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Spring 3-19-2013

Superfluidity in Neutron Stars

Samuel J. Witte
Washington University in St Louis

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Witte, Samuel J., "Superfluidity in Neutron Stars" (2013). Undergraduate ThesesUnrestricted. Paper 3.

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Superfluidity in Neutron Stars
Samuel Witte
Research Advisor: Dr. Willem H. Dickhoff
(Dated: March 19, 2013)
Nucleon pairing is studied with specific considerations directed toward the possible influence
on neutron star cooling. We present an in-depth analysis of BCS theory using realistic nuclear
potentials and consider the impact short-range correlations can have on the gap. Gap calculations
are incorporated into neutron star cooling simulations and the significance of the 3 P 2 3 F 2 channel
in various hadronic cooling models is closely examined. An analysis of the 1 S 0 gap in neutron
matter suggests short-range correlations can drastically alter the magnitude, density range, and
temperature dependence of the gap. While the newly constructed 1 S 0 gap does not significantly
alter the nature of neutron star cooling, improved calculations in the 3 P 2 3 F 2 channel call into
question the existence of this gap in neutron stars. Ongoing work focused on incorporating medium
polarization effects through second-order self-energy corrections is also briefly discussed.

I. INTRODUCTION subsequently compare cooling trajectories to as-

tronomical observations [510].
This paper has two areas of focus: the
Quantum many-body theory is an area of first is centered on developing realistic calcula-
physics focused on the unique phenomena that tions that characterize a superfluid system (sec-
arise in strongly interacting quantum mechan- tion II), and the second is focused on integrating
ical systems. Within the context of nuclear superfluid calculations into neutron star cooling
physics, nucleon superfluidity has proven itself models (section III). The limitations of different
to be one such phenomenon. Attempts to cal- neutron star cooling models are also discussed
culate the properties of nucleon superfluids are along with ongoing work to improve pairing cal-
often based on mean-field approaches, and thus culations.
inherently lack the ability to account for in-
medium effects. A proper treatment of nucleon
pairing should not only incorporate calculations A. Pairing Theory
that can account for short and long-range cor-
relations but should also contain a realistic nu-
At extremely low temperatures, electrons in
clear potential consistent with nucleon scatter-
a condensed matter system can experience an
ing data and capable of reproducing two, three
attractive force that is capable of more than
and many-body forces. Despite nearly 50 years
compensating their coulomb repulsion. This at-
of intensive research physicists are still strug-
tractive interaction, caused by lattice vibrations
gling to accurately describe the intricate fea-
called phonons, allows electrons near the Fermi-
tures of these superfluid systems [13].
surface to collapse into a low-energy state form-
Neutron stars, generating environments with ing what are known as cooper pairs. While this
high densities and low temperatures, are often phenomenon was first observed in 1911 [11], it
thought to be one of the only naturally occur- was not until 1957 that physicists by the name
ring systems capable of producing neutron and of Bardeen, Cooper, and Shrieffer were able
proton superfluids. The presence of a superfluid to develop a realistic microscopic theory (BCS
within a neutron star alters the stars cooling Theory) of what is referred to as superconduc-
process via modifications to the specific heat tivity [12].
and neutrino production [47]. Recent research BCS theory has since then been applied di-
has attempted to incorporate nucleon superflu- rectly to the bare nucleon-nucleon interaction
idity into neutron star cooling simulations and where the attractive nature responsible for pair-

ing stems directly from the strong force. The nitude of this gap is characterized by a relative
strong force is known to contain a tensor inter- splitting of the energy spectrum centered about
action that prevents the total orbital angular the Fermi-surface. The size of the gap and the
momentum from being a good quantum num- density that is spans is related to the phase shift
ber; consequently for a chosen total angular mo- and attractive part of the nucleon-nucleon inter-
mentum, total spin, and total isospin, transi- action discussed in the preceding paragraphs.
tions between ` and `+2 states may occur. The All pairing results discussed in this paper will
only additional restriction imposed on the quan- be plotted in terms of the systems Fermi mo-
tum state of nucleons by the Pauli principle is mentum, kF , which can be calculated p from the
the requirement that ` + S + T be odd. The at- systems baryon density viapkF = b 3 2 (for
tractive interaction inherent in the strong force neutron matter) and kF = b 1.5 2 (for sym-
can be seen directly through the partial-wave metric nuclear matter).
phase shifts, with positive values corresponding
to attraction and a state in which pairing is fa-
vored [1315]. B. The Significance of Neutron Stars
Figure 1 displays the phase shifts for the 1 S 0
neutron-neutron channel and the 3 S 1 3 D1 cou- Consider for a moment one of the defining
pled channel calculated as a function of the characteristics of a star, the source of its en-
pole in k-space. This value k, located on ergy. Nuclear fusion, occurring only in the core,
the x-axis, can be straightforwardly converted is the process by which lightweight particles col-
into energy, either in the center-of-mass frame, lide to create heavier elements, releasing bind-
2 2 2
c k ing energy in the process. Like any other source
Ecm = 2m~reduced c2 , or energy in the laboratory
frame, Elab = Ecm (where = 1 + m
). of energy, the fuel is finite. Typical main se-
quence stars have a lifetime of around 1010 years
The S 0 partial-wave exhibits attraction ini-
(or shorter depending on the stars mass), at
tially and as energy is increased until it even-
which point the star becomes incapable of fu-
tually crosses the zero around k = 1.7f m1
sion and the previously sustained hydrostatic
or Elab = 250M eV . The 3 S 1 partial-wave is
equilibrium is disrupted. With energy no longer
strongly attractive even as the energy goes to
being created in the core, no outward pressure
zero. This result reflects the formation of the
source exists to counteract the inward directed
deuteron. The 3 D1 interaction is entirely repul-
gravitational force, and the star collapses [16].
sive, but due to the coupling with the 3 S 1 chan-
As the star undergoes this collapse, the density,
nel the overall interaction favors pairing [13, 15].
pressure, and temperature drastically increase.
It can also be seen that the 3 S 1 3 D1 channel
The nuclei become compressed until they reach
maintains its attractive nature to higher mo-
a density at which the repulsive nature of the
menta than the 1 S 0 channel. Consequently, one
strong interaction causes the matter to bounce
can expect the 3 S 1 3 D1 gap to extend to much
back, expelling the heavier elements. For stars
larger densities as will be confirmed in the fol-
with an initial mass between the limit of about
lowing sections.
8 and 20 solar masses, the remnant of this su-
When the attractive nature of the strong in- pernova will be a neutron star [16].
teraction is favored and nucleons are allowed Neutron stars are typically about as massive
to pair, they collectively form what are called as our own sun, which weighs 2 1030 kg, but
superfluid and superconducting (when consid- they have been condensed to such an extent
ering charged particles such as protons) states. that the radius is only around 10km [6]. This is
The development of such states in a large sys- typically likened to compressing the sun (of ra-
tem is accompanied by a number of intriguing dius of 695,500km) into the size of Manhattan.
effects, one of which is the formation of a so- Neutron stars, having such an extreme mass to
called gap in the energy spectrum. The mag- radius ratio, constitute one of the densest nat-

FIG. 1. Top panel corresponds to the 1 S 0 neutron-neutron partial wave. Bottom panel displays the 3 S 1
partial-wave (blue) and the 3 D1 partial wave (green). Results are shown for the Av18 potential.

