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11/12/2017 Reviewer for NQESH on Governance For Basic Education

Home Principals' Test


Reviewer for NQESH on Governance for Basic Education

By Mark Anthony Llego Last updated Oct 30, 2017

NQESH / Principals Test Q & A On Governance

For Basic Education And Regulations Governing
Public Schools
Read:NQESH Principals Test Review Materials

Q: What are the constitutional provisions relevant to public schools in
basic education?
The following are the constitutional provisions relevant to public schools in basic education:

1. The state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels
and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.

1.1 Q: May a principal of a public elementary or high school refuse the

enrollment of a pupil/student due to sex, ethnic grouping, or religion of
the child or his parents?
A: No, because such refusal will violate the right of the pupil/student to have quality education
as provided in Sec. 1 Art. XIV of the 1987 Constitution and because it will violate his/her
constitutional right to be accorded equal protection of the laws guaranteed under Sec. 1 Art.
III of the 1987 Constitution to all Filipino citizens.

1.2 Q: May a principal of a public elementary or high school refuse

admission of a pupil/student for not being a resident of the same
barangay or municipality where the school is located? 1/25
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A: No, because such refusal will violate the constitutional right of the child to have quality

1.3 Q: May a principal limit the enrollment to sixty (60) pupils/student s

per classroom and give to residents priority over non-residents of the
barangay or municipality where the school is located?
A. Yes, because limiting the enrollment to sixty (60) pupils/students per classroom in in
consonance with DepEd Order No. 32 S 2003 provided that the principal will give assistance to
the pupil/student to enroll in nearby school so as not to deprive him/her right to education.

2.1 Q: Shall state establish, maintain and support only basic education?
A. No, because Sec 2 (2) Art. XIV of the 1987 Constitution mandates that the State shall
establish, maintain and support a complete adequate and integrated educational system
relevant to the needs of the people and society and because Sec. 1 Art. XIV of the Constitution
provides that the State shall protect and promote the right of all Filipino Citizens to quality
education at all levels.

3.1Q: Supposing Mr. P the principal of public high school issues an order
not to enroll students unless they will pay rst the membership fees for
Red Cross, Boys Scout and Girls Scout. Is the order valid?
A. No. The Order is not valid for being contrary to Sec. 2 (3) Art. XIV of the 1987 Constitution
which provides for a free public elementary and secondary education and for being in
violation of DepEd Order No. 65 S 2010 which provides that for grade and year levels beyond
grade 4, no collection of any type should be undertaken during the enrollment period and the
rst month of classes and that starting on the second month of every school year,
contributions may be collected but on a voluntary basis.

4.1 Q: Does the government provide nancial assistance to students in a

public school who want to enroll in a private high school?
A. Yes, the government provides nancial assistance to public elementary school graduates
belonging to the top fty percent (50%) of the graduating class with an annual family income
of P100,000.00 or less who wish to enroll in a private high school.

4.2 Q: How much is the nancial assistance?

A: The nancial assistance is P5,000.00 per student grantee outside National Capital Region
(NCR) and P10,000.00 within NCR.

4.3 Q: What is this program that provides nancial assistance to students

and teachers in private education? 2/25
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A: This program providing for government assistance to students and teachers in private
school is called GASTPE which is provided by RA 6728 as amended.

5.1 Q: Is there a need for alternative learning system in the Philippines?

A: Yes, to provide all Filipinos the chance to have access to basic education.

5.2 Q: How is learning provided under this alternative learning system?

A: Learning may be provided thru the use of modules or by mobile teachers using books and
instructional materials.

6.1 Q: Shall all public and private schools include the study of the
Constitution as part of the curricula?
Yes, because Sec. 3 (1) Art. XIV of the 1987 Constitution mandates that all educational
institutions shall include the study of the constitution as part of their curricula.

7.1 Q: In what subject in basic education are these value of patriotism,

nationalism and other values taught?
A: Values education or edukasyon sa pagpapahalaga.

8.1 Q: How do public and private institutions in the educational system

complement one another?
A: Students may transfer from a public school to a private school and vice versa; both
institutions follow at least the minimum standards and criteria set by the Department and
both are under the reasonable supervision and regulation of the Department.

