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US 20120028609A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0028609 A1
Hruska (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 2, 2012

(54) SECURE FINANCIAL TRANSACTION Publication Classi?cation

DEVICE ( ) t' '
H04L 9/32 (2006.01)
H04L 9/14 (2006.01)
(76) Inventor: John Hruska, Stuart, FL (U S) H04W 12/06 (200901)
(52) US. Cl. ......................................... .. 455/411; 705/67
(21) Appl. No.: 13/136,218 (57) ABSTRACT
(22) Filed; Jul, 26, 2011 A secure system and method are disclosed to effectuate ?nan
cial transactions over a secure internet backbone establishing
. . and using a secure ?nancial proxy account and a pre-regis
Related U's' Apphcatlon Data tered personal handheld mobile device Where all funds Within
(60) Provisional application No, 61/367,949, ?led on Jul' the account remain in an inactive non-usable state until
27, 2010, provisional application No. 61/367,954, activated and allocated only by the registered mobile hand
?led on Jul. 27, 2010. held device.

Eamk. ilmdit Card or gift

{Swimmer Goons up and Acids Funds; to wigima Secure

Emma? Proxy Account from Symhed Sank. Greciit 622m or
(3&2; ?acaiaed using Secure Sewer & Regiatarad Mabiie maxim
Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2012 Sheet 2 0f 8 US 2012/0028609 A1



Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2012 Sheet 3 0f 8 US 2012/0028609 A1



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Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2012 Sheet 5 0f 8 US 2012/0028609 A1

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Patent Application Publication Feb. 2, 2012 Sheet 7 0f 8 US 2012/0028609 A1

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Patent Application Publication US 2012/0028609 A1


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US 2012/0028609 A1 Feb. 2, 2012

