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UDK 90312/15(4/5)633/634

Documenta Praehistorica XXX

Seals, contracts and tokens in the Balkans

Early Neolithic: where in the puzzle

Mihael Budja
Department of Archaeology, University of Ljubljana, SI

ABSTRACT Paper discusses Early Neolithic seals, contracts and tokens in the context of Neolithiza-
tion processes in southeastern Europe. Paper analyses the assemblages, contexts and the patterns of
regional and interregional distributions. The results contradict traditional models as the objects ap-
pearance and distributions can no longer support the models of colonization, demic diffusion and
population replacement in the context of the transition to farming in the Balkans. The paper ar-
gues they were well embedded in the Early Neolithic Balkans koine, where the transformation of hun-
ter-gathering into farming societies took place in an arena of selective integration of the new techno-
logies and social practices as much as the result of intensive connections and exchange networks.

IZVLEEK V lanku obravnavamo peatnike in druge predmete simbolnega pomena v procesu neo-
litizacije jugovzhodne Evrope. Povezujemo jih z menjavo dobrin in socialnimi stiki. Analiziramo
kontekste v katerih se pojavljajo in njihove distribucije. Te ne podpirajo modelov demske difuzije,
kolonizacije in menjave populacij, na katerih sicer temeljijo razlage prehoda h kmetovanju. Ugotav-
ljamo, da so dobro umeeni v zgodnjeneolitski balkanski koine, kjer je bilo preoblikovanje lovskih
skupnosti v poljedelske posledica selektivnega prevzema novih gospodarskih strategij, tudi s pomo-
jo stikov in menjav.

KEY WORDS Neolithization; Balkans; social networks; seals; contracts and tokens


Asia Minor

In the late twenties of the previous century at the their envelope, and can no longer be identified.
Nuzi site, north of Babylon in northern Iraq, a hol- However, the counters, the list of animals, and the
low, egg-shaped envelope was recovered. When ope- explanatory cuneiform text were believed to have
ning it the excavators found that, as they descri- been used for book-keeping, each animal of the
bed, it held forty-nine pebbles. The envelope (bul- flock being represented by a stone held in an office
la) bearing the surface cuneiform inscription as fol- in a container (cf. Schmandt-Besserat 1992.89).
lows: 21 ewes that lambed, 6 female lambs, 8 full-
grown rams, 4 male lambs, 6 nanny-goats that kid, In the sixties and seventies small clay cones, sphe-
1 billy goat, 2 female kids. Seal of Ziqarru (the she- res, and tetrahedrons enclosed in a globular clay en-
pherd). The number of listed animals corresponds velope from Susa, dated to a proto-literate period,
to the number of pebbles, and it was hypothesised bearing well preserved seal impressions have been
they represent the counters abnati mentioned in interpreted as calculi, counters that stood for com-
the text. Neither their shapes, nor the material of modities. It became broadly accepted that that the
which they were made were described. They were first impressed signs of writing reproduced the
simply referred to as pebbles and separated from shape of the former calculi.

Mihael Budja

In the eighties it was recognized that identical small near Old European Script (Gimbutas 1982.87; but
clay artefacts but not envelopes were found at see also Makkay 1984.31). In the settlement context
Near Eastern Neolithic sites. They were identified as of the Vina culture at Ratina a hollow zoomorphic
tokens that might have been used as counters in an figurine was found. X-rays were used to investigate
accounting system with no discontinuity between the contents and, after opening, it was found to con-
8000 and 3000 BC, and it was hypothesised also tain 28 black and 4 white pebbles(!). It was hypothe-
that they represent a prelude to writing (Schmandt- sised that they represented the lunar calendar as the
Besserat 1992). moons cycle (28 nights) and 4 lunar phases (Va-
lovi 1987.219226).
Southeastern Europe
It was pointed out in the nineties that the Aegean
In European Neo-Eneolithic contexts almost identi- Bronze Age stamps maintained a long tradition, as
cal artefacts were determined as gaming pieces and their conical shape and motifs, especially the mean-
coniform figurines since the second volume of The ders, spirals, zigzag lines, dots and cross and its va-
Prehistoric Vina was published in the thirties (Va- riants had not changed since the Early Neolithic as
si 1936). they appeared in south-eastern Europe (Younger
1992.3554). Numerous small ceramic and stone ob-
In the sixties and seventies some of them were jects were determined as tokens used in systems of
identified as ear studs, ear plugs, nose plugs, exchange and devices for recording information in
decorative and other objects, spheres and button the context of the transition to farming and secon-
beads (Miloji 1960.335; Theocharis 1973.299, dary products scenario (Budja 1992.95109; Tala-
301, Fig. 212, 238, 270). They have been discussed lay 1993.4546).
(in eighties) as the markers of an early farming set-
tlement in the Balkans, whether in the contexts of Discussing the Greek Neolithic figurines, Talalay hy-
demic diffusion spread of farming in Europe or the pothesised that the split-leg figurines served as
genesis of the Balkan-Anatolian complex of the Early economic contracts or identifying tokens. They were
Neolithic (Makkay 1984; Renfrew 1987). The signs intentionally designed so that the two attached hal-
incised on the round base of a Karanovo (VI) stamp ves could be easily separated and united. Ethno-his-
seal have been recognized as the earliest European torical analogies indicate that the artefacts desig-
writing system (Mikov, Georgiev 1969.1012, 13). ned for intentional splitting serve either as contra-
ctual devices or as identifying tokens between indivi-
A set of clay and stone artefacts described as pinta- duals or groups. The archaeological evidence in Pe-
deras (Cornaggia Castiglione 1956) were re-defi- loponnesus shows the pattern of six Neolithic sites
ned as stamp seals in the eighties (Makkay 1984, where approximately twenty such fragments were
but see also Dzhanfezova 2003.97108). The Kara- found. The sites are all accessible to another, lying
novo seal was determined as the bearer of the Li- one-half to several days journey away, and the arte-
facts are supposed to have sym-
bolized an agreement, obligation,
friendship and common bond.
This means, in consequence, that
the sites/communities were
bound into an interactive unit,
and the artefacts contractual
devices or identifying tokens
could have been used in a variety
of contexts as a down the line
mode of exchange, or to identify
messengers between villages, par-
ticularly in times of crisis (perio-
dic floods), as symbols of future
obligations among groups or in-
dividuals and as the markers of
Fig. 1. Pins (left) and zoomorphic amulets (right) (After Stanko- inter-village marital connections
vi 1989/1990(1991).3542, T.1 and Rodden 1962.209288, Fig.11). (Talalay 1993.4546).

