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We are causing so much damage to our planet that it will soon affect the global economy.

This bleak warning

is according to a new United Nations report called the Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO). The paper says
there are many important ecosystems on our planet that are in danger. These tipping points in our natural
world are where mans negative impact on nature will start costing national economies. Examples of these are
the deaths of coral reefs, the destruction of huge areas of forest, or major pollution of rivers. UN spokesman
Ahmed Djoglaf said: "The news is not good. We continue to lose biodiversity at a rate never before seen in
history - extinction rates may be up to 1,000 times higher than the historicalrate."
Scientists are worried that governments will not do enough to try to reduce the damage to the tipping points.
World leaders will soon meet in Nairobi to discuss measures to tackle global biodiversity loss. They hope they
can then create an international framework that will be adopted at a convention on biological diversity in
October in Japan. The GBO report outlines how serious the threat is. It says huge numbers of species are
facing extinction if we continue to pollute the environment. Over a quarter of corals may soon disappear. This
will have a huge impact on marine life and many fish species will also disappear. Countries will be fighting
over much smaller stocks of fish. This problem will be made worse with the increasing pollution of the worlds

TRUE / FALSE: Read the text. Guess if a-h below are true (T) or false (F).

a. A new United Nations report says loss of biodiversity costs economies. T / F

b. The report gives us tips on points to help nature. T / F

c. The report says all coral reefs have already died. T / F

d. The rate of biodiversity loss is 1,000 times higher than ever before. T / F

e. Scientists are confident governments will tackle the damage. T / F

f. World leaders will adopt a new biodiversity framework in October. T / F

g. The report says more than 25% of corals might soon become extinct. T / F

h. The article predicts pollution will cause fish to start fighting each other. T / F

Fonte: (acesso em 18.116.2017)

