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Unit 2 Study Guide skill Description Example Evaluate a power with an | Write the power as repeated | (-2) = (—2) x (-2) x (-2) integer base, multiplication, then evaluate. -8 Evaluate a power with an | Apower with an integer | 8° = 1 exponent 0. base and an exponent 0 is equal to 1 Use the order of operations | Evaluate what is inside the | (32 + 2) x (5) to evaluate expressions brackets. 6 +2) x (-5) containing exponents Evaluate powers. 41) x (5) Multiply and divide, in order, | — —55 from left to right. Add and subtract, in order, from left to right. Apply the exponent law for | To multiply powers with the a product of powers same base, add the exponents. Apply the exponent law for | To divide powers with the a quotient of powers. same base, subtract the exponents. Apply the exponent law for | To raise a power to a power, | (532 = 53 *2 a power of a power. multiply the exponents. |= 56 ‘Apply the exponent law for | Write the power of a (6 x38 = 65 x35 a power of a product. product as a product of powers Apply the exponent law for | Write the power of a a power of a quotient. quotient as a quotient of powers. EERIE 1. Give the base and exponent of each power a) & Base Exponent b) (-3)2 Base__Exponent 2. Write as a power. a) 4x4x4=4— b) (-3X-3)(-3)(-3(-3) = 3. Write each power as repeated multiplication and in standard form. a) (-25 = b) 10¢= ©) Six squared ) Five cubed = EER 4. Evaluate. a) 10° = b)(-4p = Qo Bt=_ a) 4 = 5. Write each number in standard form. a) 9x 103 9x =9x b) (1 x 10%) + (3 x 10") + (5 x 10%) =(1x +BXx +(5X ) °) (2 x 103) + (4 x 102) + (1 x 10") + 9 x 109) =(2x +(x +(1X__)+(9xX__) ) (5 x 104) + (3 x 102) + (7 x 10") + (2 x 10%) 7. Evaluate. a) 5x3 =5x b) 10 x (32+ 5% =10x = =10Xx d) (3) + 49 x (-3) ©) (-2P + (34) = _t+ 8. Write as a power a) 6? x 67 = 61 + __) =6— ©) (-28 x (-2/ = (-2,— = (J - Write as a power. a) 57+ 5% =5-_-_) 5 ©) (-6% + (-6? = e) +8 HEGH10. Write as a power. a) (53)* = 5—_* —_ oe ©) y= 11. Write as a product or quotient of powers. a) (3X 52 =3— x 5— ©) [(-4) x (5) = @) (12 + 10 = 12— + 10 b) (-4)? x (48 d) 107 x 10 = 4 @) [55 = b) (2 x 10)5 =

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