SECURE FINANCIAL TRANSACTION [0006] FIG. 2 shoWs the Process FloW ofthe Using a Smart
SYSTEM USING A REGISTERED MOBILE Phone Mobile Device Application to Allocate Funds
DEVICE [0007] FIG. 3 shoWs the Process FloW of hoW a Merchant
Sets Up a Secure Transactional Purchase
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0008] FIG. 4 shoWs the Transaction Description FloW for
the Point Of Sale Using a Barcode Scanner
[0001] The invention describes a secure mobile Wallet [0009] FIG. 5 shoWs the Alternate Transaction Description
?nancial transaction system by allowing users (both custom FloW for the Point Of Sale Using a Camera to Capture or Take
ers and merchants) to set up a secure ?nancial proxy account, a Picture of the Barcode
and using registered mobile hand held devices (smartphone, [0010] FIG. 6 shoWs the Alternate Transaction Description
non-smartphone and tablets) that can securely transact pay FloW for the Point Of Sale Using NFC, Optical, Infrared,
ments either using a tablet/mobile hand held device (smart RFID, etc.
phone) based POS, an automated teller machine (ATM) or an [0011] FIG. 7 illustrates the Process of Forming a Propri
on-line checkout using secure proprietary applications for etary Encrypted Barcodes Using Private Key/Public Key
customers by generating unique user and device speci?c, Authentication
single-use, time-sensitive, alpha-numeric digital tokens and [0012] FIG. 8 shoWs HoW to Scan a Proprietary Barcode to
the transactional server encrypting these tokens With a cus Make a Purchase
tomers personal public/private encryption key speci?c to the
registered mobile device application; the user is able to acti DETAILED DESCRIPTION
vate and allocate a speci?c amount of funds from his pool of
funds. Step 1
[0002] The invention describes a user setting up a ?nancial Account Set-Up
proxy account; a unique registration and authentication pro
cess of the users mobile handheld device to the ?nancial [0013] As shoWn in FIG. 1, a user establishes a secure
proxy account, a proprietary unique mobile application proxy ?nancial account With an electronically-based ?nan
doWnloaded to the registered device, a registered merchant cial-type of institution over a Web-based mobile phone or
With a secure proprietary POS application on their device or Web-based PC. After identifying the mobile phone using
Website checkout page, or ATM. Using the consumers reg either the phone number or machine identi?er number, a
istered mobile hand held device, a proprietary mobile phone uniquely speci?c mobile phone application is sent to the
application, a registered merchants handheld Wireless POS phone through an sms (Short Message Service) link. Once
terminal (Tablet-POS) or a stationary Wired device (ATM/ the mobile speci?c link is opened account set up and phone
Kiosk/POS) With the systems proprietary POS application registration takes place; the user provides all necessary per
softWare capable of recognizing, decoding and validating the sonal information including a personal Identi?cation (PIN)
user and device speci?c, single-use, time-sensitive unique number and as an option provides additional personal identi
encrypted transactional digital token codes from the regis fying biometric features using various phone feature modali
tered mobile device and the back end transactional server able ties (the camera for facial recognition, the microphone for
to decrypt and approve/disapprove the transaction based on voice spectral analysis and recognition and/or ?nger print
the transactional digital token information providing a secure reader device accessory built into some mobile handheld
closed loop environment for secure transactional payment devices). This data is gathered and passed to and stored on the
processing. The invention also provides for an option to authentication server. Once the data is collected in the same
include non-smart phones through the use of a java-based session the mobile handheld device is registered by sending to
non-smartphone application through a telecommunication the mobile device a unique single-use time sensitive authen
data netWork or SMS and MMS text-messaging protocol. tication code developed by the back-end system and sent to
[0003] Similarly using the same ?nancial-proxy system as the mobile through a separate channel (sms or voice). The
described above a Merchant sets up a ?nancial business proxy authentication code is required to be entered during the appli
account providing all necessary personal identifying infor cation set up session to complete the account set up and
mation and is able to doWnload the ?nancial proxy account registration process. At completion of the mobile phone reg
systems point of sale application (POS) to their registered istration process an application speci?c public/private key
telecommunication hand-held device, or to their Website for may also get assigned to the handheld devices account and get
e-commerce or be able to integrate this into an existing cur uploaded to the mobile phone application to securely com
rent POS system. plete the account set up and phone registration, in one variant
[0004] What is described is a secure mobile based ?nancial of the invention.
proxy system, for both consumers and merchants using their [0014] Using the mobile phone application the user
registered handheld devices While at the same time providing chooses an amount of money and inputs a personal identi?er
the security of a unique closed loop system using proprietary (PIN) through a graphical interface (GUI) and the application
mobile phone and POS applications Which recogniZe the can gather other biometric information. In the increased secu
systems uniquely encrypted, consumer and mobile device rity variant, the Information gets encrypted using the public/
speci?c digital transactional tokens to authenticate and pro private key protocol speci?c to the mobile application/hand
cess payment or other type of transactions securely. The sys held device and sends the information as a request to the
tem can also be used in an automated teller (ATM) setting and authentication server. The server side application validates
in an online transaction purchase setting obviating the need the request by authenticating the hand-held device initially by
for an ATM card or the transmission of any personal infor identifying the hand-held device using the mobile devices
mation into the ATM or during an on-line purchase checkout. phone # (Which is NOT encrypted With the Private/Public
key) and provides for account look up, The hand-held
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS devices private key is used to decrypt the remaining authen
tication information, identifying the unique application Iden
[0005] FIG. 1 shoWs the Process FloW of the Secure Finan ti?er and the users personal information (PIN and Biometric
cial Proxy Account Set-Up data) and the MEIN/Device number. This data is compared to
US 2012/0028609 Al Feb. 2, 2012

