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Set 1: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of words, rearranges them following a particular rule in
each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input: say die 42 96 get 39 kit 67

Step I: 96 say die 42 get 39 kit 67

Step II: 96 die say 42 get 39 kit 67

Step III: 96 die 39 say 42 get kit 67

Step IV: 96 die 39 say 67 42 get kit

Step V: 96 die 39 say 67 get 42 kit

This is the final arrangement and step V is the last step for this input.

1. Which of the following steps will be the last but one for following input?

Input: 76 from 48 super itself 56 18 went

A) V B) III C) IV D) VII E) None of these

2. What is the third step if input is

Input: 12 thirty days from now 56 87 24

A) 87 days 12 thirty 24 from now 56 B) 87 days thirty 56 from now 12 24

C) 87 days 12 thirty 56 from now 24 D) 87 days 12 thirty from now 56 24

E) None of these

3. Which of the following is last step of above input?

A) V B) III C) VI D) IV E) None of these

4. Find the fifth step for which second step is given

Step II: 52 at deep follow 41 16 road 32

A) 52 at 16 road deep follow 41 32 B) 52 at 16 road 41 deep follow 32

C) 52 at 16 road deep 41 follow 32 D) 52 at 16 follow 41 deep road 32

E) None of these

5. Which of the following is the last but one step of above input?

A) 52 at 16 road 41 follow 32 deep B) 52 at 16 road deep follow 32 41

C) 52 at 16 road 41 deep follow 32 D) 52 at 16 road 41 deep 32 follow

E) None of these


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1. B) Explanation:

Input: 76 from 48 super itself 56 18 went

Step I: 76 from 18 48 super itself 56 went

Step II: 76 from 18 went 48 super itself 56

Step III: 76 from 18 went 56 48 super itself

Step IV: 76 from 18 went 56 itself 48 super

2. C) Explanation:

Input: 12 thirty days from now 56 87 24

Step I: 87 12 thirty days from now 56 24

Step II: 87 days 12 thirty from now 56 24

Step III: 87 days 12 thirty 56 from now 24

3. D) Explanation:

Step III: 87 days 12 thirty 56 from now 24

Step IV: 87 days 12 thirty 56 from 24 now

4. B) Explanation:

Step II: 52 at deep follow 41 16 road 32

Step III: 52 at 16 deep follow 41 road 32

Step IV: 52 at 16 road deep follow 41 32

Step V: 52 at 16 road 41 deep follow 32

5. C) Explanation:

Step V: 52 at 16 road 41 deep follow 32

Step VI : 52 at 16 road 41 deep 32 follow

Set 2: Study the given information and answer the following questions:

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of an input and rearrangement:

Input: 45 native charge 33 48 dark total freeze 62 88 98 gold office 21

Step I: 45 native charge 33 48 dark freeze 62 88 98 gold office total 21

Step II: 45 native charge 48 dark freeze 62 88 98 gold total 21 office 33

Step III: charge 48 dark freeze 62 88 98 gold total 21 office 33 native 45

Step IV: charge dark freeze 62 88 98 total 21 office 33 native 45 gold 48

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Step V: charge dark 88 98 total 21 office 33 native 45 gold 48 freeze 62

Step VI: charge 98 total 21 office 33 native 45 gold 48 freeze 62 dark 88

Step VII: total 21 office 33 native 45 gold 48 freeze 62 dark 88 charge 98

Step VII is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained. As per the rules
followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input: 35 quite head clear 50 65 98 slow giant 71 82 19 oliver music

. Whi h ele e t is fou th to the ight of gia t i Step V?

a) clear b) 19 c) quite d) 98 e) 35

2. How many steps will be required to complete the given input?

a) Five b) Six c) Seven d) Eight e) None of these

3. Which of the following is Step III of the given input?

a) quite 82 head 50 giant 35 clear 19 65 98 slow 71 oliver music

b) head clear 65 98 giant 71 82 music slow 19 quite 35 oliver 50

c) head clear 98 giant 71 82 slow 19 quite 35 oliver 50 music 65

d) head clear 98 65 giant 71 82 music slow 19 quite 35 oliver 50

e) None of these

4. Which of the following is the fourth element from the left end of Step VI?

a) clear b) music c) 71 d) oliver e) None of these

. What is the positio of usi f o the left e d i the fi al step?

a) Sixth b) Seventh c) Eighth d) Fifth e) Ninth


Words are arranged in reverse alphabetical order and the numbers are arranged in ascending order. One word
and one number is arranged in each step. The arrangement is done from right to left.

Input: 35 quite head clear 50 65 98 slow giant 71 82 19 oliver music

Step I. 35 quite head clear 50 65 98 giant 71 82 oliver music slow 19

Step II. head clear 50 65 98 giant 71 82 oliver music slow 19 quite 35

Step III. head clear 65 98 giant 71 82 music slow 19 quite 35 oliver 50

Step IV. head clear 98 giant 71 82 slow 19 quite 35 oliver 50 music 65

Step V. clear 98 giant 82 slow 19 quite 35 oliver 50 music 65 head 71

Step VI. clear 98 slow 19 quite 35 oliver 50 music 65 head 71 giant 82

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Step VII. slow 19 quite 35 oliver 50 music 65 head 71 giant 82 clear 98.

1. C) 2. C) 3. B) 4. E) 5. B)

Set 3: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of words/numbers, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input : wise 63 53 83 bucks fright 59 hole 44 8 game call

Step I: 83 63 53 bucks fright 59 hole 44 8 game call wise

Step II: 8 83 63 53 bucks fright 59 44 game call wise hole

Step III: 63 8 83 53 bucks fright 59 44 call wise hole game

Step IV: 44 63 8 83 53 bucks 59 call wise hole game fright

Step V: 59 44 63 8 83 53 bucks wise hole game fright call

Step VI: 53 59 44 63 8 83 wise hole game fright call bucks

This is the final arrangement and step VI is the last step for this input.

1. Which of the following steps will be the last but one for following input?

Input : 82 from 48 singer ink 56 18 wisher 23 care

A) V B) III C) IV D) VII E) None of these

2. What is the third step if input is

Input: 32 twist dice from next 56 87 27 23 style

A) 56 23 87 32 dice from 27 twist style next B) 23 87 32 dice from next 56 27 twist style

C) 23 87 32 dice 56 from 27 twist style next D) 56 23 87 32 from 27 twist style next dice

E) None of these

3. Which of the following is last step of above input?

A) V B) III C) VI D) IV E) None of these

4. Find the Sixth step for which first step is given

Step I: 68 anchor dive full 41 17 riddle 32 29 shine

A) 32 29 41 17 68 shine riddle full anchor dive B) 29 41 17 68 anchor 32 shine riddle full dive

C) 32 29 41 17 68 shine riddle full dive anchor D) There is no such step

E) None of these

5. Which of the following is the last but one step of above input?

A) 29 41 32 17 68 shine riddle full anchor dive B) 32 29 41 17 68 shine riddle full anchor dive

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C) 29 41 17 68 anchor 32 shine riddle full dive D) 32 29 41 17 68 shine riddle full dive anchor

E) None of these


1. C) Explanation:

In each step 2 words/numbers are arranged. In the final step, the words are arranged in decreasing
alphabetical order and numbers are from 83, largest number, smallest number, second largest, second
smallest, and so on.

Input: 82 from 48 singer ink 56 18 wisher 23 care

Step I: 82 from 48 singer ink 56 18 23 care wisher

Step II: 18 82 from 48 ink 56 23 care wisher singer

Step III: 56 18 82 from 48 23 care wisher singer ink

Step IV: 23 56 18 82 48 care wisher singer ink from

Step V: 48 23 56 18 82 wisher singer ink from care

2. A) Explanation:

Input: 32 twist dice from next 56 87 27 23 style

Step I: 87 32 dice from next 56 27 23 style twist

Step II: 23 87 32 dice from next 56 27 twist style

Step III: 56 23 87 32 dice from 27 twist style next

3. A) Explanation:

Step III: 56 23 87 32 dice from 27 twist style next

Step IV: 27 56 23 87 32 dice twist style next from

Step V: 32 27 56 23 87 twist style next from dice

4. D) Explanation:

Step I: 68 anchor dive full 41 17 riddle 32 29 shine

Step II: 17 68 anchor dive full 41 32 29 shine riddle

Step III: 41 17 68 anchor dive 32 29 shine riddle full

Step IV: 29 41 17 68 anchor 32 shine riddle full dive

Step V: 32 29 41 17 68 shine riddle full dive anchor final

5. C)

Set 4: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

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A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers/words, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input : exam on 15 is cancel held before 12 but not after 20

Step I : before 12 exam on 15 is cancel held but not after 20

Step II : before 12 on 15 exam is cancel held but not after 20

Step III : before 12 on 15 after 20 exam is cancel held but not

Step IV : before 12 on 15 after 20 not exam is cancel held but

Step V : before 12 on 15 after 20 not is exam cancel held but

Step VI : before 12 on 15 after 20 not is held exam cancel but

This is the final arrangement and step VI is the last step for this input.

1. Which of the following is the last step for following input?

Input : get hit 37 in 7 ball not in 1 over

A) in 1 in 7 hit 37 over get not ball B) in 1 in 7 hit 37 over not get ball

C) in 1 in hit 37 over 7 get ball not D) in in 7 hit 37 over not get ball 1

E) None of these

2. Which is the following step?

Step: in 1 in 7 hit 37 get not ball over

A) II B) III C) IV D) There is no such step E) None of these

3. In step IV, which of the following is at eighth position from right?

A) get B) 7 C) 1 D) in E) None of these

4. Which of the following would definitely be the input if step 1 of an input is

Step I: and 05 just value 22 sip time 14

A) value 22 just sip time 14 and 05 B) value just 22 and 05 sip time 14

C) value 22 and 05 sip time 14 just D) Cannot be determined

E) None of these

5. Which of the following is last step of above given step I?

A) VII B) IV C) VI D) V E) None of these


1. B) Explanation:

The words with numbers are moved together starting with smallest numbers.

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There is no need to write all steps for final step.

2. D) Explanation:

Input : get hit 37 in 7 ball not in 1 over

Step I: in 1 get hit 37 in 7 ball not over

Step II: in 1 in 7 get hit 37 ball not over

Step III: in 1 in 7 hit 37 get ball not over

Step IV: in 1 in 7 hit 37 over get ball not

Step V: in 1 in 7 hit 37 over not get ball

3. D)

4. D) Ca ot e dete i ed e ause a d can be written anywhere in step I.

5. B) Explanation:

Step I: and 05 just value 22 sip time 14

Step II: and 05 time 14 just value 22 sip

Step III: and 05 time 14 value 22 just sip

Step IV: and 05 time 14 value 22 sip just

Set 5: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

A word and number arrangement machine, when given an input line of words and numbers, rearranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of the Input and its rearrangement.

