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A dissertation submitted to the

Kent State University Graduate School
of Education, Health and Human Services
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


Beverly M. Reed

December 2007
© Copyright by Beverly M. Reed 2007
All Rights Reserved

A dissertation written by

Beverly M. Reed

B.A., John Carroll University, 1975

M.A., John Carroll University, 1979

Ph.D., Kent State University, 2007

Approved by

___________________________________ Co-Director, Doctoral

Ed Dubinsky Dissertation Committee

___________________________________ Co-Director, Doctoral

Michael Mikusa Dissertation Committee

___________________________________ Members, Doctoral Dissertation Committee

Austin Melton

Anne Reynolds

Accepted by

__________________________________, Interim Chairperson, Department of

David Keller Teaching, Leadership, and Curriculum

__________________________________, Interim Dean, College and Graduate School

Donald L. Bubenzer of Education, Health, and Human Services



Co-Directors of Dissertation: Ed Dubinsky, Ph.D.

Michael Mikusa, Ph.D.

The purpose of this study was to examine the mathematical learning that occurred

when students studied the history of a mathematical concept. In particular, the focus was

on the concept of function. Students experienced an in-depth study of the history of

functions during a 5-week unit in the junior-senior level History of Mathematics course.

They completed a series of worksheets, readings, and problems.

The research methodology was a teaching experiment and the framework for

analysis of data was APOS (Action, Process, Object, Schema) Theory. All 17 students

enrolled in the course completed an extensive initial questionnaire and 6 were selected to

participate in an in-depth interview to reveal their understanding of the function concept.

During the unit, each student wrote a series of reflections about his or her understanding.

After the unit, students completed a second questionnaire and participated in another in-

depth interview to discern the changes in their thinking about the concept.

The findings support the notion that studying the history of a mathematical

concept enables a deep reflection of ideas. Four of the six participants notably

strengthened their function conceptions. Two moved an entire APOS level. Five of the

six exhibited an increased ability to recognize a function in a given scenario. Growth was

most profound in the area of graphical representations.


First and foremost, I would like to thank my co-director Ed Dubinsky. To have

someone of his caliber work with me on this project was indeed an honor. As the

developer of APOS theory, his judgment in the field is unparalleled. He was prompt with

comments and suggestions, encouraging whenever I had questions, and offered valuable

insights. He challenged me. Skeptical at first that studying the history of math would

cause significant growth in understanding, he acted as the true scientist, letting the data

speak. Thank you, Ed.

Secondly I couldn’t have completed a project of this magnitude without the

encouragement and support of my husband, Jim. There were many times that “life got in

the way,” but his gentle prodding kept me going. The endless hours he spent keeping the

home front intact were instrumental in allowing me time to do the research. Always ready

with a listening ear, his emotional support was invaluable.

Special thanks go to my colleagues Austin Melton and Bathi Kasturiarachi who

worked with me on the pilot study. Their interest and encouragement kept my motivation

alive and working with them made research most enjoyable. Austin also provided

invaluable assistance with his editing suggestions and with his continued interest,

friendship, and encouragement throughout the entire process.

Thanks also to Michael Mikusa, my co-director for keeping me on track, to Anne

Reynolds for her timely and encouraging remarks, and to Judie Melillo for her helpful

editing suggestions. Sharon Smith, overall editor, did an outstanding job proofreading

the final document.

Thanks to my son, Joe, who often reminded me “if it was easy everyone would

have one” (a Ph.D.) and to Jen, my daughter, for repeatedly telling me how proud she

was of me and how cool she thought my research was.

Such a long journey would not have been as enjoyable without the support of dear

friends. Carol Steiner, for your endearing sense of humor; Deb DeBenedictis for those

wonderful walks and talks; and Mary Beth Rollick, for just being there… a heartfelt


Lastly, I would like to thank my dear mother, who, though not a college graduate

herself, knows the value of education and kept encouraging me to continue.

Posthumously, I owe a tip of the hat to my dad, who instilled in me as a youngster a love

of learning, a creative can-do spirit, an inquisitive mind, and strong work ethic.


To my children, Joe and Jen,

and my students,

may you continue your life-long journey of learning



ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................. iv

DEDICATION................................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... xiv

LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................... xvi


I. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY............................................................................. 1

Claims About the Value of the History of Mathematics ........................................... 1

Statement of the Problem .......................................................................................... 3

Purpose of the Study ................................................................................................. 5

Theoretical Basis for the Study: APOS Theory ........................................................ 6

The Action Construct....................................................................................... 7

The Process Construct ..................................................................................... 8

The Object Construct..................................................................................... 10

The Schema Construct................................................................................... 10

Instructional Implications........................................................................................ 11

Conclusion............................................................................................................... 13

Significance of the Study ........................................................................................ 14

Definition of Terms ................................................................................................. 15

Summary of Chapter 1 ............................................................................................ 17

II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................................................... 18

Four Theoretical Frameworks: History and Learning............................................. 18

Piaget and Garcia........................................................................................... 18

Luis Radford .................................................................................................. 20

Anna Sierpinska............................................................................................. 22

Anna Sfard ..................................................................................................... 25

Summary........................................................................................................ 29

Studies Using History of Mathematics as a Tool.................................................... 30

Studies About Learning the Concept of Function ................................................... 45

History of the Concept of Function......................................................................... 56

Origins ........................................................................................................... 56

The Fourteenth Through Sixteenth Centuries................................................ 58

Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries .......................................................... 60

Rene Descartes ..................................................................................... 60

Newton and Leibniz ............................................................................. 61

Leonhard Euler..................................................................................... 62

The Vibrating String Problem.............................................................. 62

The Nineteenth Century................................................................................. 64

Fourier Series ....................................................................................... 64

Cauchy and Dirichlet ........................................................................... 66

Riemann and Weierstrass..................................................................... 68

Function as Correspondence ................................................................ 69

Conclusion ........................................................................................... 70

Summary ................................................................................................................. 70

III. METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................... 72

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 72

Design...................................................................................................................... 73

Sample ..................................................................................................................... 75

Procedure................................................................................................................. 76

Triangulation ........................................................................................................... 77

Inter-Rater Reliability ............................................................................................. 78

Data Analysis .......................................................................................................... 81

Finite Sequences (#8, #18) ............................................................................ 81

Character Strings (#5, #6).............................................................................. 82

Graphs (#2, #13, #19) .................................................................................... 82

Sets of Ordered Pairs (#1, #16, #17).............................................................. 83

Tables (#12) ................................................................................................... 83

Equations (#3, #4, #11, #14, #15).................................................................. 84

Statements (#7, #9, #10) ................................................................................ 84

Pilot Study ............................................................................................................... 84

Summary of Chapter 3 ............................................................................................ 88

IV. DATA ........................................................................................................................ 89

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 89
Initial Conceptions of Functions ............................................................................. 90

Participant 1: DB ........................................................................................... 90

General Function Conception .............................................................. 90

Understanding of Graphical Representations....................................... 99

Participant 2: CW ........................................................................................ 104

General Function Conception ............................................................ 104

Understanding of Graphical Representations..................................... 109

Participant 3: MJ.......................................................................................... 112

General Function Conception ............................................................ 112

Understanding of Graphical Representations..................................... 124

Participant 4: BG ......................................................................................... 127

General Function Conception ............................................................ 127

Understanding of Graphical Representations..................................... 135

Participant 5: MS ......................................................................................... 138

General Function Conception ............................................................ 138

Understanding of Graphical Representations..................................... 148

Participant 6: CS .......................................................................................... 149

General Function Conception ............................................................ 149

Understanding of Graphical Representations..................................... 151

Summary of Participants’ Initial Conceptions ...................................................... 154

APOS Theory Applied to Understanding Graphs ................................................. 155

Brief Summary of the Literature.................................................................. 155

APOS Characterization................................................................................ 156

The Pre-Function Construct ............................................................... 157

The Action Construct ......................................................................... 159

The Process Construct........................................................................ 160

The Object Construct ......................................................................... 162

Conceptions of Function After the Unit on History of Functions......................... 166

Participant 1: DB ......................................................................................... 166

Understanding of Graphical Representations..................................... 166

General Function Conception ............................................................ 171

Participant 2: CW ........................................................................................ 178

General Function Conception ............................................................ 178

Understanding of Graphical Representations..................................... 185

Participant 3: MJ.......................................................................................... 188

General Function Conception ............................................................ 188

Understanding of Graphical Representations..................................... 199

Participant 4: BG ......................................................................................... 204

General Function Conception ............................................................ 204

Conclusion ......................................................................................... 212

Participant 5: MS ......................................................................................... 215

General Function Conception ............................................................ 216

Understanding of Graphical Representations..................................... 228

Participant 6: CS .......................................................................................... 229

General Function Conception ............................................................ 229

Understanding of Graphical Representations..................................... 245

Summary of Chapter 4 .......................................................................................... 248

V. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................... 250

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 250

Findings................................................................................................................. 250

Definitions of Function................................................................................ 251

Functions in Situations ................................................................................ 252

APOS Level Changes .................................................................................. 256

Changes in Understanding Graphical Representations................................ 257

What Caused the Improvement ............................................................................. 258

Comparisons to Other Studies............................................................................... 261

Contributions to the Field...................................................................................... 264

Future Studies........................................................................................................ 267

Cautions With Interpretations ............................................................................... 269

Conclusion and Summary ..................................................................................... 270

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................ 271


QUESTIONNAIRE ......................................................................................... 272


QUESTIONNAIRE (Q2) ................................................................................ 279

APPENDIX C. WORKSHEET #1 GRAPHS OF FUNCTIONS.......................... 283


GEOMETRY ................................................................................................... 293


RESPECT TO THREE OR FOUR LINES ..................................................... 304


FUNCTIONS................................................................................................... 310


WORKSHEET................................................................................................. 314



APPENDIX I. WORKSHEET #7 EULER ON FUNCTIONS ............................. 323


OF FUNCTIONS............................................................................................. 329


APPENDIX L. READINGS FOR WORKSHEET #9 .......................................... 342

APPENDIX M. LETTERS OF PERMISSION TO REPRINT............................. 350

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 365


Figure Page

1. Oresme’s Uniform Velocity and Uniform Acceleration......................................59

2. Graph for Task 13 ................................................................................................93

3. Graph for Task 19 ................................................................................................94

4. Table for Task 12 giving club members’ names and the dues they owe .............96

5. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars ......................................100

6. Graphing Task 5 showing speed vs. distance along a race track .......................101

7. Graphing Task 1 showing position vs. time of two objects...............................102

8. Graphing Task 2 showing speed vs. time of a cyclist .......................................103

9. Graph for Task 19 ..............................................................................................106

10. Graphing Task 2 showing speed vs. time of a cyclist .......................................109

11. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars ......................................110

12. Graph for Task 2 showing an arbitrary graph with no labels ............................118

13. Graph for Task 19 ..............................................................................................123

14. Graphing Task 2 showing speed vs. time of a cyclist .......................................124

15. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars ......................................125

16. Graphing Task 1 showing position vs. time for two objects..............................126

17. Graph for Task 2 showing an arbitrary graph with no labels ............................128

18. Graph for Task 13 showing an arbitrary graph with no labels ..........................132

19. Graphing Task 1 showing position vs. time for two objects..............................135

20. Graphing Task 2 showing speed vs. time of a cyclist .......................................136

21. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars ......................................137

22. MS’s sketches showing function as mapping ....................................................140

23. Graph for Task 13 showing an arbitrary graph with no labels ..........................142

24. Graph for Task 19 ..............................................................................................147

25. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars ......................................152

26. Graphing Task 5 showing speed vs. distance along a race track .......................153

27. CS’s sketch for graphing Task 4........................................................................154

28. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars ......................................158

29. Graphing Task 1 showing position vs. time for two objects..............................160

30. Graphing Task 2 showing speed vs. time of a cyclist .......................................161

31. Graphing Task 2 showing speed vs. time of a cyclist .......................................163

32. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars ......................................164

33. DB’s sketches for Q2 Task 12 ...........................................................................169

34. DB’s sketch for graphing Task 4 after unit on history of functions ..................171

35. Graph for Task 13 showing an arbitrary graph with no labels ..........................174

36. Graphs for Q2 Task 6 showing a caterpillar’s path ...........................................179

37. CW’s sketch for graphing Task 4 after unit on history of functions .................186

38. Graphs for Q2 Task 6 showing a caterpillar’s path ...........................................220

39. Graph for Task 19 showing discrete points .......................................................223


Table Page

1. Description of APOS Levels................................................................................. 51

2. Summary of Research Design............................................................................... 79

3. APOS Levels of Participants Before Studying the History of Functions ........... 155

4. APOS Characterizations for Understanding Graphical Representations of

Functions............................................................................................................. 157

5. Conceptions of Graphical Representations Before the Unit on History of

Functions............................................................................................................. 166

6. Summary of DB’s Growth in Understanding Functions..................................... 178

7. Summary of CW’s Growth in Understanding Functions.................................... 187

8. Summary of MJ’s Growth in Understanding Functions ..................................... 203

9. Summary of BG’s Growth in Understanding Functions..................................... 215

10. Summary of MS’s Growth in Understanding Functions .................................... 228

11. Summary of CS’s Growth in Understanding Functions ..................................... 248

12. Participants Holding the Notion of “Function as Formula” Before and After

History of Functions Unit ................................................................................... 253

13. Appropriate Answers to Specific Tasks Before History of Functions Unit........ 254

14. Correct Answers to Specific Tasks after the Unit on History of Functions........ 255

15. APOS Conception Before History of Functions Unit......................................... 256

16. APOS Conception After History of Functions Unit ........................................... 257

17. Interpretation of Graphs Before History of Functions Unit................................ 258

18. Interpretation of Graphs After History of Functions Unit .................................. 259



This chapter presents the background and the statement of the problem and the

purpose of the study. Also included is a discussion of the theoretical basis for the study.

Claims About the Value of the History of Mathematics

With the recent addition of a History of Mathematics course into the pre-service

secondary mathematics teachers’ requirements, one may wonder if, indeed, such a course

is of significant benefit to the students. Concern arises if such a course is a good

replacement for an upper division “regular” mathematics course. A number of writers in

mathematics education, however, reap praises upon studying the history of mathematics:

“Without deep, penetrating motivations, all education is lost, and it is in providing these

that I’m sure that the history of mathematics can be of great service in mathematical

education” (Grattan-Guinness, 1977, p. 122).

I have more than an impression—it amounts to a certainty—that algebra is made

repellent by the unwillingness or inability of teachers to explain why . . . there’s

no sense of history behind the teaching, so the feeling is given that the whole

system dropped down ready-made from the skies, to be used only by born

jugglers. (Barzun, cited in Jones, 1989, p. 1)


“A sufficiently concrete and detailed tracing of the history of the development of an idea

is one of the best ways to teach an appreciation of the nature and role of generalization

and abstraction” (Jones, p. 13).

The most common reasons given in the literature are the following.

• History can help increase student motivation and develop a positive attitude

toward learning mathematics (Barbin, 2000b; Liu, 2003; Rickey, 1995);

• Past obstacles in the development of mathematics can help explain why a

certain topic is difficult for students (Avital, 1994; Barbin, 2000a; Liu, 2003),

increasing a teacher’s understanding of barriers to student understanding

(Liu), and helps them understand the stages of learning (Barbin, 2000a). It

may thus lead teachers to change the way they think about their students’

errors and develop a more constructive attitude toward them. As a result of

this understanding, teachers may develop different teaching strategies (Avital,

1994; Barbin, 2000a; Liu, 2003) and focus on producing a variety of

responses to a given problem (Barbin, 2000a), incorporating problem solving

and problem posing while teaching (Avital, 1994). Learning the historical

development may affect teachers’ perceptions of the time students spend

while struggling with coming to understand a concept (Avital, 1994; Barbin,

2000a; Swetz, 1982): “If it took several centuries for mathematicians to be

able to make explicit our current concept of limit, for example, it is going to

take a considerable time for our students as well” (Barbin, 2000a, p. 65).

• It can provide an opportunity for developing an idea of what mathematics is;

that is, it helps students understand the reasons behind the development of

algorithms and concepts and which problems mathematics helps us to solve

(Barbin, 2000b). It leads to the idea that mathematics is not a sequence of

“discrete chapters” but is “an activity of moving between different ways of

thinking about mathematical concepts and tools” (Barbin, 2000a, p. 65). It

demonstrates that the development of mathematics is a “necessary human

activity” (Swetz, 1982, p. 696).

• Historical problems can develop students’ mathematical thinking (Liu, 2003).

• Shows that mathematical ideas evolve over a period of time, are struggled

with and subject to change (Avital, 1994; Swetz, 1982). It shows that

grappling with mathematics is a common experience and humanizes the

subject (Avital, 1994).

• Since history may change the teacher’s perceptions and understanding of

math, it would influence the way she or he teaches it and thus affects the way

students perceive it and understand it (Barbin, 2000b).

Statement of the Problem

Backing all these claims, however, are few research studies documenting the

effect that studying the history of mathematics has on a student’s learning of

mathematics. Many are anecdotal and others deal with changes in attitudes, not learning.

Po-Hung Liu (2003) claimed that NO empirical studies indicating that learning history

helps students perform better on standardized exams exist. “Although studying the

history of mathematics may improve students’ attitudes toward mathematics, the linkage

between attitude and achievement is neither linear nor straightforward” (p. 420). Barbin

(2000b) noted that “there exist no successful studies where the impact of an historical

dimension can be measured by using a battery of tests for determining the competencies

of students” (p. 66).

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 1998) recommended

study of the history of mathematics for teachers. The Mathematical Association of

America (MAA, n.d.) has an online magazine providing resources to help teach

mathematics using history. Resources abound for using history in the classroom

(Brummelen, 1995; Calinger, 1996; Fauvel & Van Maanen, 2000; Katz, 2000; Katz &

Michalowicz, 2005; Swetz et al., 1995), but research-based conclusions on its

effectiveness are scarce. Furinghetti (1997) claimed that not only are the training and

education of teachers in the history of mathematics non-homogeneous, but the

experiences of such teachers are quite scattered, with no “organized network of classes

and teachers carrying out analogous experiments” (p. 55). Comparing results and

establishing trends in the research of the effectiveness of teaching history is therefore

difficult. Though teachers who use the history of mathematics are enthusiastic about its

effect, these opinions are subjective, not a result of regular and systematic studies

(Furinghetti, p. 55). In 2000, the ICMI (International Commission on Mathematics

Instruction) published a study volume to survey and assess the state of the field, to

provide a resource for those interested in the relations between the history and pedagogy

of mathematics, and to suggest lines of future research activity. In this volume, Barbin

(2000c) identified a need to “collect questionnaires and interviews of teachers and pupils

about mathematics” (p. 90).

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to discern if students learn mathematics by studying

its history. In particular, it investigates the changes in pre-service secondary school

teachers’ thinking about functions resulting from their studying the history of the

concept. That four of six participants of this study are mathematics students who are pre-

service secondary school teachers is important in light of the directives from the MAA

and NCTM that these students study the history of mathematics. A secondary purpose is

to evaluate their current understanding of functions. This study addresses the following


• What is the function conception of junior and senior level pre-service high

school teachers?

• Does studying the history of the concept of function deepen a student’s

understanding of the concept in any way and if so, in what way? In particular,

does studying the history facilitate his or her move from an action level

understanding to a process level understanding as described by APOS theory

(Action, Process, Object, and Schema)?

• In what ways can studying the history of a mathematical concept be used to

deepen a student’s understanding of the concept?


• Does a student’s studying the history of the concept of function facilitate his

or her move from a process level understanding to an object level


Theoretical Basis for the Study: APOS Theory

The purpose of this section is to explain APOS Theory, a constructivist approach

to the learning and understanding of mathematics at the post-secondary level. The section

begins with an exposition of its principle components, including comparisons to von

Glasersfeld’s radical constructivism and Piaget’s work. APOS theory and constructivism

are theories that are simultaneously about knowing and coming to know, that is,

knowledge and learning. A look at instructional implications of the theory concludes the


The developers of APOS theory wanted to use the idea of theoretical cognitive

structures from Piaget and relate them to observable behaviors in college-level students

(Asiala, Brown, et al., 1997). They created a model for conducting research in

mathematics education. APOS is the cognitive aspect of the model. It guides the

theoretical analysis of a student’s understanding of a mathematical concept. This analysis

suggests the design of instruction, which, in turn, provides an opportunity for gathering

data and reconsidering the initial theoretical analysis. APOS is an attempt to model the

epistemology of the concept.

The acronym APOS stands for Action, Process, Object, and Schema—mental

constructions made by students in their attempts to understand mathematics. Actions lead

to processes, which must come before seeing a concept as an object. The origins of this

interpretation of mathematical understanding lie in Piaget’s work and parallel many

concepts in von Glasersfeld’s radical constructivism. The developers of APOS see their

work as “the result of reconstruction of our understanding of Piaget’s theory leading to

extension in its applicability to post-secondary mathematics” (Asiala, Brown, et al., 1997,

p. 41). To them, the following best describes what it means to learn and know something

in mathematics:

An individual’s mathematical knowledge is her or his tendency to respond to

perceived mathematical problem situations by reflecting on problems and their

solutions in a social context and by constructing or reconstructing mathematical

actions, processes and objects and organizing these in schemas to use in dealing

with the situation. (p. 40)

They assumed that what a person knows and is capable of doing is not necessarily

available to him or her in any given moment in any situation. As did Piaget, therefore,

they see reflective abstraction as crucial to a student’s construction of mathematical

process and objects. Reflection involves paying conscious attention to operations

performed. Such reflection is significantly enhanced in a social context (Asiala, Brown,

et al., 1997). APOS theorists refer to the literature supporting the importance of a

student’s social interaction while learning and also to a research mathematician’s need for

interaction with colleagues before, during, and after doing creative work in mathematics.

The Action Construct

The Action construction is similar to Piaget’s action schemes. A student who has

an action understanding of functions sees an algebraic expression as a command to


calculate. Such a student can carry out a transformation only by reacting to external cues

(textbook directions, teacher suggestion, etc.) that give exact details on what to do. This

conception is like a recipe and they must apply it to some number before it will produce

anything. They do not necessarily see the recipe as an object in itself, that is, a result of

its own application (Thompson, 1994). Though it is considered the lowest level of

abstraction, it is a necessary beginning to the understanding of functions. The reason so

many students have trouble understanding piece-wise functions, composition, and

inverses of functions and sets of functions, for example, is that the learner is not able to

go beyond an action understanding of functions (Asiala, Brown, et al., 1997).

Interestingly, Breidenbach, Dubinsky, Hawks, and Nicols (1992) found students

who did not display any aspect of a function concept, not even an action conception. The

meaning these students gave to the term function was not useful to them as they

attempted to deal with activities related to mathematical functions. The researchers

categorized such students as having a pre-function conception.

The Process Construct

A process is an internal construction that performs the same transformation as the

action, but it is internal and hence under the control of the individual. She no longer

needs the external stimuli, no longer needs to actually evaluate an expression to think of

its result. She can reflect on, describe, or reverse the steps of a transformation without

actually performing those steps. A good example is an understanding of the function cos

x. Since no explicit recipe exists for evaluating this function at a given value, one needs

to imagine the process of associating a real number with its cosine. With this

understanding, a student can link one or more processes to construct a composition, or

reverse the process to obtain inverses of functions.

When a student moves from an action understanding to a process one, APOS

theorists say the student has interiorized an action to form a process. This process relates

to von Glasersfeld’s internalization of a topic, which, according to Battista (1999b, p. 3),

is “the process that results in the ability to re-present a sensory item without relevant

sensory signals being available.” It is at this level, according to von Glasersfeld, that a

concept has been formed. To be considered a concept, these constructs must be stable

enough to be re-presented without requiring perceptual input (von Glasersfeld, 1995).

Achieving a process conception of function is non-trivial for students (Thompson,

1994) and research has shown that many students do not achieve this level without

specific instruction geared specifically to that end (Thompson). An example of such

instruction is having students write named processes in a programming language called

ISETL. These processes serve as functions. Students then can use the name of the

function to direct its application to individual numbers or a set of numbers. Note here that

the students are using the NAME of the function rather than its defining process while

working with it.

Once students have practice working with processes, groundwork is laid for them

to begin thinking about sets of inputs in relation to sets of corresponding outputs. APOS

theorists say students are then ready to begin to reason more formally about functions—

they encapsulate the process to form an object. A process understanding of function


corresponds to Piaget’s “operations” whereas the next level—object construct—

corresponds to Piaget’s objects.

The Object Construct

An object understanding of a concept sees it as “something to which actions and

processes may be applied” (Selden & Selden, 1992, p. 19). One indication that a student

is functioning at the object level in understanding functions is her ability to reason about

operations on sets of functions (Thompson, 1994). It is often necessary, however, to de-

encapsulate objects back into processes. For example, one can think about adding or

multiplying functions or forming sets of functions, but to actually find these sums or

products of sets requires the student to de-encapsulate them back to the processes from

which they come.

Encapsulating processes into objects corresponds to Steffe’s and Cobb’s first level

of interiorization. Interiorization is “the most general form of abstraction; it leads to the

isolation of structure (form), pattern (coordination) and operations (actions) from

experiential things and activities” (Battista, 1999a, p. 3). Asiala, Brown, et al. (1997)

claimed that reaching this level of abstraction is incredibly difficult for students and has

found few pedagogical strategies to be effective in achieving this end. They claimed the

reason for this difficulty is the fact that there is very little in our experience that

corresponds to performing actions on processes.

The Schema Construct

The schema construct is the highest level of abstraction and closely mirrors

Piaget’s schemata construct. This idea is the least studied of all constructs in APOS

theory. It can be thought of as a coherent collection of processes and objects that are

organized in a structured manner. Schemas themselves can be organized into higher-level

schemas. When this happens, APOS theorists say the schema, itself, has been thematized

to an object. Asiala et al. (1997) suggested that the difference between schema and other

constructs can be understood by comparing it to the distinction between an organ and a

cell in biology. The organ (schema) provides the organization required for the cells

(objects) to function for the benefit of the organ (schema). It is the totality of knowledge

about a particular mathematical concept for an individual. A student will have a function

schema, an integral schema, a field schema, and so forth.

Instructional Implications

In attempting to find pedagogical strategies that encourage students to move from

one level of abstraction to the next, APOS theorists have developed a particular theory of

instruction. They claim that students do NOT learn course material in a logical,

organized, and sequential order—the way most textbooks are arranged. Though students

need to experience the levels of abstraction in the order previously described, they do not

necessarily understand the content of the material in such a neat, organized fashion.

Students gain partial knowledge, repeatedly return to the same knowledge, periodically

summarize and tie related ideas together (Asiala, Brown, et al., 1997). Students will often

move from one level of abstraction back to a lower level, depending upon the demands of

a given problem. Also, a student cannot always recall every piece of knowledge in her

repertoire. For a student to forget something on an exam, only to remember it shortly

after she hands in her paper or after only a slight suggestion from her instructor, is a

common occurrence. The instructional approach developed from APOS theory takes into

account this learning pattern by using what Asiala, Brown, et al. called a holistic spray.

In this approach, teachers give students activities (not a lecture) that deliberately

cause disequilibrium in their thinking and expose them to as much about the topic as

possible. The manner is holistic, not sequential. Such perturbations cause students to

question their current constructs and force intellectual growth as they try to figure out

“what’s going on.” Different students may pick up different pieces and parts of the

picture; hence the benefits of collaborative work become apparent. Each student shares

her partial understandings with the group, thus adding to other group members’

understandings. As a result, more pieces and parts are available to each student than that

provided by individual study. This approach is certainly consistent with constructivist

viewpoint that knowledge is obtained by constructing and reconstructing understandings

in a social setting.

Students are organized into permanent (i.e., for the semester) cooperative groups

of three or four students and do all course work in these groups. Research has shown that

students are more likely to reflect on their procedures when working in a cooperative

group (Asiala, Brown, et al., 1997) and numerous research studies have shown the

benefits of collaborative learning (Springer, Stanne, & Donovan, 1998). Instructors

utilize the ACE Teaching Cycle which has the following components:

• Informal activities (NOT a lecture) introduce a concept, frequently through

the investigation of examples. The purpose of these activities is to provide

students with an experience base, not lead them to the correct answer.

Students gain experience with a concept that will be developed later in class.

This is a good example of an inquiry, as opposed to discovery approach to


• Classroom tasks and discussions then pull together the main ideas developed

in the activities. The instructor leads discussions that encourage students to

reflect on the activities mentioned previously. In some instances, the instructor

may provide definitions, give explanations, and summarize.

• Students then work on exercises, which include traditional homework

problems that require application or extensions of the concept and thus

reinforce the concept being studied.

Asiala, Brown, et al. (1997) employed a particular strategy in employing the ACE model.

They required students to write and interpret code in the mathematical computer

programming language, ISETL (Interactive Set Language). In the current study, students

read and analyzed primary sources in the historical development of the concept of



APOS theory is a theory of knowing mathematics that has its roots in

constructivism. It was developed as an extension of Piaget’s work so researchers could

understand the nature of learning in college mathematics students. It firmly holds to the

basic tenets of constructivism: (a) knowledge is not passively received, but built up by

the cognizing subject; and (b) the function of cognition is adaptive and serves to organize

the experiential world, NOT the discovery of an ontological reality (Von Glasersfeld,

1995). Knowledge is obtained by reflecting on problems and by constructing and

reconstructing actions, processes and objects in a social setting. It has specific

implications for instructional strategies that are based on inquiry learning.

Significance of the Study

The professional mathematical societies are deeply concerned about the

mathematical education of our teachers and are continuing to search for effective means

to deepen students’ understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts (Conference

Board of Mathematical Sciences, 2001). National reports call for better preparation of our

mathematics teachers (RAND Mathematics Study Panel, 2003; U.S. Department of

Education, 2000). For the past several years, The Mathematical Association of America

(MAA) has participated in a National Science Foundation-funded initiative entitled

Preparing Mathematicians to Educate Teachers (PMET), the purpose of which is to

strengthen the education of American teachers by sponsoring workshops, collaborations,

regional networks, resources, and mini-grants for mathematics faculty.

The concept of function also takes center stage when it comes to mathematics

education. Guershon Harel and Ed Dubinsky argued (1992) that

The concept of function is the single most important concept from kindergarten to

graduate school and is critical throughout the full range of education. Arithmetic

in early grades, algebra in middle and high school, and transformational geometry

in high school are all coming to be based on the idea of function. (p. vii)

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000) emphasized functions in their

algebra recommendations for grades 9-12. College textbook authors frequently take a

functions approach to the study of entry-level algebra. The concept is ubiquitous in

mathematics and mathematics education.

Though some researchers have obtained positive results for student construction

of a process conception of function (Breidenbach et al., 1992), others have not (Sfard,

1992) and still others note the continued difficulty students have with the concept

(Breidenbach et al., 1992; Carlson, 1998; Even, 1993; Norman, 1992; Sierpinska, 1992;

Wilson, 1994). The question of the value of learning history of mathematics remains.

School curriculum designers, as well as university mathematicians designing programs

for pre-service mathematics teachers, will be interested in the results of this study.

Historians of mathematics will also take note as their interest in history as a pedagogical

tool is either validated or not. Similarly, professional societies currently reaping praise on

the benefits of studying history shall benefit from the results.

Definition of Terms

Abstraction. Abstraction is the process by which the mind selects, coordinates,

combines, and registers in memory a collection of mental items or acts that appear in the

attentional field (Battista, 1999b, p. 2).

Action. An action is a transformation of objects which is perceived by the

individual as being at least somewhat external (Asiala, Brown, et al., 1997, p. 42).

Continuous Function. A function, f, is continuous at a number a if

lim f ( x) = f ( a ) . Geometrically, one can think of a continuous function as a function


whose graph has no breaks in it.


Formula. A formula is an algebraically expressed relationship between varying


Function. A function, f, is a process which takes any element, a, of a set A and

transforms it into a unique element f(a) of a set B. The set A is called the domain and the

set B is called the co-domain of f.

Graph. A graph is a drawing that exhibits a relationship between two sets of

varying quantities.

Internalization. Internalization is the process that results in the ability to re-

present a sensory item without relevant sensory signals being available (Battista, 1999b,

p. 3).

Interiorization. Interiorization is the most general form of abstraction; it leads to

the isolation of structure (form), pattern (coordination). and operations (actions) from

experiential things and activities (Battista, 1999a, p. 3).

Object. An object understanding of a concept sees it as something to which

actions and processes may be applied (Selden & Selden, 1992, p. 19).

One-to-one function. A function, f, is one-to-one if it never pairs two different

elements of the co-domain with the same element in the domain, that is,

f(a) = f(b) implies a = b for all a,b ∈ A.

Prefunction. A pre-function conception is a lack of any mathematical

understanding of the concept; a meaning which was not at all useful while performing

tasks needed when dealing with mathematical activities related to functions.


Process. A process is an internal construction that performs the same

transformation as an action, but it is internal and hence under the control of the


Reflection. The conscious process of mentally replaying experiences, actions, or

mental processes and considering their results or how they are composed (Battista,

1999b, p. 4).

Summary of Chapter 1

This chapter presented the background, statement of the problem, purpose of the

study, research questions to be addressed, and a discussion of the theoretical basis for the

study. Also included was the study’s significance and definitions of terms. The next

chapter takes a closer look at the research related to this study.



This chapter consists of four parts. The first describes four theoretical frameworks

for analyzing the link between the history of mathematics and the learning of

mathematics. The second reviews studies concerning the effectiveness of using the

history of mathematics as a tool to learn mathematics; the third reviews the literature

concerning students’ understanding of the concept of function. The chapter ends with a

look at the history of the concept of function.

Four Theoretical Frameworks: History and Learning

This section discusses theories concerning the relationship between student

learning and the historical development of a mathematical topic. The principal theorists

in this area are Jean Piaget and Rolando Garcia (1989), Luis Radford (1997), Anna

Sierpinska (1992), and Anna Sfard (1991, 1992),

Piaget and Garcia

Jean Piaget was a well-known cognitive psychologist and Rolando Garcia a

physicist. The objective of their combined work (1989) was to develop a synthesis that

can explain the evolution of knowledge, both at the level of the individual and that of

social evolution. The authors claimed that the mechanisms mediating the transition from

one historical period to the next are analogous to those mediating the transition from one

psychogenetic (cognitive) stage to the next.


The mechanisms they describe are of two types and the first deals with their

constructivist view of learning. Reflective abstractions, those resulting from the subject’s

actions and operations; empirical abstractions, those drawing information from objects

themselves; and interaction between the subject and object are the principal mechanisms

of this type. A second type of mechanism is a “dialectical triad” which they described as

a transition from an intra phase of understanding to an inter phase to a trans phase. They

summarized this mechanism as follows:

The intra phase leads to the discovery of a set of properties in objects and events

finding only local and particular explanations. The “reasons” to be established can

thus be found only in the relations between objects, which means that they can be

found only in “transformations.” These, by their nature, are characteristic of the

inter level. Once discovered, these transformations require the establishment of

relations between each other, which leads to the construction of “structures,”

characteristics of the trans level. (pp. 273-274)

The authors noted that though inter-object analysis and trans-object analysis

operate together, conscious reflection in psychogenesis is originally oriented to the

outside rather than internally (Piaget & Garcia, 1989). The result is that correspondences

remain independent of transformations for a long time. Piaget and Garcia saw this pattern

historically as well and claimed that, at all levels, “the thematization of an operation

always occurs later than nonreflective use of the same operation” (p. 12). This analysis is

consistent with the APOS framework used in the present study, in which an action level

of understanding precedes the process level, which precedes the object level.

Piaget and Garcia (1989) dealt with concept development in four areas:

elementary concepts of physics—in particular that of motion, the understanding of space

as it relates to development in geometry, basic concepts of algebra, and those of

mechanics. Garcia presented the historical development of each topic in a separate

chapter, followed by Piaget’s analysis of the cognitive development in an individual.

Their general conclusion was that the mechanisms of intra-object analysis, inter-object

analysis, and trans-object analysis were found in all domains of cognitive development

and at all levels.

They found these mechanisms in the historical development as well. Algebra, for

example, for centuries was restricted to finding the solutions of individual equations. In

the 16th century, Francoise Viète facilitated a transition from analyses of these individual

equations dealing only with numbers, essentially an intra stage, to the inter stage by

noting general properties of numbers and developing a purely symbolic approach. In

doing so, he created a new discipline, a synthesis between the geometric analysis of

Pappus in the 4th century and the arithmetic methods of Diophantus. Even though the

concepts of transformations and invariants were not thematized at this time, they still

played a fundamental role, facilitating the further development of symbolic algebra.

According to Piaget and Garcia (1989), Galois and the development of group theory

represent the first thematized structure in the development of algebra.

Luis Radford

Radford (1997) believed that the history of mathematics offered a type of

“epistemological laboratory” (p. 66) in which to explore the development of


mathematical knowledge, though he claimed that several problems existed in doing such

research. He cautioned researchers against viewing history as a sequence of “clumsy

efforts” leading to our modern conceptualizations. For example, some historical

researchers criticize Diophantus’ Arithmetica (2nd century B.C.E.) because he is “just

looking for answers” to specific problems rather than general methods (Radford, p. 11).

According to Radford, Diophantus’ work becomes quite sophisticated when one

considers the socio-cultural era during which he lived. Another difficulty is that of being

objective while interpreting historical data. Radford claimed that

(a) the “real” meaning of a past concept is unattainable; it will always be

“filtered” by our framework and by our modern socio-cultural conceptions of the

history, and (b) given that any historical investigation puts in contact two different

horizons, and that the present horizon is always in movement, the history of any

concept or of any theory will always be rewritten. (p. 12)

Radford (1997) supported a socio-cultural view of the history of mathematics,

criticizing the work of Piaget and Garcia (1989) and the notion of “recapitulation.”

Ultimately, he saw today’s culture as radically different from that when such concepts

were developed, so assuming that “ontogenesis (the development of a subject’s idea)

recapitulates phylogenesis (the historical development of it)” is naïve (p. 13). Perhaps he

misunderstood Piaget’s and Garcia’s work, though, since they found evidence of the triad

mechanism across cultures. Radford concluded that “the configuration and the content of

mathematical knowledge is properly and intimately defined by the culture in which it

develops and in which it is subsumed” (p. 17) and saw the need for understanding both

the negotiations and the conceptions of the culture that underlie mathematical meanings.

He admitted that the process by which an ancient method was developed may indeed help

us understand old meanings and that one may then redesign these processes to be

compatible with modern curricula. Radford concluded that despite the problems inherent

in doing educational research in the history of mathematics, it holds great potential for

understanding mathematics.

Anna Sierpinska

Sierpinska (1992) set her work within a perspective of epistemological obstacles.

Epistemological obstacles are “inherent difficulties connected with complex concepts like

function” (Selden & Selden, 1992, p. 9). These obstacles are widespread, not unique to an

individual. They frequently appear in the historical evolution of a concept and provide

difficulties for today’s students as well. The goal of her research is to identify these


One example of such an obstacle is “thinking in terms of equations and unknowns

to be extracted from them” (Sierpinska, 1992, pp. 37-38). Not until the time of Euler did

discussions of analysis begin with a distinction between variable and constant quantities.

For centuries before, the main discrimination in algebra (referred to as “ordinary

Analysis”) was between the known and unknown. Similarly, Sierpinska found that 16-

year-old French students had difficulty making a shift from finding the unknown to

thinking in terms of variables on an exam concerning systems of linear equations. To

answer one question, they simply needed to find the unknown (i.e., the equilibrium

point), but to answer another, they needed to think in terms of the cost of copies

depending upon the number of copies. Most answered the first question with ease, but

very few students answered this latter question correctly.

Another example is “regarding the order of variables as irrelevant” (Sierpinska,

1992, p. 38). Hundreds of years passed before mathematicians perceived the order of

variables as important. The concept of function came into being in the context of analytic

geometry, where relationships between different line segments frequently played a role

for the curve (e.g., diameter, axis). The order of variables is insignificant in the analytic

representation of the conics, for example. Historians credit Descartes with discriminating

between the dependent and independent variables, though Sierpinska claimed that the

role of his coordinates was symmetric, not ordered. Even Newton was not clear on the

distinction. Sierpinska found a similar disregard in one of her students who viewed a

formula as a representation of the curve, that is, the curve was there first and the formula

simply described the curve, allowing one to calculate one coordinate when the other was

given. The student did not perceive the fact that the second coordinate was always

uniquely determined by the first, but not necessarily vice-versa.

One last example of Sierpinska’s epistemological obstacles is the belief that “only

relationships describable by analytic formulae are worthy of being given the name of

function” (Sierpinska, 1992, p. 46). She noted that the definitions of function given by

Bernoulli, Euler, and Lagrange in the early 18th century all describe a function as an

algebraic expression, that is, a formula. She claimed that during the 17th and 18th

centuries, these analytic tools for describing functions became more important than the

functional relationships themselves. Functions were their algebraic expressions. This


belief is also common among modern-day students (Breidenbach et al., 1992; Carlson,

1998). Sierpinska (1992) suggested giving students examples of functions that can be

described by two different formulas (e.g., one recursive and one explicit) to help them

overcome this obstacle. One approach would be asking students to write short computer

programs, as did Breidenbach et al. (1992). Their results were impressive.

Historically, the need to formulate general theorems on large classes of

relationships between variables provided the impetus for extending the notion of function

beyond those expressible analytically. In particular, the solution to the partial differential

“wave” equation (concerning the motion of a vibrating string) sparked a controversy

about the type of function that should be allowed in analysis. The mathematician

d’Alembert claimed that “there exists an infinity of curves different from the elongated

cycloid (sine curve) which satisfy the problem under consideration” (Siu, 1995, p. 110).

The only restrictions on the functions were that they be periodic, odd, and everywhere

twice differentiable. Another impetus for the extension of the function concept was the

theory of trigonometric series by Fourier and the search for conditions under which the

series converges. This study led Dirichlet to formulate his general definition of function

in 1837, a definition that does not require an analytic expression.

Sierpinska (1992) closed with several implications for teaching, including

motivation (students must be interested in explaining changes and finding regularities

among these changes), introductory contexts (functions should appear as tools in

modeling situations in either science or real life), developmental contexts (using and

constructing tables), prerequisites (a certain amount of algebraic awareness is necessary),


representations (use multiple representations), and definitions (informal definitions are

sufficient at the introductory level). She did not, however, provide empirical evidence for

the effectiveness of her suggestions.

Anna Sfard

Anna Sfard (1991, 1992) conjectured that students’ learning of a mathematical

concept frequently parallels the historical development of the topic by mathematicians.

As does Sierpinska, she claimed that an “awareness of the long and painful processes

preceding the birth of a mathematical object may be the key to understanding some of the

difficulties experienced by so many learners” (p. 59).

