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Lean construction implementation and its

implication on sustainability: a contractors case
Lingguang Song and Daan Liang
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by Depository Services Program on 11/22/14

Abstract: The lean construction concept has been introduced successfully into the construction industry to reduce con-
struction wastes. While lean concepts require a rethinking of existing construction processes and practices, there is also a
need for new tools to implement lean thinking. In addition, while lean can improve project time and cost performance, it
may also have an impact on sustainability, which mainly focuses on reducing environmental impact of construction. This
paper describes the implementation of lean construction and its implication on environmental sustainability from a contrac-
tor perspective through a case study. The study observed waste in both project-level contractor coordination and operation-
level construction performance. A vertically-integrated scheduling system that features location-based look-ahead schedul-
ing and graphic weekly work planning was developed to improve project-level contractor coordination. To implement
waste elimination solutions at the operation level, construction simulation and 3-D visualization were applied to facilitate
lean implementation. Meanwhile, the impact of lean on sustainability were observed and discussed.
Key words: lean construction, concrete construction, sustainability, scheduling, simulation, visualization.
Resume : Le concept de construction allegee a ete introduit avec succes dans lindustrie de la construction afin de reduire
les dechets de construction. Bien que les concepts alleges demandent de repenser les procedes et les pratiques de construc-
tion actuels, il existe un besoin de developper de nouveaux outils pour implanter la pensee allegee. De plus, la methode al-
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legee peut ameliorer le temps consacre au projet et le rendement economique, elle peut aussi avoir un impact sur la
durabilite, qui porte principalement sur la reduction de limpact environnemental de la construction. Cet article decrit lim-
plantation dune construction allegee et de son implication sur la durabilite environnementale du point de vue de lentre-
preneur grace a une etude de cas. Letude a examine les dechets du point de vue de coordination de lentrepreneur au
niveau du projet et le rendement operationnel de la construction au niveau de loperation. Un systeme dordonnancement a
integration verticale qui comporte un ordonnancement a lecture anticipee base sur lemplacement et une planification gra-
phique hebdomadaire a ete developpe afin dameliorer la coordination avec lentrepreneur au niveau du projet. Pour im-
planter les solutions delimination des dechets au niveau operationnel, une simulation de la construction et une
visualisation tridimensionnelle ont ete utilisees pour faciliter limplantation allegee. Entretemps, limpact de la methode al-
legee sur la durabilite a ete note et examine.
Mots-cles : construction allegee, construction en beton, durabilite, ordonnancement, simulation, visualisation.
[Traduit par la Redaction]

Introduction process (e.g., Ballard 2000b). These efforts have resulted in

the development of lean construction methodologies such as
Lean is a proven management strategy for achieving sig-
the last planner (Ballard 2000a) and the lean project de-
nificant and continuous improvement through elimination of
livery system (Ballard 2000b). The practical value of lean
all waste of time and other resources (Womack and Jones
2003). Lean construction has been used to improve planning construction has been demonstrated in many case studies.
practice, construction operations, and the project delivery For example, Salem et al. (2005) evaluated the effectiveness
of lean construction techniques, including last planner, in-
creased visualization, daily huddle meetings, and first-run
Received 7 February 2010. Revision accepted 20 January 2011. studies, and their case study showed that these techniques
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on achieved successful outcomes.
15 February 2011. While the construction industry is often associated with a
L. Song.1 Department of Construction Management, University conservative and change-resistant image (Davis and Songer
of Houston, Houston, TX, USA. 2009), the acceptance of lean construction is also chal-
D. Liang. Department of Construction Engineering & lenged. Lean thinking is new to many contractors, and
Engineering Technology, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, adopting lean construction requires a change of mindset
USA. with regard to current practices (Howell and Ballard 1998).
Written discussion of this article is welcomed and will be To promote this mindset change, much effort has been fo-
received by the Editor until 31 July 2011. cused on providing training in lean construction, developing
lean methodologies, and demonstrating lean principles and
1Corresponding author (e-mail: their benefits through case studies (e.g., Salem et al. 2005).

