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Omika Works of Hitachi Ltd. Hitachi Research Laboratory of Hitachi Ltd.

ABSTRACT is more competitive in terms of cost and performance.

When performance characteristics with less torque
ripple are required, a fast response ac current
A dead-time compensation method in VSIs is controller must be rovided in a vector-controlled PWM
proposed. The method is based on a feed forward VSI-fed ac drive.e57
approach which produces compensating signals obtained As microprocessor-based controllers for ac drives
from those of the Id-Iq current and primary angular have become more, desire has arisen for a fully
frequency references in a rotating reference (d-q) digital type, ac drive with higher precision and
frame. Its features include excellent inverter output performance and better functions. To realize such a
voltage distortion correction for both fundamental and digital controller for the ac current loop control and
harmonic components. The correction is not affected its sophisticated software, high speed AID converters
by the magnitude of the inverter output voltage or would increase costs, so a hybrid digital control
current distortions. Since this dead-time compensa- system, in which only the ac current control loop is
tion method allows current loop calculations in the d- implemented bf an analog controller, has generally
q frame at a slower sampling rate, with a conventional been employed. 5 h c61
microprocessor, than calculations in a stationary Now, the authors have developed a fully digital,
reference frame, a fully digital, vector-controlled vector-controlled VSI-fed. ac drive, which has no ac
speed regulator with just a current component loop is current loop. Operations are comparable to those
realized for PWM VSIs. obtained for an ac drive with the ac current control
Test results obtained for the compensation method loop. The new drive provides VSI output voltage
are also described. distortion correction for both fundamental and
harmonic components. This correction is not affected
by the magnitude of the inverter output voltage or
current distortions.
In this paper, the authors describe the principle
1. INTRODUCTION and method for the inverter dead-time compensation and
results from tests and simulations.

In adjustable speed drives for advanced rolling

mills, technology is strongly desired which makes it
possible to produce different kinds of thinner and
higher quality strips of various materials, with the 2. DEAD-TIME COMPENSATION
same mill, at both high productivity and low cost.
Such mill drives require higher accuracy and faster
response in speed and torque control over a wide speed 2-1 Description of Problem
range. In addition, they must provide flexibility in
performance and operations for the various materials. Modern control schemes of adjustable speed ac
From the viewpoint of maintenance, energy and drives began with a V/F control type, followed by a
installation space savings, ac drives have been slip frequency control type. Taking advantage of
extensively applied. This tendency is being acceler- advances in microelectronics and power electronics,
ated because ac drives are available which exceed the the latter was successfully expanded into the present
drive s stem performances attainable using dc slip frequency vector control type, which combines
drives. c l T s 3 With the evolution of microelec- vector control and multivariable control theories.c61
tronics and power electronics, the software-based In the slip frequency vector control type, an ac
implementation of sophisticated motor control algo- current control loop, which must be highly reponsive,
rithms have been precisely made possible. Excellent is generally employed for providing better sinusoidal
drive system performances have been obtained by vector current waveforms. This type has been widely used for
control c41 in combination with multivari- present PWM VSI-fed ac drives.
able control theory using a digital controller. For As use of vector-controlled ac drives and desife
example, the vector-controlled ac drive demonstrates for their complete digital control increased, a fully
higher performance speed and torque control capability digital regulator for these drives began to be
with a squirrel-cage induction motor, without the considered. Before the fully digital regulator can be
brush and commutator needed for a dc motor.^^^, developed, there are several problems to solve. The
As power converters frequently applied to major problem is that a very fast ac current control
adjustable speed ac drives, there are three kinds, loop makes it difficult to realize digital current
i.e., VSI (voltage-source inverter), CSI (current- control which is economical, although it is technical-
source inverter), and cycloconverter. For applica- ly possible. Therefore, research and develapment work
tione below the medium power range, the moat popular has been done for a fully di ita1 regulator, excluding
selection is the PWN (pulse-width modulation) VSZ, it 5
the ac current control loop.( 3
88CH25654/88/00000163SOr.000 1988 IEEE



Omika Works of Hitachi Ltd. Hitachi Research Laboratory of Hitachi Ltd.