Sfard’s theory, much like the theoretical framework for the present study (APOS

theory) maintains that one can conceive of abstract mathematical notions such as number

or function in two fundamentally different ways: structurally—as object-like entities, and

operationally—as computational processes (1991, p. 1). Sfard’s thesis (1992) is that

“structural conceptions develop usually out of operational” (p. 61); that is, that abstract

objects emerge from computational processes, whether one is concerned with the

historical development of a topic or its acquisition by a student.

Sfard exemplified her theory with the concept of function. She claimed that

“function’s turbulent biography can be viewed as a three-centuries long struggle for

reification” (1992, p. 62). She commented that the idea of function was the result of a

long search for mathematical models for physical phenomena and found it significant that

it flourished shortly after the development of algebraic symbolism. “No wonder then, that

the notion of function was initially connected to algebraic processes” (Sfard, 1991, p. 14).

She compared the concept of function and its relation to algebraic manipulation to that of

negative number for that of subtraction: “something between the product and process

itself” (p. 14).

Early definitions (Euler’s and Bernoulli’s) of function depended on the fuzzy

notion of variable. Later definitions (d’Alembert’s and Euler’s) excluded this idea and

became mainly operational in nature: “a quantity” is a function only if it depends on

another quantity “in such a way that if the latter is changed, the former undergoes change

itself” (Sfard, 1991, p. 15). Sfard (1992) claimed that the difficulty mathematicians had

with the concept of variable was due to their inability to reify it as an object:

None of them (descriptions of variable) captured the underlying process of change

and converted it into a legitimate object. In the absence of a structural conception,

there was no reasonable link between the new idea and the existing systems of

mathematical notions. (1992, p. 63)

She noted that the mathematician Frege de-legitimized the use of the term “variable,”

claiming that its use has no justification in analysis.

The graphical representation of functions did not facilitate reification either,

according to Sfard (1992). Each time an algebraic formula was modified to fit a graph, a

counterexample was found showing that a gap still existed between the two, and vice

versa. Over time, the numerous failed attempts at translating from operational to a

structural point of view led Dirichlet to his “arbitrary correspondence” idea and

eventually to Bourbaki’s definition:


This simple description presented function as a set of ordered pairs and made no

reference whatsoever to any kind of computational process. Bourbaki’s group

solved the time-revered problem by eliminating the “unreificable” notion of

variable and substituting it with purely structural set-theoretic concepts. Not

surprisingly, this new definition, which had very little in common with its

intuitive operational origin, evoked much criticism when first proposed. But when

at long, long last function—initially only a computational process—was

converted into a mathematical object, our schema of concept development could

repeat itself once more: on the new objects new operations could now be

performed. (Sfard, 1991, pp. 15-16)

Sfard (1991) used the above scheme, that is, the precedence of operational

thinking to structural thinking, when describing the learning process in today’s students.

She noted that each stage is a prerequisite for the next, and that one may work at more

than one level when solving a complex problem. This hierarchical aspect of her theory is

similar to that of APOS theory (Asiala, Brown, et al., 1997). In the case of function,

reification may be evidenced by the ability to solve equations in which functions are the

unknowns (e.g., differential equations), the ability to talk about processes (e.g.,

composition) performed on functions, and the recognition that sets of ordered pairs need

not be computable in order to be a function.

Sfard’s (1992) research supported her theoretical conjectures. She studied the

understandings of students who were enrolled in a traditional class where the structural

nature of functions was emphasized. She found that even in this situation, most students’

conception of function was operational and concluded that the operational approach is

intuitive to students. Another interesting observation was that students in the traditional

classroom setting will often develop pseudo-structural conceptions, such as identifying a

function with its representation. Her findings were not unlike those found by other

researchers studying students’ conceptions of functions: their difficulties with split

domains; their lack of understanding of the connections between representations of

functions; students giving independent solutions to basically equivalent problems when

only superficial changes in notation are introduced; and their general neglect of domain

and range. She concluded, “pseudostructural conceptions can hardly be avoided within

the usual structural way of teaching” (1992, p. 77).

She experimented with teaching functions operationally to students 22-25 years

old in a course on algorithms and computability at the Center for Pre-Academic Studies

of the Hebrew University. Her experiment had mixed results. The course was devoted to

the idea of algorithm; the concept of function was introduced as a means of dealing with

the semantics of algorithmic languages. Initially, the term function was used almost

synonymously with algorithm, later explained as being a name for the product of an

algorithm. She used many different devices to represent functions: tables, set notation,

analytic formulas, computer programs, graphs, and diagrams of different kinds.

Her findings (Sfard, 1992) were as follows.

• Students tended to identify functions with computer programs, even when

encouraged otherwise. Since they were quite capable of solving non-routine


problems, she interpreted this phenomenon as an indication of an operational

conception of function rather than pseudo-structural.

• Students were not able to deal formally and generally with operations on


• Students were bewildered by the idea of non-computable functions.

Though she believed that structural thinking can be externally stimulated to some degree

and quoted Dubinsky’s work with ISETL in this regard, she admitted that her own

attempts were not fully successful. Students did make progress toward that goal,

however, and students’ performance on exams was impressive. She blamed the “inherent

difficulty of reification” for her mixed results and also noted the necessity of long periods

of incubation for true understanding, as well as the need for learner determination,

stamina, and intellectual discipline.


This section looked at four theoretical perspectives for the link between history

and learning. The similarities between them are noteworthy. Piaget’s and Garcia’s claim

that the “thematization of an operation always occurs later than nonreflective use of the

same operation” (1989, p. 12) is similar to Sfard’s claim that the “structural conceptions

develop usually out of operational” (1992, p. 61). Both groups found these patterns in the

historical development of mathematical concepts and in their subjects’ cognitive

development of the same. Noteworthy also is that the theoretical framework for the

current study, APOS theory, is similar in its basic tenets to both these claims and though

not based on history, is based on the work of Piaget and widely used in research

documenting college students’ learning of mathematical concepts. Like Sfard, Sierpinska

(1992) found parallels between students’ difficulties learning a concept and the

difficulties in its historical development. Radford (1997) concluded that despite the

problems inherent in doing educational research in the history of mathematics, it holds

great potential for understanding mathematics. All four valued the endeavor.

Studies Using History of Mathematics as a Tool

This section reviews research studies concerning the use of history as a tool for

learning. Note that many of the studies document changes in attitude, not learning, and

that others depend solely on self-reporting of learning rather than upon objective

empirical results.

Barbin (2000b) gave an overview of nine case studies written by teachers of work

in their own classroom. Attempting to answer the question “does it work?”, the teachers

used qualitative analysis (ethnography) of the changes that occur when teachers use

history in the teaching of mathematics. Of the nine case studies, six used history

explicitly—one used problems from the history of mathematics and five used readings

and historical text; the other three used history implicitly. Three used history to bring

about change in way students view mathematics; five attempted to improve learning of

mathematics; and one used history as a means of facilitating mental construction of

mathematical concepts.

Results reported were from teacher introspection and most dealt with changes in

views of mathematics, rather than mathematics learning. One teacher group wrote:

The confrontation with mathematical texts changes the view of mathematics for

both teacher and student. Mathematics becomes alive, it is no longer a rigid

object. It is the object of enquiry, controversy, contains mistakes and uses

methods of trial and error. (p. 67)

Another teacher claimed that “reading old texts excites the curiosity of the students and

encourages them to question” (p. 67). And yet another: “We are no longer dealing with a

finished product but with something in continuous evolution; it is no longer a case of

accepting a discipline of divine nature, but of understanding tools, methods and concepts”

(p. 67). A student wrote, “Mathematics has for me passed from the status of a dead

science to that of a living science” (p. 67).

Barbin (2000b) claimed that history encouraged the teachers to see students as

thinking and inquiring beings and therefore look anew at student work. One of the

teachers came to a realization of the time necessary to construct a topic. As a result of

working with the history of mathematics, she has allowed her students the time they need

to construct ideas slowly and has learned to identify moments of misunderstanding. As a

result, she claimed that students are reassured and many have gained confidence in their

ability to do mathematics.

Though these results are certainly admirable and desirable, none document

changes in the actual learning of mathematics. One might argue that such attitudes result

in better learning, yet these studies fail to make a direct connection between studying the

history of mathematics and mathematics learning. Note also the dependence upon teacher


Furinghetti (1997, 2002) reported four case studies on different uses of the history

of mathematics in teaching. The most significant dealt with using history as a different

approach to concepts at the secondary school level. The teacher focused on a topic that is

traditionally quite difficult for calculus students: the link between the derivative and

integral. An initial questionnaire given to the students of these teachers indicated that

“derivative is one of the mathematical objects to which students connect manipulation of

formulas, but not mathematical meaning” (2002, Example section, par. 1). She offered

students a re-elaboration of Isaac Newton’s work on the topic. Her intent was to help

students recover the mathematical meaning by studying the derivative as tangent.

Believing that the “pioneering period at the beginning of calculus” reveals the roots of

mathematical entities, she had students look at the various constructions of tangent line to

a curve as a first step toward constructing the derivative. Her approach is fascinating, yet

she revealed no empirical evidence about students’ growth in understanding.

In another unit, Furinghetti focused on proof, in particular the methods of analysis

and synthesis. She noted that both methods were used in mathematical research and in

teaching, commenting that the “double method of analysis and synthesis, which is good

for making discoveries, with the addition of more reasons can be employed to explain the

discovery” (1997, p. 58). She presented the method through the works of Marin Ghetaldi,

1630 and Descartes’ Discours sur la methode. The teacher maintained that presenting

proofs through analysis and synthesis is appropriate since mathematicians discovered

proofs in this manner. Textbooks, however, show only one way, leading students to

wonder how a mathematician could have ever thought of such an “artificial” or cunning

trick. “In this case one of the values of a historical presentation is its capacity to make the

rules explicit” (Furinghetti, 1997, p. 58). She observed that students presented with these

historical works

become free and easy in applying it to different situations, even when they are not

required by the teacher to do this. We stress that the use of history in this case

allowed the teacher to satisfy the students’ need for explicitation, which is

frustrated in the usual teaching. (p. 58)

Po-Hung Liu (2002) conducted a study whose purpose was to investigate the

relationships between a problem-based, historical approach to teaching calculus and

college students’ views of mathematical thinking. At their first class meeting of the

semester, 44 Taiwanese engineering-major college students completed a six-item

questionnaire designed to examine their views about mathematical thinking. They also

completed a mathematical biography that served as supplementary data. Nine randomly

selected students then participated in semi-structured individual interviews to validate the

written data and glean more detailed information.

During the course of the semester, the teaching of calculus followed the historical

order of its development and students learned concepts by attacking a variety of

problems. Historical problems, quite different than the usual exercises, required that

students think deeply about the concepts they were learning. Near the end of the

semester, students completed the same questionnaire and several participated in

individual interviews.

While responding to the question at the beginning of the semester, “In your

understanding, what is mathematical thinking?” 20 students (45%) associated

mathematical thinking with ways of deriving answers or solving problems, mainly by

following pre-determined procedures. To them “pondering on mathematics” meant

recalling and applying formulas. Twelve students (27%) viewed mathematics as a process

of logical thinking or reasoning. Even those who professed this view admitted in

interviews that they had not experienced the benefits therein.

After the 18-week historical problem-based approach, students’ views changed

somewhat. Though they still viewed mathematics as a procedure for deriving answers,

they showed an inclination to value individual creativity while solving problems and also

appreciated the need for involving concepts from other disciplines. The researcher

attributed this change to the ancient mathematicians’ imaginative approaches discussed in

class. After learning about various errors made in the development of calculus, students

were less likely to believe that mathematics is a static discipline. They also appreciated

the need for justification and logical sense. According to the researcher, “Participants’

focus seemingly shifted from mathematics as a product to mathematics as a process”

(Liu, 2002, Summary and Discussion section, par. 2). Although these results are certainly

laudable and give credence to the benefits of an historical approach, the emphasis was on

students’ views of mathematics not on students’ learning of mathematics.

Bueno and Lins (2002) claimed that a good reason for a pre-service teacher to

study the history of mathematics is to enable the understanding of the process of meaning

production for mathematics that would “allow her/him a much finer reading of the

learning processes in the classroom” (Abstract). They also see the history as facilitating

an understanding of the possibility of different meanings produced for the same

mathematical object. Their course began with a primary source to texts which discussed

style, interpretation, and different presentations, in the hopes of helping students develop

an awareness of the processes involved in meaning production.

Their study used a theoretical model which focuses on students’ “knowledge” and

“meaning.” “Meaning” is characterized as what a person actually says about an object in

a given situation whereas “knowledge” is characterized as a statement that a student

believes in, together with a justification for this belief (Bueno & Lins, 2002, On Meaning

Production section, par. 5). They briefly analyzed student understanding via their

language and written projects. They concluded that their experiment resulted in students’

participating reflectively in processes of meaning production and creating a first link

between interpreting a historical text and studying present-day mathematics.

Boero, Pedemonte, and Robotti (1997) conjectured that the introduction of

‘voices’ from the history of mathematics and science may mediate some important

elements of theoretical scientific knowledge. Their research goal was to develop a

theoretical framework designed to organize and analyze early student approaches to

theoretical knowledge. In deciding which aspects of theoretical knowledge to include in

designing curriculum materials, they agreed that cultural meaning and student motivation

are crucial criteria (p. 2-82) and that “priority should be given to leaps forward in the

cultural history of mankind, even if . . . these are the most difficult areas for school

study” (p. 2-82).


The researchers (Boero et al., 1997) designed a “voices and echoes” game and

experimented with five eighth grade classes. They described their game as follows:

Some verbal and non-verbal expressions . . . represent in a dense and

communicative way important leaps in the evolution of mathematics and science.

Each of these expressions conveys content, an organization of the discourse and

the cultural horizon of the historical leap. . . . we call these expressions voices.

Performing suitable tasks proposed by the teacher, the student may try to make

connections between the voice and his/her own conceptions, experiences . . ., and

produce an ‘echo,’ i.e., a link with the voice made explicit through a discourse.

The ‘echo’ is an original idea, intended to develop our new educational

methodology. What henceforth will be called the ‘voices and echoes’ game is a

particular educational situation aimed at activating the production of echoes by

students. (p. 2-84)

The researchers (Boero et al., 1997) hoped that by comparing a text with another

text, or with some data from everyday experience and finding congruencies or

contradictions, students would enhance the transition of their thought to a theoretical

level. They believed that the game should begin with historical voices that give a

theoretical representation close to students’ intuitions and interpretations and then

eventually overturn this theory. They performed a teaching experiment concerning the

idea of falling bodies. In the teaching experiment, teachers paraphrased and explained

new terms and information concerning the voice. Following each voice, teachers asked

students to produce echoes and then frequently discussed the echoes together as a class.

Five eighth grade classes of different levels and different environments were involved in

the experiment, which lasted 12 to 16 hours. Researchers collected recordings of

classroom discussions and individual student texts. The researchers noted that the

resultant learning was “better and more extensive” than those usually achieved when

eighth graders approach theoretical knowledge (p. 2-85), though they did not indicate the

instrument used to draw these conclusions, nor did they specify what they meant by

“better and more extensive.” Among the positive outcomes they noted in all classes were

the following:

• students garnered the contents, methods, and ways of organizing discourse

presented to them through the voices;

• they participated in high quality scientific debate: “ancient scientific debate

was revived and related to the present cultural and expressive horizon” (p. 2-


Garuti (1997) found similar results with the ‘voices and echoes’ game, though again the

specific criteria used for drawing such conclusions, however general, was unavailable.

The purpose of the current study closely resembles the purposes of Boero et al.

(1997) and Garuti (1997) since these researchers attempted to scrutinize student thinking.

Their results are encouraging.

Arcavi (1985) developed worksheets for pre-and in-service middle school

teachers concerning the topics of negative and irrational numbers and linear and quadratic

equations. The worksheets focused on conceptual development, as the author tried to

“present the search for a formal mathematical definition of a particular concept and, thus,

to give a proper picture of mathematical activity, as well as to motivate the necessity for

the definition itself” (p. 16). His worksheets were based on original sources and followed

by questions, usually of one of the four following types:

• elementary understanding (One example of this type is the “dictionary,”

where students provide the modern forms [or names] for those that appear in

the original sources.)

• development and transfer

1. mathematics exercises in the style of the original text

2. completion of missing steps

• criticism, analysis, and synthesis

1. comparisons between different approaches within an original source or in

other sources

2. argument and refutation

3. summary and synthesis

The objectives of his worksheets were:

• to improve and enrich teachers’ mathematical knowledge about topics they

were/would be teaching;

• to enrich teachers’ didactics, allowing the opportunity for discussion of the

demands of didactics as opposed to the demands of pure mathematics and

comparisons with present classroom practice;

• to contribute to the creation of a reasonable image of mathematics and

mathematical activity; and


• to create awareness of, and positive attitude towards, the history of topics in

the curriculum. (Arcavi, 1985, p. 43)

Arcavi (1985) was one of the few to attempt to determine the learning that

occurred as a result of studying the history of a concept. Note that his work is topic

specific, that is, the pre-service teachers studied, in depth, the development of a single

topic rather than studying the history of mathematics in a general, chronological

approach. The teachers involved in his study felt that they had profited from the materials

in terms of the objectives which guided the design and felt they learned the formal

definitions of negative and irrational numbers. They believed that the materials helped

“enhance mathematical knowledge” (p. 63). Note, however, that this resultant learning of

the mathematical topic was self-reported by the teachers. Though one would like to hope

that teachers have an accurate understanding of their own conceptions, objective data

would be more convincing. Arcavi did compare the mathematical reading ability of in-

service and pre-service teachers, however, before and after completing his worksheets

and found that the materials aided in developing competence in reading mathematical

text. He also provided a short pre- and post-test on which his participants were asked to

identify irrational numbers. He found that the materials “contribute to the recognition of

irrational numbers” (p. 73) and they motivate and conceptually prepare students for the

introduction of the formal definition of negative numbers.

Van Gulik (2005) studied the value and the applicability of the history of

geometry in modern education. Sixteen to 18-year-old high school students learned about

proofs in plane geometry by working in groups on the history of non-Euclidean


geometry. Van Gulik collected data through questionnaires preceding and following the

series of lessons, through lesson observations, and through discussions with students and

teachers. She concluded that her participants gained a deeper insight into the origin of

geometry, the teachers found the subject challenging and inspiring, and “the ‘reinvention’

of the basic assumptions of geometry results in a more lively learning process and better

motivation” (personal communication, February 23, 2006.)

Jahnke (2000) reported about a teaching experiment on conic sections. A

secondary school teacher in Italy created 34 worksheets containing passages from a

French text and worked with 16 students aged 16 or 17 who volunteered to participate

after the regular school day. After each session he gave students a questionnaire to

evaluate their understanding of mathematical content and to check difficulties. Students

also completed a questionnaire at the conclusion of the overall experience. Among other

benefits, the teacher noticed that working directly with the text “required more careful

reflections on problems and better understanding of their meanings” (p. 312).

Not all studies reported positive results. Fleener, Reeder, Young, and Reynolds

(2002) reported the effects of a mathematics education curriculum infused with historical

explorations over three semesters in three different courses. Their study investigated the

ways that such study might help pre-service elementary education students make sense of

their own mathematics. The purpose was to critique students’ thinking about mathematics

at three points in the curriculum:

• early in their studies, that is, in a mathematics content course that was part of

a general education requirement for elementary education, early childhood,


and special education majors. The Mathematics Department housed this

course which students usually take during the second semester of the

sophomore year.

• at the beginning of their methods coursework, that is, in the first mathematics

education course taken after admission to the teacher education program.

Students typically take this course in their junior year. The course focuses on

problem-centered, inquiry-based approaches to mathematics teaching.

• during the last semester of coursework before their graduate-level internship.

In the mathematics content course, students selected topics from the history of

mathematics to research and prepared a short presentation. Most worked in pairs and all

submitted a two-page report of their topic. Students chose mathematical topics rather than

historical figures.

In the first methods course, students chose to study either an historical figure or a

mathematical historical topic, then prepared a formal oral report and one-page handout on

their topic. Most students again worked in pairs. They also developed inquiry activities

for elementary students using historical topics or individuals. The researchers (Fleener et

al., 2002) claimed that the topics were of a broader range than those in the mathematics

course, that is, students chose biographies, mathematics fields of study, as well as topics

in the history of mathematics.

In the last course involved in the study, students chose a mathematician from a

given list, read about this mathematician’s contributions, then role-played him or her.

They were tested on the contributions of the mathematicians, and throughout the entire

semester, classroom activities integrated historical topics.

At the end of the first course, students responded to the following questions on

their final exam: How has learning about the history of mathematics affected your

understanding of mathematics? How has preparing and listening to others’ final reports

of historical topics facilitated your understanding of mathematics content and

approaches to teaching mathematics? Students responded to similar questions on each of

the final exams in the other two courses.

The researchers used three categories of analysis: mathematics learning as defined

by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (2000); Habermas’ categories of

human interest from the point of view of learners of mathematics (technical knowing,

hermeneutical understanding, emancipatory participation); and Habermas’ categories of

interest from the point of view of future teachers. They performed a qualitative analysis

and two chi-square quantitative analyses—one to determine if there was a change in

responses from the first class to the last and the other to determine if the answers varied

from random responses. Researchers also performed a third chi-square test with collapsed

categories to determine if there was a preference for technical over other approaches to

understanding mathematics. This last Chi-square statistic was “extremely significant”

(Fleener et al., 2002, p. 77), suggesting a preference for responses in the technical

category. The researchers concluded that

These results suggest critical and historical approaches, even sustained over

several semesters of mathematics instruction, are not sufficient for students to


develop an emancipatory approach to their own learning and teaching of

mathematics. As suggested in much of the mathematics education literature,

students’ past experiences with mathematics and the emphasis, becoming even

more pervasive, on technical skill demonstration of competencies in K-12

mathematics, may prevent our programmatic efforts from having an impact on

students’ hermeneutical or emancipatory approaches to the study and teaching of

mathematics. (pp. 80-81)

Researchers expressed surprise at the resiliency of this technical view of

mathematics in the pre-service elementary school teachers. They expected students in the

later classes to “exhibit more hermeneutical or emancipatory ideas about mathematics”

(Fleener et al., 2002p. 80).

The Fleener et al. (2002) study was thorough, using both quantitative and

qualitative analysis. Note, however, that results depended upon analysis of student self-

reporting, rather than upon analysis of their work on mathematical tasks intended to

assess their understanding of a specific topic. Then too, the assignments (e.g., 2 page

reports) may not have been in-depth enough to reveal or require growth in understanding.

The researchers recognize that these assignments did not promote critical reflection (p.

82) and that a problem solving approach may have been more effective. They admitted

that their approach was still their “doing something TO” the students rather than enabling

students’ own drive to understand (p. 83).

One apparent critic of using history to teach mathematics is Freudenthal (1981),

who claimed that the most commonly heard argument for studying history is that

knowledge of the history of a subject helps in understanding the subject matter itself. He

does not believe that studying the history of mathematics helps in understanding

mathematics, however. Admitting that mathematics has a long and interesting history, he

questioned if the pre-stages of mathematics are worth remembering. “Whoever learns a

second modern language learns it in its present state doesn’t he?” Freudenthal asked.

“Maybe Hippocrates’ name will be dropped at least once in courses at medical schools,

but no examiner will expect a student to know whether anaesthesia was invented before

Christ or later” (p. 30). “Should one impose the constraint to memorise upon students

who have accepted to go the way of understanding? History, indeed, is again a thing that

is memorized, must be memorized” (p. 31).

One can readily conclude that Freudenthal thought that studying the history is a

matter of knowing dates and names, though he was really being critical of the way it was

taught. He concluded his article by stating that

The history of science [is] . . . integrated knowledge rather than items stored in

well-stocked drawers, each of them labeled and opened when the timetable

announces the history of the subject matter. . . . History is worth being studied at

the source rather than by reading and copying what others have read and copied

before. . . . Whoever is interested in the history of mathematics should study the

processes rather than the products of mathematical creativity. (p. 33)

In the present study, as in Arcavi’s (1985), the purpose is “to create a picture of

the development of a topic of relevance to the teacher, and by the way, into that picture,

enter mathematicians, dates, etc., that are subsidiary to the study of the mathematical

story” (Arcavi, Bruckheimer, & Ben-Zvi, 1982, p. 30). Names and dates are secondary in

a thematic approach that attempts to trace the crucial moments in a topics’ development,

that is, what caused the idea to move forward? What were some of the issues that

spawned the idea? Why was there controversy about it? What were the arguments pro

and con? How did a formal definition finally develop? What were the cultural and

intellectual settings that spawned the need for the concept? These questions get at the

meat of the topic, and can offer profound insight into the nature of the topic. Studying

history is the study of an evolution of an idea, not a study of names and dates.

As noted in the above studies, researchers are very interested in what history has

to offer to the educational process. Note that many studies document changes in attitude

not learning, however, and that others depend solely on self-reporting of learning rather

than upon objective empirical results. Van Gulik’s (2005) and Arcavi’s studies (1985;

Arcavi et al., 1982) were among the few that attempted to document student learning.

The purpose of the current study is to extend these efforts and analyze student learning

within an APOS theoretical framework.

Studies About Learning the Concept of Function

Much has been written about students’ understanding of the concept of function.

Many students think that a computational formula is a necessary condition for a function

(Breidenbach et al., 1992; Carlson, 1998; Even, 1993; Sierpinska, 1992; Wilson, 1994),

or that variables must be present to indicate input and output (Breidenbach et al., 1992).

Some students insist upon the presence of causality and many were not able to construct a

process in their minds in response to a situation (Breidenbach et al., 1992; Norman, 1992)

or to solve real world problems (Wilson, 1994). Breidenbach et al. (1992) noted

confusion between the requirement for being a function and the definition of a one-to-one

function. Prospective secondary school mathematics teachers in Even’s study (1993)

thought that all functions are one-to-one and onto, graphs of functions are “nice” (i.e.,

smooth and with no sharp corners), and tended to use the vertical line test as a rule for

students to follow, not necessarily with understanding. They did not consider constant

functions, those with split domains, or a function obtained by composition to be

functions. Anna Sfard (1992) noted other misconceptions and student difficulties with the


• thinking that a function is its representation;

• an inability to connect different representations of functions (graphical,

symbolic, tabular);

• giving independent solutions to basically equivalent problems when only

superficial changes in notation are introduced;

• a general neglect of domain and range;

• inability to deal formally and generally with operations on functions.

Marilyn Carlson (1998) noted others:

• believing all functions are continuous

• difficulty with function notation, that is, the role of the parenthesis in the

function representation

• not understanding that the “function value” refers to the y-value (assuming

conventional labeling of axes); not understanding what it means for one

quantity to be a function of another

• difficulty interpreting rate of change information from a situation

• difficulty demonstrating an awareness of the impact of change on one variable

has on the other; interpreting and graphically representing covariant aspects of

a real world situation.

Vinner (1992) studied 271 college freshmen starting calculus courses in different

science departments and noted that 56% of his subjects showed some degree of

compartmentalization concerning the concept of function. He defined

compartmentalization as the existence of incompatible pieces of knowledge in a student’s

mind without the student being aware of it. For example, though some of his subjects

defined a function as a correspondence between two sets, they claimed that a graph does

not represent a function because there was no rule to describe it.

Eisenberg (1992) noted that students have a strong tendency to think of functions

algebraically rather than visually and have difficulty connecting the graph of a function

with its analytic representation. He observed a common belief that visualization is not

central to the nature of mathematics.

Artigue’s (1992) students also exhibited this belief. Her study involved about 100

university students in a differential equations class. Her goal was to study the exact

nature of student difficulties in relating an algebraic representation to a graphic one. She

identified three “registers of interaction” (p. 114) between the algebraic setting and the

graphical one: the interpretation register (information is given simultaneously in the two

settings and the problem to be solved requires interaction between these two bits of

information); the prediction register (information is given in one setting only and the

problem to be solved requires a solution in the other setting); and the justification

register. Not surprisingly, she found the most difficulties in the register of justification.

She commented about the difficulty of justification but also noted that in traditional

teaching, the graphical setting is rarely, if ever, accepted as a setting for justifications.

She saw this as a pedagogical obstacle to understanding the qualitative nature of

differential equations. In the second year of the study, the graphic setting was emphasized

on the level of justification and students showed an obvious improvement (p. 128).

Other researchers note students’ tendency to trace back to each axis of a graph

rather than look at its global characteristics (A. Bell & Janvier, 1981; Monk, 1992). Monk

differentiated between a pointwise analysis of a graph and an across-time analysis. A

pointwise question asks for values of a function for a specific input value. An across-time

analysis involves asking students to describe a pattern of change in the value of a

function that results from a pattern of change in the input values. Monk (1992)

maintained that one source of difficulty students have with across-time analysis is their

incomplete understanding of relevant concepts. A. Bell and Janvier (1981) called the

same difficulty one of a “situational distractor” (p. 37). For example, a student may have

difficulty with the related concepts of speed, distance, and time. Given a graph of speed

versus time of three runners in a race, a student may be unable to completely integrate the

three. She can use the concepts for some purposes (e.g., identifying the winner by point

reading) but is unable to correctly differentiate change in position with change in speed.

Monk called this confusion a “blurred concept” of these ideas, “sometimes fused,

conflated, or exchanged” (p. 176). She exchanged the concept of change in position with

that of a change in speed.

An error mentioned frequently in the research is the tendency of students to treat a

graph as a literal picture of the problem situation (Bell & Janvier, 1981; Clement, 1989;

Monk, 1992; Sierpinska, 1992). Clement differentiated between a global correspondence

error and a local correspondence error (p. 83). In the latter, a visual feature of the

problem scene (e.g., the same location of the cars) is matched to a specific feature of the

graph (i.e., the point of intersection).

Goldenberg, Lewis, and O’Keefe (1992) also documented students’ difficulties

with graphs of functions. Students do not have a sound understanding of graphs of

functions because they do not really understand or even see the varying nature of the

variables. Such understanding is difficult, they claimed, due to the static nature of

traditional graphs. They developed software called DynaGraphs that enables students to

control the variation of the input values and see the effect of this change on the output

values. Rather than using the traditional xy coordinate system, they use two separate

horizontal axes. Though their initial intent was to gradually lead students to the

traditional system of graphing, the researchers found that students were experiencing a

rich understanding of rather sophisticated mathematical concepts using these dynamic

graphs. They decided that they had not exhausted the possibilities of these DynaGraphs

and also noted that some students were able to sketch the traditional graphs with ease

after analyzing the behavior of the function on its DynaGraph. Like Artigue (1992), these

researchers emphasized the importance of the graphical representation of functions.

Breidenbach et al. (1992) noted that college students, even those who have taken

a large number of mathematics courses, do not have a good understanding of the function

concept. They insisted that a good understanding includes having a process conception of

function, as defined by APOS theory. Since the current study analyzes students’

responses in terms of this theory, Table 1 illustrates a detailed summary of Breidenbach

et al.’s classifications.

While studying students’ understanding of derivative, Asiala, Cottrill, Dubinsky,

and Schwingendorf (1997) noted that a student’s “strong need to find or even construct

an expression in which to substitute suggests that they may not be very far advanced

beyond an action conception of function” (p. 16).

Breidenbach et al. (1992) worked with sophomore and junior mathematics majors

preparing to be high school, middle school, or elementary school mathematics teachers.

They compared student responses to the question “what is a function?” before and after

instruction. The students experienced a semester long instructional period in a computer

environment studying various topics of mathematics in the context of working with

ISETL, an interactive programming language whose syntax is very similar to standard

mathematical notation. They worked in cooperative groups. After instruction, students

were given a list of descriptions of situations and asked to decide if the situation could be

expressed by functions, and if so, to explain how. Researchers noted that of 59 students,

Table 1

Description of APOS Levels

Sample student responses

APOS Level Description of Level Evidence to “What is a function?”

Prefunction Student has little if any “I don’t know.

conception of function. “A mathematic equation with
“A mathematical statement
that describes something.
“A social gathering.”

Action “A repeatable mental or Emphasizes the act of “A function is something that

physical manipulation of substituting numbers evaluates an expression in
objects” (Breidenbach et in for variables and terms of x.
al., 1992, p. 251). Would calculating to obtain a
involve the ability to plug number, but not “A function is an equation in
numbers into an algebraic referring to any overall which a variable is
expression and calculate. A process. If student manipulated so that an
static conception; student does not explicitly answer is calculated using
needs to think about it one mention a beginning numbers in place of that
step at a time. or resulting object, variable.
response should be
categorized as an “A function is a combination
action. of operations used to derive
an answer.

Subject might be able “A function is an expression

to find composition of that will evaluate something
two functions by when either variables or
substituting one numbers are plugged into
formula into the other, the function.” (p. 252)
but unable to find
composition in a more
general sense, e.g., if
not given an algebraic
expressions, or if
given functions with
split domains.

(table continues)

Table 1 (continued)

Description of APOS Levels

Sample student responses

APOS Level Description of Level Evidence to “What is a function?”

Process Involves a “dynamic Subject can think “A function is a statement that

transformation of objects about process without when given values will
according to some having to perform it operate with these values and
repeatable means, that given and can think about return some result.
the same original object, the transformation as
will always produce the a “complete activity “A function is some sort of
same transformed object.” beginning with input being processed, a way
(p. 251) objects of some kind, to give some sort of output.
doing something to
these objects and “A function is an algorithm
obtaining new objects that maps an input into a
as the result as what designated output.
has been done.” (p.
251) “A function is an operation
that accepts a given value and
Can combine the returns a corresponding
process and even value.” (p. 252)
reverse it. Notions of
1-1 or onto functions
are accessible.
Mentions input,
transformation, and
output in general

Object When a student can perform

an action on a process, the
authors say the student has
encapsulated the process as
an object.

7 appeared to start the course with strong process conceptions, 24 showed clear

progress throughout the semester that seemed to be more than one might expect

from ordinary instruction and the other students made only a small amount of

progress or their performances appeared to oscillate. None of the students got

noticeably worse. (p. 274)

Schwingendorf, Hawks, and Beineke (1992) found similar results while using this

pedagogical technique with a group of first year calculus students and claimed that it

“may produce substantial progress in the development of the students’ understanding and

‘sense’ of the function concept” (p. 147). They gave a final questionnaire six months after

instruction and noted that “our students appear to have made progress in developing a

process conception of function by constructing functions as processes in ISETL” (p. 147).

There was less confusion with notion of one-to-one and the uniqueness condition for

functions and little if any continuity restriction, that is, they did not think function had to

be continuous. These observations are indicative of process conception of function.

Confrey, Piliero, Rizzuti, and Smith (1994) developed software called Function

Probe in an effort to facilitate a constructivist learning environment. The software

allowed students to experiment, analyze, and make conjectures about functions using

multiple representations. It allowed students to build calculator buttons to generalize

numeric procedures, fill tables to organize data, and perform transformations of function

graphs. This technique is similar to that of Breidenbach et al.’s (1992) technique of

asking students to write small computer programs in ISETL.


Apparently, the exactness required to write a simple code enables the construction

of mathematical concepts. Previous screens were also readily accessible to students in

order to encourage student reflection about their work. The researchers concluded that the

students’ “understandings of functional relationships were strengthened and broadened

by coordinating different representations” (Confrey et al., 1994, p. 4). They also noted

that the use of contextual problems contributed to their understanding. They claimed,

however, that though the software and curriculum played important roles, the teacher’s

role was “critical in the development process” (Confrey et al., 1994, p. 4).

Dubinsky and Harel (1992) described in detail the nature of the process

conception of function. They reported on a study conducted with 22 students in a

Discrete Mathematics class. The article analyzed in depth 4 of the 13 interviews

conducted with students after they experienced instructional activities based on a

constructivist theory of learning involving computer activities in the programming

language ISETL. These activities were specifically designed to foster development of

students’ conceptions of function.

The researchers (Dubinsky & Harel, 1992) found that the process conception of

function is complex and identified four factors that evolved from their interpretations of

the observations of students’ apparent ways of thinking about function. These four factors


1. Restrictions that students possess about what a function is. They observed

three main restrictions: the manipulation restriction (one must be able to

perform an explicit manipulation for a function to exist), the quantity


restriction (inputs and outputs must be numbers), and the continuity

restriction (a graph representing a function must be continuous).

2. The severity of the restriction.

3. Ability to construct a process when none is explicit in the situation, and the

student’s autonomy in such a construction.

4. Uniqueness to the right condition, confusing the definition of function with

that of a 1-1 function.

The authors analyzed in detail the significance of each of the function situations

presented to students. A variation of these situations is included in Appendix A and was

used in the present study. The function situations deal with 7 different contexts:

1. Two finite sequences: one with integer values (#8) and one with Boolean,

true/false values (#18).

2. Two character strings (#5 and #6).

3. Three graphs: a single valued continuous curve (with respect to both axes;

#2), a discrete graph (#19), and a continuous curve (#13).

4. Three sets of ordered pairs (#1, #16, and #17).

5. One table (#12).

6. Five equations: one with a single variable (#15), three with two variables (#3,

#4, and #11), and one set of parametric equations (#14).

7. Three statements: two describing physical situations (#7 and #9) and one

specifying a set of records (#10).


Dubinsky and Harel’s analysis of these situations is described in Chapter 3 under the

section entitled Analysis.

In summary, many researchers have documented students’ difficulties with the

concept of function. Breidenbach et al’s (1992) didactical method of writing ISETL

programs resulted in significant growth in student understanding of the concept based on

APOS analysis. The current study attempts to discern if learning the history of the

concept of function is another avenue to such understanding.

History of the Concept of Function

This section looks at the main players in the history of the concept of function.

Much of the work described below appears in abbreviated form in the worksheets used in

the present study.


Scholars differ in their opinions about the origin of the notion of function. E. T.

Bell (1945) claimed that “it may not be too generous to credit them [ancient Babylonians]

with an instinct for functionality; for a function has been succinctly defined as a table or a

correspondence” (p. 32). The Babylonians used tables like the one for n3 + n2, n = 1, 2,

. . ., 30 suggesting that a function is a table or correspondence, between n in one column

and n3 + n2 in the other (Kennedy & Ragan, 1989). According to Sierpinska (1992), the

notion of function had its origin in

the disdained field of practical computations. It entered mathematics through the

kitchen door long before it was put on a pedestal by Felix Klein, who, in 1908 . . .

advocated that functional thinking should pervade all of mathematics and, at

school, students should be brought up to functional thinking. (p. 32)

In ancient Greece, the art of constructing tables, however sophisticated, did not

belong to the realm of science. It belonged to that of logistics. In the Almagest,

considered the culmination of Greek astronomy and the most influential astronomical

work from the time it was written until the 16th century, Ptolemy (c. 100 – 178 C.E.)

constructed sophisticated tables of chords, or sines, of all arcs from ½o to 180o in

intervals of ½o. Though involving the interpolation of functions of two variables, his

work did not achieve the status of true mathematics, as did Euclid’s elements and some

new geometrical theorems and plane and spherical trigonometry (Sierpinska, 1992, p.

31). O. Pederson (as cited in Siu, 1995) recognized the existence of functions in

Ptolemy’s Almagest:

But if we conceive a function, not as a formula, but as a more general relation

associating the elements of one set of numbers (viz, points of time t1, t2, t3, . . .)

with the elements of another set (for example, some angular variable in a

planetary system), it is obvious that functions abound in the Almagest. Only the

word is missing: the thing itself is there and clearly represented by the many

tables of corresponding elements of such sets. (p. 106)

On the other hand, A.F. Monna claimed that “the notion of function has no place in

Greek mathematics” (as cited in Siu, 1995 p. 106) and Youschkevitch (1976) noted that

“there was no general idea of functionality in ancient times” (p. 42). Boyer (1949)

claimed that since Greek geometry was concerned largely with form rather than variation,

the function concept was not developed. Apparently, one’s belief about the origin of the

function concept depends upon one’s definition of function.

The Fourteenth Through Sixteenth Centuries

A. P. Youschkevitch claimed, “The notion of function first occurred in a more

general form three centuries later [in the 14th century], in the schools of natural

philosophy at Oxford and Paris” (p. 45). In the 14th century appeared the beginning of the

notion that velocity, in particular instantaneous velocity, was measurable. The ancient

Greeks never considered velocity or acceleration as independent measurable quantities.

As mathematicians attempted to quantify Aristotle’s ideas on motion, they began to

explore the idea of representing velocity, as well as other varying quantities, by line

segments. Notions of time, distance, and length of line segments were still considered to

be continuous magnitudes, not discrete numbers. Thus, representing the abstract notion of

velocity, which was clearly continuous, as a line segment seemed reasonable. Velocities

of varying magnitudes would be represented by line segments of different lengths.

Nicole Oresme (1320-1382), a French cleric and mathematician associated with

the University of Paris, carried this idea to its logical conclusion by introducing a two-

dimensional representation of velocity changing with respect to time. He showed

geometrically that the arithmetic mean of the initial and final velocities of motion with

uniform acceleration is equivalent to motion with uniform velocity. A rectangle

corresponds to uniform velocity, a triangle to uniform acceleration.




AF = ½ AC

Area(ABC) = Area (ABGF)

Figure 1. Oresme’s Uniform Velocity and Uniform Acceleration

Sierpinska (1992) claimed that this geometric way of thinking about numbers

makes Oresme’s graphs qualitative models of relationship rather than true quantitative

graphs as we think of them today (p. 40). Siu (1995) disagreed, however, and maintained

that though this “dim idea of functional dependence exerted minor influence later, it

indicated: (i) quantitative laws of nature as laws of functional dependence, (ii) conscious

use of general ideas about independent/dependent variables, (iii) graphic representation

of functional dependence” (p. 107).

According to Alistair C. Crombie (1959) this idea of functional relationship was

developed only in principle, not with actual measurement. Youschkevitch (1976) noted a

lack of computational technique, claiming that these early views of function were not that

significant. Similarly, Kleiner (1989) attributed the lack of the development of the

function concept to the following:

• lack of algebraic prerequisites—the coming to terms with the continuum of

real numbers, and the development of symbolic notation;


• lack of motivation. Why define an abstract notion of function unless one had

many examples from which to abstract? (p. 283)

Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

The study of motion by Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei in the early 17th

century provided the impetus for development of the function concept (Siu, 1995). Also

significant were the extension of the concept of numbers and the development of

symbolic algebra, which facilitated the invention of analytic geometry by Fermat and

Descartes, followed eventually by the creation of calculus by Newton and Leibniz. The

crucial elements in analytic geometry were the use of variables and the expression of the

relationship between variables by means of equations. These equations “provided a large

number of examples of curves (potential functions) for study and set the final stage for

the introduction of the function concept” (Kleiner, 1989, p. 283). Still missing, however,

was the discrimination between the dependent and independent variable in the equation.

