You are on page 1of 160







Installation Steps ................................................................................................................... 5
Installation of the Software ................................................................................................... 5
Installing in an Existing Train Store Installation ................................................................... 5
Setting Parameters ................................................................................................................. 5
MSTS Folders Path ........................................................................................................... 6
Train Store In Store Folder ............................................................................................. 6
First Steps .............................................................................................................................. 8
First Steps (Easy Train Store) ............................................................................................... 9
Running an Activity .......................................................................................................... 9
Exploring a Route ............................................................................................................. 9
Changing the Explore Mode Consists for a Route .......................................................... 11
Editing or Maintaining your MSTS Installation (Easy Train Store) ........................................... 12
First Steps (Classic Train Store) .......................................................................................... 13
Choosing The Activity .................................................................................................... 13
Committing the Selections to MSTS............................................................................... 14
Setting Explore Mode Consists and Paths ....................................................................... 15
Editing or Maintaining your MSTS Installation (Classic Train Sto re) ....................................... 18

7+(75$,16725(0$,1 :,1'2:$1')81&7,216  

Train Store Main Window (Easy Train Store) .................................................................... 19
Choose a Route ............................................................................................................... 19
Run an Activity or Explore the Route ............................................................................. 19
Run an Activity ............................................................................................................... 20
Choose the Activity .................................................................................................... 20
Run the Activity.......................................................................................................... 20
Explore the Route............................................................................................................ 21
Choose the Locomotive .............................................................................................. 21
Changing the Routes Explore Mode Consist List ..................................................... 22
Choose the Consist ..................................................................................................... 22
Choose the Starting Point ........................................................................................... 23
Choose the Ending Point or Direction ........................................................................ 23
Exploring with Loose Stock and AI Traffic ............................................................... 23
Use RailDriver ............................................................................................................ 23
Start the Exploration ................................................................................................... 23
Train Store Main Window (Classic Train Store) ................................................................. 25
Operation Mode .............................................................................................................. 25
Routes Pane..................................................................................................................... 25
Routes ......................................................................................................................... 26
Global Settings............................................................................................................ 26
Information Pane ............................................................................................................. 26
Controls Section .............................................................................................................. 28
Activate Selections ..................................................................................................... 28

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page i

GO!......................................................................................................................... 28
Include Explore Mode Consists.............................................................................. 29
Include Explore Mode Paths .................................................................................. 30
Launch MSTS......................................................................................................... 30
Use RailDriver........................................................................................................ 30
MSTS Maintenance .................................................................................................... 30
Prepare.................................................................................................................... 31
Partial Route ........................................................................................................... 31
+ Def. Routes.......................................................................................................... 32
+ All Stock.............................................................................................................. 32
Launch MSTS Editor.............................................................................................. 32
Routes/Activities......................................................................................................... 32
Explore Mode Consists, Maint. Mode Consists/Stock ............................................... 32
Edit Selected Route /Edit Global Settings .............................................................. 33
Explore Mode Paths/Maintenance Mode Paths .......................................................... 34
Edit Selected Route ................................................................................................ 34
Exit.............................................................................................................................. 36
Status Information ........................................................................................................... 36

File Menu ............................................................................................................................ 37
New ................................................................................................................................. 37
Open ................................................................................................................................ 37
Save ................................................................................................................................. 38
SaveAs ............................................................................................................................ 38
Print ................................................................................................................................. 38
Print Setup....................................................................................................................... 38
Exit .................................................................................................................................. 38
Edit ...................................................................................................................................... 39
Copy ................................................................................................................................ 39
Save Contents.................................................................................................................. 39
Find ................................................................................................................................. 39
Find Next......................................................................................................................... 40
View .................................................................................................................................... 40
Refresh ............................................................................................................................ 40
Routes.................................................................................................................................. 40
Store the Selected Route(s) UnStore the Selected Route(s) ............................................ 40
Unstore This Route Only ................................................................................................ 40
TSECTION.DAT Settings .............................................................................................. 40
Activities ............................................................................................................................. 41
Store Selected Activity(ies) Unstore Selected Activity(ies) ........................................... 41
Unstore This Activity Only ............................................................................................. 41
Paths .................................................................................................................................... 41
View All Paths for this Route ......................................................................................... 41
Edit Selected Explore Mode Paths .................................................................................. 41
Activate Selected Path(s) List ......................................................................................... 41
DeActivate Selected Path(s) List .................................................................................... 41
Activate Selected Path List Only .................................................................................... 41
Create New Path List ...................................................................................................... 42
Where Used..................................................................................................................... 42
Consists ............................................................................................................................... 42

Page ii 29 May 2005 Train Store

View All Consists ........................................................................................................... 42
Edit Selected Explore Mode Consists Edit Selected Maintenance Mode Consists ......... 42
Activate Selected Consist List(s) .................................................................................... 42
DeActivate Selected Consist List(s)................................................................................ 42
Activate Selected Consist List Only ............................................................................... 42
Create New Consist List.................................................................................................. 43
Show Selected Item in Viewer ........................................................................................ 43
Where Used..................................................................................................................... 43
Stock.................................................................................................................................... 43
View All Stock Items ...................................................................................................... 43
Edit Selected Maintenance Stock List ............................................................................. 43
Activate Selected Stock List(s) ....................................................................................... 43
DeActivate Selected Stock List(s) .................................................................................. 43
Activate Selected Stock List Only .................................................................................. 43
Create New Stock List .................................................................................................... 44
Show Selected Item in Viewer ........................................................................................ 44
Where Used..................................................................................................................... 44
Tools.................................................................................................................................... 44
Options ............................................................................................................................ 44
Expand Routes List When Created ............................................................................. 44
View Objects by File Name ........................................................................................ 44
Suppress MSTS Launch.............................................................................................. 45
Suppress Background Image ...................................................................................... 45
Return to Train Store after MSTS Launch.................................................................. 45
Start with Blank Routes window ................................................................................ 45
Use Default Scenario .................................................................................................. 45
Change List Highlighting (Unstored Items) ............................................................... 46
Always Show Scenario Save Warning ....................................................................... 47
Confirm Completion ................................................................................................... 47
Suppress Move Error Dialogue................................................................................... 47
Suppress Activity Saved Warning .............................................................................. 48
Suppress Maintenance Warning ................................................................................. 48
Suppress Warning Messages ...................................................................................... 48
Suppress Where Used Analysis of Errors ................................................................ 49
Suppress Error/Warning Highlighting ........................................................................ 49
Train Store Storage Folder .......................................................................................... 49
MSTS Launch Settings ............................................................................................... 50
MSTS Folder .............................................................................................................. 51
System Default TSECTION.DAT Settings ................................................................ 53
Viewer Screenshot Folder........................................................................................... 54
Editor Settings ............................................................................................................ 55
ConBuilder Settings .................................................................................................... 56
Route_Riter Settings ................................................................................................... 57
RailDriver Launch Settings ........................................................................................ 58
SVIEW Settings .......................................................................................................... 59
Use SVIEW as Item Viewer ....................................................................................... 60
Route Control Launch Settings ................................................................................... 60
Reports ............................................................................................................................ 61
Statistics ...................................................................................................................... 61
Where Used (No Unused Items) ................................................................................. 61
Unused Items .............................................................................................................. 61
Where Used (Complete) ............................................................................................. 61
Language ......................................................................................................................... 62
Rebuild Cache Files ........................................................................................................ 62
Train Store 29 May 2005 Page iii
Reset Pane Widths .......................................................................................................... 63
Start ConBuilder ............................................................................................................. 63
Start Route_Riter............................................................................................................. 63
Unstore Everything! ........................................................................................................ 63
Help ..................................................................................................................................... 64
Uninstall Train Store ........................................................................................................... 64
Popup Menu Items............................................................................................................... 66
Immediate Unstore .......................................................................................................... 66
Edit .................................................................................................................................. 66
Edit Lot Number ............................................................................................................. 66

Setting up TSECTION.DAT Swapping .............................................................................. 68
Set up a TSECTION.DAT Library ................................................................................. 68
Specifying the System Default TSECTION.DAT .......................................................... 68
Specifying the TSECTION.DAT for a Route ................................................................. 70
Using the TSECTION.DAT Swapping ........................................................................... 71

Maintenance Mode .............................................................................................................. 73
Editing MSTS Routes, Activities and Consists ................................................................... 73
Unstore Everything! ............................................................................................................ 74
UnInstall Train Store ........................................................................................................... 75

Creating a Scenario File ...................................................................................................... 77
Loading a Scenario File ....................................................................................................... 77
Using a Scenario as an MSTS Launcher ............................................................................. 78
Creating a Shortcut for a Scenario....................................................................................... 79
Create The Shortcut......................................................................................................... 79
Rename the Shortcut ....................................................................................................... 79
Change the Shortcut Icon ................................................................................................ 79

(;3/25(:,7+/226(672&.$1'25$,75$)),& 75$,16725(
Starting the Explore ............................................................................................................. 83
Restarting from a Saved TRAIN STORE EXPLORE Session ........................................... 85
Points to Note when using TRAIN STORE EXPLORE ..................................................... 87

Viewer Operation ................................................................................................................ 89
Viewer Window Format ...................................................................................................... 89
Viewer Commands .............................................................................................................. 90
TRAINLIB.OCX Version ................................................................................................... 91

Page iv 29 May 2005 Train Store

Creating a New List............................................................................................................. 94
Activating or Deactivating a List ........................................................................................ 94
Naming A List ..................................................................................................................... 95
Deleting a List ..................................................................................................................... 95
Explore Mode Consists/Maintenance Mode Consists ......................................................... 96
Creating Explore Mode Consists/Maintenance Mode Consists ...................................... 96
Adding or Removing Consists .................................................................................... 97
Filtering the Consists Available.................................................................................. 97
Additional Information ............................................................................................... 98
Explore Mode Paths/Maintenance Mode Paths ................................................................... 99
Creating Explore Mode Paths/Maintenance Mode Paths ................................................ 99
Adding or Removing Paths ....................................................................................... 100
Filtering the Paths Available..................................................................................... 100
Additional Information ............................................................................................. 100
Maintenance Mode Stock Items ........................................................................................ 102
Creating Maintenance Mode Stock Items ..................................................................... 102
Adding or Removing Stock Items ............................................................................ 103
Filtering the Stock Items Available .......................................................................... 104
Additional Information ............................................................................................. 104
Selection Filters ................................................................................................................. 105
Selection Fields ............................................................................................................. 105
Wild Card Matching...................................................................................................... 105
Consist Filters ............................................................................................................... 106
Locomotive Name .................................................................................................... 106
Consist Name............................................................................................................ 106
Used in Route ........................................................................................................... 106
Type of Consist......................................................................................................... 107
Driveable .............................................................................................................. 107
Light Engine ......................................................................................................... 107
Passenger .............................................................................................................. 107
Freight .................................................................................................................. 107
Type of Motive Power .............................................................................................. 107
Diesel.................................................................................................................... 107
Electric.................................................................................................................. 107
Steam .................................................................................................................... 107
Status......................................................................................................................... 107
Lot Number............................................................................................................... 107
Path Filters .................................................................................................................... 107
From.......................................................................................................................... 108
To.............................................................................................................................. 108
Path Name................................................................................................................. 108
Type of Path.............................................................................................................. 108
Driveable .............................................................................................................. 108
Status......................................................................................................................... 108
Stock Filters .................................................................................................................. 108
Stock Name............................................................................................................... 108
Used in Route ........................................................................................................... 108
Type of Stock............................................................................................................ 109
Locomotives ......................................................................................................... 109
Tenders ................................................................................................................. 109

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page v

Passenger .............................................................................................................. 109
Freight .................................................................................................................. 109
Type of Motive Power .............................................................................................. 109
Driveable .............................................................................................................. 109
Diesel.................................................................................................................... 109
Electric.................................................................................................................. 109
Steam .................................................................................................................... 109
Status......................................................................................................................... 109
Lot Number............................................................................................................... 109


What are Train Store Lot Numbers? ................................................................................. 111
How Are They Used? ........................................................................................................ 111
Assigning or Creating Lot Numbers.................................................................................. 111
Notification of New Consists or Stock Items .................................................................... 112



Setting up to use RailDriver with Train Store ................................................................... 117
Specify the Location of the RailDriver Software ..................................................... 117
Using RailDriver with Train Store ............................................................................ 118

The Problem ...................................................................................................................... 119
The Solution ...................................................................................................................... 119
Implementation of the Solution..................................................................................... 120
Specify the Location of the Route Control Software ................................................ 120
Place the RouteControl Shortcut............................................................................... 121
Using Route Control ................................................................................................. 121


Backing up MSTS Files .................................................................................................... 123


I have just installed Train Store and now most of my Stock is missing. Why is this? ...... 127
I have just installed Train Store and I cant start exploring from a location that I want. Why
is this?................................................................................................................................ 127
I am using Easy Train Store to Explore and I cant find the locomotive I want to use. Why
is this?................................................................................................................................ 127
There are too many locomotives in the list in Easy Train Store. How can I get rid of the
ones I dont want? ............................................................................................................. 128
How can I see all of the Consists for the displayed locomotives in Easy Train Store? ..... 128
What is Maintenance Mode and when should I use it? ..................................................... 128
Why does Train Store leave some files in Store? .............................................................. 128

Page vi 29 May 2005 Train Store

Why shouldnt I put all of my Consists in Explore Mode Lists? ...................................... 129
What are the Global Settings for? ..................................................................................... 129
I have set up my Explore Mode Consists, but I still cant see the Consist in MSTS? ..... 129
Why doesnt Train Store handle multiple MSTS folders? ................................................ 129
Why is there no UnPrepare function? ............................................................................. 129
Do I need to do anything before installing a new Route? ................................................. 130
How should I install a new Activity? ................................................................................ 130
I have just installed a new Activity, and now Train Store has caused errors with missing
Consists. Why is this? ....................................................................................................... 130
How should I install a new Consist or Stock Item? ........................................................... 130
How can I organise my stock so it is not one big list? ...................................................... 131
How can I organise things into more than one category? .................................................. 131
What is the purpose of Used in Route? Are Consists Route dependant? ....................... 131
Exactly what should I put in Maintenance Mode Consist lists, or Maintenance Mode Stock
lists?................................................................................................................................... 132
Why Does Train Store produce a Where Used Analysis every time I edit the C onsists or
Stock lists?......................................................................................................................... 132
I want to make a change to one Consist or Stock Item. Do I have to add it to a list and then
Unstore it? ......................................................................................................................... 132
Why do I have Warning messages telling me that an .ASV file is out of date? ................ 133
Why are some Train Store messages Errors and others are Warnings? ....................... 133
Why are there warning messages telling me that there is a discrepancy in a traffic file ... 133
I want to use Loose Stock when I Explore, but MSTS displays an er ror and does not start
the Explore ........................................................................................................................ 134
Train Store will not start. The error message refers to System Restore. What does this
mean? ................................................................................................................................ 134
I want to Explore using Easy Explore, but MSTS also shows me an Activity. Why is this?
........................................................................................................................................... 134
When I start Train Store there is a message saying Windows Language Resources are not
available What does this mean? ....................................................................................... 135
Why do some of my lists have a tick box alongside? ........................................................ 135
Why does the Viewer display an error when s tarting? ...................................................... 135
Why are some of the items in my Stock List in italic font? .............................................. 135
Why are some of the items in my Consist List crossed out? .......................................... 135


Checking............................................................................................................................ 137
Movement of Files and Folders......................................................................................... 137
Installation of New Routes ................................................................................................ 137
Error Messages .................................................................................................................. 138

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page vii

Registry Permissions ......................................................................................................... 139
Train Store Registry Requirements ............................................................................... 139
Resolving a Registry Permission Problem .................................................................... 139
Always Use the Administrator Account ................................................................... 139
Change the Registry Permissions ............................................................................. 140
MSTS Consist Limit.......................................................................................................... 140
Using Multiple MSTS Installations with Train Store ........................................................ 140
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................. 141
Copyright........................................................................................................................... 141

Creating File Association for Scenario Files ..................................................................... 143


Page viii 29 May 2005 Train Store

Train Store assists in storing MSTS Routes, activities consists paths, and TSECTION.DAT
files efficiently, without requiring changes to the MSTS configuration, and w ithout making
additional copies of files or installations of MSTS.

Individual Routes and or Activities can be 'In Use' to MSTS, whilst the remainder of your
MSTS configuration is 'In Store' and unavailable to MSTS.

This improves MSTS start-up and closedown times dramatically. It also removes the problem
of 'too many consists'. Changing between Routes and Activities is very quick. Combinations
of Routes and Activities (or individual Routes or Activities) can be saved as 'Scenarios'.

There is a facility to include additional 'Explore Mode Consists' as part of the definition of a
Route, so that the facilities can be used with or without Activities. Because of the way Train
Store operates, all of the Paths that have been set up for a Route are still available in Explore

It is even possible to Explore a Route whilst the Loose Stock from any Activity is present, and
even to run the AI Traffic whilst exploring.

In Train Stores Maintenance Mode, specific Stock Items and/or Consists can be selected,
allowing you to specify which Stock and Consists will be available for use in the MSTS
editors and other add-on editors, to modify your MSTS Routes and Activities.

Train Store has a Lot Number or categorisation facility which allows you to categorise
Consists or Stock Items, so that they may be easily selected, when setting up Consist, or Stock
Lists. Train Store automatically maintains a Lot Number for all new Stock or Consists added
to your installation, but you can modify this in any way which you prefer t o assist in the
Categorisation that you prefer to use (e.g. Company, Period etc.)

Train Store will, if required, intelligently swap TSECTION.DAT files so that the necessary
file is available for Routes which require specific versions. If multiple Routes a re being
unstored, any conflicts are notified to the user, and avoiding action can be taken by omitting
Routes which are causing the conflict.

A simple Information facility is included for Routes Activities and Consists, together with a
rudimentary print facility.

A Train Store Viewer is included which will show pictures of Stock Items or Consists.

The software is very easy to use. There are two interfaces available to the user. (DV\7UDLQ
6WRUH allows a user to select an Activity to run or a Consist to Explore with, and immediately
start MSTS. &ODVVLF 7UDLQ 6WRUH provides access to the existing Train Store user interface
and the complete range of facilities. Selection of a required configuration can be completed in
3 to 4 mouse clicks, including launching MSTS. Most of the facilities have options which can
be set by the user.

There is a simple Unstore Everything facility which will return the MSTS installation to its
original state.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 1

Page 2 29 May 2005 Train Store
For MSTS to run a large number of files are needed to describe each simulation. When MSTS
starts, it has to read all of the files that potentially it may be called upon to use, so that it can
store as much of the relevant files in its memory as possible to prevent it having to read more
files from the disk during a simulation. As an MSTS installation grows the number of files
held increased enormously. As the number increases, the load on MSTS increases particularly
during starting up and ending a simulation. In most cases this just slows things down, but
there are some situations where limits are exceeded and MSTS becomes (even more)
unstable. e.g. there seems to be a maximum limit of approximately 800 to 900 consists that
MSTS can handle in one installation.

Unfortunately, when problems occur they are not necessarily isolated to the one Route,
Activity or Consist that is actually the cause of the problem, and it is all too easy to end up
with an unusable MSTS installation by adding one incorrect item. The probable reason for
this is MSTS tries to validate a certain amount of information when first loaded, and at that
point it is not clear what files will be required, so it validates something of everything. For
example, every signal script in every route is read, and can cause an error before the Route
Selection screen is even displayed.

The solution would seem to be to remove the files that are not needed during simulation runs.
However, this is not a trivial task as the problem is compounded by the fact that files are
related to one another in ways which do not always make it easy to remove an individual file.
For example, a Consist is a group of wagons, coaches, locomotives etc. in any combination.
Once the Consist is described, it can be used (within certain limits) on any Route. Some users
have attempted to get around this by setting up multiple MSTS installations, or copying
various files to specific folders. This is partially successful, in that Route information is easily
removed from an MSTS installation (it does not interact with any othe r Route). The problem
comes with Consists, or to be more precise, individual wagons. These can be used anywhere
within MSTS, and the information specifying their use is embedded in Consist files, Service
files, Traffic files and Activity files. Some of the se are associated with a Route and/or an
Activity others arent. The result is that it is not possible (unless there are a multitude of
different detailed configuration copies set up) to remove the overhead associated with the
unused Wagons and Consists.

Train Store operates by dynamically examining the Route, Activity, Service, Traffic, Path,
Consist Wagon and Engine files in an MSTS installation, and allowing the user to make a
simple choice (of Route, Activity, Exploration or combinations of them), and then removing
all of the unused files from the installation. The files are not actually removed of course,
they are moved to another folder. Train Store therefore has the concept of an In Use and In
Store set of files. Train Store does not actually m ake any changes to the contents of your
MSTS files, nor does it make any changes to Windows Registry settings for MSTS. No
parameters are changed, no files are edited. It simply moves out the unwanted files (actually,
the unwanted files that trigger MSTS i nto unwanted activity).

Train Store will also automate the swapping of TSECTION.DAT files which might be
required for specific Routes. A TSECTION.DAT file specification can be set up for any
Route, and Train Store will use this specification when the Rout e is unstored. If multiple
Routes are being unstored, Train Store will warn of any conflicts, and allow avoiding action
to be taken.

Once Train Store has been set up, it can do this moving quickly (moves are fast), in typically
30 to 45 seconds.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 3

Page 4 29 May 2005 Train Store
The following steps are necessary to install Train Store. Further information about each step is
included in this section of the manual.

 Run the setup program TrainStore Setup.exe.

 Start the Train Store program.
 (For new installations only) Set the parameters : -
MSTS Location
Train Store Storage Folder

Train Store is provided with a ClickTeam installer. The installer program is a single
executable file. There are no other files required to insta ll Train Store.

Run the installation program TrainStore Setup.exe.

The running of the Train Store Setup program does not make any changes to your system,
other than installing the Train Store software and the manual in its own folder. (No changes
are made to your MSTS configuration, Registry settings or files. No files are added to
Windows or Windows System folders).

The software can be installed without uninstalling any previous version of Train Store,
provided that you install the Train Store software to the same folder as used for the previous
installation. If you do not want to install this version of Train Store to the same folder as the
previous version, before installation of this version, you mus t Unstore Everything! and then
uninstall the previous version of Train Store completely (and any Train Store Language Packs
you may have installed), and then proceed as a new Train Store installation .

If you install this version of Train Store over a prev ious version in the same folder, all of your
settings will be saved, and Train Store will automatically update its parameter files to the
latest version compatible with this version of the software. Once the software is installed you
can start Train Store as normal. No parameter setting is necessary.

If you did not install this version of Train Store over a previous version in the same folder,
and you choose the same Train Store Storage folder location, Train Store will pick up and use
all of your previous Explore Mode Consist, Maintenance Mode Consist, and Lot Number

Note: Once you have installed this version of Train Store, do not re -install the original
version, as the Train Store files are not compatible and you will lose information i n your
Train Store installation.

When you run Train Store for the first time there are two parameters that PXVW be set. These
are :-
1. The location, or Path, to the MSTS folders.
2. The folder, or Path to be used as the Train Store In Store folder.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 5

Train Store offers you a default value for both when you first run it. You can use these
suggested defaults, or choose different folders. Your choice can be modified at any time later
if you wish.

When you run Train Store for the first time it will first check that your Windows account has
the necessary permissions to store the Train Store parameters in the Windows Registry. In the
very unlikely situation that this test fails, then an Error dialogue will be displayed and then
Train Store will close. It is not possible to proceed unless your account has the relevant
permissions in the Registry. If you need more information about this, s ee the section later in
the manual headed Registry Permissions.

Train Store will then check that MSTS has already been installed on your system, and then if
this check is successful, you will immediately asked if you want Train Store to automatically
select the MSTS Folders Path.

You should generally accept the <HV default, unless your system has multiple MSTS
installations or multiple sets of the MSTS folders which you are changing between. (If you do
have multiple MSTS installations or multiple sets of the MSTS folders , then please do be
sure to read the information later in this manual conce rning setting a Fixed MSTS folder
before continuing).

Once the MSTS Folder has been selected (either automatically by Train Store, or by your own
selection) Train Store will display a window for you to choose the folder that you want Train
Store to use to keep its In Store files. Again Train Store will suggest a default option.

Page 6 29 May 2005 Train Store

The folder chosen can be a new folder to be created by Train Store, or it can be an existing
folder. Choose the folder, either by navigating to it, using the folder list, or else type in the
name of the folder that you want in the edit box above it. If it is an existing folder it must be
empty, or else it must be a previously used Train Store Storage folder. Also, the folder must
be on the same drive as the MSTS file folders. (It cannot be on any other drive, because it is
not possible to move files without copying). Choose the folder, and click on the OK button to
complete the process. Train Store will register the folder as the Train Store Storag e folder
(creating it if necessary), close the dialogue box and open the main Train Store window.

NOTE: Once the folder has been created, or assigned to Train Store, you should not add or
make any changes to files or folders within the In Store folder. If you do so, Train Store may
not be able to run properly.

Once you have entered or accepted the suggested settings Train Store will examine your
MSTS installation and create the files it needs to be able to operate normally. Please be
patient, this process can take several minutes, and only runs the first time you run Train Store.
No files are created within the MSTS folders and no settings changed or files changed within

When the process is complete, the Main Train Store window will be opened.

