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Graph Theory 11

D ....~-
Worked Examples
2.1 For the 1 (GRAPH
shown and YBU S ) below, draw the graph
in figure K. NITEESH
and mark KUMAR
a tree.
1. Draw
How themany
graph trees
for thewill
fig. this
shown below,
graph mark Mark
have? a tree, the
cut-set and basic
cutsets andtie-set
(basic loop).
Fig. E.2.7 Tree and Co-tree for the graph.
a link is added to the tree a loopA~~@
is formed, loops that contain only one link are called
asic loops. 5

Branches, b=n-1 =5-1=4Fig. E.2.S

6 I =e-b =8-4=4 3
The number of basic cutsets = no. of branches = 4; the cutsets A,B,C,D, are shown
ure. The four loops are shown in Fig.

2.2 Show the basic loops and basic cutsets for the graph shown below and verify
any 2. Show thethat
relations basicexist
loopsbetween Fig. E.2.1
and basic them.
cut-sets for the graph shown below and verify any relation
4 Solution: Power System Analysis
(Take 1-2-3-4 as tree 1).
that exist between them. (Take 1-2-3-4 as tree 1)
Assume that bus (1) is the reference bus
olution: 8

Fig. E.2.S Basic cut sets A, B, C, D.

he number of basic cuts (4) = number of branches b(4).

2.3 For the graph given in figure below, draw the tree and the corresponding
3. For the
co-tree. given graph
Choose Fig.
a treebelow,
of E.2.6
yourdraw the tree
choice andand the corresponding
hence co-tree.
write the cut-set Choose a tree
of your choice and hence write theFig.
cut-set schedule.
Number of nodesFig. nE.2.10
= 5 Basic cut sets A, B, C, D.
CD o---..--o----....;~--o-_+_--<:)@
he f-cut set Number
schedule of(fundamental
elements e =or6 basic)
A: 1,2
The graph can be redrawn as,
B: 2,7,3,6 ~5._------------_.
c: 6,3,5
D: 3,4
6 3
2.4 For the power systems shown in figure draw the graph, a tree and its
Fig. system
E.2.9 shown
Oriented connected
fig. draw graph.
4. For the power in the the graph, a tree and its co-tree.

------~~------~------~-------- @
CD 2
Fig. E.2.3
Tree : A connected subgraph containing all nodes of a graph, but no closed path is
called a tree.

Fig. E.2.11
Fig. E.2.13 Tree and Co-tree 2.4.

P 2.1 Draw the graph for the network Problems shown. Draw a tree and co-tree for
5. Draw the graph for the fig. shown below. Draw a tree and its co-tree for the graph.
theP graph.
2.1 Draw the graph for the network shown. Draw a tree and co-tree for
the graph.

Network Matrices 35

~ (2)P.2.1 (3)
Fig. (4) (5)

P 2.2 Draw the graph for1 the circuit

6. DrawK=the graph2 for theFig. P.2.1
circuit shown.
-1 0
5 1
P 2.2 Draw the graph for the circuit shown.
6 -1 -1

Fig. E.3.7 Branches and the paths.

(iii) Basic loop incidence matrix C :

16 Power System Analysis

P 2.3 Draw the graph for r~
A BFig. P.2.2
the network shown.
1 1 1
7. Draw the graph for the network shown and mark basic cut-sets, basic loops.
1 1 1
2 0 1 2 0 1
C= C= 5 1 1
3 0 1
4 1 0 6 -1 -1
5 1 Fig.
1 P.2.2 3 0 1
6 -1 -1 4 1 0

Fig. E 3.8 Branches and the paths.

E 3.2 Form the YBUS by using singular transformation Fig. for the network shown
in8. Fig.
Form the YBUthe
including S bygenerator
using Singular
buses. Transformation Method and Direct inspection method
for the network shown below. (Take generator ground as reference)
Mark basic cutsets, basic loops and open loops.


j 0.4 j 0.25
2.1 Explain the following terms:
(i) Basic loops
(ii) Cut set
(iii) Basic cut sets

2.2 Explain the relationship between the basic loops and links; basic cut-sets and the
Fig. E.3.9 2
number of branches.
E 3.3 Find the YBUS using singular transformation for the system shown in
Fig. E.3.S.
9. Form the YBU S by using Singular Transformation Method for the network shown below.

Matrices 43

te: It is not necessary to form the augmented loop incidence matrix for this problem
only loop incidence matrix suffices].

