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Is Oral Sex Really a Dangerous Carcinogen? Lets Take a

Closer Look jsm_2684 1..9

Sara E. Rosenquist, PhD, ABPP

Private Practice Chapel Hill, NC, USA

DOI: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02684.x


Introduction. Questions have recently arisen in the popular press about the association between specific sexual
behaviors, namely, fellatio and cunnilingus, with head and neck cancers. Although there has been an overall decline
in the incidence of head and neck cancers over the past 25 years, there has been a shift in the distribution of these
cancers toward a particular type known as oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs), and a younger demographic.
These particular cancers, OSCCs, have been shown to be associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Several
researchers have suggested that this shift in the epidemiology of head and neck cancers might be attributable to
changing sexual practices. While this speculation has caught on in the popular press, there are several interesting
contradictions in the existing evidence that suggest this conclusion might be premature and overreached.
Aim. The intent of this article is to help clarify the issues so that sexual medicine professionals can give accurate and
up-to-date information to their patients.
Main Outcome Measures. This is a review article; no outcome data are reported. This is a review article; no
measures were collected.
Methods. Pubmed search on HPV, oral sex, oral cancers, and OSCCs.
Results. One hundred ninety-six articles on HPV were found; 63 articles on oral sex, 55 on oral cancer, and 5 articles
on OSCCs were identified as relevant.
Conclusions. HPV infections occur commonly and are usually cleared within 18 months, thus HPV infection should
not be a cause for concern among monogamous couples with a rich and varied sex life as long as the sexual system
remains closed and other immune compromising factors are not present. HPV becomes a concern in the context of
immune system compromise and infection persistence. Factors contributing to immune system compromise, HPV
persistence, and oncogenesis are reviewed. Rosenquist SE. Is oral sex really a dangerous carcinogen? Lets take
a closer look. J Sex Med **;**:****.
Key Word. HPV; Oral Sex; Oral Cancers; Fellatio; Cunnilingus; Sexually Transmitted Infections; STDs

Introduction have declined since 1975 [1]. Regrettably, research

in this area combines statistics on cancers from

T he popular press has recently raised ques-

tions about the association between specific
sexual behaviors, namely, orogenital and oroanal
various specific sites in the head and neck, typically
classifying them as head and neck cancers and
sometimes as oropharengeal cancers. Most head
contact, with head and neck cancers. This article and neck cancers occur among people who are over
was written in hopes of articulating the issues 60 and are associated with lifelong smoking and
clearly so that nonmedical practitioners such as sex heavy alcohol use [2]. Researchers have attributed
therapists, educators, and counselors can give this age-related decline in head and neck or
accurate and up-to-date information to their oropharengeal cancers to the decline in tobacco
patients. and alcohol consumption in the United States since
Cancers of the head and neck are very rare, 1920 [2]. However, there is a recent trend that
occurring in about 10 out of every 100,000, and has caught the attention of epidemiologists and

