L\nRT
LiEo = 58941.43-LinRT
=58941.43+2x8.314x300 =63829.82J=63.83KJ Ans

Objective Problems:-
Q:l An.,. (b):- urea is II
CO(NH,), H,N-C-NH,
:. Mol wt= 16x2 + 12 + 16= 60 g
:. no. of moles in 120 g = 120 = 2 moles
Velume of solution = 5 lit
Er, Rlshi Kumar is one of tile Topper in Chemistry in HT-IEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He Is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 238
By: Er. Rishi KnmareB.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

. moles 2
:. MolaTlty = - = OAM Ans
volume 5
Q2: Ans :- (d) For forward eq_b reaction it is [C][D]
.. [A][B]

For backward eg_ b reaction it is [A][B]

Q3: Ans:- (b) From Quit ofKp, it clear than tm = I
Since Kp has unit (alm);
here Kp ~ 0.5 atm given
this directly implies that dn = 1, which is only in case of (b) option.
Q4:Ans:- (d) Kp = Kc (RT)'
Both are equal if dn = O.
Actually dn = 0 =:> Kp = Kc ~ Kn ~ 1-------

Unit ofKc ~ (m~tt

unit ofKp = (atm)'
Kp -)I, 1
Q5:Ans:- (b) - = (RT) ' = - -
Q6:Ans:- (d) From stoichiometric coefficient, it is clear that x mole ofN, reacts with 3 x moles of
H, to produce 2x moles ofNH,
N, + 3 H , - 2NH,
Initial mole 1 2 3
At eq_b I-x 2-3x 3+2x
PCI,..=O' PCI, + CI,
Initially 2M 0 0
At eq-b 2-x x X

A/q, Kc=--=I
-1J!+8 3-2
x ----'-------'- = - =I
2 2
:. degree 0 fd ISSOClahon = -I
Q8:Ans:- (a)
Initially 1
At eq_b I-x 2x (total no. of moles ~ l+x)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one oftbe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
preSently one of the best teacher at Patua for Whole chemistry for llT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. 9852476717, 9798984530 Page 239
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola, Patna -4

. M0 1. wt at eq- b -_ -'.-(I_-_x-,-)_x_9.._2_+_2_x_x_4_6
~ ..... l+x l+x

49 + 49x = 92
49 x = 43 x = -.= 0.8775
:. Percentage dissociation = >{ x 100 =87%
SO, + ~ O,"f'=* SO,', K,

SO, ",,==,a' SO, + 11 a _I

/2 ~'K

2S0]~ 2S0, + 0, = (~,)'

Q10: Ans :- (d)

A "'f'==*-D, K" = 2 x 4 x 6=48
Q11: Ans :-(c)
Kp = PCO, because CaCOJ(s) CaO(s) + CO,(g)
Q12: Ans:- (a)
C(S) + CO,(g) 4 2CO(g)
Kp = PCO, = 8 ' = 64 = 16
PCO, 4 4
A + B ~ 3C, Kc = 20. At 25C

Initial mole ~ Yz Yz
(4)' 80
Q= Ix Yz
=~ =16<kc

:. reaction will move in dir_ ll in which q increases, hence in backward direction. (from left to
Q14: Ans:-(a)
A + B~C + 0
2 3 4 Q=[C][Dj = 4x3 =6<10
[A][B] 2

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. 9852476717, 9798984530 Page 240
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

... Q has to be increased, SO reaction will be moved from leftto right.

Q15: Ans;- (b)
A + Bo .C + D
.. 11y -2
- -2 2 Kc= [C][D] = 2x2 ~I
I I I. 1 [A][S] 2x2
Since degree of dissociation depend on equilibrium constant not on the initial concentrations.
QI7: Ans :-(d)
Only temp. chanlles equilibrium constant, other changes just affect equilibrium position.
.QI8: Ans:-(a)
2Hl~H, + I,
Initially 100
At eg_ b X

1/ x~
. 16 6 36 1 9
:. Kc , -=-x-
(1- xr 4
36 4

QI9:Ans:- (c)
N, + 3H,- 2NH,
28 6
Initially 0
28 2
1 3 0
At eqY I-x 3-3x 2x
2x = I =)x = li
... Moles ofN, =I-li;" li
1 I
... WtofN,= -xMol.wt=-x28=14gm
2 2
WtofH,= 3-7i=7ixMol.wt=7ix2=3gm
H,(g)+I,(g) ~ 2Hl(g)
Kp cbanges only with temperature.
SO, + li a, ...c==~t So, L'.H = -ve
By Le-chatelier principle, if Temp is decreased, reaction will move in exothermic direction.
So SO] will be formed. Also as pressure decreases, no of moles increase & since in SO] side

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 241
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

less no. of molf?s are present, we have to increase the pressure to reduce the no. of moles
i,e, to produce SO,.
Q22:Ans- (a), (b), (e), (d)
(Same explanation as above)
Q23:- Ans-(a)
Kp doesn't change with pressure & concentration.
Because in all, a, b, c reaction, some of the product precipitated out and or some product are
evolved out from the reaction mixture as gases.
Q25 Ans (e)
NaNoJS) " O,(g)+NaNO,(s),~H ~+ve
As temp is increased, reaction will move in forward direction, NaNO, & NaNO, are solid, so
their addition or removal doesn't effect equilibrium.
Q26:Ans-(AII are wrong options)
Addition of inert substance (which doesn't take part in reaction) doesn't change the
concentration & it doesn't effect the equilibrium position also
N,04'" 2NO,
b 0.2 M 2xI0'" M
Ateq- "2 2

(10")' .s
10. 1
Br, " 2Br, ~H

K, ~ I x 10'0 & K, ~ 1 x 10'5

10g(.!S.}_ -~H (_I _.!.) _I (IO. 'O ) _ -~H (1 I)

K, 2.303R T, T, og 10_ -> - 2.303R 500 - 700

-5 ~
-~H (I 1)
2.303R 500 - 700


Q30:Ans-(None) Ateg _b, ~G ~ 0

~Go ~-2.303RTlogKp

Q31 :Ans-(b) Solid ~ liquid

At s press t , equilibrium will try to shift left or right which depends on nature of solids &

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tec!l.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Q32:Ans-(b) liquid b Vapour

As press t no. of gaseous molecules try to decrease & hence for having more vapour we have
to increase the temperature
Q33:Ans- (e)
. a-
PCI, c C PCi) + CI" Kp = ----,---
As volume changes, a will affect equilibrium position;
CaCO,(s) ~CaO(s) + CO, (g)
Only temp. & amount of CO, will affect equilibrium position;
Q35:Ans-(a}, (e) & (e)
As inert gas added at court pressure, partial pressure decreases and hence to increase partial
pressure no. of moles have to increase which occur in forward dis'
Where "'0 = 0, G "',doc' = G """"" "
i,e stability of both reactants & products are same which is a rare case
~G < 0 Since .6G < 0 =GProduct --:GreilctalllS <0 Gproducl> Greactants in (c)
Q38:Ans-(c) .6G > 0 for Gproduct - Greactants > 0
Gproduc! > Greactants in (C)

Q39:Ans-(b) "'G = 0 =:} "'GO = -2.303 RT 10gKp

in (b) log Kp = 0 ~>- Kp ~ 1
CaCO, (s) c CaO(s) + CO,(g)

(a) As only CaCO,(s) is present it will produce CaO & CO,

(b) CaO & CO, such that PCO, > Kp'reaction will more backward so eg achieved.
(c) CaCO, & CO, such that Pea, > Kp will try to move reaction in backward direction, So
eqb is achieved.
(d) If both CaCO, & CaO are present, it doesn't affect any thing.
Q41 :Ans-(d) Kp will change only by changing temperature, however by changing volume,
a change in such a way that Kp remain same.
Q42:Ans-(c) Q = [Product]
[reac tan ts]
At initiar condition, [Product] =0
:. Q = O,initially
Q43:Ans-(a) CaCO,(s) -='" CaO(s) + CO,(g), K, = 0.05 molellit
K, = [CO,] = 0.05 mole / lit
moleofCO, 0.05mole/lit

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT'IEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

mole of CO, = 0,05 x 6.5 mole = 0.325 mole

At least> 0,325 moles should be present
Min_on weight ofCaCO, ~0.325 x 100 d2.5 gm

As Temp is increased, reaction constant increases in endothennic reaction

by log (~J= 2~~~RU - ;J

IfT,>T, ~_J..->O
T, T,

-l'iH (1 1) < 0
:. 2.303R T, - T,

log (~J <0 ~ ~: < 1 =H, < K,

So 1fT, > T, K, > K,.
Q45:Ans-(a) NiO(s) + CO(g)' Ni(s) + CO,(g)
150 mm of Hg
150 _p
total pressure = - atm =150mmof Hg < 760
So there is always tendency to occur reaction forward

Q46:Ans-(c). Log K = -l'iH +C

:. Curve will be (c) with -ve slope

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE ~004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Chapter 16: Ionic Equilibrium in Aqueous solution

Sol:- CH3COOH~CHJCOO(') + H(+j: Ka ~ 1.81 x 0,5
Initially 0.4
At eq_b 0.4 - O.4x O.4x O.4x (x = degree of dissociation)
:. Ka = [CH 3COO'][H'] = (O.4x)(O.4x)
[CH,COOH) 0.4 - O.4x

1.8x105~ O.4x '

, I8 '
x'=-'-xIO" :.(I-x",l)
x=.J4.5xlO" =6.7IxIO'3 An.
Sot:- H A C ' H+ + A', Ka = 1.8 x 10,5
Initially 0.2 0 0
At eqY 0.2-0.2x 0.2x O.2x (x ~ degree of dissociation)
ka = (0.2x)(0.2x) = 0.2x' = 1.8 x 10'5
(0.2-0.2x) I-x

X2 1,8 10" = 9 x 10'5

x= .J9x
10'5 = 9x 487 X 10'3
Conc,nOf[H+) ~0.2x=9.487xO.2xIO'J ~ 1.897xlO,3M An.
Sol:- pH ~ 6,2
10g[H+) ~ ,6.2 ~ ,7 + 0.8
taking antilog
[H+] = 6.31 x 10,8

[OH'] 10,14. IOxlO'1S = 1.6x10-8M An.

[H'] 6.31 x 10"'
Sol:- HCN H+ + CN', Ka4.8x 10,10

Ka [H'][CN') =4.8xlO'lO
When NaCN is dissolved,
Major species ~ Na+, CN'
(does nothing) 0.16 mole in 450 ml

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Pama for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi kumar(B.Tech. IlT Kanpur] Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tala, Patna -4

M ~ 0.16 =3.56xIO')
CN" + H,O~ HCN + OHI ')
b Kw 10'14
Initially 3.55 x 10J excess o o keq- ~ - ~ --'-'---=
Ka 4.8x10 10

At eq" 3.55 x 10')-x x x

Keq, b ~ x2 -1x 10"

3.55xI0)-x 4.8
Solving quadratic equation, we ahve
X ~ 2.72xlO')M
:. [OR] ~ [HeN] ~ 2.72 x 10') M A n s
+ Kw 10'14
[H J---- 3.676xlO'12 M Ans
- [OW] - 2.72 x I0'
Sol:- Let the concentration of HNO, is M.
HNO r="-H+ + NO,',Ka~4xlO-4
Initially M O O
At eq" M -0.2M 0.2 M 0.2 M
:. Ka = 4 xl 0.4 ~ (0.2M)(0.2M) 0.04M x 10
M-0.2M 0.8Mxl00
M =20x4xIO,14 =8xl0')M
Conc-" of HNO, ~ +0.008 M Ans
501:- :. = 1.32 x 10"
HNO,-I"=='" H' + Ka = 4x 10--4
Initially x(say) 0 0
Ateq" x-1.32xI0"x 1.32xlO"x 1.32xlO''x

Ka=[H'][NO,'] 4x]0--4 => (1.32xlO"x)' =4xl0--4

[HNO,] x -1.32 x 10'2 X

x -1.32 x 10" = (1.32)' x 10--4 0.4356

(I-1.32xIO")x4xIO'4 =(1.32)'xlO"x
x = 2.29 x (1- 0.01-32) = 2.27M Ans
501:- (i) 5 xl 0. 8 M HCI
Molar species: 5 x 10.8 M H+, 5 xl 08M cr
H2 0' 'H+ + OR, Kw~lxlO14

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IlT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(8.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Initially excess 5 X 10.8 o

At eq-" 5xI0"+x x
(5xI0" +x)x = IxlO'"
x' +5 x 10"x -10'" = 0


,)25 X 10.16 +4xI0 14
J4I5 xlO' -5xlO8
2 2
(2.06-0.5)xlO' =0.78xI0"M Ans
pH ~ 6.89 Ans
(H) 5 xl 0,10 M HCI
Molar species H+, cr, H20
5x 10,IOM
Since H+ from HCI is very less compare to that of dissociation of pure water (10"
MH+), So we can think that [H+] in solution is solely due to dissociation of water
[H+] ~ 10"M
:.PH ~ 7
(iii) IO"M NaOH
Major species: Na+, H20
eq-reac- Il
H,o~ H++OW,Kw=IO

Initially excess 0 IO-8 M

At eq_b excess x 10.8 + X
Kw = 10,]4 = x(IO" + x)
x2 + 1O"x - 10,]4 ~ 0
-IOs,)1O 16+4xlO 14

,J4.Oi X 10" _10"
x= !.JI. xlO' =0.95xI0'
2 2
[H+] ~ 9.95 x 10"
pH = 7.02
(iv) 10- 10 M NaOH
:, pH = 7 [because OH' ~ 10,10 M is less to affect the dissociation & concentration of
ofH+ & OR from H20]
Sol:- Pure water has (OR) ~ 10 M

A/q, solution is twice as alkaline'as that of water

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT'JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er.Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

[OR]",",;,,, ~ 2 x [OR] water ~ 2 x 10,7 M

:. [W]sol-" = 10'1< 10'7
[OH ]sol-" 2
:. PH = -log [H+]"," = {log 10. -log2) = 7+ log2 ~ 7.3 Ans
Sol:- pH of blood ~ 7.36
:. [H+] ~ lO,7J6 M
pH of spinel fluid = 7.53
:. [W] = 10'753 M
pH of spinel fluid = 7.53
:. [H+] = lO'753 M.

[H"]blood = 10'''' =107B'''' = 10 0. 17 = 1.5 Ans

[W ]spinel fluid 10-755
Sol:- density of NaOH = 0.1 gllit

Molarity of NaOH ~ Q:!mole/lit = 2.5xlO'3M

IfNaOH is dissociated completely, then
[OH'] = 2.5 x lO,J M
pOH = - lC\g[OH'j = -log
:. PH ~ 14 - POH = 11 + log
Sol:- CH3COOH .,==lO' CH,O~O"')
Initially 0.01 M
42 0.0Ix4:2
At eq.b 0.01 - 0.01 x-'-
100 100 '. 100
0.01 - 4.2 x 10-4 4.2 X 10,4 4.2 X 10,4
:. pH ~ -log[H+] = - log(4.2 x 10'4)
PH ~ 4- log (4.2) = 3.38 Ans
Sol: HCI ---> 25ml of 0.2M
NaOH ---> 50 ml of 0.25 N
no. ofmmoles ofHCI ~ 25 xO.2 = 5 mmole
nO. ofm moles ofNaOH ~ 50x - = 12,5mmole
NaOH + HCI ----> NaCI + H2 0
Initially 12.5 5
Finally 12.5-5 o
Er. Rishi Kumar is one oftheTopper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Wbole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. m moles ofNaOH remained ~ 7.5

Volume affinal sol-" ~ volume of HeI + vol. ofNaOH ~ 25 + 50 ~ 75ml

:. Molarity ofNaOH ~ ~ = 0.1

[OR] ~ 0.1 M
POH ~ -log[OR] ~ I :.pH~ 13 Ans
Sol:- volume of water taken ~ one millionth art of 1 ml
~ 10r'ml
Molarity ofH+ ions in pure water ~ 10" M.
As pure water is neutral. so [H+] ~ (OH') = 10
no. of moles ofH+ ions ~'10" x 10.9 ~ 10"
:. no. of ions ~ moles x 6.023 x 1023
~ 10. 16 x 6.023 x I 023 ~ 6.023 x 10'
~ 60.23 x 10' ~ 60.23 million Ans
Sol:- 0.1 M H 2S0 4
H2 S04 --> H+ + HS04 '
Initially 0.1 0 0
After complete o 0.1 0.1

Initially 0.1
After dissociation O.I-x x x
[H'][SO 2-j
:. Ka = 4
1.2 X10,2 = _x_
x' + 1.2 X 10'2 x - 1.2 x 10'3 ~ 0
Solving we have x = 0.01
:. [H 2S04] ~ 0, [HSo,l = 0.1 - 0.01 ~ 0.09 M
[H+] = 0.1 + 0.01 = 0.1 M & [SO."] ~ 0.01 MAns
Sol:- [H 2S] ~ O. I M.
Ka, ~ I x 10" M & Ka2 ~ 1.3 x 10,13
H2 S-..===k H+ + HS'
Initially 0.1 M O O
At eq-" O.I-x x x

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topperin Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Ka =~=1O'7
, O.I-x
X '" 10,8 (:.O.I-x "'0.1) ~> X ~ IO'4M

. . .IS vaI'd
Approxnuahon 1 :. (x 100 1O"XI00) = 10"
- . X:::::
0.1 0.1
:. [HS]~ IO,4M,[H,S]~0.1-0" "'0.1 M
HS- c t H+ + S2-
Initially 10,4 10,4
At ego' IO'4_ y 10"+y Y
[W][S"] (10'" + y)y
Ka, = =--'-"'----"
- [HS'] (IO"'-y)

1.3xlO1) = 10"y y=1.3 x lO'''M.

:. (10'" Y '" 10"')
:. [H,S] ~ 0.1 M, [HS] ~ IO'4 M , [H+] ~ 10'4 M &. [S2,] ~ 103 X10,11 Ans
Sol:- [BOH] ~ 0.02 M
PH ~ 10.45
POH ~ 14 - 10.45 = 3.55, [OH'] ~ 2.82 x 10,4 M
BOH + HCl -----> BCI + H2 0
0.012 0.1 M
100 ml 10 ml
Initially 2mmoles I mmoles
Finally 2-1 0 1 1
:. mmoles ofBOH Now ~ 1
Volume ofsol-" ~ 100 ml + 10 ml ~ 110 ml

:. Molarity ofsol-" =_I_ M

'" 2.82xl0'" 1.41 X 10'2
F rom (I) , degree 0 fd !ssoclatlon =
K, [B+][OW] _0._02_x_' '" .::c0'.::c02::..>(.:..:1.-,-41=---x...:l.::c0'~2),-2 ~ 3.976 x 10'6
[BOH] I-x I
After adding HCI, we have a basic buffer sol-"
:. POH = pK, + log--
POH = 5.4+log"2= 5.401 :. PH = 14-POH = 8.599 Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Sol:- CH,COONa & CH,COOH (Ka ~ 1.8 x 10")
0.05 mole 0.005 M
0.05 M 1 lit

PH(initially) ~ - log [H+] '"',i,,lly

CH,COOH- CH,COO i ') + Hi +)
Initially 0.005 0 o
At eq_b 0.05 - 0.0056x 0.005x 0.005,
:. Ka 0.005x' '" 0.005x'
0.005(1- x) 1
1.8 x 10" = 0.005 X x'
X' = 36 X 10. 4 x = 6 X 10.1
:. [H+] ~ 0.005x = 3 x 10.4
:. PH',,'H,"y ~ -log [H+] ~ 3.52
[salt] .
PH final = PKa + log - -

= 5 - log(1.8) + log 0.05 = 6 ~ log(1.8) = 5.744

:. LlPH ~ 5.74 - 3.52 = 2.22 (increased) Ans
Sol:- CH,COOH ~ CH,COOi-l + HI +)
Initially 0.1 M 0 o
Ateq-bO.I-O.lx O.lx O.lx

Ka=O.lx' "'O.lx'= x'=1.8xI0"~x=1.34xlO-)

:. [H+] ~ O.lx ~ 1.34 x 10.5 M
:. [PH] ~ - 10g[H+] = 2.87
0.1 M 0.05 M
HCI dissociates completely, so now the major in the sol-"
CH,COOH, H+ cr
O.IM 0.05 M 0.05M
CH,COOH-eH,COO i ') + Hi +)
Initially 0.1 0.05 0.05
Finally 0.1-0.1x .0. Ix 0.1x + 0.05
:. Ka = 1.8 x I0-' = 0.1(0.5 + x)x
X ~ 36 x 10"

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for itT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. [H+] ~ 0.05 + O.lx = 0.05 => pH = 1.3 Ans

Sol:- Mass ofCH,COONa ~ 2.05 g
:. no. 0 f mo Ies ~ = 0.025moles
24+3 + 23 + 32
CH,COO Na + HCI ------+CH,COOH + NaCI
Initially 25 mmoles 100 m i l l
0.1 M
10 m moles
Finally: 15 mmoles 10 m moles 10 m moles
[saIl] 15
pH ~ pKa + log - - = 5 -log 1.8 + log -
[acid] 10


:. [W] = 1.23 x 10-' Ans

If 6 ml of I M HCI is further added then
CH,COONa + lICI ------+ CH, COOH + NaCI
Initially 1 5 6 m moles 10 10
Finally 15-6 = 9 0 16 16

.,no," 0 ,KH '"' ,: ;. c:

~ '0' ....'0' J~; , '0' [f. o~: ]~;. ,o,(){,)
~ 4.4948
:. [H+] ~ 3.2 x 10. 5 MAns
Sol:- For 30 g Na,CO,
no. of moles ~ - = 0.283 moles

