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How Successful

People Think
Change Your Thinking, Change
Your Life
By John Maxwell
Business Plus, 2009
ISBN 9781599951683


Good thinkers are always in demand. A person who knows how may always have a job, but a person who
knows why will always be his boss. Good thinkers solve problems, they never lack ideas that can build an
organization, and they always have hope for a better future.
The diversity among successful people is astounding. But they're all alike in one way: how they think.
That's the one thing that separates successful people from unsuccessful ones. And here's the good news:
how successful people think can be learned. If you change your thinking, you'll change your life.
No matter what your circumstances, you can learn to be a good thinker. All you must do is be willing to
engage in the process every day.
11 Thinking Skills
Good thinking isn't just one thing. It consists of 11 specific thinking skills. Becoming a good thinker means
developing those skills to the best of your ability:
Seeing the wisdom of big-picture thinking
Unleashing the potential of focused thinking
Discovering the joy of creative thinking
Recognizing the importance of realistic thinking
Releasing the power of strategic thinking
Feeling the energy of possibility thinking
Embracing the lessons of reflective thinking
Questioning the acceptance of popular thinking
Encouraging the participation of shared thinking
Experiencing the satisfaction of unselfish thinking
Enjoying the return of bottom-line thinking

Big-Picture Thinking

Big-picture thinking can benefit any person in any profession. Real-estate developer Donald Trump
quipped, "You have to think anyway, so why not think big?" Big-picture thinking brings wholeness and
maturity to a person's thinking. It brings perspective. It's like making the frame of a picture bigger, in the
process expanding not only what you can see but also what you're able to do.
Big-picture thinkers are comfortable with ambiguity. They don't try to force every observation or piece of
data into pre-formulated cubbyholes. They think broadly and can juggle many seemingly contradictory
thoughts in their minds.
Big-picture thinkers broaden their outlook by striving to learn from every experience. They don't rest on
successes, they learn from them. More importantly, they learn from their failures. But big-picture thinkers
also learn from experiences they don't have. They learn by receiving insight from others - from customers,
employees, colleagues and leaders.

Focused Thinking
Philosopher Bertrand Russell once said, "To be able to concentrate for a considerable time is essential to
difficult achievement." Sociologist Robert Lynd observed, "Knowledge is power only if man knows what
facts not to bother with." Focused thinking removes distractions and mental clutter so you can concentrate
on an issue and think with clarity.
Does every area of your life deserve dedicated, focused thinking time? Of course the answer is no. Be
selective, not exhaustive, in your focused thinking. Identify your priorities. Once you have a handle on
what you should think about, you must decide how to focus on it better. Start by keeping distraction to a
minimum and making time for focused thinking - perhaps early in the morning. Keep items of focus before
you. If you have an assistant, ask that person to keep reminding you of the items you want to focus on.

Creative Thinking
Creativity is pure gold, whatever you do for a living. Annette Moser-Wellman, author of The Five Faces
of Genius, says, "The most valuable resource you bring to your work and to your firm is your creativity.
More than what you get done, more than the role you play, more than your title, more than your output' -
it's your ideas that matter."
Creative thinking isn't necessarily original thinking. Most often creative thinking is a composite of other
thoughts discovered along the way.
Creative thinkers value ideas, explore options, embrace ambiguity, celebrate the offbeat and connect the
unconnected. Creativity demands the ability to be unafraid of failure. Creativity requires a willingness to
look stupid - to get out on a limb, knowing that the limb often breaks.
To improve your creative thinking, remove creativity killers - negative thoughts such as, "I'm not a
creative person," or, "I must follow the rules," or, "I must think of my image," or, "We can't afford to
make a mistake."
If you think you have a great idea, don't let anyone talk you out of it even if it sounds foolish.

Realistic Thinking
Reality is the difference between what we wish for and what is. If you're a naturally optimistic person, you
may not have a great desire to become a more realistic thinker. But cultivating the ability to be realistic in
your thinking won't undermine your faith in people, nor will it lessen your ability to see and seize
opportunities. Instead, it will add value in other ways.
Realistic thinking minimizes downside risk. Actions always have consequences, and realistic thinking helps
you determine those consequences.
To improve your realistic thinking, develop an appreciation for truth. Unfortunately, too many people want
to avoid the truth, as Winston Churchill noted: "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick
themselves up and hurry off as if nothing has happened." The truth will set you free - but first, it may
make you angry!
Being a realistic thinker means doing your homework, to get the facts. As well, there's nothing like
thinking through the pros and cons of an issue to give you a strong dose of reality.

