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Comparative advantages and limitations of the

basic metrology methods applied to the
characterization of nanomaterials

Article in Nanoscale August 2013

DOI: 10.1039/c3nr02372a Source: PubMed


15 1,197

4 authors, including:

Pavel Linkov Mikhail Artemyev

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Belarusian State University


Igor Nabiev
Universit de Reims Champagne-Ardenne


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Comparative advantages and limitations of the basic

metrology methods applied to the characterization of
Cite this: Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 8781
Pavel Linkov,a Mikhail Artemyev,ab Anton E. Emovcd and Igor Nabiev*aef

Fabrication of modern nanomaterials and nanostructures with specic functional properties is both
scientically promising and commercially protable. The preparation and use of nanomaterials require
Received 8th May 2013
Accepted 12th July 2013
adequate methods for the control and characterization of their size, shape, chemical composition,
crystalline structure, energy levels, pathways and dynamics of physical and chemical processes during
DOI: 10.1039/c3nr02372a
their fabrication and further use. In this review, we discuss dierent instrumental methods for the analysis and metrology of materials and evaluate their advantages and limitations at the nanolevel.

1 Introduction its further progress strongly calls for advanced nano-

metrological techniques.
Nanotechnology is already a large industry and is expected to The importance of metrology for nanotechnologies is
continue to grow rapidly. Precise control of the sizes of objects obvious, since nanoscale structures cannot be manufactured
is the key issue of nanotechnology and nanoscience. The objects unless appropriate characterization methodologies are used.
they deal with are smaller than 100 nm and the necessary Therefore, the ever-increasing applications of nanomaterials in
precision for size measurement is oen as small as 0.1 nm semiconductor technologies, photonics, optoelectronics,
(Fig. 1). This requires new metrological approaches to be biotechnology and chemical sensing drive an increasing
developed, because the measurement techniques used for demand for nanometrology. One should measure a whole
conventional materials can rarely be directly applied to nano- number of physical characteristics to understand the physical
structures. The study of nanostructures and nanomaterials and chemical properties of nanoparticles and nanostructures.2,3
requires special protocols that take into account the physical These parameters should also be monitored when nano-
phenomena that only occur in nanosized systems. Arrangement particles are stored, because their changes with time in
of atoms or particles in nanostructures brings forth unusual, dierent environments may be considerable and are mainly still
sometimes exotic forms, such as fullerenes, coreshell nano- unknown. In addition, nanoparticles are oen coated with
particles, nanostructured metals and dendrites. This poses a surfactants or contaminants, these layers being not always
challenge for stereology and requires the development of suciently characterized or even adequately identied.4
equipment that would permit the production of reproducible Many reports focus on the size and morphology of nano-
nanostructures. Standards have to be set to match the advances structures, paying less attention to the interplay between the
in the production and numerous applications of nano- structure and function, as well as their dynamic nature. In this
structures. Nanoscience has emerged at the interface of biology, respect, more problems arise from the fact that the thermody-
chemistry and materials technology, underpinned by physics namics of nanoscale systems vary in dierent environments.
and rapidly developing computational materials science,1 and This adds real-time monitoring of the state of nanoscale objects
under various conditions and during various processes to the
list of challenges for nanometrology.5
Laboratory of Nano-Bioengineering, National Research Nuclear University, Moscow
Engineering Physics Institute, 31 Kashirskoe sh., 115409 Moscow, Russian
Hence, metrology plays an increasingly important role in
Federation. E-mail:; Web: nanoscience and nanotechnologies, with its development
Institute for Physico-Chemical Problems, Belarusian State University, 220050 Minsk, promising both scientic discoveries and opportunities for
Belarus commercialization.
Laboratory of Bionanotechnology, Shumakov Federal Research Center of There is a consensus that the new functionalities oered by
Transplantology and Articial Organs, 123182, Moscow, Russian Federation
nanoscale materials will give rise to a growing impact of nano-
SNOTRA LLC, 105318, Moscow, Russian Federation
enabled products over various markets.7 The development,
European Technological Platform Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Institute of Molecular
Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, James's Street, Dublin 8, Ireland
synthesis and characterization of novel nanomaterials,
Laboratory of Research in Nanosciences EA4682, Universite de Reims Champagne-
f including analysis of their structures, are generally considered
Ardenne, 51100 Reims, France critical for advancement of nanotechnology. This requires real-

This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 87818798 | 8781
Nanoscale Review

Fig. 1 The ISO classication of nanoobjects. Included as nanoobjects are nanoparticles (nanoscale in all three dimensions), nanobers (nanoscale in two dimensions)
and nanoplates or nanolayers (nanoscale in only one dimension). * The term nanoscale refers to a size between 1 and 100 nm. Copyright 2011, Wiley.6

time monitoring of the synthesis and manipulation processes at A summary of comparative advantages and limitations of the
the nanoscale. Therefore, nanometrology and suitable charac- basic metrology methods is presented in Table 1 and the details
terization techniques are of paramount importance for further of applications of these methods to the characterization of
progress in nanotechnology.8 nanomaterials are discussed below.
In this review, we discuss the principles, applications,
advantages and limitations of the following instrumental
2 Electron microscopic methods
methods for characterization of nanomaterials:
 Electron microscopic techniques, including Determination of the structure is essential for nanomaterial
- Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) research. TEM and SEM are the most popular electron micros-
- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) copy techniques that can be used to characterize the structural
 Scanning probe microscopic (SPM) approaches, including and surface properties of nanomaterials either directly or
- Atomic force microscopy indirectly.911 These techniques dier from one another in
- Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) surface sensitivity. The choice of the technique is determined by
 X-ray methods, including what information about the material is to be obtained (Fig. 2).
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) Electron microscopy yields two-dimensional images. The
- X-ray diraction (XRD) contrast mechanism is based on the scattering of electrons.
 Optical spectroscopic techniques, including Traditionally, sizes are measured in electron microscopic
- Absorption spectroscopy images by applying the intensity threshold uniformly over the
- Dynamic light scattering (DLS) or photon correlation image. Simple analysis allows the area and radius of the particle
spectroscopy (PCS) to be determined and the size histogram to be plotted.
- Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). If the sample is suciently thin, the modulation of electrons
transmitted through the sample, depending on the electron
ADF, annular dark-eld imaging; AFM, atomic force microscopy; BF, bright-eld; density, can be used to draw an electron density map. Other-
CSD, Cambridge structural database; DF, dark-eld; DLS, dynamic light scattering; wise, the sample is raster-scanned with a nely focused beam,
EDS, energy dispersive spectroscopy; EELS, electron energy-loss spectroscopy; EFM, and the reected electrons are used to form its topographical
electrostatic force microscopy; ESCA, electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis; image.
ESEM, environmental scanning electron microscopy; EPMA, electron probe
microanalyzer; EXAFS, extended X-ray absorption ne structure; FCS, uorescence
correlation spectroscopy; FIB, focused ion beam microscopy; HRTEM, 2.1 Transmission electron microscopy
high-resolution transmission electron microscopy; ICDD, international centre for
diraction data; LVEM, low-voltage electron microscopy; NIST, National Institute TEM is a tool for structural and chemical characterization with
of Standards and Technology; MFM, magnetic force microscopy; PCS, photon a high spatial resolution.9,12 Modern TEM can directly produce
correlation spectroscopy; SAXS, small angle X-ray scattering; SEM, scanning images of atoms in crystalline specimens at resolutions close to
electron microscopy; SESSA, simulation of electron spectra for surface analysis;
0.1 nm (smaller than the distance between atoms), which
SPM, scanning probe microscopy; STEM, scanning transmission electron
microscopy; STM, scanning tunneling microscopy; TEM, transmission electron
permits quantitative chemical analysis of a single nanocrystal.
microscopy; TOPO, tri-n-octylphosphine oxide; WAXS, wide angle X-ray scattering; This type of analysis is especially suitable for the range of sizes
XPS, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; XRD, X-ray diraction. from atomic ones to hundreds of nanometers. TEM can be used

