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Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER

542 Appendix

1 Introduction
The GARTEUR REconfigurable COntrol for Vehicle Emergency Return
(RECOVER) aircraft simulation benchmark was developed to demonstrate, both
offline and in real-time (piloted) simulation, the performance and viability of newly
designed fault tolerant flight control algorithms. The software package, based on the
Delft University Aircraft Simulation and Analysis Tool DASMAT [2], is equipped
with several simulation and analysis tools, all centered around a generic non-linear
aircraft model for six-degrees-of-freedom non-linear aircraft simulations. For high
performance computation and visualisation capabilities, the package has been inte-
grated as a toolbox in the computing environment Matlab R
. The tools
of the RECOVER benchmark include trimming and linearisation for (adaptive)
flight control law design, non-linear off-line (interactive) simulations, simulation
data analysis and flight trajectory and pilot interface visualisations. The modularity
of the RECOVER software allows customisation by applying user-generated mod-
els to the generic package for the simulation of any specific aircraft type or fault
scenario. In conjunction with the Matlab R
/Simulink R
Real-Time Workshop R
the benchmark model is suitable for integration on simulation platforms for piloted
hardware in the loop testing.
The GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark provides enhanced graphical and
high-resolution aircraft visualisation capabilities, that interface with the Matlab R

environment, to support tool-based advanced flight control system design and eval-
uation. This includes, for instance, the visualisation of flight data, the animation
of fault or aircraft upset recovery scenarios or (real-time) analysis of flight control
system states and performance.
The capabilities of the GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark software are suitable
for any educational or demonstration purposes, providing insight into the design of
adaptive flight control algorithms, aircraft flight dynamics and handling qualities
and human factors interfaces.
This Appendix provides a practical guide to get started with the GARTEUR RE-
COVER Simulation Benchmark software package. It provides the necessary steps
to install the software (Section 3) and get familiar with the model structure (Section
5) and the main features of the benchmark environment (Section 6). Some practi-
cal examples demonstrate the steps necessary to run a benchmark simulation (Sec-
tion 6.2). It is assumed that the user is familiar with the installation and use of
the Matlab R
programming environment (references can be found in
[13, 14] or on the website of The Mathworks ( For the
application of the benchmark, the user should have a basic understanding of general
rigid body aircraft dynamics and aircraft simulation modeling. An introduction to
these subjects can be found in several excellent books (e.g. [9, 12]). In this aspect,
the GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark is an ideal tool to complement any studies
on the introduction of flight control and aircraft simulation modeling using chal-
lenging design problems.
The GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark should be regarded as a research tool
providing the flexibility for customisation using a modular structure. As such, the
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 543

user is encouraged to explore and experiment with the software as much as possible
to obtain insight into the model structure and its features, and adapt it to his or her
own research requirements. Names and descriptions of blocks and signal definitions
in the benchmark model provide a guide for the user on the model interfacing re-
quirements. An introduction to the RECOVER benchmark, including development
background, software achitecture, the main features and the aircraft operational
characteristics has been provided in Chapter 6 of this book. For more details and in-
sight into the generic simulation architecture, including the GARTEUR RECOVER
benchmark mathematical models, applied reference frames, variable definitions and
sign conventions the user may refer to the references [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10].
The GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark is distributed as open source software to
accompany this book on fault tolerant flight control design and simulation for civil
transport aircraft. The software package can be downloaded, after registration, from
the GARTEUR project website hosted by NLR (www.faulttolerantcontrol
.nl). Any updates of the GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark, including documen-
tation and release notes, will be made available via the website.

2 System Requirements
The GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark was designed to run under Matlab R

and Simulink 5.1 as part of Release 13/Service Pack 1 (R13SP1). This means that
the benchmark model can also be used with higher versions of Matlab R
/Simulink R
To install and operate the benchmark model, any PC that complies with the mini-
mum hardware requirements to properly run Matlab R
is suitable. The
website of The Mathworks ( provides further details on
the hardware requirements to install and run Matlab R
The graphical visualisation capabilities of the GARTEUR RECOVER bench-
mark, especially the aircraft animation features, require at least a graphics card
that supports Direct3D. OpenGL compatible hardware acceleration is recommended
to improve the overall graphics quality and hardware performance of the RE-
COVER visualisation features. For customisation of the visualisation tool within
Matlab R
, specifically the inputs that drive the graphical displays, a C-
compiler needs to be installed. When running the benchmark within Matlab R
(Release 14) under Windows XP, the buttons of the benchmark main menu do not
display correctly. This graphics issue does not occur in Matlab R
6.5.1 (R13SP1)
and should be solved for later versions of Matlab 7.1 (R14).
The GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark was tested under Windows XP and Win-
dows VISTA. For the current version of the benchmark (version 2.2) no issues, other
then those mentioned in this guide, are known under these operating systems.

3 Installation and Initialisation

The GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark software package is distributed via the
GARTEUR project site hosted by NLR (
544 Appendix

After registration, the software can be downloaded as a packed ZIP archive. The
following steps are necessary to download and install the benchmark within the
Matlab R
6.5.1 (R13SP1) environment.
After registering, download the software package from the GARTEUR project
website (
Unzip the package into a temporary directory.
Copy the unzipped package into a suitable destination directory, preferably into
the Toolbox directory of Matlab R
. Make sure that the directory structure of
the unpacked package is retained.
Append the RECOVER benchmark directories to the Matlab R
path. The

Matlab references provide information on how to configure the path.
Change the Matlab R
directory to RECOVERv65. Datafiles generated by the
benchmark tools will be made available in the data directory.
The benchmark can be started by typing recover in the Matlab R
window which activates the main user menu. This will provide further steps to
start running any simulations or exploring the features and models of the RE-
COVER benchmark.
The benchmark can be uninstalled by deleting the directory RECOVERv65.
Please make sure that any backup copies are made of the user generated datafiles in
the data directory before deleting.

4 License Agreement
The GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark package is distributed with this book as a
collective work. The Matlab R
models of the benchmark are distributed
under the Open Software License (OSL) version 3 or later, whereas the benchmark
visualisation tool remains copyrighted by NLR (although freely distributable with
the RECOVER benchmark). The OSLv3 license allows the user of the software to
modify the models according to his or her own requirements and applications and
re-distribute the software to other users under the OSLv3 licensing terms and con-
ditions and NLR copyright. Any notices and text, including the attribution to the
original developers and the book, should remain in the software package and mod-
els. To facilitate the development or application by other users, developers that have
adapted the software are required to include an appropriate attribution notice in the
source code to inform new users that the original software has changed. The OSLv3
license is available in the file license.txt as part of the GARTEUR RECOVER
software package. Please take notice of the licensing terms and conditions before
using the software.