ABSTRACT is more competitive in terms of cost and performance.

When performance characteristics with less torque
ripple are required, a fast response ac current
A dead-time compensation method in VSIs is controller must be rovided in a vector-controlled PWM
proposed. The method is based on a feed forward VSI-fed ac drive.e57
approach which produces compensating signals obtained As microprocessor-based controllers for ac drives
from those of the Id-Iq current and primary angular have become more, desire has arisen for a fully
frequency references in a rotating reference (d-q) digital type, ac drive with higher precision and
frame. Its features include excellent inverter output performance and better functions. To realize such a
voltage distortion correction for both fundamental and digital controller for the ac current loop control and
harmonic components. The correction is not affected its sophisticated software, high speed AID converters
by the magnitude of the inverter output voltage or would increase costs, so a hybrid digital control
current distortions. Since this dead-time compensa- system, in which only the ac current control loop is
tion method allows current loop calculations in the d- implemented bf an analog controller, has generally
q frame at a slower sampling rate, with a conventional been employed. 5 h c61
microprocessor, than calculations in a stationary Now, the authors have developed a fully digital,
reference frame, a fully digital, vector-controlled vector-controlled VSI-fed. ac drive, which has no ac
speed regulator with just a current component loop is current loop. Operations are comparable to those
realized for PWM VSIs. obtained for an ac drive with the ac current control
Test results obtained for the compensation method loop. The new drive provides VSI output voltage
are also described. distortion correction for both fundamental and
harmonic components. This correction is not affected
by the magnitude of the inverter output voltage or
current distortions.
In this paper, the authors describe the principle
1. INTRODUCTION and method for the inverter dead-time compensation and
results from tests and simulations.

In adjustable speed drives for advanced rolling

mills, technology is strongly desired which makes it
possible to produce different kinds of thinner and
higher quality strips of various materials, with the 2. DEAD-TIME COMPENSATION
same mill, at both high productivity and low cost.
Such mill drives require higher accuracy and faster
response in speed and torque control over a wide speed 2-1 Description of Problem
range. In addition, they must provide flexibility in
performance and operations for the various materials. Modern control schemes of adjustable speed ac
From the viewpoint of maintenance, energy and drives began with a V/F control type, followed by a
installation space savings, ac drives have been slip frequency control type. Taking advantage of
extensively applied. This tendency is being acceler- advances in microelectronics and power electronics,
ated because ac drives are available which exceed the the latter was successfully expanded into the present
drive s stem performances attainable using dc slip frequency vector control type, which combines
drives. c l T s 3 With the evolution of microelec- vector control and multivariable control theories.c61
tronics and power electronics, the software-based In the slip frequency vector control type, an ac
implementation of sophisticated motor control algo- current control loop, which must be highly reponsive,
rithms have been precisely made possible. Excellent is generally employed for providing better sinusoidal
drive system performances have been obtained by vector current waveforms. This type has been widely used for
control c41 in combination with multivari- present PWM VSI-fed ac drives.
able control theory using a digital controller. For As use of vector-controlled ac drives and desife
example, the vector-controlled ac drive demonstrates for their complete digital control increased, a fully
higher performance speed and torque control capability digital regulator for these drives began to be
with a squirrel-cage induction motor, without the considered. Before the fully digital regulator can be
brush and commutator needed for a dc motor.^^^, developed, there are several problems to solve. The
As power converters frequently applied to major problem is that a very fast ac current control
adjustable speed ac drives, there are three kinds, loop makes it difficult to realize digital current
i.e., VSI (voltage-source inverter), CSI (current- control which is economical, although it is technical-
source inverter), and cycloconverter. For applica- ly possible. Therefore, research and develapment work
tione below the medium power range, the moat popular has been done for a fully di ita1 regulator, excluding
selection is the PWN (pulse-width modulation) VSZ, it 5
the ac current control loop.( 3
88CH25654/88/00000163SOr.000 1988 IEEE
Table 1. Inverter dead-time compensation methods

Method Block Diagram Desciption

1) The detected current signal is

tailored through the compensator to
d generate a compensating signal.
P 2) It is summed with the voltage reference
W in the stationary reference frame.
a U W
U &
3 h
U 1) The detected voltage signal is
d compared to the voltage reference
r4 P
signal .
2) It is summed with the deviation signal
r4 in the stationary reference frame.

