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Editado por Alfredo Juillet Frascara. Chile.

Nov. 2017




Edward Melaza y el Desfasador Dimensional.


ESTAN los siguientes candidates: Por la Derecha : Kast. Por la centro derecha: Piera (Ex

Por la Izquierda: Guiller (ex locator, Senador actual); Goic, Artes (Nostalgico de la URSS),
Navarro (Defensor de Maduro en Venezuela), y un tal MEO, que se postula por tercera vez.

Tuvimos 20 aos de gobiernos de izquierda: Aylwin, Frei, Lagos, Bachelet 1, y Bachelet 2

(Actual gobierno). Entre Bachelet gobierno 1 y 2, vino Piera, que desperto del letargo zurdo de
20 aos. La gente se dio cuenta de que todo podia ser major, y que las cosas que sucedian en las
altas esferas no eran tan cristalinas como se creia, y entonces aplaudieron a Piera, pero los
zurdos se encargaron de soliviantar a las masas a pedir lo que apenas y tibiamente habian pedido
en 20 aos, y asi cuando llego la nueva votacion, trajeron a la Bachelet de Estados Unidos, y
llego a gobernar pero con una ideologia mas izquierdista y radical que antes.

La gente en Chile vota por la izquierda, ya que por muchos aos, en el siglo 19 y comienzos del
siglo 20, goberno la derecha. Entonces, decirse de Derecha era sinonimo de clase adinerada. Y
como revancha, la izquierda se proclamo adalid de los pobres, y ese meme sigue hasta hoy,
sobre todo en las clases sin muchos conocimientos y mas bien deseando el desquite monetario.

Chile no es un pais rico, y la gente quiere cada vez mas bienestar dado de parte del gobierno. Es
que ve los miles de millones de pesos que se embolsan algunos politicos, sin empacho, sin
castigo, y se dan cuenta de que los pocos miles que ganan no son absolutamente nada al lado de
personas que se embolsan mil millones como si fuera un trago de agua.

El desnivel economico en Chile es atroz. Hay gente con viajes de placer a cada rato, con cuatro
autos en la cochera, con botes, lanchas, y capacidades ni soadas por el trabajador que es feliz
cuando come a destajo en alguna celebracion anual. Que o va a vacaciones una semana o se
queda en casa porque se compro muebles, mientras que los ricos viajan a Europa, a Brasil,
etc., y que lo hacen no una vez en el ao, sino que varias veces y se alojan en hoteles de lujo

Eso hace que la izquierda gane adeptos, porque siempre estan machacandoles que ahora si que
viene la revancha. Y por supuesto, no llega.


Si no hubiera pasado, sus palabras sonaran mejor. Si no hubieran ejemplos de bestialidad y

abuso, su discurso parecera coherente. El negocio de armar a los dems vendiendo las armas es
suculento. Meter a otros en un tremendo problema y luego vender la solucin es de mercaderes.
La libertad de los cascotes, de edificios con esqueletos llorando al sol, nadie la quiere. En fin,
tener el arma y prohibrsela a otro es de abuso evidente. La lgica seria no hablar en forma
hipcrita sino que decir lo que se quiere hacer en el mundo. Y eso es lo que revienta de estos
discursos, la hipocresa. Nadie es tan tonto en el mundo de los humanos para tragarse ruedas de

If it had not happened, his words would sound better. If there were no examples of bestiality and
abuse, his speech would seem coherent. The business of arming others by selling weapons is
succulent. Putting others into a tremendous problem and then selling the solution is from
merchants. The freedom of the rubble, of buildings with skeletons crying in the sun, nobody
wants it. In short, to have the weapon and to prohibit it to another one is of evident abuse. The
logic would be not to speak hypocritically but to say what you want to do in the world. And that
is what bursts from these discourses, hypocrisy. Nobody is so foolish in the world of humans to
swallow wagon wheels.
Edward Melaza y el Desfasador Dimensional.

Un hermano del constructor del Desfasador Dimensional , Edward Melaza, recibio un mensaje
desde la Universidad Araucana, que decia:

"Lamentamos comunicar a Ud. que su hermano, el laureado profesor de esta Universidad, Don
Untaza Melaza , ha fallecido hace tres dias ya, siendo enterrado en el Cementerio General, en el
Mausoleo de la Universidad.

Por encargo previo de su hermano Untaza, tenemos en nuestro poder sus enseres personales, que
seran entregados a Ud. en fecha que debera ser convenida.