Can. J. Civ. Eng. 38: 350359 (2011) doi:10.1139/L11-005 Published by NRC Research Press
Song and Liang 351

Another barrier to the adoption of lean concepts is the lack decided that field observations would be made on both indi-
of effective implementation tools to support lean-construc- vidual activities at the operation level and the coordination
tion applications. The lack of acceptance may not be be- of different trades or subcontractors at the project level. The
cause of the lack of theories, but a lack of understanding following two subsections describe waste identified as well
of the implementation process and tools necessary to support as lean-inspired solutions.
the implementation. Traditional construction management
practice is well supported by a wide variety of tools, such Waste at the project level
as the critical path method (CPM), databases, and computer- At the project level, close coordination of different trades
ized applications. Lean construction takes a different ap- is crucial to project success. The concrete construction proc-
proach in managing construction processes (Ballard 2000a), ess consists of formwork erection, rebar and embedment in-
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and existing tools based on the traditional management phi- stallation, concrete placement and curing, and formwork
losophy may either find new uses in the lean construction removal. In addition to the concrete contractor, several other
environment or need to be updated for lean applications. contractors were involved in the sample project, including
The primary purpose of this study is to illustrate the need the general contractor and several subcontractors for rebar,
for lean implementation tools and their development from a plumbing, insulation, and electrical systems. Coordination
contractor perspective through a case study. The pilot imple- issues among contractors were found to have caused sched-
mentation of lean construction principles in a concrete con- ule delays, and several observations that are of representa-
struction company was studied. Another objective of the tive nature are briefly described below.
study is to evaluate the impact of lean on environmental sus- First, during weekly planning, there was inadequate re-
tainability during the construction stage, which aims at using view and analysis of constraints, which caused delays. For
sustainable materials, reducing waste generation, soil pollu- example, the direction of post-tensioning cable runs was
tion, water usage, and transportation, as well as minimizing changed by the contractor to ease concreting work, and this
noise and disruption to local communities. While lean fo- change was implemented but without appropriate approval
cuses on improving time and cost performance and can from the engineer. The general contractor spotted this
bring immediate economical value to a contractor, environ- change, halted the construction, and called for an engineer-
mental sustainability is aimed at a different aspect of value, ing review to evaluate its impact. Although the change was
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which is reducing environmental impact. Due to this differ- eventually approved, delay had been incurred. Had this issue
ence in their focuses, there is a need to evaluate how lean been identified and solved through more proactive look-
applications affect sustainability. While past studies are pri- ahead scheduling, the delay would have been avoided. Sec-
marily focused on analyzing the impact from an integrated ond, delays due to unbalanced crew productivity rates and
design and construction perspective (e.g., Bae and Kim space conflicts were not uncommon. For example, a slab
2008), this study is to describe the impact during the con- formwork crew had to slow down to avoid space conflict
struction stage from a contractor perspective through the with a crew working on a shear wall. In addition, when a
aforementioned case study. crew was rushed or several trades were stacked together,
The following section describes field observations and the safety and quality also became real concerns. Third, some
justification for applying lean construction concepts. It is subcontractors took a very narrow view of weekly schedul-
followed by a discussion of the need for supporting tools in ing by focusing only on their own work. This resulted in co-
facilitating lean implementation and their development ordination problems and contributed to the chaotic behavior
through three field studies. The impact of these lean applica- of the operation. From a sustainability perspective, these de-
tions on environmental sustainability were also observed and lays and idleness of crews and equipment can also cause un-
discussed. necessary energy consumption and air emissions. In fact, the
power and fuel consumption represents about 1.2% of the
Field observations total cost of a building construction project (DOC 2005),
while construction activities produce approximately 1.7% of
The concrete construction company involved in this study total US greenhouse gas emissions (EPA 2009). Although
was new to lean and sustainability applications and the com- this impact appears to be small from an individual contrac-
pany intended to conduct a pilot study to better understand tor standpoint, the cumulative impact on sustainability can
the application of lean in concrete construction and its po- be significant considering the enormous size of the construc-
tential impact on sustainability. A typical project of the con- tion industry. In summary, these observed issues are directly
tractor was identified as a case study and the project or indirectly related to the lack of effective team coordina-
involves a mixed-use, 30-story, reinforced concrete residen- tion and look-ahead scheduling practice. The last-planner
tial building. Daily field observation of the concrete con- methodology was proposed for the look-ahead scheduling
struction operation was made for three consecutive months. process.
In the context of lean construction, waste refers to any re- Last planner is a lean-production-based project-planning
sources consumed by activities that do not add value to meet methodology that integrates a multiple-level planning frame-
the needs of a client. Traditionally, many productivity stud- work that includes master scheduling, look-ahead schedul-
ies have been mainly focused on improving individual con- ing, and weekly work planning to improve the reliability of
struction activities. Lean construction also focuses heavily work flow (Ballard 2000a). The master schedule identifies
on the management of interactions among different trades work packages and the overall execution strategy of a proj-
and the elimination of waste associated with coordination is- ect. The look-ahead schedule is a detail plan showing work
sues (Ballard 2000b). Therefore, in this case study, it was to be done within a look-ahead time window, such as six

