You are on page 1of 13

Unable to disable existing Amazon CloudFront Distro.

Unable to disable existing Amazon CloudFront Distro. Connection failed.
Existing Amazon CloudFront Distro cannot be disabled at this time. Still in a
`pending` state. Please wait 15 minutes, then try again. There is a certain process
that optimizeMember must strictly adhere to when re- configuring your Amazon
CloudFront Distros. You may have to tick the auto- configure checkbox again, and
re-run optimizeMember's auto-configuration routine many times, because
optimizeMember will likely run into several `pending` challenges, as it works to
completely re-configure your Amazon CloudFront Distros for you. Thanks for your
patience. Please wait 15 minutes, then try again.
Unable to disable existing Amazon CloudFront Distro. Invalid Distro ID, ETag, or
XML config.
Unable to delete existing Amazon CloudFront Distro. %s
Unable to delete existing Amazon CloudFront Distro. Connection failed.
Existing Amazon CloudFront Distro cannot be deleted at this time. Still in a
`pending` state after having been disabled by optimizeMember. Please wait 15
minutes, then try again. There is a certain process that optimizeMember must
strictly adhere to when re-configuring your Amazon CloudFront Distros. You may have
to tick the auto-configure checkbox again, and re-run optimizeMember's auto-
configuration routine many times, because optimizeMember will likely run into
several `pending` challenges, as it works to completely re-configure your Amazon
CloudFront Distros for you. Thanks for your patience. Please wait 15 minutes, then
try again.
Unable to check status of existing Amazon CloudFront Distro. %s
Unable to check status of existing Amazon CloudFront Distro. Connection failed.
Existing Amazon CloudFront Distro cannot be deleted at this time. Still in a
`pending` state. Please wait 15 minutes, then try again. There is a certain process
that optimizeMember must strictly adhere to when re-configuring your Amazon
CloudFront Distros. You may have to tick the auto-configure checkbox again, and re-
run optimizeMember's auto-configuration routine many times, because optimizeMember
will likely run into several `pending` challenges, as it works to completely re-
configure your Amazon CloudFront Distros for you. Thanks for your patience. Please
wait 15 minutes, then try again.
Unable to delete existing Amazon CloudFront Distro. Invalid Distro ID or ETag.
Unable to create/read Amazon CloudFront Downloads Distro. Unexpected response.
Unable to create/read Amazon CloudFront Streaming Distro. Unexpected response.
Unable to create Amazon CloudFront Distro. Invalid Distro type.
<strong>503: Service Temporarily Unavailable</strong><br />Too many IP addresses
accessing one secure area<em>!</em><br />Please contact Support if you need
Thank you! Your account has been updated.
Thank you! You've been updated to:
Please log back in now.
Thank you! You now have access to:
<strong>Thank you! ( you MUST check your email before proceeding ).</strong><br
/><br />* Note: It can take <em>( up to 15 minutes )</em> for Email Confirmation
with important details. If you don't receive email confirmation in the next 15
minutes, please contact Support.
<strong>** Sandbox Mode **</strong> You may NOT receive this Email in Sandbox Mode.
Sandbox addresses are usually bogus (for testing).
Check Your Email ( Then Click Here )
Back To Home Page
<strong>Thank you! ( this is a preview, no action necessary ).</strong><br /><br
/>* Note: each of your Customers are returned back to your site immediately after
they complete checkout. This Return Page displays a message and instructions for
the Customer. optimizeMember may change the message and instructions dynamically,
based on what the Customer is actually doing <em>( i.e. based on the type of
transaction that is taking place )</em>.<br /><br /><em>* With <a href=\"%s\"
target=\"_blank\">optimizeMember Pro</a> installed, it is possible to customize
this Return Page in various ways.</em>
Continue ( Click Here )
Please Log Back In ( Click Here )
<strong>ERROR:</strong> Unable to modify Subscription.<br />Please contact Support
for assistance.<br /><br />The existing User ID is associated with an
Administrator. Stopping here. Otherwise, an Administrator could lose access. Please
make sure that you are NOT logged in as an Administrator while testing.