Saluda a Ud., Decano General Urrutia."

Edward se lamento de ese fallecimiento, ya que su hermano habia sido su puntal en la vida,
facilitando su educacion en Oxford, y por ende, responsable de su actual buena posicion social y

Pidio pasaje de avion por telefono a la Compaia LAN Chile, y le comunicaron que habia un
vuelo a las 21 horas para el dia siguiente, lo cual le facilito el tiempo necesario para empacar sus
pertenencias indispensables.

Se fue a despedir de Laura Westford, quien tenia mucha pena por su partida.

"Volveras, no?" - Interrogo la joven.

Estaban en los campos de golf , que entonces estaba nevado.

"Por supuesto, mi amor! " Dijo Edward Melaza, besandola. Laura era una mujer hermosa , y
cirujano del Hospital Horndell.

"Si no vuelves pronto, viajare a tu pais a buscarte!" - Afirmo la bella Laura, mirandole a los

Edward paso la tarde en la mansion de los padres de su prometida, y al anochecer volvio a su

alojamiento, llamando por telefono a su amigo Defman Bitlmore, quien llego a las 23.00 horas a
su domicilio.
"Asi es que te vas!" Dijo Defman, dandole la mano.

"Debo hacerlo! Es la voluntad de mi difunto hermano el que me reciba de algunos objetos que el
ha coleccionado alla en Santiago." - Afirmo Edward Melaza .

"Podrias pedirlas por encomienda. Te ahorrarias el viaje. Estamos en plena epoca de estudios.. a
proposito, quien te reemplazara?"

"Roger Cormabordio . Es un tipo pedante, pero con mis apuntes, creo que no perdera el rumbo.
Ademas , mi estadia en Chile no creo que me tome mucho tiempo.' Comunico Edward Melaza,
ofreciendo asiento en un sillon a su amigo entomologo.

"Claro, pero recuerda que la Botanica ,hoy en dia, es una rama de los estudios naturales muy
importante. Estamos dando inicio a la era de las comunicaciones, y la ecologia es reina."-
Afirmo Defman Biltmore.

"Correcto. Bien, te he llamado para que me cuides mis objetos aca en el departamento. Puedes
usar mis apuntes a tu arbitrio, pero mas que nada, ve que nadie pueda meterse aca y acabar con
mis colecciones botanicas." Dijo Edward, mostrando los estantes repletos de hojas y astillas de
arboles exoticos.

"Ah, no! Todo estara en cuidado exclusivo! No faltaba mas!" Acepto el encargo el entomologo
Defman, sonriente.

Ya mas tranquilo, Edward desvio la conversacion hacia temas especificos de sus ramas de
estudios, con lo cual las 0.00 horas llegaron muy pronto. Alli se despidio Defman, deseandole
un feliz viaje , y un pronto retorno .

Edward Melaza , antes de la hora indicada, llego al aeropuerto con Laura, quien no deseaba su

"Tengo malos presentimientos! Por que no pides que te manden los objetos de tu hermano, en
vez de ir tu a Chile?" Inquirio ella.

"No es igual, querida! Ademas, quiero estar frente a su tumba , como para despedirme de el. "-
Replico Edward, con un nudo en la garganta.

Al fin , abordo el avion, que prontamente despego de la pista, dejando atras a Londres. Viajo
por sobre el oceano atlantico, hasta aterrizar en Nueva York, en donde hizo cambio de algunos
pasajeros. Alli pudo estirar las piernas algunos minutos Edwards, comprando algunos periodicos
y revistas, que leyo en las horas tediosas que le faltaban para llegar a Santiago, aunque tambien
durmio algunos minutos.

Eran las 10.10 hras . cuando aterrizaron en Santiago, y prontamente todos los que aplaudieron al
aterrizar, dejaron el avion, para pasar por la Aduana. Como ciudadano chileno, Edward Melaza
prontamente estuvo fuera, con sus valijas siendo llevadas por un mozo del Aeropuerto. Tomo un
taxi y en el llego a la que fuera la casa de su hermano, en donde su viuda le acogio con carino,
aunque llorando aun la muerte de su esposo.

"Y adonde te quedaras, Edward? - Pregunto Marta Espina, sentada en un sillon del living.
"Creo que me ire a un hotel. Alli estare por algunos dias solamente, ya que pretendo volver
pronto a Inglaterra. Como sabes, mis labores de docencia alla me reclaman." - Explico Edward.