That is the end of the installation process for Train Store.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 7

When you start Train Store for the first time the (DV\7UDLQ6WRUH page will be displayed.
This is a simplified interface for users who do not need or want to use the more advanced
features of Train Store.

If you want to use the Classic Train Store interface, click on the &ODVVLF7UDLQ6WRUH tab at
the top of the window and the Train Store Main Window will be opened.

file, see the section 76(&7,21'$7)LOH6ZDSSLQJ later in the Train Store manual. Train
Note: If, in your MSTS installation, you use more than one versio n of the TSECTION.DAT

Store can now handle this automatically if you wish.

Page 8 29 May 2005 Train Store

On the left hand side, the page there are details of the Rou tes available in your MSTS
installation. On the right hand side the page there are details of the Activities which are
available for the Route which is selected in the Routes list.

The window will look something like this :-

Select the Route on which you want to run an Activity by clicking on it with the mouse. The
information in the Activities panel will change to show the Activities which are available for
the Route you have selected.

Choose the Activity you want to run by clickin g on it with the mouse. The Activity
information concerning the Locomotive, Consist, Path and Activity Description will change
to show the information for the Activity you have selected. You can examine the train that
you will be driving by clicking on the Consist icon . This will open the internal Train Store

Click on the Run button. Train Store will survey your MSTS installation and store all of the
files which are not needed to run the Activity you selected, and then start MSTS.

Click on the ([SORUHWKH5RXWH tab at the top of the Activities information panel. The panel
on the right hand side will change to an Explore panel showing details of the Locomotives
which are available to drive on the Route, the Consists, and the Paths .

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 9

Choose a locomotive from the list by clicking on it with the mouse. You can change the
locomotives list to restrict it to the locomotives used in your Explore Mode Consists, by
choosing an option from the drop-down list at the top of the panel. There are three options :-
All locomotives available in the MSTS installation (the default)
locomotives used in the Explore Mode Consists for the Route + Global Settings
locomotives used in the Explore Mode Consists for the Route only
locomotives used in the Activities contained in the Route

When you choose a locomotive, the Consists list will automatically change to show the
Consists which are available to drive with that locomotive.

Choose the Consist that you want to use with that locomotive from the Consist list, by
clicking on it with the mouse. The description information at the bottom of the panel will
change to show details of the Consist. You can examine the train that you will be driving by
clicking on the Consist icon . This will open the internal Train Store Viewer.

6WDUWLQJ DW drop-down list. The +HDGLQJWRZDUGV list will then change to show the ending
Choose the place where you want to start your exploration, by selecting a place from the

points for the Paths which are available from the e xploration start point that you have

+HDGLQJ WRZDUGV drop-down list.

Choose the ending point for your exploration, by selecting a location from the

Page 10 29 May 2005 Train Store

Click on the ([SORUH button. Train Store will survey your MSTS installation and store all of
the files which are not needed to run the exploration you selected, and then start MSTS.

If you want to change the Consists in your Explore Mode lists, click on the (GLW/LVW button
which is underneath the Locomotives list. This will open the (GLW([SORUH0RGH&RQVLVWV
/LVW for the Route selected, if you have restricted the locomotives list to those used in the
Explore Mode Consists for a Route only. It will open the (GLW([SORUH 0RGH &RQVLVWV
/LVW for Global Settings if you have restricted the locomotives list to those used in the
Explore Mode Consists for a Route + Global Settings.

To add a Consist to the list :-

Highlight the required Consist or Consists from the Consists Available List.
Click on the Add to List button, or drag the required Consist(s) into the Current List
pane. You can choose the Consist from the list as displayed, or you can filter the list
down to a smaller number of items by completing one or more of the selections in the
Consist Filter box at the bottom of the window. For full details, see the later section
dealing with Explore Mode Consists and Maintenance Mode Consists and Stock.
To remove a Consist from the list :-
Highlight the required Consist or Consists from the &XUUHQW/LVW.
Click on the 5HPRYH IURP /LVW button, or drag the required Consist(s) into the
Consists Available pane.
Click on the 2. button to update the list.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 11

Please remember Train Store operates by s toring all files which are not needed for the
Activity, or Exploration that you have chosen, so that they are not available to the MSTS

installation, you PXVW ensure that the files are in the correct place.
installation. So before you examine the installation files or make any changes to your

8QVWRUH (YHU\WKLQJ from the Tools menu. This will unstore all of the files and return
If you do not want to use the comprehensive features of Classic Train Store, simply choose

everything to your MSTS installation. Y ou are then free to examine files, and make any
changes to the files.

Page 12 29 May 2005 Train Store

In the Train Store main window there are two panes, on the left -hand side, the Routes pane,
and the right-hand side, Information pane. The window will look something like this : -

In the Routes Activities & Consists pane, you can see the Routes for the MSTS installation
laid out in a map or tree form. As you click on each item, any relevant information will be
displayed in the Information pane. You can double-click on any Route and expand it to show
details of the Route, its Activities and any Explore Consists or Explore Mode Paths assigned
to that Route. (If you have just started there will be no Explore Mode Consists or E xplore
Mode Paths defined for any Route). Each Route and Activity is marked with an icon which
shows you visually whether the item is In Use , or In Store . There are different icons
for Explore Consists and Explore Mode Paths which are described below. You can
also expand any group of items by clicking on the + sign on the left of the group of items.

In the Controls section in the right of the Main window, you will see the Tab with the

It is set to 6LPXODWLRQ. Simulation mode is the mode used in Train Store to select the Routes
captions Simulation and Maintenance. This controls th e mode which Train Store operates in.

and Activities you want to run in MSTS, and then commit the changes to the MSTS files so
that you can run the MSTS simulatio ns using the selections you have made.

The first time that you use Train Store everything will be In Use . The easiest way to get
started is to Store everything and then Unstore the item you want to use.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 13

Click on the Routes entry in the tree view a t the top of the Routes pane.
In the Controls section on the right-hand side, click on the 6WRUH 6HOHFWHG 5RXWH V
button. All of the Routes icons will be changed from to denoting that the Routes
are In Store. If you double click on any Route to expa nd it, you will see that the
Activities have also been stored.

Now choose the Route, or Activity that you wish to run in MSTS. (The best
performance in MSTS is obtained with the minimum number of items In Use, but
there is nothing to stop you choosing more than one Activity or Route if you so wish).
Once you have clicked on the item you want to put In Use, click on the 8QVWRUH

on the right-hand side. The icon for the selected item will change from to . If you
changed an Activity from In Store to In Use notice that the corresponding icon for
the Route also changes (it is not possible to Unstore an Activity, unless the Route itself
is also Unstored).

The selections you have made so far have been made in memory and they have not yet been
committed to the MSTS files. (You can make any number of changes to the
In Use/In Store status of any of the items in the Routes pane, correc t mistakes in selection

When you are satisfied with your selection,

click on the *2 button in $FWLYDWH 6HOHFWLRQV in the controls section on the right -
hand side.
Train Store will now commit the changes to the MSTS files. In the Status line at the bottom of
the Train Store window you can see the progress as Train Store moves the relevant files or

The first time that you run Train Store, almost everything will need to be moved, so this first
move will take a little time (possibly several minutes). When the process is complete, the hour
glass mouse cursor will be replaced by the normal mouse cursor, and the Status line will be
clear, you are free to use MSTS. If you selected the Confirm Completion option then a
confirmation dialogue box will also be displayed, requiring you to click OK to continue.

Page 14 29 May 2005 Train Store

Notice that the indication in the Train Store window title will have changed from
[Everything Unstored] [ Synchronised] to [Synchronised], and that there is now a warning


This banner is to provide a continuous reminder that the only files which are now available to
MSTS are those files needed for the Activity and Route that you chose to Unstore. To edit the
MSTS configuration, to add or edit Consists, Activities or Routes, you need all of the files for
the Route(s) that you want to work on available to MSTS. You can do this using the Train
Store Maintenance Mode. See the later section, describing the Maintenance Mode, fo r details.
Now close Train Store
Start MSTS.
Notice that when you start MSTS, only the Route(s) and Activity(ies) you selected to be
Unstored are available on the MSTS menu.

For MSTS to run effectively you must have at least one Route In Use, and at lea st one
Activity In Use somewhere within the installation. Train Store will warn you if your
selections do not pass these tests. Notice also, that the list of locomotives available for driving
is also drastically reduced (there may only be one or two, if you decided to Unstore only one
Activity). This is correct, and it is confirmation that Train Store is working and has removed
everything except the files which are essential to run the simulation.

If you go back into Train Store and make a different sele ction of Route(s) and Activity(ies),
and when you restart MSTS you will see that the range of Routes, Activities and Locomotives
is now changed to suit the new selection you have made. By this means you can see that it is
possible to run any Activity, on any Route, or to run in Explore Mode on any Route (using the
Locomotives that are selected for the Activity(ies) that you have Unstored.

The final facility which you can use in Simulation Mode (Explore Mode Consists and
Explore Mode Paths) allows you to select any driveable Consists which are available in the
whole MSTS configuration to be driven in Explore Mode, even if they are not required for
any Activity that you Unstored.

Explore Mode Consists and Explore Mode Paths is a way of defining to Train Store which
Consists and Paths you want to be made available to the MSTS configuration when you
explore a Route, even if they are not required to run any Activity within the Routes that you
have selected to be Unstored.

You need an Explore Mode Consist if you want to explore a Route driving a locomotive
which is not included in any of the Activities you are unstoring.

You need an Explore Mode Path if you want to explore a Route, starting from a point which
is not included in any of the Activities which you are unstoring.

Please remember, once you are using Train Store, all Consists and Paths that are not required
for the Activities you are unstoring will be stored. They will therefore not be available to
MSTS, unless you add any that you do want to use to an Explore Mode list.

To make a Consist available in the MSTS simulation, simply add the Consist to the Explore
Mode Consist list for the Route where you want to use it. You can add the Consist to more
than one Route, if required, or you can add it to the Global Settings. If you add it to the
Global Settings, then it becomes available for use in all Routes.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 15

To make a Path available in the MSTS simulation when exploring a Route, simply add the
Path to the Explore Mode Path list for the Route. You can only add the Path to the Route
where it belongs.

NOTE: The following instructions refer to Consists, but exactly the same procedures are used
for Paths (Explore Mode Path replacing Explore Mode Consist). The only difference is
that there are, no Global Settings Explore Mode Paths, because Paths, by definition, belong
to a specific Route.

To add or remove a Consist in an Explore Mode Consist List : -

Click on the Route where you want to use it.
Expand the Route, by clicking on the  next to the Route, or double click on the Route
name. The Explore Mode Consists heading will become visible in the Routes list.
Click on the Explore Mode Consists heading, and then click on the ([SORUH0RGH
&RQVLVWV(GLW button. The button will either display the caption Edit Global Settings,
or Edit Selected Route depending on whether you selected Global Settings, or a
specific Route. When you click on the button the Edit Explore Mode Consists
window will be opened.

To add a Consist to the list :-

Highlight the required Consist or Consists from the Consists Available List.
Click on the Add to List button, or drag the required Consist(s) into the Current
List pane. You can choose the Consist from the list as dis played, or you can filter
the list down to a smaller number of items by completing one or more of the
selections in the Consist Filter box at the bottom of the window. For full details,
see the later section dealing with Explore Mode Consists and Mainte nance
Mode Consists and Stock.
To remove a Consist from the list :-
Highlight the required Consist or Consists from the &XUUHQW/LVW.
Click on the 5HPRYHIURP/LVW button, press the >'HOHWH@ key or drag the
required Consist(s) into the Consists Available pane.
Click on the 2. button to update the list.

Page 16 29 May 2005 Train Store

If you click on the  sign which has now appeared to the left of the Explore Mode Consists
heading, the list will be expanded, and you will see the item(s) that you added.

All that remains to be done is to

Unstore the Route, or at least one of the Activities within the desired Route
Click the Include Explore Mode Consists and/or the Explore Mode Paths checkbox
to mark it,
Click on the *R Button to commit the changes to the MSTS files.
Close Train Store.
Start MSTS.

You will now find the Consists and/or Paths that you added will appear in the MSTS menus.

That is all there is to the basics of running Train Store in Simulation mode.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 17

Please remember Train Store operates by storing all files which are not needed for the
Activity, or Exploration that you have chosen, so that they are not available to the MSTS

installation, you PXVW ensure that the files are in the correct place.
installation. So before you examine the installation files or make any chang es to your

simply choose 8QVWRUH (YHU\WKLQJ from the Tools menu. This will unstore all of the files
If you do not want to use the comprehensive maintenance features of Classic Train Store,

and return everything to your MSTS installation. You are then free to examine files, and make
any changes to the files.

Alternatively you can use the Maintenance Mode in Classic Train Store. Maintenance Mode
in Classic Train Store operates similarly to Simulation Mode, but it ensures that all of the files
that you need to edit or maintain a Route or Activity are available. By using the features in
Maintenance Mode you can ensure that MSTS is not slowed down by the large amounts of
unneeded items which are loaded if the whole of the MSTS installation is available. At the
same time it makes selection of items from the Consist and Stock Items lists in the Activity
Editor much easier as only the items you need are present.

See the following sections to find out about Maintenance Mode, which you must use to select
the necessary full sets of files before editing Routes, Activities and Consists , and find out
about the additional facilities and features and ways of using Train Store.

Page 18 29 May 2005 Train Store

The Train Store Main Window contains a Routes panel on the left hand side. This contains a
list of all of the Routes in your MSTS installation. At the bottom of the panel there i s an
information pane which contains the Routes Description. You can select any Route by
clicking on it with the mouse.

When a Route is selected, the Description details are changed to show the description for the
Route selected, and the Activity Consist and Path details in the panel on the right hand side of
the window are updated also.

The panel on the right hand side of the window contains two tabs. One is labelled 5XQDQ
$FWLYLW\, the other is ([SORUHWKH5RXWH. Click on the relevant tab to show the selections for
activity running or exploration as appropriate.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 19

If you choose the Run an Activity tab you will see a list of Activities in the right hand tab.

These are the Activities which are available to be run for the selected Route. At the bottom of
the tab there is an information pane which can show details of the Activity, the locomotive, or
the Consist. When the tab is first displayed the pane will contain details of the selected
Activity. If you want to see more information about the locomotive, or the consist, click on
the Locomotive, or the Consist name in the tab, and the details in the information pane will
change to show the details for the selected item. You can examine the train tha t you will be
driving by clicking on the Consist icon . This will open the internal Train Store Viewer.

Select the Activity you want to run by clicking on it with the mouse.

Click the 5XQ button. Train Store will survey the installation, unstore only the files which are
needed to run that Activity and start MSTS.

Page 20 29 May 2005 Train Store

If you choose ([SORUHWKH5RXWH the right hand tab will contain a list of locomotives which it
is possible to drive, a list of Consists (these will change as each locomotive is selected), and
Path starting and finishing points to allow you to select where you would like to start your
exploration, and in which direction you want to go.

Choose the locomotive you want to drive by clicking on it with the mouse in the locomotive
list. The details in the information pane will change to show the locomotives details.

down box next to the /RFRPRWLYHV heading at the top of the tab. The settings in this drop -
The locomotives which are actually displayed in the list depends upon the setting in the drop -

down list have the following meanings :-

$OO/RFRV All driveable locomotives in the MSTS

installation which are suitable for this Route

will be displayed.
All locomotives from the Global Settings
Explore Mode Consists list and the Explore
Mode Consists list for the selected Route will

be displayed.
Only locomotives from the Explore Mode
Consists list for the selected Route will be

Only locomotives which are used in the
Activities in the Route will be displayed.

To change the locomotives displayed, select the required display category from the drop -
down list.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 21

If you want to change the Consists in your Explore Mode lists, click on the (GLW/LVW button
which is underneath the Locomotives list. This will open the (GLW([SORUH0RGH&RQVLVWV
/LVW for the Route selected, if you have restricted the locomotives list to those used in the
Explore Mode Consists for a Route only. It will open the (GLW([SORUH 0RGH &RQVLVWV
/LVW for Global Settings if you have restricted the locomotives list to those used in the
Explore Mode Consists for a Route + Global Settings.

To add a Consist to the list :-

Highlight the required Consist or Consists from the Consists Available List.
Click on the Add to List button, or drag the required Consist(s) into the Current List
pane. You can choose the Consist from the list as displayed, or you can filter the list
down to a smaller number of items by completing one or more of the selections in the
Consist Filter box at the bottom of the window. For full details, see the later section
dealing with Explore Mode Consists and Maintenance Mode Consists and Stock.
To remove a Consist from the list :-
Highlight the required Consist or Consists from the &XUUHQW/LVW.
Click on the 5HPRYH IURP /LVW button, or drag the required Consist(s) into the
Consists Available pane.
Click on the 2. button to update the list.

Choose the Consist you want to drive by selecting it from the &RQVLVWV drop-down list. When
you select the Consist the details in the information pane will change to show details of the
Consist you have selected. You can examine the train that you will be driving by clicking on
the Consist icon . This will open the internal Train Store Viewer.

Page 22 29 May 2005 Train Store

If you have selected one of the options to restrict the locomotives to those use in Explore
Mode Consist lists then by default, the Consists which are displayed for a locomotive are
also restricted to those which are specified in the relevant Explore Mode Consist list. If you
do not want the Consists displayed to be restricted in this way, there is an option which will
cause Train Store to display all of the Consists which are available in MSTS for the selected

this option, choose 6KRZ$OO&RQVLVWVIRUD/RFRPRWLYH from the 7RROV2SWLRQV menu, to

locomotive, and not just those which are specified in the Explore Mode Consist list. To set

set the checkmark against the entry. This menu option is only available when the Explore
Route tab is displayed. The setting is remembered by Train Store.

Choose the starting point for your exploration by selecting a loca tion from the 6WDUWLQJ DW
drop-down list. When you select the start point, the list of end points will change to display
those which are reachable from the start point you have chosen.

Choose the ending point for your e xploration by selecting a location from the +HDGLQJ
WRZDUGV drop-down list. The drop-down list contains the end point name which the Activity
author has used when creating the path. It does not mean that your exploration must, or even
will get to the end point. In Explore Mode in MSTS, the endpoint is only used to position the
locomotive in the direction heading towards the end point.


downward pointing arrow to the right of the field IURPWKH$FWLYLW\. This will display a list of
If you want to explore with Loose Stock present when you explore, t hen click on the

the Activities which are available in the Route. Choose one of the Activities from the list by
clicking on it with the mouse. The remaining fields in this se ction of the window will be
Click on the /RRVH 6WRFN checkbox to mark it, if you want to include Loose Stock
from the Activity.
Click on the $,7UDIILF checkbox if you want to Explore with the AI Traffic from the
Activity running.
NOTE: If the Activity does not contain Loose Stock, or AI Traffic, the relevant checkbox will
not be enabled.
Choose the Starting Time, the Season and the Weather from the next fields.
Selection of this facility will have reset the starting point for the Explore to the s tarting
point for the Player in the original Activity. If you want to explore from any other

direction), using the 6WDUWLQJDW and +HDGLQJWRZDUGV drop-down lists.

Starting Point, you can now go back and choose it, (and/or a different starting

If this box is checked, after Train Store has finished making the moves required to the MSTS
files, it exits and launches RailDriver automatically.

This checkbox is only enabled if the Option menu item 6XSSUHVV0676/DXQFKcheckbox is

not checked. For further details of this option see the section on Using Train Store with

Click on the ([SORUH button. Train Store will survey the installation, unstore only the files
which are needed to run that exploration and start MST S.
Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 23
Page 24 29 May 2005 Train Store
The Train Store Main window contains all of the controls for operating Train Store to select
Routes and Activities. Train Store operates in two modes, Simulation Mode and Maintenance
Mode. Simulation Mode is used when selecting Routes and Activities to be used in an MSTS
simulation. Maintenance Mode is used when selecting Routes, Activities, Consists and Stock
Items which have to be available when editing Route Activities or Consists in the M STS
editors, or other add-on editors or checking tools.

You can change Train Store to operate in the required mode by clicking on the Simulation or
Maintenance tab in the Controls section at the top of the Controls section on the right hand
side of the Train Store Main window.

Changes in selection are committed to the MSTS system when you click on the *R Button in
Simulation Mode, or the 3UHSDUH button in Maintenance mode.

The Route pane shows all of the Routes that you have installed in a si mple tree-like structure.
In addition it shows details of Activities, Explore Mode Consists, Explore Mode Paths,
Maintenance Mode Consists, or Maintenance Mode Stock.

Explore Mode Consists only available in Simulation Mode - are Consists which you
specify that you want to be available when MSTS is run (even though they may not be
required for any of the Activities that have been made In Use).

Explore Mode Paths only available in Simulation Mode are Paths which you specify that
you want to be available when MSTS is run (even though they may not be required for any of
the Activities that have been made In Use).

Maintenance Mode Consists only available in Maintenance Mode are Consists that you
want to be Unstored when a Route is Unstored in Maintenance Mode. (even though they may
not be required for any of the Activities that have been made In Use).

Maintenance Mode Stock only available in Maintenance Mode are Stock Items that you
want to be Unstored when a Route is Unstored in Maintenance Mode. (even though they may
not be required for any of the Activities that have been made In Use).

clicking on the  or sign at the left of the item, or selecting the item by clicking on it, and
You can expand or contract any of the branches in the tree by double -clicking on it, by

then pressing the  or key on your numeric pad. If you press the key whilst an item is
selected, the item and all sub branches of it will be fully expanded.

When you select an item, if there is information which can be displayed about the item then
the information is displayed in the Information pane. The information which is displayed is as
follows :-

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 25

The stock making up the Consist

The Path Start and Path End information

The Route Description
The Activity Description and Briefing
Traffic, Service, Consists and Stock used

The Route pane in the Train Store main window is used to select the items to be acted upon
(to Store or Unstore as appropriate).

Items are organized by Routes within the pane. The Activities, Explore Mode Consists,
Maintenance Mode Consists and Maintenance Stock Items are each shown as separate
sub-branches of a Route within the tree.

In addition to the section containing Routes information in this pane, there is a section headed
Global Settings.

In Simulation Mode, this currently contains information about Explore Mode Consists
which are to be applied to any and every Route in the installation when the Route is unstored.
So, if you want to have a particular Consist available for use in Explore Mode, on every
Route, you do not have to enter the Consist on every Route, simply enter it under the Global
Settings section. Then whenever any Route is Unstored, if you have selected the option to
have Explore Mode Consists included, the Consist will be included in the MSTS setup. It
does not matter if the Consist is already needed as part of an Activity for a particular Rout e, it
will only be included in the MSTS installation once. However, the more items which are
made In Use at any time, the slower MSTS will become, so choose the items you need
rather than include items just-in-case.

In Maintenance Mode, this contains information about Maintenance Mode Consists and
Maintenance Mode Stock'. These are lists of Consists or Stock Items which are to be unstored
whenever the Prepare function is run. The items in these lists will therefore be available
whenever you are editing or mainlining MSTS.

The Information pane shows information about Routes, Consists and Activities. In addition it
is used to display the results of the Statistics function which lists the numbers of Routes,
Consists, Activities and Stock items contained within the system.

In addition, the Information pane is used to display any error or warning messages from
processes that process large number of files, where it would be annoying and impractical to
display a series of dialogue boxes.

The following are some examples of the Information pane displays.

Page 26 29 May 2005 Train Store



Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 27

The contents of the Information pane can be printed by using the Print function (Choose )LOH
then 3ULQW from the menu, or else press the Print button on the toolbar). This print
function is very basic in this version, simply outputting the contents to the printer without any

You can save the contents of this information pane to a file. You can also copy the contents of
this information pane to an editor e.g. WordPad if you want to format the contents or keep a
permanent record of the contents.

The controls for Train Store are grouped on the right hand side of the main Train Store
window. There are three groups of buttons. Their function depends on the mode being used.
The functions are :-

Activate Selection MSTS Maintenance
Explore Mode Consists & Maint. Mode Consists/Stock
Explore Mode Paths

The Activate Selections and the MSTS Maintenance controls are located on 2 separate tabs to
separate the normal running controls from those only used during maintenance.

You can change between the tabs by clicking on their names. The 6LPXODWLRQ tab is the tab
that starts the actual process of examining the Scenario that you have selected, finding out

their required positions. The 0DLQWHQDQFHtab, as its name suggests, is used when you want
where the files needed are actually located (In Use or In Store) and then moving the files to

to work on MSTS with the editors. This tab starts a process which is similar to the process
that sets up the files needed for a simulation, but because the editors are going to be used, all
of the possible files needed for a Route must be found, not just those needed for specific

The controls in this section affect the settings when Train Store is committing the selection
changes to MSTS for normal simulation use.

This button issues the instruction to Train Store to examine the contents of the Routes pane,
and ensure that the actual files on disk are set up as you have requested. It is at this point that
Train Store actually works and moves files to and from the MSTS folder structure, and the

Page 28 29 May 2005 Train Store

Train Store storage folder structure as appropriate. When this button is clicked, Train Store
checks to see that all of the required files are present and the Scenario required has no
inconsistencies. If any errors are found during this survey process, they will b e listed in the
Information panel in the main Train Store window, and at the end of the survey a warning
dialogue will be displayed giving you the option of continuing to make the requested moves
or stopping.