Rene Descartes

Descartes went beyond the purely algebraic treatment of equations to the study of

variation in magnitudes when one variable changes through a series of values. Friedrich

Engels (1940) said:

The turning point in mathematics was Descartes’ variable magnitude. With that

came motion and hence dialectics in mathematics, and at once also of necessity

the differential and integral calculus, which moreover immediately begins, and

which on the whole was perfected by Newton and Leibniz not discovered by

them. (p. 199)


Newton and Leibniz

Modern students would not recognize the calculus of Newton and Leibniz. It was

not a calculus of functions, but rather one of geometric curves. Analysis of the time

involved finding tangents, areas under various curves, lengths of curves, and velocities of

points moving along curves. The variables were geometric (abscissas, ordinates,

subtangents, subnormals). In 1692, Leibniz introduced the word “function” to designate a

geometric object associated with a curve. For example, he wrote, “a tangent is a function

of a curve” (Kleiner, 1989 p. 283). Even though this study is geometric rather than

analytic, Siu (1995) maintained that it induced further study into the notion of function

simply by providing many examples of functions cloaked in various forms (e.g., the

“fluents” of Newton, the abscissas, ordinates, and subtangents studied by Leibniz, and

eventually the infinite power series of Mercator, Gregory, and Newton).

As mathematicians increasingly emphasized the formulas and equations relating

to the curves, they focused their attention of the role of the symbols in those equations,

often not even referring to the curves themselves. They studied the relationships among

these symbols. According to Kleiner (1989), Johann Bernoulli and Leibniz corresponded

(1694-1698) about the lack of a general term to represent quantities dependent on other

quantities in these formulas. They eventually introduced the use of the term “function” as

it appears in Bernoulli’s (1718) definition: “I call a function of a variable magnitude a

quantity composed in any manner whatsoever from this variable magnitude and from

constants” (Katz, 1998, p. 724).


Leonhard Euler

Leonhard Euler, in his book Introduction in Analysis Infinitorum written in 1748,

claimed that analysis is the science of variables and their functions. His entire approach

was algebraic, not geometric; not a single drawing appears (Kleiner, 1989, p. 184). His

definition of function was almost identical to Bernoulli’s. He used the term “analytic

expression” and though he did not define it, he stated the admissible ones: the four

algebraic operations, roots, exponentials, logarithms, trig functions, derivatives, and

integrals. He classified functions as being either algebraic or transcendental and claimed

that any function can be expanded in a power series. His work exhibited one of the

earliest treatments of trig functions as numeric ratios and was the earliest interpretation of

logarithms as exponents (Kleiner, 1989, p. 184). Interestingly, Euler’s definition of a

continuous function was one that had the same analytic expression over the entire

domain. Historian Hawkins (1975) summed up Euler’s contributions to the development

of the function concept: “Although the notion of function did not originate with Euler, it

was he who first gave it prominence by treating the calculus as a formal theory of

functions” (p. 3).

The Vibrating String Problem

The next major influence on the development of the function concept was the

controversy over the solution to the vibrating string problem. Given an elastic string with

fixed ends, which is pulled into some initial shape then released to vibrate, the problem is

to determine the function that describes the shape of a string at time t. The controversy

centered on the meaning of “function” and the type of functions which could be allowed

in analysis from the standpoint of a mathematician (d’Alembert), a physicist (Bernoulli),

and a mathematical physicist (Euler). In 1747, d’Alembert solved the problem by

showing that the motion of the string is governed by the so-called “wave” partial

differential equation

∂ 2y ∂2 y
=a 2 (a is constant, y(0,t) = y(L,t) = 0).
∂t 2 ∂x 2

In this representation y, the dependent variable represents the displacement from

equilibrium, x represents the distance from the origin, and t indicates time. The most

“general solution” is y(x,t) = f(x + t) + f(x – t), where f is an arbitrary function. The only

restrictions on it were that it be periodic, odd, and everywhere (twice) differentiable.

D’Alembert thought that the function describing the initial form of the string must be a

single analytic expression, that is, given by the same formula over the entire length of the


In 1748 Euler solved the same problem and showed that his solution gives the

shape of the string for different values of t even when the initial shape is NOT given by a

single formula. Euler argued that the initial shape can be given by different analytic

expressions in different subintervals, or even drawn free-hand. Different pieces of the

string might be described by circular arcs of varying radii, for example. The belief at the

time, however, was that if two analytic expressions agreed on an interval, they agreed

everywhere. In other words, if a single analytic expression determined the shape of the

entire curve, looking at a single interval, no matter how small, would be sufficient to

determine behavior on the entire string. If the initial shape of the string were given by

several analytic expressions or drawn free-hand, it could not possibly be given by a single

expression. Thus d’Alembert’s solution could not account for all possibilities. Bernoulli

entered the debate, which lasted for several more years. The major outcome of this debate

was to extend the function concept to include:

• functions defined piecewise by analytic expressions in different intervals

• functions drawn freehand and possibly not given by any combination of

analytic expressions. (Kleiner, 1989, p. 288)

Another eventual result of this debate was the change in Euler’s definition of

function. Recall that his 1748 definition used the term “analytic expression” but the

following later one (1755) did not:

When quantities depend on others in such a way that [the former] undergo

changes themselves when [the latter] change, then [the former] are called

functions of [the latter]; this is a very comprehensive idea which includes in itself

all the ways in which one quantity can be determined by others. (Katz, 1998, p.


The Nineteenth Century

Fourier Series

Fourier studied heat conduction and his work, in addition to winning him a prize

from the Institut de France in 1812, was “revolutionary in the evolution of the function

concept” (Kleiner, 1989, p. 289). He claimed that any function f(x) defined over an

interval is representable over this interval by a series of sines and cosines. Both Lagrange

and Euler, among others, had previously recognized Fourier’s results as true for certain

functions. Fourier’s claim that it was true for all functions was revolutionary. His

definition (1822) of function is as follows:

In general, the function f(x) represents a succession of values or ordinates each of

which is arbitrary. An infinity of values being given to the abscissa x, there is an

equal number of ordinates f(x). All have actual numerical values, either positive or

negative or null. We do not suppose these ordinates to be subject to a common

law; they succeed each other in any manner whatever, and each of them is given

as if it were a single quantity. (Katz, 1998, p. 724)

The influence of Fourier’s work is as follows:

• It disproved the belief that if two analytic expressions agreed on an interval,

they agreed everywhere. He calculated the Fourier coefficients for small

values of n for a great variety of functions and noted the close agreement in an

interval, but not outside the interval, between the initial segments of the

Fourier series and the function values of the given function (Kleiner, 1989, p.


• There was a renewed emphasis on analytic expressions (Siu, 1995, p. 112).

• The recognition that an “arbitrary” function is representable by an analytical

expression (Siu).

• Reexamination of the function concept as a whole (Siu).

Both Siu (1995) and Kleiner (1989) claimed that Fourier’s work in heat

conduction set the analytic expression of a function on (at least) equal footing with its

geometric representation. Siu compared the vibrating string problem with the heat

conduction problem:

The shape of the string (geometry) is visible, while temperature distribution

(algebra) is not. This may explain the freeing from geometric perception of a

function and the emergence of a general notion of function in the nineteenth

century. (Siu, 1995, p. 111)

He also gave profound insight into the problem of accepting a new concept, both

historically and by students:

Why was the “Eulerian” concept of function maintained so long after the

realization that is was inadequate? What lesson do we learn from this experience?

(If only a particular form is used, students unconsciously accept that particular

form as the definition. We witness the same psychological effect in

mathematicians of the seventeenth/eighteenth centuries. A new concept receives

recognition only when it is relevant to current usage. This is as true in research as

it is in teaching.) (p. 113)

Cauchy and Dirichlet

Cauchy was one of the first mathematicians to usher in a “spirit of rigor” in

mathematical analysis and defined the concepts of continuity, differentiability, and

integrability of a function in terms of limits (Kleiner, 1989, p. 291). His definition of

function in 1821 was not that different from his predecessors:

When the variable quantities are linked together in such a way that, when the

value of one of them is given, we can infer the values of all the others, we

ordinarily conceive that these various quantities are expressed by means of one of

them which then takes the name of independent variable; and the remaining

quantities, expressed by means of the independent variable, are those which one

calls functions of this variable. (p. 291)

Another main player of the time was Dirichlet. He questioned Fourier’s result and

in 1829, gave sufficient conditions for Fourier’s representability of functions, that is, that

the function needs to have only finitely many discontinuities and finitely many maxima

and minima on the interval. Dirichlet was the first to take seriously the notion of function

as an arbitrary correspondence (Siu). He is known for the celebrated “Dirichlet


⎧ c, x is rational
D(x) = ⎨
⎩d , x is irrational

This function was the first explicit example(s) of one not given by analytic expressions,

nor was it a curve drawn freehand. It was also the first example of a function

discontinuous everywhere. It also illustrated the concept of a function as an arbitrary

pairing (Kleiner, 1989, p. 292).

Dirichlet’s definition of function follows:

y is a function of a variable x, defined on the interval a < x < b, if to every value

of the variable x in this interval there corresponds a definite value of the variable

y. Also, it is irrelevant in what way this correspondence is established. (Kleiner,

1989, p. 291)

Noteworthy in this definition was the explicit restriction of the domain to an interval . . .

also a first.

Riemann and Weierstrass

In 1854, Riemann dealt with the representations of functions in Fourier series.

The coefficients of a Fourier series are given by integrals. Cauchy had developed his

integral only for continuous functions, but Riemann extended this concept to

discontinuous functions. As a result, he enlarged the class of functions representable by

Fourier series. Both Riemann and Weierstrass delighted in studying irregularities and

discovering exceptions in analysis (Kleiner, 1989, p. 292). Weierstrass found an example

of a continuous, nowhere-differentiable function and thus began the “disengagement of

the continuous from the differentiable” in analysis (Kleiner, 1989, p. 293).

These “pathological” examples of functions characterized the change in emphasis

in analysis during the late 19th century:

The main difference between methods of studying functions within the framework

of mathematical analysis and the theory of functions is that classical analysis

deduces properties of any function starting from the properties of those analytical

expressions and formulae by which it is defined, while the theory of functions

determines the properties of function starting from that property which a priori

distinguishes the class of functions considered. (Luzin, as cited in Siu, 1995, pp.


Function as Correspondence

With Cantor’s development of set theory and progress made in algebra, the notion

of function as mapping dominated towards the end of the 19th century (Siu, 1995). A

sampling of such definitions follows. Note that these definitions have their basis in set


Dedekind (1888): “A function φ on a set S is a law according to which every

determinate element s of S there belongs a determinate thing which is called the

transform of s and denoted by φ (s)” (Katz, 1998, p. 724).

Peano (1911):

The function is a special relation, by which to each value of the variable there

corresponds a unique value…a function is a relation u such that, if two pairs y;x

and z;x, having the same second element, satisfy the relation u, it necessarily

follows that y = z whatever x, y, z may be. (Siu, 1995, p. 116)

Bourbaki (1939):

Let E and F be two sets, which may or may not be distinct. A relation between a

variable element x of E and a variable element y of F is called a functional

relation in y if, for all x ∈ E, there exists a unique y ∈ F which is in the given
relation with x.

We give the name function to the operation which in this way associates with

every element x ∈ E the element y ∈ F which is in the given relation with x; y is

said to be the value of the function at the element x, and the function is said to be

determined by the given functional relation. Two equivalent functional relations

determine the same function. (Siu, 1995, p. 116)


Kleiner (1989) summarized the development of the function concept succinctly.

He claimed that implicit manifestations of the function concept date as far back as 2000

B.C., though its explicit form did not emerge until the beginning of the 18th century. He

viewed the evolution of the function concept as “a tug of war between two elements, two

mental images: the geometric (expressed in the form of a curve) and the algebraic

(expressed as a formula—first finite and later allowing infinitely many terms)” (p. 282).

Later, the “logical” definition of function appears and the geometric conception is

gradually abandoned.


This chapter described four theoretical frameworks for analyzing the link between

the history of mathematics and the learning of mathematics. This research confirmed

significant links between history and student learning, but did not connect individual

study of history to learning a concept. Piaget and Garcia’s (1989) triad is similar to the

components in Asiala, Brown, et al.’s (1997) APOS theory and APOS provides the

theoretical framework for the current study. This link suggests possible student benefits

from studying history. Students may recognize their own conceptions in the history of a

concept and note how these conceptions were found to be inadequate. Once these

inadequacies were discovered, the concept developed historically. Will similar results

occur cognitively in students?


The second group of studies reviewed concerned the effectiveness of using the

history of mathematics as a tool to learn the mathematics. Most studies in this area dealt

with student attitude towards mathematics or views of mathematics. Several involved

self-reporting of participants and lacked the objectivity for convincing empirical results.

The recent dissertation by Van Gulik (2005) is one exception, however. The current study

attempts to more closely investigate the learning that occurs as a result of studying


The third section reviewed the literature concerning students’ understanding of

the concept of function and provides much of the structure to the current study. In

particular, Harel and Dubinsky’s (1992) and Breidenbach et al.’s (1992) APOS analyses

provide very specific guidelines for analysis. The closing section on the history of

function gives historical background to the reader, so that he may understand the context

of this study.



Asiala, Brown, et al. (1997, p. 38) referred to Thomas Kuhn’s work (1970) as

they described a paradigm to be a

Collection of understandings (explicit or implicit) on the part of an individual or

group of individuals about the kinds of things one does when conducting research

in a particular field, the types of questions that are to be asked, the sorts of

answers that are to be expected, and the methods that are to be employed in

searching for these answers.

A paradigm shift generally occurs gradually (Asiala, Brown, et al.), as a result of

dissatisfaction with the status quo over an extended period of time. A change then takes

place and a new paradigm emerges. Such a paradigm shift occurred in research models in

mathematics education. The statistical model, comparing an experimental and a control

group, caused consternation among researchers since controlling enough variables to get

an appropriate control group is difficult, if not impossible. Mathematics education

researchers rarely consider two nearly identical classes and subject them to a single small

change in curriculum or pedagogy. Also, statistical information rarely provided enough

information about students’ thinking or understandings (Selden & Selden, 1992).



The current study attempts to determine the impact of historical studies on

students’ thinking and learning. The hope is to describe the changes in student

understanding that result from studying the history of a concept and demonstrate that

some students are able to move from one level of understanding to another in part due to

their exposure to historical readings. In the recently published ICMI study, E. Barbin

(2000a) commented that

The question of judging the effectiveness of integrating historical resources into

mathematics teaching may not be susceptible to the research techniques of the

quantitative experimental scientist. It is better handled through qualitative research

paradigms such as those developed by anthropologists. (p. 63)

Constructivist research is qualitative. Its purpose is to study the construction of

mathematical concepts in the minds of students. Constructivist researchers view

mathematics teaching and learning from three perspectives: the experiential perspective

from which they attempt to understand what students’ mathematical worlds are like, a

cognitive perspective from which they attempt to determine what mental operations give

rise to these mathematical worlds of students, and a social/cultural perspective from

which they attempt to describe the social and cultural factors which affect students’

construction of meaning (Battista, 1999a). Information from these three perspectives

gives a well-rounded view of student thinking and learning.

A teaching experiment is one constructivist research methodology. It is “primarily

an exploratory tool . . . aimed at what goes on in the student’s head. To this it adds

experimentation with ways and means of modifying the student’s operating” (von

Glasersfeld, 1987, p. 12). A teaching experiment is more than an interview aimed at

understanding where the child is in his understanding. It also aims at moving the child

along toward adult competence (Battista, 1999a). In order to do so, however, “the

experimenter/teacher must not only have a model of the student’s present conceptual

structures but also an analytical model of the adult conceptualizations towards which his

guidance is to lead” (von Glasersfeld, p. 13). “The ‘guidance’ must take the form of

either questions or of changes in the experiential field that leads the child into situations

where her present way of operating runs into obstacles and contradiction” (p. 14).

This emphasis on understanding student thinking and moving the student toward

adult competence makes the teaching experiment a particularly good methodology for

answering the research questions of this study:

• What is the function conception of junior and senior level pre-service high

school teachers?

• Does studying the history of the concept of function deepen a student’s

understanding of the concept in any way and if so, in what way? In particular,

does studying the history facilitate his or her move from an action level

understanding to a process level understanding as described by APOS theory

(Action, Process, Object, and Schema)?

• In what ways can studying the history of a mathematical concept be used to

deepen a student’s understanding of the concept?


• Does a student’s studying the history of the concept of function facilitate his

or her move from a process level understanding to an object level


According to Battista (1999a), the components of teaching-experiment-based

research are (a) preliminary interviews that allow for the researcher to make initial

distinctions in students’ conceptualizations, (b) Model building during which the

researcher formulates working models of student construction of ideas, (c) Retrospective

analysis to determine student’s ways of thinking, and (d) Scientific model building which

“provides an account of students’ mathematical concepts and underlying mental

processes at particular points in time as well as changes in those concepts and processes

caused by instruction and interaction with others” (p. 13).

In the current study, an initial questionnaire and interview provide information

about current student thinking, historical studies provide the potential perturbations that

move students along toward adult competence, and APOS theory provides the framework

for analysis of growth.


During spring semester 2006, students from a junior-senior level History of

Mathematics class at a large Midwestern university were chosen for this study. A week

before the five-week unit on the history of functions was to begin, the entire class of 17

students completed an extensive initial written questionnaire. Based on the responses to

this questionnaire, 7 students were asked to participate in the study. In order to obtain a

heterogeneous sample, the researcher asked the following to participate: the one student

whose responses suggested a process conception, three whose responses suggested an

action—or perhaps even a pre function—conception, and three who evidenced some

characteristics of an action conception and some of a process conception. The researcher

categorized these students as having an “emerging process” conception. Four of the

participants were juniors, two were seniors, and one was a post-undergraduate. Of the

seven, five were studying to be secondary school mathematics teachers. One of the

junior-level pre-service teachers became ill with mononucleosis during the unit on the

history of functions and dropped out of the study. One student missed his initial interview

because of a schedule conflict but chose to remain in the study.


Students enrolled in the History of Mathematics course participated in a five-

week unit on the history of the concept of function, as described by the worksheets in the

Appendices. These learning materials are nontraditional in that they did not follow a

chronological approach of multiple topics typically used in history of mathematics texts.

They focused on the development of a single concept and thus did not fit into the

curriculum as the course is usually taught. Only one section of the course is taught per

semester. Hence, the researcher was the instructor of the course. The culture of the

classroom was inquiry-based, with students working collaboratively.

All students in the class completed questionnaires before and after the

instructional program to ascertain their conception of function. These questionnaires are

in Appendices A and B and most of the questions on them are adapted from the work of

Dubinsky and Harel (1992). Based on student responses to the initial questionnaire, the

researcher chose seven students to interview. The initial interviews consisted of

questioning students about responses to the initial assessment. In particular, the

researcher asked them to explain their thinking as they responded to each question. Each

of these interviews was audio taped. Each interview lasted between 60 and 90 minutes.

All tapes were transcribed.

All students in the course worked in groups both in class and outside of class to

complete the readings and worksheets in the Appendices. After each reading or

worksheet, each student wrote a one page summary reflection indicating the following:

• her understanding of the concept of function;

• if and how the worksheet led to new insights concerning the concept of


The researcher conducted another individual interview with each of the 6 participants at

the conclusion of the unit. These interviews were also between 60 and 90 minutes in

length and focused on students’ responses on both questionnaires. In particular, the

researcher asked the participants again to explain their thinking in detail as they worked

through the second questionnaire and asked if they would change any of their answers on

the initial questionnaire. These interviews, the completed questionnaires, the student

worksheets, and the individual reflections comprised the data for this study. This plan is

summarized in Table 2.


The researcher was careful to gather and analyze data from different sources. The

written responses on the initial questionnaire were further explored in the interviews.

Students’ written reflections provided insight in a way that interviews and questionnaires

could not since the students wrote these immediately following their work on each

worksheet. Their thinking about the history was fresh in their minds and the questions

were open ended. The students’ completed worksheets were another data source.

Inter-Rater Reliability

Qualitative researchers have developed standard techniques for dealing with

issues of reliability of their research. One is the training of other observers who then can

work through the same body of data independently and compare notes afterwards. If all

goes well, the observers will code student responses similarly. This technique is

“interrater reliability” (Schoenfeld, 2002, p. 463) and identifies the degree to which

independent researchers assign a body of data the same coding.

The researcher of the current study conferred with a colleague concerning the

interpretation of data. Ed Dubinsky, the original developer of APOS Theory, was a co-

director for this research and a consultant on all data analysis. As a prolific researcher and

developer of the theory, he provided a level of confidence in the analysis that is

unparalleled. He and a group of researchers had developed the theory over several years
Table 2

Summary of Research Design

Research question Purpose Data tools Details

What is the function conception of Create a baseline of Function Given to all students in class on March 23. Researcher
junior and senior level pre-service high information about questionnaire in analyzed and coded questionnaire responses and chose 7
school teachers? student understanding Appendix A. students to interview in depth about their responses.
so that accurate Students were chosen on the basis of their responses, so
assessment of growth In depth interviews that the result was a heterogeneous sample. These students
can occur. then became the primary participants.

Does studying the history of the concept Gather information Student worksheets; Students were assigned a series readings and worksheets on
of function deepen a student’s about student thought the history of the concept of function. These are in the
understanding of the concept in any processes. Written individual appendices. Students worked in cooperative groups in class
way and if so, in what way? reflections and outside of class on these worksheets. Class discussion
Glean if and when concerning the ensued.
In particular, does studying the history growth occurred and understanding of the
facilitate his or her move from an action what caused it. concept of function. After each worksheet, each student reflected upon their
level understanding to a process level understanding of the concept of function in writing: What
understanding or from a process level to Evaluate overall Written second insights did the reading or worksheet facilitate? What
an object level as described by APOS learning as result of questionnaire and questions arose? What were you confused about?
Theory? entire project. second interview
The second questionnaire is in Appendix B.

Interviews were based on student responses to initial

questionnaires (i.e., explain your answer. Would you
change your answer now?) and final questionnaires.

(table continues)
Table 2 (continued)

Summary of Research Design

Research question Purpose Data tools Details

In what ways can studying the history of a Determine the most All of the above. In analyzing the different types of data collected
mathematical concept be used to deepen a effective ways of (written, discussion, readings, problems) the researcher
student’s understanding of the concept? using history. attempted to discern exactly which pieces facilitated

Does a student’s studying the history of the Evaluate overall Written second The second questionnaire is in Appendix B.
concept of function facilitate his or her learning as result of questionnaire and Interviews were based on student responses to initial
move from a process level understanding entire project second interview questionnaires (i.e., explain your answer. Would you
to an object level? change your answer now?) and final questionnaires

and have applied it to various topics in collegiate mathematics (Asiala, Brown, et al.,

1997) as early as 1992 (Breidenbach et al., 1992). After the researcher analyzed each

interview transcript, she sent the transcript and analysis it to him for his comments and

interpretations. On two occasions, disagreements occurred. A discussion ensued to

resolve the minor differences. In both cases, the researcher deferred to Dr. Dubinsky’s

more experienced judgment. The detailed sample student responses and interpretation

provided in the Dubinsky and Harel article (1992) further ensured reliability since the

questionnaires used in the current study closely mimicked those described in the article.

Thus, by analyzing students’ thinking from several viewpoints—responses on

questionnaires, comments during interviews, written reflections, and a colleague’s

analysis—triangulation and inter-rater reliability were achieved, thereby strengthening

confidence in the findings.

Data Analysis

The theoretical framework for this study was APOS theory, described in Chapter

1. Analysis closely followed that in the articles by Breidenbach et al. (1992) and by

Dubinsky and Harel (1992). Since the questions for the current study are adapted from

the Dubinsky and Harel study, their detailed analysis of the situations presented follows.

The problem numbers are in parentheses following the name of the problem type. These

situations are in Part 2 of the questionnaire in Appendix A.

Finite Sequences (#8, #18)

For a student to identify a function from a sequence, she must have thought in

terms of a first term, second term, and so forth, something not given to her in the

situation. The authors claimed that if a student can accept a positive integer as the ordinal

position of one of the quantities in the sequence, and take that quantity as the output, then

that student is using a process conception. However, in these particular questions, the

format of the problem strongly suggests that construction (Dubinsky & Harel, 1992).

Therefore, a student’s success in dealing with these questions might only indicate an

action conception. Since #18 involves Boolean values for output, though, it “does provide

us with a context for suggesting the possibility that those who were successful were

capable of more than an action conception of function” (p. 92).

Character Strings (#5, #6)

The mental constructions required for strings are mathematically equivalent to

those required for sequences. They pose more psychologically difficult for students,

however, since the outputs are characters rather than numbers, and no suggestion of the

construction is evident (Dubinsky & Harel, 1992). All we see is the result.

Graphs (#2, #13, #19)

The authors believed that these examples have potential to provide indication of

one’s ability to use a process conception of function, particularly the one that required

use of values on the vertical axis as the domain (#13). Also #19 is a good indicator of a

process conception since a student with a process conception of function would see the

function process even if the domain was very small. The researchers noted student

difficulty with this type of question, reminiscent of Carlson’s (1998) finding that students

often believe that a function had to be continuous.


Sets of Ordered Pairs (#1, #16, #17)

Dubinsky and Harel (1992) noted significant student difficulty with this

representation of function. Students often confused the process of constructing the set of

ordered pairs with the function itself. However, the function can only be constructed if

the ordered pairs are already there by identifying the domain as the first element and

taking the second element as the result of the function process. The ordered pair

representation does not suggest this construction, so it must come from the student


The researchers noted the common student confusion of the uniqueness condition

with the notion of one-to-one, results also consistent with Vinner’s (1989) study. Because

of this confusion and the necessity for the construction coming from within the student,

they claimed that “the set of ordered pairs is a bellweather type of situation for detecting

the presence and strength of a process conception of function” (Dubinsky & Harel, 1992,

p. 93).

Tables (#12)

Dubinsky and Harel (1992) claimed that, for the purpose of their analysis, tables

are similar to ordered pairs. A student who insisted upon a rule relating the first number

to the second and/or cannot construct a process as the act of going from an item in the

first column to one in the second, is “probably displaying an action conception of

function” (p. 93).


Equations (#3, #4, #11, #14, #15)

If a student insisted upon solving an equation in two variables for one in terms of

the other, she probably displayed an action conception of function. If she can describe the

process without actually doing it, she “probably” exhibited “at least the beginning of” a

process conception (Dubinsky & Harel, 1992, p. 93).

With equations involving one or more variables, one can view as input any

numerical value(s) and as output a Boolean value, True or False. Since such a

construction must come from the student himself, it is evidence of a process conception

of function.

Statements (#7, #9, #10)

These are the most open-ended in Dubinsky and Harel’s (1992) list of situations.

They included these simply to observe what type of functions the participants would

construct, given a situation with very little structure.

One consistent theme for evidence of a process conception of function is that the

subject did the construction himself, that is, the representation does not suggest the


Pilot Study

During the spring semester 2005, two colleagues ran a pilot study with the

researcher and used a similar, but scaled down research design. Data consisted of student

written responses on the initial and second questionnaires and student work on the

worksheets in the Appendices. The students in the study were from two groups. One

group of 10 students came from a lower level statistics course. These students were either

beginning calculus students or had no prior experience at the calculus level. The other

group consisted of 4 students who were enrolled in an upper level history of mathematics

course. Their previous mathematics experience was beyond the calculus III level.

In both groups, the researchers assessed levels of student understanding of the

concept of function with an initial questionnaire very similar to the one in Appendix A. It

included open-ended questions and situations which might be described with functions.

Students were asked to find a function in each of the situations. They then completed a

worksheet based on readings from the works of Nicole Oresme (1320-1382), a French

cleric and mathematician who first introduced two-dimensional graphs of varying

quantities. In particular, students read about his representation of velocity changing with

respect to time. The researchers tested student understanding of the readings with focused

questions that made connections to modern day function graphs and also asked students

to explain their understanding in journal entries.

Three of the students in the upper level group also completed a series of 6 other

worksheets over a 4-week period of time, based on the history of the concept of function.

These worksheets focused on the works of Fermat, Descartes, Leibniz, Euler, and

Fourier, and on the changing definition of function over the years and are found in the

Appendices. Three of these worksheets were from the Mathematical Association of

America’s CD, Historical Modules for the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. The

others were this researcher’s design. The fourth student in this upper level group chose to

write a term paper. Her term paper encompassed the history of the concept of function

through the time of Euler. Because of her term paper work, she did not complete any of

the worksheets.

Three of these four students completed a questionnaire at the end of the semester

to discern their growth of understanding of the function concept. This second

questionnaire was similar in design to the initial questionnaire with open ended questions

and function situations (see Appendix B). Further, on the final exam the researchers

asked the entire upper level class of 25 students to comment on the benefits of studying

the history of mathematics in general, not necessarily relating to the concept of function.

Of the four students in the upper level group, only one of them correctly sketched

a graph of the height of water in a bulb-shaped bottle as a function of the amount of water

in the bottle on the initial questionnaire. On the second questionnaire, all three who

completed it correctly sketched the shape of a bottle when given a graph of the height of

water in the bottle versus its volume.

Other responses showed growth in understanding, as well. While answering the

question, ‘What is a function?’ on the initial questionnaire, student A made the common

mistake of confounding the function definition with the definition of a one-to-one

function. Her answer to the same question on the second questionnaire, however, was

concisely correct. Student B gave what appeared to be a correct textbook definition on

the initial questionnaire, but he implied the necessity of an algebraic formula. On the

second questionnaire, he emphasized the fact that “functions are not necessarily analytic

expressions,” and quoted Euler in his definition. As this student was working through an

activity critiquing different definitions of functions, he struggled with the idea that a

function need not require a formula. He was impressed, too, with “Euler’s evolution of

the definition of function.” He had a real epiphany, not only recognizing the generality of

the function concept but also its dynamic nature. In fact, we had a very stimulating

conversation about the dynamic nature of functions. Student C had provided a correct

definition on both instruments though claimed that her greatest insight was “how much

better I understand the ideas after looking at them from a different perspective.”

Another interesting development was the students’ ability to see functions in real-

world scenarios. On the initial questionnaire, none of the three students correctly

recognized a function in a list of student names paired with club dues owed. Student A

claimed, “there is no correlation between the data.” Student B claimed that it “can be a

function, just don’t know how to write it.” These comments suggest a conception of

function as needing some definable formula of correspondence. Student C left this

question blank on the pretest. The responses on the second questionnaire were, however,

much improved. On a question listing students’ names with a test scores, all three

recognized the function. Student C, who left 10 of 16 function existence questions blank

on the initial questionnaire, left only 1 of 8 such questions unanswered on the second.

There was no class discussion per se concerning the two questionnaires since only four

students worked on this project. Thus, one can reasonably conclude that her working

through the historical worksheets provided her the insight and perhaps extra confidence

to work more correctly and completely with functions.


Though the pilot study involved no interviews with students, there were enough

differences in student answers on the two questionnaires to suggest some growth in

student understanding about the concept of function. A more detailed study was in order.

Summary of Chapter 3

Using a teaching experiment methodology, this study describes the changes in

thinking about functions that occurred as a result of studying the history of the concept in

each of six History of Mathematics students. Through examination of the various data—

written questionnaires, interviews, student worksheets, and written reflections—this

researcher uncovered what these six students knew about functions initially and how their

thinking differed after instruction.




This chapter contains the analysis and interpretation of data collected during

spring 2006 semester. The first section categorizes each of the participants’ conception of

function before studying the history of the functions. This section consists of two

subsections: understanding functions in general and understanding graphical

representations of functions. It answers the question: What is the function conception of

junior and senior level pre-service high school teachers? The second characterizes the

participants’ understanding of graphical representations using APOS terminology. With

Dr. Dubinsky’s approval, the researcher extended APOS analysis to include responses to

graphical representations of functions. This section describes and analyzes in general

student comments that characterize each of the APOS levels and then categorizes student

response for particular graphing tasks. The third section categorizes and discusses each of

the participants’ conception of function after studying the history of functions. This

section deals with the questions:

• Does studying the history of the concept of function deepen a student’s

understanding of the concept in any way and if so, in which way In particular,

does studying the history facilitate his or her move from an action level

understanding to a process level understanding as described by APOS theory?


• In what ways can studying the history of a mathematical concept be used to

deepen student’s understanding of the concept?

• Does a student’s studying the history of the concept of function facilitate his

or her move from a process level understanding to an object level


Initial Conceptions of Functions

Participant 1: DB

General Function Conception

DB’s initial conception of function is an emerging process one. The following

analysis is based on her responses on the initial questionnaire and her comments in the

initial interview.

Evidence of a process conception. The reader may find the description of APOS

levels in Chapter 2 of this study helpful. When asked what a function was, DB replied, “a

function is almost like a machine or some kind of process where you input a number or

something and then you get an output, a result.” When discussing Task 2, she put her

finger on the horizontal axis and pointed to the different values on the vertical axis, then

said, “You put in a value for x and the y value is . . . it’s increasingly larger.” These

comments indicate that DB can think about the process without actually having to

perform it.

In a typical mathematical sequence, a participant needs to think in terms of a first

term, a second term, and so forth, something not usually given in the situation. Dubinsky

and Harel (1992) claimed that if a participant can accept a positive integer as the position

of one of the quantities in the sequence and consider this integer as the output, then she is

using a process conception. Note DB’s comments in the excerpt below, where the letter I

indicates the interviewer’s comments.

TASK 8: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: {3n + n 2 : n in[1...100]} .

I: I see you have something crossed off there. Do you want to expand upon

your answer a little bit please?

DB: Okay, I wrote, “this is a function that works for values of n being 1-100,

which that is given, and as a function what you are doing you would be just

plugging in values for n and then you are using multiplication and addition

to come up with a result.”

These comments again suggest that DB was able to think about the process

without having to perform it. Dubinsky and Harel (1992) claimed, however, that this

particular representation itself suggests the function since the inputs are already given.

Thus one cannot be sure if DB would be able to construct the notion without the

suggested input values. Is her response coming from within her or from the representation

of the problem? When asked what the actual functions are, she replied, “Well I guess the

functions are multiplication and addition.” She saw a function as an operation, though did

again reveal her ability to discuss the process without actually performing it with

numbers: “I don’t know I guess I almost see two functions. You are taking the value of n

times something, and then you are taking that value of n times itself and then you are

adding the two results together.”


Task 18 involves Boolean values for outputs (true or false) and DB’s responses

are enlightening.

TASK 18: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: {2n > n2 + 3n: n in [1 . . . 100]}.

DB: 2n is greater than n2 + 3n in a set of 1-100. Um . . . [Pause] Yeah, you would

plug in values for n from this set and then you would get a result.

I: What would your result be?

DB: Um . . . [Pause] I think it would be either true or false. You would find a

value of n that makes that statement true.

I: So your input would be?

DB: Um . . . any number 1 through a hundred.

I: And your output would be?

DB: Um . . . an inequality . . .?

I: So the output is the inequality, is that what you mean?

DB: Either true of false.

Though uncertain, DB did consider Boolean values to be viable function outputs.

Dubinsky and Harel (1992) claimed that this particular task “does provide us with a

context for suggesting the possibility that those who were successful were capable of

more than an action conception of function” (p. 92).

Dubinsky and Harel (1992) believed that Tasks 13 and 19 have potential to reveal

one’s process conception of function. Task 13 in particular is helpful since it requires the

use of values on the vertical axis as the domain. DB was weak in this regard. On the

written questionnaire, she indicated that you “plug in values for x and determine the

resulting y values.” She appeared to understand the notion of inputs and outputs but was

ignoring the uniqueness output criterion for functions. This criterion stated that in order

for a relation to be a function, each input must have a unique output. During the

interview, which due to scheduling difficulties occurred after she completed the

worksheet on graphs of functions, she exhibited confusion concerning the dependent

versus independent variable:

TASK 13: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not:

Figure 2. Graph for Task 13

I: Can you explain your answer please and tell me what you meant by that and

what you were thinking?

DB: Well, I mean we’re given a graph that I don’t necessarily recognize as being

a graph that I know. It doesn’t look like anything . . . [inaudible]. Um . . .

and all I thought was when you would plug in the results for x and then you

would find out what the y . . . the independent variable is. Um . . . so I


suppose that is a function because you put in a result and get a different


DB’s notion of “getting a different result” is not clear here since any given x in the

domain is matched with more than one output.

Though DB left Task 19 blank on the written questionnaire, during the interview

she determined that the plotted points could represent a function.

TASK 19: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not:

Figure 3. Graph for Task 19

I: Number 19? I noticed you left it blank on the written questionnaire. Do you

remember what you were thinking about it when you were doing it?

DB: It is just a graph . . . with some scatter plots. And I . . . I guess it would be a

function if I’m assuming like with the other graphs you would pick a point

. . . [pause] and find out the value for x and see what y, the result of y is.

I: So you changed your mind, so you think it is a function?

DB: I think so, yes.


Please note, however, since the interview occurred after she completed the worksheet on

graphs of functions, it is hard to determine if she had this conception originally or if the

worksheet facilitated her insight.

Weaknesses in her process conception. When asked if one needs a formula in

order to have a function, DB replied, “Yes. I think so.” The researcher was curious about

her response if given both a formula and a graph. Would she understand that each could

represent the same function, or would she mistakenly think that either the graph or the

formula was the function rather than just a representation?

I: So is the graph the function or is the formula the function or what?

DB: [Pause] . . . I believe that the formula is the function.

I: Now if you felt uncomfortable and you couldn’t find a formula for that,

would you still think it was a function?

DB: [Pauses to think] Yes. You mean even if I couldn’t find the specific


I: Yes . . . Would there still be a function there?

DB: [Pause] Maybe not. And I would just have the graph?

I: Yes. And with the graph, there didn’t seem to be any function that you were

familiar with or maybe you couldn’t come up with one. Would it still

represent a function?

DB: Hm . . . [Pause] I don’t know.


She apparently did not understand that a function is a process and a formula or a

graph is simply one representation of that process. A function, therefore, may have more

than one representation. To DB, though, the representation itself was the function.

Recall that finite sequences can reveal whether or not a student has a process

conception. Dubinsky and Harel (1992) claimed that finding functions in Tasks 5 and 6 is

difficult for students since the outputs are characters rather than numbers; no suggestion

of the construction is evident. DB claimed that since there was no obvious dependency

relationship in Task 5, it was a statement rather than a function. The situation in Task 6

was not even a statement according to her definition. DB was unable to construct, in her

own mind, a set of inputs and corresponding outputs in these situations.

In another example, she was unable to find a function in a table, where a formula

was not evident.

TASK 12: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not. The club members’ dues status:

Name Owed
John $15
Julie 10
Jen 0
Dave 7.50
Brittany 10
Alex 5
Mary Ann 25
Sam 20
Sally 17

Figure 4. Table for Task 12 giving club members’ names and the dues they owe

I: What about this one? The club members’ dues status. You have two

columns: one with the name and one with the amount owed, and you said,

“This involves a function of subtraction, each members’ dues are viewed

and the amount they have paid is subtracted from the total due. The amount

left is the amount due.” And how does the function fit into that?

DB: The function is . . . I guess . . . you would input . . . the independent

variable, then would be the amount of their dues and you are inputting how

much they have paid and when you apply the function of subtraction they

would give the amount they owe. So that would be the result.

She appeared to be thinking that a function is a mathematical operation. Inputs must be

numbers, according to DB. She exhibited a rather elementary view of functions. In Task

16, she again was unable to consider functions as arbitrary pairings:

TASK 16: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not:{(x,y): x, y in the set of all rational numbers}.

DB: [Pause] Um . . . [Pause] I wrote all possible values for x and y give rational

numbers. Which could go on forever. Um . . . I don’t really see a function

there. I mean a function is that they’re rational numbers. But they’re, I mean

you would plug in but you don’t get a different result so I don’t see it.

Finally, consider her responses to Tasks 3 and 4 on the initial questionnaire:

TASK 3: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more functions.

If not, explain why not: y4 = x2.

TASK 4: y4 = x3

I: In number three I noticed you solved for x. Is there any reason you solved

for x and not for y? And I noticed you did that in number 4 as well. Any

particular reason you did that?

DB: Well the first one I think I solved for x because it’s to me easier to find the

square root of something. Whereas if I solved for y you would have to

find the quadratic root [DB is exhibiting an error here, confusing fourth root

with quadratic root.] That is why I chose to solve for x. And I guess I still

find a cubic root would be easier again. Maybe not.

I: So how would you describe these responses then?

DB: Functions when the two variables are dependent on each other.

I: So each one is dependent on the other, or is one dependent on the other and

not the other way around, or doesn’t it matter or what?

DB: I would think one is dependent on the other. I would say y really should be

the independent variable in both of them.

DB exhibited some flexibility here, though she still ignored the uniqueness

criterion for functions. Noteworthy also is the fact that she actually solved the equations

for x. Dubinsky and Harel (1992) claimed that if a student actually needs to solve the

equation, the concept is at the action level.

As evidenced above, DB’s general understanding of the concept of function

appears to be an early process level. What follows is an analysis of her understanding of

graphical representations of functions.


Understanding of Graphical Representations

Note: Because of a scheduling conflict, DB’s first interview occurred AFTER she

had completed the first worksheet, which concerned the first known graphs of two

varying quantities. The following analysis, then, is based on her answers on the written

questionnaire (completed before the unit on functions) and the interview (completed

shortly after her work on Worksheet 1). I had asked her to “say what you were thinking

right off the bat, or why you left it blank and then tell me if you had any additional

insights after you had worked through the worksheet.”

DB began the unit with a very shaky understanding of graphs of varying

quantities. In two of the five scenarios in the graphing section on the initial questionnaire,

she interpreted the graph as an actual picture of the scenario, a misconception frequently

noted in the literature (Bell & Janvier, 1981; Clement, 1989; Monk 1992; Sierpinska,

1992). She answered only one of the five correctly.

GRAPHING TASK 3a: The graph below represents speed versus time for two

cars. (Assume the cars start from the same position and are traveling in the same

direction.) State the relationship between the position of car A and car B at t = 1

hr. Explain.


t=0 t=1
Time in hours

Figure 5. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 147. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Reprinted with permission.

DB indicated that the “two cars meet at the same point at t = 1 hr. because this is

where their paths cross.” When asked about the relative position of the two cars during

the time interval between t = .75 hr and t = 1 hr. (i.e., is one car pulling away from the

other?), she answered, “At t = .75 hr. car A is driving towards car B and car B is also

driving towards car A.” Interestingly, she also noted that “the speed of the two cars at t =

1 hr. is also equal because both paths correspond to the same speed.” She appeared to be

confounding the notions of speed and position.

Also interesting is her response to Graphing Task 5.

GRAPHING TASK 5: Can you indicate, from the graph below, how many bends

there are along the track on which the car was driven?
Speed of a racing car along a 3-km track (during second lap)

Speed (km/hr)










0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3

Distance along the track


Figure 6. Graphing Task 5 showing speed vs. distance along a race track

From “Use of Situations in Mathematics Education” by C. Janvier (1981).

Educational Studies in Mathematics, 12(1), 115, graph 1.1. Copyright 1981 By D. Reidel.