9.1 Q: Supposing Mr. S the Superintendent Schools appointed Mr. F a

foreigner as the Principal of a public high school. Is the appointment in
A: No, for it is in violation of Sec. 4 (2)Art. XIV of the 1987 Constitution which vests upon
citizens of the Philippines the control and administration of educational institutions.

10.1 Q: In formulating educational policies and programs, what shall the

Department take into account?
A: The Department shall take into account regional and sectoral needs and shall encourage
local planning in the development of educational policies and programs.

11.1 Q: What is academic freedom? 3/25
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A: The Supreme Court of the United States said that academic freedom means a university
can determine for itself on academic grounds:
Who may teach
What may be taught
How it should be taught
Who may be admitted to study

12.1 Q: At present, the result of the National Career Assessment

Examination (NCAE) being administered every year to all fourth year high
school students in public and private secondary schools only serve as
guide to students for the courses they will take in post-secondary
institutions of learning. Supposing a law will be enacted to make the
results of the NCAE a prerequisite for enrollment in college/university
courses or in vocational/technological courses or other short
entrepreneurial courses, will the law be constitutional?
A: The author is of the opinion, that such law will be in consonance on the basis that making
the results of the NCAE a prerequisite for enrollment in college/ university courses or in
vocational/technological courses will be a fair, reasonable and equitable admission and
academic requirement and within the authority of the State to provide reasonable
supervision and regulation of all educational institutions.

13.1 Q: How shall the State enhance the right of teachers to professional
A: By providing trainings and seminars to teachers; by providing sabbatical leave to teachers;
by giving scholarship to teachers.

14.1 How will the state insure that teaching will attract and retain its
rightful share of the best available talents?
A: Through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and ful llment.


6.1 Q: What does basic education encompass?
A: Basic Education encompasses early childhood, elementary and high school education as
well as alternative learning systems for out-of-school youth and adult learners and includes
education for those with special needs

6.2 Q: What shall be the main programs of basic education? 4/25
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A: Basic Education shall have ve (5) main programs, namely: pre-school, elementary,
secondary, special needs and alternative learning systems.

6.3 Q: What shall the elementary education programs cover?

A: Elementary education programs shall cover at least Grades I to VI; secondary education
programs from First year to Fourth year or a total of ten (10) school years in the formal school

6.4 Q: To ensure proper implementation of the Education For All (EFA)

A: To ensure proper implementation of the Education For All (EFA) policy of the government,
alternative learning systems shall provide for the basic learning needs of out-of-school
children, youth and adults, 15 years old and above.

7 Q: Upon what government agency is the administration of the

educational system and the supervision and regulation of all educational
institutions in basic education vested?
A: The Administration of the educational system and the reasonable supervision and
regulation of all educational institutions in basic education are vested in the Department
without prejudice, however, to the charter of any state university or college.

8.1 Q: What are the levels in Formal Education?

A: Formal Education shall correspond to the following levels in basic education:

a. The rst level or Elementary Education involves compulsory, formal education primarily
concerned with providing basic education, and usually corresponds to a traditional six or
seven grade, and in addition, pre-school programs. Such pre-school education normally
consists of kindergarten schooling, but may be cover other preparatory courses as well.

The second level or Secondary Education is concerned primarily with continuing basic
education of the elementary level and expanding it to include the learning of employable
gainful skills, usually corresponding to four years of high school.

9.1 Q: What shall the curricular programs be?

A: The curricular programs shall be suggestive patterns and models for the guidance of eld
o cials and teachers. These may be enriched or modi ed to suit he needs of the learners and
the conditions in the school and community, provided however, that any radical departure
from the speci c subjects and curricula shall have the approval of Secretary of Education.

9.2 Q: What must the curricular programs focus on? 5/25
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A: The development and organization of the curricular programs must focus on the learners
total development. The curricula shall be based on the fundamental aims of education set
forth in Art. XIV Sec. 2 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, B.P. Blg. 232 also known as the
Education Act of 1982, and other statutes.