<strong>ERROR:</strong> Unable to modify Subscription.<br />Please contact Support
for assistance.<br /><br />Could not get the existing User ID from the DB.
<strong>Page Expired:</strong> Duplicate Return-Data.<br />Please contact Support
if you need any assistance.
<strong>Thank you! Your account has been approved.<br />The next step is to
Register a Username for immediate access.</strong>
Please Register Now ( Click Here )
<strong>ERROR:</strong> Unable to add new Capabilities.<br />Please contact Support
for assistance.<br /><br />The existing User ID is associated with an
Administrator. Stopping here. Otherwise, an Administrator could lose access. Please
make sure that you are NOT logged in as an Administrator while testing.
<strong>ERROR:</strong> Unable to add new Capabilities.<br />Please contact Support
for assistance.<br /><br />Could not get the existing User ID from the DB.
<strong>ERROR:</strong> Unable to add new Capabilities.<br />Please contact Support
for assistance.<br /><br />Missing User/Member details.
<strong>Thank You! Your transaction has been approved.</strong>
<strong>ERROR:</strong> Unable to generate Access Link.<br />Please contact Support
for assistance.
<strong>ERROR:</strong> Unexpected <code>txn_type/status</code>.<br />The
<code>txn_type/status</code> did not meet requirements.<br />Please contact Support
for assistance.
<strong>ERROR:</strong> Unable to verify
<code>$_SERVER[\"HTTP_HOST\"]</code>.<br />Please contact Support for
assistance.<br /><br />If you are the site owner, please check the
<code>custom</code> value in your Button Code. It MUST start with your domain name.
<strong>ERROR:</strong> Unable to verify <code>$_POST</code> vars.<br />Please
contact Support for assistance.<br /><br />This is most likely related to an
invalid configuration of optimizeMember, or a problem with server compatibility. If
you are the site owner, and you're absolutely SURE that your configuration is
valid, you may want to run some tests on your server, just to be sure
<code>$_POST</code> variables are populated, and that your server is able to
connect/communicate with your Payment Gateway over an HTTPS connection.<br /><br
/>optimizeMember uses the <code>WP_Http</code> class for remote connections; which
will try to use <code>cURL</code> first, and then fall back on the
<code>FOPEN</code> method when <code>cURL</code> is not available. On a Windows
server, you may have to disable your <code>cURL</code> extension; and instead, set
<code>allow_url_fopen = yes</code> in your php.ini file. The <code>cURL</code>
extension (usually) does NOT support SSL connections on a Windows server.<br
/><br />Please see <a href=\"
server-configuration-for-optimizemember/\" target=\"_blank\">this thread</a> for
details regarding the ideal server configuration for optimizeMember.
Error. Please contact Support for assistance.
( cannot be changed )
Email Address
Display Name
New Password?
( please type it twice )
Only if changing password, otherwise leave blank.
Save All Changes
Profile updated successfully.
<strong>Your Link Expired:</strong><br />Please contact Support if you need
optimizeMember security violation. You attempted to POST administrative variables
that will NOT be trusted in a NON-administrative zone!
Thank you. Please click the link below.
[ %s ] <strong><em>says&hellip;</em></strong>
If you need assistance, please <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">contact
My Password:
Username *
Password *
Email Address *
Registration complete. Please log in.
You have been invited to join `%1$s` at\n%2$s as a Member.\nPlease click the
following link to confirm the invite:\n%4$s\n
Your account is now active. <a href=\"%1$s\">Visit site</a> or <a href=\"%2$s\">Log
By filling out the form below, you can <strong>add a site to your account</strong>.