Input: tree 96 23 under 48 busy 37 own 62 axe

Step I: 23 tree 96 under 48 busy 37 own 62 axe

Step II: 23 37 tree 96 under 48 busy own 62 axe

Step III: 23 37 96 tree under 48 busy own 62 axe

Step IV: 23 37 96 62 tree under 48 busy own axe

Step V: 23 37 96 62 48 tree under busy own axe

Step VI: 23 37 96 62 48 under tree busy own axe

Step VII: 23 37 96 62 48 under own tree busy axe

Step VIII: 23 37 96 62 48 under own axe tree busy

Step IX: 23 37 96 62 48 under own axe busy tree

Step IX is the last step of the rearrangement.

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As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step
for the input given below.

Input: bank 24 interest 17 51 42 summer hot 68 33 earn.

1. Which of the following would be the last step of the arrangement?

a) VII b) VIII c) IX d) X e) None of these

2. In step IV, which of the following numbers/words would be at 7th position from the left?

a) 24 b) bank c) 42 d) interest e) None of these

3. Which step number would be the following output?

17 33 51 68 42 24 interest bank summer hot earn

a) VI b) VII c) V d) VIII e) There will be no such step.

4. In step VI of the rearrangement, if '68' is related to 'summer' in a certain way, which of the following
would '42' be related to, following the same pattern?

a) interest b) 51 c) summer d) hot e) None of these

5. Which of the following would be the second-last step of the rearrangement ?

a) 17 33 51 42 68 24 earn interest hot summer bank b) 17 33 51 24 42 68 interest earn bank hot summer

c) 17 33 51 68 42 24 interest earn bank summer hot d) 17 33 51 68 42 24 earn interest bank summer hot

e) None of these


The arrangement machine rearranges one word/ number in each step. It rearranges odd numbers first in
ascending order and then even numbers in descending order. It rearranges words starting with vowels in
descending order and finally words starting with consonants in ascending order.

Input: bank 24 interest 17 51 42 summer hot 68 33 earn

Step I: 17 bank 24 interest 51 42 summer hot 68 33 earn

Step II: 17 33 bank 24 interest 51 42 summer hot 68 earn

Step III: 17 33 51 bank 24 interest 42 summer hot 68 earn

Step IV: 17 33 51 68 bank 24 interest 42 summer hot earn

Step V: 17 33 51 68 42 bank 24 interest summer hot earn

Step VI: 17 33 51 68 42 24 bank interest summer hot earn

Step VII: 17 33 51 68 42 24 interest bank summer hot earn

Step VIII: 17 33 51 68 42 24 interest earn bank summer hot

Step IX: 17 33 51 68 42 24 interest earn bank hot summer

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1. C) 2. D) 3. B) 4. D) 5. C)

Set 6: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers/words, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input: layout 86 23 underline 28 cut oval 63

Step I: 63 layout 86 23 underline 28 cut oval

Step II: 63 23 layout 86 underline 28 cut oval

Step III: 63 23 86 layout underline 28 cut oval

Step IV: 63 23 86 28 layout underline cut oval

Step V: 63 23 86 28 oval layout underline cut

Step VI: 63 23 86 28 oval underline layout cut

Step VII: 63 23 86 28 oval underline cut layout

This is the final arrangement and step VII is the last step for this input.

1. Which of the following is the second step for input

Input: vague 55 step 56 87 ice east 12

A) 87 55 vague 56 step ice east 12 B) 87 vague 55 step 56 ice east 12

C) 87 55 vague step 56 ice east 12 D) 56 55 vague step 87 ice east 12

E) None of these

2. Which is the following step?

Step: 87 55 56 12 east vague step ice

A) VI B) III C) IV D) V E) There is no such step

3. Which of the following is the last step of above input?

A) III B) VI C) VII D) IX E) None of these

4. Which of the following would definitely be the angry if step II of an angry is

Step II: 97 19 56 view 16 angry origin board

A) 243 564 227 124 152 238 766 B) 243 766 564 227 124 152 238

C) 243 564 227 766 124 152 238 D) Cannot be determined

E) None of these

5. Which of the following is last step of above given step II?

A) VII B) IX C) VI D) V E) None of these

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1. C) Explanation:

Odd numbers in descending order, then even numbers in desc order, then vowels in ascending and then
consonants in ascending

Input: vague 55 step 56 87 ice east 12

Step I: 87 vague 55 step 56 ice east 12

Step II: 87 55 vague step 56 ice east 12

2. D) Explanation:

Input: vague 55 step 56 87 ice east 12

Step I: 87 vague 55 step 56 ice east 12

Step II: 87 55 vague step 56 ice east 12

Step III: 87 55 56 vague step ice east 12

Step IV: 87 55 56 12 vague step ice east

Step V: 87 55 56 12 east vague step ice

3. C) Explanation:

Input: vague 55 step 56 87 ice east 12

Step I: 87 vague 55 step 56 ice east 12

Step II: 87 55 vague step 56 ice east 12

Step III: 87 55 56 vague step ice east 12

Step IV: 87 55 56 12 vague step ice east

Step V: 87 55 56 12 east vague step ice

Step VI: 87 55 56 12 east ice vague step

Step VII: 87 55 56 12 east ice step vague

4. D) Explanation:

Cannot be determined because the words or letters which are arranged in step II can be present at any position
in first step and input.

5. C) Explanation:

Step II: 97 19 56 view 16 angry origin board

Step III: 97 19 56 16 view angry origin board

Step IV: 97 19 56 16 angry view origin board

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Step V: 97 19 56 16 angry origin view board

Step VI: 97 19 56 16 angry origin board view

Set 7: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of words, rearranges them following a particular rule in
each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input : west 45 28 83 bunch find 39 hut 12 8 guy cool

Step I: 83 45 28 bunch find 39 hut 12 8 guy cool west

Step II: 8 83 45 28 bunch find 39 12 guy cool west hut

Step III: 45 8 83 28 bunch find 39 12 cool west hut guy

Step IV: 12 45 8 83 28 bunch 39 cool west hut guy find

Step V: 39 12 45 8 83 28 bunch west hut guy find cool

Step VI: 28 39 12 45 8 83 west hut guy find cool bunch

This is the final arrangement and step VI is the last step for this input.

1. Which of the following steps will be the last but one for following input?

Input : 76 from 48 super itself 56 18 went 22 crazy

A) V B) III C) IV D) VII E) None of these

2. What is the third step if input is

Input: 32 thirty days from now 56 87 24 23 shop

A) 56 23 87 32 days from 24 thirty shop now B) 23 87 32 days from now 56 24 thirty shop

C) 23 87 32 days 56 from 24 thirty shop now D) 56 23 87 32 from 24 thirty shop now days

E) None of these

3. Which of the following is last step of above input?

A) V B) III C) VI D) IV E) None of these

4. Find the Sixth step for which first step is given

Step I: 52 at deep follow 41 16 road 32 21 sheet

A) 32 21 41 16 52 sheet road follow at deep B) 21 41 16 52 at 32 sheet road follow deep

C) 32 21 41 16 52 sheet road follow deep at D) There is no such step

E) None of these

5. Which of the following is the last but one step of above input?

A) 21 41 32 16 52 sheet road follow at deep B) 32 21 41 16 52 sheet road follow at deep

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C) 21 41 16 52 at 32 sheet road follow deep D) 32 21 41 16 52 sheet road follow deep at

E) None of these


1. C) Explanation:

In each step 2 words/numbers are arranged. In the final step, the words are arranged in decreasing
alphabetical order and numbers are from 83, largest number, smallest number, second largest, second
smallest, and so on.

Input : 76 from 48 super itself 56 18 went 22 crazy

Step I: 76 from 48 super itself 56 18 22 crazy went

Step II : 18 76 from 48 itself 56 22 crazy went super

Step III : 56 18 76 from 48 22 crazy went super itself

Step IV : 22 56 18 76 48 crazy went super itself from

Step V : 48 22 56 18 76 went super itself from crazy

2. A) Explanation:

Input: 32 thirty days from now 56 87 24 23 shop

Step I: 87 32 days from now 56 24 23 shop thirty

Step II: 23 87 32 days from now 56 24 thirty shop

Step III: 56 23 87 32 days from 24 thirty shop now

3. A) Explanation:

Step III: 56 23 87 32 days from 24 thirty shop now

Step IV: 24 56 23 87 32 days thirty shop now from

Step V: 32 24 56 23 87 thirty shop now from days

4. D) Explanation:

Step I: 52 at deep follow 41 16 road 32 21 sheet

Step II: 16 52 at deep follow 41 32 21 sheet road

Step III: 41 16 52 at deep 32 21 sheet road follow

Step IV: 21 41 16 52 at 32 sheet road follow deep

Step V: 32 21 41 16 52 sheet road follow deep at final

5. C) Explanation:

Step IV: 21 41 16 52 at 32 sheet road follow deep

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Step V: 32 21 41 16 52 sheet road follow deep at final

Set 8: Study the information and answer the following questions:

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the number are two-
digit numbers.

Input: System on 17 tight runs 42 begin 14 sometimes from 23.

Step I : begin 14 system on 17 tight runs 42 sometimes from 23.

Step II : begin 14 on 17 system tight runs 42 sometimes from 23.

Step III : begin 14 on 17 from 23 system tight runs 42 sometimes.

Step IV: begin 14 on 17 from 23 runs 42 system tight sometimes.

Step V : begin 14 on 17 from 23 runs 42 sometimes system tight.

Step V is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained. As per the rules
followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input: Given recently 31 rural in 13 among except 27 over 8 remote island.

6. How many steps will be required to complete the given input?

a) Five b) Six c) Seven d) Eight e) Nine

7. Which of the following is the third element from the right end of step V?

a) Among b) given c) rural d) Island e) None of these

8. Which of the following is step III of the given input?

a) Over 8 in 13 given recently 31 rural among except 27 remote Island

b) Over 8 in 13 except 27 rural given recently 31 among remote Island.

c) Over 8 in 13 except 27 given rural among recently 31 remote Island.

d) Over 8 in 13 given except 27 recently 31 rural among remote Island.

e) None of these

9. What is the position of 'among' from the left end in the final step?

a) Fifth b) Sixth c) Seventh d) Eights e) Ninth

10. Which of the following words/number is third to the right of 'given' in step IV?

a) remote b) Island c) Rural d) Among e) 31


The word and number arrangement machine firstly, rearrange words that are immediately followed by number
in increasing order of number and then remaining words according to alphabetical order-

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Input: given recently 31 rural in 13 among except 27 over 8 remoter island.

