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Dylan Saracco

Due October 16, 2014

Classical Lamination Theory Project

%Classical Lamination Theory Program

%Dylan Saracco
%Call Qbar(Theta)
%N is number of layers ( must be at least 16)
%use function Qbar to solve Qbar matrix for varying lamina
%Orient = [45,-45,45];
%Orient = [0,45,90,-45,-45,90,45,0];
%loading conditions. Uncomment to include desired condition
%condition #1
%NN=[35;0;0]; %lb/in

%Condition #2
%MM=[2;0;0]; %in*lb/in
%NN=[0;0;0]; %lb/in

This Block was added so the Q_bar function
Could be referenced if needed

function [Q_bar] = Qbar(A)

%Input angle, outputs Qbar matrix

E1 = 19.2e6; %psi
E2 = 1.56e6; %psi
G12 = 0.82e6; %psi
v12 = 0.24;
%A = 23; %degrees. Must use sind / cosd funtions
%Theta = 23;
S11 = 1/E1;
S12 = -v12/E1;
S22 = 1/E2;
S66 = 1/G12;

S = [S11 S12 0;S12 S22 0;0 0 S66];

Q = inv(S);

T = [cosd(A).^2 sind(A).^2 2.*sind(A).*cosd(A);...

sind(A).^2 cosd(A).^2 -2.*sind(A).*cosd(A);...
-sind(A).*cosd(A) sind(A).*cosd(A) (cosd(A).^2)-(sind(A).^2)];

R = [1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 2];

t = inv(T);

Q_bar = T\Q*R*T/R;

S_bar = inv(Q_bar);

for pass = 1:4

if pass == 1
disp('[45,-45,45], with FORCE applied')
Orient = [45,-45,45];
NN=[35;0;0]; %lb/in
elseif pass == 2
disp('[45,-45,45], with MOMENT applied')
Orient = [45,-45,45];
MM=[2;0;0]; %in*lb/in
NN=[0;0;0]; %lb/in
elseif pass == 3
Orient = [0,45,90,-45,-45,90,45,0];
disp('[0,45,90,-45,-45,90,45,0], with MOMENT applied')
MM=[2;0;0]; %in*lb/in
NN=[0;0;0]; %lb/in
elseif pass == 4
disp('[0,45,90,-45,-45,90,45,0], with FORCE applied')
Orient = [0,45,90,-45,-45,90,45,0];
MM=[0;0;0]; %in*lb/in
NN=[35;0;0]; %lb/in

N = length(Orient);
thick =0.005; % in
t = N * thick;
z = -t/2 : thick : t/2;

%Declare sizes of matrices

Aij = zeros(3,3);
Bij = zeros(3,3);
Dij = zeros(3,3);

Aij_vect = zeros(1,N);
Bij_vect = zeros(1,N);
Dij_vect = zeros(1,N);

% Solve for A,B,D vectors by using for loops to create sumation

for i = 1:3
for j = 1:3
for k=1:N


Aij_vect(k) = Qb(i,j).*(z(k+1)-z(k));
Bij_vect(k) = Qb(i,j).*((z(k+1)).^2-(z(k)).^2);
Dij_vect(k) = Qb(i,j).*((z(k+1)).^3-(z(k)).^3);


Aij(i,j) = sum(Aij_vect);
Bij(i,j) = sum(Bij_vect)/2;
Dij(i,j) = sum(Dij_vect)/3;



Astar = inv(Aij);
Bstar = -inv(Aij)*Bij;
Dstar = Dij-(Bij/Aij*Bij);
Hstar = Bij/Aij;

Aprime = Astar-(Bstar/Dstar*Hstar);
Bprime = Bstar/Dstar;
Dprime = inv(Dstar);
Hprime = -Dstar\Hstar;

Kappa = Dstar\MM-Dstar\Hstar*NN
Eps_o = Bstar/Dstar*MM+(Astar-Bstar/Dstar*Hstar)*NN

stress = [];
LayerZ = zeros(1,N*2);

for i = 0:N-1

LayerZ(2*i+2) = z(i+2);
LayerZ(2*i+1) = z(i+1);
tempx = Qbar(Orient(i+1))*(Eps_o+z(i+1)*(Kappa));
tempy = Qbar(Orient(i+1))*(Eps_o+z(i+2)*(Kappa));

stress = [stress,tempx,tempy];


sigmaX = stress(1,:);
sigmaY = stress(2,:);
Gamma = stress(3,:);

hold on
plot(sigmaX, LayerZ,'g--')
axis ij
ylabel('z (in)');
title('Stresses on Laminate');

hold on
axis ij
ylabel('z (in)');

axis ij
ylabel('z (in)');
legend ('SigmaX','Sigma Y','Gamma XY');

if pass < 4


[45,-45,45], with [35 lb/in, 0, 0] FORCE applied

Aij =

1.0e+004 *

9.3337 6.8737 2.2154

6.8737 9.3337 2.2154
2.2154 2.2154 7.5395

Bij =

0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

Dij =

1.7501 1.2888 1.1538

1.2888 1.7501 1.1538
1.1538 1.1538 1.4137

Kappa =

Eps_o =

1.0e-003 *


stress =

1.0e+003 *

2.1295 2.1295 2.7409 2.7409 2.1295 2.1295

-0.2038 -0.2038 0.4076 0.4076 -0.2038 -0.2038
0.6936 0.6936 -1.3872 -1.3872 0.6936 0.6936
[45,-45,45], with MOMENT applied

