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1999 I I ol lb


Molch Ltst r wnh Ltsr II and selecr the The heat transferred m a themtodynamtc
correct cycle of a system COilSISUng of' fhur
Lisl l (l'nmmdcr) proc<'sses IS 0. 8. 6 and -4
A. umts. The ne1 change m the mtcmnl

B Densuy energy of the systeUl will be
C 0, -8
0 Wor1< b J.CI'O
List II (Property) I()
1. Path Iunelion d -10
Ir a sySiem undergoes an rneverstble

2 prtJPi:ri)- 5
J proreny adiabatic process, tllcn (symbols have
-1 Potnl fut1CIIOII osual rnellntng.<:t

Codes a. =0 llfrti A'>' > 0
A B 0 C '/
3 2 4 ' b J Ji =OauJ M=O
b. 3 2 I 4
c f ....:...>Oawl

1 2 Rauo ot'spcc,nc heat$ lbr an rdcal gas is

given hy (symbols have the IJSuaJ
d. f J(JT < 0 0111/ AS < 0
meanmg) !J. Dunng o process \\11h heat nnd work.
I mleracuons. d1e tmemol energy of o
1-1/f('r system by 30 kJ 111c amounts or
heat and work mteracuons are

b a. - SQ kJ and .go kJ
h -50kJand801d
r . 501cJ and &OicJ
I+C ,I ll d 50 kJnnd - 80 kJ

I 7 l'lw mmhemuucal condi!Jons at Ute Cfthcal

d pomt fur a pure suhstnnce \\Ould be
or iJ'p

3 .l 1\ n Ideal gas contained m.a ril!Jd mnk is - <!1;- , =0

Ct.lOied, such that T, < r, o.nd fl! < p, In Cll
the given tempemture-enrropy diagram. b -cp 0 iJ'p 0
zy,, ; -iht"".., < lJ'I!'
a, -
II d i''p

this pr()Cl'SS path IS represented by the line

labelled i)p i'' ,, i'l',,
p, c =Omtrl-, <n
T iN L'!r i'lc

ilJJ v-: tt
- 0. - . =O oud-0
a, nv ev
'1'11'(}-phast in the give11 pre;.-sure-
volume dtt\Srdrn ot' u pure substance are
represented by
a. A
b a
.: c
cl D
1 of l o
,. IU Winch one of
hent engtne
followmg hypothetical
represents maxtmum
llT, K

J> ,
JCO .. L\LJ ' A f
I s

u. A_ E wlllJo
b. C lltld J;>
"- 13. I) unH
d A, Cund fi
1), "' o he'll! eogtne cycles (I ' 3 I nnd
1---2.- 3- 1) are shown 0 11 'I-s co-

ordinntcs m
On prcssurc.volut)!c coordillutcs, tllcM: l s
cycles uru best rl!pr.:sunwd liS

, l 1'

ra [/
3. )'


3. j s
v ll. The m<rui cl'fective pr.:ssure of the
(b) p thermodymunic cycle shown Jn lite
dtngrrun 15' - - -


l. I'
2 - -1------l

: 001 l'lm11

J. Y
" 3.0 bat
b. 35 bnr
(dl p c. I 0 bar
d 4 j bar
1:! In nn ideal Mtcam power cycle woth the
same iniaL pressun:, the low dJyness
fiucuoo or steam m the last of
e.\"jlartSion process can be avoided
a. provtdinj1
J tJ{ ltJ
b providing rehealing
C! reducing the superheat
d. lowering the condenser pressure
13 The air standard efficiency of Diesel cycle
w111 be less than that of Olio cycle in the h
case of .\, P
a. same cnmpresslon raclo Md same heat
b same ma.'<lmum pressure and .same:.
heat inpnt

(C same pressure and same h
output Codes:
d. same muimum and s,ame A B c D
temperature a. I 4 1 3
14 Match List I (T$ diag11lJnS) with List II b. I 4 3 2

(P-h diagrams) and select the Cll110CL 4 3 2
answer: "'d. 2 3
List I 15 The loss due to lrreversibTifty ln the

expansion valve of a refrtscration cyrJe
shown in the gil' en figure i$ represemed by
the area under the line
ra T
a. OB
b, AG
s AH


d. an
n m

16. The varlation of 11 ow through a
nozzle wlfh variation
k I in ex it pressure is represented as


j M ../p, - JO


s lh)
List ll
J. P

f O(t I' ' I' -1 1


CO p,lp- II)
l 111 Ill

d Llund-1
20 Thi: blllde for the n01..tlf bludc 1'\lW
or lhc first stngc of un Impulse turbine Is

ao P-ili -
rhe crllicllJ prc>.Sure mtiu (I', II; ) for
max1mutn d1sc.harge thmugh a no?.zlc IS
bc!il 1eprcscnt-d



. ide-


d. ( .. : t r ..