8782 | Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 87818798 This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013
Table 1 An overview of basic methods for nanometrology

Methods Nanosystem analyzed Parameter measured Resolution Problems Ref.


Electron Transmission electron Clusters, nanocrystals, Morphology (particle size and shape); Lateral resolution, 0.1 The thickness limit is 200 nm. The 953
microscopy microscopy (TEM) nanoparticles, quantum crystallographic information (detection nm method entails time-consuming
methods dots, dendrimers, of atomic scale defects); compositional sample preparation to make it
nanowires, nanotubes, and information (the elements and thin; the eld of view is relatively
biomolecules compounds the sample is composed of); small; the sample may be
information on the phases present damaged by the electron beam,
(lattice spacing measurement); particularly in the case of
topography and elemental mapping biological materials; ultrahigh
(STEM) vacuum is required for atomic-
scale resolution, light atoms are
insuciently contrast
Scanning electron Atomic at surfaces, Topography (topography map, surface Depth, 0.55 nm; lateral SEM works only with conductive 5480
microscopy (SEM) nanoparticles and characteristics); morphology (particle resolution, 120 nm samples. The method requires
nanocrystals, multilayered shape and size); composition (elements high vacuum; the examination of

This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013

nanowires, carbon and compounds); crystallographic wet materials and biological
nanotubes, nanobers, and information (the arrangement of atoms) samples is dicult
Scanning probe Atomic force Both conductive and non- Topography, morphology, elasticity of Depth, 0.55 nm; lateral The single scan image size is 8196
microscopy microscopy (AFM) or conductive nanomaterials. the surface, frictional characteristics, resolution, 0.210.0 nm small. The AFM scanning speed is
methods scanning force Nanocrystals, nanotubes, specic molecular interactions and a limitation. The relatively slow
microscopy (SFM) and biological samples magnetic characteristics of the surface, rate of scanning during AFM
total density of (valence-) electron states imaging oen leads to a thermal
up to the Fermi level at the surface dri. AFM images may be aected
by hysteresis of the piezoelectric
Scanning tunneling Only conductive including Surface topology (size, shape, roughness, Depth, 0.55 nm; lateral STM works only with conductive 97115
microscopy (STM) semiconductor particles: defects, electronic structures and local resolution, 210 nm samples. It requires minimization
nanocrystals, thin lms, density of states). Surface properties, of all electrical and mechanical
nanotubes and molecules surface structures and surface reactions noises
and single point defects
X-ray methods X-ray photoelectron Nanoparticles, nanowires, Qualitative and quantitative elemental Depth, 0.510 nm; Considerable errors in analyzing 126156
spectroscopy (XPS) thin lms, composition in the top 110 nm surface lateral resolution, 5 chemically heterogeneous
semiconductors, polymers, layers. The chemical state identication nm50 mm surfaces; degradation during
and biomaterials of one or more of the elements in the analysis; the method requires
sample. The binding energy of one or high vacuum
more electronic states. The density of
electronic states
X-ray diraction (XRD) Nanoparticles, virus Surface topology, crystallographic Peak broadening at small crystal 157189
particles, polymers, thin information (the type of the crystal sizes makes it dicult to
lms, and biomolecules structure, interplanar dierences, determine the crystalline
ensemble spatial orientation, and charge structure of nanoparticles
distribution around atoms). Crystal
structure, chemical composition and
physical properties of materials and thin

Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 87818798 | 8783

Nanoscale Review



they absorb it; hence, the data are

Solid particles in a heterogeneous

intensity-biased towards larger or

towards more refractile particles

sample. In samples with an NP
sample scatter light more than

doubtful. Restriction to turbid

Average particle size, which is

mixture, analysis gravitates

contaminant particles in a

0.5 nm micrometer-


hydrodynamic radius of macromolecules

Volume concentration of the substance.

macromolecules or micelle equilibrium

particle diusion. The Stokes radius or
Indirect determination of particle size

hydrodynamic radius of particles; the

Particle size distributions, the rate of

or block copolymer micellar systems;

changes in the conformation of

Fig. 2 Schematic of the interactions of dierent types of electron and ion beams
with a sample and the types of signals that can be generated. Copyright 2012,
Parameter measured


to obtain information on the particle size, shape, crystallinity

and interparticle interaction. TEM also allows diraction
patterns to be identied that also contain crystallographic
gels, amino acids, proteins,

solutions, polymer melts,
suspensions, thin lms,

The resolution limit of the modern TEM with the use of

Colloidal suspensions,
Nanosystem analyzed

aberration-corrected instruments is about 0.05 nm. The reso-

Colloidal solutions,

and liquid crystals

micelles, polymer

lution of TEM is generally dened as the performance obtain-

able with ideal specimens, i.e., those suciently thin to avoid
and powders

chromatic eects.14 These are related to the chromatic aberra-

tion of the electrons that have lost energy when passing through
the specimen. A thick specimen may reduce the attainable
resolution to 1.52 nm. Regarding nanoparticles, these eects
may occur if a particle preparation is too dense; a preparation of
scattering (DLS) and

well-dispersed particles on a thin support does not normally

spectroscopy (FCS)

cause a serious loss of resolution.