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352 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 38, 2011

weeks. Work tasks are screened for their readiness through a and Kim 2008). On the other hand, several proposals for re-
constraint analysis, which evaluates the potential impact of ducing environmental impact were dropped by the contrac-
contracting, resource, engineering, and prerequisite work on tor due to various cost and contracting reasons. As an
task performance (Choo 2003). This constraint analysis re- example, the concrete supplier was selected solely on the
duces work-flow variability and shields downstream proc- cost basis regardless of transportation distance and associ-
esses from upstream uncertainties. Look-ahead scheduling ated environmental impact, since the project is a lump-sum
also encourages a pull-driven approach that pulls upstream contract and the contractor has little incentive to address
material and off-site work to match the progress on site sustainability issues. Other environmentally friendly solu-
(Tommelein 1998). After look-ahead scheduling, ready tions, such as self-consolidating concrete and concrete recy-
work tasks of the upcoming week are then transferred to a cling, were not considered during design and contracting
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weekly work plan, where specific field conditions are eval- stages and they would have been applicable if the contractor
uated. Based on this evaluation, realistic commitments for had been involved in the design stage. In summary, the
work progress can be made by last planners i.e., superin- value concept of lean must be aligned with that of sus-
tendents or foremen who decide the work that is to be tainability to ensure a winwin of both lean and green.
done the next day (Ballard 2000a). To facilitate implementa- Additionally, the traditional contracting method also needs
tion of the last-planner methodology, an integrated schedul- to be adjusted to emphasize the environmental aspect of
ing system was developed. The system along with its construction and promote contractors early involvement in
implication on sustainability is discussed in a later section design to provide better sustainable design and construction
entitled A vertically-integrated scheduling system. solutions.
While there are many forms of wastes identified through
Waste at the operation level the pilot study, two representative types of wastes that are
Industry research suggests that approximately 30%35% related to slab formwork installation and bulkhead installa-
of construction costs are wasted and do not add value for tion and removal were presented in this pilot study. The ob-
clients (Forsberg and Saukkoriipi 2007). Waste in construc- jective was to demonstrate waste elimination, challenges
tion includes over-production, unnecessary inventory, double encountered, solutions developed, and the implication on
handling of materials, delays and waiting, unnecessary sustainability. These case studies are discussed in a latter
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movement of people and equipment, over-processing, and section titled Promoting changes at the operation level.
rework (Koskela 1992; Mastroianni and Abdelhamid 2003).
Similar types of waste were observed in this study, and root A vertically-integrated scheduling system
causes of this waste are many. Other than poor trade coordi-
nation and the lack of effective scheduling, as described The need
above, several other causes were also observed, such as Because master scheduling is determined by general con-
less-optimal work procedures. Waste elimination, in a broad tractors, the last-planner implementation effort within the
sense, refers to the effort to eliminate waste by improving concrete contracting company was focused on look-ahead
and standardizing activities and processes. scheduling and weekly work planning. During the pilot
From a sustainability standpoint, waste elimination efforts study, look-ahead schedules were prepared for the upcoming
from a lean perspective were found to have environmental six weeks in bar chart format in CPM-based scheduling soft-
impacts of different natures (e.g., negative, positive, or neu- ware. These schedules were shared with other contractors
tral) and magnitudes (e.g., negligible or significant). For ex- during a regular contractor meeting. Although CPM and
ample, during the early construction stage, almost 30% of bar-charts have been widely used for master scheduling,
the columns had excessive height that had to be chipped off their use in look-ahead scheduling has been questioned by
to ensure quality rebar placement at the upper floor sup- many researchers for its limited capability in modeling non-
ported by these columns. This issue was caused primarily value-adding activities, such as various constraints, interrup-
by a unique slopped-floor design and this issue was resolved tions, waiting, and moving (Koskela 1992; Kenley 2005). In
by an additional survey measurement and formwork marking particular, when CPM is applied to scheduling repetitive ac-
procedure. While the column height problem was resolved, tivities, such as repetitive high-rise concrete construction in
excessive noise and dust associated with the rework were this study, the early start CPM schedule is not optimal be-
also eliminated. Other waste-elimination efforts of the con- cause floats attached to the activities represent a significant
tractor, such as reducing rework, idling, and double handling amount of waste (Harris and Ioannou 1998). Furthermore,
of materials, also have a positive environmental impact. constraint analysis is a complex, multi-dimensional problem
However, if a contractors view of lean is limited only to in which various constraints e.g., time, productivity rate,
improving economical performance, this narrower view site layout, and space must be considered. Critical path
of lean may not always result in a positive environmental method and bar-charts are less optimal in expressing some
impact (Lapinski et al. 2006). In this study, for example, of the constraints and these limitations affect a project
the ready mix concrete was often found to be over designed teams capability to articulate and negotiate the constraints
to avoid any quality issue and related schedule delay. with other contractors. For these reasons, a better form of
Although this has improved productivity, over-designed con- look-ahead scheduling format is thus required for the con-
crete also consumed more resources to produce and gener- crete construction involved in this study.
ated more pollutants. Similarly, while just-in-time delivery After look-ahead scheduling, ready work tasks of the up-
of materials reduces on-site inventory, it also results in fre- coming week are then transferred by the concrete contractor
quent deliveries, which generate more air emissions (Bae to a weekly work plan, which is in a calendar format. Un-