You may create up to <strong>%s</strong> site.msgid_plural You may create up to
<strong>%s</strong> sites.msgstr[0] ""msgstr[1] ""
Additional Profile Fields
( for this site )
Strength indicator
Very weak
less than a minute
1 minute
%s minutemsgid_plural %s minutesmsgstr[0] ""msgstr[1] ""
about 1 hour
1 hour
%s hourmsgid_plural %s hoursmsgstr[0] ""msgstr[1] ""
about 1 day
1 day
%s daymsgid_plural %s daysmsgstr[0] ""msgstr[1] ""
about 1 week
1 week
%s weekmsgid_plural %s weeksmsgstr[0] ""msgstr[1] ""
about 1 month
1 month
%s monthmsgid_plural %s monthsmsgstr[0] ""msgstr[1] ""
about 1 year
1 year
%s yearmsgid_plural %s yearsmsgstr[0] ""msgstr[1] ""
each %2$smsgid_plural every %1$s %3$smsgstr[0] ""msgstr[1] ""
%1$s %2$smsgid_plural %1$s %3$smsgstr[0] ""msgstr[1] ""
for %1$s %2$smsgid_plural for %1$s %3$smsgstr[0] ""msgstr[1] ""
Confirm File Download
You`ve downloaded %s protected %s in the last %s.
24 hours
%s days
You`re entitled to UNLIMITED downloads though ( so, no worries ).
You`re entitled to %s unique %s %s.
each day
every %s-day period
Oops, you missed something:
Passwords do not match up. Please try again.
Password MUST be at least 6 characters. Please try again.
Please check at least one of the boxes.
Required. This box must be checked.
Please select one of the options.
Please select at least one of the options.
This is a required field, please try again.
Must be numeric ( with or without decimals, commas allowed ).
Must be numeric ( with or without decimals, no commas ).
Must be an integer ( a whole number, without any decimals ).
Must be an integer > 0 ( whole number, no decimals, greater than 0 ).
Must be a float ( floating point number, decimals required ).
Must be a float > 0 ( floating point number, decimals required, greater than 0 ).
Must be a date ( required date format: dd/mm/yyyy ).
Must be a valid email address.
Please use a personal email address.\nAddresses like <%s@> are problematic.
Must be a full URL ( starting with http or https ).
Must be a domain name ( domain name only, without http ).
Must be a phone
Must be a US zipcode ( 5-9 digits w/possible hyphen ).
Must be a Canadian zipcode ( 6 alpha-numerics w/possible space ).
Must be a zipcode ( either a US or Canadian zipcode ).
Please use alphanumerics, spaces & punctuation only.
Please use alphanumerics & spaces only.
Please use alphanumerics & punctuation only ( no spaces ).
Please use alphanumerics only ( no spaces/punctuation ).
Please use alphabetics only ( no digits/spaces/punctuation ).
Please use numeric digits only.
Must be exactly %s %s.
Must be at least %s %s.
Yes, I want to receive updates via email.
[%s] Username/Password
Your Username/Password for:\n%s\n\nUsername: %%%%user_login%%%%\nPassword: %%%
[%s] New User Registration
New User Registration on your site:\n%s\n\nUser ID: %%%%user_id%%%%\nUsername: %%%
%user_login%%%%\nEmail: %%%%user_email%%%%\nIP Address: %%%%user_ip%%%%
Congratulations! ( your membership has been approved )
Thanks %%%%first_name%%%%! Your membership has been approved.\n\nIf you haven't
already done so, the next step is to Register a Username.\n\nComplete your
registration here:\n%%%%registration_url%%%%\n\nIf you have any trouble, please
feel free to contact us.\n\nBest Regards,\n%s
Thank You! ( instructions for access )
Thanks %%%%first_name%%%%!\n\n%%%%item_name%%%%\n\nYour order can be retrieved
here:\n%%%%sp_access_url%%%%\n( link expires in %%%%sp_access_exp%%%% )\n\nIf you
have any trouble, please feel free to contact us.\n\nBest Regards,\n%s
Free Subscriber
Bronze Member
Silver Member
Gold Member
Platinum Member
Level %s Member
optimizeMember&reg; ( Security for WordPress&reg; )
Instant Payment Notification & Return Page Details
Configures Basic Checkout Fields
Description and pricing details here.