+ a
O h
> H
r L

~~ ~

1 ) The compensating signal is tailored by

IOEAD-TIME I a current component reference.
fa* + 2 ) It is summed with the voltage
fq reference by a feed forward in the d-q

Then the next problem to solve is development of with the proposed dead-time compensator, Compensation
the dead-time compensation method, as otherwise an is made in the rotating reference (d-q) frame. The ac
inverter output voltage distortion arises. Its current control loop is eliminated. The dead-time
distortion causes a torque ripple which prohibits a compensator receives the current reference signals Iq*
highly responsive speed control system. and Id* from the speed controller and the field
In PWM VSIs, there is an inherent source of the current generator, respectively. It also receives the
output waveform distortion in the power stage which is motor frequency w l , from the input signal to the two-
caused by the dead-time.C8j, c 9 3 This is the short phase oscillator. The dead-time compensator produces
time which elapses between switching one device in an a compensating signal, which is a space vector added
inverter leg off and switching the other one on, which to the voltage reference in the d-q frame. Here, the
ensures that both do not conduct simultaneously. voltage referece is concerned with generating a signal
Overcoming the inverter dead-time in the slip frequen- for the fundamental output voltage, while the
cy vector control type without using the ac current compensating signal is concerned with generating a
control loop has been the target of a lot of research signal mainly for the required harmonic compensation.
and development. 3 , c The reason why the compensating signal is concerned
Table 1 shows dead-time compensation methods with the harmonic is described in section 3 . There-
previously employed in the V/F and slip frequency fore, the compensating signal should be a space vector
control schemes. In these schemes, no ac current loop which must be produced corresponding to the region
control is used. Therefore, dead-time compensation where the motor current may be found in the stationary
must be made either by supplying a compensating signal frame. The method is performed by a feed forward in
produced by the output current to the voltage the d-q frame.
reference, which is the current feedback type, or by The advantages of this method include inverter
supplying a compensating signal directly produced by output voltage distortion correction for both
the deviation signal between the voltage reference and fundamental and harmonic components in the d-q frame.
detected voltage to the voltage reference, which is Thus, it allows control implementation in the d-q
the voltage feedback type. Compensation of these two frame at a slower sampling rate, with a conventional
schemes is made in a stationary reference frame which imcroprocessor, than when implementation is performed
then leads to the same problem as for the slip in the stationary reference frame. Therefore, it can
frequency vector control type, including the ac help to provide a fully digital, vector-controlled
current control loop. TO overcome this, the authors speed regulator with just a current component loop for
propose the dead-time compensation method shown at the PWM VSIS.
bottom of Table 1. The principle of the dead-time compensation is
detailed in the next section.

2-2 Dead-Time Compensation

Fig. 1 shows a speed control system block diagram

Table 1. Inverter dead-time compensation methods

Method Block Diagram Desciption

1) The detected current signal is

tailored through the compensator to
d generate a compensating signal.
P 2) It is summed with the voltage reference
W in the stationary reference frame.
a U W
U &
3 h
U 1) The detected voltage signal is
d compared to the voltage reference
r4 P
signal .
2) It is summed with the deviation signal
r4 in the stationary reference frame.