:. M oanly~ 0.283
- - x 1000=0.566M
150 ml of 1M HCI sol-"
Na,CO, + HCI ------+ NaHCO,. + NaCI
Initially 0.283 0.150 0 0
Finally 0.283~0.15 0 0.15 0.15

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

- og 48 0.133)F
. + Iog ( - - or 2"dd'lssoclatlOn
. . , NaHC0 . . . .
III 3 IS the aCid & Na2 C0 3 is the salt
0.150 .
= II-log(4.8 / 0.8866) = 11-log(5.4)
= 10.27'" 10.3 Ans

Sol:- For O.IM CH,COOH & 0.1 M CH, COONa
PH ~pK a+wt -=pKa
PKa ~ 4.74 - (I)
When 0.05 moles ofHCI is added to I lit of the sol-"
Initially O.IM 0.05 0.1 M
1 lit 1 lit
0.1 mole
Finally 0.05 mole 0 0.15 mole
[salt] 474 +log--~4.
P H Nm,=PKa+log--~. 0.05 74 - Iog3.~4.27 Ans
[acid] 0.15
Sol:-In O.2M HCOOH. [H+] ~ 6.4 x 103M
Since degree of dissociation is 0.75
So [HCOO] ~ 0.75
[salt] ~4-log(2.4)+log(0.75)
:.PH~pKa+ log-.- - =4+log (37.5)
[acid] 0.02 2.4
~ 4 + log (1.5625) ~ 4.194 Ans
Sol:- CH,COOH + NaOH ~CH)COONa + H,O
Initially 0.2 0.2 0 0
Finally 0 0 0.2 0.2
Major species, CH3COO', No, H20
0.2 0.2
Does nothing (conjugate acid of strong base NaOH)
CH,COO- + H,o~CH,COOH + OH I -'
Initially 0.2 excess 0 0
At eg_ b 0.2 - 0.2 h 0.2 h 0.2 h
h = degree of hydrolysis

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for 1I1'-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola , Patna -4

K = Kw [CH,COO] [OW]
b Ka [CH,COO-j
10- 14 (0.2h)(0.2h) 0.2h'
1.8xlO 5 0.2-0.2h I-h
.!.Q.xlO- IO '" 0.2h'
5.56 x 10,10 ~ 0.2h 2
h ~ 5.27 X 10"
:. [OH'] = 0.2h ~ 1.0545 x 10"
pOH ~ 4.977 ~> PH = 14- 4.977 ~ 9.02 Ans
Sol:- 0.1 M NH 4CI has pH ~ 5.13
NH4CI + H20 'OF'='" NH40H + HCI
Initially 0.1 excess 0 0
At eg." 0.1 O.lh O.lh O.lh
Given PH ~ 5.13
[HCI] ~ 7.41 x 10'6
:.0.lh=7.41 xl0"

:.Kh= O.lh' =0.1(7.4lxI0-5)'

~ 5.495 x 10,10
:. dissociation constant ofNJ'!40H
K 10- 14
='= W ~ 1.82 X 10" Ans
Kh 5.495 x 10- 10
Q25:- [HCOONa] ~ 0.2 11101es & [HCOOH] ~ 0.25 moles

pH ~ PKa +Iog [HCOONa] ~ 4-log (1.8) + log (0.20)

[HCOOH] 0.25

~ 4 + log (:::~)=4+log(%)
pH ~ 3.6478
[W] antilog (-3.6578) = 2.25 x 10,4

:. [OE] ~ ~~-:; =4.49xl0- 11


Sol: 0.05 moles of HCOOH & 0.06 moles of HCOONa

(i) H ~ PKa + 10 [HCOONa] ~ 4-10 (1.8) + 10 (0.06).

p g [HCOOH] g g (0.05).

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B. Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

~ 3.824 "'3.80 Ans

(b) Dilution changes the individual conc-" of EtCOOH & HCOOH but the ratio of HCOONa
with HCOOH remain effectively same. So PH doesn't changes much.

Sol:- Let x g moles ofHCl is required
NaCN + HCl ----+ HCN + NaCI
0.01 g mole
Initially 10'2 x 0 0
Finally 10,2-x 0 X x
PH ~ PKa + log ""--''-'-'-.2
. 'IO~-x
8.5 = 10 -log(4.1) + log - -
~> 10:' - x = 0.13
10-' .
x = --' = 0.00885 mole . Ans
Sol:- PKa of Aspirin co 3.5
PH of stomach ~ 2'3 [H+1 :2 IO'JM
PH of small intestine ",. 8
[H+] ~ 1O"M .
So in small intestine Aspirin should be ionised because of which [H+] ~ 10" M is possible
In stomach [H+]':2 10') M is notpossibl~ with aspirin having PKa = 3.5 M.
KCN + H20~ HCN + KOH

C~N=M) excess 0 0

I h h h
10 10 10 10
Kh~ Kw = O.lh' -O.lh'
Ka .0.1(1- h)
Kw 1014
h2 =
ccK~a-x-O.-1 7.2xlO IOx\O"
h' =1.389xI04

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna ~4

h =l.l78xlO'
:. Degree of hydrolysis (%) ~ l.l78 x l Ox 100= 1.18%
I' Ans
Sol:- CH,COOH + H,a , 'CH,COOH + KOH
Initially O. I M excess 0 0
Ateg_b O.I-O.lh excess O.lh O.lh
k = Kw = [CH)COOH][KOH]
h Ka [CH)COOK]
10- = (O.lh)(O.lh) "'O.lh'
1.8 X 10-5 O.I(I-h)
5.56xlO- 1O =O.lh'
h = 5.56x 10-9 = 55.6x 10- 10
degree of hydrolysis ~ 7.45 X 10,5 Ans
:. [OH'] =0.1 h=7.5 X 10.6
:.POH ~ 6-log 7.5 ~ 5.126
:. PH ~ 8.88 Ans
Sol:- NH,CI + H,a ~,=="" NHpH + HCI
Initially.O.OI M excess 0 0
At eqY O.OI-O.Olh excess O.Olh O.Olh
Kw '10- 14 0.01 h'
. K =- =--'-'----;-
.. h Kb 1.8xlO 5 I-h
' = 5.56xI0- =>5.56xI0-s
h ~ 2.358 X 10,4
:. Kh = O.Oh' = 5.56x 10--1 Ans
h = 2.36 X 10,4 Ans
:. [H+] ~ O.Olh = 2.36 x 10.6 ~ 5.627 .Ans
Sol:- CHJCOONa + H,a.,=="" CH]COOH + NaOH
InitiallyO.02 M excess
At eq- h 0.02-0.2h excess 0.02 h 0.02h
[OH'j 0.02h

~ = 10- = 3 x 10-'M :. Molarity ~ 3 x 10-' M

14 14
[H+] 10-
[OH'] 0.02h I

Er.Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper.~n Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofth~ best teacber atPatna for Whole cbemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 . Page 256

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

h= 1.67 X 10-4
6x 10 II

:.Kh=0.02h'=0.02x2.78xI0" ~ 5.67xI0' 1O Ans

Sol:, HCO,'+H,o~ HCOOH+OW
0.15 M
0.06-0.15h excess 0.15h 0.15h
Kw 10'14
Kh = - = 5.56x 10,11
Ka 1.8x 10-4
:. Kh = 0.15h' = 5.56 x 10,11
h' = 5.56 X 10,11 = 37.066 x 10'" ~ 3.7066 X 10,10
h ~ 1.92 x 10'5
:. [OH'] ~ 0.15 h ~ 2.88 X 10'6 MAns
[HCOOH] = 0.J5h = 2.88 x IO,6M Ans
[HCOO'] = 0.15 - 0.J5h "'0.15 M. Ans
10,14 10,14
+ 3.463 x 10. 15 Ans
[H ]
~ [OW] = 2.88 X 10-6
Sol:- 100 ml of 0.1 M CHJCOOH & 100 ml of 0.1 M NaOH
CH,COOH -> NaOH -->CH,COONa + H,o
Initially 10 m mole 10 mole 0 0
Finally 0 0 10 10

:. Molarity of CHJCOONa = ~ = 0.05 M

Initially 0.05 excess 0 0
At eq_b 0.05-0.05h excess 0.05h 0.05h
:.Kh=0.05h' ~h' = ,
1.8 x 10" x 0.05
h' = 5.56 X 10'8 ~h = 1.055 x 10"
.. [OH'] ~ 9.05 h= 0.05 x 1.053 x 10,4 = 5.56 X 10,6
:. [H+j ~ = 1.8x 10'"
5.56x 10-6
PH = 9 -log (1.8) = 8.73 Ans
(b) CHpH -> 100ml&0.JM = 1Ommoles

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE Z004 and AIEEE Z004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tala, Patna -4

NaOH --->50mlofO.IM =5mmole

CH,COOH + NaOH ---'-->CH)COONa + H,G
Initially 10 5 5 0
Finally 5 0 5 5
PH ~ PKa + log [CH)COONa] ~5-log(1.8) + 0 ~ 4.78 Ans
(c) 50 ml of 0.1 M CH,COOH ~ 5 m mole ofCH, COOH
100 ml of 0.1 M'NaOH ~ 10 m mole ofNaOH
CH,COOH + NaOH ---'--> CH,COONa + H 20
Initially 5 10 0 0
Finally 0 5 5 5
... 10H-]~ .2.. M.=!xlO" =3.33xIO"
150 3
POH = 2-log 3.33 ~ 1.4775
... PH = 14 - POH ~ 12.52 Ans
Sol: . AgCl , IAg+ + cr
Let sis the solubility of AgCl in H,O.
Then Ksp = S' = 1.8 X 10- 10
S = ,,!1.8 X 10'10 = 1.34 X 10'5 MAns
Sol:- Solubility of Ag,Cr04 = 332 x 1000= IO-4M
Ag,Cr04 2Ag+ + cra/-
Excess-S 2s s
... Ksp ~ (2s)' (8) = 4x' ~ 4 x 10- 12 Ans
Sol:- PbS04~ Pb'+ + SO.'-
Os' S' I S'
Ksp = s' (5 0 +S')

1.06 x 10-8 ~ s,2.,Neglecting S' W.r.t. _I

50 50
... S' ~ 50 x 1.06 X 10- = 5.3 X 10-
8 7
Sol:- Bi,S, -"==*2Bi'" + 3S'-
-S 2S 3S
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofth. beslteacher at Patna for Whole cbemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 258

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(8.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Ksp~(2SJ'(.3S)' ~4S' x27S' ~ 108 (S)'

~ 108 (1.7 x 10. 15 )' ~ 1.533 x 10- 72 Ans
Sol:- Mg(OHh,~4===*t Mg'+ + 20H-
Excess 0.05
-S (S) (0.05 + 2S)
:_ Ksp = [Mg'+][OW]'
8.9 x 10- 12 ~ S(0.05 x2S)' ~> 8.9 x 10- 12 ~ S(25 x 10-')

S ~ 8.9xlO- =3.56xlO-'M
25 x 10""
Sol:- Normality becomes half when eved volume mixed toge
CaC!, + Na,SO,-=="- CaSO, + 2NaCl
om N 0.01 N
Conc-" ofCa'+ ~ 0.01 ~ 0.01 M
Conc-" of So.'- ~ 0.01 ~ 0.01 M
:. Q ~ [Ca 2+] [So.'-] ~ 2 x] 0. 2 X I x 10- 2 ~ 10-' < Ksp
So precipitation ofCaSO, doesn't occur.
AgNO, -->450 ml of 0.001 N ~ 0.45 X 10-' m moles
HCl -->50 ml of 0.001 N ~ 0.05 x 10-' m moles
AgNO, + HCI ~AgCI + HNO,
II y conc--" =
Imha 0.45xlO-
' x 1000 = 0_9x 10"
[CI'] = 0.05x10'J xI000=0.]xl0,3
:. Q ~ [Ag+] [Cr] ~ 9 x 10-8 > ksp of AgCl
So precipitation will occur
Sol:- CaF2~ Ca'++2F' .
-S S 2S
Ksp of CaF, ~ 4S 3
~ 4 x (2.04 X 10-')' = 3.39 X 10- 11 ~ 3.4 X 10- 11 Ans
In 0.0 I M NaF sol-"
[F']~0.01 M
:. Ksp ~ (Ca") [F']
3.4 x 10-11 ~ S (0.01 + 2S)'
S ~ 3.4 x 10- 7 M Ans
"""""""""""""""- ......--""""""""""---""""" ......"""""""""""""""_
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 ............
and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 259

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Sol:- H,SO, + 2AgNO] ---> Ag,SO, + 2HNO,

.!. N 0.01 M
:. Q ~ (SO."] [ Ag+]' ~ 0.5 x (0.0 I)' ~5 X 10'5 > Ksp of Ag2S0,
:. So precipitation will occur
Sol:- (i) CaC!, -70.02 M
Na,SO, -7 0.0004 M
When equal volume of CaC!, & Na,SO, mixed, then
[CaC!,] = 0.01 M ~ 1 x 10"
[Na,SO,] = 0.002 M ~ 2 X 10"
:-. Q = [Ca'+][So."] ~ 2 x 10.6 < Ksp (CaSO,)
So precipitation won't occur.
(ii) [CaC!,] ~ 0.08 M & [Na,SO,] ~ 0.02 M
When equal volume mixed, then cone-II becomes half
:. [Ca H ] ~ 0.04 M
[So."] ~ 0.02 M
Q ~ [Ca'+] [So."] ~ 4 x 10" > Ksp CaSO, So ppt will occur
Sol:- CaCl, -7 O.OIM&SrCl, -70.0IM
Added H,SO, -70.01 N.
Qcaso, ~[Ca'+] [SO."] ~ 10" < Ksp Caso, PPt ofCaSo, can't
Q SrS'O, ~ [Sr'+] [SO."] ~ 10" > Ksp SrSo,.
:. So precipitation of SrSO, occur first
Sol:- Ksp ~ 1 X 10-" for (Ag,C,O,)
Ag,C,O,~2Ag+ + C,O."
2S S
Ksp ~ 4S J ~ 1 xIO 1I ~ 10 X 10,12

S~ (1%)Y;xIO~ = 1.357 x 10"

Moles of Ag,C,O, dissolved in 2.5 lit

~ 1.357 x 10" x 2.5 ~ 3.4 x 10"
:. Wt of Ag,C,O, in 2.5 lit Sol-" ~ 3.4 x 10" (216 + 24 + 64)
~ 1031 x 10" ~ 0.1031 g Ans
Sol:- In 0.05 M CaC!, solon
CaF, Ca'+ + 2F'
excess 0.05 o
Er. Rishi Knmar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 260

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

At eg. h -S 0.05+S 02S

:. Ksp = [Ca'+] [F]' ~ (0.05 + S) (2S)'
4 x 10. 11 = 0.05 x4 xS'
S' ~ 20 x 10. 11 ~ 2 x 10. 10
S = 1.414 x 10.5

In water
Ksp = S(2S)' =4S 3
4 x 10. 11 ~4 xS J => SH,O = (I),v, X 10-4 = 2.15xlO-4M

SHoO 2.15xI0-4
15.4 time greater Ans
SCaCI, 1.414xlO"
Sol:- AgCI ... == Ag+ + cr
Ksp= S' S=~Ksp =v1.8xIO"
1.34 x 10.5
As cr is added to 0.03 M. then
Ksp ~ S' (0.03 + S') = S' xO.3
S'~ 0.8 xlO' 1O =60xI0"o =6xlO"
[Ag+]fin~IIY S' 6xl0 6 xlO-4~ _1_
[Ag+111li "uy S = -:-1.-:-34-:-x-I--:-07; 1.34 2233

... [A g +] linul-
- -I- [Ag + J'Inltla
.. I Ans
Sol:- CaC,04' ' Ca" +C,O/
Let s is the solubility then
Ksp = S' S~ ~Ksp = J20 x lO" 4.47 X 10.5
CaC,O,.,.==="" Ca" + C,O,"
:. Ksp = 2 x 10. 9 ~ S(O.I + S) = 1. I S
[Ca'+]"",, 2x10'8 2 1.
- - = - - tnnes
[Ca"],,,,,,,, 4.40 x 10" 4400 2200
Sol:- Ksp (AgCI) ~ 1.7 x 10. 10
Ksp (Ag!) = 1.5 x 10. 16
That ion will precipitate first which has lower

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 261

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Ksp value i.e. AgI will ppt first

For ppt of AgCI to start
Q A!CC'l = Ksp Agel
[Ag+] [Cr] = 1.7 X 10,,0

[Cr] = 1.7x10

Also [r] at this instant

KspAgI 1.5 x] 01(,
[Ag'] [Ag']
:. _[_'"_] = I. 5 x 10" x --"'[A""g,-,']""
[Cr] [Ag'] 1.7 x 10. 10 .

[I"] = ~x 10-6 '" 10-6 Ans

[Cr] 1.7
Sol:- moles of Mn'+ ~ 2 x 10" moles (in I lit) = 2 x 10"M
moles ofCu'+ = 2 x 10-' moles (in I lit) ~ 2 x 10'~ M
[H,S]. 0.1 M, [HCIO,] ~ 0.003 M
H,S -="'2H+ + S2" K~K,.K2
InitiallyO,lM 0.003M 0 =1 x 10,7 x 1.1 X 1O'14~ 1.1 X 10-"
At eg-" O.I-x (0.003 +2x) x
:.K=l.IxIO." = (0.003+2x)'x
I.IxIO" = 9xI0-6(x)
10. '
1.1 X 10','
X= 1.22 x 10. 11
:. [S"] ~ 1.22 x 10,17 M
:. QMnS = [Mn'+] [S"] = 2 x 10" x 1.22 X 10,17 ~ 2.44 X 10'" < KspMns

So Mns will not PPt

QCus = [Cu'+] [ S"] = 2 x 10" x 1.22 X 10,17
2.44 X 10'" > Ksp Cus
So Cus will precipitate
Cu will precipitate till Q :;; Ksp
Cu" + s' --,> CuS
Initially 2xlO-4 < O.I( from H,S)
Finally 0 1.22 x 10'17 Z x 10" ) .
Now CuS~ Cu'+ + S" ,1
Er. Rishi Kumar Is one oftbe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT -J EE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no..-9852476717, 9798984530 Page 262
";~hi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

o 1.22 X 10']) Ksp = S (1.22xlO' 17 +S)

8 x 10. 37' 8 x 1.22 x ] 0. 17
8xI0' J7
S= 6.56xlO'" :.(Cu")S=6.56xI0"oM
1.22 x 10 17

:. % of Cu" on precipitated = 6.56x 10-" x 100 = 3.28 x 10. 14 % Ans

2 x 10"
If[H+] ~ 10. M

H,S e 2H+ + S, K ~ K,.K, =1.1 x 1011

Initially 0.1 M 10. 7 0
At eq-" 0.1 - y 10.7 + 2y y

:.1.1x]0'2I = (lO")'y '" IO. L'y

Y= 1.1 X 10.8 => [5"] = I.lx 10'8 M
:. 0",,,,, 2 x 10-4%1.1 x 10.8 = 2.2 X 10. 12 > KspM
So ppt of MnS occur
Sol:- Let [H+] ~ x to present the ppt of ;>;nS
H 2Se 2H'+S"
Initially 0.1 x 0
O.I-y x+2y Y
1.1 x 10.21 = (x + 2y)' Y (x + 2y)' Y
O.l-y 0.1
(x + 2y)' Y = 1.1 x 10.22 -(I)
Also to ppt of ;>;ns not to occur
Q ZllS < KspZns
[;>;n'+] [S"J < Ksp~",
10-3 x [S"] < I x 10'21
[S2'] < IxIO' => [S"] < 1X 10'18
:.y<lxlO' 18
:. (1):- (x+2y)'.y<1.1 x lO'22

, 1.1 x 10'22 =11 10.4

X .< 18. X
x < 1.1 x I 0"
:.[H']= x <1.1xI0"M

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Toppet in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteather at Patna for Whole chemistry for IlTJEE. PMT& A,IEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 . Page 263
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. PH < 2 Ans
Sol:- PW = 3.5
[H'J=3.16 x I0-4
:. H2 S 4 2H'+ S2-

Initially 0.1 3.16 x 10-4 0

At eqb O.l-x 3.16xl0-4 +2x x

K= 1.1xl0-21 = (3.16 x l0-' +2x)(x)

1.1xlO-21 = 8.16xl0- x
x= 1.1xl0 =3.48xl0- 19
3.16x 10-3
:. QFes = [Fe 2'j[S2-J = 0.002 x 3.48 x 10- 19
6.96 X 10-22 < ksp Fes
So precipitation doesn't o~cur
PH = PKa + 10 [CH 3 COONaj
g [CH 3 COHj

= 5 -10g(1.74) + log ( 0.153) =5+log( 3 )=5-0.46=4.54

0.255 5 x 1.74
:. [H'J = 2.9 x 10-5
H 2 S '"'.==... 2H' +
Initially 0,1 2.9 x 10- 0
Ateq- O.l-x 2.9 x10 - +2x x
:. 1.1 x 10-21 = (2.9 x 10- )2 - X = 8.41 xl 0-9x
[S'-]=x= 11xl0- =1.31xl0- 13
:. QMns = [Mn2'j[S2-j = 0.015 x 1.31 x 10- 13
= 1.96 x 10- <kspMns.