urally occurring environments in the universe. tron stars, which when formed can have tem-
The densities found within a neutron star are far peratures higher than 3 MeV, will experience
greater than any created in a laboratory today, continuous cooling via the emission of neutrinos
making neutron stars a unique astrophysical en- and photons [5, 7, 17]. The cooling of the star it-
vironment studied across many disciplines. self can be divided into two easily distinguished
stages: the neutrino-cooling era and the photon-
With no nuclear energy source present, neu-

cooling era. The neutrino-dominated era is the prised of superfluid neutrons and superconduct-
first of these stages that begins at the neutron ing protons. For further discussions on other
stars formation and typically lasts around 105 possible compositions see [5, 8].
years [5, 10, 17]. While the 1 S 0 and 3 P 2 3 F 2 channels are
As the neutron star cools, it eventually thought to be the only influential channels on
reaches a critical temperature, Tc , that will neutron star cooling, a brief discussion of the
mark the onset of superfluid formation. The S 1 3 D1 channel is made as it leads to the
value of Tc will not be constant throughout the largest gaps (in symmetric nuclear matter) and
interior of the neutron star, but rather will vary may play some role in neutron star cooling (this
with density, pairing channel, neutron-proton is under current investigation). The 3 S 1 3 D1
asymmetries, and temperature among other fac- channel is a total isospin zero channel, implying
tors [5, 7, 10, 17]. neutron-proton pairing. Proton fractions within
The general structure of a neutron star can neutron stars are thought to be rather small,
be divided into four distinct regions, the outer never exceeding 10 percent. As a consequence,
crust, the inner crust, the outer core, and the the neutron and proton Fermi-surfaces exhibit a
inner core. The outer crust is the very thin rather large separation, implying a non-existent
outer region of the star consisting of ions and pairing phase-space. For this reason almost no
free electrons. The region also contains the neu- attention has been given to the 3 S 1 3 D1 chan-
tron stars atmosphere. While the composition nels possible influence on neutron stars. How-
of the atmosphere is not fully understood, it ever recent calculations have shown that pairing
is likely comprised of a mixture of atoms, with in asymmetric matter can be enhanced at finite
masses likely falling somewhere between that of temperatures [1921]. Furthermore an inhomo-
hydrogen and iron [17]. geneous system can result in a relative shifting
The formation of superfluid neutrons is one of the Fermi-surfaces, an effect which could in
of the defining features of the inner crust. This fact favor pairing in a strongly asymmetric sys-
superfluid transition occurs in the 1 S 0 partial- tem. Since BCS calculations of the 3 S 1 3 D1
wave and is expected to extend to densities channel show an enormous gap in symmetric
around 0.08f m3 [18]. The outer core accounts nuclear matter, it may be possible under the
for a majority of the neutron star and is thought above conditions for a small but non-zero gap
to contain primarily superfluid neutrons in the to exist. This is currently a topic under thor-
P 2 3 F2 channel with a small mixture of ough investigation with the many-body group
free electrons and superconducting protons (in at Washington University. With this possibil-
the 1 S 0 channel). Typical calculations of the ity in mind, some consideration will be given to
P 2 3 F 2 channel suggest it spans an enormous the 3 S 1 3 D1 channel in later sections of this
range of densities making it by far the most paper.
influential partial-wave in neutron star cooling
calculations [5, 6, 17].
Densities greater than those found in the II. NUCLEON PAIRING
outer core are very poorly understood. As a
result, nothing is truly known about the com- BCS theory is first and foremost a mean-field
position of the inner core. Many models are theory. As a result, BCS calculations are unable
currently being developed, but current theories to account for some of the true medium effects
often consider a composition consisting of de- relevant for a many-body system and are at best
confined quark matter, pion condensation, kaon a first approximation. Corrections incorporat-
condensation, or an extension of superfluid and ing the medium effects of a dense neutron mat-
superconducting nucleons [17]. Since this paper ter system typically lead to a quenching of the
is focused on the phenomenon of superfluidity, gap [22, 23]. For this reason the BCS results
all discussions will assume an inner core com- displayed in the sections below may, to some

extent, be thought of as an upper limit on the A. BCS Formalism

The four nucleon-nucleon interactions used The generalized BCS gap function takes the
for calculations throughout this paper are form,
the charge-dependent Bonn (CD Bonn) poten-
tial [13], the Argonne v18 (Av18) potential [14], 0 E (k0 )
the Reid potential [24], and the chiral N3LO
(k) = hk| V k (1)

(next-to-next-to-next-to leading order) [25]. 2E(k0 )
The CD Bonn interaction is a one-boson-
exchange non-local potential that is able to ac- where E(k) is the quasi-particle energy de-
curately reproduce nucleon scattering data be- fined as
low 350 MeV. As of the year 2000, the CD Bonn
potential fit proton-proton scattering with a q
2 2
2 /datum of 1.01 for 2932 data and neutron- E(k) = (k) + |(k)| (2)
proton scattering with a 2 /datum of 1.02 for
[17, 26, 27]. In Eq. (2), (k) = e(k)
3058 data. In addition to being charge depen-
with e(k) representing the single particle spec-
dent, CD Bonn also incorporates charge asym-
trum and the chemical potential. Many of the
metry [13].
calculations presented in this paper were done
Similar to the CD Bonn interaction, Av18 is using a free single-particle spectrum, e(k) =
both charge dependent and charge asymmetric. k 2 /2m, and unless stated otherwise the free
The Av18 interaction is a local potential, im- spectrum should be assumed.
plying a different off-shell behavior than would The angle average approximation to Eq. (1)
be expected with CD Bonn. Av18 has also been allows for the potential to be separated into dif-
fit to scattering data below 350 MeV and has a ferent partial-waves. This approximation dras-
2 /datum of 1.09 for 4301 proton-proton and tically simplifies Eq. (1) and provides nearly
neutron-proton data [14]. identical results for the gap function evaluated
The Reid potential is much older than the near the Fermi-surface [17, 26, 27].
Av18 and CD Bonn interactions and is typically The tensor force can also have a dramatic im-
considered to be less realistic. In comparison pact on the pairing problem. Total spin and
with CD Bonn and Av18, the Reid interaction total angular momentum are conserved in gap
does not incorporate charge dependence and is calculations, but as previously stated the tensor
charge symmetric [24]. For the purposes of this contribution prevents the orbital angular mo-
paper the results utilizing the Reid interaction mentum ` from being a good quantum num-
should be used as a comparison to highlight the ber, thus allowing coupling to occur with the
differences between modern more realistic po- ` + 2 channel. The overall formulation of the
tentials and a relatively well-known standard. gap equation is only slightly modified, and the
Finally, the N3LO potential (not used in all resultant equation becomes
calculations), is fundamentally based on chi-
ral Lagrangians. Like CD Bonn, it is also a 0 0 E JST
charge-dependent nonlocal potential that pro- JST =
dkk hk`| V JST k `
`0 k 0
vides a very high correlation (2 /datum 1) 0 2Ek0
for nucleon scattering data below 350 MeV. The (3)
N3LO interaction is based on one, two, and
three pion exchanges [25]. While this potential qwhere |(k)| from Eq. (2) becomes
certainly has the advantages of being easier to `k + (`+2 2
k ) for calculations in the coupled
handle because of its soft core, it tends to gener- channels [17, 26, 27].
ate nuclei with too small radii and requires the The inclusion of temperature dependence into
inclusion of the related 3-body interaction. the BCS gap equation is well understood and