Dynamic light

TEM is used to analyze the morphology of crystal and crys-



tallite electrode materials, including metals,16 oxides,17 semi-


conductors18,19 and electrochemically produced metal

nanopowders.20,21 Dark eld (DF) and bright-eld (BF) images
can be used to control the granulometry and dispersion of
(Contd. )

nanomaterials. For example, amorphous and crystalline

Optic methods

domains of composite SnC anodes of lithium batteries are

easily detectable. TEM has been reported to reveal dierences in
Table 1

the size of tin particles at the surface and in the bulk material.22
Combination of dierent modes of TEM with other techniques

8784 | Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 87818798 This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013
Review Nanoscale

of morphological and structural analysis, such as SEM or XRD, resolution (1 nm) than EDS and the possibility to detect light
permits a complete characterization of composite materials.23,24 elements (e.g., C, O and N).
TEM is widely used for investigation of biological objects, Z-contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy
including viruses, bacteria and individual biomolecules. Modi- (Z-contrast STEM). Z-contrast scanning transmission electron
cation of biomolecules with metal nanoparticles made them microscopy (Z-contrast STEM) has been proven to be a valuable
easily detectable by means of TEM. The combined use of TEM tool for identifying chemical elements in materials, where the
and labeled antibodies provides a powerful tool for locating contrast is directly related to the atomic number (Z-contrast
bacterial and viral antigens both on the surface of bacteria or image).29,37
viral particles and in thin sections of infected tissues. Erni et al.38 reported on dierentiation between elements in
TEM identication of antigens is potentially useful in diag- AlAg precipitates by means of Z-contrast STEM.
nosis of viral gastroenteritis, in examining immunocompro- ADF is particularly suitable for analysis of biological
mised patients25 and in the cases of new infectious agents, samples.39 Here, STEM is more ecient than conventional TEM
exotic viral infections. TEM is also suitable for investigation of because it ensures high-contrast imaging of macromolecular
the core antigen of the hepatitis B virus,26 analysis of viral complexes without staining.4042
capsids and study of the cytopathic eect in cell cultures.25 High-resolution transmission electron microscopy
Below we describe some specic types, modes and applications (HRTEM). High-resolution transmission electron microscopy
of TEM. (HRTEM) is a powerful tool for crystal structure imaging and
Transmission electron microscopes equipped with a eld structure analysis. Modern high-resolution microscopes make it
emission source and a high-intensity probe beam permit possible to resolve inter-atomic distances and to image indi-
elemental analysis in specimen areas no thicker than several vidual atoms and crystalline defects. Views of a crystal taken
hundred angstroms with a high spatial resolution (1 nm). from dierent angles can be combined to obtain a 3D map. This
Since TEM oers a resolution down to atomic sizes, it can technique is called electron crystallography.
provide useful information about the chemical composition of The highest resolution attained thus far is 0.047 nm. It was
the specimen. Scanning transmission electron microscopy obtained at the Tokyo Institute of Technology with the use of a
(STEM), a variant of TEM, is used for this purpose. JEOL R005 double aberration-corrected electron microscope
Let us briey consider the dierent variants of TEM used in equipped with a cooled eld-emission gun.43,44 O'Keefe and
nanoscience. Shao-Horn45 obtained a similar resolution (0.05 nm) using a
Scanning transmission electron microscopy. In scanning new design of the aberration corrector, which reduced spherical
transmission electron microscopes, as in conventional trans- aberrations. The use of HRTEM allows a researcher to deter-
mission electron microscopes, electrons pass through a su- mine the positions of atoms in materials, which has made it an
ciently thin specimen. The dierence of STEM is that an indispensable tool for research and development in many elds
electron beam is focused into a narrow spot and rastered over of nanotechnology, including heterogeneous catalysis and the
the specimen. This makes it suitable for analytical techniques, semiconductor devices for electronics and photonics.37,46
such as energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX or EDS) A diculty with HRTEM is that the image formation relies
mapping, electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), Z-contrast on phase contrast, which is not always intuitively interpretable
and annular dark-eld imaging (ADF).2729 These signals can be because of the inuence of strong aberrations in the imaging
obtained simultaneously, thereby allowing direct correlation of lenses of the microscope.
image and quantitative data. The approach is especially useful HRTEM combined with other methods has been used to
for deciphering the structure of polycrystalline and multiple- study the structural properties of carbon nanotubes, including
phase specimens. STEM-based elemental analysis utilizes their diameter, chirality and number of layers, as well as to
inelastic scattering (loss of energy) of the electron beam passing detect defect sites in them.47,48
through the sample. EDS30 and EELS31,32 techniques based on A new method has been reported that combines AFM
the detection of either characteristic X-rays emitted by the measurements with independent analysis using HRTEM. This
specimen or inelastically scattered electrons, respectively, are approach yielded important information on the nanotube
the most common techniques used for this purpose.33 structure, the number of layers, the interlayer distance and the
In EDS the characteristic X-rays emitted by various elements location of encapsulated molecules.49 The use of TEM grids with
when incident X-rays or electrons hit the specimen are analyzed. thin carbon membranes allows specimens to be transferred
Using state-of-the-art ultra-thin or windowless detector between the AFM and HRTEM systems. Note that this approach
elements, atoms down to boron can be detected.34 EDS is used is not limited to specic types of nanostructures.
in failure analysis to detect various elements in defects.35 Thus, HRTEM is a unique technique for direct imaging of
Electron energy loss spectroscopy. During the inelastic individual particles, including high-resolution analysis of their
scattering, transmitted electrons lose energy, the amount of surfaces in a side view.50,51
which is element-specic.33,36 As a result, the transmitted beam HRTEM has been used as a supplement to diraction
consists of electrons with a range of energies. In EELS, a spec- analysis for determining the structure of liquid crystalline
trometer placed underneath the electron microscope column is polymers, including a frustrated smectic-A, aperiodic crystals
used to detect electrons with the energy loss that is character- formed from the nematic phase and macromolecular assem-
istic of the element detected. EELS oers a higher spatial blies consisting of cubic structures. In the same study, direct