Step I: over 8 given recently 31 rural in 13 among except 27 remote island.

Step II: Over 8 in 13 given recently 31 rural among except 27 remote island.

Step III: Over 8 in 13 except 27 given recently 31 rural among remote island.

Step IV: over 8 in 13 except 27 recently 31 given rural among remote island.

Step V: over 8 in 13 excep t 27 recently 31 among given rural remote island.

Step VI: Over 8 in 13 except 27 recently 31 among given island rural remote

Step VII: over 8 in 13 except 27 recently 31 among given island remote rural.

1. C) 2. C) 3. E) 4. E) 5. A)

Set 9: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of words/numbers, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input: purpose found 15 major 86 27 dice 43

Step 1: dice purpose found 15 major 86 27 43

Step 2: dice 86 purpose found 15 major 27 43

Step 3: dice 86 found purpose 15 major 27 43

Step 4: dice 86 found 43 purpose 15 major 27

Step 5: dice 86 found 43 major purpose 15 27

Step 6: dice 86 found 43 major 27 purpose 15

This is the final arrangement and step 6 is the last step for this input.

1. Input: style giant for 18 believe 89 21 56

Which of the following will be step 2?

A) believe 89 giant style for 18 21 56 B) believe 89 style 18 giant for 21 56

C) believe 89 style giant for 18 21 56 D) Cannot be determined

E) none of these

2. Input: bring all 23 57 67 mate refer 43

Which of the following will be step 4?

A) all 67 bring 57 mate refer 23 43 B) all 67 bring 57 mate 43 23 refer

C) all 67 bring 57 mate 23 refer 43 D) Cannot be determined

E) none of these

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3. Input: on carry 36 28 58 watch page 59

Which of the following will be last?

A) 6 B) 7 C) 5 D) 8 E) none of these

4. Step 3 of an input is: bet 81 flight 19 30 tiger nano 39

Which of the following will be last but one?

A) 6 B) 7 C) 8 D) 5 E) none of these

5. Step 2 of an input is: board 66 39 52 hint golf 29 party

Which of the following is definitely the input?

A) 52 66 39 board hint golf 29 party B) 29 39 66 52 hint golf board party

C) hint 29 39 66 52 golf board party D) Cannot be determined

E) none of these


1. C) In each step, 1 word/number is taken at beginning

Words in alphabetical order and numbers in descending order.

2. C) 3. C) 4. A) 5. D)

Set 10: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers/words, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input : 425 136 643 951 688 107 986

Step I: 986 425 136 643 951 688 107

Step II: 986 688 425 136 643 951 107

Step III: 986 688 951 425 136 643 107

Step IV: 986 688 951 643 425 136 107

Step V: 986 688 951 643 425 136 107

This is the final arrangement and step V is the last step for this input.

1. Which of the following is the last step for following input?

Input : 221 543 786 223 666 178

A) 786 666 543 221 223 178 B) 786 666 543 223 221 178

C) 786 666 178 543 221 223 D) 786 666 178 543 223 221

E) None of these

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2. Which is the following step?

Step: 786 666 178 543 221 223

A) II B) III C) IV D) There is no such step E) None of these

3. In step III, which of the following is at second to the right of fifth from right?

A) 666 B) 543 C) 178 D) 221 E) None of these

4. Which of the following would definitely be the input if step 1 of an input is

Step I: 766 243 564 227 124 152 238

A) 243 564 227 124 152 238 766 B) 243 766 564 227 124 152 238

C) 243 564 227 766 124 152 238 D) Cannot be determined

E) None of these

5. Which of the following is last step of above given step I?

A) VII B) IV C) VI D) V E) None of these


1. D) Explanation:

Add all the numbers and arrange in descending order

221 5, 543 12, 786 21, 223 7, 666 18, 178 16

Input: 221 543 786 223 666 178

Step I: 786 221 543 223 666 178

Step II: 786 666 221 543 223 178

Step III: 786 666 178 221 543 223

Step IV: 786 666 178 543 221 223

Step V: 786 666 178 543 223 221

2. C) Explanation:

221 5, 543 12, 786 21, 223 7, 666 18, 178 16

Input: 221 543 786 223 666 178

Step I: 786 221 543 223 666 178

Step II: 786 666 221 543 223 178

Step III: 786 666 178 221 543 223

Step IV: 786 666 178 543 221 223

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Step V: 786 666 178 543 223 221

3. D) Explanation:

Step III: 786 666 178 221 543 223

Fifth from right is 666, second to its right is 221

4. D) Explanation:

Cannot be determined because 766 can be present anywhere in the input which is put at first position from
step I.

5. D) Explanation:

243 9, 564 15, 766 19, 227 11, 124 7, 152 8, 238 13

Step I: 766 243 564 227 124 152 238

Step II: 766 564 243 227 124 152 238

Step III: 766 564 238 243 227 124 152

Step IV: 766 564 238 227 243124 152

Step V: 766 564 238 227 243 152 124

Set 11: Study the following information carefully to answer the given question

A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them
following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and output arrangement.

Input: 20 soft metal 18 22 inside 13 are 7 small 34 unit west 27

Step I: 34 metal 20 soft 18 22 inside 13 are 7 small unit west 27

Step II: 34 metal 7 are 20 soft 18 22 inside 13 small unit west 27

Step III: 34 metal 7 are 22 small 20 soft 18 inside 13 unit west 27

Step IV: 34 metal 7 are 22 small 13 inside 20 soft 18 unit west 27

Step V: 34 metal 7 are 22 small 13 inside 20 soft 27 unit 18 west

Step 5 is the last step of the above input. As per rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the
following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

Input: 12 light 17 sky 9 early 4 just are 31 out 20 nothing 40

1. How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?

a) Four b) Five c) 3)Six d) Seven e) Eight

2. Which of the following will be at fifth position from the right in the last step?

a) nothing b) 12 c) 31 d) out e) early

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3. Which of the following represent the position of '17 in step IV?

a) fifth from right b) fifth from left c) sixth from right d) Seventh from right

e) seventh from left

4. In which step will there be the following output?

'40 just 9 all 12 light 17 sky early 4 31 out 20 nothing'

a) Step I b) Step II c) Step III d) Step IV e) step V

. Whi h ele e t is thi d to the left of sk i step V?

a) 17 b) nothing c) early d) light e) out


(1 5): The arrangement machine rearranges one word/number in each step. It rearranges highest even
number with consonants in alphabetical order in step I. In step II it rearranges lowest odd number with a vowel
in alphabetical order. And so on

Input: 12 light 17 sky 9 early 4 just all 31 out 20 nothing 40

Step I: 40 just 12 light 17 sky 9 early 4 all 31 out 20 nothing

Step II: 40 just 9 all 12 light 17 sky early 4 31 out 20 nothing

Step III: 40 just 9 all 20 light 12 17 sky early 4 31 out nothing

Step IV: 40 just 9 all 20 light 17 early 12 sky 4 31 out nothing

Step V: 40 just 9 all 20 light 17 early 12 nothing sky 4 31 out

Step VI: 40 just 9 all 20 light 17 early 12 nothing 31 out sky 4

Step VII: 40 just 9 all 20 light 17 early 12 nothing 31 out 4 sky

1. D) 2. A) 3. E) 4. B) 5. C)

Set 12: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers/words, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input: birth quest give mail 36 and loan hint 15 earn mere kite 53

Step 1: hint 15 birth quest give mail 36 and loan earn mere kite 53

Step 2: hint 15 mail 36 birth quest give and loan earn mere kite 53

Step 3: hint 15 mail 36 kite 53 birth quest give and loan earn mere

Step 4: hint 15 mail 36 kite 53 quest birth give and loan earn mere

Step 5: hint 15 mail 36 kite 53 quest mere birth give and loan earn

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Step 6: hint 15 mail 36 kite 53 quest mere loan birth give and earn

Step 7: hint 15 mail 36 kite 53 quest mere loan give birth and earn

Step 8: hint 15 mail 36 kite 53 quest mere loan give earn birth

This is the final arrangement and step 8 is the last step for this input.

Input: vain prepare 56 carry turn 34 fish house turn 40

1. Which step number would be the following output?

tu p epa e tu ai house a fish

A) Step 3 B) Step 4 C) Step 5 D) Step 6 E) None of the Above

2. How many steps would be needed to complete the arrangement?

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 E) 7

. If i the Step , p epa e i te ha ges its positio ith a a d also i te ha ges its positio ith
ai , the hi h ele e t ill e fou th to the left of ?

A) turn B) prepare C) carry D) Both turn and carry E) None of the Above

4. Whi h ele e ts o e e a tl et ee p epa e a d ai i Step of the gi e i put?

A) turn B) prepare C) carry D) Both turn and 56 E) None of the Above

5. Which of the following combinations represents the first two and the last two element of the step III of
the given Input?

A) turn, 34, fish, prepare B) turn, 56, vain, house

C) vain, 40, fish, house D) turn, 34, fish, house

E) None of the Above


(1 5): the smallest number along with its preceding word is taken at beginning in first step, then in next step
next number and its preceding word.

After numbers, first alphabets of words in reverse order

Input: vain prepare 56 carry turn 34 fish house turn 40

Step 1: turn 34 vain prepare 56 carry fish house turn 40

Step 2: turn 34 prepare 56 vain carry fish house turn 40

Step 3: turn 34 prepare 56 turn 40 vain carry fish house

Step 4: turn 34 prepare 56 turn 40 vain house carry fish

Step 5: turn 34 prepare 56 turn 40 vain house fish carry

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1. B) 2. C) 3. C) 4. A) 5. D)

Set 13: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of Input and rearrangement.

INPUT : 67 still 81 holy 22 all 89 about 56 india 29 over

STEP 1 : about 67 still 81 holy 22 all 89 56 india 29 over

STEP 2 : about 89 67 still 81 holy 22 all 56 india 29 over

STEP 3 : about 89 still 67 81 holy 22 all 56 india 29 over

STEP 4 : about 89 still 22 67 81 holy all 56 india 29 over

STEP 5 : about 89 still 22 holy 67 81 all 56 india 29 over

STEP 6 : about 89 still 22 holy 67india81 all 56 29 over

STEP 7 : about 89 still 22 holy 67 india 56 81 all 29 over

STEP 8 : about 89 still 22 holy 67 india 56 over 81 all 29

STEP 9 : about 89 still 22 holy 67 india 56 over 29 81 all

STEP10 : about 89 still 22 holy 67 india 56 over 29 all 81

And step 10 is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above step, find out the
appropriate step for the given output.

INPUT: 59 file 24 every 62 union 31 large 44 state 19 royal

1. How many step will be required to complete the above input ?

A) Six B) Four C) Seven D) Eight E) Ten

. What is the positio of State i the step ?