"Bueno! Pero hoy, por que no te quedas aca? Y de paso miras lo que dejo tu hermano para ti en
el sotano."- Le pidio Marta.

"Perfecto!" - Sonrio Edward , poniendose de pie. En el pasillo, sus valijas estorbaban el paso,
asi es que las subieron al cuarto de visitas, en donde tambien atiborraron el dormitorio.

"Para venir por pocos dias, te trajiste hartas cosas!" Dijo ella, sonriendo.

"Son cosas personales que temo perder. Por eso, cada vez que me desplazo, las llevo conmigo.' -
Explico Edward.

Cuando estuvo solo en el sotano, lugar amplio y bien iluminado, pudo ver que era mucho lo que
le habia dejado su hermano, y mirando en su viejo escritorio, atiborrado de papeles y planos, se
meso los cabellos, pensando en que deberian pasar varios dias, quizas semanas, antes de poder
hacerse idea de que tenia alli su hermano. Lamento no haber estado antes en contacto con el, ya
que asi se habria ahorrado muchisimas interrogantes.

Edward pasa dos semanas averiguando que tenia su hermano, pero la joya de todas era la
maquina que ocupaba la mitad del sotano. Tenia una cabina como de telefono, estilo antigua,
que poseia dos asientos frente a un tablero parecido a una maquina de escribir antigua, solo que
sus teclas estaban unidas con cables a un aparato mucho mayor, en el exterior, que sacaba
energia del tendido electrico de la casa, y que a traves de un dinamo, aumentaba la tension a
niveles asombrosos.

Segun el par de cuadernos manuscritos de su hermano, que reposaban en un cajon al lado de

esos teclados, el aparato podia desplazar el contenido de la cabina hacia un universo o
dimension paralelas, tal como si de una nave espacial se tratara, solo que enormemente menor
en tamano y capacidad.

Segun decian las paginas finales de ese cuaderno, era el prototipo de un aparato mayor , que
seria vendido no decia a quien. Aparentemente se habia construido y vendido, pues no se veia
otro artefacto semejante en todo el recinto.

Preguntada la viuda Marta Espina, dijo: " Ah, si , Untaza me dijo que estaba construyendo un
aparato! Pero no creo que lo halla terminado, pues el dinero nunca lo recibio."

"Y adonde estara el aparato?" Se pregunto Edward.

"No tengo idea." - Replico ella, tristemente. En verdad, Marta Espina tenia mas preocupaciones
de las que necesitaba , y la existencia de otro aparato no era una de sus prioridades...

"Tienes mas documentos, cartas comerciales, de mi hermano?" Inquirio Edward.

"Claro que si; te las ire a buscar." Dijo ella, y al pronto volvio con un maletin de cuero,
rebosante de correspondencia y copias de emails .

"Esto estaba en su oficina. Lo tome, pensando en que podria servir." Aclaro ella.

"Permiteme revisarlos. Quizas aca encontremos si hay otra maquina, a quien se le vendio, y si
tienen que pagar- ahora te tendrian que pagar a ti". Afirmo Edward, llevandose el maletin al

Hallo en el maletin mucha informacion sobre el aparato en cuestion, llamado Desfasador

dimensional, y el hecho de que se estaba contruyendo otro mayor, llamado DD2, era claro.

Aun habia informacion sobre el local en que se construia, perteneciente a una entidad
denominada Cardhorn.

Al dia siguiente, y tomando algunos originales en que se veia el logotipo de la institucion,

Edward se dirigio a la direccion que alli aparecia, en un taxi- puesto que la viuda ya habia
vendido el auto de la familia- y llegaron a un sector de Lofts, en que muchos y hermosos
edificios se veian abandonados.

"Por que no estan ocupados estos edificios?" Inquirio Edward al taxista.

Este, que dijo llamarse Julio, explico:" Es que muchos industriales construyen estos edificios
enormes basandose en las ganancias obtenidas en locales mucho mas modestos y de menor
personal. Aca llegan agrandandose, pagando impuestos. Trabajan uno o dos anos en estas
nuevas condiciones (Para ellos), y terminan por quebrar, tragados por el Sistema."

"Muchas trabas burocraticas?" Incentivo Edward al taxista Julio.

" De todo tipo, porque los impuestos son altos, y hay pagos sucesivos durante el ano, que se van
comiendo las ganancias . Es por eso que hay tanto lugar deshabitado por aca."

En la direccion de marras , se hallaba un lindo loft color verde, de cuatro pisos , de mas de
sesenta metros de largo por veinte de ancho. Su techo era combado, con hojas de zinc
relucientes al sol.