Seals, contracts and tokens in the Balkans Early Neolithic: where in the puzzle

Tokens in Levantine Neolithic


As Schmandt-Besserat pointed
out, the token system appeared
around 80007500 BC, and the
first assemblages of counters con-
sisted mainly of cones, spheres,
disks, and cylinders. These plain
tokens continued to be used to
the very end of the system in the
third millennium. The cones re-
present eighteen, and the sphe-
res forty percent of a collection
of some 9000 tokens collected
over the entire Near East. Both
shapes were also among the to-
kens most frequently stored in
archives in clay envelopes. The
appearance of plain tokens coin-
cided not only with agriculture,
but with a new settlement pat-
tern characterized by larger com-
munities, which suggests that a
system of counting and record-
keeping of goods became neces-
sary when survival depended on
the domestication of grains and
accumulating agricultural pro- Fig. 2. Catalhyk seals assemblage (after Trkcan 1997, on-line).
duce. Tokens occur in the third
phase (Mureybet III) ca. 80007500 BC, when the shing, when the crops would be stored. It might sug-
hamlet had grown to become a village covering 2 or gest that transactions were made in the course of
3 hectares. It is estimated that the community then the year to be completed at the time of the harvest.
exceeded the number of individuals manageable in These plain tokens continued to be used to the very
an egalitarian system. The first token assemblage end of the system in the third millennium.
probably coincided with the advent of a ranked so-
ciety characterized by a new type of leadership over- The token system was a medium of communication,
seeing the community resources. In numerous sites and the tokens were frequently found in clusters va-
the counters were located in storage areas. At the rying in size from two to about one hundred coun-
sixth millennium BC site of Hajji Firuz in Iran a clu- ters. The clusters seem to indicate that the accounts
ster of six cones were located in a structure showing kept in archives by means of tokens dealt with
no trace of domestic activities such as cooking or small quantities of different kinds of commodities.
flint chipping. The building itself differed from the The system worked according to the most simple
usual domestic architecture. It was smaller, consi- and basic principle of one to one correspondence, as
sting of a single room, instead of the normal two- in matching each unit of a set to be recorded with
roomed units. Moreover, unusual features, such as a token. The evolution of the token system seems to
a low platform and two posts, were erected inside. reflect an ever increasing need for accuracy. This is
It was hypothesised on the basis of sequential de- exemplified by tokens dealing with livestock, as
posits in a rubbish pit that the layers of trash that the early plain cylinders and lentoid disks appar-
could be distinguished according to the seasons re- ently stood for heads of livestock, whereas the
vealed that tokens were most often associated with fourth millennium complex tokens indicated the
early summer deposits. The excavator noted, there- species, sex, and age. The transition from counters
fore, that the counters were discarded in the tradi- to script occurred when tokens were stored in an en-
tional season for plenty, after the harvest and thre- velope (bulla), and impressed signs on the outer sur-

Mihael Budja

Map 1. Spatial distributions

of zoomorphic amulets ()
and pins () (after Stanko-
vi 1991.3536; Jovanovi
1968.1516; Garaanin 1979.
104; Karmanski 1987.101
106; Matsanova 1996.109; Ka-
licz 2000.309; Perls 2001.
288). List of sites plotted on
the map: Gediki, Magoula Ko-
skinas, Sesklo, Soufli, Achille-
ion, Zappeio, Ayios Georgios,
Larisas, Elasson, Nea Nikome-
deia, Yannitsa, Dendra, Rud-
nik, Divostin, Lug kod Zveke,
Kozluk Kremenjak, Grivac,
Banja, Dobanovci, Kuajna,
Drenovac, Donja Branjevina,
Lepenski Vir, Kamenicki po-
tok, Knjepite, Velenica, Ra-
kitovo, Vaksevo, Koprivec, Cui-
na Turcului, Ocna Sibiului,
Gura Baciului.