So Precipitation doesn't occur

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 264
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

For Precipitation of MnS to occur

QMns ~ Ksp Mns = 2.5 x 10 '".
[Mn'+][S"] = 2.5 x 10'13
[S"] = 2.5 x 10'13 = ~ X 10'11 = 1.67 X 10'11
1.5 X 10" 3
:. H,S 2W + S2'
Let x is the cone of H' initially, then
1.1x10"1 = x'.167x10'11
0.1 =>x' =~xlO'll =6.58x10'12
[H' J = x = 2.566 x 10-<>

PH = 5.59 = PKa + 10 [CH 3 COONa)


5.59 = 4.76 + log [salt]

0.83 = log [salt)
[acid] => [Salt) = 0.77
(CH 3COONa) = 6.77 xO.25 = 1.7M
10'4 10'" 1
Sol:- Q g
= -- x -- = - X 10'" > KspAgCI. :. PPtoccur
A c'224
Sol:- For prevention of precipitation of AgCl
Q:S ksp
[Ag'][Cq :S 1.8 x 10'10
[Ag'] X 10-3 :S1.8xlO'lO =>[Ag']:S1.8xlO'7M
Now [Ag'J. =0.004M
Let x M of NH, is required for prevention of AgCl
:. Ag' + 2NH, ---+ Ag(NH, I;
Initially 0.004 x For mation constant = - = I arg e
Finally 0 x-O.OOS 0.004 So complete reaction occur
Now Ag(NH 3I,' ..,==='"' Ag' + 2NH,
Initially 0.004 0 (x-0.008)
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the hestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 265

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola ,Patna -4

At eq- 0.004 - Y Y x-0.008+2y

A/q, Y = 1.8 xl 0-
So 0.004-y'" 0.004
x -0.008 +2y '" x -0.008

. (Ag (Y~)[NH3J' 1.8 x 10-7 xIx - 0.008)'

:. kd 1s s = = -,-,-,,-----=-=--.....:c:c:.:..--=-:..::.::..:::..!...
[Ag(NH,)/J (0.004- y)
6 x lO-Il = 18 XlO-Il(x - 0.008)'
~ x 10-3 = (x -0.008)'
3.65 x 10-2 = X - 0.008
X ~ 0.0365 + 0.008 ~ 0.045 mole / lit
:. [NH3J required to present Molarity = 0.0445 M Ans
Sol:- (I) CaF,.'==~'Ca" + 2F- kSp' .
-x x 2x + 2y,
(2) SrSrF,. ' Sr" + 2F' Ksp, =2.9x10'o
-y Y 2Y + 2x
For (I) KSP 1 = x(2x + 2y)' = 4x(x + y)'
Ksp,y(2x + 2y)' = 4y(x + y)'
KSPI + Ksp, = 4(x + y)(x + y)' = 4(x + y)3
(x + y) = ( KOPI x KSP,)'y;; -_(2.939 lO- )'y;;
4 4
(x+y) = 0.9X 10'3
... From Ksp, = 4x(x + y)' = 4x x (0.9x. 10'3)'
3.9 x 10'" = 4x(0.81S x 10';;)

X= 3.9x10'11 =1.19xlO'5M
3.26 x 10';; Ans
FromKsp, = 4y(x + y)'

= 2.9x 10'9 = 8.89xlO-4 M

Y 3.26x 10-6 Ans

Er; Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 266
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4


Q58:- (aniline) lone pair on Nitrogen is in resonance with ph nng, so is a weak base. The
basic strength can be increased by using an acid of greater deficiency of e

Sol:- Acidic strength tells about how much of acid to give H' ion whereas acid concentration
means have much acid is dissolved in water.
2NH"" NH 4 ' + NH,-

Sol:- '" '"

acid base

Sol:- H'S04.... H' + HSO;
Initially 0.15M 0 0
Finally 0 0.15M 0.15 M. (complete dissociation) A
HS0 4 Q H' + SO/-
Initially 0.15 M 0.15 0
Ateg- 0.15-x 0.15+x x
:. K = 1.02 x 10-' = [H'][SO/-] (0.15 + x)x
2 [HSO;] 0.15 - x
Solving we have (quardd>aic dq has to solve)
:. [SO,2-] = x = 8.9x 10"M
Q62:- HCOOH NaOH - - > HCOONa + H20
50 ml 10 ml
0.01 M 0.1 M
Initially 0.5 mmole I mmole
Finally 0 0.5 m mole 0.5 mmole
.', [NaOH] =Q~= ...2.. M
60 600
. [OW] = ...2.. M
:POH ~ 2.08
PH ~ 14.POH ~ 11.92 Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is,
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contac:t no. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 267
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:_Ka=lx10-1 .Ka, =2.lx10-3,Ka, =6.9x10-7,Ka. =5.5x10- 11

Only first two dissociation steps make contribution to H + cone b~cause Ka 3 & kay are
significantly less.
H.EDTA~ H 3 EDTA- + H, Ka l = Ix 10-2
Initially 0.1 0 0
At eq- O.l-x x x
1xlO-2 =_x_
X' +OOlx - 0.001 = 0

X= -0,01-!0.0001+0.004 =2 7xlO-2
2 .
Now for 2nd dissociation step
Initially 2.7x10-' 0 2.7xlO- 2
At eq- 2.7x10-' _y Y 2.7xlO- +y
Ka, = 2.lx 10-3 = 9(2.7 X 10- + y)
(2.7 X 10-2 - y)
5.67 x 10-5 - 2.1 x 1O-3 y = 2.7 X lO-'y + y'
y' +2.91xlO-2y-5.67x10-5 = 0

-2.91 x 10-' ,,18.468 x 10-4 + 2.268 x 10-'

y =-------'---------
= -2.91x10-'+3.276xlO- = 0.366xlO-' =0.1833xlO-2
2 2
:. [WJ = 2.7 x 10- + 0.1833 X 10-'
[H'j = 2.88 x 10-2
:. PH = 2 -log(2.88) = 2 - 0.46 = 1.54 Ans
Sol:- Let M amount of strong acid is added.
So [H<] = M (assuming monobasic acid)
:. PH = -logM
H y droxt'd es are Fe(OH)"KsPI = 7.9 x 10-
CU(OHI" KSPl = 1.6 X 10- 19
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IlT-JEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 268
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.lIT Kanpur] Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

By complete dissociation
[OW] = 2 x {[Fe(O.H), )Cu(OH),}
2 x 0.0 ISM = 0.03M
Fe(OH),' I Fe" + 20W
x x 10 "141M
Eu(OH), c Cu" + 20W
.y y 10 14 /M

For complete dissociation x+y ~ 0.0 IS M

KSP 1 = 7.9x 10. 15 = x( +1~'14

KSP2 = 1.6 X 10. 19 = y ( +10'14


+10. 14
KSPI + Ksp, =(x+y) ( ~

7.9x 10. ,5 = o.OlS{ +1~'14 r

S.26x10' 14 ={+l~'14r
14 14
7.26x 10.7 = +10. 10-
10- 14
:. M = ------''--'---------,-

M=I.377xlO' 8 :.PH=-logM=7.86 An.

Objective Question:-
Q1:Ans(a):- Kw ~ [OH+] COHO] ~ IxlO"< at 2SoC
Q2:Ans(d):- Btw none of the answer written is correct
K = Kw = 10. = 10.8
Ka 10--6
Q3:Ans(d):- PKb = S PKa ~ PKw - Pka ~ 14 - S ~ 9

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITIEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 269
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola, Patna -4

NH,+H,o----.NH,' +OH-
Initially M excess 0 0
At eg-" M-x excess x x
x~ x1
:. Kb = 1.8 x I0-5 = - - = - -
M-x M-x
A/g, x = 1.5 x 10,3

.,. M = 2.25xlO'". = 0.1 25M+1.5xlO_1

L8xlO '
Q5:Ans(d):- a):- Ka:- 10,6
b) :-PKa:- 0 Ka = 10,5
c):- PKb = 10:- Kb = 10,10 = Ka ~ 10.4
d):- Kb ~ 10'" :- Ka ~ 10" - Strongest acid
The value ofKw will be always same at same temperature
Q7:Ans(c):- :. [H,o'] = 10'"
For pure water, [H,O] = [OH'] = 10,6
:. Kw ~ [H 30+] [OH] ~ 10,12
Q8:Ans(b):- PH = 4 [H+] = IO,4M
[Acid] ~ 10,2
... so acid is work
Q9:Ans(d):- [KOHj=-=IO-'M
[OH-]=1O-3 M POH=3
W from 0.1 N HCI ~ 0.1
H+ from 0.1 CH,COOH '" negligible due to common ion effect
:. [H+] total = 10,1
PH = I
QII :Ans(d):- Will be slightly less than 7, because of pure water PH ~7; since very negligible
amount of acid is added so PH will be slightly less than 7
QI2:Ans(d):- PH = 7 because the acid conc-" is too less to consider
QI3;Ans(a):- PH ~ 2 [H+] ~ 0.01
[Acid] ~ 0.0l
:. so the acid is strong
QI4:Ans(c):- As T increases, Kw increases,
So H+ conc- ll also increases and hence
PH will be less than 7

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patua for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 270
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Q15:Ans(a):- Since NaCI is salt of strong acid & strong base. so won't effect the Ph of the sol"
Q16:Ans(e):- At T > 2SoC, Kw is higher, so H' will be > lO"M.
So for neutral sol-", PH < 7
QI7:Ans(d):- Will be slightly acidic so PH < 7
Ka[HA] = Ix 10';
HA_ H+ + A'
0.1 0 0
O.I-x x x

I x I 0-5 =X X = 10-3 PH =3

QI9:Ans(b):- [HCl] ~ ..QJ... = 10'"

.... PH = 4 because NaCI doesn't effect PH
Q20:Ans(a):- PH ~ PKw - POH = 14-14 ~ 0
Q21 :Ans(e):-
Addition of more HCl to the sol" will decrease the PH of the solution.

Q23:Ans(a) 1.8 x 10-; = ~ =;. x = )1.8 x I 0'" = 1.34 x 10-3

+ 10- 14 /
.. [H ] = /1.34 x 10-' =;. PH = 11.13 Ans

Q24:Ans(e):- POH = PKb+ log [salt]

POH=4 ~PH=14-4=10

Q25:Ans(a):- PH = PKa + log [Salt]


If Salt is increased by 10 times, so PH will increase by 1.

Q26:Ans(a):- Hydrolysis involve breaking of bonds, so is always endothermic.
Q27:Ans(d):- PH = 7 +-(PKa- PKb)
... So on Ka & Kb PH will be less or greater or equal to 7.
Q28:Ans(b):- Hydrolysis percentage doesn't depend on conc-"
Q29:Ans(b):- For a strong acid & weak base salt
e.g. NH 4 Cl
NH; + H 20 -..=='" NH 40H + H'
M - xM excess Mx Mx

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITjEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 271
8y: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala. Patna 4

. Kw .(Mx)(Mx) MX';, - . , ..
Kb M(l-x) "I-x

\Q30:Ans(b):- Ksp doesn't change, solubility changes.
Q31:Ans(a):- IfQ ~ [Aq+] [el] < Ksp
then less amount of ions are present, 'so sol_ll is unsaturated 501_11
Q32:Ans(b):- AI(OH), c 'AI" + 30W
s ,~s

KsP ~ S. (3S)' ~ 27S'

Q33:Ans(b):- Wt ofBaSO, ~ Ig
Let the volume. of water needed is v iii
M ~ 233 ~_I_'
BaSIl. V 233 V:

:. Ksp ~ S' S ~ ,)KSP ~,JI.1 X 10"

I 10'.
--~1.048xI0-5 ~>V~ --,,450ht
233V 244.37

Q34:Ans(d):-KsP~ 0.00223) ~ (5)'

10' '~IO' 10 -O.lxS
S ~ 10" mole / lit
Q3S:Ans(a):- For ppt to occur, Q > KSp
When equal volume are mixed, then cone" become half.
10'5 10'" I 10.8 =.
(a) Q ~-x-=-x 25 x 10.9 > KS P
2 2 4
So ppt occur in case of a
Q36:Ans(a):- KSp of PiO, will be less because it will produce more no. of ions. Also M, x I QY,
have same solubility.
KSP PiO, ~ 27S'
KSP M,X ~ KSP ovz ~ 4S'
Q37:Ans(c):- PKb ~ 10.83
PKa ~ 14 - PKb ~ 14 - 10.83 ~ 3.17
Ka ~ anti log (- 3.17) ~ 6.76 x 10"
Q38:Ans(d):- KSP ~ (2y)' (3Y)' ~ 108 y'
Q39:Ans(d):- For most effective buffering, they (buffering component) will have greater value
Q40:Ans(a):- when 9.99 ml of 0.1 NaOH is added
+] 1-0.99 0.001 I I 10.4
[H ~
20 20 2
Er. Kishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe best teacher at Patna forWhole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEEJ
Contact no. -9852476717:9798984530' "."! .. > , , ' .... . ; " Page 272

.... .~

. "
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola. Patna -4

PH = 4 -log2.
When 10.0 I ml of 0.1 M NaOH is added
[OH') ~ 1.001-1 0.00 I =.!. x 10""'
20 20 2
PH= 14-POH= 10+log2
Q41:Ans(a): One drop has 10" M of acid so that PH becomes 4
:,So, pH ~ 4
When 2nd drop is added 104 M is again added
[H+I~2 x 104 M =>PH~4-log2~3.7
Q42:Ans(e):- CH,COOH + H,o----+CH,COOH +OHH + NH; ----+NH,OH
Both H+ & OH' are furnishing, so degree of dissociation is maximum.
Q43:Ans(b):- Will be slightly basic, so PH will be slightly greater than 7'
Q44:Ans(b):- act as acid, so will have PH slightly less than 7
Q45:Ans(e):- PH = 7 +.!. PKa _.!. PKb
2 2
:. Ka = Kb ~ PKa = PKb :, PH = 7

Er. Rlshl Kumar Is one of the Topper in ChemistrY In lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one Dfthe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistrY for lIT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717. 9798984530 Page 273
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Te~h. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

(:bapter 17: Chemical Kinetics

Sol: For 50% completion time required = 69.3 min
:. t ~ = 69.min

K = 0.693 = 0.693 = 10-2 min-I

t~ 69.3'
. Co 100 100 10
For 80% completIOn, - = =- =-
Ct 100-80 20 2
For first order reaction ~
Kt = 2.303Iog-
::::> t = 2.3~3Iog 10 = 2.303 x 101 log5 = 160.9 minutes ADS
10- 2
Sol:- t ~ = 500 see
K = 0.693 = 0.693 S-I
t 1~ 500

AI . Co
= iI
Kt = 2.303Iog-
0.693. t = 2.30310g4
500 x 2.303
::::>t= log4 = 1661see ADS
Sol:- A + B -4 AB
Rate of reaction = 5 x 10.0 mol%t _ min
Assuming the reaction is first order w.r.t. A & B
5 x 10-0 = K[A][B] = K[0.05][O.01]

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-JEE,
PMT& AIEEE) Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 274
y.. r ...R
: ..E.. ..i..
. .e. .c..h....II.T
. ...K..
Ch. .e..m
...I s..
. tr... .s.. N..aYiioa..T
se..s...,.. . .l.a..
. .o . , .. a..-4..,..

5 X 10-5 moll .
K= lL - mm = O.I(maljlf' miri-'
5xl0 4(malfl)"

Sol:- R = K [A] => K = ~ [A] is in molliit .

" '[A]
R, = K,[AJ' => K 2 = [AJ2 & R
= K 3 [A]3 "=> K
= [AJ'

Given: K, = K, = K 3
R, R, R3
[A] = [A]2 = [A]3
"[A]2R, = [A]R, =R 3 ---------(1)
Now if cone are in mole/mL = A'
Then [A] = [A']
. [A']2 [A']
.. (1) => 10-6 R, = 10-3 R, = R 3
1 R, 1 R, R3
10-6 [A'] = 10-3 [A']' = [A']3

.: R, = K,[A'] ]
K, _ K 2 _ K .. R - K [A ']2
10-6 - 10-3 - 3' ,- ,
.: R3 = K3 [A 'J'
K, = K, X 10-3 = K 3 X 10-6 ADS
Sol:- 2A, + B ------> A 2B
Rate, = K[A]'[B]
If concentration of A is doubled & that of B is halved

Then Rate, = K(2A)2. B = 2K[A]'.B

Rate = 2.Rate,

. " ".

Er. Rishi Kumar is oneofthe Topper in Chemistry iulIT-fEE i004 al1l,t AIEEE ZOO4. "
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for"IIT-JEE', "
PMT&AlEEEl Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 275
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.llT Kanpu~2 Ri~hi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Sol: - RCI + NaOH(Ags)~ ROH + NaCI
Rate = Kj[RCI]
So, Rate is directly proportional to concentration of RCI. hence Rate of reaction becomes
half as the concentration of RCI decreases to one-half.
Sol:- 2A,(g)+B,(g)~2A,B(g)

Rate = K[A 2J2[B,J

If A, is decreased form times & rate remain same, then let the conc of B, =8,
'. Rate = K[4 AY;;]' [8,] = K[A,f[8 2]

K[:~12 [B 2 'J = K[A,]'[B,J

c:> [8, 'J =18,] x 16 = 16 [8,]
So concentration of 8, should be increased by 16 time.
Sol:- 2A + 8 + C ---+ Pr oduct
Order w.r.t A= I
Order w.r.t B = 2
Order W.r.t C = 0
Rate j = K[Af[Bf[ej = K[AJ[B]'
If A, B & C are all increased two times, then
Rate, = K[2AJ[2B]' = K x 2 X 4[AJ[B]' = 8 K (A] [Bf = 8 Rate j
:. Rate, = 8 Ratej
Sol:- C,H5Br~C,H4 + HBr
Att=O 200 0 0
Att->oo 200-P P P
Total pressure initial = 200 mm ofHg
Total pressure final = 390 mm ofHg
200-P + P + P = 390
.' P =390 - 200 = 190 mmOf Hg . :; ':. c" ,;j 'i!1' ' ' ' , '. .J

Er. RishiKumar is one of the Topper ,in Chemist..yin'Ht-JE(i004.andAIEEE 2004.

He is presently one of the bestteacher Patna for Whole cheinistry for lIT -JEE, -0 0
PMT& AlEEE) Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 276
8X:. Er- Rishi Kl1mar(B.Tec~ .. !JT_K~npurtRishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4__ .

So there is only J90 mm of Hg present for decomposition.

If the total pressure at any time t = 300 mm ofHg
200-P'+ P'+ P' = 300
200 -P' = 300 ~ P' = 300 -200 = 100mmofHg
" 190-100 90
FractIOn reactIOn unchanged = = - - = 0.47 ADS
190 190
Because only 190 rum of Hg press is present for decomposition
Sol:- In zero order In firs order In 2"" order
-K 1 1
C, = Co-Kt log Ct = t + log Co -=-+K
2,303 C, Co '
At, t = 53 minutes
C, = 50&C o = 100
At t = 100 min
C, = (100-73) = 27 &Co = 100
Plotting 10gC vs timl), it gives a straight line & hence it is first order reaction.
Now in first order reaction, doesn't depend as the concentration &so the rate constant, so
in J00 min same amount of completion will occur as previously.
. C 100
Sol:- (I) At t = 540 sec, -'2. = - -
C, 32.5
Kt = 2.303 10g-'2.
K x 540 = 2.303Iog-- ADS
(ii) For 25 % decomposed, ColCt = 100175
K.t = 2.303 log (100175)
t = 2.30310g 75 = 138.83 sec ADS

Sol:- K=lx 10'2 s' l
Time = 2 min = 2 x 60sec
Co =lM

Er. Rishi Kumar is ODe of tile Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE,
PMT& AIEEE) Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 277

~y: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. 1I~_!<anfluIJ R~shi_~!lel11istry Classes,_Naya Tola, Patna -4 .

K.t = 2.30310g-
, Cu
IxlO- x2x60=2.303Ioh-
1.2= - 2.303 log C,
Ct = 10 .Il;' = 0.3 M
:. Ri = K[Cul =I x lO-'mol/lit.sec
Rf = K[C, I = I xlO-' x 0.3 = 3 X 10-.1 mole / lit - sec Ans
Sol:- A + S--.P
Reaction is firs order w.r.t. A & second order w.r.t. B
:. Rate = KlAUS]'
When [Aj = [Bj = I, Rate = I x 10-' mole flit - s
Ix lO-'mo%I't
. . I-S
= K x I x l'
K = I X 10- 1 moV
/Iit - sec/(mol/lit)'
When half of the reactant <;onverts into product, then
[Aj = [Bj =~M
. I (I)'
Rate = K[A][S]' = I x 10-' x - x -
20 2
= - I x 10- 1 - seC = 1.25 x 10-'' mol/lit - sec
. , mol/it Ans
Sol:- CH,COOC,H s + H,o I CH 3 COOH + C,HsOH

: : = K[CH3 COOC,Hs UH,OJo "-\

(i) Rate is directly prop0l1ionai to concentration of [CH,COdC}i5 ]& hence Rate

doubles when concentration of easter doubles.
(ii) On conceniration of H+ , rate doesn't depend & so there will no change in rate as
cone of H+ changes

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in tIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presendy one of the best teacher at Patila for Whole cheniistry for IIT-jEE,
PMT&AIEEE) tontact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 278
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol: A---) Pr oduct
-dA ~ K[A]"
A1-<' At
A' d[A] ~ J' -Kdl => -I =-K(t-O)
J [ A]" I-n Ao
A=An 1=0

(A,t" [Aot" -Kt

I-n I-n
,11 Ao
For t = t}2' [A,];: 2

(Aot" I At II'"
I-n I-n .
(Ao)I'" IAo II'"
----'-------'---,- = Kt II
l-n (I-n)(2y" 12

)I.,,{ I-nI I}
'. ~> % 1{I = [Ao]" , (I-n)
~ (I-n)(2)1" ,

til? a 1 I Proved
72 [Ao)'"
Qt6:- ., "

Sol:- A o = initial count rate = 16.1 counts / min

At =9.6count/rnin
%= 5770 years
:. k = 0.693,.,p.693 y'\ ,:'."".
tl/ 5770
. A
:. K, '" 2.303Iog-il.
t = 2.303 x 5770 log 16.1 = 4304 y~ars
0.693 9.6

Qt7:- .1 .. " .. :

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE,
PMT& AIEEE) Contact no. J}852476717;9798984530" . Page 279
<::'l':;~~'~:t . 'j~:~~~H; :j.t;;" _'.f"~~--i.
By: Er. Ris~i Kumar(B.Tech. IIT Ka_~'pur) ~i~_~~i Chemistry Class!,s~ Naya Tala, Patna :4__

Sol:- t(s) P(mmofHg) - Log P
0 348 2.87 x 10-3 2.54
600 247 2.87 x 10-3 2.39
1200 185 5.41 x 10-3 2.267
2400 105 9.524x 10-3 2.0212
3600 58 0.01724 1.7632
4800 33 0.03030 1.5185
6000 18 0.05556 1.2553
noo 10 0.1 I

Since LogP vs time curve is linear, so it is a tirst order reaction.