2012 International Society for Sexual Medicine J Sex Med **;**:****

2 Rosenquist

oncologists who study these cohorts. Specifically, region (LCR). The LCR contains the origin of
they noted a small but significant increase in head viral DNA replication and the enhancer/promoter
and neck cancers among a younger group [2]. elements regulating the viral transcription. Scien-
While there are many different kinds of head and tists believe that the coding region consists of open
neck cancers, there has been a shift in the distribu- reading frames and encodes the early (E) and
tion of these cancers toward a particular type known late (L) viral proteins. The E proteins are
as oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs). Refer- involved in regulation of viral transcription and
ences to an epidemic of oral cancer stem from this DNA replication, while the late genes encode
shift in the distribution of OSCCs and not to actual structural proteins, the viral capsid proteins (L1
increases in overall incidence rates of oral cancers. and L2). Capsid proteins self-assemble into the
OSCCs have been shown to be associated with viral capsid, which interacts with a receptor of the
the human papillomavirus (HPV), specifically the target cell facilitating entry of the viral DNA.
high-risk strains that have already been shown to Early proteins E1 and E2 both play a role in the
cause cervical cancer [3]. The anatomic sites most viral DNA replication. E2 is also important in
strongly associated with HPV-related OSCCs are the viral transcription regulation. E4 may facilitate
the tonsil and base of the tongue [2]. Several viral particle release by collapsing the cytokeratin
researchers have suggested that this shift in the skeleton, while E5 is expressed in productive infec-
epidemiology of head and neck cancers might be tions. Yet, E5s contribution to naturally occurring
attributable to changing sexual practices [46]. infections remains poorly understood. The onco-
While this speculation has caught the attention of genic proteins E6 and E7 of high-risk HPV types
the popular press, there are several interesting interfere with the cell cycle control by reducing
contradictions in the existing evidence that sug- the availability of the hosts oncosuppressor
gest this conclusion might be premature and protein p53 and retinoblastoma protein [3].
overreaching. These processes can then result in uncontrolled
cell proliferation [3].
HPV The mere presence of HPV does not determine
HPVs are small circular double-stranded DNA cancer risk even when several high-risk strains are
viruses, ultramicroscopic microparasitic organisms present in the same person. HPV becomes a risk
that live within our cells. Seventy to a hundred factor when it persists over time and the bodys
different HPV genotypes have been identified; natural defenses are unable to clear it [912].
some are common and benign, but some cause Other risk factors must be present in order for an
disease [3]. The strains of HPV that have been HPV infection to persist, and those other risk
linked to cancer are called high-risk types. About factors include environmental, genetic, as well as
15 different types of HPV are considered high behavioral variables that are many and varied
risk, and of the high-risk HPV strains, HPV 16 [1316]. While the above can characterize the cel-
and 18 are the most frequently implicated in cer- lular level processes, the exact nature of how that
vical cancer [7,8]. HPVs are strictly epitheliotro- interacts with predetermining vulnerabilities with
pic, meaning they exist only in tissues that form subsequent cancer occurrence remains unknown.
the covering of internal and external surfaces of
the body, including the surfaces that line the Natural Course of HPV
vessels and small cavities of the body. The different HPVs occur so commonly that they have been
strains of HPV preferentially infect different ana- found in the mouths of between 4% and 87% of
tomic sites, and researchers subdivide them into newborn babies [17]. Most of the HPVs found in
categories accordingly: cutaneous and mucosal. infants were strains 16 and 51, and sometimes dif-
The mucosal types are predominantly found in the ferent from the strains of HPV found in the
anogenital tract and also in the aerodigestive tract parents [18]. In fact, the concordance of HPV
[3]. types in newborns and their mothers is only in the
Some strains of HPV are widely believed to range of 5769%, and is unrelated to mode of
cause cancer. Researchers have not determined the delivery, whether vaginal or cesarean [17], leaving
exact mechanisms or action, but some processes researchers at a loss to explain exactly how HPV is
have been identified. The HPV genome may be transmitted.
divided into a coding and a noncoding region. The Findings suggest that HPVs, including the
noncoding region is thought to comprise about high-risk strains associated with cancers, are
15% of the viral genome, which is the long control common in newborns and are also gradually

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Caution in the Narrative about HPV and Oral Sex Is Indicated 3

