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Consists of those written within
the common flow of conversation in 8. BIOGRAPHY
sentence and paragraphs. Prose is a form It is Deals with the life of a person,
of language which applies ordinary which may be about himself, his
grammatical structure and natural flow autobiography or that of others.
of speech rather than rhythmic structure
(as in traditional poetry). It is 9. NEWS
commonly used, for example: Is Report of everyday events in
society, government, science and
1. NOVEL industry and accidents, happening
This is long narrative divided nationally or not.
into chapters. The events are taken from
to life storiesand spam long period of 10. ORATION
time. A formal treatment of a subject and
is intended to be spoken in public. It
2. SHORT STORY appeals to the intellect, to the will or
It is a narrative involving one to the emotions of the audience.
or more characters, one plot and one
single impression. 2. Poetry
Comes from the Greek poiesis
3. PLAYS with a broad meaning of a "making", seen
This is presented on stage, is also in such terms as "hemopoiesis";
divided into acts and has many scenes. more narrowly, the making of poetry. It
is refers to those expressions in verse,
4. LEGENDS with measure and rhyme, line and stanza
These are fictitious narratives, and has a more melodious tone.
usually about origins.
Two types of poetry:
These are also fictitious, they deal 1. NARRATIVE POETRY - describes
animals and imitate things that speak important events in life real or
and act like people, and their purpose imaginary.
is to enlighten the minds of children to
events that can mold their ways and 2. LYRIC POETRY - refers to that king
attitudes. of poetry meant to be song to the
accompaniment of a lyre, but now this
6. ANECDOTES applies to any type of poetry that
A merely product of the writers expresses emotions and fillings of the
imagination and the main aim is to bring poet.
out lessons to the readers and
attitudes. Types of Narrative Poetry:

This is expresses the viewpoint An extended narrative about
of the writer about a particular problem heroic exploits often under supernatural
or event. control. It may deal with heroes and
Drama is the theatrical dialogue
B. METRICAL TALE performed on stage, it consists of 5
A Narrative, which is written in acts.
verse and can be classified either as a
ballad or as a metrical romance. Types of Drama:

It is comes from the Greek
C. BALLADS komos meaning festivity or revelry.
Of the narrative poems, this is This is usually light and written with
the shortest and simplest. It has a the purpose of amusing, and usually has
simple structure and tells of a single a happy ending.
Types of Lyric Poetry: It is usually used in musical
A. FOLKSONGS (AWIT NG BAYAN) plays with opera. It arouses immediate
These are short poems intended to and intense emotions and is usually sad
be sung. The common theme is love, but there is a happy ending for the
despair, grief, doubt, joy, hope and principal character.
A lyric poem of 14 lines dealing Involves the hero struggling
with an emotion, a feeling of an idea. mightily against dynamic forces; he
C. ELEGY meets death or ruin without success and
This is a lyric poem, which satisfaction obtained by the protagonist
express feelings of grief and melancholy in a comedy.
and whose theme is death.
A poem of noble feeling, Exaggerated comedy, situations
expressed with dignity, with no definite are too ridiculous to be true; and the
syllables or definite number of lines in characters seem to be caricatures and
a stanza. the motives undignified and absurd

It is a sound praising god or the
Virgin Mary and containing a philosophy
F. AWIT (SONG) Character
Measures of a 12 (do A character is a person, or sometimes
decasyllabic) and slowly sung to the even an animal, who takes part in the
accompaniment of a guitar or Banduria. action of a short story. Short stories
G. CORRIDO use few characters. One character is
Have measure of eight clearly central to the story with all
(octosyllabic) and recited to a martial major events having some importance to
beat. this character
The setting of a short story is the
time and place in which it happens.
Authors often use descriptions of
landscape, scenery, buildings, seasons
or weather to provide a strong sense of
A plot is a series of events and
character actions that relate to the
central conflict. The plot has a
beginning, middle, and end. The short
usually has one plot so it can be read in something inside himself or herself
one sitting. (feelings, emotions, illness).
Conflict Theme
The conflict is a struggle between two The theme is the central idea or belief in a
people or things in a short story. The main short story.
character is usually on one side of the It is the author's underlying meaning or
central conflict. On the other side, the main idea that he is trying to convey. The
main character may struggle against another theme may be the author's thoughts about a
important character, against the forces of topic or view of human nature.
nature, against society, or even against