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fortunately, the calendar format was found to be less effec- quantity and complexity, crew composition, and labor skill
tive in conveying scheduling information for the day-to-day levels. Below, we summarize how the look-ahead schedul-
crew coordination. For example, the spatial interaction ing can be effectively implemented using some features pro-
among different crews, material layout, and access con- vided by LBS.
straints are not explicitly shown in a calendar schedule, thus  Constraint analysis. LBS can graphically display con-
discourage the crews to discover potential performance is- straints related to activity precedence logic, productivity
sues. Therefore, there is also a lack of an effective weekly rate, and time and space buffers among different crews.
or daily scheduling method that can facilitate scheduling at Other constraints, such as those related to resources and
the crew operation level. weather, can also be traced.
In summary, a better integrated scheduling method that
 Work continuity. In LBS, the same activity performed in
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supports scheduling efforts at different organization levels

with different levels of details and time horizons is desired. different locations is represented as line segments of the
same style, and disconnected line segments indicate inter-
ruptions. This allows work continuity to be graphically
Proposed scheduling system
examined and manipulated.
The proposed vertically-integrated scheduling system sup-
ports scheduling at three different levels: (1) project master  Work flow coordination. In LBS, parallel flow lines gen-
scheduling at the general contractor level, (2) 3 to 6 weeks erally indicate a well-balanced and well-coordinated op-
look-ahead scheduling at the subcontractor level, and eration. Planners can study and shape the work flow in
(3) weekly or daily work planning at the field operation the best achievable sequence and productivity rate based
level. Moreover, these schedules of different resolutions on project objectives.
must also be integrated so that information can be shared  Pull-driven scheduling. LBS allows planners to move a
freely among them. A literature search was conducted with flow line or a group of flow lines to a different start
an attempt to find a system that meets the above require- time so that unnecessary waiting time and interruptions
ments. Chua et al. (2003) developed a look-ahead planning can be eliminated.
tool, integrated production scheduler (IPS), based on last
planner and the theory of constraints. Also based on last Daily graphic schedule
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planner, Choo et al. (1999) developed a program, WorkPlan, For the more detailed weekly or daily work planning at
to guide foremen in doing constraint analysis and weekly the crew level, a number of different scheduling formats
work planning. However, both programs are essentially were evaluated, such as check lists, daily schedule forms,
based on CPM and bar charts, or their variations, whose crew planning charts, and pre-task planning forms (Hinze
drawbacks have been discussed previously. While CPM and 2008). Jongeling and Olofsson (2007) presented a method
bar-charts remain as the methods used for master schedul- for the planning of work-flow by the combined use of loca-
ing, it was concluded that a new system for look-ahead tion-based scheduling and 4D CAD. The introduction of 4D
scheduling and weekly or daily work planning were needed. CAD into daily work planning would definitely make field-
level communication more efficient, but 4D CAD is still a
Location-based look-ahead scheduling fast-growing field and their applications to daily operation
One of the primary goals of look-ahead scheduling is to of building construction has not been fully investigated.
shape a continuous and smooth work flow by fine-tuning Therefore, considering the practicality of various potential
work sequence and balancing the work-progress rate. Kenley solutions, a daily graphic schedule format, which overlays
(2005) argued that construction projects involve activities daily activity scheduling information onto facility layout
that are repeated in varying quantities in multiple locations drawings, was chosen as the basis for the weekly work plan-
and that these activities should be viewed as a continuous ning. This graphic schedule format was chosen over other
flow instead of as discrete activities, as they are in CPM. formats because it closely resembles the actual site layout,
Based on this definition, a location-based scheduling (LBS) which makes it attractive to last planners.
method, also called flow-line or linear scheduling, was sug- Figure 2 shows a sample of a manually prepared graphic
gested for look-ahead scheduling, and commercial software schedule for a working day for a concrete construction oper-
packages, such as DYNAProject and Vico Control, were ation. Activities and their locations are marked on the build-
used to show that lean principles are better supported using ing floor plan, and a set of such scheduling charts can be
LBS (Kenley and Seppanen 2009). For the same reason, in prepared based on the look-ahead schedule for each day of
this study, LBS was adopted as the underlying algorithm for a specified period. The graphic schedule places activities in
the look-ahead scheduling of repetitive concrete construction their working locations on the site-layout drawing, and thus
work. interference among activities, site logistics, and other types
An example of an LBS chart for a concrete construction of project information can be highlighted and analyzed
operation is shown in Fig. 1. An activity such as formwork graphically. These features have greatly facilitated weekly
installation is represented by a sloped line, called a flow work-planning and schedule presentation by displaying com-
line, in a two-dimensional time-and-space coordinate sys- plex data in an easy-to-understand way.
tem. Activities are represented by different flow-line colors In summary, the proposed vertically-integrated scheduling
or styles. The horizontal axis represents time, and the verti- system uses three different scheduling methods, namely
cal axis is the location of an activity e.g., a concrete pour CPM or bar-charts, LBS, and graphic scheduling, for master
section. The slope of a flow line represents its productivity scheduling, look-ahead scheduling, and weekly or daily
rate, which can be affected by many factors, such as work work planning, respectively. However, preparing and updat-

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Fig. 1. Sample location-based schedule.

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Fig. 2. Sample graphic schedule. tem contains two software components, which are LBS-
based look-ahead scheduling and graphic weekly or daily
work planning. These components were developed using
Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic for Application (VBA).
The system also interfaces with two popular CPM-based
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scheduling tools, Microsoft Project and Primavera Project