the one-Way hashing results obtained during the phone reg number identi?er (MEIN# or MEID#) and the units mobile
istration and mobile application set up process. Once authen phone number including the mobile country code. Once all
ticated the transactional server veri?es the requested amount this authentication information is obtained by the authentica
is available and if so the algorithmically generates a user and tion server a one-Way hashing encryption function is utiliZed
device speci?c numeric or alphanumeric encrypted digital on this data (except for the mobile no.) and the results stored
token Which identi?es the mobile device, the user, and the on the authentication server in the users account. Sub sequent
speci?ed requested amount. The user and device speci?c to obtaining and storing this information the authentication
digital token gets encrypted With the accounts public key and server application may also create a unique Public/Private
is transmits to the mobile phone device over a secure protocol Encryption Key for that speci?c user and their mobile phone
(SSL) 256-bit encrypted channel. After being received by the application and is both transmitted to the mobile phone appli
speci?c mobile device the application decrypts the informa cation and is stored on the authentication server Within the
tion using the private encryption key to obtain the originally users account. This is described in Process FloW in FIG. 7.
generated digital token. The encrypted digital token is trans [0017] As shoWn in FIG. 1, funds can be loaded through
mitted to the merchants point of sale through various modali various resources (direct deposit, gifting, bank accts etc. . . . ).
ties as described Within by being optically displayed or manu The funds Within the account remain in an inactive or dor
ally inputted at a proprietary point of sale (POS or ATM) mant state. Only the user and the users registered mobile
system Which facilitates the completion of the intended trans hand-held device, after being authenticated can activate/
action. allocate a speci?c amount of funds to be used Within a
speci?ed given amount of time.
Step 2 [0018] As shoWn by FIG. 2, a request is sent to the back-end
authentication server over 256-bit encryption protocol as fol
Using a Smart Phone Mobile Device Application to loWs: Using the mobile phone application the user requests a
Allocate Funds certain amount of funds to be allocated from the dormant
inactive state of funds by selecting the currency and an
[0015] As Was described in Step 1 and illustrated in FIG. 1, amount of funds needed and then the user provides their
the customer Who is seeking to effectuate a secure mobile personal identi?er information in the Way of a PIN and the
?nancial transaction (mobile Wallet) opens a secure ?nancial application obtains additional biometric information. A fur
proxy account Which may optionally be associated With their ther embodiment involves using the users hand-held device
main bank accounts or credit/debit card. After providing all public encryption key (Which Was assigned and doWnloaded
personal information (Name, Address, Mobile Country Code, from the system to the application during application set-up)
Mobile Number, PIN#, Security Questions) and obtaining the following data gets encrypted using the users public key:
biometric information in the Way of facial recognition data the mobile device (MEIN# or MEID#), the uniquely gener
through front facing mobile device camera, or voice record ated application identi?er-UID, and the customers personal
ing data, or ?ngerprint data to set-up their secure ?nancial information (including biometric information obtained). In
proxy account. (Note: Most mobile devices to date are the enhanced security variant, all the aforementioned data
equipped With a front facing camera Which may take various gets encrypted With the users public key except for the hand
facial measurements (as are presently standardized and held device mobile number Which is used as a look up iden
accepted in the biometric validation industry), providing an ti?er gets passed to the authentication server. Authentication
additional layer of security utiliZing the measurements for a of the user and the hand-held device occurs after decrypting
biometric validation application component. These points are the information using the users assigned private key obtain
captured during set up of the application and stored in the ing the authentication information and using all or any com
users account. They are passed to the authentication server to bination of this information in an authentication protocol on
be subsequently utiliZed in conjunction With the pin # (to the application server.
authenticate the user for a requested transaction.) [0019] Once the authentication process has been com
[0016] In the same account set-up session the users mobile pleted, a user and device speci?c, algorithmically generated
phone is subsequently registered to the account using the time-sensitive, single-use numeric or alphanumeric
telecommunication netWork by sending the mobile phone a encrypted digital token is generated as a valued digital token
unique authentication code to the mobile number (either by against those speci?cally requested funds Which noW become
voice channel or a data channel) Which is required to be allocated and active for pending use. Using the users
entered by the user during the account set up process session assigned public/private encryption key the algorithmically
in order to register their mobile device and to successfully generated digital valued token is encrypted With the users
complete their account set up process. All the personal public key and sent to the speci?c registered mobile device
account information and security informational data is using the telecommunication netWork thus activating and
obtained, except for the mobile country code and mobile allocating the customers account for the requested funds as
number, is stored and encrypted using a one-Way hash func for a potential pending transaction, as explained in FIG. 8.
tion by the authentication server. A text message (SMS) con Using a secure transport protocol (SSL/TSL-256 bit encryp
taining a link for the systems mobile phone application is tion) the information get passed to the speci?c mobile hand
sent to the registered mobile device Which alloWs for the held device, and the results may be decrypted using the users
systems proprietary application to be doWnloaded to the private encryption key on the mobile application in the
hand-held device. Once the link is opened the application is enhanced security variant, and are displayed in numeric or
doWnloaded, the application setup process takes place for the alphanumeric terms for manual input and/or as an optical
speci?c hand held device obtaining speci?c authentication representation such as a barcode or some other optically
data providing the authentication server With the folloWing: a encoded depiction.
dynamically generated Unique Application Alphanumeric Step 3
Identi?cation Number (both stored on the application and
stored on the authentication server), the users PIN# (and Merchant Sets Up Secure Transactional Purchase
other biometric information if available (voice, facial recog [0020] FIG. 3 illustrates hoW the Merchant (or Financial
nition pro?le), the hand-held device machine equipment Institution) adds its level of security. At a registered Mer
US 2012/0028609 A1 Feb. 2, 2012