Bajo del taxi Edward, pagando al chofer, y toco el timbre. Prontamente un portero de traje azul
le abrio la puerta de metal, preguntando quien era.

"Soy el heredero de Untaza Melaza, ingeniero que tiene negocios con su empresa, Cardhorn.
Quisiera hablar con la persona a cargo."- Pidio Edward Melaza.

"Pase Ud.". Dijo el portero, y le guio hasta una sala, en que cuatro secretarias recibian a los
clientes tras un meson negro.

Debio explicar lo mejor posible que estaba haciendo alli a la sonriente y obsequiosa muchacha,
hasta que esta decidio pasarle al siguiente paso.

"Bien, puede esperar un momento; le comunicare con un ejecutivo."

Diez minutos de espera, y aparecio un joven de terno verde, quien tras oir su proposito, dijo: "
Debe ser un proyecto nuevo, o alguno de los secretos. Espere un momento."- Y se retiro por un

Media hora despues, le hicieron pasar a una oficina, en la cual habian cuatro personas sentadas a
una mesa que tenia muchos lugares sin ocupar. El de testera de mesa dijo: Sientese en cualquier
lugar, Sr. Melaza. Somos los directores de Cardhorn. Que podemos hacer por Ud.?"

Edward carraspeo, diciendo:" Vengo con el proposito de que Uds. me digan cuales eran sus
negocios con mi difunto hermano Untaza Melaza. Soy su heredero directo, y tengo entendido,
por los papeles que dejo en su laboratorio, que estaban construyendo un artefacto revolucionario
bajo su financiamiento. "

"Efectivamente, estabamos construyendo un aparato, pero, lastimosamente, su hermano fallecio

mucho antes de que este tomara forma. Asi es que le arrumbamos en una bodega, en donde
probablemente ya esta siendo desarmado, para tratar de recuperar algunas de sus partes, a fin de
utilizarlas en alguno de los otros experimentos."- Dijo el director en jefe.

" Bien, o sea , no hay pagos para mi hermano pendientes? Le pregunto esto, pues seria correcto
terminar de pagar lo que se deba a su viuda, que para mi no pido nada." Aclaro Edward.El
director miro a sus asociados, diciendo: " Tendria que revisar documentos, hablar con el
Gerente de Finanzas, a ver si tenemos algun contrato impago a nombre de su hermano. Por
ahora, solo podemos pedirle que vuelva en algunos dias mas"

Edward se despidio de esos senores, y pronto estuvo de nuevo caminando por la calle...

Almorzo en un Restaurante del centro, y tras ver una pelicula en un cine, se dirigio a su casa,
refrescado animicamente.

"Fuiste al cine?" Inquirio la viuda de su hermano

"Claro! Algo que no ha eliminado el aparato de television." Afirmo

Edward, pasando al sotano, en donde comenzo a reactivar el aparato mas importante, es a decir,
el Desfasador de Dimensiones.

Mientras lo hacia, pensaba en la situacion economica por la que estaba atravesando su cunada,
quien habia recibido la herencia de su esposo muy mermada, gracias a que este nunca tenia bien
claros sus asuntos. Ahora, a falta de documentos, los socios y personas a las que le trabajaba,
podrian negar deber, y ahorrarse , injustamente, las cantidades de dinero adeudadas.

Varias horas despues, comenzaba a vislumbrar el significado de cada seccion del Desfasador
dimensional- no que hubiera podido construir uno sin tener un prototipo, pero si de poder llegar
a gobernar uno pasado un tiempo...

Se fue a acostar seguro de su exito...

Diez dias mas tarde, aun no podia encenderlo, pues siempre descubria algun elemento con
cables sueltos, y no sabiendo a ciencia cierta su uso, debia recomenzar estudiando los circuitos.

Tambien en ese lapso, destinaba algunas horas al dia para ir a cobrar el dinero a la empresa

Cardhorn, en donde ya no le querian recibir sus directivos. Al parecer, no tenian interes en pagar
un peso a la viuda, y estaban haciendose los dificiles para que la cosa quedara en nada.

"Y no podemos hacerles algun juicio??" Inquiria Marta Espina.

"No, ya que no hay contratos que ligen a mi hermano con ellos!" Se desesperaba Edward,
viendo que su estadia en Chile se iba prolongando mas de lo presupuestado...

Le llego carta de su amigo Defman Biltmore, diciendo:

"New York, 6 de marzo 2005.