Kt = 2.303 log-
348 -
K x 7200sec = 2.303Iog- = 2.303Iog34.8
K = 2.303 x log 34.8 3.55
- -= 493
. x- 10-4 sec -, Ans
7200 7200

Sol:- For 2'd order reaction:-
d[AI '
-d[AI = K[A]"
=> f~
=- fKdt
IAol [ ] '=0

A IAol
I Ail
=-Kt =>
----- = - + Kt ----------(1)
[A,] [Aol

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-lEE,
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4 ..

For t = %' [At] = [~)J

2 1 1
:.(I)=>-=-+Kty, => t,. = - -
[Aal [A a ] 2 . 12 K[Aal
. 1 4
,ot" = 4 =2.94xl0 sec Ans
12 6.8 x 10' x 0.05
t - 1 1. 4 7 x I 0 4 sec' Ans
y, - 6.8 X 10-4 x 0.01
Sol:- In M = 5 min, concentration becomes half from 0.5 mole/lit to 0.25 mole/lit
In another M = 5 min; concentration becomes halffrom 0.25 mole/lit to 0.125 mole/lit
Since t 1i = 5min, which doesn't depend on the concentration of the substance, soit is
a first order reaction because

ty,u 1 , forn = I only, t,. lsindependent from initial concentration.

2 [Aor 12 . ' _

In2 ..
Al so ty, = 5 mm=-
2 K .

- - =0. 138 mm
. .J Ans
Sol:- P(mm) 250 300 400 450
t)l,(min) 136 112.5 85 75.5
(1 ) (2)

t 11 U 1
72 [Aor"

t 1i(I) _ [A o !'""
t 1i(2) - [A a ]," t

1~~5 =(;~~r = (if


1.323 = (1.333)"" => n -1 = 1 => n ~ 2

:. order of reaction = 2.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IlT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE2004.
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT -lEE,
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

N2 0, (g) =:0 2N0 + 2"1 02


At t = I hr 24 ml
At t --+ O'J 35 ml
".fraction of N 20S(g) decomposed in I hr = 24 = 0.686 ADS
Sol:- Rate of reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of N 2 0 S

-d[N 2 0,J = K[N 0.)

dt 2 "

0.10 = K(0.34)
K = 10 hr- 1 = 0.29hr- 1 ADS
Sol:- Let Rate = K[A]m[B]"[Oj"
From the give date,
Rate remain constant it [A] changes
:. m = o =:0 order w.r.t A = 0 ADS

Rate becomes half as the-cone of [B] doubles

n = -I order W.r.t B =' -I ADS

Rate b ecomes - - times as the cone 0 f[C]"mcreases two tIes.
. 5
14.1 = (2)"
P= %=:0 order w.r.t c = % ADS

Sol:- For A + B-----+P
Rate = K[A]I[B]2
If [A] is doubled, Rate doubles
... R 2 =2xO.l0=0.20M ADS

Sol:- Ea > ~H for endothermic reaction.
:. Ea > +25KJ fmole Ans (c)
Er. Rishi Kumar ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JI)E,
PMT& AIEEE) Contact no, -9852476717, 9798984530 '. . Page ~82
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

501:- N,O, 2NO, + ~02

t}i = 2.4hr
K = 0.693 = 0.693
tl 2.4
5 x 10'0
Kt = 2. 303 lot! -'-------,,--
- 10'
t = 2.303 log 500 = 2.303 x 2.410g500 = 21.52hr Ans
0.693/2.4 0.693
Sol:-In first vessel In 20d vessel
[A] = ~ [A] 2
rB] = ~ IB] = ~
(i) If Rate = K [A] [B]

Ratel = K( ~xe)= ~~. R, =R,

Rate, = K (%)0-(,)= 2~, :. Rate are same in two vessel

(ii) Rate = K[A]'[B],

In first vessel

Rate, = K V (1)'(2) 2KV = V'

In 2"" vessel

Rate,K(eJ( ~)= ~~
So, Rate, '" Rate,
Hence in this case rate is not equal
Sol:- 2A A, B
Rate = K[A}'[B] (Assuming single step reaction)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE,
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

If[A r 1= 3[Ai]
[Bf] [Bi]
:. Rate, = K[Ai]'[Bi]

Rate, = K II AfJl' [Bf]

= K{3[At]}' [Bi]
Rater = K2.[At]'[Bi] = 2. Rate,
2 2
So Rate increases by 4.5 times..

Sol:- Let at T K rate is R, IfC is the temp coefficient then
Rate Temp
C.CR (T+20)K
C3R (T+30)K
Alq, C = 15.6
C = (15.6))~ = 2.5 Ans
Sol:- C = temperature coefficient = 2.3
If Temperature is T, let the rate is R.
Temp Rate
(T +20)K C'R
(T + 30) K C'R
1fT is increased by 20 K, Rate, = (2.3)'R
If T is increased by 30 K, Rate, = (2.3)3 R
At intermediate temperature, temperature is increased by 25 K

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE,
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Rate = Rate, + Rate, = (2.3)'R + (2.3)'R

2 2
= 5.29R+12.167R =8.72R
... Rate wi II be increased by 8.72 times
Sol:- For 2"" order reaction
Rate = K [A] [B]
According to reaction; [A] = [B]
Rate = K[A]'
1 1
... -=-~+Kt
[At) [Aol
A/q, [At] = 100-20=80int=500sec
(20% completion)
1 1
- = --+Kx500
80 100
KX500=~__I_= 10-8 =_1_
80 120 800 400
K= 1
If 60% completion
[At] = 100-60=40
-=-+ xt
40 100 400 x 500
l i t
40 100 400 x 500
10-4 t
-- = => t = 6 x 500 sec = 3000 sec ADS
400 400x 500
Sol:- A+B----->C
K[AnB)" ;where m = orderw.r.t.A
L. et Rate = .
n= orderw.r.tB
A/q, when [A] = [B) ~ 0.1 M, Rate = I x 10-4
Ix10' = K(O. 1)"'(0. I)" ----(1)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IlT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE,
PMT& AIEEE) Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 . Page 285
_~y: Er. Ris~i Kum<l~(B.Tec!l. II::rKanp~I!) ~ish! Chelllistry Classes. Naya Tala, Patna -4

9x10-4 ;K(0.I)"'(0.3)"---- (2)

2.7x 10-3 ; K(0.3)"'(0.3)" ----(3)
(2) + (1): 9 xl 0- ; K(0.3)"
Ix10 4 K(O.l)"
9 ; (3)" ~ n; 2
(3) + (2) => 2.7 x 10- !K(0.3)'" ; 3'"
9 X 10-4 /K(O.l)'"
3; 3'" => m; 1
Now(l);> 1xIO-4 ;K(O.l)'(O.I)'
K = 10- ; 10-' = 0.1
... Rate; K[AJ'[B]' where K; 0.1
801:- A~B+C
t (s) 0 900 1800
[A] 50.8 19.7 7.62
log [A] 1.7058 1.29446 0.882
. slope of log [A] vs t
; 1.7058 -1.26446 = 4.57 x 1O-~ .
& 1.29446 - 0.882 ; 4.58 x 10-4
1800 -900
Slope of log P vs t is same, & hence graph of log P vs t is linear, which is the case of first
order reaction.
801:- 2NOC1(g)~ 2NO(g) + C1, (g) .
8x10-'o = R, = K(0.10)" ----(1)
3.2xlO-9 ;R, ;K(0.20)" ----(2)
(2)+(1)1";4 ~n;2

8 x IO-,oK(O.I)' ~ K; 8 X 10-8 Kjmo1e - sec

... Rate; K[NOC1]'

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-JEE,
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. JIT Kal~pur) ll.iSJli Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

whereK = 8 x 10-' L/ I
7mo -s
.Overall order of reaction = 2
Sol:- 2NOCI ~ 2NO + CI,

-d[NOCI] = (8.0 x 10-8 L/ )[NOCI]2

dt 7mo1.s
t!, for 2nd order reaction = 1 = 8 . = 8.34x 10 7 sec Ans
72 K[NOCIJ 8.0 x 10 x 0.15
Sol:- 2N,Os ~4NO, +0,

Rate of reaction = -1~~~0,] = K[N,O,], K = 3.1 X 10-4 min'! at 45C

(a) when [NP,J = 0.40M

:. Rate of decomposition =
-d[N,Osl = 2K[N
. dt 2
x 3.1 x 10-4 x 0040

= 2A8xl0-4 mole /l-min Ans

(b) d[NO,] = Rate offormationofN0 2

We know that -1 d[NP,l=.l d[NO,J = ~ dl0
2 dt 4 dt 1 dt
d[N02 l -4 d[N2 0,] =2{-d[N,OsJ}
dt 2 dt dt
= 4K[Nps]
= 4x3.1xlO'4 x.0.40 = 4.96 X 10.4 M/min
d[02] = -1 d[Nps] = K[N. O-J
dt 2 dt ' 0

= 3.1 X 10-4 x 0040 = 1.24 x 10.4 mole /lit - min

. -1 d[N O-J
(c ) Rate of reactIOn = , = K[N 0_ J
2 dt ' 0

= 3.1xl0-4 xOAO = 1.24x 10-4 mole/lit-min Ans


Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE,
PMT& AlEEE) Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 287
BX: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech:.IIT.Kanplll)~islli Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna 4

Sol: SO2CUg) ------+ SO2(g) + CI )g)

Since plot of in [S02CI,] V& time is linear, so order of reaction is 1. Now for tirst order
Kt=2.303Iog [SO,CU,
[SO,Cl 2 ],

K x 240=2.303Iog 0.4
K = 0.35674 = 1.487 x 10'3 S-l Ans
Sol:- Ea = 45.0 KJ/mole
K = Rate constant without calalyst = 5.0 x 10.4 S,

K'= rate constant with catalyst = 2.0 x 10" S"

K=Ae- Ea / & K'=Ae- Ea '/

- - e -Ea'/ +Ea/
K - /RT lRT

2.303xlog - (K'K ) =-(Ea-Ea')


(Ea - Ea 'J = 2.303RTIog( ~')

Ea-Ea'= 2.303x8.314xI03x310Iog ,
5 x 10
=5.9356xlog--40 = 9.81KJ Ans
Sol:- Rate constant of disappearance of H+ = 1.0 X 107 moll l.s
Unit of Rate constant is same as rate of reaction so order of reaction = 0
For Zero order reaction
At = Ao-Kt
0= 3x10' IxlO't
3 x 10'6 . . 6 x 10. 2
t= /lxl0'=.
0.5xl0' 10'

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-]EE,
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

t=6x10-osec ADs
Sol:- For 2"d order reaction
:. -1 d[NOBr] = K[NOBr]
2 dt
=> -d[NOBr] = 2K[NOBr] (1)

integerating (1) we have

1 1
At Ao
Ao = 4x 1O-3 M
At = Ao -x = 4x 10-3 -1.5 X 10-3
K = 0.81M-! Sl

1 1 +2(0.81)xt
2.5x10 3 4xlO 3

t - 10' (1 1) 1.5 X 10' - 185.2sec = 92.6Sec

- 2xO.81 2.5 -4 -- 2xO.81 - 2

Sol:- -d[A] = K[A]'
1 1
[At] [Ao]
K = 2.421/ & [Ao] = 0.5 mole /
7moLs /L

At t = %. [At]= [~Ol
1 1
tl=-- =
2 K[Aol 2.42 x 0.5
= 0.8264sec ADS

Sol:- t% for Tc - 99 = 6hr

t%forTh-201 = 73hr
For.time = 2 days = 2x24 hrs = 48 hrs

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 aDd AIEEE 2004.
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT K_aflJlur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

For Tc-99

At = AO(U'!2

... 10

remame d = -At x 10 0 = -2- x 100 = 0.39% Ans
Ao 256
For Th -201
At=AO(~)/ /,

A't = (~)73. = 0.634
A'o 2
A't .
:. % remained = - x 100 = 63.4% Ans
'Sol:- K = Ae -F%T
If Ea are same then at same temperature, value of E~T is same, but A can be different
so, K can be di ffuren!.
Sol:- 4Hb +3Co~Hb4(Co),

Rate of reaction = -1 d[Hb] = ~ {Rateof diassfera ofHb}

4dt 4
Let _ d(Hb) = K'[Hb]m[CoJ"
0.941 = K(3.36t(l.OO)" ~(1)
1.88 = K(6.72t(1.00)" -----> (2)


5.65'= K (6.75f (3.00)" ~(3)

. 564
1.88 .
Er. Rishi Kumar is !lne of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE,
PMT&~IEEE) Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 290
~~)': Er. Rishi~umar(B.Tech. lIT_ ~anpur) ~isl_li_~I~etnistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

:. -d[Hb] = K[Hb][Co]

:. Rate ofteaction = -11 d[Hb] = ~[Hb][CoJ = K[Hb][CO]

744 dt 4
0.942 .
(a) :. (I) => = K(3.36)(1.00)
=> K = 7 X 10'2 1/
/,t- mol- sec

(b) Rate of reaction = i{ -d[Hb] dt t= K[Hb][CO]

~ 7xlO"(1.5(0.6) = 6.3xl0'2,tmolejlit.sec Ans
Sol:~ 50% completed in 30 min at 27" C
t7:;; = 30 min => K, = 0.693 min" = 0.0231min"
_ 30

tli = lOminat47"C => K 2 = 0.~~3 = 0.0693min"

10gl'~] _-Ea
. K2 2.303R T,
(1.-J..] T2
10 (0.0231)_ -Ea (_1 _ _ 1 )
g 0.0693 - 2.303R 300 320

log 3 x 2.303R = Ea( 20 )

Ea = 4800 x 2.303R10g3 = 43.85 KJ Ans
Sol:- AsH 3 (g)----> As(g) + "2H,(g)
Initially Po 0 0
At t = 5.5 h Po - x o -x
Po = 0.9654 atm

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE,
PMT& AIEEE) Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 . Page 291
By: Er. Rishi 1<1lmar(B.Tec~. liT K"npllr) lUshi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

AlsoPo-x+ ~x=PO+~=1.06atm
~ = 1.06 - 0.9654 = 0,0946 atm
X = 0.1892 atm
... Po - x = 0.9654- 0.1892 = 0.7762 atm
Now, Kt = 2.303 log -=-"--
K = 2.303 log 0.9654 = 4 x lO'2hr" Ans
5.5hr 0.7762
Sol:_logK(S")=14.34_1.25xI04 K (I)
Companing with
log K = log A - -2-.3-0-3-RT-

Ea = 1.25 x 104
(a) Ea = 239.34 KJ Ans
(I) 10 K=14.34_1.25xI04 =14.34-18.65=-4.3167
g 670
K=4.8xlO'5 S '1 Ans
Sol:- A ------> B + C + D
Initially Po 0 0 0
At (t) Po - x x x x
A / q, Po - x + x + x + x = P => x = =------:,:-::-
Po-Po-Po 3Po-P
... Po - x = = -"--"-=------:"-.-
2 2
Po Po .
Kt = 2.303 log = 2.30310g 3P P
po- x 0-
c:> K = 2.303 log 2Po Ans
t 3Po-P

Er.. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE,
PMT& AlEEE) Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 292
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech: I)T Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Objective problems
Ql:Ans (b):- For single step process
Molecularity = order
:. For reaction 2A +B' -> 2C
Rate = K[A]'[B]
Q2:Ans (c) overall order = sum of order W.r.t. individual reactants.
Q3: Ans (b) If is taken in excess constant, concentration of A doesn't change much as
concentration of B changes & hence we can assume that by changing B, A remain almost same so
rate of the reaction will be simply assumed to be. of order I W.r.t. B.
Q4:Ans(d) molecularity is equal to no. of molecules taking part in single step reaction.
Q5: Ans(b) when volume is halved, pressure doubles, so rate of forward reaction becomes double
to that of reverse one which are equal at the equilibrium.
Q6:Ans (b) When volume is doubled, pressure becomes half
c. Rater = K[PNoJ',[Po,J,
Rate, = K[PNo],'[Po,J,

= K [PNO];2 [Po, Ii =! K[P J'[Po. ] =! Rate'

4 2 8 NO '8 '
Q7:Ans:(a ) Rate of any reaction increases with temp, its equilibrium constant depends as1i.H
Q8:Ans: (d) On temp, K depends only.
Q9:Ans: (a) K = 1.6 X 10-3 moll
I .
Unit ofK = (m0lttr min-I = (mol7ht) min-I

I-n=O =>n=O
QI0:Ans(c) Rate K; when concentration of all species is equal to I
Qll:Ans (b), (d)
K depends as temp & Ea which is affected by a catalyst
:11/ 69 . 3 sec&K= 10-' = 0.693 =.:...:..=-=,.::-
Q12:Ans(b): t12= 0.693
2 09.3 %
:. So it is a first order reaction
Q13:Ans (a): K = 1 X 10-3 S-I (first order reaction, since unit is S-I)

R~te = K[A] = I x 10 x 0.1 = 1Oe'!


Q14:Ans (d)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for llT-JEE,
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

K = 2 x 10" mole!
llit - sec
At t = 25 sec, concentration = 0.5 M
0.5 = Ao - 2 x 10" x 25 => Ao = 1M
Q15:Ans (b)
a o = 10M
.,80% changed into product
... a,=10_10x80=2M
If a o ' = 5M, In the same time duration same percentage of initial concentration changes
into products because in first order reaction is independent from initial concentration.
Q16:Ans(b): ... %is independent from a.
Q17:Ans (a) For zeroth order reaction; x = X o - Kt
Q18:Ans (b) ... 50% competein-tmin
... 75% compete in-2t min (for next 25%, it isjust another t,7i)
".2t = 32 t = 16 min Ans
Q19:Ans(d) ttl x _ 1_
72 (Ar'l

A/q, t,7ix[A] =>l-n=l =:>n=O

Q20:Ans(c) logC, = logCo - (for first order reac)
Q21:Ans (b) Because for first order t,7i is independent from initial concentration.
. 1 1
Q22:Ans(c)A/q, t,7ia A Also Y%a(Ar'l
. /~2
n-l=l => n=2
Q23: Ans (c) K = 8 X 10'5 M'l min'l

a o = 1M, at = 0.5M

1 1
- =- + Kt (for 2nd order reaction)
at ab

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-fEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for fIT-JEE, .
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4 ..

_1_ = ~ + 8 x IO-S t
0.5 1
2 1 -
t = - x 10' min Ans
8x1O s 4
Q24: Ans (c) Rate = 0.6932 x 10-' mole/' . = Kao (1)
l t -mm
= 0 1M
. ,
li '
= 0.693 =
0.693 X 102
- ---~'--
= 10 min Ans
Q25:Ans(a) In 20 min - .!.
after, 40 min - next 20 min _.!. x .!. = .!.
2 2 4
Q26:Ans (a) As done before
tli x (A)I-n X (A) (According to question)
Sol-n=l n=O
Q27:Ans (c) tIl x _1_ => tll a n - l = cons tan t
. /2 a ll - l /2
According to question, n-1 = I n = 2.
Q29:Ans (d) For endothennic reaction, Backward activation energy <50 Kcal for exothel111ic
, reaction, forward activation energy> 50 Kcal so for a general reaction, Ea backward can be
less the or greater than 50 kcal
Q30:Ans(b) K = 3 X 10-4 S-I
Ea = 104.4KJ I mole
A= 6xl0 1S s- 1
as T --> CI) ;logK = log A - - - - -
log K= log A
K=A= 6xl0 14 S- 1 Ans
Q31: Ans(b) order can be anything -ve fractional, 0 or +ve. Its maximum value is 3 But as We
know between any two real no. infinite no are possible & since order can be fractional/any
real no. so it has infinite values.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE,
PMT& AIEEE) Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 295
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. -"T Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, .'Jaya Tala, Patna -4 .