chants POS, ATM or Website checkout containing the system customers set up the merchant mobile POS application set up
proprietary point of sale application the users unique time provides the authentication server With the MEIN#, a mPOS
sensitive, single-use unique transactional digital token code application unique Identi?er number (created from the appli
gets transmitted to the point of sale application using one of cation), the units telephone number (Tablet or mobile smart
several transmitting modalities gets validated for being pro phone) and the Merchants PassWord.
prietary and having the correct price; then is passed to the [0025] Once the account set up and registration is com
systems transactional server for processing over ssl/tsl 256 pleted a Financial Proxy Account is created for the merchant,
bit encryption protocol. The transactional server veri?es the
similar to the customer, to alloW payment reconciliation
code is active for the speci?ed mobile phone account and
betWeen the merchants account and customers account
processes and con?rms the transaction. Once the uniquely
encrypted digital transaction (token) code is used, it becomes using their respective registered mobile handsets.
inactive and useless for any additional transactions and can
never be repeated for the users speci?c account. Step 4
[0021] The Modes of Transmission can vary. The digital
token information from the mobile device is displayed and Transaction Description FloWiPoint of Sale
may be entered manually into the POS application along With [0026] A registered user requests and speci?c amount and
the mobile devices phone number, or be encoded as a bar activates the funds their account using their registered mobile
code image (or other type of optical depiction) and be cap phone application. After being authenticated the user receives
tured by the POS device using a camera or CCD type device
a unique time-sensitive, single-use, encrypted digital token
that reads and decodes the bar-code graphic. In Addition in code to their device. The merchant opens their registered POS
the ?eld of possibilities is Wireless automatic transmission, application on the device and is also authenticated using a
including near ?eld communication (NFC), Bluetooth (BT), similar authentication protocol. As shoWn in FIGS. 4 and 5,
and Infrared (IR), Light Transmission protocols, audio fre using the device (and application) the merchant can scan (4a)
quency transmission or Wi-Fi etc. including further develop or takes a picture (4b) of the digital token being depicted as a
ments in this ?eld. barcode Which decodes the barcode representation of the
token. Alternatively, as in FIG. 5, the users digital token
Using a Non-Smart Phone Mobile Application information can be passed using NFC, an audio Wave form, or
[0022] Furthermore, even With a Non-smart phone and light medium to transfer the information directly to the POS
using a Java-based mobile application, a user can activate (4c). The POS application validates the digital token infor
their account using encrypted sms, mms, ussd type protocol mation con?rming it is proprietary prior to sending the infor
to obtain the previously above described information in a mation to the transactional server for processing. The trans
similar manner described as folloWs. action server veri?es the digital token is proprietary to the
[0023] The user opens the java-based mobile application systems application authentic using the users Public/Private
sms function of their registered mobile device. He/ she types key encryption, veri?es the digital token code is active in the
in the knoWn short code or long-code telephone number for system for the speci?ed amount con?rming or disapproving
the account ?nancial-like entity that supports and manages the transaction.
the mobile account. The user then sends a request to activate [0027] Upon approval of the transaction real time recon
a speci?ed amount of funds from their secure proxy account ciliation of the account takes place debiting the users proxy
using their PIN# The request is encrypted With a private/ ?nancial account and crediting the merchants proxy ?nancial
public key encryption and is sent to the authentication server account. The monies do not leave the system remaining in the
to authenticate the users handheld device and the transaction pooled ?nancial proxy account at all and securely stay Within
amount request. After veri?cation and authentication an algo the original ?nancial entity.
rithmically generated user and device speci?c, single-use
time-sensitive pseudorandom numeric or alphanumeric Transaction Description FloW
encrypted digital token is generated and assigned to user
account for the speci?ed amount, gets encrypted using the Automated Teller Machine or Financial Institution
users private/public key and sent over the telecommunication
netWork to the speci?c phone. The java-based mobile appli [0028] A registered user activates their account using their
cation decrypts the digital valued token so that the user then mobile phone and after being authenticated receives a user
can manually enter this at either an ATM/or POS into the and device speci?c, unique time-sensitive, single-use
appropriate ?elds along With their mobile device number and encrypted digital token to their device. The user selects the
their personal identi?er information. The back-end transac systems ATM application to receive money. Using manual
tional server then con?rms and executes the request process input or the ATM built-in camera device, (and application)
ing the described transaction in all the above material. scans or takes a picture from the users mobile phone screen
and decodes the barcode representation of the encrypted digi
Merchant Sign Up to System tal token, as shoWn in FIG. 5. Alternatively, the user can use
NFC or other modalities to transfer the digital token informa
[0024] Using a Web-session to sign up and open the account tion as shoWn in FIG. 6. Similar to the Transactional
a merchant provides all pertinent information; the Informa Description FloW for the POS above, the ATM application
tion con?rmed using the Business ID using tax ID# or some validates the information con?rming it is from a registered
other type of business identi?cation for veri?cation. During users mobile device application prior to sending the infor
the same session the merchant creates a Usemame and Pass mation to the transactional server for processing. The trans
Word and registers a handheld mobile device (or tablet) to be actional server veri?es the active encrypted digital token code
used as their mobile point of sale (mPOS) and doWnloads the for the speci?ed amount and sends approval to ATM to dis
proprietary point of sale application (POS). Similarly to the pense correct amount. Funds get transferred to ATM oWners
US 2012/0028609 A1 Feb. 2, 2012