A) Seventh from the right B) Sixth from the left C) Fifth from the left

D) Sixth from the right E) None of these

. Ho a o ds/ u e s et ee a d e e i step ?

A) 3 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7 E) None of these

4. Which of the following is third to the right of the eighth element from the left end in Step 4?

A) Every B) 19 C) 44 D) Royal E) None of these

5. Which of the following would be at the fourth position from the left end in step 3?

A) 31 B) union C) large D) 24 E) None of these


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(1 5): Rule:

Step1: Alphabet ascending order

Step2: Prime number descending order

Step3: Alphabet descending order with two letters repeating itself

Step4: Natural number ascending order

A d goes o

STEP 1 : file 59 24 every 62 union 31 large 44 state 19 royal

STEP 2 : file 59 union 24 every 62 31 large 44 state 19 royal

STEP 3 : file 59 union 24 large every 62 31 44 state 19 royal

STEP 4 : file 59 union 24 large 31 every 62 44 state 19 royal

STEP 5 : file 59 union 24 large 31 state every 62 44 19 royal

STEP 6 : file 59 union 24 large 31 state 44 every 62 19 royal

STEP 7 : file 59 union 24 large 31 state 44 royal every 62 19

STEP 8 : file 59 union 24 large 31 state 44 royal 19 every 62

1. D) 2. D) 3. A) 4. B) 5. D)

Set 14: Study the given information and answer the following questions:

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement (All the numbers are two-
digit number)

Input: 5 elope 2 solution 3 universities in 1 after 4 6 idealise

Step 1 : Universities 6 5 elope 2 solution 3 in 1 after 4 idealise.

Step 2 : Universities 6 idealise 5 elope 2 solution 3 in 1 after 4.

Step 3 : Universities 6 idealise 5 solution 4 elope 2 3 in 1 after.

Step 4: Universities 6 idealise 5 solution 4 elope 3 2 in 1 after.

Step 5 : Universities 6 idealise 5 solution 4 elope 3 after 2 in 1.

Step V is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained. As per the rules
followed in the given step, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input: 6 awareness 2 encourage 3 state on 1 7 eleven 4 5 academician identification.

1. How many steps will be required to complete the given input?

a) Five b) Six c) Seven d) Eight e) Nine

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2. Which of the following is the sixth element from the left end of step V?

a) 2 b) state c) eleven d) 5 e) awareness

3. In which step will there be the following output?

Identification 7 academician 6 awareness 2 encourage 3 state on 1 eleven 4 5.

a) Step II b) Step III c) Step IV d) Step V e) None of these

4. Which of the following represent the position of '5' in step III?

a) Sixth from the right b) Sixth from the left c) Fifth from right d) Third from left e) None of these

5. Which of the following will be at the fifth position from the right end in the last step?

a) 6 b) awareness c) 3 d) encourage e) None of these


(1 5): The machine rearranges one word and one number in each step. The word that has highest number of
vowels comes first in an alphabetical order followed by the number equal to the total number of vowels in that

Input: 6 awareness 2 encourage 3 state on 1 7 eleven 4 5 academician identification

Step I: Identification 7 6 awareness 2 encourage 3 state on 1 eleven 4 5 academician.

Step II: identification 7 academician 6 awareness 2 encourage 3 state on 1 eleven 4 5

Step III: identification 7 academician 6 encourage 5 awareness 2 3 state on 1 eleven 4

Step IV: identification 7 academician 5 encourage 5 awareness 4 2 3 state on 1 eleven.

Step V: identification 7 academician 6 encourage 5 awareness 4 eleven 3 2 state on 1.

Step VI: identification 7 academician 6 encourage 5 awareness 4 eleven 3 state 2 on 1.

Set 15: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of words/numbers, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input: 21 Nashik 35 60 Chennai Surat 63 Bhopal 42 Raipur

Step 1: 23 Nashik 35 60 Chennai 63 Bhopal 42 Raipur Surat

Step 2: 23 37 Nashik 60 Chennai 63 Bhopal 42 Raipur Surat

Step 3: 23 37 40 60 Chennai 63 Bhopal Nashik Raipur Surat

Step 4: 23 37 40 58 63 Bhopal Chennai Nashik Raipur Surat

Step 5: 23 37 40 58 65 Bhopal Chennai Nashik Raipur Surat

Step 6: 23 Bhopal 37 Chennai 40 Nashik 58 Raipur 65 Surat

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Step 7: 23 14 37 12 40 25 58 36 65 39

Step 8: 12 14 23 25 36 37 39 40 58 65

Step 9: 3 5 5 7 9 10 12 4 13 11

This is the final arrangement and step 9 is the last step for this input.

Input: Karnal 17 42 Gurgaon Delhi 57 23 Pune 58 Jaipur

1. Which element is 6th from the right end in step 7?

A) 25 B) 28 C) 21 D) 40 E) None of these

2. How many numbers/words are there between Delhi and 40 in step 6?

A) None B) One C) Two D) Three E) More than three

. If i a e tai a is elated to i step a d Delhi is elated to Ka al i step , the i the sa e

a is elated to hat i step ?

A) 32 B) 56 C) 59 D) 21 E) 38

4. What is the difference in the number which is 4th from left end in step 7 and which is 5h from the right
end in last step?

A) 13 B) 15 C) 16 D) 14 E) 18

5. What is the addition of one digit numbers in last step?

A) 23 B) 25 C) 28 D) 27 E) 26


(1 5): Explanation:

Odd number +2, Even number 2

Step 7: Delhi D+I= 4+9 = 13, Gurgaon g+ = + = ..

Step 8: All the numbers in step 7 are written in ascending order instep 8

Step 9: Respective Digits are added

Input: Karnal 17 42 Gurgaon Delhi 57 23 Pune 58 Jaipur

Step 1: 19 Karnal 42 Gurgaon Delhi 57 23 58 Jaipur Pune

Step 2: 19 25 42 Gurgaon Delhi 57 58 Jaipur Karnal Pune

Step 3: 19 25 40 Gurgaon Delhi 57 58 Jaipur Karnal Pune

Step 4: 19 25 40 59 Delhi 58 Gurgaon Jaipur Karnal Pune

Step 5: 19 25 40 59 56 Delhi Gurgaon Jaipur Karnal Pune

Step 6: 19 Delhi 25 Gurgaon 40 Jaipur 59 Karnal 56 Pune

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Step 7: 19 13 25 21 40 28 59 23 56 21

Step 8: 13 19 21 21 23 25 28 40 56 59

Step 9: 4 10 3 3 5 7 10 4 11 14

1. D) 2. C) 3. B) 4. D) 5. E)

Set 16: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of Input and rearrangement.

INPUT : 87 wolf 72 61 shock 76 new post 44 about 34 teach

STEP 1 : 34 wolf 72 61 shock 76 new post 44 about teach 87

STEP 2 : 34 44 wolf 72 61 shock new post about teach 87 76

STEP 3 : 34 44 61 wolf shock new post about teach 87 76 72

STEP 4 : 34 44 61 wolf teach shock new post 87 76 72 about

STEP 5 : 34 44 61 wolf teach shock post 87 76 72 about new

And step V is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above step, find out the
appropriate step for the given output.

INPUT : 25 every tell 51 should 13 rule 71 29 follow 67 last

. Whi h of the follo i g te e a tl o es et ee a d tell i step ?

A) 13 B) 25 C) every D) should E) None of these

2. How many step will be required to complete the above input ?

A) Three B) Four C) Five D) Six E) None of these

3. Which of the following will be the fourth step of the given input?

A) 13 25 29 every tell should rule follow last 71 67 51

B) 13 29 25 every should rule follow last 71 5167 tell

C) 13 25 29 every tell 51 should rule follow last 71 67

D) 13 25 29 every tell should 51 rule follow last 71 67

E) None of these

4. How many elements are there between 51 and Should in step 5 ?

A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four E) None of these

5. Which of the following would be at the fifth position from the right end in step 2?

A) 71 B) 51 C) rule D) follow E) None of these

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(1 5): Rule:

In first step the lowest number is moved to the left end and the highest number to the right end. Then after
arranging all numbers the words are arranged. The word comes last in alphabet order is moved to the left and
the word comes first is moved to the right end.

STEP 1 : 13 25 every tell 51 should rule 29 follow 67 last 71

STEP 2 : 13 25 29 every tell 51 should rule follow last 71 67

STEP 3 : 13 25 29 every tell should rule follow last 71 67 51

STEP 4 : 13 25 29 tell should rule follow last 71 67 51 every

STEP 5 : 13 25 29 tell should rule last 71 67 51 every follow

1. C) 2. C) 3. E) 4. D) 5. C)

Set 17: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them
following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and various steps of
rearrangement. (All the numbers are two-digit numbers.)

Input: 11 day 34 night 93 pace 27 easy 44 joy

Step I: 93 11 day 34 night pace 27 easy 44 joy

Step II: 93 11 34 night pace 27 easy 44 joy day

Step III: 93 44 11 34 night pace 27 easy joy day

Step IV: 93 44 11 34 night pace 27 joy day easy

Step V: 93 44 34 11 night pace 27 joy day easy

Step VI: 93 44 34 11 night pace 27 day easy joy

Step VII: 93 44 34 27 11 night pace day easy joy

Step VIII: 93 44 34 27 11 pace day easy joy night

Step IX: 93 44 34 27 11 day easy joy night pace

And Step IX is the last step of the rearrangement as the desired arrangement is obtained. As per rules followed
in the above steps, find out in each of the questions the appropriate step for the given input

Input : class 25 war 15 race 73 heap 58 just 88 take 38

. What is the positio of a i Step VII?

a) Seventh from the left end b) Eighth from the right end

c) Fifth from the left end d) Fifth from the right end

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e) Sixth from the left end

2. Which of the following is ninth from the right in Step VI?

a) race b) 25 c) war d) 58 e) 15

. What is the positio of ' i Step IX?

a) Seventh from the left end b) Eighth from the left end

c) Fifth from the right end d) Seventh from the right end

e) Eighth from the right end

4. How man y steps ar e requir ed to complete th is arrangement?

a) Eleven b) Twelve c) Ten d) Nine e) None of these

5. Which of the following represents Step X?

a) 88 73 58 38 25 war 15 race take class heap just

b) 88 73 58 38 25 15 class heap just race take war

c) 88 73 58 38 25 15 war class heap just race take

d) 88 73 58 38 25 15 war take class heap just race

e) There is no such step


(1 5): In the rearrangement, numbers are arranged in descending order from the left end in each alternate
step, starting from Step I. And words are arranged alphabetically from the right end in each alternate step,
starting from Step II.