Q32:Ans(c) AtT~K


T+ 30~2JK = 8K
At mid Temp (T + 25) it can be only mid way between 4 K 18 K
If option C will not be there, we a say (d), but ii is not
Q33:Ans (d) Rate constant = K moll' .
l t -mm
Unit of K order of reaction = O.
For zero order reaction
[A,I t
_.!. d[A] = K[A]" => Jd[Al=-2KJdt
2 dt IAol 1=0

[A t J=[A o l-2Kt
For t =%,Aq =A~

. ~o = Au - 2K %~ t,7i = :~ = 4~
Q34:- Ans (b) A ~ Pr oducts
In this case again unit of K ~ Ymol min
Implies that order of reaction ~ 2
For 2"<1 order reac
1 1
at a

~--.!.=Kt1/ ~t1/=_1
a a 72 72 ak
Q35:-Ans (a) Clearly order should be half so that rate will increase two times as concentration
will be increased by 4 time.
Q36:Ans (c) Rate, = K[A]"

Rate, = K(2[A])" = (2)" K[A]" = (2]" Rate,

7 Rate, = (2)" Rate,
(2)" = 7, So n will be bet 2 to 3
Q37:Ans (d) order oS 3

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for llT-IEE,
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IlT Kanpur) Rishi ~hemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

SoRate, ,; K(2[A])3 ';8K[A]' '" 8 Rate,

So final rate will be maximum 8 times.

Q38:- Ans (b) Rate = -

1 d(a-x)
d(~) = K
2 (a - X)2
2 df df
(I) (II)
Integating by taking (I), we have

-~a= 2K,a,' => f( ~;d ) = f-2K 2 dt

1 1
-=-+2K 2 t
at a o

t = 2~J :, - :J 2~2 {a ~ x-}


2~, - {a(a _ X)}

t - Ans
Q39:Ans (c) For zeroth order reaction:
At = Ao - Kt; After 50% completion, At = ~o

A1q Ao = Ao - K x 10 =:> K = Ao
, 2 20
Now for 100% completion At = a
a = Ao - Ao x t =:> t = 20 min


. t% _2
1{ ax~J;;.aa
Q40.Ans (c) tll - a/ %
11 =3'1
12 ! x --,--/~22~ /a
K ax~
Q41 :Ans (a) Since molecularity can never be zero.
It is always 1,2,3,4- - - - (+ve integer)
Q42:Ans (a), (b)
at =ao-Kt =:>(a-x)=a-Kt
a-x = a-Kt

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE,
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Q 43: Ans (a)

Q44:Ans(a) ForxA+f3B~yC+oD

_ 11 dA =_ldB =1. dc -1. dO

72 dt ~ dt Y dt - 8 dl
hence similarly for N2 + 3H2;'l14===2NH3
-d[N 21= -1 d[H 2 1;1. d[NH3 J
dt 3 dt 2 dt
Q45: Ans (b) For 2Hl ~ H 2 + 12
-1 d[HI] ; K(HI)" => d[HI] ; 2K[HI]" (1)
2 dt dt
1 1

-d[Hll ; 2K[HI]" (from 1)

rate cons tan t
Q46:Ans(c) 2A~-B
-1 d[A J 2d[B]
2 dt dt
Q47:Ans(a) In law of mass action, molecularity becomes equal to order, which is not possible in
case of zeroth order reaction because molecularity can never be zero
Q48:-Ans(d) Rate; K[Ar
unitofK; /L - s;c ; (mol7it' sec' l
(mo~{) L
Q49:-Ans (b) Catalyst decreases the activation energy but it remain +ve. So it can be only (2).

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004.
He is presl!ntly one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for ilT-JEE,
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By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4
Chapter-I8. Electromotive force

Ql:- (i) Ag I Ag\IO" M), EOAg'IAg ~ 0,80 v


EAg'IAg EOAg'IAg 2.303RT 10gQ

EAg+IAg 0.80V _ 0.0592 10 _I_
I g[Ag'j
EAg'IAg ~ 0.80 V - 0.059210g(I/l0 -5)
= 0.80 V - 5 x 0.0592 = 0.30 VAns
(11) CulCu"(0.2M), EOCu"ICu = 0.34 V
ECu'+ICu ~ EOCu"ICu _ 2,303RT 10gQ
= 0.34V - 0.0592 10g _1_ = 0.34V _ 0.0592 x log5
2 [Cu"] 2

= 0.34V - 0.0592 x 0.699 ~ 0.32 VAns


, Q2:-
Sol:- (i) (Pt) H,I HCl (1M) and Pt(Ch) I HCI (1M)
(18tm) 18tm

E",H'!Hl =0 }
EOCl,l2C1' = 1.36V
Since EOCl,I2CI' > EO 2H' I H,
So CI,lCr electrode behaves as cathode, so that the cell has +ve emf.
Call reaction: CI, + H, ~ 2HCI
Cell notation: P' I H" H' II CI" CI' I Pt
(ii) Cu/Cu"(IM)&Cr lel,(Pt)
I atm
EOCu" I Cu = 0.34V & EOCI,/2CI' = 1.36V
Since EOCl,lCI' > EOCu" ICu
So ChiCI' behaves as cathode & hence Ch get reduced.
Cell reac-": 0, + Cu ~ Cu" + 2cr
Cell notation: Cu/Cu" IICl"Cr IPt
Fluorine is the strongest oxidising agent possible so it is not possible for F' too oxidised by
any other elements listed in the electrochemistry series.
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AlEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Pama for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 299
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. IITKallpur] Rishi Chemistry Classes, N"y" Tol" , ['"lila -4

501:- CuSO,' Cu> + SO,L
Initially 0.1 M
Finally 0.1- 0.1 x - 0.09 0.09
0.1 - 0.09

Eell -'- I ell = E" ell-'. I eu - ---In!.!

0,059c - -1, -
2 -[Cu']
0.0592 I
Eeu"/eu=+0,34V---Io~-- ~ +0,34V-0.031 V ~ 0.31 VAns
2 - 0,09
Q5:- IN CuSO, ~ I x 2 M CuSO,
Fe + CUS04. Cu + Fe"
Initially excess 2N
At eg-" 2- X
E"Fe" I Fe = -0.44
ElJcu> / ell::: 0.34 V
At eg", Eeell ~ 0 and Q ~ Keg"
(} 0.0592
So from Eeell ~ E cell - - - l o g Q
, 2
At eg-", ~ EOcell -0.0592
log keg-"
o II
E ce =
+0.0592 og c':c-_'-
2 [Cuso,]
+0.0592 ~ _x_ x , ?
0.7 o0 log ~> --=antIlog(+_6,35)
2 2-x 2-x
X~2.24 xl0 20 (2-x)
If 2 -x ~ y => x ~ 2 - Y
(2 - y) ~ 2.2456 x 10"'y
2 8.906x 10. 17 A
Y= 2.2456x 10" ns
:. So cone" of CaSO, at eg." ~ 2 - x = y = 8.906 x 10 27 MAns
501:- Mg + CuSO, . ) Mg'" + Cu J-
EO ._ = 2.36V ;> EO., = -2.36V
M ~ Mg- ,\lg- \1l!

EO ell ,,=-0.34V

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AlEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole cheJDistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE]
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 300
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Karrpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- (i) Mg + CI,( 1 atm) ...===~t Mg" (I O"M) + 2Cr (2 x 10. 2 M) (20 is transited)
EO Mg ,. ~lg ::= -2.36V & EOn, zcr ::: 1.36V

EO Cell ~ EO Cdl _ 0.0592

2 Iog [CI]-'[M g,> J

~ 3.72V -0.0592 log (2 x 10-')' X 10-') = 3.72V -0.0592 10g( 4 X IO-U)

2 2 '
=3.72 (-6+log4) ~ 3.72V+0.16V ~ 3.88V An.
(ii);I;n+ Fe'"(I01 M ) -;l;n'-(104 M)+Fe
E?'I> 7~1 ::: -D.76V & E{)F~> h'::: -{).44V

E"C'" = -E~"" 7" + EO"" I, ~ 0.76V + (-0.44. V) ~ 0.32 V

E = EO -2.303 ,(Zn"]
'01' '01' nf g[Fe"j

~ 0.32V -0.0592 10' 10- 10-' = 0.32V -0.0592 X (-1) = 0.3496V An.

2 g 10-' 2
Sol:- Zn(s) + Pb'"(1 M) ------>Zn" (I M) + Pb(S), EO C,II = 0.66V

E = EO -0.0592 ,(Zn"]
Cd' Cd' 2 1og [Pb'-]

0.66 0.0592 log QJ. = 066 V An.

2 0.1
501:- In electrolytic cell that reaction will occur which has - ve emf. Since the reac_ 1l
Cu'- + 2Cr ------> Cu(S) + CI,(g) has - Ve
Emf, So this reac- n can be made to occur in electrolytic cell.
. An. (C)
Sol:- An. (C)
Since EC~II ::: +ve , so reaction will proceed in forward direction but only to a extent at
at which it attail1 eg- h and so Ni:?'~ remain in some amount:
Sol:- (a) Since X can displace Ag- from its salt, so It has more reducing power than Ag, so
Oxidation Potential of X will be higher than that of Ag.
EO Ag A-'. < EO,
X x'
:. EO,x- X
< EO .
Ag Ag

Er. Ri.hi Kumari. one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for !IT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact nO. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 301
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna 4

x- x
Also since X can't displace Cu" from its salt so it has less reducing power than Cu, so less
oxidation potential & so high reduction potential.
EO x" x> EOCu~~ ell

> 0.34 V - (2)

(I) & (2) 0.34 V < EO"'IX <0.8V Ans
(b) Since X can't displace ibn" or Fe"
So EO x,.' X > EO,.
Zo- 711
> E h:"
. '. h,

E'x,,/x >-{).76V& >0.44 V

:. EOx" x Should be greater than -0.44 V lor only of ibn2- or Fe" not to displace
Also X can reduced H+ to H" So it has high reducing power than H,
:. reduction potential will be less.
:. E xo ' x < 0 =>:. -0.44V < Ex" x Ans
Sol:- Hg,Cl, + 2e' --> 2Hg + 2CI'

EIJ~::' HI'.Cr = E?Hg;> ll~ -2.~~:RT logQ

For the above reaction; Q = [CJ']' = (0.1)' = I0"
E(JII~~' Hg,(T = O.28V

E Hg:" = 0.28V - 0.0592 log' I0" = 0.28 V -0.0592 x (-2)

:. lIg.(T 2 2
= 0.28 + 0.0592 = 0.339 VAns
501:- In concentration cell, we know that reaction tends to occur in.the direction such that the
conc," in both half cell becomes equal.
So in half cell with lower H'- conc_ if fanns & in half cell with higher H~ conc-'\ it

:.[Wj=IO'M & [W], =0.025M
Act as anode Act as cathode
So H+ get fanned . So H+ get consumed

Cell Notation: %" H' (l O's M) II W (0.035M)H, I pt

Cell reac"
H, + ic' ----+ 2H+ + x at anode
2H+ +2c' ----+ H, I at cathode
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently on" of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 P"ge 302
By: Er. Rishi KlImar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tala. Patna -4

Cdl rcnc-o 2l-1' cathode ----+ H- anode

- E'" -0.0592 , [l-I']anode
ECdl - _ Cdl 1og
1 [W]cnthode
/ E. =0-00592lo"~ -0.0592(10 10-')

(dl I 0.025 I g 25
= (-5 -log 25) ~ -0.0592 (-6.398) ~ 0.379 volt Ans
501:- Let the conc_ 1l or eu> is oX for the cell reaction to occur.
Cu + Zn" ----+Cu" +L:n
Q=rcu'J=~ For Cu" + 20' -> Cu
[Zn'-J I
1 I
(Cu") x
For cell reaction to occur
EeL'll> a

EI.I Zn-" /Zn - E(u-

, ". I(I!
>0 => Ell,
ClI-' 'eu
< E(J
I.n> /7..11

EO"o> "~l - nF logQ<-0.76

0.0592 I
0.34---log- < -0.76
2 x
- 1, 1
- - 1og-> Iog->
I 37 .16 2
2 x x
X < 10. 17 . 1(" ~ 6.2 x 10..18 M Ans
Q15:- In electrochemical celli galvanic cell
+ve electrode is cathode & -ve electrode is andoe.
... Conc-o in anode half cell ~ 10'('M
E = 0.118V = -0.0592 10 , [W}anode
C,lI I g [W ]cathode

~> 0.118 V = -0.0592 log 10'"

[l-I' ]cathode
. 10" 10'"
=> -2::: log =>
[W]cathode [W]cath
[l-I "] cathode = 10-'/
/10-' = I 0-4 M Ans

Er. Rishi Kumar is one oftheTopper in Chemistry in I1T-JEE.2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best t~acher at Patna for Whole chemistry for llT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 303
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Toia ,Patna -4

Sol:- For Fe" + Zn ---->"1':n'" + Fe

E('cll = EO Fe~.' Fe - EOZn~+.n
= - 0.41 - (-0.76) = 0.35 VAns

Sol:- (1) Fe.1+ + e'''f'===*Fe'+; EO = 0.77 V
(2) Fe'+ + 2c'.=* Fe; EO = -0.44 V
(3) FeH + 3c'~ Fe
L\.G.1 = L\.G, +L\.G,
-nJ F EJ = - n,F E, - n,F E,
3EJ = LE, + 2.E,
E J = E,+2E, 0.77+2(-0,44) =-0.04V Ans
. 3 3
Re ducing oxidi sin g
Sol:- .j,
Hg~+ + Hg a b Hg;+
ECo1l=Eolli~ 1I",-E H,;./Hg = 0.92-0.788~0.I32V

:. E oce 11 =0.0592
- 1 - 1og Keq -b

0.132' b
0,0592 ,
Keq-" = 10,23 = L71 x 10' Ans
Sol:- Fe + HCl----> Fe'+ + H,
E e,,, = Ell' H~
- EO,c'. . , C' = 0 - ( -0,44) = 0.44 V
Since ECell is +ve, so the reaction can happen
Sol:- 3;?;n + 2CrJ+ ----> 2Cr + 3;?;n'+ (1 M) .
Let at conc-" x M of Crl + , Ee<11 = 0
. E = EO -0.0592 [Zn'+]'
Cell Cell 6 10g [Cr3+f

0= (EO
Cr J :' 0-
Zn~' '7.11
)_ 0.0592 10
g Xl
0.0592 ,
= {-0.74-(-0.76) } +--logX'

. Er. Kishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 304
By: fr. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya T<ila~. Patna -4

~ -0.02 = - - x 210gx
log x= - - = - 1 ~x =10-' =O.IM Ans

Sol:- Fe(s) + 2Cr'; 2Cr" + Fe"
Initially excess I 0 0
Aleq- b 1-2x 2x x
At egb , EOdl = 0, Q = keq- b
EEo 2.303RT I k " 0
Cell nF og eq- =

Eo,. ,__ EO,. ) _ 0.0592 10 [Cr" J'[Fe"] 0

( Cr- Cr- Fe- -Fe 2 g [Cr-'+ f

~ (-0.407+0.44)- 0.0592 log (2x)'x, 0

2 (1- 2x)-
-0.033x2 4x"
~ 0.0592 log (I-2x)'

4x' , = 10-11148 = 0.07676

(1- 2x)'
Solving we get x = 0.42 MAns
Sol:- E c," = E cd,---logQ
Cu" +Pb~Cu+Pb"
1M 1M
[Pb"] ~Q= 0.001 =1
If the conc-" is 0.001 M then
Q = [Cu"] 0.001
o 0.0592
.'.Eceu=E C'en---1og 1
:. E Celi = EOCell
So Emf doesn't change by any amount.
Sol:- At PH '" 10
[H+] = 1O-,oM

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently ane afthe bestteacher at Patna far Whole chemistry far lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE).
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 305
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna '4

o 0.0592 I 0.0592,
E . =E. - - - l o g - =0+ --log[H ]
H H, H H, 1 [H'] I
= + 0,0592 log 10'0 = - 0.592 VAns
Sol:- [Fe(CN)S' + e'. [Fe(CN),J", EO = +O.36V
oxidised form [Fe(CN),)'-
Reduced fonn [Fe(CN),,J" x(say)

E = EO _ 0.0592 [Fe(CN),,-
I g [Fe(CN),)'

0.28 V= 0.36 V, 0.0592 10g ..!. =>

-0.08 x I
I x 0.0592
x = 10 5."= 0.0445 Ans
Fe/FeSO, IICuS0 4 ICu
Sol:- J. J.
(O.IM) (O.OIM)
Fe + Cu'+ ------+ Fe'+ + Cu
0.01 M 0.1 M
E + EO _ 0.0592 10 [Fe"]
Cd' c,,, 2 g [Cu"] .

=(EO .. _Eo, )_ 0,0592 10 ~

Cu+Cu Fe- Fe 2 gO.Ol

~ (0,34 + 0.44) -0,0592 X 1= 0,78 + 0,03 = 0.75 VAns

Q26:- (i) Agi Ag'(O,OIM) II'Zn" (0, IM)Zn

Eeell = ~

Cell -
-A-log a

2Ag+zn" ------+2Ag' +Zn

Q = [Ag']' = [0,01)' = 10-3
[Zn"] om
, 0,0592 -J 0 0,0592 x3
,. Ec," = E c'''--2-logIO = E Cd' +. 2

= (EO., ._ EO , . ) + 0,0592 x 1.5

Zn- 'Zn AgAg

(- 0.76 - 0,80) V + 0,0888 V = (-1.56 + 0.0888) V = -1.4712 VAns
Since ECdl <0, so the reaction is not spontaneous
(ii) Pt I Fe'+ (1M), Fe 3+(0,lM) ~ cr (O,OOIM) I AgCl I Ag
Er, Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004, He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AlEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 306
By: Er. Rishi Kumar[B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Cell reaction
Fe'+ + AgCl , Fe'+ + AgCl
1M 0.1 M 0.001 M
Q=[Fe'+][Crj O.lxO.OOI 10-4
[Fe'+] xl
o 0.0592
Ecd, = E cd'--I-logQ

~ (0.22 - 0.77) - 0.0592 log I0-4 =-0.55+4xO.0592 = -0.3132 V

Since EC<:11 < 0 ,so the reaction is not spontaneous
(iii) Zn! ZnO;-(O.IM).OW(IM) II HgO! Hg
HgO+-Zn+20W, Hg+ZnOi~ +H,O
1M 0.1 M

Q = [ZoO;-] = Q:.l. = 0.1

[OH]' I'
o 0.0592
Ec," = E cd'--2-logQ

= (EO _ EO ) _ 0.0592 1 10"

HllO'Hs Zn o! Zn 2 og

=(0.85-(0.76)- O.O~92X(_I) = 1.61 +0.03 = 1.63 =+Ve

So the reaction is spontaneous.

The value of Ec'" is diff n because I have used
en'+ ! Zn in place of ZnO," ! Zn & Hg'+!Hg in place of HgO! Hg.
Initially 0.5 0 0
At eg- 0.50.5x 0.5 x 0.8x
Ka = (0.5x)(0.5x) O.5x' = 1.77 x10-4
0.5 -0.5x 1- x
x' = 1.77 xlO" ~> x' = 1.77 xlO"
0.5 0.5
So conc ofH+ in anode compartment containing HCOOH = (1.88x 1O"M)x 0.5 = 0.94x IO-'M
Initially 1M 0 0
At eg-" I - x x x
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT'IEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 307
By: Er, Rishi Kumar(B,Tech, lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

=:, x =,JK;.
= fI8 x10'
x ,;; 4.2426 x IO"M
So [H+] in cathodic compartment = 4.2426x 10. 2 M,
E = EO _ 0.0592 [H"]anode
Cd' Coil I g [H']cathode

=0- 0.0592 10 0.84xI0' =-0.0592 x (+0.3458) = -0.0243volt Ans

I g4.243xlo-'
Sol:- (Pt/H,)H" (C = unknown) II KCI sol-" I Hg,CI, I Hg; E = 0.4783
H, + Hg,CI, --> 2Hg + 2H" + 2C1
E = EO _ 0.0592 [H"][CI"]'
Cell Cell 2 1og

(0 0)
~ E H"Cl"H'KCl-E H'H, - - 2 - log [H ] (I)
0.0592 ,"

lfwe use standard calomel electrode then KCI conc-" should be I M.

0.4783 = (0.2420-0)- 0.0592 x 210g[H"]
0.2363 =-10 g [H+] =:'PH=3.99 Ans

Sol:- 5Fe" + MIlO, + 8H' --> Mn" + 5Fe" + 4H,O

Given 0.1 M Ix IO-'M Ix 10'M 1M

I x 10'M
[Mn"][FeJ+l' 10-4 xl' 10-4
Q=[Fe"]'[MnO, ][H"j' = (10')(10 ')(10 ')8 =10 'xIO' X10.24
o 2.303RT
Eeoll = E Cd' nF 10gQ

E Cell = (E MllO~4.Mn1" -E
0 ) 0.0592
Fe-'. Fe --5-1og10

=(1.51-0.771)- 0.0592 x27 =0.739-0.31968=0.419V Ans

Sol:- Hg,(NO,), +2Fe(NO,),' 2Hg+2Fe(NO,),
E'H,j'.H, =0.79V,E'FO".Fo" = 0.77 volt

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-J EE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 308
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry, Naya Tola, Patna 4

At eq - h Ec," = a

EoCell -_ 0.0592 Iog Keq _b

0.0592 h
(0.79-0.77) = --Iogkeg-
0.04 -logKeqh =>Keq-b=IO".Oi"'=4.78
0.0592 Ans

501:- AgBr , Ag' + Br'
Initially (0.1 M from KBr)
At ego" -S S 0.1 + S
:.Ksp= [Ag'] [Br']=S(O.1 +S)=6x 10'"
=> SxO.1 = 6x10-" => S = 6x10-"
c.[Ag']=6 x I0'''M
I 1
O=[Ag]= (6x10''')
c. E = EO _ 0.0592 10 _1_
, A,oA, A,A, I g[Ag']

= 0.80 + 0.0592 10g(6 x 10-") = 0.80 + 0.0592 (-12 + 'Jog6)

~ 0.80 - 0.664 = 0.14 VAns

Sol:- pH ~ 3.5, [H+] = lO,l'M
pH ~ 10.5, [H+] = 10 105 M
. [H']anode 10- 10.5
For concentratIOn cell; 0= .
[H' ]cathode

-0.0592 10'105
E Cell = 1 log--
10-3.5 = -0.0592 log (10") .=.-0.0592x (-7)
EO,,, = 0.4244V Ans
Q33:- [W]in one cell = 1M
[OW] in another half cell = 1M
[W] [OK] = 10. 14 , ~._-

[H+p = 10. 14 => [W] = 10 14 M.

