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=-Swordsman(Or swordswoman >..

> )-=

Since you are now a swordsman, it is time to decide where you will level depending on your variant.
Ahem, Agi variants should start out killing rockers until they have 10 hp regen. Thats when you move
onto culvert. Continue through dungeon levels 1, 2, and 3. 4 well get into later. With a few hours or
so, and if your experienced, you may be about level 30. In which I hope your stats look a little
something like this.
(Job level 20, also.)

10+2 Strength.
46+0 Agility
10+1 Dexterity

It is recommended to get agility to 50. Thats when you make a dead STOP.

Its time to work on other stats!

What are these stats? Well, Mostly Dexterity and Strength, for you might be missing alot, and hitting
for just about nothing. So, take the time to boost strength and dexterity to about 20 + Whatever.
10 points does make a difference.

Anyways, at level 30 continue leveling in culvert 3. If you desperately need a change of scenery go
to Byb 2-3, and level there for a while.

But the whole point of leveling in these two areas is to get to level 38 or level 40. Why? Mainly
because thats when you head to Orc Dungeon1- Dokk/Pospores and Bybalan 4 (If you have a
decent party or an acolyte) :O) The most annoying part of being a swordsman is these areas. You
stay here either until your job level 40. If you plan on going to 50 (Most recommended) at job level
40 you should be around level 56 or so, which is the prime level for sphynx. It will be difficult, but if
you have the funds to buy an element weapon (Probably ice), and the oranges, reds, awakes
Whatever else you may need- This will be a prime leveling spot until around level 80 for those who
can not afford a mocking manteu/muffler/hood >_>.

Believe me I know that by experience. But, the drops and EXP are quite excellent. If you DO have a
mocking, I suggest going to high orcs with a priest friend until you can solo there. Youll most likely
need Fire and Ice Claymores

Here be your stats at level 60-

30 Strength
77 Agility (You are done with agility.)
10 Vit
20 Dexterity

For now, you start working on dexterity and vitality. Make sure you get both of them to around 30 in
base. When That is reached Start working on strength.

Wherever you choose to level, at level 80 your stats MUST and I repeat, MUST be .
55 Strength
77 Agility
30 Vitality (Done with vit.)
44 Dexterity

Right about now you should be invincible, but that doesnt mean you give up on leveling.

Now im not saying this is gravy. But there are two methods to continue leveling until either 99 or A
signifigant level in which you are satisfied with.

Method 1- Soloing
Solo high orcs until level 99, if you are an addict and have ALOT of free time, its not reccommended
for your health, but its convinient. This is the most time consuming, yet somehow most effecient and
profitable. (Ex. Sell steel from high orcs 9-15k a pop.)

Method 2- MvP Parties/ Turtle Island Parties

Now, this requires good friends, the ability to work in teams, and a bit of bravery. (Something I
lacked, so I soloed :Cough: ). But, when it comes to MvP parties its reccommended you be fully
equipped. And with TI parties it MUST be small. Ex. 3 people. (You, Hunter, Priest.) Best way to get
experience, but the loot isnt that reccommended.

If you do have the will power And happen to make it to 99 I congradulate you. If you happen to
see me In-Game on the Sakray server, I will give a gift (But dont expect anything expensive Im a
cheap mofotha)

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