Configures optimizeMember's Unique Invoice ID/Code
Associates Purchase With A User/Member ( when/if applicable )
Identifies The Customer's IP Address For Tracking
Displays The PayPal Image Button
Identifies/Updates An Existing User/Member ( when/if applicable )
Controls Modify Behavior At PayPal Checkout
Customizes Prices, Payments & Billing Cycle
PayPal ( Buy Now )
One Time ( for lifetime access, non-recurring )
PayPal ( Subscriptions )
Daily ( recurring charge, for ongoing access )
Weekly ( recurring charge, for ongoing access )
Bi-Weekly ( recurring charge, for ongoing access )
Monthly ( recurring charge, for ongoing access )
Bi-Monthly ( recurring charge, for ongoing access )
Quarterly ( recurring charge, for ongoing access )
Yearly ( recurring charge, for ongoing access )
One Time ( for 1 day access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 2 day access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 3 day access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 4 day access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 5 day access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 6 day access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 1 week access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 2 week access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 3 week access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 1 month access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 2 month access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 3 month access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 4 month access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 5 month access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 6 month access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 1 year access, non-recurring )
One Time ( for 1 day access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 2 day access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 3 day access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 4 day access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 5 day access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 6 day access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 1 week access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 2 week access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 3 week access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 1 month access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 2 month access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 3 month access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 4 month access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 5 month access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 6 month access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 1 year access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 2 year access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 3 year access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 4 year access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for 5 year access, non-recurring, no trial )
One Time ( for lifetime access, non-recurring, no trial )
Expires In Hours
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 2 hours )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 4 hours )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 6 hours )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 8 hours )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 10 hours )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 12 hours )
Expires In Days
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 1 day )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 2 days )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 3 days )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 4 days )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 5 days )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 6 days )
Expires In Weeks
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 1 week )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 2 weeks )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 3 weeks )
Expires In Months
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 1 month )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 2 months )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 3 months )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 6 months )
Expires In Years
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 1 year )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 2 years )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 3 years )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 4 years )
Buy Now ( Specific Post/Page, link valid for 5 years )
ERROR: Unexpected status. Please contact Support for assistance.\n\nThe AliPay
status did NOT match a required action.
ERROR: Unable to verify POST vars. Please contact Support for assistance.\n\nThis
is most likely related to an invalid AliPay configuration. If you are the site
owner, please check: optimizeMember -> AliPay Options.
<strong>Billing termination confirmed.</strong> Your account has been cancelled.
<strong>Billing terminated.</strong> Your account has been cancelled.
You're <strong>NOT</strong> logged in.
<strong>Thank you.</strong> Your account has been updated.<br />&mdash; Please <a
href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\">log back in</a> now.
<strong>Thank you.</strong> Your account has been approved.<br />&mdash; Please <a
href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\">login</a>.
<strong>Oops.</strong> A slight problem. Please contact Support for assistance.
<strong>Thank you.</strong> Your account has been approved.<br />&mdash; You'll
receive an email momentarily.
<strong>Unknown error.</strong> Please contact Support for assistance.
Security Code
Additional Info
American Express
<strong>Thank you.</strong> Please <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\">login</a>.
<strong>Thank you.</strong> You'll receive an email momentarily.
Authorize.Net configuration error. Please configure your Authorize.Net API Login
Authorize.Net configuration error. Your Authorize.Net API Transaction Key is not
yet configured.
Authorize.Net configuration error. Your Authorize.Net Secret MD5 Hash is not yet
You must <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\">log in</a> to cancel your account.
Nothing to cancel. You're NOT a paid Member.
Nothing to cancel. You have NO recurring fees.
You must <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\">log in</a> to update your billing
Nothing to update. You're NOT a paid Member.
Nothing to update. You have NO recurring fees. Or, your billing profile is no
longer active. Please contact Support if you need assistance.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"level\" attribute. Membership Level. Must be
numeric [0-%s].
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"level\" attribute. Membership Level. Must be
numeric [0-%s].
