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Classroom Procedures*

General Procedures

A. Beginning of period-At the beginning of the period, students will be in their assigned seats
with their required materials for the period out on their desk. Students phones will be zipped
inside their backpacks unless board notes indicate they will be available for use that day.

1. Attendance check-I will take attendance based on assigned seats utilizing a seating

2. Previously absent students-Previously absent students will go to the absent folder for
the day of the week they were absent prior to taking their assigned seat and grab materials inside.
If they have questions, they can ask me after class, during lunch, email me, or make other
arrangements to meet with me before or after school.

3. Tardy students-Students who are tardy will quietly without causing a disruption enter
into class, hand in any required late slips (if required by school policy), sit in their assigned seat,
and get out their materials for class.

4. Expected student behavior-Students will maintain a respectful attitude while in class.

They will not socialize unless given permission.

5. Technology use-Students will not any electronics unless given permission to do so or

so stated in Beginning of Period as part of their required materials, i.e. School issued laptops or

6. Assignment turn in-Students will turn in homework at the start of class or place it in
the designated assignment basket or bin. Period work will be turned in as requested by me. I.e.
immediately after completion or during: Ending the Period.

7. Late work-Later work will be accepted at a penalty of 5% per day, up to a maximum

grade penalty of 50%. Work may be turned in up to 30 days after it is due.

B. Out-of-room policies-While representing the school when outside of the classroom (sports
games, extracurricular activities, field trips, etc.) students will respect their surroundings and
others in those surroundings.

1. Acknowledgement / Social Contract-Students will acknowledge in writing, verified

by a parent or guardian, at the beginning of the term/year that they understand what is expected
of them during any off-campus activity, i.e. Field trips.

C. Materials and equipment-Students will be informed at least one day in advance if there is a
change in required materials.
1. What to bring to class-Students will bring required materials (1 folder, 1 notebook, 1
pen, 2 pencils, any required reading materials or handouts, and school issued technology if
applicable) to class every class period.

a. Technology-Students will be informed at least one day in advance if

technology other than school issued resources will be utilized in the classroom.

2. Pencil sharpener-Students will be expected to have their pencils sharpened before the
class period starts. If they must sharpen their pencil during class, they will wait until direct
instruction is completed, if applicable. Students will raise their hand and get permission to exit
their seat to sharpen pencil(s).

3. Other room equipment-Students will respectfully use other classroom material after
asking me if they are allowed to do so.

4. Student contact with teachers desk, storage, and other materials-Students will
respectfully request and gain permission before taking any materials off my desk, in the storage
closet, and other classroom materials.

D. My Course Specific Academic Procedures / Tasks (Social Studies or History example)

1. Self-History Journal-Students will make an entry into their history journal each day
prior to the class ending. This requirement will be covered in detail at the beginning of the
term/year. This is a one minute task.

2. Board Notes- Students will check board notes for any special requirements and
annotate such on their course calendar.

E. Ending the period-Students will have one minute at the end of the class period to pack up
their things and put classroom materials away. Two minutes if class materials were in use and
must be returned.

1. Free Time- Students will work up until the end of the period unless all objectives for
the period have been met.

Seat-Work and Instruction Procedures

A. Student attention-Students will give their undivided attention to direct instruction and others
who are presenting.

1. Attending-Students will respect and pay attention to others when discussing topics in
class and while working in groups.

2. Visitors and Guests-Students will respect and attend to any guests or visitors.
B. Student participation-Students will equally participate in class discussion, group work, etc.

1. Alternatives to Participation- If students do not feel comfortable participating in the

traditional way (orally) students will need to discuss this with me so we can figure out alternative
means for them to participate.

C. Seat-work procedures-Students will participate respectfully when working on class

assignments in their seat.

1. Talk among students-Students can talk among each other when working in groups,
but only about their current assignment or task.

2. Obtaining help-If I am circulating about the classroom students may raise their hands,
and I will come to assist them. If I am at my desk observing or otherwise engaged, students may
quietly come to me for help.

a. Waiting for Help-If someone is at my desk already, other students will wait
until that student has retaken their seat before coming to me for help.

3. Out of seat-Students may only be out of their seat in order to retrieve items they need
(pencils, paper, markers, pencil sharpener, books, etc.) or to receive help.

a. Aimlessness-Students are not permitted to walk about the classroom for no

apparent reason.

4. Free Time- If all objectives for the period have been met students may work on any
material relative to my course or other courses, with permission.

Student Group Work

A. Use of materials and supplies-Students will ask others if they need to use or borrow their
supplies to complete group work. Otherwise, students will come prepared to class with their
contributing materials and supplies as noted in: What to bring to class.

B. Assignment of students to groups-Most of the time, students will be allowed to choose their
own groups.

1. Group Alternative 1-I will assign groups to ensure that everyone gets diverse
perspectives on different topics and not only their friends.

2. Group Alternative 2-Groups will be chosen using a random number system. This it so
they can learn to adjust to the unexpected and manage themselves in an environment not of their

C. Student participation and behavior-Students will equally participate in groups.

1. Group Roles-Students will set out roles in their groups in case some students are more
comfortable with certain aspects of the group work.

2. Group Respect- Students will maintain an open, respectful communication throughout

their group work assignments.


A. Signals-When I raise my hand students will respond by quieting themselves and also raising
their hands. Once all hands are raised and I have their attention, we will move on with class.

B. Behavior during interruptions-When another teacher or administrator comes into classroom

or if announcements come on, students will remain quiet until the interruption is over.

C. Special equipment-Students will respect special equipment and treat it with the utmost care.

1. Sign-out process- There will be a sign out sheet for each piece of special equipment
that comes into the classroom.

D. Fire and disaster drills-Students will abide by fire and disaster drills with the utmost care.

1. Drill behavior- Students will be on their best behavior especially if we are having a
lockdown drill. Students will stay off of their phones and remain attentive to their surroundings.

E. Split lunch period-Students will count their lunch as a break and be even more focused and
energized to come back to class and work on their assignments. Students may leave their
belongings in the classroom while they go to lunch if they choose to do so.

Other Lunch types-Students will not come to the classroom on their lunch breaks unless
prior arrangements have been made with me.

G. Parental Involvement-Encouraged. This will also occur if warranted due to repeated

negative behavior or low scores in coursework. Determined on a case by case basis.


A. Student exceptions-Any students who cannot perform assigned tasks dues to Individualized
Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan contracts.

1. Alternatives to procedures-Students with IEPs or 504 plan contracts requiring

modifications and/or adjustments that are affected by any aspect of these procedures will be
accommodated for.

The Teacher

A. Respect-I will treat my students with respect.

B. Patience and attention-I will listen attentively and patiently to my students.

C. Calm-I will never lash out in an emotional manner. Calm begets calm. No tirades.

D. Authority and Responsibility-I am in charge of my students and must not lose sight of this,
ever. My students are my responsibility to instruct and protect.

*Classroom procedures outline from Classroom Management for Middle and High School
Teachers (Emmer and Everton, 2013), adjusted for personal choices and style.
Works Cited

Emmer, E. T., & Evertson, C. M. (2013). Classroom Management for Middle and High School
Teachers. (10th Ed.). Pearson.

Author Unknown. (2017). TEL 311 Sample Management Plan: Signature Assignment
Classroom Management Plan

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