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examination of defects has been performed for various liquid The main limitations of conventional SEM are related to the
crystalline phases.52 requirement of high vacuum and electroconductivity of surfaces
A comprehensive review of HRTEM studies of nanocrystals to yield high-magnication SEM images. It means that biolog-
has been published recently by Zhou.53 ical samples and other wet samples cannot be studied directly.
Limitations of TEM and HRTEM. Many materials require Water should be either removed or xed during the preparation
extensive sample preparation to produce a sample thin enough of specimens, which increases the probability of artifacts and
to be electron transparent, which makes TEM analysis a rela- samples must be coated with an ultrathin coating of conducting
tively time consuming process with a low throughput of materials, generally using heavy metals. It may obscure some
samples. Also, the eld of view is relatively small, raising the details of the ne structure of the surface, although the use of
possibility that the region analyzed may not be characteristic of microscopes equipped with a eld emission gun partly
the whole sample. There is probability that the sample may be compensates for this drawback. Sputtering or various vacuum
damaged by the electron beam, particularly in the case of bio- deposition techniques are used for sample coating with
logical materials (introduction of possible artifacts). Generally, carbon,60 gold61,62 or alloys.60,63 However, such pretreatment is
the heavier atoms scatter electrons much more eectively than complicated and may damage or deform the sample. An alter-
the lighter atoms. Hence, the metal particles are signicantly native is using ionic liquids, which remain molten even at room
more clearly dened than the polymer particles. In addition, if temperature and do not vaporize even under vacuum. Ionic
the particulates are composed of crystalline domains, their liquids may apply to SEM visualization of hydrous samples;64,65
orientation will also aect the image contrast. in this case the samples do not contract much even aer drying.
The variant of SEM called environmental scanning electron
microscopy (ESEM) makes it possible to examine directly objects in
2.2 Scanning electron microscopy the wet mode and in the presence of air (at a low pressure) without
SEM is among the most versatile and widely used techniques for high vacuum and complicated preparation of specimens. With
surface analysis, allowing the study of both morphology and this new technique, many materials can be imaged in an unaltered
composition of various materials. This technique is popular state as an alternative to metal coating. In addition, one may alter
because it is relatively quick, inexpensive and essentially the environment of the sample so as to trace, e.g., hydration and
nondestructive. It has many applications in biology, as well as dehydration of the material in the sample chamber.66,67
in semiconductor research, study of catalysis and other mate- This also applies to biological samples, which can be
rials sciences. There are many types of scanning electron examined in their native state, which makes ESEM especially
microscopes specially designed for various elds of research, attractive for biomedical research68 and bioengineering, in
including routine morphological studies, high-speed composi- particular, for analyzing the interactions between biomaterials
tional analyses and the study of environmentally-sensitive designed for tissue engineering.69
materials. The main advantages of SEM are a high lateral Detailed comparison of ESEM and high-vacuum SEM in
resolution (110 nm), large focus depth and the possibility to terms of studying the cell morphology is presented in ref. 70.
use various electronspecimen interactions for both imaging Finally, ESEM is sensitive to the electronic structure of the
and chemical analyses. In contrast to TEM, SEM does not sample, because it does not require a surface coating and
impose strong restrictions on the specimen size and does not employs a specic mode of cascade amplication.71
require elaborate preparation of specimens.9,54 There are two major drawbacks of ESEM. The rst one is
Typical scanning electron microscopes with a eld emission setting the threshold level, which may not be easy for poorly
system and an in-lens detector provide as large as 400 000 contrasting particles (e.g., small particles of polymers) and inho-
magnication and a resolution of about 1 nm. mogeneous materials. The other drawback is that it is dicult to
SEM is suitable for the morphological and compositional estimate accurately the sizes of agglomerated particles, because
analyses of inorganic nanocrystals and electrochemical power the lack of a considerable dierence in intensity makes a simple
sources.55,56 The electrode morphology can be studied at threshold insucient to discern individual particles.
dierent magnications to estimate the homogeneity, Focused ion beam (FIB) microscopy. This technique, strictly
compactness and granulometry of the sample. In addition, speaking, should not be called electron microscopy, although
analysis of backscattered electrons provides information on the its principle is the same as that of SEM. The dierence is that
sample composition and homogeneity. By combining SEM with beams of ions (usually gallium) are used instead of electron
an electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA), one can perform beams. Since ions have much larger masses than electrons, they
elemental qualitative and quantitative analyses of very narrow cause sputtering of secondary and backscattered electrons, ions
areas of the sample.57 and atoms.72 The abundance of their signals ensures a very
Owing to the progress in computer technologies, SEM has high-contrast imaging.7375
become easier today. This line of development of electron The use of helium instead of gallium oers several specic
microscopy originated in the semiconductor industry.58,59 SEM advantages that ensure a higher resolution of imaging
is used there for automated measurement of critical dimen- compared to conventional SEM.76
sions of semiconductor wafers. The optimum detector strategy In addition to better resolution, FIB also provides unique
and microscope settings considerably vary for dierent tasks mechanisms of contrasting that facilitate discrimination and
and should be specially selected for each particular case. identication of materials.74,77

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Low-voltage electron microscopy (LVEM). LVEM combines Like other microscopic techniques, AFM has inherent limi-
SEM, TEM and STEM in a microscope operating at a low electron tations. Imaging artifacts are especially characteristic of the
accelerating voltage (5 kV).78 The low voltage enhances the tapping mode of AFM, where the cantilevered tip touches the
contrast of imaging, which is especially important for analysis of surface at a frequency of several kilohertz (thus serving as an
biological samples.79 With the enhanced contrast, there is less, or oscillating probe). The nite tip size and the thermal dri of the
no, need for staining. The slices generally should be thinner than scanner95 are sources of inevitable bias of the mapped surface
in the case of conventional STEM (2070 nm). LVEM has been topography. Hence, one should be careful when interpreting the
used, e.g., to study thin lms of pentacene (an organic semi- maps.
conductor).80 In that study, highly contrast images of very thin An example of a bias in the estimation of nanoparticle sizes
lms of a thermally evaporated material were obtained. The using AFM tapping mode is a study on measuring the diameter
resolution of the method allowed the authors to discern a poly- of single tungsten oxide particles.96 The estimated nanoparticle
crystalline layer of the thin-lm phase, over which another layer of size was found to depend on the oscillation amplitude of the tip,
crystals was nucleating and growing. as well as the physical properties of the surface of the material
(individual particles and the sample as a whole), elasticity and
3 Scanning probe microscopy surface energy and on the curvature of the tip.

