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Unit tests

Unit test 2 3 Correct the mistake in each of the following

sentences. There is one sentence which has no
1 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. mistake, in which case put a tick at the end.
Choose from the past simple, past continuous, (6 marks)
past perfect and past perfect continuous. 1 Otters cannot live in a water which is heavily
(12 marks) polluted.
KANGAROO ACCIDENT 2 He gave us a lot of informations about the
Last month, Mr Maurice Gordon of Perth tropical forest.
1 (travel) at about sixty kilometres 3 Oil from the wrecked ship caused a pollution of
per hour along a country road when a kangaroo the surrounding ocean.
2 (jump) in front of his car. He 4 A coral reef provides shelter for many marine
3 (try) to brake but the animal animals.
4 (go) through the front windscreen 5 People is becoming more aware of the effects of
and he 5 (crash) into a tree. climate change.
Another motorist who 6 (drive) on the 6 Building a motorway across the marshland will
other side of the road 7 (phone) the have a catastrophic effect on a wildlife.
Royal Perth Hospital and also a local vet. By the
time the ambulance arrived, Mr Gordon 4 Choose the correct word to complete the
8 (lose) consciousness but fortunately sentences. (8 marks)
he 9 (breathe) still. He 10 1 The dodo became in the
(spend) the night in intensive care. The vet found seventeenth century.
that the kangaroo 11 (break) its left a extinguished b extinct c defunct
limb in the accident so he 12 (take) it 2 While I was walking along the beach, I came
to the local zoo to get advice on treatment. a conch shell.
Mr Gordon and the kangaroo are now both well a across b about c along
and back on their feet again. 3 The number of orangutans has declined because
of the destruction of their natural .
2 Write a/an, the or no article in each gap in the a surroundings b environs c habitat
text. (14 marks) 4 The wetlands provide a nesting ground for many
ALLIGATORS different of wading birds.
1 alligators are found in only two a parties b specimens c species
countries in 2 world, 3 5 The melting of the polar icecaps means that
China and 4 United States. polar bears are under .
5 Chinese alligators are very rare and a danger b threat c risk
most of them live in 6 zoos but 6 Even small changes in your behaviour can
7 American variety is much more a difference to your carbon footprint.
common. a make b do c take
There are many horror stories about alligator 7 As the continued into the autumn,
attacks but in fact they are naturally wary and tend the water shortage became more serious.
to swim away if 8 person approaches a desert b desiccation c drought
them. Unfortunately, some people like to throw 8 Young alligators eat mainly fish but they take
9 food to them. This is not much larger as they mature.
10 good idea because in this way a prey b brood c predators
they lose their fear of 11 humans.
12 alligator which has no fear of people
and has come to associate them with eating is
exactly 13 one in 14
thousand which will attack.

100 Pearson Education 2008 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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