In concentration cell, half cell with less [HO] act as anode.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topperin.Chemistry inIIT-/EE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacheratPatnafor Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717.9798984530 Page 309
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Paina -4

1~H2 H+ Anode +e

W C",",,<k + e- --+ h H,
H + C~\h(lde - H + anode
Q = [HO]",,,,, = 10-
[H+ ]Cathode 1
. Er
. II = -0.0592 Iogl 0- 14 = 14x 0.0592 = 0.83V Ans
... e 1 .
1M NH, has lower OH' conc-" because it is a weaker base, So [ft] will be higher
So, log [H+] will be higher
So, - 0.0592 log [H+] will be lower
Sol:- 2Cu' ----.Cu' +Cu
E,," = Ec,' ,,, - Ec," c" = 0.52 - 0.34 ~ 0.18 VAns
Sol:- (Pt) H, (I atm) I H+ (PH unknown) II H' (PH =' I) I H, (I atm).
In anode half cell, let the conc," ofH+ ~ x M
:. pH = - log [H+] = - log x
In cathode half cell, pH = 1 => [H+] ~ 10. 1M
E Cdl = 0.I6V
For concentration cell, EO Cell = 0
E = -0.0592 [W]anode
Cdl I g [W]cathode

0.16 V = -0.0592 log ~ ~> 0.16 ~ , 0.0592 log lOx

1 10"
--=-(Iog10+logx) ~>2.7~-I-Iogx =>-logx=pH=3.7 Ans
Sol:- It is the case of concentration cell of chlorine So, cell notation
Ptl2Cr, CI,(P = 0.9 atm) II CI, (0.1 atm), 2Cr I Pt
Cell reaction: CI' ----..!.CI. + e'(at anode)
2 -

.!.CL +e' ----.CI'

2 '
I 1
2 2Cmhode ----.-CI
2 : mwde

Er. Rishi Kumar is one o(the Tojlper in Chemistryin IIT-JEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
preseritly one of the bestteachent Patna for Whole chemistrY for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 . ' .' . . Page 310
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. IlT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

0.9)" =9"
( 0.1

:. E Cd' = 0- 0.0593 log(9),v, = -0.0592 log(9) = -0.0282 V

I 2
So E(,dl is negative, so the reaction written will non spontaneous.
Sol:- pH in cathode = 3 ~ [HO] cathode = 10J M
Let pH in anode = x ~ [HO] anode = 10"M
EO Cd' = 272mv = 0.272 V
:. E, = -0.0592 10 , [W]anode
'd' I g [W]cathode

0.272 = -0.0592 log 10", = -0.0592 log 10' ".J)

0.272 = 0.0592 (x - 3)
x - 3 = 0.272 = 4.59 ~> x = 7.59 Ans
I 1 1
Sol:- -Cu(S)+-CL(g"')'===-' -Cu" +CI'
2 2 - 2
EOn"n- =+1.36V,Eo c"",C" =0.34V
:. EOCell = EOCl:.CT - EOCu:. Xu = 1.36 - 0.34 = 1.02 ADS

"'GO = -nFEoc," = -1 x96500x 1.02 = -98430J Ans

EO _ 0.0592 1 K -'
Cdl - 1 og eq
1.02 = 0.0592 log Keg."
log Keq_b =~=17.23
Keg -' = 1.97 X 10'17 Ans
Sol:- EF,F' =2.75V & EO F,,, =2.87V

.!.F, + e' -~ F' (0.38 M)

2 '
Let the pressure of F, gas is P atm.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004andAIEEE 2004. He Is
presently one of the best teacber at Patna for Whole cbemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 311
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola , Patna -4

:. E", 1_ = E\ F' - 0.0592 10g

(PF,) ,

0.0592 0.38 0.38

2 .75=.
2 87 - - - I o g - - , ~>2.03= log--"
I (P) , (P)'

0.38 = 106 421 =>p"=~

(P)" . 106.42

pi, =3.57xlO"; P=I.275xIO"atm Ans

Sol:- E" = -1.662 V

(a) ~ AI'- +e'--->~ AI(S), LlG" = 160.4KJ i mole

3 3
.10 == -nFEo
160Ax10' =-lx96500x E"

EO = -1.604x 10' = -1.662V

(b) AI" + 3e' ---> AI(S), LlGo = 481.2 KJ Imole
.1Go = -nFE IJ
481.2 x 10' =-3x96500x EO

Eo=-4.812 x I0' -1.662V Ans

So in both (a) & (b), EO are same
Sol: No, because without salt bridge ions accumulate at electrode & so reaction stops.
Sol:~ No, not at alI, size doesn't affect the voltage. It affect the current at which celI work only
Mg 1 Mg" II Fe" 1 Fe"
I = 150 m A
t ~ 20 min = 20 x 60 sec
Q = l.t = 150x 10"x 1.2 x 10' = 180 coulombs
W=z.Q=gmeq.wl. Q = _1_2-xI5xI2=0.0224 Ans
96500 96500 g
Sol:- (i) . Cd'" + 2e' ---> Cd(s), EO = -OA03 V
(ii) CdS (s)+ 2e'--->Cd(s) + S"(aq), EO=,1.21 V

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT 'J EE, PMT& AI EEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 312
By: ~r. Rishi Klllllar(B.Tech.IIT Kanpurl~i,hi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tolu.,Pat lla-4

(iii) Cd(s) + S" (aq) -----.-:. CdS (5) + 2e' . E" = 1.21 V
(i) - (ii) Cd" + S, -----> CdS. EO = -0.403 + 1.21 = O.X07
=> CdS -----> Cd" + S, , EO = -O.X07 V
-"G" =-nl" = -2x96500'O.X07= 155.8 KJ;mole

En = - - o~ Ks P
2 -
~O.807 x2
log KsP
o 0592
Ksl' ~ 1On.!" = 4.99 x 10'" Ans
Sol:- C,(S) + 2H' (aq)-----> Cd' (oq) ~ IL(g)
CU" Cd
=-0,40V & E" JI' .11: =()OV

\V ll1a \ ::::.1G :::: -nF E Cdl

" 0.0592
E Cdl := E Cdl ---logQ
~ (E" -E".
) 11: ("d-" (d ~ ~ 2 A O. 7RO
-0 059? [. 1 '
= (0-(-0.40)) .
= 0.40 + 8.9 x 10" ~ 0.409
:. Work done = -2x96500x0.409 = -78919. 724 J = -78.9197 KJ Ans
-Ve work implies that work is done by cell.
801:- For concentration cell, EO Cdl =0
For E Ct:1l = logQ
For Ece " to be + Ve, log Q should be --Ve
:. Q should be less than 1.
Q = 0.04
Cr with less concentration will be in right di;'ection of the reaction & Cr~' with higher conc- Il will

be on the left side.

Cr " (1M) + Cr-----> Cr'- (0.04M) + Cr
.". Cr-'T with less conc- ll act as anode so the dilute soV 1side will be the anodic side.
Sol:" O,(g) + 4H' (aq) + 48r- (ag)-----> 2H ,0(1) + 28r,(1)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently ooe ofthe best teacher at Patna lor Whole chemistrY for liT-lEE. PMT& AI EEE)
Contact no. -9852476717. 9798984530 Page 313
Sy: Er. Rishi KlimarlS,Tech, liT KanpllrJ~ishi Chemistl/ Classes,. Naya To I".' PaIn" 4

Q=(Hr'lBr ]'
At pH = 3.6: [H' I ~ 10'''' ~ 2.51 x 10" M,
... For [Br"] standard 501-" ~ 1M
Q= I I
(2,5IxI0")'xl 39,61x10 ",
E "('dl -- E (I_.JJI" IJ:O - E"
11r, 11,- -
- I ...'7 -- I .)
(7 -.: 0.1 h

,,0,0592 I
E(dl :::::. E ('dl - --4-
log 39.61 x H)" Ir:-

. 0.0592
I:, ell = 0.16 - --4--' 14.40 ~ 0, I (,0.21.1

- 0.053 V, (-n:), so rht.: reaction is not spollli.1nt:ous.

Sol:- E: ..II:::: 0.45 with standard hydrogen dt:clroth= as. anode
AgscN <oF=="" Ag +SCN"
Initially 0,1 M
At eq.h S S 0, I +S
:, KSP = S(O, I + S)
'E (,dl -- E-A~'
.. .. \~
- E"
. Il" II;

' " 0,0592 I .

O,4 "~E -~~Ioe---O
'!" I ' [Ag ]
' 0.0592
045=E I .\~
. .\e
1 ..

- - = Iog [ Ae .]
0,0592 '
fAg']=IO':" =1.224xI0~'

. S = [Ag] = 1.224 x 10'"

:.KsP=S(0,I+S)~0,I.S=1.124xlO" .\ns

So I:- E"Cd) ::::

+0.0592 I K
10 og cq-

(1,51 + 049) ~ 0,0592 log Kcq"


~=logKeq_h =>logkeg- " :::3.37.X K... q_"-;:;!O'" Ans


Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one 61the besHeacher'at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITJEE, PMT& AI EEEI
Ccntact no. -9852476717, 9798984530' . Pagd11
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

Objective Problems
QI :Ans(b):- [n galvanic cell. Anode is -\'C electrode.
Cathode is +ve electrode.
because from anode e- is leaving and there must be -vely charge, so that it can deliver -ve
charge e's.
Q3:Ans(b):-Cu is oxidising & so e' is loosing & that e' is taken Ag- & it get reduced.

Q4:Ans(b):- E'w II, =0

E"A~' AS
= 0.80
Reducing potential of Ag > Red. Potential of Hz; so Ag has more oxidising power
than H 2 , So H1 can't oxidise silver in standard casc.
o 0.0592 1
Q5:Ans(a):- E, =E . II ---Iog-
H H; Ii; 1 H'
-0.1 [8 = 0 + 0.0592log[H']

10g[W]= -0.118 =-2

[Wj = 10,2 M.
Q6:Ans(b):- .,' E e," = E'II' II, - EOz," z" = 0 - (-0.76) =0.76 V

Q7:Ans(a):- Reducing power a .. I .

Re ducmg potential

Q8:-Ans(b):- EOcell = EOFe!~IFe -E()lJl!'/zn

= -0.41-(-0.76)=0.76-0.41 =0.35 V
',.>1-~'"',.. . "';-;ro-. . ". '.~- '~-">.~ ot'"! ,~ - , .....
Q9:Ans(a):- Since the largest gap is' bet" 11 & III . .
QIO:Ans(d) Again the largest gap is in between [< IV
Qll :Ans(b):-Again for the same reason.
(n, + n, ).F.E = n,fE, + n,FE,
3.E = I.E, + 2E,
E = E, + 2E, = 0.77 + 2(-0.44) = -00367 = -0.04
3 3
Q13:Ans(a):- E ecll :::: EO
; CT -E M
!::, MS

= 1.36 - (2.36) = 1.36 + 2.36 ~ 3.72 VAns

Qt4:Ans(b):- EOccll ::: EO ~lS:- Mg - EO zn : Zn

all are in standard condition, so it has same E\c1I'

QI5:Ans(a):- because E is an intensive property
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 315
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT KaI1Pur)..Rishi ~hemistry Classes, ,!'Iaya Tola, Pama -4

QI6:Ans(c):- Since "'G, is an extensive property c. "'G, = 2"'G,

0.0592 h
QI7:Ans(d):- E'd' = --Iogkeq-
For EO r,1I > 0, keq h should be greater than I.
QI8:Ans(b):- E"'d' < 0, so at standard condition it is not possible for reaction to happen.
QI9:Ans(b):- Max'" emf will be obtained.if
-0.05921 -,,[_H~'lc..
Em f = og-
I - [H lcathode

= -0.0592 log [H Janode c. [H"j c~thode = IM gives

I . .
LH"] anode is the least which will happen in 0.1 M CH,COOH.
Q20:Ans(c) -H,(g)+AgCI(sR- H"(ag)+Ag(s)
Pt / H, (g), HCl (Sol-") II AgCl (s) / Ag'
o 0.0592 [Ti']'
Q21:Ans:(a,d):- E'd' = E rd'--2-log[Cu']

To increase Eedl , log (Jr,',)' should decrease. So [Ti"j should decreases & [Cu"]
[CU" ]
should increase.
-0.0592 { ,. [zn"]}
Q22:Ans(b):- "'E'ell = 2 10g[Zn ]-log-I-O-

E -E = -0.0592 10 ,[Zn"lxI0= 0.0592 xl

, ');.:;,;: %iZn"] ... 2 ' - ~ '
c. E will decrease by - 0.03 V
Q23:Ans(b):-AI PH = 10, [H'] = 1O""M
E. = ~0.0592 10 ' _1- = -0.592 V
1111: I g[H]

Q24:-Ans(d):- E,.E, = -0.~592110g[H" I -lag[H '],1

= -0.0592 (I og I - Iog 10'7) = -0.0592 x - Iog 10'7 = -0.0592 x 7 :::; - 041
. V Aos
1 I 1
Q25:Ans(a):- In Na+ & H', H+ will reduce first because it has higher reduction potential than that
afNa". In 50,'- & OH', OH' willaxidise first because it has lawen'eductian potential
than that of SO,". So at cathode H, will produ~e & at anode 0, will be produced.
Q26:Ans(c):- Let the reduction potential ofCu'/ Cu is Ethan
E+ I xO.153 = (l +I)x 0.337

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITIEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 316
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Ri~hi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

by {n,E, + n,E, = (n, + n, lEJ

E ~ 0.674 - 0.153 = 0.521 VAns
Q28:Ans(b):- Temp. coefficient = 5 x 10- 5 V/K
DE -
-Ip= 5x10-' = +ve
So when the cell work its gets discharge & so E decreases.

Since (DF)

So if E decrease, then T will also decrease

Q29:Ans(a):- Since Reduction potential of MnO,- is larger than that of CI,; So MnO; can reduce
easily. So it has higher'oxidising power than CI,: So MnO; can be used with HC!.
Q30:Ans(c):- According to the rule in latimer diagram red-" pot. At right sideis lower than
Reduction potential.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
-presently one of the hest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT & AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 317
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. IITKanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

19. Oxidation number & balancing of Redox reaction

Ql:- C2H,OH + Cr20,'- + H' - . 2Cr' + C,H,O + H,O

-4 +2 +6 2
Reaction by O,N. 6 x 1

Oxidation in 0. N ~ 2 x 3
3C,H,OH + Cr,O," + 8H+ = 2Cr'+ + 3C,H,O + 7H,0
Q(2):- Sn (OHh + Bi(OH)., + OH' = Sn(OH)I,2, + Bi
+3 +4
Oxidation in O.N, ~ 2 x 3t
Reduction in O.N. ~ 3 x 2
2Sn(OH)', + 3Bi(OH)., + 30W ----t 3Sn(OH)," + 2Bi
Q3:- 10,' + N,H 4 + HCI ----t N, + lCI,' + H20
+5 4 +1

I bXidation ~ 4) . J
Reduction in O,N - 4 x 1 10; + N,H, + 2HCI----t N, + ICI,- + 3H,0
Q4:- 2NO, + OU ----t NO,' + NO,' + H20 + H,O
+4 + 20U +5 +3 +H 20
I +H 02 I
Oxidation in O.N = 1
Reduction in O,N -I 2NOI + 20H' ----t NO; + NO,' + H20
Q5:- I Oxidation by 1 i
Sol:- Hg,CI, + 2NH, ----t Hg + HgNH,C1 + NH,CI
+1 0 +2
Reduction by 1 Hg,CI, + 2NH, ~ Hg + HgNH,CI + NH,C1
Sol:- Oxidation in O.N. ~ 2x 4
I-Zn + NO; + H+ ----tTnI 2
+ NH,++ H,O + 2H,O

o +5 +2-3
I t
Reduction in O.N ~ 8x 1

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 318
]y: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

4Zn +,NO; + 10H+ --->4Zn + NH: + 3H,O

501:- IDecrease in O.N.~ I x 101
I, + NO; + W ---> 210,' + NO, + H,O
Q +5 +5 +4
l -------J+
Increase in O.N ~ lOx I
I, + 10NO,- + W --->210)- + 10NO, + H,O + 3H,o
I, + 10NO; +8W --->210; + 10NO, +4H,o
501:- Increase in O.N. ~ 4x 3
+ +
MnO, + 50/ + H,O ---> MnO, + 50/ + OH'
+7 +2 +4 +6
I t
Decrease in O.N. ~ 3x4
4MnO, + 350/ + H,O + 3H,O + H,O ---> 4MnO, + 350." + OH' +60H' + OH'
4MnO'- + 350," + 8H,O ---> 4MnO, + 350." + 80H
Sol H,O, + CIO, + OH' --->ClO,' + 0, + 2H,O
-2 4 -2 -2 5 0 t
Decrease in O.N. ~ 2

Increase in O.N.~l x2
H,Oi + 2C10, + 20H' ---> 2C10,' + 0, + 2H,O
501:- Increase in O.N. ~ 3 x 2
+1 I ~
cIa' + CrO,' + OH' --->cr + CrO/ + H,O
I'-- t
Decrease in O.N ~ 2x3
3CIO' + 2CrO,' + OH + 20H' + H,O ---> 3Cr + 2CrO/ + H,O + H,O + OH'
3ClO' + 2CrO,' + 20H' --->3Cr + 2CrO." + H,O
501:- IDecrease in O.N. -
2x5 ~
I, + CI, + H,O ---> 2HIO, + 2HCI

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper'n Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best'teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AI EEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 319
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

o +5
I Increase in O.N = lOt
I, +5CI, +6H,O--.2HIO, +IOHCI
501:- Increase in O.N =1
I t-
CI, + KOH --.KOCI + KCl + H20
o +I -1
LI t
Decrease in 0.1 N ~J

c. Cl, +2KOH--.KOCI+KCI+HP
501:- Decrease in O.N by I x 5
3 I, + KOH - - . KClO, + 5KCI + H20
+5 -I
I Decrease jn 0 N 5t
3CI, + 6KOH - - . KCIO, + 5KCl + 3H P
501:- Decrease in O.N. = 2x5

I, + CI, + H2 0 --.2HIO, + 2HCI

o +5 *
Increase in O.N - 10
I, +5Cl, +6Hp--.2HIO, +IOHCI
501:- Increase in O.N =1

I ~
CI, + KOH - - . KOCI + KCI + H20
o +1 -1
I t
Decrease in O. N = I
c. Cl, +2KOH--.KOCI+KCI+HP
501:- Decrease in O.N by I x 5
I ~

3C1, + KOH - - . KClO] + 5KCI + H2 0

....1 -1
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 320
By: Er. Rishi Kumar fB.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Increase in O.N. 5
3Cl, + 6KOH---->KCIO, +5KCl+3H,0
Sol:- 1 l
H20, + I, ----> 2HIO, + 2H,O
-Ix2 +0 +5 -lX2
I t
increase in O.N = 10 5 is not multiplied because all oxygen doesn't come here
5HoO, + 1,--'-' 2HIO, +4H,O
QI5SoI:- -"In"'c"-r"'ea"'s~e_'i"_n_"0_'.N_'_~_'2=x"_3_
I ~
H 20, + KMn04 ----> MnO, + KOH + 02 + H2 0
-lx2 +3 +4 0
I t
Decrease in O.N = 3 x 2
3HoO, + 2K MnO, ---->2MnO, + 2KOH + 30, + 2HoO
Sol:- decrease in O.N = 5 x 2

HNO, + KMn04 + H,S04 ----> HNO, + MnS04
B ~ ~ ~

IncreaseinO.N.~2x5 1 +K,S04 + H,O

I t
Actually question is written wrong here
5HNO, + 2KMn04 + 3H,S04 ----> 5HNO, + 2MnS04 + K,S04 + 3H,O
Sol:- Increase in D.N. =2
I ~
NaNO, + 2NaI + H,S04 ----> NO + I, + Na,S04
B ~ +~O
I t
Decrease in O.N. ~ I x2
2NaNO, + 2Nal + 2H,SO, ---->2NO + I, + 2Na,SO. + 2H,O
QI8:SoI:- Decrease in O.N ~ 1x4

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-/EE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-jEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 321
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

N,H, + AgNO.1 + KOH --4 N, ~ Ag + KNO, + H,O

-4 +1 0 0
I t
Increase in O.N ~ 4x I
N,H, + 4AgNO, + 4KOH --4 N, + 4Ag + 4KN0.1 + H,O
Sol- -J +1 >k 0
N,H, + AgNO, T KOH --4 N, + Ag + KNO, + H,O
I t
Decrease in O.N. - 1x4
N,H, +4AgNO, +4KOH--4 N, +4Ag +4KNO, +4H,O
Sol:- Increase in O.N :=" 2

Decrease in O.N - 2
Fe ~ N,H, + 2H,O --4 Fe (OHj, + 2NH,
Sol:- Decrease in O.N ~ 3x 2
-2 I :j.
H,S + HNO, --4 NO + 5 + H,O
I +5 +2 t
Increase in O.N. - 2x3
3H,5 + 2HNO, --4 2NO + 35 + 4H,O
Sol:- Increase in D.N = 5 x 3
~ +5 l +5 +2
P + HNO, --4 HPO, + ;:0+ H,O
I . .
Decrease in O.N ~ 3x 5
3P + 5HNO, --4 3HPO, + 5NO + H,o
Q23:- Increase in O.N. =2x3

K,Cr,O, + 2HCI --4 KCI + 2CrCI, + H,O + CI,

I t
Decrease in O.N =6x I

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in llT-IEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 322
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) RIshl Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

K.Cr.O. +6HCl---> 2KCI + 2CrCl. + 7H.0

~~, - + 3CI.- +8HCI

( To balance cr ion & K)

... K,Cr,o, +14HCI--->2KCl+ 2CrCI, +3CI, +7H,o

Sol:- Increase In O. N ~ 2 x 5

I +
MnO," + cra.'" + H- --->2CO, + Mn'- + H,O
+71 t
Decrease in O.N ~ 5x 2
2MnO, + 5C,O/ + l6H' ---> lOCO, + 2Mn" + 8H,O
Sol:- Increase in O.N == 2 x 3

Decrease in O.N. =6

Sol:- Decrease in Q N == 6
+3 +~" ~ +6
Cr(OHh + 103" + OW ---> r + CrO.'" + H20
Increase in O.N ~ 3x 2
2Cr(OHh + 103" + OH" ---> r + 2CrO/ + 2H,0
+30H" 3H,O
2Cr(OHh + 103" + 40H" ---> r + 2CrO.'" + 5H 20
Sol:- Decrease in O.N. =5x2
I -2 ~
. KMnO, + H,S + H2SO, ~ KHSO, + MnSO,
+S + H,o
Increase in O.N =2 x 5
2KMnO, +5H,S +4H,50, --->2KH50, + 2KN50, +55 +8H,O.