Planner, with which schedules in the form of CPM and bar-
charts are developed. Integration of these three scheduling
methods simplifies the sharing of scheduling information
and eliminates almost entirely the need for data re-entry.
Discussion of the software development is beyond the scope
of this paper, but the main features of the developed system
are described below from an end-user perspective.
Look-ahead and weekly schedules are first developed in
Microsoft Project or Primavera Project Planner and then
they can be converted into the LBS format for look-ahead
scheduling. Before the conversion, the system allows users
to define and filter activities and to specify flow-line style,
the look-ahead time window, and the sequence of work lo-
ing LBS and graphic schedules manually proved to be very cations. Screenshots of the user interface are shown in
time consuming because of the rather frequent changes of Fig. 3. The look-ahead schedule in bar-chart format and the
project conditions. It is for this reason that the first attempt converting options are shown in Fig. 3(a), and a converted
to implement the proposed manual system failed. To make LBS chart is shown in Fig. 3(b), along with a dialog box
the system practical to use, a decision was made to com- showing a tasks attributes.
puterize the system. Due to the dominating popularity of The converted LBS schedule provides a base schedule
bar-charts, the contractor insisted on the use of bar-charts as that allows users to add detailed tasks, shape work flow, ad-
the primary way to create look-ahead or weekly schedules, just buffers, and balance productivity rates. For constraint
which means that the computerized system must be able to analysis, in addition to the time and space constraints shown
allow schedulers to easily convert bar-chart schedules into in LBS, other types of constraints can be traced as task at-
LBS or graphical schedule formats. tributes, such as those shown in Fig. 3(b). While some at-
tributes can be transferred from CPM schedules, new data
System development can be added manually or even automatically from external
The scheduling system allows users to create look-ahead applications. For example, the system can pull weather fore-
schedules and weekly work plans using commercial CPM casting information automatically from an online weather
or bar-chart software, and then converts these schedules forecast service (National Weather Service 2005), as shown
easily into LBS or graphic schedules. After the conversion, in Fig. 3(b). This function enables users to factor weather
users can analyze, optimize, and communicate these LBS or conditions into scheduling. Easily accessible attribute data
graphic schedules based on the last-planner methodology. and constraint information allow users to better analyze con-
From a system development perspective, the scheduling sys- straints and to track outstanding issues.

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Fig. 3. Bar chart and converted LBS chart. (a) Master schedule and exporting options; (b) LBS chart and task attributes.
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In the weekly work-planning component, users can gener- schedulers spent more valuable time in analyzing, optimiz-
ate a base daily graphic schedule by transferring information ing, and sharing information with other project participants.
from a look-ahead schedule. To achieve this, users must first As a result of this careful scheduling and closer coordina-
define task locations in a construction layout diagram, which tion, several schedule delays related to unnecessary work
can be prepared with the drawing tools embedded in Micro- discontinuity and stack of activities were forecasted and
soft Excel or by importing a layout drawing from CAD pro- avoided later.
grams. Based on these inputs, the system can automatically On the sustainability front, the new scheduling system
generate daily graphic schedules for each working day does not appear to immediately affect sustainability. How-
within a user-specified time frame, as shown in Fig. 4. ever, effective scheduling improves work flow and mini-
These schedule charts describe activities and their locations mizes conflicts, which reduce project duration and
on the site-layout diagram, and additional constraint infor- unnecessary idling, thus making less of an environmental
mation can be added graphically to the chart, and then impact. For example, the pull-driven approach of last plan-
shared with others. ner effectively minimizes unnecessary floats attached to re-
The use of this computerized program made the second peating activities and ensures a continuous work flow that
attempt of applying the proposed vertically-integrated sched- is more economically and environmentally efficient. Better
uling method successful. The time required to manually pre- yet, there is no or little additional cost associated with better
pare LBS and graphical schedules were eliminated and management practices to achieve positive sustainability im-

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Fig. 4. Daily graphic schedule.