can be implemented in a straightforward man- the true solutions found from the full tempera-
ner. To establish a temperature dependent gap, ture dependent gap equation. For smaller gaps,
one only needs to include a factor of tanh(Ek0 ) the two limit approximations provide excellent
in the integrand of Eq. (3) [28]. Well-known estimates as can be seen by the high-density 1 S 0
functions have been derived from the tempera- (green curve, top panel) and 3 P 2 3 F 2 (blue
ture dependent BCS gap equation to describe curve, bottom panel) results. The error associ-
the gap in the low and high temperature limits. ated with the limit approximation equations to
These approximations, written in terms of the the aforementioned curves never exceeds 0.15
zero-temperature gap, 0 , and the critical tem- MeV and noticeable deviations are constrained
perature, Tc , for any given density are typically to a small temperature region.
found as shown below [4]:

r B. Solving the Gap Equation

(T ) 3.06kB Tc 1 [for Tc T  Tc ]
Tc While Eq. (3) is a highly non-linear problem,
(4) a numerical non-trivial solution does exist. Two
fully self-consistent algorithms were developed
p h 0 i

independently of each other to solve Eq. (3).
(t) 0 20 kB T e kB T [for T  Tc ] Their results were compared to access possible
(5) errors and numerical inaccuracies.
The first method used involves inserting an
artificial parameter in the gap equation, such
0 1.76kB Tc (6) that the denominator of the gap equation trans-
forms into ( 2E) [29]. After discretizing the
Figure 2 displays a comparison between the integral, this equation is easily transformed into
BCS approximation formulas displayed above the eigenvalue problem shown in Eq. (7).

2E(k1 ) + hk1 | V |k1 i . . . hk1 | V |kn i (k1 ) (k1 )
.. .. .. .. .
. = .. (7)

. . .
hkn | V |k1 i . . . 2E(kn ) + hkn | V |kn i (kn ) (kn )

(k) = (8)

A constant estimate for the gap is initially cho- The second method also begins by introduc-
sen as an input for the quasi-particle energy and ing a constant estimate for the gap into the
the above eigenvalue equation is solved for an quasi-particle energy spectrum [26]. The gap
array of eigenvalues, i , and eigenvectors, i (k). equation is then linear and can be transformed
The eigenvalue closest to zero is then chosen. into an eigenvalue problem for which the de-
Normalizing the associated eigenvector and in- sired eigenvalue is one. After the eigenvector is
serting it back into the kernel allows for a new found and normalized it replaces the initial con-
estimation of the gap. stant estimate of the gap in the denominator of

FIG. 2. Top panel displays the solution to the BCS temperature dependent gap equation for 1 S 0 neutron-
neutron gap at kF = 0.8f m1 (blue) and kF = 1.3f m1 (green). Bottom panel displays the results for the
temperature dependent 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap at kF = 2.2f m1 (blue). Red points in both figures correspond to
the BCS approximations found in Eqs.(4-6). The Av18 potential was used in all calculations.

Eq. (3) and the gap equation can be solved in a large number of iterations are performed. Re-
self-consistent manner. sults for these methods have been compared
against one-another for the three different po-
It should be noted that strong convergence tentials in the 1 S 0 , 3 P 2 uncoupled, 3 P 2 3 F 2 ,
in both methods can only be achieved after a

and 3 S 1 3 D1 channels. All of the results were and low-density limits have been investigated
in complete agreement and when plotted side- in [15, 30]. While the exact methodology de-
by-side no differentiation could be made regard- scribed in [15, 30] requires the use of a sepa-
ing which method was used. The second algo- rable potential and an altered form of the gap
rithm was found to be slightly faster and has equation, the underlying logic used to estimate
been used for all calculations shown. the critical densities, defined by 0 (c ) = 0,
remains unimpaired.
This approach begins by assuming a con-
C. Gap Closure stant gap equal to zero in the quasi-particle en-
ergy spectrum. This is a reasonable assumption
Numerical solutions to the coupled gap equa- since the largest contribution to the gap equa-
tion often encounter regions of instability in the tion comes from the fermi-surface where the gap
high-density limit. Typical results yield tails should be small, or more precisely zero at gap
that decay to zero at an alarmingly slow rate, closure. With the above approximation, Eq. (3)
suggesting the gap exists for a larger range of is converted into a linear equation. Defining the
densities than expected. matrix [A] as shown below, one can straightfor-
Methods to calculate the gap in the high wardly solve Eq. (10).


X Z  
0 02 0 Ek 0
[A] = dk k tanh + k,k0 `,`0 (9)
0 0 Ek0 2

[A]`k0 = 0 (10)

One can see that a non-trivial solution to capable of estimating the gap closure for the
Eq. (10) exists only if the characteristic determi- S 1 3 D1 channel calculated with the Reid po-
nant of [A] is non-zero. Hence a plot of the de- tential. This is due to the fact that the Reid
terminant of [A] against the Fermi-momentum potential has no negative matrix elements in
should depict a function that crosses zero once momentum space.
or twice depending on the pairing channel. An additional test is used in Figure 4 to assess
These intersections will then correspond to the the accuracy of gap closure conditions. Eq. (6)
critical densities. With a careful choice in the is initially applied to the zero-temperature 1 S 0
momentum mesh distribution, one can in fact gap (note that this method has yielded identi-
confirm these expectations with accuracy that cal results when applied to the 3 P 2 3 F2 gap).
appear to be more consistent with BCS calcu- The newly determined critical temperature is
lations than the results found in [15, 30] (for then plotted against the Fermi-momentum as
reasons to be discussed shortly). a baseline to be used for comparison. For any
Figure 3 displays the normalized determi- given temperature the gap closure approxima-
nant as a function of Fermi-momentum for 1 S 0 tion formula can provide a low-density and a
neutron-neutron, 3 P 2 3 F 2 , and 3 S 1 3 D1 high-density estimation of the critical temper-
channels. The results agree with our initial ex- ature. These results correspond to the green
pectations and provide reasonable estimates for points in Figure 4.
gap closure. Unfortunately this method is in- While a small disagreement does exist, the