+ a
O h
> H
r L

~~ ~

1 ) The compensating signal is tailored by

IOEAD-TIME I a current component reference.
fa* + 2 ) It is summed with the voltage
fq reference by a feed forward in the d-q

Then the next problem to solve is development of with the proposed dead-time compensator, Compensation
the dead-time compensation method, as otherwise an is made in the rotating reference (d-q) frame. The ac
inverter output voltage distortion arises. Its current control loop is eliminated. The dead-time
distortion causes a torque ripple which prohibits a compensator receives the current reference signals Iq*
highly responsive speed control system. and Id* from the speed controller and the field
In PWM VSIs, there is an inherent source of the current generator, respectively. It also receives the
output waveform distortion in the power stage which is motor frequency w l , from the input signal to the two-
caused by the dead-time.C8j, c 9 3 This is the short phase oscillator. The dead-time compensator produces
time which elapses between switching one device in an a compensating signal, which is a space vector added
inverter leg off and switching the other one on, which to the voltage reference in the d-q frame. Here, the
ensures that both do not conduct simultaneously. voltage referece is concerned with generating a signal
Overcoming the inverter dead-time in the slip frequen- for the fundamental output voltage, while the
cy vector control type without using the ac current compensating signal is concerned with generating a
control loop has been the target of a lot of research signal mainly for the required harmonic compensation.
and development. 3 , c The reason why the compensating signal is concerned
Table 1 shows dead-time compensation methods with the harmonic is described in section 3 . There-
previously employed in the V/F and slip frequency fore, the compensating signal should be a space vector
control schemes. In these schemes, no ac current loop which must be produced corresponding to the region
control is used. Therefore, dead-time compensation where the motor current may be found in the stationary
must be made either by supplying a compensating signal frame. The method is performed by a feed forward in
produced by the output current to the voltage the d-q frame.
reference, which is the current feedback type, or by The advantages of this method include inverter
supplying a compensating signal directly produced by output voltage distortion correction for both
the deviation signal between the voltage reference and fundamental and harmonic components in the d-q frame.
detected voltage to the voltage reference, which is Thus, it allows control implementation in the d-q
the voltage feedback type. Compensation of these two frame at a slower sampling rate, with a conventional
schemes is made in a stationary reference frame which imcroprocessor, than when implementation is performed
then leads to the same problem as for the slip in the stationary reference frame. Therefore, it can
frequency vector control type, including the ac help to provide a fully digital, vector-controlled
current control loop. TO overcome this, the authors speed regulator with just a current component loop for
propose the dead-time compensation method shown at the PWM VSIS.
bottom of Table 1. The principle of the dead-time compensation is
detailed in the next section.

2-2 Dead-Time Compensation

Fig. 1 shows a speed control system block diagram





U l e


!ip 3/2 -
Fig. 1 Fully digital speed control system with current controller
using dead-time compensator.


3-1 Principle of the Proposed Compensation Method fq* =

[fd*] [ '(Is
-sin wlt sin ]$i:[wlt
cos .tlw ..... ( 2 )
The error voltage which is caused by the inverter
dead-time contains harmonics, such as the fundamental where w1 is a primary angular frequency.
and odd harmonics. However, the zero-sequence In addition, the space vector components in the d-q
voltages such as 3rd-order and 9th-order harmonics are frame of the compensating signals are given. The fd*
not present in the line-to-line voltage. This fact and fq* also are shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen here
suggests that compensation of the dead-time can be that the space vector of the compensating signal moves
made in the rotating reference (d-q) frame. In other discontinuously as the angular wlt increases,
words, compensation signals for the error voltage can therefore its trajectory is a hexagon. This is
be generated in the d-q frame, which contains all the because the error voltage depends on the polarity of
odd harmonics without zero-sequence components. Based the motor current, but not on its magnitude or shape.
on this idea, the compensating signals are shown in Furthermore amplitude of the error voltage depends
Fig. 2. The Vfu*, Vfv* and Vfw* are described in the linearly on the ratio td/Tc where td is the dead-time
stationary reference frame. No zero-sequence and Tc is the period of the switching frequency.
components are contained in these signals. Between On the other hand, the space current vector
the three phase instantaneous signals Vfu*, Vfv* and components in the d-q frame can be given directly by
Vfw* in the stationary reference frame and the two- the current component references. Between the two-
phase compensating signals Vfa* and Vf,g* in the two- phase instantaneous currents i, and ig in the a-,g
axis ( u - p ) frame, the following expression can be frame and current component references Id* and Iq* in
obtained : the d-q frame, the following expression can be
obtained :