5 Model Structure
The aim of the following section is to provide an overview of the main model struc-
ture of the GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark. This can be used as a starting point
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 545

to further explore the model. Reference [2] provides information on all the submod-
els that comprise the generic aircraft simulation in the benchmark including input
and output formats of the individual generic simulation blocks.
The benchmark Matlab R
environment has been developed in a mod-
ular and layered structure using (masked) system blocks and subsystem blocks. In
this structure, each block has its specific input and ouput formats and signal defi-
nitions. When customising the RECOVER benchmark simulation for any particular
research application, it is important to maintain the model format and signal rela-
tionships as much as possible to prevent any inadvertent mismatches between the
many subsystems and library components. Due to the complexity of the GARTEUR
RECOVER benchmark model, it is recommended to always make use of a version
control method to track any changes or revert to a working version of the benchmark
if necessary.
Chapter 6 of this book provides an introduction to the model structure of the
benchmark and its components.

5.1 Model Architecture

The software architecture of the GARTEUR RECOVER simulation benchmark
(Fig. 1) comprises a combination of generic aircraft models and aircraft specific
modules including aerodynamics, flight control systems and propulsion systems.
For the RECOVER benchmark, the aerodynamic, flight control systems and propul-
sion model are representative of the Boeing 747-100/200 aircraft [5, 10]. Through
the graphical user interface, the user has access to the RECOVER benchmark simu-
lation and analysis tools (Section 6).

5.2 GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark Libraries

The GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark model consists of a combination of
Matlab R
scripts and Simulink R
block diagrams. The Simulink R
block diagrams
are built in a layered, modular structure consisting of subsystems with a fixed inter-
face definition between the block inputs and outputs ([2]). In order to ensure consis-
tency, the top-level models have been built from common blocks that are linked to
Simulink R
libraries. All blocks and libraries are contained in the root directory of
the benchmark called RECOVERv65 (extension v65 referring to Matlab R
6.5.1 (R13SP1)). The RECOVER benchmark libraries can be regarded as a central
repository of the main benchmark simulation models. All blocks in the benchmark
that are linked to a library are automatically updated by any changes of a library
block. As such, it is not recommended to change a library block in the benchmark
locally. However, if required, the linked blocks in the benchmark model can be
changed when the link to the library is disabled. This is accomplished by selecting
Disable Link in the Matlab R
message dialog window which appears as soon as the
user tries to change the block. In order to change a block in the library, it first needs
to be unlocked by selecting Unlock Library in the Matlab R
edit menu. It should
546 Appendix

Fig. 1 GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark software architecture and analysis tools relation-

be noted that any changes to the interface definitions of the models in the library
should be made carefully. This includes the names of the blocks as the library links
use the block names as a reference.
A basic library (B747 library.mdl) for the simulation of the B747-100/200
aircraft model in the benchmark, contains the basic aircraft, engine and actuator
models, complete with failure models (Fig. 2). For the GARTEUR RECOVER
benchmark, an additional library was developed (ag16 library.mdl), based on
the basic library, that contains the larger and more extensively modified submodels
out of which the top-level benchmark is built (Fig. 3). This extended library contains
models of the aircraft, the actuators, the sensors, the classic flight control system and
the benchmark failure generator.

5.3 GARTEUR RECOVER Model Components

The actual benchmark model (b747 auto g.mdl) is depicted in Fig. 4 and is
also described in Chapter 6. The airframe block is the combination of the aircraft
aerodynamic model, engines and actuators. It also contains the fault models and
the turbulence and wind models. The inputs to this block are twenty-six separately
controllable aerodynamic surfaces and four engine controls. The autoflight block
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 547

Fig. 2 GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark basic aircraft simulation library

(B747 library.mdl)

represents the implementation of the classic Boeing 747-100/200 autoflight system

based on [7]. This is the block that is to be replaced by any new fault tolerant con-
troller design and is intended as a working example of how the new controller is
supposed to fit into the aircraft. The classic autoflight system block consists in-
ternally of the B747-100/200 hydro-mechanical flight control system model (FCS),
which forms the inner control loop, and the autopilot and autothrottle systems which
together form the outer control loop.
An open-loop simulation model (b747 funpc d.mdl), enabling e.g. real-time
interactive engineer-in-the-loop simulations, is available as part of the benchmark
package (Fig. 5). It contains the same aircraft, engine, actuator model and failure
generator as found in the main benchmark model. The open-loop model is in a
functional form, i.e. it has explicit inputs (12) and outputs (140). The inputs of the
open-loop model consist of the pilots controls as found on the Boeing 747 aircraft.
The structure of this model is very similar to the model that is used for trimming
(b747 trim d.mdl).
To enable real-time engineer-in-the-loop simulations, a Simulink R
block (sf realtime), which emulates approximate real-time conditions, is included in
the top level of the open-loop model. An additional block library in the RECOVER
root directory (Stick interface library.mdl) provides a Simulink R
manipulator block to interface with the pilot control inputs of the open-loop model.
548 Appendix

Fig. 3 GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark component library (ag16 library.mdl)

Fig. 4 GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark main model components (b747 auto g.mdl)
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 549

Fig. 5 GARTEUR RECOVER functional model for open-loop simulation

(b747 funpc d.mdl)

Depending on the stick configuration, adaptation of the stick interface model by the
user might be necessary.
Fig. 6, shows the Simulink R
model structure at Level 5 of the benchmark
airframe block. This level shows the main layout of the RECOVER aircraft simu-
lation model consisting of the generic simulation models and aircraft specific mod-
ules. The aircraft specific modules (Airframe model (AFM) block and Engine frame
model (EFM) block indicated with a blue background) can be customised for any
particular aircraft taking into account the interface definitions of the blocks.
The blocks that are not specific for any aircraft and that are part of the generic
simulation models ([2]) are displayed with a white background. The generic simu-
lation blocks consist of:

The atmospheric and airdata parameters are calculated in this block. The equations
are compiled in a MEX-type Simulink R
S-function ac.atmos.mex.

In this block, the wind and gust velocities are calculated based on user-supplied
Simulink R
S-functions of wind and turbulence models. The benchmark simula-
tion uses zero wind and zero turbulence conditions by default. The block includes a
switching capability for the selection of a turbulence model based on Dryden spectra
550 Appendix

Fig. 6 GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark Simulink R

block diagram showing main aircraft
simulation model at Level 5 of the airframe system block

or a wind model that includes a wind profile based on meteorological data estimated
at the time of the Flight 1862 aircraft accident.