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"ccaps\" attribute. Custom Capabilities. When
provided, must be all lowercase [a-z_0-9,]. A preceding `-all,` directive is also
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"tp\" attribute. The Trial Period. When
provided, must be numeric.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"tp\" attribute. The Trial Period. When
provided, must be >= 1.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"tt\" attribute. The Trial Term. When \"tp\"
is provided, \"tt\" ( Trial Term ) must be one of D,W,M,Y.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"tt\" attribute. The Trial Term. When \"tp\"
is provided, \"tt\" ( Trial Term ) must be one of D,W,M,Y.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"custom\" attribute. When provided, must start
with your domain name.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"ids\" attribute. Must contain comma-delimited
Post/Page IDs.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"ids\" attribute. Must contain comma-delimited
Post/Page IDs. Must contain [0-9,] only.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"exp\" attribute. Specific Post/Page
Expiration ( in hours ). Must be numeric.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"exp\" attribute. Specific Post/Page
Expiration ( in hours ). Must be numeric.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"exp\" attribute. Specific Post/Page
Expiration ( in hours ). Must be >= 1.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"exp\" attribute. Specific Post/Page
Expiration ( in hours ). Must be <= 43800.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"sp_ids_exp\" internal attribute. Please check
Shortcode Attributes.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"sp_ids_exp\" internal attribute. Please check
Shortcode Attributes.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"desc\" attribute. Please provide a
Description for this form.
Invalid form configuration. Your \"desc\" ( Description ) attribute must be <= 100
characters long.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"custom\" attribute. Must start with your
domain name.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"custom\" attribute. Must start with your
domain name.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"cc\" attribute. Must be a 3 character
Currency Code.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"cc\" attribute. Must be a 3 character
Currency Code.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"ra\" attribute. The Regular Amount. Must be
>= 0.01.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"ra\" attribute. The Regular Amount. Must be
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"ra\" attribute. The Regular Amount. Must be
>= 0.01.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"ra\" attribute. The Regular Amount. Must be
<= 10000.00.
You must <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\">login</a> to update your billing plan.
You must <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\">login</a> before making this purchase.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"level\" attribute. Membership Level. Must be
numeric [1-%s], or an asterisk (*).
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"level\" attribute. Membership Level. Must be
numeric [1-%s], or an asterisk (*).
Invalid form configuration. Missing or invalid \"ccaps\" attribute. When \"level\"
is \"*\" for ( Independent Custom Capabilities ), \"ccaps\" is required. All
lowercase [a-z_0-9,]. A preceding `-all,` directive is also acceptable.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"custom\" attribute. Must start with matching
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"tt, tp\" attributes. The \"tt\" ( Trial
Term ) attribute is \"D\", and \"tp\" ( Trial Period ) > 365.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"tt, tp\" attributes. The \"tt\" ( Trial
Term ) attribute is \"W\", and \"tp\" ( Trial Period ) > 52.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"tt, tp\" attributes. The \"tt\" ( Trial
Term ) attribute is \"M\", and \"tp\" ( Trial Period ) > 12.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"tt, tp\" attributes. The \"tt\" ( Trial
Term ) attribute is \"Y\", and \"tp\" ( Trial Period ) > 1.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"ta\" attribute. The Trial Amount. When
provided, must be numeric.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"ta\" attribute. The Trial Amount. When
provided, must be >= 0.00.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"ta\" attribute. The Trial Amount. When
provided, must be <= 10000.00.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"rp\" attribute. The Regular Period. Must be
>= 1.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rp\" attribute. The Regular Period. Must be
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rp\" attribute. The Regular Period. Must be
>= 1.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"rt\" attribute. The Regular Term. Must be one
of D,W,M,Y,L.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rt\" attribute. The Regular Term. Must be one
of D,W,M,Y,L.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rt, rp, rr\" attributes. The \"rt\" ( Regular
Term ) attribute is \"D\", \"rp\" ( Regular Period ) > 365, and \"rr\" is
not \"BN\" ( Buy Now ).
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rt, rp, rr\" attributes. The \"rt\" ( Regular
Term ) attribute is \"D\", \"rp\" ( Regular Period ) is < 7, and \"rr\" is
not \"BN\" ( Buy Now ).
