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[4] A. Alsaran, A. Celik, C. Celik. Surface Coat. Technol.


160, 219.
[5] J. A. Ghani, I. A. Choudhury, H. H. Hasan. J. Mater.
Process. Technol. 2004, 145, 84.
[6] C. B. Srinivasan, N. L. Narsimhan, S. V. Ilango. Cement
Concrete Res. 2003, 33, 1287.
[7] P. J. Ross. McGraw-Hill Book Company, United States,
[8] J. P. Kruth, P. Mercelis, J. Van Vaerenbergh, L. Froyen,
M. Rombouts. In 1st International Conference on Advance
Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Leiria, Spain,
Fig. 5. Pareto Diagram for Density.
Oct 1-4, pp. 59-70, 2003.
[9] J. P. Kruth, L. Froyen, S. Kumar, M. Rombouts, J. Van
Vaerenbergh. 10th French Rapid Prototyping Conference,
Paris, France, September 14-15, 2004.


Database and Selection Method

for Portable Power Sources**
Fig. 6. Pareto Diagram for Surface Roughness. By Liang Fu, Tian Jian Lu* and John E. Huber

A power source is a device that supplies energy to an

These are crucial parameters and their behaviour is briey described below.
Scan speed is the speed by which laser beam scans over the powder bed during application, normally by converting energy from an available
laser sintering. The higher the value of scan speed, the less time the laser beam form to another, required form. For example solar cells convert
will get to interact with the powder bed and it will give less transfer of heat energy
necessary for melting and subsequently sintering of the powders. At the other solar radiation energy into electrical energy: further examples
extreme, lower value of scan speed can give rise to vapourisation of the powders of energy conversion are shown in Figure 1. Portable appli-
and will decrease the production speed of a product.
cations need careful attention to power problems, because their
Scan Spacing is the distance between two consecutive laser scan tracks on the
powder bed surface. Higher value of scan spacing will not allow all powder area energy supply is limited, whilst the design of the application is
between successive scan tracks to be sintered by the laser beam. Narrow value of very sensitive to the weight, size and cost of the power supply.
scan spacing will make some powder area to be over exposed to the laser beam.
Therefore, the scan spacing should be such to cover all the aimed powder area This makes the selection among the available power sources for
while not over exposing some powder. The value of scan spacing is strongly portable applications particularly competitive. In the present
dependent on the spot size of the laser beam. Layer thickness is another important
study, attention is restricted to those power sources that can
parameter. It is the thickness of the successive layers of powder bed. Higher value
of layer thickness does not allow enough laser energy to spread through the layer
into the supporting under-layer such as to ensure good connection between
successive layers. With a small layer thickness, there is apprehension that the
powder layer will not be able to remain uniform during its deposition. Smaller
layer thickness also increases the build time significantly and negates the

'rapidity' of Rapid Prototyping. [*] L. Fu, Dr J. E. Huber, Dr. T. J. Lu
The levels for Scan Speed, Scan Spacing and Layer Thickness selected for Department of Engineering
experimentation are 60, 80, 100 mm/s ; 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 mm ; 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 mm
University of Cambridge
respectively and are arranged in column no. 1, 3 and 4 respectively of the
orthogonal array L9(34). Column 2 could not be used as there were only three Trumpington St., Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK
input parameters though it was planned to be used for the parameter Laser Power E-mail:
which has been kept constant at a maximum of 60 W in the present plan.[9]
Dr. T. J. Lu
Received: February 10, 2005 School of Aerospace
Final version: February 28, 2005 Xian Jiaotong University
Xian 710049, P. R. China
[**] The authors would like to thank Prof. Mike Ashby for his
[1] S. Kumar. JOM 2003, 55 (10), 43. invaluable input and help during various stages of this research.
[2] W. Y. Fowlkes, C. M. Creveling. Addison-Wesley Publish- TJL would also like to thank the National Natural Science
ing Company, Reading Massachusetts 01867, 1995. Foundation of China (Grant No. 10328203) and the National
[3] H.-J. Yang, P. J. Hwang, S. H. Lee. Scripta Mater 1999, 41, Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB601202)
1229. for partial financial support.

ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2005, 7, No. 8 DOI: 10.1002/adem.200500037  2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 755
Fu et al./Database and Selection Method for Portable Power Sources

Fig. 1. Some energy conversions and the devices that perform the conversion. Portable power sources are highlighted with
square boxes.

directly supply electrical energy to a portable device. From source must match the performance requirements of the
Figure 1, batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, and portable gen- application. The requirements of an application may be stated
erators are potentially suitable. Batteries and fuel cells are able in terms of the volume, mass, voltage, continuous current,
to store energy in a form which they then convert to electrical operating temperature, working time and cost of the power
energy, whilst solar cells use ambient radiation. However, source. Given a particular application, it may be possible to
generators typically require an extra, initial step to produce the match these requirements directly, using manufacturer's data.
kinetic energy they use: heat engines and spring or weight However, when designing a new application (or considering a
driven systems are examples. This added complexity makes class of applications), a comparison of the normalized char-
generators unsuitable in many portable applications and thus acteristics of power sources, such as power density or energy
in the present study only batteries, fuel cells and solar cells are per unit cost is more appropriate.
compared. These three classes of power source compete In this paper, a database of existing power sources is built
directly and their properties and design have been studied using the Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) software.
extensively.[13] In order to achieve optimal performance, some The characteristics of various kinds of power sources are
power supplies are specialised for a particular application, gathered from manufacturers' data and from the published
such as medical use, watches, calculators, automobiles, literature, processed and built into the database using a
satellites, and others. More generally, an application whose relational structure.[11] This allows both the selection of a
power requirements are supplied by any one of batteries, fuel power source given a set of requirements, or the identification
cells, or solar cells, could equally work with either of the other of the power sources already used for a given type of
sources, if appropriate design modifications are made. application. First, the characteristics of power sources and the
The successful design of an engineering application often types of power sources under consideration are classified. Then
depends on the proper selection of a matching power system. the database and its application using selection charts are
However, there is no widely accepted method for power source discribed. Finally the use of these charts is demonstrated in a
selection at present, and there appears to be a paucity of research case study of the selection of a power source for a mobile phone.
in this area. Rational selection methods have been developed Characteristics of Power Sources: Power sources have many
for materials, processes,[46] actuators and sensors.[710] These forms and types; in order to make a consistent comparison
methods exploit computer databases of material or manufac- between widely varying devices, we define a set of common
turer's data, combined with graphical methods of comparing characteristics. These characteristics can be divided into three
performance. The aim of this paper is to develop a similar subsets: basic characteristics, performance characteristics and
selection procedure for power sources, suitable for the early normalized characteristics.
stages of the application design process. The basic principle of The basic characteristics are mass m, volume V and cost c.
selection is that the performance characteristics of the power These give no indication of the power performance of the

756  2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2005, 7, No. 8
Fu et al./Database and Selection Method for Portable Power Sources

device but are nevertheless essential considerations for many consideration; thus a meaningful comparison can be made

portable applications. The data are available for each specific between different types of power source.
power source from the manufacturer. A problem arises in In Table 2, a group of performance characteristics are
specifying the mass and volume of fuel cells: often the fuel separately defined, which are specific to individual types of
capacity of the cell can be varied by modifying the fuel power source. These do not allow a comparison among the
container. In order to simplify the analysis, we define the different types, but are essential to a final selection process. For
characteristics of fuel cell on the basis of a mass of fuel equal to example, the self-discharge property is relevant to selection
the mass of the cell itself. In many portable applications, the among batteries, but does not apply to fuel cells or solar cells.
mass or volume of the fuel is comparable to that of the cell itself, Care is needed in defining the performance characteristics
so that the values given are realistic. In applications where the and specifying their values. For batteries, the capacity Q is
mass or volume of the fuel is much greater than that of the cell, normally given in Ampere hours and defined at a particular
care should be taken to account for this. The cost is taken to value of operating current. We take this operating current to be
be the current list price per unit for a small batch order. the maximum continuous current Imax if no other value is
The performance characteristics (see Tab. 1) quantify the specified by the manufacturer. For fuel cells, Imax is normally
ability of the power source to match various operating specified; the quantity of fuel and rate of fuel consumption then
requirements. These characteristics, such as the average define a working time, t. We then calculate an approximate
voltage and maximum continuous current, are normally capacity using Q = Imax t. For solar cells a similar approach can
available directly from the manufacturer's data. The normal- be taken to define the capacity. Since the working lifetime of a
ized characteristics shown in Table 1 are derived as the ratios of solar cell is typically much greater than the lifetime of common
performance to basic characteristics. These allow a comparison portable applications, defining the capacity Q in terms of the
of performance that takes weight, volume or cost into working lifetime of the cell would give unrealistically high

Table 1. Common characteristics of power sources.

Performance Characteristic Definition

Average voltage (V) [V] The average value of the power source potential difference during the
period of discharge, or operation.