FIG. 3. Normalized determinant of matrix [A] from Eq. (9) plotted against Fermi-momentum. Top panel
corresponds to 1 S 0 neutron-neutron gap; middle panel corresponds to 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap; bottom panel cor-
responds to 3 S 1 3 D1 gap. Results are shown for Av18 (blue), CD Bonn (green), and Reid potential

two methods display very similar results. Since three, and sometimes all four, of the poten-
the gap closure approximation seems to provide tials previously discussed. The channels con-
reasonable results, these calculations are incor- sidered include the 1 S 0 neutron-neutron, 3 S 1
porated into most figures shown in the following D1 neutron-proton, 3 P 2 -uncoupled neutron-
sections. A separate technique was developed neutron and the coupled 3 P 2 3 F 2 neutron-
in an attempt to estimate the gap closure of neutron gap.
the Reid 3 S 1 3 D1 channel. In order to ob- The zero-temperature 1 S 0 gap is plotted for
tain negative matrix elements, a reduced inter- all potentials in Figure 5. Charge dependent
action was created based on a procedure first potentials are capable of producing separate
suggested in [31]. The reduced interaction, de- proton-proton solutions for the 1 S 0 channel but
fined in Eq. (11) is created by choosing a cut-off these results have been omitted due to the over-
momentum such that kc  kF . Combined with whelming similarity. The different potential
Eq. (12), this potential can then be used with models yield remarkably similar results, likely
the algorithms discussed in section II B to solve stemming from the fact that the 1 S 0 channel
for the gap. is constrained to densities that are well cov-
ered by nuclear scattering experiments. Results
00 presented for the 1 S 0 partial wave are identi-
d3 k Vk,k00
Vk,k = Vk,k cal to those in previous calculations presented
3 Vk,k (11)
0 0 00
kc (2) 2Ek00 by [17, 27, 32, 33].
The fully temperature dependent CD Bonn
S 0 neutron-neutron gap is displayed in Fig-
XZ d3 k Vk,k0 `0 ure 6. Due to the similarity in the 1 S 0 channel
k = 3 0 (12)
0 (2) 2Ek0 k only one result is presented for temperatures be-
low 1.6 MeV.
The gap closure is then solved for in an identi- The 3 S 1 3 D1 coupled interaction is by far
cal manner to what has previously been shown. the most attractive potential being considered.
While reference [31] claims the gap function It is this interaction that is responsible for the
is essentially independent of the cut-off mo- formation of the deuteron. Furthermore, be-
mentum, it appeared that the determinant cal- cause the deuteron is stable in the zero-density
culations did contain some sensitivity to this limit, one should expect the zero-temperature
value. Similar difficulties have also been dis- gap to approach half the deuteron binding en-
cussed in [30]. ergy (about 1.1 MeV) at kF = 0. Unfortu-
It was found that the reduced interaction nately, BCS is a mean-field theory and is conse-
method consistently produced results in agree- quentially incapable of accurately reproducing
ment with the initial gap closure calculations the strong attractive nature of the 3 S 1 3 D1
for the uncoupled channels. However, the cal- gap in the low-density limit [34]. Therefore
culations for the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap varied within we excluded calculations for this channel below
a density region spanning 0.3f m1 depending kF = 0.4f m1 . Results for the 3 S 1 3 D1 zero-
on kc . Due to the inaccuracy of the coupled temperature gap can be found in Figure 7.
channel calculation described above no practi- The 3 S 1 3 D1 channel shows strong agree-
cal information regarding the 3 S 1 3 D1 Reid ment between potentials up to kF = 0.8f m1 .
gap closure was obtained. Beyond that point, the curves vary quite sig-
nificantly peaking somewhere between 1.1f m1
and 1.3f m1 . The high-density points differ
D. BCS Results by as much as 5 MeV at kF = 2.0f m1 and
gap closure densities span a range as large as
This section contains the solutions to Eq. (3) 0.4f m1 .
with temperature dependence for typically A direct comparison between the uncoupled

FIG. 4. : Comparison between gap closure approximation (blue points) and BCS results converted to
critical temperature via Eq. (6) (green points).

FIG. 5. 1 S 0 zero-temperature BCS results for neutron-neutron interaction. Results are shown for the CD
Bonn, Av18, and Reid potentials.

FIG. 6. Fully temperature dependent 1 S 0 neutron-neutron gap at temperatures below 1.6 MeV. Calculations
were done using CD Bonn interaction.

FIG. 7. Zero-temperature BCS results for 3 S 1 3 D1 gap. Green points correspond to CD Bonn potential;
blue points correspond to Av18 potential; red points correspond to Reid potential.

P 2 and the coupled 3 P 2 3 F 2 gaps imme- For the sake of completeness, fully tempera-
diately identifies the importance of the tensor ture dependent 3 P 2 3 F 2 plots have been in-
force. The top panel of Figure 8 displays this cluded in Figure 9 for the CD Bonn, Av18, and
comparison for the Av18 and CD Bonn poten- Reid interactions.
tials. Results have been confirmed with previ-
ously published work [17, 26, 27, 33].
It should be mentioned that the 3 P 2 3 F 2 E. Beyond BCS
gap is extremely sensitive to the choice of mesh
distribution. Previous authors [17, 26] have While the BCS treatment of pairing can prove
shown the integrand of the gap equation is to be insightful and illustrative, one must go be-
sharply peaked about the Fermi-momentum. yond the BCS formalism described in the pre-
For stable and consistent results, around 150 vious sections to obtain a realistic picture of
points need to be distributed between 0.98kF how nucleons behave within a neutron star. To
and 1.02kF . Using less than 100 points or not make reasonable estimations of the gap in neu-
defining a tightly bound region about the Fermi- tron star matter one must account for the influ-
momentum results in divergent gaps and over- ence of correlations arising within large strongly
estimations. interacting systems.
The two potentials show a rather large degree This section will discuss the influence of
of differentiation with regard to the influence of short-range correlations on pairing calculations
the tensor force. The Av18 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap more in neutron matter and an ongoing project
than triples with the inclusion of the coupling that will attempt to incorporate medium-
while the CD Bonn interaction displays an in- polarization effects into the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap.
crease of less than fifty percent. In depth consideration in reference [18] has
A comparison across potentials for the 3 P 2 been given to the influence of short-range cor-
F 2 gap has been made in the bottom panel relations on pairing. Within this many-body
of Figure 8. As has been previously noted theory context, the term correlations refers to
in [17, 26], the results are nearly identical for any additional medium influenced effects that
choice of Fermi-momentum below 1.75f m1 . extend beyond the standard mean-field and
Once again, this similarity is due to the fact quasi-particle contributions. Short-range corre-
that all potentials are being developed off of nu- lations, introduced as corrections to the normal
cleon scattering data at energies below 350 MeV self-energy, spread the spectral strength of the
(which roughly corresponds to about 2.0f m1 ). system away from the Fermi-surface, effectively
Beyond that point extrapolation is required and reducing the pairing strength of the superfluid
the potentials will inevitably generate notice- system in the process. Muther and Dickhoff
able deviations. introduced a dressed two-particle propagator
The range of momentum spanned by the that was used to formulate an effective single-
P 2 3 F 2 gap appears to be as ambiguous as the particle spectrum. Solving the temperature de-
gaps magnitude. While there exists a reason- pendent gap equation with the effective sp spec-
able amount of agreement between potentials as trum and comparing the results for three den-
to where the gap first appears, 1.0 1.20f m1 , sities against a BCS calculation allowed refer-
the potentials produce maximum allowed densi- ence [18] to quantitatively display the effects of
ties that range from 2.75f m1 to 3.80f m1 . In short range correlations on the 1 S 0 gap. Their
heavier neutron stars, the presence of neutron results are shown in Figure 10. The BCS calcu-
superfluidity in this high-density regime could lations shown in Figure 10 incorporate a more
prove very influential. A proper understanding realistic quasi-particle spectrum which already
of the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap at high-densities needs to provides an improvement to the standard free
be achieved if realistic hadronic cooling models spectrum used in section II D.
are to be employed. The gaps that include the effective sp spec-

FIG. 8. The top panel contains a direct comparison between zero-temperature uncoupled 3 P 2 gap (red,
light blue) and 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap (dark blue, green) for Av18 (red, dark blue) and CD Bonn (light blue, green)
potentials. The bottom panel displays a comparison between the Av18 (blue), CD Bonn (green), Reid
(red), and N3LO (light blue) 3 P 2 3 F 2 gaps

trum drastically reduce in magnitude and tem- models a full 1 S 0 gap was constructed based on
perature range. To analyze the influence of an extrapolation of the results in Figure 10. Un-
these new calculations on neutron star cooling fortunately, these three curves are not by them-

FIG. 9. Top panel depicts the temperature dependent Av18 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap; middle panel depicts the
temperature dependent 3 P 2 3 F 2 CD Bonn gap; bottom panel depicts the temperature dependent 3 P 2 3 F 2
Reid gap.