face appeared to record not only the numbers, but veral thousands year tradition in the manufacturing
also the shape of tokens inside: circular impressions of clay cone seals with standardized motifs almost
for discs and spheres, conical impressions for cones. identical to those in the Balkans Early Neolithic. In
The graphic symbols on the surface of the envelope the Helladic Period the function of these stamps was
thus mark the transition between tokens and the part of an industry that took place less within bure-
first system of writing in the context of the evolution aucratic structures, but mainly in areas of domestic
from tokens to markings on envelopes and impres- activities. Stamps carrying spirals, zigzags, crosses,
sed signs on tablets (Schmandt-Besserat 1992.161 and dots decorated storage vessels, hearth rims,
165). frying pans and exported pottery (Younger 1992.
Seals, contracts and tokens in south-eastern
European Early Neolithic contexts There are undoubtedly technical and individual sty-
listic analogies between the Anatolian and Balkans
It is rather obvious that contracts and tokens have earplugs and stamp seals and it is broadly accep-
been a neglected subject in European Neolithic stu- ted that the latter originated in Central Anatolia,
dies. As we have mentioned elsewhere, their signi- since the atalhyk and Bademagaci stamps pre-
ficance was due to an interpretative taphonomic fil- date all the others. But it is also true that the mo-
ter marginalised to the level of decorative objects. tifs on Early Neolithic stamps in the Balkans were
The Thessalian objects have been described as ear- more heterogeneous. It can be indicative, if we ac-
plugs and decorative and other objects and some cept the idea that the incised patterns on the face
researchers still believe the stamp seals were used sides of the stamps are the indicators to understand
to decorate cloth with stained or dyed patterns, a the relevant function and meaning behind the con-
practice which flourished in Greece until fairly re- cepts which constitute the patterns or symbols, that
cently (Perls 2001.252253). From this point of the Balkan patterns regularly consist of zigzags, spi-
view, however, it is impossible to ignore the fact rals, dots and labyrinth patterns, while the Anato-
that there is no evident correlation in the early Neo- lian comprises pseudo-meanders, meanders, and
lithic household context of warp-weighted looms fragments of curvilinear ornaments in fantastic sty-
and stamp seals, although it was postulated that tex- les (Fig. 2).
tile art in the context of early Starevo-Krs culture
appeared in late 7th millennium BC (Barber 1991. Seal production and their distribution in central and
9394) and that there was a well-defined distribu- south-western Anatolia did not change very much
tion of stamp seals attested in the region (Makkay over the 7th and 6th millenniums, as the series with
1984). We should not overlook in the Aegean a se- a rectangular-shaped stamp surface disappeared in

Seals, contracts and tokens in the Balkans Early Neolithic: where in the puzzle

this region about 5500 cal BC. No traces of paint or The latter relates to earplugs and pins, and it
dye were found, and any sealing is available or any was suggested that they were personal ornaments,
positive evidence which can show on which mate- which clearly indicates that few individuals, in fact,
rial were they applied. It was hypothesised, there- wore them (Perls 2001.288, Note 8). The restric-
fore, that the seals at atalhyk, Bademagaci, H- ted geographical distribution of the objects that was
ycek, Kuruay and Hacilar were used to stamp pe- hypothesised in Thessaly is being used as a key ar-
rishable or edible items, as the village or neighbour- gument in modelling the insular colonisation and
hood bread was made communally, and each family rapid displacements over long distances of small
stamped the ones belonging to them. They might groups that ultimately settled in favoured environ-
have been applied on baskets or bags to show ow- ments, far from their original homes (Perls 2001.
nership or to classify the contents in the communal 28889; in accordance with van Andel and Runnels
store rooms of the settlements. Two small stamps 1995.481 500).
(Fig. 2), on the other hand, directly contradict the
notion of seal use with their smooth patterns which Similar objects made of burnt clay, bone and vari-
does not leave a recognizable mark or trace, and it ous fine rocks have been identified in numerous
is reasonable to suggest they were used as calculi Early Neolithic sites in the northern Balkans. They
or the tokens as a counting devices (Trkcan 1997). have been described as zoomorphic amulets, la-

However, earplugs, pins and

seals maintain a central position
in the context of Neolithization
of the Balkans as the indicators
of the initial links to the Near
East in general and to Hacilar
and atalhyk in particular,
since Miloji (1959(1960).6;
1960.327328) conceptualized
the pre-pottery Neolithic in Gre-
ece. It is well known that, in mo-
delling the cultural and linguistic
transformations during the early
spread of farming in Europe,
used the studs, nails and
stamp seals as signifiers of a
marine version of the wave of
advance model, and markers of
early farming settlements in the
Balkans (Renfrew 1987.169
170). Perls (2001; see also in
this volume) actualized recently
the idea they were well embed-
ded in the baggage of the immi-
grants as stated that they could
have been correlated with the
late outcome of the Near Eastern
PPNB exodus. The first pioneers
of Greece have been hypothesi-
sed as adventurous individuals,
continuing the great exodus,
who followed different pathways
Fig. 3. Divostin. Assemblage consists of zoomorphic amulets, split-
from their original ancestral legs figurines, miniature zoomorphic figurines, and ceramic ce-
home to their ultimate settlement real-grain shapes was deposited in a trapezoidal shaped hut 4 (Leti-
in Greece, bringing their most ca 1988.173201; McPherron et al. 1988.325336; Bogdanovi 1988.
valuable symbols and objects. 35).

