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The development of the property business in Indonesia has increased the
very sharply in the last decade. Many indicators can be found at
in society, for example by the many development perumahanperumahan
including the new apartments at a price relatively cheaper.
Besides, the supporting component of home ownership is also getting easier and
masarakat reach the various layers, eg with home loan disbursement
abundant. Almost all major banks in Indonesia have a credit product
home ownership with a variety of financing.
Besides shelter, housing and apartments, there are also products
Property in the form of office buildings and storefronts are also growing rapidly. This matter
can be seen the construction of new office buildings in regions
business and development shophouses along the main streets in Jakarta. So no
surprise then that the property business is in great demand as more businesses

The rapid real estate business is driven by the basic human needs will
the board, in addition to food and clothing. And these needs include the need
The main instinctively must be met. So it is not natural for a man
for not reaching out for his own dwelling house memuliki. Besides that
in the context of business needs, a person or business entity requires a
which can be used for the purposes of its business, such as office, shop or
warehouse. In addition, the property has also become a major alternative to invest.
Besides the relative price always rises in the future, also be
used as a rental business is profitable passive.

One of the reasons why the property business is growing rapidly, in addition to
because humans will kebutukan board, is because many alternative ways
ownership easier. It currently has a home or property
the other does not have the cash, but it could also makanisme
financing or credit. Through this credit mechanism of potential buyers no longer
must wait until the accumulated amount of funds according to prices
offered, but simply by setting up a number of funds slightly, to
advances and credit management, a person or entity can have a


A. House development goals ?
B. House construction functions ?
C. Step by step construction of houses ?
D. Building Specifications ?


3.1 Building Specifications

Type Of House
Type 200 (trentino)
Lt: 10x25, lb: 237m2 | 5+1 Bedroom, 3+2 k. Bathroom, 2 level, 1 diningroom, 2 garage
Type 200 (toscana)
Lt: 12x25, lb: 327m2 | 4+1 Bedroom, 3+1 k. Bathroom, 2 level, 1 diningroom, 2 garage

Building Foundations:
River stone
Cat Concrete
sloff reinforced concrete

Walls Of The Building :

Brick in plaster and on Cover
Interior paint finishes KIMEX / like
Resistant exterior paint finishing 3 years

Doors and windows :

The door frame : UPVC/Fabrikasi
The window sills : Hardwoods / Aluminium
Glass window : a plain glass 5 mm
Electricity : PLN 2200VA
Water : PDAM standard
First floor
Second floor
The bathroom wall
Squat toilet
toilet seat

3.2 AIM & Function

3.2.1 Aim

Construction of houses in the project is intended as a residence for the buyer and the buyer
in a residential home providing Citraland Bagya City types and models of houses that
diverse. This housing is permanent for long periods of time. In accordance with the
definition of the building which means a construction is done in a systematic and permanent,
which means not moveable.
Besides housing construction is also intended for business purposes the company that
manages the development of this project.

3.2.2 Function

The building houses in this project is building with the type which functioned as a place to
stay that is ready to be occupied.
It is also designed as a place of refuge or comfortable shelter, because buyers can also choose
their own homes to be bought. So that the building could correspond to that in the desire of
the buyer.

3.3. Elements - Elements Project

In carrying out the project management in Prime Housing Development was formed
organization of project implementation which is a system that involves many parties to work
together and have a sense of responsibility to the duties, obligations, and powers that have
been granted in accordance with their respective fields and expertise.
Here are the parties involved in the construction of Prime Housing Development

3.3.1. Owner, Contractor Planner and Contractor.

Implementation of Housing Projects Prime Development who doubles as the contractors,

consultants, planners, consultants, supervisors and became owner. So the duties, powers
and responsibilities as owner, contractor, consultant planner and consultant supervisor run
by Prime Development itself.
Duties, powers and responsibilities of Prime Development as follows:
a. Provide the location of land development projects.
b. Provide and seek funding for the project work.
c. Administer and resolve licenses following requirements must be met relating to the
construction of the project.
d. Creating images of the overall project planners include images of structures, as well as
mechanical and electrical architecture.
e. Creating images detail / explanation, complete with calculations construction.
f. Make a Budget Plan (RAB)

g. Carry out work in accordance with the agreed schedule.
h. Protect all equipment, materials, and work against loss and damage to the submission of
i. Providing labor, materials, workplaces, equipment, and other support tools used is based
on the specification and drawings that have been determined by taking into account the
time, cost, quality and job security.