main bank account on ?le or credited to the ATM oWners

?nancial proxy account Within the system. TABLE 2
Database Storage of Account Information and Private/Public
Step 4 Key Encryption of the Encrypted Digital Token

Authentication One- Way Con

An Alternative Secure Transaction
Info Number Hashed (Database) ?rmed

[0029] As shoWn in FIG. 4, Retail merchants that sign up to l) CC+ Mobile # 000l+444-555-2222 6667774444 yes/no
the system are able to provide information regarding their 2) Mobile Equip # 4444222255 6666444477 yes/no
3) Application ID # 5555333366 7777555588 yes/no
product including description, price, reserve price, volume, 4) Users PIN # 5246669541 7468883763 yes/no
colors and Website address to the systems Web services. The
Web service creates a unique barcode for the aforementioned The second column (Number) Steps 2-4 get encrypted using the Users assignedWiGime
Public Key
information Which Will alloW for direct purchase and a secure Step #1 gets passed also to authentication server for account look up
transaction by a user scanning the barcode information using Each step above needs to be con?rmed for authentication to be processed
the registered mobile device application. The merchant is able When all steps are con?rmed a Random number generator isused to create a 20 digit random
number to be used as the digital token against the requested funds from the account
to display the barcode in advertisements (e-media, online, Example: 45866932145698756321a this token gets one -Way Hashed and stored in data
base under mobile account #: 0001-444-555-2222
print media etc. . . . ). The user can open the mobile applica The Country Code + Mobile Number + the Un-Hashed token gets encrypted using a users
tion enter their required authentication information and scan WiGime Public key/Pvt Key
Example: 0001 - 4445552222-4586693 21456987563 21 ~> Apply Public Key
the barcode. The barcode information and the authentication Encrypted Token result gets sent to handset, decrypted using the devices Pvt key and gets
depicted onto the mobile hand set device as a Barcode or gets passed to mobile handset as
information get passed back to the authentication and trans digital information to be transferred to WiGimes Point of Sale Application (POS)
action server to authenticate the user. This Process FloW is
shoWn in FIG. 8. Once the user is authenticated, in the same
session using the Website address the product description TABLE 3
along With a picture and a purchase option is offered to the User Authentication from a Registered
user using the mobile application. Once the purchase option is Mobile Phone and Mobile Application
selected a unique user and device speci?c, time-sensitive, WiGime Account creation and mobile application set up alloWs the system
digital token is generated for the amount and allocated from to obtain uniquely identi?able information for identifying and
authenticating: l) The User, 2) The Hand Set and 3) The Mobile
the dormant funds from the users secure proxy account and is Application When being authenticated for an encrypted WiGime digital
sent to the merchants secure proxy account for purchase. A token against requested funds from the users account. The following
receipt is generated and sent to the user phone and account information is obtained during mobile application set up:
1) Country Code + Mobile Cell Phone #> Passed to server and
con?rming the purchased item and is delivered to the user stored in the database for the mobile account and hand set device
using the address on ?le. 2) Mobile Equipment ID# > passed to server and one-Way hashed in