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rt, rp, rr\" attributes. The \"rt\" ( Regular
Term ) attribute is \"W\", \"rp\" ( Regular Period ) > 52, and \"rr\" is not \"BN\"
( Buy Now ).
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rt, rp, rr\" attributes. The \"rt\" ( Regular
Term ) attribute is \"M\", \"rp\" ( Regular Period ) > 12, and \"rr\" is not \"BN\"
( Buy Now ).
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rt, rp, rr\" attributes. The \"rt\" ( Regular
Term ) attribute is \"Y\", \"rp\" ( Regular Period ) > 5, and \"rr\" is not \"BN\"
( Buy Now ).
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rt, rp, rr\" attributes. The \"rt\" ( Regular
Term ) attribute is \"Y\", \"rp\" ( Regular Period ) > 1, and \"rr\" is not \"BN\"
( Buy Now ).
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rp, rt\" attributes. The \"rt\" ( Regular
Term ) attribute is \"L\" ( Lifetime ), and \"rp\" ( Regular Period ) > 1.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rt, rr\" attributes. The \"rt\" ( Regular
Term ) attribute is \"L\" ( Lifetime ), and \"rr\" is not \"BN\" ( Buy Now ).
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"level_ccaps_eotper\" attribute. Please check
Shortcode Attributes.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"level_ccaps_eotper\" attribute. Please check
Shortcode Attributes.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rr\" attribute. Regular Recurring. When
provided, must be 0, 1, or BN.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rr, tp\" attributes. The \"rr\" ( Regular
Recurring ) attribute is \"BN\" ( Buy Now ), and \"tp\" ( Trial Period ) is
not \"0\".
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"level, rr\" attributes. The \"level\" ( Level
) attribute is \"*\" for ( Independent Custom Capabilities ), and \"rr\" is
not \"BN\" ( Buy Now ).
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"ta, tp, tt\" attributes. Trial Period. When
provided, these cannot be exactly the same as your \"ra, rp, rt\" attributes.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rrt\" attribute. Recurring Times ( fixed ).
When provided, must be numeric.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rrt\" attribute. Recurring Times ( fixed ).
When provided, must be >= 1.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rr, rrt\" attributes. When \"rrt\"
( Recurring Times ) is provided, \"rr\" ( Regular Recurring ) must be 1.
Missing or invalid Security Code. Please try again.
Unable to process. You are an Administrator. Stopping here for security. Otherwise,
an Administrator could lose access.
Missing Card Type ( Billing Method ). Please try again.
Invalid Card Type ( Billing Method ). Please try again.
Missing Card Number. Please try again.
Missing Card Expiration Date ( mm/yyyy ). Please try again.
Invalid Card Expiration Date. Must be in this format ( mm/yyyy ). Please try again.
Missing Card Verification Code. It's on the back of your Card. 3-4 digits. Please
try again.
"Missing Card Start Date, or Issue again.
Missing Street Address. Please try again.
Missing City/Town. Please try again.
Missing State/Province. Please try again.
Missing Country. Please try again.
Missing Postal/Zip Code. Please try again.
Missing First Name. Please try again.
Missing Last Name. Please try again.
Missing or invalid Email Address. Please try again.
Invalid Email Address. Please try again.
That Email Address is already in use. Please try again.
Missing or invalid Username. Please try again.
Invalid Username. Please try again. Use ONLY lowercase alphanumerics.
That Username is already in use. Please try again.
Missing Password. Please try again.
Invalid Password. Must be at least 6 characters. Please try again.
Invalid Password. Max length is 20 characters. Please try again.
Password fields do NOT match. Please try again.
You must <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\">log in</a> to modify your billing plan.
You must <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\">log in</a> before making this purchase.
Unknown form submission type. Please contact Support.
<strong>Thank you.</strong> Your purchase has been approved.<br />&mdash; Please <a
href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\">click here</a> to proceed.
<strong>Oops.</strong> Unable to generate Access Link. Please contact Support for
<strong>Confirmed.</strong> Your billing information has been updated.