10.1 Q: What does Pre-school education or early childhood education

A: It refers to the educational program/s preparatory to Grade I to develop the child in all
aspects physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive, so that s/he may be better prepared
to tackle formal school works and cope with the demands of complex life

10.1.1 Q: What do the early Childhood Education (ECE) Learning area

A: The Early Childhood Education (ECE) Learning Areas include activities that develop in each
child communication skills in English and Filipino, numeracy skills, sensory perceptual skills,
socio emotional skills, motor and creative skills.

10.2 Q: What are the objectives of elementary education?

A: Elementary Education Objectives.

To provide knowledge and develop the skills, attitudes and values essential to personal
development and necessary for living in, and contributing to, a developing and changing
social milieu;
To provide learning experiences which shall increase the learners awareness of, and
responsiveness to, the changes and demands of society and prepare him/her for
constructive and e ective involvement;
To promote and intensify the learners knowledge of identi cation with, and love for the
nation and the people to which he/she belongs; and
To promote experiences which develop the learners orientation to the world of work
and creativity and prepare himself/herself to engage in honest and gainful work.

10.3 Q: What is Special Needs Education?

A: Special Needs Education refers to the education of persons who are gifted or talented as
well as those who have physical, mental, social or sensory impairment. Such group may
require modi cations of the school curricula, programs and special services and physical
facilities to help them develop to their maximum capacity.

Q: What shall be the aim of special education? 6/25
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A: Special Education (SPED) shall aim to develop the maximum potential of the child with
special needs to enable him to become self-reliant and gears towards providing him with the
opportunities for a full and happy life.

Q: What shall be the ultimate goal of special education?

A: The ultimate goal of special education shall be the integration of learners with special
needs into the regular school system and eventually in the community.

Q: On what is the curriculum for special needs education based and

A: The curriculum for Special Needs Education shall be based on the curriculum prescribed
for the regular schools by the Department and designed to respond to the special needs of
the following learners.

The Mentally Handicapped

The Hearing Impaired
The Visually Impaired
The Orthopedically Handicapped
The Children with Behavioral Problems

Q: What are the schemes or options that may be adopted for Special
Needs Education Program?
A: The following schemes or options may be adopted for Special Needs Education program:
Modi ed curriculum shall be prescribed for regular children with certain adaptations to meet
the needs of special children.
Special curriculum shall be prescribed for children with special needs aimed primarily at
developing adaptive skills to maximize their potentials.

Q: What are the prototypes of special programs and provisions for the
gifted and talented which shall be developed and maintained?
A: Special programs and provisions for the gifted and talented which shall be developed and
maintained may take the following prototypes:

Acceleration shall refer to any administrative practice designed to move gifted learners
through school more rapidly than usual. Administrative practices under acceleration shall
include early admission, grade skipping, advanced placement, telescoping of grade levels and
credits by examination.

1. Grade Acceleration/Grade Skipping

2. Grade Telescoping 7/25
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Ability grouping shall refer to any classi cation of children for instructional purposes in terms
of capacity for learning and demonstrated achievement. The types of ability grouping shall be:

1. Special Class/Self-Contained Classes

2. Pull-out Program
3. Enrichment

10.4 Q: What are its objectives?

A: Its objectives are as follows:
To continue to promote the objectives of elementary education
To discover and enhance the di erent aptitudes and interests of the students so as to equip
him with skills for productive endeavor and/or prepare him for tertiary schooling

10.4.1 Q: What are the curricular offerings of the different types of

secondary education?
A: The curricular o erings of the di erent types of secondary schools are as follows:

1. General Secondary School

2. General Comprehensive High School
3. Secondary Vocational School
4. Special Secondary School

Regional Division Science High School (R/DHS)

Science and Technology High School (STHS)
Science High School and Science and Technology School

1. Mathematics in the fourth year includes Analytical Geometry and Elementary Calculus
2. English includes Speech and Drama in the First Year and Technical and Essay Writing in
the Second Year.
3. Earth Science/Environmental Science and the regular Fourth Year Physics are subjects in
the Third Year Chemistry is a subject in the Fourth Year.

The Special Science Curriculum

School for the Handicap
Boys Town School
The School for Minor O enders
The Philippine High School for the Arts

10.5 Q: What is Alternative Learning System? 8/25
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A: Alternative Learning System is a parallel learning system that provides viable alternative to
the existing formal education instruction. It encompasses both the non-formal and informal
sources of knowledge and skills.