Max continuous current The maximum current a power source can afford continuously when
(Imax ) [A] the nominal voltage is valid; note that this is confined by the max power
of the power source.

The total charge that a power source can deliver under specified
Capacity (Q) [Ahr] conditions (maximum rate of discharge). Imax for batteries and fuel
cells. Imax 1 Year 20 % for solar cells.

Maximum power The maximum rate at which a power source can supply energy, given
(Pmax) [W] by Pmax = VI max

Operating temperature range The range of temperature of the environment of a power source specified
(Tmax, Tmin) [C] by the manufacturer for the nominal average voltage and capacity to be

The total energy QV available from the power source. For a secondary
Energy (E) [J] power source this is its energy available from a single charge. For a
primary or a renewable power source, this is the lifetime energy.

Lifetime energy Equals to energy (E) for primary batteries and solar cells; cycle life energy
Elife [J] (secondary batteries); max power lifetime (fuel cells ).

Efficiency The ratio of the useful energy provided by a power source to the total
(g) [%] energy available to the power source.

Normalized Characteristic Definition

Energy density The energy stored per unit mass (E / m) or per unit volume (E / V).
(mass or volumetric)
3 1
[Jm ] or [Jkg ]

Lifetime energy/cost The amount of energy delivered in the lifetime of the source per unit
[J/$] cost (Elife / c).

Power density The maximum power per unit mass (Pmax / m) or per unit volume
(mass or volume) (Pmax / V)
3 1
[Wm ] or [Wkg ]

Power/cost [W/$] The maximum power per unit cost (Pmax / c) of a power source.

ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2005, 7, No. 8  2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 757
Fu et al./Database and Selection Method for Portable Power Sources

Table 2. Specific characteristics of power sources.


Specific characteristic Definition

Shelf life [yrs] The time period a primary battery can be stored after manufacturing
so that it still can provide a required amount of electricity (usually
between70% to 80%) when connected to a load.

Cycle life Number of cycles for a secondary battery, such that 80% of the original
capacity remains. Each cycle consists of discharging to a set state and
complete recharging. Note that the cycle life is a function of the depth
of discharge.

Self discharge [%] The percentages of capacity drop in the state-of-charge of a battery, over
a period of time, due to the internal electro-chemical losses.

Memory effect A phenomenon in which a secondary battery operated in successive

[Yes/No] cycles to the same, but less than full, depth of discharge temporarily loses
the rest of its capacity at normal voltage levels.

Stack life [yrs] Stack is a series-coupled assembly of cells, it is a term used primarily for
fuel cells. Stack life is the cumulative period of time that a fuel cell stack
may operate before its output deteriorates below a useful minimum

lifetime energy values. In this study, values of Q for solar cells where the lifetime energy requirements exceed the specifica-
are defined as Imax 20 % 1year, corresponding to the charge tions of most primary batteries (e.g. mobile phones and
flow in one year of operation at an average 20 % of peak power. portable computers or music players). The energy density
In order to compare the energy density of various power performance of some secondary batteries is now comparable to
sources, a characteristic Energy, E, is first defined as the total that of primary batteries and this increases their suitability for
energy available from the power source during a single portable applications. When selecting a battery for a portable
discharge, given by E = Q V where V is the average voltage. device, a compromise is needed between performance and
The quantities E/V and E/m then define the volumetric cost, with excess or redundant performance leading to
energy density and mass energy density respectively. Note that additional cost or waste.[12,14]
for some power sources, such as primary batteries, a single The principal disadvantage of batteries is the use of
discharge is equivalent to the device lifetime, so that E equals hazardous substances and the difficulty of recycling their
the lifetime energy Elife. In secondary batteries, the cycle life components sustainably. Limited life, low energy density and
defines the number of full recharges in the lifetime of the power high cost (compared with fuel cells and solar cells) also present
source, so that Elife = E cycle life. For fuel cells, a stack life is challenges for battery development.
typically specified, giving the working life of the cell at full Fuel cells: Fuel cells were originally developed with niche
power (assuming ample fuel supply) so that Elife can be defined applications such as subsidiary power supply in submarines
as the maximum power times the stack life (see Tab. 1 and 2). and spacecraft. Within the last few years, fuel cells have gained
Overview of Power Sources: As described in Section 1, we increasing attention for portable applications owing to their
mainly consider three types of power sources in this paper: intrinsic advantages over batteries. The power output, capacity
batteries, fuel cells and solar cells. A brief description of each and operation time of a fuel cell can readily be tailored to
type is given below. the requirements of the application by using a fuel cell stack.
Batteries: Batteries have a long history of development and Furthermore, fuel cells have the potential for high energy
are the most standardized product on the power sources density, quick refueling (or recharging), long service life, and
market. [12,13] Their principal advantages are efficiency low cost. Their use of hazardous materials is less problematic
(80 %90 %, compared with 15 %-30 % for solar cells and than that of batteries, and their long lifetime is an advantage for
35 %70 % for fuel cells), convenience, and reliability, with sustainable use. Consequently a growth in the use of fuel cells is
little or no maintenance required. They presently comprise the expected in portable applications.
largest portion of the market for portable power sources. A practical advantage of fuel cells is their flexibility in terms
Primary batteries, which cannot be recharged, typically shape: the fuel container can often be shaped advantageously
have high mass energy density, long storage life and low cost, for compact portable applications. Some small fuel cells are
compared to secondary (rechargeable) batteries. They are thus currently used as a substitute or a supplement to batteries.
well suited for mass produced portable applications. Second- However, many technical challenges remain which limit the
ary batteries have a massive advantage in lifetime energy per applications of fuel cells. The cost per unit energy is still high, and
unit cost, which is approximately 100 times higher than that of safety issues associated with refuelling and operating temper-
primary batteries. This makes them suitable for applications atures still pose serious obstacles to their widespread use.