3.3.2. Foreman.

Foreman or supervisor on duty led some workers to complete a particular part of the job,
such as: job pembesian, carpentry and finishing the project.

3.3.3. Handyman.

Plumbers carry out the work in accordance with the instructions or orders from the foreman
in accordance with his expertise. Worker wages are paid by the piece pervolume through
foreman or foremen. In this project there are 6 people who become carpenters. Artisan
working hours starting from 08.00 till 16.00. Every day the workmen came home after
working hours each have been completed.

3.3.4. Sub Contractors.

In the implementation of Prime Development's Housing Projects involving two

subcontractors, namely:
1. Sub Contractors Roofing Works
In this housing construction projects across the roof until the installation of precarious work
performed by subcontractors.
2. Sub-contractors Ceiling
In this project the ceiling work done by sub-contractors after the roof work is completed.

3.4. Preparatory work.

Employment Preparation is a major work in preparing the supporting factors from the
beginning of the end of the construction work.

3.4.1. Employment Land Preparation and Cleaning Location.

The location will be built housing Prime Development leveled and cleared of weeds, trees,
tree roots, and the types of waste that can destabilize the soil, so the soil does not decrease
as a result of the imposition, followed by leveling the ground in a location that will be built.

3.4.2. Work Preparation Manufacturing Warehouse

Warehouse is the storage of materials, such as cement, and the type of material that is not
resistant to natural conditions. Warehouses in Prime Development housing project is made
on land that does not interfere with the layout of the room, so that artisans can work freely.
The walls of the warehouse made of wooden boards under a roof of corrugated iron.

3.4.3. Preparation Tools and Materials.

A. Preparation Tool.
The tools used in the construction of this housing are: mixer, and stamper belongs to Prime
Development for the construction project while the tools carried by workers anta another: a
hoe, trowel, tool bolt cutters, saws, pliers, bucket, shovel, and tools another required-tool

B. Preparation Materials.
Material is a device or material - the most important building material, because of the
absence of material - material that it could not be built a building.
Material - material that exist in this project is a material commonly used in building houses,
among other things:

Picture 3.4.3 Preparation Materials
1. Water.

Water is a very important factor in a project, where the water quality will also determine the
quality of the building, especially in the concrete work. Water and the creation and
maintenance of concrete must not contain oils, acids, alkalis, salts, organic materials or
other materials that can damage the concrete or reinforcement steel. In this case the water in
use is potable water. Sources of water supply in the process of housing construction Prime
Development is through wells that purports to assist in the construction of water supply

2. Cement.
Cement is a building material that is very sensitive to the influence of water, which created
a mix with other materials in the construction of this housing. Prime Development on
development projects using cement Indosement Tiga Roda cement which is made in the
Errors lead to wastage of cement storage costs, because if the cement to harden the cement
can not be used anymore.
To ensure that the cement is not quickly broken then the semen stored in a shed that had
been built.

3. Fine aggregate (sand).

Fine aggregate or sand is one of the ingredients in a mixing stuffing mix concrete. To
produce satisfactory results then it takes good quality sand. Therefore, the sand used in the
construction of Prime Development are Muntilan sand because Muntilan sand is sand with
excellent quality.

4. coarse aggregate (stone split).

Split or gravel used to mix concrete work, which is tailored to the construction tulangannya
with the intent to avoid the gravel hose as a result of natural disentregrasi of broken stones
obtained from rubble. In this real estate development project using coarse aggregates
derived from the result of a broken stone natural stone were broken by heavy equipment

5. Wood and multiplex.
Wood and multiplex have an important role as a mold (formwork) in order to form
construction of concrete work in want. Used in this project is the use of bamboo and
wooden boards 30 mm thick sengon for formwork beams, and columns.

6. Bricks.
Brick is a common building material used as a pair, made of clay.

7. Iron Reinforcement.
Steel reinforcement with a mixture of cement, aggregate and water will be Reinforced
Concrete, for the construction of houses is often used in the manufacture of Sloof, columns,
beams, etc., as desired.

3.5. Measuring and installation jobs Bow Plank.

The main purpose of this measurement job is to know the limits of looks, height of land
(0.00 points) and determine the position of buildings and components that include
foundations, columns and beams to fit the plan. This work was done carefully, because it
determines the smoothness next job.
After the work is finished the measurement, then the installation plank bouw
immediately implemented. Bouw plank is the basis of the size of the axes of the building.
Bouw plank was made by distance according to the drawings and principle.