AFM block
In this block the forces and moments of both the aircraft aerodynamics and turbu-
lence are calculated. The aerodynamic forces and moments are determined from the
aircraft specific aerodynamic model.

EFM block
This block calculates the propulsion forces and moments based on the aircraft spe-
cific engine model.

This block calculates the components of the gravity force in the air-path, stability,
body and moving earth reference frames. The gravity force is calculated in the mov-
ing earth reference frame from the aircraft mass and the altitude varying gravity
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 551

FM SORT block
In this block all forces and moments calculated from the aerodynamic model, tur-
bulence model, propulsion model and gravity model are combined and added.

EQM block
This block includes the aircraft equations of motion and are solved resulting in the
aircraft states and their derivatives. In addition, the aerodynamic and total forces and
moments and their coefficients are corrected for the - and - contributions.

The observation parameters of the RECOVER benchmark are calculated in this
block. The parameters are arranged in several subgroups, calculated in subblocks,
consisting of accelerations, linear velocity time derivatives, flight-path related pa-
rameters and measurements outside the center of gravity. A complete list of the
benchmark observation output signal formats is provided in Section 8.

6 Using the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark

This section describes the structure and operation of the different (customisable)
GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark tools which can be accessed via the RECOVER
graphical user interface. A few user examples are provided demonstrating the proce-
dures to conduct a simulation under a particular aircraft condition, perform lineari-
sation of the non-linear aircraft model and utilise the aircraft visualisation features.

6.1 Main Menu

The GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark simulation and analysis tools can be ac-
cessed via a Matlab R
graphical user interface (Fig. 7). The benchmark main menu
can be started by typing recover in the Matlab R
command window. The user op-
tions in the menu are divided into three main sections allowing the user to perform
benchmark initialisation and simulations (Simulation) and run the analysis tools
(Analysis) including aircraft linearisation, plotting of simulation results and flight
control assessment criteria and aircraft visualisation. A help section on the main
menu (Reference) provides a quick reference for operation and customisation of the

6.1.1 Open-Loop Simulation

The Open-Loop Simulation button (Fig. 8) in the Simulation section of the bench-
mark main menu will activate the initialisation of an open-loop simulation of a
newly designed control algorithm. During initialisation, the calculation of a (user
specified) trim condition is performed, and a particular test scenario and aircraft
failure mode can be selected. Section 6.2 demonstrates the required steps to per-
form a typical open-loop simulation.
552 Appendix

Fig. 7 GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark graphical user interface

Fig. 8 Open-loop simulation initialisation button

6.1.2 Closed-Loop Simulation

The Closed-Loop Simulation button (Fig. 9) in the main menu activates the initiali-
sation of a closed-loop benchmark simulation. As with the initialisation of an open-
loop simulation, the calculation of a (user specified) trim condition is performed and
a particular test scenario and aircraft failure mode can be selected. It should be noted
that the closed-loop simulation is performed using preset test scenarios as specified
for the GARTEUR fault tolerant control benchmark (Chapter 6 and 7 of the book
provide details on the test scenario specifications based on predefined aircraft opera-
tional requirements). An example in Chapter 6 describes the initialisation procedure
to perform simulations using the closed-loop benchmark model.
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 553

Fig. 9 Closed-loop simulation initialisation button

6.1.3 Linearise Aircraft

For control law design purposes, the non-linear aircraft model can be linearised us-
ing a basic linearisation routine that is available as part of the RECOVER benchmark
tools. The linearisation routine allows a linear model with twelve states and 29 con-
trol inputs (25 control surfaces and 4 engines) to be obtained. In the current version
of the benchmark, the linearisation can only be done for the total non-linear model
perturbing all twelve states and 29 control inputs. Separation into a symmetric or
asymmetric linear model is an option reserved in the linearisation routine but is not
yet implemented. The user may refer to reference [2] for further customisation of
the benchmark linearisation routine.
To obtain a linearised model, a trimmed flight condition needs to be calculated via
the initialisation of a closed-loop or open-loop simulation. Fig. 10 and 11 illustrate
the calculation steps of an example trim condition (TESTlin4.tri).
When a trimmed flight condition is determined, the linearisation of the non-linear
aircraft model can be started by using the Linearise Aircraft button in the benchmark
main menu which activates the linearisation procedure (Fig. 12).
The matrices of the calculated linear model, which is given in state-space form,
are available as the variables Alin, Blin, Clin, Dlin in the Matlab R

workspace. Note that the variable Alin is in radians but all control surface de-
flections (except for thrust which is in Newtons) in the matrix variable Blin are in
degrees. For the purpose of designing a controller, it might be better to convert the
Blin matrix back to radians (this can be done by multiplying the columns of Blin ,
associated with the control surface deflections, with 180/ ).
The ordering of the states xlin and the control surfaces ulin of the total linear
model described by the matrices Alin and Blin are as indicated in equation (1).
The spoilers #6 and #7 are ground spoilers and are not used during flight. The
10th and 11th columns associated with these control surfaces can therefore be ne-
glected during design. Also note that the number of columns of the Blin matrix
is 29. The 30th column is associated with the landing gear and has not been in-
cluded in the linear model. An example linear model can be accessed through the
file TESTlin4.lin, available in the benchmark data folder, using the command
load -mat TESTlin4.lin in the Matlab R
554 Appendix

Fig. 10 Initialisation of benchmark trim conditions

Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 555

Fig. 11 Calculation of benchmark trim condition

556 Appendix

Fig. 12 Initialisation and calculation of linearised benchmark model (total model)

Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 557

Total model:

xlin = pb qb rb VTAS he xe ye


ulin = air ail aor aol sp112 eir eil eor eol ih ru rl f o f i TN

After the completion of the steps in Fig. 12, the quality of the linearisation routine
can be evaluated by comparing the states (around the trimmed flight condition) be-
tween the linear and non-linear model using small actuator deflections. This is done
by running the Simulink R
model called b747 auto g LINcheck.mdl and the
plotting routine plotBENCHMARKtestLINandNL.m. The user needs to make
a selection of the actuator to be used as perturbation input for the comparison de-
pending on which axis is to be tested (e.g. to test the quality of the lateral axis,
1.5deg of right aileron and -1.5deg of left aileron can be used). Any control input
for a particular actuator to excite the linear model can be defined in the airframe for
LINEAR comparison test block within the model b747 auto g LINcheck.mdl.
Fig. 13, 14 and 15 show example plot results allowing the comparison of the lin-
earised model (TESTlin4.lin) and the non-linear model after a spoiler

Fig. 13 Plots showing actuator deflections (spoilers deflected 1.5 degrees at t=1s) for com-
parison of linearised model (TESTlin4.lin) and non-linear model
558 Appendix

Fig. 14 Plots showing longitudinal states for comparison of linearised model

(TESTlin4.lin) and non-linear model (NL: non-linear model, lin: linear model)

Fig. 15 Plots showing lateral states for comparison of linearised model (TESTlin4.lin)
and non-linear model (NL: non-linear model, lin: linear model)
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 559

deflection input of 1.5 degrees. The aircraft states are given in radians while alti-
tude (he ) and ground distance (xe ) are given in meters.