Input: class 25 war 15 race 73 heap 58 just 88 take 38

Step I. 88 class 25 war 15 race 73 heap 58 just take 38

Step II. 88 25 war 15 race 73 heap 58 just take 38 class

Step III. 88 73 25 war 15 race heap 58 just take 38 class

Step IV. 88 73 25 war 15 race 58 just take 38 class heap

Step V. 88 73 58 25 war 15 race just take 38 class heap

Step VI. 88 73 58 25 war 15 race take 38 class heap just

Step VII. 88 73 58 38 25 war 15 race take class heap just

Step VIII. 88 73 58 38 25 war 15 take class heap just race

Step IX. 88 73 58 38 25 15 war take class heap just race

Step X. 88 73 58 38 25 15 war class heap just race take

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Step XI. 88 73 58 38 25 15 class heap just race take war Step XI is the last step of the input

1. E) 2. B) 3. D) 4. A) 5. C)

Set 18: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers/words, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input: better 12 47 point 24 39 team follow 63 simple

Step 1: teaing 14 better 47 point 24 39 follow 63 simple

Step 2: 26 simpling teaing 14 better 47 point 39 follow 63

Step 3: poining 37 26 simpling teaing 14 better 47 follow 63

Step 4: 45 folloing poining 37 26 simpling teaing 14 better 63

Step 5: betteing 61 45 folloing poining 37 26 simpling teaing 14

Step 6: 61 45 37 26 14 20 19 16 6 2

Step 7: 4 36 49 1 4 25 64 1 81 49

Step 8: 13 9 1 10 7 4 1 13 9 4

Step 9: 22 11 11 14 13

This is the final arrangement and step 9 is the last step for this input.

Input: 16 before 33 shows 28 work thinks 54 come 67

1. Which word/number is third to right of seventh element from right end in step 6?

A) 23 B) 20 C) 56 D) 19 E) None of these

. I step , if o i g i te ha ges positio ith a d thi ki g ith efo e , then how many words are
the e i et ee o i g a d efo e ?

A) None B) One C) Two D) Three E) More than three

3. Find the multiplication of numbers which are 4th from left and 6th from right in step 8?

A) 9 B) 28 C) 36 D) 81 E) 35

4. What is the sum of the numbers which are fourth from left end and third from right end in step 6?

A) 48 B) 47 C) 52 D) 49 E) 51

5. What word/number is 4th from left end in step 3?

A) before B) 54 C) thinking D) woring E) 18


(1 5): Explanation:

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Even number +2, Odd number 2

Step 6: First Numbers in step 5 are taken in order and then written in order. Next numbers of first letter of
word are written from right end. Teaing T = 20, sampling S = 19, poining P = .

Step 7: Numbers from right end from step 6 are taken, their digits added and then obtained number squared. 2
2^2 = 4, 6 6^2 = 36, 16 + = so ^ = .

Step 8: Again numbers from right end are taken from step 7, and their digits added

Step 9: Numbers are added in pairs 13+9 = 22, 1+10 = 11, 7+4, 1+13, 9+4

Input: 16 before 33 shows 28 work thinks 54 come 67

Step 1: woring 18 before 33 shows 28 thinks 54 come 67

Step 2: 30 thinking woring 18 before 33 shows 54 come 67

Step 3: showing 31 30 thinking woring 18 before 54 come 67

Step 4: 56 coming showing 31 30 thinking woring 18 before 67

Step 5: beforing 65 56 coming showing 31 30 thinking woring 18

Step 6: 65 56 31 30 18 23 20 19 3 2

Step 7: 4 9 1 4 25 81 9 16 4 4

Step 8: 4 4 7 9 9 7 4 1 9 4

Step 9: 8 16 16 5 13

1. B) 2. A) 3. D) 4. D) 5. C)

Set 19: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of Input and rearrangement.

INPUT : Net Dog Apple Cat Ball Eagle Fan

STEP 1 : Dog Ball Net Cat Fan Apple Eagle

STEP 2 : Ball Fan Dog Cat Eagle Net Apple

STEP 3 : Fan Eagle Ball Cat Apple Dog Net

STEP 4 : Eagle Apple Fan Cat Net Ball Dog

STEP 5 : Apple Net Eagle Cat Dog Fan Ball

STEP 6 : Net Dog Apple Cat Ball Eagle Fan

And step 6 is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above step, find out the
appropriate step for the given output.

INPUT: Bull Mango Grapes Goat Boat Bug Android

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1. How many steps will be required to complete the above input?

A) Six B) Four C) Seven D) Eight E) Ten

. What is the positio of Bull i the step ?

A) Seventh from the right B) Sixth from the left C) Fourth from the left D) Sixth from the right

E) None of these

. Ho a o ds et ee G apes a d Boat i step ?

A) 3 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7 E) None of these

4. Which of the following word get the same position in all the six steps?

A) Bull B) Goat C) Bug D) Android E) None of these

5. Which of the following would be at the third position from the left end in step 3?

A) Bull B) Goat C) Bug D) Android E) Boat


(1 5): STEP 1 : Mango Boat Bull Goat Android Grapes Bug

STEP 2 : Boat Android Mango Goat Bug Bull Grapes

STEP 3 : Android Bug Boat Goat Grapes Mango Bull

STEP 4 : Bug Grapes Android Goat Bull Boat Mango

STEP 5 : Grapes Bull Bug Goat Mango Android Boat

STEP 6 : Bull Mango Grapes Goat Boat Bug Android

Step1: Mango Boat Bull Goat Android Grapes Bug

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2 5 1 4 7 3 6

a d so o .

Shift 2nd position word to the first position in each step

Then choose the next word by shifting two positions

1. A) 2. D) 3. A) 4. B) 5. E)

Set 20: Study the given information and answer the following questions :

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule.

The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement .

Input: Would 50 24 84 cast fold 39 how 20 04 got dust.

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Step - I :- 84 50 24 cast fold 39 how 20 04 got dust would.

Step - II:- 84 04 50 24 fold 39 how 20 got dust would cast.

Step - III:- 84 04 50 24 fold 39 20 got dust would cast how.

Step - IV:- 84 04 50 20 24 fold 39 got would cast how dust.

Step - V :- 84 04 50 20 39 24 fold would cast how dust got.

Step -VI:- 84 04 50 20 39 24 would cast how dust got fold.

Step VI is the last step of the arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained. As per the rule s followed
in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input: Fat 80 almost that 19 07 boost come 29 38 gun 49 hut 68.

1. How many steps will be required to complete the given input ?

a) Five b) Six c) Seven d) Eight e) Nine

2.Which element would be at 6th position from the right end in step III ?

a) 29 b) 38 c) gun d) come e) None of these

3. Which step number would be the following output ?

80 07 68 fat 19 come boost 29 gun 38 49 hut that almost

a) Step III b) Step V c) Step II d) There will be no such step e) None of these

4. What is the position of boost in step IV ?

a) First from right b) Sixth from the left c) Sixth from the right d) Ninth from right e) None of these

5. Which element is third to the left of 'fat' in step IV ?

a) 07 b) almost c) hut d) 38 e) None of these


(1 5): The rearrangement takes place in such a way that numbers are arranged from left side with the
largest composite numbers and the smallest prime numbers placed in alternative steps while words are
arranged from right side with reverse alphabetic order forward alphabetical order placed in alternative

Input: fat 80 almost that 19 07 boost come 29 38 gun 49 hut 68.

Step I : 80 fat almost 19 07 boost come 29 38 gun 49 hut 68 that.

Step II: 80 07 fat 19 boost come 29 38 gun 49 hut 68 that almost.

Step III: 80 07 68 fat 19 boost come 29 38 gun 49 that almost hut.

Step IV: 80 07 68 19 fat come 29 38 gun 49 that almost hut boost.

Step V: 80 07 68 19 49 fat come 29 38 gun that almost hut boost gun.

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Step VI: 80 07 68 19 49 29 fat 38 gun that almost hut boost gun come.

Step VII: 80 07 68 19 49 29 38 that almost hut boost gun come fun.

1. C) 2. B) 3. D) 4. A) 5. A)

Set 21: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of words/numbers, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input: 29 oat 45 lap ice 18 21 ace 37 van 91 sun

Step 1: ace 29 oat 45 lap ice 18 37 van 91 sun 21

Step 2: ace ice 29 oat 45 lap 37 van 91 sun 21 18

Step 3: ace ice oat 29 45 lap 37 van sun 21 18 91

Step 4: ace ice oat lap 45 37 van sun 21 18 91 29

Step 5: ace ice oat lap sun 37 van 21 18 91 29 45

Step 6: ace ice oat lap sun van 21 18 91 29 45 37

Step 7: 22 19 12 15 9 1 21 18 91 29 45 37

Step 8: 4 10 3 6 9 1 3 9 10 11 9 10

This is the final arrangement and step 8 is the last step for this input.

Input: fat pin 94 uni 41 46 oak 13 eat hut 28 93

1. Which element is 3rd to right of 6th from the right end in step 3?

A) 93 B) hut C) 13 D) fat E) 94

2. How many numbers/words are there between uni and 41 in step 6?

A) None B) One C) Two D) Three E) More than three

. If i a e tai a oak is elated to pi i step a d pi is elated to i step , the i the sa e

a is related to what in step 8?

A) 3 B) 6 C) 5 D) 10 E) 12

4. What is the difference in the numbers which is 4th from right end in step 6 and which is 4th from the right
end in last step?

A) 19 B) 20 C) 16 D) 17 E) 18

5. Find the sum of numbers in the last step of the input.

A) 83 B) 89 C) 98 D) 87 E) 86


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(1 5): Words are arranged according to starting letter first vowels, then consonants

For numbers: Multiply the digits of numbers and arrange in increasing order and then arrange in steps like in
given example: numbers are 21, 18, 91, 29, 45, 37

Multiply the digits 2, 8, 9, 18, 20, 21. Arrange according to this order from back

Step 7: number corresponding to first letter of word. ace(1) ice(9) oat(15) lap(12) sun(19) van(22)

Put in back order: 22 19 12 15 9 and 1

Step 8: add the digits of numbers.

Input: fat pin 94 uni 41 46 oak 13 eat hut 28 93

Step 1: eat fat pin 94 uni 41 46 oak hut 28 93 13

Step 2: eat oak fat pin 94 uni 46 hut 28 93 13 41

Step 3: eat oak uni fat pin 94 46 hut 93 13 41 28

Step 4: eat oak uni fat pin 94 hut 93 13 41 28 46

Step 5: eat oak uni fat pin 94 hut 13 41 28 46 93

Step 6: eat oak uni fat pin hut 13 41 28 46 93 94

Step 7: 8 16 6 21 15 5 13 41 28 46 93 94

Step 8: 8 7 6 3 6 5 4 5 10 10 12 13

1. C) 2. E) 3. A) 4. E)

5. B) 8 + 7 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 10 + 10 + 12 + 13 = 89

Set 22: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of Input and rearrangement.