Picture 3.5 Bouwplank

3.6. Piling Works.

The foundations including the core structure of the building as the foundation serves to
receive and distribute the load to the surrounding soil. The type and the type of
foundation is very diverse, including continuous foundation, the foundation of the palm,
piling and pile drilling. In this housing development foundation that is used is the
foundation foot plate and the foundation stone sides.

3.6.1. The foundation Footplate

The installation process involves several stages of foundation:

1. Soil excavation
Excavation of soil as deep as 1 meter at each point mounted footplate foundation with a
width of 60 cm x 60 cm for Foundations footplate P1 and P2, and a width of 90 cm x 90 cm
for the foundation footplate P3.

2. Make the work floor

Making the working floor intended that reinforcement is not dirty, with a ratio of 1 cement:
2 sand: 3 gravel.

3. The process of laying iron.

Dilakaukan iron placement process after working the floor dry. Floor drying process takes
one day of work. After the footplate is placed such that it is right on bouwplank.

4. The process of casting

Casting footplate formwork bottom using ngeringannya takes one day.
Footplate upper casting process (column) using formwork. The release of the mold is done
after 2 days. At the time of casting is not done with the compaction tool because there are a
lot of split in the mix. Compaction just by banging the mold and stabbed the inside with a
stick so that there are no cavities.

Picture 3.6.1. Footplate Work

3.6.2. The foundation Batu Belah

1. Soil Excavation Works.

Excavation of soil based on the size and mounting thread on the straight line bouwplank.
The foundation stone sides on this residential development has a depth of 0.75m.

Picture 3.6.2. Soil Excavation Work

2. The sand is
For the purposes of making a foundation stone sides, after the excavated soil, carried out
with a high sand pengurugan
5-10 cm.
The foundation stone sides serves to carry the load acting thereon, both vertical and
horizontal loads. Stone should be laid out neatly so that the motion of small and empty
cavities filled with mortar, sand in the ratio 1: 5

Picture 3.6.2. Piling Works Stone Splite

3. Couple Standing Stone (Aanstamping)

Once completed mengurug sand, stacking the pair of standing stones (anstamping) 15-20
cm tall.

4. Couple Stone Split

Masonry sides composed of approximately 38 m3 with mortar 1pc: 8PS after a pair of
standing stones attached. In this stage of the installation of the stone sides better
accompanied by planting reinforcement columns in a stronger foundation so the column.

3.7. Sloof job.

After completion of the foundation work with the sides continued manufacture of stone
sloof on a foundation using a mix of materials: water, cement, sand, and rocks split.

Installation of Reinforcement.

At work pembesiaan sloop originally installed in accordance with the principal

reinforcement plan drawings, in which reinforcement sloof associated with the
reinforcement of the column that is embedded in the foundation. tulangannya stringing
process is done on a sloofnya placement. In sloof work on this project
Sloop measuring 15x20 cm with a plain iron reinforcement 410 mm and beugel hose 6
mm with a distance of 15 cm.

Picture 3.7. Detail Sloof 15x20

Dismantling Formwork
Demolition bekesting on sloof more quickly and easily than its demolition job columns,
beams. Demolition of the sloop done after the concrete dries. After dismantling spraying
and hoarding or mengurug back to the soil in the hole between the bearing sloof.

Picure 3.7. Installation Sloof

3.8. Land Pengurugan job.

After pemsangan stone sides, and further work is mengurug sloof back dugouts on the
sidelines masonry divisions. Landfill soil compaction done gradually layer by layer.

3.9. Wall Works.

3.9.1 Work Column

The column is part of a building that serves to hold the load on it and distribute it to the
foundation. Columns are used in house construction project is using three different column
sizes are:

1. K1 size 30x30 cm with a plain iron reinforcement 810 mm and beugel hose 6
mm at a distance of 30 cm.
2. K2 size 20x20 cm with a plain iron reinforcement 410 mm and beugel hose 6
mm with a distance of 20 cm.
3. K3 size 15x15 cm with a plain iron reinforcement 410 mm and beugel hose 6
mm with a distance of 15 cm.