Ideally, in a properly maintained MSTS i nstallation, there should be no errors found by Train
Store during this survey. Such errors may not be serious, and they may not cause visible
problems, but it would be better if they were eradicated by using a checking facility such as
Route_Riter or ConBuilder and taking action using the resultant reports.

If there were no errors found, or you chose to continue when the warning dialogue was
displayed, the changes are actually made, and the progress is displayed in the Status bar.
During the actual move process, Train Store monitors all moves and if any errors occur, they
will be listed in the Information pane of the main Train Store window, and, at the end of the
process, an error dialogue will be displayed. It is important to realise that errors at t his stage
are serious. They mean that Train Store was for some reason unable to move a needed file to,

running MSTS. Errors at this stage are QRW normal and should be treated as serious, and the
or from, the MSTS installation. This almost certainly will mean that there will be problems in

reason for them sought. For further information, see the section later in this manual dealing
with Error Messages.

After the processing is completed, the Title bar at the top of the main Train Store window will
show [Synchronised].

There are three optional settings which can be applied before this button is pressed, Include
Explore Mode Consists, Include Explore Mode Paths, and Launch MSTS.

If this box is checked, then when Train Store moves the files to make them In Use, it also
makes sure that any Consists in activated Explore Mode Consists are unstored. If the
selection is not checked, then no Explore Mode Consists are unstored. This allows you to
get the absolute maximum performance on particular occasions. With the box unchecked,

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 29

there are no Consist files In Use other than those absolutely necessary for the Activity
selections made. This setting only has an effect when operating in Simulation Mode.

NOTE: Only items from activated Explore Mode Consist Lists will be unstored.

The setting for this check box is remembered by Train Store between sessions, so once
checked, it remains checked until you change it, whenever that may be.

If this box is checked, then when Train Store moves the files to make them In Use, it also
makes sure that any Paths in activated Explore Mode Paths are unstored. If the selection is
not checked, then no Explore Mode Paths are unstored. This allows you to get the absolute
maximum performance on particular occasions. With the box unchecked, there are no Paths
In Use other than those absolutely necessary for the Activity selections made. This setting
only has an effect when operating in Simulation Mode.

NOTE: Only items from activated Explore Mode Path Lists will be unstored.

The setting for this check box is remembered by Train Store between sessions, so once
checked, it remains checked until you change it, whenever that may be.

If this box is checked, after Train Store has finished making the moves required to the MSTS
files, it exits and launches MSTS automatically.

This checkbox is always unset on starting Train Store.

The parameters used to launch MSTS are initially set by Train store from the de fault for the

choosing 0676/DXQFK6HWWLQJV from the Tools, Options menu.

MSTS installation. The actual command line and any parameters required can be changed by

The behaviour of this parameter can be further modified by the setting of the option 5HWXUQ
WR 7UDLQ 6WRUH $IWHU 0676 /DXQFK. This parameter, which can be found on the
Tools/Options menu, if set, will cause Train Store to wait until you have finished in MSTS,
then it will automatically reappear awaiting your next set of selections.

If this box is checked, after Train Store has finished making the moves required to the MSTS
files, it exits and launches RailDriver automatically.

This checkbox is only enabled if the /DXQFK0676checkbox is checked. For further details
of this option see the section on Using Train Store with RailDriver.

This section allows you to select Route(s) to be Prepared so that they are available for
maintenance using the MSTS editors.

When a Route is Prepared using this function, all of the fi les from the Route are Unstored, not
just the files specifically needed for the Activities which are contained in the Route. In
addition any Maintenance Mode Consists which have been defined for the Route will also
be Unstored, together with any Mainten ance Mode Stock Items, to allow you to use them in
the MSTS editors.

Page 30 29 May 2005 Train Store

Notice that in this mode, unless the 3DUWLDO5RXWH option is marked, only complete Routes are
Stored or Unstored. It is possible to see the various activities within a Route displayed i n the
tree view (as in Simulation mode), but once the Prepare button is clicked and the process
starts only complete Routes are processed. If a Route is partially stored when the Prepare
function is started, and the Partial Route option is not set, then it will be fully Unstored and In
Use at the end of the process.

This function will actually prepare the Route(s) selected for maintenance by Unstoring all of
the files for the Route(s) as described above, together with any Maintenance Mode Consists
and Maintenance Mode Stock Items which have been defined for the Unstored Route(s), and
commit the selection changes to the MSTS installation.

If the Partial Route option is checked, then Paths from activated Maintenance Path Lists will
also be unstored. If the Partial Route option is left unchecked, then all Paths within any
unstored Routes will be unstored.

As there are more files involved, this function will take a little longer than the usual Train
Store processing time to Unstore a Route for usin g in an MSTS simulation. After the
processing is completed, the Title bar at the top of the main Train Store window will contain

To use the function, click on the 3UHSDUH button. A confirmation dialogue will be displayed.

Click on the Yes button to proceed, and the processing will be carried out with the progress
being monitored in the Train Store Status bar. The mouse cursor returns to its normal state
and the Status bar is cleared when the process is complete. If you selected the Confirm
Completion option then a confirmation dialogue box will also be displayed, requiring you to
click OK to continue.

There is no UnPrepare process needed when you have finished editing. Using the Go!
Process in Simulation Mode will automatically switch Tr ain Store back to optimising the files
in the MSTS installation.

This option, if selected, allows you to select individual Activities when you Prepare Routes. If
this option is not marked, you can only Prepare complete Routes. When Train Stor e Prepares
a Route and the Partial Route option is checked, it first Prepares the Activities that you have
marked to be InUse. Once it has done this it checks to see if the Activity(ies) that you selected
referenced any Paths, or Services from any other Ac tivity. If so, it then also Prepares those
Activities also. This process continues until the Activity(ies) that you requested are Prepared,
together with all other Activities, Services and Paths that are referenced.

Train Store does this to make sure that all of the files that are affected by any change to an
Activity are available and InUse together so that you can edit the Activity safely. If the

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 31

Activity you choose does not share any of its components with other Activities, then only the
files specifically required for that Activity will be Prepared.

This option, if selected, causes Train Store to Unstore all of the MSTS default Routes (in
addition to any that you may have already selected to Unstore). You can use this option if you
want to have all of the MSTS default routes In Use prior to installing a new Route. (Most
Route installations require the 6 MSTS default routes to be available so that they can copy
various default shapes and textures to the new Route.

Click on the option to mark the checkbox to use this facility. The facility takes effect when
the Prepare button is clicked.

This checkbox is always unset on starting Train Store.

This option, if selected, causes Train Store to Unstore all of the Stock Items in the ins tallation.
You can use this option if you want to have every Stock Item available when editing

Click on the option to mark the checkbox to use this facility. The facility only takes effect
when the Prepare button is clicked.

The setting for this check box is remembered by Train Store between sessions, so once
checked, it remains checked until you change it, whenever that may be.

If this box is checked, after Train Store has finished making the moves required to prepare the
MSTS files, it exits and launches the MSTS editor automatically.

This checkbox is always unset on starting Train Store.

This section contains the buttons which Store, or Unstore the Route(s) or Activity(ies) which
are currently selected in the Route pane. The buttons are enabled or disabled depending upon
the state of the item selected. (e.g. if the item is In Use, the Unstore button is not enabled).
The item(s) acted upon by the button will depend upon the selection. e.g. (If the Route s
heading is selected the action will apply to all of the Routes and Activities in the installation.)
Note also that the buttons are multi-function. If a Route is selected, the button will Store or
Unstore the Route and all Activities included in it. If t he Activities heading for a Route is
selected, then all of the Activities for the Route will be Stored or Unstored as appropriate.

The functions in this section can also be accessed from the Routes and Activities items on the
Train Store menu bar.

This section contains the button to Add or Remove Explore Mode Consists, Maintenance
Mode Consists, or Maintenance Mode Stock to or from the Route selected in the Routes
pane, or to the Global Settings section if this is selected. In Simulation Mode the button
controls editing of the Explore Mode Consists Lists. In Maintenance Mode, the button
controls editing of the Maintenance Mode Consists and Maintenance Mode Stock Lists.
The buttons are enabled only when the item selected in the Routes pane is relevant to the
button action. (e.g. if the item is an Activity, the button is not enabled). The item(s) acted

Page 32 29 May 2005 Train Store

upon by the button will depend upon the selection. e.g. (If the Global Settings heading is
selected the action will apply to all of the Consists in the Global Settings of the installation.)

The buttons in this section can also be accessed from the Consists, or Stock, items on the
Train Store menu bar.

With one of the following types of headings or the items under them selected in the Routes
pane (either for a specific Route, or under the Global Settings heading) : -

Explore Mode Consists

Maintenance Mode Consists
Maintenance Mode Stock

clicking on this button will open a window which allows you to select Consist(s) or Stock
Item(s) from those available within the installation, and add them to the Route, or Global
Settings as appropriate.

The first time this button is clicked within a session of Tra in Store, the program will have to
build the list to display, so this will take a few seconds before the list is displayed. (Whilst the
list is being generated, the progress will be displayed in the Status bar as usual). The list is
stored during the operation of Train Store, so any subsequent requests for this function will
result in the window being displayed immediately.

If the button is clicked when referring to Explore Mode Consists or Maintenance Mode
Consists the window opened will look like this. A similar window will be opened when
dealing with Maintenance Mode Stock items.

Select the item you require to process by clicking on it. Multiple selections can be made using
the usual Windows conventions with the Control or Shift keys. As an ite m is selected, the
Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 33
details of the item will be displayed in the Consist Details (or Stock Details) pane. There are
various filters that can be applied to the Available list to make selecting items easier. For
full details see the later sections on Explore Mode Consists, Maintenance Mode Consists or
Maintenance Mode Stock.

the Consists Available (or Stock Available) pane. Then, either click on the $GG WR /LVW
If you are adding items to the current list for the Route (or Global Settings) select the item in

button, or drag the items with the mouse to the Current List pane. The items will appear in the
Current List pane.

item in the Current List pane. Then, eit her click on the 5HPRYHIURP/LVW button, press the
If you are removing items from the current list for the Route (or Global Settings) select the

>'HOHWH@ key, or drag the items with the mouse out of the Current List pane into the Consists
Available (or Stock Available) pane. The items will disappear from the Current List pane.

If any change has been made, the OK button will be enabled. When you have made all the
changes you need, click on the OK button and the selected items will be added to the relevant
list for the Route, or Global Settings as appropriate.

The editing of Explore Mode Consists lists is only available in Simulation mode, and editing
of Maintenance Mode Consists and Maintenance Mode Stock is only available in
Maintenance mode.

The window for Explore Mode Consists only shows driveable Consists, and if the list
applies to a Route which is not electrified, no electrically powered Consists will be included
in the list. When operating in Maintenance mode, all Consists and all Stock Items are
available for selection from the available list.

Note: Removal of Consists or Stock Items from the Route lists does not remove the item from
the MSTS system, it only removes the item from the Route or Global Settings list as

This section contains the button to Add or Remove Explore Mode Paths or Maintenance
Mode Paths to or from the Route selected in the Routes pane. The button is enabled only
when the item selected in the Routes pane is relevant to the button action. (e.g. if the item is
an Activity, the button is not enabled). The i tem(s) affected depend upon the selection.

The button in this section can also be accessed from the Paths item on the Train Store menu

With one of the Explore Mode Paths headings or the items under them selected in the
Routes pane, clicking on this button will open a window which allows you to select Paths
those available within the Route, and add them to the Routes Explore Mode Paths list.

Page 34 29 May 2005 Train Store

Select the item you require to process by clicking on it. Multiple selections can be made using
the usual Windows conventions with the Control or Shift keys. As an item is selected, the
details of the item will be displayed in the Path Details pane. There are various filters that can
be applied to the Available list to make selecting items easier. For full details see the later
sections on Explore Mode Paths and Maintenance Mode Paths.

pane. Then, either click on the $GGWR/LVW button, or drag the items with the mouse to the
If you are adding items to the current list for the Route select the item in the Paths Available

Current List pane. The items will appear in the Current List pane.

pane. Then, either click on the 5HPRYHIURP/LVW button, or drag the items with the mouse
If you are removing items from the current list for the Route select the item in the Current List

out of the Current List pane into the Paths Available pane, or press the >'HOHWH@ key. The
items will disappear from the Current List pane.

As long as any change has been made, the OK button will be enabled. When you have made
all the changes you need you need, click on the OK button and the selected items will be
added to the list for the Route.

In Simulation Mode the unstoring of Paths will unstore all of the Paths specified in any
activated Explore Mode Path lists. In Maintenance Mode the unstoring of Paths is handled
differently. (If the Partial Route option is not selected, then all Paths for a Route are unstored.
If the Partial Route option is selected, then all of the Paths which are referenced by any of the
Activities or Services which are unstored, are themselves unstored, then all of the Paths
specified in any activated Maintenance Mode Path lists.)

The window for Explore Mode Paths only shows driveable Paths.

Note: Removal of Paths from the Route lists does not remove the item from the MSTS
system, it only removes the item from the Routes list.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 35

This button exits Train Store after requesting you to save any changed Scenarios. Changes
made to configurations which have been built from the curre nt on-disk MSTS configuration,

set by marking the $OZD\V6KRZ6DYH:DUQLQJ item on the Tools, Options menu.

will not be saved, unless the option to always show a save warning is set. This option can be

The function is also accessed by selecting File, Exit from the Train Store menu bar, or
clicking on the Close Window button on the Train Store main window.

Train Store provides information on the progress of processes that carry out multiple activities
by displaying information in the Stat us bar at the bottom of the Train Store main window.

The entry consists of a code describing the type of activity, (e.g. MOVE, SURVEY etc.)
together with information on the file or folder that the operation is being performed upon.

The information is presented to verify that the process is proceeding during the case of a long
series of actions which might take more than a few seconds to complete.

Page 36 29 May 2005 Train Store

Train Store also provides access to its functions via the usual type of menu structure . Most
functions are available directly by accessing buttons on the Train Store main form, but a few
options which will not need to be accessed frequently, are only available from the menu. This
section describes all of the functions available from the men u. Note that the actual items that
appear and are enabled in a menu at any time will depend upon the page being displayed, and
the item selected.

In addition to the normal selection of a menu item by clicking on it in the menu bar, a number
of these functions are available by right-clicking on the item concerned. This will open a short
context menu which contains only the actions which are relevant to the item concerned. For
example :-


It is always useful to see if the function you need is available immediately by right-clicking.

The File menu provides access to the functions which control the loading and saving of
Scenario files and also contains the Print and Exit functions as is usual for Windows
applications. In addition a Most Recently Used (MRU) list of Scenario files is provided for
the 9 MRU files.

This function clears the Route pane in the Train store main window. This can be done prior to
loading a new Scenario, or refreshing the window from the on -disk MSTS configuration. It is
not essential to use this function. It is provided for completeness. If there are any changes to
Scenarios that need to be saved when this function is requested, a warning dialogue box will
be displayed giving you the option to save the changed Scenario.

The function can also be accessed from the icon on the Train Store toolbar. The function
is not available in Easy Train Store.

This function opens a previously saved Scenario, and loads it into the Routes pane, replacing
any previous Scenario in the Routes pane. The scenario is chosen by selecting a file from an
Open Scenario dialogue box which allows you to navigate to the file you want to load. If there
are any outstanding changes to the previous Scenario that need to be saved when the n ew
Scenario is opened, a warning dialogue box will be displayed giving you the option to save
the previously changed Scenario, before the requested Scenario is loaded.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 37

If the required Scenario file is one of the nine most recently used files, the file can be opened
by clicking on its entry in the Most Recently Used (MRU) list in the File menu following the
usual Windows conventions.

The function can also be accessed from the icon on the Train Store toolbar. The function
is not available in Easy Train Store.

This function Saves the current Scenario which has been loaded from a Scenario file and
changed. If the current Scenario was not loaded from a file, then the function proceeds as
though the SaveAs function had been chosen. Once the Scenario has b een saved the
(Changed) indication will disappear from the window Title on the Train Store main window.

The function can also be accessed from the icon on the Train Store toolbar. The function
is not available in Easy Train Store.

This function Saves the current Scenario to a specified file. If the current Scenario was loaded
from a file, it can be used to save the changed Scenario to a different file. If the current
Scenario was not loaded from a file, this provides the method of saving it for t he first time.
The function is not available in Easy Train Store.

This function prints the contents of the selected information pane. In this version the
formatting of the output is applied from the selected information pane, and the resultant print
is basic, but it does provide a record of the contents of the Information pane.

Selecting this function opens the standard Windows Print dialogue, so that you can change
printers, or change the printer properties before printing.

The function can also be accessed from the icon on the Train Store toolbar.

This function opens the standard Windows Printer Setup dialogue box.

This function exits Train Store after requesting you to save any changed Scenarios. Changes
made to configurations which have been built from the current on-disk MSTS configuration,

set by marking the $OZD\V6KRZ6DYH:DUQLQJ item on the Tools, Options menu.

will not be saved, unless the option to always show a save warning is set. This option can be

The function is also accessed by clicking on the ([LW button in the Controls section of the
Train Store main window, or clicking on the Close Window button on the Train Store main

Page 38 29 May 2005 Train Store

This function copies the contents of the selected item to the Windows clipbo ard. If the
selected item is a list, or the tree view in the Main Train Store window, the complete list will
be copied. If the item selected is an information pane, then, if there is any text selected, only
the selected text is copied. If no text is selected, all of the text in the selected pane is copied.

This function can also be selected by pressing >&WUO@&.

This function opens a 6DYH6HOHFWHG7H[WWRD)LOH dialogue so that you can choose a file in
which to save the contents of the selected pane.

If there is any text selected, only the selected text is saved. If the selected item is a list, or the
tree view in the Main Train Store window, the complete list will be saved. If the item selected
is an information pane, then, if no text is selected, all of the text in the selected pane is saved.

This function can also be selected by pressing >&WUO@6.

This function opens a )LQG 7H[W dialogue so that you can enter a string that you want to
search for in the contents of the selected pan e.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 39

Enter the search text, and mark the &DVH6HQVLWLYH checkbox if you want the search to be case
sensitive, then click on the 2. button. The most recently entered search strings can be
selected from the drop-down list. The text will be searched, and the selection positioned at the
start of the searched for string.

This function can also be selected by pressing >&WUO@).


If no search string has been entered, the )LQG7H[W dialogue box is opened.
This function carries out a search for the next occurrence of the already entered search string.

This function can also be selected by pressing >)@.

This function refreshes the main Train Store window with the latest information from the
MSTS on-disk configuration and the Train Store stor age folder. If the current Scenario was
loaded from a file and there are any outstanding changes that need to be saved when the pane
is refreshed, a warning dialogue box will be displayed giving you the option to save the
previously changed Scenario, before the pane is refreshed.

This function can also be accessed by pressing the >)@ key.

The Store/Unstore functions contained here can also be accessed from the Routes/Activities
section of the Controls in the Train Store main window. The Store/Unsto re functions are not
available in Easy Train Store.

This section contains the items which Store, or Unstore the Route(s) which are currently
selected in the Route pane.

The function 8QVWRUH 7KLV 5RXWH 2QO\, unstores the selected Route, but stores all other
Routes and Activities.


Clicking on this will open the 76(&7,21'$7 3DUDPHWHUV window for the selected Route.
This function allows you to set the TSECTION.DAT parameters for the selected Route.

See the section on TSECTION.DAT Swapping for details of this function.

Page 40 29 May 2005 Train Store

The functions contained here can also be accessed from the Routes/Activities section of the
Controls in the Train Store main windo w. The functions are not available in Easy Train Store.

This section contains the items which Store, or Unstore the Activity(ies) which are currently
selected in the Route pane.

The function Unstore This Activity Only, unstores the selected Activity, but stores all other
Routes and Activities.

The Edit functions contained here can also be accessed from the Explore Mode Paths section
of the Controls in the Train Stor e main window.

This function opens a window which displays all paths for the selected Route (Driveable and
non-Driveable). Paths which are In Use are highlighted.

This function will open the (GLW([SORUH0RGH3DWKV/LVW window or the (GLW0DLQWHQDQFH
0RGH3DWKV/LVWfor the selected Route. This menu item is only enabled when the selected

accessed from the (GLW([SORUH0RGH3DWKV button or the (GLW0DLQWHQDQFH0RGH3DWKV

item is the heading for an individual Path List or an item within a Path List. It can also be

EXWWRQin the Controls section of the Train Store main window. This function is not available
in Easy Train Store.

This function marks the selected Path List so that it is available to be unstored. It can also be
invoked by clicking to mark the checkbox which appears next to the heading for an individual
Path List. The function is only enabled when there are multiple Path Lists available for a
Route. This function is not available in Easy Train Store.

This function marks the selected Path List so that it is QRW available to be unstored. It can also
be invoked by clicking to unmark the checkbox which appears next to the heading for an
individual Path List. The function is only enabled when there are multiple Path Lists available
for a Route. This function is not available in Easy Train Store.


other Path Lists within the Route so that they are QRW available to be unstored. The function is
This function marks the selected Path List so that it i s available to be unstored, but marks all

only enabled when there are multiple Path Lists available for a Route. This function is not
available in Easy Train Store.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 41

This function creates a new Path List for the selected Route and will open the (GLW([SORUH
0RGH3DWK/LVW window or the (GLW0DLQWHQDQFH0RGH3DWK/LVWfor the new list in the
selected Route. This menu item is only enabled when the selected item is the Paths List
heading for a Route. This function is not available in Easy Train Store.

This function will run an analysis of the Activities and Services within the Route containing
the selected Path, and display a list of the places where the selected Path has been used. The
analysis is added to the end of the Information pane. This function is not available in Easy
Train Store.

The Edit functions contained here can also be accessed from the Explore Mode Consists o r
Maint. Mode Consists/Stock section of the Controls in the Train Store main window. The
Consist functions are not available in Easy Train Store.

This function opens a window which displays all of the Consists for the MSTS installation.
Consists which are In Use are highlighted.

These functions will edit the Explore Mode Consists, or Maintenance Mode Consists list

The functions will open the (GLW ([SORUH 0RGH &RQVLVW /LVW window or the (GLW
for the Route selected in the Routes pane, or f or the Global Settings section if this is selected.

0DLQWHQDQFH 0RGH &RQVLVW /LVW window as appropriate. This menu item is only enabled
when the selected item is the heading for an individual Consist List or an item within a
Consist List. This function is not available in Easy Train Store.

This function marks the selected Consist List so that it is available to be unstored. It can also
be invoked by clicking to mark the checkbox which appears next to the heading for an
individual Consist List. The function is only enabled when there are multiple Consist Lists
available for a Route. This function is not available in Easy Train Store.

This function marks the selected Consist List so that it is QRW available to be unstored. It can
also be invoked by clicking to unmark the checkbox which appears next to the heading for an
individual Consist List. The function is only enabled when there are multiple Consist Lists
available for a Route. This function is not available in Easy Train Store.


all other Consist Lists within the Route so that they are QRW available to be unstored. The
This function marks the selected Consist List so that it is available to be unstored, but marks

function is only enabled when there are multiple Consist Lists available for a Route. This
function is not available in Easy Train Store.

Page 42 29 May 2005 Train Store

This function creates a new Consist List for the selected Route and will open the (GLW
new list in the selected Route. This menu item is only enabled when the selected item is t he
Consists List heading for a Route. This function is not available in Easy Train Store.


Consist. If the 8VH69,(:DV,WHP9LHZHU option has been selected, then this function wil
This function will open a new Train Store internal Viewer window and show the selected

not be operable.

This function will run an analysis of the MSTS configuration and display a list of the places
where the selected Consist has been used. The analysis is added to the end of the Information

The Edit functions contained here can also be accessed from the Maint. Mode Consists/Stock
section of the Controls in the Train Store main window. The functions are not available in
Easy Train Store.

This function opens a window which displays all of the Stock Items for the MSTS
installation. Items which are In Use are highlighted.


or for the Global Settings section if this is selected. The function will open the (GLW
This function will edit the Maintenance Stock list for the Route selected in the Routes pane,

0DLQWHQDQFH0RGH6WRFN/LVW window. This menu item is only enabled when the selected
item is the heading for an individual Stock Item List or an item within a Stock Item List. T his
function is not available in Easy Train Store.

This function marks the selected Stock Item List so that it is available to be unstored. It can
also be invoked by clicking to mark the checkbox which appears next to the he ading for an
individual Stock Item List. The function is only enabled when there are multiple Stock Item
Lists available for a Route. This function is not available in Easy Train Store.

This function marks the selected Stock Item List so that it is QRW available to be unstored. It
can also be invoked by clicking to unmark the checkbox which appears next to the heading
for an individual Stock Item List. The function is only enabled when there are multiple Stock
Item Lists available for a Route. This function is not available in Easy Train Store.


marks all other Stock Item Lists within the Route so tha t they are QRW available to be unstored.
This function marks the selected Stock Item List so that it is available to be unstored, but

The function is only enabled when there are multiple Stock Item Lists available for a Route.
This function is not available in Easy Train Store.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 43

This function creates a new Stock Item List for the selected Route and will open the (GLW
0DLQWHQDQFH0RGH6WRFN,WHP/LVWfor the new list in the selected Route. This menu item is
only enabled when the selected item is the Maintenance Mode Stock List heading for a Route.
This function is not available in Easy Train Store.


Stock Item. If the 8VH69,(:DV,WHP9LHZHU option has been selected, then SVIEW will be
This function will open a new Train Store internal Viewer window and show the selected

used to show the item.