Amigo Edward:

Tengo algunas noticias tragicas que comunicarte . El Decano de la Universidad ha dado tu lugar
a tu reemplazante de antao, Roger Cormabordio, quien se ha posesionado de tus escritos y los
utiliza en los cursos que imparte. Por si fuera poco, alguien entro a robar en tu departamento, y
se llevo tus mejores colecciones botanicas. Sin otro asunto que tratar, me despido, quedando a
tus gratas ordenes. Tu amigo, Defman.


Are we near Ragun city?- Adipalis asked him. The man touched his fur
cap and said: As near as a year walking, if they dont eat you first!
And to Ashar city, ae we equally far?- Tignuma asked.
Equally far, yes and very dangerous road too I dont recommend
going there on foot.- Brol said.
Have you any boat, per chance? We could barter for anything you need, if
only you help us arrive to any of those cities.- Adipalis offered.
No way. There is nothing available in this jungle to offer you as a way
out, fast. But you havent told me your names!
I am Adipalis.
Me, Tignuma.
The man scratched his hair and said:- Strange names not from the
Associates, I guess.
We are from the Twin Towns.- Adipalis said.
Twin Towns! No, I dont know those place. Must be very far from here.-
Brol said, looking at his beasts, that were still around.
Since when are you- Tignuma was saying, but a big growl interrupted
her. Brol said: There it comes again! Its a really difficult job to rob her
eggs! Come with me!- And Brol started to run. Tignuma and Adipalis
followed him through the wood then they saw a fence made of branches
and spikes. Brol opens a door in it and urged them inside- also his three
animals and then close the aperture. They keep going by this entanglement
of branches and spikes until they get into a cave between two gray

Trump en Japon. Vendiendo armas a Japon, buen negocio. Hay gente en su contra, pero l ni la

Trump en Sud Corea. Mete miedo diciendo que no es acceptable el gobierno de Kim Il Jung y
que debe dejar armas atomicas de lado. Hay protestas en su contra pero son reprimidas.

Trump en China. Gran espectaculo hollywoodense y Trump pintando papeles con brocha.

Lo mejor de su gira es la Iwanka.




ancient chelidonias

qui est testis fidelis


inter saxa


per breas

im 'attendentes.

de caelo meetings

cum prospectus

et quod subtilissimo are

me dolor meus echo.

falsum punitione generatim

quod falsum est, carmine

ridiculum est id, mi fake

inflatam principio ad finem.

a facie venti

lapis famem patientur

drops cierzo

fiero est cruciatus.


similes nubibus

anima undose

fundamenta mobile.
lapis steps

per firmamento

praeteriens va sol temperat

segnis et ambula.


cat exspectat

subsido in fog

sessilesque red.

sed in obscura luna

novi occultatio

inanis marinus

mentaliter perpendiculum desolationis.

sed in obscura luna

lepidus ondina

trahentes oblivium

mentium humanarum.

nos haze


natura horrisonus

perdidit in amet.


blue subcinericii

spissus nisus

in tabulis.
atque pampinus instar ludibrium

in labiis meis ...

rumoresque parte acutam

in oculis clausis.

lente ambulant

per vitam

caminare, visitator,

somnium tuum, per illa.

sen ex chelidonias

we form

spiritus tuas blandus

transformed n.

quod nos in

et nos discedere va

inuolutam collocasse videtur praeteritus

perdidit in lamentum.

de anima rei memoriam

instrumentum adducit cogitatus

deus in cordibus nostris

nos quippe parvuli.

comfortable ancha

in tablar crassus
omnipotens et flava

risuea scriptor.

erat frater

in terra glass reptile umbra mea requiescite

risus vester in speculis

cael animus nn obliviscaris!

repleti sumus bottles

de dimfragrance

repleti sumus bottles

fortuna navis.

boats antiqua fuerunt,

vetus canopies

flatilis ventum

aliquando satietas capit spirat.

erat deliberatione

habita in terra glass reptile

et vox eius

el, & meas.

atque pampinus instar memorias


in mares caribeanos

soles lerdos ferox.

nunc est static anni,

eruditi posui sapientiam radicatus

minuta aeterna sunt

latus sit annos de.

obscura today

in vetere galen

gestari commodissimum est viento

a fere iunxerat.