18 I he variation or outlet
tempermurc with vnnalion of lond .n the 21 Consider the, Sllltements
cuse of convecthe type ond type an 1mpul:>e turbme
I vrJocit) 111 the Inlet nnd of

ra the rtnor bl3dc' ure the same
2 Absolute velodt) the inlet nnd
of the r01or blades are
3 Su1Uc pressure w1lhm rotor
clwnnel 1> constant

i, ...,... I ' '"' -I_ ToUJJ prli>Ssure '" tlun the totur blade
cunnel IS conswnl


or tltesc >lntclncm.s
a. I and -1 are correct
b 2 aud 3 are corrc;;t
.l[X c I ond 31ire correct

d 2 and 4 arc correct

Tite gJVcn figure represents velocity
dingr:un tor u turbo machmc stage. The
... ,

stage in question is



I Cunsidet the fo!IQwtnl) u

I Sarct) vnlvc o. pmver nbs<:irbmg and 50% rcacllnn
2 Fusible ptvg b po1er absorb tog and tmpuJsc
1 Jieed wmer pump c Jl<lWer gcaernting nnd 50% reacticm
-1 . Pressure !);11ig_e d power genci'iltmg nnd impulse
The botler mountmgs would 2J.. Fur 'Q'- U1c speed of
pump n. N'
tu.llr 111th the
" I. 3und 4 some head, the s)11:cl lic speed ilo:
b 3 :md -1 D. N.
ot lb
b. N,l .[i b 2.4(>
c. .[i c:. 3.69
d. 2N, J .
24 Which one of the following figures 2ti Consider the following
r.:presenti tlteorelic(tl he;td versw; Umnium oxtde ts chosen as tucl clement m
curves for o ccmrifugal pump the nuclear reactors. because Urnnfum
With tbrwnrd. radial and back11 ard c ut\ cd OKode
vnncs'l I is more srublc dtan tJrunium
llol 2. docs not Ct\ITO<lc casilv

3. Is more britlle
"' has dimensional
t\mong sl:nemenls
a, 1, 2 und arc correct
b. I, 2 and 3 nrc correct
c. I, 2. 3 nnd 4 nrc c'<'lrrcct

H d 3 :md c<mect
29 Energy relel)sed by U1e fissoon of one 11-
235 ntom is nearly

a. 2000 MeV
b. t()(]{jMeV
c. 200 MeV
ra d 20t.I.:V
30 Match List I (Comp<>flefil) with t.rst n
(Propcnics) to !he context o l noclcat
and select the correct nuswer'
0 J.is1 I
A Coolnm
B Moderator
C Fuel

D. Slueld
I. isIll
25. For an impulse turbine with eJ<Jt <j>' .
I l,ow oteutroo ab>OI'(HiOtl
tho maximum hydraulic efliticuc) is
2. lllw radialil)ll

n. 3. lligh heat trnnsfcr

1-ttll,h obsorption ofrudlntfon


c c;os;) 8.

c. I 3 4 2
d. d. l J l .j
31. Motel! Ltsl List II and select the

26. I he location of surge mnk in n high hcaJ

hydraulic power plant \\OIJid be corn.-ci unswcr:
n. nearer to the dam List I (Warer Turbines)
b. ul powerhouse 1\. Pelton
c. neare.'lto the po1vcrhouse B Frnncis
C. l..oplnn
27 The numb(t of fnsl ueurron;,
produced In th" fl$sion of tm U-235 ntQm I High hcad nnd low dosciHllll,t
2. High head and high
ll. 1.23 3. Medium head and medium dillchar@<
4. Low hc:od a1td l. Gauge
('odes: 2. Loco I atmospheric pressure
A t 3 Relative density
I 3 2 -4. Pf'CS!lure dil1acntlo l
to. 1 3 4 Codes:
2 3 .\ H C D
"'d. ,2

4 h. ]. J 4
32 Mntch Li.t l with Lt.t u in ""'Peel of b. 3 2 I 4
nuclear reactor and sele<:l the c J 2 4 1

;utswer: tl 2 J 4 L 36. rn,e conllnu1ty equation for 3dimensional
A, Po.tsoo Oow iltt ltlt'+ O\ol t)v+ O>II @ = U i!
B. ModC1atoo: npplic.blo lO havo usual
c. Cladding moun.ings)
o. Product u. steady t1ow

1 ist u b. unifonn now
l. H.uitium c, ideal lluicl llo11
2. Grnphitc d. i<kfilllS well as tluicllloll'

3. Zlrconiunl 37. oqu:uion ll'P - ,;12 > S)t =
1. Sll'onlium90 constant: is applicab!o for
A B (' D a. s1cady3 rrictionlcss incompressible
a, I Oow aiQng streamline
2 4
I z
t 3
3 4.
h. uDili>nll and frictionlclll! l1v1'
streom linc when pis 11 function ol'p

d. 1 2 4 3 c. teady nnd flow oJo11g

33. At the iJf And u ul sll'c; "hL-n pis function. ofp
I'C:$1, the l'"""""rc is d. t<:ndy, uniform ond
,,, higher On compnred to OQ\\1 alrmg a o\nlamline
that on convex 'l'wo adenlical pipes of length '1.',

b on vex side compared to that diameterd' and JHelloo facloo r are

ou ooneave. sido coDJlectcd in parallel bolw""n two points.
c, oeq""J 011 bollt $ides For tha tobtl volume flow rate witb
t.l e<tn l tn rlivi4od h.l pipe of same diameter d' and $.1 me

rndiu8 of curvatu"' em friotiou factor 'f. the single JengU1 of the

A rec:tangulat" lank of base 3m 3m pipo will b"
C<lutllin> oil of specific gJUvity O.M up (Q u a. L/2

huighl of 8 m. When it i.!. ccelornlod nt b.