3.1 Atomic force microscopy

AFM is the most popular representative method of a family of 3.2 Scanning tunneling microscopy
techniques collectively called SPM that are used to analyze STM, another variant of SPM, is also an essential tool for
structures and processes on the atomic scale. atomic-scale examination of the electronic and topographic
AFM measures the sample surface topography with a reso- structure of a wide range of materials. It is used in biology,
lution of several nanometers and visualizes the orientation and microelectronics and materials science.97
spatial arrangement of nanostructures on surfaces. Like AFM, this technique makes it possible not only to
AFM provides an atomic resolution under certain condi- visualize the surface topography and measure the surface
tions; surface topography is usually resolved suciently on the properties, but also to manipulate atomic-scale structures and
nanometer and even angstrom scale in the vertical direction, initiate reactions on the surface of the sample. The STM tech-
while the lateral resolution of AFM is lower. The AFM lateral nique allows one to move pieces of material as small as single
resolution depends on the tip shape, the scan domain and the atoms and place them at specic points on the surface, thereby
number of measurements per scan. The vertical resolution is designing novel nanosized structures.98100
determined by the piezoelectric crystal moving the specimen The fundamental dierence of STM from conventional SEM
relative to the tip and the deection of the detecting cantilever. is that it employs tunneling energies, which are substantially
An advantage of AFM is that it does not require staining, con- lower than electron energies. Therefore, STM is suciently less
trasting with special agents, or conductive coatings. AFM prone to topological artifacts, which, in SEM, result from the
specimens are relatively easy and quick to prepare. The tech- interaction of high-energy electrons with the sample substrate.
nique is nondestructive, so that the same sample can be used STM can produce atomic-scale images in various media, from
for multiple analyses.81,82 vacuum to liquid.101 The technique uses direct image contrast
AFM is suitable for biological studies at the molecular level, not requiring dyes or contrast agents. However, it can only deal
such as analyses of cell membrane structure and protein with conductive samples.102
conformations, as well as DNADNA interactions and enzymatic In many cases, STM is indispensable in direct monitoring of
reactions.8487 SPM is also used to measure the mechanical atomic and molecular dynamics and chemical reactions,
properties of single molecules, molecular ensembles (including including catalysis and self-assembly processes. STM oers an
intracellular structures) and biomolecule interactions.88,89 The unprecedented new insight into the mechanisms of catalysis;
best AFM sensitivity in measuring the attraction and repulsion studies using this technique have revealed the specic cata-
forces is about several piconewtons. The technique has been lytical roles of individual surface sites, e.g., edges and surface
used to measure the adhesion force at the level of single defects (kinks and atom vacancies).103
cells.88,90 In one of these studies,91 a so-called nano-picker was Fast-scanning STM allows the visualization of dynamic
fabricated out of an AFM cantilever by the nanoetching method; processes on surfaces in the form of a series of time-resolved
the cell interaction force is measured by the deection of the images (STM movies).104,105
nano-picker. The adhesion that may occur between the tip and STM employs dierent mechanisms to move nanoobjects.
the substrate can also be measured. The main three ways to manipulate single molecules or atoms
AFM can be used to manipulate nanoobjects, e.g., to move are based on (a) the control of the tipadsorbate interaction
carbon nanotubes and bend them into a desired shape, by force, (b) the application of an electric eld and (c) the use of
mechanically pushing them with the probe tip.92 tunneling electrons.106108 It has been demonstrated that the
The detection of polyacrylic acid regions in a poly(ethylene most eective results were obtained if dierent STM manipu-
glycol) matrix by means of AFM imaging has been reported.93 lation techniques are combined together. This approach has
The methods for the control of surface chemistry at the been used, e.g., to induce a sequence of chemical reactions.109
nanoscale by means of AFM are reviewed in ref. 94. STM-based manipulations have also been used in a molecular

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design method where chemical bonds in large molecules are acquired from the studied surface area aer the removal of
selectively broken.110 It is also possible to construct organic controlled sequential thin layers. Resolution of 3D nano-
molecules out of hydrocarbon fragments as if they were tomography imaging in the depth direction therefore will be
building blocks.111,112 The STM manipulations used to move determined by the minimal repeatable thickness of the layer
molecules or atoms across the surface are referred to lateral removed. Until now two main approaches of the sample surface
manipulations.106 There is also a procedure called vertical processing have been eectively used for SPM nanotomography.
manipulation, in which the molecular building blocks are The rst approach is based on in situ automated wet chem-
moved from the probe tip to the substrate or vice versa. Here, the ical etching116 or plasma etching117 of the sample surface fol-
transfer is driven by an electric eld, voltage pulses, or lowed by imaging of the etched surface. This 3D imaging
mechanical force (when the tip is in direct contact with the approach has been applied for volume reconstruction of the
object to be moved).106,112 phase distribution in dierent polymer blends and human
When STM is used for examining semiconductor samples, the bone.116118 A repeated removal of 7.5 nm thick surface layers
tunneling current contains information on the local densities of was reported. Even harsh sample processing like low pressure
states of the specimen. Therefore, STM not only provides detailed plasma, solvent vapor treatments under high electric elds and
images of the surface and data on the nanostructure morphology, other aggressive treatments inside the SPM without moving the
but also allows the electronic properties of the material to be sample are possible with the developed quasi in situ scanning
measured. As shown in Fig. 3, the high resolution of the micro- probe microscope system.119
scope is sucient for obtaining STM images of single point A main disadvantage of this etching-based approach is the
defects even below the surfaces and characterization of their potentially dierent etching rates of the various components or
electronic structure, charge carrier exchange between the dierent phases in complex heterogeneous or hybrid so matter systems
defect levels and conduction/valence bands.113 such as blends, nanocomposites with hard materials or crys-
STM data on the adsorption of small biomolecules, talline-amorphous phases. Such dierences in etching rates
including amino acids114 and nitrous bases,115 have provided distort the actual 3D structure in the reconstructed volume and
insight into the mechanisms of their interaction and assembly cause uncertainty in Z-resolution of the technique.
into proteins and nucleic acids, for example, a clear image of a Another methodology and instrumentation approach for
DNA double helix as a well-ordered co-adsorption structure. scanning probe nanotomography combines SPM with an
Finally, STM was approved to be an indispensable technique ultramicrotome.120 This hybrid apparatus enables direct SPM
for investigation and quantitative characterization of surface measurements of a sample block face surface immediately aer
phenomena and structural and functional parameters on the each sectioning by an ultramicrotome knife. The thickness of
atomic scale, including local bonding geometries, defects, consecutive sections can go down to 12 nm. The block face
nonperiodic structures and coexisting complex phases. surface can be analyzed by a plethora of SPM modes including
phase imaging, current distribution measurements, electro-
static force microscopy (EFM) and magnetic force microscopy
3.3 Scanning probe nanotomography (MFM), to name a few. Therefore, in this way, one can study not
In recent years, characterization of local nanoscale 3D volume only the 3D morphology organization of the sample but also the
organisation of complex nanomaterial systems becomes a more volume distribution of local mechanical, electrical and
and more demanding task. For tomography analysis of three- magnetic properties. This technology was successfully applied
dimensional nanostructures in the bulk of materials, SPM as a for studying the 3D structure of biological objects and materials
surface characterization technique, has to be combined with a and dierent advanced materials like polymer blends, nano-
corresponding technique for removal of the surface material to composites and nanohybrid systems. One of the advantages
access the structures beyond the surface. Then 3D volume data of this approach is that it has no general limitation on the
can be generated by stacking of consecutive 2D SPM images number of sections performed and overall thickness of the