FIG. 10. Taken from [18]: 1 S 0 temperature dependent gap calculated in neutron matter with CD Bonn
interaction. BCS approximation displayed for = 0.2f m3 (maroon), = 0.4f m3 (red), and = 0.8f m3
(blue). Calculations incorporating the dressed propagator only yielded results for = 0.2f m3 (green) and
= 0.4f m3 (purple).

FIG. 11. Comparison between the new 1 S 0 gap with short-range correlations (dark blue), the standard
BCS result (light Blue), and Monte Carlo calculations preformed by [35] (green) and [36] (red).

FIG. 12. Comparison of critical temperatures between SRC gap and Monte Carlo calculations preformed
by [35] (green) and [36] (red).

selves, enough to create a full gap. To obtain newly constructed gap is compared to the that
the full density and temperature dependence of of the two Monte Carlo results (critical temper-
the gap, low-density (kF 0.2f m1 ) calcula- atures for the Monte Carlo results have been
tions had to be included. This is a more rea- obtained using Eq. (6)). Despite having very
sonable approximation than it may at first ap- similar zero-temperature gaps, the SRC gap has
pear. In addition to being very consistent across a noticeably smaller critical temperature.
calculations, low-density points are reasonably
Working with two collaborators in Europe,
well understood. Figure 11 shows the final con-
we were able to obtain more realistic approxi-
structed zero-temperature plot with the calcu-
mations to the zero-temperature quasi-particle
lated points highlighted in pink (I will hence-
energy spectrum for the Argonne v18, CD
forth refer to this new gap, shown through the
Bonn, and N3LO potentials [37]. Because
blue curve in Figure 11, as the SRC gap). Fig-
such calculations are typically unstable at zero-
ure 11 displays a comparison between the SRC
temperature on account of the pairing transi-
gap, a standard CD Bonn BCS result (with a
tion, we were forced to develop them at finite
free-particle spectrum) and two 1 S 0 gaps con-
temperature (between 5 and 20 MeV) and ex-
structed from Monte Carlo calculations [35, 36].
trapolate down. While differences between the
The newly created 1 S 0 gap shows a sig- free and improved quasi-particle spectrum be-
nificant reduction in the size of the gap (al- gin to emerge in the 1 S 0 gap (as seen in Fig-
most 1.0 MeV). This result is in reasonable ure 13), noticeable differences relevant for neu-
agreement with other self-energy corrections de- tron star cooling dont appear until one analyzes
scribed in [22, 23]. As was previously men- the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap in Figure 14. Comparing Fig-
tioned, short-range correlations not only reduce ure 13 with the original free spectrum BCS re-
the size of the gap, but they also affect the tem- sults one sees the enhanced quasi-particle spec-
perature dependence. This is illustrated in Fig- trum slightly increases the attractive nature of
ure 12, where the critical temperature of the the CDB interaction, the repulsive nature of the

FIG. 13. 1 S 0 gap calculated with improved quasi-particle spectra. Blue line depicts results for Av18; green
line depicts results for CD Bonn; red line depicts results for N3LO.

FIG. 14. Comparison between different 3 P 2 3 F 2 gaps calculated with improved quasi-particle spectra.
Blue line displays results for Av18; green line displays results for CD Bonn; and red line displays results
for N3LO.

Av18 interaction, and has little to no effect on portance of reformulating the Lindhard func-
the N3LO gap. The results shown in Figure 14 tion to accommodate the properties of a super-
depict an enormous suppression in magnitude fluid system.
and density range of the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap, suggest-
ing the inclusion of repulsive short-range corre-
lations could possibly eliminate the gap alto- III. NEUTRON STARS
gether. Current calculations are underway to
incorporate a spectrum containing the effects A. Stellar Structure and Cooling
of short-range correlations on the 3 P 2 3 F 2 Equations
gap [38].
Our ongoing work to extend beyond the BCS Neutron stars are extremely compact objects,
mean-field approximation and short-range cor- and as such they must be treated relativistically.
relations has also been focused on incorporating This amounts to choosing an equation of state
medium polarization effects into 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap (EOS) and solving the Tolman-Oppenheimer-
calculations. The inclusion of medium polariza- Volkov (TOV) equations of hydrostatic equilib-
tion has proven to be anything but straightfor- rium shown below [40]:
ward and different approaches have led to in-
compatible results [21, 23]. Figure 15 displays = 4(r)r2 (13)
a class of appropriate diagrams associated with r
medium polarization calculations. A proper
and realistic treatment of this evolved interac- h
P (r)
4P (r)r 3
tion must be retarded, and thus energy depen- P GM (r)(r) 1 + (r)c2 1+ M (r)c2
dent. It has been shown in [21] that such energy = h i
r r2 1 2GM (r)
dependence will require one to solve Eliashberg- rc2
like equations, consequentially obtaining both (14)
real and imaginary solutions to the gap equa-
tion. The exact effects of a complex gap on the 2GM (r)
physical observables of a system remain unclear e2(r) = 1 (15)
and any attempt to incorporate such gaps into rc2
a neutron star cooling model would likely be the
first of its kind. 1

GM (r) 4GrP (r)

While we are only beginning to explore this =h i +
r 1 2GM (r) r2 c2 c4
subject, we have taken the first step by calculat- rc2
ing the changes to the Lindhard function (the (16)
Lindhard function is an expression representing
a single bubble exchange as shown in Figure 15) q
2GM (r)
that arise when the existence of a superfluid gap r 1 rc2
is included. This is a problem that can be solved = 2
A(r) 4r (r)
analytically and the result, consistent with cal-
culations shown in [39], is provided in appendix In the above equations, M represents the
A. mass, r the radius, (r) the density as a function
A comparison between the original and the of r, P the pressure, A(r) the baryon number,
newly developed Lindhard functions is shown and of course G is the gravitational constant.
below in Figure 16 for kQF = 0.1. A factor (r) and are components defining the general
mkF (0)
relativistic metric containing spherical symme-
of 8~ 3 has been removed from the Re( ) try [40].
and a factor of 8~3 has been removed from Since the interior structure and composition
Im((0) ). Figure 16 clearly emphasizes the im- of a neutron star does not evolve significantly

FIG. 15. Taken from [23]: Diagrammatic representation of medium polarization terms. Energy dependent
corrections of this form should be made to the bare nucleon interaction for a more realistic treatment of