Planet Planeta Biodiversity Biodiversidade Pollute Poluir

Affect Afetar History Histria A quarter Um quarto
Global Global Extinction Extino Disappear Desaparecer
Economy Economia Historical Histrico Marine Marinha
Important Importante Scientists Cientistas Problem Problema
Ecosystems Ecosistemas Governments Governos
Natural Natural Reduce Reduzir
Negative Negativo Leaders Lderes
Impact Impacto Discuss Discutir
Nature Natureza Create Criar
National Nacional International Internacional
Economies Economias Adopted Adotou
Coral Coral Convention Conveno
Destruction Destruio Biological Biolgico
Areas reas Diversity Diversidade
Forest Floresta October Outubro
Pollution Poluio Serious Srio
Continue Continua Species Espcies
Actual - real, verdadeiro Camp acampamento militar
atual - current campo - field
Actually - na verdade, de fato Candor sinceridade, franqueza
atualmente - currently, nowadays candura - candidness
Adept - perito, profundo conhecedor Cargo carga
adepto - follower, supporter cargo - post, position
Advert - notar Carton - caixa de papelo
advertir - to warn, to advise carto - card
Agenda - pauta do dia, pauta para discusses Casualty - baixa (mortes em acidente ou guerra)
agenda - organizer, diary casualidade - chance
Alias nome falso, cognato Chef - chefe de cozinha chefe - boss, chief
alis - else, moreover, furthermore/ besides / by the way China porcelana, loua de porcelana
Alms - esmola China (pas) - China
almas - souls Cigar charuto
Alumnus aluno j formado cigarro - cigarette
aluno - student, pupil Collar - gola, colarinho, coleira
Amass acumular, juntar colar (noun) - necklace / colar (verb) - to glue
amassar - to crush College faculdade
Anthem hino colgio - school
antena - aerial, antenna / antena parablica - satellite dish Commodity - artigo, mercadoria
Anticipate - prever; preceder comodidade - convenience
antecipar (adiantar) - to advance, to move forward Comprehensive - abrangente, extenso
Antique objeto de arte antigo, antiguidade compreensivo - understanding / tolerant, sympathetic
antigo - old, ancient Conceal - ocultar, dissimular
Apologize desculpar-se conselho - advice (a piece of advice = um conselho)
apologizar (fazer apologia) - to make defense Confident - confiante
Apparel vesturio em geral confidente - confidant
aparelho - equipment, apparatus / device/ machine / Construe explicar, interpelar
braces (aparelho ortodntico) construir - to build
Application - inscrio, registro, uso Contest - competio, concurso
aplicao (investir dinheiro)- to invest Money contestar - to impeach, to impugn / to controvert, to
Appoint nomear, marcar, designar challenge /to object
apontar (para algum ou alguma coisa) - to point to, to Conversant conhecedor, versado
point at conversador - talkative person, loquacious person, talker,
Appointment - compromisso profissional conversationalist
apontamento (observao) - note Converse oposto, contrrio
Assist - ajudar, dar assistncia conversa - chat, talk
assistir (ver, olhar) - to watch Convict - ru, condenado, prisioneiros convicto - sure,
Assume - presumir, supor certain, positive
assumir - to undertake, to take over Costume - fantasia (traje), traje tpico
Attend - assistir, participar de costume - habit, custom
atender (a telefone, porta ou campainha) Curse - maldio, praga, xingamento
Available vlido, disponvel curso - course
avalivel - ratable Dairy - laticnios, fbrica de laticnios
Avocado abacate dirio (noun) - diary; daily (adjective)
advogado - lawyer Data - dados (nmeros, informaes)
Balcony - sacada, varanda suspensa data - date
balco - counter Deception - engano, iluso
Barracks caserna, quartel decepo - disappointment
barraca - tent Dent - amasso, marca de batida
Beef - carne bovina dente - tooth
bife - steak Dependable - confivel
Bond elo, vnculo, aplice dependente - dependant, dependent / relative; subordinate
bonde - streetcar, trolley car (USA), cable car, tram Design - projetar, criar / projeto, estilo designar - to
Brand marca appoint
brando - tender, soft, mild, temperate Devolve - transferir
Cafeteria - refeitrio, bandejo, cantina devolver - to return, give back, refund (especially
cafeteria - coffeehouse, coffee shop, coffee bar, cafe, etc. money), to render (restituir)
Discrete distinto, separado
discreto - discreet, tactful, reserved, Grand grandioso, nobre, magnfico
Discussion debate, consideraes grande (tamanho, volume) - big, large
discusso (desavena, bate-boca) - argument Gratuity - gratificao, gorjeta
Disgusting nojento, repulsivo gratuito - free
desgostoso - displeased, dissatisfied Grip - segurar firme
Divert desviar gripe - influenza, flu
divertir - to entertain, to amuse / divertir-se - to enjoy Gripe (noun) - queixa, reclamao
oneself, to have fun Gripe (verb) - reclamar continuamente
Diversion - desvio Hazard - risco, perigo, arriscar, colocar em risco
diverso - amusement / fun / entertainment, pastime / azar - bad luck
parque de diverses - amusement park. Hostage refm
Doze - cochilar hspede - guest
doze (number) - twelve / dose - dose Idioms expresses idiomticas
Education - instruo, formao escolar idiomas - languages
educao (boas maneiras) - politeness, good manners Income tax return declarao de imposto de renda
Effective - eficaz, que produz efeito income tax refund - devoluo do imposto de renda
efetivo - permanent Ingenuity engenhosidade, criatividade
Elaborate esmerar, aperfeioar ingenuidade - verdancy, greenness, naivety, gullibility
elaborar - develop, prepare Ingenious* hbil, engenhoso
Engross monopolizar ingnuo - naive, ingenuous
engrossar - to enlarge, to thicken Inhabitable habitvel
Enroll - inscrever-se, matricular-se inabitvel - uninhabitable
enrolar - to roll Injury ferimento
Estate bens, patrimnio injria - offense, insult
estado - state Inscription gravao em relevo (sobre pedra, metal,
Estrange separar, apartar etc.)
estranho - strange inscrio - registration, application
Eventually - finalmente Intend pretender, tencionar