We'll take a tour of

Earth vs the Flying

Opening scene We see a montage of UFO sightings including Air force pilots,
farmers and civilians. After collecting and examining these reports the military
decides they are a threat and orders a shoot on sight order


Dr. Russell Marvin (Hugh Marlow) and his recently married wife Dr. Carol Marvin
(Joan Taylor) are driving through the desert to a rocket testing ground - Project
Skyhook, when they are buzzed by a UFO. Although they don't realize it at the
time, a recorder used to dictate research notes has picked up and recorded the UFO

General John Hanley (Morris Ankrun) arrives at the rocket range and begins trying
to postpone the launch. However Marvin and other scientists advise it is too late to
abort the launch. During this conversation we discover that Carol Marvin is his
daughter, and although pleased for the couple was unaware of their recent

Rocket 11 launches without incident

That evening over dinner the General discusses with the Marvins the failure of the
previous 10 rockets launched in the program. Dr. Marvin surmises that UFOs might
have shot the rockets down; he then reveals the recording he made during his
encounter with the UFO. As dinner is finishing the three of them see glowing lights
in the sky, Carol explains they are fog lights, and no one knows what they are. A
few seconds later the wreckage of rocket 11 enters the atmosphere and burns up.

Against everyone's better judgment, it is decided to launch rocket 12. During

preparations for the launch a UFO is seen buzzing the rocket range before landing
in the middle of the facility. Three suited occupants emerge and are fired upon by
soldiers. The aliens retaliate, as one of their group is killed. Returning to their ship
with their fallen comrade the aliens take off and begin to systematically destroy the
rocket test area, kidnapping General Hanley in the process

Trapped below ground by fires started during the attack, the Marvins begin to
consider rescue unlikely. With their air running out, they decide to make a
recording of the events that led up to the alien attack. The tape recorder they are
using starts to lose power slowing the playback down. Rewinding the tape the
Marvins realize the noise they heard was greatly sped up message from the aliens
asking them to meet at the rocket installation. Dr. Marvin understands that a
terrible mistake has occurred and fears what might come of it.

To their surprise the Marvins are rescued and race to Washington to reveal what
they have learned. The authorities expressly forbid Dr. Marvin from making contact
with the aliens. Ignoring this, Marvin does contact them and gets new instructions
for a meeting place: a beach on the California coast.

Carol and Major Huglin (Donald Curtis) discover his plan and try to stop him, racing
to the rendezvous point, where the aliens have already landed. Marvin ignores
them and approaches the ship. A voice explains it is safe to enter, which they do.

Once inside the ship a disembodied voice explains the aliens' mission. They come
from a dying star and need to find a new place to live. They demand that Earth
surrenders and let them control of the planet. The aliens then admit they have
Carol's father onboard and have sucked all memories out of his brain, reducing him
to a zombie-like state. Finally, they give Earth an ultimatum of two lunar months to
surrender or they will attack with their fleet. Once this is understood, the humans
are released, except General Hanley.

Back in Washington, the group is debriefed over events on the ship. Further debate
breaks out over exactly how to handle the situation. Dr. Marvin explains given his
interactions with the aliens he might have an idea for a weapon that could stop the
attack. The military embraces the idea of a weapon that uses sound to disorientate
UFOs causing them to crash. With only sixty days to the attack the military begins
talking to other nations to help speed up and build enough weapons to fend off the

Weeks pass and the development is better than expected. During a final test of the
weapon a spy drone sent by the aliens is spotted. During a final test of the weapon,
an alien spy drone is spotted observing the area, the scientists destroy the drone,
but fear the aliens now have valuable information regarding the weapon and its

The scientists evacuate but during the final stages of the process an alien ship
arrives. Seeing an opportunity the weapon is deployed against the ship. The ray
works and the aliens are driven off, but not before one of them is killed and left

Opening the alien's suit reveals a highly atrophied corpse, it is thought that the
aliens are quiet fragile and need the suits to survive. In a matter of minutes the
corpse rots and disappears to nothing. Before any more can be done the UFO
returns and destroys the installation where the weapon had been housed. As the
UFO leaves after the successful attack, two bodies are seen falling from the craft.
One of them is Carol's dead father, General Hanley

The next day further examination of the suit reveals a communication device, with
which the military is able to interpret the attack plan of the aliens. It also appears
to be able to amplify both sight and hearing. Examining how the attack succeeded
the day before, a disadvantage is discovered in that the ray only has a range of
1500 yards.