.1.45 ml<' vertically UJ>Wards, the force on
laM of the lAnk will b4 " JiL
d. [J4

a. 29-WO N 39, Twn \

uf ditl'ett:nt are.a r:Uju.lli
b. 11R! connecto:d a1 dirferent i(M of "
c. 78400 N l>ipcline lC! mcA$111" SimilM

d. 4!J050N tUliJIOitletm ore \l.!lcd n.:fOn tl1e two

35 List I w1tb ),i,n U and sele<:t !he venturimeters tO <'ogister the
correct tumver ' l'he firsl venturimdteuo of >n:a
List I (Oc:vio<=l rntio 2 o ho:d dill'or<-1100 It, while
A. 13DI'(JrtiOI01' lhc second vcn luriJneters regitel'!) ' Slt
13. H ydrometer The raliu lor the

C. U-tubl: monomcter
1'), B<111rdnn v uge
. 3
List H (Use) 11. 4
c 5
7 ut to
'L 6 2. Noncondmsablc gnscs ore pteScnt in
IIH f'he thid."ll""S of L1minur oonndnry Ioyer at the system
a distance x
from tlte leading edge over 3 Uf of lubricating oil in
!lnt plot!> ''ries os eonJ.,n;cr:
:t. X 4. Of low c:b:u'gC of rc:frigerrull in tlte
h. X 111
c. X' ) <
d S. I. 3 ..t are cnrrecl
41. the rollrlwing coeflicients; G. I. 2 and 3 are c(ll'r<-cl
I, 2 una 4 arc L'OITect

(Re Reynold nutuber) 7.
1. 1.328 for lanwm Jlo\1 8.1, 3 und .j. ""' cwrcct
2. 0.72 R<:f'""' f<Jf turbplom flow -15. Comidcr the following
3. 0.072Re li>l l torlurbulcnt 00\\ Dry compress10Jl in recfprO<lating
4 . 1.028 Re-(MI lor laminar flow Cilmpreuods preferred bee.; use It
f'he of dntg for :1 rfat<> 1.. prevents valve damage.

2. usc of Utermostlic a.'f'BUSion
:1. l and 2 \nil e.
b. 2 l1od 3. minimi?,eS in ll1e

c. 1 oml3 comprt!l''l'
d, ;I ond 4 4. prevents washing o!ll ol'lubrlcnl ing oil
Wbieh of the t"ollowmg ore the $pedal from "J Iinde! wollJJ,

ra uf her If} sea led Of these
tmtlpl'<:ssor elf" rofrigerah!l'l A. I 4lld 2 t!OITOCL
f. The COIIlpte!SOC b.: I' b. 2 -and 3 nr-e c.orrect
lo tot,1ry type. I and 4 nrc correct
2. No shoft $e:ll i. ni'Ccss:!ry 3 More d. 3 ond 4 nrc c<!JT<;Ct
silent in opetatioo. lvt.tcb LLSi I List 1J nod seleot Ute
3. COP j, rotJte tllon tbltl of 011n corwct
A. Lisi 1 (Refrigerant)

o. 2l1nd4 B. Dicb loro-difluorntneU1ane

b. l. lnnd3 C. \Vnter
c. 1.3und4 D. Molltyl chloride
d, 2, Sand 4 f;

43. Con!ticltr tbe foUuwwg stotements: J. List Il (Dtsi$ftut.iou)

lltc 11 in c!<'lflillary tube OJ' a 2. R 718
rcfrigerotm bec<lusc 3, R22

I Tube woll oflm ...,.istan,.., 4. R 10

2, ltl'rigerJnt ;n:celeroles in Ihe htlle. 5 R 12
3. 'fohc lransfet> the heuL C'odes:

.t Potential ene-gy decreases. A .B C D

Of Utcte statomcnts 4 2 3
.o,. l and 2 urc con'cct b. 1 4 3 2

b. 1. 2lllld 3 arc COI1\1CI 1 4 2 3

c. 2 ond ol nre corrccl d. 4 l 3 2
d 3 nnd -1 arc correel ol7. Cmuider the following stotemcnt.s:
Consider tha following statements: I. In Freon 22 l')lstem, dmlcinJr
lligh prenure in n refril!ernlion genernlly does not occur,
systctll can occur because 2. Frcv11 II nwinl} u.;cd ln lnr:g<>
I Titc "uler llnw nltc iij 1\)1\,. thou the eopacity aif'.conditioning plnub. with
deoirc:<l cen1rifugol compr.:!!gQrs.
8 of If
3. 1'1'>:8CI1CO (II fubriCJJIIng (II] Ut b outl.:t temperoture i eqWIJ to the 11t1
.:vAporaiOr 11 iII tncrc.uc the b>:ot bulb temperature ol' ombient rr
cucllidcnt. c:. inl.:t tempernture IS e<:Jul to til)' holb
4. Rdngcrnt> Uut ore of nnbienlatr
micihlo wilh oil do ntll oil d. oUI.Icl tcmpcratw-.: i equal to df)' bulb
chol;ins temp""'lure of:unhiml air
orthc$c; <141cmcnl 52. A.set1ioo (,\) : An tmp()rtnt f'e.>turt of
' 1. 2 3 are e<tm.xt fllm luhnation that Qno:: a lubncant
b. I. 2 :tJld .UO OOrrt.'Cl film is formed on the mtmg surfaced b)
numws the bearing \\ ilh lubnc.tnl

c. 2. 3 """ rc .:om:ct
d I. lnd 4 ro <lOrre.:t h,mg htgb dC!= of oilmc;,s!. 11 lj
-IX If umpl of motJt air of SU. rc:ltivo possible to change to lubncanl 11 itlt a
humodtl)' t tmo-phcric mw::b lo" cr oiliucu.
.;l)ntprc...:d lU pr..,>UtO of ltc,,.on (R) Lubriunt> of bil!h oilincu >n:
rno almosph<!t<!S. then luble to dec:ompoae or oxt<tue and hence