Reprinted with kind permission from Springer Science and Business Media.

DB replied “9.” She counted the number of times the graph itself bent, thus

interpreting the graph as a picture of the actual track. In actuality, the car slowed down

only three times and thus there are three bends in the track.

DB had difficulty with other graphing situations as well. She left Graphing Task 1

blank. It showed a position versus time graph of two objects moving at different, but

constant rates and asked students to compare the speeds of the two objects at a given


GRAPHING TASK 1: Consider the graph below. At the instant t = 2 seconds, is

the speed of object A greater than, less than, or equal to the speed of object B?

position (cm) B

2 4 6 8 time (sec)

Figure 7. Graphing Task 1 showing position vs. time of two objects

Note. From “Students’ Understanding of a Function Given by a Physical Model”

by S. Monk (1992). The Concept of Function. Aspects of Epistemology and Pedagogy.

MAA Notes, 25, 175. Copyright 1992 by the Mathematical Association of America.

Adapted with permission.

The concept of slope as rate of change did not occur to her. When asked about it

during the interview, she said, “And I had a hard time understanding . . . when I first

looked at it what . . . it was actually showing. [Pause] Um . . . Which is why I left it


In Graphing Task 4, when asked to make a sketch of height as a function of the

amount of water in a bulb-shaped bottle, she drew a straight line. She also incorrectly

answered Graphing Task 2c.

GRAPHING TASK 2c: This graph shows the speed in meters per second of a

cyclist over a 10-minute period. Does the cyclist travel further during the first five

minutes or during the last 5 minutes? Please explain your answer.



2 4 6 8 10
Time (min)

Figure 8. Graphing Task 2 showing speed vs. time of a cyclist

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 146. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Adapted with permission.

DB stated that the cyclist “travels further in the last 5 minutes because he is

traveling at a more constant rate of speed.”

Conjecturing why a post-undergraduate mathematics student has such an

elementary view of graphs of functions is difficult. The time lapse between her History of

Mathematics course and previous mathematics courses was small. She began during Fall

2003 semester and was a student in the History of Mathematics class during Spring 2006.

She took this class near the END of her undergraduate mathematics requirements before

entering a master’s program to earn her teaching license. Perhaps she rushed through the

assignment and/or had not thought about graphs for a while. Perhaps she was having a

bad day. Nonetheless, the data is there. Her responses indicate a very low level of


Participant 2: CW

General Function Conception

CW’s initial conception of function was at the action level. The following

analysis is based on her responses on the initial questionnaire and her comments in the

initial interview.

When asked, “What is a function?” she replied, “A function is an equation that

relates variables.” When replying to Task 1 in Part 2, she replied, “this function has

certain values (the set of all integers) to be inputted for x, and then that x is put into

3x + 2 and an answer is given, that is, x = 2 gives 3(2) + 2 = 8 .” In the initial interview, she


Functions usually are in the form f of x equals something or f of y usually and then

there’s another variable like f of x equals x squared plus 2 and then you have to

substitute in for that variable. So I guess . . . I usually work with functions as an


Dubinsky and Harel (1992) claimed that this emphasis on equations, numbers, and

evaluating expressions is typical of an action conception. While discussing Task 8, one of

the finite sequence questions, CW used function notation, though note again her

insistence on the need for an equation.

TASK 8: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: {3n + n 2 : n in [1...100]} .


CW: Um . . . Yeah, I was thinking the same thing as in number 1 . . . or whatever

that one was where you had an equation and you could put in values for n

. . . And here it says your equation is 3n 2 + n and your n’s can be from 1 to

100. So I was just saying that f (n) = 3n2 + n and whatever n you put in

would give you your f (n) . So I said it was a function.

Her response to Task 5 also revealed her emphasis on function as equation.

TASK 5: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: “Kent State’s Men’s basketball team makes it

to the Sweet Sixteen.”

CW claimed that this scenario is “not a function because it is just a statement.

There is no equation here.” She left the two other sequence problems, Tasks 6 and 18,

blank on the initial questionnaire. Recall that successful answers to these suggest a

process conception.

Dubinsky and Harel (1992) claimed that the graphs in Tasks 2, 13, and 19 have

potential to provide indications of one’s ability to use a process conception of function,

particularly Task 13, which requires the use of values on the vertical axis as the domain.

CW’s responses are revealing. According to her, the graph in Task 2 “could be the

function f ( x) = e x because it is exponential.” She sketched in a vertical line. Though this

is indeed a correct answer, she again showed her reliance on a known function formula,

an equation, to express the relationship. She was unable to find a function in Task 13,

claiming that it is “not a function because it does not pass the vertical line test; functions

have a 1-1 correspondence. So for every x there should be one y, but here, there are more

than one y value for each x.” Though she correctly used the vertical line test, she

appeared to be confusing the idea of one-to-one correspondence with the uniqueness

criterion for functions. She also did not have enough flexibility to consider the values on

the vertical axis as input. For Task 19, she wrote that these are “just points?”

TASK 19: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not:

Figure 9. Graph for Task 19

When questioned further, she responded,

CW: Yeah. I would say just plotting points. Again, like I said there is no

relationship between them unless you connect them by a line.

I: But if I connected them by a line, I could make a function of them?

CW: Yeah. Because you could use the vertical line test. You could draw a

vertical line and it would not intersect that graph in more than one point.

I: But if I just have the discrete points like this I couldn’t do that?

CW: Yeah.

I: That’s not a function.


CW: Right, because you’re not . . . that’s just plotting points. You’re not . . . you

can’t really see an actual relationship between any of those points. It’s

almost like having a list. We’re just saying, “okay put them on a graph.”

And . . . like I said before, you have to have a pattern or some sort of

relationship. So I think it’s not a function.

CW’s insistence on requiring an equation, a pattern, or a relationship for a

function is consistent throughout her work on the initial questionnaire and in the initial

interview. Note her response to Task 16: “No, not a function because there is no equation

relating x and y, you are just inputting values and there is the possibility of (3, 2) and

(3,7) which breaks the 1-1 correspondence rule.” In Task 17, she was unable to see the

output as a point, claiming there was no function there. Finding a function in this

situation requires sophisticated and flexible thinking about functions; CW apparently

never had the opportunity to experience anything other than function as formula.

CW’s answer to Task 12 further confirmed her action view of functions: “again

just a list with no pattern. So cannot write a function to represent total owed or anything.”

Recall that Task 12 gives a table pairing names with the amount of club dues owed.

TASK 12: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: The Club Members Dues Status.

CW: Yeah, . . . if you’d have the previous one plus five, you would have a

function. You could put it in the previous one to get out the new value. So

you’re putting in for an x, get out a y. That . . . then it could be a function.

But here it’s just a list.


I: There has to be . . . again you are saying there has to be a pattern?

CW: Yeah.

Her discussion about Task 10 is similar.

TASK 10: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: A record of all MAC women’s basketball

teams giving, for the 2003-2004 season each team’s field goal shooting

percentage at home and its field goal shooting percentage away.

I: Could you just explain your answer?

CW: Okay, well if you are just are getting the data, it’s a list, it’s not a function.

You’re not looking . . . but you can look closer at the data and see that

there’s a pattern and you can use a function to represent that pattern. But

this statement is general, it’s just a list.

I: What happens if there was a list and there wasn’t a pattern?

CW: Then you couldn’t use a function to represent it.

Again and again, CW insisted upon a recognizable pattern or equation.

According to Dubinsky and Harel (1992), if a student insists upon solving an

equation in two variables for one in terms of the other, she is probably displaying an

action conception of function. CW did this in Tasks 3 and 4, but ignored the necessity of

restricting the co-domain. In Task 11, she tried to solve for y but could not, so she simply

stated that this equation “can be solved for x and y to form a function (need variables on

opposite sides: y = something( x) ).” Here she showed some flexibility since she was able to

discuss the process even though she was unable to actually perform it.

In conclusion, the evidence suggests that CW was operating at an action level,

while exhibiting some instances of an early process conception of function. She was

confused about the notion of one-to-one correspondence and how it relates to the

definition of functions, and held an apparent rigid view of function as formula.

Understanding of Graphical Representations

CW appeared to have a fair understanding of graphs of functions, as evidenced by

her correct answers to most of the graphing tasks. She interpreted slope of a line in a

position versus time graph as speed in Graphing Task 1 and correctly identified the

interval of longest distance in Graphing Task 2. Interesting to note in this response,

however, was her inability to consider area under the curve as total distance traveled.

GRAPHING TASK 2: This graph shows the speed in meters per second of a

cyclist over a 10-minute period. Does the cyclist travel further during the first 5

minutes or during the last 5 minutes? Please explain your answer.

Speed 4

2 4 6 8 10
Time (min)

Figure 10. Graphing Task 2 showing speed vs. time of a cyclist

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 146. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Adapted with permission.


I said because they were going the fastest between those times so I said they

traveled the farthest because for a longer time period they’re going slower. And

it’s only between 2 and 4. I mean, they’re slowing down like drastically between

2 and 4 seconds and they’re going a lot slower even between 4 and 10 seconds. So

between 0 and . . . like 2 seconds they’re going really fast so I . . . I was thinking

that they were going the farthest between that time period.

This response was consistent with that in Graphing Task 3. Her inability to consider area

under the curve as distance was again evident, as was her confusion with determining the

relationship of car A and car B at t = 1.

GRAPHING TASK 3: The graph below represents speed versus time for two

cars. (Assume the cars start from the same position and are traveling in the same



t=0 t=1
Time in hours

Figure 11. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 147. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Reprinted with permission.


CW: Um . . . I looked . . . The first time I looked at this I was thinking . . . the

same position. Then I realized that here is more . . . um . . . It depends . . .

well B is . . . it depends on what their slopes are. Well, if . . . I was confused

on this part. I know they’re not in the same position there. So . . . I think . . .


I: How do you know that?

CW: Well it depends . . . if A and B have the same slope then yes, they’re at the

same position. But, I couldn’t tell from what this picture was whether or not

they have the same slope. Like A has a greater slope than B then A is going

to be farther along than B at t = 1 hour.

I: Uh Huh . . .

CW: But if B has a . . . then vice versa. But here I was just getting myself

confused on whether or not they have the same slope or not.

I: So are you talking about, if we drew, like a tangent line at that point and

you want to compare those slopes? Is that what you are saying?

CW: Yeah. You can do that.

I: And we did that . . . we did that . . . [pointing to tangent lines]

CW: Then we know that B has a greater slope than A from that picture so that B

is going to be farther along.

I: B will be farther along.

CW: Yeah. Yeah.


After further discussion, CW still believed car B will be further along, but is not

confident in her answer. It is as if she knows there is something more, but just cannot put

her finger on it. When asked to compare the relative positions of the two cars during the

time interval t = .75 and t = 1 , she left it blank on the written questionnaire, but in the

interview claimed, “Is one car pulling away from the other? . . . I’d say B is because its

slope is greater in that time interval.” This, of course, is incorrect.

She left the bottle problem blank on the initial questionnaire, but had no difficulty

correctly identifying the 3 bends in the track in Graphing Task 9.

Participant 3: MJ

Evidence suggests that MJ had an emerging process conception of function prior

to the unit on the history of functions. His understanding of graphs was sound, but had

some holes. The following analysis is based on his work on the initial questionnaire and

the interview during which he discussed his reasoning.

General Function Conception

Evidence of a process conception. MJ showed evidence of a process conception

of function, as evidenced by the excerpts that follow.

TASK 6: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: The string “ABCDEFG.”

MJ readily found a function in this task. Recall that this problem, in itself, does

not suggest that construction, so it must therefore come within the student (Dubinsky &

Harel, 1992). He wrote, “Yes, each letter can be given a position (1,2,3,4,5,6) and each

position has a unique letter ∴ one to one and onto.” He explained his thinking as follows.

MJ: Again, I was assigning each variable, each letter a number and then that

number corresponds to a position. Therefore, you can have a unique

relationship between the numbers and the letters.

I: OK, so the input would be?

MJ: If I gave you a number and then the uh . . . the thing would be . . . that’s the

position it’s at and it’s going to point at a letter.

I: So what happens if I give you this string? So, if I gave you, if this was a

different string, X, Y, Z, P, Q could you identify a function there? Or is it

the same function or a different function or is there not a function?

MJ: I’m not sure. Um . . . I would think that really you could do that. It really

wouldn’t matter what the letters are. Um . . . [pause]. I mean, that’s what I

think. I’m kind of just going off like a computer program that can generate

out a relationship between those numbers and assign them, or those letters,

and assign them a value and you could always determine what you’re

working with.

I: Sure.

MJ: I mean . . . I was looking at the computer.

His reference to computers is interesting. MJ had an associate degree in electronic

technology and had worked as an engineering assistant before returning to school,

troubleshooting problems with circuit boards at the component level. His previous work

with computers may have enriched his notion of function. Research supports this

phenomenon (Breidenbach et al., 1992).


A participant’s ability to discuss the manipulation of an algebraic expression

without actually performing those manipulations is evidence of a process conception. MJ

illustrated this ability in his response to Task 11, albeit after some struggling.

TASK 11: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not.

I: What about #11? I noticed you tried to start doing something there. I’m not

so sure what you were doing.

MJ: What I was . . . my thought process on it was, I could solve for y and uh . . .

to me from um just the calculus classes I know that what I am working in is

a uh three dimensional thing, with separate xy’s. So I mean, it’s a . . . it’s a

. . . [pause]. I mean I know that you have to solve that by maybe doing the

derivative of x and then do the derivative with respect to y or pull out a y.

Just looking at it right now I kinda noticed like oh that’s the log of y, that’s

what kind of messed me up here. [Laughs] It isn’t like this is going to be the

easiest thing to separate into two variables.

I: So you are just trying to separate the y by itself, is that what you’re trying to


MJ: Yeah, but you might be able to deal with it somehow with it in there, uh . . .

I’m not sure how you would actually do that.

I: But looking at it as it is now do you think there is a function there?

MJ: Yeah, I think it’s a function.

I: And what would be the input, would you say?


MJ: Um . . . well the only thing that would really limit your input would be since

you have a . . . a . . . square root of x that would limit your . . . your domain.

And if the x is your independent to your positive numbers then a y could

still go . . . whatever, right?

Weaknesses in his process conception. Though initially indicating that a function

is a mapping, in the interview he concluded that a function is different than a mapping; a

function has an algebraic expression, a formula, whereas a mapping is a generalized


MJ: Okay, I said a function is to map each item in a set A to a unique item in set

B and my, uh, thought process there is that, um, you have two separate sets

that may contain different elements but there is a rule that you would follow

that would allow you to select an item in the first set and following that set

of rules it would point to a unique item in set B.

I: Now you mentioned the rule in your discussion now and um . . . what type

of rule are you thinking? Does there have to be a set rule in order for this

function to occur?

MJ: Um . . . Yes, it has to be a . . . [pause], my thought of it, a . . . my thought of

it as a . . . uh, basically a procedure . . . um either numerically or, um . . .

algebraically that would be written. That when you implemented that

procedure it would carry you to an element in set B.

Notice that he suggested an algebraic procedure, an indication of an action conception.

When questioned further, he concluded that functions are different than mappings.

I: Okay, so there has to be some type of a rule or formula . . . is that what

you’re thinking?

MJ: Yeah, a formula, maybe a . . . a formula . . . that’s what I’m thinking on


I: But yet you call that a mapping opposed to a formula is there any . . .

MJ: Okay . . . a function . . . [pause], I mean I say mapping because I see

mapping as a . . . more of a procedural approach to following how to get

from set A, from an element in set A, and put it into a unique element into B.

But um . . . A function I see as more of algebraic expression.

When pressed further, however, MJ admitted that a function might exist even if a

formula was not present, though he was unable to come up with his own example. When

the interviewer developed one, he did recognize a function in the situation.

I: Okay and you have here . . . Is there anything else you were thinking, were

you thinking of anything else in number two describe the ways a function

can be represented. Do you have anything else to say about that?

MJ: Well, I know it could be represented graphically and in tables, but I also

know that it could be like a description that relates how two items are

related. So you could have, um . . . I can’t think of one right now, but . . . it

could be a . . . [pause]. I don’t know just two, maybe a sentence or

something that tells you the relationship between two sets of items.

I: Uh huh . . . A verbal description?

MJ: Yeah verbal, a verbal . . .


I: So that would be a function then?

MJ: Yeah, that’s like saying here, mapping is more like a procedural thing, it

shows you the relationship—it could be a verbal.

I: So if I said something like here’s a bunch of people and here’s a bunch of

people and I say “is the brother of,” is that the type of verbal thing you


MJ: Yes.

I: Or are you talking about an algebraic formula type of . . .?

MJ: No I’m saying like that, that could be a function. If there’s a unique

relationship that’s pointing from one brother that characterizes their

relationship to another individual, a parent being a daughter . . ., there’s a

unique relationship between the two.

I: So it really doesn’t have to be algebraic formula, just so there’s a regular


MJ: Yes.

MJ’s conception of function, then, does not require a formula, only a regular

relationship. When identifying a function in Task 2, however, he immediately suggested

a formula, not a generalized “input-unique output” relationship.

TASK 2: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not.


Figure 12. Graph for Task 2 showing an arbitrary graph with no labels

I: What about number two, I noticed you have its exponential, and um . . . do

you remember what you were thinking as you were answering that


MJ: Um, I was kind of . . . I was thinking . . . I was debating between it being a

logarithm or uh . . ., because I’m not sure how they sweep.

I: Is there a way you can figure that out?

MJ: Um . . . Well I could actually do a plot, 2 x and just say . . . it’s zero and then

see how it’s actually climbing in effect with zero. I . . . it would actually go

negative so actually that might be a logarithm. [Laughs] Now that I’m

thinking about it. [Laughs more]

I: [Laughs too] Okay, but you were just starting to say how you decided . . .

what made you decide to put the answer that you did? Do you remember?

MJ: I did then actually try to graph and see if I could get the points that would

be in the relationship to what was there. Now I’m saying if you put a

negative x here it just goes smaller and smaller and approach zero.

His insistence on a definable relationship was evidenced in his response to Task 10 as


TASK 10: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: A record of all MAC women’s basketball

teams giving, for the 2003-2004 season each team’s field goal shooting

percentage at home and its field goal shooting percentage away.

MJ: Well . . . I just said because I mean for some reason I said that there is no

relationship they could really uh develop because their distinct events that

don’t . . . [pause] they are not really related to each other. [Pause]

I: So . . . nothing there, huh?

MJ: Not for me. [Laughs] Maybe there is, but not for me. [Laughs]

He was similarly unable to arbitrarily match names with numbers in Task 12 on the initial

questionnaire, the club members’ dues status problem. Recall that Dubinsky and Harel

(1992) claimed that a student who insists upon a rule relating the first number to the

second and/or cannot construct a process as the act of going from an item in the first

column to one in the second is “probably displaying an action conception of function” (p.


TASK 12: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: The club members’ dues status.

I: Oh, I noticed you left number 12 blank, any particular reason? Do you

remember what you were thinking there?

MJ: [Laughs] No . . .

I: It looks like you started to write something, and then I can’t tell what you . . .

MJ: What I was trying to think is that any little, a . . . [pause]. I’m just not

catching a . . . a relationship, I think well can you really relate the names to

these numbers, and it’s and um . . . I was starting to try to graph it a little bit

and see if there was any kind of . . . relationship and I didn’t see anything.

So I said it’s not . . . I just don’t think it’s a function or if there is I’m not

aware of it.

That he is unable to find a function in this situation, but found one easily in the string

problem [Task 6] is interesting to this researcher. Perhaps he worked with arbitrary

sequences on compute—as inputs and outputs, but nothing in his computer experience

related to tables as inputs and outputs.

MJ was also unable to consider a Boolean function. Note his response to Task 15.

TASK 15: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: x 2 + 3x+ 2 = 0 .

I: What about 15?

MJ: That’s a function.

I: Okay, you did not have anything written there. I was wondering what you

were thinking.

MJ: Well actually that would just be a uh . . . just two numbers, so I mean you

would have an x and then you get out a specific number. I mean I guess

there is only going to be maybe two numbers that could actually solve that.

I: So do you think you would have a function, or not then?


MJ: But it’s only one. [Laughs]

I: [Laughs too] It’s getting late in the day . . .

MJ: Um . . . No I don’t think it’s a function. There is only one solution to it, you

know what I’m saying, it’s not . . . it’s not really getting you . . . it’s just

telling you that there’s a . . . that just might be a parabola. [Pause] Now I’m

trying to think . . .

I: Take your time.

MJ: (Long Pause) No, I don’t think . . . I think its just one solution to it.

I: So since there is one solution to it there is no function at all?

MJ: That’s what I’m saying, yeah.

Notice in the following excerpt, MJ was unable to consider Boolean outputs, even

when the interviewer strongly suggested it.

TASK 18: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: {2n > n2 + 3n: n in [1 . . . 100]}.

I: Okay. Eighteen—you left blank any thoughts about that one?

MJ: Um . . . [pause]. No, not really. [Long pause] Then you would be having a

number. I mean to actually make that . . . I guess it would be just a unique

set of numbers that could actually, you’d have to go above a certain a . . . to

point at a certain set of numbers . . . I guess it would point at a certain set of

numbers. [Pause]

I: So it would point at a certain set of numbers when this was true, is that what

you’re saying?

MJ: Yeah

I: And then, what would be the function there?

MJ: [Laughs] 2 n − n 2 − 3n is greater than uh . . . zero.

I: So when that is true, then there is a function and the function is that

formula; is that what you are saying?

MJ: Yes. That is what I would think the function would do.

I: Anything more about that one?

MJ: No.

He appeared to be unaware of the possibility of Boolean outputs. His response to Task 16

provides another example of his inability to make an arbitrary pairing.

TASK 16: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: {(x,y): x, y in the set of all rational numbers}.

I: Um . . . Sixteen says, the set of all x’s and y’s such that x and y is in a set of

all rational numbers, could there be a function there?

MJ: Again, I just looked at it as being a set of coordinates . . . in . . . in the

coordinate plane so um . . . I don’t think that there would really would be a

function, I’m not sure how . . . how they relate . . . how they’re related. I

mean you just pick arbitrary sets of numbers you could put it in there but

without a third variable, particularly a number, I just didn’t see anything,

what the relationship would be.

He continued to insist upon a regular relationship.


Recall that Dubinsky and Harel (1992) claimed that one’s ability to find a

function in a discrete set of points indicates a process conception. MJ is unable to do that,

as evidenced below.

TASK 19: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not:

Figure 13. Graph for Task 19

What I see, that you get a series of different points, and I really didn’t see that it

could be a function or anything because without, and this could just be arbitrary

points in a plane, so I didn’t see any type of reason why there would be a

relationship in the interval.

In conclusion, though MJ was able to find functions in strings and discuss the

manipulation of an algebraic expression without actually performing those manipulations,

his process conception is weak. His “function as formula” conception was strong. He was

unable to find a function in either a table or a discrete set of points, and was unable to

consider Boolean outputs. His conception of function appeared to be an early process


Understanding of Graphical Representations

MJ appears to have a good though not perfect understanding of graphs as

indicated by his written explanations on the initial questionnaire. Because of his time

constraints, MJ was unable to verbally explain his answers on the graphing portion of the

questionnaire during the initial interview.

As evidenced by his answers to Graphing Tasks 2 and 3a, he understood that

given a speed versus time graph, the area under the curve represents the distance traveled.

GRAPHING TASK 2c: This graph shows the speed in meters per second of a

cyclist over a 10-minute period. Does the cyclist travel further during the first five

minutes or during the last 5 minutes? Please explain your answer.


2 4 6 8 10

Time (min)

Figure 14. Graphing Task 2 showing speed vs. time of a cyclist

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 146. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Adapted with permission.


When asked if the cyclist travels further during the first five minutes or during the

last, he indicated the first “because the area under the curve is greater during that time

period.” He was similarly accurate in his response to Graphing Task 3a.

GRAPHING TASK 3a: The graph below represents speed vs. time for two cars.

(Assume the cars start from the same position and are traveling in the same

direction.) State the relationship between the position of car A and car B at t = 1

hr. Explain.



t=0 t=1
Time in hours

Figure 15. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 147. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Reprinted with permission.

While answering this question, he wrote, “A is ahead of B because the area under

the curve is greater.” He also had no trouble comparing speeds of two objects or of a

single object at two different times on the same graph. Similarly, he accurately compared

acceleration of the two cars: “B is accelerating faster than A because the slope of the

tangent line is greater.” He also recognized changes in rates of change, as evidenced by


the changes in concavity he sketched while making a graph of height as a function of the

amount of water in a bottle.

MJ exhibited some misconceptions on his initial questionnaire, however. When

asked in Graphing Task 3 above about the relative position of the two cars during the

time interval between t = .75 hr. and t = 1 hr., he said, “B is accelerating faster than A

therefore B is pulling closer to A.” Though he previously demonstrated an understanding

of the area curve as representing distance, he did not apply that knowledge in this

instance. He interpreted a larger acceleration as a faster speed. He also interpreted the

height of a line, that is, its output value, rather than its slope, as determining speed in a

position versus time graph.

GRAPHING TASK 1: Consider the graph below. At the instant t = 2 seconds, is the

speed of object A greater than, less than, or equal to the speed of object B? Explain.

position (cm) B

2 4 6 8 time (sec)

Figure 16. Graphing Task 1 showing position vs. time for two objects

Note. From “Students’ Understanding of a Function Given by a Physical Model

by S. Monk (1992). The concept of function. Aspects of epistemology and pedagogy,

MAA Notes, 25, 175. Copyright 1992 by the Mathematical Association of America.

Adapted with permission.


He sketched the points (2, y1 ) on line B and (2, y2 ) on line A, then claimed “A is greater

than B because y1 < y2 ,”

In conclusion, though MJ exhibited strong understanding of graphical

representations in some instances, his understanding was weak in others. The error in

Graphing Task 1 may have simply been a careless oversight, with MJ not realizing that

the dependent variable was position, not speed. The understanding needed to answer

Graphing Task 3d correctly is more subtle, however, and unlikely due to oversight.

Participant 4: BG

Evidence suggests that BG had a strong process conception of function as he

began the unit on the history of the concept of function. His understanding of graphs was

well-developed; he showed none of the common misconceptions either in his written

responses or his verbal explanations.

General Function Conception

Evidence of a process conception. BG’s written response to the question, “What is

a function?” stated that “a function is an equation in terms of one or more variables such

that any given set of variables will yield a specific output.” When prompted to further

explain his thinking in the interview, however, he said,

Okay, uh . . . well . . . this question threw me for a loop; actually, uh . . . because I

just never had to . . . really think of what a function is, just . . . going back to 11th

grade mathematics class. I took Elementary Functions and it explained some

things. The equation thing I realized later even when I was taking the, . . . the uh

. . . the worksheet that probably, it doesn’t necessarily need to be an equation, um

. . . but it is whenever you have, uh . . . [pause] one thing leading to another, like,

uh . . . how should I say this? [Pause] For a given . . . situation there is only going

to be one outcome. Uh . . . so if, if uh . . . [pause] if, if you have, a set of a . . .

parameters I guess, you’re not gonna have more than one solution to that. It is not

going to lead you to this or this or anything, it’s . . . these things lead to one

specific answer. So that is what I was trying to get at, I . . . that’s what I meant by

specific result, leading to one solution to your problem.

He is discussing a generalized process, realizing that an equation is not necessary. When

discussing the graph in Task 2, he wrote f (x ) = e x , but in the interview, he reiterated that

a formula is not necessary.

TASK 2: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more functions.

If not explain why not.

Figure 17. Graph for Task 2 showing an arbitrary graph with no labels

I: And about the graph, . . . if you didn’t recognize so quickly that there was

an equation for that graph, if I had an arbitrary graph whose formula was

not so evident, would there . . . could there still be a function represented?


BG: Oh yeah, there could be a function represented. I would have described it

um . . . oh gosh . . . I would have described it in terms of, well for the values

uh . . . [pause], along the x-axis if it comes out to be the other . . . on the y-

axis there. So I’d just, yeah . . . [pause].

I: So it is just sort of, well it’s nice if there’s a formula but it’s not necessary.

BG: Right, it doesn’t have to be a formula.

His responses and explanations to several of the other questions further indicate

the strength of his process conception. Though he did not find a function in Task 3—he

did not think of restricting the domain—he showed flexibility in his thinking. He

considered both x and y to be inputs, something his peers did not think to do. He found a

function in Task 4 by considering y as the input—not the convention.

BG recognized a function in Task 6, the string “ABCDEFG.” Recall that this

representation does not suggest a function, so the construction came from BG himself.

TASK 6: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more functions.

If not, explain why not: The string “ABCDEFG.”

I: What about number 6?

BG: Oh . . . the string ABCDE . . . uh . . . I have something here, but I’m not

sure if the terminology is correct though.

I: That’s okay. That’s really why I want to talk to you about it so that I

understand what you meant by your terminology.

BG: Uh. I was . . . if . . . if . . . the way that I visualize this: I had this graph.

Let’s say the horizontal axis was a . . . let me make sure I understand . . .

[pause] now say that uh . . ., the horizontal axis for this was . . . a to the . . .

or . . . rather a sub n [an ] and the uh, . . . vertical axis was the alphabet, . . .

I: Oh I see . . .

BG: Um, you have . . . you know the first . . . n . . . n sub . . ., a sub 1 [a1], would

be A, a sub 2 would be B, a sub 3 would be C, and so on and so on.

I: Now would it matter if I did something like this? [writes “PQRADF”]

BG: Uhhh . . . No actually . . . I uh . . . you could . . . because they’re all the

same. Now if you have like, p, q, p . . . oh no you can have it. I think it was

just because of the pattern . . . [inaudible].

I: Could you do it?

BG: Yes you could do the same thing. [Pause] Now if you had uh like . . . “p or

a” here, and then q, p, then it wouldn’t be.

Recall that if a student needs to actually solve one equation in terms of another,

she is exhibiting an action conception of function. While discussing Task 11 on the initial

questionnaire, BG attempted to do this; yet when unable to do so, he still recognized the

existence of a function.

TASK 11: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: 2 x 3 y − x log y = 2 .

I: What about this one, number 11?

BG: [Laughs] I . . . I tried for a little while to solve for one of the variables and I

couldn’t do it to my satisfaction. Looking at it now I probably could. [Long

pause] I’m not sure if I . . . well, hold on. I could’ve, I could have done it.

I: How would you do it?

BG: [Long pause] Wait a minute, never mind, I don’t think I could. [Inaudible]

I: So does that mean that there’s not a function there now?

BG: Not necessarily. There could be. I mean if you plotted that out on a graph,

um . . . it might come out so that one of the variables doesn’t duplicate. Or

. . . it could be a circle . . . I don’t know . . . All sorts of things it could be. I

am going to guess that it is a function.

I: Which one would be, like you were talking that the input would be n here.

BG: I am going to guess that it is a function of x . . . [Pause]. Yeah . . . that’s it.

BG similarly had no difficulty identifying a function in Task 12, the club members’ dues


TASK 12: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: The club member’s dues status.

I: Number 12 is a chart with the club member’s due status and can you

describe your function there please? And why it is a function?

BG: (Laughs). Uh . . . Oh, oh . . . It’s . . . it’s a function, um . . . when you plug

in a name and one particular amount that they owe comes out. So, . . . that’s

as simple as it gets, I think. You have a chart outlining the function, right

there. See? One amount owed.

Note also the flexibility in his thinking when discovering a function in Task 13.

TASK 13: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not.


Figure 18. Graph for Task 13 showing an arbitrary graph with no labels

BG: 13. I see there that you’ve got a function of y. you have to turn the page a

little bit, 90 degrees. Turn this 90 degrees . . . and then you’ve got a


I: In what way?

BG: Well, I’m not sure how . . . The only reason I was worried about that one is

because I know uh . . . convention has that you put the uh . . . the

independent variable on the horizontal axis, and that was the only thing that

I was worried about but I decided to . . . push my . . . luck. Turn it and see

what happens.

Though BG initially left Task 18 blank, he constructed a Boolean function during the


TASK 18: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: {2n > n2 + 3n: n in [1 . . . 100]}.

I: What about 18? Do you remember what you are thinking as you were

thinking about 18?


BG: I think that the inequality threw me off again. I didn’t quite know what to

make of it. Um . . . I couldn’t figure out which numbers actually satisfy it.

You know, for like for n in from 1-100, 1 is . . . I guess, you know . . . what

the outcome could be is just whether or not it is true or false . . . So, right

. . . going back several . . .

I: That’s okay.

BG: Going back several uh . . . to the sentence about Kent State Basketball. That

just comes out as false. So the input is that [pointing to the sentence].

I: Oh I see.

BG: And the output is just false. But I can do that, I can say values of n that

satisfy that equation, uh . . . is true, for values that don’t satisfy the

inequality it would be false. And that would be your output.

I: So that would be a function then?

BG: That would be a function, there we go.

Finding a function in Task 19 was similarly easy for him. Recall that Dubinsky and Harel

(1992) considered this problem to be a good indicator of a process conception of


TASK 19: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not. [The graph of discrete points is given.]

I: What about 19?

BG: [Laughs]

I: Okay, so you sort of explained it, I mean if you could just sort of explain

what you were thinking there. There is nothing wrong with what you did.

BG: This is a function of x, such that when x = 0, y = 0. I saw that point there.

For the rest of them I just kind of . . . tried to label where they were on the

graph and then for any value of x, there is only one value of y on this graph

so . . . I just kind of plugged them in.

Weaknesses in his process conception. BG was unable to discern a function in

Task 15, which could be considered a function with Boolean outputs.

TASK 15: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: x 2 + 3x+ 2 = 0 .

I: What about 15? What were you thinking there?

BG: Well . . . it’s . . . it’s an equation. There is only one variable. You’ve got

x = 2 or 1 . Uh . . . so it’s not, I mean, I guess you could say, for some

reason I was thinking, it’s just a sentence, it’s not . . . you’re not really

solving for anything. You just have two values for x.

I: Okay

BG: I don’t know if I’m still having a brain freeze . . . When I saw that, there

were two solutions for x, it’s not . . .; it’s the only variable that I see in

there, unless the whole thing can be it. And say f ( x) = x 2 + 3 x + 2 . But that

is not what it says, so I am just going to stick by that.


In conclusion, BG was able to discern a function in almost all of the situations

given in Part 2 of the initial questionnaire, including those that Dubinsky and Harel

(1992) considered significant indicators of a process conception of function. There was

little hesitation. He was a confident and flexible mathematical thinker.

Understanding of Graphical Representations

BG’s understanding of graphs was similarly sound. He immediately recognized

the meaning of slope in Graphing Task 1.

This is Part Three now and considering the graph below it, at the instant t = 2

seconds is the speed of object A greater than, less than, or equal to the speed of

object B? And you wrote, “The speed of A is less than the speed of B for the

duration of the exercise. The speed is represented by the slope.” Do you have

anything else maybe that you want to add?

position (cm) B

2 4 6 8 time (sec)

Figure 19. Graphing Task 1 showing position vs. time for two objects

Note. From “Students’ Understanding of a Function Given by a Physical Model

by S. Monk (1992). The Concept of Function. Aspects of Epistemology and Pedagogy.

MAA Notes, 25, 175. Copyright 1992 by the Mathematical Association of America.

Adapted with permission.


BG: Let’s check it out. Yeah. [Long pause] You’ve got the change in position

which is less than the change in position for the same amount of time. So,

yeah, B’s going faster.

He understood the meaning of area under a curve, as evidenced by his response to

Graphing Task 2.

GRAPHING TASK 2: This graph shows the speed in meters per second of a

cyclist over a 10-minute period.


2 4 6 8 10

Time (min)

Figure 20. Graphing Task 2 showing speed vs. time of a cyclist

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 146. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Adapted with permission.

I: Does the cyclist travel further during the first five minutes or during the last

5 minutes?

BG: The distance traveled would be the area under the curve. During the first

five minutes a much greater distance covered by the cyclist.

I: Is there anything else you want to say about that?


BG: No, I’m pretty satisfied with that answer.

When answering Graphing Task 3d, he was one of the few who gave an accurate


GRAPHING TASK 3d: The graph below represents speed versus time for two

cars. (Assume the cars start from the same position and are traveling in the same




t=0 t=1

Time in hours

Figure 21. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 147. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Reprinted with permission.

I: What about the relative position between the points t = .75 and t = 1 hour?

BG: Between t = .75 hours t = 1 hr. Oh yeah . . . Car A is continuing to pull

away from car B up until one hour. Uh . . . it’s going faster, it’s continuing

to go faster than car B so it’s gonna continue pulling away. After the hour

it’s gonna start catching up.


He drew an accurate sketch in Graphing Task 4 and correctly identified the three bends in

the track in Graphing Task 9.

Thus, BG had a sound grasp of the function concept and of graphs before

studying the history of functions. The above evidence suggests that his conception of

function was a strong process one.

Participant 5: MS

Evidence suggests that MS began the unit with an emerging process conception of

function, but a strong understanding of graphical representations of functions. The

following analysis is based on his responses to the initial questionnaire and his comments

during the interview.

General Function Conception

Evidence of a process conception. MS’s responses to several tasks suggest that he

possesses at least the beginnings of a process conception.

TASK: What is a function?

I: Okay the first is “what is a function?” And if you can tell me what you

meant by the fact “the output then gives a clear result” [written on


MS: Um . . . I started out in computer science so I was used to writing programs.

Usually you put some data in then you get something out. You get an


I: Interesting. So when you say clear result, um . . .

MS: You get something.


I: You get something? A specific answer..

MS: Usually. Usually it will be defined, unless it’s not…

I: And if you ran the program again, what would happen?

MS: You’d get the same result. If you used the same input.

MS was clearly discussing a process in a general way. He was not dependent

upon specific numbers to discuss the concept. He talked freely and easily, readily

comparing a function to a computer program. His comments brought to mind the research

of Breidenbach et al. (1992), which showed that writing computer programs facilitates a

process conception of function. Note in the following excerpt, he discussed function as

mapping, also in a general way.

TASK: Discuss the ways a function can be represented.

I: What were you thinking when you did that?

MS: Hmm . . . I was in topology and he just showed us that so I thought I’d use

that x goes to y and you can map it onto a different variable.

I: So you could map it onto different variables. Is that a representation of a


MS: Sort of like a number line, it shows . . . [pause].

I: Like what . . .? Like what you have here on one of your later questions?

Like number . . . like that one, or this one here? Number 1 or number 7?

MS: Yeah.

Figure 22. MS’s sketches showing function as mapping

I: So you think a function can be described as a mapping.

MS: Yeah. If it’s got two variables. You put in one so that you can see the

numbers . . . you don’t need . . . the graph.

I: Okay. Any other examples of functions? I notice you have the f(x) here . . .

Any other examples you can think of? What does that f(x) mean?

MS: It pretty much anything that manipulates . . . something.

I: It manipulates the number?

MS: Like sine, cosine . . .

In the following scenario, MS again discussed the process in general, without

solving for x or y.

TASK 11: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: 2 x3 y − x log y = 2 .

I: Number 11. I notice that you started writing something and then you left it

blank. What were you thinking when you wrote –


MS: Well, I was going to try and isolate y again, but then it just looked like a

pain, so I didn't do it. Guess that would probably be the way to do it . . . So I

was trying to do it – it's usually not so complicated.

I: So I'm not clear if you saw the function there or not.

MS: Uh . . . It could be, but if you wanted to do it with one variable, you would

just have to give a value to one of them. So I guess it could be a two

variable . . . you’d just have to put it in and solve . . . so it equals . . .

I: solve for . . .

MS: You have to find an x and y so it would work, and then that would be . . .

MS was convinced that a function existed here, even though he was unable to solve for

one variable in terms of the other. This ability is one indicator of a process conception.

While discussing the club member’s dues status problem, he also had no trouble

finding a function. Note in the following discussion he again used computer terminology

to discuss the function concept.

TASK 12: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: The club members’ dues status. [A chart with

names and amount of dues owed is given.]

I: Okay 12. The club members’ dues status. What were you thinking here and

would you explain about it?

MS: Well, if you had a database, say, with all these names, they would have a

number attached. So if you entered a name, you would get a number.

I: So is there a function there?


MS: Yes.

His reference to a computer database was interesting. MS had been considering a major

in computer science and had taken programming courses. He often referred to his

programming experience as he discussed functions.

MS answered Task 13 readily, showing flexibility in thinking by easily

interchanging conventional inputs and outputs.

TASK 13: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not.

Figure 23. Graph for Task 13 showing an arbitrary graph with no labels

MS: That just looks like a cosine function. But it’s turned on its side. So if you

turn the paper, it would look correct.

I: Would you say that again?

MS: So if I turned the paper, it would look correct.

I: So if I turn the paper this way, then you would say there's a function. What

would the input be?

MS: Whatever. Whatever you want. [Long pause]


In the following task, MS was able to consider a number as an input and a point as an

output. He did not make the common mistake of invoking the vertical line test.

TASK 17: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: {(1, 2 x) : x in [1...100]} .

MS: So for this one, I would assume that this is looking at a set of points where

you take x and put 1 and then 2 or 3 up to 100. So if you have a point 1 and

2x – there's no x in the first one so it's going to be always x = 1, so you’ll

basically have a line going from y = 2 to y = 200, . . . a set of points.

I: And that's the function, then?

MS: Sure. When you're inputting 1 through 100, and they would get a point.

I: You get a point or you get . . . okay.

MS: Yeah, so you get the coordinates.

Weaknesses in his process conception. Some evidence exhibits the weaknesses of

MS’s process conception, however. He was unable to consider a pair of parametric

equations as a single function of t; he often searched for a formula when discussing

scenarios, and suggested that numbers are needed as inputs and outputs. Then too, he was

unable to consider Boolean (true or false) outputs, even when he considered the truth or

falsity of a mathematical statement.

The following two excerpts show his inability to consider Boolean outputs.

TASK 15: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: x 2 + 3 x + 2 = 0

I: What were you thinking when you answered 15?


MS: It was a quadratic and I factored it, and then I found the two solutions.

I: So is there a function there?

MS: Yes, but it only would be defined at those two numbers, −1 and . . .

I: Oh.

MS: Cuz otherwise it would be false.

I: I see. So you're setting the function equal to the left hand side, and then the

only thing you allow for input is negative 1 and negative 2? Is that what

you're saying?

MS: Right.

TASK 18: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: {2n > n2 + 3n : n in [1...100]} .

MS: Um . . . [long pause] . . . It didn't state . . . it isn't true, as far as I can tell.

Because we take say, 2 2 it’s not greater than 22 + 6 . So it didn’t make any

sense . . . So it's not a function. It's never true when you’re . . . [pause].

I: If it were true would it be a function?

MS: Sure. Cuz then it would work. But it doesn't make sense. Because right now

it says the smaller number is bigger than a bigger number.

I: But there is no function there as it stands.

MS: Right.

MS seemed unable to find a Boolean function in a situation. The ability to do so is one

indicator of a process conception.