Policy, Principles and Levels of Governance for

Basic Education
11 Q: What is the State Policy on the right of citizens to quality basic
A: It is hereby declared the policy of the State to protect and promote the right of all citizens
to quality basic education and to make such education accessible to all by providing all
Filipino children a free and compulsory education in the elementary level and free education
in the high school level. Such education shall also include alternative learning systems for out-
of-school youth and adult learners.

Q: What shall be the goal of basic education?

A: It shall be the goal of basic education to provide them with the skills, knowledge and values
they need to become caring, self-reliant, productive and patriotic citizens.

Q: What shall be the heart of the formal education system?

A: The school shall be the heart of the formal education system. It is where children learn.
Schools shall have a single aim of providing the best possible basic education for all learners.

Q: Where shall governance of basic education begin?

A: Governance of basic education shall begin at the national level.

Q: Where shall the policy and principle for the governance of basic
education be translated into programs, projects, and services to t local
A: It is at the regions, divisions, schools, and learning centers referred to as the eld o ces
where the policy and principle for the governance of basic education be translated into
programs, projects and services developed, adapted and o ered to t local needs.

Q: To improve the quality of basic education, whom shall be the State

A: The State shall encourage local initiatives for improving the quality of basic education. 9/25
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12. Q: What is the principle of shared governance?

A: Shared governance is a principle which recognizes the every unit in the education
Bureaucracy has a particular role, task and responsibilities inherent in the o ce and for
which it is principally accountable for outcomes.

Q: What shall be observed in the decision making process at appropriate

A: The process of democratic consultation.

Q: What shall be established to ensure coordination and open

communication for the central o ce with the regional, division and
school levels?
A: Feedback mechanism.

Q: What shall be operationalized in the performance of functions and

responsibilities at all levels?
A: The principles of accountability and transparency.

Q: What shall be strengthened to facilitate the ow of information and

expand linkages with other government agencies, local government units,
non-governmental organization for effective governance?
A: The communication channels of eld o cers.

13.1 Q: What is the Department of Education vested with for ensuring

access to, promoting equity in, and improving the quality of basic
A: The Department of Education is vested with authority, accountability and responsibility for
ensuring access to, promoting equity in, and improving the quality of basic education.

13.2 Q: What are the structural components of the department?

A: The Central O ce and Field O ces

13.2 Q: What are the major services of the DepEd Central O ce and their
respective functions?
A: The major services of DepEd Central O ce and their respective functions are the following:

1. Administrative 10/25
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O ce of the Director
General Services Division
Dental Clinic
Radio Communication Network Unit
Security Service Unit
Records Division
Property Division
Teachers Camp

2. Financial Management Service

Budget Division
Payroll Services Division
Systems Division
Management Division
Cash Division

3. Human Resource Development

Personnel Division
Employees Welfare and Bene ts Division
Sta Development Division

Special Programs

4. Planning

Project Development and Evaluation Division

Research and Statistics Division (RSD) and Database Management Unit (DBMU)
Physical Facilities Schools and Engineering Division

5. Technical Service

Materials Production and Division Publication Division

Educational Information Division
Audio-Visual Division
Educational Technology Unit

6. Legal 11/25
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13.4 Q: What are the Bureaus of the Department and their respective
A: The Bureaus of the Department comprise of the following:

1. Bureau of Elementary Education

2. Bureau of Secondary Education
3. Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS)

13.5 Q: What do the Centers of the Department compromise of and what

are their functions?
A: The Centers of the Department each headed by a Director comprise of the following with
their respective functions:

1. The National Education Testing and Research Center (NETRC)

2. Schools Health and Nutrition Center ( SHNC)
3. Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force (EDPITAF)
4. National Science Testing Instrumentation Center (NSTIC)
5. Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (IMCS)
6. National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP)

13.6 Q: What are the Field O ces of DepEd?

A: DepEd Field O ces consist of Regional O ces, Division O ces and Public School and
Learning Centers.

14.1 Q: What shall the Secretary exercise over the operation of the
A: Overall authority and supervision over the operation of the Department.

Q: What are the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Secretary?