A.- it, relatiVe hunndity "111 to re not suitable for geuenl lubrM:uon
zs. . purpos<:S.
b. it. rc:lotl\c loumtdttv "ill Both A :tnd R are true onJ R t the
cone<:1 e1<plan.11inn of,<\


c.. tlt<l sample or ir will bo:ome utuntcd b, Both A and Rare true but R tS NO I the
lL pu:..,)!Utc \\,11 tu com:ct explanation oJ A
c. A lruo but R rs f.tlse
"""" the
d. A is f.1Jsc: bu1 Rio vue
tcmpcrntw"C u
r.u. when
bud) 53. 1\sscrtioo IAt: Pred back il nocc..nry in
any automatic control .system,
a. mot" than wet bulb lcon pcrnlutv but Rc:tS<>n(R); improvc:s Mtahihty
less 1hnn Jry bulb lompcraturo oftbe system.
h, mon: than dew puint but i.'S!! thart wet 131111 1\ nnd R at-e hUo and R "' thll
bulb tontllet illUt'e cnrre<:t ex:pb nntion or A
'"'s b Both \ and R.1re Ime but R .- NO I' 1ho

c.. mot" than dew poirtl but tllon dr)

hulh temperature correct ex:planotion of A
d. les thn dew poini c.. A i true but R i& false
SH ICtllnwmg KtMc:mc:nts d. t\ false but R i. trUe
Asscciuo (A ): A qllllrc &eeuon u ntor"e

EJJ'echve tempcrhllo i> NOT true

oomfon iud<>J< b=uH ""on<>micol in bending tlun tlte dt'I!Uiar
I. mo)' be ""l'crtc:nced at section of same :areo of cros.-sectlon
e.'!lrcmd) hig)l or low Re:tson (Rl: llre modulu uf the S<jtarc

2 the r.1dilltoon eOC:ct of' iWToundmg section is less than \bat of car<Uiar
not bc"l'l I.J.c:n inU of same orca ofcrost"'ection.
lt:COunL a Both A and R re true and R 1he

3, it P'-'m"" thQabsence of dr:lfu. c:onect of A

Of these: totemc:nu b. Bollt \ nd lUre true l>ut R h I':OT the
I 2 ond .l re oXJITCCI c:otn:elex:plan.ttion of A

c \ ;,. vue hut R ,. fa be

b I and 2 re c:nrre.:t
c I artl .' d. A is flse but R is true
d. 2 nd 3 on: "l)n.:<t ,S. Assertion (A)ln a somply <uppnrted beom
S I. If" c:t bulb deprasion is cqul tu the oum c.:lllJ ins conccnlrlic:d load at thc: mul
sp>IL both the shear force anJ bwdmJ!
of rnnse ond opprooc:h of. coolulJ! lDwcr.
momc:nl diagromo liJ'c lriangul:u- m nam..-
t lien lhe " ter
"'thour an)' chong.: in KlSJI .
inlet lt;nlpcralurc; l'j Ul lllc IICt
Reason (R): Wltcn Uto hear ltlroc; at an\
hulb tC1n1cnture of lnthicnltur
5Cd.ic)n of J beam 1.c:ru m chttugclil liign.
9 of I<>
the bcn<rmg moment pi tllllt secticm l> 1>, Bodt J\ and R:lrowe but R is NOT tlte
corred explnnnticm ofA
a. Botb A 01nd R tnoe <1nd R jg th.: c. A is true buLR is fal<e
OOD'CCt cxpiAltlltlUtl Of A d. A is false but R i$ true
b. Both _\ und R.'U'e tnJC:o but R is NOT tlou GO. Asscrtivn (A): During ctiltiug. the
cnrroct explo!l'ltlon of A kepi tlu<Hied with coolotoL
c. A is true buo R is Reason tR): The oxido1ion of diamond
d. A. is raise bm R is lrue stan:.\ abuut4Sor
56. .'\S$q1iOn (A)! PloiSoom' > l'"tiil ura motcriul !lotio A and R ure true and R Js the
is IIIOMW'C of its duolillt) . oom:ct Cl<plnu,,tlon of A

(R}I For every linenr h'nin in lhe b. BoU1 t\ and Rare lnoe but R is 1\0T tbe
lin:ct1on or
force. PoiuiiS rotlo of th<: correcl expl:mmion of A
muterinl the L1tt:rl str:oin in c. A is true bul I{ is false
ditcoti.Onl! the ur d. Au; f,olse b111 R is true
tor.:e. 61. Assertion (A): The 9111dc 111' &dnding

n. Bnlh 1\ nd R an: true nnd R o tho is mca.,urc of hardness of the
correct of A abrasive lor ohc wheel.
b. Bolio A und Ratc true but R is NO'f the ReMon (R): Qr:oding is necessry for

con'Cct exvlnnntiou oL<\ 1t1aking right selection o[ U1e wheel foo a
1:. A is true but R i'll Hille particulAr work.
tl. A is fZLiie bnt R L< true a. Do01 A lond R """ hue oncl R L the
57 1\!!Sertilm (A): Fire hoh<i hnikl1' have tuick' CC)rrect e>:plnnntion of A
rc:spQnse Ill lond chnllt:S
Reoson (R) tube hollers loave laJ'go
water storug,o cap.auily ;md hence o. A is
b. !loth A and Rare Ime but is NOT the
correct expbMtiun ur A
but R is false
pre:<$We nhnng"" c:uo meel d. i\ if; flllst but R is U'UC:
demnds. 62, AliO<'flion (A)! 1'hc rote uf !low of noctal
,,, f3oth A and R are tnoe and R i8 tloe through sprue i }II( )'f' n f\onction of the
con'il;,t CXJ>Innnt.iun oJ A cmssS'ectfootal area ur spmd. nuwer nnd

b. Both A and Rrc true but R i.\ XOT tloc gate.