Fig. 3 An STM image and virtualized image of a H-passivated Si (100) 2  1 reconstructed surface, showing H-passivated dimers, vacancies and dangling bonds (or
contamination) on both terraces. Copyright 2012, Elsevier.83

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reconstructed volume; analysis of several micrometer thick grain size, epitaxy, phase composition, preferred orientation
volumes is practicable. and defective structures. XRD sensitivity strongly depends on
The study of polymer/nanotube121 and polymer/graphene the object studied; the technique is the most sensitive for high-Z
conductive nanocomposites122 by SPM tomography with the use structural elements.129,130
of conductive AFM measuring mode enabled us to reveal the
local nanoscale organisation and connectivity of 3D conductive
networks of carbon nanotubes and graphene sheets corre- 4.1 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy or electron
spondingly, which determines the macroscopic properties of spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA)
such nanocomposites. Such conductive 3D networks could not The spatial resolution of XPS is lower than that of modern
be investigated by any other microscopy modality developed leading-edge technologies; however, XPS remains an extremely
until now. potent tool for obtaining the functional and structural data on
SPM nanotomography analysis of liquid crystal/quantum dot highly complex heterostructural systems.130132
nanohybrid systems has proved that the technique enables us to Although XPS microprobes employing ion etching provide a
control 3D distribution of nanoparticles in a matrix and inves- depth resolution on the level of 1 nm,133,134 their best lateral
tigate the inuence of nanoparticle distribution on local 3D resolution is only on the micrometric scale because of inherent
organization of the matrix structure.123,124 limitations of X-ray focusing.
The range of so matter systems that can be analysed by SPM XPS is used for characterization of a wide range of nano-
tomography may be signicantly broadened with a new design structured materials, including nanolayers,135 thin corrosion
of a hybrid system for low temperature measurements, which lms,136 copolymeric light-emitting diodes,137 block polymer
has been introduced recently.125 This system incorporates a cryo lms,138 as well as nanoparticles. Also, XPS allows both nano-
AFM directly mounted in the cryogenic chamber of the ultra- particle size and electrical characteristics of coreshell nano-
microtome, which permits in situ measurements of the sample particles to be evaluated.139
surface aer cryo sectioning without any modication of the XPS can be used to determine the elemental composition of
sample ultrastructure or transfer of the sample. Such an the surface, resolve signature peaks of specic organic moieties
approach provides unique indispensable capabilities for and, hence, dierentiate molecules on the sample surface.140
investigation of native structures of so polymers, hydrated The XPS method has been used to monitor the reaction of
materials and biological systems stabilized by cryoxation, substituting pyridine for tri-n-octylphosphine oxide (TOPO) in
which cannot be properly sectioned and studied by AFM under the layer covering the surface of nanocrystals, which is accom-
ambient conditions. panied by redistribution of the electronic density of the crys-
To date cryo SPM nanotomography has been used to study talline substrate141 and changes in the surface state of TOPO-
unmodied nanoscale structures of so polymer systems like capped nanocrystals.142 XPS has also been used for direct
synthetic acrylonitrile/butadiene copolymer latex rubbers and demonstration of a uniform layer-by-layer growth of the CdS
polyamide 6/styreneacrylonitrile composites. shells of CdSe/CdS coreshell nanocrystals.143 In this case, the
Further development of SPM nanotomography techniques is change in the number of crystalline shell monolayers up to four
dedicated to provide new insight into 3D organisation of is observed by changes in the XPS signals.
nanocomposites, biomedical materials (including pharmaceu- Accurate evaluation of depth distributions of atoms and
tical preparations and drug delivery systems), and biological nanostructures is crucial for nanotechnological applications.
objects (cells, their organelles and tissues). Tougaard et al.144 have developed an XPS method for 3D
mapping of the upper 10 nm layer of specimens. X-ray photo-
4 X-ray methods electron spectra have been recorded to measure the thickness
(less than 10 nm) of the electrodeposited polyaniline coating
The wavelengths of X-rays (from 0.01 to 10 nm) are comparable over helical carbon nanotubes.140
to the sizes of atoms, which makes them suitable for probing One of the tasks performed by using XPS is to check the
the molecular/atomic structure of various materials. High- sample for heterogeneity, either lateral (in the plane of, or
energy X-rays penetrate deep into the samples; hence, they can parallel to the surface) or vertical (along the line perpendicular
provide information on the structures of both the surface and to the surface). Lateral heterogeneities are detected by XPS
the bulk material. There are two most popular X-ray techniques imaging, and vertical ones can be found by analyzing the energy
that can be used to characterize structural and surface proper- spectra at energies lower than the major peaks or deduced from
ties of nanomaterials: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and the dependence of the peak intensity on the emission angle.145
X-ray diraction. This is an important issue because the assumption on a
XPS is the most widely used method for surface analysis of homogeneous depth distribution, which is oen made in XPS
nanomaterials and nanostructures,126,127 which is commonly surface analysis, may cause considerable errors. Most nano-
used for quantitative estimation of the surface composition, sized samples examined by XPS methods are actually hetero-
lm thickness and surface sensitivity.4,119 geneous in the direction perpendicular to the surface; however,
XRD is a potent, contactless, and nondestructive technique the data on the XPS peak intensity do not carry reliable infor-
for identifying crystalline phases and determining the struc- mation on the depth distribution of atoms. This is illustrated in
tural properties of nanomaterials, including the strain state, Fig. 4, where conventional XPS analysis of the surface of gold