While discussing Task 5, MS came close to finding a function there, but was

unable to clarify his thoughts.

I: What were you thinking about #5? “Kent State’s Men’s basketball team

makes it to the Sweet Sixteen.” When I asked you to find a function there.

MS: Well, the only way there could do that is if they won, so if they did . . . IF

they won then could come back. But I wasn’t really sure what Kent State


I: You’re not really sure if Kent State was winning?

MS: Yeah. Once again I just made something up.

I: But how does “If x then y” [reading paper] relate to that statement?

MS: If the team wins, then they go . . .

I: Oh, so x would be . . .

MS: So they would have had to do something for x.

I: So like x would be “if the team wins” then they’d go to the Sweet 16, is that

what you’re saying?

MS: Right.

I: And what would be the function there?

MS: Uh . . . this wouldn’t really be a function but it would just be . . . [pause] not

sure how to say it . . . It would just be an if statement.

I: It would be an if-then statement?

MS: Right.

MS: [Pause] I guess it could be a function, but I’d come up with some

numbering system for the whole.

I: Like what type of numbering system?

MS: No idea.

I: No idea? [Laughs] So if I had to ask you, Can you describe it in general? A

numbering system . . . that would, would . . . satisfy your definition of


MS: Well you could say a win is 1 a loss is 0.

I: And how would that be a function, then?

MS: If x is bigger than a certain number . . . then maybe you could . . .

something. So I guess if it’s single elimination . . . look at zeros and ones

. . . [pause].

I: This is interesting.

MS: I don’t know if this makes any sense.

I: Well, if the input is 1, then what would the output be then?

MS: Then, whatever you want, say, then go to the next bracket [inaudible]. It

would just be a [inaudible]. So it would probably wouldn’t be any easier.

I: So if I have to ask you now, is there a function in this situation?

MS: Probably not.

When discussing the Task 19, MS’s first tendency was to connect the dots and find a


TASK 19: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not.

Figure 24. Graph for Task 19

I: I notice that you've connected the dots in No. 19. What were you thinking

when you answered that question?

MS: It looked like it could be minimum to maximum on some curve, so I just

made up a curve.

I: But if you weren't allowed to connect the dots—that was fine that you did,

but if you didn't connect the dots, would the dots themselves be—

MS: Yes, you could make a table then, just be a scatter plot–

I: But would it be a function if you did that?

MS: Sure, because you could probably make a function from the data.

I: How would you make a function from the data? What do you mean by that?

MS: You'd have to map it. I'm not even sure how you – [Pause] . . .

I: What do you mean by map? I mean, do I have to have something that says

do this, or can I just list them. What do you think?


MS: Well, you have the coordinates, so you could pick one of the axes and use

that as the independent variable. And see how the other one . . . changes . . .,

I mean . . . Like this point would be going up on the y plane. Through the y

axis. So you could probably find a pattern of how to change it, but it's not

necessarily true.

I: Okay. But do you need a pattern for them to have a function then, is that

what you're saying?

MS: Well, it could be predictable, because when you have a function, you know

all the outputs.

He appeared to be insisting on a regular relationship, almost a formula, here, though he

did acknowledge the existence of a function from a table. Recall that this problem is a

good indicator of a process conception of function. His ability to find a function here

would indicate that he has that conception, but his tendency to connect the dots and look

for a formula suggests that it may be weak.

In conclusion, evidence suggests that MS exhibited a process conception of

function before the beginning of the unit on the history of functions. A few minor

weaknesses exist.

Understanding of Graphical Representations

MS’s understanding of graphical representations of functions is strong, as

evidenced by his insightful responses to the graphing questions both on the written

questionnaire and during the interview. None of the common misconceptions were


Participant 6: CS

General Function Conception

CS’s initial conception of function appeared to be at the action level. The

following analysis is based on his responses on the initial questionnaire and his

comments during the second interview. Due to a scheduling conflict, he did not

participate in an initial interview. The reader might note the similarity between CS’s

responses and those of CW, who also evidenced an action conception of function. In

particular, note the repeated references to the need for a formula or equation.

On the initial questionnaire, he defined a function as “an equation that can have

numbers plugged in to form a graph.” He was unable to discuss alternate representations

of functions. For example, he left Task 12 (the club members’ dues status problem)

blank. He was unable to find a function in Task 13, which required a reversal of

conventional inputs and outputs on a coordinate system. He was also unable to consider a

string as a function on the initial questionnaire, leaving Task 6 blank. His response to

Task 7 was revealing, as were his comments about it during the second interview.

TASK 7: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more functions.

If not, explain why not: A swimmer starts from shore and swims to the other side

of Walden Pond.

I: On your original questionnaire, this was #7, um . . . you said you can’t

because you don’t know if the swimmer takes a straight line to the other

side. Or if he takes another route.


CS: Uh . . . I guess . . . like what I was thinking there . . . is that you, you

couldn’t make a function out of it because you have to know like, exactly

what type of direction he’s gonna go with it. Um . . . like, I was just

thinking that you . . . you couldn’t have an input and output because you

don’t know . . . what your input and output would be.

His comment, “ . . . what your input and output would be,” suggests a need for a specific

rule for determining inputs and outputs. He similarly referenced the need for an equation

in his response to Task 5.

TASK 5: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: “Kent State’s Men’s basketball team makes it

to the Sweet Sixteen.”

I: Do you remember what you were thinking when you tried to answer this


CS: Again, that seems like such an abstract idea for a function that . . . I couldn’t

come up with an equation that seems like it would make any sense for that.

Like . . . it’s really not giving any relationship.

If no clear relationship exists, no function exists, according to CS.

His discussion about Task 8, which he left blank on the initial questionnaire, is

strikingly similar.

TASK 8: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: {3n + n 2 : n in [1...100]} .


CS responded, “I’m not 100% sure what I did there. Uh . . . I think I tried to make an

equation out of it.” Likewise, his response to Task 10 included an attempt to create two

equations giving percentages of shots made or shots missed.

In conclusion, CS showed dependence upon the notion of function as equation.

He left seven tasks blank on the initial questionnaire and those he did answer exhibited a

tendency to write an equation. This evidence suggests that CS has an action conception of


Understanding of Graphical Representations

CS’s understanding of graphical representations was similarly weak. Though he

interpreted some graphs correctly (Graphing Tasks 1, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3c), he showed

serious misconceptions in others. Interestingly, in Graphing Task 3a, he answered, “Car

A would be ahead of Car B because he has covered more area,” yet he is unable to apply

the notion of area under the curve to Graphing Task 2c.

GRAPHING TASK 2C: This graph shows the speed in meters per second of a

cyclist over a 10-minute period. Does the cyclist travel further during the first five

minutes or during the last 5 minutes? Please explain your answer.

His response was, “The last five minutes because it takes him time to get up to speed then

he quickly slows; however the last five he is already at a speed of about 2 and increases.”

Similarly, he ignored the concept of area under the curve when answering Graphing Task


GRAPHING TASK 3D: The graph below represents speed vs. time for two cars.

(Assume the cars start from the same position and are traveling in the same

direction.) What is the relative position of the two cars during the time interval

between t = .75 hr. and t = 1 hr. (i.e., is one car pulling away from the other?).




t=0 t=1

Time in hours

Figure 25. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 147. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Reprinted with permission.

CS thought that “Car B is pulling ahead because it is exponentially growing while the

other is leveling off.”

While answering Graphing Task 5, he made the classic error of mistaking a graph

as a picture of the scenario.

GRAPHING TASK 5: Can you indicate, from the graph below, how many bends

there are along the track on which the car was driven?

Speed of a racing car along a 3-km track (during second lap)

Speed (km/hr)










0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3

Distance along the track


Figure 26. Graphing Task 5 showing speed vs. distance along a race track

From “Use of Situations in Mathematics Education” by C. Janvier (1981).

Educational Studies in Mathematics, 12(1), 115, graph 1.1. Copyright 1981 By D. Reidel.

Reprinted with kind permission from Springer Science and Business Media.

Like DB, CS replied “9.” He counted the number of times the graph itself bent, thus

interpreting the graph as a picture of the actual track. In actuality, the car slowed down

only three times and thus there are three bends in the track.

His sketch of the height of water versus amount in Graphing Task 4, the bottle

problem, showed no change in concavity. His initial concavity is incorrect and he showed

no indication of a constant rate of change for the neck of the bottle.


Figure 27. CS’s sketch for graphing Task 4

Thus CS exhibited a relatively weak conception of the notion of area under a curve and of

graphical representations of rate of change.

Summary of Participants’ Initial Conceptions

Quite a disparity exists between the initial function conceptions of the six

participants of this study. Using APOS analysis as a theoretical framework for describing

these differences, CW on the one hand held an apparent Action conception, depending on

equations and needing to perform calculations on numbers while discussing functions. At

the other extreme was BG who appeared to have a strong process conception as

evidenced by his ability to discern a function with Boolean (true-false) outputs before

beginning the unit on the history of the concept of function. The function conceptions of

the six participants are summarized Table 3.


Table 3

APOS Levels of Participants Before Studying the History of Functions

Action Emerging Process Process Object

DB *

CW *

MJ *

BG *

MS *

CS *

APOS Theory Applied to Understanding Graphs

The purpose of this section is to characterize a student’s understanding of graphs

of functions using APOS terminology. The researcher proposes the descriptions and

analysis of student answers that characterize each of the APOS levels. This

characterization is an extension of APOS theory and is the researcher’s innovation. The

section begins with a brief overview of the characterizations of other researchers.

Brief Summary of the Literature

Bell and Janvier (1981) identified several aspects of understanding found to be

significant in their work of students’ conceptions of graphs. Among these are:

1. The recognition of global features by a progression from point reading to

interval and to gradient

2. The measurement and comparison of intervals or gradients


3. The existence of various distracters. One type is the pictorial distracter,

which occurs when the student confuses the shape of the graph with that of

the hill being climbed or the race track being traversed. Another type is a

situational distracter, which occurs when the experience of the situation

interferes with attention to the meanings of the abstract features of the graphs.

(p. 37)

Monk (1992) differentiated between a pointwise analysis of a graph and an across-time

analysis. A pointwise question asks for values of a function for a specific input value. An

across-time analysis involves asking students to describe a pattern of change in the value

of a function that results from a pattern of change in the input values. Monk maintained

that students find across time questions more difficult than pointwise questions.

APOS Characterization

An APOS characterization of student understanding of graphical representations

builds upon the work of these researchers. The researcher proposes following

characterization, summarized in Table 4.


Table 4

APOS Characterizations for Understanding Graphical Representations of Functions

APOS Level Description of Level Evidence

Prefunction Student has little if any conception Is unable to see graph as a representation of a
of graphs of functions relationship between variables;
Sees a graph a picture of the event.

Prefunction Student has little if any conception Is unable to see graph as a representation of a
of graphs of functions relationship between variables;
Sees a graph a picture of the event.

Action “A repeatable mental or physical Emphasizes a reference to specific outputs and

manipulation of objects” (Dubinsky corresponding inputs on the graph. No reference to
& Harel, 1992, p. 251). A static global features of a graph.
conception; student needs to think Must measure intervals in order to compare them.
about it one step at a time.

Object When a student can perform an Subject considers area under a curve as significant.
action on a process, the authors say The act of finding the area is an action, which she
the student has encapsulated the is performing on the process represented by the
process as an object. graph. Can consider area under a graphical
representation of speed vs. time as distance
traveled, for example.

Recognizes a graph as one of several

representations of a function.

The Pre-Function Construct

A student holding this construct of graphs has little or no understanding of a graph

as a relationship between two varying quantities and will frequently mistake a graph as a

picture of an event. Student DB exemplified this conception.

GRAPHING TASK 3: The graph below represents speed vs. time for two cars.

(Assume the cars start from the same position and are traveling in the same

direction.) State the relationship between the position of car A and car B at t = 1

hr. Explain.



t=0 t=1
Time in hours

Figure 28. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 147. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Reprinted with permission.

In response to this task, she indicated that the “two cars meet at the same point at t = 1 hr.

because this is where their paths cross.” When asked about the relative position of the

two cars during the time interval between t = .75 hr and t = 1 hr. (i.e., is one car pulling

away from the other?), she answered, “At t = .75 hr. car A is driving towards car B and

car B is also driving towards car A.” Interestingly, she also noted that “the speed of the

two cars at t = 1 hr. is also equal because both paths correspond to the same speed.” She

appeared to be confounding the notions of speed and position.


GRAPHING TASK 5: Can you indicate, from the graph below, how many bends

there are along the track on which the car was driven? [The graph of speed vs.

distance along the racetrack is given.]

Her response to this problem was “9.” She counted the number of times the graph itself

bent, thus interpreting the graph as a picture of the actual track. In actuality, the car

slowed down only three times and thus there are three bends in the track.

We classified any misinterpretation of a graph as a pre-function conception of a

graphical representation.

The Action Construct

In APOS theory, a student who has an action understanding of functions sees an

algebraic expression as a command to calculate. Such a student can carry out a

transformation only by reacting to external cues (textbook directions, teacher suggestion,

etc.) that give exact details on what to do. This conception is like a recipe and they must

apply it to some number before it will produce anything. A student with an action

conception of graphical representations of functions refers to specific outputs and

corresponding inputs on the graph. She does not refer to the global features of a graph.

This construct is similar to Monk’s (1992) characterization of a point-wise analysis of

graphs. When trying to compare intervals on a graph, a student with this conception

would measure the intervals, again referring to specific inputs and outputs.

One example of this conception of graphs is MJ’s response to Task 1 in the

graphing section of the initial questionnaire.


GRAPHING TASK 1: Consider the graph below. At the instant t = 2 seconds, is

the speed of object A greater than, less than, or equal to the speed of object B?

position (cm) B

2 4 6 8 time (sec)

Figure 29. Graphing Task 1 showing position vs. time for two objects

Note. From “Students’ Understanding of a Function Given by a Physical Model

by S. Monk (1992). The Concept of Function. Aspects of Epistemology and Pedagogy.

MAA Notes, 25, 175. Copyright 1992 by the Mathematical Association of America.

Adapted with permission.

MJ interpreted the height of a line, that is, its output value, rather than its slope, as

determining speed in a position versus time graph. He sketched in the points (2, y1 ) on

line B and (2, y2 ) on line A, then claimed, “A is greater than B because y1 < y2 .” It is

interesting to note that though MJ exhibited a significant misconception here, his

discussions of other graphing tasks revealed a much better understanding of graphs.

The Process Construct

A process is an internal construction that performs the same transformation as the

action, but it is internal and hence under the control of the individual. She no longer

needs the external stimuli, no longer needs to actually evaluate an expression to think of

its result. A student with this conception of graphs of functions refers to the global

features of a graph, discussing its overall qualitative nature. She does not need to refer to

specific inputs or outputs for his analysis. CW’s response to Graphing Task 2 exemplified

this phenomenon.

GRAPHING TASK 2: This graph shows the speed in meters per second of a

cyclist over a 10-minute period. Does the cyclist travel further during the first five

minutes or during the last 5 minutes?


2 4 6 8 10

Time (min)

Figure 30. Graphing Task 2 showing speed vs. time of a cyclist

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 146. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Adapted with permission.

CW: I said because they were going the fastest between those times so I said they

traveled the farthest . . . they’re slowing down like drastically between 2

and 4 seconds and they’re going a lot slower even between 4 and 10

seconds. Between 0 and . . . like 2 seconds they’re going really fast so I . . .

I was thinking that they were going the farthest between that time period.

Note that even though she referred to specific input intervals, she readily discussed the

qualitative features of the graph without referring to specific outputs.

Similarly, in the brief excerpts below BG, MS, and CS considered the qualitative

features of the graph without referring to specific inputs and outputs.

GRAPHING TASK 1: Consider the graph below. At the instant t = 2 seconds, is

the speed of object A greater than, less than, or equal to the speed of object B?

[Please see the graph for Graphing Task 1 on the previous page.]

BG: Let’s check it out. Yeah. [Long pause] You’ve got the change in position

which is less than the change in position for the same amount of time. So,

yeah, B’s going faster.

MS: A is traveling slower, its graph has a lower slope.

CS: Less because B is rising much faster than A.

The Object Construct

When one tries to perform an action on a process, APOS theorists say she has

encapsulated the process to an object. The recognition of area in a speed versus time

graph as distance traveled is applying an action (finding area) on the process (relating

speed to a given time) represented by that graph. Therefore, participants who are able to

compare distances traveled by comparing areas under the curves exemplify an object

conception of the graphical representation.

Two participants provided such evidence when discussing Graphing Tasks 2c and

3a on the initial questionnaire. Note the references to area in the following excerpts.

GRAPHING TASK 2c: This graph shows the speed in meters per second of a

cyclist over a 10-minute period. Does the cyclist travel further during the first five

minutes or during the last 5 minutes?


2 4 6 8 10

Time (min)

Figure 31. Graphing Task 2 showing speed vs. time of a cyclist

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 146. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Adapted with permission.

MJ: Because the area under the curve is greater during that time period.

BG: The distance traveled would be the area under the curve. During the first

five minutes a much greater distance covered by the cyclist.

Similarly, many respondents referred to area when discussing Graphing Task 3a

on the initial questionnaire.

GRAPHING TASK 3a: The graph below represents speed vs. time for two cars.

(Assume the cars start from the same position and are traveling in the same

direction.) State the relationship between the position of car A and car B at t = 1

hr. Explain.



t=0 t=1
Time in hours

Figure 32. Graphing Task 3 showing speed vs. time for two cars

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).

Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 147. Copyright 1998 by American

Mathematical Society. Reprinted with permission.

BG: Car A will be ahead of Car B at t = 1 hr. Up until that point, car A had been

traveling faster than Car B, so it would be ahead. The areas under the curve

represent distance traveled.

CS was initially not quite so certain, but appeared to understand the connection between

distance and area under the curve.

CS: . . . to find t . . . I . . . can’t remember really what I was thinking here, but it

looks like I started out thinking that the cars would be pretty much at the

same spot at that time . . . and then for some reason I started to think that car

A would be ahead of car B cuz it’s covering more area . . .

I: How could you tell if it’s covered more area?


CS: Uh . . . because it’s went at a greater speed for . . . um . . . for uh . . . the

same amount of time car B has went at a slower speed. So yeah, I guess I

would still stick with that answer.

I: Now when you say covering more area, what do you mean?

CS: Um, distance-wise, it would have traveled farther so they wouldn’t . . .

position-wise they wouldn’t be at the same position, because car A had been

going at a greater speed for the hour and car B was going at a slower speed.

I: So when you say area, you’re talking about the distance he traveled.

CS: Yeah . . . the distance . . . that they traveled.

MJ was confident in his speedy response:

MJ: A is ahead of B because the area under the curve is greater.

Table 5 is a summary of the levels of responses indicated by each participant for

particular graphical representations before studying the history of functions. The

questions included in the summary are those that required a significant level of graphical

understanding and those that exhibited the most variation in student responses.

Table 5

Conceptions of Graphical Representations Before the Unit on History of Functions

1 2c 3a 3d 5

DB (no answer) Pre-Function Pre-Function Pre-Function Pre-Function

CW Process Process Pre-Function Pre-Function Process

MJ Action Object Object Pre-Function Process

BG Process Object Object Process Process

MS Process Object Process Process Process

CS Process Pre-Function Object Pre-Function Pre-Function

Conceptions of Function After the Unit on History of Functions

Participant 1: DB

This section begins with an analysis of DB’s growth in understanding graphs of

functions, since her development is most profound in this area.

Understanding of Graphical Representations

The unit on the history of functions began after the midpoint of the semester.

DB’s work habits improved and she put a great deal of effort in the first worksheet,

created after reading a translation of Oresme’s original work. The purpose of the

worksheet was to exemplify an early graphing technique, then determine if, how, and

why studying the technique affected students’ understanding of graphs. Oresme sketched

vertical lines of varying lengths to measure the “intensity” of a varying quantity. Intensity

refers to the degree to which the characteristic is present. The worksheet began with short

readings of Oresme’s work, and then asked various questions about them: “Why do you

think Oresme felt this way?” “Is Oresme’s technique more intuitive than modern graphs?

Why or why not?” “Do you think his method would make sense for young students just

learning about graphs?” Students explained Oresme’s terminology and represented

several scenarios using modern-day graphs and graphs using Oresme’s technique. Each

student wrote a summary and reflection paper and then reworked the graphing questions

on the pre-test, making any changes they deemed necessary. The reader may refer to

Appendix C to view the worksheet.

DB reworked almost all her answers from Part 3 of the initial questionnaire. Her

answer to problem 1 became, “The speed of object B is greater than the speed of object A

at time 2 because the slope of B is greater than the slope of A.” Her revised response to

the area question in problem 2c was also correct and showed her thinking about the area

under the curve as representing speed times time: “The first 5 minutes has the greater

area under the curve which correlates to the distance, therefore the cyclist traveled further

during the first five minutes.” One can reasonably conjecture that working through

Activity 5 on the worksheet prompted this epiphany.

Similarly, her revised response to problem 3 exhibited growth: “Car A has

traveled further than car B at t = 1 hr. because the area under the curve for A is greater

than the area under the curve for B.” In the interview, she stated:

DB: I wrote that the two cars meet at the same point at t = 1 hour because this is

where the paths cross. Now I know it is different, but I think at the time I

was looking at it I saw, okay the lines cross then the cars must cross. But I

don’t think that is necessarily the case now.

I: If you want to say what you are thinking now that is ok.

DB: I guess I am looking at the distance that car A is traveling is much greater at

that point the area under that graph of A and then the area under the graph

of B is a lot less. So I know that would be at a different position. Their

meeting signifies how I looked at my worksheet. Now I don’t think they are

at the same point.

Note her revised response to problem 3d, “Car A is pulling away from car B. Car B is

still trying to catch up to A.” Her sketch to Task 4 was correct, as was her response to the

number of bends in the race track.

On the second questionnaire, she answered both graphing questions correctly. Her

comments confirmed her new-found understanding. One may note the evidence of her

inclination to think of a graph as a picture, but she was able to correct the error in her

thinking. (The notation “Q2” indicates that this question is from the second


Q2 TASK 12: Make a sketch of the relationship between velocity and time of a

bicyclist as that bicyclist is approaching the top of a hill, then goes over the top

and down.

DB: So . . . initially I thought . . . okay this velocity is going to be increasing I

just kind of drew him going up a hill, then down. Then I thought oh no . . .

that’s not right. Because if he’s going up the hill, I would think his velocity

is decreasing. He’s going to be going slower and slower and especially

when he gets close to the top, he may be barely cycling along. As he gets to

the top . . . yeah. That’s why I put his velocity kind of decreasing as he gets

to the summit cuz when he gets to the top; his velocity is going to shoot

right up. He’ll be going down the hill.

I: So point to the summit for me.

DB: Right there. [Points to the relative min part of curve.]

Figure 33. DB’s sketches for Q2 Task 12

Recall DB’s difficulty with the racetrack problem, which is similar to this one, on the

initial questionnaire.

Such significant growth is puzzling to the researcher. Surely working through one

worksheet could not have this profound effect. Did she really have this understanding

initially yet not exhibit it? Asiala, Brown, et al. (1997) found that an inability to

immediately access mathematical knowledge one has is quite common in students. Did

discussion with her group members prompt this understanding? She did come to the

researcher’s office frequently, asking questions, as she grappled with the ideas discussed

in the worksheet. Perhaps this guided discussion facilitated her growth as well.

DB’s comments on the worksheet and reflection paper lend significant insight to

her thinking and subsequent growth. When asked why Oresme may have thought that

lines are good representations of varying quantities, DB wrote, “because lines are

physically measurable representations of magnitudes.” In her reflection paper, she

claimed, “Oresme’s way of graphing offers a visual interpretation that makes sense in an

elementary way. By measuring the intensities of objects by lines, one has physical

representation that is measurable.” She admitted that this approach enriched her own


For example, looking at the data comparing years of marriage with levels of

satisfaction in a graph the way Oresme would have graphed allowed me to see an

actual line representing the level of satisfaction. In comparing lines with each

other it was easy to see which levels were higher and which were lower. However

when comparing Oresme’s graph with our modern-day graph, they looked

strikingly similar. These comparisons helped me to realize that height represents

the dependent variable.

After correcting her work on the bottle problem (Graphing Task 4 on the initial

questionnaire), she made the comments below.


Figure 34. DB’s sketch for graphing Task 4 after unit on history of functions

I: That is quite a difference from your original answer, what prompted that

difference, would you say?

DB: Definitely after working on the Oresme’s—the function sheet and talking

with group members, we talked about the bottle being concave and that . . .

I was imagining the water going in the bottle and that the widest part is

going to fill up a lot slower than as the bottle gets narrower, . . . it will fill

up faster, and then as you have the neck of the bottle that will fill up very


General Function Conception

This section considers the growth in DB’s understanding of functions in general,

and her increased ability to identify functions in situations. Her definition of function had

not changed that much, but her confidence had.


I think the biggest thing I gained was confidence in what my understanding of

basic functions is. Um . . . before I was a little fuzzy on defining a function and

now I feel that a function simply stated is something that takes an input and

produces an output.

On the initial questionnaire, DB ignored the uniqueness criterion for functions, perhaps

not realizing its necessity. In the second interview she commented about it:

DB: I think I understood that originally. That function was something that takes

an input and produces an output . . . [Pause] Um, but it was a little more

vague. I said an input takes numbers and an output is given as a result . . .

[Pause] Um, and I wasn’t clear on that the output is going to be a unique

output . . . [pause].

I: So, that was something that came up in your work?

DB: Yeah.

While reflecting on her work on the worksheet concerning Euler, she commented,

“The big difference I see between Euler’s use of the word function and our use today, is

the [that] Euler allowed for multi-valued functions. Our modern definition states that

functions have only one output for each input.” She commented that while working on

the Euler worksheet, she checked the modern definition of function in her calculus book.

Apparently, this particular worksheet prompted her to think about our current definition

and brought the uniqueness criterion to light for her.

When asked whether a list pairing each student’s first name with that student’s

score on a test could represent a function, she replied, very confidently: “Um yeah. That

could represent a function. The input would be the students’ name and the output is the

score. The output is dependent on the input.” Her confidence level was significant.

Though not evident from the transcription, she replied without hesitation. This question is

comparable to the club members’ dues status scenario on the initial questionnaire. Recall

that she was unable to make an arbitrary pairing in that scenario. Note DB’s own

comments about her change in understanding.

I: I’m trying to compare it now to your answer on #12 on the original

evaluation, which as a list with the students’ name and amount owed. You

thought that was a function as well. You described it a little differently. Um

. . . you wrote that there was a subtraction there. So that’s different.

DB: Yeah. I was looking at the actual function being different. I think originally

I was thinking that the function would be . . . um . . . you would take the

member’s amount, then subtract what they already paid to get the amount

owed. I wasn’t seeing a function as basic as inputting the name and getting

what they owed out.

I: So there is a difference.

DB: I think I was originally thinking that a function involved, kind of, . . .

[pause] mathematical operation. But it doesn’t have to . . . now.

One may wonder what particular aspect of the function project spurred this growth. Her

further comments concerning the Euler worksheet are pertinent.

Working through the Euler worksheet I have a clearer understanding of a

function. Euler starts off by saying that a function is an analytic expression.


Today we know that a function can be represented by a graph, by words, or by

different formulas. If the output is the same in each representation, we have the

same function.

The following excerpt illustrates her new-found understanding of the necessity of

the uniqueness criterion and her increased ability to think creatively to find a function.

She was discussing Task 13 on the initial questionnaire.

TASK 13: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not.

Figure 35. Graph for Task 13 showing an arbitrary graph with no labels

DB: Because you would put in a value for x and get a y. But now looking at it I

realize you put in value for x and you can get . . . you would get two y’s . . .

[pause] in a couple spots. So today, by our definition of a function, it’s not.

Y would not be a function of x. But looking at it I would see that you could

make x a function of y. Because you could put in a value for y and get one x.

On the second questionnaire, DB also was able to find a function in Task 7.


Q2 TASK 7: One can sometimes tell a great deal about a text (its author, when it

was written, etc.) by various characteristics (e.g., word length, frequency of

occurrence of certain words, etc.). For example, one might use the number of

occurrences of each vowel, a,e,i,o,u in a text. Suppose that you were trying to

analyze the following text (of course, in actual practice, one uses a much larger

amount of material) by studying the number of occurrences of each vowel.

The quick fox jumped over Farmer Brown’s lazy dog.

Explain how you might use a function to organize this information. Write

whatever you think is necessary about your function to specify it. Evaluate your

function once. (Dubinsky & Harel, 1992, p. 282)

She considered the function to be “something that would count . . ., that would

count the number of occurrences of each vowel. So that I wrote the vowel a, e, i, o, u and

then I wrote how many times each one occurred.” She also found a function in Task 9, a

string with nonnumeric outputs. She commented that though she worked with sequences

in her Discrete Mathematics class, she never really thought of them as being functions.

Her response to problem 9 on the second questionnaire is enlightening.

Q2 TASK 9: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: The string “ZYXWVUT.”

DB: At first I thought this was not a function but the more I think about it there

might be a function here. If you input a position, say a third, you would get

an output, the letter X. Therefore the string would be a function of position.


She confidently commented in the interview that “I . . . I think that seems . . . right to me.

Input would be a letter . . . a position, then you get a letter as the output. So that’s a


After this discussion, we returned to the initial instrument, Task 6, and she was

able to find a function there as well.

TASK 6: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: The string “ABCDEFG.”

I: Would you change your answer to number 6 now on the original one?

DB: Yes. And . . . I just wrote “this is not a statement.” I . . . maybe it’s not a

statement. It’s just saying a string ABCDEFG, but . . . it is a function,

because you pick a position and you get a . . . a letter.

The worksheet about the Fibonacci sequence apparently facilitated this understanding,

according to DB:

At first I did not see the Fibonacci sequence as a function. However after working

through this sheet, it seems apparent that as long as the sequence can be evaluated

at the nth term, a formula can be written to represent the function.

Another growth was DB’s understanding the meaning of a series approximation

to a function. Judging from the following comments, she did not have this understanding

before beginning work on the project:

It is interesting that as more terms were added in the summation the graph became

closer to the original graph of Y. The claim of Fourier was that any function y =

f(x) can be represented as an infinite trigonometric series . . . It is quite amazing

how the graphs would become more like the original function as n got large.

She appeared confident with her new-found understandings. She identified a

function with Boolean outputs in Q2 Task 11 and, with probing, was able to find a

function in the caterpillar problem (Q2 Task 6).

In summary (see Table 6), DB has shown growth in understanding functions over

the course of the project. Her responses on the second questionnaire and her revisions

during the second interview of her answers on the initial questionnaire definitely suggest

a process conception of function. One can reasonably conclude that her work on this

project facilitated learning. In DB’s own words:

I think in this class we have been forced to talk about it and analyze it. And I

guess through the function projects, working with other students was helpful

because when they would tell me their insights and I . . . so, yeah, I would say

talking . . . about it . . . has really . . . changed my understanding.


Table 6

Summary of DB’s Growth in Understanding Functions

Growth Noted Apparent Impetus Evidence

Significant growth in ability to Worksheet on Oresme, small group Initial Interview,

interpret graphs of functions discussion written reflection

Ability to see a sequence as Fibonacci Worksheet Written reflection

function, even when outputs are

Ability to consider arbitrary Class and small group discussion; occurred Written reflection
correspondences as functions between work on the Descartes and Euler

Recognizing uniqueness criterion Euler worksheet Written reflection

for functions

Understanding series Fourier series worksheet Written reflection

approximation for function

Participant 2: CW

This section begins with an analysis of CW’s growth in understanding of

functions in general. The growth in CW’s understanding of function is not nearly as

profound as that of DB.

General Function Conception

CW appeared to be moving toward a process conception of function. On Q2 Task

5 (the table pairing students’ names and test scores), Q2 Task 6 (the caterpillar problem),

Q2 Task 7 (the quick fox problem), both problems listed as Q2 Task 8, and even came to

a recognition of the Boolean function in Q2 Task 11. Upon revisiting the initial

questionnaire, CW found a function in Tasks 5, 12, 13, 14, 17, and 19. In her reflection

after the “Definition of Functions” worksheet, she wrote,

All in all, my understanding of a function is that it is a relationship between

variables in which one input produces exactly one output, and the relationship can

be shown in a number of ways, not just an analytic expression. This worksheet

helped to solidify my understanding of function as a whole.

Similarly, when asked about her definition of functions on the second

questionnaire, she replied, “Let’s see. Definitely that a function is not . . . can be

represented in other ways. It’s not just an equation . . . It’s not an equation it’s a

relationship that relates variables.” Though she still insisted on the use of variables, she

recognized other inputs and outputs, as the following transcript about the caterpillar

problem indicates. Note her initial confusion; a perturbation eventually came.

Q2 TASK 6: A caterpillar is crawling around on a piece of [coordinatized] graph

paper, as represented below. If we were to determine the creature’s location on

the paper with respect to time, would this location be a function of time? Why or

why not? Can time be described as a function of its location? Explain.

a) b)

Figure 36. Graphs for Q2 Task 6 showing a caterpillar’s path


CW: Well, if say your . . . if your input is a time and your output’s a location,

then you are going to . . . for every input there’s going to be . . . one output,

so it would work that way but like the way this graph is situated . . . you

can’t do the vertical line test. You’re going to have like two different, you

have two different times a specific location . . .? where that’s not a function

. . . So say you had a specific location and you have two times that it was at,

then that’s not a function. But if you had like a specific time . . . It’s well

. . . I’d say it’s not a function either way cuz you’re gonna, from like the

chart you can see that the caterpillar is like at the same place at . . .

I: Point to me where the caterpillar is at the same place.

CW: Well, say like this is time.

I: So you’re saying . . . okay, CW is pointing to the horizontal axis.

CW: So this is time. And then this would be location. It’s at like . . . two different

locations at one time, like that doesn’t make sense.

I: And what would the, the actual description of the vertical axis be?

CW: Location.

I: Like what location? Like what? What do mean by location?

CW: Like a point in space, like I don’t know, like his point, well, on the graph

. . . crawl around. I don’t know if that could even be . . . that would even be

a graph of it. Because it’s just like . . . the caterpillar’s path. It’s not even a

graph. That’s just a picture.

Then came the realization that a function can indeed represent the scenario.

CW: So, I mean it would just. I don’t think . . . that wouldn’t be the picture of the

time versus his location that’s just him crawling around on little . . . table

. . . [laughs a little].

I: [Laughs a little]

CW: So that wouldn’t, I mean . . . I guess . . . yeah, you could represent it as a

function. I was thinking of it as . . . I was thinking of that being the graph of

. . . so if you did . . . that would be a function because at each time, at each

point in time he’s going to be at a different location. So you’re going to

have an input of time and an output of a single location. So . . . um . . . then

it would be a function. But if you just . . . I was just looking at these graphs

as . . . the function, so . . .

I: uh hum . . .

CW: Yes it is a function now. [Laughs]

Her comments during the second interview while discussing Task 13 on the initial

questionnaire displayed increased flexibility in finding functions in situations. She

originally left this problem blank on the initial questionnaire. Recall that Task 13 showed

an arbitrary unlabeled graph that would not pass the traditional vertical line test.

CW: The other way around . . . it is . . . not . . . or it is a function. It could be just

the inverse that we were talking about. That’s one-to-one correspondence,

right? If it’s inverse and it’s . . . so it’s not . . . it does not have one-to-one

correspondence here, but it is a function. This graph exactly is a function . .

. or is not a function, but if it’s . . . it’s inverse is a function [laughs]. So this


graph’s not, but its inverse is, so it does not have one-to-one


One might reasonably conjecture that her work on the Euler worksheet prompted this

discovery. Though she was using the term “one-to-one correspondence” incorrectly, her

ideas were correct.

Similarly, her comments about the “quick fox” problem exhibited her newly

found ability to find functions in situations.

CW: Say you have like, a,e,i,o,u. It’s not exactly a graph but . . . I don’t know

why you would use it like this . . . Let’s see, 1,2,3,4 . . . [making sketch]. So

a occurs . . . it would be like a bar graph, maybe . . .

I: Uh huh.

CW: a occurs uh . . . 2 times, so it would be here, e occurs 4 times, i one, o four,

and u two. And that could just . . . It’s not exactly, it’s not really a graph,

it’s more like a set of points. Something like that would just help you to . . .

Like if you wanted to compare how many . . . which vowels occurred the

same amount of times or something. But like . . . I would do it as a table.

And like . . . for a function, if you wanted to show it as a function, then the

table would work, more than the graph.

Recall that strings, particularly those whose representations do not suggest functions,

offer evidence of a process conception. CW commented about Q2 Task 9.

Q2 TASK 9: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: The string “ZYXWVUT.”


CW: Well, yeah . . . if you looked at it the opposite way where your inputs were

the position and your outputs were the letters then it would be a function

because for every position you’re gonna have one letter. You’re not gonna

have more than one letter.

I: Would that satisfy the definition of function?

CW: Well, yeah, that would but this one . . . [pointing to “ZYXXWVUT”] the

other way around doesn’t. So if your input’s the position and your output’s

the letter, that is a function, but if your input’s a letter and your output’s a

position, it depends on the string but it won’t be a function.

Note also her ability to find a Boolean function in Q2 Task 11. She was a bit

uncertain, but did consider it without prompting.

Q2 TASK 11: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: {2n > n 2 + 3n : n in [1..100]} .

I: What would your input be?

CW: Input’s your n.

I: And what would your output be?

CW: And the output is the inequality, regardless of its truth value.

I: Okay, this would be the output then [pointing to inequality].

CW: Yeah. The entire inequality. You could go further with that and say . . . Is

this output true or false? And then you’d have to put another output which

is, which is not really a function . . . You’re just answering questions from

there on. It’s not really like function.

I: Uh huh . . .

CW: You could have something . . . probably it would be more appropriate to

have like, you’re evaluating that and your output would be whether or not

that’s true. So, your input would be the numbers . . . for n, and your output

would be, say if this works at all times which it doesn’t. So I mean I guess

it’s not a true function, but the output would always be false. Like, well, in

n: 1 – 100 . . .

Evident in the above transcription is CW’s uncertainty about the output of a

function. She initially claimed that the output is the entire inequality. She showed this

tendency in other scenarios as well. When discussing #5 on the second questionnaire, she


I: So if I had . . . If I listed everybody’s scores on the final exam for this class


CW: Uh hum . . .

I: Um . . . then what would the input be?

CW: The input would be our . . . our scores for each of our names and then the

output is the whole table, the overall result.

Recall that Task 12 (the club members’ dues status table) on the initial questionnaire is

similar to this one and her response in the second interview is similar to the above.

Um again, now that is a function um because you have inputs and your output’s

the entire table. Yeah, so I would say. You’re showing relationship between

names and their . . . money that they owed and your entire table is the whole


Her notion of the output being the entire table was troublesome. On the one hand, she

claimed that the table is showing the relationship between names and money, so the

“entire table is the whole function.” Thus she appeared to have the input-output idea. Yet

she also claimed that the entire table is the output.

When discussing the graph of discrete points in Task 19, she claimed, “For all

your inputs which are gonna be the points, you’re gonna have your output which is gonna

be the entire graph of the points.” Even when discussing the fox problem, she eventually

said, “So, you have your inputs are the vowels and the times they occurred and your

output the entire table.” She made similar comments about the string problem (Q2 Task

9) and Task 5 on the initial questionnaire.

These comments indicated the weakness of her conception—an uncertainty about

function outputs. One might conjecture that this error was comparable to identifying a

function with its formula or its graph. At any rate, her comments indicated that though

she was beginning to think about a process when discussing functions, she was still

confused about the fundamental notion. She needed to reflect more on the process behind

the inputs and outputs that she identified.

Understanding of Graphical Representations

CW’s ability to interpret graphs improved as well. In her own words,


For number 3, I realized I made a mistake in part (a) and (c). At first I thought

their positions would be the same, but now I realize that this graph represents

speed and that their speeds are what is the same at t = 1 hr, instead of their

position and acceleration. I think I could answer number 3 much better now that I

really understand what is going on with this graph . . .

Before I hadn’t looked at the graph as closely, but after working through

this worksheet, I think I would look harder at the graph and be able to answer the

questions in a more correct fashion. I wasn’t even sure how to do number 4 before

this worksheet. Now I feel confident after reviewing so much about graphing

through this worksheet that I could attempt to sketch a graph this time.

During the second interview, she sketched the following graph for Task 4, the

bottle problem, #4 on the initial questionnaire.

GRAPHING TASK 4: Imagine this bottle filling with water. Sketch a graph of the

height as a function of the amount of water that’s in the bottle.

Figure 37. CW’s sketch for graphing Task 4 after unit on history of functions

Though she was leaning toward a piecewise linear function, her change in concavity was

accurate. In Q2 Task 13, she accurately sketched a cylindrical bottle and made an

accurate sketch for Q2 Task 12. Noteworthy, however, is the fact that even on this

problem, she initially confounded the graph as a picture, sketching part of the hill, but

then caught herself and drew it correctly.

In conclusion, evidence suggests that CW was moving toward a process

conception of function, but was not there yet, even after her work on the history of

functions unit. She did make significant progress, however. She no longer thought that an

equation was a necessary condition for functions, improved her ability to find functions

in situations, increased her understanding of graphs, and eventually came to realize that

her use of the term “one-to-one correspondence” was incorrect. Some weaknesses

remained, but significant growth was evident.

Table 7

Summary of CW’s Growth in Understanding Functions

Growth noted Apparent Impetus Evidence

Ability to consider arbitrary correspondences as Definition of Functions Written reflection

functions Worksheet

Ability to recognize a Boolean function Unknown Second interview

Ability to see a string as function Unknown Second interview

Clarified difference between one-to-one Classroom discussion Written reflection

correspondence and uniqueness criterion for

Growth in ability to interpret graphs of functions Oresme worksheet Second interview, written

Participant 3: MJ

Following the unit on the history of the concept of function, MJ exhibited a strong

process conception of function. Though his understanding of graphs on the initial

questionnaire was good, his comments during the second interview suggest a deeper,

more integrated view. The following analysis is based on his work on the second

questionnaire and the interview during which he discussed his reasoning.

General Function Conception

Evidence of a strong process conception. When asked to describe any insights he

gained concerning the concept of function over the course of studying its history, he

wrote, “That the mapping can be arbitrary, that is, as long as the mapping explains how

individual elements in two different sets are related you have a function.” Recall that in

the initial interview, he insisted on the existence of an algebraic formula. He elaborated

during the interview:

MJ: Um . . . Over the last few weeks, I think that the main thing that kinda

broadened in my definition and understanding of a function was the

characteristic of mapping and I’m starting to . . . I think what I’m

understanding more clearly is that the mapping is a lot more of a

generalized notion than what I originally um . . . conceived it to be. I’m

getting a broader notion of what the actual meaning of mapping means in

the definition.