Mihael Budja

brets and bucrania connected

with a cult in which the bull repre-
sents the centre of all power (Stan-
kovi 1989/90(1991).3542; Matsa-
nova 2003.65). They are extremely
standardized in shape, and as the up-
per parts terminate in schematic
horn projections, they do reflect the
image of bull heads on the one hand
and separate them from the Thes-
salian pins on the other (Fig. 1).
We have already pointed out else-
where that their appearance corre-
sponds well with the dispersal of
monochrome-impresso pottery in
the Balkans (Budja 1999; 2001;
2003; Kalicz 2000.298299), but
this does not mean they did not ap-
pear in later contexts of the Stare-
vo and Krs cultural complexes in
the Balkans, the Carpathian Basin
and Transylvania (Map 1). A well-
defined series is embedded in the
Donja Branjevina settlement context
associated with monochrome pot- 14
tery (60805890 cal BC at 1m) that Fig. 4. C. Probability distribution plot of radiocarbon dates corre-
lating with the contexts and assemblages at Catalhyk, Hacilar,
was stratigraphically and chronolo-
Nea Nikomedeia, Hoca esme, Divostin, Donja Branjevina and G-
gically separated from the layers lbnik mentioned in the text 1.
with white painted pottery (Kar-
manski 1987.T 1; Whittle et al. 2002.72, 8182). 1998(1999).1133; Tasi 2003.181191). The as-
semblage can be indirectly radiocarbon dated, as the
At Divostin there were 35 ceramic and marble zoo- neighbouring hut 5 was embedded in the period
morphic amulets found in an Early Neolithic settle- 60905740 cal BC at 1m (phase Ib) (McPherron et
ment context. The majority of them were deposited al. 1988.380, Table 14.1, Sample No. 13). It is
in a semi-subterranean trapezoidal shaped hut 4 worth remembering the local domestication of au-
located in the central part of the site. They are as- rochs was hypothesised at the site, and that the prac-
sociated there with split-legs figurines, miniature tice of keeping large numbers of cattle might have
zoomorphic figurines, and ceramic cereal-grain sha- been an indicator of status (Bknyi 1988.431).
pes (Letica 1988.173 201; McPherron et al. 1988.
325336; Bogdanovi 1988.35) (Fig. 3). There were However, the primary colonized area in the Balkans
a few fragments of white painted pottery found, as was marked by the eight sites in Thessaly, where the
was noted recently, but it is still not clear whether earplugs and pins seem to be well embedded in
they correlate to the earliest settlement phase and the Initial Neolithic (Perls 2001.287288). It
trapezoidal huts, or later rectangular houses (Peri seems that, ironically, for the time being the almost

1 Nea Nikomedeia (OxA4281, 710090; OxA4280, 6920120; OxA3876, 737090; OxA3875, 728090; OxA3874, 737080;
OxA3873, 730080; OxA1606, 7400100; OxA1605, 740090; OxA1604, 734090; OxA1603, 7050 80); Catalhuyuk VII
(P1363 7911103), VIA (P1375, 766199; P772, 7572 99; P827, 7579 86; P778, 753889; P769, 750793), VIB
(P1364, 793698; P1362, 7904 111), IV (753194), II (7521 77); Hacilar IA (P315, 692695) and IIA (P316, 717098);
Hoca Cesme II ( GrN19310, 6890280; GrN19311, 689065; GrN19780, 692090; GrN19781, 6900110; GrN19782,
689060; GrN19356, 6520110); Divostin Ia (Bln866, 7060100; Bln866a, 7200100; Bln931, 7050100); Divostin Hut 5
(Bln823, 7050180; Bln824, 6970100); Donja Branjevina III (OxA8557, 708055; GrN15974, 715550; GrN15975, 695550;
GrN15976, 714090) and Ib (OxA8556, 677560; OxA8555, 684555), Glbnik VII (Bln3579, 703070; Bln3579H, 722080;
Bln3580, 712070; Bln3582, 695070). After Pyke and Yiouni. 1996.195; Thissen et al. on-line; McPherron et al. 1988.380. Tab-
le 14.1, Sample No.13; Whittle et al. 2002.2, 8182; Boyadziev 1995.180).