The first thing to do is set the column reinforcement. After penetelan column do bekesting
manufacture or mold for the column. Replace Concrete Formwork fitted out and then do the
casting. After 3 days bekesting opened, then do the treatment by spraying concrete so that
the concrete remains saturated and more robust

Picture 4.6.2. Coloum Work

3.9.2 Employment brick masonry
Materials for wall work is relatively diverse, including red brick, brick, and a
partition wall (gypsum and multiplex). In this real estate development project of red brick
of choice for an affordable price and have an edge, which makes the far wall of quality
compared to other materials.

Picture 3.9.2. Couple Red Brick
On the wall work, before the red brick in pairs to do with intersting yarn so that the
installation can be neat red brick or straight, continue with the installation of the first red
brick roughly as high as 1-1.5 m that is not easily collapsed.
Red brick wall serves to limit the layout of the rooms in the house and outside the
house as brusher and adhesive is between the red brick mortar and sand in the ratio 1: 6.
Pairs of red brick located above the concrete (sloop).

3.9.3 Installation frame

In the construction of this house specifically for bathroom use aluminum frame to
the room while others use wood frame. Installation of the frame and the wall
simultaneously, with the aim of lower and upper sills that there angkurnya can be casted so
strong bond.

3.9.4. Plastering and Pengacian

Before proceeding finishing work painting, wall mounted with red brick work
continued with pemelesteran and Pengacian function protective brick walls from the
weather for durability. The materials included in the mixture of cement and sand plastering
is a tide in the ratio 1: 5 and acian only made of cement material.

3.9.5. Tiling Wall

Ceramic 20x20 mounted on walls that are often damp or wet, the walls of the
bathroom or lavatory and the kitchen wall. This ceramic serves to protect the wall of water.

3.10. Floor Works.

3.10.1. Ring Work Balk and Floor Beams

Balk is a kind of ring beam sloop but is above (subject) to bind columns with one another.
While Latai beam is beam that is above the sill is pointless to hold the load that was on it in
order to not be accepted by the frame. Same way with columns or sloop that pairs
tulangannya then create bekesting and did casting. But there is mounting Staiger that serves
to sustain sloof when workmanship and drying. After the release bekesting after sloof dry.
For treatment is done by spraying them with water.

Picture 3.10.1. Ring Balk Work

3.10.2. Tiling of floors

Ceramic is a material that is often used for the floors and walls of the house. Several kinds
of sizes of ceramic used in flooring work are as follows:

a. Installation Works 40x40 ceramic.

40x40 ceramic used almost every room, except the bathroom floor or toilet. Ceramic floor
mounted on the surface of the sand landfill solid above ground using mortar and sand in the
ratio 1: 3. The floor is ceramic interior work that serves to take into beautiful look of the
house. The units in the calculation of pairs of ceramic floor is m

Picture 3.10.2. Floor Work

Details of the work floor and tiling can be seen below:

sand is solid under the base floor of 5cm thick degan

Cor work floor, under tiles with 5cm thick
Ceramic Floor Room in
Ceramic Floor front porch and rear
Ceramic Floor Bathroom / WC
Walls Ceramic Bathroom
Desk & Wall Ceramic Kitchen

b. Working Flooring 20x20.

Ceramic 20x20 installed in bathrooms and toilets with ceramic-type rough so that the floor
is not slippery. In the installation of ceramic floor washrooms, considering the level of
flatness or slope so that water is not stagnant.

3.11. Roof Work

The construction of housing projects Kampoeng this night using concrete tile with horses as a
lightweight steel roof and a roof made of fiber nodes in the drying chamber.
Step works jobs lightweight steel roof with concrete tile:
1. Prepare the base steel easel made of concrete.
2. Installation of light steel horses ..
3. Install purlins, rafters, battens mild steel respectively.
4. Close the roof with concrete tile (tile installation is done from bottom to top).
5. Close relations concrete tile top on a rooftop with a mixture 1pc: 3PS so that rainwater
does not seep and leak.

3.12 Ceiling Work

In the construction of houses in this project which is used in pembbuatan ceiling

material is gypsum board with a hollow frame 2x4 cm and iron hanger root. Ceiling function
protect the furniture from dust entering through the roof tiles. In addition to its main function,
the ceiling also beautify the ceiling. Jobs ceiling portion of the interior work that can be
designed in accordance with the desired pattern.

The steps in the work of the ceiling, among others:

1. Job Creation and Installation Frame Ceiling
The framework serves as a hanger ceiling gypsum board mounted using screws. Ceiling
framework used is hollow steel 2x4 cm.
2. Installation of Gypsum Ceiling

The material used to make gypsum board ceiling is 9 mm. In addition to facilitate the work,
the board gysumm can also be formed in accordance with the desired pattern.