I: Okay. And we talked also about your definition of function as a mapping,

now you say, one set to a unique element in another set. And . . . I notice

that even on your first one [initial questionnaire] you said a function maps

each item in a second set.

MJ: Yeah, um . . . [pause] the . . . [pause] I think that the uh, main difference, I

mean really I think they’re about the same. I really haven’t changed my

overall notion of what a function is. I think they’re fundamentally the same.

The overall idea. I think it’s just the actual . . . my understanding of

mapping, or . . . the actual process that you use to take one element and

relate it to another element in another set. That . . . I think that that’s the

idea . . . it’s more of a relationship that’s developing than a strict necessary,

um . . . a um . . . algebraic expression that you have to [italics added] use to

make the connection between the two sets.

I: So, it’s a little more broad.

MJ: Yes, I would say it’s more of a broader notion.

Even though he claimed that his understanding had not changed much, evidence

suggested the contrary. On the written second questionnaire, he was able to identify a

function in a pairing of students’ names with scores on a test. Recall that he was unable to

find a function in a similar problem on the initial questionnaire, even with probing during

the interview. In the following excerpt he exhibited his new-found ability to discern a

function as an arbitrary pairing.

Q2 TASK 5: Suppose you were to make a list pairing each student’s first name

with that student’s score on a test. Could this pairing represent a function?

Explain why or why not.


MJ: And I said yes. The reason why I said yes goes into the fact that because

each student gets a unique grade. They can only have one grade, then it’s

. . . uh . . . a relationship. You got a relationship between the student and an

individual grade. And that also I think is the idea where I developed the idea

of mapping as getting more broad that it doesn’t have to be, like I said, an

algebraic expression. This just shows a unique relationship between two


I: Uh huh. I noticed on the initial questionnaire you left #12 blank, which was

the list of names of students with their dues owed. Would you see this

differently now? Would you change your . . .?

MJ: Yeah I would relate that to more of what 5’s doing. The names are your

input and each student is paired with a unique . . . amount owed, so then

you could have a function there.

In the same scenario, he was beginning to apply characteristics of functions to this

arbitrary pairing:

MJ: Um . . . the only thing that I really don’t understand about those types of

functions are, um . . . maybe the properties, like . . . usually when we, uh . . .

um . . . look at functions we look at all the properties of a specific type of


I: Uh huh.

MJ: And I’m not really seeing, understanding those properties. You have one-to-

one, onto . . . I mean I could say that that function isn’t onto . . . I mean one-

to-one, um . . . because you got two values there 10 that would point to two

different names going . . . back into the domain.

I: Uh huh . . . uh huh . . .

MJ: Now, I’m not seeing how . . .

I: You’re not sure if it’s one to one? Is that what you’re . . . You’re not seeing

how . . . What other characteristics?

MJ: That’s what I’m saying. Usually you have a whole, I mean what would the

actual range be? What would the actual domain be? Or, I mean, I’m not sure

how you . . . specify that type of idea when you have names, or you don’t

have numerical values . . . representing your input and output.

I: What could be the domain here? What could we identify as the domain?

We’re looking at #12 on the initial questionnaire [club members’ dues


MJ: I mean on that one I would just say it’s every name. I mean, but if you

actually have a double name, if you had two . . . let’s say if we had two

Johns there and then all of a sudden it wouldn’t be a function because John

could be associated with two different . . .

I: Uh huh . . .

MJ: . . . so it had to be a unique names that you’re pairing with . . .

I: If we did that, would that help . . . [wrote “son” by John’s name]

MJ: Junior?

I: Or Jones or Smith or something like that?


MJ: Yeah. You’d actually have to have individual names. But that would be,

you’d have to list each one as your domain.

I: Uh huh . . .

MJ: You couldn’t . . . you just couldn’t . . . you don’t have like, real numbers.

unless you assigned a numerical value to each name, somehow.

I: Um . . . which we . . . which people do . . . the government does.

MJ: Yeah.

I: Right?

MJ: It’s a Social Security number.

I: Yeah. Yeah. Is that an example of one-to-one?

MJ: Yeah. There you go. [Laughs].

I: Is it?

MJ: Yeah. Every person has a unique . . . That would be one-to-one.

Was MJ confusing the notion of one-to-one function with the uniqueness criterion here?

Probably not, since his previous discussions exhibited a clear understanding of the

uniqueness criterion.

I: Okay. And then the range . . . do you want to talk about that more? The

range . . . that’s kind of an interesting idea . . . to pursue . . . Can you relate

all the different function characteristics for this? What would be the range?

MJ: Um . . . the range is all the uh . . . the values . . . the unique different values

you have that the function actually . . . um . . . has, the set.

I: Uh . . . huh.

MJ: Um . . . now . . . since you have two values of 10, that means that 10 is

pointing back so you wouldn’t have an inverse function . . . because you’d

actually have two people that owe that amount.

I: So you’re using function terminology in this set-up. I know we talked about

domain, we talked about range, and we talked about inverses . . .

MJ: I guess . . . I mean I guess that is true. I guess, yeah, um . . . You just don’t

have to look at it algebraically; you can look at it visually. Maybe that’s

why it doesn’t matter . . .

I: Uh huh . . . But are the . . . the fundamental ideas . . . are able to be defined.

MJ: Yeah.

MJ apparently had an insight here, realizing that he could apply characteristics of

functions he usually associated with algebraic representations to functions of arbitrary


MJ displayed flexibility in answering Q2 Task 6, the caterpillar problem, a

problem requiring significant insight.

Q2 TASK 6: A caterpillar is crawling around on a piece of coordinatized graph

paper, as represented below. If we were to determine the creature’s location on

the paper with respect to time, would this location be a function of time? Why or

why not?

MJ: If . . . I initially just looked at the thing as a um, an xy plot, and looking at

the figure itself I’d say okay you don’t have a function because it doesn’t

pass your vertical line test. Each . . . you could have one x input and getting

several y outputs, so . . .

I: Uh huh . . .

MJ: Then I looked at it and said well, what if I had time as my input in each, um

. . . point . . . on the graph as a coordinate output. Then, for each t, I’d have

a unique . . . coordinate output.

I: Uh huh . . .

MJ: So therefore now I have a function now and . . .

I: Uh huh . . . So the input would be . . .

MJ: time.

I: And the output would be . . .

MJ: um . . . a coordinate, or a . . . what do you call that . . . ordered pair.

His understanding of the uniqueness criterion was clear as he explained his

thinking for part (b) of the same problem:

MJ: And now on part (b), you could follow the same notion, but since there’s an

intersection, we decided that um . . . if you have a time interval, you could

have unique x, y, but at that one spot, you actually . . . it couldn’t be a

function now because you’re having t point at the same, um . . . two

different ts . . . well that could be a function that way . . . You couldn’t have

it come back.

I: Uh huh . . . uh . . . huh . . .

MJ: It wouldn’t be onto . . .


I: Uh huh . . .

MJ: . . . because you have one point pointing at two different values of time.

I: One-to-one you mean.

MJ: Yeah . . . one-to-one, going back. You couldn’t have an inverse function.

I: Okay. Could you have an inverse function here? [pointing to the first one].

On the first one.

MJ: Yeah. On that one. Yes. Because you don’t have actual crossing over top of


Though MJ was showing good insight to the nature of the functions in these

scenarios, he was perhaps not showing much growth since he was able to answer

similarly the parametric function in Task 14 on the initial questionnaire. He was able to

apply the notions of one-to-one and inverse functions, however, building on his earlier


In Task 19 on the initial questionnaire, though, he showed significant progress.

Recall that Dubinsky and Harel (1992) believed that this problem is likely to provide

indication of one’s ability to use a process conception of function.

I: All right . . . I think um . . . that’s it for those. Oh, here’s another graph . . .

in #19. Now you didn’t mark anything in #19 on the first questionnaire

originally. Would you change anything about that now?

MJ: I don’t know what to do with that one . . . [pause]. Each x corresponds to a

unique y . . . for each point. So you do have a function . . . [laughs]. I don’t

know how to [pause] . . . if you . . .


I: Okay . . . I mean if you want to go back. Are you questioning like domain

and range type questions. Is that what you’re wondering about? Or how

would you write it out?

MJ: Yeah, um . . . um . . . this is where I mean, you could visually say, you have

for each x you have a unique y. Well actually, well . .. yeah for each x you’ll

have a unique y. But . . . my problem is . . . how do you explain how you get

from . . . without making a table . . . I mean the only way you could do it is

make a table.

Note that he was struggling, but had the idea. As he continued, he was quite

certain of the existence of a function, but appeared unable to discern its characteristics.

MJ: And say okay I’ll make a table of x’s and y’s and so therefore I got a

function, but is there . . . I mean is that the only way you could do that? Am

I allowed to take an algebraic expression and make it hit all those points and

say . . . plug in that point and you’ll get that number?

I: I guess there’s probably more than one way of doing . . . you know. It’s

whatever you think, really.

MJ: I mean I kinda see it could . . . it’s a function but . . . I don’t know really . . .

the nature of it . . . I guess.

Recall that Dubinsky and Harel (1992) claimed that the Boolean function

problems suggest a strong process conception, since the representation itself does not

suggest that construction. Recall also that MJ was unable to find a function in Task 18 on

the initial questionnaire. In the following excerpt, his understanding of the notions of

one-to-one and onto was accurate.

Q2 TASK 11: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: { 2n > n 2 + 3n : n in [1..100] } .

MJ: W ell what I thought on that one what you have is an inequality and it’s either

true or false, depending upon what n you put in.

I: Uh huh . . .

MJ: So every n is gonna have one result . . . true or false, so therefore it’s a

function. Now, the characteristics of the function . . . [laughs] . . . I’d have

uh . . . let’s say that each n would be your input.

I: Okay.

MJ: And then a true or false for your output. So my um . . . my domain would be

1 to a hundred . . . and . . .

I: uh huh

MJ: My range is just true or false . . . or my range is true or false.

I: Is it one-to-one?

MJ: Uh . . . [pause] no . . . because 1 T or 1 False could come back to 2 different

. . . you’re just going back the other way.

I: Would you say it’s onto?


MJ: Um . . . [long pause]. Now that’s a hard one. My idea of onto is that every

um . . . element in the range is used, which it is. Cuz that’s how I defined it

as. [Laughs]

I: Okay. I notice on this one, though [Task 18 on the initial questionnaire],

you left that one blank. So, yet on this one [second questionnaire] you were

able to come up with a mapping. Maybe it goes back to that idea of . . . it’s

a little bit broader view of what a . . .

MJ: Yeah. That’s exactly what it is.

MJ’s reflection written after the Definition of Functions worksheet revealed his

struggle to come to terms with a new, expanded conception of function.

My understanding of what a function is, often gets confused with the properties of

a given type of function, such as one-to-one, onto. I still view a function as a

relationship between two sets where a rule defines how to determine one element

in a given set when given an element from a second set. Does the rule have to be

an algebraic expression or are algebraic expressions used to define only a special

kind of function, while a relation is used to define another set of functions and

where a verbal description is used to define yet another set of functions. I am still

fuzzy about the word “rule.”

He was impressed by and made note of mathematician Richard Courant’s

comments, “It’s important to recognize that the definition of a function is NOT stagnant,

that its interpretation is open to new insight in mathematics.” History, indeed, had given

MJ food for thought.


In conclusion, MJ apparently had strengthened his emerging process conception

of function by studying the history of the concept. He was able to lend insight to several

bellwether type problems which he was unable to analyze on the initial questionnaire.

These include an ability to recognize a Boolean function in a situation, the ability to find

a function in a graph of a discrete set of points, and the ability to find a function in a table

of values not related by an algebraic expression. He was able to apply characteristics of

functions (one-to-one, onto, invertability) to functions with representations other than

algebraic expressions. By his own admission and by the evidence, the study of history has

broadened his conception of functions.

Understanding of Graphical Representations

MJ’s understanding of graphs exhibited on the initial questionnaire was good,

though some misconceptions were evident. The following analysis is based on MJ’s

written changes to his answers on the initial questionnaire which were part of his

reflection after working on the Oresme worksheet, his answers on the second

questionnaire, and the follow-up interview.

After working through the worksheet about Oresme, “Graphs of Functions,” MJ

made four changes to his initial responses. His revised answer to Graph Task 1 was

“Speed is the slope of the line ∴ [therefore] B always will have a greater speed.” Recall

that in the initial questionnaire, he erroneously interpreted the larger function value as

indicating a higher speed. Significant also was his new answer to Graph Task 3d. When

asked about the relative position of the two cars during a given time interval, he wrote:

“A is still pulling away from car B because it is covering more distance.” Recall that

previously he was unable to apply his understanding of area under a curve to this

scenario. He changed his sketch of the bottle problem as well. Though his initial sketch

showed changes in concavity, it erroneously showed a vertical line to indicate a constant

rate of change. In his new sketch, he corrected this error.

Though he probably initially made a careless error, MJ readily corrected his

mistake on Graph Task 5 on the initial questionnaire. When asked in the second interview

about his initial response to the racetrack problem, he replied,

MJ: I looked at it the wrong way. [Laughs] Um . . . My process of thinking is

that um . . . what happens when you’re racing a car. You’re speeding down

a track and you see a curve so you let up the . . . uh . . . gas pedal. Your car

slows down. You go through the curve and then you start to accelerate.

I: Uh . . . huh.

MJ: S o . . . knowing that, now I have to interpret my graph.

I: Okay.

MJ: So . . . and what I . . . I think on the first one, what I did is I um . . . didn’t

take into account the um . . . I don’t know what I did. I think I actually

counted the top.

I: Oh . . .

MJ: As the turn.

I: Uh huh . . .

MJ: But I’m not sure. But what I know now is okay, he . . . here is speeding

down the track, he’s accelerating. He sees the curve coming up and at the

top of the um . . . curve, at its highest point, he lets off his gas pedal . . .

I: Uh huh . . .

MJ: . . . to come in to the curve. And his car starts slowing down.

I: Uh huh . . .

MJ: He goes into the curve, probably even brakes um . . . and then he starts

accelerating out of the curve . . .

I: Uh huh . . .

MJ: . . . and he stays long.

I: Uh huh . . . So how many turns would there be?

MJ: You know you have the three at the bottom.

I: You’d have three?

MJ: Yeah.

It is quite reasonable to conclude that MJ’s understanding of graphs increased as a

result of working on the Oresme worksheet since he corrected all his erroneous answers

after working on it. While responding to the question, “Has Oresme’s approach enriched

your understanding of graphs in any way,” he replied, “Interpreting graphs have always

been a challenge for me, and breaking the graph into isolated events and comparing data

by illustrating it as a line helps to clarify what relationships you are referring to in the

graph.” His response to: “Have the above exercises enriched your understanding of the

nature of graphs in any way,” he wrote,


I did not understand the underlining concept of integration and why it was

necessary to find the area under the curve to find the total distance, or average

velocity. Problem 14 [on the worksheet] clarified how the area under the curve

represents these quantities for the given graph.

Clearly, working on the Oresme worksheet helped him make a connection between area

under a curve and integration.

On the second questionnaire, MJ personalized the scenario concerning speed

versus time of a bicyclist approaching the top of a hill. Reed (2004) noted that students

were better able to interpret graphs if the scenario is familiar to them. MJ’s ease of

response supported this claim.

Q2 TASK 12: Make a sketch of the relationship between velocity and time of a

bicyclist as that bicyclist is approaching the top of a hill, then goes over the top

and down.

I: Would you just explain how you did that please?

MJ: Again what I did was I visualized a . . . me pedaling a bicycle up a hill. I

realized [laughs] as I came close to the top [laughs], I’m slowing down.

I: Me too. [Laughs, too]

MJ: So I knew my velocity as I came to the top of the hill would be decreasing

and then as I went over the top, I’d start picking up speed again. And what I

did on my curve is I started a high velocity and I kinda let it drop a little bit


I: Uh huh . . .

MJ: Made like a U.

I: Uh huh . . .

MJ: Representing going over the top of the hill.

In conclusion, a deepening of understanding of graphical representations is

apparent in MJ after he worked on the Oresme worksheet. At the very least, he fine-tuned

his appreciation for integration, was better able to interpret slope as rate of change,

clarified some confusion between speed and acceleration, and strengthened his ability to

interpret area under a curve.

Table 8

Summary of MJ’s Growth in Understanding Functions

Growth noted Apparent Impetus Evidence

In general, strengthened his Unknown Second questionnaire and second

emerging process conception interview

Recognize a Boolean function in Unknown Second questionnaire and second

a situation interview

Ability to recognize graph of Unknown Second interview

discrete points as function

Ability to find a function in a Unknown Second questionnaire and second

table of values not related by an interview
algebraic expression

Improved ability to interpret Oresme worksheet Second interview, second

graphs; slope as rate of change, questionnaire, written reflection
area under curve, integration as

Participant 4: BG

BG exhibited a process conception of function on the initial questionnaire. On the

second questionnaire he exhibited the same. During the second interview, however, he

exhibited evidence of an object conception of function.

General Function Conception

On the second questionnaire, BG’s stated definition of function was more general

than that on his initial questionnaire. Recall that his initial definition referred to an

equation, whereas in the following he does not.

I: . . . I noticed in #2 you have your definition of function is “. . . a situation

where there is a unique output for any given input.” Um . . . On your first

questionnaire, you referred to a function as being “. . . an equation in terms

of one of more variables . . .” [Pause] How is that different? I mean, do you

see that there’s a change from your first one to your second one?

BG: Yeah . . . There is. I . . . I . . . was thinking of a function more in a . . . in the

first one I was thinking more in terms of mathematical equations . . .

I: Uh huh.

BG: . . . written out. I guess you could say more, more like, Euler’s first


I: Uh huh.

BG: Um . . . [pause]. Anyway, I was thinking of things numerically. And, and

. . . I guess through this I . . . I have kinda opened, opened the door to . . .

non-numeric variables.

By his own admission, he more readily considers non-numeric inputs and outputs.

Interesting to note is the fact that though his initial stated definition referred to function

as an equation, he was able to identify functions in several situations with non-numeric

inputs and output. Vinner and Dreyfus (1989) found similar disparities between a

student’s concept definition and concept image. BG was quoting a definition that he

perhaps learned in class, yet had a deeper conception of function than his definition

reveals. Nonetheless, after the unit on the history of function, his concept definition was

more in line with his concept image.

BG readily found a function in each of the situations given on the second

questionnaire. Not surprisingly, finding a function in a list pairing students’ names with

test scores came easy to him. The ease with which he found a function in Q2 Task 6 was


Q2 TASK 6: A caterpillar is crawling around on a piece of [coordinatized] graph

paper, as represented below. [See sketches in Appendix B, Task 6.] If we were to

determine the creature’s location on the paper with respect to time, would this

location be a function of time? Why or why not? Can time be described as a

function of location? Explain.

I: What were you thinking as you worked through that?

BG: Uh . . . alright, well the . . . [pause, then laughs], the little worm’s path. I . . .

I realized later that uh . . . when . . . all right, you can . . . you can say is a

function of time with position. Yeah, there is a unique position for any . . .

uh . . . point in time as it crawls around. Ah . . . I realized later that . . . that


when we’re talking about the . . . time being described as function of

location, I should have said . . . it’s a pretty convoluted domain, but . . . you

can do it.

I: Uh huh . . . uh huh . . .

BG: Uh . . .

I: in both of them . . . or . . .

BG: No . . . not in B.

I: . . . in part A?

BG: Yeah, in part A. In part B, I . . . I said that . . . that it would not be, you

could not say . . . time is a function of location because there are certain

locations which have two values for time,

I: Uh huh . . .

BG: Ummm . . . which, which, we say that that would not be a function.

I: And you’re pointing to point A and Point B which are on the graph.

BG: Point A . . .

I: Yeah. Um . . . When you saw that right off the bat, is that what you thought

of right away? Or did you think . . . did you think anything else right away?

Some students look at this and think . . . oh . . . vertical line test. Did you

. . .?

BG: Oh no. I . . . I saw that you had put the graph in there and thought, “Oh

she’s trying to trick me . . . ”

I: [Laughs]

BG: [Laughs too] Well I mean, . . . When I just looked at the graphs by

themselves I . . . I . . . that’s what I thought, but when I read it I thought,

“Oh . . . she’s trying to trick me.”

I: Oh . . . Well . . . [laughs] okay.

BG: [Laughs]

I: You picked up on that. Not that I was trying to trick you, but you certainly

did find a function pretty quickly. I was just wondering if it was immediate

. . . so as soon as you read it . . . you sort of . . . you sort of realized that

there was a function there.

BG: Right.

Note also the ease with which he found a function in the scenario in Q2 TASK 7,

even though he struggled with the notation.

Q2 TASK 7: One can sometimes tell a great deal about a text (its author, when it

was written, etc.) by various characteristics. For example, one might use the

number of occurrences of each vowel. Suppose that you were trying to analyze

the following (one uses a much larger . . . of course in practice) by studying the

number of occurrences of each vowel. Explain how you might use a function to

organize this information. Write whatever you think is necessary about your

function to specify it. Evaluate your function once.

I: Let’s just expand upon what you wrote.

BG: All right. The domain would be the sentence itself that we’re looking . . .

we’re limiting our look at this one sentence. Uh . . . the input of the

independent variable would be . . . [pause] . . . each vowel, I guess and the

dependent variable would be the number of vowels. I think that’s what

you’re asking for. The number of vowels, right?

I: [pause] . . . the number of occurrences . . .

BG: . . . the number of occurrences for each vowel. So if I . . . I guess really the

domain would be the output . . . or the . . . the vowels in the output, not

necessarily the sentence.

I: Okay . . .

BG: Uh . . . [pause]. I really struggled with how to write this out . . . [laughs a


I: Okay . . . That’s okay . . .

BG: Yeah. A would be . . . 2, E would be 3, 4 . . . 4. I would be 1 . . .

I: So the input is . . .

BG: Yeah. I mean . . . Input . . . input’s a vowel, output’s the number of vowels

in that sentence.

One area of growth is evident in BG’s response to Q2 Task 8, which asked him to

describe a sequence using one or more functions.

Q2 TASK 8: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: { 1 1 1 1

, , , ,... .
2 4 8 16

I: Okay, and um . . . for #8, any comments about that?


BG: No . . . I . . . I do have a question. Um . . . I . . . I mixed up the, the . . . in my

final test . . . what is . . . when I say “for n within N.” Like this [pointing to

#8 on second questionnaire]. What is the symbol there that can be used?

I: Um . . . Is an element of . . .?

BG: Okay . . . All right, I think I used it backwards.

I: A backwards one means “such that.”

BG: Yeah. That’s what I thought. All right. All right.

I: Yeah. Um . . . that’s fine. So, was that . . . Have you been in the habit of

thinking of sequences as functions or did that . . . what do you think of that?

BG: Uh . . . When I took . . . I hadn’t really thought of them as functions until

. . . we looked at them as functions here. I . . . I . . . [pause] I guess I had

converted sequences into functions in calculus II.

Q: Uh huh.

BG: Uh . . . I took Honors Calculus II at Miami University and the professor

kind of did the sideline thing for me.

I: Uh huh.

BG: Looked at how to convert things.

Q: Uh huh.

BG: Um . . . But, uh . . . Yeah . . . I hadn’t really thought that well a sequence is

a function until we . . . [pause]

I: . . . with the domain being the natural numbers as you have indicated here

[points to Q2 Task 8].


BG: Right.

I: Well that’s something.

BG: Yeah. That’s . . . that’s great.

It is reasonable to conclude that BG came to this realization as a result of working on the

Fibonacci worksheets, since sequences were the main topic of study on these sheets and

were not discussed on the others.

BG showed creativity while describing a function for the string “ZYXWVUT,”

given in Q2 Task 9. Recall that he readily found a function in a similar problem on the

initial questionnaire (Task 6). On the second questionnaire he did not want to simply

replicate his answer from the initial questionnaire; he searched for a new approach.

Q2 TASK 9: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: The string “ZYXWVUT.”

I: Okay. Would you explain #9? I wasn’t really clear on what you meant by

#9. This is the problem with the string “ZYXWVUT.”

BG: [Laughs] I was trying to be more creative than I was in the last one. There’s

a string of letters, but they weren’t in any order.

I: Yes, yes. Okay.

BG: Uh . . . so I . . . I thought all right if we’re gonna . . . if we’re going to say

that uh . . . a1 = capital letter A, a2 is capital letter B, then a26 would be the

capital letter Z, and so we have a string from a26 to a . . . 20 . . .?

I: Okay.

BG: Yeah . . . Um . . . and so I said, well all right, this one . . . I didn’t write this

out anywhere correctly, but the sequence a (27 – n) for n = 1 through 7

would give uh a26, 25, 24 . . . and so on . . .

I: So the input is [reading from Q2 Task 9] the natural numbers from 1 to 7.

BG: Yeah.

I: And the output is . . .

BG: Uh . . . these capital letters. Yeah . . . That’s fine. That’s what I was trying

to write.

I: Does it matter that these are in order? I mean, I don’t . . .

BG: Well yeah . . . from 1 to 7.

I: How would you have written it if um . . . these weren’t in that order? Would

it have mattered?

BG: Uh, probably wouldn’t.

BG: I’d probably have done it the same way as I did over here.

I: On the first questionnaire?

BG: Yeah.

I: Okay. Pretty creative there.

BG: Why, thanks.

BG readily found a Boolean function (true-false outputs) in Task 12 and answered

the two graphing questions correctly.


Q2 TASK 12: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: { 2n > n 2 + 3, n in [1..100]} .

I: Now when you first did the first questionnaire, you didn’t have one [find a

function], but then in our conversation, it came up and I don’t think I

prompted you but you found that there was a function.

BG: Right.

I: Remember in the conversation? I remember you doing that. So, and I notice

you just got it right away, right here. So that was . . .

BG: Right.

I: Were you thinking anything different? Or you just saw that and said oh, you

remembered from last time.

BG: I kind of remembered it from last time. But I had . . . I remembered in our

conversation last time getting the true false thing and then I thought,

“Alright, well this is a true-false situation.”

I: We actually call that a Boolean function.

BG: Right.


Since BG exhibited a strong process conception initially, one may wonder what

benefits he obtained from studying the history of functions. His concept definition

became aligned with his concept image, and he realized that a sequence is indeed a

function with a domain of natural numbers. He more readily identified a Boolean


function and exhibited creativity while finding functions in non-numeric situations. His

process conception remained strong. In his own words, “The study of functions continues

to broaden my horizons. Some of these aspects I already knew, but the exercises have

simply brought them to mind again, but once again, that is what much of learning is.”

The researcher was curious if BG possessed an object conception of function. An

object conception results when a student tries to perform an action on a process. Though

the researcher had no questions prepared, she attempted to probe the notion of function as

object with BG.

I: Okay so you’re talking about maybe taking differential equations or

something. What other . . . where else in calculus are you familiar with

functions? I mean when you . . . how else do you think of functions in


BG: Um . . . what do you mean?

I: Like, I mean . . . um . . . like when you take an integral, what are you doing?

BG: Uh . . . well . . . generally it’s taking the area under a curve or volume or

about finding how much space there is . . . contained in the . . .

I: And what’s your result? Geometrically it’s an area, but algebraically, what

is the result. I mean you’re taking an integral of the function, what are you


BG: Oh it’s a . . . You’re getting another function.

I: Uh huh.

BG: Either of one power lower. You know, the transcendentals have different

things that they come out to be.

I: And what about when you use the chain rule . . . or taking derivatives in


BG: Right. You get another function again.

I: Yeah. What’s your interpretation of the chain rule? Does that . . . I don’t

have these questions prepared. [Laughs]

BG: [Laughs] Let’s see if I can remember the chain rule. The chain rule is if

you’ve got have f(g(x)) and then you get f(x) . . . (pause) .f ’(x) . . . (pause).

I: . . . then you take the derivative of what’s on the inside.

BG: Right. Yeah. There we go. [Laughs] Yeah that’s right. f '( g ( x)) g '( x)

I: I guess I’m driving at composition of functions, basically, because that’s a

composition of functions.

BG: Right.

I: You work with one function then you do the other function . . . and your

result is again a function. That’s what I was driving at.

BG: Right.

BG: Um . . . Yeah. It is interesting that the functions can be broken up into basic

functions that you . . . have f ’(x) and g’(x). That you break it up into as

small a function as you can.

I: So the result is still a function, then?

BG: Yeah.

Though the above dialogue skimmed the surface of BG’s thinking about functions

as objects, he appeared to have at least the beginnings of an object conception. He was

able to discuss in general terms the acts of integration and differentiation, acknowledging

functions as outputs. Dubinsky and Harel (1992) claimed that one’s ability to perform an

action on a process is evidence of an object conception. Whether or not BG had this

conception before the history of functions unit was unknown since the researcher did not

have this conversation with BG previously.

Table 9

Summary of BG’s Growth in Understanding Functions

Growth noted Apparent Impetus Evidence

Concept image more in line with Unknown Second interview

concept definition; able to
verbalize concept image

Exhibits object conception of Unknown Second interview


Participant 5: MS

MS was not a particularly conscientious student. He did not complete assignments

on time and had low grades on most of them. He did not interact with others, despite

continued encouragement to do so. He scored a 66% on the functions project, with a

score of 13 out of a possible 20 on the Oresme (graphing) assignment. He ended the

course with a grade of D.


General Function Conception

Not surprisingly, in most areas he showed little change in his conception of

function. His ability to interpret graphs was strong at the beginning and remained so at

the end. He was unable to identify a Boolean (true-false outputs) function to begin with

and was similarly unable to do so at the end, even with prompting from the interviewer.

Q2 TASK 11: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: {2 n > n 2 + 3n : n in [1..100]}.

I: What about #11.

MS: Uhhhh . . . it’s not a true statement. Same as last time.

I: Same as last time? What would some possible inputs be?

MS: Uh . . . maybe negative numbers . . . no that wouldn’t work. [Pause] But as

it stands, that’s never true, I don’t think.

I: That’s never true . . .? Do you want to try some numbers?

MS: Well, if you take 1,

I: n is one.

MS: 2 is never greater than 1 squared plus 3.

I: . . . if n is one. Okay so . . .

MS: And then 4 is not greater than 4 plus 6.

I: Okay. Do you want to pick another number?

MS: 3 . . . 8 that wouldn’t be greater than . . . 9.

I: Pick another number?

MS: 4 . . . 8, 16 isn’t greater than 16 . . .


I: Pick another number . . .?

MS: 32 . . . would be 25 plus 15. Doesn’t work. Maybe it doesn’t actually.

I: I don’t know—pick a huge number. Up to 10, you don’t know what 10 to

the tenth is.

MS: Well, . . . it would be 64 . . . 36 plus . . . okay, I guess it does work for this

one . . . wait . . . well . . . it doesn’t work for all cases, so it doesn’t really


I: So, it doesn’t really count? So there’s no function there?

MS: No. You would have to change the range . . . or whatever that is . . . domain.

Conditions to put it.

I: Oh . . . for it to be . . . how would that make it . . .

MS: Because it’s not true, but still you could graph it as an area, I guess . . . since

it’s an inequality.

I: You can graph what as an area? Like what would the area be? [Long pause]

I mean, what are you going to graph? I’m not sure what you’re going to


MS: I don’t even know how you would set this up. I guess you could hm . . .

well . . . I don’t like this one. [Laughs]

I: [Laughs] You don’t have to like it, it’s okay. It doesn’t work? Because it’s

not always . . .

MS: It’s just a relationship. It isn’t any . . .

I: So if your input is one of the numbers . . . there’s no real . . . uh . . .


MS: You just get another relationship. It doesn’t . . . mean anything.

I: It doesn’t mean anything, okay.

MS: Well, it does, but . . .

I: What does it mean?

MS: It just gives you two numbers that are either greater than or less than.

I: Okay, so what might an output be?

MS: I guess you could have one number . . . like one number on the left could be

the input or vice versa.

I: Uh huh. Okay.

MS: It still doesn’t work . . . for the first . . . five.

I: Yeah. Any other outputs? Any other possible outputs?

MS: You could do it the other way around. The right side is the input. You could

switch them.

I: Oh. And the output would be . . .

MS: 2n

I: Okay.

MS: I still don’t like it.

I: Still don’t like it.

MS: So I guess you could say that one side’s one x and this one side’s the other.

I: Okay. Would there be a function there?

MS: [Laughs] No because . . . [inaudible].


Similarly, when revisiting Task 15 from the initial questionnaire, he was unable to

consider a Boolean function.

TASK 15: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: x 2 + 3x+ 2 = 0 .

I: Do you remember what you said about 15?

MS: No. . . . but it looks like I just factored it. I found the solutions.

I: Do you think there’s a function there?

MS: Yeah, but it would only give . . . you’d only have two inputs . . . that are


I: So what would be the input, then . . . the input would be . . .

MS: -1 and -2.

I: And what would your output be?

MS: Always 0?

I: Okay. Anything else about that? I mean could there be a different type of

function there?

MS: You could, if you didn’t have 0 . . .

MS is unable to consider the possibility of “true” or “false” as outputs. He

similarly had a weak understanding of parametric functions, something also evident on

his initial questionnaire and interview. On the second questionnaire and during the

second interview, he continually referred to the need either for two graphs or for three

dimensions when discussing the caterpillar problem, Q2 Task 6.


Q2 TASK 6: A caterpillar is crawling around on a piece of [coordinatized] graph

paper, as represented below. If we were to determine the creature’s location on

the paper with respect to time, would this location be a function of time? Why or

why not? Can time be described as a function of its location? Explain.

a) b)

Figure 38. Graphs for Q2 Task 6 showing a caterpillar’s path

MS: Uh . . . well you could, but I don’t think I would want to use a graph that

looks like that.

I: Okay, would you, could you do a graph that would be different?

MS: I’d probably do . . . some sort of parametric . . . with two graphs. Like each

one would have time . . . each one would have time on the axis and one

would have the x and one would have the y. That’s the way I would do it.

Apparently, he had a vague notion of parametric function, but insisted upon two

graphs rather than one graph with t as parameter.

I: Would you make a sketch of that for me?


MS: You have one [sketching two sets of coordinate axes] . . . so then you’d

have to refer the two. Or you could make a 3 dimensional one, but that’s

hard to draw.

He continued to insist on the need for a 3D graph throughout a lengthy discussion of this

task. He had a similar difficulty on the initial questionnaire, insisting the parametric

function in Task 14 exhibited two functions rather than one.

Despite these weaknesses and apparent lack of growth, his function conception

did deepen somewhat. His original definition of function referred to the need for an

operation, indicative of his tendency to search for some type of regular relationship, or

formula: “A function is that takes input terms, applies some operation to them, and

outputs them into a clear result.” His definition on the second questionnaire is more

general: “A function is some process that accepts an input and provides an output.” In his

reflection, MS wrote, “In general, my concept of functions has been expanded. Prior to

these worksheets I thought of functions in terms of graphs and situations, instead of

relations between processes.”

Note also his flexibility when revisiting Task 5. Recall that in the initial interview,

he was unable to find a function in this situation. During the second interview, he was

more successful.

I: Okay, what about this number 5? “Kent State Men’s basketball team makes

it to the Sweet Sixteen.” Can you find a function there?

MS: Yeah, I don’t like these.

I: These verbal ones?


MS: They’re just arbitrary statements. [Pause] But uh . . . I still can’t really find

anything in this one . . . other than some logical . . . if – then.

I: I didn’t know what you meant by that.

MS: Well if . . . they . . . I guess you could say if they win any in the Sweet

Sixteen, which would be the assumption.

I: Ah . . . Is that a function?

MS: You could, but it wouldn’t be very exciting. [Laughs]

I: But what do you mean it’s a function. I’m not sure what the function would

be . . .

MS: I mean you could say . . . Say if you input win, the output would be Sweet

Sixteen. But if the input is lose then, go home. But it’s not really a map


I: That’s interesting.

MS: It’s just . . . like something from Discrete Math.

I: So you did see a function there.

MS: I guess, but it’s not a map. It’s not really. You can’t really make an equation

out of the thing.

I: So if you can’t make an equation out of it, it’s not a function?

MS: Well not . . . I don’t like it otherwise. Cuz it’s just a statement then . . . you

don’t need to bring functions into . . .

I: Okay. Now I’m going to have to . . . I’m going to probe you on this one a

little bit. So you said something about an equation. Now and you said you

like those better. Does it . . . does a function have to have . . . does it have to

have an equation to be a function?

MS: No, you could just say it . . . like a cake recipe is a function.

I: [Chuckles a little] How would that be a function?

MS: You’d input ingredients and get a cake.

I: [Laughs]

MS: And you follow the process.

I: And the process would be . . .

MS: Cooking it. The recipe . . .

I: Oh . . . But you said you like the ones with algebra formulas better . . .

MS: Right . . . That’s usually what you’re talking about.

Though in the initial questionnaire, MS found no function in Task 5, in the second

interview he admitted to one being there. When revisiting Task 19, he adjusted his

original tendency to connect the dots.

TASK 19: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not:

Figure 39. Graph for Task 19 showing discrete points


I: What about 19? I notice on 19, you had connected the dots. Um . . . The

original . . . I’m going to redraw the original in blue pen, here and just put

the dots there. Now suppose you didn’t have the line that you drew . . .

would you see a function in that situation?

MS: Uh sure. It would just have to be restricted . . . so it would only give you

points instead of a continuous . . . curve I guess.

While discussing Q2 Task 5, he revealed his increased flexibility in thinking

about functions. He reversed the inputs and outputs, and did not confuse the uniqueness

criterion with the notion of one-to-one functions.

Q2 TASK 5: Suppose you were to make a list pairing each student’s first name

with that student’s score on a test. Could this pairing represent a function?

Explain why or why not.

MS: Uh . . . here I said it wouldn’t be if you had multiple test scores per person

cuz that’s not in the modern definition.

I: Uh huh.

MS: You could reverse the dependency I guess, then it would work.

I: Reverse the dependency? What do you mean?

MS: So you’d have . . . test scores would be matched up to the . . . would be the

input. Then that would give you the student’s name.

I: Oh . . . But suppose I had 5 test scores for you.

MS: As long as . . .

I: Would that be a function then? If my test scores were the input?

MS: They’d all be going to one output, then. So that should be fine.

I: Uh . . . huh. Okay. But suppose Matt had the same test score as you.

MS: Then you’d have a problem.

I: Then we’d have a problem.

MS: So, if everybody had a different test score . . .

I: Oh everyone would have to have different test scores. Okay.

MS: [Laughs a little]

I: Okay. But I think this wording says . . . each student’s name with a

student’s score on a test. Like on a particular test. Suppose like I took all

your . . .

MS: Yeah, I figured it probably was just for one test.

I: And if it was for one test would it change . . .

MS: There it would work.

One characteristic of MS’s function conception was noteworthy. His process

understanding appeared to be closely linked to his experience with programming, since

he repeatedly referred to computer programs when discussing functions in general. When

asked if he had thought of sequences as functions before, he responded, “Yeah . . . I’ve

seen . . . I think we did some in some early programming class.” The excerpt below also

illustrates this propensity.

MS: My definition of function is halfway between pure math and what I

remember from programming. [Laughs]


I: Yeah. It is an interesting point of view. You do seem to be . . . calling on

your programming knowledge.

MS: Yeah cuz in a program when you’re calling on your function, it’s just a little

piece of code that takes something and does something.

I: Uh huh.

MS: So then, just about anything’s a function.

I: Do you think that enriches your idea of a mathematical function?

MS: It just confuses me most of the time.

I: Are they the same or are they different?

MS: They’re pretty much the same.

I: In what way are they the same?

MS: Everything’s going to take an input and give you an output.

I: Okay.

MS: As long as you keep it general, they’re the same.

I: Okay . . . [pause] So is the function the actual program?

MS: Pretty much. Well, it’s . . . what’s ever inside of it, in that case.

I: What do you mean, what’s inside of it?

MS: Whatever you do, it is the function . . . the process.

I: Oh . . . Okay. So if I have an algebraic formula, is that the function?

MS: Cuz the process tells you what’s the relationship between the two . . . the

input and the output.


I: So what’s the difference between a function, a graph, and then the formula?

Are they the same function? Could they be the same function?

MS: One can describe the other, but they don’t have to be.

I: Okay but suppose that I took this formula, y = e x + 4 and then I plugged in

x’s and came out with y’s and then I plotted it, is that the same function?

Are they the same function?

MS: Yeah . . . why not? [Laughs a little]

I: Okay.

MS: There are different ways of looking at the same result . . . but it depends on

how you want to look at it.

Clearly, his programming work influenced his thinking. The excerpt above, though,

exhibits a clarity of thought that was absent from his comments in the initial interview.

Though he referenced computer programs there, in the above discussion he was more

focused, confident, and articulate. His study (albeit weak) of the history of functions

apparently provided him with an opportunity to reflect upon his function conception.

In conclusion, MS’s conception of function appeared to have moved from an

emerging process one to a stronger process conception. Some weaknesses still existed,

however. Significant though is the fact that in addition to not completing all required

work in a timely fashion, he had little if any interaction with his peers during the

functions project.

Understanding of Graphical Representations

MS’s understanding of graphical representations of functions was strong before

the history of functions unit began, as evidenced by his insightful responses to the

graphing questions both on the written questionnaire and during the interview. None of

the common misconceptions had been evident. His responses on the second questionnaire

and during the second interview confirmed the strength of his understanding of graphical


Table 10

Summary of MS’s Growth in Understanding Functions

Growth noted Apparent Impetus Evidence

Expanded view of functions, saw function Unknown Second questionnaire, written

as process rather than function as operation reflection

More able to recognize functions in Unknown Second questionnaire; second

situations, including a graph of discrete interview

More able to discuss his function Unknown Second interview


Participant 6: CS

This section begins with an analysis of CS’s growth in understanding of functions

in general.

General Function Conception

CS appeared to be moving toward a process conception of function, albeit a weak

one. On the second questionnaire and during the second interview, he was able to find

functions in many situations for which he was previously unable to do so. When asked to

define a function, he wrote, “A function is a relationship that provides us with a unique

output for a given input.” Note that there was no mention of equation here. During the

interview, he described a function as “any type of relationship that has an input and an

output and it’s just not graphs, equations, like . . . specific things . . . It could be . . .

something you never really thought about would be a function.”

CS readily considered alternate representation of function, including lists. Recall

that he was unable to find a function in Task 12 (the club members’ dues status) on the

initial questionnaire. On the second questionnaire and interview, he easily recognized a

function in a similar scenario:

Q2 TASK 5: Suppose you were to make a list pairing each student’s first name

with that student’s score on a test. Could this pairing represent a function?

Explain why or why not.

CS wrote, “Yes because the input would be the student’s name and each name is

related to an output.” In the interview, he reiterated this new understanding and then

applied it to the club member’s dues status task on the initial questionnaire.

CS: Um, I said yes because again back to my definition that it’s a relationship,

and . . . in that case the student’s name would the input and the score would

be the output. So . . . [pause]

I: Okay . . .