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pact. This practically makes green free. Waste elimination that this operation was rather unpredictable and that there
through lean-improved management practices provides a was no clear and stable pattern of work flow. The actual
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unique approach for achieving this free green concept. performance ranged from a perfect, continuous flow of in-
stallation work without any interruption to a flow that was
Promoting changes at the operation level frequently disturbed for various reasons. One of the scenar-
ios of the current practice was captured in a simulation
To put lean thinking to work, changes to traditional prac- model using CYCLONE (Halpin and Riggs 1992), shown in
tices are almost inevitable, and unfortunately these changes Fig. 5, which represents the scenario in which a formwork
frequently face resistance, as was the case in this study. Re- panel is lifted by the tower crane, settled in place, and then
sistance to change is considered a significant factor in the completed with carpenter finishing work. After one panel is
failure of many improvement initiatives (Bovey and Hede done, the same work cycle is repeated to install the next
2001). There are various reasons for this resistance, but this panel, and each pour section is assumed to have six panels.
study was particularly focused on the lack of (1) understand- This work procedure represents the worst-case scenario be-
ing of the need for and benefits of changes, and (2) training cause the formwork crew is frequently forced to wait for
on changed processes. Two case studies are presented below the crane between two such work cycles whenever the crane
that show how simulation and visualization can improve the is relocated to satisfy requests made by other crews.
understanding and training along with a discussion on the To keep the focus on the formwork operation as a sched-
implication on sustainability. ule-critical activity, crane requests made by other crews are
modeled as a random process with an exponentially distrib-
Identifying the need for and benefits of changes uted arrival time and normally distributed service time. It is
Many change initiatives fail at the very beginning because desirable to reduce waiting time of the formwork crew and
people fail to see the need and benefits associated with the unnecessary movement of the crane. Based on the pull-
changes. Simulation techniques have been used as a valua- driven concept, an ideal solution is to complete all panel
ble tool for evaluating the potential level of productivity im- lifting and settling for a pour section at once so that the
provement that can be achieved by lean (Tommelein 1998; crane can be released and carpenter finishing can then com-
Halpin and Kueckmann 2002). In this study, simulation was mence. This scenario is represented in a simulation model
used to demonstrate the benefit of changes in an effort to shown in Fig. 6. Panel lifting and settling activity has a
overcome the inertia of the status quo. A simulation study higher priority than carpenter finishing and request process-
of slab formwork installation is presented here as an exam- ing, and this mechanism ensures that all panels are lifted
ple. The formwork installation operation involves lifting and and settled continuously and without interruption. Many
installing prefabricated timber slab panels and the subse- other variations based on models shown in Figs. 5 and 6
quent carpenter finishing work. Major resources required by can be configured for comparison studies. In this paper,
this operation are a formwork crew, a tower crane, and pre- only the performance of the above-mentioned models is
fabricated formwork panels. compared and described below.
Ideally, these resources should be coordinated to ensure a Although a seemingly easy solution, its implementation
continuous flow of work that minimizes waste i.e., wait- relies on reliable formwork panel supply and collaboration
ing and interruptions. However, field observations showed among crews sharing the tower crane. When the revised in-