Strategic Thinking
Strategic thinking is nothing more than planning on steroids. Spanish novelist Miguel deCervantes said,
"The man who is prepared has his battle half-fought." Strategic thinking takes complex issues and long-
term objectives, which can be very difficult to address, and breaks them down into manageable sizes.
Everything becomes simpler if it has a plan!
Strategic thinking can help you simplify the management of everyday life. You can do that by using
systems, which are nothing more than good strategies repeated.
To become a better strategic thinker, break down the issue into smaller, more manageable parts so you
can focus on them more effectively. How you do this isn't as important as just doing it. For example, you
might break it down by function, as Henry Ford did when he created the assembly line.
When most people begin using strategic thinking to solve a problem or plan a way to meet an objective,
they often make the mistake of jumping the gun and trying to figure out how to accomplish it. Instead of
asking how, they should first ask why. If you first jump into problem-solving mode, how are you going to
know all the issues?

Possibility Thinking
People who embrace possibility thinking are capable of accomplishing tasks that seem impossible because
they believe in solutions.
The first step in becoming a possibility thinker is to stop yourself from searching for and dwelling on
what's wrong with any given situation. That also means staying away from the "experts." So-called
experts do more to shoot down people's dreams than just about anybody else.
Look for possibilities in every situation. Don Soderquist, former president of Walmart, tells a wonderful
story of visiting a competitor's store with his firm's founder, Sam Walton. At the end, Soderquist said it
was the worst store he'd seen in his life. But Walton was enthused by the pantyhose rack - so enthused
that he pulled the fixture out to get the name of the manufacturer on the back - and the fact that the
store had 12 feet of ethnic cosmetics rather than the four feet in Walmart stores. "We're absolutely
missing the boat," said the possibility thinker who was Soderquist's boss.
Reflective Thinking
The pace of our society doesn't encourage reflective thinking. Most people would rather act than think.
Reflective thinking is like the Crock-Pot of the mind - it encourages your thoughts to simmer until they're
Your goal should be to reflect so you might learn from your successes and mistakes, discover what you
should try to repeat, and determine what you should change. It's always a valuable exercise. By mentally
visiting past situations, you can think with greater understanding.
Set aside time for reflection. Remove yourself from any distractions. Review your calendar, which isn't just
a planning tool but also a reflective thinking tool, as it allows you to review where you've been and what
you've done. If you keep a journal, review that as well.
Popular Thinking
If you want to become a good thinker, then start preparing yourself for the possibility of becoming
Good thinkers question popular thinking, because popular thinking sometimes means not thinking at all.
Popular thinking offers false hope. It's slow to embrace change. Popular thinking brings only average
Think before you follow. Unpopular thinking contains the seeds of opportunity. Unpopular thinking is
required for all progress.
Appreciate thinking that's different from your own. Continually question your own thinking. Get used to
being uncomfortable.
Shared Thinking
Good thinkers, especially those who are also good leaders, understand the power of shared thinking. They
know that when they value the thoughts and ideas of others, they receive the compounding results of
shared thinking and accomplish more than they ever could on their own.
Shared thinking is faster than solo thinking - and more innovative. It brings more maturity, as it's likelier
to catch our blind spots.
Shared thinking requires learning to value the ideas of others. It requires moving from competition with
others to co-operation with others. For shared thinking, it helps to have an agenda when you meet with
others - knowing what you want to accomplish in each encounter - and getting the right people around the
Unselfish Thinking
Unselfish thinking can often deliver a return greater than any other kind of thinking. It brings personal
fulfillment, adds value to others, increases quality of life, and makes you part of something bigger than
To begin cultivating the ability to think unselfishly, put others first. Realize that everything is not about
That requires humility and a shift of focus. Expose yourself to situations where people have needs. Give
quietly or anonymously in situations - instances when you can receive nothing in return. Check your
motives to ensure you're acting unselfishly.
Bottom-Line Thinking
In many businesses, the bottom line is literally the bottom line. Profit determines whether you're
But money shouldn't always be the primary measure of success. It isn't in families or in non-profits, for
Identify the real bottom line. It can be as lofty as the big-picture vision, mission or purpose of an
Or it can be as focused as what you want to accomplish on a particular project. What's important is that
you be as specific as possible. If your goal is something as vague as "success," you'll have a painfully
difficult time trying to harness bottom-line thinking to achieve it.
The first step is to set aside your "wants." Get to the results you're really looking for, the true essence of
the goal. Set aside any emotions that may cloud your judgment and remove any politics that may
influence your perception. What are you compelled to achieve? What must occur? What is acceptable?
That's the real bottom line.
As you become acquainted with each of those skills you'll find that some you do well, others you don't.
Learn to develop each of those kinds of thinking, and you'll become a better thinker.
- End -
About the author: John Maxwell is a leadership consultant.
Related Reading
Any of these books can be ordered directly from Amazon ( A), Barnes & Noble (B) or Chapters (C) or may
summarized in our execuBook library (E).
Think Better: An Innovator's Guide to Productive Thinking, by Tim Hurson, McGraw-Hill, 2007, ISBN
9780071494939. A B C E
Appreciative Intelligence: Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acorn, by Tojo Thatchenkery and Carol
Ingram, 2006, ISBN 9781576753538.A B C E
Executive Intelligence: What All Great Leaders Have, by Justin Menkes, HarperCollins, 2005, ISBN
9780060781873. A B C E

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