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samples (ad) with dierent spatial distributions of copper 4.2 X-ray diraction
demonstrates the same peak intensities, showing the same
The so-called powder XRD is the most widely used XRD tech-
amount of copper on the upper surface, which is not the case.
nique.130,157 Originally intended for probing powdery samples, it
The assumption that the depth distribution of Cu atoms is
has also become a powerful tool for analyzing liquid-suspended
homogeneous in all these cases and the surface concentration
particles,158,159 membranes160 and bulk polycrystalline solids.161
being proportional to the peak intensity would result in an
Powder XRD is suitable for both inorganic materials (e.g.,
inaccurate quantication. Hence, the peak intensity would
metals and ceramics) and organic compounds (including
actually carry little information on the amount of Cu in the pharmaceuticals).162164
surface layer, if at all.146 Powder XRD is used routinely when metal and metal oxide
A combination of XPS analysis with the other methods is
nanoparticles are synthesized in a powder form to determine
oen used.147,148 For example, the location of the crystal phase
whether these particles are crystalline or amorphous. Therefore,
can be probed by comparing the ratios of the XPS and Auger line
it is important to determine the dominant crystalline phase in
intensities for the same atoms in bare and coreshell nano-
the material as the thermodynamically most stable phase for a
particles. This approach has been used to trace the growth of
given material may not be the same on the nanoscale.
ZnS on the surface of the CdSe nanocrystals.
XRD crystallography is the standard approach to solving
Various XPS surface imaging tools are increasingly used for crystal structures. Single-crystal XRD is the optimal tool for
analyzing dierent characteristics of biological systems,90,149 such determining the geometry of molecular solids and individual
as the surface chemistry of microorganisms (by measuring the
molecules, including the positions of atoms, the lengths (and,
peak intensities corresponding to dierent functional groups),150
hence, orders) of chemical bonds, the angles between them,
formation of biolms,151,152 and for design of biocompatible
the shapes of coordination polyhedra, the molecule confor-
materials153 and pharmaceutical substances.154 Various aspects of
mations and the patterns of intermolecular contacts. The
XPS analysis of dierent types of the samples and limitations of
technique allows the dierentiation between conguration
this method are thoroughly reviewed in ref. 139.
(cis/trans) isomers and, in many cases, optical isomers or
There are extensive XPS databases facilitating the use of this enantiomers. Moreover, modern XRD methodologies oer the
technique. For example, the United States National Institute of possibility of mapping the entire electron density pattern of a
Standards and Technology (NIST) has developed the Electron
crystal with the visualized electron clouds and direct deter-
Eective-Attenuation-Length Database155 and the database for
mination of electric charges of specic atoms, electrostatic
Simulation of Electron Spectra for Surface Analysis (SESSA).156
potentials, etc.
The XRD technique is widely used in biological studies
today. The structures of large biological objects, such as
proteins, DNA complexes and virus particles, have been solved
by XRD.165167
XRD data have shown that very small particles (below 5 nm)
have unusual structural disorder that can substantially modify
the properties of these nanoparticles.168,169 Analysis of ca. 3 nm
ZnS particles showed that the strength of surfaceligand inter-
actions impacted the crystallinity of the interior of the nano-
particles. For smaller nanoparticles, surfaceligand interactions
are quite important and in a recent high resolution X-ray study
the structure of a thiol monolayer-protected gold nanoparticle
revealed a highly unusual structure of the surface functional
groups interacting strongly with each other and with the rst
layer of gold atoms.170
High-resolution powder XRD ensures sucient accuracy for
precision lattice constant determination and, hence, the eval-
uation of the structural and residual stresses in materials.171,172
Texture measurements of polycrystalline samples by
means of XRD are used to estimate the orientational distri-
bution of grains173 and dislocation densities174 in the sample.
The textured state is a transitional state between completely
random (powder) and completely oriented (single crystal)
states.175 XRD is also suitable for analysis of complex
crystalline structures such as the ve-fold coreshell nano-
crystals CdS/CdSe/CdS/CdSe/CdS. Their XRD pattern has
been found to be close to that of the cubic structure of CdS
Fig. 4 Four signicantly dierent surface structures of copper atoms in gold that crystals.176
give identical XPS intensities. Copyright 1996, AVS.146

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Time-resolved XRD has long been used to monitor solid-state 5 Optical spectroscopy techniques
reactions. The development of new radiation sources has made
5.1 Steady-state optical absorption and uorescence
it possible to trace phase transitions and physical changes over
very short periods of time in the course of a reaction.177
The set of XRD techniques examining thin lms growing on In contrast to other methods optical spectroscopy requires no
substrates is termed thin-lm diraction. Its practical impor- physical separation process and provides quick results of high
tance is accounted for by implications of high-quality epitaxial quality in their specic application niches.
lms for microelectronics and optoelectronics.178 In general, studies on the nanoobject morphology do not
The use of synchrotron radiation in XRD is a recent inno- employ optical absorption spectroscopy. One of the rare
vation intended for local analyses in bulk polymers and exceptions is the evaluation of the mean sizes of quantum dots.
biopolymers. Wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS)179,180 and These are mostly spherical nanoparticles of direct bandgap
small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)130,180 are applicable to a wide semiconductors (CdSe, InP, PbS, etc.), in which the spectral
range of object sizes, beginning from interatomic distances. position of excitonic optical transition strictly depends on the
These techniques are suitable for analyzing samples in air, particle size unless it exceeds a certain limit (the exciton Bohr
matrices and environment cells. radius) due to the quantum-size eect (Fig. 5).180
Synchrotron radiation-based XRD analysis of multilayered The precise correspondence between the optical transition
semiconductors with layer thicknesses varying between 0.5 and energy and the size has been established for a number of
500 nm at a high spatial resolution is used in both scientic quantum dots, including CdSe, CdS, CdTe, ZnSe, PbS, PbSe and
research and technological developments.161 Advances in InP.190193 The steady-state optical absorption spectrum of a
focusing/imaging optics and detector technologies provide monodisperse ensemble of quantum dots comprises a series of
deep insight into the understanding of various phenomena well-resolved exciton peaks. Therefore, the mean quantum dot
pertaining to cell and molecular biology,181,182 as well as semi- size can be quickly determined from the position of the rst
conductor physics.165 For example, combined XRD and TEM excitonic transition peak with an accuracy of about 1020%.194196
approaches have yielded evidence that coreshell nanocrystals
are actually single crystals. Imaging of the patterns of crystal
lattice defects has shown that they remain uninterruptible
across a nanocrystal, which indicates epitaxial growth.143
In SAXS measurements, typical scattering angles are smaller
than one degree.130 According to Bragg's law, this is the range
where the diraction parameters convey information about
structures with long d-spacing. Therefore, SAXS is generally
applied to thin lms183 and biological macromolecules, such as
proteins and nucleic acids.184,185
Extended X-ray absorption ne structure (EXAFS). The
EXAFS technique deals with X-ray absorption in the range
slightly higher than the absorption limit of the element in
question. EXAFS results from interference of the spectrum of
photoelectrons ejected from irradiated atoms to that of back-
scattered electrons reected by neighboring atoms. EXAFS
provides structural information in a 6 A vicinity of the atom in
question at room temperature and at longer distances at lower
temperatures. This technique is used for highly accurate
measurement of interatomic distances. Thin oxide lms,186
binary alloyed nanocrystals187 and ternary quantum dots91 are
common objects of XAFS analysis.
The abundant results of X-ray crystal structure analyses are
available in a number of international databases. The structures
of small organic and organometallic molecules can be found
in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD; Cambridge, UK),
a large source of molecular metric data (http://
The Crystallography Open Database188 contains information
on the structures of organic, inorganic and organometallic
Powder diraction data for more than 600 000 substances Fig. 5 Observation of discrete electronic transitions in optical absorption is a
are available from the International Centre for Diraction Data measure of the wealth of spectroscopic information that can be uncovered in
(ICDD).189 monodisperse nanocrystal samples (s # 5%). Copyright 2000, Annual Reviews.180