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT & AI EEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 323
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kallpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patlla -4

Sol:- +5 +2
NO, + zcr + H' ----> NO + CI, + H,O

~ecrease il O.N = 3 x Z t
Increase in O.N - 2 x 3
82NO," +6Cl" +8W ---->2NO+3Cl, +4H,o
Sol:- Decrease in O.N ~ 2 xl
I ~
H,O, + zr + H' ----> I, + ZH,O
I t
Increase in O.N=Z xl
H,o, + ZI' + ZH' ----> I, + ZH,o
Sol:- Decrease in O.N. = 6
I +3 ~ +s
Cr,O, + NO,' + H' ----> ZC,"" + NO,' + H,O
I t
Increase in O.N = 2 x 3
:. Cr,o," +3NO,' +8H- ---->ZCr" +3NO; +4H,0
Sol:- I Deerease ill Q.~l ~ 1
+4 +S +S.
N,O, + BrO,- + H,O---->2NO,' + Bf + H'
r' t.
Increase in O.N = Zx 3
3N,o, + BrO,' + 3H,O---->6NO, + Br' + 6H'
Sol:- +2 D:;rerseinON-6XZ ~+2 +4

5,0/ + Sb,O, + H- + H,O ----> ZSbO + ZH,SO,

I t
Increase in O.N ~ 4x 3
. + 2Sb,0,
- + 6W + 3H,0---->4SbO
. + 6H,S0, ~

Sol:- Fe,(SO,l., + Fe ----> 3FeSO, (balanced already)
Er. Rishl Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry In lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthebest teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. ,9852476717, 9798984530 Page 324
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Sol.:- I O.Gr.a... in 0.1') I x2 I

+2 +2 +4
Cu(NH')4Cl, + KCN + H20 ----> K,Cu(CN), + NH,
II ele'.,e iii e.N 2 j
2Cu(NHJ,CI, + 7KCN + H,O -> 2K,Cu(CN), + 6NH, + KCNO+ 2NH,CI + 2KCI
Sol:- ,< ill 0N - 4 l
Ag + KCN + H,O + 0, ----> KAg(CNj, + 2KOH.
I t
Increase In D.N ~ 1x4
4Ag +8KCN + 2H,o+0, ---->4KAg(CN), +2KOH +2KOH
4Ag +8KCN +2H,o+0,--->4KAg(CN), +4KOH
Sol:- Decrease in D.N ~ I x2
~ ~
~n + NO,' + H' --->~n" + NO, + H,O
I t
Increase in D.N ~ 2x I
~n + 2NO,' + 4W --->Zn" +2NO, +2H,0

Sol:- Decrease in D.N ~ 3x 2
+2 ~ +4
MnO, + CN' + H,O ---> MnO, + CNO, + OH,
I t
Increase in D.N =2 x 3
2MnO,' +3CN' + H,o--->2MnO, + 3CNO' +otI + 20W + H"fS + H-06+Jdlf
2MnO; +3CN' +H,o--->2MnO, +3CNO' +20W
Sol:- +3 +5 +5-1
ASO/ + 10,' ---> ASO." + r

~ncrease dD.N. 2x3= t I

Decreasein D.N = 6x I ,.

Er,Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE2004 and AIEEE 2004, He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITIEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no, -9852476717,9798984530 Page 325
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (RTech. liT Kanpul') Rishi Chemistry Classes, Nay;' ToJa, Patna -4

3ASOt + 10,' -->3ASO/' + r

Sol:- Increase in total O.N ~ 2x3
+7 1+3
2Fe,O, + MnO, + H 20 --> 3Fe,O, + MnO, + OH-
I t
Decrease in O.N ~ 3x2
6Fe,O, +2MnO,' +H,O-->9Fe,0, +2MnO, +20H'
Sol:- Decrease in O.N = 6 x 8
I i-
8H,S + Cr20l + H+ --> 2Cr" + S, + H,O
I IncreaseinO.N=16x3 1 .
24H,S +8Cr,o," +64H' -->16Cr) + 3S" + 5H,o
Sol:- Decrease in O.N - 4 x 3
-2 I +4 ~
~ns + 02 -->~nO + SO,
I t
Increase in O.N = 6 x 2
2~ns + 30, --> 2~nO + 2S0,
Sol:- +2
KNO, + 2FeSO, + H,SO, --> KHSO,
+ FetSO,l, + NO + H,O
Increase in O.N =2 x 3

Decrease in O.N = 3 x 2
2KNO) + 6FeSO, + 5H,SO, --> 2KHSO, +3Fe,(SO,), + 2NO +41-1,0
Sol:- H,S + K,Cr,07 + H2SO, --> KHSO, + Cr,(SO,), + S + H,O

icrease in O.N ~ 2x3 J t

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. Heis
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 326
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola. Patna -4

Decrease in O.N. = 6
3H,S + K,Cr,o, +5H,SO, ~2KHSO, +Cr,(SO,), + 3S + 7H,o
Sol:- +6
2KI + H,SO, ~ KHSO, + SO, + I, + H,O
I t
Decrease in O. N = 2 x I

Increase in O.N = 2x 1
2KI+3H,SO, ~2KHSO, +SO, + I, +2H,o
501:- Increase in O.N I mole ~ 2x 3
-2 I ~
C,H,OH + ,no,' + OH' ~C2HJO' + Jno, + H,O

Decrease in O.N = 3 x 2
3C,H,OH + 2MnO,- +OH- ~3C,HP- +2MnO, +SH,O
501:- Increase in O,N ~ 6xS
I ~
2Al + KMnO, + H,SO, ~ KHSO, + AI 2(SO,)J + MnSO, + H 20
Decrease in O.N ~ Sx6
10 Al + 6KMnO, + 27H,SO, ~ 6KHS04 + SAI,(S04)' + 6MnS04 + 24 H 20
501:- Decrease in O.N ~ 6x2

K 2Cr207 + H 20 + 5 ~ SO, + KOH + Cr20,

1 t
Increase in O.N ~ 4 x 3
2K,Cr,O, +2H20+3S~3S0,+4KOH+2Cr,O,

501:- Decrease in O.N ~ 2
+41 ~
Mn02 + 2HCI ~ MnCI, + CI, + H,O
I t
Increase in O. N ~ 2

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717. 9798984530 Page 327
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya ToJa . Patna -4 .

MnO, + 2HC -----> IMnCh + Ch + 2H,0 + 2HCI

MnO, + 4HCI-----> MnCh + CI, + 2H,0
Sol:- Increase inO.N ~ 2x3
I +
MnO, + 50/' + H,O -----> MnO, + SO," + OH'
I t
Decrease in O.N ~3 x2
2MnO,- +350,'- + H,O-----> 2MnO,+350/ +20H-

Q50:- Increase in O.N. ~ 2 x3

I +
Cr,o,'- + 50t + H' -----> 2Cr'" + 50/- + H,O
I t
Decrease in O.N. ~ 6
Cr,o,'- +350,'- +8H' ----->2Cr" +350/- +4H,o
Q51:- Increase in O.N = 2
I +
I, + SO, + H,O -----> SO," + 21' + H'
I Decrease in O.N = 2 t
I, +50, + 2H,O-----> 50/- + 21' + 4H'
Sol:- Decrease in O.N =1 x4
Sn + NO, + H+ -----> SnO, + NO, + H,O
Increase in O.N = 4
5n +4NO; + 2H- ----->5nO, +4NO, + 2H,O
Sol:- Decrease in O.N ~5 x2
MnO, + SO, + H,O -----> Mn'+ + SO," + H+
I t
Increase in O.N =2 x 5
2MnO; +550, + 2H,O----->MnO,'- +550/- +4H'
Q54501:- Decrease in O.N = 1 x 2
Er, Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher atPatna for Whole chemistry!or lIT-lEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 328
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. llT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola, Patna -4

MnO.' + sol + OH' ___. MnO." * + SO." + H,O
I t
Increase in O.N. ~2

2MnO," + SO,'" +20H" ___.2MnO/" +SO/" +H,o

Q55:-Sol:- Increase in O.N = 6

cia' + Be' ___. BrO,' + cr *
I 't
Decrease in O.N. = +2x3
3CIO' + Be' ___. BrO,' + 3Cr
Q56. Sol:- Increase in O.N ~2x4

I +5 +
;l;n + NO,' + H+ ~;I;n'+ + NH/ + H20
I t
Decrease in O.N ~ 8
4Zn + NO," + lOH" ___.4Zn' + NH, - + 3H,0
Q57:- Increase in O.N = 2 x 5

I *
KMnO. + 2HCI___. Cl, + KCI + MnCl, + H,O
I t
Decrease in O.N = 5x2
2KMnO. + lOHCI +6HCl---+ SCI, + 2KCI + 2MnCl, +8H,o
2KMnO. + 16HCI---+ SCI, + 2KCI + 2MnCI, +8H,o+ 6HCI
Q58. Sol:- Decrease in O.N = 3 x 2
BaCrO. + 2KI + HCI___. BaC!, + " + KCI + crC!,
I +H,O t
Increase in O.N - 2 x 3
2BaCrO, + 6KI + 16HCI___.2Mn0 4 " + lOHSO; +6H'
Decrease in O.N. = I x2

Increase in O.N = 2
2C10; +SO, +H' ___.2CIO, +HSO;

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistryfor liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 329
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

Q6I.Sol:- Increase in O.N ~ 1

Cl, + 101' + OH' -----> lCr + 10, + H,O
I .t
Decrease in O.N. ~ 1
CI, + 10,' + 10H' ----->lCl + 10; + H,O
Q62Sol:- Decrease jn 0 N ~2x 6

H,S01 + Cr,O/ + H" -----> 3HSO, + lCr" + 4H,O
I t
Increase in O.N. ~ lx3
3H,SO! + Cr,Qe" + 5W ----->3HSO; + 2Cr!' +4H,Q
Sol:- Increase in O.N. = 1
I ~
lClO, + SbO,' + OH' -----> CIO, + Sb(OH),: + H,O
I t
Decrease in O.N ~ I xl
lCIO, +SbO,' + lOW ----->lCIO; +Sb(OH),: + lH,O
Sol:- Decrease in O.N ~ 8

Sol:- Decrease in O.N ~3 xl
I ~
AsO'" + MnO, -----> ASO/' + MnO, + H,O
Increase in O.N ~ 1x3
3AsOt +lMnO; ----->3AsOt +lMnO, +2H,Q
Sol:- KMn04 + H,O, + H,S04 -----> MnS04 + K,S04
I I t
Decrease in 0lN = -5 x 1 + ~,+ H,O
Er. Rishi Kumar is oneofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT'IEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 330
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Increase in O.N ~Z x 5
ZKMnO, + 5H 20 2 + 3H,SO, ----> ZMnSO, + K,SO, + 50, + SH 20
Sol:- -Z +6
H 2 0, + PbS ----> PbSO, + ZH,O
I t
Increase in O.N.~S

Decrease in O.N ~ Zx4

4Hp, +PbS---->PbSO, +SH,O

Q68: I Decrease in O.N. ~ 5xz1

Sol:- MnO,' + C20/' + H' ----> Mn" + ZCO, + H20
I t
Increase in D.N. =2x5
ZMno," +5Cp," +16W ---->ZMn" + lOCO, +SHp
Sol:- Decrease in O.N ~ 6
I ~
Fe'- + Cr20/ + H+ ----> Fe", + ZCr" + H,O
I I~crease in.O.N ~ 1 t 6

6Fe" +Crp," +H' ---->6F" +ZCr" +7H,0

Sol:- Increase in O.N ~ Z

ASO/ + 12 + H,O ----> ASO/' + W + zr
oJcrease in O.N ~2 j
ASO," + I, + Hp---->ASO/ + 2H' + ZI"
Q71 :Sol:- Decease in O.N ~ Z
I ~
ZS20," +1, ----> S40/ + zr
Increase in D.N =2
Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Che",istry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITJEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 331
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Q72:Sol:- Increase in O.N = 10

+5 I :j. +4
HNO, + I, ------> 2HIO, + NO, + H,O
I t
Decrease in O.N ~l x 10

73. Sol:-
Decre'ase in O.N = 6
IOHNO, + I, ------> 2HIO, + 10NO, + 4H ,0

I ~
K,Cr,O, + H,S04 + 2r ) It + K,S04 + Cr,(S04) + H,O

In. in O.N =2 x 3
K,Cr,O, + 7H,S04 + 6KI------> 31, + 4K,S04 + Cr,(S04h + 7H,O
Q74:- I Increase in 0.N~~6
Sol:- CuO + 2NH, ------> Cu + N, + H,O
I t
Decrease in O.N =2 x 3
3CuO + 2NH, ------>3Cu + N, + 3H,o
Sol:- Increase in O.N~ 8 x 5 = 40
I ~
AS,S, + HNO., ------> H,AS0 4 + 5H 2S0 4 + NO, + H,O
I t
Decrease in O.N ~ I x40
AS,S, + 40HNO,------>2H,ASO, +5H,S04 +4'ONO, + 12 H2 0
Q76. Sol:- Decrease in O.N ~2 x4
I ~
PbS + 0, ------> PbS04 + O 2
I t
Increase in O.N =8
PbS + 40, ------> PbSO 3 + 40,
Q77. Sol:- It\crease in O.N. ~ 2
I ~
CI, + SeO," -r H20 ------> SeSO/- + 2er + H+
I t
Decrease in O.N ~ 2

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 andAIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Piltna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact 00.-9852476717, 9798984530 Page 332
By: Er. Rishi K~mar (B.Tech. liT KanpurL Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

CI, +SeO,> + Hp-->SeO, +2CI+2W

Q78.Sol:- Decrease in D.N. ~ 6x II

I ~
Cu,P + H' + Cr,O/ -->2Cu" + H, PO, + 2Cr""
'1 f +H,O t
Increase in D.N ~3x 1+ 8~1 I x6
6Cu,P + 124W + IICrp,'- -->18Cu> +6H,PO, +2Kr)' ':5.3H,0
501:- Na,SnO, + Bi(OH)" --> Bi + Na,SnO, + H,O
I t
Decrease in D.N ~ 3x 2

3Na,SnO, + 2Bi(OH), -->2Bi + 3Na,SnO, + 3H,0

Sol:- H,0 + SbC!, --> SbOCI + 2H ,0
- I t-
Decrease in O.N = 7
H,0+SbCI,-->SbOCI+2HCI (balanced)
501:- Increase in D.N ~~ 1+ 6x8+6x2 ~ 61

KuFe(CN)" + Ce(NO,), + KOH-->Ce(OHl, + Fe (OH)"

. I. j + H,O + K,CO, + KNO,

Decrease in D.N ~ 1x 61
:. KeFe(CN)" + 6ICe(NO)), + 258 KOH
--> 6ICe(OH), + Fe(OH), + 36H P +6K,CO, + 259KNO;
501:- Increase in D.N. ~ 4

21" LOH --> 5"

L t + S20J. + H,O-
Decrease in O.N = 2 x 2
4S+0H -->2S> +S,O,'- +Hp+3H,0
+60Ir+2H,0 +20H

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one afthe bestteacher atPatna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 .. Page 333
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tola, Patn. 4

4S + SOH' ----> 2S" + S,O/ + 2H,0

801:- Decrease in O.N. ~ 7

I .~
10, + r + W ---->1 2 + H20
I t
Increase iIl 0.1'1 ~ 1"7
10; +71' +8H' ---->41, +4H,0
801:- Increase in O. N. = 4
KMnO, ----> K2MnO, + MnO, + 0,
I L..J
Decrease in O.N ~ 4
2MnO. ---->K,MnO. + MnO, +0.
801:- Increase in 0 N = 6
(NH4hCr20, ----> N, + H20 + Cr,O,
I t
Decrease in O.N ~ 6
c. (NH.),Cr,o. ----> N, +4H,o +Cr.O,
801:- MnO,'- + H+ ----> MnO, + MnO, + 7H,O
I t ' .
. Increase in O.N -I x 2 J
Decrease in O.N. = 2
3MnO/' +4H' ---->2MnO,' + MnO. + 2H,o
801:- Increase in O. N = 2 x 3
I ~
H,PO, ----> H,PO, + PH)
I t
Decrease in O.N. = 6

By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

Sol:- Decrease in O.N. ~ 8

I ~
6n + 2HNO.1~6n (NO,h + N,O + H,O
I t
Increase in O.N. ~ 2x4
46n + 2HNO, ~46n (NO,h + N,O + 5H,O + 8HNO,
46n + 1OHNO, ~ 46 (NO,h + N,O + 5H,O
Sol:- . Decrease in O.N = 3 x 16
I ~
8CuS + NO,' + H+ ~ Cu' + + S8 + NO + H,O
I t
Decrease in O.N = 16 x 3
24CuS+I6NO,' +64W ~24CO, +3S, +I6NO+32H,o

Sol:- Decrease in O.N. =2
2CUS04 + 2KI ~ Cu,l, + 1,+ K,S04.
. I t
Increase in O.N. =2
2CuSO, + 2KI~Cu,I, + I, + 2K,SO,
2CuSO, +4KI~Cu,l, +1, +2K,SO,
Sol:- Decrease-in O.N = 14
I-Z J~
2FeS04 --,----> Fe,O, + SO, + SO,
Increase in O.N ~2
14FeSO, ~4Fe,01 +4S0, +450,
2FeSO, ~Fe20, +SO, +SO,
Sol:- NaOH + CI, ~ NaCI + NaCIO + H,O

IDecrease in tO.N ~I
Er. Rishi KumarJs one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 335
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Increase in O.N ~ I
2NaOH + CI, -----+ NaCI + NaCIO + H,G
Sol:- NH, + Hg("
. t
) H + Hgt(NH,JCI + HCI

NH, + Hg,CI, -----+Hg + Hg(NH,)CI + HCI

Sol:- B3r, + OH' -----+ BrO' + Br' + H,O

Increase in O.N-I
Decrease in O.N ~I

81', + 20H -----+ BrO- + Br- + H.O

Same as 75 111 .