CS: You’d just . . . you’d have a unique output for every input. That’s basically

my definition of a function.

I: You’re saying that it is a function. So here’s maybe another representation

of a function, is that what you’re saying?

CS: Uh huh . . . yeah.

I: Going back to #12 on the original questionnaire. I notice that you left that

blank. Would you change your answer now?

CS: [Immediately and confidently] Oh yeah. I was not sure at all what to do

with that, so . . . I just left it blank.

I: And now what would you say?

CS: I would definitely say that’s a function.

I: With the input of . . .

CS: Input of the name and the output of the money owed.

Recall that CS left Task 13 blank on the initial questionnaire. During the second

interview, he compared it to Q2 Task 6 and found functions in both.

I: And you would still answer the same thing? You’re still thinking that #13

on the first questionnaire is not?


CS: Oh no, no no . . . It is, it is a function, because . . . I thought this was a

function because . . .

I: Okay, wait . . . we’re talking about two different things. Just so when I look

at this, I’ll know. We’re talking about #6 the caterpillar problem . . . sort of

. . . And then we’re also referring to 13. You seem to want to talk about #6.

Let’s talk about #6 in detail, and then we can get back to the other one.

CS: Just the way I see it is . . . I kind of see a connection between #6 and #13.

Because you could also look at that as being the same type of thing. You

could say that that’s a caterpillar traveling on a piece of paper.

I: I see, I see.

CS: So that’s the way I kind of look at it now. I would, I would kind of compare

those and say yeah it is a function, but it’s just a lot easier to see this

relationship in #6 because of the information.

I: Input would be . . .

CS: [Long pause] . . . I think it would be like, time of when the caterpillar’s in a

certain spot. And then the output would be where it actually is.

I: If we were to write it . . . like . . . time is 1, what would the output be?

CS: Um . . . that location right there.

I: Could you describe that location in any way?

CS: Um . . . it’s in the . . . negative part of the axis.

I: Okay. So what should I write?

CS: I can’t remember what quadrant that is.


I: Well, it’s quadrant, [counting] one, two . . . this one, quadrant 3.

CS: Okay quadrant 3. I would take that as the beginning, just . . . I don’t know, I

guess that could be the beginning too, there . . .

I: So then you’re saying . . . now back to 13 you’re sort of saying if this was a

caterpillar then you would have the same type of mapping.

CS: Yeah.

I: You’d say the input would be . . .

CS: time. And then like, this line would be its location at different times.

Note in each of the above scenarios, there is no mention of the need for an equation. He

readily considered alternate representations of functions and discussed them in a general

way. Another scenario in which he found a function without using a formula is Q2 Task

7, the “quick fox” problem:

Q2 TASK 7: One can sometimes tell a great deal about a text (its author, when it

was written, etc.) by various characteristics (word length, frequency, etc.) For

example, one might use the number of occurrences of each vowel, a,e,i,o,u in a

text. Suppose that you were trying to analyze the following text by studying the

number of occurrences of each vowel.

The quick fox jumped over Farmer Brown’s lazy dog.

Explain how you might use a function to organize this information. Write

whatever you think is necessary about your function to specify it. (Breidenbach et

al., 1992, pp. 281-282)


CS: Okay, this problem definitely confused me, cuz I really didn’t exactly sure

what they wanted.

I: Okay.

CS: So, I just kind of made up my own idea which was I just decided that my

function would be um . . . vowels to words, like for every . . . the words

would be the input . . .

I: Okay, so the words would be the input.

CS: And then every vowel in that word would be the output.

I: Oh.

CS: If you had the word “the,” then your output would be e.

I: Oh.

CS: [Laughs]

I: So if we called this function v, v . . . so your output would be . . . [writes “e”

on paper].

CS: Uh huh.

I: So now what happens then if we did your function on the word jumped?

CS: Then it would be u and e.

I: Does that satisfy your definition of function?

CS: [Sighs/laughs] The way I just looked at it is the relationship between words

and vowels in a word and . . . I would put it as my input could be each word

and then my output could be the vowels in the word.

I: all the vowels . . .


CS: yeah. I . . . I’m not sure if that’s what the question wanted, but . . .

Even though his representation may not have been the one the researcher had in mind, if

one considers the output as a subset of the set of all vowels, then CS successfully created

an arbitrary mapping between two sets.

Recall also that CS was unable to consider a string as a function on the initial

questionnaire. He left Task 6 blank. In Q2 Task 9 and in the interview, he considered the

possibility of a function existing in a string, though he struggled with the idea. Again, the

representation was not what the researcher had in mind. The fact that he proposed

something indicated a broadening of his function conception, however.

Q2 TASK 9: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not. The string: “ZYXWVUT”

I: What about #9 . . . You have your input is . . . now do you mean your input

is that entire string or is your input . . . you know these are each individual


CS: Those are each individual inputs.

I: And the output would be . . .

CS: Uh . . . I guess if you’d graph it out, and you had like a string . . . like a line

on your desk and that representing your string, then those uh, letters would

represent your locations on that graph.

I: Oh . . . so are you talking about . . . go ahead, draw the graph for me. I’m

going to give you another piece of paper so you have enough room, if you


CS: I just looked at it as . . . um . . . if I had . . . I drew my graph and if I had a

string something like that . . .

I: Uh huh . . . He’s drawing a graph.

CS: Then the input would be the letters. And they would just be different points

on the string. So . . .

I: Uh huh.

CS: Z,Y,W . . . and your output would just be. If you input Z, your . . . output

would be where Z is on the string.

I: How would you describe that?

CS: Um . . . I would do Z as the beginning of the . . . of the string.

I: Uh huh.

CS: And I . . . I like to move from left to right.

CS appeared to be thinking of a graph as a location, similar to his discussion of

the caterpillar task.

I: Okay.

CS: [Laughs] So that’s kind of how I would start it out and then just kind of

going over here with the letters that you gave for the string.

I: Yeah, but if . . . but how would I know where y is? How do I know if y is

really really close to z or farther along? How would you describe that


CS: Um . . . I guess again you’d just . . . You’d have these as your inputs and

you would put them . . . into an equation, I guess again, to get . . . where

you would put the location of that number. So . . . that’s how I look at it.

I: Okay. So do you need the coordinate system, here then?

CS: Uh . . . I don’t think so. [Pause] No I wouldn’t really need it.

I: Okay. That’s sort of like . . . I’m looking at the first questionnaire now. On

#6 you left, on the original questionnaire it’s also a string but it’s

ABCDEFG. Um . . . you left it blank. Would there be a function there, now,

do you think?

CS: Oh yeah. It would be the same thing as #9 on the second one.

His description was sketchy and he appeared uncertain, but he was at least willing to

consider the possibility of a function, something he did not do on the initial questionnaire.

Recall that CS was unable to find a function in Task 7 on the initial questionnaire,

but when we re-visited this task in second interview, he readily discerned a function.

I: A swimmer starts from shore and swims to the other side of the lake.

Number 10. [Q2 TASK 10, which was TASK 7 on initial questionnaire.]

Um . . . and you have something written there. Would you explain your

work, please?

CS: Um . . . I just had the . . . if you take time times average speed and that

would equal your distance, that could be a function that you would use for

that type of problem. Um . . . I guess there’s a couple different functions


that you could make out of that, just depending upon what relationships you

wanted to find.

I: In your original questionnaire, this was #7; um . . . you said you can’t

because you don’t know if the swimmer takes a straight line to the other

side. Or if he takes another route. Um . . . any comments about that?

CS: Uh . . . I guess . . . like what I was thinking there . . . is that you, you

couldn’t make a function out of it because you have to know like, exactly

what type of direction he’s gonna go with it. Um . . . like, I was just

thinking that you, you couldn’t have an input and output because you don’t

know . . . what your input and output would be.

I: Uh huh.

CS: So . . . I don’ know.

I: But in #10, now you’re thinking um . . .

CS: Yeah . . .

I: You could find a function?

CS: Yeah . . . I think . . . I think so. Because, if you . . . If you just took his time

and average speed that he was in the water no matter what direction he went

. . . you could still find the distance that he traveled.

I: Uh huh . . . So what would the input be?

CS: Um . . . input would be time, I guess.

I: And the output would be . . .


CS: the speed . . . or no no no . . . the input would be the time and . . . kind of

. . . like related to the average speed. And then the distance would be your

final input. [meant output?]

Similarly, he was able to consider a function in Task 5 on initial questionnaire during the

second interview.

TASK 5: If possible, describe the following situation using one or more functions.

If not, explain why not: “Kent State Men’s basketball team makes it to the Sweet


I: I know we talked about this in our previous interview. Would you change

anything about that or do you have any insight about that?

CS: Again, that seems like such an abstract idea for a function that . . . I couldn’t

come up with an equation that seems like it would make any sense for that.

Like . . . it’s really not giving any relationship. It’s saying that . . . makes it

to the Sweet Sixteen . . . I guess if you put like words in it saying, like

“Kent played this team, this team, this team” . . . then you could make some

kind of function out of it, but . . .

I: Like what kind of function could you make?

CS: Uh . . . maybe like a list . . . function . . . where you had the team as the

inputs and then like maybe the final score as the output. Or win/loss as the


So, though CS initially expressed the need for an equation, through conversation he

found a function without it.


When revisiting Task 8 in the second interview, growth in his thinking was

evident. Note his reference to an equation on the initial questionnaire, but not on the


TASK 8: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not, explain why not: {3n + n 2 : n in [1...100]} .

I: What about #8?

CS: I’m not 100% sure what I did there [on the initial questionnaire]. Uh . . . I

think I tried to make an equation out of it.

I: Uh huh.

CS: That fit what that was saying. And . . . I don’t think that makes any sense

looking at it again.

I: Uh huh. Would you do anything different now?

CS: Um . . . I would probably just say it is a function because if you plug in uh

. . . a number for n . . . then you will have an output of whatever number

comes out of that equation.

I: Which equation is that?

CS: the 3n + n 2 .

I: Uh huh. So you think that is a function? I’m going to mark it in blue.

CS: Cuz if you put in any number 1 to 100 . . .

I: Uh huh.

CS: you’ll get an output.


Another example of CS’s new found flexibility is his response to Task 10 during the

second interview.

TASK 10: If possible, describe the following situations using one or more

functions. If not explain why not: A record of all MAC women’s basketball teams

giving, for the 2003-2004 season each team’s field goal shooting percentage at

home and its field goal shooting percentage away.

I: What about #10?

C: Um . . . here I just kind of came up with two different functions . . . Uh . . .

the H would be home and I just took shots made over shots missed.

I: Uh huh

CS: So, and Away, shots made over shots missed.

I: Uh huh. Would you do anything differently now? Or are you sort of happy

with that?

CS: Um . . . it might again be easier to make like a list . . . just to show the

relationship. It’s kind of hard to see the relationship if I just put it in

fractional form.

I: And what would be in that list? What would be your input?

CS: Um . . . you could just do . . . like . . . each home game. You could just

maybe who they played or what date it was . . . any . . . anything that would

show that it was a home game. And then you could put shots made or shots

missed as the output.


Weakness of conception. Though CS was able to discern functions in more

situations including those not requiring a formula, his conception appeared not to be a

strong process one. He was unable to consider the points in Task 19 as representing a

function, even in the second interview.

I: Would this representation be a function in any way? [Pointing to Task 19].

CS: I’m not sure . . . Um . . . just by looking at it I wouldn’t think so, but I guess

. . . are these supposed to be open or are they [pointing to the points].

I: They’re dots. They’re like dots, filled in dots. I’ll try to fill them in so that

it’s not confusing for you.

CS: I guess it could be a function . . . if you’re just plotting points. Then you

would draw like a curve or something. So that could be . . .

I: But would I have to have a curve in order to have a function?

CS: I would think so.

I: What would the input be?

CS: Um . . . I guess those points that you plotted there.

I: And what would the output be?

CS: Um . . . I’m not sure. [Pause]

I: A lot of times there’s a lot of different ways of looking at things, so . . .

CS: Yeah.

I: Please don’t feel that you’re looking for the one right answer. Just tell me

what you’re thinking.


CS: Now that I think about it I guess that would . . . it seems like it would be the

output if you’re actually plotting that. And the input would be the

information that you’re taking and putting into the equation to get those


I: I guess you’re saying equation again. So you’re relating it to an equation to

get those points?

CS: I guess so, yeah . . .

I: Okay. As it stands, just by looking at it, you’re saying . . . you’re sort of

saying you need an equation to get that?

CS: I think you need information to show the relationship. It doesn’t make any

sense to me that a function could just be dots on the graph.

In the above excerpt, his tendency to consider an equation was still strong. He was unable

to consider the general process of taking discrete inputs and pairing them with individual

outputs. His tendency is resistant to change, also evidenced in the following.

I: Can you devise a specific situation for which a function might provide a

mathematical description?

CS: Okay, um . . . I just came up with the example . . . driving a car at different

speeds for an amount of time. And then, like if you were doing a graph

you’d have time at the bottom and you have velocity. And you’d just graph


I: Okay. So that’s a function.

CS: Yeah.

I: On the first questionnaire I said, “Give several examples of functions” and I

notice that you have all equations. What else could you do . . . what else

could you do now?

CS: Um . . . just like you could use story problems and like, say if a person was

walking at a certain rate for a certain amount of time. Like that equation for

that you’d come up with is a function. But they’re not necessarily giving

you the equation. You have to figure out how to take what they’re saying

and figure out the equation.

I: But will the end result always be an equation?

CS: Ah . . . I’m not totally sure. It seems like it because . . . In order to graph it

you’d have to have an equation, I think. So . . . Um . . .

His comment about needing an equation before graphing is interesting. Perhaps his

conception of graphical representations was weak, rather than his function conception in


Another weakness was his inability to consider Boolean functions, both on the

initial and second questionnaires and in the second interview, even when prompted. Note

also his reference to an equation in the following excerpt.

I: Okay. Number 11 . . . on the new one [second questionnaire]:

{2 n
> n 2 + 3n : n in [1..100] and you said there’s not a function because

there’s no output, only a statement? Um . . . and on the original one, you left

it blank. Um . . . what were you thinking when you wrote about #11?

CS: Um . . . just after doing the work with the functions project, I . . . I took it

the statement, this greater than statement as just been a math statement. It’s

not really um . . . having an input and output, because . . . I don’t think you

can have an output if you don’t have an equal sign in the equation.

I: Do you want to try it? What would some of your inputs be?

CS: Um . . . I guess these numbers here . . . 1 to a 100, so if we start at one.

I: Start at 1 . . .

CS: You’ll just have uh, 2 greater than 1 + 3 which would be 4, which, that’s not

even true.

I: If you put in 2?

CS: Uh, then you would have 4 greater than 18. So . . . [laughs] . . . so far none

of these are true. Um . . .

I: Is there an output?

CS: I don’t think so. I mean you’re . . . you’re still getting . . . just . . . a

statement here, saying that something is greater than something else, which,

I don’t think that’s an output . . .

I: Uh huh.

CS: Cuz also you’re having 2 here. So . . . I won’t take those as an output just

because it’s not saying anything definite. Cuz normally an output in a

function has it equal to this after you put in the equation. And here you’re

not getting that it is this, it’s just saying that something is greater than

something else.

I: Uh huh . . . Um . . . you mentioned that this isn’t true and this isn’t true . . .

I’m going to refer you to your definition of function. [Reading from paper]:

“It’s a relationship that provides us with a unique output for a given input.”

So if you looked at this input as 1,

CS: Okay . . . I kind of see what you’re saying. That my output could be that it’s

2 > 4? And then my output could be that it’s 4>18?

I: I don’t know, I’m just asking . . . Throwing some ideas around.

CS: I think that that just depends on how you look at it. I would still say it’s not

a function because it’s still a statement.

I: Okay. You seem pretty sure about that.

In conclusion, CS appeared to be moving toward a process conception of function

as evidenced by his ability to find functions in a greater variety of situations and to

discuss these functions as general processes of inputs and outputs. However, his repeated

reference to the need for an equation, his inability to consider a graph of discrete points

as a representation of inputs and outputs, and his inability to recognize a Boolean

function suggests that his process conception of function was weak.

Understanding of Graphical Representations

CS’s understanding of graphical representations appeared to have improved as

well. Consider closely the changes he made when discussing his responses on the initial

questionnaire during the second interview.

GRAPHING TASK 3d: The graph below represents speed vs. time for two cars.

(Assume the cars start from the same position and are traveling in the same

direction.) What is the relative position of the two cars during the time interval

between t = .75 hr. and t = 1 hr. (i.e., is one car pulling away from the other?)


CS: Relative position . . . [long pause]. I think I answered that question wrong.

Cuz like I was saying before . . . Car A would have covered more distance

because it’s going at a faster rate than car B up until the 1 hour . . . then for

that long of a time, so I definitely would change my answer there.

I: And you would say . . .

CS: That car A would be farther ahead of car B, but car B after an hour would

eventually be catching him and passing him. That’s kind of what I was

thinking here. That car B would eventually catch him because he’s

accelerating faster.

Similarly, he corrected his error on Graphing Task 5.

GRAPHING TASK 5: Can you indicate, from the graph below, how many bends

there are along the track on which the car was driven?

I: Now since we’re talking about velocity versus time, I’m going to refer to

one of your problems on the first one, which happens to be the racing car

one. The number of bends. We have the speed, which is like velocity,

versus this is distance along the track . . . Um . . . and you said 9 bends.

Would you change that answer at all or you still think there’s 9 bends there?

C: Um . . . okay . . . [Pause] Bends, you mean . . .


I: Bends in the track. I’m sorry, like you know how a race car goes around a


C: Uh, uh . . . let’s see . . . One, two . . . Yeah, I would definitely change my


I: How many do you think there are?

C: I think I would say 3.

I: And where would they be?

C: Um . . . where it’s making a big decrease in speed.

I: Uh huh . . .

C: Cuz obviously you’re gonna have to slow down if you’re going around a

curve. So I would say three now.

He also easily sketched the relationship of speed versus time of a bicyclist

approaching, then going over, the top of a hill. He had no trouble sketching water height

in a symmetric bottle as a function of volume.

Some gaps still exists in CS’s graphical understanding, however. He was not able

to consider area under the curve for Task 2c, the speed versus time of a cyclist over a 10-

minute period nor was he able to consider changes in the rate of change of the height of

water vs. volume in Graphing Task 4. He made no changes to his original answers for

these tasks during the second interview.


Table 11

Summary of CS’s Growth in Understanding Functions

Growth noted Apparent Impetus Evidence

Broadened view of function. Unknown Second interview

Though “function as equation”
conception still evident, he is able
to consider arbitrary
correspondences as functions

Able to consider data lists as Unknown Second questionnaire and second

functions interview

Able to consider strings as Unknown Second questionnaire and second

functions interview

Some growth in ability to Worksheet on Oresme, small Second interview

interpret graphs of functions group discussion

Level of confidence increased Unknown Second interview

Summary of Chapter 4

At the beginning of this study, several participants relied on the “function as

equation” notion. Only two considered an arbitrary mapping as a function. Using APOS

analysis, two held an action conception of function and three appeared to hold an

emerging process conception. Graphical understanding was particularly weak in three

participants and the ability to find functions in non-traditional situations appeared to be

undeveloped in all but one.

After the unit on the history of functions, four participants significantly

strengthened their function conceptions. None insisted that a formula was required for a

function. Two moved an entire APOS level. Other than BG, each participant exhibited an

increased ability to recognize a function in the given scenarios. Recall that BG’s ability to

do so was strong initially. All six participants recognized a function in an arbitrary

pairing. Growth was most profound in the area of graphical representations of functions

as two participants no longer considered a graph as a picture. Two participants came to

understand the importance of area under a curve, and of five graphing tasks, one

participant exhibited a deeper understanding on all five, one participant on three of the

five, and one participant on two.

In summary, a significant improvement in understanding functions occurred

during the course of studying its history for 4 of these 6 participants. More detail and

analysis of these findings is available in Chapter 5.




This study asked the questions:

• What is the function conception of junior and senior level pre-service high

school teachers?

• Does studying the history of the concept of function deepen a student’s

understanding of the concept in any way and if so, in what way? In particular,

does studying the history facilitate his or her move from an action level

understanding to a process level understanding as described by APOS theory?

• In what ways can studying the history of a mathematical concept be used to

deepen a student’s understanding of the concept?

• Does a student’s studying the history of the concept of function facilitate his

or her move from a process level understanding to an object level


This chapter discusses the findings for each question, the implications for teaching and

intervention, cautions in interpretations, and the implications for future research.


Although each participant was considered separately in the narratives in Chapter

4, this section analyzes them as a group to see what patterns emerged regarding the


growth in their understanding of functions as they studied the history of the concept. This

section has four subsections. The first part is a glimpse at the participants’ growth

concerning their definition of function, the second is a look at their increased abilities to

recognize functions in situations, and the third summarizes changes in APOS levels. The

section ends with comments concerning changes in understanding graphs of functions.

Definitions of Function

Recall that Dubinsky and Harel (1992) claimed that an emphasis on equations,

numbers, and evaluating expressions is evidence of an action conception of function. On

the initial questionnaire, several participants exhibited this tendency. The notion that a

function was an equation was strongest in CW and CS. DB and MJ exhibited the

tendency to a lesser degree and DB thought that a graph or a formula is the function,

rather than just a representation of a function. Interestingly, DB and MJ at times

discussed a function as a general process, but reverted to a “function as equation” as they

attempted to recognize functions in situations. This tendency suggests that DB and MJ

had an emerging, but not strong, process conception initially. MS at times referred to the

need for “some operation” but he, like BG, was able to recognize that a function may

have more than one representation. BG did not exhibit the “function as equation”


On the second questionnaire and interview, DB made no mention of function as

equation. In her words, “now I feel that a function simply stated is something that takes

an input and produces an output.” She came to understand the uniqueness criterion,

something she overlooked on the initial instruments. Similarly, CW’s new definition of

function is “a relationship between variables where one input produces one output and

the relationship can be shown in a number of ways, not just an analytic expression.” MJ

and CS also let go of their tendency to look for an equation, with MJ noting, “the

mapping can be arbitrary” and CS claiming that a “function is a relationship that provides

us with a unique output for a given input.” Note that there is no mention of equation in

these definitions.

These results suggest that studying the history of functions broadened the

participants’ definition of function. After working on the worksheet entitled “Definitions

of Functions” and the readings associated with it, the class had an extensive discussion

about the change in the definition of function over the years and what prompted such

change. It is reasonable to conclude that this worksheet and discussion facilitated a move

away from the “function as equation” notion in the participants. Table 12 summarizes

these results.

Functions in Situations

The current study provided other evidence that studying the history of function

facilitate a move away from a narrow view of function. Not only did the participants’

definitions change, but their ability to find functions in situations improved as well. The

following discussion focuses on four tasks on the initial questionnaire and the

corresponding tasks on the second questionnaire that may be considered bellwether

indicators of a process conception (Dubinsky & Harel, 1992).


Table 12

Participants Holding the Notion of “Function as Formula” Before and After History of

Functions Unit

Before After

DB *

CW *

MJ *



CS *

Table 13 indicates which participants recognized a function in the given scenario.

An asterisk (*) means that participant clearly articulated an appropriate function. The

phrase “considered the possibility” indicates that the participant had a vague notion of

function in the scenario, but was either unable to articulate it or gave an inappropriate


Only two participants considered an arbitrary mapping as a function. The

“function as equation” notion was evident in DB (“you apply the function of

subtraction”), CW (“if you’d have the previous one plus five, you would have a

function”), and MJ (“starting to graph it a little bit and see if there was any kind of

relationship”). CS left the task completely blank. On the discrete set of points graph, MS

did successfully find a function, but insisted on connecting the dots and trying to find a

Table 13

Appropriate Answers to Specific Tasks Before History of Functions Unit

Arbitrary pairing Recognizes a Discrete set of

as function Boolean (true-false points on graph as
String as function (i.e., list) output) function function

DB considered the considered the

possibility possibility


MJ *

BG * * * *

MS considered the * considered the

possibility possibility


formula so that he could “find a pattern of how to change it” [the inputs]. Note also that

other than BG and MS, the participants had little success with these tasks as a whole.

Table 14 indicates the participants who successfully recognized a function in

these scenarios on the second questionnaire or while revisiting the initial questions during

the second interview.

Other than BG, each participant exhibited an increased ability to recognize a

function in the given scenarios. The data above shows remarkable progress in the abilities

of DB, CW, MJ, and CS. It is worth noting that BG, who recognized functions in each of

the initial scenarios, exhibited evidence of an object conception of function in the second

interview. Also noteworthy is the fact that MS, who showed the least growth, had put

Table 14

Correct Answers to Specific Tasks after the Unit on History of Functions

Arbitrary pairing Recognizes a Discrete set of

as function Boolean (true-false points on graph as
String as function (i.e., list) output) function function

DB * * * not discussed

CW * * * *

MJ not discussed * * *

BG * * * *

MS considered the * *
CS considered the considered the
possibility possibility

forth the least effort during the functions project, insisting on working alone, and turning

in work of mediocre quality. The others, DB and MJ in particular, worked incredibly hard

on the project, seeking help when necessary, struggling with the ideas presented. Not

surprisingly, they exhibited impressive growth.

Of interest to the researcher is the fact that the class never discussed Boolean

functions, nor was topic covered on any of the worksheets. It is possible that participants

discussed this scenario in small groups, since they worked together on the function

project. It is also likely that the worksheet concerning “Definitions of Functions” and the

subsequent class discussion facilitated an ability to recognize this type of function.


APOS Level Changes

The initial APOS conception of each participant is summarized in Table 15. The

reader may refer to the first part of the Chapter 4 for a detailed analysis of each

participant’s responses characterizing their function conception.

Table 15

APOS Conception Before History of Functions Unit

Action Emerging Process Process Object

DB *

CW *

MJ *

BG *

MS *

CS *

Table 16 lists each participant’s conception after the unit on the history of

functions. The reader may refer to the detailed analyses that led to these

characterizations. A double asterisk (**) indicates a change in level from the initial

conception. Note that four participants notably strengthened their function conceptions.

Two participants moved an entire level: CS from an action conception to an emerging

process one and BG from a process conception to an object. Admittedly, however, the

evidence from this study is insufficient to claim that the unit on history of functions

Table 16

APOS Conception After History of Functions Unit

Action Emerging Process Process Object

DB **
CW *

MJ **

BG **

MS *

CS **

enabled BG’s move to an object level, since the initial questionnaires did not test for this

understanding. All one can claim is that after the unit on history of functions, BG

appeared to hold an object conception. DB and MJ appear to have strengthened their

process conception. Recall that though CW did not advance a level in her APOS

conception, she appeared to be moving toward a process conception. Recall also that MS

was the weakest student among the participants and not surprisingly, showed little


Changes in Understanding Graphical Representations

This section considers the participants’ responses to individual graphing tasks and

characterizes the APOS level for that task. A summary of the participants’ understanding

of graphs is in Table 17. Notable is the low level of graphical understanding for two or

more questions in three of the participants, DB, CW, and MJ. Compare these levels

Table 17

Interpretation of Graphs Before History of Functions Unit

1 2c 3a 3d 5

DB (no answer) Pre-Function Pre-Function Pre-Function Pre-Function

CW Process Process Pre-Function Pre-Function Process

MJ Action Object Object Pre-Function Pre-Function

BG Process Object Object Process Process

MS Process Object Process Process Process

CS Process Pre-Function Object Pre-Function Pre-Function

with those following the study of the history of functions, in particular, after completion

of the worksheet concerning Oresme’s techniques. Table 18 lists only those conceptions

which changed during the course of study.

What Caused the Improvement

There appears to be little question that a marked improvement in understanding

functions occurred during the course of studying its history for four of these six

participants. Less clear is the reason this improvement occurred. This section attempts to

answer the question,

• In what ways can studying the history of a mathematical concept be used to

deepen a student’s understanding of the concept?

In other words, what specific uses of historical material facilitated the change?

Table 18

Interpretation of Graphs After History of Functions Unit

Task 1 2c 3a 3d 5


DB Process Object Object Process Process

CW Action

MJ Process Process Process



CS Process Process

Growth was most profound in the area of graphical representations of functions.

Interestingly, of all the worksheets, the Oresme worksheet on the history of graphs was

the one most dependent upon original sources and provided the most in-depth

information about the germination of the concept. It offered a combination of historical

reading pinpointing the rationale for a new technique, activities comparing Oresme’s

techniques to modern ones, and Oresme’s proofs with the details omitted. It appears to

have cured the “graph as picture” tendency in DB and CW and enabled the understanding

of area under the curve for MJ and DB. According to MJ, it helped him understand the

“connection between/motivation for integration and area.” DB commented that this

particular set of exercises clarified her thinking about graphs. One can reasonably

conclude that this use of primary sources revealing the germination of an idea along with

activities relating original methods to modern-day ones enabled conceptual growth. With

the other worksheets it is difficult to say whether the history, the class discussion, or

group interaction caused growth, but here, it is evident that the use of these materials

facilitated growth. This finding validates the work described by Jahnke (2000)

concerning the benefits of using original sources.

The Leibniz worksheet concerned the first use of the word “function.” Perhaps

this exercise suggested the idea that a function need not be definable by equations alone.

The Fibonacci worksheet was not historical in the sense that it did not delve into the

beginnings of an idea. It was just a problem from history. The learning that occurred as a

result of this worksheet supports the claim that history is a good source of problems,

however. Both MJ and CW had not considered sequences to be functions until after their

work on this assignment. Perhaps it facilitated their new-found ability evidenced on the

second questionnaire and in the second interview to see strings as functions as well.

The Definitions of Function worksheet showed participants that the definitions of

function changed, but did not really go into depth about why they changed. One may

therefore wonder if the change in participants’ understanding was superficial, though

their comments in the second interview suggested otherwise.

The above evidence suggests that a wide variety of materials may pull students

along in their understanding of a concept: primary source readings about the germination

of a concept, problems from history, or simply reading about the changes of a concept

over time. The emphasis here, however, is clearly on a thematic approach to history—the

germination and development a single mathematical concept. To those who view the

history of mathematics as a disjoint collection of anecdotes, facts, and dates, this study

offers nothing.

Comparisons to Other Studies

The reader may wonder how the results of this study compare with similar

studies, in particular those concerned with student learning as a result of studying the

history of mathematics or those concerned with student understanding the concept of

function. As mentioned in Chapter 2, finding studies that attempted to show the

mathematical content learning that occurred as a result of studying the history of

mathematics was difficult. Only the van Gulik (2005) and Arcavi studies (1985) claim to

have done so to some degree.

Recall that Barbin’s (2000b) overview of nine case studies reported results from

teacher introspection, rather than objective analysis, and most dealt with changes in views

of mathematics, rather than mathematics content learning. Furinghetti (1997, 2002)

reported four case studies on different uses of the history of mathematics in teaching, yet

did not reveal empirical evidence about students’ growth in understanding. Po-Hung Liu

(2002) conducted a study whose purpose was to investigate the relationships between a

problem-based, historical approach to teaching calculus and college students’ views of

mathematical thinking. Again, the study focused on general views of mathematics rather

than specific content. Boero et al. (1997) conjectured that the introduction of ‘voices’

from the history of mathematics and science may mediate some important elements of

theoretical scientific knowledge. The researchers noted that the resultant learning was

“better and more extensive” than those usually achieved when eighth graders approach

theoretical knowledge (p. 2-85), though they did not indicate the instrument used to draw

these conclusions, nor did they specify what they meant by “better and more extensive.”

Van Gulik’s study (2005) was similar in design and purpose to the current study.

She collected data through questionnaires preceding and following the series of lessons,

through lesson observations, and through discussions with students and teachers. She

concluded that her subjects gained a deeper insight into the origin of geometry, the

teachers found the subject challenging and inspiring, and that “the ‘reinvention’ of the

basic assumptions of geometry results in a more lively learning process and better

motivation” (personal communication, February 23, 2006). Note, however, the emphasis

on the process of learning and motivation, rather than learning outcomes.

Arcavi’s (1985) study also was similar in design and purpose to the current study.

He showed that the mathematical reading ability of pre-service and in-service teachers

improved as a result of their using his historical materials and that they were better able

to identify irrational numbers in a given list of numbers. The current study focused on a

more advanced mathematical topic and attempted to analyze student thinking in more


One might compare the results of the current study to others that focused on the

concept of function. The design and purpose of the Breidenbach et al. (1992) study was

similar to the current one. Recall that in this study participants experienced a 4-week

computer-intensive environment and wrote programs for functions in ISETL.

The initial conceptions of functions of the participants in the two studies was

similar. The researchers noted that “of 59 subjects, 7 [11.9%] appeared to start course

with strong process conception” (p. 274). In the current study, one of seven appeared to

start the course with a strong process conception [14.2%], though one needs to be

cautious while making statistical comparisons with such a small sample size. Interesting

is the fact that though the Breidenbach participants were at least one year younger and

presumably one year less mathematically mature, the initial function conceptions of

students were similar. Both sets of participants exhibited many of the common

misconceptions mentioned previously in the literature (see Chapter 2).

Notable also is that the current study obtained results similar to this study.

Breidenbach et al. (1992) claimed that “24 [40%] showed clear progress throughout the

semester that seemed to be more than one might expect from ordinary instruction” (p.

274). In the current study, three of six (50%) significantly strengthened their conception

of function; two (33%) moved up an APOS level. Recall that BG appeared to move up to

an object conception, but the evidence that this growth was caused by studying the

history was insufficient. It appears that these particular students in this particular study

showed comparable growth to those in the Breidenbach et al. study.

Interesting to note is that the instructional activities in Breidenbach et al. (1992)

focused on constructions derived directly from APOS theory. Subjects wrote ISETL code

for various functions, for testing equality of functions, for point-wise arithmetic of

functions, composition, and so forth. The instructional activities in the current study

focused on the historical development of functions, which is remarkably similar to the

development of understanding in some students. The early conception of function (up to

and including that found in much of Euler’s early work) was that of a formula and

became more general only as the need arose. Once the notion of function as a single

formula was found to be insufficient to describe the motion of a vibrating string, the

concept expanded. Functions were considered objects in their own right only much later.

In this particular instance, a similarity exists between the historical development and the

development of student understanding according to APOS Theory. Perhaps reading about

the historical perturbation caused participants to reflect upon their own understanding.

Interesting to note also was that two participants in the current study referred to

their experiences with computers while discussing the notion of function. MS repeatedly

referred to computer programs when discussing functions in general. MJ created a mental

image of a computer program as he found functions in the string problems on the initial

questionnaire. Clearly their previous work with computers enriched their notions of

function. Their comments support the findings of the Breidenbach et al. (1992) study.

Contributions to the Field

The professional mathematical societies are deeply concerned about the

mathematical education of our teachers and are continuing to search for effective means

to deepen students’ understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts (Conference

Board of Mathematical Sciences, 2001). For those mathematicians who question the

worth of requiring a History of Mathematics course of future teachers, the current study

provides evidence that taking such a course can strengthen pre-service teachers’

understating of fundamental concepts, clarify misconceptions, and bring to the surface

long-forgotten notions.

It offers support to those who claim that studying the history of a mathematical

concept deepens mathematical understanding and it offers a foundation for future

research in this area. Recall Furinghetti’s comment, “Though teachers who use the

history of mathematics are enthusiastic about its effect, these opinions are subjective, not

a result of regular and systematic studies” (1997, p. 55). The current study may spawn

interest in similar studies concerning other topics, or perhaps concerning a more

advanced study of functions. If studying the early development of functions encouraged a

move toward a process conception of function, might not a more in-depth study of its

later development facilitate a move toward an object conception? BG’s comments

suggest that this may indeed be the case, though more research is needed in this area.

Also noteworthy is that the Oresme worksheet, which relied heavily on original

sources rather than adaptations of historical problems, was the one that spawned the most

growth. This finding supports the claims mentioned in Jahnke (2000) about the value of

using original sources. Note also that the entire unit focused on a single mathematical

concept rather than on isolated historical anecdotes, famous mathematicians, or a

chronological and encyclopedic compilation of thousands of years of mathematics. This

suggests that the study of the development of an idea, rather than a chronological

narrative of disjoint historical facts encourage growth in mathematical understanding.

Arcavi’s work (1985) further supports this claim.

Another contribution of this study was the adaptation of APOS theory to the

knowing and learning of graphical representations of functions. Though Baker, Cooley,

and Trigueros (2000) analyzed students’ understanding of graphs of functions in the


context of APOS theory, they based their interpretation on the triad of Piaget and Garcia

(1989). Asiala, Cottrill, et al. (1997) discussed students’ graphical understanding of the

derivative within the context of APOS theory but used APOS terminology only as it

relates to functions. The problems that students had with graphs in the current study have

been well documented in the literature (Bell & Janvier, 1981; Carlson, 1998; Clement,

1989; Goldenberg et al., 1992; Monk, 1992), but applying APOS terminology to this

analysis was an innovation, to this researcher’s knowledge.

Also significant is the current study’s emphasis on functions, a fundamental

mathematical concept. This concept takes center stage when it comes to mathematics

education. Guershon Harel and Ed Dubinsky argued (1992) that

The concept of function is the single most important concept from kindergarten to

graduate school and is critical throughout the full range of education. Arithmetic

in early grades, algebra in middle and high school, and transformational geometry

in high school are all coming to be based on the idea of function. (p. vii)

Though some researchers have obtained positive results for student construction of a

process conception of function (Breidenbach et al., 1992), others have not (Sfard, 1992)

and still others note the continued difficulty students have with the concept (Breidenbach

et al., 1992; Carlson, 1998; Even, 1993; Norman, 1992; Sierpinska, 1992; Wilson, 1994).

The fact that a historical study significantly deepened participants’ understanding will be

of interest to those concerned about student learning of this topic. This study suggests

that studying its history is one vehicle toward understanding, not the—or the best—

vehicle, but a viable one.


This study also reinforced that at least one of Sierpinska’s epistemological

obstacles common in history is evident in today’s students as well. The belief that “only

relationships describable by analytic formulae are worthy of being given the name of

function” (Sierpinska, 1992, p. 46) evident in the 17th and 18th centuries was similarly

found in participants in this study. This finding is not new, however, as Siepinska herself

noted the same and other researchers have documented this student belief about functions

(Breidenbach et al., 1992; Carlson, 1998).

Finally, this study confirmed what other studies have shown in terms of

motivation and attitude toward mathematics. Confidence level of the participants was

notably increased after studying the history of the topic.

Future Studies

Suggestions for future research are numerous. First and foremost, the materials in

this study need to be tested in other venues. The instructor-as-researcher design of this

study necessitates similar studies to validate results. Secondly, researchers might consider

conducting similar studies using the history of other mathematical concepts. How does

studying the history of algebra, for example, change students’ thinking about it? In

particular, by studying the early motivation for and development of abstract algebra do

they deepen their understanding and appreciation of the need for structure? Does a

focused study on 17th century calculus develop a deeper conception of the fundamental

ideas behind this most impressive mathematical achievement? The possibilities are


Another reasonable question arises from this study. If an in-depth look at the

beginnings of the concept of function strengthened an emerging process conception in

some participants, might a more advanced study enable a move to an object conception?

This study has only begun to answer that question.

Researchers may also pursue the notion of historical development of a concept

paralleling the conceptual development of the concept in an individual. Recall that at the

beginning of this study, several participants relied on the “function as equation” idea.

Interesting to note is the fact that the concept of function originally was definable as an

equation relating two changing quantities. Not until the vibrating string problem did this

idea expand. This suggests a need to recreate in our teaching a need for students to

change their ideas, for their concept to expand. We need to show them that their current

understanding is not sufficient to explain more complex ideas. One way may be to

recreate for our students the environment that caused a perturbation in the history of a

concept by pinpointing those specific events, questions, and situations that preceded its

development. Anna Sierpinska (1992) has already laid the groundwork. What needs to be

done is to create, then study the effectiveness of, learning materials that focus on her

epistemological obstacles.

Finally, researchers may explore further the question of the relative effectiveness

of certain historical materials. What type of materials encourages the most learning—

activities, solving problems, reading original sources? Why is this the case? What

difficulties do students encounter when doing so? Jahnke (2000) echoed this sentiment as

he calls for research on the benefits of, the strategies used, and difficulties encountered as

students work with original source materials.

Cautions With Interpretations

One limitation of the study is that the researcher is the instructor for the course, a

difficult limitation to overcome since only one section of the History of Mathematics

course is offered per semester and few other courses offer sufficient time for the

instructional activities suggested in this study. The inclination may be to be overly

optimistic about alleged results. However, extensive inter-rater reliability counteracted

this inclination.

Another limitation is that third and fourth year students may not be aware of their

knowledge about functions and a poor showing on the initial questionnaire may simply

be a result of simply not thinking about these issues for some time. Critics might also

argue that ANY in-depth study of the concept would increase, or help students to become

aware of, their understanding. These arguments are not really limitations, however, since

the current study is investigating whether or not history is one vehicle toward

understanding, not the—or even the best—vehicle.

This study has shown that it is possible to create a positive and productive

learning environment using historical materials. One needs to be cautious about

generalizing the results, though all reasonable attempts have been made to be transparent

in this research and to offer specifics to allow for replication.


Conclusion and Summary

In conclusion, this study confirmed what countless mathematicians have

conjectured about the value of studying the history of mathematics. History can be a

vehicle to refresh and strengthen a student’s understanding of a mathematical concept.

An in-depth study of the birth of an idea and its early development provide the impetus.

A thematic approach, studying the development of an idea, reading original sources, and

working on problems of former mathematicians did lend insight into the conceptual base.

Three students showed significant growth. Five of the six showed improvement in

finding functions in situations. One claimed that the unit helped refresh ideas long

forgotten. These results support the requirement that pre-service teachers study history to

deepen understanding. A History of Mathematics course is a reasonable substitute for

another mathematics course at the junior/senior level.

This study, then, provided evidence that studying the history of mathematics

enables a deep reflection of ideas, or as Von Glasersfeld (1995) suggested, a “re-

presentation” or reconstruction of ideas. For those that study it for pure enjoyment, this

research suggests another good reason to study it, to teach it, to preach it.



Initial Questionnaire

Part 1.
Please write your response to the following questions in the spaces below. Be detailed,
but concise.

1. What is a function?

2. Describe the ways a function can be represented.

3. Give several examples of functions.

Part 2. Functions in situations1

Directions. If possible, describe the following situations using one or more functions. If
not, explain why not.

1. {(x, 3x + 2): x in the set of all integers}


Figure A1. Graph for Task 2

3. y4 = x2

4. y4 = x3

5. “Kent State’s Men’s basketball team makes it to the Sweet Sixteen.”