the database for the mobile account and hand set device
3) Unique Application ID (generated during set up) > Passed to server
TABLE 1 and one-Way Hashed in the database for the mobile account and hand set
Creation of a Unique User and Device Speci?c, Time-Sensitive, Single 4) Personal Identi?cation Number (PIN#)> Passed to authentication
Use Encrypted Digital Token Used for Purchase Transactions server and one-Way hashed for the mobile hand set device
Generate a Random Number Seed: 5423687225 Steps 2 through 4 get encrypted on the mobile application using the
users assigned WiGime Public encryption key
Authentication Info Number Number (Mod8 + 2) Step 1 can remain un-encrypted OR optionally can be encrypted With the
Companys Public Encryption Key.
1) Mobile # 444-555-2222 6667774444
2) Mobile Equip # 4444222255 6666444477
3)Application ID # 5555333366 7777555588
4) Random # Seed (above) 5423687225 7645829447
5) Users PIN # 5246669541 7468883763 Authentication of User/Handheld Device to Request Activation
and Allocation of Funds from Users Financial Proxy
Algorithm Account on Authentication and Transactional Server
1) Calculate exponent component
Use the Last Column and Add Each Number in Their Respective Column to be used as One- Way
exponents: Ex: (6+6+7+7+7)=33Ex: (6+6+7+6+4)=29Ex: (6+6+7+4+6) Authentication Info Number Hashed Data Con?rmed
=29Ex:(7+6+7+5+8)=33 etc...
2) Calculate Base Component
l) CC+ Mobile # CC+444-555-2222 NOT Hashed yes/no
Use the random number results from the mod 8 + 2 function as the bases (7645829447) 2) Mobile Equip # 4444222255 6666444477 yes/no
Example: (base from step 2)A(exponent from step #1) 3) Application ID # 5555333366 7777555588 yes/no
733, 6Y9, 4Y9, 5A33 . . . using all bases from step 2 to obtain 10 groups ofnumbers. Select 2 4) Users PIN # 5246669541 7468883763 yes/no
numbers from each group to obtain a 20 digitally unique random number Which is to be used
as the uniquely generated WiGime transactional code. When an encrypted digital token is requested for speci?c amount of funds the information
Example: 45866932145698756321a this token gets one -Way Hashed and stored in data above gets passed from the mobile hand set device using the registered mobile application
base under mobile account #: 0001-444-555-2222 and sent to the authentication server (steps 2-4)encrypted using the users assignedWiGime
The Country Code + Mobile Number + the Un-Hashed token gets encrypted using the users PUBLIC Key from a Public/Pvt encryption key (residing on the users mobile device) and
assigned WiGimes Public key/Pvt Key sent over to authentication server using (S SL). After the mobile account is looked up using
Example: 0001- 4445552222-45866932145698756321~> Apply Users Public Key the Country Code and Mobile number, the information is decryptedusing the users assigned
WiGime PVT KEY, the information compared to the hashed account authentication infor
Encrypted Token result gets sent to speci?c mobile device gets decrypted by the users mation. Each step above needs to be con?rmed for authentication to be approved
assignedWiGime Private encryption key and gets depicted on the mobile hand set device as When all steps are con?rmed authentication process is complete and the transactional server
a Barcode or gets passed to mobile handset as digital information to be transferred to a creates a pseudorandom digital token on behalf of the user and device for the requested
WiGimes Point of Sale Application (POS) amount as described previously.
US 2012/0028609 A1 Feb. 2, 2012