or A Reason (R): lf respecti"' <!raS!iKectioruol
A is true but R is faille area. of spt'lle. runner :md got.c are in the
.1. ,>.is ntlso but R is true mtill .,r
I 2 : 2. the i. known as
S8. (;\): cycle os tmt unprcssurisctlgotins

suitable for a. Bolb t\ nnd R are 11\lJ) and R the

lRJ; A reciprocating engine c:mnol e:-:plonmion or A
h3\e C(lmplet" e.xpaJlllioo. b. BolloA and Rare tmo but R IS NO'!' lhe

Ruth A R nrc true and R i< the e.'tpion.1Lion ofA

<:XjJianntlun. A c:. A iw true b!lt R is fL<e
h. Uuth ,' \ :ondRIU1l true burR. iJo NOT the d. , \ i> l'al$c but R is toue

eoorrec1 e"'Pionnticm of A Assertion (;\}; Japnnose mass production

c, A is true bul R false method use
d A is but R islrne Renson !R1 Jnpanese rrroductlon

S!l Assertion (A): ln u vapour compression phllosopby Is tu t>ull svst"m of

rofrigorntioot s)stem. (ho condenser m:nu_lbelurc.
pressure sltould be kept Mlow "" po.,ible. a. l3olh A nnd R >rc lmo nnd R l the
Reoon IR): in condonser correct el<fllnation of A
!"dlleeo the refrigerating efli:ct b. A and R.'rc lnte but R $ NO I the
lnor.,a>l:!l tltt 1\ ork of oompi'I:'!Sion. correct of A
Both A nd R re ood R i rite .:. A II< trow bill R is fal!e
(;()JTec.l explulllltion nf 1\ d. A is false but R is true
IU o{ lo
Assertion (1\J: 1\ body with wide a. zero
J'o;ctangular cross-secti()rJ provides a hlgJtly b. W/2
srable shape In floatation c. w
Reason (R): nte centre of buoyancy shil"t!> d. infinity
the ti ppcd end conside1'1!hly tO 68 Match List 1 with List n and select the
provide a righting; couple correct answer:
a. Both A and R are true and R is the List I
correct explanation nf A A. Average uccelerat.i0t1
b .Both 1\ and Rare rn1e but R is NOT the R lnstamaneous acceleration
correct of A

C Unifonn motion
c A is hue but R raise 0 , Uniformly acceler-ated 1110tion
d. A is false but Itis true Llst U
55 A horizontal f(m:e M 200 N is applied at I. a - constant
' A" to lift the weight ' W' at Cas shown in 2 a =O
the given figure. The value of weigbt ' W'
3 !lv / 0J

will be
. A

A S C 0
. 2 4 3 1
b 4- J 2 I

(),) m
0, 3 2
ra d 3 4

1 Fulcrum
A DOX rests in the J'Car a truck IJIOVing
with a deceleration of 2 m/s1. To prevent
the box from sliding, the
'I IC value of coellicient of friction
B 1-- oll1S ,;; W between the box and the. btod <)f tht truck.
11.:lOON shoulll be

b. 400N 8 . 0.1

c. 600N b. (1,2
d. 8QON c. O.J
b6 Ct;msider rhe following st;ueml,'nlS d. 0.4

U' the distance s covered by 8 car on a 70 In the case of a tlywheel of mass moment
smuotb. road in ti111e' t' is equal to [L'( t I ) of inertia ' I' rotating at an angular velocity
+2), then the 'oJ'. the expression Yi llll2 repre.\entS the
I. velocity of tbc car will be a1 a. centrifugal force

l/3 b nngnlar momentum

2 velocity of the car is(3t! - 2 t) c. rorque
d. kinetic energy

acceleration of rnccari5'(6t-2)
i cnr will travel a distance of' units 71. Consider the f'ollowing, state1nents in
starting fron11'est respect of a body llXecutiug simple

Whlch oue of the r11Uowcug is correet'l

a. 1. 2andJ Periodic time is tbe time for one
b. 2, 3 co1nplcre revolution
c I 3and4 2 The acceleration is directed tM<llds
d. 1, 2and4 tbe centre of suspension.
67 A person, carry-ing on ltis head a jewellery 3. The acct!leration is- proportional to
box of weight ' W' jumpetf c.lown from the dlstauce f5om meau posi tiou.
lhird srorey of a building. Before toucbwg 4. The velocity will be maximum it
the ground. he would feed a load of passes through mean position.
magnitude Of theSe Sll\tcments
II ot In
u I, 2 and 3 are figure If mean torque r., JS JO m.
b 2.. 3 and 4 are com:cl lhe peak tOT<IUi! Tp' Will be
.: I. 3 are wm:c1 torque demund ls
d I 2 nnd 4 are corr.:cl
72 A lbur-IXIT ABCL) IS shown In
the g1ven figure Lf the hntrdr vetoed} v..
Of rhe p01ni ' U' IS 0.5 m/s. then the I 111eur r,
\ciOCII) 'V/ ofpolm C Will be