acquired throughout childhood [1719]. Specifi- short lived but also episodic, coming and going,
cally, the prevalence of HPV is bimodally distrib- clearing and reappearing, and waxing and waning
uted among children: the highest prevalence rates over time [25]. Furthermore, HPV infections
are among babies less than 1 year old and adoles- accumulate quickly in sexually active women under
cents 1320 years old [17,18]. However, no HPV the age of 20 and then clear in women over 25.
was found in children between the ages of 7 and 12 The prevalence of HPV infections continues to
[20]. HPVs, including high-risk mucosal HPVs 16 decline until after menopause when it begins to
and 18, have been found in tonsillar and adenoid pick up again as more postmenopausal women fail
samples of healthy children with normal mucosa to clear their infections [26]. Women who have
and also in children with tonsillar hyperplasia, precancerous or cancerous lesions of the cervix are
chronic tonsillitis, or adenoid hyperplasia. Among consistently found to have a higher viral load than
adolescents, there is no statistically significant women who do not have cytological abnormalities.
association between HPV in the oral cavity and However, it is becoming apparent that the rela-
any of the factors commonly thought of as being tionship between viral load of cervical HPV infec-
associated with higher risk including gender, edu- tions and cervical neoplasia is quite complex [12].
cation, HPV-related conditions, smoking history, Although HPV is widely considered to be a
number of sex partners, adolescents smoking sexually transmitted infection, large longitudinal
history, or history of sexual activity [17]. studies involving couples suggest that the mode of
HPV infections are much more common than transmission might be more ambiguous [27]. In a
HPV-associated disease, which suggests that many prospective Finnish family HPV study, both hus-
factors contribute to the clearing or persistence bands and wives were tested at both oral and genital
and progression of HPV infection [21]. Since sites on several occasions [28]. Results showed that
HPV is an exogenous infectious agent, the the oral and genital HPV types found in couples
immune system response (the mucosal immune differ so that the strains infecting one partner are
system is involved in the local defense at mucosal only modestly correlated with strains infecting the
sites) probably plays a pivotal role in the outcome other [28]. The prevalence of oral high-risk HPV
of any HPV infection, influencing whether the infections fluctuated between 15% and 27%. Oral
virus will be cleared or go on to become persistent and genital HPV strains were not only poorly cor-
[3]. Many unknowns remain, including the precise related within subjects but also highly discordant
mechanism by which HPV induces carcinogenesis within couples. Twelve percent of women and 26%
and whether perinatally acquired HPV infection of men reported regular oral sex. However, oral sex
might actually induce immunological tolerance or habits were not associated with oral or genital HPV
even be protective in some way [21]. infection. Similarly, no association was established
Cervical cancer was the first cancer to be asso- between oral HPV infections in either spouse and
ciated with HPV, and HPV is now widely consid- the outcome of the partners genital HPV infection
ered to be a necessary but not sufficient cause of during follow-up nor did HPV infection detected
cervical cancer in women [22]. Nonetheless, only a in the seminal fluid have any association with the
small percentage of HPV-infected women go on to oral HPV status of the female partner [28]. Partners
develop cervical cancer; the vast majority of cleared various HPV infections at different rates.
infected women clear their cervicovaginal infec- Men started clearing their HPV infections sooner
tions spontaneously. Moreover, several studies and completed clearance more quickly than did the
now show that cervicovaginal HPV is predomi- women. These researchers concluded that Oral
nantly self-limiting with a median duration of sex had no association to oral HPV infection, but a
812 months [23]. The risk factors most consis- persistent oral HPV infection of the spouse
tently associated with progression of high-risk increased the risk of persistent oral HPV infection
HPV to cervical cancer (in the largest epidemio- 10-fold in the other spouse. [28] Persistence rather
logical studies using the most sensitive detection than the mere presence of infection or the practice of
methods) were as follows: high parity (number of oral sex contributed to the correlation of HPV
children), long-term oral contraceptive use, within the couple. Thus, not only do HPV infec-
smoking, and coinfection with other sexually tions wax and wane within an individual body, they
transmitted diseases [24]. also wax and wane within the dynamic system of a
HPV seems to be involved in dynamic patterns couple but when infection becomes persistent in
of infection and clearing. Large longitudinal one, it is also likely to become persistent in the
studies show that HPV infections are not only other.