FIG. 16. Comparison between the real and imaginary parts of the Lindhard function calculated in the
presence and absence of a superfluid gap. The red and blue lines display the real and imaginary parts
(respectively) of the original Lindhard function. The black and green lines depict how the presence of the
gap can drastically influence the Lindhard function in the low momentum limit. Results are shown for
= 0.1 with = 0.1F .

with time, these equations must only be solved

once. The low-density region in the crust con- Eth T
tains different physics, and consequentially a = C = L L + H (20)
separate EOS has been incorporated into the t t
cooling calculations to account for the crust. The specific heat and neutrino luminosity
Accurate cooling calculations require one to si- terms in Eq. (20) are the only factors that are
multaneously solve the energy balance equa- directly influenced by nucleon pairing and thus
tion and the thermal energy transport equation, the remaining sections of this paper will focus
Eqs.(18,19), shown below. These equations are primarily on these contributions.
both time-dependent and they regulate the ac-
tual cooling process of the neutron star.
B. Influence of Pairing on Neutron Star

2  e + c t (T e )
(Le ) = (18)
A nb There exist three distinct modes through
which neutron and proton pairing can directly
affect neutron star cooling.
Le The first of these is through the pair-breaking
(T e ) = (19)
A 16 2 r4 nb and formation (PBF) neutrino emission pro-
cess [4]. The PBF process initiates when a neu-
In Eq. (18-19), L represents the luminosity,
tron star reaches the critical temperature, af-
T the temperature,  the neutrino emissivity,
ter which it experiences a relatively short-lived
c the neutrino specific heat, and the thermal
peak in neutrino emissivity, and soon after be-
conductivity. All other variables remain consis-
comes negligible compared to other forms of
tent with the definitions provided above.
neutrino emission as nucleons find themselves
For all cooling results shown in later sections
unable to break out of the superfluid state.
the Akmal-Pandharipande-Ravenhall EOS [41]
PBF emissivity calculations were first calcu-
is used for the interior of the neutron star
lated by [4] and later corrected by [9, 43] to
and the Haensel-Zdunik EOS is used for the
account for the conservation of the weak vector
crust [42].
current. The most current formulation for the
Momentarily disregarding the formulas just
emissivity is shown below in Eqs.(21-25). The
presented, a rather straightforward understand-
subscripts i and j refer to neutron/proton and
ing of neutron star cooling can be obtained by a
singlet/triplet pairing respectively [7].
brief examination of the Newtonian energy bal-
ance equation, Eq. (20). The left hand side of
Eq. (20) describes the change in thermal energy erg i (T )
 = 3.51 1021 T97 ai,j Fj (
mi pF,i )
content in terms of the specific heat and the cm3 s T
change in temperature. The right hand side (21)
of the equation describes the different forms Z 4
through which thermal energy may be gained z dx
Fs (y) = y 2 (22)
or lost. The first two terms, L and L , repre- 0 1 + ez 2
sent the neutrino and photon luminosity respec-
tively. The final term, H, denotes the different 1
z 4 dx
heating mechanisms, such as dissipation of vor- Ft (y) = dy 2 (23)
4 0 1 + ez 2
tex lattices and magnetic field decay, that may
attempt to heat the star. All modern calcu-  
lations have suggested that the heating mech- 2 4 h vF,i i4 2 11
ai,s = CA,i + CA,i p2F,i 1 +
anisms may be neglected as they are typically 81 c 42m2i
several orders of magnitude less [5]. (24)

ai,t = CA,i (25) sentation of the initial spike in the specific heat
at the onset of superfluidity (note that this plot
m p has been obtained using a neutron star cooling
In Eqs.(21-25), mi = m , pi
= mi c , z
p code and thus lacks a time-step sensitive enough
x2 y2
+ , and C(A/v),i represent different cou-
to accurately reproduce the sharpness of spe-
pling constants. In the following section we will
cific heat spike [44]). This does not have a large
briefly discuss the significance of this emissiv-
influence on cooling curves but can result in a
ity calculation placed in perspective to other
slight delay of the PBF process.
neutrino emission processes. It should be men-
tioned that cooling calculations incorporating
the 1 S 0 proton-proton PBF process show al-
most no variation. This is a simple consequence C. Competing Cooling Models
of the low proton fraction found throughout
neutron stars. Before any discussion and comparison of
While nucleon pairing can support neutrino modern cooling models can be made it is im-
emission, it also plays an essential role in the portant to establish an initial understanding of
suppression of neutrino emission. After the the different neutrino production mechanisms.
PBF process has been sufficiently suppressed, a The modified Urca (MU) and nucleon
relatively large number of neutrons find them- bremsstrahlung (NB) neutrino emission pro-
selves in the superfluid state. The neutrons in cesses are two of the least controversial pro-
the superfluid at low enough temperature can- cesses thought to occur within a neutron star.
not participate in other forms of neutrino emis- The MU process is essentially an altered version
sion. As a result, cooling curves often depict of beta decay and electron capture that utilizes
a flatter region corresponding to this emissivity a bystander nucleon for momentum conserva-
suppression. Due to the extremely low proton tion. When proton fraction exceeds 11 percent
fraction, proton superconductivity plays an es- the bystander nucleon is no longer a necessary
sentially negligible role in neutrino suppression. component, and the direct Urca (DU) process is
The third and final influence nucleon pairing allowed [5, 45]. The critical density at which the
has on neutron star cooling arises through the DU process may occur is generally thought to be
specific heat [6]. It is known that superfluids somewhere between two and six times the nu-
cause an initial upward spike in the specific heat clear saturation density [46]. Since these densi-
as the system reaches the critical temperature, ties can only be achieved in the heaviest of neu-
followed by a long yet significant decline [6]. tron stars, the DU process is typically excluded
This has two direct visible influences on cool- from cooling calculations. The NB process on
ing curves. The most obvious effect can be seen the other hand describes the process in which
as the neutron star transitions into the photon two highly energetic nucleons interact sponta-
dominated cooling era (typically occurs between neously creating a neutrino-antineutrino pair.
105 and 106 years). Any curve that incorporates The NB process is typically thought to be less
pairing should, in the long run, see a swifter de- influential than either Urca process discussed
cline due to the significant drop in specific heat. above [5, 6, 45].
The bottom panel of Figure 17 confirms this Two of the more exotic forms of the neu-
expectation by plotting a two cooling curves, trino emission are the pion Urca (PU) and kaon
one with and one without proton-proton pair- Urca (KU) processes, occurring only in the pres-
ing. While proton pairing does not produce any ence of pion and kaon condensates. There ex-
notable influence on neutrino emission or sup- ists strong disagreement as to when exactly
pression, it does significantly alter the specific these condensates would appear with estimates
heat, and thus suitably exemplifies the long- ranging between 0 and 30 for pion conden-
term influence of superfluidity. The top panel sation and 20 and 60 for kaon condensa-
of Figure 17 depicts a somewhat crude repre- tion [46]. If such condensates did in fact form