0.2S ;,./ \ 0I tn n
v. 1/ a 80 Nm
b 120Nm
c. 611 Nm
d 40Nm
D 77 The he1gh1 of a smtple Wml govemor

nmnm_g nt a speed N is proporltonal to
n. a. N
b. O.S b 1/N

0: 0.4 c. l
d. 0.2 m/s d tiN'
73 I r n rauo ot' ubnut 50 is requ1red Th<: C011lroll111g force curve or sprng-
In o geur dtiVI!, then the 11111St Joadcd govOJ'ItOr IS givctl by lbt equation li
groriug would be
ra = Itt - c. (11!we r is- Lltc rndius of rouuion
lL spur _ge-m or tl\e gov.:-nmr balls and a c are
b. bevel gears ronst:ml$) The gQvemor t!i
..-. Joublt? gears a. $tu1Jie
d worm und worm "'heel h unsmbte
74. A spring or stlll'ncss k' is from o c. isochronous
d1splncement 1 ID a The d inscnsmvc
work dot'e b) the spnng is 79 Two rotors ore moumcd 0 1\ u sbi\Jl Lf

I I ._. force lO tlnb CO\Ol is L'tiiiOI

tl, -/arl' --M in mngmtudc tn the unhalnnccd Ioree duo
1 1 -
I l
to lbe otber rQtor. but positioned esuctly
b ISO then the system wil l be

I .
o: H.r. + .t . r 3,
2 11 dynamically
2 t . sUtticnlly us "<'II tlynumknll1

2 d neil her stnlicnl l} nor dynamnlhlly
75 fn a ICC1prOC3\IIlg t.:nginc IIK.'Ch8n1SI1l. thl! Tbe prilnal) dn-cct cnmk of a n:c1procatmg
Crunk 11ntl rod of swne length r engute is located at rut angle 8 clockwtsc.

met.<:rll aru tight 11nglcs tu e<Jth at n The secoodt)l) cnulk 11ill l>e located
g1ven lostnnL, wbt'n the L"n!nk un nngle
angle of 4$" w1th IDC If tbe crook rotates a. 20 olockwtse

"nh a unililm1 velocity of rndls, tflo b 28nnllclt,ck\\lse

ungular uccelerdtion uf the rod c. 9
wnl be d. 8 wise
n .2N' r 8.1. Tltt? given ligure sho11 1ibranon> of a mass
h (')' r "M isolnted b) 1neans of springs and n
o m'/r I( o.n Cl<Wrnal F' sm
d lero r>t) Q<;ls on the moss nnd the da:mper is not
76 A simplified uommg momenr dtagrom of' n usc<L then
engutc is tn the gii'Cil
1 ul ll
F :A SID llll b 2
M u 16
87 L 1st I wuh Ltsl ll and o;eleea ahe
C(ltrCC111JlS\I e r
k k I i&l I
3 2 A. Polur moment nl" 1ncrtlo of sect1on
B. Buckling
u, w=,Ji;7lJ C t-loulr:ll
I D, Hoop stress

b IIJ=-./fiM LIJ;tJI
l I fhin cyllndrlillll
c. w= !..Jk U ' romon of shalls
tL m 2,JA ) CC)It.rmf!S
82 rh" imn3mlned force u mass- Bendmg of beams
Spn ng dumper sysacm will be grcotcr lhnn Cod.-s:

lhal lrunsmiated ahnlllgh rigid suppurl> for A B C D
uU due.,; of dampmg fuclors. t)' lhe a. ) ' l 4
Cr'Cquency rauo 1culmn l is b 2 J 4 I

a lhun ..{2 c 3 2 4 I
b. d 2 3 I

c. cq<wl 10 <me A holi0\1 circular shaft havang,

d le.<;:; than \lllC
ra duJmctcr ' D' nnd inside diumcl<!r d'
83 In a forced v1bmhon "tlh I'IScous !ubjectL'<l tu a COI'IStllltl awisting momenL
.U.mpmg. mmwnum amp Iitude occur:> r uiMg liS lt.mgth Ifrhe mnxunum shear
"hen the fon.-ed th:quency is stress prnduccd in the hafl ts lhcn the
a. equal to narurnl frequency tii'ISilng m(lrnent 'T' 1s g1vcn
b slighaly less than frequency ::t - a
c. slightly grenter than nntuml frequcnc) S ' II
u t.Cro

n' -.!'

R4 The r<lanr uf u aurbme genemlly mameu 16 II

at If IJ' - r/ 1
u. the crilicol s!X'Ild c. nu. o
b. n speed much below the cnucal )11eed d tr n'-,f'
a Spct'<l mucl\ ubove llte cr111csl >lX>ed

64(T' J)
d. a spc.:d hav1ng ntl tclaliun h') crii iCOI
89 A lwd perpendiCular lil lhe plane of the
handk IS applied ru the lrce end as shmvn
85 J'hc <'tJll\lll(ln a closrd-,,r u1 th< !!IYI.'n figun:. The vnlu.:s ul' Sheilr

lo(lp uutQIJltiiiC control S) 111

Force ( bl !lending Momenr (B M ) and
domam IS g11-cn b) D' + 20 4+ D
IQrqw dl II)< lixcd Qi' liw huJidlc have
I : U C'onsadcr Ihe fol!u11 ing s!Ukrtunas 111
lt!ii."rl detenn10i!d ri.'Sp-'1:\IVely a> 400 N.

