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ooo4981 is1 a4o537-04 102.

Atmorphrrrc Encrronmmr, Vol. 15, pp. 537-540.
0 Pergamon Press Ltd. 1981. Printed in Great B&III.


Warren Spring Laboratory, PO Box 20, Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage, SGl 2BX, Herts, U.K.

(Received in final form 7 August 1980)

Abstract-A recently developed data presentation technique, the polar isopleth diagram, has been
extended in scope. The existing technique enabled the distribution of wind by direction and speed to be
analysed, but it is now possible to examine the effects of these variables, acting simultaneously, on ambient
air pollutant concentrations. A number of specific examples of the diagram are discussed.

1. INTRODUCTION Examples of wind and pollution isopleths are given

in Figs l-3. Wind isopleth diagrams (Fig. 1) may be
Many analysis and data presentation techniques have regarded as a generalisation of the familiar wind rose,
been used in the past to demonstrate the relationships but including additional information on the wind
between wind speed, wind direction and air pollution speed distribution of all wind direction sectors. Pol-
concentrations at a given monitoring site. These have lution isopleth diagrams (Figs. 2 and 3) are conceptu-
included wind roses, pollution roses, wind speed band ally very similar, being generalisations of the familiar
analyses and other techniques. Now, however, follow- pollution rose, but again providing additional
ing the work of Seppalii (1977), a more comprehensive information. A major advantage of isopleth diagrams
method, the polar isopleth diagram, has been de- is that they explicitly show how the plotted parameter
veloped by the Warren Spring Laboratory. This tech- varies with wind speed for any wind direction, whereas
nique has been used initially in a study of smoke and traditional rose diagrams simply give the average of
sulphur dioxide pollution in the Eastern Strathclyde the plotted parameter for a limited number of wind
Region of Scotland, an area which includes the city of sectors.
Glasgow. Both types of isopleth diagram describedhere use an
identical polar coordinate system, the r (radial) axis
2. DISCUSSION OF TECHNIQUE of which represents wind speed, and the f3(angular)
axis representing wind direction. The radial ordinate
Computer software has been specially developed to in Figs l-3 ranges from 0.2m s- for the innermost
facilitate the production of polar isopleth diagrams. central circle to 20 m s- full scale, whilst the angular
However, this note does not deal with the details of the ordinate corresponds to the normal 360 range where
software but rather with presentation and interpre- 0 is equivalent to north. All winds of less than
tation of the diagrams. These diagrams enable the 0.2 m s- 1are included in a separate category, which is
distribution of wind by direction and speed to be plotted at the very centre of each diagram. It should be
analysed, and also make it possible to examine the noted, however, that this low speed category has been
effects of these parameters, acting simultaneously, on extended to cover speeds up to 1 m s-l for future
ambient concentrations of pollution. diagrams.
The software developed will provide a wide range of The total data field plotted in both types of diagram
diagram types, but only two forms, the wind isopleth consists of some 1500 cells each of which corresponds
and pollution isopleth, are discussed here. The wind to an r, 8 coordinate representing a specific wind speed
isopleth has been dealt with at some length by SeppUB and direction combination. For wind isopleths, such
(1977), but to the knowledge of the authors, pollution as Fig. 1, the frequency of wind occurrence in each cell
isopleths are presented here for the first time. A is plotted, and areas of equal frequency are delineated
number of different types of isopleth diagram are by contour lines. The frequency of wind occurring in
currently being investigated at Warren Spring, includ- each cell equals the total number of wind occurrences
ing varieties where a stability index is one of the plot (by hour) expressed as a fraction of the total period of
variables. time covered by the diagram. The resultant diagram
gives in a concise graphical format an impression of
* Present address: Environmental Protection Unit, Hong the distribution of wind occurrence by both speed and
Kong Government Secretariat, Hong Kong. direction simultaneously. For pollution isopleths,



1- 5Vo

0.5 -1%

0 1 -0.5%


MOSTLY < 0.0; !%

Fig. 1. Polar isopleth diagram of wind frequency in Glasgow for 197718. (Calm category frequency is in centre of

60 -

60&g rtr3


Ftg. 2. Polar isopleth diagram of ambient sulphur dioxide concentrations in central Glasgow during the winter
months of 1977:8. (Mean concentration for calm category winds is in centre of diagram.)
Polar isopleth diagrams 539



> 14Opg m-3

100 - 14099 m-3

60 - lOO_q m-3

20 - 60119 m-3

MOSTLY < 20,ug m-


Fig. 3. Polar isopleth diagram of ambient sulphur dioxide concentrations in central Glasgow during the summer
months of 1978. (Mean concentration for calm category winds is in centre of diagram.)