The aliens interrupt the discussion with a worldwide broadcast threatening to

manipulate the sun in such a way as to cause severe meteorological convulsions in
eight days . The aliens insist that all the world leaders should meet in Washington
to discuss surrender terms

The military believes rather than discussing anything the aliens intend to destroy
Washington. As predicted, the solar eruption takes place. It is further realized that
there are only nine days to prepare, and those preparations are going to suffer due
to worsening weather conditions.

We now see a montage of the increasing disruption by the weather. This causes
delays evacuating civilians, and there is still 60% of the population still in the city
when sirens begin to sound indicating the attack has begun.

The aliens brush past a combined aircraft and artillery attack and three crafts begin
to assemble over Washington. Dr. Marvin fires the sound weapon and downs one of
the alien craft. Artillery batteries open fire again to distract the remaining ships as
Dr. Marvin repositions his weapon to attempt a further attack.

The aliens respond by opening fire on various buildings around the White House
and Capitol building. Dr Marvin races with their team to re-deploy and defend the
White House. A second ray unit is destroyed and the aliens land. Local soldiers
attempt to slow down the invaders as the second machine deployed.

The two remaining ships are brought down in quick order. On the other side of
Washington more ray units deploy and yet another ship is brought down crashing
into the Washington monument. A running battle breaks out around the Supreme
Court trapping the Marvins amid the wreckage.

An emergency broadcast announces that more saucers are landing in front of the
Capitol building. A battle intensifies as more ships appear and the aliens leave their
craft in one final assault. This is beaten back with a combination of ray machines
and infantry. Suddenly everything goes quiet and slowly the realization comes that
the battle is over and the aliens have been repelled.

Some time has passed and we now find the Marvins relaxing on a beach. Mrs.
Marvin reads a newspaper article that her husband has been placed in charge of
rebuilding Project Skyhook and that the United Nations is going to award him a gold

The two go for a swim in the ocean as the final credits roll.

comentarios pblicos
clydesightHace 2 aos
You really put a lot of thought and effort into this model. Your designs are great! They
should have you in Hollywood. I am sure wherever he is, Ray Harryhausen is honored
by your work! Thanks for a great job!

RIP Ray Harryhausen.

SouthTexasPrepperHace 3 aos
I do think that Ray Harryhausen would've be very proud for the compliment that you've
paid him for doing this Project!!!! Good Job! Raymond

lancelot1953Hace 2 aos
Hi SciFiSteve 1954, this is lancelot 1953. Thank you so much for the work and
research you put in assembling this plan of the "start spacecraft" of earth vs. flying
saucers. This movie which I saw in 1959 decided on my future career. It had made
such an impression to lead me in a Naval Aviation Career to defend America against
invaders from outer space. I did not fight flying saucers but I was involved in three
wars which were more mundane than the one depicted in this movie but senseless from
my perspective as a fellow human. I really appreciated that you brought me back to this
time of my life when I was innocent and naive., May Peace be with you, Ciao, L
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Scifisteve1954Hace 2 aos
You are truly welcome.

lancelot1953Hace 2 aos
+Scifisteve1954 May you have nice holidays with your family - thank you again for this
great piece of work, Peace be with you, Ciao, L

Scifisteve1954Hace 2 aos
+lancelot1953 I am having a nice Christmas. Right now Im doing Rocky Jones' XV2
and The Terra V. But You have a nice Christmas as well

lancelot1953Hace 2 aos
+Scifisteve1954 Hi ScifiSteve, I am looking forward you posting your new projects on
YT. Have you ever thought of depicting some of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's creations
(Supercar, Fireball XL-5, Stingray, and Thunderbirds)? Cial, L

Scifisteve1954Hace 2 aos
+lancelot1953 I completing UFO right now. I figure about one more month before
publishing it.

lancelot1953Hace 2 aos
+Scifisteve1954 Hi Scifisteve1954, I will hold you to it ;-), standing by, Ciao, L

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AnonimousxzHace 2 semanas
What program do you use to create this 3d art?

Scifisteve1954Hace 2 semanas
Just like its say's on the opening credits, Art work by "Lightwave 3D" creates the
drawings/Film clips and Adobe After Affects (Now Elements 14) take the drawings and
makes then into a short movie. Have fun

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Laura EssHace 2 semanas

Wow, that all made sense within the context of the film!