1h1s regard,
340 Nm nnd 100 Nm bY a smdcnL Among
I, The "yslem 1S Loear:. these values. tlt<>:s<: <1f
2 The S) Slem IS "011-hncur

J The system 1.s stnble.

-1 The .system is unStable.
a I and 3 are correct
b. 2 and J arc correct
c I 1111d .j nrc oorrcc1
d. 2. and ttre cOITI!C\
86 Euler's formula for the eolwnns IS
giV<!II by P : klii'OIIr For such a. '\f , f3 M und are <:om.-c1

"uh both ends !heeL valu!.' ofk tS b. S.F und S.M. IITC correct
c BM und 1orqu1.1 nre corrc-el
s. I
U ul lo
d S.F and torque are correct I
A cantilcv't r carrying a unifomtly
distributed ioad is sltown in Figure-t If ! 'I
Select the <;<>rrect B 1\11 diagram of <he c.


figure-1 93 A Cantilover of rectangular cros>-
section is l m deep and 0,6 m thi ck If the
beam \llore to be u_o m deep and 1 m !hick.

ll1en beam would
a, be weakened times
b be wealreued 0.6 times
be >lrcngUtene(J 0.6 times
d. have the $ame strength as the original
beam because the cross-sectional area

remains the same
-====:]I Which one of tlu> paiis NOT
Matcl\ List 1 (Feature or application) wlw correctly Youn!!,' s tnodulus,

List II and select lite correct a = Coefl\.cient of linear T =
answer: 'Temperature nse, .A Atca of cross-
Ust l section I= Originallcnsth)
A engines a. Temperature strain with permitted
B !Ute of change of engine speed
C. Low speeds
D Gramophone mcch!Ulism
e"pansion li ((l'T I-ii)
b. Temperature.stress aTK
Li>l II c. Temperature a TEA
I Qu;tnlity goveming d. Temperature stress with permi tted
2 Isochronous govemor espansi0110 l!:(al t-IS )
J . Pickering governor
95 Which one of Jollowi ng pairs is NOT
4 Wntt governor

5 lnenia governors correctly IJI11tched?

a. Uniformly distributed stress Force
passes through Ute centroid of the
a, I 5 4 3
b Blastic deJ'ormatlon Work done by

b. 2 5 4 3
c. 5 2 ) 4 ex1emal forces during derormation Is
5 3 I 2
dissipated fully as bea1
o. l'orential energy of Strain. Body is in a
92. Tile beam is loaded as sbown in Eisure-l

state of deforn>ation
correct B.M_diagram
d . Hooke's law : Relation between stress

and strain

96 Match List 1 pmperties} with

List n (Technical deli nirion/requirement)
Ffgurt l
and select the correct

I r;----___1

A J-lardnl!lis

n. 1"'<1 : B Toughness
C Malleability
(), Ductility
List U
1 Perolmlage of elongation
b ' I
2 to lndeolatioo
J, Ability to absorb energy dUJin.s plastic
11or Ia
-1 i\blnty to rolled intu plates
Codes. (dl
A I) C D
n J 2 I 4
2 3 4 1
2 4 3 1
d 3 4 2
100. In om ortbogonal cutting rake
angle of the tool is 20" and friotion angle
Mohr's circle is
d Is 25.5" Using Merchant's shear angle.

rlllatirlnship, the of shear angle '"ill
lat .. be
" INfmm
a. 39 s
b. 42.25
c, 47 75
)!, d. so.s

101 The apprmtimate vruiaJion of tho tool 11 fe
n lNtmm<1 e."ppnenl n nf cemented t:aibide tOOl h
a. O.D3 to 0,08

b. 0.08 to 0.20

0.20 to 0.48
d, 0.48 to IJ,70
The coming 111atertals for coated carbide
ra tools, includes


a. liC. 11N and NaCN
b TiC and l'i N
0 0 ( i'l/11olll' l
c TiN and NaCN
d TiC
A measure of Rockwell hardness ls the
103 The type vi' thaL ocaurs due to tbe
a. depth otponcu'l!tio11 of iJJdemer cutting a(;l)on oftl1o particles Tn the cutting
b surface area of ind"l!tation fluid Ts refened to as

c. projected area of indentation a. atrrhions wear

d. height of rebound b. diffusion wear
99 Biaxial stress system Is shown in c. erosive wear
j3 d4 corrosive wear

JD r--
[04 To dri11 a 10 ou01 dlan1e1er bole through a
2 20 nun Otick MS. plate wfOt .a drill biL
()- }(j t'\utnil)g at 300 rpm and a feed of 0,25 mm
per rovolmion, time taken will bc.