I claim: the unique customer and device speci?c, time-sensitive,

1. A system on a computer based network for secure trans single-use encrypted digital transactional alphanumeric
fer of a customers funds, comprising: token is represented as a barcode or a graphic;
a secure ?nancial proxy account such as an online Wallet, and the proprietary application identi?es and validates the
established for the purpose of holding unused dormant unique customer and device speci?c, time-sensitive,
customer funds until activated and allocated by means of single-use encrypted transactional alphanumeric digital
a pre-registered personal handheld device; token using barcode scanning methods.
a personal handheld device; 8. The system of claim 1, Wherein the speci?c handheld
a registration protocol for the personal handheld device; device of the customer, and another telecommunication hand
a mobile application installed on the personal handheld held or stationary device of the merchant or ?nancial institu
device; tion are enabled to communicate the unique customer and
a unique authentication identi?cation number for the per device speci?c, time-sensitive, single-use encrypted digital
sonal handheld device and for the mobile application transactional alphanumeric token using a near-?eld commu
installed on that device; nication, Bluetooth, infrared, light transmission protocols,
an activation protocol for identifying the accounts regis audible frequency, sms, mms, Wi-? or other suitable synchro
tered handheld device, its mobile application, its oWner niZing protocol over a telecommunications netWork.
and its location coordinates for making the account and 9. The system of claim 7, Wherein the speci?c handheld
funds active for a particular desired transaction With a device of the customer, and another telecommunication hand
speci?c merchant or ?nancial institution for a speci?ed held or stationary device of the merchant or ?nancial institu
amount for a speci?c con?gurable amount of time; tion are enabled to communicate the unique customer and
a transactional and authentication server Which stores and device speci?c, time-sensitive, single-use encrypted digital
authenticates data sent from the customers personal transactional alphanumeric token using a near-?eld commu
handheld device sent over a telecommunications net nication, Bluetooth, infrared, light transmission protocols,
Work; audible frequency, sms, mms, Wi-? or other suitable synchro
and a unique customer and device speci?c, time-sensitive, niZing protocol over a telecommunications netWork.
single-use encrypted digital transactional alphanumeric 10. The system of claim 1, Wherein:
token created by the transactional and authentication the registration protocol for the personal handheld device
server Which is speci?c to the handheld device, its loca further comprises:
tion, and the customers personal identi?cation informa generating on the transactional and authentication server
tion for consummating the particular transaction With public and private encryption keys speci?c to the cus
the speci?c merchant or ?nancial institution. tomer and the mobile device application; and
2. The system of claim 1, further comprising: sending the public and private encryption keys to the per
a point of purchase barcode scanner on the personal hand sonal handheld device and its mobile application; and
held device to identify the speci?c merchant or ?nancial the activation protocol further comprises:
institution With Whom the transaction is to be consum encryption by means of the mobile application the unique
mated; authentication identi?cation number for the personal
a point of sale token scanner device; and handheld device and the mobile application, and the
a linked proprietary application used to authenticate the personal identi?cation information for the customer
speci?c merchant or ?nancial institution, the speci?c With the customers assigned public key;
customer and device, and the subject matter for the decryption of the authentication identi?cation number and
transaction by identifying and validating the unique cus the personal identi?cation information and the desired
tomer and device speci?c, time-sensitive, single-use transaction by the transactional and authentication
encrypted digital transactional alphanumeric token. server using the customers assigned private key;
3. The system of claim 1, Where the personal handheld permanently hashing the results of the decryption by
device is a telecommunication device With access to a tele means of a one-Way hash function;
communication data netWork. and comparison of these decrypted hashed results to the
4. The system of claim 3, Where the personal handheld stored data on the transactional and authentication
device is a smartphone. server for the speci?c customers account; and
5. The system of claim 3, Where the personal handheld the unique customer and device speci?c, time-sensitive,
device is a tablet device. single-use encrypted digital transactional alphanumeric
6. The system of claim 1, further comprising: token is encrypted by the transactional and authentica
a front facing camera on the personal handheld device to tion server using the customers assigned public key, is
take various industry-standardized facial measure sent over a secure telecommunication netWork to the
ments; and personal handheld device, and is decrypted at the device
a biometric validation application component Which com using the user and device speci?c private key located on
bines the facial measurements into the customers per the mobile application.
sonal identi?cation information for further validation at 11. A method for secure transfer of customer funds, com
the authentication server. prising the steps of:
7. The system of claim 2, Wherein the point of sale token establishing an online account for a customer to hold dor
scanner used by the speci?c merchant or ?nancial institution mant, unused funds for the customer;
is a registered handheld or stationary telecommunication linking the online account to a transactional and authenti
device for that speci?c merchant or ?nancial institution cation server Wherein an application resides to effectu
linked to a telecommunications netWork; ate transfer of secure funds;
US 2012/0028609 A1 Feb. 2, 2012