6.1.4 Plot Simulation Results

The Plot Simulation Results button (Fig. 16) activates the plotting function of the
benchmark following a closed-loop or open-loop simulation. The plot function,
called via the script plot sim.m, generates additional time responses of the air-
craft including the aircraft states, pilot control deflections and specific forces. Ex-
ample aircraft simulation responses obtained by the plot function are illustrated in
the user examples (Chapter 6 and paragraph 6.2).

6.1.5 Show Assessment Criteria

Following a simulation (open-loop, closed-loop or via manually controlled inputs
in the open-loop functional model (Fig. 5)), the performance of the designed fault

Fig. 16 Simulation time responses activation button

Fig. 17 Benchmark assessment criteria activation button

560 Appendix

Fig. 18 Benchmark assessment criteria plots for Right Turn and Localiser Intercept phase
showing aircraft states with evaluation criteria

tolerant control algorithms can be evaluated using the benchmark assessment crite-
ria. The assessment criteria are provided as plots for each phase of the benchmark
scenario (Chapter 6) and can be generated using the Show Assessment Criteria but-
ton (Fig. 17) after a simulation. Fig. 18, 19 and 20 show example plots for the Right
Turn and Localiser Intercept phase of the benchmark scenario. Chapters 6 and 7
provide further details on the benchmark scenario specifications and definition of
the assessment criteria parameters as used in the plots.

6.1.6 RECOVER Visualisation

The GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark aircraft visualisation and animation tool
(Fig. 22) provides a high-resolution visualisation of the benchmarks approach and
landing scenario and flight trajectory. The RECOVER visualisation tool is specifi-
cally aimed to support interactive (real-time) fault tolerant flight control design and
evaluation for civil transport aircraft. The visualisation features include graphic ren-
ditions of the aircraft, cockpit flight instrumentation and aircraft geographic environ-
ment (Amsterdam Schiphol airport and surroundings). The RECOVER interactive
simulation and visualisation window can be activated via the RECOVER Visualisa-
tion button following initialisation of an open-loop or closed-loop simulation.
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 561

Fig. 19 Benchmark assessment criteria plots for Right Turn and Localiser Intercept phase
showing kinematic accelerations in body axes with evaluation criteria

(a) Horizontal trajectory (b) Vertical trajectory

Fig. 20 Aircraft trajectory plots for Right Turn and Localiser Intercept phase
562 Appendix

Fig. 21 Interactive simulation and visualisation activation button

Fig. 22 GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark interactive simulation and visualisation window

showing aircraft model with separated right-wing engines (Flight 1862 accident scenario)

A graphical pilot interface shows the basic flight instrumentation based on spec-
ifications of the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) displays as found on
the B747-400 aircraft. The RECOVER EFIS displays are configured to show the
primary aircraft state parameters, flight control system state and engine thrust pa-
rameters. Additional features on the displays, not found on the standard B747-400
instrumentation, are included to assess the human-machine interfacing (HMI) as-
pects of new fault tolerant flight control algorithms. For these design applications,
the RECOVER benchmark primary flight display (PFD) has the capability to dis-
play, for instance, the aircrafts bank, pitch and airspeed envelope protection limits
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 563

as calculated by a new self-adaptive control system. The lower display (Engine In-
dicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) display) shows the engine parameters,
using Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR) as the main thrust setting reference, inboard
trailing edge flap position and landing gear status. Additional aircraft state informa-
tion on the EICAS display includes angle-of-attack, sideslip and load factor. The
EICAS display also enables monitoring of the activity of the flight control system
and control law performance by presenting all individual control surface deflec-
tions. A basic 3D aircraft model, representing the B747-100/200 aircraft, and the
aircrafts reconstructed flight path in the out-the-window view allows analysis of
the flight trajectory and maneuvers.
The following features of the interactive simulation window can be controlled by
keyboard and mouse:
shift -W: switch to aircraft view mode
shift -A: switch to cockpit view mode
shift -C: Activate free viewing (aircraft view mode)
P: Activate/deactivate aircraft flight path (aircraft view mode)
Left mouse/touch pad button: zoom out (aircraft view mode)
Right mouse/touch pad button: zoom in (aircraft view mode)
Mouse or touchpad: Move viewpoint (aircraft view mode)
Fig. 23 shows the information available on the RECOVER benchmark primary
flight display.
Fig. 24 provides a description of the parameters that are available on the RE-
COVER benchmark EICAS display.
For a realistic visualisation of the benchmark scenario, the RECOVER visuali-
sation tool includes a high-resolution geographic rendition of the Amsterdam area
including a detailed layout of the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport runway configura-
tions (Fig. 25). Currently, only runway 27 is configured with an instrument landing
system (ILS) as part of the GARTEUR benchmark scenario. However, further cus-
tomisation of the airport approach and landing aids is possible within the benchmark
model (e.g. an extension of ILS availability).
The aircrafts flight trajectory can be visualised by pressing P before starting, or
during, a (real-time) simulation. Fig. 26 and Fig. 27 illustrate the flight path visu-
alisation capability in the RECOVER out-the-window view (free viewing mode),
following a simulation of a landing test scenario and in-flight maneuver.
Although not part of the GARTEUR benchmark scenario, runway 06 of the
Schiphol airport scenery is equipped with approach lighting and a visual approach
slope indicator (VASI) (Fig. 28 and 29) to replicate the pilots viewpoint during a
typical approach and landing test scenario under visual meteorological conditions
All parameters presented on the RECOVER flight instrumentation displays and
controlling the out-the-window view are available as inputs via a Simulink R
terface in the output & visualisation block (top system level). The RE-
COVER visualisation window input variables, including the signal element number,
variable name, dimension and description are summarised in Tables 1 and 2.
564 Appendix

Fig. 23 GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark primary flight display (PFD) elements

