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11/8/2017 Central Learning Community : C85_HCM_FR_C : Tests & Quizzes

C85_HCM_FR_C Tests & Quizzes

Tests & Quizzes

03_CnU_Quiz2_Coding Process
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Part 1 of 1 - 87.5/ 100.0 Points

Question 1 of 20
Following Fsoft standard coding conventions, which naming convention is not correct? 5.0/ 5.0 Points

A. Method name must start with upper case letter and use an 'active verb'

B. Use a noun or noun phrase to name a class or code module

C. Avoid names that are similar or differ only in case

D. Variables names must start with lowercase

Question 2 of 20
Developer to perform the self review while s/he is coding to reach which of the following 5.0/ 5.0 Points

A. Requirement logics are implemented correctly

B. General programming practices are applied

C. The application input data is correct

D. No coding conventions or common defects existed

Question 3 of 20
Nhng iu g nn lm t chc peer review code c tt hn? 5.0/ 5.0 Points

A. Write everything down, especially decisions and action items

B. Dont take the criticism personally and offer only technical advice that will improve the code. Respect
others opinions, comments, and suggestions

C. Be careful with the scope of the review

D. "Ask yourself these question: Which review comments must be

addressed before proceeding in the life cycle? What are valid reasons
for missing a review? Who can cancel a review? " 1/6
11/8/2017 Central Learning Community : C85_HCM_FR_C : Tests & Quizzes

Question 4 of 20
Ti liu Checklist_Code Review ca Fsoft a ra cc trng hp cn review code v chia lm 5.0/ 5.0 Points
nhng phn chnh sau y:

A. "Source code
(Lin quan n ni dung cc dng lnh, hm...)"

B. "Commenting
(Lin quan n cc trng hp phi comment cho source code)"

C. "General
(Lin quan n cc vn thng gp trong khi reivew code)"

D. "Exception
(Lin quan n exception)"

Question 5 of 20
Eliminating errors in a program is also called ______ the program 5.0/ 5.0 Points

A. clarifying

B. coding

C. debugging

D. modularizing

Question 6 of 20
Output ca giai on Integrate Software Modules bao gm nhng sn phm no sau y? 5.0/ 5.0 Points

A. Integrated Software Package

B. Coding Summary Report

C. User Manual

D. System Description

Question 7 of 20
Code conventions are important to programmers, because: 5.0/ 5.0 Points

A. Hardly any software is maintained for its whole life by the original author.

B. If you ship your source code as a product, you need to make sure it is as well packaged and clean as
any other product you create 2/6
11/8/2017 Central Learning Community : C85_HCM_FR_C : Tests & Quizzes

C. Code conventions improve the readability of the software, allowing engineers to understand new code
more quickly and thoroughly

D. 80% of the lifetime cost of a piece of software goes to maintenance

Question 8 of 20
Benefits ca Peer Review Code bao gm: 5.0/ 5.0 Points

A. Improved communication

B. Less rework

C. Find many bugs

D. Developers have changes to do many works in project

Question 9 of 20
Following Fsoft standard coding conventions, you are recommended to avoid tab characters? 5.0/ 5.0 Points


Question 10 of 20
Common coding conventions may cover the following areas: 5.0/ 5.0 Points

A. Comment conventions

B. Programming practices

C. Error conventions

D. Naming conventions

Question 11 of 20
Benefits ca Peer Review Code bao gm: 5.0/ 5.0 Points

A. Peer reviews provide the distance needed to solve every problems

B. Peer reviews provide the distance needed to recognize problems

C. Fewer bugs

D. Team cohesiveness

Question 12 of 20
Please choose correct order of the following code review activities 0.0/ 5.0 Points
(1) Prepare for review
(2) Conduct Review
(3) Rework and Follow up
(4) Evaluate review results 3/6
11/8/2017 Central Learning Community : C85_HCM_FR_C : Tests & Quizzes

A. 1-3-2-4

B. 1-3-4-2

C. 1-2-4-3

D. 1-2-3-4

Question 13 of 20
Input ca giai on Create System Description/User Manual bao gm nhng sn phm no 0.0/ 5.0 Points
sau y?



C. Design

D. Software Package

Question 14 of 20
A(n) __________ is a list of instructions detailing the steps needed to perform a task. 5.0/ 5.0 Points

A. agenda

B. punch card

C. plan

D. program

Question 15 of 20
Following Fsoft standard coding conventions, when an expression will not fit on a single line, 5.0/ 5.0 Points
break it according to which of below principles?

A. Break after a number

B. Break after a logical operator.

C. Break after a comma

D. Break after an operator

Question 16 of 20
Tt c cc d n phn mm trn th gii phi s dng chung cc coding conventions cho d 5.0/ 5.0 Points
n mnh.

False 4/6
11/8/2017 Central Learning Community : C85_HCM_FR_C : Tests & Quizzes

Question 17 of 20
Input ca giai on Coding Library Modules bao gm nhng sn phm no sau y? 2.5/ 5.0 Points

A. Coding Plan

B. Coding Infrastructure has been setup

C. Coding Conventions

D. Designs

Question 18 of 20
Hy chn cch phng trnh li sau y: 5.0/ 5.0 Points
The logic of date is not checked, user can type Start date greater than End date, or From date is greater than
To date

A. Use checklist

B. Use CSS Style Sheet and GUI template

C. Use tool to test

D. Optimize design, code

Question 19 of 20
Following Fsoft standard coding conventions, two blank lines should be used in which case(s) 5.0/ 5.0 Points
among following cases?

A. Between logical sections inside a method

B. Before a block or single-line comment

C. Between sections of a source file

D. Between methods

Question 20 of 20
Program objectives, desired outputs, needed inputs, and processing requirements are all 5.0/ 5.0 Points
recorded in the

A. program specifications document

B. program tracking log

C. project management database

D. management information system 5/6
11/8/2017 Central Learning Community : C85_HCM_FR_C : Tests & Quizzes

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