.5 For the system shown in figure obtain YBUS by inspection method. Take
bus (l)as10.reference.
Form the Y The impedance marked are in p.u.
by using Singular Transformation Method and Direct inspection method

: for the system shown below. Take bus(1)as reference. The impedance marked are in p.u.

j 0.4
(1) (3)

11. A power system consists of 4 buses. Generators are connected at buses 1 and 3 reactances
Fig. E.3.18
of which are jO.2 and jO.l respectively. The transmission lines are connected between
buses 1-2, 1-4, 2-3 and 3-4 and have reactances jO.25, (2) jO.5, (3)
jO.4 and j 0.1 respectively.
Find the bus
1matrix (i) by direct inspection (ii) using Singular Transformation
(2) - + -
etwork Matrices
12. * Form the(3)
jO.5 jO.l
[ S by
using Singular
1 1 1
1 = (2)[_

jl0 -and
(3) Method
+ jl0 ]
Direct inspection method
- jO.l jO.l jOA
E 3.8 For for
system shown in
system shown below. figure for m Y BUS'

j 0,2
.6 Consider the linear graph 4
shown below which represents a 4 bus
transmission system withj 0,2
all the shuntj admittance
0,5 lumped together. Each
impedance of (0.02 + j 0.08) and half line charging
line has a series
CD 1---__,
admittance of jO.02. Compute the YBUS by singular transformation.
Compute the YBUS also by inspection.



Fig. E.3.22
P 3.2 Compute the bus admittance matrix for the power shown in figure by (i) direct
13. Form the YBUmethod and (ii) by using singular transformation.
S by using Singular Transformation Method and Direct inspection method
for the system shown below. j 0.4
(1) (3)
j 0.4

Fig. E.3.18
(2) (3)
1 1
(2) - + -
j 0.25
jO.l jO.l
1 1 1
1 = (2)[_
j 0.2 j12

(3) jl0
+ jl0 ]
- j12.5
(3) [ - jO.l jO.l jOA

E 3.6 Consider the linear graph shown below which represents a 4 bus
j 0.3
transmission system with all the shunt admittance lumped together. Each
line has a series impedance of (0.02 + j 0.08) and half line charging
14. * Consider the linear graph shownFig. belowP.l.2
which represents a 4 bus transmission system
admittance of jO.02. Compute the Y
with all the shunt admittance lumped together. by line
BUSEach singular transformation.
has a series impedance of (0.02
Compute the and
+ j 0.08) YBUShalfalso
line by inspection.
charging admittance of jO.02. Compute the YBU S by singular
transformation. Compute the YBU S also by inspection.


Line (Bus to Bus) R X

1 -2 0.05 0.15
1-3 0.1 0.3
2-3 0.15 0.45
2-4 0.1 0.3
3-4 0.05 0.15
15. Form the YBU S by using Singular Transformation Method and Direct inspection method
Fig. E.3.19
for the network shown below. The line impedance of elements are given in the table.

Line (Bus to Bus) R X

1 -2 0.05 0.15
1-3 0.1 0.3
2-3 0.15 0.45
2-4 0.1 0.3
3-4 0.05 0.15

Bus code( p-q) Impedance(Zpq) Half-line charging admittance

1-2 0.02+j0.04 4
2-3 0.04+j0.2 j0.02
16. For the transmission lines with the following data, form the bus admittance matrix by
any one ofBus code( p-q)
the methods. Impedance(Zpq) Half-line charging a
Bus code( p-q) 0.02+j0.04
Impedance(Z pq)
Half-line charging admittance
1-2 2-3 0.04+j0.2
0.02+j0.04 j0.02 j0.02
2-3 3-5 0.15+j0.4
0.04+j0.2 j0.02 j0.025
3-5 3-4 0.02+j0.06
0.15+j0.4 j0.025 j0.01
3-4 4-5 0.02+j0.06
0.02+j0.04 j0.01 j0.01
4-5 1-5 0.02+j0.04
0.08+j0.2 j0.01 j0.02
1-5 0.08+j0.2 j0.02

317. 3Form the YBU S by using Singular Transformation Method and Direct inspection method
for the system shown below.

Line (Bus to Bus) R X

1 -2 0.05 0.15
1-3 0.1 0.3
2-3 0.15 0.45
2-4 0.1 0.3
3BU-S4by using Singular
18. Form the Y 0.05 0.15 Method and Direct inspection method
for the network shown below. The line impedance of elements are given in the table.
(Choose bus-1 as reference)

Line (Bus to Bus) R X
1 -2 0.05 0.15
1-3 0.1 0.3
2-3 0.15 0.45
2-4 0.1 0.3
3-4 0.05 0.15

19. * Find the bus admittance matrix using singular transformation for the network shown

20. * Form the YBU S by using Singular Transformation Method and Direct inspection method
for the system shown below.

Self Impedance Mutual Impedance

Self Impedance Mutual Impeda
Element Bus Code Impedance Bus code Impedance
Bus Code Impedance Bus code Imp
1 1-2(1) 0.2 - -
21 1-3 1-2(1) 0.4 0.21-2(1) -
32 3-4 1-3 0.5 0.4 - 1-2(1)
- 0
43 1-2(2) 3-4 0.25 0.51-2(1) 0.1
5 2-4 0.2 - -
4 1-2(2) 0.25 1-2(1)
5 2-4 0.2 -

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