1 ILS DME distance 12 Flight director

2 Pitch envelope limit 13 Localiser indicator
3 Radio altitude 14 Selected heading
4 Selected altitude 15 Magnetic heading
5 Bank angle envelope limit 16 ILS course
6 Altitude 17 Minimum speed (red) and mini-
mum maneuvering speed (yellow)
7 Vertical speed 18 Attitude indicator
8 Selected altitude 19 Indicated airspeed
9 Vertical speed 20 Selected airspeed
10 Atmospheric pressure (QNH) 21 Maximum speed (red) and maxi-
mum maneuvering speed (yellow)
11 Glideslope indicator 22 Selected airspeed
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 565

Fig. 24 GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark engine indicating and crew alerting system
(EICAS) display elements

1 Total air temperature 7 Right inboard and outboard elevator

2 Landing gear indicator 8 Stabiliser position
3 Commanded and actual inboard 9 Left-wing spoilers #1 to #6 position
trailing edge flap position
4 Angle-of-attack (ALFA), sideslip 10 Left-wing inboard and outboard
(BETA) and load factor (GLOAD) aileron position
5 Right-wing inboard and outboard 11 Upper and lower rudder position
aileron position
6 Right-wing spoilers #7 to #12 posi- 12 Engine pressure ratio (EPR) and
tion maximum EPR
566 Appendix

Fig. 25 GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark geographical rendition of Amsterdam Schiphol

airport and runway configurations and dimensions
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 567

Fig. 26 Aircraft flight path visualisation during approach and landing test scenario

Fig. 27 In-flight maneuver visualisation in free viewing mode

568 Appendix

Fig. 28 Amsterdam Schiphol runway 06 visual landing aids and ground textures

Fig. 29 Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI)

Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 569

Table 1 Aircraft state and navigation input variables for the GARTEUR RECOVER bench-
mark visualisation tool (output & visualisation block)

Input Variable Dimension Description

1 TIMERUN s Simulation time
2 VCAS knots Calibrated airspeed
3 VSEL knots Selected airspeed
4 VGND knots Ground speed
5 Reserved input
6 MACH Mach number
7 MACHSEL Selected Mach number
8 VSELKTS 1=VSEL / Selected speed mode
9 VS feet/min Vertical speed
10 VSSEL feet/min Selected vertical speed
11 VSSELSET 1=on / 0=off Show selected vertical speed
12 VMAX knots Maximum airspeed
13 VSTALL knots Stall speed
14 WHEELSONGND 1=ground / Wheels on ground
15 PHI deg Bank angle
16 PHILIM deg Bank angle envelope limit
17 THETA deg Pitch angle
18 THETALIM deg Pitch angle envelope limit
19 PSIM deg Magnetic heading angle
20 PSI deg True heading angle
21 PSISEL deg Selected heading angle
22 GHIM deg Magnetic track angle
23 GHI deg True track angle
24 MAGVAR rad Magnetic variation
25 ALFA deg Angle-of-attack
26 BETA deg Sideslip angle
27 ALTBAROL feet Baro-corrected altitude
28 ALTSEL feet Selected altitude
29 ALTGND feet Radio altitude
30 FDSETL 1=on / 0=off Show flight director
31 Reserved input
32 FDTHETACOM deg Flight director pitch command
33 FDPHICOM deg Flight director roll command
34 ILSDMEL NM DME distance ILS
35 ILSCOURSEL deg ILS course
36 LOCDEVL dot ILS localiser deviation
37 GLSDEVL dot ILS glide slope deviation
38 LOCSHOWL 1=on / 0=off Show localiser deviation
39 GLSSHOWL 1=on / 0=off Show glideslope deviation
40 ACLATR rad Aircraft latitude
41 ACLONR rad Aircraft longitude
42 Reserved input
43 Reserved input
44 Reserved input
45 Reserved input
46 Reserved input
47 Reserved input
48 Reserved input
49 Reserved input
50 Reserved input
51 STATICTEMP K Static air temperature
52 Reserved input
53 GSTATUS g Load factor
570 Appendix

Table 2 Flight control system and engine state input variables for the GARTEUR RECOVER
benchmark visualisation tool (output & visualisation block)

Input Variable Dimension Description

54 EPR Engine pressure ratio #1
55 EPR Engine pressure ratio #2
56 EPR Engine pressure ratio #3
57 EPR Engine pressure ratio #4
58 EPRMAX Maximum engine pressure ratio
59 Reserved input
60 Reserved input
61 PITCHTRIM deg Stabiliser trim angle
62 DGEAR 1=down / 0=up Landing gear selection
63 Reserved input
64 DFLAP deg Flap angle (inboard flaps)
65 DFLAPCOM deg Demanded flap angle
66 AILLINBOARD deg Left inboard aileron deflection
67 AILRINBOARD deg Right inboard aileron deflection
68 AILLOUTBOARD deg Left outboard aileron deflection
69 AILROUTBOARD deg Right outboard aileron deflection
70 ELEVLEFT deg Left inboard elevator deflection
71 ELEVRIGHT deg Right inboard elevator deflection
72 ELEVLEFT2 deg Left outboard elevator deflection
73 ELEVLEFT2 deg Right outboard elevator deflec-
74 DRUDDER deg Upper rudder deflection
75 DRUDDER2 deg Lower rudder deflection
76 SPOILLEFT1 deg Spoiler #6 deflection
77 SPOILLEFT2 deg Spoiler #5 deflection
78 SPOILLEFT3 deg Spoiler #4 deflection
79 SPOILLEFT4 deg Spoiler #3 deflection
80 SPOILLEFT5 deg Spoiler #2 deflection
81 SPOILLEFT6 deg Spoiler #1 deflection
82 SPOILRIGHT1 deg Spoiler #7 deflection
83 SPOILRIGHT2 deg Spoiler #8 deflection
84 SPOILRIGHT3 deg Spoiler #9 deflection
85 SPOILRIGHT4 deg Spoiler #10 deflection
86 SPOILRIGHT5 deg Spoiler #11 deflection
87 SPOILRIGHT6 deg Spoiler #12 deflection
88 LEXPSW3 1=engine #3 Switch to remove engine #3 from
separated/ 0=en- 3D model (Flight 1862 accident
gine #3 not scenario)
88 LEXPSW4 1=engine #4 Switch to remove engine #4 from
separated/ 0=en- 3D model (Flight 1862 accident
gine #4 not scenario)
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 571

6.1.7 Help RECOVER

The Help RECOVER button (Fig. 30) provides a quick reference guide to start using
and customising the RECOVER benchmark.