Seals, contracts and tokens in the Balkans Early Neolithic: where in the puzzle

identical items (earplugs) at Hacilar, Mellaart (1970. South-East European pottery industry under forma-
160) determined as a pestles for grinding cosmetics. tive Anatolian influences (Makkay 1984.100101).
At Hoca esme, on the other hand, there were no
earplugs, pins or stamp seals found in the On present evidence stone and clay seals in the
phase IV that is believed to objectify the exodus of Protosesklo period (Onassoglou 1996.163) occur
Anatolian farmers and the establishing of their set- only as isolated and sporadic finds in Argissa, Neso-
tlement by the estuary of the Maritza River in Eas- nis, Sesklo, and Pyrasos (Perls 2001.252), but it is
tern Thrace (zdogan 1997.1927). There were not the same in Greek Macedonia, where at Nea Ni-
seven seals, found together with white-on-red pain- komedeia they appear in large numbers. There were
ted pottery that is recognised as a significant inno- twenty-one seals found in the settlement and all
vation in the later phase II (zdogan and Basge- are of clay. The site was hypothesised to have a cen-
len 1999.218219, Fig. 25; zdogan, personal com- tral position in transmitting influences from Ana-
munication). tolia to the Balkans and the Carpathian Basin (Mak-
kay 1984.81).
It has been hypothesised that the stone and clay
stamp seals testify to a similar pattern of restricted In discussing the seals appearance and distribution
geographical distribution in the southern Balkans in the contexts of connections and cultural simi-
(Perls 2001.252, 288289), but mark a distincti- larities between the early farming site of Nea Niko-
vely wider dispersal in the north, in the context of medeia and farming centres in Anatolia it has to be
the Starevo-Krs and Karanovo cultures (Makkay pointed out that the Nea Nikomedeia seals package
1984). While they are in Thessaly and western Ma- predates the Hacilar seals. There is no doubt, how-
cedonia in Greece embedded in a later period of ini- ever, that the atalhyk clay seals predate both
tial colonization and linked to painted pottery ap- (Fig. 4). There were thirty-two seals found at atal-
pearance, they are believed to indicate in the north- hyk, mainly coming from Mellaarts excavation in
ern and eastern Balkans and the southern Carpa- the sixties, and only 4 of them have come from the
thian Basin a breakthrough of the elements of the ongoing excavation. The majority of them are from
Balkan-Anatolian complex of the Early Neolithic (Ga- Level II, III, IV, VI, while one is from Level VII (Trk-
raanin 1979.103), and that they were connected can 1997 on-line; for dating see Thissen et al. on-
there with the general emergence of the earliest line). They seem to have been used for stamping, but

Fig. 5. Hacilar seals assemblage (after Mellaart J. 1970.164, Fig. 187).

Mihael Budja

there are some small cylindrical

stamps that contradict the seal use,
as they have smooth patterns which
do not leave a recognizable mark.
We noted above that they might
have been used as counting devices
(cf. Trkcan 1997 on-line).

In Hacilar, three of the seven seals

are unstratified, and the others all
come from Hacilar IIB (Fig. 5). The
settlement phase was not direct ra-
diocarbon dated, but the terminus
post(IIA) and ante quem (IA) can
be easily anchored, since the com-
ments on the Hacilar 14C dates are
available. The seals are embedded in
a narrow time niche determined by
the dates 60905890 (for the IIA)
and 59005720 cal BC at the 1m
(for the IA) settlement building le-
vels (Mellaart 1970.164; for dating
see Thissen on-line).

At Nea Nikomedeia there are twenty- Fig. 6. Nea Nikomedeia assemblage consists of pins, seals, an-
thropomorphic vessels and figurine and askoid vessels (after Theo-
one seals embedded in the settle- charis 1973.Figs. 18, 219; Rodden 1962.209288, Fig.11; Perls
ment context of a relatively short 2001.Fig. 11.6; Makkay 1984.Fig.4.6).
period of occupation in the interval
of 6170 6060 cal BC, as the sum probability distri- 74). Two clay seals, identical in shape, size and or-
butions of the calibrated dates at the 1m confidence namentation (a horizontal zigzag and shallow holes
show (Pyke and Paraskevi 1996.48; Thissen 2000. arranged in columns) to those at Nea Nikomedeia,
291203). They are contextually associated with red were found in an almost identical context. The set-
and white painted pottery, anthropomorphic ves- tlement consists of surface buildings with trapezoi-
sels, and a large vessel most probably used for the dal plans, and in some of them, evidence of food
long term storage of foodstuffs and stone pins in ge- grain processing and storage is available. But there
neral, but we do not know how they relate to a large are three buildings that differ from the others. Two
building in particular, since it was recognized as a have been interpreted as shrines, the third as a
shrine supposedly having ritual and cultic func- communal building. Seals were found in both con-
tions. Beside five female figurines, outsized green- texts. What is to be pointed out is that the associa-
stone axes, unused large flint blades, askoid vessels, ted assemblage consists of anthropomorphic (askoi-
and several hundred clay roundels of unknown dal) and zoomorphic vessels, clay and marble anthro-
function were found in the corner of the building pomorphic and zoomorphic figurines, split-leg figuri-
(Perls 2001.271; Pyke and Paraskevi 1996.8889, nes, clay tripods and tables, a model house, white
191, 103, 191192) (Fig. 6). However, on the base painted pottery and thirty-three zoomorphic, clay
of exotic flint, Halstead, to the contrary, hypothe- amulets (Matsanova 1996.105127; 2003.6670;
sised that the house belonged to a family involved Raduneva et al. 2002) (Figs. 7.1, 2). Further to the
in long-distance trade (Halstead 1995.13). north, in the Danube region, in the context of the
Starevo culture, an almost identical assemblage can
Not far to the north a similar assemblage was embed- be reconstructed at Donja Branjevina, even though
ded in the settlement context at Rakitovo in the the stratigraphy was not well defined due to unsyste-
West Rhodopi Mountains. The site, located at 800 m matic and inconsistent research procedures. How-
above sea level, is believed to be of a short period ever, there was a seal bearing a zigzag pattern iden-
of occupation that correlates to the Karanovo I phase tical to the seals at Rakitovo and Nea Nikomedeia. It
(Matsanova 1996.105128; Macanova 2000.59 was contextually associated with white painted pot-