From “The Nature of the Process Conception of Function by E. Dubinsky & G. Harel
(1992). The Concept of Function. Aspects of Epistemology and Pedagogy, MAA Notes,
25, 88- 90. Copyright 1992 by the Mathematical Association of America. Adapted with


6. The string “ABCDEFG.”

7. A swimmer starts from shore and swims to the other side of Walden Pond.

8. {3n + n 2 : n in [1...100]}

9. A square in the plane centered at the origin is rotated clockwise by 90o.

10. A record of all MAC women’s basketball teams giving, for the 2003-2004 season
each team’s field goal shooting percentage at home and its field goal shooting
percentage away.

11. 2 x 3 y − x log y = 2

12. The club member’s dues status.

Name Owed
John $15
Julie 10
Jen 0
Dave 7.50
Brittany 10
Alex 5
Mary Ann 25
Sam 20
Sally 17

Figure A2. Table showing dues owed



Figure A3. Graph for Task 13

x = t3 + t ⎫⎪
14. ⎬ t , a real number
y = 1 − 3t + 2t 4 ⎪⎭

15. x 2 + 3 x+ 2 = 0

16. {(x,y): x, y in the set of all rational numbers}

17. {(1, 2x): x in [1 . . . 100]}

18. {2n > n2 + 3n: n in [1 . . . 100]}


Figure A4. Graph for Task 19 showing discrete points


Part 3. Graphing Tasks

1. Consider the graph below. At the instant t = 2 seconds, is the speed of object A greater
than, less than, or equal to the speed of object B? Explain

position (cm) B

2 4 6 8 time (sec)

Figure A5. Graph showing position vs. time

Note. From “Students’ Understanding of a Function Given by a Physical Model
by S. Monk (1992). The Concept of Function. Aspects of Epistemology and Pedagogy,
MAA Notes, 25, 175. Copyright 1992 by the Mathematical Association of America.
Adapted with permission.

2. This graph shows the speed in meters per second of a cyclist over a 10-minute period.


2 4 6 8 10
Figure A6. Graph showing speed vs. time
Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 146. Copyright 1998 by American
Mathematical Society. Adapted with permission.

a) When is the speed the greatest?

b) When is the speed changing most rapidly?

c) Does the cyclist travel further during the first five minutes or during the last 5
minutes? Please explain your answer.

3. The graph below represents speed vs. time for two cars. (Assume the cars start from
the same position and are traveling in the same direction.)



t = 0 hrs. t = 1 hr.
Time in hours

Figure A7. Graph showing speed vs. time

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 147. Copyright 1998 by American
Mathematical Society. Reprinted with permission.

a) State the relationship between the position of car A and car B at t = 1 hr. Explain.
b) State the relationship between the speed of car A and car B at t = 1 hr. Explain.
c) State the relationship between the acceleration of car A and car B at t =1 hr.
d) What is the relative position of the two cars during the time interval between t =
.75 hr. and t = 1 hr. (i.e., is one car pulling away from the other?) Explain.

4. Imagine this bottle filling with water. Sketch a graph of the height as a function of the
amount of water that’s in the bottle.


Figure A8. Sketch of bottle and grid for height vs. volume
Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 148. Copyright 1998 by American
Mathematical Society. Reprinted with permission.

5. Can you indicate, from the graph below, how many bends there are along the track on
which the car was driven?
Speed of a racing car along a 3-km track (during second lap)

Speed (km/hr)










0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3

Distance along the track


Figure A9. Speed of a race car along a 3 km. track

Note. From “Use of Situations in Mathematics Education” by C. Janvier (1981).
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 12(1), 115, graph 1.1. Copyright 1981 by D. Reidel.
Reprinted with kind permission from Springer Science and Business Media.



Second Questionnaire (Q2)

Please write your response to the following questions in the spaces below. Be detailed,
but concise.

1. Describe any insights you gained concerning the concept of function over the past
couple weeks as you worked on the functions project or term paper.

2. What is a function?

3. Describe the ways a function can be represented.

4. Can you devise a specific situation for which a function might provide a
mathematical description?

5. Suppose you were to make a list pairing each student’s first name with that
student’s score on a test. Could this pairing represent a function? Explain why or
why not.

6. A caterpillar is crawling around on a piece of [coordinatized] graph paper, as

represented below. If we were to determine the creature’s location on the paper
with respect to time, would this location be a function of time? Why or why not?
Can time be described as a function of its location? Explain.

a) b)

Figure B1. Path of a caterpillar


7. One can sometimes tell a great deal about a text (its author, when it was written,
etc.) by various characteristics (e.g., word length, frequency of occurrence of
certain words, etc.). For example, one might use the number of occurrences of
each vowel, a,e,i,o,u, in a text. Suppose that you were trying to analyze the
following text (of course, in actual practice, one uses a much larger amount of
material) by studying the number of occurrences of each vowel.

The quick fox jumped over Farmer Brown’s lazy dog.

Explain how you might use a function to organize this information. Write
whatever you think is necessary about your function to specify it. Evaluate your
function once (Breidenbach et al., 1992, pp. 281-282).

8. Are the following descriptions of functions? Explain.

⎧⎪ x 2 + 1, if x ≤ 0
f ( x) = ⎨
⎪⎩ − 2 x + 4 if x > 0

⎧ sin x
⎪ if x ≠ 0
g ( x) = ⎨ x
⎪⎩1 if x = 0

Directions. If possible, describe the following situations using one or more functions. If
not, explain why not.
⎧1 1 1 1 ⎫
9. ⎨ , , , ,...⎬
⎩ 2 4 8 16 ⎭

10. The string “ZYXWVUT”

11. A swimmer starts from shore and swims to the other side of the lake.

12. {2 n > n 2 + 3n : n in [1..100]}

13. Make a sketch of the relationship between velocity and time of a bicyclist as that
bicyclist is approaching the top of a hill, then goes over the top and down.

14. Suppose this is the graph of the height as a function of volume as a symmetric
bottle is filling with water. Sketch the shape of the bottle.



Figure B2. Graph showing height vs. volume

Note. From “An Investigation of the Function Concept” by M. Carlson (1998).
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, III, 7, 148. Copyright 1998 by American
Mathematical Society. Reprinted with permission.



Victor Katz, mathematics historian, claims that the following statement made by

Heytesbury in 1335 provides “in nascent form at least,” the notion of velocity as a

function of time, i.e., velocity changing with time (Katz, 1998, p. 319):

Any motion whatever is uniformly accelerated if, in each of any equal parts of the

time whatsoever, it acquires an equal increment of velocity . . . But a motion is

nonuniformly accelerated . . . when it acquires . . . a greater increment of velocity

in one part of time than in another equal part . . . And since any degree of velocity

whatsoever differs by a finite amount from zero velocity . . ., therefore any mobile

body may be uniformly accelerated from rest to any assigned degree of velocity.

(Heytesbury, in Katz, 1998, p. 319)

Activity 1 (Please do all your work neatly on separate sheets of paper.)

1. Make a detailed sketch for each of the two situations above, i.e., uniform and non-

uniform acceleration. Let time be the independent variable, i.e., that on the horizontal

axis, and velocity be the dependent variable. Be sure to label important aspects of

your graph, explaining each part.

2. Make a detailed sketch explaining the notion of instantaneous velocity as discussed

by Heytsbury in the following reading. Again use time as the independent variable,

but this time use distance traveled on the vertical axis as the dependent variable.

Which modern day calculus concept is he describing?


In non-uniform motion . . . the velocity at any given instant will be measured by

the path which would be described by the . . . point if, in a period of time, it were

moved uniformly at the same degree of velocity with which it is moved in that

given instant, whatever [instant] be assigned. (in Katz, 1998, p. 318)

Historian A. P. Youschkevitch (1976) claims, “The notion of function first

occurred in a . . . general form the schools of natural philosophy at Oxford and Paris . . .”

(p. 45). The notion that velocity was measurable, in particular instantaneous velocity,

appeared in the beginning of the 14th century (Katz, 1998). The ancient Greeks never

considered velocity or acceleration as independent, measurable quantities. As

mathematicians attempted to quantify Aristotle’s ideas on motion, they began to explore

the idea of representing velocity, as well as other varying quantities, by line segments.

Notions of time, distance, and length of line segments were still considered to be

continuous magnitudes, not discrete numbers. Thus, representing the abstract notion of

velocity, which was clearly continuous, as a line segment seemed reasonable. Velocities

of varying magnitudes would be represented by line segments of different lengths.

Nicole Oresme (1320-1382), a French cleric and mathematician associated with

the University of Paris, carried this idea to its logical conclusion by introducing a two-

dimensional representation of velocity changing with respect to time. His base line, or

horizontal axis, represented instants in time and the vertical or perpendicular represented

velocity or degree of intensity of some other characteristic.


The first reading below is from Oresme, N. (c.1350) in Clagett (1968). In it

Oresme explains why he thinks that line segments are appropriate representations for

measures of intensity of a characteristic or quality.

Activity 2

Again, intensity is that according to which something is said to be “more such and

such,” as “more white” or “more swift.” Since intensity, or rather the intensity of

a point, is infinitely divisible in the manner of a continuum in only one way,

therefore there is no more fitting way for it to be imagined than by that species of

a continuum which is initially divisible and only in one way, namely by a line.

And since the quantity or ratio of lines is better known and is more readily

conceived by us—nay the line is in the first species of continua, therefore such

intensity ought to be imagined by lines and most fittingly by those lines which are

erected perpendicular to the subject. The consideration of these lines naturally

helps and leads to the knowledge of any intensity . . . Therefore, equal intensities

are designated by equal lines, a double intensity by a double line, and always in

the same way if one proceeds proportionally.

3. In your own words, explain why Oresme thought the lines are appropriate

representations for measures of intensity of a subject.

From these straight lines, Oresme constructed what he called configurations

(Katz, 1998), a geometrical figure consisting of all perpendicular lines drawn over the

base line. If the dependent variable was velocity, the base line represented time and the

perpendiculars represented the velocities at each instant. In our modern rectangular


coordinate system, our ordinates (y-coordinates) would be the endpoints of Oresme’s

perpendicular line segments. A configuration might look something like this:


Figure C1. A possible configuration of Oresme

4. Suppose we had two variables: the number of years a couple is married and the level

of marital satisfaction. In the table below is data collected from 10 couples (Hinkle et

al., 1998, p. 128).

Years of 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 14

Level of 55 52 48 45 43 30 27 30 33 36

=Suppose further that you were tutoring a middle school student in the creation of graphs.

How might you use Oresme’s ideas of lines representing intensity to explain to this

student how to graph this data? Create two graphs:

i. one showing how Oresme would represent this data.

ii. a modern-day scatterplot of this data.


5. Create three other scenarios that you might use with middle school students in an

exercise like #4 above. Repeat exercise #4 for one of these scenarios.

In the reading below, Oresme uses the term “difform” to mean rate of change, i.e.,

if velocity was “uniformly difform,” the velocity was changing at a constant rate.

Activity 3

Reading from Oresme (1350):

And so every uniform quality is imagined by a rectangle and every quality

uniformly difform terminated at no degree is imaginable by a right triangle.

Further, every quality uniformly difform terminated in both extremes at some

degree is to be imagined by a quadrangle having right angles on its base and the

other two angles unequal. Now every other linear quality is said to be “difformly

difform” and is imaginable by means of figures otherwise disposed according to

manifold variation. (p. 193)

6. Make a sketch of a configuration for each of the following:

(a) Uniform quality

(b) Uniformly difform quality (two possibilities – one whose initial value of the

output is 0, and one whose initial (and final values are greater than 0)

(c) Difformly difform quality


7. Given the same two variables as in Activity 4 (i.e., the marital satisfaction vs. number

of years of marriage). Make a new table of data for each of the configurations you

sketched in problem #6 above.

8. Suppose again that you were tutoring a middle school student in math. Create another

real-world scenario for each configuration and explain how you would clarify the

difference between each type of rate of change.

In the reading below, Oresme discusses in an indirect way our notion of slope.

Activity 4

Reading from Oresme in Clagett, p. 193:

A uniform quality is one which is equally intense in all parts of the subject. while

a quality uniformly difform is one in which if any three points [of the subject line]

are taken, the ratio of the distance between the first and the second to the distance

between the second and the third is as the ratio of the excess in intensity of the

first point over that of the second point to the excess of that of the second point

over that of the third point, calling the first of those three points the one of

greatest intensity.

9. (a) How is Oresme’s description of a constant rate of change different than our

modern-day version of slope? You might find it helpful to refer to the sketch in

(b) below.

(b) Using the sketch below, verify Oresme’s claim stated in the reading, i.e., Given

Δ ABC. Let AC, DG, and FE be perpendicular to AB. Let HE be drawn parallel to

line DF and also KG parallel to AD. You need to verify that “the ratio of the

distance between the first and the second [AD] to the distance between the second

and the third [DF] is as the ratio of the excess in intensity of the first point over

that of the second point [CK] to the excess of that of the second point over that of

the third point [GH].” (p. 193)





Figure C2. Oresme’s triangle

Note. From Nicole Oresme and the Geometry of Qualities and Motions (p. 193),
by M. Clagett (1968). Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. Copyright 1968 by
the Regents of the University of Wisconsin. Reprinted with permission.

10. If the graph above represented the marital satisfaction data, how would you interpret
the ratio GH/HE?

Activity 5

Suppose you wanted to determine your average speed on a bicycle if you were

accelerating uniformly over an (very brief) interval of time. Using Oresme’s graphing

technique would result in a graph like the following:


20 M/SEC

Va d

a b

Figure C3. The mean speed rule

Note. From “The Concept of Variation and Misconception in Cartesian Graphing”
by J. Clement (1989). Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, 11(2), 84. Copyright
1989 by Center for Teaching/Learning of Mathematics. Reprinted with permission.

11. a) What do the vertical lines represent?

b) What do the areas between the vertical lines represent?

c) What does the horizontal dotted line represent?

12. a) What would be the distance traveled over the entire interval? Explain.

b) How does this distance compare to that traveled over the same amount of time at

the uniform velocity represented by the horizontal line interesting the curve at t =


13. Make a conjecture for the general case (i.e., time interval of b seconds, max speed of

y meters per second) concerning the total distance traveled after uniform acceleration

vs. distance traveled at uniform velocity, in particular, at the velocity at the midpoint

of the time interval. Prove your conjecture using a sketch similar to that above.

14. a) Show that under your assumption above, if you divide the time interval into four

equal subintervals, the distances covered in each interval will be in the ratio


b) Generalize this statement of a division of the time interval into n equal

subintervals. (Katz, 1998, p. 323)

Summary and Reflection

Please type up a page (or so), answering the following questions:

1. Do you think Oresme’s approach is more or less intuitive than our modern-day

technique of graphing? Consider how a very young student might represent such

data if given absolutely no prompts.

2. a) Has Oresme’s approach enriched your understanding of graphs in any way?


b) Have the above exercises enriched your understanding of the nature of graphs in

any way? Explain.

3. Think about the graphs that were on the initial questionnaire you wrote. They are

repeated below. Would you change any of your original answers now? Explain.

(The sketches are reproduced below for your convenience. You need only

comment on the ones for which your answers would be different from your

original ones.)





Background Information

The following to two readings by noted historians Israel Kleiner (1989) and A. P.

Youschkevitch (1976) provide us with interesting background information.

From Kleiner: p. 283:

The 17th century witnessed the emergence of modern mathematized science and

the invention of analytic geometry. Both of these developments suggested a dynamic,

continuous view of the functional relationship as against the static, discrete view held by

the ancients. In the blending of algebra and geometry, the key elements were the

introduction of variables and the expression of the relationship between variables by

means of equations. The latter provided a large number of examples of curves (potential

functions) for study and set the final stage for the introduction of the function concept.

What was lacking was the identification of the independent and dependent variables in an

equation. Read carefully the following development according to noted historian, A.P.


Note. From “The concept of function up to the middle of the 19th century” by

A.P. Youschkevitch. In C. Truesdell (Ed.), Archive for history of exact sciences, 16(1),

37-85. New York: Springer-Verlag. pp. 50-52. Reprinted with kind permission from

Springer Science and Business Media.


A new interpretation of functionality came to the fore in the 17th century decisive

significance for the further development of the doctrine of functions was played,

on the one hand, by the impetuous growth of computational mathematics and, on

the other, by the creation of literal, symbolic algebra along with the corresponding

extension of the concept of number, so as, by the end of the 16th century, to

embrace not only the whole field of real numbers but also imaginary and complex

numbers. These were, so to say, preliminaries in mathematics itself to the

introduction to the concept of function as a relation between sets of numbers

rather than “quantities” and for analytical representation of functions by formulae.

. . . What should be especially emphasized, though, is the introduction of

numerous signs for mathematical operations and relations (in the first place, those

of addition, subtraction, of powers and of equality) and, above all, of signs for

unknown quantities and parameters, which Viète in 1591 denoted by vowels A, E,

I, . . . and consonants B,G,D, . . . of the Latin alphabet, respectively. The

importance of this notation, which, for the first time ever, made it possible to put

on paper in symbolic form algebraic equations and expressions containing

unknown quantities and arbitrary coefficients (a word also originating with Viète)

could hardly be overestimated. However, the creator of the new algebra did not

use his remarkable discovery to further the concept of function; “functional

thought” was not characteristic in his mind.

Viète’s symbolism suffered from serious shortcomings and soon was amended by

number of scholars, then extended beyond the realms of algebra and use in the

infinitesimal calculus. Descartes, Newton, Leibniz (who attached utmost

importance to the appropriate selection of signs), Euler and other scholars of the

highest caliber participated in this process of perfecting mathematical symbolism

and this process continues in our time in all branches of mathematics.

On the other hand, in the exact sciences of former times, especially from the

beginning of the 17th century, the new conception of quantitative laws of nature as

establishing functional relations between numerical values of physical quantities

had been gathering strength in ever-increasing measure and becoming more and

more distinctive. In this process the creation of a broader and broader field of

physical metrology with the introduction of quantitative measures of experiments

and observations, brought about the invention of various scientific instruments.

Among the sciences, mechanics, overtaking astronomy came to the fore and, with

it, its new branch, dynamics, soon to be joined by celestial mechanics. To study

the relation between curvilinear motion and the forces affecting motion had

become the chief problem of science. This problem gave rise to a series of

problems in infinitesimal analysis, the solution of which had to be carried through

to numerical answers.

As a consequence of all this, a new method of introducing functions was brought

into being, to become for a long time the principal method in mathematics and

especially, in its applications. As before, functions not infrequently were

introduced verbally; by a graph; kinematically; and, as before, tables of functions

continued to be used most extensively. However, in theoretical research, the


analytical method of introducing functions by means of formulae and equations

came to the foreground.

We are able to tell almost exactly when this reversal of ideas took place. Even by

the turn of the 16th century functions were being introduced only by means of old

methods. . . .

But then, only 15 to 20 years after this, independently of each other, both Fermat

and Descartes in applying the new algebra to geometry presented the analytical

method of introducing functions, thus opening a new era in mathematics.

What follows are samples of the work, first of Fermat, then Descartes, to give you a feel

for these developments.


Worksheet Activities

Please do all work neatly on your own paper.

FERMAT in Introduction to plane and solid loci: (written before 1637)

“As soon as two unknown quantities appear in a final equation, there is a locus,

and the end point of one of the two quantities describes a straight or curved line.”

(Youschkevitch, 1976, p. 52)

In the following brief reading, assume B and D are known, but arbitrary

quantities. Consider the constant ratio as the point Z moves to the right along the line


Let NZM be a straight line given in position, with the point N fixed. Let NZ be
equal to the unknown quantity A, and ZI, the lines drawn to form the angle NZI,
the other unknown quantity E. If D times A equals B times E, the point I will
describe a straight line given in position. (Katz, 1998, p. 435)
He assumes also that ∠INZ is fixed.


Figure D1. Fermat’s analysis of the equation D times A equals B times E

Note. From A History of Mathematics, An Introduction. (p. 435), by V. Katz
(1998). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Copyright 1998 by Addison
Wesley Longman, Inc. Reprinted with permission.

1. If Fermat used Viète’s convention of vowels representing unknowns and consonants

representing known quantities, translate the last statement above using modern


Note that Fermat uses a single axis, a constant ratio , and an equation, which he

wants to show represents a straight line. He generates his curve by the motion of the

“endpoint I of the variable line segment ZI as Z moves along the given axis” (Katz, 1998,

p. 435). His method is unlike the modern method of plotting points with respect to two


2. Explain why that for any such points Z and W along the segment NM and the

corresponding points I and T on NI, ΔNIZ ~ ΔNTW .

3. Create a straight line using Fermat’s method with D =3 and B =2. Show at least 3

different positions of Z.


Fermat also wanted to show that, in modern notation: x 2 = Dy determines a

parabola. “If Aq = DE, point I lies on a parabola” (Katz, 1998, p. 435). He began with the

two line segments NZ and ZI as he did in the linear case, but this time let NZ ⊥ ZI . He

draws NP parallel to ZI and then claims that the parabola with vertex at N, axis NP, and

latus rectum (segment through the focus with endpoints on the parabola) D is the

parabola determined by the given equation.




Figure D2. Fermat’s analysis of the equation Aq equals D times E

Note. From A History of Mathematics, An Introduction. (p. 435), by V. Kat
(1998). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Copyright 1998 by Addison
Wesley Longman, Inc. Reprinted with permission.

3. Let D = 4 and pick a point on the parabola, say (2,1). Show a geometric interpretation

to the equation, i.e., show that the area on left hand side of the equation, i.e., the

square, is equal to the area on the right hand side, i.e., the rectangle. Sketch in the

actual square and rectangle, with the length of each lying on NZ. Repeat for another

set of points.

4. Fermat analyzed the two-point case of a theorem from Apollonius: If from any

number of given points, straight lines are drawn to a point, and if the sum of the

squares of the lines is equal to a given area, the point lies on a circumference [circle]

given in position (Katz, 1998, p. 432).

In other words, given two points, A and B. Draw straight lines from these to a point,

P. If the sum AP 2 + BP 2 is equal to a given area, then all the points P that satisfy

this condition lie on a circle.

Fermat bisects the segment AB, calling the midpoint E. He finds the point I such that

( )
2 AE 2 + IE 2 = a given area, M. With IE as radius and E as center, he describes a circle.

He then shows that any point P on this circle satisfies the condition, i.e., AP 2 + BP 2 =
His analysis is below (Katz, 1998, p. 432). PROVIDE REASONS FOR EACH OF HIS
(Note that AZ ⊥ PZ and BV ⊥ PZ by construction).


(a) AP 2 + BP 2 = PZ 2 + AZ 2 + PV 2 + BV 2

= (PE + EZ )2 + AE 2 − EZ 2 + (PE − EV ) + BE 2 − EV 2

(c) = PE 2 + 2 PE ⋅ EZ + EZ 2 + AE 2 − EZ 2 + PE 2 − 2 PE ⋅ EV + EV 2 + BE 2 − EV 2

(d) = 2 PE 2 + 2 AE 2

(e) = 2( AE 2 + IE 2 )

Figure D2. Fermat’s analysis of a special case of a theorem of Apollonius

Note. From A History of Mathematics, An Introduction. (p. 434), by V. Katz
(1998). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Copyright 1998 by Addison
Wesley Longman, Inc. Reprinted with permission.

The significant aspects of the above proof are that the circle is determined by the sums of

squares of two changing quantities, AP and BP, and that the point I is determined in terms

of its distance from the “origin” E (Katz, 1998).

5. Using the above analysis, determine the equation of the circle that solves the problem.
(Hint: Let the coordinates A and B in the figure be (-a,0) and (a,0), respectively and

let the coordinates of P be (xo,yo). Begin with the equation AP 2 + BP 2 = M )

(problem from Katz, 1998, p. 462).
P (xo,yo)


Figure D3. Fermat’s analysis of a special case of a theorem of Apollonius

Note. From A History of Mathematics, An Introduction. (p. 435), by V. Katz
(1998). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Copyright 1998 by Addison
Wesley Longman, Inc. Reprinted with permission.

6. Comment about the following statement, as related to the work of Fermat.

Variables are not functions. The concept of function implies that a unidirectional

relation between an ‘independent’ and ‘dependent’ variable. But in the case of

variables as they occur in mathematical or physical problems, there need not be

such a division of roles. And as long as no special independent role is given to


one of the variables involved, the variables are not functions but simply variables.

(Bos, in Kleiner, 1989, p. 283)

Summary and Reflection

Write a brief (one page) summary:

1. Reflect on your understanding of the concept of function and the ideas

presented in this worksheet. Comment on any connection you may find.

2. Did this worksheet led to new insights concerning the concept of function?



Note. From “Functions,” by D. Anderson, R. Berg, A. Sebrell, & D. Smith, 2005. In

Historical modules for the teaching and learning of mathematics (compact disc) edited

by V. J. Katz and K. D. Michalowicz (pp. 90, 91, 94, 97). Washington, DC: The

Mathematical Association of America. Copyright 2005 by the Mathematical Association

of America. Reprinted with permission.





Gottfried Leibniz was first to use the term “function” in 1694 to describe six
specific line segments associated with a variable point on a given plane curve (Usiskin,
Peressini, Marchhisotto, & Stanley, 2003). Though he was not responsible for modern
function notation, “it is to him that the word ‘function’ in much the same sense as it is
used today, is due” (Boyer, 1968, p. 444).

The Leibniz segments (Usiskin, Peressini, Marchhisotto, & Stanley, 2003, p. 130)

Given a curve C in a coordinate plane and a point P on C, let T be the point of

intersection of the tangent line to C at P with the horizontal axis, let N be the point of
intersection of the normal line to C at P with the horizontal axis, and let Q be the foot of
the perpendicular from the horizontal axis through P. See figure below.


Figure F1. Leibniz’s six functions of a point.

Note. From Mathematics for High School Teachers, An Advanced Perspective.
(p. 130) by Usiskin et al., 2003. Reprinted with permission of Pearson Education, Inc.,
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.


Leibniz introduced the following six “functions” of the point P on C.

i. The abscissa at P is the line segment OQ .

ii. The ordinate of P is the line segment PQ .

iii. The tangent at P is the line segment PT .

iv. The normal at P is the line segment PN

v. The subtangent at P is the line segment TQ .

vi. The subnormal at P is the line segment NQ .

1. (a) Leibniz was interested in the notion that the slope of PT is equal to three

different ratios of these six functions. Identify these ratios.

(b) Prove that the length PQ of the ordinate at P is the geometric mean of the length

QT of the subtangent and the length QN of the subnormal at P.

2. Find the lengths of all six of the line segments defined above for the point P = (3,6)

on the parabola defined by the equation

2y = x2 + 3.

3. Recall that a parabola is the set of points equidistant from a given point (its focus) and

a given line (its directrix). For the parabola described by y2 = 2px, explain why the

⎛p ⎞ p
focus is at ⎜ ,0 ⎟ and the directrix is the line x = − . For a given point P = (x1, y1)
⎝2 ⎠ 2

on this parabola, find the x-coordinates of the points T, Q, and N in terms of y1.

4. Do you think there is any connection between Leibniz’s use of the term “function”

and our modern usage?


Summary and Reflection

Write a brief (one page) summary:

1. Reflect on your understanding of the concept of function and the ideas

presented in this worksheet. Comment on any connection you may find.

2. Did this worksheet led to new insights concerning the concept of function?



Note. From “Functions,” by D. Anderson, R. Berg, A. Sebrell, & D. Smith, 2005. In

Historical modules for the teaching and learning of mathematics (compact disc) edited

by V.J. Katz and K. D. Michalowicz (pp. 72-73, 76). Washington, DC: The Mathematical

Association of America. Copyright 2005 by the Mathematical Association of America.

Reprinted with permission.





Note. From “Functions,” by D. Anderson, R. Berg, A. Sebrell, and D. Smith, 2005. In

Historical modules for the teaching and learning of mathematics (compact disc) edited

by V.J. Katz and K. D. Michalowicz (pp. 81-83). Washington, DC: The Mathematical

Association of America. Copyright 2005 by the Mathematical Association of America.

Reprinted with permission.




Note. From “Functions,” by D. Anderson, R. Berg, A. Sebrell, & D. Smith, 2005. In

Historical modules for the teaching and learning of mathematics (compact disc) edited

by V.J. Katz and K. D. Michalowicz (pp. 59-62). Washington, DC: The Mathematical

Association of America. Copyright 2005 by the Mathematical Association of America.

Reprinted with permission.




Note. From “Functions,” by D. Anderson, R. Berg, A. Sebrell, & D. Smith, 2005. In

Historical modules for the teaching and learning of mathematics (compact disc) edited

by V.J. Katz and K. D. Michalowicz (pp. 99, 103, 104). Washington, DC: The

Mathematical Association of America. Copyright 2005 by the Mathematical Association

of America. Reprinted with permission.

“The Arithmetization of Analysis” reading from A History of Mathematics (pp. 598-599)

by C. Boyer, 1968, New York: John Wiley & Sons. Copyright 1968 by John Wiley &

Sons, Inc. Reprinted with permission.



Worksheet #9: Definitions of Functions

Euler (1748): A function of a variable quantity is an analytic expression composed in any

way whatsoever of the variable quantity and numbers or constant quantities. Hence every

analytic expression, in which all component quantities except the variable x are

constants, will be a function of that x; thus a + 3 x; ax − 3 x 2 ; ax + b a 2 − x 2 ; c x ; etc. are

functions of x. (Katz & Michalowicz, 2005)

Euler (1755): If however, some quantities depend on others in such a way that if the

latter are changed the former undergoes changes themselves then the former quantities

are called functions of the latter quantities. This is a very comprehensive notion and

comprises in itself all the modes through which one quantity can be determined by others.

If, therefore, x denotes a variable quantity then all the quantities which depend on x in

any manner whatsoever or are determined by it are called functions. (Rüthing, 1984, pp.


1. Compare Euler’s second definition with his first. Recall that you worked with the first

definition in an earlier set of worksheets. What idea expressed in the first definition is

absent in the second definition?

2. Recall the “function situations” in the function questionnaire you took before you

started this project. Several are listed below. Which of the following would be

functions as defined originally by Euler (1748). (We’ll call this definition “early

Euler”). Which of the following might be functions as defined above by Euler (late

Euler). Briefly explain your reasoning.


(a) {(x, 3x + 2): x in the set of all integers}

(b) The club member’s dues status.
Name Owed
John $15
Julie 10
Jen 0
Dave 7.50
Brittany 10
Alex 5
Mary Ann 25
Sam 20
Sally 17

Figure K1. Table showing club members and dues owed

x = t3 + t ⎫⎪
c) ⎬ t , a real number
y = 1 − 3t + 2t 4 ⎪⎭

d) {3n + n 2 : n in [1...100]}

e) A swimmer starts from shore and swims to the other side of Walden Pond

f) {2n > n2 + 3n: n in [1 ..100]}

3. Conjecture about what might have prompted Euler to change his definition.

4. Please read the article “What prompted Euler to change his definition of function?”

Reflect on your own understanding of function. Did you gain any insight concerning

the concept after reading the article?


J. L. Lagrange (1797). One calls function of one or several quantities any expression for

calculation in which these quantities enter in any many whatsoever, mingled or not with

some other quantities which are regarded as being given and invariable values, whereas

the quantities of the function can take all possible values.


We denote, in general, by the letter f or F place before a variable any function of this

variable, that is to say any quantity depending on this variable and which varies with it

together according to a given law. (Rüthing, 1984, p. 73)

5. How does this definition of Lagrange compare with each of those given by Euler? To

which is it more familiar, early Euler or late Euler?


J.B.J. Fourier (1822). In general, the function f(x) represents a succession of values or

ordinates each of which is arbitrary. An infinity of values being given to the abscissa x,

there are an equal number of ordinates f(x). All have actual numerical values, either

positive or negative or null. We do not suppose these ordinates to be subject to a common

law; they succeed each other in any manner whatever, and each of them is given as it

were a single quantity. (Rüthing, 1984, p. 73)

6. Compare and contrast this definition with that of early Euler.

7. Repeat exercise 2 above using Fourier’s definition.

8. Read the few paragraphs entitled Fourier Series and summarize the main effect of

Fourier’s work on the development of the function concept.


G. L. Dirichlet (1837). Let us suppose that a and b are two definite values and x is a

variable quantity which is to assume, gradually, all values located between a and b. Now,

if to each x there corresponds a unique, finite y in such a way that, as x continuously

passes through the interval from a to b, y = f(x) varies likewise gradually, then y is called

a continuous . . . function of x for this interval. It is, moreover, not at all necessary, that y

depend on x in this whole interval according to the same law; indeed, it is not necessary

to think of only relations that can be expressed by mathematical operations. (Rüthing,

1984, p. 74)

9. Create three functions that would agree with Dirichlet’s characterization of functions,

but not that of early Euler.

10. Please read the excerpt entitled Cauchy and Dirichlet.

11. Read the excerpt entitled Riemann and Weierstrass and explain in your own words

the difference between classical analysis and the theory of functions.


H. Hankel (1870). . . . Moreover it does not matter at all from where and how f(x) is

determined, whether by an analytical operation of quantities r in other ways. The value of

f(x) must only be uniquely determined everywhere. (Rüthing, 1984, p. 75)

G. Peano (1911). . . . the function is a special relation, by which to each value of the

variable there corresponds a unique value. (Rüthing, 1984, p. 76-77)


E. Goursat (1923). The modern definition of the word function is due to Cauchy and

Riemann. One says that y is a function of x if a value of x corresponds to a value of y.

One indicates this dependency by the equation y = f(x). The majority of functions which

we shall examine are defined analytically, that is to say by the indication of the

operations which one would have to carry out in order to deduced the value of y from x,

but very frequently, this does not enter the argument. (Rüthing, 1984, p. 77)

N. Bourbaki (1939). Let E and F be two sets, which may or may not be distinct. A

relation between a variable element x of E and a variable element y of F is called a

functional relation if, for all x ∈ E , there exists unique y ∈ F , which is in the given

relation with x. (Rüthing, 1984, p. 77)

13. Please redo exercise #2 one more time, now using the above modern definitions.

They are all similar to each other, so chose the one that makes the most sense to you.

14. Write a brief (one page) summary:

a. Reflect on your understanding of the concept of function and the ideas

presented in this worksheet. Comment on any connection you may find.

b. Did this worksheet led to new insights concerning the concept of function?

c. Comment on the closing words of Richard Courant expressed in the excerpt

below entitled Summary and Conclusion.


Summary and Conclusion

Kleiner (1989) summarizes the development of the function concept succinctly.

He claims that implicit manifestations of the function concept date as far back as 2000

B.C., though its explicit form did not emerge until the beginning of the 18th century. He

views the evolution of the function concept as “a tug of war between two elements, two

mental images: the geometric (expressed in the form of a curve) and the algebraic

(expressed as a formula – first finite and later allowing infinitely many terms . . .)” (p.

282). Later, the “logical” definition of function appears and the geometric conception is

gradually abandoned.

Siu asks a pertinent question at the conclusion of his paper (Siu, 1995, p. 188):

“What implications in teaching can we learn from this tug-of-war . . .?” He concludes

with thoughtful insight with the words of Richard Courant (p. 118):

The presentation of analysis as a closed system of truths without reference to their

origin and purpose has, it is true, an aesthetic charm and satisfies a deep

philosophical need. But the attitude of those who consider analysis solely as an

abstractly logical, introverted science is not only highly unsuitable for beginners

but endangers the future of the subject.



What prompted Euler to change his definition of function?

Leonhard Euler, in his book Introduction in Analysis Infinitorum written in1748,

claimed that Analysis is the science of variables and their functions. His entire approach

was algebraic, not geometric; not a single drawing appears (Kleiner, 1989, p. 184). His

definition of function was almost identical to Bernoulli’s. He used the term “analytic

expression” and though he does not define it, he states the admissible ones: the four

algebraic operations, roots, exponentials, logarithms, trig functions, derivatives, and

integrals. He classifies functions as being either algebraic or transcendental and claims

that any function can be expanded in a power series. His work exhibited one of the

earliest treatment of trig functions as numeric ratios and was the earliest interpretation of

logarithms as exponents (Kleiner, 1989, p. 184). Interestingly, Euler’s definition of a

continuous function was one that had the same analytic expression over the entire

domain. Historian Hawkins (1975) sums up Euler’s contributions to the development of

the function concept: “Although the notion of function did not originate with Euler, it

was he who first gave it prominence by treating the calculus as a formal theory of

functions” (p. 3).

The Vibrating String Problem. The next major influence on the development of

the function concept was the controversy over the solution to the vibrating string

problem. Given an elastic string with fixed ends, which is pulled into some initial shape

then released to vibrate. The problem is to determine the function that describes the shape

of a string at time t. The controversy centered on the meaning of “function” and the type

of functions which could be allowed in analysis from the standpoint of a mathematician

(d’Alembert), a physicist (Bernoulli), and a mathematical physicist (Euler). In 1747,

d’Alembert solved the problem by showing that the motion of the string is governed by

the so-called “wave” partial differential equation

∂ 2y ∂2 y
=a 2 (a is constant, y(0,t) = y(L,t) = 0).
∂t 2 ∂x 2

In this representation y, the dependent variable, represents the displacement from

equilibrium, x represents the distance from the origin and t indicates time. The most

“general solution” is y(x,t) = f(x + t) + f(x – t), where f is an arbitrary function. The only

restrictions on it were that it be periodic, odd, and everywhere (twice) differentiable.

D’Alembert thought that the function describing the initial form of the string must be a

single analytic expression, i.e., given by the same formula over the entire length of the


In 1748 Euler solved the same problem and showed that his solution gives the

shape of the string for different values of t even when the initial shape is NOT given by a

single formula. Euler argued that the initial shape can be given by different analytic

expressions in different subintervals, or even drawn free-hand. Different pieces of the

string might be described by circular arcs of varying radii, for example. The belief at the

time, however, was that if two analytic expressions agreed on an interval, they agreed

everywhere. In other words, if a single analytic expression determined the shape of the

entire curve, looking at a single interval, no matter how small, would be sufficient to

determine behavior on the entire string. If the initial shape of the string were given by

several analytic expressions or drawn free-hand, it could not possibly be given by a single

expression. Thus d’Alembert’s solution could not account for all possibilities.

Bernoulli entered the debate, which lasted for several more years. The major

outcome of this debate was to extend the function concept to include:

• functions defined piecewise by analytic expressions in different intervals

• functions drawn freehand and possible not given by any combination of

analytic expressions. (Kleiner, 1989, p. 288)

Another eventual result of this debate was the change in Euler’s definition of

function. Recall that his 1748 definition used the term “analytic expression” but the later

one (1755) did not.

Fourier series

Fourier studied heat conduction and his work, in addition to winning him a prize

from the Institut de France in 1812, was “revolutionary in the evolution of the function

concept” (Kleiner, 1989, p. 289). He claimed that any function f(x) defined over an

interval is representable over this interval by a series of sines and cosines. Both Lagrange

and Euler, among others, had previously recognized Fourier’s results as true for certain

functions. Fourier’s claim that it was true for all functions was revolutionary. His

definition (1822) of function is as follows:

In general, the function f(x) represents a succession of values or ordinates each of

which is arbitrary. An infinity of values being given to the abscissa x, there is an

equal number of ordinates f(x). All have actual numerical values, either positive or

negative or null. We do not suppose these ordinates to be subject to a common


law; they succeed each other in any manner whatever, and each of them is given

as if it were a single quantity. (Katz, 1998, p. 724)

The influence of Fourier’s work is as follows:

• It disproved the belief that if two analytic expressions agreed on an interval,

they agreed everywhere. He calculated the Fourier coefficients for small

values of n for a great variety of functions and noted the close agreement in an

interval, but not outside the interval, between the initial segments of the

Fourier series and the function values of the given function. (Kleiner, 1989, p.


• There was a renewed emphasis on analytic expressions (Siu, 1995, p. 112).

• The recognition that an “arbitrary” function is representable by an analytical

expression (Siu).

• Reexamination of the function concept as a whole (Siu).

Both Siu and Kleiner claim that Fourier’s work in heat conduction set the analytic

expression of a function on (at least) equal footing with its geometric representation. Siu

compares the vibrating string problem with the heat conduction problem:

The shape of the string (geometry) is visible, while temperature distribution

(algebra) is not. This may explain the freeing from geometric perception of a

function and the emergence of a general notion of function in the nineteenth

century. (Siu, 1995, p. 111)

He also gives profound insight into the problem of accepting a new concept, both

historically and in students:


Why was the “Eulerian” concept of function maintained so long after the

realization that is was inadequate? What lesson do we learn from this experience?

(If only a particular form is used, students unconsciously accept that particular

form as the definition. We witness the same psychological effect in

mathematicians of the seventeenth/eighteenth centuries. A new concept receives

recognition only when it is relevant to current usage. This is as true in research as

it is in teaching). (p. 113)

Cauchy and Dirichlet

Cauchy was one of the first mathematicians to usher in a “spirit of rigor” in

mathematical analysis and defined the concepts of continuity, differentiability, and

integrability of a function in terms of limits (Kleiner, 1989, p. 291). His definition of

function in 1821 was not that different from his predecessors:

When the variable quantities are linked together in such a way that, when the

value of one of them is given, we can infer the values of all the others, we

ordinarily conceive that these various quantities are expressed by means of one of

them which then takes the name of independent variable; and the remaining

quantities, expressed by means of the independent variable, are those which one

calls functions of this variable. (p. 291)

Another main player of the time was Dirichlet. He questioned Fourier’s result and

in 1829, gave sufficient conditions for Fourier’s representability of functions, i.e., that the

function needs to have only finitely many discontinuities and finitely many maxima and

minima on the interval. Dirichlet was the first to take seriously the notion of function as

an arbitrary correspondence (Siu). He is known for the celebrated “Dirichlet function:

⎧c , x is rational
D(x) = ⎨
⎩d , x is irrational

This function was the first explicit example(s) of one not given by an analytic

expression, nor was it a curve drawn freehand. It was also the first example of a function

discontinuous everywhere. It also illustrated the concept of a function as an arbitrary

pairing (Kleiner, 1989, p. 292). Noteworthy in his definition was the explicit restriction

of the domain to an interval . . . also a first.

Riemann and Weierstrass

In 1854, Riemann dealt with the representations of functions in Fourier series.

The coefficients of a Fourier series are given by integrals. Cauchy had developed his

integral only for continuous functions, but Riemann extended this concept to

discontinuous functions. As a result, he enlarged the class of functions representable by

Fourier series. Both Riemann and Weierstrass delighted in studying irregularities and

discovering exceptions in analysis (Kleiner, 1989, p. 292). Weierstrass found an example

of a continuous, nowhere-differentiable function and thus began the “disengagement of

the continuous from the differentiable” in analysis (Kleiner, 1989, p. 293).

These “pathological” examples of functions characterized the change in emphasis

in analysis during the late 19th century:

The main difference between methods of studying functions within the framework

of mathematical analysis and the theory of functions is that classical analysis


deduces properties of any function starting from the properties of those analytical

expressions and formulae by which it is defined, while the theory of functions

determines the properties of function starting from that property which a priori

distinguishes the class of functions considered. (Luzin, as cited in Siu, 1995, pp.




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