Fig. 30 Benchmark help button providing access to quick reference guide

6.2 User Example

In this section, the required steps for a typical open-loop simulation within the GAR-
TEUR RECOVER benchmark (b747 funpc d.mdl) are demonstrated for the in-
vestigation of the aircraft behaviour under the influence of failures. As an example
failure mode, the loss of the vertical tail (Chapter 6) is simulated, which makes the
aircraft unstable in roll and yaw and also removes the rudder control. Chapter 6
of the book describes a user example to conduct a simulation with the closed-loop
model involving the separation of both right-wing engines (Flight 1862 accident
scenario). The Matlab R
command line scripts are set up to give reasonable default
values for all questions during initialisation of the simulation. The user may enter
the correct data if he wants to deviate from the default values. The user input prompt
is indicated by a semicolon during initialisation.

Fig. 31: After selecting Open-Loop Simulation in the main menu, the open-loop
initialisation is started in the Matlab
command window and the first step is to
define the failure model. For this example, the loss of vertical tail failure case is
chosen (failure mode #9). The aircraft configuration may then be entered including
the weight and balance of the aircraft and initial values for the pilot control inputs
used for trimming. For the initial trim values of the controls, it is usually sufficient
to accept the default values here. For this example, the aircraft is setup in the stan-
dard condition (clean configuration, he =2000ft, VTAS =260kts).

Fig. 32: The next step is to choose the flight condition. The straight-and-level trim
condition is chosen and the flight path angle and rate of climb are set at the default
values. This sets up the trim routine.

Fig. 33: The program continues with the start of the optimisation to determine the
trim condition. For trimming, the b747 trim d.mdl model is used. The trim rou-
tine runs and gives a trim result in terms of stabiliser deflection and thrust. If the
trim results are acceptable, the required EPR setting is derived from the thrust in the
next step.
572 Appendix

Fig. 31 Selection of failure mode and aircraft configuration

Fig. 34: After the trim condition is calculated, the user is first asked to define a test
input signal for an open-loop simulation. Note that the test signals are applied to the
pilot control inputs and not to the separate control surfaces. The simulation is then
performed using the open-loop model b747 funpc d.mdl. Any saved inputs and
outputs are located in the data subdirectory.
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 573

Fig. 32 Selection of flight condition

Finally, a few time responses can be made to show the results. These plots are
generated by the plot sim script. Fig. 35 shows the plotted simulation results of
the aircraft states following an aileron doublet at t=2s . As can be seen in the plots,
the aircraft with missing tail becomes unstable in the lateral axis after the aileron
doublet at t=2s. The pilot control inputs are shown in Fig. 36. The calculated specific
forces are also plotted and are shown in Fig. 37. The effect of the loss of directional
stability due to the missing vertical tail is clearly visible in the lateral acceleration
(Ayb ) response.

7 Aircraft and Flight Control System Specifications

Fig. 38 and Table 3 provide aircraft operational data and geometric dimensions
for both the B747-100/200 and B747-200F (freighter version) as simulated in the
benchmark. The B747-100/200 flight control system characteristics, including ar-
rangements and operating limitations, are illustrated in Fig. 39 and Table 4. For the
benchmark simulation, the B747-100/200 hydraulic and flight control system spec-
ifications were taken from [5, 10].

8 Signal Formats
This section provides a reference on the signal formats and observation outputs as
available in the top system level (Level 1) of the closed-loop (b747 auto g.mdl)
and open-loop (b747 funpc d.mdl) benchmark models. For all signal formats,
the signal number, name, symbol, dimension and a description are provided. The
GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark observation outputs follow the signal formats
as described in reference [2].
574 Appendix

Fig. 33 Optimisation and trim routine results

Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 575

Fig. 34 Test input signal definition for open-loop simulation (b747 funpc d.mdl)
576 Appendix

Fig. 35 Aircraft state response after an aileron doublet at t=2s with open-loop benchmark
model (b747 funpc d.mdl) and loss of vertical tail failure mode

Fig. 36 Pilot control inputs showing aileron doublet as test signal at t=2s
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 577

Fig. 37 Aircraft specific forces in body axes after an aileron doublet at t=2s with open-loop
model (b747 funpc d.mdl) and loss of vertical tail failure mode

Fig. 38 Boeing 747-100/200 large transport aircraft

578 Appendix

Table 3 B747-100/200 series operational data and geometric dimensions

B747-100/200 B747-200F (Freighter)

Wing area 511 m2 511 m2
Wing mean aerodynamic chord (MAC) 8.324 m 8.324 m
Wing span 59.65 m 59.65 m
Length overall 70.66 m 70.66 m
Height overall 19.33 m 19.33 m
Engines Pratt & Whitney JT9D-3 Pratt & Whitney JT9D-
Takeoff thrust rating (standard day / sea 193 kN (43,500 lb st) 222 kN (50,000 lb st)
Maximum takeoff weight 321,995 kg (710,000 lb) 377,842 kg (833,000 lb)
Maximum landing weight 255,782 kg (564,000 lb) 285,763 kg (630,000 lb)
Maximum zero fuel weight 238,776 kg (526,500 lb) 267,619 kg (590,000 lb)
Load factor range flaps up -1.0/+2.5 -1.0/+2.5
Load factor range flaps down 0/+2 0/+2

Fig. 39 Boeing 747-100/200 flight control surface arrangements and body axes and moment
definitions (L = rolling moment, M = pitching moment, N = yawing moment, p = roll rate,
q = pitch rate, r = yaw rate)
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 579

Table 4 B747-100/200 flight control surface operating limits (positive sign: surface deflec-
tion down / spoiler panel up)
Control surface Symbol Mechanical Two hydraulic sys- One hydraulic sys-
limit (deg) tem rate (Full boost, tem rate (Half boost,
deg/sec) deg/sec)
Inboard elevator ei +17/-23 +37/-37 +30/-26
Outboard elevator eo +17/-23 +37/-37 +30/-26
Stabiliser ih +3/-12 +/-0.2 to +/-0.5 +/-0.1 to +/-0.25
Inboard aileron ai +20/-20 +40/-45 +27/-35
Outboard aileron ao +15/-25 +45/-55 +22/-45
Spoilers #1 - #4 sp14 +45 +75 0
Spoilers #9 - #12 sp912 +45 +75 0
Spoilers #5, #8 sp5 , sp8 +20 +75 0
Spoilers #6, #7 sp6 , sp7 +20 +25 0
Upper rudder ru +25/-25 +50/-50 +40/-40
Lower rudder rl +25/-25 +50/-50 +40/-40