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4 Rosenquist

HPV and Cervical Cancer percentage. Although cervical cancer is common

According to the World Health Organization, cer- in women [22], head and neck cancers (which are
vical cancer is second only to breast cancer as the very rare to begin with) are even rarer among
leading cancer among women [29]. In 1999, women [1,29]. Thus, the statement about increas-
researchers definitively concluded that HPV is a ing rates of HPV-related head and neck cancers is
necessary (though not sufficient) cause for cervical only partially true. The overall incidence of head
cancer: the worldwide HPV prevalence in cervi- and neck cancers decreased in the United States
cal carcinomas is 99.7 per cent. The presence of since 1975, but the proportion of head and neck
HPV in virtually all cervical cancers implies the cancers that are potentially attributable to HPV
highest worldwide attributable fraction so far increased [26,29]. One detail often left out is that,
reported for a specific cause of any major human along with the shift in proportion of head and neck
cancer. The extreme rarity of HPV-negative cancers that are related to HPV, the survival rate of
cancers reinforces the rationale for HPV testing in those treated for these cancers has also increased.
addition to, or even instead of, cervical cytology in This is because the HPV-associated oral cancers
routine cervical screening [22]. appear to be more responsive to treatment [2].
Cervical cancers are higher among women who Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas are
have other risk factors: Co-factors that modify mostly attributed to environmental exposures such
the risk among HPV DNA positive women as tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and poor oral
include the use of oral contraceptives (OC) for hygiene [34,35]. However, a small proportion (15
five or more years, smoking, high parity (five or 20% or an overall incidence rate between 1.55 per
more full term pregnancies) and previous exposure 100,000 and 2.07 per 100,000) of these rare head
to other sexually transmitted diseases such as and neck squamous cell carcinomas occur in non-
Chlamydia Trachomatis (CT) and Herpes Simplex smokers and nondrinkers, suggesting the presence
Virus type 2 (HSV-2) [30]. Interestingly, a of other risk factors [35]. Recent epidemiologic
womans risk for cervical cancer is defined not and molecular data implicate HPV, particularly
only by the number of her sexual partners but also HPV 16, in these cancers; HPV 16 is the strain
by the number of sexual partners her husband most commonly implicated in cervical cancer
or male partner may have had: the presence of [2,32,33,3543]. Earlier researchers hypothesized
HPV DNA in the husbands penis conveyed a five- that tobacco and alcohol might have a synergistic
fold increased risk of cervical cancer to their wives. effect with HPV in these cancers. However, con-
The odds of cervical cancer among monogamous trolled studies have, to date, failed to provide
women increased up to 9- to 10-fold in relation to support for this theory.
the presence of high-risk HPV types in the penis Lifetime number of sexual partners, oral sex
of their husbands [31]. partners, and history of oralanal contact did,
however, differentiate increased risk between
HPV and Head and Neck Cancers: Myth vs. Reality HPV-positive and HPV-negative cancers [43].
Coinciding with the release of vaccines to protect Oral or head and neck cancers are higher among
against HPV, there has been a proliferation of those who have many sexual partners, among those
interest in the popular press about the risks of who are immunocompromisedthose with
other HPV-related cancers. Some articles claim acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDs),
that oral cancers are now epidemic and report those who are human immunodeficiency virus
statistics which are erroneous but which may be (HIV) positive, and organ transplant recipients on
unnecessarily exacerbating fear [32,33]. For immunosuppressant drugs [4446].
instance, Heck et al.s statement that Cancers of Another risk factor for head and neck cancer
the head and neck are the fifth most common among patients younger than age 55 appears to be
cancer worldwide, with more than 600,000 cases long-term marijuana use [47]. One study that
diagnosed each year [33] is incorrect and requires failed to show a relationship between ever using
both context and perspective. According to the marijuana and head and neck cancers overall did
National Cancer Institute, cancers of the head and show a relationship between head and neck
neck are extremely rare and the incidence of these cancers with prolonged (20 years or more) mari-
cancers actually declined from a high of 13.21 per juana use [48]. Moreover, there appears to be a
100,000 in 1975 to 10.35 per 100,000 in 2007. differential effect of marijuana use on the specific
Moreover, an incidence of 600,000 out of a global subtype of HPV-positive head and neck cancers
population of 6.7 billion is actually a very small [42]. This suggests that marijuana use may sup-