such as Figs 2 and 3, the dependent plotted variable is of 90-120 and 240-270. This east-west directional
pollutant concentration and not wind frequency as bias is very much in accord with the typical wind
previously. The contours plotted thus enclose wind direction pattern for the U.K., accentuated by the
field coordinates sharing common ambient pollutant known wind-channeling effects in the Glasgow Basin
concentrations. Note that although arithmetic mean area (Halstead, 1973; Plant, 1973). For the 90-120
concentrations are plotted in Figs 2 and 3, the facility sector, winds are most frequent in the O-2.5ms-
exists in the computer software for presenting iso- speed band, whilst 2.55ms- speeds are more
pleths of median and maximum levels, as well as any common in the westerly direction.
specified concentration percentile. The figure at the very centre of Fig. 1 shows l-2 /,
The isopleth diagrams presented here may be of winds falling into the calm category of
thought of as the twodimensional polar projection of speeds<0.2ms-i.
a three-dimensional function plotted in a cylidrical It can be noted that angular resolution of the
coordinate system, the r and 0 axes of which represent diagrams is in principle high even for the lowest
wind speed and direction. The orthogonal Z axis, speeds, since the 0.2 m s- 1winds are not plotted at the
which may be thought of as projecting through the centre but on the innermost circle. However, it should
paper, represents wind frequency in wind isopleths be borne in mind that, although the intrinsic plot
and pollution concentration in the case of pollution resolution may be high at these low wind speeds, the
isopleths. measured data may be somewhat uncertain. In fact,
the diagrams are capable of better resolution than the
currently-used wind measuring instrumentation
3. DISCUSSION OF SPECIFIC CASES would strictly warrant, though it was felt advisable to
retain this high resolution for maximum flexibility in
The structure and uses of both types of isopleth the utilisation of the isopleth technique.
diagram may be clarified by reference to the example Ambient concentrations of sulphur dioxide were
diagrams presented here. Figure 1 shows the wind measured using a Meloy Total Sulphur Monitor
isopleth compiled from a full years wind data from a (flame photometric principle) at a site situated in the
site some 6 km to the east of Glasgow city centre. commercial city centre of Glasgow during 1977 and
Areas of increasing wind occurrence in the diagram 1978. Figure 2 shows the sulphur dioxide isopleth
are shaded successively darker, so it is readily apparent diagram for the winter (October-March) of 1977/
that the highest wind frequencies occur for directions 1978, whilst Fig. 3 shows the corresponding diagram for

the summer months of 1978 (April-Sept). The figure at being much reduced in calm conditions. Such an
the centre of each pollution isopleth diagram shows increase of pollutant concentrations with wind speed,
the mean pollution level corresponding to the calm instead of the more common decline, is generally
category winds. associated with emissions from medium or high
Pollution isopleth dizgrams such as these do not in chimneys, which may be some distance from the
isolation give information on the significance of the measurement site. These observations are again con-
concentrations shown, which depends not only on the sistent with the known emission characteristics of the
absolute pollution levels, but also on the frequency Glasgow and surrounding areas.
with which these levels occur. In practice, pollution The isopleth diagram examples discussed here.
isopleths should therefore always be interpreted in together with many others. are analysed in con-
conjuction with corresponding wind frequency iso- siderably greater detail in forthcoming reports from
pleths in order that some significance can be attached this laboratory.
to the concentrations exhibited.
A strong easterly bias in sulphur dioxide concen-
trations is observed during the winter (Fig. 2) with 4. SUMMARY

relatively high concentrations of pollution occurring

It has been demonstrated that polar isopleth dia-
for a broad range of speeds up to about 7.5 m s- i. This
grams of wind and ambient pollution data are of
is probably due to generally poor dispersion con-
considerable use in the presentation and interpretation
ditions which tend to be associated with easterly winds
of meteorological and pollution data. The examples
in the LJ.K. However, the distribution of sulphur
discussed in this note are intended to give an idea of the
dioxide is fairly uniform at low wind speeds, consistent
potential scope of this analysis technique employed in
with the uniform distribution of local space-heating
a current air pollution study in Scotland.
sources and with the sites central location. This is due
to the fact that emissions from the relatively low
chimneys of space-heating installations tend to con- Acknowkdgrment -The development and applicatton of
tribute most to ground level concentrations during low the polar isopleth technique described in this note was part of
wind speed conditions. an air pollution monitoring and modelling study in Central
The summer isopleth diagram (Fig. 3) has, on the Scotland sponsored by the Scottish Development
other hand, a radically different morphology.
Ambient pollutant concentrations are considerably
lower than the corresponding winter levels, partly REFERENCES
reflecting the much reduced contribution from space-
heating emissions, and the easterly bias observed in Halstead C. A. (1973) Au pollution and relief in the Glasgow
winter for the highest pollution concentrations is not area. Geofbr&n 14, 67-72.
Plant J. A. (1973) The climate of Glaseow. Climatolonical
as marked. Furthermore, higher concentrations in the Memorandum No. 60 (Meteorologigl Office, U.K.).-
north-east and south-east sectors occur when wind Seppalii M. (1977) Frequency isopleth diagram to illustrate
speeds are in the range of ?.S-7.5ms-. with values wind observations. Weather 32, 171-175.

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