3. Installation of Gypsum Lis

Lis gypsum lies in the meeting point between the hollow brick walls with acian

3.13 Paintwork

Implementation of the painting work include painting walls, doors and window
frames, doors, and ceiling. In the process of painting the wall using wall paint brand Dulux
and the ceiling painting using paint brands Decolith. While sills and doors made from wood
using wood paint brands Avian.

4.1 Conclussion
Citraland Bagya City uses the concept of minimalist modern home nice home, a
strategic location and is free from flood to meet the needs of consumers.
As with any building, the construction project CitraLand Bagya City also has the scope
of work as job preparation, work measurement and installation bouwplank, foundation work,
the work of reinforced concrete structures, the work of the roof structure of the steel frame,
the work of brick, frame work, job sky ceilinged / pafond, work floor coverings and wall
coverings, painting jobs.

Construction of houses in the project is intended as a residence for the buyer and the
buyer in the residential house of CitraLand Bagya City that provides types and models of
houses that diverse. Besides housing construction is also intended for business purposes the
company that manages the development of this project. Construction of houses in this project
was designed as a place of refuge or comfortable shelter, because buyers can also choose
their own homes to be bought. So that the building could correspond to that in the desire of
the buyer.

Implementation of Housing Projects undertaken CitraLand Bagya City which doubles

as the contractors, consultants, planners, consultants, supervisors and became owner. So the
duties, powers and responsibilities as owner, contractor, consultant planner and consultant
supervisor run by Prime Development itself. In the implementation of CitaLand Bagya City
Projects involve head carpenters and builders, but it also involves subcontractors and
subcontractors work employment roof ceiling.
In the project implementation process begins with the work of the house persipan
consisting of preparation and land clearing, manufacturing warehouses, and prepare the tools
and materials needed in the construction process. Once the preparatory work is completed,
the measurement and installation work can be done plank bouw then followed by foundation
work. The foundation used in the construction of this house using footplate foundation to a
depth of 1 m and the foundation stone sides with a depth of 0.75 m.
Installation and casting sloof made after the foundation is dry. In sloof work on this
project using sloof measuring 15x20 cm with a plain iron reinforcement 410 mm and
beugel hose 6 mm with a distance of 15 cm. After installation of the foundations and the
installation sloof completed, the next mengurug dugouts and compacting urugan. Works such
as the installation of the column wall, bricklaying, mounting frames made after sloof foundry
work is completed and dry. Columns that are used in the construction of this house using 3
sizes of different columns, column K1 size 30x30 cm with iron reinforcement plain 810
mm and beugel 6 mm with spacing interval of 30 cm, column K2 size 20x20 cm with iron
reinforcement plain 410 mm and beugel 6 mm with a spacing interval of 20 cm and 15x15
cm size K3 columns with plain iron reinforcement 410 mm and beugel hose 6 mm with a
distance of 15 cm. job balk ring and the floor beams on the work floor wall made after the
work is completed. While the installation of roof lkeramik do after work is completed.

Roof works such as the installation horses mild steel, installation of concrete tiles and
ceiling mounting on the construction of this house carried by the sub-contractor who was
appointed by Prime Development.
Or finishing a painting using paint brand Dulux to paint on the walls and ceiling
painting using paint brands Decolith. While sills and doors made from wood using wood
paint brands Avian.

4.2 Suggestion

This issue should indeed consulted with the contractor. It would be nice if you have
friends who work in that field. As a general overview, the final plan will be made two-storey
building that you want. The process of construction adjust your financial condition.
If the cost is minimal, can use the concept of home grown. This usually requires the
initial cost is not too great, but the future costs will be considerable because it took unloading
here and there, not to mention having to move while the house was renovated.
If you have enough charge, the safest way is to build the entire ground floor with
concrete foundations and structures that have been prepared for the two floors. If you wear a
good reinforcement, the wall thickness is not very influential because the burden is not the
wall itself, but the ring beam. If there are fees, ga not make a tile roof. Create cast concrete
roof or palace (which later became the floor is level two). Thus, when the construction of the
second floor, demolition can be minimized. You also do not need to be moved because the
ground floor can be occupied while the second floor was built.


A.G.Thamrin, 1995, Teknik Konstruksi Bangunan Gedung Jilid I, Yogyakarta, Media



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