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Non-spherical (e.g., nanorods) and composite nanoparticles DLS is one of the most widely used methods for character-
(e.g., coreshell quantum dots) represent a more complicated ization of complex liquids, such as colloidal suspensions,213
case.197202 It is known that for many AIIBVI quantum dots polymer solutions214 and gels.215 DLS provides a measure of the
emitting uorescence in the visible range (e.g., CdSe, CdS, CdTe time scale for uctuations in the index of refraction of complex
and ZnSe),203,204 the mean size can also be evaluated from the liquids. However, conventional DLS has its inherent limita-
spectral position of the uorescence emission band. tions. The sample concentration must be high enough to ensure
The absorbance spectra of plasmonic nanoparticles (e.g., an adequate signal, but the risk of erroneous results due to
gold and silver) also reect their morphometric characteristics. multiple scattering (light scattered by one particle undergoing
Their high absorbance in the visible region results from exci- scattering by another) applies specic restrictions on the
tation of surface plasmons,205 the energy of which depends on concentration range for which measurements are valid. The
the nanoparticle size and shape. Specically, the plasmonic multiple scattering eect in DLS experiments can be overcome
absorption band of spherical silver particles is shied to the by using the cross-correlation procedure.216 This technique
low-energy range if their sizes exceed 3040 nm.206 In the case of relies on the cross-correlation of two measurements to extract
ellipsoid nanoparticles, there are two plasmonic peaks (those of single-scattering information from the same scattering volume
the transverse and longitudinal plasmons), the spectral posi- and the same nominal scattering vector. Regarding the sizes of
tions of which can be used to determine the relative lengths of suspended particles, one should take into account the thickness
the two axes of the ellipsoid.206,207 However, the morphology of the liquid layer on the particle surface that moves along with
absorbance relationship in plasmonic nanoparticles is too it.217 The particle size in a suspension is a crucial characteristic
complex for practical use.207209 The dynamic light scattering of specic products, and it is routinely monitored together with
methodology is typically used in this case, especially in bio- the zeta-potential.218,219
logical research.210 DLS has been used to estimate the hydrodynamic diameters
of CdSe nanocrystals and cluster molecules, including their
ligand shells, ranging in size from 1 to 10 nm.221,222 All these
5.2 Dynamic light scattering or photon correlation studies, however, have been performed in homogeneous media
spectroscopy that ensured optimal conditions for the measurements. Char-
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is the most suitable technique acterization of nanoparticles in more complex liquid media or
for estimation of the sizes of nanoparticles dispersed or dis- matrices, such as biological tissues, faces considerable prob-
solved in solvents.211 The dimension obtained using DLS is lems. First, the type of the medium should be taken into
called the hydrodynamic radius, since it describes the radius of account, in particular, one should know whether this is a pure
a particle moving as a unity in a uid, together with a thin homogeneous medium or a complex heterogeneous system.
tethered layer of the surrounding medium.212 The technique is Second, various conditions in vivo may aect the surface
applicable to a wide range of particle sizes, from several nano- composition and aggregation behavior of nanoparticles.
meters to several micrometers (Fig. 6). Biomolecules may be adsorbed on them and substantially alter

Fig. 6 Schematic presentation of particle size distribution in the case where 50% of the particles are 5 nm in diameter and 50% of their agglomerates are 50 nm in
diameter. (a) Distribution of the number of particles; (b) distribution of their volume or weight; (c) distribution of the intensity of light scattered by them. Copyright
2004, Malvern.220

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their hydrophobicity, charge and charge distribution. The Optical methods are highly specialized but ensure quick and
adsorbed biomolecules form a biomolecule corona around accurate measurement of nanosized objects in their respective
nanoparticles, giving them biological identity.223 application areas.
DLS is also applied to the study of proteins and other The diversity of methods outlined here oers numerous
biomolecules. In this case, processes such as aggregation, possibilities for studying nanomaterials. We hope that this
nucleation and denaturation are readily detectable.224 review will help the readers who are new to the eld to choose
Like DLS, the uorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) the optimal techniques for their studies.
technique extracts information on particles or molecules from
their Brownian motion. The dierence is that FCS deals with the Acknowledgements
uorescence of the objects rather than light scattering on them
and involves correlation analysis of the uorescence intensity This study was supported by the Ministry of Education and
uctuations.224227 Science of the Russian Federation (grant no. 11.G34.31.0050
FCS allows uorescence-labeled molecules to be observed in and 14.512.11.0034), the European Commission through the
living cells, thereby paving the way to in situ or in vivo FP7 Cooperation Program (grant no. NMP-2009-4.0-3-246479),
biochemistry.228230 and the programs HYNNOV and Nano'Mat supported by the
Dual-color cross-correlation FCS has been used to trace DNA Champagne-Ardenne region, the DRRT Champagne-Ardenne
amplication during PCR; for this purpose, the authors used and the FEDER. We thank Vladimir Ushakov for his help in the
primers tagged with dierent uorophores.231 This procedure preparation of the manuscript.
may provide a reliable, convenient and highly sensitive method
for detecting viruses; it has already been used to evaluate the Notes and references
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