This function will run an analysis of the MSTS configuration and display a list of the places
where the selected Stock Item has been used. The analysis is added to the end of the
Information pane.

The Tools menu contains items which allow you to change the default settings within Train
Store, produce some simple statistics, run the ConBuilder or Route_Riter programs, and carry
out the preliminary procedures if you want to uninstall Train Store.

The Options section of the Tools menu contai ns all of the items which change the default
settings for Train Store. Most operate by recording a visible check mark against the menu
item, so that you can see whether the setting has been applied. Others require the opening of
an additional window with extra parameters which need to be entered.

This option governs whether the tree of items within the Routes window is fully expanded or
not when the list is first created. If the item is unchecked, the list will not be fully e xpanded,
and only the Global Settings, and the individual Route headings will be seen. If fully
expanded every branch in the tree will be fully expanded.

The function is not available in Easy Train Store.

Within MSTS, items are sometimes referred to by name, sometimes by file name. Some items
may have the Name parameter completed, others may not. Other types of object might not
have the ability to be named, and only the file name is possible.

This function governs the way Train S tore uses the Name information (if it can be found for
an item). If the menu item is checked, then Train Store will always use the file name for the
object to refer to it and display in any list or report. If the menu item is left unchecked, Train
Store will always use the Name information for an object (if it can be found) to refer to it and
to display in any list or report.

Note: Lists within Train Store are always sorted on this field, so changing from one setting to
the other will affect the order in which items appear in the list.

The function is not available in Easy Train Store.

Page 44 29 May 2005 Train Store

This function , if checked, stops the launching of MSTS in Easy Train Store if the 5XQ
$FWLYLW\, or ([SORUH button is pressed. In other words, the files will be set up for the Activity
or exploration selected, but MSTS will not be started.

The function is only available in Easy Train Store.

This function, if checked, will suppress the Easy Train Store background image, and
maximise the Routes and Activities/Explore panels to take up the full size available on the

The function is only available in Easy Train Store.

Tip: If you want to change the default background image in Easy Train Store, create a .JPG
file of the image you want to use. The image should have approximately the same size and
aspect ratio as your monitor settings. The file must be named BACKGRND.JPG and it must
be stored in the folder where you installed Train Store, replacing the existing default

This function governs the way Train Store behaves when it has been used as a launcher for
MSTS by double-clicking on a Scenario shortcut, or a Scenario file within Windows
Explorer. If the menu item is checked, when MSTS is launched, Train store will not exit, but
will remain in the system (Minimized) waiting for MSTS to finish. Once MSTS has finished,
the Train Store window will be restored, thus providing an immediate return to the Train
Store selections.

When Train Store starts up, by default, it searches the current installation and displays a map
of the current situation. If you are using Train Store with a number of saved Scenarios, and
using it to quickly swap from one to the other, the initial pause whilst it refreshes the map is
not long but can be avoided, speeding up the whole process.

If the menu item is checked, on startup Train Store will not examine the current installation
and display the map. You can then immediately go to the Open Scenario function to load the
Scenario you want to work with. If the menu item is unchecked, the default situation is
restored, i.e. Train Store will examine the current installation and produce the map.

The function is not available in Easy Train Store.


Train Store starts. If you click on the menu item, a &KRRVH 'HIDXOW 7UDLQ 6WRUH 6FHQDULR
This function allows you to specify a default Scenario which will always be loaded when

window will be opened.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 45

Navigate to the file that you want to use as the Default Scenario, then click on the 2SHQ
button, or else double-click on the file name. The window will close, and the Default Scenario
file name will be stored, and the menu option will be marked.

Whenever Train Store starts, instead of examining the current state of the MSTS system,
Train Store will load the default Scenario file. (Checks will be made to ensure that Routes and
Activities have not changed within the MSTS system. If there are changes the default
Scenario in memory will be updated, and you will be warned that the changes have been
made, and you will have the opportunity to resave the default Scenario.)

If you want to stop using the Default Scenario, then select the 8VH'HIDXOW6FHQDULR menu
item again, the check mark will be cleared, and the Default Scenario will no longer be used.

The function is not available in Easy Train Store.

By default, items in the Paths, Consist and Stock Item lists which are In Use are highlighted
by being italicised in the list. This function allows you change this default highlighting to suit
your preference.

Clicking on this item opens a Font Selection dialogue window.

Page 46 29 May 2005 Train Store

Choose the highlighting you prefer and click the OK button. The highlighting will be changed
in all of the lists.

NOTE: Items in the lists which have errors or warnings associated with them are displayed
with a strike through font to highlight them. This error/warning highlighting is not

When a Scenario has been loaded from a Scenario file, if any changes are made to the Routes
of Activities, the fact that the change has been made is recorded. When you attempt to Open
another Scenario file, or clear the Scenario with th e New function, or leave Train Store, you
will be warned if the file has not been saved, and you will have an opportunity to save it. By
default this warning function is not applied to Scenarios which have been produced by
examining the current installation, and not loaded from a Scenario file.

If this menu item is checked, the same warning facility is also applied to changed Scenarios
which have been created by examining the current installation. i.e. on any change to the
Scenario, Train store will warn you that it has not been saved before clearing it, loading
another scenario, or leaving Train Store.

The function is not available in Easy Train Store.

If this menu item is checked, after any long process such as Activate Selections, Pre pare for

requiring you to click the 2.button, or to press >(QWHU@to continue.

Maintenance, or Unstore Everything!, a process completion dialogue box will be displayed,

Before Train Store moves any files or folders it makes a number of checks to ensure that all of
the required files are present, and that the consistency of the MSTS configuration will be
preserved. If during this Survey process any errors are found, a dialogue box will be
displayed, informing you that Train Store found errors, and asking you to confirm that you do
want to proceed with the move under these conditions.

This Suppress Move Error Dialogue menu item, if checked, will suppress this
error/confirmation dialogue and the move will take place as thou gh you chose Yes.

127( This error suppression function is only provided to allow you to use Train Store
during the time that you are cleaning up an installation which has problems, because files
have been moved and/or deleted in an uncontrolled way in the past.

It is not normal for there to be inconsistencies between files within an MSTS configuration,
and running it in this state may hinder MSTS operation.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 47

If Train Store reports errors during this Survey phase, it is strongly recommended that you use
a checking program such as Route_Riter or ConBuilder to resolve these inconsistencies,
rather than just accepting the errors.

This error suppression will QRW prevent the display of errors which occur during the process
where Train Store is actually movin g files. Train Store will always report errors which
prevent it from moving a file.

It has been found that when an Activity is saved in MSTS, if the Scenario which is in effect at

back to MSTS and attempt to Load the Saved Activity and restart it, then VRPHWLPHV MSTS
the time when the Activity is saved, is not the same Scenario which is in effect when you go

will fail to restart the saved Activity.

To counter this, when Train Store starts, it checks to see whether any Activi ties have been
saved since the last time Train Store was closed down. If any Activities have been saved since
the last Train Store session, then a warning dialogue is displayed, giving you the choice to
save the (current) Scenario, if you have not done so before.

If this 6XSSUHVV $FWLYLW\ 6DYHG :DUQLQJ is switched on, then no such warning will be

To change the setting of this option, click on the 6XSSUHVV$FWLYLW\6DYHG:DUQLQJ entry in

the 7RROV, 2SWLRQV menu. If the item is left checked, then the warnings will be suppressed.

When Train Store is operating normally in Simulation mode, it always tries to optimise the
files in the MSTS folders by ensuring that only the files actually needed are in the MSTS
folders. If you want to edit Routes, Activities or Consists, this optimised set of files is not
sufficient, and the Route concerned needs to be Prepared using Maintenance Mode in Train
Store. To remind you of this, Train Store displays a warning banner whenever the MS TS files
are in this optimised Simulation mode. The banner displays : -


If you do not want to see this warning then you can suppress it by using this option. Click on
this menu item to mark it with a check-mark, and the warning message will no longer be

The function is not available in Easy Train Store.

When Train Store is examining files before loading them into memory, Train Store may find
problems with the contents. If the problem is serious and would cause MSTS to fail, or stop
with an error message, the problem is reported as an error. Some problems, however, will not
cause MSTS a problem, but they may mean that your simulation will miss infor mation (e.g.
an AI service). In these cases Train Store reports such problems as a warning.

If you do not want to see these warning messages then you can suppress them by using this
option. Click on this menu item to mark it with a check -mark, and the warning messages will
no longer be displayed.

Page 48 29 May 2005 Train Store

When Train Store makes a survey of the installation prior to moving the files required to set
up the Activity or exploration that you selected in Classic Train Store, if a ny errors are found,
Train Store will automatically carry out an analysis of where the files which caused errors are
used. This analysis is relatively lengthy. If you are running your installation with files that
you know have errors in them, you may want to stop this additional analysis activity.

This function, if selected, suppresses this analysis. The setting can be changed at any time and
will be remembered by Train Store.

The function is not available in Easy Train Store.

When Train Store makes a survey of the installation prior to moving the files required to set
up the Activity or exploration that you selected in Classic Train Store, if any errors or
warnings are found, any items in the list editor windows which are associated with these
errors or warnings are highlighted.

This function, if selected, suppresses this error/warning highlighting.

This function allows you to change the location of the Train Store Storage Folder. The
function is called automatically when Train Store is started for the first time, and allows you
to make the initial setting for this parameter, but the function can be used at any time to
change the Storage folder location.

The Train Store Storage Folder is the folder which holds the structure of files that Train Store
uses to store items which have been removed from Train Store. Once the folder has been
assigned, do not add, edit or delete any files within the folder. Any attempt to do so may
cause Train store to function incorrectly, and may thus damage your MSTS installation.

Clicking on this menu item will open the 6WRUDJH3DWK6HWXS window which allows you to
choose the folder to be used as the Train Store Storage folder.

Navigate to the folder you want to use, if it exists, or else type in the name of the folder that
you want to use. When you have entered the folder name, or navigated to it, click on the OK
Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 49
button, and Train Store will set the location of the Storage Folder to the location that you

Before making the change, Train Store will validate the chosen folder to ensure that it meets
certain criteria. These are :-

The folder must either not exist, or it must be empty

The folder cannot be the root folder on any drive
The folder must be on the same drive as the MSTS files.
If there is an existing Storage Folder, the new folder must not be within the folder
structure of the existing Storage Folder.

Before creating or moving the folder, Train Store will ask you to confirm the process of
creation and movement.

Once the creation or move has taken place Train Store will close the window and return to the
Train Store main window.

This function allows you to set the location of the program that is to be executed when you
launch MSTS, and also set any command line parameters if they are needed. When Train
store is started for the first time on an installation it inserts default values in these parameters
obtained from the Windows Registry settings for MSTS. These parameters l oad TRAIN.EXE
with no command line parameters. This runs MSTS in full screen mode.

Clicking on this menu item will open the 6HW0676/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

Enter the full path and name of the executable target in the Path field, and enter any

the file that you want to run to launch MSTS. This will open the &KRRVH 0676 /DXQFK
command line parameters in the Parameters field. You can use the Path button to navigate to

([HFXWDEOH window

Page 50 29 May 2005 Train Store

Navigate to the file you want to execute when you launch MSTS , and click the 2. button.

field of the 6HW0676/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

The window will be closed and the full path name of the file will then be stored in the Path

When you are satisfied with the Path and parameters, click on the 2. button and the 6HW
0676 /DXQFK 3DUDPHWHUV window will be closed and you will return to the Train Store
main window.

A TIP: The various settings for the MSTS command line parameters are not fully
documented, but information has been published in the forums at, and .Some information may also available at the Microsoft TrainSim site One useful setting is vm:w. This causes
MSTS to operate in windowed mode. On of the advantages of this mode is that MSTS
displays error messages rather than crashing in some circumstances (e.g. missing Texture

This menu item allows you to set a fixed value for the MSTS folder path, or change an
existing setting. This is only relevant if you are running multiple copies of MSTS on your
system, or you have several copies of MSTS folders on your system.

:$51,1*: Using Train Store avoids the need for multiple MSTS configurations and /or
multiple copies of MSTS files. It is not recommended that you use Train Store if your
installation contains either of these features . As installed, by default, Train Store uses the
Windows Registry settings for MSTS to find out where the MSTS folders are placed. In an
installation where there are multiple copies, these entries will change in a manner which is
unpredictable for Train Store. Once items have been stored, if the MSTS settings have been

installation, causing real damage. The 0676)ROGHU setting allows you to use a fixed set of
changed outside of Train Store, there is the possibility they will be Unstored to another MSTS

MSTS folders, mainly to allow for the migr ation from a multi MSTS configuration, so it can
co-exist with multiple MSTS configurations. However, there is the ever present danger of
forgetting which configuration is being used by Train Store, so caution is necessary.

Clicking on the menu item will first check that there is nothing which is stored in the Train
Store Storage Folders. If anything is stored, a message will be displayed and the process
terminated without making any change.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 51

If everything has been Unstored, Train Store will display a warning message.

This is to warn you that the saved Scenario files and the Explore Mode Consists may be
incompatible with the change that you are about to make. (e.g. The consists may not exist on


the new MSTS path that you are setting). If you continu e Train Store will then open the

Choose the folder that is holding the MSTS folders that you want Train Store to work with.
You may change the drive to a suitable drive, but you must remember that the Train Store

drive and folder required, click on the 2. button. If there is already an existing setting for the
Storage folder must also then be changed to be on the same drive. When you have chosen the

MSTS Folders location, then MSTS will warn you that the Trai n Store Storage Folder path is
on a different drive and needs to be changed.

Page 52 29 May 2005 Train Store

When the change has been made Train store will close the folder selection window and
confirm the change by displaying a confirmation message.

If instead of choosing OK on the folder selection window, you chose Cancel, and if you had
set the MSTS Folder previously, you will be asked whether the Cancel command, means that
you actually want to remove the MSTS Folder setting.

This allows you to remove a fixed MSTS Folder se tting if you dont need it, but it has been
set by mistake. If you choose Yes (the option for Train Store to select the setting
automatically), Train Store will confirm the setting change.

If you chose No, the change to the MSTS folder setting will not be made, and it will be left as
it was before you started this function.

This function will open the window to allow you to set up or adjust the settings for the default
TSECTION.DAT file to be used in the case that there is no specific TSECTION.DAT file
specified for an individual Route, or when you have run Unstore Everything!.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 53

For details on how to use this function see the section in the manual on 76(&7,21'$7

The internal viewer which shows images of Stock Items or complete Consists has a screen -
shot facility. This function allows you to specify the folder in which the screen -shots will be
stored. If invoked the Folder Selection window will be opened.

Select the drive and folder required, and click on the 2. button. Any screen-shots will then
be stored in the folder which was selected. If this function is not used, Train Store will default
to using the folder specified for screen-shots by the SVIEW software.

Page 54 29 May 2005 Train Store

In Train Store Classic there are functions which will make use of an editor for the MSTS files.
By default Train Store will attempt to find and use the WORDPAD application, but you can
set the parameters to use another application if you wish, or if Train Store does not succeed in

Clicking on this menu item will open the 6HW(GLWRU/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

finding the WORDPAD application. This function allows you to set these parameters.

Enter the full path and name of the program that you want to use in the Path field, and enter
any command line parameters in the Parameters field. (Normally the details in this form will
have been automatically completed by Train Store for WORDPAD.)

editor. This will open the &KRRVH(GLWRU/DXQFK([HFXWDEOH window

Use the Path button if you wish, to navigate to the file that y ou want to run to launch the

Navigate to the file you want to execute when you launch the editor, and click the 2. button.

field of the 6HW(GLWRU/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

The window will be closed and the full path name of the file wi ll then be stored in the Path

When you are satisfied with the Path and parameters, click on the 2. button and the 6HW
(GLWRU /DXQFK 3DUDPHWHUV window will be closed and you will return to the Train Store
main window.

The function is not available in Easy Train Store.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 55

In Train Store Classic there are functions which will allow use of ConBuilder to check and
edit the MSTS files. By default Train Store will attempt to find and use the ConB uilder
application, but you can set the parameters if Train Store does not succeed in finding the

menu item will open the 6HW&RQ%XLOGHU/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

ConBuilder application. This function allows you to set these parameters. Clicking on this

Enter the full path and name of the program that you want to use in the Path field. (Normally
the details in this form will have been automatically completed by Train Store.)

ConBuilder. This will open the &KRRVH&RQ%XLOGHU/DXQFK([HFXWDEOH window

Use the Path button if you wish, to navigate to the file that you want to run to launch

Navigate to the file you want to execute when you launch ConBuilder, and click the 2.

Path field of the 6HW&RQ%XLOGHU/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

button. The window will be closed and the full path name of the file will then be stored in the

When you are satisfied with the Path, click on the 2. button and the 6HW &RQ%XLOGHU
/DXQFK 3DUDPHWHUV window will be closed and you will return to the Train Store main

The function is not available in Easy Train Store.

Page 56 29 May 2005 Train Store

In Train Store Classic there are functions which will allow use of Route_Riter to check and
edit the MSTS files. By default Train Store will attempt to find and use the Route_Riter
application, but you can set the parameters if Train Store does not succeed in finding the

menu item will open the 6HW5RXWHB5LWHU/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

Route_Riter application. This function allows you to set these parameters. Clicking on this

Enter the full path and name of the program that you want to use in the Path field. (Normally
the details in this form will have been automatically completed by Train Store.)

Route_Riter. This will open the &KRRVH5RXWHB5LWHU/DXQFK([HFXWDEOH window

Use the Path button if you wish, to navigate to the file that you want to run to launch

Navigate to the file you want to execute when you launch Route_Riter, and click the 2.

Path field of the 6HW5RXWHB5LWHU/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

button. The window will be closed and the full path name of the file will then be stored in the

When you are satisfied with the Path, click on the 2. button and the 6HW 5RXWHB5LWHU
/DXQFK 3DUDPHWHUV window will be closed and you will return to the Train Store main

The function is not available in Easy Train Store.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 57


additional 8VH5DLO'ULYHU checkboxes will appear on the Easy and Classic windows. If, for
Train Store will normally automatically detect the presence of RailDriver software, and

set these parameters. Clicking on this menu item will open the 6HW 5DLO'ULYHU /DXQFK
some reason, Train Store does not detect your RailDriver setup, you can use this function to

3DUDPHWHUV window.

Enter the full path and name of the RailDriver executable target in the Path field.

RailDriver. This will open the &KRRVH5DLO'ULYHU/DXQFK([HFXWDEOH window

Use the Path button if you wish, to navigate to the file that you want to run to launch

click the 2. button. The window will be closed and the full path name of the file will then be
Navigate to the file you want to execute when you launch RailDriver, (RDMgr.EXE) and

stored in the Path field of the 6HW5DLO'ULYHU/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

When you are satisfied with the Path and parameters, click on the 2. button and the 6HW
5DLO'ULYHU/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window will be closed and you will return to the Train Store
main window.

Page 58 29 May 2005 Train Store

Train Store will automatically detect the presence of the SVIEW software on your system and
set up the necessary launch parameters. If, for some reason, Train Store does not detect your

item will open the 6HW69,(:/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

SVIEW installation you can use this function to set these parameters. Clicking on this menu

Enter the full path and name of the SVIEW executable target in the Path field.

This will open the &KRRVH69,(:/DXQFK([HFXWDEOH window

Use the Path button if you wish, to navigate to the file that you want to run to launch SVIEW.

the 2. button. The window will be closed and the full path name of the file will then be
Navigate to the file you want to execute when you launch S VIEW, (SVIEW.EXE) and click

stored in the Path field of the 6HW69,(:/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

When you are satisfied with the Path and parameters, click on the 2. button and the 6HW
69,(:/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window will be closed and you will return to the Train Store
main window.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 59

By default Train Store uses its own internal viewer (which is based on the TRAINLIB.OCX
control by Paul Gausden) when showing images of Stock Items or complete Consists.

If you prefer to use the SVIEW software instead, choosing this option to mark the menu
selection will cause SVIEW to run instead of the internal viewer whenever an item is to be

NOTE: At the time of release, SVIEW will not display Consists, and so if this option is
chosen there will be no display function available for Consists.

This menu item will only be visible if Train Store detects that you are using you a re using
Route Control software on your system.

Because of the way that Train Store and Route Control can interact, it is strongly advised that
you always start Route Control using the Route Control Launcher Shortcut provided with this
package. For full details see the section later in the manual dealing with Route Control.

For this shortcut to work, Train Store must know the location of the Route Control software.
This menu option allows you to set this location.

Clicking on this menu item will open the 6HW5RXWH&RQWURO/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

Enter the full path and name of the executable target in the Path field, and enter any
command line parameters in the Parameters field. (You can find the details of the Path and the
Parameters, by looking at the Properties of the existing real Route Control shortcut.)

Control. This will open the &KRRVH5RXWH&RQWURO/DXQFK([HFXWDEOH window

Use the Path button if you wish, to navigate to the file that you want to run to launch Route

Page 60 29 May 2005 Train Store

Navigate to the file you want to execute when you launch Route Control, and click the 2.

Path field of the 6HW5RXWH&RQWURO/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

button. The window will be closed and the full path name of the file will then be stored in the

When you are satisfied with the Path and parameters, click on the 2. button and the 6HW
5RXWH&RQWURO/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window will be closed and you will return to the Train
Store main window.

The function is not available in Easy Train Store.

Selecting this menu item opens the Reports sub menu which allows you to choose from the
following reports. This menu item is only available in Classic Train Store.

This menu item starts the Statistics process. The process examines all of the files in the MSTS
folders and the Train Store Storage Folders and produces statistics of the contents of the
installation. The statistics are displayed in the Information pane on the Train Store main
window. The report can be printed using the print function.

This menu item starts the Where Used process to report, for the complete MSTS installation,
where every item has been used. The resultant report is displayed in the Information Pane.
The report can be copied or saved to a file for further use. This repo rt option does not contain
any unused items.

This menu item starts the Where Used process to report, for the complete MSTS installation,
every unused item. The resultant report is displayed in the Information Pane. The report can
be copied or saved to a file for further use. This report option does not contain any used items.

This menu item starts the Where Used process to report for the complete MSTS installation
where every item has been used. The resultant report is dis played in the Information Pane.
The report can be copied or saved to a file for further use. This report option contains both
used and unused items.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 61

Train Store can be customised with different Language modules. This version is supplied with
English and German modules and Dutch French and Spanish modules are also being
produced. Other languages can be catered for. When new Language modules become
available, they will be released as separate add -on packs, which can be installed to any copy
of Train Store Version 2.0.

When Train Store starts, it attempts to load the language which is set as the default language
on your system. (Of course, it can only do this for one of the language versions supplied with
Train Store) If it fails to do this, because t he package is not available, Train Store will default
to English. If you would prefer to use a language other than the default selected, or a language
other than English, if your default language is not supported by Train Store, click on the
Language menu item, a sub-menu of available languages will be displayed.

Click on the language you want to use. The Train Store window will immediately be
refreshed into the chosen language. This setting will be remembered, so that Train Store will
start up with the chosen language in future.

If you want to stop using a selected language, you can change to another language by
selecting it from the menu as before. If you want to go back to using the default for your
system, open the Language sub-menu and click on the language which currently has the
checkmark against it. The checkmark will be removed and the window will immediately be
refreshed into the default language.

Train Store uses files to cache details of Consist and Stock Item information. Normally these
files will be automatically kept up to date by the normal running of Train Store. If however
files have been moved outside of Train Store, or some changes have been made to the
installation which results in error conditions, it may be neces sary to rebuild these files

Clicking on this menu item will start this process. The process will take several minutes to
complete. The cursor will change to an hour -glass and the progress of the process will be
monitored in the Status Bar at the bottom of the Train Store Main window. When the process
is complete the cursor will return to its normal image. If you selected the Confirm Completion
option then a confirmation dialogue box will also be displayed, requiring you to click OK to

This process can be run at any time, running it will clear all Lot Number parameters for
Consists and Stock Items.

Page 62 29 May 2005 Train Store

The Train Store Main window can be resized by dragging its borders. The relative size of the
Routes pane, and the Information Memo pane can be altered by dragging the divider between
the panes, left or right to the position required.

Clicking on this menu item will reset the window and pane sizes back to their original default
values. If the Train Store window is Maximized, the relative sizes of the panes will be rest,
but the window will remain Maximized.

Clicking on this menu item will start ConBuilder. Train Store will be minimised, and not be
accessible until ConBuilder is closed.

The function is not available in Easy Train Store, nor in Classic Train Store Simulation Mode.
After using ConBuilder, and returning to Train Store, it is advisable to refresh the Main
window before continuing, if you have updated any files.

Clicking on this menu item will start Route_Riter. Train Store will be minimised, and not be
accessible until Route_Riter is closed.

The function is not available in Easy Train Store, nor in Classic Train Store Simulation Mode.
After using Route_Riter, and returning to Tra in Store, it is advisable to refresh the Main
window before continuing, if you have updated any files.

Clicking on this menu item removes everything from the Train Store Storage Folders and
returns it to the MSTS folders. This complete ly removes the effect of Train Store on your
MSTS installation. This function can also be started by clicking on the toolbar button for
Unstore Everything!.

After running, the process checks to see whether there are any items left in the Train Store
Storage Folder. (This might happen if you have opened one of the files with an editor and it is
still open, or, possibly the files have been very recently stored and the Windows Indexer is
attempting to re-index the files.) If there are any files remaining, a warning dialogue message
will be displayed.