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Fu et al./Database and Selection Method for Portable Power Sources

Solar cells: Solar cells use a thin layer of photovoltaic material structure organizes power sources by type (battery, fuel cell,

on a substrate such as glass to generate electrical power directly solar cell). Within each type of power source, several classes are
when exposed to light. Their principal advantage is their identified; for example, Li-Ion batteries, Ni-Cd batteries and so
environmental benefit and long service life. This is particularly forth. Individual power sources are the members within each
advantageous in remote applications where a refuellable or class. This data structure corresponds to the taxonomical
fixed energy supply is inappropriate. They have been exploited structure described by Ashby et al.[6] with power sources as the
where low power requirements, a good solar source and their kingdom, and the type of power source corresponding to a
simplicity of operation outweigh the high cost of the photo- family. For each member of the database, additional links are
voltaic system, such as in satellites or desert power supplies. provided to list the manufacturers, accessories (such as
Applications with very low power requirements, such as chargers) and typical applications.
digital electronics can also benefit from the convenience of solar The presence of quantitative characteristics, applications,
cells. and manufacturers in the database allows selection by each of
A significant disadvantage of solar cells for portable the three strategies described by Ashby et al.[6]: free searching
applications is the low power density they offer, requiring a using quantitative analysis, selection using prior expertise, and
large collecting area for power applications. This immediately selection by analogy. The free searching approach uses an
limits their suitability for the most compact portable appli- analysis based on quantified constraints and objectives to select
cations. The costs of modules are also high in comparison to a power source from all possible members of the database. For
batteries of similar power. Advances in efficiency may offset example, the power source requirements in terms of size,
these limitations, however, the strong dependency of perfor- weight and voltage, combined with the objective of maximising
mance on orientation and local lighting conditions are still energy per unit volume can be used to select an optimal power
limitations for portable use. source. An alternative approach, selection using prior exper-
Power Source Database: A database with a relational tise, consists of matching the details of the application to a
structure[11,8,7] has been built for batteries, fuel cells and solar particular power source already in use for that application. This
cells. Data for other types of power source are at present being does not allow the generation of new solutions, or solutions to
collected and will be added to the database. The basic, new problems, but allows existing solutions to be applied
performance, and normalized characteristics described in systematically. For example, given a task such as powering a
Section 2 are given for each power source in the database. A wheelchair, the database allows the user to find what type of
typical data table from the database is shown in Figure 2. battery has previously been used in wheelchair applications.
Additionally, specific characteristics relating to some power Finally, selection by analogy involves using index-words from
sources are included to assist with final selection. The database the problem description to find solutions to similar problems.
For example, if a power supply for a pace-maker is
needed, a more general search for power supplies
in medical applications can be used. This would
generate a list of power supplies for such applications
as hearing aids, wheelchairs and so forth. Examina-
tion of the power sources for these applications may
lead to a new solution. Note that the entries in the
database list only power sources that are readily
available in the current market. Thus the perfor-
mance limitations that the database imposes when a
power source is selected are not fundamental limita-
tions of the technology instead they indicate the
limits of what is already available. These are practical
limits in the sense that an application which requires a
power source with performance beyond the indi-
cated limits would require a new design of power
source, with extra associated cost. Further details
of the database, including data for a wider range of
power sources are given by Fu.[15]
Power Source Selection with Performance Charts:
Several factors must be considered when selecting
the best power source for a particular application.
Typically, there is no single power source that
combines optimum performance under all operating
Fig. 2. Sample datasheet in the power source database. conditions and in all characteristics so that a

ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2005, 7, No. 8  2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 759
Fu et al./Database and Selection Method for Portable Power Sources

compromise must be sought. The characteristics of each batteries have a relatively low power output; hence they are

available power source must be weighed against the appli- mainly suitable for applications with low current drain, such as
cation requirements, allowing the power source to be selected hearing aids.
which best meets these requirements. The selection of the In Figure 4, the lifetime energy per unit cost for each power
power source should be considered during the early stages of source is shown against its mass energy density. High values of
the application design, so that a variety of potential solutions both of these normalized characteristics are desirable for
can be compared. In this way, effective compromises can be portable applications. A large gap exists between primary
made between the power source capabilities and the appli- batteries (the cluster containing Carbon-Zinc and others) and
cation requirements. secondary batteries (the cluster containing Lead Acid). This
Using the characteristics described in Section 2, charts can arises because the cycle life of secondary batteries is typically
be constructed which show the trade-off between distinct 102103 times, giving them a significantly larger lifetime
characteristics. These charts then provide an overview of the energy per unit cost despite their high initial cost. As renewable
performance of a wide range of power sources. Figure 3 shows power sources, fuel cells and solar cells could be expected to
the average voltage and maximum continuous current char- have an energy per unit cost equal to or greater than that of
acteristics of the power sources in the database, constructed secondary batteries, and this is apparent in Figure 4. Note that
using the CES software. Note that the database allows the data the performance bubble for solar cells corresponds to a lifetime
for types or classes to be gathered together and shown as a of 1 Year operating at an average 20 % maximum power; an
single performance bubble on the charts. In Figure 3, this arrow indicates the direction in which the performance
feature is used to show all solar cells grouped together (and bubble would translate for lifetime greater than 1 Year. Future
likewise all fuel cells) while several distinct classes of batteries improvements in solar cell and fuel cell technology are likely
are shown. It is evident that batteries have the widest range of to increase their lifetime energy per unit cost values.
maximum continuous current, due possibly to the wide range The mass energy density is shown against mass in Figure 5.
of classes of battery, resulting from a long history of Evidently, solar cells offer the greatest mass energy density,
development. Among the batteries, Lead Acid batteries have which is attractive for weight sensitive applications such as
the highest current output capability a factor that corresponds the power supplies of satellites. As with Figure 4, there is a
to their use as the standard battery type for automotive engine clustering together of performance among primary batteries
start. The software allows lines of constant product V Imax to be and likewise among secondary batteries. However, in Figure 5,
added to the Voltage-Current chart, thus indicating power there is no clear performance gap between secondary and
sources with equal continuous power values. A 1W power line primary batteries, although the energy density of secondary
is added for later use in a case study. High power is available batteries is typically less than that of primary batteries. This
from both lead acid batteries, and fuel cell stacks, suggesting explains why some portable devices with extreme sensitivity to
that fuel cells may be a potential competitor to Lead Acid weight, such as hearing aids, often use primary batteries. Lines
batteries in high power applications. Silver Oxide and Zinc Air of constant energy are shown in Figure 5. Thus Figure 5,

Fig. 3. Average voltage versus maximum continuous current chart for various power sources in the database.

760  2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2005, 7, No. 8
Fu et al./Database and Selection Method for Portable Power Sources

Fig. 4. Lifetime energy per unit cost versus mass energy density for various power sources.

Fig. 5. Mass energy density versus mass for various power sources.

allows, for example, the selection of a power source with density of secondary batteries is seen to be smaller than that of
minimum weight subject to a minimum energy constraint, or primary batteries, and hence the latter are preferable in the
vice versa, the selection of a minimum weight power source, design of the most compact devices. In Figure 6, solar cells
subject to a constraint on the stored energy. A line of 7 kJ appear to have a great advantage in volumetric energy density.
constant energy is shown for later use. Note, however, that this advantage must be offset against their
The volumetric energy density is shown against volume in limitations of shape, since they are normally thin panels.
Figure 6. This is useful for selecting power sources where the Often, it is of importance to minimize both the mass and the
size of the source is a critical constraint. The volumetric energy size of a portable device. The selection of an appropriate power

ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2005, 7, No. 8  2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 761
Fu et al./Database and Selection Method for Portable Power Sources

Fig. 6. Volumetric energy density versus volume for various power sources.

