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Master of design

The emergence of fast moving technological trend has exerted a great pressure
on developer who are urged to consider customers preferences in their design.
The purpose of this paper is to develop an intelligent system for providing better
and personalized suggestions for everyone during online shopping of clothes.

With the goal of creating an Artificial Intelligence system that can help E-
commerce websites to give personalized suggestions when someone is
purchasing garments through online shopping.

Artificial Intelligence (AI, Machine Intelligence, MI) is intelligence exhibited by
machine rather than human or other animals. In Artificial Intelligence machine
mimics cognitive functions that are associated with human mind such as
learning and problem solving.
In AI, a machine becomes increasingly capable of performing some tasks that
were done by human intelligence, some of them like taking decision in difficult
situation and reasoning. AI can be used in different different areas like:
automotive industries, Education, Finance, Video gaming, Health cares etc.
These consists of particular traits or capabilities that researchers expect an
intelligent system to display.AI can also be used in most emerging Fashion
Market. In the fashion market, AI can help us to predict future trends by using
older history of fashion trend changes.

Companies like Amazon, Flipkart and other E-commerce websites are trying to
improve the tracking the trend in other areas of retail- Making
Recommendations of apparel, based on every person.

Clothes make the man: said Mark Twain. This paper presents an idea and
application as Can AI machine be a fashion Stylish, machine learning algorithm
that recommends fashion looks. Most specifically, How can AI learns preference
through the usage? E-commerce is a platform, using which, people can check,
compare, match and make purchase fashion products at their finger-tips. So, it is
very important to know which factors affect purchase of apparel product and
according to that data of user we can provide better and more personalized
suggestions to the users. AI uses a machine-learning algorithm and reasoning to
predict the trend.

To develop personalized suggestions AI must use big data of users, and to

develop these big data, we need to learn about user and accordingly we can
develop machine perception that can give user more personalized suggestions. By
following method, I tried to find contents, constructs and dimensions of this
problem of finding weather AI can give better and more personalized suggestions
during online shopping of an apparel products.

By analyzing the research problem statement, I came up with following contents:

1. Develop an intelligent System (AI): this means we have to develop an
intelligent system that is based on Artificial Intelligence and can help us to
decide and give suggestions.
2. Personalized suggestion: personalized suggestions will be our second
content because this is the thing we want to give to the E-commerce users.
3. Online Shopping: It is a content because we are distinguishing users
shopping experience from traditional shopping.
4. Clothes: We are limiting our research only to clothes.

By using these contents, we can derive constructs and dimensions of our problem
from it, which is as below:

Contents Construct & Dimension

1. Intelligent System Development


2. Personalized Suggestion Size


Previous purchases


3. Online shopping Consumer Behavior



4. Clothes Type of clothes


From these constructs we have to derive variables that affect our problem
statements. Variables are of three types one is Independent variable second is
dependent variable and third is extraneous variable.

Derived Variables from upper tables can be as follow:

I. Intelligent system can have two variables 1st is Big Data and 2nd is
Prediction: Big data is the database of a user which contains information
about user and prediction is used to get suggestions from that Big Data.
II. Personalized suggestion has mainly 4 variables, which are size, trend,
previous purchases, and personality
III. Online shopping has 3 variables, which are consumer behavior, trend and
IV. Clothes has 2 variables, which are types of clothes and occasions.

Dependent variables Independent variables Extraneous


Prediction Size Price

Previous purchase Occasion Environment
Convenience Gender
Categories of clothing Personality

Final Research objectives of previously defined questions will be as follow:
To use big data to give personalized suggestion
To provide suggestions for everyone
To predict suggestions for different sizes, gender
To check whether previous purchases affect your future purchases
To check whether trend affect purchases
To check whether Convenience affect in prediction
To check which type of clothes people buy
To check whether occasions matter in providing suggestions
Here, I have to use big data of user to get all information about his/her likes and
dislikes. Accordingly, we will get idea how we can provide suggestions.

People have different sizes and not all people can afford costly apparel products.
So, we must get this data to ensure that in which category a person will fall and
will purchase from that category.

If people have online purchase history than we can review that history to get more
idea about user and give suggestions accordingly.

Various kind of trends and various occasions also affect peoples choice so that
we must consider that aspect to get real time data of user.

There are various research methodologies are available like, Survey,
experimental, descriptive, cross sectional, longitudinal, quantitative and
qualitative research. For this research paper, Experimental and quantitative
method will be used because we cant do survey for online shopping experience.
It is a experience so we have to create an environment that people see during
online shopping. This experiment will deal with the truth as it is and so that we
dont have control over variables, they will be changed as people change.
There will be two groups, one will be controlled group, in which we will provide
limited functionalities accessible to user and more choices which are irrelevant to
their personalities and second will be experimental group, which will have more
personalized suggestions for their choice.

Sample size will be of 30 people, 15 people in each group. We will do non-

probabilistic sampling and a ordinal scale to measure.

Experiment contains of two groups with 15 people each. One group will be the
controlled group and second will be the experimental group.

This experiment will have two applications, one for each group. These
applications will have different approaches for each group, one with traditional
layout that give us all types of suggestions in one page and second will have new
approach with personalized suggestions for every user.

For personalized suggestion, we can provide categories as follow:

I) Experimental group

II) Controlled group:


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