FIG. 17. The top panel depicts the immediate effect of superfluidity, initiating at Tc , on the specific heat.
The blue curve includes the neutron 3 P 2 3 F 2 channel while the green curve does not. The bottom
panel depicts two neutron star cooling curves. The blue curve illustrates the long-term effects of pairing
on the specific heat by including proton-proton pairing, while the green curve excludes proton pairing for

they would have additional accompanying ef- ity. Pages primary choice of 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap is
fects such as a softening of the EOS, which in compared to BCS calculations in Figure 19 [5
turn would reduce the maximum possible neu- 7].
tron star mass [5, 8, 46]. The MCP also highlights the influence of the
The aforementioned neutrino production atmospheric composition on cooling trajecto-
mechanisms along with the PBF process are by ries. A hydrogen-based atmosphere surprisingly
far the most relevant to the focus of this pa- differs quite significantly from an iron-based at-
per. It should be mentioned that there are less mosphere. This additional degree of freedom to
influential processes being ignored due to their choose the atmospheric composition allows the
negligible impact on neutron star cooling. More MCP to construct a series of mass-dependent
exotic forms of neutrino emission also exist but cooling curves that can reasonably reproduce a
are being excluded from discussion due to their majority of neutron star data [5, 6]. It should be
assumption of more exotic forms of matter [5] briefly mentioned that this model is often criti-
(e.g. de-confined quark matter). cized for producing cooling trajectories with too
The simplest neutron star cooling model is little mass-dependence.
called the Standard Cooling Scenario. This The final model that will be discussed has
model assumes no forms of exotic matter exist been developed primarily by physicists from the
and only the MU and NB processes occur within Moscow Engineering Physics Institute and is re-
a neutron star. These two processes alone are ferred to as the Nuclear (Medium) Cooling Sce-
unable to provide realistic cooling curves. When nario (NCS). This model emphasizes the im-
compared with data, curves developed from the portance of in-medium effects and attempts to
Standard Cooling Scenario consistently predict include some of the more exotic forms of neu-
neutron stars that are far too warm. While the trino emission previously discussed. An ini-
Standard Cooling Scenario cannot provide a re- tial emphasis is placed on using the medium
alistic picture of neutron star cooling, it does modified one-pion exchange to re-calculate the
make the statement that additional forms of emissivities of the modified Urca and nucleon
neutrino emission must exist [5, 6]. bremsstrahlung processes. Their results show
The Minimal Cooling Paradigm (MCP), de- that these emissivities are in fact much larger
veloped by Dany Page, acknowledges the fail- than anything produced in the PBF process, in
ures of the Standard Cooling Scenario and essence reducing the influence of nucleon super-
makes the next logical step. Pages model as- fluidity to alterations of the specific heat and
sumes no exotica (pion condensates, kaon con- neutrino emission suppression [8, 46, 47]. While
densates, or deconfined quark matter) exist, but it is true that pairing within the NCS plays a
nucleon pairing can occur. This model addition- less important role when compared to the MCP,
ally restricts the DU process to the heaviest of it should be mentioned that the NCS does fun-
neutron stars (greater than two solar masses). damentally rely on the existence of a nonzero
As a result, the choice of 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap pro- P 2 3 F 2 gap less than 10 keV in magnitude
duces the greatest differentiation between cool- to reproduce all neutron star data [45].
ing curves. Page artificially creates different The NCS also attempts to incorporate pion
sized 3 P 2 3 F 2 gaps, compares the resultant and kaon condensation calculations into their
curves against cooling data, and derives conclu- cooling curves. They have shown in [48] that
sions about the gap based on the successes of such exotic forms astonishingly have very little
failures of the cooling curves. Figure 18 high- impact on the overall cooling process. While
lights the importance of the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap on this new model does show some advantages to
cooling within the context of the MCP. The the MCP, its stringent restriction on the size of
luminosity is broken down by component so the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap may introduce new compli-
that each individual process can be compared cations.
against the total neutrino and photon luminos- It is worth mentioning one specific neutron

FIG. 18. Luminosity broken down by component and compared to total neutrino (gray) and photon (yellow)
luminosity. Components displayed include 1 S 0 PBF neutron-neutron (dark blue), 1 S 0 PBF proton-proton
(red), 3 P 2 3 F 2 PBF (green), MU (light blue), and nucleon bremsstrahlung (pink).

FIG. 19. Comparison between commonly used 3 P 2 3 F2 MCP gap (light blue) and BCS results for Av18
(dark blue), CD Bonn (green), and Reid (red) potentials.

star currently under extensive investigation, the plot and primarily limited to the first few
that will in 10 years allow for a more detailed hundred years after star formation, is not due
analysis of the successes and failures of the NCS to the 1 S 0 PBF process as one might initially
and MCP [48]. expect. The 1 S 0 PBF process actually initi-
The neutron star located in the supernovae ates much earlier and has very little overall in-
remnant of Cassiopeia A (Cas A), is both ex- fluence on cooling. It does however create a
tremely young and reasonably well understood. microscopic difference that allows the BCS re-
The age of Cas A has been calculated from sult to reach the critical temperature associated
the nebulas kinematic age [45, 49, 50] and was with the 3 P 2 3 F 2 channel shortly before ei-
found to be about 330 years, a number that is in ther other curve. As a result, the BCS gap
excellent agreement with historical records doc- exhibits the rapid cooling associated with the
umenting supernovae SN 1680 [51]. Since 2000, P 2 3 F 2 PBF process momentarily earlier, cre-
Cas A has undergone an unexpected period of ating a brief, yet notable difference between the
accelerated cooling [48]. This cooling seems to curves.
be consistent with the onset of the 3 P 2 3 F 2 As previously mentioned the 1 S 0 neutron-
PBF process [50]. neutron gap has only minor consequences for
Interestingly enough, attempts by different the cooling of neutron stars. The main influ-
groups have been made to use the MCP and ence on neutron star cooling is the 3 P 2 3 F 2
NCS models to fit the cooling trajectory of gap as displayed in Figure 21. The pink curve
Cas A for all data recorded over the past 10 shows the cooling trajectory of a 1.4 solar mass
years [48, 50]. Both models have proven them- neutron star in the absence of the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap.
selves capable of reproducing the data collected The tightly bound curves in the middle of Fig-
from Cas A but the two models project a sig- ure 21 correspond to BCS results for the Av18,
nificant divergence over the next decade. Con- CD Bonn, and Reid potentials. The light blue
tinued observation of Cas A will allow a direct curve depicts the influence of the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap
assessment and comparison between the MCP developed by Dany Page (referred to as the min-
and NCS. imal cooling gap A) within the context of the
MCP. Almost no distinction is made between
the BCS results, suggesting that the influential
D. Cooling Results densities of a 1.4 solar mass neutron star (within
the construct of the APR EOS ) are around or
All cooling curves shown within this section below 2.0f m1 .
are created within the context of the MCP A higher mass neutron star would logically
as described above. Significant variable pa- contain a higher range of densities. Since the
rameters include 1 S 0 neutron-neutron gap, 1 S 0 BCS results for the 3 P 2 3 F 2 channel begin
proton-proton gap, 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap, neutron star to show notable differences at densities above
mass, and envelope composition. Unless other- 2.0f m1 , one would expect to see less similar-
wise stated a heavy-element envelope composi- ity between the cooling curves of higher mass
tion is assumed. neutron stars. Figure 22 correctly confirms this
Figure 20 displays the influence of the 1 S 0 expectation by reworking the calculations dis-
neutron-neutron gap on the cooling of a 1.4 so- played in Figure 21 for a 1.8 solar mass neutron
lar mass neutron star. The red curve depicts star. In Figures 21 and 22, the total range of
cooling without 1 S 0 superfluid neutrons while influence of the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap can roughly be
the blue and green curves display the results interpreted as the area between the pink and
from the standard BCS formula and the cal- light blue curves.
culations incorporating short-range correlations Neutron star data have been taken from [6]
respectively. The main differentiation between and plotted with varying mass neutron star
the three curves, occurring in the right side of cooling curves in Figure 23. The available er-

FIG. 20. Influence on the 1 S 0 neutron-neutron gap on the cooling of a 1.4 solar mass neutron star. The
figure displays cooling without pairing (red), BCS results (blue), and previously developed gap that accounts
for the effects of short-range correlations (green).

