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Skenario A Blok 22 Tahun 2017

A mother brought her 10 days old boy to the outpatient clinic. She noticed that both of her
boys foot looks excessively turned inward since he was born.

Klarifikasi Istilah

1. Turned inward : directed or proceeding towards the inside; coming in from

outside. (Oxford)
2. Traditional bone setter:
Bone setter: a person, usually not formally qualified, who set broken or
dislocated bones. (Oxford)
Traditional: produce, done, or use in accordance with tradition. (Oxford)
Bone setter : A person who sets broken or dislocated bones especially one who
has no formal medical qualifications. (Collins English Dictionary)
Traditional bone setter: A person who sets broken or dislocated bones
especially one who has no formal medical qualifications, in accordance with
3. Equinus foot :
Equinus foot merupakan suatu kondisi di mana gerakan lentur ke atas
pergelangan kaki menjadi terbatas sehingga arahnya cenderung menghadap ke
4. Varus of the foot :
Varus adalah melengkung ke dalam, menunjukkan deformitas dengan sudut
bagian tersebut mendekati garis tengah badan. (Dorland)
A deformity involving oblique displacement of part of limb towards the
midline. (Oxford)

Identifikasi Masalah

1. A mother brought her 10 days old boy to the outpatient clinic because both of her
boys foot looks excessively turned inward since he was born. (I)
2. There is no abnormality at other part of his body. (III)
3. She had normal delivery with normal weight birth, never suffered from any kind of
illness, and never got any medical prescriptions during pregnancy. (III)
4. She has already brought him to a traditional bone setter but there was no
improvement. (informasi)
5. Physical examination: (III)
a. General examination within normal limit
b. Extremity examination: at foot region there are abnormalities: 1. Equinus foot;
2. Varus of the foot

Analisis Masalah

1. A mother brought her 10 days old boy to the outpatient clinic because both of her
boys foot looks excessively turned inward since he was born.
a. Bagaimana anatomi ekstermitas bawah pada anak usia 10 hari?
b. Bagaimana embriogenesis ekstremitas bawah pada janin?
c. Bagaimana gambaran foot looks excessively turned inward?
d. Apa saja faktor yang dapat menyebabkan keluhan pada kasus?
e. Apakah ada hubungan usia dan jenis kelamin dengan keluhan yang dialami
anak tersebut?
f. Bagaimana mekanisme abnormalitas keluhan pada kasus?
2. There is no abnormality at other part of his body.
a. Apa makna klinis dari tidak ada abnormalitas pada bagian tubuh lain terkait
3. She had normal delivery with normal weight birth, never suffered from any kind of
illness, and never got any medical prescriptions during pregnancy.
a. Apa hubungan riwayat persalinan dan riwayat kehamilan dengan keluhan pada
4. Physical examination: at foot region there are abnormalities: 1. Equinus foot; 2. Varus
of the foot.
a. Apa interpretasi dari hasil pemeriksaan ekstremitas?
b. Bagaimana mekanisme abnormalitas dari hasil pemeriksaan ekstremitas?
5. Hipotesis: Seorang bayi laki-laki usia 10 hari menderita congenital talipes
equinovarus (CTEV)
a. Diagnosis Banding
b. How to diagnose
c. Working diagnosis
d. Etiologi
e. Epidemiologi
f. Faktor risiko
g. Klasifikasi
h. Manifestasi
i. Patogenesis
j. Patofisiologi
k. Tatalaksana
l. Pencegahan dan Edukasi
m. Pemeriksaan Penunjang
n. Komplikasi
o. Prognosis

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