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Gabie Robinson

October 30, 2017


Hinduism and Buddhism

Hinduism and Buddhism are two religions that are very similar. First of all, they are both

considered to be nonviolent. Hinduism believes that Karma is the key to who you become in

your next life, so if you do something bad, then you are born in a worse part of society in your

next life while Buddhism believes that if you are violent, you will not have an enlightened soul,

so you will have to take the Eightfold path. My next point is, they both believe in the cycle of

rebirth and reincarnation with the ultimate goal of being freed from life on earth. Hinduism says

that if you truly achieve your dharma, then you will accomplish moksha, which means youre

being freed from the cycle of reincarnation. Buddhism says that if you follow the eightfold path

that your soul will be enlightened. Lastly, they are both in the top 4 of the most practiced

religions on the earth. Hinduism is the third most practiced religion with about one billion people

following it today.Buddhism is the fourth most popular religion with over 350 million people

practicing it today.

Even though there are many similarities to the two religions, there are also many

differences. First of all, Hinduism is more than 1000 years older than Buddhism. Hinduism

started in 1500 BCE. Buddhism started in 563 BCE. Secondly, one was started by one person

while the other wasnt. Hinduism was developed by a group of people with the same beliefs in
Brahman, but Buddhism was created by Siddhartha Gautama, who was supposed to be a king,

who left royalty behind at the age of 29 years old. Finally, one believes in a caste system while

the other does not. Hinduism has a caste system, or a ranking of social classes, while Buddhism

doesnt believe in the caste system, but believes that everyone is equal and has an opportunity for

enlightenment. Even though Hinduism and Buddhism are two different religions, they

demonstrate how all religions are related in a few common beliefs.

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