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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name Jessica Hardesty Activity Title: All about Feelings

Number of children participating at one time: 8 Ages 3-4-year olds

IMPORTANT: When you are finished entering all of your information into the template, any information provided here
to help you through the planning process (in RED) can be deleted.

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.
Ohio Early Domain: Social and Emotional Development
Learning &
Strand: Self
Standards: Topic: Awareness and Expression of Emotion

List at least 1 Standard Statement: Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 years) Recognize and identify own emotions
standard that
and the emotions of others.
is addressed
by this activity.
Write out each
and exactly,
as published in

In this lesson we will be teaching the kids how to identify and define three emotions: Happy, Sad,
Angry by making faces that express this emotion and gluing them on popsicle sticks to make masks.

Estimated This lesson should take 100 minutes which I plan to break up over three days doing activities at 30
minutes a time.
Preparation What preparation is needed?
of materials I will need to pre-cut the shapes needed to make the different faces. I will also need to set
and up the smartboard to show a video on feelings via YouTube before the activity and go over
environment the three emotions such as show the differences in facial expressions and define what these
emotions feel like and when you might feel this way.

What materials will be used?

8 circle cut construction pieces.
8 Popsicle Sticks
Glue sticks.
8 Pre-cut Smiles
8 Pre-cut Frowns
8 pre-cut Angry faces

How will the learning environment be set up?

The children will be set up at their seats at the elbow table facing me and the smart board.
Where they will have all their supplies set in front of them.
Instructional Procedures: (This will be one of the most detailed sections of this assignment).
I will begin the lesson on day 1 by taking about 4-5 minutes asking the kids if they know what feelings are and
assessing their knowledge before we get started. I will then show three five minutes videos about the three different
emotions for a total of 15 minutes. I will then recap with kids for about 10 minutes over the material we just watched
and show examples using my face and have them try to mimic my facial expressions. On day 2 I will spend about 5-6
minutes reviewing the information we learned the day before to see what information the children retained.
Afterwards I will provide examples of the three faces I pre-made and spend the remainder of the 24-25 minutes
helping each child create the three faces and talking about them as we go. On the third and final day each student will
have three masks that show Happy, Angry, and Sad. I will start the day by spending about 5 mins recapping using my
examples, and then 10 minutes having the students change the mask as a class when I do while identifying them. The
last 15 minutes I will go around individually to asses which children know what emotion by using the masks, and
asking them to hold up the mask of the emotion Im asking to see.

Day 1:
I will ask the students what a feeling is and see what information they know (4-5 minutes). I will then show 3 five-
minute videos on YouTube about the three different emotions, these videos will be fun, informative, and engaging to
keep the students attention. After watching the videos, I will then recap with them for about 10 minutes and mimic
the faces and feelings we seen in the video.

Day 2:
I will review some of the information to remind the students of the three feelings and see what they retained from
Day 1 this will take approx. 5-6 minutes and then we will spend the rest of the 24-25 minutes creating the three
masked faces that represent happy, mad, and sad by having the kids glue the pre-cut shapes onto the circle face and
then onto the popsicle stick. While doing this activity we will discuss the emotions as we make them.

Day 3
Each student will have three masks that represent the three emotions, and we will spend a brief time reviewing (5
minutes) and then I will take about 10 minutes to do a class activity by asking the class to show me a particular
emotion and having them choose the correct mask face and put It on. We will do this for approx. 10 minutes and the
last 10 minutes I will spend individually assessing the students by going one on one and having them identify the
emotion I hold up as well as having them hold up the correct emotion I ask for.


My students would not be able to use the site independently but could benefit if their parents and/or guardians were
to look at the site and work with their children at home on the standards while we did in the classroom.
Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students: I could alter the lesson by not offering visual supports before asking what the

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material:
If there are certain students who need adaptive assistance we could make it more one on one and allow the student
to choose or offer more visual supports such as the words with the faces.

Vocabulary: Feelings, Angry, Happy, and Sad

For teachers You will need access to the internet and smart board to pull up the video about
feelings on!

For students The students will need the pre-cut construction paper materials, popsicle sticks, and
glue sticks.

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