A: In addition to his/her powers under existing laws, the Secretary of Education shall have
authority, accountability and responsibility for the following:

1. Formulating national educational policies;

2. Formulating a national basic education plan;
3. Promulgating national educational Standards
4. Monitoring & Assessing national learning outcomes;
5. Undertaking national educational research and studies;
6. Enhancing the employment status, professional competence, welfare and working
conditions of all personnel of the Department; and 12/25
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7. Enhancing the total development of learners through local and national programs
and/or projects.

Q: How many undersecretaries and assistant secretaries shall assist the

A: The Secretary of Education shall be assisted by not more than four (4) undersecretaries and
not more than four (4) assistant secretaries whose assignments duties and responsibilities
shall be governed by law.

Q: Are the powers of the Secretary limited to those enumerated in Sec.

7A of RA 9155?
A: No. Because Sec. 7A of RA9155 expressly provides that the powers enumerated therein are
only in addition to his/her powers under existing laws.

14.2 Q: Is there a limit to the number of regional o ces?

A: No. Because there shall be as many regional o ces maybe provided by law.

Q: How are regional o ces created?

A: By Law.

Q: What is the composition of a regional o ce and where are they

A: It is composed of provincial and city schools divisions and it has a Director, an Assistant
Director and an o ce sta for programs, promotion and support, planning, administrative
and scal services.

Region IV-A is composed of 14 divisions

1. Calamba City
2. Cavite City
3. Cavite
4. Laguna
5. Lucena City
6. Lipa City
7. Quezon
8. Antipolo City
9. Sta. Rosa City
10. Rizal
11. Batangas Province
12. Batangas City 13/25
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13. Tanauan City

14. San Pablo City

Q: What shall be the authority, accountability and responsibilities of the

regional directors?
A: Consistent with the national educational policies, plans and standards, the regional director
shall have authority, accountability and responsibility for the following:

1. De ning a regional educational policy framework which re ects the values, needs and
expectations of the communities they serve.
2. Developing a regional basic education plan;
3. Developing regional educational standards with a view towards bench-marking for
international competitiveness
4. Monitoring, evaluating and assessing regional learning outcomes.

5. Undertaking research projects and developing and managing region wide projects
which may be funded through o cial development assistance and/or other nding
6. Ensuring strict compliance with prescribed national criteria for the recruitment.
7. Formulating, in coordination with the regional development council, the budget to
support the regional educational plan which shall take into account the educational
plans of the divisions and districts.
8. Determining the organization component of the divisions and districts and approving
the proposed sta ng pattern of all employees in the divisions and districts.

9. Hiring, placing and evaluating all employees in the regional o ce, except for the
position of assistant director.
10. Evaluating all schools division superintendents and assistant division superintendents in
the region.
11. Planning and managing the e ective and e cient use of all personnel, physical and
scal resources of the regional o ce, including professional sta development.
12. Managing the database and management information system of the region.
13. Approving the establishment of public and private elementary and high schools and
learning centers
14. Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper authorities.

Q: How shall the regional directors exercise authority over employees in

the regional o ce?
A: By hiring, placing and evaluating all employees in the regional o ce except for the position
of assistant director. 14/25
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Q: Does the regional director have the authority to hire a public school
teacher in his region? Why or why not?
A: No. Because the power to hire, place and evaluate all employees in the division both
teaching and non teaching personnel except for the assistant division superintendent is
expressly vested upon the schools division superintendent.

Q: Who is the one vested by law with the power to approve the
establishment of public and private elementary and high schools and
learning centers?
A: The regional director.

14.3 Q: What shall a division consist of?

A: A division shall consist of province or a city which shall have a schools division
superintendent, at least one assistant schools division superintendent and an o ce sta for
programs promotion, planning, administrative, scal, legal, ancillary and other support

Q: What shall be the authority, accountability and responsibility of

schools division superintendent?
A: Consistent with the national educational policies plans and standards, the school division
superintendents shall have authority, accountability and responsibility for the following:

1. Developing and implementing division education development plans

2. Planning and managing the e ective and e cient use of all personnel, physical and
scal resources of the division, including professional sta development.

3. Hiring, placing and evaluating all division supervisors and schools district supervisors as
well as all employees in the division, both teaching and non-teaching personnel,
including school heads, except for the assistant division superintendent.
4. Monitoring the utilization of funds provided by the national government units to the
schools and learning centers.
5. Ensuring compliance of quality standards for basic education programs and for this
purpose strengthening the role of division supervisors as subject area specialists.

