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What is Via Vera Cruz?

Seven years has passed since Via Vera Cruz manifested in the promised land of Pindorama. It
started as a vinculum rooted in the Mighty Dead of this very land, as an axis of attraction for
those who felt the call of earth and blood. It was at the same time a Craft allegiance with the
lineages I brought with me to Brazil for the sake of rekindling hereditary and traditional
streams of the Craft as they lived on in this land. It was an attempt of bringing the witches
blood in a way so it could rekindle what was lost, forgotten or simply unappreciated in Brazil.

Seeing how matters have developed over the years and how the guardians of the Cross has
chosen to effectuate its net it is time to reflect upon what Via Vera Cruz is and thus be true to
our patrons and guardians and realizing the rays around the pole and how they manifest.

Via Vera Cruz was bound in an oath and then the reception of the blood. At the same time,
mysteries and arts not only local but global gravitated towards the True Cross, creating a
cross fertilization of great potency but this can perhaps also invite confusion and question
what we really are doing. I also believe this call for a more strict presentation of the
organization of the True Cross as I see it is taking shape.

The Way of the True Cross, Via Vera Cruz, is exactly what the name states, it is the ways, the
many ways, as exemplified in the geomantic sign of Via, ruled by the moon leaning towards
poplus or people. We are speaking of the diversity found upon the straight road of wisdom
as it is embraced and inspired by night, moon and blood. Via Vera Cruz has actually become
the promise in its seed but in a way far more overarching than firs proposed. In keeping up
with this lunar influence and nocturnal field we can see that Via Vera Cruz has spread its rays,
like lunar mansions of particular powers. We find here unique hereditary streams of
Stregoneria it be by Lupino or by Fey-Priest. We find Nordic and British streams of witchery, it
be nameless of under the silence of the Lily. The craft and arts from the Balkans and the
modazarrak makes part side by side with other traditional cults and faiths carry the traditional
hue of true transmission it be Quimbanda, the cult of Iyami and Oso, Obeah, Vodou, Lucifer or
Santa Muerte. Even Wicca we find, both Alexandrian and Gardnerian.We find all this in Via
Vera Cruz because the Via, the road of the true cross, is made upon the people of the Moon
that gravitates towards the True Cross and thus can blaze from this crossroad to all corners of
the world.

It seems to me pertinent that the following structure is followed, from what I see emerging,
where we have an outer convent more lenient and in harmony with the primordial proposition
of Via Vera Cruz, namely to be an axis that attracts arts and crafts in such way that its ray can
blaze harmoniously and gracefully from the roots of the True Cross. This outer convent is
where the oath of the untamed one is given and taken. Upon the oath being taken the many
ways of the True Cross are open in accordance with calling and aspiration of the seeker itself.

However, at the heart and root of the True Cross we find the original transmission of blood
that from now on will be called The Lineage of the Red Bones, being the Church of the True
Cross and the Silver Owl, or the True Cross of Night to give a name to what still remains
nameless, - for the sake of distinction.

As we see, we have here a labyrinth for the seeker, but also a traditional structure where the
True Cross serves as the axis of the mundi nocturna. In this world, the points of power are
numerous and hold in themselves an autonomous potency, bound in the oath taken at the
True Cross.

This however do not indicate that all people of the True Cross should be given the blood at the
roots of the True Cross, but that Via Vera Cruz is a sodality more all embracing with wise
traditions and transmissions. The rite of the oath will for many be sufficient, with its tutoring,
whereas the promise must be not to drink from the blood of the red bones but to release the
powers of the individual in such way that Fate can be mastered in any way the oath and way

In this way the promise and intent of Via Vera Cruz birth is kept and its fertile seed adhered
to in such way that the Via Vera Cruz is a sodality of many ways bound by oath to the True

Concerning the Lineage of the Red Bones and its pact a different structure has emerged for me
that resonates more with a traditional dynamic in its metaphysical and practical realization.
This gives a greater liberty and a stricter intimacy. All power is given by the Devil, this power is
given to the Lady and the oath of the Red Bones is given to the Lady who is at all times sworn
to the Devil. We find here replicated the cosmic pulse of exhalation and inhalation at the root
of the Red Bones with the giving of power of the Devil to the Mai under oath - and the word
given and taken from Lady and people just to return to the Devil. This pact must be regularly
affirmed at what I conceive of as intervals of seven years. You are bound in seven years upon
the oath.

This also gives consequences for people running their own cuveens, those who now are tutors.
Those running single cells within the larger landscape of Via Vera Cruz will be named
Domina/Dominus and are given a particular responsibility not only for their own people, but
also for guarding the circle and the legacy of the red bones.
We find in this several traditional structures unfolding simultaneously from the cell to the
community whereas it all rests on the dynamic pulse between Lady and Devil as the day and
night moving around the roots of the True Cross as twin serpents, manifesting the Dragon
fixed at the tree of the True Cross as the guardians of poison and blood.

Magister Azazayin

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