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ENGLISH 10 OCTOBER 19 NOTES: intellectually and nerve-worn with

consciousness (17).
EVALUATING SOURCES: But Grimalldis commentary contends
Is it reliable/ Is it scholarly? Peer-reviewed/published that for Aristotle rhetoric, like
in a reputable journal or magazine, or by a reputable dialectic, had no limited and unique
publisher/Did you find it in a library database? On the subject matter upon which it must be
web? exercised. (period + ellipsis)
Is it relevant? How does the source relate to your o Use brackets for insertions or changes
purpose? What will it add to your work/ According to a recent newspaper
What are the authors credentials? What are the article, Plagirism [sic] is a problem
authors qualifications? among journal- ists and scholars as
What is its stance? Does it cover various points of view well as students (Berensen 62).
or advoicate one particular point of view? Does its title Guterson notes that among Native
suggest a certain slant? Americans in Florida, education was
Who is the publisher or sponsor? If its a book, what in the home; learning by doing was
kind of company published it; If an article, what kind reinforced by the myths and legends
of periodical did it appear in? If its online, is the site which repeated the basic value
maintained by an organization, an interest group, a system of their [the Seminoles] way
government agency, an individual? What is the of life (159).
publishers or sponsors motives: to present Paraphrase:
information even-handedly to promote a certain point o When sources are not worth quoting but
of view, belief, or position, to sell something? contain details that you need
What is the discourse level? Can you understand the o Restates all the relevant information
material? According to Guterson, the discovery
When was it published? theorists (172).
Is it available? o Unnaceptable paraphrase:
Does it include other useful information? Is there a Apparently, some conditions, which
bibliography that might lead you to other sources it have been illuminated by Bruner and
cites? other discovery theorists, pave the
way for people to learn. [OG: Burner
and the discovery theorists have also
NOTE TAKING: illuminated conditions that
apparently pave the way for
Byeond collecting data
Extracting data
Bruner and other researchers have
Organizing data
also identified circumstances that
seem to ease the path to learning.
o When the wording is worth repeating or
[Bruner and the discovery theorists
makes a point so well that no rewording will
have also illuminated conditions that
do it justice
apparently pave the way for leaning.]
o When you want to cite the exact words of a
known authority on your topic
o Longer passages whose main points are
o When an authoritys opinion challenge or
important but whose details are not
disagree with those of others
o Presents only the main ideas of a source,
o When the source is one you want to
leaving out the details.
o Duplicates source exactly
o Use italics for emphasis
Work on the subject of the thesis statement (set aside
In her 2001 expose of the struggles of
the position for the meantime)
the working class, Ehrenreich wries,
The wages Winn-Dixie is offering--$6 Focus on What is?
and a couplel of dimes to start with Be guided by questions from Writing as Inquiry
are not enough, I decide, to Just an explanation of what your subject is
compensate for this indignity (14;
emphasis added). Or (Ehrenreich GUIDE TO MLA 8:
14) Works cited are always double spaced
o Use ellipsis marks for ommissions --- (three dashes means its done by the samea autho
Hermione Roddice is described in author, under the original entry)
Lawrences Women in Love as a
woman of the new school full of

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