Aij =

1.0e+004 *

9.3337 6.8737 2.2154

6.8737 9.3337 2.2154
2.2154 2.2154 7.5395

Bij =

0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

Dij =

1.7501 1.2888 1.1538

1.2888 1.7501 1.1538
1.1538 1.1538 1.4137

Kappa =


Eps_o =


stress =

1.0e+004 *

-4.9855 -1.6618 -4.7920 4.7920 1.6618 4.9855

0.3478 0.1159 -3.0142 3.0142 -0.1159 -0.3478
-0.4261 -0.1420 3.6929 -3.6929 0.1420 0.4261
[0,45,90,-45,-45,90,45,0], with MOMENT applied

Aij =

1.0e+005 *

3.3303 0.9917 -0.0000

0.9917 3.3303 -0.0000
-0.0000 -0.0000 1.1693

Bij =

1.0e-012 *

0 -0.0071 0
-0.0071 0.1705 0
0 0 0.0142

Dij =

70.7634 9.0167 6.6461

9.0167 26.4561 6.6461
6.6461 6.6461 11.3839
Kappa =


Eps_o =

1.0e-020 *


stress =

1.0e+004 *

Columns 1 through 6

-1.1690 -0.8767 -0.1452 -0.0968 -0.0451 -0.0225

-0.0012 -0.0009 -0.0533 -0.0356 0.1221 0.0611
0.0225 0.0169 -0.0528 -0.0352 0.0113 0.0056

Columns 7 through 12

-0.1092 0.0000 0.0000 0.1092 0.0225 0.0451

-0.0786 0.0000 0.0000 0.0786 -0.0611 -0.1221
0.0866 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0866 -0.0056 -0.0113

Columns 13 through 16

0.0968 0.1452 0.8767 1.1690

0.0356 0.0533 0.0009 0.0012
0.0352 0.0528 -0.0169 -0.0225
[0,45,90,-45,-45,90,45,0], with force applied

Aij =

1.0e+005 *

3.3303 0.9917 -0.0000

0.9917 3.3303 -0.0000
-0.0000 -0.0000 1.1693

Bij =

1.0e-012 *

0 -0.0071 0
-0.0071 0.1705 0
0 0 0.0142

Dij =

70.7634 9.0167 6.6461

9.0167 26.4561 6.6461
6.6461 6.6461 11.3839
Kappa =

1.0e-018 *


Eps_o =

1.0e-003 *


stress =

1.0e+003 *

Columns 1 through 6

2.2117 2.2117 0.5602 0.5602 0.1678 0.1678

-0.0104 -0.0104 0.3148 0.3148 -0.6191 -0.6191
0.0000 0.0000 0.3588 0.3588 0.0000 0.0000

Columns 7 through 12

0.5602 0.5602 0.5602 0.5602 0.1678 0.1678

0.3148 0.3148 0.3148 0.3148 -0.6191 -0.6191
-0.3588 -0.3588 -0.3588 -0.3588 0.0000 0.0000

Columns 13 through 16

0.5602 0.5602 2.2117 2.2117

0.3148 0.3148 -0.0104 -0.0104
0.3588 0.3588 0.0000 0.0000

In the [-45/45/-45]T laminate, notice the [B] matrix is 0 in every element. This is to be
expected due to the symmetry of the laminate. For this laminate, when a force is applied along
the x-axis, the majority of the stress exists along the x-axis, as expected. There is also a
significant amount of shear on the middle layer of the lamina. When a moment is applied to this
laminate, the stress along the x and y axes are similar even though the moment is only applied
on the x-axis. This is due to the direction of each layer within the laminate. Because the matrix
will be aligned with each layer within the laminate, theses matrices with support a stress at an
angle along the direction of the matrix, which means a stress will exist along the laminate that is
a different direction than the applied moment.
The [0/45/90/-45/-45/90/45/0]T laminate differs significantly from the previous one due to
the complexity of the arrangement. When a moment is applied along the x-axis, the greatest
stress occurs along the x-axis at the outer edge of the laminate where the orientation of the
layer is 0. This is a reasonable result because you would assume that the greatest stress would
occur as far away from the neutral axis as possible (Stress increases as |z| increases). Because
the orientation of this layer is parallel with the axis the moment is being applied on, it is also
expected that most of the stress would be along the x-axis. When A force along the x-axis is
applied, most of the stress is again along the x-axis on the outer layer of the laminate, while
shear, and stress along the y-axis also exist. It is important to note the significant discontinuities
of the outputted stress and shear. The existence of these discontinuities show that these values
will contain significant error at the interface of each layer.

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