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Time #figure1


Life Death

Time existence

A constant Continuity between the two courses.

Life death
Life and death are absolute equal opposites

The #3 represent the opening of the eye, it represent the realization of the first three fundamental structures

That makes a life of a single human soul (time, life and death)

As to a belief that the Number may represent The Father (God), the son (messiah) and the Spirit (possession)

Yet also believed to be in association with the wicked outcast (devil).

Existence #figure2 Time

life existence Death

Belief mindset the collision of the three create a dimension where the rate-

-Of change is dependent in time. (Growth)

This Dimension where we exists as humans souls which are embodied by an aging living shell, we depend on
our decision making registry in our brains, driven by belief, as it is believed that the cross symbolizes the
passing of the messiah and the story behind.

One of the reasons why life is a result of our daily basis decision making registry in our brains, now as a person
says or utter a word with his mouth, in that instant a new reality is created thats why a person who shares a
story is enabled with the ability to drive the next persons spirit and manipulate their emotions into how the
story ends, cause only in belief, as person sharing a business Idea to an investor he gets funded only when the
investor believes the presented idea.

By letting the weak say theyre strong a new reality is created in the brain as it would
imagine it and nothing more or less a bible believer person would believe that would seem to contradict the
statement above! Now remember that the preachers came with the same boats as those of the soldiers who
carried Guns and colonised lands.

There is a reality where theres belief in existence of the wicked devil and his 369, DEMONS and his heart
is filled with wickedness for more than a thousand years. As a mortal grows to understand the environment
around them, surrounded by cities, big walls, lights and constantly moving objects, we strongly believe in
success we dream of it, picture it and even going deeper distances into the system in seek of this called success
that parents promise their children will see and experience only in doing as instructed by the authorities and a
practice of the law enforcement putting that in a different terms its means success is in your submissiveness
of your soul with all your spirits towards keeping with discipline that pleases the eye and interests of the
society programmes.

Remember theres no change without time or otherwise the word progress would be nothing but an
insignificant sound one make with his mouth, and makes no sense.

The reality, why were here??

Why as a question is a timeless contrived concept, why is a wicked concept for a brain, cause a brain is timely
therefore its exists,

Why can occur in an endless sequence up to infinity, why can be asked endlessly even after a 100 million
answers as still one long endless question.

Infinity is a beyond human understanding its the unknown value, meaning its Timeless, Why and infinity are
relative concepts, than being absolute concepts cause why is also timeless

They both without end

Were here cause we exist inside time therefore we have souls a ghost of our own imagination, we are forever
with time, a person of a high spirit doesnt die he is forever. A human body warns-out and die - but the soul
passes away/over as the Zulu people explain death.

Zulu means heaven

Nelson Mandelas didnt Die animals Die his soul may have departed the earthly shell and we may never
see him again but for as long as his spirit is hovering over the veldts and the streets of south Africa nelson
Mandela is still alive in south Africa along all our beloved and remembered souls that no longer exists on this
timely existence.

Adolf Hitler he may have been spoken of many names but even today he still lives and ace lezar cares least of
his spirit as declared by the society understanding.

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