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-Justo availed of the services of Galing against the dishonored checks issued by Koa
(Manila City Counselor). Paid professional fees -> Galing drafted a letter -> wait for
the period
-Complainant filed against Koa for BP22 and Ms. Toralba (daughter)
-Respondent appeared as counsel for Koa
-Filed for conflicting interest: violation in the Code of Prof. Responsibility
-Respondent: letter drafted was because of friendship and not client-relationship =
no professional fee = agreed that Justo would hire a different lawyer (Atty. Ano)
-Comares for 30 years and godmother. He was just paving the way for possible
reconciliation (starting with payment of 50k from Koa but failed to get the other
checks so complainant is getting back at him
-VIOLATION of Canon 15.03: a lawyer shall not represent conflicting interest except
with the consent of both involved after disclosure of facts
-Attorney-client relationship starts at legal advice
-Called her my client in the letter
-Take over of another lawyer does not give the former lawyer the right to represent
the other party
-HELD: Suspension for ONE year

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