You should follow the instructions on this warning dialogue, then run Unstore Everything!
again. If you do not do this, some files will be left behind, probably causing you later
problems with MSTS.


Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 63

The Help menu item contains two entries, $ERXW, which displays information about Train

and 7UDLQ 6WRUH 0DQXDO, which opens a copy of this manual (assuming Adobe Acrobat is
installed on your system).

This menu item ensures that all items in the Train Store Storage Folder are returned to the
MSTS installation and then removes the Windows Registry entries for Train Store. Once this
has been done you can use the Click Team Uninstaller to remove Train Store from the system.

Click on the menu item to start the process. The process will not start unless the installation is
in the Everything Unstored! state. If not, a warning message will be dis played, and the
process stopped.

If the installation is in the correct state, Train Store first asks for confirmation that you want to
use the uninstall process.

Page 64 29 May 2005 Train Store

If you choose to continue, Train Store will again check that the installation is in th e
Everything Unstored! state, and then check the number of files which are contained in the
Train Store Storage folder. A warning will be issued if either of these checks fails and the
process will terminate.

If the checks are successful, the process will then remove the Train Store settings from the
Windows Registry.

NOTE: Removing these entries will remove all Train Store option settings.

Finally, Train Store will close and the Train Store ClickTeam installer uninstaller will be

Click on the 2. button to continue and the Train Store software will be completely removed
from your system.

WARNING: Train Store must always be uninstalled from this function within the Train Store
menu. If you do not do this, and run the uninstall from the Wi ndows Control Panel or other
software, or just delete files, there is the possibility that there may still be some files within
the Train Store Storage folder. Running the installation from the Train Store menu ensures
that all the proper checks are carried out.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 65

The following items are not accessible by any buttons on the Train Store forms, nor do they
appear on any conventional menu bar. They are only accessible form the context menus which
appear when you right-click on items within the Train Store windows.

This function is only available in the list editors for Explore Mode Consists, Maintenance
Mode Consists, and Maintenance Mode Stock. If chosen, this function will immediately
unstore the items which are currently selected. If the item is a Consist, then all of the Stock
Items which belong to that Consist will also be unstored, so that the MSTS installation
remains consistent.

This function is only available in the list editors for Explore Mode Consists, M aintenance
Mode Consists, and Maintenance Mode Stock. The function can only be chosen when 1
item is selected. If chosen, this function will immediately unstore the item which is selected.
(If the item is a Consist, then all of the Stock Items which bel ong to that Consist will also be
unstored, so that the MSTS installation remains consistent.)

After the item has been unstored, the editor which has been set up to edit MSTS files (this is
WORDPAD by default) will be started up with the selected file opened within it. Train Store
will be minimised and not be accessible, until the editor has been closed.

After you have finished editing, and closed the editor, Train Store will be restored. It is
advisable to use the Refresh List button to refresh the Train Store data if you have changed
any files whilst using the editor.

This function is only available in the list editors for Explore Mode Consists, Maintenance

items are selected. If chosen, a window be opened to allow you to set the /RW1XPEHU for the
Mode Consists, and Maintenance Mode Stock. The function can be chosen when 1 or more

selected items. Enter the new Lot Number, and then click on 2. to update the items with the
new Lot Number. For details of the uses of Lot Number see the sections on Explore Mode
Consists, Maintenance Mode Consists and Maintenance Mode Stock Items.

Page 66 29 May 2005 Train Store

The TSECTION.DAT file is a very important file in MSTS. It exists in the GLOBAL folder
within the MSTS folder. It contains al l of the definitions for the track sections used within the
installation, apart from dynamic track sections. There was no provision made in the MSTS
design for multiple TSECTION.DAT files, so the one file generally has to contain all of the
definitions. In the early days of MSTS there were several conflicting TSECTION.DAT
extensions which were produced, and this caused problems when an installation contained
Routes which required conflicting specifications. Since then, the community has developed
the concept of the standardised TSECTION.DAT file, which allows new track definitions to
be added in a way which is still compatible with the original MSTS track sections and later

However, there are still requirements for some Routes which use a non -standardised
TSECTION.DAT. This might be because the Route is an older Route which was developed
before the standardised TSECTION.DAT was developed, or rarely, the Route has not been
developed with the standardised TSECTION.DAT file in mind. Also, Route de velopers,
sometimes need to work on Routes with track sections which are not yet standard, so they are
not included in the standardised TSECTION.DAT file. They therefore need to change the
TSECTION.DAT file as they move from Route to Route.

The actual TSECTION.DAT requirements for any Route may differ, but generally the
following guidelines can be followed. If the Route has been developed with the standardised
TSECTION.DAT file, then a TSECTION.DAT file with that Build Number, or a higher one,
will be compatible with it for simulation and editing. Earlier Routes, which do not use any
extensions to the basic track sections supplied by MSTS will also be compatible for
simulation. If you are editing a Route, it might be safer to always use the TSECTION.DAT
file that was used when the Route was created. A good source of information for this can be
found at the XTracks web site on the page

The TSECTION.DAT file swapping in Train allows you to specify : -

A default TSECTION.DAT to be used when you use Unstore Everything or for any
Route for which you have not specified a TSECTION.DAT.
For any Route, a specific TSECTION.DAT file, and how it will be used on unstoring
that Route, in Simulation mode and in Maintenance mode.

When multiple Routes are being unstored, processing is included which automatically checks
for conflicting TSECTION.DAT requirements and provides you with an easy visual method
of removing the conflicting Routes.

The TSECTION.DAT file processing is optional. It is only invoked when you have specified
a default TSECTION.DAT file, and at least one Route specific TSECTION.DAT file.

You do not need to use this feature unless you already swap TSECTION.DAT file with your
installation, and you want to automate this.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 67

Make a list of which TSECTION.DAT files you want to use, and where you are going to store
them. It is important that once you have specified the TSECTION.DAT files to use in Train
Store, they are not removed from those locations. So, it is probably better to set up a particular

allow you to keep the files DOPRVW anywhere, and there is nothing restricting the files to one
folder, or group of folders to accommodate them. Note, this is not essential, Train Store will

location. But, it is probably easier to remember what you are doing if everything is in one

The files that you specify must :-

not be located anywhere within the Train Store Storage folder
must not be the actual GLOBAL\TSECTION.DAT file
must not be the TSECTION.DAT file within a Route (MSTS uses this to store the
dynamic track information).

QHYHU overwrite a TSECTION.DAT file anywhere within the MSTS installation. It is not
WARNING: When setting up this library, if you move, or copy files to do this, you must

necessary, and will damage your installation.

The Train Store TSECTION.DAT processing will accept files with any name, (it does make
very simple some format checks to make sure that the file looks like a TSECTION.DAT file)
so if you wish, you can store your TSECTION.DAT files in one folder with different names
(e.g. TSECTION 00019.DAT, TSECTION 00023.DAT etc.) On the other hand, you may
prefer to store files named TSECTION.DAT in separate folders which denote their Build
Number, or origin. (e.g. Build0019\TSECTION.DAT, Build00023\TSECTION.DAT etc.)
You can use whichever method you are more comfortable with.

Choose 7RROV2SWLRQV6\VWHP'HIDXOW76(&7,21'$7 6HWWLQJV from the menu. This will
open the 6\VWHP'HIDXOW76(&7,21'$73DUDPHWHU window.

Enter the full path and name of the file that you want to specify to be used for the System

want to use. This will open the &KRRVH76(&7,21'$7)LOH window

Default TSECTION.DAT file. Use the Path button if you wish, to navigat e to the file that you

Page 68 29 May 2005 Train Store

Notice that the file name you choose does not have to be TSECTION.DAT. If you chose to
use the convention of keeping your TSECTION.DAT files in one folder with diffe rent names
to differentiate them, this where you would choose for example
TSECTIONBuild00023.DAT. Train Store takes care of the name change when it swaps the
file into the GLOBAL\TSECTION.DAT location.

When you have chosen the file, click on the 2. button, the window will be closed and the
path and file name you chose will be entered in the Path field in the 6\VWHP 'HIDXOW
76(&7,21'$73DUDPHWHU window.

You can enter a description in the form if you want to make any special note about this
setting. The description is stored with the Train Store data, and will be displayed whenever
information about this TSECTION.DAT setting is displayed. No changes are made to the
actual TSECTION.DAT file.

Now choose the actions to be used. The actions in this form r efer to Unstore Everything!, or
to Routes which do not have their own TSECTION.DAT specification. Notice that there are
two sets of actions, one for use when a Route is being unstored in Simulation mode, and the
other when a Route is being unstored in Ma intenance mode.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 69

The Action settings which are available are : -
Use any TSECTION.DAT with this Build No. or a higher one. The Build No. from the
TSECTION.DAT file that you have chosen is shown. In the case of early
TSECTION.DAT files where there was no Build No, the files date and time details
will be displayed instead of the Build Number. All TSECTION.DAT files without
Build Nos. are considered earlier than those with Build Nos.
Use this specific file.
Click on the 2. button to update the settings and close the form.

You only need to specify a TSECTION.DAT file for a Route if it has requirements that will
not be met by the Default TSECTION.DAT specification.

Choose 5RXWHV76(&7,21'$7 6HWWLQJV, from the menu, or from the right-click context
menu. This will open the 76(&7,21'$73DUDPHWHUV form.

The entries on this form are similar to the entries on the System Default TSECTION.DAT
Parameters form except that these parameters refer only to the Route you have selected.

Enter the path and file name to the required TSECTION.DAT file, or else click on the 3DWK
button to open the &KRRVH76(&7,21'$7)LOH window, and navigate to the file you want
to use.

Enter any Description for the settings.

Enter the Action for Simulation and Maintenance Modes.

Click on the 2. button to update the settings and close the form.

Page 70 29 May 2005 Train Store

There are no special actions that you need to take once you have set the TSECTION.DAT
swapping parameters. If you add new Routes, be sure to review their requirements, and add
parameters for them if necessary. Remember, you only need to add Route specific parameters
if the System Default TSECTION.DAT settings are not suitable for the Route. The
TSECTION.DAT swapping processing takes place automatically whenever Train Store
surveys the MSTS installation in preparation to moving files. The processing checks to see if
there are any conflicts in the Route specifications for the Routes which are going to be
unstored. Conflicts can only occur if more than one Route is being unstored, and if more than
one Route has a specific TSECTION.DAT setting. Even then, a conflict may not arise

conflicts found, Train Store will display the 5HVROYH &RQIOLFWLQJ 76(&7,21'$7
because the specific settings which will be in operation may be compatible. If there a re


This lists each Route which is being unstored, together with the Build No. from the
TSECTION.DAT specified for it (either specifically, or as a res ult of the System Default
TSECTION.DAT specification), and the Action which has been specified. The actual file
name being used is also displayed (to the right of the Action, but it is not visible in this

On the left hand side of the window there are a series of checkboxes. Each one ticked means
that the Route is selected to be unstored.

An asterisk ( ) next to it means that the Route is in conflict with at least one other Route. The
list is displayed in the order of descending conflicts. i. e. the Route at the top of the list has the
most conflicts.

To resolve the conflicts, simply uncheck the checkbox against one or more Routes which have
conflicts, so those Routes will not be unstored, until no conflicts remain. When this happens
the asterisks disappear, and the information in the top of the window changes. For example in
the situation above, if the first Route is unchecked the result is as follows

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 71

There are no conflicts remaining, and the 2. button is enabled, so you can go ahead and t he
remaining 4 Routes will be unstored with no conflicts. The TSECTION.DAT file to be used
will be the file from the 3 rd Route in the picture.

The conflicts can be resolved in any way that you prefer, for example, in the above pictures, if
you really wanted to retain the first Route in the window, you would need to uncheck the
second and third Routes which are conflicting. The result would be as follows

Notice in this case that a different TSECTION.DAT has been selected, which is compatible
with the remaining Routes.

When you are satisfied with the settings, click on the 2. button, and the unstore processing
will go ahead, unstoring all of the routes which were still selected to be unstored.

Page 72 29 May 2005 Train Store

Maintenance Mode is provided to make sure you can edit Routes, Activities and Consists as
efficiently as possible, but ensuring that you have all the files necessary.

It is essential that you use Train Store in Maintenance Mode, before you edit any Routes,
Activities or Consists. If you do not do this, you are quite likely to find items missing from
your Routes, and problems in editing.

When editing a Route all of the files for the Route that you are editing must be available to
MSTS. In Maintenance Mode, Train Store ignores the usual optimisations that are used when
it is running in Simulation Mode, and instead it moves all of the Route based files to MSTS
for the Routes which are being Unstored. Thi s means that you will have all of the files needed
so that you will have access to all of the facilities, but without the delay of loading Routes that
you are not working on.

Activities however, whilst they are based on a Route, still make use of Consists and Stock
Items. There is the definite possibility that unless all of the needed Consists and Stock Items
are available to the Activity Editor, you will have problems. For example, it may not be
possible to complete the Activity editing because some Consi st or Stock Item is not available
in the MSTS installation because it has been stored. In Maintenance Mode, Train Store
provides the facilities to make sure that all of the files needed are available.

To use Maintenance Mode, click on the 0DLQWHQDQFH tab at the top of the Controls section.
The Maintenance tab will be displayed.

Select the Routes you want to work on and UnStore them using the Routes/Activities Unstore

a Route. If you dont want to unstore the complete Route, click on the 3DUWLDO 5RXWH
button. Notice that in this mode the default action is to Store or Unstore all of the Activities in

checkbox to mark it. This will allow you to select individual Activities that you want to
unstore. But please note that if the Activity you select uses files which are shared with other
Activities, those Activities will also be unstored. This is to make sure that all of the shared
files that an Activity uses are unstored.

Make a list of any new Consists, or Stock Items that you want included so that you can w ork
with them during the editing session. Add these Consists or Stock Items to the Maintenance
Mode Consist list or the Maintenance Mode Stock list for the Route as appropriate. You
Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 73
dont have to add every Consist or Stock Item. You only need add those which have not
already been used in Activities in the Route. If you are not actually going to create any new
Consists, you dont need to include any Stock Items as any needed will automatically be
included by specifying any Consists that you want to use.

For details of how to add the Consist or Stock items to the lists, see the sections in this manual
on Maintenance Mode Consists and Maintenance Mode Stock.

If you want to launch the MSTS editor, click on the /DXQFK0676(GLWRU checkbox to mark

Routes to be available, click on the 'HI5RXWHV checkbox to mark it. This will ensure that
If you are preparing for the installation of a new Route, which requires the MSTS Default

all of the MSTS Default Routes are present and will be Unstored.

Click on the 3UHSDUH button to start the process. A confirmation dialogue will be displayed.

Click on the Yes button to proceed, and the processing will be carried out with the progress
being monitored in the Train Store Status bar. The mouse cursor returns t o its normal state
and the Status bar is cleared when the process is complete. If you selected the Confirm
Completion option then a confirmation dialogue box will also be displayed, requiring you to
click OK to continue. If you selected Launch the MSTS Edi tor option, the MSTS Editor will
be started.

You can then start on your editing.

There are no problems with creating new Activities, or Consists whilst you are using the
editors, or creating them with ConBuilder. When you next start Train Store, it will pick up the
additional or changed items and deal with them accordingly.

Unstore Everything! Allows you to temporarily remove all of the files from the Train Store
storage folder, and return the files to the MSTS installation. After it h as run, the effect (on
MSTS) is as though Train Store has not been in use at all. All of your option settings
Scenarios, and Consist information are still retained by Train Store, so it is easy to continue
using it, when you need to.

It is important to understand that there is a difference between the situation where all Routes

are Unstored, but when all Routes are Unstored not HYHU\WKLQJ has been Unstored. This
are In Use and Everything Unstored!. When Everything Unstored! is true, then all Routes

is by design. In normal use Train Store will only take out from store items which are needed.
Most MSTS installations include large numbers of unused stock and consists. So, even with
everything in the installation In Use there is likely to be a la rge number of files In Store.

For details about running Unstore Everything!, see the sections describing Train Store
Windows and Functions.
Page 74 29 May 2005 Train Store
If you need to uninstall Train Store, click on 8QLQVWDOO7UDLQ6WRUH in the menu bar. Do not
use Uninstall from the Start Menu, or Control Panel, because this will not check that
everything has been unstored before removing the software.

This function first checks the installation is in the Everything Unstored state. If so, you will
be asked to confirm that you do want to uninstall the software. If you confirm this, then a final
check will be made that there are no files present in the Train Store storage folders and then
all of the Train Store settings are removed from the Windows Registry. F inally, Train Store
will run the ClickTeam Uninstaller and remove itself from your installation. For full details
of this process see the section in this manual describing the menu functions.

Note that if you choose and confirm this function it will rem ove all of your Train Store option

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 75

Page 76 29 May 2005 Train Store
It is likely that when you use Classic Train Store, you will have a number of favourite
simulations that you use. Train Store can be used to switch from one to another, as described
in the previous sections, but it also provides a facility to store any number of Scenarios. These

to the situation when the Scenario was saved. Simply pressing the *R Button will commit
can be called up on demand. When they are opened, they will set the Train Store tree or map

any necessary changes to the MSTS installation, and you are ready to start.

To create a Scenario, simply click on the Save button in the Train Store toolbar, or
choose 6DYHfrom the )LOH menu. A FileSave dialogue box will be opened for you to enter the
file name you want to use, and to navigate to the folder where you want to store your

Enter the file name you have chosen, and click on the 2. button to save the Scenario. Train
Store will save the map which is currently in the Routes pane of the Train Store main

To load a previously saved Scenario, simply click on the Open button in the Train Store
toolbar, or choose 2SHQ from the )LOH menu. A FileOpen dialogue box will be opened for you
to enter name of the Scenario you want to use, or you can navigate to the file using the
dialogue box.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 77

Choose the Scenario that you want open, and then click on the 2. button to open the
Scenario. The Scenario will be loaded and the map in the Routes pane of the Train Store main
window will be displayed.

If the MSTS installation has been updated by having Routes or Activities added, modified or
removed, since the Scenario was saved, then Train Store will automatically bring the loaded
Scenario up to date and display a warning message so that you can decide whether to save the
updated Scenario.

Train Store remembers the folder where you last opened or saved a scenario to save
navigating through the file system from the top every time. You can store Scenarios anywhere
on your system apart from the MSTS folders, or the Train Store Storage folders. It is
advisable to use meaningful names to allow you to quickly choose a Scenario from the list
you have saved.

Once you have set up Scenarios, you can use them to launch MSTS directly (MSTS will be
launched after the required Scenario has been set up by Train Store automatically). To do this
you first need to create the File Association in Windows to tell Windows to open .TSS files
with Train Store. (See the Appendix for details).

Once this has been done, double clicking on a Scenario file will cause Train Store to be
loaded in automatic mode. This will, load the specified Scenario, commit any changes needed
to achieve it to the MSTS installation, and then launch MSTS. (You may see Train Store
peeping at the bottom of the screen whilst it does this.)

This allows you to set up (if you want) a series of desktop shortcuts, pointing to your Scenario
files. To start MSTS, you just click on any of the desktop shortcuts.

Page 78 29 May 2005 Train Store

If you create a shortcut for any Scenario, you can place the shortcut on the Windows desktop,
and by double-clicking on it, you will start MSTS with the selected Scen ario already loaded.

The steps needed to do this are :-

 Create the Shortcut
 Rename the shortcut (optional)
 Change the shortcut icon (optional)

To create a shortcut :-
Open the folder containing the Scenario in Windows Explorer.
Select the Scenario by clicking (not double-clicking) on it.
Right-click, and a context menu will be opened.
Choose the &UHDWH 6KRUWFXW option. A shortcut to the selected Scenario will
immediately be created in the same folder.

The shortcut will be named Shortcut to xxxxx, where xxxxx is the original name of the
Scenario. You can change the name of the shortcut by : -
Clicking (not double-clicking) on it to select it
Then pressing >)@ or choosing )LOH5HQDPH from the Explorer menu. Type in the
new name you want to use.

If you would like to customise the shortcut by giving it a particular icon, you can change the
icon that the shortcut uses by :-
Clicking (not double-clicking) on it to select it
Then right-clicking will open a context menu.
Choose 3URSHUWLHV. The Properties window for the shortcut will then be opened.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 79

Click on the &KDQJHLFRQ button and a &KDQJHLFRQ window will be opened.

Choose any icon from those displayed by clicking on it and then pressing 2. or else
by double-clicking on it.
If you would like different icons, click on the %URZVH button and a &KDQJHLFRQ file
open window will be opened.

Page 80 29 May 2005 Train Store

Navigate to the folder with the file containing the icons you want to use
Click on the file you want
Then click on the 2. button. The window will close, and the Change icon window
will contain the icons from the file you have selected e.g.

Choose the icon you want

Then click on the 2. button, or double click on the icon you want, and the window
will be closed and the shortcut updated with the new icon.

You can use any suitable Windows icon for this. They can be found in most Windows
executable files and also in libraries such as C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHELL32.DLL , or
C:\WINDOWS\MORICONS.DLL. There is also a small set of icons included in the Train
Store package. You can find them in the TrainStore Icons.dll file which will be found in the
same folder where you installed the Train Store software. Duncan Harris has also kindly made
several sets of icons for this purpose and you can find them in the file

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 81

Page 82 29 May 2005 Train Store
If you are using Easy Explore, you also have the option of Exploring us ing the Loose Consists
which are specified for any Activity in the Route that you are exploring. You even have the
option of exploring with the AI Traffic from a chosen Activity. This can make Exploring in
MSTS much more interesting, and opens the possibil ity of creating Activities which have AI
Traffic running the mainline timetable whilst the user carries out activities like shunting in
whatever order and time suits them.

Please remember though, that this facility effectively places Loose Stock and AI Tr affic into
your Explore. It is your responsibility to place your Player train in a suitable start position. If
you place your Player train in a position which conflicts with the Loose Stock or the AI
Traffic at the starting time, then MSTS will probably no t be able to start the Explore, or else
there will be an immediate collision with the AI Traffic and the Player train.

If you want to use this facility, you must start from the Easy Explore window.

pointing arrow to the right of the field below the $GGLWLRQDOO\IURPWKH $FWLYLW\ heading.
Choose the Locomotive and Consist that you want to drive. Then click on the downward

This will display a list of the Activities which are available in the Route. Choose one of the
Activities from the list by clicking on it with the mouse. The remaining fields in this section
of the window will be enabled.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 83

Click on the /RRVH 6WRFN checkbox to mark it, if you want to include Loose Stock
from the Activity.
Click on the $,7UDIILF checkbox if you want to Explore with the AI Traffic from the
Activity running.
NOTE: If the Activity does not contain Loose Stock, or AI Traffic, the relevant checkbox will
not be enabled.
Choose the Starting Time, the Season and the Weather from the next fields.
Selection of this facility will have reset the starting point for the Explore to the starting
point for the Player in the original Activity. If you want to explore from any other

direction), using the 6WDUWLQJDW and +HDGLQJWRZDUGV drop-down lists.

Starting Point, you can now go back and choose it, (and/or a different starting

Click on the ([SORUH button to start. This will start MSTS.

Choose 'ULYH D 7UDLQ, and then select the 75$,1 6725( (;3/25( item from
the list in MSTS. (Do NOT Choose EXPLORE ROUTE, unless you wan t to use the
standard MSTS Explore facility).

Click on the 6WDUW button to start the Explore.

When the Explore Activity starts MSTS will display a Briefing which contains reminders
about the differences and limitations which are imposed using this mode , and information
about saving and reloading the explore session.

Page 84 29 May 2005 Train Store

To restart from a saved TRAINSTORE EXPLORE, the original starting conditions have to be
set up to allow MSTS to reload the simulation. It is possible to do this by choosing the same
Activity and starting conditions, starting an Explore, and then choosing to load the saved
TRAIN STORE EXPLORE in MSTS. However, Train Store provides a simpler way of doing
this, and saves the need for you to remember all the details of your saved explore.

If you want to use this facility, you must start from the Easy Explore window.

Click on the heading $GGLWLRQDOO\IURPWKH$FWLYLW\ or on the downward pointing arrow to

the right of that heading. Select 5HORDG VDYHG 75$,1 6725( (;3/25(. This will
change the heading, and open a list of saved TRAIN STORE EXPLORE sessions.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 85

You can examine this list by clicking on any item, or using the arrow keys to move up or
down the list. As each saved item is selected, the details of the session will be displayed in the
information pane at the bottom of the window. (The items in this list are sorted in descending
date order, so you will see your most recent saves at the top of the list.)