I;:[ cos wlt

= [sin wlt
-sin wlt
cos w1t]*[2:]

Then, the space vector components in the a-fi frame of

the compensating signals are given. The 'fa* and Vf,g*
are shown in Fig. 2. Furthermore, between the two-
phase compensating signals Vfa* and VfB* in the a-j3 where I1* is amplitude of the motor current, e*=
frame and the proposed compensating signals fd* and tan(Iq*/Id*). The space current vector moves
fq* in the d-q frame, the following expression can be continuously as the angular wit increases, therefore
obtained : its trajectory is a circle.




U l e


!ip 3/2 -
Fig. 1 Fully digital speed control system with current controller
using dead-time compensator.


3-1 Principle of the Proposed Compensation Method fq* =

[fd*] [ '(Is
-sin wlt sin ]$i:[wlt
cos .tlw ..... ( 2 )
The error voltage which is caused by the inverter
dead-time contains harmonics, such as the fundamental where w1 is a primary angular frequency.
and odd harmonics. However, the zero-sequence In addition, the space vector components in the d-q
voltages such as 3rd-order and 9th-order harmonics are frame of the compensating signals are given. The fd*
not present in the line-to-line voltage. This fact and fq* also are shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen here
suggests that compensation of the dead-time can be that the space vector of the compensating signal moves
made in the rotating reference (d-q) frame. In other discontinuously as the angular wlt increases,
words, compensation signals for the error voltage can therefore its trajectory is a hexagon. This is
be generated in the d-q frame, which contains all the because the error voltage depends on the polarity of
odd harmonics without zero-sequence components. Based the motor current, but not on its magnitude or shape.
on this idea, the compensating signals are shown in Furthermore amplitude of the error voltage depends
Fig. 2. The Vfu*, Vfv* and Vfw* are described in the linearly on the ratio td/Tc where td is the dead-time
stationary reference frame. No zero-sequence and Tc is the period of the switching frequency.
components are contained in these signals. Between On the other hand, the space current vector
the three phase instantaneous signals Vfu*, Vfv* and components in the d-q frame can be given directly by
Vfw* in the stationary reference frame and the two- the current component references. Between the two-
phase compensating signals Vfa* and Vf,g* in the two- phase instantaneous currents i, and ig in the a-,g
axis ( u - p ) frame, the following expression can be frame and current component references Id* and Iq* in
obtained : the d-q frame, the following expression can be
obtained :

I;:[ cos wlt

= [sin wlt
-sin wlt
cos w1t]*[2:]

Then, the space vector components in the a-fi frame of

the compensating signals are given. The 'fa* and Vf,g*
are shown in Fig. 2. Furthermore, between the two-
phase compensating signals Vfa* and VfB* in the a-j3 where I1* is amplitude of the motor current, e*=
frame and the proposed compensating signals fd* and tan(Iq*/Id*). The space current vector moves
fq* in the d-q frame, the following expression can be continuously as the angular wit increases, therefore
obtained : its trajectory is a circle.
These are described in Fig. 3 , where the space vectors
of the compensating signals and motor current are
plotted in the a-j frame. It can be seen that the
trajectory of the space vector of the compensating
signals consists of six points a to f. Each point a
to f corresponds to the region A to F where the space
current vector exists. Accordingly, from the
selection method of the compensating signals and
expressions (1) and ( 3 ) , the proposed compensation
signals are given by equations ( 4 ) and (5).


Equations ( 4 ) and (5) reveal that the compensating

signals fd* and fq* can be calculated by the current
component references Id* and Iq*. Thus, the proposed
method gives a feed forward method which can
compensate the fundamental and harmonics components of
the error voltage in the d-q frame.
(a) Space current vector

Reference 0 t
Frame Time

0 n n n n n n n ILt

Two- Axis
Frame VfP*
0 1 -t
(b) Compensating vector corresponding to space
current vector

Fig. 3 Relationship between space current vector and

*-VfV * inverter dead-time compensating vector on
Stationary a-,b frame.