20 r-
b. a, 8s
b. 16s

c, 24s
d. 32s
lOS Which one- of the following processing
sequt-nces will [pvc llio

sur1:1ce fmi sh?
a. Dri lling. reaming and grinding
b. Drilling, boring aud grinding
c. Drilliog. reawing and lap11it1g
d, Drilling. reaming and. electrop!ariog
106 Match List I (Unconventional nlachining
proces) with List ll (1'yplatl npplioodon)
and select 1he correct answer.
List I
15 Of II
A. Electro e. 2 3 5 4
a. F.Jectr< machining d. 2 3 4 5
C. l ' ltrasunic maehining 10!1. Opcn..eirtuit v<>llllge of 611 V and ;,urrc11L
D. L.'l., c'l' b<:am muebiniug nf 160 .\ Wtf'C lbe 11clding ctlndilions 10.
Lit n wee welding of a cortnin ci>Hli Qf .tee!
l Drilling micr(lml') le;; very hutd qf 10 mm. For ore wehling nf 3
mel.lls mm thjc); of some U1e
2. Urtllins in ''' elding volt:lgc and oumml would
3. l) ie inking 60Vnnd80A
4. 111ac:h\nin!!, )), 1'20 V and 160 A

Codes: " GO V and .10 A
A 13 C' D d 121) V ;md 40 A
J, 2 a I I Hi, For oper.oti()n of 1 I>lind hnlc:, the
b. .> .J- I 2 ly pc >froamcr rc:quiroJ
e. 4 3 2 L a. .trnigltt Dule reamer
d. 3 2 1 b. right hand spiral fluted rcomor

107. Mntdl l.i.t I t l'roces.) woth l1 c. left hnnd spin! flloled re.1mer
(l1roducliun of ports) and select the COI'rect d. none ,,rthe

nnswc:r; ln. \Vbicb of the following. ;uc lbc proccss""

l..ostl for U1eomoseltin2 mtcri:tls?
A. Rolling 1. Compoessloo-
B. Forg{ng 2. Transfer mould.lug
C. ];.'(iJlJs iOil
ra 3. Lljcction otoulding
1). Drawing 4.
LL Ll Selecl 1he correcl answer usmg the code.<
I. Disc:rete p:u'lS givt:n below:
2 . Rod and Wiro 11.l and 4
3. Wide of shapes with ohio walls b. I ond 2
-1 Flat pi:Ues Sheets .:. 2 and 3
5. Solid und hollow part> d. 2. 3 and

Codes: 112. Matoh List I (Shielding method) willl Llsl

A H C' I) U I Welding )nd elect the
:o. 2 5 :. -l- a.nSWc;r'!
b. I 2 S Lilltl
4 t 3 2 A. Flux coating

<1. 4 I S 2 R. Flux grilnUICH

IOS. Mntch 1)>1 I (Moulding. Proets.>) with C. CO:
U J\ gcul) select the coJ:J'c\!1
D. "ll""'""''

:.mtwt.:.r: Liot
I i<l I I onc:I;JI nrc"
A. Gre.;o 2 Subm<:rgt:d 1'! ""ldiog

B. Core &and 3. Shielded metl 11 elding

C. Shell mouliling 4. l,asor he:om welding
1), CO! prOcess j , Eh:d roo bc:.1m 11<:ldrng

I, S ilicnte A B C D
2. Orgnic I l S 3
3. r 111y b. 4 2 s
4. Pl.tstcr oll>:oris .:. 3 s 1 4
5. Plnslic d. 3 2 l 5
Codes: 113. Con.ider U1e followmg statement.: A
A D Jli'OCI!SS f,1)'1lUl
IL 3 l . hns mochinus of function.<
b. 3 2 l ammgcd in a
l !o uJ lb
1 balch productoon.
tS suitnblc for fhe cycle time for the nrerarion is
3 has much10e<> or different limttlions a 2.3 111111
nccordiuy. tn ,,n-'<!cssing b 25 111111
SCCIUC11CC. c. 2.71111TL
I is suimblo for muss producrion d. 2.2mm.
Of these 117 A sells 14.000 unus of ns
a, I und 2 nrc correct producL It has n Ynronbk cost of R.<, 15 pcr
b. J und 4 nre. correct umL 1-ixcd cos1 L< Rs. 47.000 nnd the

\!.... 2 nntl 3 ttu correet rguired profit iS R>, 23,0()0 Per unit
d I ami -1 ure correct prolluct pric.: (in Rs,) will
114 l'hc invcnlol) carr)'ing cost includes II. 60
tc el<penditure Inc urred f{)r paymeno of b 4(1
bills 0:. 30
b. placong an order d. 20
.::. receiVing o.nd l:nspectm,g J [ he I3)0Ut sumtble lbr the low demund

d. obsolcsc.,nce und dcpreciarion and high variet) rro duct IS'
115, Match L.istl (Thcrblogs symlml>) with I isr a (j roup loyou1
Jl (Motions) und select tl1e correct answer b layout-

I ist I Ia) out
d IU)'IlUl
A. ::\t: I I \1 Which one of' chc tbllowong pnics is NOT
B. "<:::::>' correctJy

c <0> a. Job pruducllon Pmceso<

raI iSlH
q,__ layout
b_ Mass pruducuou

c. J<1b prQductinn

I Fond mnchlnc
2.. Reliil d Job rr.1ducti(ln
3, 'frunspurt loudcd ru1 ardet
A>l;emblc 120. Dispntchcng lionctton of produOilOn

planning ond conrro l refers to

A B C [) a. dispnlc h of lin l;;hcd goods on order
0, I 2 J b movement of m ..proct$5 mnt.cnnl from
b 4 3 1 I shop to shop

t. 3 4 2 c. :mtborizing a production work mder lfl

d J I 2 bclounchcd
I I (\ A L.cft hond-R il!ht Hand aceivil) cllort is d disp01ch of hills and invokes t() tile
1ve11 bd()\\ : C::Ustnmer
...... ...'"'. ................

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