When you have chosen the save you want to restart, click on the ([SORUH button and the

to choose /RDG6DYHG$FWLYLW\ in MSTS, and which TRAIN STORE EXPLORE to use to

necessary files will be unstored. Train Store will then display a dialogue box, reminding you


When you have closed this dialogue box MSTS will be started, and you can reload the saved

Page 86 29 May 2005 Train Store

This is a true Explore mode. This means that all points can be changed by the user.
The points will be set to their initial default straight ahead positions at the start of the
Explore. You may need to change points as necessary to follow a particular path.
If you run AI Traffic from the Activity you chose, then the points will not be set for
each piece of Traffic as when running an Activity. This means that any AI Traffic
which requires a different route to the default point settings, is unlikely to run to
completion. Instead it will wait at the point which it cannot pass.
When you choose your starting point, you must be sure that the placing of your Player
train does not foul or clash with any Loose Stock, and that the Player train can fit into
the track space available at the starting point, otherwise MSTS will fail to start the
Explore. Also, be aware that if you choose a starting point which is close to the
location of a piece of AI Traffic (i.e. if the AI Traffic is already in the signal section
containing your Player train), then you are not protected from collision, the AI train
will run into your train. If the AI train is not in your signal section, it will wait until
you have cleared the section.
You may change the starting time for your explore, but remember if you have chosen
to use AI Traffic, it will still run at its recorded time.
Once MSTS has started, you must either start the TRAIN STORE EXPLORE, or you
lose it. If you exit MSTS without running the TRAIN STORE EXPLORE, you cannot
just re-enter MSTS. You need to start again from Easy Explore. Also, if whilst you are
in MSTS, you choose the normal MSTS EXPLORE ROUTE function, you will not
subsequently be able to start the TRAIN STORE EXPLORE. You will need to close
MSTS and restart from Easy Explore.
This facility is not compatible with the Use RailDriver facility. If the TRAIN
STORE EXPLORE facility is chosen the Use RailDriver checkbox is disabled. You
can still use RailDriver in the TRAIN STORE EXPLORE facility, but you will need to
start RailDriver by hand, before starting MSTS.
If you want to save the simulation whilst running, you can do this in the normal way,
using the [F2] key. When you want to restart a saved TRAIN STORE EXPLORE, you
must start from Easy Explore, and choose the same Route, and Explore Activity, and
click on the Explore button to start MSTS. When you have started MSTS, choose
Load a Saved Activity, choose the TRAIN STORE EXPLORE save with the date and
time corresponding to the explore that you want to continue, and then continue as

the details of the Explore session, by using the 5HORDG 7UDLQ 6725( (;3/25(
normal. Train Store provides an easy way to do this, without having to remember all


Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 87

Page 88 29 May 2005 Train Store
Train Store has an internal viewer which shows images of individual Stock Items or complete
Consists. The viewer uses the TRAINLIB.OCX control by Pau l Gausden to display the
models. This OCX control is installed when the SVIEW software is installed on a system.
Train Store will detect whether the OCX control is available, and if so, the viewer
functionality will be enabled. If the OCX control is not av ailable, then the viewer
functionality is disabled. The viewer can display items or consists without needing to unstore
any item.

item in the main Train Store window, or right-clicking on the item and choosing 6KRZ
The viewer can be started by clicking on a Consist icon or Stock Item icon next to an

6HOHFWHG ,WHP LQ 9LHZHU. In the Consist or Stock Item Lists the viewer can be started by
selecting an item and then clicking the 6KRZ6HOHFWHG,WHPbutton.

The window that is opened can be moved around or minimised independently from the main
Train Store window. To close the window use the normal Windows control commands, or
press [Esc]. If Train Store is closed, then all viewer windows will be closed automatically.

Multiple viewer windows can be opened and sized and moved around independently. The
only limitation on this is the amount of memory consumed by each version of the viewer. In
testing over 30 simultaneous windows each with Consists of 20 or more Stock items have
been used successfully.

You can navigate from window to window if you have multiple windows open by pressing
[Ctrl]+[F6]. Holding the [Shift] key down whilst closing or minimising any viewer window
will close or minimise all of the viewer windows.

When started the viewer will operate in Restored mode. That is, the window size will be
suited to the size of the item to be displayed. A full-width mode is also available. The window
mode can be toggled between restored mode and full width mode by pressin g [F12]. When
the mode switches to full width, the viewer window occupies the full width of the display
monitor, and the height is set to maintain the original aspect ratio.

When displaying Consists, all but the smallest will not fit within the width of a normal display
monitor, so the window is displayed at full width on the monitor, and the viewing position is
set to display the first item in the Consist. You can navigate to any item in a displayed Consist
by using the arrow keys.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 89

With Consists or Stock Items which take up more than the width of the display monitor, there
is no difference between the restored and full width display modes.

A set of keyboard commands are provided to change the way in which the model is viewed.
Generally the commands are the same as the corresponding SVIEW keyboard commands, but
there are some differences, because of the simpler nature of the internal viewer. To see the list
of viewer keyboard commands, at any time when the viewer is open, press [F1]. A f ull list of
the commands is then displayed in a separate window. To close this window press [F1] again,
or press [Esc]. The list of commands can be dragged around the screen to a suitable position
by using the mouse.

The list of keyboard commands available is as follows:-

Animates the model.

Shows the other side of the model.

>6KLIW@ RU>6KLIW@! Move to the end of the Consist.

moves to the next item in a Consist.

toggles the FPS display.

Returns to the initial view position.

Increases the light in shadows

Decreases the light in shadows

Moves the viewing position closer to the model

Moves the viewing position further away from the model

Toggles the Help display

Edit DirectX Display options
Change Background colour

Page 90 29 May 2005 Train Store

take screenshot.
Toggles the 'Full Screen' mode - actually full screen width, at the

same apect ratio.

moves to the next window in the list of open Viewer w indows.

moves to the previous window in the list of open Viewer windows.

Toggles Orthogonal setting.
Saves the current settings of Background colour, [F12] toggle, the
ambient lighting level, the Viewer window height and the viewing


Closes an open Viewer window.
Holding the [Shift] key down and selecting Close or Minimise will
affect all of the open Viewer windows.

127(The version of the OCX file needed to run the Trai n Store viewer is This is
normally installed when SVIEW Version 1.4 is installed. Earlier versions of the OCX control
will not allow the internal viewer to run successfully.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 91

Page 92 29 May 2005 Train Store
The purpose of Train Store is to keep to a m inimum the files that MSTS has to find and load
when running a simulation. To do this it examines the Routes and Activities within an MSTS
installation and removes all of the files that are not needed for the Activities in the simulation
that you want to run.

If Train Store did nothing else this would mean that using Classic Train Store, you would not
be able to run any Explore Mode activity unless you had first created an Activity using the
consist that you wanted to use. Also you would not be able to s tart your exploration at any
point other than the Activities start points. This would be a big disadvantage, particularly for
new users.

It would also mean that it would be difficult (without first using Unstore Everything!) to
build new Activities, or add new Consists or Stock Items to existing Activities because the
new items that you wanted to include in the Activities would not be available, because Train
Store would have stored them, because they were not needed by the current configuration.

Train Store therefore allows you to specify additional items to be unstored in particular
situations. You specify which additional items you want to unstore by adding the items to a
list using one of the List Editors.

There are actually 5 types of list :-

Explore Mode Consists additional Consists to be used in Explore Mode
Explore Mode Paths additional Paths to be used in Explore Mode
Maintenance Mode Consists additional Consists to be used in Maintenance Mode
Maintenance Mode Stock additional Stock Items to be used in Maintenance Mode
Maintenance Mode Paths additional Paths to be used in Maintenance Mode

There is a set of these lists for each Route in the MSTS installation. This allows you to
specify which additional items you want to have available on a Route by Route basis. In
addition there is a set of these lists for Global Settings Global Settings means a set of lists
whose items will be applied to every Route, in addition to the usual lists for the Route. (No
Path lists are available in Global Settings, as Paths are specific to individual Routes).

You can create any number of lists of each type for each Route, or for Global Settings. If
more than one list exists for a Route, or for Global Settings, then it is possible to specify
which of the lists is to be used at any time.

When Classic Train Store commits a Scenario to the MSTS installation, in addition to the files
required by the Route(s) and Activity(ies) selected, it will also ensure that the files (Consist ,
Paths and Stock) required from these lists are also made available to MSTS. When you then
run MSTS, you will find that you have access to all of the items essential for the Activity(ies)
that you specified, but also you will have access to these additional items.

There is a simple set of procedures for editing these lists. There are detail differences between
the list procedures, because the information stored in each type is different, but the basic
procedures are consistent. The following sections describe each of these list types in detail.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 93

required Route or in Global Settings and choose &UHDWH 1HZ /LVW from the context menu
To create a new list of any type, right -click on the main heading for the list type in the

which is opened. (The List Type will be included in the caption of the menu item e.g. Create
New Consist List) This will open the list editor window for the list type which you have

list types, and close the window using the 2. button.

chosen. Add the required items to the list as described in the following sections for each of the

If there is only one list of a particular type for a Route, or for Global Settings, then the list is
always activated. This means that when you press the Go! or Prepare button, if t he particular
Route is being unstored, the items in this list will also be unstored.

If there is more than one list of a particular type for a Route or for Global Settings, then each
list can be Activated or DeActivated individually. (When a new list is c reated, it is always set
to Activated by default) Items in Lists which are not activated will not be unstored. The
following picture show examples of a single set of (Consist) lists and a multiple set of (Path)
lists within one Route, with activated and deactivated examples in the multiple lists.

To Activate or DeActivate a list, click on the checkbox which appears in the list heading in
the Train Store main window. If the checkbox contains a tick mark, then the list is activated.
If there is no tick mark, the list is deactivated.

You can also activate or deactivate a list by right -clicking on the relevant list heading and
choosing the activate or deactivate option from the context menu which is opened.
Alternatively you can choose the activate or deac tivate option from the main menu for the list
type you have selected. Either of these methods also allows options to activate or deactivate
all of the lists within a Route or within Global Settings, and also allows you to activate the
selected item, whilst deactivating all of the remaining lists of the same type.

Page 94 29 May 2005 Train Store

You can change this name by clicking on the (GLW /LVW 1DPH button in the list editor
When a list is first created it is given a default name. (e.g. Original List, New List (1) etc.)

window. This will open a window which allows you to change the list name.

The new name you enter must contain at least one non -space character, otherwise no change
to the name is made. You may change the name of any list, but the name of a list is only
visible if there is more than one list of the same type in use for the specific Route or for
Global Settings.

To delete a list, open the list in the list editor, and remove all of the items from the &XUUHQW
/LVW pane, and then close the window using the 2. button. The list will then be removed
from the Train Store configuration.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 95

Explore Mode Consists are used if you want to explore a Route driving a locomotive or
Consist which is not included in any of the Activities you are unstoring.

Maintenance Mode Consists are used when you want to include any Consists which would
not normally be unstored when you are creating or editing Activities.

Explore Mode Consists are created by adding the Consists you want to use to an Explore
Mode Consists list. A set of lists is held for each Route, and a separate Global Settings set
of lists is held for Consists that you want to apply to all Rout es. Note that Explore Mode
Consists are only accessible and effective when Train Store is run in Simulation Mode.

Maintenance Mode Consists are created by adding the Consists you want to use to a
Maintenance Mode Consists list. A set of lists is held for each Route, and a separate Global
Settings set of lists is held for Consists that you want to apply to all Routes. Note that
Maintenance Mode Consists are only accessible and effective when Train Store is run in
Maintenance Mode.

To add a Consist to a list :-

Highlight any Explore Mode Consists or Maintenance Mode Consists item or
heading for a Route in the Routes pane of the Train Store Main window.
Click on the (GLW 6HOHFWHG5RXWH button under the Explore Mode Consists section
of the controls. The (GLW ([SORUH 0RGH &RQVLVW /LVW or the (GLW 0DLQWHQDQFH
0RGH&RQVLVW/LVW window will be opened.

Page 96 29 May 2005 Train Store

There are three panes in the window. The &XUUHQW/LVW pane shows the Consists which are
already in the list being edited. The &RQVLVWV $YDLODEOH pane shows the available Consists
which can be added to the list, and the &RQVLVW'HWDLOV shows the details of any Consist which
is currently selected in either of the first two panes. Items in the Consists Available list are
highlighted if they are In Use.

At the bottom of the window there is a &RQVLVW )LOWHU sub-window which contains the
controls which allow you to filter the Consists Available list so that you can more easily find
the items you are looking for.

In Maintenance Mode, when you open this window for any Route, if there are no existing
Maintenance Mode Consists defined for the Route, Train Store will automatically populate
the Current List with all of the Consists which would be Unstored by the Prepare function
because they are already referenced by Activities within the Route. It is therefore easy for you
to see, by examining the Current List, whether the Consist(s) you need for your editing
session are already available.

When editing Explore Mode Consist lists, the Available list will on ly show Driveable
Consists, and Consists which are driveable for the Route selected (e.g. Electric Locomotives
will not be available on a non-electrified Route.

To add a Consist to the Current List :-
Find the Consist you need in the Consists Available List (see the following section for
using the Filters).
Click on the Consist to select it
Then either drag it with the mouse to the Current List pane, or click on the $GGWR/LVW

To remove a Consist from the Current List :-

Click on it to select it :-
Then either drag it with the mouse to the Consists Available pane, press the >'HOHWH@
key or click on the 5HPRYHIURP/LVW button.

It is possible to deal with multiple Consists in these operations. The usual Windows selectio n

by clicking on it. Hold the >6KLIW@ key down, and then click on the last item in the group. If
conventions apply. If you want to select a contiguous group of Consists, highlight the first one

and hold the >&WUO@ key and then click on the other Consists you need.
you want to select a number of non contiguous Consists, Click on the first to select it, press

When you have completed your changes to the list, click on the 2. button to close the

List, press &DQFHO, the window will be closed and the Current List will not be updated.
window and update the changes to the Current List. If you dont w ish to update the Current

When a Consist is already included in a Scenario, because it is used in an Activity(ies), this

does not cause a problem, Train Store will ens ure only one copy of the consist is available for
use in Activity(ies) or Explore Mode.

The Consists Available list can be filtered by Locomotive Name, Consist Name, Type of
Consist, Status, Type of Motive Power or Lot Numb er. For full details of the filtering
mechanism see the section on Selection Filters.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 97

In Simulation Mode there is an option which allows you to specify whether you want to
include the Explore Mode Consists specified. If this is not set, the Explore Mode Consists
will not be included. The setting of this parameter will be remembered from the previous run
of Train Store, but you can change it at any time. If you only want to run an Activity in MSTS
there is no point in including the Explore Mode Consists. Any Consists needed for the
Activities will be made available to MSTS automatically. You only need to include the
Explore Mode Consists if you want to run one of those Consists in Explore Mode.

In Maintenance Mode, Consists from any activated Maintenance Mode Consist lists will

includes all of the Consists which are used within the Route, you only QHHG to put in this list
always be unstored for any Route being Prepared. Because the Prepare function automatically

any Consists which are not already used by Activities in the Route, and which you need for
editing. The automatic population of this list is for information purposes. By using the
populated Current list in conjunction with the Available list you can more easily decide which
items you need to add. Once you have completed your editing, you can remove the items from
the list, as they are not needed because Train Store will automatically include all of the
Consists used when the Prepare function is used.

Maintenance Mode Consists are only accessed during Maintenance Mode processing and
will only be Unstored by the Prepare function. They have no affect on the selections made
during Simulation Mode, when the normal optimisation process is used to select files to be
Unstored. Of course, once a Consist has been associated with an Activity, as part of your
editing process, then it will also automatically be selected when required to be Unstored in
Simulation Mode.

Because Consist lists are specifically intended for use outsi de of Activities, they are only
stored as lists of consists within Train Store. By this means they can be enabled or disabled on
any Scenario without needing to save additional copies for each Route. So, whatever Scenario
you have chosen, the Consists lists will be the same (as for any other scenario). When you
save a Scenario, it is saved independently of the Explore Mode Consists and the
Maintenance Mode Consists.

Notice also that, because of the way MSTS stores information in Activities, only the Pl ayer
consist, and the AI traffic consists are actually identified by MSTS as consists within the
Activity. Loose stock included in an Activity is not actually stored as a consist by MSTS, so
their owning consists will not appear in the consists available f or Explore Mode in a Route
unless they have also been used either in a Player or AI traffic consist, or else if they have
been included as an Explore Mode Consist. It does not matter whether the Explore Mode
Consists have been included or not because of your option settings, the actual stock used by
the Loose Consists will always be available to the Route for its Activity(ies).

Page 98 29 May 2005 Train Store

Explore Mode Paths are used if you want to explore a Route, starting from a poin t which is
not included in any of the Activities which you are unstoring.

Maintenance Mode Paths are used when you want to include any Paths which would not
normally be unstored when you are creating or editing Activities.

Explore Mode Paths are created by adding the Paths you want to use to an Explore Mode
Paths list. A set of lists is held for each Route.

Maintenance Mode Paths are created by adding the Paths you want to use to a Maintenance
Mode Paths list. A set of lists is held for each Route.

Note that Explore Mode Paths are only accessible and effective when Train Store is run in
Simulation Mode. (In Maintenance Mode either all of the Paths for a Route are unstored, or, if
the Partial Route facility is used, all of the Paths that are referenced by the Activities and
Services that are unstored are themselves unstored together with any Paths in activated
Maintenance Mode Paths lists.)

To add a Path to a list :-

Highlight any Explore Mode Paths or Maintenance Mode Paths item or heading for
a Route in the Routes pane of the Train Store Main window.
Click on the (GLW 6HOHFWHG 5RXWH button under the Explore Mode Paths or the
Maintenance Mode Paths section of the controls. The (GLW ([SORUH 0RGH 3DWK
/LVWor the (GLW0DLQWHQDQFH0RGH3DWK/LVW window will be opened.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 99

There are three panes in the window. The &XUUHQW /LVW pane shows the Paths which are
already in the list being edited. The 3DWKV $YDLODEOHpane shows the available Paths which
can be added to the list, and the 3DWK'HWDLOV shows the details of any Path which is currently
selected in either of the first two panes. Items in the Paths Available list are highlighted if
they are In Use.

At the bottom there is a 3DWKV )LOWHU sub-window which contains the controls which allow
you to filter the Paths Available list so that you can more easily find the items you are looking

When editing Explore Mode Paths lists the Available list will only show Driveable Paths.

To add a Path to the Current List :-
Find the Path you need in the Paths Available List (see the following section for using
the Filters).
Click on the Path to select it
Then either drag it with the mouse to the Current List pane, or cli ck on the $GGWR/LVW

To remove a Path from the Current List : -

Click on it to select it :-
Then either drag it with the mouse to the Paths Available pane, press the >'HOHWH@ key,
or click on the 5HPRYHIURP/LVW button.

It is possible to deal with multiple Paths in these operations. The usual Windows selection

clicking on it. Hold the >6KLIW@ key down, and then click on the last item in the group. If you
conventions apply. If you want to select a contiguous group of Paths, highlight the first one by

the >&WUO@ key and then click on the other Paths you need.
want to select a number of non contiguous Paths, Click on the first to select it, press and hold

When you have completed your changes to the list, click on the 2. button to close the

List, press &DQFHO, the window will be closed and the Current List will not be updated.
window and update the changes to the Current List. If you dont wish to update the Current

When a Path is already included in a Scenario, because it is used in an Activity(ies ), this does
not cause a problem, Train Store will ensure only one copy of the Path is available for use in
Activity(ies) or Explore Mode.

The Paths Available list can be filtered by starting point (From), ending point (To), P ath
Name and Status. For full details of the filtering mechanism see the section on Selection

In Simulation Mode, there is an option which allows you to specify whether you want to
include the Explore Mode Paths specified. If this is not set, the Explore Mode Paths will
not be included. The setting of this parameter will be remembered from the previous run of
Train Store, but you can change it at any time. If you only want to run an Activity in MSTS
there is no point in including the Explore Mode Paths. Any Paths needed for the Activities
will be made available to MSTS automatically. You only need to include the Explore Mode
Paths if you want to run one of those Paths in Explore Mode.

Page 100 29 May 2005 Train Store

In Maintenance Mode if the Part ial Route option is checked, then any Paths in activated

Partial Route option is unchecked, than DOO Paths for the Routes being prepared will also be
Maintenance Mode Paths lists will also be unstored for the Routes being prepared. If the


Maintenance Mode Paths are only accessed during Maintenance Mode processing and will
only be Unstored by the Prepare function. They have no affect on the selections made during
Simulation Mode, when the normal optimisation process is used to select files to be Unstored.
Of course, once a Path has been associated with an Activity, as part of your editing process,
then it will also automatically be selected when required to be Unstored in Simulation Mode.

Because Paths lists are specifically intended for use outside of Activities, they are only stored
as lists of Paths within Train Store. By this means they can be enabled or disabled on any
Scenario. So, whatever Scenario you have chosen, the Paths lists will be the same (as for any
other scenario). When you save a Scenario, it is saved independently of the Explore Mode
Paths and Maintenance Mode Paths.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 101

Maintenance Mode Stock Itemss are used if you want to edit Stock Items or Consists or
Activities in a Route.

Creating Maintenance Mode Stock Items is carried out by means of adding the Stock Items
you want to use to a Maintenance Mode Stock Items list. A set of lists is held for each
Route. Note that Maintenance Mode Stock Items are onl y accessible and effective when Train
Store is run in Maintenance Mode. (For details of Explore Mode Consists and Maintenance
Mode Consists see the specific sections dealing with them.)

To add a Stock Item to a list :-

Ensure the Train Store controls are switched to Maintenance Mode. The 0676
0DLQWHQDQFH caption should be visible on the Maintenance Controls tab. If not, just
click on the Maintenance label and the tab will change to display the Maintenance
Mode controls.
Highlight any Maintenance Mode Stock item or heading for a Route in the Routes
pane of the Train Store Main window.
Click on the (GLW 6HOHFWHG 5RXWH button under the Maintenance Mode Stock
section of the controls. The (GLW 0DLQWHQDQFH 0RGH 6WRFN /LVW window will be

There are three panes in the window. The &XUUHQW/LVW pane shows the Stock Items which are
already in the list being edited. The 6WRFN,WHPV $YDLODEOH pane shows the available Stock
Items which can be added to the list, and the 6WRFN ,WHP 'HWDLOV shows the details of any
Stock Item which is currently selected in either of the first two panes. Items in the Stock Items
Available list are highlighted if they are In Use.
Page 102 29 May 2005 Train Store
At the bottom of the window there is a 6WRFN)LOWHUsub-window which contains the controls
which allow you to filter the Stock Items Available list so that you can more easily find the
items you are looking for.

When you open this window for any Route, if there are no existing Maintenance Mode
Stock items defined for the Route, Train Store wi ll automatically populate the Current List
with all of the Stock Items which will be Unstored by the Prepare function because they are
already referenced by Activities within the Route. It is therefore easy for you to see, by
examining the Current List, whether the Stock Item(s) you need for your editing session are
already available.

used within the Route, you only QHHG to put in this list any Stock Items which are not already
Note: Because the Prepare function automatically includes all of the Stock Items which are

used by Activities in the Route, and which you need for editing. The automatic population of
this list is for information purposes. By using the populated Current list in conjunction with
the Available list you can more easily decide which items you need to add. Once you have
completed your editing, you can remove the items from the list, as they are not needed
because Train Store will automatically include all of the Stock Items used when the Prepare
function is used.

To add a Stock Item to the Current List :-
Find the Stock Item you need in the Stock Items Available List (see the following
section for using the Filters).
Click on the Stock Item to select it.
Then either drag it with the mouse to the Current List p ane, or click on the $GGWR/LVW

To remove a Stock Item from the Current List : -

Click on it to select it.

>'HOHWH@ key, or click on the 5HPRYHIURP/LVW button.

Then either drag it with the mouse to the Stock Items Available pane, press the

It is possible to deal with multiple Stock Items in these operations. The usual Windows
selection conventions apply. If you want to select a contiguous group of Stock Items : -
Highlight the first one by clicking on it.
Hold the >6KLIW@ key down
Then click on the last item in the group.
If you want to select a number of non contiguous Stock Items : -
Click on the first to select it
Press and hold the >&WUO@ key and then click on each of the other Stock Items you

When you have completed your changes to the list

Click on the 2. button to close the window and update the changes to the Current
List. If you dont wish to update the Current List, press &DQFHO, the window will be
closed and the Current List will not be updated.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 103

When an Maintenance Mode Stock item is already included in a Scenario, because it is used
in Activities, this does not cause a problem, Train Store will ensure only one copy of the
consist is available for use in the editors.

The Stock Items Available list can be filtered by Stock Name, Type of Stock, Status, Type of
Motive Power or Lot Number. For full details of the filtering mechanism see the section on
Selection Filters.

Maintenance Mode Stock items are only accessed during Maintenance Mode processing and
will only be Unstored by the Prepare function. They have no affect on the selections made
during Simulation Mode, when the normal optimisation process is used to select files to be
Unstored. Of course, once a Stock Item has been associated with an Consist which is
associated with an Activity, as part of your editing process, then it will also automatically be
selected when required to be Unstored in Simulation Mode.

Page 104 29 May 2005 Train Store

The selection fields in the &RQVLVW)LOWHU 3DWK)LOWHU, or 6WRFN)LOWHU sub-windows are used
to restrict the items in the Consists Available, Paths Available or Stock Available lists to just
those which you specify, to make the items easier to find. The filters for each type of list are
slightly different so they are described separately.

In each of the filter sub-windows there are several selection fields where you can enter or
choose the values that are going to be used to filter the Available List.

Some of the selection fields (e.g. Consist Name) are text fields. Any value entered in them
restricts selection to items which satisfy the selection text.