3-2 Evaluation

Accuracy and sensitivity of the proposed method

* is evaluated with a simulation model as shown in
Vfu- v Fig. 4 . The simulation model is verified later by
Line to Line comparing computed and measured results shown in
Voltage o -t Figs. 8 and 9 . ~ 4 , the error voltage
In Fig.
(U-v) components due to the dead-time appear in the
Time distortion generator where respective errors are
calculated by the phase of the space current vector.
This also has the beneficial effect of minimizing the
calculation error caused by the motor current shape,
Next, in the dead-time compensator, the proposed
compensating signals fd* and fq* in the d-q frame can
be calculated by equations ( 4 ) and (5). The
compensating signals are added to the voltage
Fig. 2 Compensating signals of proposed inverter references from the current component controllers IdC
dead-time compensation method. and IqC, respectively.
These are described in Fig. 3 , where the space vectors
of the compensating signals and motor current are
plotted in the a-j frame. It can be seen that the
trajectory of the space vector of the compensating
signals consists of six points a to f. Each point a
to f corresponds to the region A to F where the space
current vector exists. Accordingly, from the
selection method of the compensating signals and
expressions (1) and ( 3 ) , the proposed compensation
signals are given by equations ( 4 ) and (5).


Equations ( 4 ) and (5) reveal that the compensating

signals fd* and fq* can be calculated by the current
component references Id* and Iq*. Thus, the proposed
method gives a feed forward method which can
compensate the fundamental and harmonics components of
the error voltage in the d-q frame.
(a) Space current vector

Reference 0 t
Frame Time

0 n n n n n n n ILt

Two- Axis
Frame VfP*
0 1 -t
(b) Compensating vector corresponding to space
current vector

Fig. 3 Relationship between space current vector and

*-VfV * inverter dead-time compensating vector on
Stationary a-,b frame.

3-2 Evaluation

Accuracy and sensitivity of the proposed method

* is evaluated with a simulation model as shown in
Vfu- v Fig. 4 . The simulation model is verified later by
Line to Line comparing computed and measured results shown in
Voltage o -t Figs. 8 and 9 . ~ 4 , the error voltage
In Fig.
(U-v) components due to the dead-time appear in the
Time distortion generator where respective errors are
calculated by the phase of the space current vector.
This also has the beneficial effect of minimizing the
calculation error caused by the motor current shape,
Next, in the dead-time compensator, the proposed
compensating signals fd* and fq* in the d-q frame can
be calculated by equations ( 4 ) and (5). The
compensating signals are added to the voltage
Fig. 2 Compensating signals of proposed inverter references from the current component controllers IdC
dead-time compensation method. and IqC, respectively.
Simulations are carried out for the dead-time
td=30 p s , switching frequency fc=l.7Wlz, and dc source
voltage Vdc=600 V. Fig. 5 shows characteristics
between torque ripple caused by the dead-time and
output frequency where torque ripple p is defined as
0.2T \
\ \
\~ /
-: Rated Load
_----:No Load
the ratio of torque ripple to rated torque of the
motor. It can be seen here that the torque ripple due =L
to the dead-time decreases logarithmically as the
inverter output frequency increases. This is because
the ratio of the error voltage to the inverter output \ i.
voltage decreases with the output frequency. It also Tim
can be seen that torque ripple at no load is larger
than that at rated load without compensation. This is
because almost all of the zero-cross point waveform
distortion affects the torque current component in the
d-q frame, when the motor condition is no load. On
the other hand, when the motor is running at the rated Outplt Frequency f (Hz)
load, the above mentioned distortion affects the field
current component in the d-q frame. However the motor
flux shows hardly any correspondence to the current Fig. 5 Characteristcs between torque ripple caused
component ripple. Therefore the torque ripple is by inverter dead-time and output frequency.
smaller than that at no load.