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Fig. 5. A scenario of the current installation process. Fig. 7. Productivity improvement against the crane demand.
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Fig. 6. Ideal installation process.

sistent with the actual observations in the field. More impor-

tantly, the experiment results inspired discussions among
different crews regarding the impact of this change and the
need for collaboration. From a sustainability perspective, re-
ducing waiting time of the formwork crew and unnecessary
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movement of the crane represents a positive environmental

impact. For example, tower crane is often regarded as a top
energy guzzler on a building construction project and a large
amount of fuel and energy is needed to support its operation.
Although the overall spending on power and fuel represents
only about 1.2% of building construction costs (DOC 2005),
considering the enormous size of the construction industry,
stallation process, as described in Fig. 6, was presented, the even a small improvement can lead to substantial economic
superintendent and several foremen involved were initially and environmental savings.
skeptical about the benefits and effect of the proposed
change. As a result, there was a lack of motivation for the Training on changed processes
change. To promote a common understanding of the need Bulkhead installation and removal are presented here to
for and benefits of the recommended change, a comparative illustrate how process visualization has helped in communi-
simulation study of the two installation processes was con- cating a changed process to the operation-level workforce. A
ducted. In this study, the benefit of the change is measured bulkhead is a temporary formwork strip that blocks fresh
by the percentage improvement of the formwork installation concrete from a section of forms or closes the end of a
productivity, which is measured by hours per panel. While form at a construction joint. Holes are first drilled into the
most inputs to the simulation models are relatively fixed strip to allow rebar, cables, and conduits to run through,
(e.g., panel lifting, settling, and finishing time), the arrival then the bulkhead is installed along the edges of a slab
time of crane requests made by other crews and the service formwork. This is followed by the placing of rebar, cables,
time of these requests depend upon how busy the job site is. and conduits, and finally by concreting. After the concrete
These inputs can vary considerably along the project time- has cured, the bulkhead is removed using prying tools. Car-
line. A factorial experiment was conducted to determine the penters normally install the bulkhead as one piece to save
sensitivity of productivity improvement against varying lev- time, but this makes bulkhead removal difficult and time
els of crane demand, and the levels of request arrival time consuming because the bulkhead as a whole piece is blocked
were modeled as exponential distributions with mean values by conduits, rebar, and cables running through the concrete
of 5, 10, 15, and 20 min. Levels of service time were mod- slab. Intense prying actions may also break the concrete slab
eled as normal distributions, with mean values of 5, 10, 15, edge and cause quality problems. These problems can be
and 20 min, and the standard deviations were assumed to be avoided by revising the installation process. The new proce-
20% of the mean value. Simulation experiments were con- dure calls for an additional step of cutting the bulkhead hor-
ducted, and Fig. 7 shows the magnitude of productivity im- izontally into two pieces along the centerline, through which
provement against different levels of crane request and most of the rebar and cables run. The bottom piece of the
service time. The experiments also show that, while the bulkhead is installed first, followed by the routing of cables,
formwork installation productivity is improved, the cranes conduits, and rebar, and finally by the installation of the top
service to other requests is not affected. This result is con- piece of the bulkhead.