The remaining fields (e.g. Type of Consist) are checkboxes or choice fields. They are only

selections are inclusive (e.g. if Light Engine DQG Passenger are checked, then the list will
operative, if they are selected. Within each group of these fields (e.g. Type of Consist) the

contain Light Engine Consists and Passenger Consists)

Generally the filtering fields operate together in a more restricting fashion. For example, if
you select a specific Stock Name, and you click the Passenger checkbox, then only Passenger
type Stock Items whose name matches the selection text will be displayed in the Stock Items
Available List. However, within the Type of Stock, and Type of Motive Power sets of filters,
the filtering is additive. For example, if you select Passenger and Freight, then the results will
contain Passenger + Freight type Stock Items

The Filter items can be used in any combination that is relevant. No one filter is essential. If
there are no filters applied, you will see all of the Consists Available.

The last used settings for the checkboxes are restored each time you open the window, and for
the text fields the most recently used filters appear in the drop-down list, followed by (in the
case of Path From, Path To, Locomotive Name and Lot Number only), the complete list of
entries available for that filter.

Notice that if the selection is for Explore Mode Consists or Expl ore Mode Paths there is a
preliminary permanent filter applied. That is the Consist or Path must be Driveable. In
addition for Consist selection, (if the Route is not electrified) electric locomotives are not
allowed. For this reason the selections for Dr iveable, and Electric Motive Power are disabled
under these conditions.

For the text fields, Locomotive Name, Consist Name and Lot Number, From, To, Path Name,
and Stock Name, wild card matching can be used. This allows the filtering t o be based on
partial matching and so you can search for sets of items.

The syntax for entering the wild card matches follows the usual conventions.

The character * means any character or group of characters. The character ? means 1
character of any value. In addtion you can specify ranges of characters using the notation
[a-d] or [a,d] The matching is not case sensitive. So some examples might be : -

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 105

Any items beginning with the letters GWR

Any items containing the letters GWR anywhere within the field

Any items ending with the letters GWR
Any items beginning with the letters GWR followed by a 5

somewhere in the field
Any items beginning with G followed by any character, followed

*:5 >@>@
by R
Any items beginning with GWR 50 followed by 2 numeric

Any item with a 4 digit number in the ranges 2000 2999 or 5000-

When you have entered your selection in any of the text fields, press >(QWHU@ or click the
$SSO\)LOWHU button to see the results of the selection.

These filters are used to select Consists for the Explore Mode Consists and Maintenance
Mode Consists editing windows.

The fields available for filtering are: -

Locomotive Name
Consist Name
Type of Consist
Light Engine
Type of Motive Power
Lot Number

This field selects Consists which are headed by the named locomotive. The locomotive for a
Consist is taken to be the first locomotive found within a Consist.

The field selects Consists whose Name matches the entry.

This field allows you to select any of the Routes which are in the MSTS installation (it

Routes i.e. all of the MSTS Default Routes combined. Press >(QWHU@ after you have made
doesnt matter if they are Stored or In Use). It also allows selection of the MSTS Default

been used in the Route selected. This field does QRW allow for wild card matches, and the
your selection and the Available List will be filter to show only those Consists which have

selection entered must match with one of the Route entries in the drop -down list.

Page 106 29 May 2005 Train Store


This field is a choice from 3 options. Driveable (), Non-Driveable () and not important
(blank). A Consist is only driveable if it has a locomotive which has a CabView. If the
Driveable or Non-driveable options are selected in this field the Consist must satisfy the
condition to be selected.

Mark this checkbox to restrict Consists to those which are light engines (This is single engine,
or engine and tender combinations). Note: Multiple unit, diesel and electric, consists might
contain only power cars, but they are treated as Passenger Consists if the locomotives
contain Passenger parameters.

Mark this checkbox to restrict Consists to those which are predominantly Passenger vehicles.

Mark this checkbox to restrict Consists to those which are predominantly Freight vehicles.


Mark this checkbox to restrict Consists to which are diesel powered. (i.e. at least one of the
locomotives, if there is more than one, are diesel powered)

Mark this checkbox to restrict Consists to which are electrically powered. (i.e. at least one of
the locomotives, if there is more than one, are electrically powered)

Mark this checkbox to restrict Consists to which are steam powered. (i.e. at least one of the
locomotives, if there is more than one, are steam powered)

This field is a choice from 4 options. In Use, In Store, In Error and not important (blank). If
the In Use, In Store, or In Error options are selected, a Consist must satisfy the condition to be

This field selects Consists whose Lot Number matches the entry.

These filters are used to select Paths for the Explore Mode Paths and Maintenance Mode
Paths list editing windows.

The fields available for filtering are: -

Path Name

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 107

This field selects Paths whose starting point matc hes the entry.

This field selects Paths whose ending point matches the entry.

This field selects Paths whose Name matches the entry.


This field is a choice from 3 options. Driveable (), Non-Driveable () and not important
(blank). A Path is only driveable if it has a particular bit set by MSTS in one of the parameters
in the Path file. If the Driveable or Non-driveable options are selected in this field the Path
must satisfy the condition to be selected.

This field is a choice from 4 options. In Use, In Store, In Error and not important (blank). If
the In Use, In Store or In Error options are selected, a Path must satisfy the condition to be

These filters are used to select Stock Items for the Maintenance Mode Stock editing

The fields available for filtering are: -

Stock Name
Type of Stock
Type of Motive Power
Lot Number

This field selects Stock Items whose Name matches the entry.

This field allows you to select any of the Routes which are in the MSTS installation (it

Routes i.e. all of the MSTS Default Routes combined. Press >(QWHU@ after you have made
doesnt matter if they are Stored or In Use). It also allows selection of the MSTS Default

your selection and the Available List will be filter to show only those Stock Items which have

Page 108 29 May 2005 Train Store

been used in the Route selected. This field does QRW allow for wild card matches, and the
selection entered must match with one of the Route entries in the drop -down list.


Mark this checkbox to restrict Stock Items of the type Locomotive.

Mark this checkbox to restrict Stock Items of the type Tender.

Mark this checkbox to restrict Stock Items of the type Passenger.

Mark this checkbox to restrict Stock Items of the type Freight.


This field is a choice from 3 options. Driveable (9), Non-Driveable (8) and not important
(blank). A Stock Item is only driveable if it is a locomotive which has a CabView. If the
Driveable or Non-Driveable options are selected in this field the Stock Item must satisfy the
condition to be selected.

Mark this checkbox to restrict Stock Items to which are diesel powered. (affects Stock Items
of type Locomotive only)

Mark this checkbox to restrict Stock Items to which are electrically powered. (affects Stock
Items of type Locomotive only)

Mark this checkbox to restrict Stock Items to which are steam powered. (affects Stock Items
of type Locomotive only)

This field is a choice from 4 options. In Use, In Store, In Error and not important (blank). If
the In Use, In Store or In Error options are selected, a Stock Item must satisfy th e condition to
be selected.

This field selects Stock Items whose Lot Number matches the entry.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 109

Page 110 29 May 2005 Train Store
A Lot Number is a simple mechanism for categorising Consists or Stock Items within your
MSTS installation.

The term Lot Number has been used because it used to be customary for railway companies to
order new locomotives or rolling stock against a contract or Lot Number covering one or
more items. Often, the Lot Number would be inscribed on a makers plat e attached to the
piece of rolling stock.

A Lot Number can be assigned to any Consist or Stock Item. The Lot Number can be used in
the Selection Filters when examining the lists of Explore Mode Consists, Maintenance
Mode Consists and Maintenance Stock items.

Train Store always assigns a Lot Number when it detects new Consists or new Stock Items.
The Lot number assigned by Train Store is a number. The number is the same for all new
Consists and Stock found within a Train Store sessi on. The number is incremented
automatically each session if new Consists or Stock Items are found during that session.

You can use the Lot Number as a Selection Filter when selecting Stock Items or Consists for
the editing of Explore Mode Consists, Mai ntenance Mode Consists or Maintenance Mode
Stock lists.

Whilst the term used is Lot Number, you can assign a Lot Number which is alphabetic to
Consists or Stock items, and you can use the field for any categorisation purpose e.g. LMS

create PXVW begin with a non-numeric character.

1930s, DMUs, Settle & Carlisle etc. The only restriction is that any Lot Number you

Lot Numbers can be created or assigned directly from the Edit Maintenance Mode Consist
List window, or the Edit Maintenance Stock List window.

Note: Lot Numbers cannot be assigned from the Edit Explore Mode Consists List window,
because it is not possible to see all of the Consists from this window (only Driveable consists
are shown).

a &KDQJH/RW1XPEHU window will be opened.

Select any number of items from the Available or the Current List list pane, right -click and

You can either enter a new Lot Number directly in the &KDQJH/RW1XPEHUWR field, or you
can select an existing Lot Number, by selecting it from the drop-down list of all Lot Number
used which will be displayed if you click on the downward pointing chevron at the right of
the field. (It is better to select from the list if you want to assign an existing Lot Number, as
this removes the possibility of typing errors in the Lot Number).

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 111

The Lot Number that you enter is validated simply. If it begins with a non -numeric character
then it is assumed that you are using a Lot Number of your own design, and no validation is
carried out. If the entered Lot Number begins with a numeric character, then it is assumed that
you wish to assign a Train Store generated Lot Number to the selected items. A check is then
made to ensure that this Lot Number has been assigned by Train Store. If this is so, then the
number is valid. If the number has not been assigned an error dialogue message will be

Click 2. to return to the Change Lot Number window.

When the required Lot Number has been entered successfully, click on the 2. button, and
the Lot Number entered or selected will be assigned to all of the items which were selected in
the Available List.

Whenever Train Store opens the edit Explore Mode Consists List window, the Edit
Maintenance Mode Consists List window or the Edit Maintenance Mode Stock List
window Train Store checks to see if there have been any new Consists or Stock Items found.
If new items have been found, then an additional highlighted panel appears below the Lot
Number field.

Page 112 29 May 2005 Train Store

This alerts you to the fact that new items have been found but also allows you to immediately
use the Lot Number filter to display the new items in the Available List by entering the new
Lot Number in the Lot Number filter field.

This alert will disappear once Train Store has been closed and started again, but you can still
access the most recently loaded items by selecting the highest numeric Lot Number from the
drop-down list in the Lot Number filter field. (assuming you have not assigned new o r
different Lot Numbers to the relevant items).

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 113

Page 114 29 May 2005 Train Store
It has been found that when an Activity is saved in MSTS, if the Scenario which is in effect at

back to MSTS and attempt to Load the Saved Activity and restart it, then VRPHWLPHV MSTS
the time when the Activity is saved, is not the same Scenario which is in effect when y ou go

will fail to restart the saved Activity.

For example you may have Routes A and B InUse and a number of other Routes in Storage.

Train Store, and store Route B. You PLJKW find, when you come to restart the saved Activity
You run an Activity from Route A, and then save it, part way through. You then go back in to

in Route A, that MSTS will not restart it.

To counter this, when Train Store starts, it checks to see whether any Activities have been
saved since the last time Train Store was closed down. If any Activities have been saved since
the last Train Store session, and, at the time when Train Store was last closed, there was no
Loaded Scenario in effect, then a warning dialogue is displayed.

1RWH This assumes that you have not changed the Scenario outside of MSTS. If so, the
Scenario which is available on loading MSTS is therefore the Scenario which was in effect
when the Activity(ies) was (were) saved.

You have the choice of saving the current Scenario ( <HV , or continuing without a save (1R)
at this point.

This is only a check and a warning to remind you, in case the Scenario has not been saved
previously. You do not need to save the Scenario every time you save an Activity. In fact, it is
not essential to save the Scenario at all. You can reset it by choosing the items which make up
the Scenario again before you restart the Activity from the saved point.

describing the 7RROV2SWLRQV menu for details of this.

There is an option to suppress this Activity Saved Warning message. See the section

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 115

Page 116 29 May 2005 Train Store
Train Store will detect the presence of the RailDriver software and automatically add items to
the Train Store menus and windows to allow you to use RailDriver naturally with Train Store.

additional 8VH5DLO'ULYHU checkboxes will appear on the Easy and Classic windows. If, for
Train Store will normally automatically detect the presence of RailDriver software, and

manually by choosing 5DLO'ULYHU/DXQFK6HWWLQJV from the Options menu.

some reason, Train Store does not detect your RailDriver setup, you can set up the connection

Open Train Store. Choose 7RROV2SWLRQV5DLO'ULYHU/DXQFK6HWWLQJV from the Train Store

Clicking on this menu item will open the 6HW5DLO'ULYHU/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

Enter the full path and name of the RailDriver executable target in the Path field .

RailDriver. This will open the &KRRVH5DLO'ULYHU/DXQFK([HFXWDEOH window

Use the Path button if you wish, to navigate to the file that you want to run to launch

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 117

click the 2. button. The window will be closed and the full path name of the file will then be
Navigate to the file you want to execute when you launch RailDriver, (RDMgr.EXE) and

stored in the Path field of the 6HW5DLO'ULYHU/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

When you are satisfied with the Path and parameters, click on the 2. button and the 6HW
5DLO'ULYHU/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window will be closed and you will return to the Train Store
main window.

Once the connection between Train Store and RailDriver has been set up, 8VH 5DLO'ULYHU
checkboxes will become visible on the Easy and Classic windows.

If you want to use RailDriver with MSTS, simply click on the 8VH5DLO'ULYHUcheckbox to
mark it. When you click on the Go! or Run, or Explore button, after unstoring the required
files, Train Store will start the RailDriver software, and you can start MSTS from there as
usual with RailDriver.

The 8VH5DLO'ULYHUcheckboxes are only available in the windows that allow you to
start MSTS in simulation mode. (It is not relevant to use with the MSTS editors).
The 8VH5DLO'ULYHUcheckboxes are disabled if the other settings you have chosen do

Store this means that the /DXQFK 0676 checkbox PXVW be checked. In the case of
not allow for Train Store to automatically launch MSTS. In the case of Classic Train

Easy Train Store this means that the menu option 6XSSUHVV0676/DXQFKmust QRW
be checked.
Because of the way that the TRAIN STORE EXPLORE facility works, the 8VH
5DLO'ULYHU checkbox is always disabled when this facility is chosen. If you want to
use RailDriver in a TRAIN STORE EXPLORE you need to start RailDriver manually
before starting MSTS.

Page 118 29 May 2005 Train Store

Train Store and the Route Control software package will work together. However, because of
the way that Route Control works when it swaps Routes out of the MSTS installation, you
must be very careful that no part of the Route Control Route is Stored by Train Store, before
Route Control runs. If you fail to do this you may end up with Activities mixed up between

The problem occurs because Route Control uses one physical folder which it uses to swap
Routes into and out of (irrespective of the original folder name used by the Route being
swapped), and Train Store may store some of the items from that Route when it is in its
normal operation. When route Control subsequently swaps the Route, either items will be
missing when the Route is swapped out by Route Control, or Route Control may swap in
another Route which is nothing to do with the Route for which Train Store stored the items .

Before Route Control is started, checks must be made to make sure that none of the possible
conflicting situations exist. Train Store provides a shortcut which you are strongly advised to
use to start Route control. This shortcut examines th e current situation and checks if there is
any potential conflict between Train Store and Route Control. If there is, a warning dialogue
message will be displayed, and Route Control will not start. If there is no conflicting situation
then Route Control will start as normal.

You should always use this shortcut to start Route Control and never start Route Control
directly. If you do start Route Control directly, then none of these checks will be applied, and
Train Store has no way of knowing what has happen ed during the Route Control Session.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 119


There are two steps :-

 Specify the Location of the Route control Software
 Place the Shortcut

Open Train Store. Choose 7RROV2SWLRQV5RXWH&RQWURO/DXQFK6HWWLQJV from the Train
Store menu. Clicking on this menu item will open the 6HW 5RXWH &RQWURO /DXQFK
3DUDPHWHUV window.

Enter the full path and name of the executable target in the Path field, and enter any
command line parameters in the Parameters field. (You can find the details of the Path and the
Parameters, by looking at the Properties of the existing real Route Control shortcut.)

Control. This will open the &KRRVH5RXWH&RQWURO/DXQFK([HFXWDEOH window

Use the Path button if you wish, to navigate to the file that you want to run to launch Route

Page 120 29 May 2005 Train Store

Navigate to the file you want to execute when you launch Route Control, and click the 2.

Path field of the 6HW5RXWH&RQWURO/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window.

button. The window will be closed and the full path name of the file will then be stored in the

When you are satisfied with the Path and parameters, click on the 2. button and the 6HW
5RXWH&RQWURO/DXQFK3DUDPHWHUV window will be closed and you will return to the Train
Store main window.

Click (not double-click) on the shortcut to select it. Press >&WUO@& or
choose (GLW&RS\ from the Explorer menu. Move to the folder where you want to place the
shortcut, and press >&WUO@9 or choose (GLW3DVWH from the Explorer menu. You can paste
the shortcut anywhere that you find convenient for starting Route Control (e.g. the desktop,
the Start menu, or the Launcher bar)

After this has been done, always use one of the shortcuts you placed to s tart Route Control. If
there are no conflicting situations Route Control will start as normal. If there are conflicts one
of the following warning dialogue windows will be displayed. Follow the instructions given
in the messages.

In this case, Route Control will start to allow you to follow the instructions in the message.
But it is essential that you sort out the issue that has been identified before using Route
Control for anything else.

In the following example, Train Store has determined that it is not safe to run Route Control
at all until the relevant Route has been Prepared in Train Store. Route Control will therefore
not start.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 121

Page 122 29 May 2005 Train Store
Train Store creates files which are used for storing system information, and files which store
information about your Explore Mode Consist, Maintenance Mode Consists and
Maintenance Mode Stock lists.

If you want to save this information, you should make a back -up of the 76'$7$ folder and

your Train Store Storage folder can be seen by choosing +HOS, $ERXW from the Train Store
all its subfolders. This folder will be found in the Train Store Storage folder. (The location of

Main window menu.)

You should only back-up this folder when Train Store is closed, in case it has files open
which would invalidate the back-up.

Do not add, remove or edit any of the files in this folder or its sub -folders. If you have a
problem and you wish to restore the Train Store data, restore the complete set of files that you
backed up.

If you are backing up your MSTS files, before doing so, you must use Unstore Everything!.

The reason for this is that unless you have used Unstore Everything! it is almost certain that
some files will still be in store. Thus your backup of the MSTS files would be incomplete.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 123

Page 124 29 May 2005 Train Store
Train Store uses command line parameters to automatically load Scenarios, and automatically
start certain processes. The command line parameters which can be used, and their actions,
are listed in the following table :-


Start Train Store Classic Yes

Start Train Store Classic (Maintenance Mode) Yes

Start Train Store Easy Explore Yes

Start Train Store Easy Activity Yes

Start Train Store and run Unstore Everything! Yes
Start RouteControl after applying safety checks Yes

6FHQDULR)LOH1DPH Open the specified Scenario file and set up the User created

Shortcuts are provided for the specialised start -up actions. These are installed in the folder
where the Train Store software is installed. They can be copied or moved to anywhere that
you find convenient (e.g. the desktop, the Start menu, or the Launcher bar)

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 125

Page 126 29 May 2005 Train Store
Dont worry, your Stock is not missing.

Train Store operates by removing all files from the MSTS installation which are not required
for the Scenario which you selected when you activated your selections using the Go! Button.
Any Consists or Stock Items not needed for the Activity(ies) which are In Use in your
Scenario are removed.

If your problem is that you want to run a particular Consist in Explore Mode, and it is missing
because it is not used in any Activity that is In Use, then you need to add it to the Explore
Mode Consist list for the Route where you want to run it.

If the problem is that you want to use a particular Consist in an editing session to create or

you must DOZD\V use Maintenance Mode to Prepare a Route for editing. If the Consist is not
modify an Activity, and it is missing because it is not used in any Activity that is In Use. First,

available because it has not already been used in an Activity in the Route, then you need to
add it to the Maintenance Mode Consist list for the Route where you want to run it.

If the problem is that you want to use a particular Stock Item in an editing session to create or

you must DOZD\V use Maintenance Mode to Prepare a Route for editing. If the Stock Item is
modify a Consist, and it is missing because it is not used in any Consist th at is In Use. First,

not available because it has not already been used in a Consist in the Route, then you need to
add it to the Maintenance Mode Stock list for th e Route where you want to run it.

Train Store operates by removing all files from the MSTS installation which are not required
for the Scenario which you selected when you activated your selections using the Go! Button.
Any Paths not needed for the Activity(ies) which are In Use in your Scenario are removed.

If the problem is that you want to explore from a particular start point in MSTS, and it is
missing because it is not used in any Activity that is In Use, and you want to use Classic Train
Store to unstore Activities, then you need to add it to the Explore Mode Path list for the
Route concerned. Alternatively you could use Easy Train Store to Explor e the Route, and you
will be able to select the Path starting point and ending point directly.

If the problem is that you want to use a particular Path in an editing session to create or

you must DOZD\V use Maintenance Mode to Prepare a Route for editing. If the is not available
modify an Activity, and it is missing because it is not used in any Activity that is In Use. First,

the 3DUWLDO5RXWH option is QRW selected when you Prepare the Route. Train Store will then
because it has not already been used in an Activity in the Route, then you need to ensure that

unstore all of the Paths for the Route concerned, and it will be available for you to use.

Check that the drop-down list at the top of the Explore Tab is set to $OO/RFRV All driveable
locomotives within MSTS will then be displayed. This setting is remembered by Train Store.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 127

Check that you are not trying to drive an electric locomotive on a non -electrified Route.

There is a drop-down list at the top of the Explore tab. There are four options : -
All Locos This causes the list of locomotives to include all driveable locomotives in
the MSTS installation.
Explore Mode Locos This causes the list of locomotives to show only those which
are included in the Consists which are listed in the Explore Mode Consists list for the
Route selected + Global Settings
Route Expl. Mode Locos This causes the list to show only those locomotives which
are included in the Consists which are listed in the Explore Mode Consists List for the
Route selected.
Used In Route Locos This causes the list to show only those locomotives which are
used in the Activities in the Route.
Choose the option which suits your purpose. The setting is remembered by Train Store.

By default, when you have chosen to display a restricted set of locomotives, Easy Train Store

all of the Consists which are available for any selected locomotive, choose the item 6KRZ$OO
only shows the Consists for the locomotives from the Explore Mode Lists. If you want to see

&RQVLVWVIRUD/RFRPRWLYH from the Tools/Options menu, so that the menu item is checked.
This setting is remembered by Train Store.

In normal use Train Store runs in Simulation Mode. This means that when it is selecting the
files to be Unstored to suit the Scenario that you have chosen, it makes sure that only files
which are needed by MSTS to run the simulation are actually Unstored. When you are editing
Routes, Activities, or Consists then this is not sufficient. All of the files for a Route need to be
present in MSTS, and all of the Consists and Stock Items for all of the existing Activities and
Consists used in the Route, need to be present.

Maintenance Mode provides this additional set of files when a Ro ute is Prepared in
Maintenance Mode.

You should use Maintenance Mode to Prepare a Route whenever you are going to edit a
Route, an Activity or a Consist. If you are going to edit an Activity by adding or changing it
to use a Consist which has not been used before with the Route, then you need to add the
Consist to the Maintenance Mode Consists list for the route. If you are going to create or
edit a Consist, and you intend to use a Stock Item which has not been used in the Route
before, then you will need to add it to the Maintenance Mode Stock Items list for the Route.

Train store always tries to optimise the installation when running in Simulation Mode. So it is
quite normal for various files to be left In Store. If you have any suspicion that files necessary
for the Scenario you have selected are not being Unstored properly, verify the installation by
using a program such as Route_Riter or ConBuilder. The only time that you can be certain
that there are no files in store is when you have used Unstore Everything!.

Page 128 29 May 2005 Train Store

You should only put Consists in Explore Mode Consists when you want to run the Consists
in Explore Mode, and there are no Activiti es that use these Consists. If you add unnecessary
Consists to the Explore Mode Consist list, then this will slow down the operation of MSTS
handling these files when they are not needed. Be particularly careful of adding Consists
unnecessarily to the Global Settings list, as this will affect all Routes.

The Global Settings lists are provided for convenience. They allow you to (for example) make
one addition for a new Consist to the Global Settings Explore Mode Consist list, and then
you can test drive it, in explore Mode, on any Route.

If you enter a Consist in the Global Settings Explore Mode Consist list then, in Simulation
Mode and assuming you have checked the Include Explore Mode Consists checkbox, the
Consists in the list will be made available to any Route which is in Use.

The other use for Global Settings is in Maintenance Mode. By adding Consists to the
Maintenance Mode Consists list or Stock items to the Maintenance Mode Stock list you
can cause the Consist or Stock Item to be Unstored whichever Route is In Use. You can use
this prior to updating Consists or Stock Items.

You must add the Consist to the Explore Mode Con sist list for the Route where you want to
run the Consist, or else to the Global Settings explore Mode Consists list. In addtion you
must mark the checkbox Include Explore Mode Consists on the Simulation panel in the
Controls section , before clicking on the Go! Button. If there are multiple Explore Mode
Consist lists in the Route, remember that only the activated lists (those with the tick mark)
are unstored.

(If you are having a similar problem with Paths, there is a corresponding Include Explore
Mode Paths checkbox.)

Train Store is designed to make use of the existing standard MSTS folder structure, without
the user needing to set up additional copies of MSTS, or additional folders (sometimes
containing copies of Stock Items). The reasons and advantages are covered in the section
What Does Train Store Do. The flexibility of using Train store would be reduced by the
fixed allocation of Stock necessary with the multiple folder systems, so the re is little point in
making Train Store more complex to cater for a less flexible system.

