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Do you like a sailor's life ? You do not know if you have never experienced it. Do
not think that a sailor is always happy and never has any cares or troubles.
But you are right when you think of all the foreign countries and interesting places
that a seafaring, man sees on every trip. Of course you have to work hard, like every
landlubber, perhaps even more, and you cannot go home at five or half past five every
day. You do not even go to bed at 10 or 11 every night, as you may have to keep watch
when other people are sleeping. But you see the world and the people who live in it.
Your outlook is broadened and you become a real man. A man with a sense who knows
Do you think that the profession of sailor is a real profession for a man?

Profession = profesi, pekerjaan
To experience = mengalami
Experience = pengalaman
Troubles = kesukaran, kesulitan, gangguan
Foreign country = negara asing
Foreigner = orang asing
Perhaps = mungkin / barangkali
To, keep watch i = tugas/dinasjaga
Outlook = pandangan
Even = bahkan
To broaden = meluaskan, memperluas
Sense = rasa
Sense of responsibility = rasa tanggung jawab
Decision = memutuskan, menentukan
To decide = keputusan

Sailor / seaman / seafarer = pelaut
Engineer = masinis
Chief engineer = kapala kamar mesin
Mate = mualim
Chief mate = mualim 1
Electrician = juru listrik
Pilot = pandu
Officer = perwira
Sparks = perwira radio, markonis
Purser = orang yang menangani admainistrasi di
Boatswain / Bosun = serang

Answer the following Questions completely !
1. Do you like a seaman's life ?
2. Are seaman always happy at sea ?
3. What are the happiest experiences for a seafarer ?
4. Why do seafares spend their time late at night ?

Active - Passive sentences.
Kalimat aktif adalah kalimat dimana subjek melakukan pekerjaan. Sedangkan
kalimat pasif adalah kalimat dimana objek melakukan pekedaan.
Cara pambentukan kalimat pasif dan kalimat aktif
Objek pada kalimat aktif menjadi subjek pada kalimat pasif.
Subjek pada kalimat aktif menjadi objek pada kalimat pasif.
To be + past participle (verb bentuk III).
A. The man wrote a book.
B. A book was written by the man.

Perubahan pada kata keda dan kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif
Kalimat Aktif Kalimat Pasif
Simple present tens are / is + p.p (past participl
He writes a book A book is written by him
Simple past tense was I were + written by him
He wrote a book A book was written by him
Simple future tense Will be + p.p
He will write a book A book will be written by him
Present continuous tense is /are + being p.p
He Is writting a letter A letter Is being written by him
Past continous tense was / were + being +p.p
He was writting a letter A letter was being written by him
Present perfect tense has / have + been + p.p
He has written a letter A letter has been written by him
Past perfect tense had - been + p.p
He had written a letter A letter had been written by him

a. Change the sentences into passive
1. The big ship carried many passengers from Jakarta to Surabaya.
2. Someone translated the book Into English.
3. The galley boy Is cleaning the galley.
4. The master will check all reports tomorrow.
5. The engineer has opened the valve.

b. Translation.
Translate the sentences into Indonesia.
1. I can't think life on board is so easy.
2. You have to work 'hard and perhaps even harder .than the people at
3. Did you vt the engine room and the bridge ?
4. Don't do the job if you don't know how to do it.
5.. I did not see the captain when I was on the bridge.

c. Translate into English

1. Kapal besar itu akan berlayar ke Amerika bulan depan.

2. Kemarin nahkoda menerima surat dad seseorang di Jakarta.
3. Masinis sedang memperbaiki mesin Induk di kamar mesin.
4. Buku jumal itu sedang dibaca oleh Mualim I
5. Mereka hares memperbaiki buritan.


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