Seals, contracts and tokens in the Balkans Early Neolithic: where in the puzzle

tery, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines, 1995.83; 1998.37; Korkuti 1995.4157; Onassoglou
split-leg figurines, numerous clay zoomorphic amu- 1996.163; Perls 2001.112, 289) and, that they must
lets, and clay tables (Trbuhovi, Karmanski 1993. have been well embedded in regional social patterns
T 3, 12; Karmanski 1875.Slika 33; 1987.T 1; 1978a.T and traditions, maintaining a long presence, whe-
1.46; see also Whittle et al. 2002.72, 8182; Peri ther in the household, or cult and ritual contexts.
1998 (1999).1133; Tasi 2003.181191) (Figs. 8.
1, 2). We can hypothesise a similar pattern even in Interpreting the typological parallels in shapes and
the Carpathian Basin in the Tisza region, where five decorative patterns with Anatolian seals in terms of
clay stamps were found at Hdmezvsrhely-Vata direct filiation, Makkay (1984.7375; Todorova &
site of the Krs culture. They differ from each other Vajsov 1993.233234, Figs. 227228) has already
regarding shape and decoration. Ornamental pat- pointed out regional differences, as the labyrinthine
terns of zigzags, meanders, and chevrons clearly link motifs that are the common characteristic in the Bal-
the site to the Balkans in general and Nea Nikome- kans are completely lacking in atalhyk. It is in-
deia in particular. The lack of excavation records structive at this point that they did appear at Haci-
does not permit a reconstruction of the precise con- lar, in Anatolia, within a very narrow time niche,
texts and associated finds, but there were anthropo- and the Nea Nikomedeia seals (at least) predate
morphic and zoomorphic figures, split-leg figurines them, as we mentioned above (see Fig. 4). The pat-
ad clay tables found in the settlement (Makkay 1984. terns of clockwise spirals and the cruciform de-
2728, 37.Figs. 5, 7, 9, 10, 11; Kutzian 1947. Plates sign that form a quadranted circle, however, form
35, 36, 43, 44, and 46). A similar context can be re- very close parallels with the atalhyk seals of
cognized even in the ar-Pindus mountain range, levels VIIVI and IV, which evidently predate the
west of Nea Nikomedeia. A clay seal at the Vashtmi seals from the Balkans. It is broadly accepted that
Early Neolithic site was contextually associated with they represent the first precursors of their kind in
white painted and impresso pottery, anthropomor- Anatolia, and very probably, in south-eastern Europe.
phic and zoomorphic figurines, split-leg figurines, The Early Neolithic dispersals of the others, such as
clay tables, clay pins, and bi-conoid
clay token. The ornamentation, a flo-
wer in the centre of the seal base,
links the site to south-west Anatolia,
where a similarly shaped and orna-
mented seal was found at Hacilar
(Korkuti 1995.4157, Taf. 1415,
for the token see Schmandt-Besserat
1992.222. 9:1, 4; Mellaart 1970.187.
6) (Fig. 9).

Before we continue, it must be poin-

ted out that numerous Early Neoli-
thic seals in the Balkans can not be
dated precisely. They are still laxly
embedded in the Early Neolithic
contexts (Makkay 1984), but as was
displayed recently, they do not ap-
pear in the initial Neolithic, whether
it is identified as the Monochrome
stage of the Balkan early Neolithic
in Bulgaria, Proto-Starevo in Ser-
bia, Achileion, or Initial and Early
Neolithic I in Greece. It seems that
their appearance in the region corre-
Fig. 7.1 Rakitovo. Assemblage consists of zoomorphic amulets
lates chronologically and geographi- and seal, altar, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic vessels
cally well with white painted pottery and white painted pottery was deposited in trapezoidal shaped
distribution in the central, eastern Building No. 8 (after Matsanova 1996.Tabs. 3, 4, 6, 810, 12;
and northern Balkans (Todorova 2003.65.Figs. 14; see also Raduneva et al. 2002.1722, 3233).

Mihael Budja

horizontal wavy and zigzag lines

and impressed shallow holes ar-
ranged in columns and lines, were
regionally bounded within the Bal-
kans. However, the manner, mecha-
nism and contexts of their dispersals
and functions are still subjects of di-