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358 Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 38, 2011

An issue in implementing this change is educating work- Fig. 8. Visualization of bulkhead installation.
ers about the change. The majority of workers in the sample
project cannot communicate very well in English, and they
also relocate frequently from job to job. These issues made
the proposed change difficult to implement effectively and
consistently throughout the company. Therefore, effective
training was necessary, and the training format was expected
to be highly graphical and easy to understand without rely-
ing heavily on verbal or written instructions. Three-dimen-
sional process visualization can easily illustrate the process
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by Depository Services Program on 11/22/14

change, and the underlying model can be updated for future

continuous-improvement efforts. Therefore, process visual-
ization of the bulkhead installation process was developed
using Autodesk 3ds Max. The viewing perspective is fixed,
and the scene, consisting of about 3000 frames, is then ren-
dered. Figure 8 shows a screenshot of the process animation,
which proved to be very effective in explaining the changes.
With the new procedure, the time required for bulkhead in- Fig. 9. Bulkhead removal with (a) the old procedure and (b) the
stallation is slightly increased, but bulkhead removal time is new procedure.
significantly reduced, and damage to concrete is minimized.
Figure 9 shows a comparison of bulkheads removed with the
old procedure and the new procedure. These two pictures in-
dicate that the new procedure allows the top and the bottom
pieces of a bulkhead to be removed easily without painstak-
ingly shattering it into debris for removal, as is the case with
the old procedure. Some of the bulkheads can also be re-
For personal use only.

used. The 3-D visualization was easily understood by the

crews and it was also used in several other job sites. From
the sustainability perspective, according to EPA (2009),
wastes from construction projects account for about 25% of
the total US solid waste volume and about 50% of these
construction wastes are disposed in a landfill. Although a
minor change, the revised bulkhead work process not only
improves time and quality performance but also brings posi-
tive environmental impact by reducing construction wastes
and promoting material re-use.

As shown in this case study, waste in construction can be
found in areas from contractor coordination to individual
work procedures, and much of this waste can be traced to a
lack of planning and to a resistance to changing the status
quo. At the project level, lack of coordination among con-
tractors and crews was cited as the major factor contributing
to project delay. To improve the coordination, a vertically-
integrated scheduling system was developed and it features
an interface with CPM-based schedules, a location-based
look-ahead scheduling algorithm, and a graphic weekly
planning method. Although the immediate application of
this system is for repetitive concrete building construction, in identifying the need for changes and evaluating the bene-
day-to-day operations performed by many subcontractors fits of lean thinking prior to field implementation. More im-
are essentially repetitive, and these contractors face schedul- portantly, it can inspire the talk among project members for
ing problems similar to those that are addressed in this pa- collaboration and continuous improvement. Furthermore, ef-
per. fective training is an important step for implementing
At the operation level, waste is pervasive, and many solu- changes. Three-dimensional process visualization offers a
tions are seemingly straightforward. However, their imple- self-explanatory way to educate work-force on revised work
mentation may well be resisted by the operation personnel processes.
for many reasons. Among them are a lack of understanding From a sustainability perspective, lean can result in envi-
of the benefits of change and inadequate training on the re- ronmental impacts of different natures (e.g., negative, posi-
vised processes. Simulation was found to be very valuable tive, or neutral) and magnitudes (e.g., negligible or

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Song and Liang 359

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