Table 5 Aircraft states (x)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description
1 pbody pb rad/s roll rate about body X-axis
2 qbody qb rad/s pitch rate about body Y -axis
3 rbody rb rad/s yaw rate about body Z-axis
4 VTAS VTAS m/s true airspeed
5 alpha rad angle of attack
6 beta rad angle of sideslip
7 phi rad roll angle
8 theta rad pitch angle
9 psi rad yaw angle
10 he he m geometric altitude
11 xe xe m horizontal position along earth X-axis
12 ye ye m horizontal position along earth Y -axis

Table 6 Aircraft state derivatives (xdot)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description

13 pbdot pb rad/s2 roll acceleration about body X-axis
14 qbdot qb rad/s2 pitch acceleration about body Y -axis
15 rbdot rb rad/s2 yaw acceleration about body Z-axis
16 VTASdot VTAS m/s2 time derivative of true airspeed
17 alphadot rad/s angle of attack rate
18 betadot rad/s angle of sideslip rate
19 phidot rad/s roll attitude rate
20 thetadot rad/s pitch attitude rate
21 psidot rad/s heading rate
22 hedot he m/s geometric altitude rate
23 xedot xe m/s horizontal ground speed along earth X-
24 yedot ye m/s horizontal ground speed along earth Y -
580 Appendix

Table 7 Airdata parameters (yair)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description

25 pstat pa N/m2 ambient pressure
26 rho kg/m3 air density
27 temp T K ambient temperature
28 grav g m/s2 acceleration of gravity
29 hpress hp m pressure altitude
30 hradio hR m radio altitude
31 Hgeopot H m geopotential altitude
32 Vsound Vsound m/s speed of sound
33 Mach M Mach number
34 qdyn q N/m2 dynamic pressure
35 Reynl Re Reynolds number per unit length
36 qc qc N/m2 impact pressure
37 qrel qrel relative impact pressure
38 ptot pt N/m2 total pressure
39 temptot Tt K total temperature
40 VEAS VEAS m/s equivalent airspeed
41 VCAS VCAS m/s calibrated airspeed
42 VIAS VIAS m/s indicated airspeed
43 uwindb uwb m/s wind velocity along body X-axis
44 vwindb vwb m/s wind velocity along body Y -axis
45 wwindb wwb m/s wind velocity along body Z-axis
46 uwinde uwe m/s wind velocity along earth X-axis
47 vwinde vwe m/s wind velocity along earth Y -axis
48 wwinde wwe m/s wind velocity along earth Z-axis
49 ug ug dimensionless gust velocity along nega-
tive body X-axis
50 alphag g rad gust angle of attack
51 betag g rad gust angle of sideslip
52 ugdot ug 1/s dimensionless gust velocity derivative
along negative body X-axis
53 alphagdot g rad/s gust angle of attack rate
54 betagdot g rad/s gust angle of sideslip rate
55 ugasym ugasym dimensionless gust velocity along nega-
tive body X-axis, varying along wingspan
56 alphagasym gasym rad gust angle of attack, varying along
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 581

Table 8 Acceleration parameters (yacc)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description

57 axb axb g acceleration at c.g. along body X-axis
58 ayb ayb g acceleration at c.g. along body Y -axis
59 azb azb g acceleration at c.g. along body Z-axis
60 anxb anxb g accelerometer output at c.g. along body X-
61 anyb anyb g accelerometer output at c.g. along body Y -
62 anzb anzb g accelerometer output at c.g. along body Z-
63 anxa anxa g accelerometer output at c.g. along airpath
64 anya anya g accelerometer output at c.g. along airpath
Y -axis
65 anza anza g accelerometer output at c.g. along airpath
66 anxib anx,ib g accelerometer output at (x, y, z)iacc along
body X-axis
67 anyib any,ib g accelerometer output at (x, y, z)iacc along
body Y -axis
68 anzib anz,ib g accelerometer output at (x, y, z)iacc along
body Z-axis
69 anb anb g normal acceleration at c.g.
70 anib an,ib g normal acceleration at (x, y, z)iacc
71 n n g load factor

Table 9 Flight path related parameters (yfp)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description

72 gamma rad flight path angle
73 chi rad azimuth angle
74 gammadot rad/s flight path angle rate
75 chidot rad/s azimuth angle rate
76 heacc he m/s2 vertical acceleration
77 fpacc f pa m/s2 flight path acceleration

Table 10 Energy related terms (ys)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description

78 Espec Es m specific energy
79 Pspec Ps m/s specific power
582 Appendix

Table 11 Aerodynamic forces and moments (yFMaero)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description

80 Tbody Tb N aerodynamic tangential force in body ref-
erence frame
81 Ybody Yb N aerodynamic sideforce coefficient in body
reference frame
82 Nbody Nb N aerodynamic normal force in body refer-
ence frame
83 MXbody Lb Nm aerodynamic rolling moment in body ref-
erence frame
84 MYbody Mb Nm aerodynamic pitching moment in body
reference frame
85 MZbody Nb Nm aerodynamic yawing moment in body ref-
erence frame

Table 12 Forces and moments due to turbulence (yFMgust)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description

86 Tgbody Tgb N tangential force due to turbulence in body
reference frame
87 Ygbody Ygb N sideforce coefficient due to turbulence in
body reference frame
88 Ngbody Ngb N normal force due to turbulence in body
reference frame
89 MXgbody Lgb Nm rolling moment due to turbulence in body
reference frame
90 MYgbody Mgb Nm pitching moment due to turbulence in
body reference frame
91 MZgbody N gb Nm yawing moment due to turbulence in body
reference frame

Table 13 Propulsion forces and moments (yFMt)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description

92 Ttbody Ttb N propulsion tangential force in body refer-
ence frame
93 Ytbody Ytb N propulsion sideforce coefficient in body
reference frame
94 Ntbody Ntb N propulsion normal force in body reference
95 MXtbody Ltb Nm propulsion rolling moment in body refer-
ence frame
96 MYtbody Mtb Nm propulsion pitching moment in body ref-
erence frame
97 MZtbody N tb Nm propulsion yawing moment in body refer-
ence frame
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 583

Table 14 Aerodynamic force and moment coefficients (yCaero)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description