6. Promoting awareness of and adherence by all schools and learning centers to

accreditation standards prescribed by the Secretary of Education.
7. Supervising the operations of all public and private elementary, secondary and
integrated schools and learning centers.
8. Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper authorities. 15/25
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Q: Who is the one vested with the authority to supervise the operation of
all public and private elementary, secondary and integrated schools and
learning centers.
A: The Schools Division Superintendent.

Q: Shall the Division Superintendent have the power to hire, place or

evaluate an assistant division superintendent?
A: No. Because, Sec 7C (3) of Ra 9155 expressly excludes from an authority of the
superintendent the power to hire an assistant division superintendent.

14.4 Q: How many additional schools districts be established within a

schools division?
A: Upon the recommendation of the schools division superintendents, the regional director
may establish additional schools districts within a schools division.

Q: What shall a schools district have?

A: A Schools District shall have a schools district supervisor and an o ce sta for program

Q: What shall be done about the schools districts already existing at the
time of the passage of RA 9155?
A: Schools District already existing at the time of the passage of RA 9155 shall be maintained.

Q: What shall be the authority, accountability and responsibility of the Schools District

A: The schools district supervisor shall be responsible for:

1. Providing professional and instructional advice and support to the school heads and
teachers/facilitators of schools and community learning centers in the district or cluster
2. Curricula supervision.
3. Undertaking advocacy work directed at encouraging local government units (LGUs) and
non-government organizations (NGOs) to implement ALS programs.
4. Assisting in the identi cation of community-based NGOs which could be tapped as
service providers for the basic literacy, accreditation and equivalency programs and
other community development e orts.
5. Supervising the organization of ALS programs in collaboration with LGUs, NGOs and
other government agencies and monitor implementation 16/25
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6. Monitoring the formulation of school improvement plans and consolidate funding

requirements of programs and projects to be presented to the Municipal School Board
7. Providing technical support to school heads in expenditures documentation and
liquidation of cash advances.
8. Coordinating data gathering e orts of schools and community learning centers in the
9. Undertaking data veri cation in coordination with the division planning unit
10. Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper authorities.

Read:NQESH / Principals Examination Test 2015 Online Reviewer

Read:National Qualifying Examination for School Heads (NQESH) Online Reviewer

2017 Principals Test NQESH Online Review

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National Qualifying Examination for School Heads NQESH principal test School Head

Mark Anthony Llego

He is the brain of TeacherPH. Growing up being surrounded by educators, a passion for
education has grown in him. Mark spends his time writing and spreading online articles
about the educational world. He likes emphasizing important political issues that involves
issued on the educational system of the country. Read more..

13 COMMENTS 17/25
11/12/2017 Reviewer for NQESH on Governance For Basic Education

Lea Pacturan Says 1 year ago

Can I ask for a reviewer please

Ruth Says 1 year ago

sir can I have a free donload copy of deped manual reviewer, thank you very much

MELCHOR C. SANTOS Says 1 year ago

May you share me a copy of any available reading materials relevant to NQESH, preferably
downloadable sir

Jemalyn S. Jacquez Says 1 year ago

Thanks for the info

Tirso Says 1 year ago

thank you so much sir.

Techyboy Says 1 year ago

If you cant have the downloadable copy. You have the option to highlight all review items, copy
and paste to word. Do a little editing. Save to a lename you want.

MARICON MORALES Says 1 year ago

May I ask for a free downloadable reviewer please.

Liezel Sumini Says 1 year ago

Can i also ask for a free downloadable reviewer please? Thanks

Marilyn C.Perez Says 1 year ago

thanks for an additional information about online review it help me.

Cresente Glariana Says 1 year ago 18/25
11/12/2017 Reviewer for NQESH on Governance For Basic Education

i want a copy on this in y email. please send it to me. or how to print this here? thank you.

EMERSON B. HADSAN Says 1 year ago


Dessie Galano Says 2 years ago

can I ask for a free downloadable reviewer please? thanks!

Majoy Sy Says 2 years ago

thank u so much

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