FIG. 21. Influence of the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap on the cooling of a 1.4 solar mass neutron star. Figure 21 displays
cooling in the absence of pairing (pink), BCS results using Av18 (dark blue), BCS results using CD Bonn
(green), BCS results using Reid (red), and the 3 P 2 3 F 2 minimal cooling gap A as developed by Dany
Page (light blue).

ror bars associated with each neutron star are light-element to heavy-element
plotted displaying a range in both kinematic
age and observed surface temperature. All data
shown have been fit with a blackbody atmo- IV. CONCLUSION
sphere. The minimal cooling gap A was used
for all of Figure 23s calculations possibly ac- This paper has presented an in-depth analy-
counting for the consistent underestimation of sis of nucleon pairing within the context of BCS
surface temperature. theory using modern realistic potentials. The
The curves displayed in Figure 23 clearly fail results have been consistently confirmed by em-
to account for all, and debatably most neutron ploying two distinct techniques capable of inde-
star data. Additionally, the differentiation be- pendently solving the gap equation. A method
tween curves is rather limited, suggesting addi- has also been presented to more accurately as-
tional degrees of freedom may need to be intro- certain the point at which the gap must vanish,
duced. Figure 23 is intended to display both helping solve the high-momentum instabilities
the accomplishments and the shortcomings of in gap calculations.
the MCP. If pion or kaon condensation were to The inclusion of short-range correlations on
occur at extremely high densities, the presence calculations of the 1 S 0 channel in neutron mat-
of these exotic forms of matter in high mass ter has lead to a significant quenching of the
neutron stars may allow for greater variation gap. Similar calculations of the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap
between different mass neutron stars, an issue are expected to be available shortly. More re-
which remains at the forefront of the MCPs cent work has been focused on incorporating
criticisms. medium polarization effects into 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap
A final comparison between neutron star data calculations. Proper treatment of the medium
and numerical simulations can be seen through polarization problem should lead to an energy
a comparison of luminosity. Figure 24 displays dependent gap with both real and complex
luminosity data (blue crosses denote error bars) parts.
and various cooling simulations under the MCP The effect of pairing on the cooling of neu-
that vary with choice of mass, gap, and enve- tron stars has also been discussed. While the
lope. The data appears to be quite reasonably influence of pairing is heavily dependent upon
approximated within this context. the cooling model, both of the well-known the-
Thus far all cooling calculations displayed ories discussed in this paper (the MCP and
have assumed the neutron star to have an iron, NCS) place rather stringent restrictions on the
or heavy element, envelope. This is not strictly P 2 3 F 2 gap. The 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap is the pri-
known and differing envelope compositions can mary input in the MCP, necessary for both neu-
noticeably affect the Ts Tb relation. A calcu- tron star mass differentiation and accelerated
lation comparing the cooling of a 1.4 solar mass cooling. The NCS on the other hand requires a
neutron star with a hydrogen-based, or light- microscopic, yet present, 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap to slow
element, envelope with a heavy element enve- the neutrino emission dominated primarily by
lope is shown in Figure 25. The envelope com- the MMU process.
position creates a considerably large difference The gaps calculated in section two have also
in cooling curves that could help explain some been incorporated into neutron star cooling
of the hotter neutron star data shown in Fig- curves. The direct influence of the 1 S 0 gap with
ure 23. It should also be mentioned that other short-range correlations on cooling has been
authors [5, 6] have considered the possible ex- shown and the importance of the 3 P 2 3 F 2
istence of a time evolving envelope. The end gap within the context of the MCP has been
result of such calculations would begin on the discussed. Finally, neutron star data have been
green line in Figure 25 and eventually transi- displayed and compared against cooling calcu-
tion to the blue as the envelope transitions from lations for an illustrative assessment of the suc-

FIG. 22. Influence of the 3 P 2 3 F 2 gap on the cooling of a 1.8 solar mass neutron star. Figure displays
cooling without pairing (pink), with BCS results using Av18 (dark blue), with BCS results using CD Bonn
(green), with BCS results using Reid (red), and with the 3 P 2 3 F 2 minimal cooling gap A as developed
by Dany Page.

FIG. 23. Cooling curves of a 1 SM (dark blue), 1.2 SM (green), 1.4 SM (red), 1.6 SM (light blue), 1.8 SM
(pink), and 2.0 SM neutron star (yellow). Curves are plotted with neutron star data (red partial lines).
Data is fitted with blackbody atmosphere.

FIG. 24. Total luminosity for a variety of different neutron star simulations plotted against observational

FIG. 25. Two cooling curves for a 1.4 SM neutron star. Curves display the difference between a light-element
envelope (green) and a heavily-element envelope (blue) on the Ts Tb relation.

cesses and failures of the MCP. tions they have made to this project. Finally, I
would like to extend my appreciation to Wash-
ington University in St. Louis for the financial
V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS assistance that has made this research possible.

I would like to thank Dr. Willem Dickhoff,

Dr. Helber Dussan, and Dong Ding for all the
guidance and support they have provided me VI. APPENDIX
over the past two years. Additionally I would
like recognize and thank our collaborators in
Europe, Dr. Arnau Rios and Dr. Artur Polls, A. Newly Developed Lindhard Function
for all of the work, knowledge, and contribu-

For: Q< 2kF

0 E

m2 (E)
E Q2 2 kQF +

~3 4Q
Im(0 ) =  h i2  (26)
m(E) Q
~3 m 2
Q2 2 kQF + E Q2 + 2 kQF +

8Q k F Q 2

For: Q> 2kF

"  2 #  
0 m 2 m(E ) Q Q Q
Im( ) = 3 k Q2 2 + E Q2 + 2 +
~ 8Q F Q 2 kF kF
For: Q 2kF

m m + Q2 Qk m + m Q2 + Qk
0 m 2 F 2 F
Re( ) = 2 QkF + m + m( ) ln m( + ) ln

Q m m m + m

" 2
1 2m 2m Q2 2m 2m Q2 2QkF
+ kF 2 ln
2 4 Q 2m 2m + Q2 2QkF
" 2 # #
1 2m + 2m + Q2 2m + 2m + Q2 + 2QkF

1 2
+ kF ln

2 4 Q 2m + 2m Q2 + 2QkF

For: Q 2kF
" " 2 #
1 2m 2m Q2 2m 2m Q2 2QkF

0 m 2mkF 1 2
Re( ) = Qk F + + k F ln
Q 2 Q 2 4 Q 2m 2m Q2 + 2QkF
"  # #
2 2 2

1 1 2m + 2m + Q 2m + 2m + Q + 2Qk F
+ kF 2

2 4 Q 2m + 2m + Q2 2QkF

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