registering the customers personal handheld device onto 13. The method of claim 11, further comprising the steps
the server via an appropriate protocol; of:
generating a unique authentication identi?cation number taking various industry-standardized facial measurements
for the personal handheld device and for a mobile appli by means of a front facing camera of the smart phone;
cation installed on the personal handheld device; combining the facial measurements into the users personal
identifying the accounts registered handheld device and its identi?cation information by means of a biometric vali
oWner for making the account and funds active; dation application for further validation at the authenti
activating funds in the an online account for the customer cation server;
via an appropriate protocol for a particular transaction storing the results of the combination step in the users
With a speci?c merchant or ?nancial institution in a account;
speci?ed amount for a speci?c con?gurable amount of passing the results of the combination step to the transac
time; tional and authentication server over the telecommuni
generating a unique user and device speci?c, time-sensi cations network; and
tive, single-use encrypted digital transactional alphanu utiliZing the results of the combination step to biometri
meric token by the transactional and authentication cally validate and authenticate the user for a desired
server using the unique identi?er of the speci?c hand transaction.
held device, the unique identi?er of the mobile handsets
14. The method of claim 11, Wherein the personal handheld
applications, and the customers personal identi?cation
device is a telecommunication device With access to a tele
information, for the purpose of consummating the par communication data network.
ticular transaction With the speci?c merchant or ?nan
cial institution; 15. The method of claim 14, Wherein the personal handheld
transmitting the unique user and device speci?c, time device is a smartphone.
sensitive, single-use encrypted digital transactional 1 6. The method of claim 14, Wherein the personal handheld
alphanumeric token by an ssl or tls or other secure pro device is a tablet device.
tocol over a telecommunications netWork from the trans 17. The method of claim 12, Wherein the proprietary appli
actional and authentication server to the speci?c hand cation identi?es and validates the unique user and device
held device; speci?c, time-sensitive, single-use encrypted digital transac
inputting this unique user and device speci?c, time-sensi tional alphanumeric token using barcode scanning methods;
tive, single-use encrypted digital transactional alphanu and
meric token at the systems point of sale or ATM appli the unique user and device speci?c, time-sensitive, single
cation; use encrypted digital transactional alphanumeric token
sending the unique user and device speci?c, time-sensitive, is represented as a barcode or a graphic.
single-use encrypted digital transactional alphanumeric 18. The method of claim 11, Wherein the speci?c handheld
token, and the identi?er of the handheld device to the device of the user, and another handheld or stationary device
transactional server; and of the merchant or ?nancial institution are enabled to com
verifying the unique user and device speci?c, time-sensi municate the unique user and device speci?c, time-sensitive,
tive, single-use encrypted digital transactional alphanu single-use encrypted digital transactional alphanumeric
meric token from the identi?er of the handheld device by token using a near-?eld communication, Bluetooth, infrared,
means of an appropriate secure transactional encryption light transmission protocols, sms, mms, Wi-? or other suitable
and decryption algorithm. synchronizing protocol over a telecommunications netWork.
12. The method of claim 11, further comprising the steps 19. The method of claim 17, Wherein the speci?c handheld
of: device of the user, and another handheld or stationary device
scanning a barcode by means of a point of purchase bar of the merchant or ?nancial institution are enabled to com
code scanner on the personal handheld device so as to municate the unique user and device speci?c, time-sensitive,
identify a merchant or ?nancial institution and subject single-use encrypted digital transactional alphanumeric
matter for the transaction; token using a near-?eld communication, Bluetooth, infrared,
using the barcode information in the generating step for the light transmission protocols, sms, mms, Wi-? or other suitable
unique user and device speci?c, time-sensitive, single synchronizing protocol over a telecommunications netWork.
use encrypted digital transactional alphanumeric token; 20. The method of claim 11, further comprising the steps
transmitting the unique user and device speci?c, time of:
sensitive, single-use encrypted digital transactional generating and assigning the customer With public and
alphanumeric token to the merchant or ?nancial institu private encryption keys speci?c to the customer and the
tion via a telecommunications netWork; mobile device application;
scanning the unique user and device speci?c, time-sensi encrypting by means of the mobile application the unique
tive, single-use encrypted digital transactional alphanu authentication identi?cation number for the personal
meric token, represented graphically, at a point of sale handheld device and the mobile application, and the
token scanner used by the speci?c merchant or ?nancial personal identi?cation information for the customer and
institution; the desired transaction With the customers assigned
identifying and validating the unique user and device spe public key;
ci?c, time-sensitive, single-use encrypted digital trans decrypting the authentication identi?cation number and
actional alphanumeric token to consummate the trans the personal identi?cation information and the desired
action by means of an appropriate proprietary transaction by the transactional and authentication
application. server using the customers assigned private key;
US 2012/0028609 A1 Feb. 2, 2012

applying a one-Way encryption hash function by the trans tion server using the customers assigned public key
actional and authentication server to the decryption prior to the transmission step; and
results; decrypting after the transmission step the unique customer
comparing this information to the stored data on the trans and device speci?c, time-sensitive, single-use encrypted
actional and authentication server in order to authenti digital transactional alphanumeric token by the mobile
cate the speci?c customers account; application at the device using the user and device spe
encrypting the unique customer and device speci?c, time ci?c private key.
sensitive, single-use encrypted digital transactional
alphanumeric token by the transactional and authentica

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