source can then be made by cross-plotting the mass energy miniature applications. As discussed in Section 4, this limita-
density against the volumetric energy density, as shown in tion is not fundamental, but is a practical limitation of the
Figure 7. Zinc Air batteries combine high mass energy density current market. Considering secondary batteries, the Li-ion
and greatest volumetric energy density of all battery classes. batteries have outstanding mass and volumetric energy
This is the main reason why most hearing aids currently on the density values. This is consistent with their use as the preferred
market use them as their power source. Considering only power source for many mobile phones and notebook comput-
energy density, Lithium Thionyl Chloride batteries also appear ers.
to be suitable for hearing aids, from Figure 7. Note, however, The selection charts shown in Figure 3 to 7 are examples
that the minimum size of readily available Lithium Thionyl taken from the wide range of charts that can be constructed
Chloride batteries is about 3 cm 3, which is an obstacle for using the CES software. They allow a systematic procedure for

Fig. 7. Volumetric energy density versus mass energy density for various power sources.

762  2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2005, 7, No. 8
Fu et al./Database and Selection Method for Portable Power Sources

the quantitative selection of a power source using multiple supply the lifetime energy needs of the application: typically

constraints. Each chart can be used to eliminate those power about 12 MJ. Finally, the cost of the power source should not
sources that cannot meet the demands of the application. This be greater than about $ 10$ 20.
screening process selects a small group of potential solutions, Primary Batteries versus Secondary Batteries: The advantages
from which a single power source may be selected to maximise and disadvantages of primary (non-rechargeable) batteries
a given objective function. If several power sources offer similar compared to secondary batteries have been described in
performance, a final selection can be made by considering Section 3. The overwhelming factors relevant to the current
specific characteristics and the details of the application design. selection problem are the lifetime energy, Elife, of at least 1 MJ,
An example of this method is described in Section 6. and the cost. Figure 8 shows the energy per unit cost versus the
Case Study: Battery Selection for Mobile Phones: As a portable cost for several classes of primary and secondary batteries. A
communication device, a mobile phone has its own unique line of 1 MJ constant lifetime energy is shown on the figure.
requirements for the power supply. The aim here is to find the This makes a clear division between primary and secondary
power source that can best satisfy those requirements. In the batteries, indicating that this application will demand either
present case study, we limit the selection procedure to batteries the frequent recharging of secondary batteries or replacement
in order to illustrate detailed selection within a single power of primary batteries. A high value of energy per unit cost is
source type. Some comments about the suitability of fuel cells desirable, and Figure 8 then indicates a clear advantage for
and solar cells are also made. Starting by choosing between secondary batteries: the cost of frequently changing the
primary and secondary batteries, the selection quickly narrows primary battery will be much higher than that of recharging a
the target to secondary batteries. These candidates are secondary battery. Still referring to Figure 8, it can be noted that
subsequently compared and analyzed. many secondary batteries lie comfortably below the $20 cut-off
Objective and constraints: We consider the design of an line. A significant shortcoming of secondary batteries is the
advanced, light-weight mobile phone with the objective of a requirement to charge them before use, giving the inconve-
minimum mass of power source. A driving factor in the nience of a lack of immediate readiness. However, this must be
development of mobile phones is the demand for compact and weighed against the inconvenience and environmental cost
light-weight designs, whilst the energy demands increase of changing and disposing of primary batteries. Taking these
with the use of larger screens and the incorporation of extra factors into consideration, secondary batteries are more
functions such as digital cameras. Thus, in addition to the suitable than primary batteries for the present application.
minimum mass objective, several constraints act to limit the There are four main classes of secondary batteries on the
selection: The power requirement is set at about 1 W minimum, market: Ni-Cd (Nickel-Cadmium), Ni-MH (Nickel-Metal
whilst the volume occupied by the power source must be no Hydride), Li-Ion (Lithium Ion), and Lead Acid batteries. In
greater than 20 cm 3. The energy storage of the power source the following section a selection is made between these classes
must be sufficient for about 2 h of talk time, at 1 W power using the several constraints and minimum mass objective.
consumption, giving approximately 7 kJ minimum. Addition- Selection among secondary batteries: In order to select sources
ally, the lifetime energy of the source should be sufficient to that satisfy the minimum power requirement, a 1 W constant

Fig. 8. Lifetime energy per unit cost versus cost for batteries.

ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2005, 7, No. 8  2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 763
Fu et al./Database and Selection Method for Portable Power Sources

power line is shown on Figure 3. Of the secondary batteries, all discharge; 3) cycle life; and 4) charging issues. Table 3 shows

four classes can satisfy this constraint. Note also that both fuel the performance of Li-Ion, Ni-MH and Ni-Cd batteries for the
cells and solar cells can satisfy this requirement. Next consider first three of these considerations. Li-ion batteries have an
the minimum stored energy requirement, and the maximum operating voltage of 3.7 V, about three times greater than
volume constraint. Using Figure 6, lines at 7 kJ energy and the voltage of Ni-Cd or Ni-MH batteries. This gives a practical
20 cm 3 volume are used to exclude any unsuitable power advantage in that a simple, single cell design can be used. A
sources. This selection indicates that Lead Acid batteries are further advantage of Li-Ion batteries for this application is their
typically too large for the current application. However, the low rate of self-discharge. This minimizes the loss of energy
smallest available Lead Acid batteries are fairly close to the during stand-by time, an important feature for a portable
required size and so the development of a suitable Lead device with an occasional pattern of usage. Li-ion batteries
Acid battery should not be entirely excluded as a possibility. typically lose only 5 % of their capacity in the first month; this is
Similarly, the most compact current fuel cells are still too large, low enough to obviate the need for frequent top-up re-
but again they miss the constraint only marginally. All three of charging. The cycle-life depends strongly on the depth of each
Ni-Cd, Ni-MH and Li-Ion batteries can satisfy the constraints, discharge, with shallow discharges providing more cycles than
but it is interesting to observe that in all three cases, the deep discharges, due to the electrode damage caused by
envelope of performance of the batteries comes only just within complete discharge. Depending upon the pattern of use, a
the selection region. This application is technically challenging battery can show a range of behaviour, from gradual decline in
for secondary batteries, and a major driver for the development performance with cycling to sudden failure. Table 3 compares
of fuel cells is the fact that battery technology is not keeping the average cycle lives of the three batteries based on repeated
pace with the growing power demands of such applications. moderate discharges. The Ni-Cd battery has the greatest cycle
Figure 6 also suggests that solar cells may just be suitable, life, followed by the Li-Ion battery and then Ni-MH. This
although the requirements of energy storage and sufficient suggests that Ni-Cd batteries are suitable for the mobile phone
solar panel area would constitute a major practical difficulty for application, when the constraint of minimum weight is not
this application. over-riding. It is also worth considering the memory-effect,
Now consider the objective of minimising the mass of the whereby the extent of previous discharge limits subsequent
power source. Given a fixed energy storage requirement, the discharges. Whilst a full discharge harms the battery, a deep
objective is equivalent to maximising the mass energy density. discharge is desirable in order to minimize the memory effect.
Figure 7 indicates that from the shortlist of suitable batteries, However in a consumer electronics application careful
Li-Ion batteries offer the greatest mass energy density, about 1.5 observance of the optimum charging regime is unlikely. This
times greater than that of the best Ni-Cd battery. A minimum factor gives a considerable advantage to Li-Ion batteries, where
volumetric energy density constraint of 7 kJ/20 cm 3 is also the memory effect is negligible.
shown on the figure. The Li-Ion batteries perform well in both A final consideration is the issue of charging each of the
mass energy density and volumetric energy density leading to batteries under consideration.
a lightweight and compact solution. Referring back to Figure 5, The three classes (Ni-Cd, Ni-MH and Li-Ion) have different
an estimate of the mass of a suitable Li-Ion battery can be made requirements for charging current, voltage and temperature
by constructing a 7 kJ stored energy line and noting the range of conditions, which can be achieved by using a charger
mass indicated by its intersection with the Li-Ion batteries specifically designed for each class. Chargers designed for
performance bubble. This suggests that the required battery Ni-Cd batteries also work well for Ni-MH, whilst Li-Ion
will have mass in the range 15 g to 35 g. A check on the cost- batteries need a distinct charger which accurately terminates
efficiency of the selected battery class can be made using the charging process. This makes Li-Ion battery chargers
Figure 4. This shows a significant disadvantage of Li-Ion somewhat more complex and expensive than Ni-Cd and
compared to Ni-Cd batteries in terms of the total lifetime Ni-MH chargers. This factor is compensated by a high charging
energy cost. efficiency, resulting in compact and economic chargers, with
Further considerations: A final comparison can be made using short charging times (typically 3 h compared with 12 h for
several practical considerations: 1) operating voltage; 2) self- Ni-Cd). Consequently, there is no overwhelming advantage or

Table 3. Comparison of Li-ion, NiMH and NiCd batteries for a mobile phone application.