Fig. 6 shows characteristics between the torque

ripple due to the dead-time and the compensating
signal amplitude at 10% of the rated motor speed. The
sensitivity to the compensating signal amplitude at
no load is higher than that at the rated load. This
is because the motor current zero cross point waveform
distortion due to under- or over-compensation affects
the torque current component at no load. On the other
hand, at the rated load the above mentioned waveform
distortion affects the field current component.
Therefore the torque ripple is smaller because the
motor flux has hardly any correspondence to the
current component ripple. In both cases, the
compensating signal amplitude plays a critical role in
minimizing torque ripple in the motor. 0 0.5 1.0
Compensating Sign01 Amplitude k ( p. U . 1

Fig. 6 Characteristics between torque ripple and

inverter dead-time compensating signal
amp1 itude.


I I1 ' I

*: Indicates reference values.

Fig. 4 Simulation model of proposed control system for evaluating torque ripples
caused by inverter dead-time.

Simulations are carried out for the dead-time
td=30 p s , switching frequency fc=l.7Wlz, and dc source
voltage Vdc=600 V. Fig. 5 shows characteristics
between torque ripple caused by the dead-time and
output frequency where torque ripple p is defined as
0.2T \
\ \
\~ /
-: Rated Load
_----:No Load
the ratio of torque ripple to rated torque of the
motor. It can be seen here that the torque ripple due =L
to the dead-time decreases logarithmically as the
inverter output frequency increases. This is because
the ratio of the error voltage to the inverter output \ i.
voltage decreases with the output frequency. It also Tim
can be seen that torque ripple at no load is larger
than that at rated load without compensation. This is
because almost all of the zero-cross point waveform
distortion affects the torque current component in the
d-q frame, when the motor condition is no load. On
the other hand, when the motor is running at the rated Outplt Frequency f (Hz)
load, the above mentioned distortion affects the field
current component in the d-q frame. However the motor
flux shows hardly any correspondence to the current Fig. 5 Characteristcs between torque ripple caused
component ripple. Therefore the torque ripple is by inverter dead-time and output frequency.
smaller than that at no load.

Fig. 6 shows characteristics between the torque

ripple due to the dead-time and the compensating
signal amplitude at 10% of the rated motor speed. The
sensitivity to the compensating signal amplitude at
no load is higher than that at the rated load. This
is because the motor current zero cross point waveform
distortion due to under- or over-compensation affects
the torque current component at no load. On the other
hand, at the rated load the above mentioned waveform
distortion affects the field current component.
Therefore the torque ripple is smaller because the
motor flux has hardly any correspondence to the
current component ripple. In both cases, the
compensating signal amplitude plays a critical role in
minimizing torque ripple in the motor. 0 0.5 1.0
Compensating Sign01 Amplitude k ( p. U . 1

Fig. 6 Characteristics between torque ripple and

inverter dead-time compensating signal
amp1 itude.


I I1 ' I

*: Indicates reference values.

Fig. 4 Simulation model of proposed control system for evaluating torque ripples
caused by inverter dead-time.

Fig. 7 shows characteristics between the torque Fig. 9 shows experimental results of the inverter
ripple and compensating signal delay angle at 10% of output voltage references and the output currents
the rated motor speed. The effect of sampling delay under the same conditions as Fig. 8. From comparison
time in the microprocessor on the compensation of the computed and measured results, in the two
accuracy can be evaluated from this result. The delay figures, the computed motor current waveform shapes
angle is obtained as the product of the delay time and accord very well with measurements. Thus the
the inverter output frequency. The compensating simulation model can be applied to evaluate accuracy
signal delay time produces torque ripple in the motor and sensitivity of the proposed inverter dead-time
because of the deviation from the intended amplitude compensation method.
of the compensating signal resulting from the phase
delay angle. As a result, compensation for the signal - 7 - 0

delay angle is required. The compensation can be made .-.--I-


by correction of the phase 0 * of the space current rw

- -
vector described in equations ( 4 ) and (5). -


No Lood ,'

