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Isabelle Tearse

Professor Ferrando

LS 1001

1 March 2016

Reflection For 2/25/16

Working at the preschool today was very interesting since I was working on a

Thursday, from 11-1pm, where the Angels and the Saints were combined into one group

because of a few children present. I previously had only worked with the Saints, but this

was my first time working with both groups of children. I was very surprised during

outdoor play today since a group of children began to play a pizza shop game. In this

game, they would pretend to make pizzas and then feed them to me. Then they would

laugh and tell me all the silly and disgusting things that were on the imaginary pizza I had

just consumed. Some of these things were bugs, snakes, and dinosaurs. I found their

endless imagination and creativity inspiring and touching at the same time. As I began to

get tired of standing for so long in the sun playing this game, I suggested that they try to

feed the pizzas to one of the other teachers presents. What I next witnessed was very

amusing and ingenious idea. I noticed that the teacher that they approached greeted them

and began to have a conversation with them. However, as the children and the teacher

were talking, the teacher moved slightly to the left of her and sat down on a nearby bench

that was in the shade. I thought this to be very smart. This way the teacher could play

with kids without using all of her energy. This also allowed her to sit next to another

child and talk with her intermitted while still engaging with the children who were
making her pizzas. Overall, this was a strategy that I think I will begin to use because it

was very well thought out.

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