Sol:- Increase in O.N ~ 2x2
I f
Cr,O,'- + SO, + H" -----+ 2Cr' I + HSO; + H20
I t
Decrease in O.N ~ 6
Cr,O," +3S0, +5H -----+2Cr' +3HSO; +H,O
Sol:- HCI + 2WO, +SnCI, -----+ H,SnCI, + Wp, + H,G

I IIncrease in O.N 2
Decrease in O.N = 2
! J
4HCI + 3WO, + SnCl, -----+ H,SnCI, + W,O,+ H,O
Q98: "p"ec~l~e~as~erii~l1-fOT.~l"h"+ 1
Sol:- HCI + FeCI, + V(OH),CI-----+ VOCl, + H,O + FeCI,
I Increase in O.N ~ I t
HCI + FeCI, + V(OH),CI-----+ VOCl, + 3H,G + FeCI,
Sol:- Decrease jn 0 N - 4x 3

I l
Er. Kishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one Ofthe bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEEJ
Contact no. -9B52476717, 9798984530 . Pag,.336
By: Er. Rishi Kumar (B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

Au + KCN + H, 0 + 0,----> KAu (CN), + 2KOH

I t
Increase in O.N ~3 x4
4Au + 16KCN + 6H,O + 30,----> 4KAu(CN), + 6 KOH + 6 KOH
4Au + 16KCN +6H,o+30, ---->4KAu(CN),+ 12KCN
Sol:- 2KOH + KMnO, ----> K,MnO, + 0, + H,O

I Decrease in O.N I x4 j
Increase in O.N ~ 4
2KOH + 4KMnO, ----> 4K 1MnO, + 0, + 2H,O + 2KOH
4KMnO, + 4KOH ----> 4K,MnO, + 0, + 2H,O

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 337
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

In FCC ~.
4r na , "a '
,fi; 1.414xO.574nm
r ~ -- 0.203nm
4 4
Smallest distance bet-" two atoms ~ 2r ~ 0.406 nm Ans
Sol:- Consider one face

To enclose all these sphere we have to increase the side length by 2R

c. new side length ~ 2R + 2R ~ 4R
c. Volume of such cube ~(4R)] ~ MR' Ans
4 .
Volumeofsphere~ 8x-ffR'
. S'x4x ;rR~ 7[
% volume occupIed by atom ~ , x 100 ~ - x 100 = 52.33%
MR 6 ~s
Sol:- Ac ~ nAB
4r~ nx3.6lAo
r ~ 1.276 AO
If r' is the size of small atom that perfectly fit then 2r + 2r' ~ BC
2.5523+2r' ~ 3.61
2r' ~ 1.05773
r' ~ 0.528 AO~0.53 A O Ans

Sol:- P.F = 3 0.68 (In BCC no. of effective atoms also .J3a = 4r => a = ~3r
(~rJ vJ

SoI:- % occupied space ~ Rank x volume of each siatom x 100
volume of unit cell

Er, Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IlT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE]
Contact no. -9852476717,9798984530 Page 338
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

4 , 4 ,
8x-7l"r 8x-7l"r
3 100 3 xIOO=~xlOO ~ 3.14xlOO =33.99%
~ (~J'I 8;~8r'
= 8x813 16/13

.'. % vacant space = 100 - % occupied space

~(IOO - 34) % ~ 66% Ans
Sol:- P.F = Rank x volume of each atom
volumeof unit cell
4 .
P.FBCC = 3) = 0.68 (In BCC4r = 13a)

(~) Ans
4 ,
P.Fscc = 3 , 0.524 (c.inSCC2r=1)
(bj ~s
801:- Diamond has FCC structure with a tetrahedron of atoms. This implies that carbon atom must
be present at alternate tetrahedral voids of the FCC structure.
c. No. of effective atom in one unit cell

Atom at tetrahedral void

1 1 I
~ 8x-+6x-+-x8=8
~8 ~2 2 ~ Ans

Corners face tetrahedral void

atoms atoms atoms
Sol:- Body centered like structure
In LiAg, the bigger atom will form the simple cubic unit cell & smaller atom will be at the
centre of body. This type of structure is called body cent"red cubic like structure.

Sol:- No. of effective atoms of A in cubic c unit cell = 8 x.!. ~'I

No. of effective atoms of B in cubic unit cell 0:::6 x!::: 3

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is .
presently one oflhe best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE,PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 339
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech, lITl{anpur) Ri,hi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala ,Patna -4

Molecular formula of the compound = AB.~ Ans

Sol:- Rank of Atom A ~
-x8 = I
Rank of Atom B ~ 1
... Molecular formula of the compound ~ AB
801:- In cubic closest packed sttucture
A is forming fcc structure, => Rank = -+ & so [) must be present in tetrahedral void so
that it can have rank of 8, so that molecular formula of AB, is possible.
Now co-ordination no. of B (atom is tetrahedral void)
~ 4 Ans
Because tetrahedral void is formed by 4 atom
Co-ordination no., of A = 8 Ans
Because any atom at corner contributed by R unit cell & so have 8 tetrahedral voids around il.
. Rank x Formula wt of NaCI
S O:w
I d enslty =
N" x volume of unitcell
Rank of NaCI structure = 4
Formula unit wt = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5 g
Distance bet-" Na- & cr ~ 0.2819 nm.
In NaCl st, cr form Fcc structure and Na' will be present in each octahedral void.

a ~ 2 (Dist-" bet-" No & Cn = 2 x 0.2819 nm.
.'. volume of cube = a
. 4 x 58.5g
DensIty = 7
N A x(O.5638xl0- cm)'
4x 58.5
2.165g/cc= '1

N ~ 4x58.5 xlO" ~ 6.023x 10" Ans

A 0.179x2.165
For side length of I mole of cube
mass of 1moles
... density
volumeofl mole
. 58.5g ,
Volume of I mole ~ - - = 27.02cm

Er. 'Rishi Kumar one ofthe Topper in Chemistry iIiIIT-JEE'2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacheratPatna tor-Whole chemistry for lIT-JEE. PMT& AtEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Pagc 340
By:. El~ Kishi J(l~mar(B.Tech.IIT J(a~lpIllL~;;.sl.. .:I..
'i...C . ,e",l..
C.. la;;;s;.se~s~'.;.N;.;a~y..a..T..o..l.. P..
a..,.. a..

:. If the side length of cube containing 1 mole of substance.

a~ = 27 .02 cnY~ => a = 3 em ADS
No. of molecules in I mole of NaCI .0 6.023 x 10"
No. of ions in whole volume ~ 2 x 6.023 x I0' .1 ~ 1.2046 x 1014
.'. No of ions along are side ~ (1.2046x 1014 )'.1 ~ 1.064 x 10' ions Ans
Sol:- Volume of unit cell ~ (3.803x 10" em)' = 55.0x 10.14 ions Ans
Also no. of atoms of Rh present in unit cell = 4
55.0xI0"em' _,
... VOlume/atomofRh= =13.75xlO
... Volume of Avogadro no. of Rh ~ 13.75 x 10'''6.023 x 101.1 = 8.282 em' Ans
Sol:- AI wt of pd = 106.4 g
R"c, ~ 1.375 AU
In FCC structure, .J2a = 4rl'd
a~ rl'd = 2 x 1.414x 1.375A" ~ 3.R8 x 10'x em
... Volume = (a)' = 58.795x 10.14 em'
.' = RankxAtwtpd 4x 106.4
de n s l t Y ' l ." ,.)
6.023 x 10" x volume 6.023 x I0" x 5R. 795 xl 0"
~ 1.202 x 10' ~ 12.02 gm/em' Ans
Sol:- Volume of FCC = 31.699 AO)
a' ~ 31.699 A 0)

Also in FCC ~ .fia = 4r

.fia .fix3.165Ao
r=--= = I.llR7 AO Ans
4 4
Volumeofl atom~ ."r' = 'X"X(1.1187A")'~5.8675A.1 Ans
/ 3 3
Sol:- Density of Al should be given
Anyway density of Al is known from the periodic table with density mentioned in it
D A = 2.7 gI ml (must be given)
Rank AI =4
At wt AI = 27
Volume of unit cell ~ (4.094 x 10"em)"
d = 4x27 ~> N = 4x27. 40x10"
," NA(4.094xlO'j" ., 2.7x(4.094xI0')' 68.62
N A ~ 5.83 x 10" Ans
. .
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IIT-JEE 2004 antI AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 341
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Ch~mistry Classes. Naya Tola , Patn. -4

Sol:- Spccilic gravity of metal ~ 10.2 at 25"e
d metal = 10.2 g I em!
Body centred structure with a = 3.147 A(J
Rank of Bee =. 2
2xAt.wt 2xAt.wt
d"".,,,, ~ N.,x(a)' 6.023xI0"x(3.147xI0 'cm)'

10.2 x 6.023 x (3. 147)" x 10"


At wt of metal ~ 95.7 gm Ans

Sol:- No. of molecules peranitell in Fcc ~ 4
density ~ 5.267 g Icc
N" = 6.023 x 10 -'
Mol. wt (znSe) ~ 144.4 gm
. Rankxmol.wt . 4x 144 4em
density = ~" => J ' = " ~
6.023xI0'xa 6.023xI0'x5.267
a ~ 5.661x 10"cm ~ 5.667 A'

Rank x l-\ t mass
Sol:- dl>!) :;;;
_., Ix209
91.)xl0g/cc~ _,
6.023 x 10' x a
Ix 209
a ~ __ . 3.79xI0' OI
6.023 x 10" x 91.5 x 10"
a ~ 1.56x 10. 7 cm Ans
Sol:- Let n is the no. of unit cell present in 50 gm of element
d ~ Rank x Atwt
IIld,ll N '
..\ X a
1x Atwt
R.5 I!:/cc = . '1 .
- 6.023xI0' x(3xI0"cm)'
At \\'1 ~ 13R.23 g.
no. of unit cell in 13R.23 gm ~ NA
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in IITJEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IITIEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 342
By:., EL Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola , Patna -4

------5o--- ~x6.023xlO" ~2.178x 10" Ans


Sol:- d hll ~ J _a _ _

d III ~ f'
a, ' 0.3079n111
a ~ 0.3079n111x..[j ~ 0.3079x 1.732 n111 ~ 0.5333 n111 Ans
Sol:- For (a,b,c)
xaX1S y-axis z-aXIS

Intercepts a b c
W ises il1die~ r,; ~
1 %~1 %~I

Miller indks ~~I 1

-~1 ~ ~I
1 1 1
:. MilicI' indies ~ [I IJ Ans

For (2a, b, c)
x-axis y-axis z-axis
Intercepts 2a b c
2a ~ 2
Wises indies %~I = ~1
a c
Miller indies - x 2 ~ 1 1x 2 =2 1x 2 =2
Miller indies ~ [1 22] Ans

For (2a. ' 3b" 3c)

x-axis y-axis ~-axis
Intercepts 2a ,3b -3c
2a ~2 3b ~-3 -3c
Wiess indies -~-3
a b c
1 -I
Reverse -
Miller indices -x6 -ljx6 -ljX6
~3 =-2 = ,2

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestte~cherat.Patna for Whole ,chemistry for I~I:JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, . 9 7 9 8 9 8 4 5 3 0 , " .. page 343
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

... Miller indices ~ [3:2:2] Ans

Sol:-a=3x 10IOm

Bragg'c equation
2dsinB = nA,n = 1,2,3-----
For smallest diffraction angle, n = 1
sinB=~= 1.5xlo
2d 2x3xlO- IO 4
B =Sin- I (,.y,;) = 15.48 Ans

( b) d m-.J~-
_ 1
Bragg's equation
2d sinB = nA, n =1,2,3------
For smallest diffraction angle, n = 1
Sin B = ~ = 1.5 x lO-lo m
2c 2xl.732xI0- lom
SinB =0.433 => B = Sin- I (0.433) = 25.66 Ans
Sol:- BCC structure
d K = 0.856 x 103 kg 1m3 = 0.856 glee
d= 2x39 =>a 3 = 2x39 CC
6.023xI0"xa J 6.023xI0"xO.856
a ~ 5.334 x 10-' em = 5.334 A0 ~ 533.4 Pm Ans
"2 = 266.7pm
d = a --"-- = 533.4 Pm = 377.1pm
(LLO) J1'+1-+0'
J2 1.414
1 1
a a 533.4 Pm = 154.0 pm Ans
d".l." .)2' + 2' + 2' 213 2x1.732
Closest distance bet- 0 atom = 2r
In BCC, 13a = 4r
13 1.732 .
2r=-a=--x533.4Pm =461.8Pm=462Pm Ans
2 2
Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 344
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. lIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Sol:- I'
~ 0.98x 10"O m
RCI~ 1.81 X 10IO m
. .
ra d IUS ratIO
= - - ~ -0.:..:.9-=-8_x:..:l:..:0~,,~ol=11
rCr 1.81xlO'IO m
Radius ratio ~ 0.5414 E: (0.414,0.732)
In case of octahedral voids
Radius ratio lies between 0.414 to 0.732.
so No' will be present in Octahedral void.
Co,ordination no. of Na' ~6

Also co- ordination no. of CI'~6 (6 Octahedral void around anyCrion)

Q27:- .
Sol:- CsCI has Body centered cubic structure in which cr f01111 simple cubic unit cell & Cs- ion
will be present at body centered voik.
In BCC void the radius ratio has range 0.732 to 0.999.
rritical I limiting radius ratio ~ 0.732 Ans
I t can b calculate in this way
In simple cubic unit cell of cr
2r' ~ a (a : side length of cube)
Also 2(r" + r') ~ .J3a

2(1" + 1') ~ .J3a ~.J3 ~>::: +r' ~.J3

2(1") a 1"

l+r'~.J3 =>~~.J3-1~0.732
I' 1" Ans
Sol:- In CCP
4x -trr 3
fr' total volunieoccupied by atoms 3
P ac k mg actIOn = -'-----'-'=-'---'--'-""---'-'---=-=
Total volume of unitcell a'
Also .fia ~ 41' => a ~ 2.fir

4x%m' 16,,- ,,-

'. P.f. ~ (2Ar)' ~ 0;7406
:. void fraction ~ I, packing fraction ~ 1 - O. 7406 ~ 0.2594 Ans
4 ,
6x -In' ,,-
P.F ~ 3 r:: ~ 0.7406
24.fir' 3,,2

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AlEEE 2004. He is
presently one ofthe bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 345
By: Er. Rishi KlImar(B.Tech. liT Kanj)llr) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna 4

V Ollmeo
I .J3 -
fh cp= 6 X-a'Xc .J3
=6x-x(2r)'x4-r- ~ = 24,fir'
4 4 3
:. void fraction = 1 - P. F ,'" ~ I ~ 07406 ~ 0.2594 Ans
'_ d = Rand x Mol.wt
So 1. ~1
6.023 x 10' x volume
= RankxlS
::::::>. 092
> 6.023 x 10-' x (a' sin 60" x C)
(angle given should be 60)

0.92X6.023xIO''X(4.53XIO")'x.J3 x7.4lxI0'"
2 Rank
Rank ~ 14 Ans
Sol:- I' ~ 1.1 mm; h = 3.56 em; P= 420 Pa & d(CH,COOH) = 1.0492 g/cm'.
From Laplace equation
I' 1.1 x 10" - .
y=-(P-hdg) = (420-3.56 x I0" x I.0492 x \0x98)
2 2
= 1.1 x 10" (420 _ 366.045) = 1.1 x 10--' x 53.95 = 29.675 x 10" = 2.967 x 10.2 N/m Ans
2 2
Sol:- y = - -
:. h=2ycosB
For B = O. y = 0.0284 N I m, d = 0.866 glee, g = 9.8 gis', h ~ 2 X10. m.

2xl0" = 2x2.84xI0" => I' = 3.346 X10. 2 mAns

Sol:- diameter of tube = 1.0 mn
:. I' = 0.5 mm = 0.5 x \ 0. m

d Hg = 13.6 x 103 Kg I m3
Y = 4.6 x 10. 1 N 1m.
h=..2L= 2 4.6 x I0". =0.138xI0"=1.38xI0"m Ans
prg 13.6x10' xO.5xl0' x9.8

Er. Rishi Kumar is one ofthe Topper in Chemistry in I1T-JEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the bestteacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for I1T-)EE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 346
By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech.IIT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

n, _ t,(d, -do)d,
Sol:- n, - t,(d, -do)d o dl = density of metal ball

~ = t,(-d, +d o)
no tB(-d, +d,,)
nA 5 (7.7xlO'-1.5xI0')
2.5ep 7.5 (7.8xlO'-4.6xlO")
2 6.3
n" = -x - x 2.5xp = 3.28 Cp
3 3.2 Ans
Sol:-n= 1 xI04 poise= 10'Nm-1s
d 3.2 g I ml = 3.2 x 10' kg I m'
I' ~ 2.5 mm = 2.5 x 10-' m

h~ 1.0em= 1 x 10-'m.
dl'o ~ 21.4 g Iml = 21.4 x 10' kg I m'
2r'(d-do)g 2r'(d-do)g
9u 9x I t
- 2r'(d -do)g
/7 = t
- 2x
I x 10= 2 x (2.5 x I 0'")'(2.4x 10' - 3_2 x I0')9.8 x t
9+ 10"' = 2x (625x 10" x 18.2 x 10" x 9.8)
9x10" 9.00xlO'
t~ =;- t = 40.5 see
2x6.25xlO " x 9.8xI8.2 2x6.25x9.8xI8.2 Ans
Sol:- h= 2y =;-h , =~ &h, =..2L
frg fr,g . fr, g

h,-h, = 2Y(~_~)
pg fl f2

5.50 x 10-' = 2y (-10"+10'4)

1.41xI0'x9.8 2 1

5.5 X 10- 2 = 2y x~
1.41x9.81xI0 ' 2
Y = 5.6 X 10-' x 1.41 x9.81 x 10 7 ~ 7.74 X 10-2 N/m Ans
Sol::" ~ = -'-".L(Sineeno.of droplets are same)
Y2 ill 1

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher'at Patna for Whole chemistry for liT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 347
_ ..;Dl... -5'_

By: Er. Rishi Kumar(B.Tech. IITXanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes. Naya Tala, Patna -4

_y,_~ 0.852 ~> y, ~ 0.852 x 72.75 dyne Icm

72.75 3.64 3.64
y,~17.03dyne/em Ans
Sol:_ nw ~
110 ~
Yo ~? IfY w ~ 0.07275 N/m
d w ~ 0.998 x 10' kg/m'
do ~ 0.755 x 10' kg/m'
~=~ llw
Yw d w n\

Yo 0.755xlO' 100
~> Yo ~ 0.019656 N/m Ans
0.07275 '::':0.'::':99:":8-x'::':10:"-' x -28-0
Sol:- 110 ~ 0.084 N 1m'
do ~ l.l x 10' kg I 01'
11",0 ~O.OIIOIN/m'
d H o ~ 0.998x 10'kg/m'

~~~x~ ~> _0_.0_8_4_ to 0.lx10'

11, t, d, 0.00101 305 0.998 x 10'

0.084 xO.998x30~to ~>to~37min43.7see Ans

0.00101 l.l
Sol:- 11 ~
1.0 em
r= ?

If cross seetiol1 is halfed then r will be'fore Ji

'h ~ l:L 1
:.h a-
Prg r
h1 ~ r
1.0 I
: > h, ~ h :> h, ~ 1.0x hem ~ 1.414em

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna.tor Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE. PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 348

By: Er. Rishi KlImar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tola, Patna -4

Objective Problems
Q2.Ans-(a), Crystalline solid has diff-" propel1ies in different dir-" so is an anisotropic material.
Q3. Ans -(c)
Q4. Ans -(a)
Q5. Ans -(b) Total element of symmetry = 9 + 13 + I = 23
Q6. Ans -(a) Primitive cubic unit cell
Body centred cubic unit cell
Face centred cubic unit cell
Q7. Ans -(a) Each cr ion is surrounded by 6 octahedral voids in which Na- ions are present
Q8. Ans -(a)
Q9. Ans -(b)
QIO. Ans -(b)
QII. Ans -(c) In FCC. Rank = Rx - + -x 6=1 + 3=4
R 2 .
Ql2.\ns -(c)
Q13. Ans -(b)

Q14. Ans (a) Rank of A = I, Rank ofB = ~xR = I

Q15: Ans -(a)

Q16. Ans -(c) :.4r =.fia r .fia (in BCC)

4 ,
QI7.Ans-(c) Volume 0 f an atom = -Jrl"
In simple cubic unit cell, no ofatoms = I
Also a = 2r =:0 r =-

:::::> vo Iume 0 " simp Ie

f atoms 111 Cll b'Ie Ullit. ce II ::::-
(a)' . 43 a8
4 Tr -
- - tr x-
Q18.Ans-(a) Q19.Ans-(d)
Q20.Ans-(c) Q2I.Ans-(b)
Q22.Ans-(d) Q23.Ans-(a)
Q24.Ans-(d) Q25.Ans-(b)
Ifh, k, 1 is the miller indices of the plane then the plane is passing through points.
(I) (0,0.0), (2)(0,0,1) (3) (I, I,0) & (4) (I ,l,l)
hx + ky + Ir = e
(I ):- ho + Ko + 10 ~ 3 e~0
hxO+kxO+lxl~O I~O

(2):-hxl+Kxl+lxO~0 h+k~O
(3):- h + k + I ~ 0 h+k ~ 0 h~-K

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper ill Chemistry in lIT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for IIT-JEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. 9852476717, 9798984530 Page 349
By: Er. Rishi KlImar(B.Tech. liT Kanpur) Rishi Chemistry Classes, Naya Tala, Patna -4

:. Miller indies = (h, -h,O) ~ h( I, -1,0)

Q 26. Ans - b)
Q27.Ans-(d) Since twice the no. of atoms can be present as there are- no. of atoms present in Fcc
unit cell
Q29.Ans-(a) In Bee only aliI' ion pair will be present in unit cell
__ 2 x 168,',4 , 3.9XSg!cc
a' = Ix16Xo4 " 70.01IxI0-"cc
6.023 d.9RS x I0-
Q30.Ans-(d) Fes es' ion to be present in bee void

radius ratio, ~ = 0.732 in limiting case. when catino & anions just touches each other.
Q3I.Ans-(a) x = 8x- = 1
:. A,B, isAB,
Q32.Ans-(c) A,B" because at face centre it will remain so effective no. of A new = 3
Q33.Ans-(b) Q34.Ans(a), (e)
Q35.Ans-(a) Q36.Ans-(b)
h = 2ycos8
If x-section. is doubled new radius becomes fi times the initial radius.

Height raised becomes = ,k times = ,k x 2.0cm = lo4I4cm

.1/ =Ae %T AsTi, r.j,
Q39.Ans-(d) Q40.Ans(a)
Q4I.Ans-(b) Q42.Ans-(b)
Y(n -C,H,OH)= 23.78mJ m-'
= 23.78xl0-' N -1m
Y(CH,OH) = 22.61 dyne - cnf' ~ 22.61 x 10'" N/m
Y(C,H,OH) = 2.275 x 10" N/m.
:. yen - C,H 7 0H) > Y (CH,OH) > Y (C,H,OH)

Er. Rishi Kumar is one of the Topper in Chemistry in liT-lEE 2004 and AIEEE 2004. He is
presently one of the best teacher at Patna for Whole chemistry for lIT-lEE, PMT& AIEEE)
Contact no. -9852476717, 9798984530 Page 350

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