There is no Unprepare function because this is the normal actions of Train Store when it
operates in Simulation Mode already include the checks and decisions that are involved in
UnPrepare, so there is no need for an additional separate function.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 129

Generally speaking, Routes are independent items within MSTS and there shoul d be no
problem with installing a new Route. Train Store will automatically find it the next time it is
run after the installation and will include it automatically. But do read the installation
instructions for the Route. Some Routes require all of the De fault MSTS Routes to be present
before installation. Others may install Activities, and or Stock Items. Ideally, Routes should
not contain items which overwrite existing default items or items created by another Route.
However this is the responsibility of the Route author.

If there you have any doubt about what the Route actually expects, you will do no harm by
using Unstore Everything! prior to the Route install. This means if the installation makes
any assumptions about items which are present or not, there can be no confusion caused by
the fact that you have installed Train Store.

The one thing that you must do, after the Route installation, before you attempt to run any
newly installed Route, is to run Train Store. This is especially true if you are not sure what
has been delivered in the Route, and you did not use Unstore Everything! before installation.
By running Train Store, you can be sure that any items needed which were previously In Store
are Unstored ready for you to run the Route.

Before you install a new or updated Activity, you PXVW Prepare the Route for which the
Activity is destined. Then proceed with the Activity installation as normal. If you do not
Prepare the Route first, the Activity may not in stall correctly.

If the Activity is expecting Consists and Stock Items that already exist in the Route, these will
automatically be Unstored and used when the Activity is run (assuming you do have them in
your installation).

After installation, and before running the Activity in MSTS, you must run Train Store to
ensure that any items which are referred to by the newly installed Activity, but which were
previously In Store, are Unstored.

Train Store does not cause the errors. What you have done is installed an Activity which
uses new items which were not previously used in the Route before the Activity was installed.
Those previously unused Activities will be In Store. You must run Train Store before
attempting to run MSTS after installing an Activity. This will ensure that the items needed are
brought out of storage, and MSTS will run without problems. If the new items required by the
Activity do not exist in your installation, Train Store will report them as errors.

If the item is a new item, then there is nothing special which needs to be done. If, on the other
hand, the item is updating an existing item (perhaps it is a patch) it is advisable, to enter the
existing item in the Global Settings Maintenance Mode Consist list, or the Maintenance
Mode Stock Items list, as appropriate, and then Prepare any Route in Maintenance Mode.
This will ensure the original items files are In Use and available to be updated.

Page 130 29 May 2005 Train Store

The items can be removed from the Global Settings list as soon as the updates have been

After you have installed any new Consist, before attempting to run MSTS, you must run Train
Store to ensure that any items which are referred to by the newly installed Consist, but which
were previously In Store, are Unstored.

You can organise your Consists and your Stock Items in any whiche ver way suits you by
using the Lot Number field.

First decide on the set of categories that you want to use. The categories can be named in any
way. Next open the Edit Maintenance Consists list for any Route and select, in the Consists
Available, the Consists for the first category you have chosen. Right -click on the selection,
and the Change Lot Number window will open. Enter the category you have chosen as the Lot
Number, then press [Enter]. Repeat this for each category you have decided on. Then repea t
the process for the Stock Items by using the Edit Maintenance Mode Stock list window.

Once you have done this initial categorisation, it will be stored within the Train Store files.
Every time you add new Stock Items or new consists to the installatio n there will be a
highlight on any of the windows which you use to edit Consist list or Stock Item lists. This
lets you know that Train Store has assigned new Lot Numbers to the items you have installed.
It is an easy matter to then find these items with t he Lot Number filter, and you can reassign
them quickly to your own categories. (Notice that you only have to assign the new items, you
dont have to do the whole exercise again.)

In future, when you are selecting Stock, or Consists, you can use the Lo t Number filter,
simply entering (or choosing from the drop down list) the category you need and then
pressing [Enter]. The available pane will then only contain the items from your selected

If you structure the categories that you set up, you can have multiple categories. For example
you could use a category system that contained say Company/Time Period so you might have
examples like LMS/50, LMS/60, LMS/90, ER/90 etc. This would allow you to choose all
LMS items (enter LMS*) or all items from the fifties (enter */50).

Consists are not Route dependant. They can be used on any Route (subject to the MSTS
limitation that a Consist with electric motive power is not available to drive on a non -
electrified Route).

The purpose of the Used in Route filter is to allow Activity builders to ensure that they are
selecting Consists or Stock Items from a known reference Route. Fo r example, if the
Activity builder keeps a set of the MSTS Default Routes (as delivered), then by selecting the
MSTS Default Routes in the Used in Route filter they can be sure that the only items
appearing in the Available window in the list editors f or Consists and Stock Items are
restricted to those which are already used by those Routes. Thus they can be sure that they do
not include additional non-default items in their Activity by oversight. The process can be
applied to any other Route not just the MSTS Default Routes.
Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 131
You only need to include in these lists any items which are not already used in the Route, but
which you need for your next editing sessio n. Anything else is redundant. This is because the
Prepare function in Maintenance Mode will automatically Unstore all items of Stock and All
Consists which have been referenced anywhere in any Route which is Unstored.

After you have completed your editing and, for example, added a Consist to an Activity, you
can delete the Consist from the Consist list, because next time you use the Prepare function in
Maintenance Mode the Consist will automatically be included in the items to be Unstored

When you enter the list, and there are no items defined in it, Train Store will automatically
populate it with all of the items which the Prepare function will Unstore. This is for
information. So that you can see which items are going to be included anyway. You do not
need to keep these items in the list if you not wish. Another way of seeing this information
would be to use the Used In Route Filter. This would then restrict the display (in the
Available list) to items used in the Route whose list is being edit ed.

If Classic Train Store finds any error conditions whilst it is surveying a Route during the Go!
or Prepare functions or opening the list editors, it aut omatically produces a Where Used
analysis, so that you can immediately see which items are either causing the errors, or being
affected by the errors. Running MSTS with Activities which have errors in them is not
recommended, and will almost certainly cause MSTS to crash.

This analysis is time consuming because it has to examine every Consist and every Activity
and every Service when errors involving Stock or Consist items are involved. If you would

suppress this automatic analysis. In the Tools/Options menu, click on the 6XSSUHVV:KHUH
rather not fix the errors but continue running your ins tallation with the errors, you can

8VHG$QDO\VLVRI(UURUV item to mark it.

If the item is in store, you can do that to make sure it is unstored. A simpler way is to go into

list, right-click on the item, and choose the option ,PPHGLDWH8QVWRUH. This will immediately
the relevant list editor in Maintenance Mode, select the item in the Available or the Current

unstore the selected item. (If the item is a Consist, all of the relevant Stock Items will also be
unstored automatically).

Alternatively, you can choose the item right -click on it and choose either (GLW or
&RQ%XLOGHU. This will immediately unstore the item, and open the file editor or ConBuilder.
Train Store will be minimised and not available until you have closed the editor or
ConBuilder. If you chose to start the editor, it will open with the file that you selected ready
for editing.

advisable to use the 5HIUHVK/LVW button if you have made any changes to files during this, so
When you have finished the editing, closing the program will re -activate Train Store. It is

that Train Store is made aware of the changes.

Page 132 29 May 2005 Train Store

If a computed activity file (.ASV) is found during an unstore process, then its date is checked
with the corresponding .ACT file. If it is dated earlier than the correspond ing .ACT file, a
warning is issued and the .ACT file is unstored without the corresponding .ASV file.

This is to prevent the situation where MSTS uses stock information from the .ASV file which
is unknown to Train Store. This is not purely a work round fo r Train Store, such outdated
.ASV files are NOT valid MSTS items (see MSTS Activity Editor Help file).

You have three choices. You can ignore the warning message because the action taken by
Train Store prevents problems arising. Or you can delete the offe nding .ASV file, or else you
can recreate the .ASV file by opening the Activity in the MSTS Activity Editor, and then
choosing Compute and Save from the File menu.

When Train Store finds some error in a file, or inconsistency between files, it reports the
problem with an Error heading if the problem will be seen and reported by MSTS as an error,
and possibly cause MSTS to crash. In addition if Train Store is preparing to move files
because of a Go1 or Prepare request, after it has examined all of the files it will display a
dialogue box reporting the error(s) and asking for confirmation if you want to continue. An
example of this type of problem would be a Service file which contains a ref erence to a non-
existent Consist.

If the problem that is found will be ignored by MSTS, or only result in a missing item in one
of the MSTS displays, then the message will be reported with a Warning heading. If Train
Store is preparing to move files it, and there are no Error messages, it will continue to make
the file moves without stopping for a confirmation.

In the files which make up an MSTS Activity, Services are specified in more than one place.
They are specified in the Activity file, and they are specified in the Traffic file. For MSTS to
work correctly, exactly the same Services must be specified in both the Activity, and the
Traffic file.

MSTS uses the definitions in the Traffic file as the master reference to decide which services
to run. If it cannot find a service specified in the Traffic file, it does not complain, it merely
ignores it. If it finds a valid Service in the Traffic file, it runs it, even thou gh the specification
in the Activity file is different. Neither condition causes a visible error in MSTS. All that
happens is AI traffic may not run as intended.

If Train Store detects any such discrepancy between the Services specified in the .ACT file,
and the .TRF file then this warning is produced. It isn't possible to be more specific as the
discrepancy might be caused by a single mistake or a combination of mistakes which make it
difficult to point out the offending item with any certainty.

The solution is to examine the contents of the Activity file and the Traffic file, in the Activity
Editor and ensure the Traffic is set up as you require, and then resave the Activity. This will
update both the Traffic and the Activity files. If the Traffic file is shared between several

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 133

Activities, then each of the Activities will need to be updated (to a common Traffic
specification) in this way. If you did not create the Activity yourself, then you may need to
contact the author to resolve the discrepancy.

This can be caused by choosing a start point for the Explore which places your train at a point
where there are already Stock Items present from the Loose Sto ck. It can also be caused if you
have chosen to include AI Traffic and the start point you have chosen conflicts (in place and
time) with the AI Traffic path. A further possibility is that the Consist you have chosen to
drive cannot fit into the track space available at the chosen starting point for the Explore.

System Restore is a function provided by several versions of Windows. It is intended to
restore software files to their previous condition if some sort of serious system problem has
occurred. The Microsoft documentation states that user data files are not affected, but in
some circumstances System Restore seems to restore MSTS files. The problem is that, und er
some conditions, it not only restores the files, but creates new sets of folders to restore them
to. These folders are named with a numerical suffix e.g. TRAINS(2). System Restore does
warn the user that this has happened, but unfortunately, the message seems easily missed by

As it is extremely dangerous for Train Store to move files in such conditions, these checks are
made before starting, and if the condition is found Train Store will explain that file structures
which might have been created by System Restore have been found, and the program will
then close. You will need to return the restored files to their correct folders. If you have a
large number of files in this condition, there is a utility available from the Train Store author,
which will rapidly return all such restored files.

It is a requirement of MSTS that at least one valid Activity is present in the configuration
when a simulation is run. When selecting files for Easy Explore, Train Store will first try and
use one of the Activities in the Tutorial Route (if that is present) to satisfy this requirement.
This is the preferred option, as the Activity does not show on the MSTS list. If the Tutoria l
Route is not present, then Train Store will try to select an Activity with the smallest number
of Consists from the Route that you want to Explore. This is the Activity that you will see
when you start MSTS. If no valid Activity can be found, then MSTS w ill not be able to
Explore (using Easy Explore) on that Route.

If you are in the situation where Train Store cannot set up an Easy Explore session, then you
can use the Classic page, and unstore at least one Activity on any Route within the
installation, and ensure that the Path you want to explore is included in the Explore Mode
Path list for the Route where you want to Explore. Mark the checkbox to Include Explore
Mode Paths, and then click on the Go! button. You will then be able to Explore on the Ro ute
chosen. Alternatively, you can simply reinstall the Tutorial Route and Easy Explore will work
even on Routes with no valid Activities.

Page 134 29 May 2005 Train Store

It seems that drivers for some types of graphics card corrupt tables within Windows when the
screen resolution changes. The effect of this is that when a program requests details of the
languages which are available on the system, it cannot get a valid r eply. Under these
conditions, Train Store displays this message and continues (in English because it cannot get
access to any other language resources), after disabling the Language menu. The situation is
resolved by rebooting the machine.

Train Store allows you to have multiple lists for the same type of item within a Route or
within Global Settings. This is to allow you to use complete different sets of items on
different occasions. e.g. you might keep two lists of Consists for a Route, one for a modern
era, the other for a past era. When multiple lists have been defined, you can specify to Train
Store which list(s) you want to use. Train Store processes all activated lists. Activated lists are
marked with a tick mark. You can activate as many or as few lists as you need.

If only one list has been defined for a Route, or for Global Settings, then the list is activated
by default, and there is no need to activate it, or deactivate it individually. The tick box is
therefore not visible for these lists. For more details see the section on Train Store List

The internal viewer makes use of Paul Gausdens TRAINLIB.OCX to provide the viewing
capability. To function, it requires a version of TRAINLIB.OCX which has been supplied
with SVIEW Version 1.4, or a later version. Earlier versions will not allow the internal viewer
to function properly. (The actual file version of TRAINLIB.OCX needs to be o r

Train Store highlights unstored items in the list editor windows. By default, the highlighting

characteristics (e.g. colour) by using the &KDQJH/LVW+LJKOLJKWLQJ 8QVWRUHG,WHPV  This

used is italic font. If you wish, you can change the highlighting used to different font

will open a font selection window so that you can choose a different set of highlighting
characteristics. (Remember, that the highlighting for items associated with Err ors or Warnings
is strikethrough.)

When Train Store surveys the installation prior to unstoring items, it makes a note of all of the
items which were involved in any Warning or Error messages. Whe n any of the list editors is
opened, these items are then highlighted with a strikethrough, so that you can easily identify
them. This highlighting is regenerated each time the Go! button or the Prepare button is
pressed. The highlighting only refers to er rors/warnings found during that survey pass. The
format for this highlighting is not changeable.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 135

Page 136 29 May 2005 Train Store
Please note that whilst Train Store does carry out certain checks to ensure the integrity of the
files Routes, Activities and Consists that it processes, it is not a route checking or consist
checking utility, and it cannot repair installations which have faulty Routes, Consists or
Activities. The excellent utilities Route_Riter (from Mike Simpson) and ConBuilder (from
Carlos Gomes) can be used to ensure that an installation is in order before you use Train
Store. They can also be used to verify any of the Scenarios that you produce with Train Store.
Where Train Store does need to check for some consistency, it will report to you any er rors it
finds (e.g. when finding Aliases), but Train Store is not intended to be a Route or Consist
Checking program.

Tip: When using ConBuilder to check Consists, dont forget to use the Check Loose
Consists option to make sure that there is no missing Stock defined in Loose Consists.

Once Train Store has been used on an MSTS installation, and the selections you made are
activated, do not expect to see clear evidence, in the form of the absence or presence of
particular folders either in MSTS or the Train Store Storage folder. Optimising the files used
within MSTS is not simply a case of moving the Route from MSTS (otherwise Train Store
would not be needed). The exact files which are moved depend upon the MSTS installation ,
the selections made, the Activities used, the Services used, the Consists used and the stock
contained in those Consists.

If a Route has been stored, it will no longer appear in the MSTS list of Routes in the Routes &
Activities Selection window. If a Consist has been stored, the Consist will no longer appear in
the MSTS list of Consists in the Routes & Activities Selection window.

Using Route_Riter, if a Route is In Store, it will still appear in the list of folders in

display a 6HOHFWLRQ (UURU dialogue box, then telling you that you have selected an invalid
Route_Riters Source Directory list. If you attempt to select it though, Route_Riter will

Route. There is nothing wrong with your Route however, it is In Store. Route_Riter can
only be used on Routes that are In Use.

Using ConBuilder, you will only see the Consists and the Stock items which are In Use. All
other Consists and Stock items do not appear.

Using EngMod, you will only see the Locomotives which are In Use. All other Locomotives
do not appear.

It is for these reasons that it is essential, EHIRUHXVLQJDQ\HGLWRURQ\RXU0676LQVWDOODWLRQ,

that you follow the procedures recommended in the section 0DLQWHQDQFH 8QVWRUH

Many distributed Routes make use of items from one or more of the MSTS default Routes. As
part of their installation process, you have to copy some or all of the files from these Routes.
This is usually done with a batch file.

If you are installing a new Route check to see whether it requires the MSTS default Routes to
be available for its installation process. If it does, then before installation, in Train Store,

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 137

select and set to In Use only the MSTS default Routes. Then using the 06760DLQWHQDQFH
settings click on the 3UHSDUH button. This will ensure that all of the files for the MSTS default
Routes are made available to MSTS. You can then proceed with the new Route installation.

(The MSTS default Routes are :-

Hisatu Line
Innsbruck St Anton
Marias Pass
Northeast Corridor
Settle & Carlisle Line
Tokyo - Hakone )
There is an option within the Maintenance tab which will Unstore all of the Default Routes,
without having to select them individually. This will check that all of the Default Routes are
present, and then arrange for them to be Unstored when you click on the Prepare button.

Error messages from Train Store should not normally be seen. They are an unusual condition.
Validation error responses to a specific entry, or request for action which are usually
displayed immediately with a warning or error dialogue referring specifically to the action and
the problem found.

However, errors can be detected during a lengthy process of file checking or moving. In this
case they are not displayed as a series of error dialogues, but are listed in the Information pane
of the Train Store main window. The survey and moving process is basically simple, though it
is carried out a very large number of times. The only errors which can occur are of one or two
types; a file is not present, and it should be present, or a file is present and should not be
present, or a configuration file (e.g. an Activity) contains a reference to a file which cannot be

Each error entry therefore contains a statement of what T rain Store regards as the error,
what file is involved, what folder is involved (if relevant) and sometimes if the MSTS system
provides it, a Description or Name which is associated with the file.

Error messages during the survey part of the movement process are normally caused by
missing files within the MSTS installation itself. They may not be serious in themselves, but
it is advisable to use a checking program such as Route_Riter, or ConBuilder to sort out such
problems. This can only benefit your running of MSTS.

Errors during the move part of the movement process are serious. If there were no errors
reported during the survey, then the error message means that Train Store was unable to
move a file or folder which was present and checked previ ously. This requires resolution
before making any other changes.

The following checks should be made if such move errors occur : -

Check that no other changes have been made to the MSTS installation whilst Train
Store was moving the files.
Check that the file(s) are not opened by MSTS, or any editor, or that Explorer is not
viewing the folder concerned.
Try Unstore Everything!. If this is successful, check the consistency of the
installation with Route_Riter and ConBuilder. If it is not successful, the er ror

Page 138 29 May 2005 Train Store

messages will give further information about the location of the folder or file causing
the problem.
Check in the Event Viewer (Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP) whether
any file system errors are contained in the log.
Normally these checks will reveal the source of the problem.

In order to be able to store its settings and run, Train Store needs to be able to create a key in
the Windows Registry. This is standard software practice, and normally does not cause any
problems. However, if you are using a workstation which has had a Security Policy applied
by your Administrator, then your normal working user account may not have the relevant
permissions to allow Train Store to do this. Train Store will detect this on your first at tempt to
use it and it will display an Error dialogue message, then close.

This is only likely to be a problem on windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP
systems, as earlier Windows software does not always enforce security in this area.


VRPHRQHORFDOO\WRKHOS\RX. Print this section of the manual and give it to the pe rson who is
going to make the change for you. It is a simple change for an experienced person to make.

:DUQLQJ It can be very dangerous to attempt to make changes to Windows Registry settings
if you do not fully understand the changes you are making. Wr ong changes may make your
workstation completely inaccessible, completely insecure, or just cause Windows to fail

To run, Train Store needs to create a key in the +.(<B/2&$/B0$&+,1(?62)7:$5(
portion of the registry. If it cannot do this, then it will not run correctly.

The most likely problem causing this is that the Windows User you are running as, does not
have the necessary permissions in the Windows Registry.

There are two possible approaches to resolving this problem.

The Administrator account will have the necessary permissions, so you could install Train
Store (and Run Train Store) using the Administrator account, or any accou nt which does have
Administrator privileges. This approach does not require you to make any changes.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 139

If you do install Train Store using the Administrator account, and you do not do anything
about the Registry permissions, then do NOT try and run Train St ore from any other user.
(Train Store will work initially, but it will not be able to record any changes in the Windows
Registry for those users, causing problems later).

If you want other accounts to be able to use Train S tore, then, after you have run Train Store
the first time using the Administrator account, you will need to change the permissions on the
Train Store Registry main key to allow those other accounts, or the Group which contains
those accounts to be able to access it with the relevant permissions.

You need to give those other accounts Full permissions on the following key and its subkeys

If you do not know how to do this, you must ask someone locally to help you. It is not
difficult, but it is important to do it correctly, as editing the Registry can be very dangerous if
you do not know what you are doing.

There is a known limit within MSTS of approximately 850 -900 Consists in the whole MSTS
installation. It is not a fixed number. It depends upon the installation and the Consists
involved. If you install this number of Consists, or more, then you will find that MSTS does
not run properly and will frequently report errors and display the Send/Don t Send error

Train Store removes this problem, because it is extremely unlikely that any one Route, or
small number of Routes will actually require this number of Consists. So, it is possible to
have an installation with a large number of Consis ts and still run simulations and use the
editors without any problem.

Please be aware however, that Train Store resolves the problem because of the way it removes
unwanted files from the MSTS installation. If you have this problem with your installation,
and you set up a Scenario where such a large number of Consists remain Unstored, then the
problem will return. (This could happen for example, if you set up a list of Explore Mode
Consists containing more than 850 Consists, or if you use Unstore Everythi ng!, and you have
more than 850 Consists within your installation.

Using Train Store avoids the need for multiple MSTS configurations and /or multiple copies
of MSTS files. I do not recommend that you use Train Store if your installation contains
either of these features. As installed Train Store uses the Windows Registry settings for
MSTS to find out where the MSTS folders are placed. In an installation where there are
multiple copies, these entries will change in a manner which is unpredictable for Train Store.
Once items have been stored, if the MSTS settings have been changed outside of Train Store,
there is the possibility they will be Unstored to another MSTS installation, causing real
damage. Train Store has the facility of using a fixed set of MSTS folders, mainly to allow
for the migration from a multi MSTS configuration, so it can co -exist with multiple MSTS
configurations. However, there is the ever present danger of forgetting which configuratio n is
being used by Train Store, so it is not recommended as a regular way of working.

Page 140 29 May 2005 Train Store

I would like to thank everyone for their comments and encouragement particularly those who
have helped with reports and diagnostics and suggestions for n ew features.

In particular special thanks are due to :-

Robert Reedy for suggesting the highlighting/selection processing for items with
Alan Salmon for permission to use the picture for the default background in Easy
Train Store and Duncan Harris for designing a much better set of icons than my
original blocky versions to illustrate the program functions, and for the included add -
on icon sets.
Henk Bartels, Mogens Balle Bertelsen, Daniel Gaudard, Jarek "DeMoN"
Karankiewicz, Juan Manuel Luengo Romn, Freddy Soerensen, Peter Vogel, Pavel
Volik, alias "Geront" and Dusan Weigel, for their efforts in providing the language
translations, and putting up with my numerous unplanned changes during the process.
Henk Bartels, Mogens Balle Bertelsen, Ian Bow les, Christian Defer, Dennis Gauci,
Jeff Isaac, Jarek "DeMoN" Karankiewicz, Juan Manuel Luengo Romn, Bill Leighton,
Tobias Krag Mnsson, Robert Reedy, Alan Salmon, Mike Simpson, Piotr Sobolewski,
Freddy Soerensen, Charles Stagg, Joe Smith, Eric Swenson, P eter Vogel, Dusan
Weigel and others for beta testing this version.
Paul Gausden for his excellent MSTS viewer .OCX implementation, and his help in
incorporating it into Train Store.
Martin Wright for the use of his comprehensive image conversion DLL used i n the
background image handling in Easy Train Store.
Lucian Wischik for the use of the use of the ShellLink routines to update shortcuts
from the installation program.

All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form wit hout the written
permission of the author.

Tony Formoso 2003, 2004, 2005

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 141

Page 142 29 May 2005 Train Store

Open Windows Explorer

Choose 7RROV then )ROGHU2SWLRQV from the menu.

Click on 1HZ. This will open the &UHDWH1HZ([WHQVLRQ window.

Enter 766 in the File Extension field and click 2.. The window will close and the
TSS file will be entered in the list of file types.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 143

Click on &KDQJH. This will open the 2SHQ:LWK window.

scroll down the list to Train Store. If Train Store appears in the list, click on the 2.
Wait for Windows to produce the list of programs available. When the list appears,

Page 144 29 May 2005 Train Store

button. If Train Store does not appear in the list click on the 2WKHU button. This will
open the 2SHQ:LWK window.

Navigate to the folder where you stored Train Store. (The default is

click on the 2. button. The window will close, and you should then see that Train
\Program Files\J A Formoso\Train Store), click on TrainStore.EXE to select it, then

2. button to close the window.

Store is in the list of programs. Click on Train Store to highlight it, then click on the

Click on the 2. button to close the )ROGHU2SWLRQV window.

Train Store 29 May 2005 Page 145

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