Battery type Battery Number Self-discharge Self-discharge Average

voltage required for rate rate cycle life
application (first 24 hours) (average)

Li-Ion 3.7 1 0.17% 3% 500-1000

NiMH 1.2 3 12% 25% 300-500

NiCd 1.2 3 10% 15% 1500

764  2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2005, 7, No. 8
Fu et al./Database and Selection Method for Portable Power Sources

disadvantage for any of the three classes due to the charging

consideration, though the practicalities for each class differ. [1] C. K. Dyer, J. Power Sources 2002, 106, 31-34.
Summary: The Li-Ion class of batteries provides the best [2] A. Goetzberger, C. Hebling, H. Schock, Mater. Sci. Eng.
overall performance for minimum mass design, given the set of 2003, R40, 1.
constraints used in this case study. There are cost and cycle-life [3] J. Travis, New technology batteries guide, NIJ Guide 200-98.
disadvantages for Li-Ion batteries, suggesting that Ni-Cd National Institute of Justice, Law Enforcement and
batteries are close competitors where minimum mass is not Corrections Standards and Testing Program.
an overwhelming consideration, and particularly where cost is [4] M. F. Ashby, Acta Metall. 1989, 37, 1273.
to be minimized. In fact, commercial mobile phones do follow [5] M. F. Ashby, Y. Brechet, D. Cebon, Adv. Eng. Mater. 2002,
this trend, with Ni-Cd batteries dominating at the low-cost end 4, 327.
of the market. However, the issue of cost in Li-Ion batteries is [6] M. F. Ashby, Y. Brechet, D. Cebon, L. Salvo, Materials and
becoming decreasingly significant with advances in technolo- Design 2004, 25, 5167.
gy. Furthermore, mobile phone designs are developing in the [7] M. Zupan, M. F. Ashby, N. A. Fleck, Adv. Eng. Mater.
direction of increased integration with other technologies such 2002, 4, 933.
as the internet and wireless control. This is likely to increase [8] J. E. Huber, N. A. Fleck, M. F. Ashby, Proc.Roy. Soc. Lond.
the overall cost of mobile phones and thus make the battery 1997, A453, 2185.
component cost a less significant factor. It is thus expected that [9] J. Shieh, J. E. Huber, N. A. Fleck, M. F. Ashby, Progr.
increasing use of Li-Ion batteries will be found in mobile Mater. Sci. 2001, 46, 461.
phones. [10] D. J. Bell, T. J. Lu, N. A. Fleck, S. M. Spearing, J.
A benefit of the use of selection charts in this case study is Microelectromech. Syst., 2005, submitted for publication.
that they make apparent potential competitors for an appli- [11] D. Cebon, M. F. Ashby, The optimal selection of engineering
cation. Here, solar cells and fuel cells were seen to offer entities 1997 Cambridge University Engineering Depart-
potentially improved performance. However fuel cells do not ment (CUED) Technical Report, CUED/CEDC/TR 59.
currently satisfy the basic requirement of compactness whilst [12] D. Linden, Handbook of Batteries, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1995
solar cells have the practical disadvantage associated with the Chapter 3.
need to store energy. [13] O. J. Besenhard, Handbook of Battery Materials, Wiley-
Conclusions: There is a vast range of power sources, with VCH, Weinheim, 1999 pp. 6263.
performance characteristics differing by several orders of [14] D. Amato, Battery technology for portable applications. MRT
magnitude. Given this range, the selection of the optimal magazine, July 1, 1997.
power source is an important stage in the design of many [15] L. Fu, The selection of power sources. 2003 Cambridge
applications. A simple, rational method for selecting power University Engineering Department (CUED), Internal
sources has been described. A database of existing power Report.
sources has been constructed, allowing quantitative selection,
and the comparison of power sources by application or by
manufacturer. Key performance characteristics have been ______________________
identified, and selection charts constructed, allowing a
graphical comparison of performance. The selection charts
can be used to identify optimal performance against a given
objective and a set of constraints. They can also be used to
identify competition between existing power sources for the
same application, or regions of performance that are inacces-
sible using currently available technology. The database allows
for a comparison of different types of power source at a generic
level (for example solar cells compared with batteries), or for a
detailed comparison between different classes of power source
of the same type (for example Ni-MH batteries compared with
Li-Ion batteries). The strategy has been demonstrated using a
case study on the selection of batteries for a light-weight, high
performance mobile phone, with Li-Ion batteries identified as
an optimal solution, and Ni-Cd batteries indicated as close

Received: March 01, 2005

Final version: March 15, 2005

ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2005, 7, No. 8  2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 765

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