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Caution in the Narrative about HPV and Oral Sex Is Indicated 5

press some aspect of immune function in ways that although the strains of HPV that cause warts are
interfere with the bodys ability to clear high-risk not the same strains that cause cancer [56]. While
HPV infections, leading to the subsequent devel- HPV is thought to be transmitted sexually, it is
opment of this particular subtype of head and neck clear that HPV can be transmitted nonsexually as
cancers. Researchers recently demonstrated well [28,56,57]. In their 1998 article, Edwards and
experimentally (with mice) the mechanism by Carne reviewed the literature on the transmission
which THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, of viral sexually transmitted infections. They
suppresses the immune system to promote car- found that the evidence favoring oral transmission
cinogenesis in specific cases: of HPV is both based on case studies and is only
correlational evidence. Thus, many questions are
Studies from our laboratory suggest that cannabinoids are a left unanswered. In order for an HPV infection to
double-edged sword. On one hand, cannabinoids can suppress
malignancies of the immune system by inducing apoptosis of become persistent, other factors are necessary. In
tumors that express cannabinoid receptors. On the other order for a persistent HPV infection to become
hand, because they suppress anti-tumor immune response,
they promote growth and metastasis of cannabinoid receptor- carcinogenic, even more factors are necessary and,
deficient tumors such as breast cancer that are resistant to while these remain mostly unknown, it is thought
cannabinoid-induced apoptosis [49]. that these probably involve compromises to the
Thus, while marijuana may be medicinal in immune system [33,58]. The link between oral sex,
some instances and promote the suppression of HPV, and cancer is not a simple cause and effect
some kinds of cancers, it clearly interferes with the relationship.
immune system and promotes the development of Data from the U.S. Center for Disease Control
other kinds of cancers. (CDC) show that both cunnilingus and fellatio are
Finally, one aspect of immune functioning that widely practiced sexual behaviors. In a large
is rarely mentioned in the mainstream medical lit- (N = 12,571) survey known conducted by the CDC
erature has to do with negative emotions such as in 2002, 90% of male respondents and 88% of
stress (anxiety, worry, fear, role strain, financial female respondents reported having had oral sex
strain, work expectations that exceed resources, with an opposite sex partner [59]. Similarly,
etc.) depression, or bereavement. The effect of research from other cultures shows oral sexual
chronic negative emotions on immune functioning contact to be very common, and oral genital contact
and hence, indirectly, on vulnerability to other is more common than anal intercourse among gay
kinds of disease is well documented in the litera- and bisexual men [60,61]. It must be noted that
ture on psychoneuroimmunology [5052]. While when base rates of a behavior are very high, corre-
physicians quickly assess for chronic illnesses and lations between behavior and vanishingly small
known medical vulnerabilities in new patients, outcomes are rendered to be virtually meaningless.
chronic life difficulties such as caring for a sick While there is little evidence that HPV-related
family member or handicapped child, poverty, cancers are caused by oral sex per se, narratives
social marginalization, living with an abusive promoted in tabloids fuel fears in the popular
spouse, or countless other unrelenting stressors imagination and many patients come seeking
might easily escape notice in a routine visit. Very therapy, information, tests, or vaccines in hope of
little research has been done to elucidate the pos- allaying their fears. However, vaccines are preven-
sible role of chronic stress and attendant negative tative not therapeutic. Moreover, the HPV vac-
emotions in the oncogenesis in HPV-related cines have been studied on a younger population
cancers [53,54]. And yet, chronic stress, pessi- because their efficacy is greatest when adminis-
mism, and sleep disturbance are known to have tered before onset of sexual activity, and in any
deleterious effects on immune functioning and can case the vaccines are useless for those who have
tip the body toward disease [55]. So, while popular already been infected by vaccine-relevant HPV
press, social networking media, and several high genotypes [62]. Moreover, a small subset of clinical
profile cases of oral cancers have joined to create a trial data even showed that vaccination of women
narrative attributing oral cancer to oral sex, the already battling a persistent infection of a vaccine-
truth is more ambiguous, more complex, and more relevant HPV may actually promote carcinogen-
nuanced. esis [63,64].

