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Trial SuperBot Installation Guide

Important Note:

Consider that the trial is configured to detect big pumps like:
when the bot is activated 30 seconds before the pump.
To detect little pumps you will need to change the parameter Credibility.
If it does not detect a big pump, probably the pair (BTC-XXX) is not in the list (we can add it).

Installation Steps

1. If you need help, watch the video:

b. If you need extra help, read the FAQ at the end of this document
c. If you still need help, contact through telegram: @PumpBots

2. Install nodejs:
b. For Windows choose Windows Installer (.msi)

3. In the Start Menu, look for Nodejs installation and double click in Node.js command prompt
icon :

For Mac, go to: Applications Folder Utilities Folder Terminal app

4. Type in the window of step 3:
a. npm install node.bittrex.api

b. It is normal to have 5 warnings. You can proceed

c. This is the API recommended by Bittrex (

d. If you had problems with Mac, follow one of these guide, and redo step 4.a:

5. Install Webstorm:
b. Click create associations .js:

c. Choose Evaluate for free

d. Click next in this screen:

e. If you arrive here, you have installed it ok. Close the window.

6. Look for the folder:

a. node.bittrex.api
i. In windows it is usually in: C:\Users\USERNAME\node_modules\node.bittrex.api
ii. In Mac it is usually in: /users/USERNAME/node_modules/node.bittrex.api/
b. Create the folder Superbot inside this one: ..\node.bittrex.api\Superbot

7. Create your api keys in Bittrex

a. Give all rights except withdrawal

8. Execute cmd.exe

a. Type:
i. ipconfig /all

b. Send me the result by Telegram (@PumpBots). This is to allow you access.

c. Dont worry if you have dynamic IP

9. Download the file:


10. Extract the file SuperBotPumpTrial2.js in: ..\node.bittrex.api\Superbot

11. In the trial version, there is only one parameter to configure: Credibility.

a. Please read the section: How to use the bot

How to use the bot?

Join one big group of pumps:

Choose the pump in which you want to participate

Change the credibility parameter to 5 var Credibility = 5;
Execute the bot 30 seconds before your desired pump

The trial will detect many potential pumps as follows:

Potential pump detected at BTC-XXX at 14:00:01. Credibility: 31

Potential pump detected at BTC-YYY at 14:00:02. Credibility: 12
Potential pump detected at BTC-ZZZ at 14:00:03. Credibility: 75

Check the value of Credibility for the pumped coin of your channel: This will be the value that
you will set for detecting this same pump the following day.
Have the telegram opened to verify that the bot detects the coin before the message arrives.
At the same second the pump is detected, the bot in the paid version will place your buy and
sell orders (Only one buy/sell order per execution).

The trial version does not allow you to:

1. Buy and sell automatically when the pump is detected

For that, you will need the paid version.

Why do we execute only 30 seconds before a known pump?
Because we want to early detect a pump in which we know there will be hundreds of people
buying after us.
If we execute the bot at any time, we will detect pumps as well, but pumps created by big
whales, in which there are no hundreds of people buying after us, so, we have the risk to be
the last ones buying in this kind of pumps.

I get the following message

o Try to run as administrator

o If not, verify you installed node.js and npm
o If not, verify the path to where you installed node.js. In webstorm, go to File ->
Settings -> Language&Frameworks -> Node.js and NPM and in the Node interpreter
text box, point it to the path of where node.js was installed. For example at
C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs.

I get this error

o You are executing in a wrong folder

o Program must be in: ..\node.bittrex.api\Superbot\SuperBotPumpTrial.js
o If it is already in the good folder, rename the file SuperBotPumpTrial.js to
SuperBotPumpTrial2.js and execute again.

I get this error

o Bittrex API server is down. Just wait a couple of hours.

Thank you!

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