STRUCTURE 1- Rhythm the basic beat in a line of a

1- Poetic Line
2- Meter a pattern of stressed and
the words that form a single line of
unstressed (accented and unaccented) syllables
(known as a foot) in a line of poetry.
2- Stanza a section of a poem named for
3- End Rhyme same or similar sounds at the
the number of lines it contains.
end of words that finish different lines.
3- Enjambment when there is no written or
4- Internal Rhyme same or similar sounds at
natural pause at the end of a poetic line,
the end of words within a line
so that the word-flow carries over to the
next line. 5- Rhyme Scheme a pattern of rhyme in a
4- Placement the way words and poetic lines
6- Assonance the repetition of vowel sounds
are placed on the page of a poem.
within words in a line.
5- Verse a line in traditional poetry that 7- Consonance the repetition of
is written in meter. consonant sounds within words in a line.
8- Alliteration the repetition of
6- Capitalization and Punctuation In poetry,
consonant sounds at the beginning of
rules of capitalization and punctuation are
not always followed; instead, they are at 9- Onomatopoeia words that sound like
the service of the poets artistic their meaning. Example: buzz, swish, hiss,

10- Repetition sounds, words, or phrases 2- Metaphor a comparison of two unlike
that are repeated to add emphasis or create things, not using the words like or as.
rhythm. Parallelism is a form of repetition 3- Personification to ascribe human traits
11- Refrain a line or stanza repeated to non-human or non-living things.
over and over in a poem or song. 4- Symbolism a person, place, thing, or
12- Word Play to play with the sounds action that stands for something else.
and meanings of real or invented words. 5- Hyperbole the use of exaggeration
to express strong emotion or create a
IMAGERY comical effect.
6- Limerick a humorous rhyming poem
1- Precise Language the use of specific
written in five lines and having a
words to describe a person, place, thing, or
7- Situational Irony when the outcome
2- Sensory Details the use of descriptive of a situation is the opposite of what
details that appeal to one or more of the is expected.
five senses. 8- Pun a humorous phrase that plays with
the double meaning or the similar sounds of
1- Simile a comparison of two unlike things, 9- Allusion- a reference to a familiar
using the words like or as. person, place, or event.
10- Idiom - a cultural expression that
cannot be taken literally.

ELEMENTS OF NOVEL (c) Climate/Weather: This is an aspect of

setting which is often forgotten, but it can
Setting : The background in which the story be important to the novel. If the story
takes place. begins in the midst of a hurricane, it is
There are several aspects to setting: significant to the story.
(a) Place: This is the geographical location (d) Lifestyle: This refers to the daily life
of the story. Since novels are lengthy, the of the characters. If a story takes place in
story may move from one place to another. a particular historical period, the lifestyle
When asked to describe the setting, you may of the characters.
give the general geographical location Atmosphere: The mood or feeling of the story,
(b) Time: First, this refers to the period of the emotional quality that the story gives to
history, if the story is set in the past. If the reader. You may say that a novel opens
the story could happen now or at some recent with a mysterious atmosphere, a gloomy
unspecified time, we say that it is atmosphere, a light, carefree atmosphere,
"contemporary." If it is a science fiction etc.
story, it may be set in the future. When Characters: the people, animal, robots, etc.,
describing setting, be as specific as the who take part in the action of the story.
author is. Conflict: the struggle between opposing
forces in the story. Conflict provides
interest and suspense.
(a) a character struggling against nature Plot: The storyline; the ordered arrangement
(b) a struggle between two or more characters of incidents in a story. Plot arises out of
(c) a struggle between the main character and the conflict in the story, which builds to a
some aspect of society climax.
(d) a struggle of opposing forces within one
character Theme: the central idea in the story or
novel. It can usually be expressed in a short
The reader usually follows the actions of one
statement about human nature, life, or the
main character throughout the novel; this
character is referred to as the protagonist .
The force with which the protagonist is in
conflict is called the antagonist .

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