INPUT : 14 12 10 8 6 Monkey Donkey Tiger Lion Rabbit

STEP 1 : 14 12 10 8 6 Monkey Donkey Tiger Lion Rabbit

STEP 2 : 14 10 12 8 6 Monkey Donkey Tiger Lion Rabbit

STEP 3 : 14 10 6 12 8 Monkey Donkey Tiger Lion Rabbit

STEP 4 : 14 10 6 Donkey 12 8 Monkey Tiger Lion Rabbit

STEP 5 : 14 10 6 Donkey Lion 12 8 Monkey Tiger Rabbit

And step V is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above step, find out the
appropriate step for the given output.

INPUT : 20 30 Facebook Whatsapp 10 15 Hike Wechat 12 22

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. Whi h of the follo i g te e a tl o es et ee a d i step ?

A) Hike B) Whatsapp C) 10 D) 12 E) None of these

2. How many steps will be required to complete the above input?

A) Three B) Four C) Five D) Six E) None of these

3. Which of the following will be the fourth step of the given input?

A) 20 Facebook Hike 30 Whatsapp 10 15 Wechat 12 22

B) 20 Hike Facebook 10 30 Whatsapp 15 Wechat 12 22

C) 20 Facebook Hike 10 30 Whatsapp 15 Wechat 12 22

D) 20 Facebook 10 Hike 30 Whatsapp 15 Wechat 12 22

E) None of these

4. How many elements are there between Facebook and Whatsapp in step 5?

A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four E) None of these

5. Which of the following would be at the fifth position from the right end in step 2?

A) Hike B) Whatsapp C) 10 D) 12 E) 15


(1 5): STEP 1 : 20 30 Facebook Whatsapp 10 15 Hike Wechat 12 22

STEP 2 : 20 Facebook 30 Whatsapp 10 15 Hike Wechat 12 22

STEP 3 : 20 Facebook 10 30 Whatsapp 15 Hike Wechat 12 22

STEP 4 : 20 Facebook 10 Hike 30 Whatsapp 15 Wechat 12 22

STEP 5 : 20 Facebook 10 Hike 12 30 Whatsapp 15 Wechat 22

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 3 5 2 4 6 7 8 9 10

a d so o .

Shift odd number positions in Each Step

1. B) 2. C) 3. D) 4. D) 5. E)

Set 23: Read the following information carefully and answer the question that follows :

A word and number arrangement machine, when given an input line of word and numbers, rearranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of the input and its rearrangement.

Input : softer 16 is 37 just 19 28 31 special economic 08 09 conditions.

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Step - I : is 37 softer 16 just 19 pull 28 31 special economic 08 09 conditions.

Step - II : is 37 just 28 softer 16 19 pull 31 special economic 08 09 conditions.

Step - III : is 37 just 28 pull 31 softer 16 19 special economic 08 09 conditions.

Step - IV : is 37 just 28 pull 31 softer 16 special 19 economic 08 09 conditions.

Step - V : is 37 just 28 pull 31 softer 16 special 19 economic 08 conditions 09.

Step V is the last step of the rearrangement. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of
the following questions the appropriate step for the input given below.

1. Which of the following would be the last step of the arrangement ?

a) Step VII b) Step VIII c) Step VI d) Step V e) Step IV

2. In step IV, which of the following element would be at 7th position from left ?

a) every b) 29 c) some d) interesting e) being

3. Which step number would be the following output ?

are 33 one 56 some 29 interesting 17 36 fragrance 21 being 48 every

a) Step VI b) Step VII c) Step V d) Step IV e) Step III

4. What is the position of '48' in step IV ?

a) Seventh from right b) Seventh from left c) Second from left d) Ninth from right e) None of these

5. Which element is Third to the right of interesting in step V ?

a) fragrance b) being c) 48 d) 21 e) None of these


(1 5): The machine-rearranges one word and one number in each step. The word are come in first place
according to the number of letters and in case of tie then, in alphabetical order. The words are followed by
prime numbers in decreasing order and even numbers in increasing order in alternate step.

Input : interesting 17 36 fragrance 56 are 21 being 48 33 every one 29 some.

Step I: are 33 interesting 17 36 fragrance 56 21 being 48 every one 29 some.

Step II: are 33 one 56 interesting 17 36 fragrance 21 being 48 every 29 some.

Step III: are 33 one 56 some 29 interesting 17 36 fragrance 21 being 48 every.

Step IV: are 33 one 56 some 29 being 48 interesting 17 36 fragrance 21 every.

Step V: are 33 are one 56 some 29 being 48 every 21interesting 17 36 fragrance.

Step VI: are 33 one 56 some 29 being 48 every 21 fragrance 36 interesting 17.

1. C) 2. E) 3. E) 4. E) 5. E)

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Set 24: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers/words, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input: been laws mind need seat then they

Step 1: need been laws they mind seat then

Step 2: they need been then laws mind seat

Step 3: then they need seat been laws mind

Step 4: seat then they mind need been laws

Step 5: mind seat then laws they need been

Step 6: laws mind seat been then they need

Step 7: been laws mind need seat then they

Step 8: 26 55 32 28 45 47 58

Step 9: 26 28 32 45 47 55 58

This is the final arrangement and step 9 is the last step for this input.

Input: data high late paid plan risk what

1. Which word/number is third to right of seventh element from right end in step 4?

A) what B) paid C) late D) plan E) None of these

2. In step , if pla i te ha ges positio ith high a d hat ith data , the hi h o d is et ee
pla a d data ?

A) late B) paid C) risk D) high E) None

. Ho a o ds a e the e i et ee o ds late a d hat i step ?

A) None B) One C) Two D) Three E) None of these

4. Which number is third to left of 5th from left end in step 8?

A) 32 B) 38 C) 57 D) 30 E) 43

5. Find the difference in numbers which is 4th from right end in step 9 and 4th from left end in step 8.

A) 10 B) 9 C) 8 D) 6 E) 7


(1 5): Observe that input and step 7 is same.

In steps 1 to 7:

Fourth word is taken at beginning and last word at fourth place. In each step this is performed.

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Step 8: Addition of all numbers corresponding to letters in word. been = 2+5+5+14 = 26

Step 9: All numbers arranged in ascending order

Input: data high late paid plan risk what

Step 1: paid data high what late plan risk

Step 2: what paid data risk high late plan

Step 3: risk what paid plan data high late

Step 4: plan risk what late paid data high

Step 5: late plan risk high what paid data

Step 6: high late plan data risk what paid

Step 7: data high late paid plan risk what

Step 8: 26 32 38 30 43 57 52

Step 9: 26 30 32 38 43 52 57

1. C) 2. E) 3. D) 4. A) 5. C)

Set 25: A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers
rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of an input and

Input: Problem 58 solve 48 78 49 man time fly 26 87 what

Step I: 26 problem 58 solve 48 78 49 man time 87 what fly

Step II:26 87 problem 58 solve 48 78 49 time what man fly

Step III:26 87 48 58 solve 78 49 time what problem man fly

Step IV:26 87 48 78 58 49 time what solve problem man fly

Step V:26 87 48 78 49 58 what time solve problem man fly

and Step V is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step
for the given input.

Input for the questions

Input: why 16 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 boy you

1. Which of the following would be the final arrangement?

(a) 16 91 29 67 32 why 47 58 violet 51 you tall small orange not boy

(b) 16 91 29 67 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 51 you small orange not boy

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(c) 16 91 29 67 32 58 why 47 51 you violet tall small orange not boy

(d) 16 91 29 67 32 58 47 51you why violet tall small orange not boy

(e) None of these

2. In step III, which of the following words would be at 6th position from the left?

(a) 91 (b) 58 (c) small (d) tall (e) None of these

3. In step V, which of the following words would be at 6th position to the right of 8th from the left element?

(a)small (b)orange (c) not (d) boy (e) you

4. In step IV of the rearrangement, if 16 is related to 29 and 67 is related to 47 in a certain way, which of the
following would 58 be related to, following the same pattern?

(a) 32 (b) 51 (c) 91 (d) 29 (e) None of these

5. Which of the following would last but one step?

(a)V (b)VII (c)VIII (d)VI (e)None of these


(1 5): From the given input and final step it is understood that words are arranged in the alphabetical order.
Numbers are arranged alternately in the increasing order and alternatively in decreasing order i.e. least
u e follo ed highest u e , se o d least u e follo ed se o d highest u e a d so o .

Input: why 16 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 you boy

Step I: 16 why 29 not 47 tall 58 violet orange 91 32 small 67 51 you boy

Step II:16 91 why 29 47 tall 58 violet orange 32 small 67 51 you not boy

Step III:16 91 29 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 small 67 51 you orange not boy

Step IV:16 91 29 67 why 47 tall 58 violet 32 51 you small orange not boy

Step V: 16 91 29 67 32 why 47 58 violet 51 you tall small orange not boy

Step VI: 16 91 29 67 32 58 why 47 51 you violet tall small orange not boy

Step VII: 16 91 29 67 32 58 47 51you why violet tall small orange not boy

1. D) 2. D) 3. B) 4. A) 5. D)

Set 26: Study the given information and answer the questions:

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and its rearrangement. (All the numbers two-
digit numbers.

Input: 14 36 methodology 21 of research 59 crucial 98 very 62 is

Step I: 98 14 36 methodology 21 of research 59 crucial very is 62

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Step II: 98 very 14 36 methodology 21 of 59 crucial is research 62

Step III: 59 98 very 14 methodology 21 of crucial is research 62 36

Step IV: 59 98 very of 14 21 crucial is methodology research 62 36

Step V: 21 59 98 very of crucial is methodology research 62 36 14

Step VI: 21 59 98 very of is crucial methodology research 62 36 14

Step VI is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained.

As per the rules followed in the given steps find out the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input: 65 work in 23 to be 13 89 managed 46 97 load 34 healthy 55 style

. Whi h ele e t is e a tl et ee st le a d e i se o d last step of the gi e a a ge e t?

(a) work (b) healthy (c) 23 (d) load (e) be

. What is the positio of fo the ight e d i the thi d step?

(a) Sixth (b) Seventh (c) Fifth (d) Eighth (e) Ninth

3. Which of the following is the fifth step of the arrangement based on the given input?

(a) 46 65 97 to managed in 23 be 13 load healthy style work 89 55 34

(b) 46 work 65 style 97 in 23 be 13 load healthy 89 managed 55 to 34

(c) 46 65 97 work style in 23 be 13 load healthy managed to 89 55 34

(d) 34 46 55 65 89 97 work style in 23 be 13 load healthy managed to

(e) 89 55 34 work style in 23 be 13 load healthy managed to 46 65 97

.I hi h step a e the ele e ts e health i fou d i the sa e o de ?