,'Rated food ,

. -. ... -- - . -.
-.-:I I__--

-15 -10 -5 0 5 IO 15
Compensoting Signol Deloy Angle 6 (deg)
k=O.O k=0.5 k-1.0 k=1.25
Fig. 7 Characteristics between torque ripple and Compensating Signal Amplitude k 1p.u.)
compensating signal delay angle.
Fig. 9 Experimental results of inverter voltage
references and output currents.
Fig. 8 shows simulation results of the inverter
output references and the output currents under the
condition that the motor is running at 10% of the
rated speed at no load. For under-compensation k=0.5, 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
the motor currents are trapezoidal shaped. On the
other hand, for over-compensation k=1.25, the motor
currents are convexly shaped. The ripple due to Fig. 10 shows motor currentsiu, iw, voltage
undesired compensation appears on the torque and field references v *, Vd", and current components Id, Iq
current components in the d-q frame. The torque with and w?thout the compensation when dead-time
current component ripple is larger than the field td=30 p s , sampling time Ts=l.Bms, and carrier
current component ripple at no load. It also contains frequency fc=1.7kHz. As shown in the figure, an
six times the output frequency. excellent compensation result is obtained at this
slower sampling rate.
0.1 ./dh

Torque =




Time Time Time

k=O. 5 k=1.0 ko1.25

Compensating Signal Amplitude k (P.u.) (a) without compensation (b) with compensation

Fig. 8 Simulation results of inverter voltage Fig. 10 Experimental results of proposed inverter
references and output currents. dead-time compensation method.
Fig. 7 shows characteristics between the torque Fig. 9 shows experimental results of the inverter
ripple and compensating signal delay angle at 10% of output voltage references and the output currents
the rated motor speed. The effect of sampling delay under the same conditions as Fig. 8. From comparison
time in the microprocessor on the compensation of the computed and measured results, in the two
accuracy can be evaluated from this result. The delay figures, the computed motor current waveform shapes
angle is obtained as the product of the delay time and accord very well with measurements. Thus the
the inverter output frequency. The compensating simulation model can be applied to evaluate accuracy
signal delay time produces torque ripple in the motor and sensitivity of the proposed inverter dead-time
because of the deviation from the intended amplitude compensation method.
of the compensating signal resulting from the phase
delay angle. As a result, compensation for the signal - 7 - 0

delay angle is required. The compensation can be made .-.--I-


by correction of the phase 0 * of the space current rw

- -
vector described in equations ( 4 ) and (5). -


No Lood ,'

,'Rated food ,

. -. ... -- - . -.
-.-:I I__--

-15 -10 -5 0 5 IO 15
Compensoting Signol Deloy Angle 6 (deg)
k=O.O k=0.5 k-1.0 k=1.25
Fig. 7 Characteristics between torque ripple and Compensating Signal Amplitude k 1p.u.)
compensating signal delay angle.
Fig. 9 Experimental results of inverter voltage
references and output currents.
Fig. 8 shows simulation results of the inverter
output references and the output currents under the
condition that the motor is running at 10% of the
rated speed at no load. For under-compensation k=0.5, 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
the motor currents are trapezoidal shaped. On the
other hand, for over-compensation k=1.25, the motor
currents are convexly shaped. The ripple due to Fig. 10 shows motor currentsiu, iw, voltage
undesired compensation appears on the torque and field references v *, Vd", and current components Id, Iq
current components in the d-q frame. The torque with and w?thout the compensation when dead-time
current component ripple is larger than the field td=30 p s , sampling time Ts=l.Bms, and carrier
current component ripple at no load. It also contains frequency fc=1.7kHz. As shown in the figure, an
six times the output frequency. excellent compensation result is obtained at this
slower sampling rate.
0.1 ./dh

Torque =




Time Time Time

k=O. 5 k=1.0 ko1.25

Compensating Signal Amplitude k (P.u.) (a) without compensation (b) with compensation

Fig. 8 Simulation results of inverter voltage Fig. 10 Experimental results of proposed inverter
references and output currents. dead-time compensation method.

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