<strong>Unable to update.</strong> You have NO recurring fees. Or, your billing
profile is no longer active. Please contact Support if you need assistance.
<strong>Oops.</strong> No Subscr. ID. Please contact Support for assistance.
+ tax
COUPON %s off. ( Now: %s )
<div>Coupon: <strong>%s off</strong>. ( Now: <strong>%s</strong> )</div>
COUPON %s off. ( Now: %s, then %s )
<div>Coupon: <strong>%s off</strong>. ( Now: <strong>%s, then %s</strong> )</div>
<div>Sorry, your Coupon is not applicable.</div>
<div>Coupon: <strong>%s0.00 off</strong>.</div>
<div>Sorry, your Coupon cannot be applied to this particular purchase.</div>
<div>Sorry, your Coupon <strong>expired</strong>: <em>%s</em>.</div>
%1$s ~ ORIGINALLY: %2$s
<div>Sorry, your Coupon is N/A, invalid or expired.</div>
ERROR: Unexpected txnType. Please contact Support for assistance.\n\nThe ClickBank
txnType did not match a required action.
ERROR: Unable to verify POST vars. Please contact Support for assistance.\n\nThis
is most likely related to an invalid ClickBank configuration. If you are the site
owner, please check: optimizeMember -> ClickBank Options.
<strong>Reminder:</strong> Purchases at this site will appear on your credit card
or bank statement as: <code>ClickBank</code> or <code>CLKBANK*COM</code>.
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<strong>Sorry.</strong> Your account is pending other changes. Please try again in
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PayPal configuration error. Please configure your PayPal Email Address.
PayPal configuration error. Your PayPal API Username is not yet configured.
PayPal configuration error. Your PayPal API Password is not yet configured.
PayPal configuration error. Your PayPal API Signature is not yet configured.
Please <a href=\"%s\" rel=\"nofollow\">log in at PayPal</a> to update your billing
<strong>Unable to update at this time.</strong> Your account is pending other
changes. Please try again in 15 minutes.
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"dg\" attribute. Digital indicator. Must be
numeric [0-1].
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"dg\" attribute. Digital indicator. Must be
numeric [0-1].
Invalid form configuration. Missing \"ns\" attribute. Shipping configuration. Must
be numeric [0-2].
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"ns\" attribute. Shipping configuration. Must
be numeric [0-2].
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"ns\" attribute. Shipping configuration. Must
be 1 with \"dg\" ( digital ) items.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"lc\" attribute. Locale Code. When provided,
must be a 2 character country code.
Invalid Payflow form configuration. Invalid \"rt, rp, rr\" attributes. Payflow
supports a specific set of recurring intervals. Pro Forms can be configured to
charge: weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, every six months, or yearly. Any
other combination results in this error. This is a Payflow limitation. Note that
Payflow does NOT support daily and/or bi-monthly billing.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rr, rra\" attributes. When \"rr\" ( Regular
Recurring ) is 0 or 1, \"rra\" ( Recurring Retry Attempts ) must be numeric.
Invalid form configuration. Invalid \"rr, rra\" attributes. When \"rr\" ( Regular
Recurring ) is 0 or 1, \"rra\" ( Recurring Retry Attempts ) must be >= 0.
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Thanks %%%%first_name%%%%! Your membership has been approved.\n\n%%%%item_name%%%
%\n\nSubscr. ID: %%%%subscr_id%%%%\nCharges today: $%%%%initial%%%%\nRecurring
charges: $%%%%recurring/regular_cycle%%%%\n\nYour Username/Password will arrive
shortly, in a separate email. If you have any trouble, please feel free to contact
us.\n\nBest Regards,\n%s
Thanks %%%%first_name%%%%!\n\n%%%%item_name%%%%\n\nTransaction ID: %%%%txn_id%%%
%\nCharges today: $%%%%amount%%%%\n\nYour order can be retrieved here:\n%%%
%sp_access_url%%%%\n( link expires in %%%%sp_access_exp%%%% )\n\nIf you have any
trouble, please feel free to contact us.\n\nBest Regards,\n%s
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