(a) Third (b) Sixth (c) Fourth (d) The given order of elements is not found in any step. (e) Fifth

5. How many steps will be required to complete the given arrangement based on the given input?

(a) Eight (b) Ten (c) Seven (d) Nine (e) Six


(1 5): Numbers get arranged on both ends in odd-numbered steps while words get arranged on the inner side
in even-numbered steps till a particular pattern is formed. In Step I, the largest no. goes on the left end and the
second largest on the right end. In step II, the first word in reverse alphabetical order (ie the last word in
reverse alphabetical order) comes on the left (just after the arranged number) and the second word in the
reverse alphabetical order goes on the right (just before the arranged number.

In Step III, it is now the turn of numbers. The third largest goes on the left and the fourth largest on the right.

Agai , i Step IV, it s o ds. The thi d o d i e e se alpha eti al o de goes to the left (just after the
arranged number and words) and the fourth goes to the right (just before the arranged ones. And so on,

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Input: 65 work in 23 to be 13 89 managed 46 97 load 34 healthy 55 style

Step I: 97 65 work in 23 to be 13 managed 46 load 34 healthy 55 style 89

Step II: 97 work 65 in 23 be 13 managed 46 load 34 healthy 55 style to 89

Step III: 65 97 work in 23 be 13 managed 46 load 34 healthy style to 89 55

Step IV: 65 97 work style in 23 be 13 46 load 34 healthy managed to 89 55

Step V: 46 65 97 work style in 23 be 13 load healthy managed to 89 55 34

Step VI: 46 65 97 work style load 23 be 13 healthy in managed to 89 55 34

Step VII: 23 46 65 97 work style load be healthy in managed to 89 55 34 13

Step VIII: 23 46 65 97 work style load healthy be in managed to 89 55 34 13

1. D) 2. D) 3. C) 4. B) 5. A)

Set 27: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of Input and rearrangement.

Input : 85 Nose 75 eye 53 aim cat 96 37 dut rat

Step 1: 85 more 75 exe 53 ail bas 96 37 cus qas

Step 2: 37 53 85 more 75 exe ail bas 96 cus qas

Step 3: 37 53 ail bas 85 more 75 exe 96 cus qas

Step 4: 37 53 ail bas cus exe 85 more 75 96 qas

Step 5: 37 53 ail bas cus exe more qas 85 75 96

Step 6:37 53 ail bas cus exe more qas 75 85 96

And step 6 is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above step, find out the
appropriate step for the given output.

INPUT: 72 rose 96 fear 79 apple cat 83 92 door rubber

1. In step 5, what is the sum of third from right element and second from left element?

(a) 156 (b) 171 (c) 155 (d) 94 (e) 149

. What is the positio of o e i the step ?

(a) Seventh from the right (b) Sixth from the left (c) Fourth from the righ (d) Sixth from the left

(e) None of these

3. Which element is exactly between the fifth from left and fifth from right in step 2?

(a) 96 (b) Deaq (c) aooke (d) 79 (e) None of these

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4. Which step number would be the following output?

aooke as oo dea o e uaae

(a) Step III (b) Step V (c) Step V (d) Step VI (e) None of the Above

5. Which of the following would be at the ninth position from the left end in step 6?

(a) aooke (b) 72 (c) bas (d) cooq (e) 96


(1 5): Step1: Every consonant in a word is replacing by previous alphabet in alphabetical order.

Step2: Two prime arranges in ascending from left to right.

Step3: After arranging prime number, two alphabetical in increasing order

Step4: two alphabetical in increasing order

Step5:two alphabetical in increasing order

Step6: After arranging of words, rest number arranges in increasing order.

INPUT: 72 rose 96 fear 79 apple cat 83 92 door rubber

Step 1.72 qore 96 deaq 79 aooke bas 83 92 cooq quaaeq

Step 2.79 83 72 qore 96 deaq aooke bas 92 cooq quaaeq

Step 3.79 83 aooke bas 72 qore 96 deaq 92 cooq quaaeq

Step 4.79 83 aooke bas cooq deaq 72 qore 96 92 quaaeq

Step 5.79 83 aooke bas cooq deaq qore quaaeq 72 96 92

Step 6.79 83 aooke bas cooq deaq qore quaaeq 72 92 96

1. C) 2. C) 3. C) 4. B) 5. B)

Set 28: Study the following information to answer the given questions:

A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them
following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the
numbers are two-digit numbers and all are arranged as per some logic based on the value of the number.)

Input: stronger 48 banks 39 gaining 74 market 56 share 27

Step I: market stronger 48 banks gaining 74 56 share 27 39

Step II: banks market stronger gaining 74 56 share 27 39 48

Step III: stronger banks market gaining 74 56 share 39 48 27

Step IV: gaining stronger banks market 74 share 39 48 27 56

Step V: share gaining stronger banks market 39 48 27 56 74

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Step V is the last step of the arrangement the above input.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps
for the given input.

Input: India 54 Will 15 Remain 77 Fair 39 Fastest 28

1. Which of the following would be step III?

(a) remain fair fastest india will 54 15 39 28 77 (b) remain fair fastest india 54 will 3915 28 77

(c) remain fair fastest india 54 will 39 28 7715 (d) remain fair fastest india 54 will 15 39 28 77

(e) None of these

2. Which word/number would be at sixth position from the right end in step IV?

(a) India (b) 54 (c) 39 (d) fastest (e) 28

3. How many steps required to complete the above input?

(a) Four (b) Five (c) Six (d) Seven (e) None of these

.I hi h step the ele e ts fou d i the sa e o de ?

(a) Step V (b) Step IV (c) Step I (d) Step II (e) Step III

. Whi h ele e t is e a tl et ee a d i Step II?

(a) remain (b) fair (c) 39 (d) 28 (e) none of these


(1 5): When we see the each step, then we can find that there is both number and words are arranged in
each step.

a) For words arrangement- Words are arranged according to last letter of each word. We have to see the last
letter of each word. And then last letter of each word are arranged in descending order from left to right.

For exp- I o d fastest t is last lette a d also g eatest a o g all the last lette of ea h o ds hi h is gi e
i i put se ies. So o d fastest a a ged fi st to e t e e left a d this process is continued in further step.

b) For number arrangement- We have to see the unit digits of each number because the numbers are arranged
according to unit digit of each number. The unit digits are arranged according to descending order.

For exp- I gi e i put se ies, u e , the u it digit is hi h is g eatest a o g all the othe u it digits of
number which is given in input series. So , 39 is arranged first to extreme right and this process in continued in
further step.

Input: India 54 Will 15 Remain 77 Fair 39 Fastest 28

Step I: fastest india 54 will 15 remain 77 fair 28 39

Step II: fair fastest india 54 will 15 remain 77 39 28

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Step III: remain fair fastest india 54 will 15 39 28 77

Step IV: will remain fair fastest india 54 39 28 77 15

Step V: india will remain fair fastest 39 28 77 15 54

Set 29: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of words/numbers, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input: 4 2 1 5 6 8 3 7

Step 1: 14 2 -1 23 34 62 7 47

Step 2: 5 2 -1 5 7 8 7 2

Step 3: 6 6 8 21 32 44 56 66

Step 4: 5 4 5 17 27 38 49 58

Step 5: 5 4 5 8 9 2 4 4

Step 6: 20 12 20 56 72 2 12 12

This is the final arrangement and step 6 is the last step for this input.

Input: 12 7 4 9 6 2 3 8

1. Find the multiplication of numbers which are 4th from left end and 2nd from right end in step 4?

A) 872 B) 931 C) 588 D) 765 E) None of these

2. What is the sum of numbers which are 3rd from left end and 3rd from right end in step 5?

A) 12 B) 14 C) 27 D) 7 E) 3

3. What is the difference in numbers which are 2nd from left end and 3rd from right end in step 6?

A) 6 B) 7 C) 9 D) 5 E) -8

. I step , is elated to i the sa e a as i step , is elated to . The i step , is

related to what in the same way?

A) 2 B) 12 C) 7 D) None of these E) Cannot be determined

5. What are last two numbers in step 4?

A) 7, 4 B) 28, 32 C) 5, 7 D) 42, 64 E) 49, 64


(1 5): Explanation:

In each step some operation is performed

Step 1: x2 2 like 4 => 42 2 = 14

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Step 2: Addition of digits to make it a single digit number, like 12 => 1+2 = 3, 47 => 4+7=11 => 1+1 = 2

Step 3: +12, +22, +32, +42,.

Step 4: -1, -2, -3, -4

Step 5: Addition of digits to make it a single digit number

Step 6: n * (n -1), eg 5 => 5 * (5-1) = 5*4 = 20, 1*(1-0) = 1

Input: 12 7 4 9 6 2 3 8

Step 1: 142 47 14 79 34 2 7 62

Step 2: 7 2 5 7 7 2 7 8

Step 3: 8 6 14 23 32 38 56 72

Step 4: 7 4 11 19 27 32 49 64

Step 5: 7 4 2 1 9 5 4 1

Step 6: 42 12 2 1 72 20 12 1

1. B) 2. D) 3. E) 4. C) 5. E)

Set 31: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions.

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the numbers are
two-digit numbers)

Input : turn 12 64 mist hike 45 vast 26 site gate 72 56

Step I : gate turn 12 mist hike 45 vast 26 site 72 56 84.

Step II : 72 gate turn 12 mist 45 vast 26 site 56 84 hike

Step III : mist 72 gate turn 12 45 vast 26 site 84 hike 56

Step IV : 45 mist 72 gate turn 12 vast 26 84 hike 56 site

Step V : turn 45 mist 72 gate 12 vast 84 hike 56 site 26

Step VI : 12 turn 45 mist 72 gate 84 hike 56 site 26 vast

Step VI is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained.

As per the rules followed in the given steps, find the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input :15 role air 96 63 born with 77 like 39 some 52

1. Ho a ele e ts a e the e et ee ith a d o i step IV ?

a) None b) One c) Two d) Three e) Five

2. In which of the following steps is '15 some 52' found consecutively in the same order ?

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a) Step IV b) Step VI c) Step II d) Step I e) Step III

3. Which of the second element is to the left of the ninth element from the left in the step II ?

a) 39 b) like c) with d) role e) air

4. In step I, 'some' is related to '77' following a certain pattern. Following the same pattern, in step V, 'role' is
related to '96'. In step IV, to which of the following is `born' related to ?

a) with b) 63 c) like d) 39 e) role

5. In step II which element is between '77' and '15' ?

a) Only 'role' b) Both 'born' and '52' c) Only 'air' d) Only 'some' e) Both 'like' and '39'


(1 5): Input : 15 role air 96 63 born with 77 like 39 some 52

Step I : air 15 role 63 born with 77 like 39 some 52 96

Step II : 77 air 15 role 63 with like 39 some 52 96 born

Step III : like 77 air 15 role with 39 some 52 96 born 63

Step IV : 52 like 77 air 15 with 39 some 96 born 63 role

Step V : some 52 like 77 air 15 with 96 born 63 rote 39

Step VI :15 some 52 like 77 air 96 born 63 role 39 with

1. D) 2. B) 3. B) 4. D) 5. C)

Set 32: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of Input and rearrangement.(All the numbers are two
digit numbers.)