eventualmente - occasionally entender - to understand
Exigency urgncia, situao de emergncia Intoxication embriaguez, efeito de drogas
exigncia - demand intoxicao poisoning
Exit - sada Jar - pote jarra - pitcher, jug
xito - success, effect, result, outcome, triumph Jest zombaria, gracejo, brincadeira
Expert - especialista, perito gesto - gesture
esperto - smart, clever Journal - peridico, revista especializada
Exquisite refinado, requintado, seleto, belo, fino jornal - newspaper
esquisito - strange, weird, odd Lamp - luminria lmpada - light bulb
Fabric - tecido Large - grande, espaoso, amplo
fbrica - plant, factory largo - broad, wide
Fate - destino Lecture palestra, conferncia, aula expositiva
fato - fact, event, happening leitura - reading
Figure - nmero Legate embaixador, enviado
figura - picture legado - legacy
File - arquivo Legend lenda
fila - line, queue legenda - subtitles
Flagrant - espalhafatoso, escandaloso Library biblioteca
flagrante - at the very moment / em flagrante - in the act, livraria - bookstore, bookshop
red-handed / pegar em flagrante - to take by surprise Limp - claudicao
Gem - pedra preciosa, joia, prola limpo - clean
gema (ovo) - yolk Liquor bebida alcolica em geral
Genial - afvel, aprazvel licor - liqueur
genial - brilliant Location localizao
Gentility fidalguia, nobreza locao - rental
gentileza - kindness, niceness Lunch almoo
Gracious benvolo, bondoso lanche - snack
gracioso - graceful Luxury luxo, suntuosidade
luxria - lewdness, lasciviousness / lust
Magazine revista
magazine (loja) - shop, store propiciar - to give, to provide, to afford
Mayor prefeito Pull - puxar
maior - bigger pular - to jump
Mascara - rmel Push - empurrar
mscara - mask puxar - to pull
Mate - colega, companheiro Range - variar, cobrir
matar - to kill ranger (verb) - to creak, to grind
Medicine - remdio, medicamento Ranger - guarda florestal
medicina - medicine Realize - notar, perceber, compreender
Miserable - triste, muito indisposto, pssimo realizar - to carry out, to make come true, to accomplish
miservel (avarento, sovina) - mean Recipient - recebedor, agraciado
Moisture - umidade recipiente - container
mistura - mix, mixture, blend Reclaim recuperar
Motto - lema reclamar - to complain about, to claim
moto - motorcycle Record - gravar, disco, gravao
Notice notar, perceber/ aviso, comunicao recordar - to remember, to recall
notcia - news Refrigerant - substncia refrigerante usada em aparelhos
Notions - artigos de armarinho refrigerante - soda, soft drink
noo - notion, opinion, idea Relapse recair, reincidir
Novel - romance relapso (adj) - relapsing, backsliding
novela - soap opera Requirement - requisito
Office escritrio, consultrio requerimento - petition
ofcio - trade, occupation Resign demitir-se, renunciar
Official - funcionrio, oficial (adj) resignar-se - to be resigned, to adjust oneself to
oficial militar - officer Respite descanso, folga
Oration discurso formal respeito - respect
orao (reza) - prayer Resume - retomar, reiniciar, dar prosseguimento
Parent pai ou me resumir - to summarize, to sum up
parente - relative Rsum - curriculum vitae, currculo
Particular - especfico, exato Retired aposentado
particular - personal, private retirado - removed, secluded
Pasta - massa (alimento) Rim borda
pasta - folder, briefcase rim - kidney
Patron - santo, padroeiro, patrocinador, fregus, cliente Robbery assalto
patro - employer, boss roubo, furto - theft*
Phrase expresso consagrada, dito, locuo (gramtica) Scenario sinopse de filme ou pea
frase - sentence cenrio (teatro, filme) - setting
Physician mdico Scholar pessoa erudita, versada
fsico - physicist escolar (adj) - school (of school)
Pipe cano, cachimbo Selvage ourela (de tecido), borda
pipa - kite selvagem - savage, wild
Policy - norma, programa de ao, aplice (de seguro) Senior - idoso
polcia - police (plural noun) senhor - mister, sir
Pork - carne de porco Sensible sensato
porco pig sensvel - sensitive
Port - porto porta - door Service - atendimento
Prejudice - preconceito servio - job
prejuzo - damage, loss Shoot - atirar (dar um tiro)
Presently - logo mais, dentro em breve, daqui a pouco chute - kick
presentemente, atualmente - at present, now, today Sort espcie, tipo
Preservative - conservante sorte - fate, fortune, luck
preservativo - condom Spectacles - culos
Pretend - fingir, fazer de conta espetculos - shows, concerts
pretender - to intend Stranger - desconhecido
Proper - apropriado, adequado, educado, decente; estrangeiro - foreign(adj), foreigner (noun)
propriamente dito Stupid - burro, ignorante
prprio - own estpido (bruto) - coarse, rude, brute, ill-mannered
Propitiate aplacar, apaziguar, conciliar
Supper ceia, jantar
super(mercado) - supermarket, market
Support apoiar
suportar (tolerar) - to bear, to stand
Syllabus contedo programtico
slaba - syllable
Sympathetic - compreensivo, solidrio com os problemas e sentimentos do outro
simptico - nice
Sympathize - compadecer-se, mostrar-se compreensivo
simpatizar - to feel an affection for, to take a liking to
Sympathy - compaixo, condolncia(s), solidariedade
simpatia - likeableness, liking, affection, affinity
Tax - imposto
taxa - rate, fee
Tent - barraca, tenda
tentar - to try
Toss - arremessar, arremesso, arremesso de moeda para decidir algo.
tosse, tossir - cough, to cough
Trainer - preparador fsico
treinador - coach
Turn - vez, volta, curva / virar, girar
turno - shift, round
Tutor - professor particular
tutor - curator, guardian
Ultimately - em ltima anlise
ultimamente - lately, recently
Vegetables - verduras, legumes
vegetais - plants
Venture risco, acaso, aventura**
ventura (felicidade) - happiness, good luck
Vicious - defeituoso, impuro; perverso, mau, feroz
viciado (em drogas) - addicted (adjective); addict (noun)
Vine - videira
vinho - wine
Voluble falante, loquaz
volvel - fickle, shifty, inconstant

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