Sexual Transmission of HPV Detection and Classification of HPV

HPV is most commonly known to cause warts, and The HPV tests on the market only help doctors
warts can be transmitted from hands to genitals screen patients for cervical cancer. There is no

J Sex Med **;**:****

6 Rosenquist

general test for men or women to check overall and much more accurate [70]. Now both the FDA
HPV status nor is there an HPV test that can [71] and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) [72]
detect whether HPV is on the genitals or in the have acknowledged that PCR detection followed
mouth or throat. Moreover, the tests for detecting by DNA sequencing is the standard method for
and assessing the DNA of different strains of HPV reliable HPV genotyping in clinical specimens as
that are available to clinicians in medical practice well. However, DNA sequencing-based HPV
differ from those available to researchers: the tests genotyping is not widely used in clinical laborato-
available to practitioners are not as reliable or as ries because the FDA has classified HPV testing as
accurate as are the tests that are available to class III cancer tests for regulation [58]. The
researchers. The test available to clinicians is latter classification makes it extremely difficult for
called the HC2 test [6567] and is only used for medical device manufacturers to assemble a test kit
detecting and classifying HPV from cervical for commercial distribution because scientifically
samples in women. According to the manufac- it is almost impossible to use a cancer end point to
turer, Qiagen, The digene HC2 HPV DNA Test validate a virology test. However, the recent devel-
is an in vitro nucleic acid hybridization assay with opment of vaccines against HPVand the impli-
signal amplification using microplate chemilumi- cation of HPV in other kinds of cancers that might
nescence for the qualitative detection of 18 types be sexually transmittedmakes it more important
of HPV DNA in cervical specimens. The digene for a wider group of patients to know how to
HC2 HPV DNA Test can differentiate between accurately detect HPV [70,73].
two HPV DNA groups, low- and high-risk types
[68]. The HPV tests on the market only help
doctors screen patients for the presence of a group
of HPVs that may cause cellular changes, which Head and neck cancerscancers that encompass a
may lead to cervical cancer in some patients if not wide range of specific anatomical sites, including
treated. These commercial test kits are designed to cancers of the oral cavity, tongue, tonsils, pharynx,
screen 13 high-risk HPV genotypes out of about etc.are exceedingly rare overall and have
40 genotypes commonly found in the anogenital declined since 1975. However, a specific subset of
regions of women and men. Unlike the technology HPV-positive head and neck cancers has increased
used for HPV research, these commercial test kits among a younger cohort, leading to much scientific
do not reliably determine the HPV genotype after and popular speculation about why. Because HPV
detection and are associated with up to 25% false- may be sexually transmitted and because the spe-
negative results when cervical precancer is used as cific subtype of head and neck cancers that have
the criteria for evaluation [67]. One of the Food increased among younger subjects is not only HPV
and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved HPV positive but also the same strains that are known to
tests has been found to generate two to four times cause cervical cancer, speculation has centered on
more positive results than the other [69]. This sexual behaviorsspecifically on oral genital
error rate was, in the past, acceptable in clinical contact. However, the natural life cycle of HPV, the
settings, where the more important diagnostic natural waxing and waning of HPV infections
questions were answered in follow-up with Papa- throughout the life span and between partners in a
nicolaou (PAP) smears or colposcopy. monogamous couple, along with the frequent lack
If a virology-based technology is used for of correlation between oral and genital HPV infec-
primary screening for the prevention of cervical tions within individuals and between partners, sug-
cancer or HPV-based oral cancer, the HPV detec- gests that something more must be at play.
tion test must be highly sensitive with extremely Indeed, HPV-related cancers require compro-
low false-negative rates, and it must be followed mise of the natural virus clearing functions of a
with an extremely reliable HPV genotyping healthy immune system in order to proliferate.
method to determine the HPV genotype for Some such factors are related to sexual
follow-up of the patients with persistent HPV behaviorspecifically the number of sexual part-
infection, a necessary factor leading to cervical ners one has had or ones partner has had. Some
precancer or cancer. The technology that is con- factors have to do with immune compromise such
sidered essential for research purposes is the more as AIDS or HIV-positive status, chronic smoking,
sophisticated polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or heavy alcohol use. Moreover, other factors are
amplification, followed by nucleic acid-based HPV neither sexual nor behavioral, such as immunosup-
genotyping because this test is much more specific pressant therapy secondary to organ transplant.

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Caution in the Narrative about HPV and Oral Sex Is Indicated 7

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