Input : Doll 9 46 Egg 23 Cat 55 11 Ball Fan

Step 1 : Ball Doll 9 46 Egg 23 Cat 11 Fan 55

Step 2 : Ball 9 Doll 46 Egg 23 Cat 11 Fan 55

Step 3 : Ball 9 Cat Doll 46 Egg 11 23 Fan 55

Step 4 : Ball 9 Cat 11 46 Egg Doll 23 Fan 55

Step 5 : Ball 9 Cat 11 Egg 46 Doll 23 Fan 55

Step V is the largest step of above arrangement as the indended arrangement as the intended arrangement is

As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the Input.

Input : Dog 7 48 Elephant 21 Car 43 13 Banana Fruit

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. Whi h ele e t o es e a tl et ee a d i Step III of the gi e I put?

A. 21 B. Fruit C. Dog D. 13 E. Elephant

. If i the se o d step, i te ha ges its positio ith a d Elepha t also i te ha ges its positio
ith Fa the hi h ele e t ill e to the i ediate left of Ca ?

A. 7 B. Fruit C. Dog D. 13 E. Elephant

3. Which of the following combinations represent the first two and the last two elements in the Step II of the
given input?

A. Banana Dog and Fruit 43 B. Banana 7 and Fruit 43 C. Banana 7 and Elephant 13

D. Banana 7 and Dog 21 E. Banana 7 and Elephant 48

4. Which element is third to the left of the one which is eighth from the left in Step IV of the given Input?

A. 7 B. Fruit C. Dog D. 48 E. Elephant

.I hi h step a e the ele e ts Ca Dog fou d i the sa e o de ?

A. Third B. Fourth C. Second D. Fifth E. The given order of elements is not found in any step


(1 5): Explanation:

Input : Dog 7 48 Elephant 21 Car 43 13 Banana Fruit

Step 1 : Banana Dog 7 48 Elephant 21 Car 13 Fruit 43

Step 2 : Banana 7 Dog 48 Elephant 21 Car 13 Fruit 43

Step 3 : Banana 7 Car Dog 48 Elephant 13 21 Fruit 43

Step 4 : Banana 7 Car 13 48 Elephant Dog 21 Fruit 43

Step 5 : Banana 7 Car 13 Elephant 48 Dog 21 Fruit 43

Middle Elements Even Number and Vowel word

Remaining Elements Ascending order

1. E) 2. A) 3. B) 4. D) 5. A)

Set 33: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

A word and number, arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them
following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input 96 gain 63 forest 38 78 deep house

Step I deep 96 gain 63 forest 38 78 house

Step II deep 38 96 gain 63 forest 78 house

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Step III deep 38 forest gain 96 63 78 house

Step IV deep 38 forest 63 gain 96 78 house

Step V deep 38 forest 63 gain 78 96 house

Step VI deep 38 forest 63 gain 78 house 96

and step VI is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step
for the given input.

1. Input : train 59 47 25 over burden 63 sky

Which of the following steps will be the last but one?

a) VI b) V c) IV d) VII e) None of these

2. Input : service 46 58 96 over there desk 15

Which of the following will be step VI?

a) desk 15 over service 46 58 96 there b) desk 15 over 46 service there 58 96 c) desk 15 over 46 service 58
there 96 d) desk 15 over 46 service 58 96 there e) There will be no such step

3. Step II of an input is 'below 12 93 house floor 69 57 task'.

Which of the following will definitely be the input?

a) 93 house 69 57 below task floor 12 b) 93 house below 69 57 task floor 12

c) 93 house floor 69 57 task below 12 d) Cannot be determined

e) None of the above

4. Step III of an input is 'art 24 day 83 71 54 star power'.

Which of the following steps will be the last?

a) V b) VIII c) IX d) VII e) None of these

5. Step II of an input is 'cold 17 wave 69 never desk 52 43'.

How many more steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?

a) Six b) Five c) Four d) Three e) None of the above


1. B) Input train 59 47 25 over burden 63 sky

Step I burden train 59 47 25 over 63 sky

Step II burden 25 train 59 47 over 63 sky

Step III burden 25 over train 59 47 63 sky

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Step IV burden 25 over 47 train 59 63 sky

Step V burden 25 over 47 sky train 59 63

Step VI burden 25 over 47 sky 59 train 63.

2. E) Input service 46 58 96 over there desk 15

Step I desk service 46 58 96 over there 15

Step II desk 15 service 46 58 96 over there

Step III desk 15 over service 46 58 96 there

Step IV desk 15 over 46 service 58 96 there

Step V desk 15 over 46 service 58 there 96

Step VI not possible, i.e., no such step is possible.

3. D) Cannot be determined.

4. D) Step III art 24 day 83 71 54 star power

Step IV art 24 day 54 83 71 star power

Step V art 24 day 54 power 83 71 star

Step VI art 24 day 54 power 71 83 star

Step VII art 24 day 54 power 71 star 83

5. C) Step II cold 17 wave 69 never desk 52 43

Step III cold 17 desk wave 69 never 52 43

Step IV cold 17 desk 43 wave 69 never 52

Step V cold 17 desk 43 never wave 69 52

Step VI cold 17 desk 43 never 52 wave 69

Hence, four more steps are required.

Set 34: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers/words, rearranges them following a
particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.

Input: dump 7 sat tin 8 5 born 9 pet 4

Step 1: set dump 7 tin 8 5 born 9 pet 4

Step 2: set dump 7 tin 8 5 born 9 pet 61

Step 3: set pit dump 7 tin 8 5 born 9 61

Step 4: set pit dump 7 tin 8 born 9 61 52

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Step 5: set pit ton dump 7 8 born 9 61 52

Step 6: set pit ton dump 8 born 9 61 52 94

Step 7: set pit ton burn dump 8 9 61 52 94

Step 8: set pit ton burn dump 9 61 52 94 46

Step 9: set pit ton burn damp 9 61 52 94 46

Step 10: set pit ton burn damp 61 52 94 46 18

This is the final arrangement and step 10 is the last step for this input.

Input: 11 pill but 9 5 ten 8 bat 7 doll

1. Which word/number is third to right of seventh element from right end in step 6?

A) 94 B) bet C) tin D) 11 E) doll

. I step , if ti i te ha ges positio ith ut a d ith , the ho a o ds a e the e i

et ee ti a d ?

A) None B) One C) Two D) Three E) More than three

. Ho a u e s/ o ds a e et ee ti a d ut i step ?

A) None B) One C) Two D) Three E) More than three

4. What is the sum of the numbers which are fourth from left end and second from right end in step 5?

A) 36 B) 47 C) 63 D) 49 E) 45

5. What is the sum of digits of the sum of the numbers which are fourth from right end in step 9 and second
from right end in step 6?

A) 20 B) 9 C) 19 D) 11 E) 15


(1 5): Explanation:

If we see the last step, it is found that changes are done in vowels as a->e, e->I, i->o, o->u and u->a. And also
words in each step are taken according to the sequence of vowels which is a, e, I, o, u

And for numbers: Number are taking in ascending order, squared and digits reversed, so 4 => 4^2 = 16, become

Input: 11 pill but 9 5 ten 8 bat 7 doll

Step 1: bet 11 pill but 9 5 ten 8 7 doll

Step 2: bet 11 pill but 9 ten 8 7 doll 52

Step 3: bet tin 11 pill but 9 8 7 doll 52

Step 4: bet tin 11 pill but 9 8 doll 52 94

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Step 5: bet tin poll 11 but 9 8 doll 52 94

Step 6: bet tin poll 11 but 9 doll 52 94 46

Step 7: bet tin poll dull 11 but 9 52 94 46

Step 8: bet tin poll dull 11 but 52 94 46 18

Step 9: bet tin poll dull bat 11 52 94 46 18

Step 10: bet tin poll dull bat 52 94 46 18 121

1. E) 2. B) 3. D) 4. C) 5. D)

Set 35: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them
following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of Input and rearrangement.(All the numbers are two
digit numbers.)

Input : ant 24 son 76 house 54 46 venue 80 sun

Step 1 : venue ant 24 son 76 house 46 80 sun 54

Step 2 : venue 24 ant son 76 46 80 sun 54 house

Step 3 : venue 24 sun ant son 46 80 54 house 76

Step 4 : venue 24 sun 46 son 80 54 house 76 ant

Step 5 : venue 24 sun 46 son 54 house 76 ant 80

Step V is the largest step of above arrangement as the indended arrangement as the intended arrangement is

As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the Input.

Input : ball 32 parrot 82 gun 66 48 water 90 pearl

. Whi h ele e t o es e a tl et ee a d i Step II of the given Input?

A. water B. pearl C. parrot D. 32 E. 48

. If i the fou th step, i te ha ges its positio ith gu a d pa ot also i te ha ges its positio
ith all the hi h ele e t ill e to the i ediate ight of ?

A. parrot B. ball C. gun D. 48 E. pearl

3. Which of the following combinations represent the first two and the last two elements in the Step III of
the given input?

A. water, ball and pearl, 66 B. water, 32 and gun, 82

C. water, 32 and ball, 90 D. water, 32 and 82, ball

E. water, 32 and 66, gun

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4. Which element is fifth to the right of the one which is eighth from the right in the Step II of the given

A. parrot B. ball C. gun D. 48 E. pearl

.I hi h step a e the ele e ts all pa ot fou d i the sa e o de ?

A. Third B. Fourth C. Second D. Fifth E. The given order of elements is not found in any step


(1 5) Explanation:

Input : ball 32 parrot 82 gun 66 48 water 90 pearl

Step 1 : water ball 32 parrot 82 gun 48 90 pearl 66

Step 2 : water 32 ball parrot 82 48 90 pearl 66 gun

Step 3 : water 32 pearl ball parrot 48 90 66 gun 82

Step 4 : water 32 pearl 48 parrot 90 66 gun 82 ball

Step 5 : water 32 pearl 48 parrot 66 gun 82 ball 90

1. E) 2. D) 3. B) 4. E) 5. C)

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