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Todd P.Hace 9 meses


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Gary KeyesHace 3 aos

Love your work, Steve. I really like your idea about the partitions on the Aliens
"bridge". It makes sense because their helmet have no visible opitical sensors but when
one of the scientist puts it on in the film he can "see" out of it. Great stuff! If you take
requests I would love to see your take of the interiors (and technology) of the flying
saucers from Monster Zero aka Invasion of the Astro-Monster!
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ISleepNowHace 3 aos
This is a fun interpretation based on what is presented in the movie. My main
complaint is that it relies a little too much on our current technology/conventional
physics. From the movie we know that their craft has very special physical conditions
operating within the craft that accounted for a very pronounced difference in the
passage of time inside vs outside. I prefer to look at this as the "Earth Vs" equivalent
of an 'ARV' or Alien Reproduction Vehicle. In other words, this is one of the saucers
that the military took out at the end of the movie after it has been recovered and repaired
with partially terrestrial technology.
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Scifisteve1954Hace 3 aos
And thats the point. With conventional physics these ships are possible. Were close
and that was the dream of the 50's. Ships and journeys into space are within our grasp.
Speculation of theoretical physics is fun, but as a boy of the 50's believing that
someday this could all be ours, well the excitement kept me awake at nights.
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ISleepNowHace 3 aos
+Scifisteve1954 I can appreciate your perspective and I would say that I could also see
the interpretation that you present as a really good representation of the technology of
their species when they began their exodus thousands of years ago. However, the
species in this movie is by the time they get to Earth a species that has almost (but not
quite) transcended their physical bodies like the beings in the movie 2001. They still
need them for excursions but otherwise they have become almost completely physically
dependent on their technology (which is a weakness no matter how formidable and
advanced). They still need their bodies around just for that one reason so they are just
barely kept physically present inside these cans that they originally used for protection
when their solar system went critical. Then they probably developed their suits to the
point where they extended their lives and then as their time on board their craft
continued they developed their craft further to become their direct physical containment
vessels more of the time as well. When they seem to just physically appear out of the
side of the ship it seems like they are being 'downloaded' in modern computer terms.
This interpretation is supported in the movie by the claim that both their bodies and
their suits are made of 'solidified electricity'. In my own head cannon interpretation,
by the time they reach the Earth the following changes and advances have occurred
since they left their point of origin: They no longer rely on any mechanical
instrumentation of any kind to physically move things, everything is done with
magnetic or electrical fields They have no need of a written language or any abstract
written representations beyond their data cores, they are all directly linked to them and
each other via them. The original design of the ships now only serves two functions: 1)
to accommodate their bodies for the occasional excursion 2) to accommodate 'guests'
when they wish to communicate (and intimidate)
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Scifisteve1954Hace 3 aos
+ISleepNow You see, I saw it quite differently. I saw the movie telling a story of a
dead and dying race, there was a clear association in the movie they had come from a
dying solar system. They came to earth for the purpose of conquest so they could be
become the Master of it. They stated that in the saucer. They made it clear they wanted
a surrender agreement signed in Washington. They also knew that "such agreements
had been made in the past". And wish to take advantage of it. As a alternate to the
surrender they were concerned they would become Masters of a wrecked and dying
planet. This is not a transcendent life form, this is a dying race of beings, desperately
looking for a race they could control . Just an opinion
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ISleepNowHace 3 aos
+Scifisteve1954 I should also say that I really liked your take on their propulsion
system. It makes alot of sense based on what we know about their technology and what
we can see about how their craft works. The only thing that I would mention is that
they have to be rotating the magnetic field that they generate at near relativistic speeds
in order to produce the time distortion that is observed within the control center of their
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O.G. BigHosManHace 3 aos

Sheer genius! Good god,man!! Please give us moreeee....furiously scratching arms

Scifisteve1954Hace 3 aos
Well Thanks! Steve

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reddalek555Hace 3 aos
Designs and ideas for the Flying Saucers also came from alleged UFO contactee George
Adamski and his knowledge on UFOs and the way the opperate. Apparently he was
uncomfortable divulging information for the production of the film. Either way, I love
this video, able to get a better inside look to their saucers. Earth vs The Flying Saucers
is up there with my all time favorite science fiction films. Also great to see fans of it
still out there, even after 60 years or so since it was made? Brilliant.
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Scifisteve1954Hace 3 aos
Thanks, and for you fans out there Ray supervised a color version of the movie which is
also available.

reddalek555Hace 3 aos
I have the colour version as well. They did a decent job of it :)

varanid9Hace 3 aos
+Scifisteve1954 Really?? I'll have to find it. Thanks for the info. I wonder if there are
or were to be colorized versions of "20 million Miles to Earth", and "Beast from 20,000

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