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Colegio Madre de Jess

Departamento de Ingls
Miss Constanza Urrutia L.
____/ 35 ______
Puntaje Nota

Name: ______________________________ Grade: 4_____


ENGLISH TEST: Unist 3 Sports


Objetivos de Aprendizaje:
OA4: Escuchar textos orales y aplicar estrategias para apoyar la comprensin
OA6: Leer y demostrar comprensin de textos como cuentos, poemas, chants, etc
OA13: Escribir de acuerdo a un modelo y con apoyo de imgenes.
OA14: Completar, escribir y responder de acuerdo a un modelo.

1.- Read, circle and write down the words that you find about sports. (6 pts.)







2.- Complete with go and play. Follow the example. (7 pts)

Dancing soccer tennis - skating running - boxing ping pong

I go diving I play basketball

__________________ ___________________
__________________ ___________________
__________________ ___________________
3.- Write down 4 team sports and 4 individual sports. (8 pts.)

Team sports

4.- Read the text and answer the questions. (6 pts.)

The famous football player Cristiano Ronaldo plays for Real Madrid team. He trains
every day. He swims in the morning and the he runs for an hour, after that, he trains
with his team for 3 hours playing soccer. He eats meat, fruit and vegetables. He won 5
golden medals and 3 worldcups.

Where does he play? ___________________

Does he do karate?____________________

How many days does he train?_______________________

How many hours does the play soccer with his team?__________________

What does he eat?__________________________

Does he has any medals?______________________

5.- See the picture and write down the correct word of the sport. (4 pts.)

_________________ _______________

__________________ ______________

6.- Answer the questions with short answer. (5 pts.)

Do you like sports?_________________________

Does your father like soccer?_________________

Do you practice any sport?____________________

Do you watch soccer on TV?___________________

Does your mother like tennis?_________________

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