98 CDair CDa aerodynamic drag coefficient in airpath
reference frame
99 CYair CYa aerodynamic sideforce coefficient in air-
path reference frame
100 CLair CLa aerodynamic lift coefficient in airpath ref-
erence frame
101 CLLair Ca aerodynamic rolling moment coefficient
in airpath reference frame
102 CMair Cma aerodynamic pitching moment coefficient
in airpath reference frame
103 CNNair Cna aerodynamic yawing moment coefficient
in airpath reference frame
104 CDstab CDs aerodynamic drag coefficient in stability
reference frame
105 CYstab CYs aerodynamic sideforce coefficient in sta-
bility reference frame
106 CLstab CLs aerodynamic lift coefficient in stability
reference frame
107 CLLstab Cs aerodynamic rolling moment coefficient
in stability reference frame
108 CMstab Cms aerodynamic pitching moment coefficient
in stability reference frame
109 CNNstab Cns aerodynamic yawing moment coefficient
in stability reference frame
110 CTbody CTb aerodynamic tangential force coefficient
in body reference frame
111 CYbody CYb aerodynamic sideforce coefficient in body
reference frame
112 CNbody CNb aerodynamic normal force coefficient in
body reference frame
113 CLLbody Cb aerodynamic rolling moment coefficient
in body reference frame
114 CMbody Cmb aerodynamic pitching moment coefficient
in body reference frame
115 CNNbody Cnb aerodynamic yawing moment coefficient
in body reference frame
584 Appendix

Table 15 Control surfaces (uc)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description

116 delta air air rad right inboard aileron deflection
117 delta ail ail rad left inboard aileron deflection
118 delta aor aor rad right outboard aileron deflection
119 delta aol aol rad left outboard aileron deflection
120 delta sp1 sp1 rad spoiler #1 deflection
121 delta sp2 sp2 rad spoiler #2 deflection
122 delta sp3 sp3 rad spoiler #3 deflection
123 delta sp4 sp4 rad spoiler #4 deflection
124 delta sp5 sp5 rad spoiler #5 deflection
125 delta sp6 sp6 rad spoiler #6 deflection
126 delta sp7 sp7 rad spoiler #7 deflection
127 delta sp8 sp8 rad spoiler #8 deflection
128 delta sp9 sp9 rad spoiler #9 deflection
129 delta sp10 sp10 rad spoiler #10 deflection
130 delta sp11 sp11 rad spoiler #11 deflection
131 delta sp12 sp12 rad spoiler #12 deflection
132 delta eir eir rad right inboard elevator deflection
133 delta eil eil rad left inboard elevator deflection
134 delta eor eor rad right outboard elevator deflection
135 delta eol eol rad left outboard elevator deflection
136 ih ih rad stabiliser deflection
137 delta ru ru rad upper rudder deflection
138 delta rl rl rad lower rudder deflection
139 delta fo fo rad outboard trailing edge flaps deflection
140 delta fi fi rad inboard trailing edge flaps deflection

Table 16 Pilot control inputs (top level open-loop model b747 funpc d.mdl)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description

1 delta c c rad control column position (+12.67deg/-
2 delta w w rad control wheel position (+88deg/-88deg)
3 delta p p rad rudder pedal position (+14deg/-14deg)
4 delta stab stab rad stabiliser handle position (0-15 units)
5 delta sbh sbh rad speedbrake handle position (0-37deg in-
flight detent)
6 delta fh fh rad flap handle position (0-30 detent)
7 EPR1 EPR1 EPR engine #1 (0.94-1.62 (Flight 1862
8 EPR2 EPR2 EPR engine #2 (0.94-1.62 (Flight 1862
9 EPR3 EPR3 EPR engine #3 (0.94-1.62 (Flight 1862
10 EPR4 EPR4 EPR engine #4 (0.94-1.62 (Flight 1862
11 gear gear 0/1 gear handle position
Getting Started with the GARTEUR RECOVER Benchmark 585

Table 17 Instrument landing system (ILS) parameters (Standard Sensors block)

No. Name Symbol Dimension Description

1 GSdev GSdev rad glideslope deviation
2 DME DME m distance to runway threshold
3 GSvalid GSvalid 0/1 glideslope signal valid
4 LOCdev LOCdev rad localiser deviation
5 LOCvalid LOCvalid 0/1 localiser signal valid

9 Contributors
The following persons and organisations contributed to the development of the

Coen van der Linden (Delft University of Technology)

Hafid Smaili (National Aerospace Laboratory NLR)
Jan Breeman (National Aerospace Laboratory NLR)
Jaap Groeneweg (National Aerospace Laboratory NLR)
Ronald Verhoeven (National Aerospace Laboratory NLR)
Thomas Lombaerts (Delft University of Technology)
Andres Marcos (Deimos Space)
Gary Balas (University of Minnesota)
Chris Edwards (University of Leicester)
Halim Alwi (University of Leicester)
David Breeds (QinetiQ)
Stuart Runham (DSTL)

Contact information, organisation details and links can be found on the GAR-
TEUR project site

1. GARTEUR. GARTEUR RECOVER benchmark quickstart guide, GARTEUR Flight
Mechanics Action Group 16 Fault Tolerant Control (2009)
2. van der Linden, C.A.A.M.: DASMAT- Delft University Aircraft Simulation Model and
Analysis Tool. Report LR-781, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Aerospace
Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands (1996)
3. Smaili, M.H.: Flight data reconstruction and simulation of El Al Flight 1862. Final thesis,
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft, The Nether-
lands (1997)
4. Smaili, M.H., Mulder, J.A.: Flight data reconstruction and simulation of the 1992 Ams-
terdam Bijlmermeer airplane accident. In: AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies
Conference and Exhibit, AIAA-2000-4586, Denver, CO (August 2000)
5. Hanke, C.R.: The simulation of a large transport aircraft. Modeling data, vol. II. NASA
CR-114494 (September 1970)
586 Appendix

6. Hanke, C.R.: The simulation of a large transport aircraft. Mathematical model, vol. I.
NASA CR-1756 (March 1971)
7. van Keulen, R.: Real-time simulation and analysis of the automatic flight control sys-
tem of the Boeing 747-200. Final thesis, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of
Aerospace Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands (1991)
8. Marcos, A., Balas, G.J.: A Boeing 747-100/200 aircraft fault tolerant and fault diagnostic
benchmark. Technical Report AEM-UoM-2003-1, University of Minnesota, Minnesota
(June 2003)
9. EL AL Flight 1862, aircraft accident report 92-11. Netherlands Aviation Safety Board,
Hoofddorp, The Netherlands (1994)
10. Boeing 747 Aircraft Operations Manual (1976)
11. Stevens, B.L., Lewis, F.L.: Aircraft control and simulation. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New
York (1992)
12. Etkin, B., Reid, L.D.: Dynamics of flight - stability and control, 3rd edn. Wiley, New
York (1996)
13. Matlab getting started guide. Version 6.5 (Release 13) or later. The Mathworks Inc.,
Natick, MA (USA)
14. Simulink users guide. Version 5.1 (Release 13SP1) or later. The Mathworks Inc., Natick,
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences
Edited by M. Thoma, F. Allgwer, M. Morari
Further volumes of this series can be found on our homepage:

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