Assemblages, contexts and inter-

regional distributions

Three patterns can be recognised in

the palimpsest. The first relates to
the regional dispersal of earplugs,
pins, and zoomorphic amulets. The Fig. 7.2. Rakitovo. Assemblage consists of seal, split-legs figuri-
objects were hypothesised as being nes, zoomorphic figurines and female figurine (after Matsano-
directly connected with the colonisa- va 1996.Tabs. 34, 12).
tion of south-eastern Europe. The spatial distribution tween villages, particularly in times of crisis (perio-
of earplugs does show a pattern of inter-regional dic floods), as symbols of future obligations among
dispersal, since they have been found outside Thes- groups or individuals, and as markers of inter-vil-
saly on the Adriatic coast (Vrbica) and in the north- lage marital connections. We have to point out also
ern Balkans (Divostin). The spatial distribution of that the seals were associated with zoomorphic ves-
pins and zoomorphic amulets were exclusive (Map sels and numerous miniature clay zoomorphic figu-
1). While the pins were clustered in the southern rines in the form of cattle, sheep, and goats. It is not
Balkans (Thessaly), the zoomorphic amulets were di- only that they might have represented the practice
spersed in northern regions. It was hypothesised of keeping a large numbers of animals or indicating
that the pattern might have been linked to social status, but a system of animal counting and record
networks that predate farming and maintained a keeping. What is to be pointed out is the fact that
long tradition (Budja 1998.219235; 2003.357; Ka- the most intriguing assemblages at Nea Nikomedeia,
licz 2000.309). It is not by coincidence they are evi- Rakitovo and Divostin were embedded in settlement
dently clustered in Danube region in the areas that contexts of relatively short periods of occupation
had been settled initially by hunters and gatherers. (see above and cf. Pyke & Yiouni 1996; Macanova
The assemblages at Lepenski Vir, Divostin and Raki- 2000; McPherron & Srejovi 1988). They were rela-
tovo were incorporated in the trapezoidal shaped ted to buildings different from the usual domestic
buildings that clearly maintain the regional hunter- architecture. At Nea Nikomedeia the large building
gatherers architectural principles. was recognized as a shrine supposedly with ritual
and cultic functions (cf. Perls 2001). At Rakitovo
The second relates to the seal assemblages sketched they were found in two buildings. The first (No. 8)
above. They are integrated into sets of prestige or was identified as a cult structure and the second
symbolic objects found in settlement deposits and in (No. 10) as a communal building. The excavator no-
a few building contexts. Their appearance may have ted that of the whole village only in the first build-
been connected to female figurines, anthropomor- ing was a large concentration of painted pottery
phic vessels, and clay tables or altar phenomena. found beside two anthropomorphic vessels, a clay
It might have not been by coincidence, but by func- table or altar, twelve zoomorphic figurines and a
tion that they are associated with pins, zoomorphic seal (Raduneva et al. 2002; Matsanova 2003.65
amulets and split-leg figurines. We mentioned above 70) (Fig. 7.1).
that the latter were intentionally designed so that
the two attached halves could be easily separated The third pattern relates to the spatial distribution
and united. It has been hypothesised already (Tala- of seals (Map 2). It should be emphasised from the
lay 1987.161169; 1993.4546) that they could very beginning that the Nea Nikomedeia clay seals
have been used as contractual devices or identifying assemblage consists of almost all the shapes and 10
tokens in a variety of contexts as a down the line of 21 ornaments that circulated in the Balkans in the
mode of exchange, or to identify messengers be- Early Neolithic (see Todorova & Vajsov 1993.Figs.

Seals, contracts and tokens in the Balkans Early Neolithic: where in the puzzle

more intensive in central and north-

ern Balkans. The dispersals of spiral
and horizontal wavy and zigzag or-
naments show overlapping patterns
of interregional seal distribution.
The impressed shallow holes orna-
ment show on contrary regionally
bounded distribution that may indi-
cate a social links between Nea Niko-
medeia and Rakitovo.

We are still not able to decipher the

messages they bear connecting the
settlements within a hundreds or
even more than thousand kilome-
Fig. 8.1. Donja Branjevina. Assemblage consists of zoomorphic tres as the stamps embedded in the
amulets, seal, split-legs figurines and zoomorphic figurines settlement contexts at Tei and En-
(after Karmanski 1987.T. 1; 1987a.T1.45; Trbuhovi and Karman- drd or Vashtmi and Hacilar show.
ski 1993.T4.3, 5.6).
It is believed that they correlate
227, 228). From this point of view the assemblage with an Early Neolithic social elite, as they were
can be understood as paradigmatic and embedded contextually associated with prestige items such as
in a narrow span of 61706060 cal BC at 1m (see a half-metre long nephrite sceptre at Glbnik (To-
above). dorova & Vajsov 1993.104; Todorova 1998.37), or
painted pottery, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic
In plotting the Early Neolithic seals it is evident that vessels, figurines, clay tables and altars, and exo-
they crossed a line where the pins distribution stop- tic flint as sketched above. However, they might
ped and expanded towards the northern and eastern have been objects for identifying an individual or a
Balkan borders. They entered into the Carpathian group (clan), or to identify personal or common pro-
Basin as well (cf. Makkay 1984). However, evident perty for its security or a prehistoric information
differences appear if we plot the seal ornaments se- system which we can not yet decipher.
parately (Map 2). Seals bearing hori-
zontal wavy and zigzag lines, im-
pressed shallow holes and spirals
(but not concentric circles) did not
enter the southern Balkans regions,
as on contrary the distribution of
well known Thessalian stone seals
with labyrinthine design remains
(with two exceptions at Tei and
Endrd) confined to the south. The
spatial patterns do not overlap, but
we can speculate that they were in
circulation simultaneously, since
they met at Nea Nikomedeia and, as
the scarce radiocarbon dates show.
We may consider the tell location in
between the regional seal distribu-
tions as a juxtaposition point in in-
ter-regional social networks. It is be-
yond all doubt that all the settle-
ments mentioned above participated
in the networks, whether it ran on a Fig. 8.2. Donja Branjevina. Assemblage consists of anthropomor-
regional or interregional level. How- phic and zoomorphic vessels and female figurine (after Karman-
ever, the seal distributions were ski 1975.Sl. 33; 1987a.T 1.6; 1996.Fig. 4).

Mihael Budja

We need to point out the great rele-

vance of the dispersal of split-leg fi-
gurines, since they appeared in set-
tlement contexts where the seals
were absent. They do not seem to be
bounded within regional distribu-
tions, as they were found in the
northern Balkans associated with
zoomorphic amulets (Divostin), and
in the ar-Pindus Mountains (Podgo-
ri) with pins (Korkuti 1995.Taf. 8.
ad). The social networks may thus
have been even more intensive and
not necessarily correlative to pres-
tige items only.

In place of concluding remarks

The objects and assemblages discus-

sed are well standardized and distri-
buted in the area where evidence of
long-distance connections and trans-
Aegean exchange networks are avai-
lable well after 7000 BC (Cherry
1990; Perls 2001). We may specu- Fig. 9. Vashtmi and Podgorie. Assemblages consist of split-leg fi-
gurines, clay pins, bi-conoid clay token, anthropomorphic
late, therefore, that they were inten- and zoomorphic figurines and clay tables (after Korkuti 1995.
tionally incorporated in processes of Taf.; 1415).
social ties of reciprocity and obliga-
tion, contract and partner exchange that mostly in- We have pointed out elsewhere (Budja 2001; 2003)
volved single individuals or small groups within the that their appearance and scatters correspond well
framework of established kinship ties, marriage al- with monochrome-impresso and painted pottery di-
liances, trading and exchange partnerships. This stributions, and that the zoomorphic amulets corre-
means, in consequence, that the objects and assem- late with hunter-gatherer societies in the northern
blages were embedded in a variety of contexts where Balkans. The patterns we recognized in the spatial
sites and communities were bound into an interac- and chronological distributions of pins, zoomorphic
tive regional unit and could have been used as con- amulets and seals contradict the models of coloni-
tractors, identifying tokens, or tokens for counting. zation, demic diffusion and population replacement
The tokens in the Levant were frequently found in in the context of the transition to farming in the Bal-
clusters varying in size from two to about one hun- kans. We believe they were well embedded in the
dred counters. The assemblages were hypothesised Early Neolithic Balkans koine, where the transfor-
as indicating that the accounts kept in archives by mation of hunter-gathering into farming societies
means of tokens referred to small quantities of diffe- took place in an arena of selective integration of the
rent kinds of commodity. The system worked accor- new technologies and social practices as much as the
ding to the most simple and basic principle of one to result of intensive connections and exchange net-
one correspondence, as in matching each unit of a set works. None of the objects have entered on the east-
to be recorded with a token. Perhaps we may specu- ern Adriatic coast and Dinaric hinterland. We may
late that several hundred clay roundels deposited speculate therefore that the region although adopt-
in the shrine at Nea Nikomedeia and, three minia- ing farming did not enter into a network of reliable
ture zoomorphic figurines, three ceramic cereal-grain integrative mechanisms through interregional ex-
shapes, six split-leg figurines and twenty-one ceramic changes and, there were social barriers that stopped
and marble zoomorphic amulets deposited in trape- the circulation of goods and/or people over middle
zoidal shaped hut 4 at Divostin can be interpreted and long-distances. The isolationism may be seen
as identifying tokens or tokens as counting devices as a strong dominance of social and ideological con-
and contractors of reciprocity and obligation. tinuity that slowed down the processes of social and

Seals, contracts and tokens in the Balkans Early Neolithic: where in the puzzle

Map 2. Spatial distributions of

seals (after Makkay 1984; To-
dorova & Vajsov 1993). List of
sites plotted on the map. Spi-
ral (): Blgarevo, Kurdali,
Slatino, Grabovac, Hdmez-
vsrhely, Rug Bair, Trn, Nea
Nikomedeia. Horizontal wavy
and zigzag lines (): Trkeve,
Hdmezvsrhely, Donja Bra-
njevina, Blgarevo, avdar,
Gradenica, Kazanlik, Slati-
no, Karanovo, Azmaka mogi-
la, Anzabegovo, Maluk Presla-
vec, Rakitovo, Glbnik, Nea
Nikomedeia. Labyrinthine de-
sign (): Nea Nikomedeia, Se-
sklo, Pyrasos, Tsangli, Philia,
Achilleion, Nessonis, Tei,
Endrd. Impressed shallow
holes (): Supska, Porodin,
Elenica, Rakitovo, Nea Niko-

ideological restructuring of forager and hunter-ga- including the Adriatic (~10%) as the mitochondrial
therer communities. We hypothesised already that DNA analysis and the maternal lines showed (Ri-
the boundaries in the Balkans had formed not on chards and Macaulay 2000.139151; see also Ri-
the base of farming and/or herding adoption but the chards in this volume) can be linked not to an inci-
dynamics of social networks. The incoming near pient farming, but to a continuous and long-term net-
eastern lineages and the difference of the values for works of the circulation of goods and people over
the Balkans (~20%) and Mediterranean coastal area, long distances.


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